Category Archives: Премьер Бокс Чемпиондар

Lightweight World Champion Rances Barthelemy Battles Former World Champion Mickey Bey in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions on Spike Friday, Маусым 3 From The Hard Rock Live at the Seminole Hotel & Casino In Hollywood, Флорида

Көбірек! Unbeaten Bantamweight Prospect Emmanuel Rodriguez
Takes on Mexican Brawler Victor Proa
Енді сату бойынша Билеттер!
HOLLYWOOD, FL. (Сәуір 29, 2016) – Undefeated lightweight world champion Rances Kid Blast” Barthelemy (24-0, 13 КО) will make his first title defense against former world champion MickeyThe SpiritBey (22-1-1, 10 КО) негізгі іс-шараға Премьер Бокс Чемпиондар (PBC) бойынша Spike Жұма, Маусым 3 at the Hard Rock Live at the Seminole Hotel & Casino in Hollywood, Флорида.
Теледидар қамту басталады 9 p.m. ЖӘНЕ/PT as unbeaten Puerto Rican prospect Эммануэль Rodriguez (14-0, 10 КО) takes on hard-hitting Mexican VictorPitufoProa (28-1-2, 21 КО) in a 10-round bantamweight affair.
There were rumors that a fight between me and Mickey Bey was on the brink of happening prior to my fight against Denis Shafikov, so now that it is here, I know it was destined to happen,” Бартелеми деді. “I’m not a rookie anymore. I’m not going into this worried or nervous about it being my first title defense at 135. I’m comfortable enough now to see every fight as just another challenge I need to execute my game plan the most effectively and with the least amount of errors.
Barthelemy won my title, I had to vacate it due to a hand injury, so all he is doing is keeping it warm for me,” said Bey. “Оқу лагерь үлкен жүріп жатыр. I have been training hard for over a month. I have the best team in the business, with the most knowledgeable trainers. I’m looking forward to the challenge with him being undefeated and a two-time world champion. We both have a lot of skills, so it will make an entertaining fight for sure.
I want to challenge all of the bantamweight champions to fight me so they can see a real athlete in the ring,” деді Родригес. “I have been training hard. This is a lifestyle for me. I have been training since December and on June 3, I am going to deliver a knockout.
I’m excited about this opportunity against a good young fighter,” said Proa. “I’ve been training hard and feel like this is my time. I’m going to come forward and see what this guy can do.
On-шараларға билет, which is promoted by Kings Promotions, Mayweather Promotions and Panther Promotions, Бас бағаланады $130, $80, $60 мен $35 және қазір сатылады. All seats are reserved and available at all Ticketmaster outlets, онлайн, or charge by phone: 1-800-745-3000. Ашық есік 5:30 сағат, with the first fight set to begin at 6:30 p.m. *Additional fees may apply.
This will be a tremendous night of boxing on Spike TV,” Патшаның Акциялар Маршалл Кауфман деді. “Barthelemy is an up-and-coming star in the sport and he is facing a former world champion who never lost his belt in the ring. This will be a great fight and there should be a great atmosphere with a lot of Cuban boxing fans there to support their world champion.
We’re looking forward to bringing a great night of boxing to the State of Florida. We’re giving the fans another treat come June 3ші. The card is stacked with matchups that will undoubtedly be crowd pleasers,” Леонард Ellerbe деді, Мэйуэзер Promotions бас директоры. “Both Mickey Bey and Rances Barthelemy have world titles under their belts, so they will bring in the experience of being able to perform, and match it up against one another to see who will come out the best man standing at the end of the night.
We at Panther Promotions are very excited for this Маусым 3ші card at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Казино,” said Elliot Alvarado, бас атқарушы директор, Panther Promotions. “We are proudly joining forces with both Mayweather and Kings Promotions, which are featuring PBC on Spike TV. This is going to be a sensational evening of boxing featuring Cuban Lightweight Champion Rances Barthelemy vs. Cleveland’s own former champion, Mickey Bey. Our goal is to bring back the classic fights to the Seminole Hard Rock Live in South Florida.
Кубалық әуесқой ұлттық чемпионы, 29-year-old Barthelemyhas yet to taste defeat since turning pro in 2009. Куба жылы туған, бірақ қазір Лас-Вегаста жүзеге күрес, he won a super featherweight world title in July 2014 by defeating Argenis Mendez in impressive fashion, and followed that up with a second round TKO victory over Angino Perez. After dominating former champion Antonio DeMarco in June, he won a world title in a second division when he impressively defeated Denis Shafikov in December.
Bey won his world title in 2014 with a decision victory over long reigning champion Miguel Vasquez. The 32-year-old vacated his title due to inactivity and injuries but returned in December to defeat previously unbeaten Naim Nelson by decision to earn himself a shot at the very title he vacated. Bey’s previous victories include defeats against Alan Herrera, Carlos Cardenas and Hector Velazquez.
Ғана 23-жастағы кезінде, Родригес про бұрап, өйткені әлем чемпионы атағын күрес жолында тез өрлеп болды 2012. Ол U.S құрады. debut in November by stopping Eliecer Aquino after previously taking down Gabor Molnar, Луис Hinojosa және Алекс Rangel жылы 2015. Manati, Puerto Rico-born fighter will bring his exciting style into the ring against another tough opponent on June 3.
Monterrey жүзеге күрес, Мексика, Proa will be fighting in the U.S. for the third time when he takes on Rodriguez on June 3. The 31-year-old was unbeaten in his first 28 pro starts and has won his last two bouts, including most recently a first round stoppage of Oswaldo Delgado in February.
TwitterPremierBoxing орындаңыз, RealKidBlast, @MickeyBeyTMT, SpikeTV, SpikeSports,@KingsBoxing, MayweatherPromo, @PantherPromo and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at мен

Victor Ortiz vs. Andre Berto Final Press Conference Quotes & Қолданушы: Қолданушы:

FOX бойынша PBC & FOX Спорт Бұл сенбі Сәуір, 30 Карсоне StubHub орталығының, Калифорния. Бастап 8 p.m. ЖӘНЕ/5 p.m. PT

Фото несие: Stephanie Trapp/TrappFotos
Т ймешігін басы ыз МҰНДА for Addition Photos
Карсон, CALIF. (Сәуір 28, 2016) – As we near the highly anticipated rematch between former world champions“Ызалы” Виктор Ortiz мен Басқа “Beast” Berto, fighters competing on Осы сенбі күні мемлекет басшысының Премьер Бокс Чемпиондар бойынша FOX & FOX Спорт card participated in a final press conference before they enter the ring at StubHub Center in Carson, Калифорния.
Теледидар қамту басталады 8 p.m. ЖӘНЕ/5 p.m. PT and features an explosive battle between light heavyweight sluggersЭдвин “La Bomba” Rodriguez мен Томас “Жоғары Dog” Уильямс Jr. plus unbeaten featherweight Jorge Lara taking on former multiple division world champion Фернандо “Cucholito” Montiel.
On-шараларға билет, TGB Promotions септігін тигізеді, ол, Бас бағаланады $209, $105, $53, мен $27, плюс қолданылатын салықтар, алымдар мен қызмет көрсету үшін төлем, Енді сату болып табылады және онлайн сатып алу үшін қол жетімді.
Prior to the start of televised fights, an Official Fan Fest will be held for ticket holders outside of StubHub Center. The events start at 2:30 p.m. PT and features a Corona Beer Garden, food trucks, music from the band Metalachi and autograph signings with popular fighters such as Leo Santa Cruz, Әбенир Mares, Shawn Porter and more.
Сондай-ақ, сабаққа Бейсенбі were heavyweights Джеральд “Қара Rooster” Вашингтон мен “Жылдам” Eddie Chambers who will compete in a 10-round attraction on the undercard.
Мұнда сарбаздың айтқанына болып табылады Бейсенбі from Whiskey Red’s in Marina Del Rey:
I’m an easy-going guy but this is boxing. He might hate me. Мен оны құрметтеуге, but I’m coming to take him down and out.
I know what I’m here for and that’s a victory. As much talking as he’s done, it was a different guy that showed up today.
This is a totally different fight than five years ago. We’re different people. I’m a different guy and so is he.
Сенбі is right around the corner and I’m here. I see loss in his eyes. Мен дайынмын. 100 пайыз.
This is a whole new chapter in my saga. I feel like this is my time once again. I’ve only fought in my prime twice. I did a lot of damage at young age. I feel I’m in my prime now. The sky is the limit.
I feel very at peace being back in Ventura to train. We’re going to capture another world title. We went to training camp for that purpose. My mind is set on being one of the greatest.
We had an amazing camp. The situation five years ago, there’s no reason to keep speaking on that. I’m a better man today. I put in the work for this one.
I’m looking forward to this. Everybody knows me and knows how I get down. I’ll do my talking in the ring.
Thanks to Victor for taking this fight. All the personal stuff aside, we have to get in the ring and do what we have to do. It’s been five years coming and now we’re here.
The stuff Victor said on the stage and his body language. I believe he knows he is going to be in there with a different type of animal this time.
I think he is already defeated. He sees how focused I am. If he has been hearing anything from camp, he knows I’m ready to go.
He didn’t believe anything he said on the stage. Looking at him face to face, he was trying to tell jokes. I think that he knows that he is going to be in there with a different Andre Berto.
Эдвин Родригес
My opponent seems to be really confident and it’s my job сенбіде to take that away. We’ve worked hard and we’re ready.
I’m happy to be here and I’m really excited about this card. I remember watching this fight in Connecticut and I’m thrilled to be involved in part two.
“Мен баруға ғана дайынмын. This fight was scheduled for Наурыз 12, but we always stayed in the gym. We worked smart, not just hard, but smart.
I’m thankful for the opportunity to fight on this platform. This is going to be a can’t miss fight. Get there and get there early. Don’t blink.
I’m proud to be here. We’re ready for a great fight сенбіде түн. I want everyone to see how much hard work I’ve put into this fight.
It means a lot to me to be able to collide with a great champion like Fernando Montiel.
Фернандо Montiel
It means a lot to be a part of a dynamic card that his highlighted by this great rematch between Victor Ortiz and Andre Berto.
It’s going to be a great night of fights. I’ve had a lot of ups-and-downs throughout my life but I’ve always worked hard. I’m just excited to get in the ring сенбіде түн.
I am a five-time world champion and I’ve been fighting for 20 years but I know сенбіде night that I’m going to have one of the best nights of my career.
It’s an honor to be here and I’m grateful to have the opportunity to fight someone like Eddie Chambers. He has so much experience and class.
It means a lot to me to come from a little town called Vallejo and to make it all way up here to fighting at StubHub Center.
I’m looking to take advantage сенбіде night and step forward in my career. We’ve been working hard and putting things together
I’m excited for everyone to see the new and improved Gerald Washington.
I want to thank my team for getting behind me and bringing me out there. I’m thankful to Gerald for taking this fight. Not everyone would take this fight.
This is my chance to get back in the good graces and get back to the top level of this sport.
You should show up early so you can see this one, it’s going to be a great fight.
FOX бойынша PBC Corona демеушісі, Finest Сыра. Қосымша ақпарат алу үшін, HTTP://Старттық мен TwitterPremierBoxing орындаңыз, @ViciousOrtiz, AndreBerto, LaBombaBoxing, TopDoggJr, FOXSports, FOXDeportes ЖәнеSwanson_Comm және Facebook AT туралы жанкүйеріне айналу, мен #PBConFOX Пайдаланып сөйлесуді орындаңыз.
Richard T. SloneThe official artist of the International Boxing Hall of Famewill be signing official posters of his Ortiz vs Berto 2 artwork. бірінші 2,000 people to arrive to the Corona booth will get an autographed poster.

Кит Thurman & Shawn Porter Take New York

Welterweight Stars Discuss Сенбі, Маусым 25 Showdown Live on CBS
From Barclays Center During Whirlwind Two Days in NYC

Т ймешігін басы ыз МҰНДА for Press Images From Amanda Westcott/SHOWTIME
НЬЮ ЙОРК (Сәуір 28, 2016) – The best the sport has to offer, two of the most talented fighters in the world, elite athletes in their prime and set to fight each other at the world-class Barclays Center in Brooklyn and live on broadcast TV in primetime, Кит Thurman мен Шон Портер,took over New York this week as they made the rounds to officially announce their welterweight blockbuster on Сенбі, Маусым 25 on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on CBS, presented by Premier Boxing Champions (PBC).
Thurman and Porter, who are confident and hard-working boxers inside the ring and classy gentlemen outside, have the spotlight to themselves on the world’s biggest stage on June 25. And what an extraordinary moment it will be for the two 147-pound prizefighters, competing at Barclays Center and on CBS, America’s most-watched network.
This is the very best that boxing has to offer,” Лу ДиБелла деді, ДиБелла сауық Президенті, жанында Сейсенбі ның press conference at the Edison Ballroom in midtown.
From the press conference, Thurman and Porter where whisked throughout the city, -дан Sports Illustrated offices in the Financial District, to the offices of Complex Magazine, CBS Sports Radio мен SiriusXM in Midtown and across the bridge to Barclays Center and the PIX 11 studios.
Barclays Center makes this a big fight,” Thurman деді. “We get to promote here in New York City. This is a fight town.
Сейсенбіде, Porter visited withThe Breakfast Club” бойынша POWER 105 while Thurman paid a visit to CBS This Morning to promote their highly anticipated showdown and stake their claim as the present and future of the welterweight division.
This is going to be a memorable night,” Портер деді. “It’s going to be a record-breaking night at Barclays Center and we’re going to put on a show.
Т ймешігін басы ыз МҰНДА for photos from Thurman and Porter’s media tour. If you’re interested in visiting Thurman or Porter in their respective camps or speaking to them over the phone, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the PR contacts below.
On-шараларға билет, ДиБелла Entertainment ықпал, ол, де басталады $42, қолданыстағы алымдар, соның ішінде емес, және қазір сатылады. Билеттер бару арқылы онлайн сатып алуға болады, немесе қоңырау шалу арқылы 1-800-745-3000. Билеттер, сондай-ақ Barclays орталығында American Express кинокассада қол жетімді. Group жеңілдіктер 844-BKLYN-GP қоңырау шалу арқылы қол жетімді болады.
# # #
Barclays Орталықтың BROOKLYN БОКС ™ бағдарламалау платформа ААП ұсынылған. PBC is sponsored by Corona, Finest Сыра.
Қосымша ақпарат алу үшін мен, TwitterSHOSports бойынша орындаңыз, @PremierBoxing @KeithFThurmanJr, ShowtimeShawnP, @AbnerMares, LouDiBella, Кезінде Facebook бойынша желдеткішBarclaysCenter жәнеSwanson_Comm немесе айналады,, мен

Андре АБРАХАМОМ арасындағы, Блейк Caparello, Энтони АБРАХАМОМ арасындағы, Калеб Truax, Джонатан Гусман & Daniel Rosas Media Roundtable Quotes

PBC on Spike Жұма, Сәуір 29 жанында 9 p.m. ЖӘНЕ/PT
From Taj Mahaj Casino & Hotel in Atlantic City
ATLANTIC CITY, NJ (Сәуір 28, 2016)With just two days until they enter the ring, Premier Boxing Champions on Spike fighters participated in media roundtables Сәрсенбі in Atlantic City and discussed their respective Жұма, Сәуір 29showdowns taking place at Taj Mahal Casino and Hotel in Atlantic City.

The card is headlined by the return of the Dirrell brothers as Olympic Bronze medalist Басқа “Воскресшего” АБРАХАМОМ арасындағы battles Australia’s Блейк Caparello және бұрынғы әлем чемпионы Anthony “Dog” АБРАХАМОМ арасындағы takes on Minnesota’s Халеп “Алтын” Truax. Теледидар қамту басталады 9 p.m. ЖӘНЕ/PT with knockout artist Jonathan Guzman Мексика ның қарсы Daniel Rosas in a 122-pound eliminator.

On-шараларға билет, Патша Акциялар септігін тигізеді, ол, Бас бағаланады $100, $75 мен $50, барлық Ticketmaster нүктелерінде қол жетімді және Енді сату болып табылады.

Мұнда сарбаздың айтқанына болып табылады Сәрсенбі:


I can tell that Caparello is coming from Australia to prove a point. He’s hungry for a victory and It’s my job to make sure he doesn’t get that. I take this as a championship fight.

The blessing in having a layoff is that my body is in great shape. I feel 25-years-old not 32.

I don’t see myself as the smaller man. I suppose he can take a few shots but I am going to display my skill and show that it will lead to a world championship.

I feel I am at the championship level. I’ll have an eye on the 168-pound title fightsСенбі. I’m looking to get that championship as soon as I can. I am ready and I want DeGale. I don’t care if it’s in his hometown, backyard, basement, living room or kitchen. I want to make sure that fight happens.

I worked really hard and I can’t wait to get in the ring жұмада түн.”


It’s good to be back in Atlantic City. I took a lot from my fight against Sergey Kovalev. Being in the ring with him taught me a lot about ring composure. This is my Atlantic City redemption.

Dirrell is a very difference fighter. Andre is very quick and slick. I can’t afford to make minor mistakes. I didn’t make the 20-hour flight for a loss. I was small for 175 pounds which made the move to 168 very comfortable.

The plan is to win and fight one of the champions but fighting Andre is a world title for me.

People don’t think that I can punch, but I’m coming to win and put on a show. I’m looking to bring a victory back to Australia.

Энтони АБРАХАМОМ арасындағы

It means a lot to share this card with my brother. We share everything. He is my big brother and this is a great moment for both of us.

I will be watching the super middleweight title fights Сенбі түн, but I am not looking past Caleb Truax.

I know Truax has fought some good competition in Daniel Jacobs and Jermain Taylor. I have my hands full but I prepared to have my hand lifted in Victory.

I think the loss made me a better fighter because I know what it takes to get there. I am just looking for the next shot. When I get it, I’m going to capitalize and not let the title go.

I’m going to stick to my game plan and try to get Truax out of there. Then I can start thinking about Badou Jack. I definitely want a rematch.


I have to make the most of this opportunity. Бұл мен үшін үлкен күрес. I can get another shot at a world title with a win.

Dirrell is a good fighter. I’ve seen a lot of his fights and we’ve fought on the same card before. You have to respect that he is a former world champion.

I have to draw from all the experiences I’ve had in my career. I have to use my experience and be on top of my game.

Most of my fights have been around super middleweight. I don’t have to struggle to make weight as much and I couldn’t turn down this opportunity.

Джонатан Гусман

Rosas is a typical Mexican fighter who will come forward and be in great condition. I’m ready for him and I feel I know him well.

I want a world title and we’re happy that if we get this win we can compete for a belt next time out.

We are excited to put on a great show Жұма түн. I will break him in half.


We know our opponent is very good, but we trained 100 percent to get the victory.

We’ve been waiting and putting in the work. Нокаут келсе, it comes.

I know this is an elimination bout. We came to win and we’re prepared for anything that comes. I’m ready to be a world champion.

Виктор Ortiz, Андре Berto, Эдвин Родригес, Thomas Williams Jr., Jorge Lara & Fernando Montiel Media Workout Quotes & Қолданушы: Қолданушы:

FOX бойынша PBC & FOX Спорт Бұл сенбі Night at 8 p.m. ЖӘНЕ/5 p.m. PT
From StubHub Center In Carson, Калифорния.
Т ймешігін басы ыз МҰНДА For Photos From Chris Farina/TGB Promotions/Premier Boxing Champions
Ескерту: Photos are forthcoming; please check the link shortly
Santa Monica, CALIF. (Сәуір 27, 2016) – Fight week kicked-off Wednesday afternoon with media workouts for the long awaited rematch between former world champion “Ызалы” Виктор Ortiz мен Басқа “Beast” Berto газеті бұлПремьер Бокс Чемпиондар бойынша FOX мен FOX Спорт сенбіде, Сәуір 30 Карсоне StubHub орталығының, Калифорния.
The action begins at 8 p.m. ЖӘНЕ/5 p.m. PT and features an explosive battle between light heavyweight sluggers Эдвин “La Bomba” Rodriguez мен Томас “Жоғары Dog” Уильямс Jr. plus unbeaten featherweight Jorge Lara taking on former multiple division world champion Фернандо “Cucholito” Montiel.
On-шараларға билет, TGB Promotions септігін тигізеді, ол, Бас бағаланады $209, $105, $53, мен $27, плюс қолданылатын салықтар, алымдар мен қызмет көрсету үшін төлем, Енді сату болып табылады және онлайн сатып алу үшін қол жетімді.
Prior to the start of televised fights, an Official Fan Fest will be held for ticket holders outside of StubHub Center. The events start at 2:30 p.m. PT and features a Corona Beer Garden, food trucks, music from the band Metalachi and autograph signings with popular fighters such as Leo Santa Cruz, Әбенир Mares, Shawn Porter and more.
Here is what the fighters had to say Wednesday from the Wild Card West Boxing Club in Santa Monica:
I put a total of 14 weeks of work into this fight. Nothing easy about that work. Come the 30ші, I’m going to prove why I beat Berto the first time.
I know what I’m here to do. I’ve got my fire back. People claim that I don’t have the fire, but you’ll see on Сәуір 30.
People don’t know what I go through on the daily. When I’m injured for months at a time, I just have me and my team. We work hard.
I’m going to be back on top in no time. That’s my opinion. I know where I belong.
I’m focusing on Berto. That’s my target and that’s my focus.
He’s done what he’s done. You have to respect that. I’m here and I’m not going anywhere. We’re going toe-to-toe.
This is the type of game where if you don’t respect it, it won’t respect you. I’m in a much better place right now. I’ve learned a lot over the years since the first fight. I’m healthy and focused.
“Мен баруға ғана дайынмын. Camp was tremendous. We’re really ready to get in there and do it.
There’s a lot that goes into this for me. It was my first loss and I had so many emotions back then, so it’s time to get that monkey off my back.
My plan is to win this in a fashion so there will be no third fight.
My focus is on getting the victory Сенбі түн. I want to look good doing. I’m not thinking about anything after that.
I’ve worked on a lot of different things in camp. We’re going to do whatever it takes to get the win.
You all haven’t ever seen me look like this. I’ve pretty much locked myself in a cage for eight or nine weeks. I’ve put everything aside. I’ve just been grinding.
Эдвин Родригес
He’s got some power and some style. He can do a few things. We have to go at it.
I feel great at this weight class. I have the speed and strength to make an impact in this division.
I hadn’t fought a southpaw in a while but we’ve had great sparring with guys like Marcus Browne. I feel very prepared. I’ve never had an issue with southpaws.
I’m excited to be back on the west coast. This is an incredible card. I was at the first fight between Ortiz and Berto and It’s going be another great fight. But I’m coming to steal the show сенбіде түн.
In boxing you’re as good as your last fight. Right now I’m a warrior who took more shots than I should have. I’ve improved quite a bit but I want to improve on any fights. I’m not going down again.
“Жеңіс, lose or draw you know Thomas Williams will bring the fight to you. I’ve been dropped and gotten up. This won’t go the distance, so don’t blink.
I’ve been boxing since I was five-years-old. I have an amateur pedigree and been pro since 2010. I had to take some time off in 2014 but now I’m back and stronger than ever.
The biggest challenge is just getting to the ring. I don’t want to get caught up in the talk of what he does. It’s just going to be me in there. If I go in and do the things that I’m supposed to do, I should come out on top.
You have to keep your punches short against a pressure fighter. A short punch will beat a wild punch any day. I just have to keep my composure and stay relaxed.
I haven’t watched any of his fights. I leave that up to my trainers to create the game plan and we go from there. I have seen him fight before. We were on the same card, so I did have the chance to watch him live.
Montiel has been around a long time. He’s been a world champion and he comes to fight.
I’ve studied him and watched him fight before. I feel I know him very well. I have a plan for how I’m going to get to him.
I am very well prepared. I’m not worried about his experience. I’ve trained hard to be ready and I know what I have to do on fight night.
The winners in this fight will be the fans. We are going to put on a great show and give the fans something to remember.
If I can beat him, I can move up the rankings and get closer to a world title shot. That is my goal and this is a big step on my path.
I’m really pumped up about fighting in front of the fans in Southern California. I know they will appreciate my style and it will be a great atmosphere сенбіде.”
Фернандо Montiel
Lara is a young talented guy and I’m going to have to be at my best. He’s a dangerous guy and I will have to be ready.
I had to change everything to fight the lefthander after preparing to fight Abner Mares. We had a great camp and we will be ready.
I’m excited to be on a card like this. I think the main event is going to be a really fun fight for the fans. I see both guys going down during the fight but I’m going with Victor to win.
FOX бойынша PBC Corona демеушісі, Finest Сыра. Қосымша ақпарат алу үшін, HTTP://Старттық мен TwitterPremierBoxing орындаңыз, @ViciousOrtiz, AndreBerto, LaBombaBoxing, TopDoggJr, FOXSports, FOXDeportes ЖәнеSwanson_Comm және Facebook AT туралы жанкүйеріне айналу, мен #PBConFOX Пайдаланып сөйлесуді орындаңыз.
Richard T. SloneThe official artist of the International Boxing Hall of Famewill be signing official posters of his Ortiz vs Berto 2 artwork. бірінші 2,000 people to arrive to the Corona booth will get an autographed poster.

Keith Thurman vs. Shawn Porter Press Conference Quotes & Қолданушы: Қолданушы:

My friend is about to become my enemy….
Маусым 25 I’m doing my best to put you to sleep.” – Кит Thurman
He thinks he’s going to knock me out, I say he’s notI’m going to do everything it takes to beat him and make it look easy.” – Шон Портер
This is the best that boxing has to offer.” – Lou ДиБелла

Т ймешігін басы ыз МҰНДА Аманда Уэсткотту / SHOWTIME Суреттер үшін
Т ймешігін басы ыз МҰНДА Ed DILLER / ДиБелла сауық фотосуреттерді үшін
НЬЮ ЙОРК (Сәуір 26, 2016) – Welterweight world champion Кит Thurman және бұрынғы чемпионы Шон Портер went face-to-faceTuesday afternoon in Manhattan as they hosted a press conference to discuss their highly anticipated Сенбі, Маусым 25 showdown on SHOWTIME ЧЕМПИОНАТЫ БОКС CBS туралы, presented by Премьер Бокс Чемпиондар Бруклинде Barclays орталығының өмір сүріп.
Теледидар қамту басталады 9 p.m. ЖӘНЕ/6 p.m. PT with featherweight world champion Иса Cuellar defending his title against former three-division world champion Әбенир Mares.
On-шараларға билет, ДиБелла Entertainment ықпал, ол, де басталады $42, қолданыстағы алымдар, соның ішінде емес, және қазір сатылады. Билеттер бару арқылы онлайн сатып алуға болады, немесе қоңырау шалу арқылы 1-800-745-3000. Билеттер, сондай-ақ Barclays орталығында American Express кинокассада қол жетімді. Group жеңілдіктер 844-BKLYN-GP қоңырау шалу арқылы қол жетімді болады.
Thurman and Porter went eye-to-eye and talked about their eagerly awaited 147-pound world title clash that takes place in primetime on Маусым 25.
Мұнда қатысушылар айтқанына болып табылады Сейсенбі:
KEITH Thurman
I made you wait. But it’s worth it. This is a tremendous fight. Arguably the best matchup of the year. We’re going to work our butts off to make it the Fight of the Year.
Our two teams go way back. This is the most beautiful moment of my professional career and I’m about to compete with somebody I grew up with. I’m happy for my success and I’m happy for Shawn’s success. We come from the same boat. When you’re a young kid in the gym training and then you’re here today, that takes a special kind of person. Shawn and I are both that kind of person.
We took six weeks off after my accident, with three days a week of physical therapy. I was relaxing at home. I didn’t like it. Күрескер ретінде, I wanted this fight as bad as the fans wanted this fight.
This isn’t just the biggest fight of my career. But it’s the most anticipated fight of my career. Sometimes it pays to add some drama to the game. It wasn’t our intention, but I think it worked out.
Barclays Center makes this a big fight. We get to promote here in New York City. New York is a fight town. My favorite fighter of all time, Майк Тайсон, is from Brooklyn. This just happened to work out for the best.
I anticipate most of the welterweight division being in attendance on Маусым 25. The situation that division is in right now is that we’re all in a frenzy. Everyone wants the spotlight and everyone wants to be the top dog. We all have that opportunity.
I want to have two titles by the end of this year. People talk about replacing Floyd Mayweather, but you can’t become the man without beating all the people in front of you. One fight at a time. I want to stay at the top by grabbing another belt. I’m going to show that I’m the big dog at 147 фунт.
Маусым 25, my friend is about to become my enemy. I’m going to treat him like any other enemy.
Get your tickets. Get your seats. Get your popcorn. Whatever you need to do. This is going to be a fight you don’t want to miss. This is going to be a knockout you don’t want to miss. I love you Shawn, but I’m doing my best to put you to sleep.
“Мен бұл күрес туралы өте қуаныштымын. I’m blessed to have this opportunity. Not only to go for this title but to be a part of a record-breaking show at Barclays Center. This night is going to be memorable.
Keith Thurman is bringing out the competitiveness in me to a level I’ve always wanted. It’s a level I expect. I have a guy next to me who is challenging me more than ever. Me and Keith Thurman are going to put on a show. Everything you talked about, you’re going to get it.
It is amazing to be a part of something great like this. I’ve always considered myself to be a very good fighter and a very good athlete, but I’ve always wanted something like this and to have it is very humbling.
I wasn’t surprised that Keith said he would knock me out. He has to pump himself up and be confident. When he looked at me I think he was trying to convince me that he was being real and I was looking at him to find out if he was convinced. He thinks he’s going to knock me out, I say he’s not. I’m going to do everything it takes to beat him and make it look easy.
This is forming to be a big fight, one of those fights that we’ve looked forward to since we were kids.
This is my second time fighting at Barclays Center. Мен 1-0 with a championship so now I’m looking for another one. I’ve been to some of the other fights at Barclays too and it is really an electric atmosphere. People are coming out to see something great and that’s what I’m going to give them.
I’m not changing anything in camp because of how familiar Keith and I are with each other. I have to do it at the right time in the ring. We’re going to do everything we do to prepare for a world championship fight.
Thurman is a little unorthodox at times so we’re prepared for that. It’s about going 12 rounds or less and looking good doing it. We’ve done a little sparring as pros but nothing as competitive as I’m expecting on Маусым 25.
I have a feeling Keith is going to say he’s knocking me out a lot. I want to know if he believes that. He’s a cutthroat kind of fighter. Мен оны білемін. The hands will be up, the defense will be taken care of, and we’re taking care of business.
DAN BIRMINGHAM, Thurman’s Trainer
We’re looking forward to this fight. Me, Keith and the Porters go way back, but sometimes you have to fight your friends.
These two guys are both at the top of their games and the best man is going to win.
KEN PORTER, Портер Әкесі & Жаттықтырушы
Dan Birmingham is actually one of my mentors and I’ve been watching Keith since he was 14-years-old. We’re all friends but to have the opportunity on this stage, I don’t think we can have better competitors as fighter and trainer. I don’t think it can reach a higher level.
I fully expect the immovable object versus the irresistible force meeting in the ring for an explosion on Маусым 25.”
LOU ДиБелла, ДиБелла сауық Президенті
This is the best that boxing has to offer.
Keith Thurman vs. Shawn Porter could very well be the Fight of the Year. It’s a fan fight that everybody has anticipated for many years. These are the two most established welterweights in the world battling to see who the successor to Floyd Mayweather’s domination of the division is.
This is so far the fastest-selling boxing event at Barclays Center and the biggest presale we’ve ever had for a fight at Barclays Center. This is one to start buying your tickets early.
Aside from being two of the very best at their weight class, these are two of the more interesting guys in boxing. These are two of the smartest and most cerebral fighters.
This is why I’m in boxing. This is why we’re all in boxing. This is on national, free, over-the-air television and I think it’s great. WE want as many people as possible to watch this fight. We want to expose people to the best our sport has to offer.
СТЕПАН Espinoza, Атқарушы вице-президенті & Бас Директор, SHOWTIME Спорт
We’re in the midst of perhaps the strongest run of boxing this network has ever had. While other networks cut back on programming, we are reinvesting in the sport and giving it as big of a platform as there ever has been.
We have the strongest lineup of any network this year. These are two of the strongest fighters in the most popular division in the sport.
The last primetime boxing match on CBS was 1987, Ali-Spinks 1. Those are big shoes to fill. When I pitched a fight for CBS I knew I had to bring something that was incredibly strong. That is what we have on Маусым 25. This card has come together as perfectly as anyone could have imagined.
Two of the top five welterweights of their career battling for the top of the division. This is an event that speaks for itself. I’m proud to be involved with this event.
Бретт YORMARK, CEO of Brooklyn Sports & Көңіл көтеру
It’s been a special time at Barclays Center the last couple of weeks. I think Barclays Center is defined by dramatic moments. When I think of this particular event, it’s going to be a dramatic moment in Brooklyn and I’m thrilled about it.
I’m a huge boxing fan and this is one of those nights that you circle on the calendar. You need to be there. We’re off to the best pre-sale and on sale since we opened Barclays Center. We have a bit of a history already and this will be the biggest one yet.
# # #
Barclays Орталықтың BROOKLYN БОКС ™ бағдарламалау платформа ААП ұсынылған. PBC is sponsored by Corona, Finest Сыра.
Қосымша ақпарат алу үшін мен, TwitterSHOSports бойынша орындаңыз, @PremierBoxing @KeithFThurmanJr, ShowtimeShawnP, @AbnerMares, LouDiBella, Кезінде Facebook бойынша желдеткішBarclaysCenter жәнеSwanson_Comm немесе айналады,, мен

Unbeaten Super Welterweight Kanat Islam Battles Colombia’s Juan De Angel in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions: The Next Round On Bounce TV On Sunday, Мамыр 8 From Lakeland Events Center in Lakeland, Флорида

Көбірек! Unbeaten Prospects Miguel Cruz & Samuel Figueroa Go Toe-To-Toe While Hard-Hitting Dennis Galarza Takes On Mexico’s Yardley Suarez
Енді сату туралы Билеттер!
LAKELAND, FLA. (Сәуір 26, 2016) – Unbeaten super welterweight and Olympic Bronze medalist Kanat Islam (20-0, 17 КО) will take on Colombian brawler Juan De Angel(18-3-1, 17 КО) 10-тур басты жағдайда Премьер Бокс Чемпиондар: Келесі дөңгелек бойынша Bounce TV taking place Sunday, Мамыр 8 from Lakeland Events Center in Lakeland, Флорида.
Теледидар қамту басталады 9 p.m. ЖӘНЕ/PT and features a pair of exciting undercard battles as unbeaten prospects Мигель Cruz (12-0, 11 КО) мен Самуил Figueroa (10-0, 4 КО) compete in an eight-round super welterweight showdown while featherweight prospect Деннис Galarza (12-1, 8 КО) Мексика беттері Yardley Suarez (15-3, 9 КО) сегіз дөңгелек айқаста.
I am very happy about this fight and I’m training very hard for the opportunity,” said Islam. “Мен күресуге дайынмын. He is a good opponent but I have everything I need to win. I’ve waited a long time for this chance and I’m going to put on a show. The people of Kazakhstan will get a great performance from me.
I’m looking to com win and win this fightsaid De Angel. “I know my opponent is tough and I have trained very hard for this fight. I am going to give him his first loss and make a big statement. I’m thankful for the opportunity and I will take advantage of it.
On-шараларға билет, Патша Акциялар септігін тигізеді, ол, Бас бағаланады $100, $75 мен $50 және қазір сатылады. Билеттер бару арқылы сатып алуға болады немесе қоңырау шалу арқылы 888-397-0100 and from the Lakeland Center Box Office by calling 863-834-8111 or visiting between 9:30 -ден. мен 5:30 p.m. Monday through Жұма.
We are excited to bring this terrific show to Lakeland, Флорида,” Патшаның Акциялар Маршалл Кауфман деді. “The main event should be an explosive one as the two fighters have a combined 34 knockouts in their 38 жеңіс. It will be an early night for someone. The fans in Lakeland and watching on Bounce TV will see some of the best future contenders in the world.
A Chinese born boxer representing Kazakhstan, Islam now fights out of Pahokee, Florida and made his U.S. debut in Miami in November 2015 with a first round knockout of Jonathan Batista. The two-time Olympian won a Bronze medal in 2008 and eventually made his pro debut in 2012 with a knockout of Daniel Beato. The 31-year-old owns victories over Francisco Cordero, Fidel Monterrosa Munoz and Emilio Julio.
Fighting out of Baranquilla, Colombia De Angel will make his U.S. мамыр дебюттік 8 Негізгі іс-шараға. The 28-year-old has won his last nine fights including eight by way of stoppage. Ол жеңіп жатыр 16 Оның соңғы 17 fights overall and most notably picked up a regional middleweight belt with a victory over Jose Pinzon in 2014.
Aguada жылы туған, Puerto Rico and now residing in Lake Mary, Флорида, 25 жастағы Cruz әуесқой ретінде Пуэрто-Рико ұлттық құрама командасының мүшесі болды. Ол про айналды 2012 and picked up five victories in 2015 as he ended fights with Virgil Green, Даниэль Родригес, Эли Аддисон, Juan Rodriguez, Travis Hartman and Anthony Abbruzzese inside the distance.
A powerful Puerto Rican southpaw, Figueroa defeated fellow unbeaten Javontae Starks on Bounce TV in October 2015. 25 жастағы про айналды 2011 and will have another opportunity to take down an undefeated opponent on May 8.
Galarza is looking for his fourth straight victory in the state of Florida when he enters the ring on Мамыр 8. The 23-year-old has fought professionally since 2013 and racked up five wins in 2015 before kicking off 2016 with a decision over Samuel Amoako in January.
A про бері 2013, the 21-year-old Suarez is coming off of a knockout victory over Charly Soto. The Sinaloa, Mexico-native will fight for the third time in the U.S. бойынша Мамыр 8. Suarez picked up 11 victories between 2014 мен 2015 including seven by knockout.
# # #
Қосымша ақпарат алу үшін, Twitter @ PremierBoxing бойынша орындаңыз, BounceTV, @KingsBoxing_ and @Swanson_Comm and follow the conversation using #PBConBounce, Facebook AT туралы жанкүйеріне айналу мен PBC on Bounce is sponsored by Corona: Finest Сыра.
Bounce TV is the fastest-growing African-American (А.А.) network on television and airs on the broadcast signals of local television stations and corresponding cable carriage. The network features a programming mix of original and off-network series, театр қозғалысы суреттер, Жеңілдіктер, тірі спорт және одан да көп. Bounce TV has grown to be available in more than 93.5 million homes across the United States and 93% of all African American television homes, жоғарғы А.А. теледидар нарықтарының барлық, соның ішінде. Among the founders of Bounce TV are iconic American figures Martin Luther King, III and Ambassador Andrew Young.
Жергілікті арна жері үшін, келуге.

Andre Berto Training Camp Notes & Қолданушы: Қолданушы:

This fight has always been on my mind….
I’m going to give everyone the fight they deserve.
Т ймешігін басы ыз МҰНДА For Training Camp Photos From Premier Boxing Champions
Oakland, CALIF. (Сәуір 25, 2016) – Former two-time world champion Басқа “Beast” Berto has wrapped up training camp and is set to travel to Southern California for his highly anticipated rematch against “Ызалы” Виктор Ortiz газеті бұл Премьер Бокс Чемпиондар бойынша FOX мен FOX Спорт осы Сенбі, Сәуір 30 Карсоне StubHub орталығында, Калифорния.
On-шараларға билет, TGB Promotions септігін тигізеді, ол, Бас бағаланады $209, $105, $53, мен $27, плюс қолданылатын салықтар, алымдар мен қызмет көрсету үшін төлем, Енді сату болып табылады және онлайн сатып алу үшін қол жетімді.
Prior to the start of televised fights, an Official Fan Fest will be held for ticket holders outside of StubHub Center. The events start at 2:30 p.m. PT and features a Corona Beer Garden, food trucks, music from the band Metalachi and autograph signings with popular fighters including Leo Santa Cruz, Әбенир Mares, Shawn Porter and more.
Here is what Berto had to say from training camp:
On his improvements since his first fight against Ortiz:
I’ve improved tremendously. Mentally and all the way around the board. There was so much that went into that fight and that camp the first time. I shouldn’t have fought that fight, but being who I am, I wanted to get in there. I was just a young fighter who didn’t take the fight seriously. I overlooked my opponent. Now I’m a much more mature fighter. I’ve pushed myself for this camp.
This fight has always been on my mind. Even when I tried to move on, other people continued to remind me about it. Everyone said I needed to get him back. That’s the fight everyone has wanted to see and that everyone deserves. I’m going to give everyone the fight they deserve.
I believe that coming back from my shoulder surgery that I’ve been more motivated and improving as a fighter. Everyone has seen the improvements. We’re definitely ready for anything he wants to bring. If he’s aggressive we’re ready and everyone knows I can stand there and punch
On this training camp with Virgil Hunter:
“Бәрі тамаша жүріп жатыр. It’s been a long, tough camp. I’m excited and ready to close it all in. We’ve done all the work. We’re in great shape. No stone was left unturned. It’s been a great eight or nine week camp.
On sharing training camp with Amir Khan and Andre Ward and the motivation it provides:
We all feed off of each other. All of us have pretty much been in camp together leading up to and through all of our fights. Even now Andre is there to watch us spar and work. It’s great motivation for all of us to be there. We’re all pushing each other to get better every day.
On how Virgil Hunter has helped him improve as a fighter:
I call Virgil the professional because he’s a teacher. He works you mentally. Each and every day. It’s like being in school. He drills it in your head over and over. He doesn’t let you go through the motions. You have to stay on track mentally to work on all of the things that you’ve been working on. He’s more of a teacher than a trainer.
On what he learned from his fight against Floyd Mayweather:
A lot of people can’t handle the atmosphere and the buildup of that magnitude. I got the chance to really find out how to handle it all. I think I surprised a lot of people around me with how easy I was taking it. I think Floyd was surprised too, he thought I would get shaken like other guys. But I felt like I was supposed to be there. I wasn’t going to be the guy who stands there in shock.
On preparing for Ortiz:
You have to be prepared for whatever he brings to the table. You don’t know how Victor is going to fight and if he’s going to do his extra stuff. Or if he’s going to try to box. Кім біледі? Maybe you hit him two or three times and he feels like he doesn’t want to be there. I’m prepared for the Victor of five years ago.
On Ortiz’s claim that he will knock out Berto:
That’s what he said the first time. I’ve made it evident as well that I’ll finish him and finish this chapter. I want it to be over. Still for some reason my name comes up. People continue to cross us together. I just want to finish this chapter and finish in style.
On what fans can expect Сенбі түн:
The fans should expect an exciting fight. They might see the start of round 13 from the first one. It’s going to be extremely exciting. I doubt it’s going the distance. This is the fight the people deserve.
Қосымша ақпарат алу үшін,HTTP://Старттық мен TwitterPremierBoxing орындаңыз, @ViciousOrtiz, AndreBerto, LaBombaBoxing, TopDoggJr,FOXSports, FOXDeportes ЖәнеSwanson_Comm және Facebook AT туралы жанкүйеріне айналу, мен #PBConFOX Пайдаланып сөйлесуді орындаңыз. FOX бойынша PBC Corona демеушісі, Finest Сыра.

Unbeaten Knockout Artist Jonathan Guzman Takes On Mexican Brawler Daniel Rosas in Title Eliminator Friday, Сәуір 29 On Premier Boxing Champions On Spike Live from the Taj Mahal Casino & Hotel in Atlantic City

Көбірек! Top Prospects Eddie Ramirez, Тит Williams & Local Favorites Featured On Loaded Undercard
ATLANTIC CITY, NJ (Сәуір 25, 2016) – Undefeated knockout artist Джонатан Гусман(20-0, 20 КО) will battle Mexico’s Daniel Rosas (20-2, 12 КО) in a 12-round super bantamweight title eliminator in the opening bout of Премьер Бокс Чемпиондар (PBC) бойынша Spike жұмада, Сәуір 29 from the Taj Mahal Casino and Hotel in Atlantic City.
Теледидар қамту басталады 9 p.m. ЖӘНЕ/8 p.m. CT and features the return of the Dirrell brothers as Басқа “Воскресшего” АБРАХАМОМ арасындағы (24-2, 16 КО) takes on Minnesota’s Халеп “Алтын” Truax (26-2-2, 6 КО) уақыт Anthony “Dog” АБРАХАМОМ арасындағы (28-1-1, 22 КО) battles Australia’s Блейк Caparello (22-1-1, 6 КО) in a pair of 10-round super middleweight bouts. Guzman and Rosas will fight for the number two contender spot for the world title currently held by Carl Frampton.
On-шараларға билет, Патша Акциялар септігін тигізеді, ол, Бас бағаланады $100, $75 мен $50, барлық Ticketmaster нүктелерінде қол жетімді және Енді сату болып табылады.
A trio of exciting prospects highlight the undercard action as unbeaten New York Golden Gloves champion Тит Williams takes on Indiana’s DeWayne Даналық in a six-round featherweight bout, unbeaten 23-year-old Eddie Ramirez enters the ring in an eight-round super lightweight contest and Brooklyn’s Chordale Booker battles Virginia’s Rogue Zapata in a four-round super welterweight fight.
Addition bouts features New Jersey talent including welterweight Энтони Жас of Atlantic City against Juan Rodriguez in a six-round battle, Little Egg Harbor’s Брендан Barrett in a four-round heavyweight bout against Alando Пью, Toms River’s Хафиз Montgomery сенімдегі жеңіліссіз қарсы Darnell Pierce in a four-round cruiserweight affair and Atlantic City’s Chris Thomas қабылдау Jessie Singletary in a four-round middleweight fight.
Rounding out the action is unbeaten heavyweight Luther Smith in a four-round battle withSolomon Maye, Antonio Magruder in a six-round super lightweight contest againstВиктор Vasquez and the pro debut of Abraham Nova ол тап ретінде Weusi Johnson in a four-round super lightweight bout.
An unbeaten fighter out of the Dominican Republic and now training in Massachusetts, Guzman is nearing a world title fight thanks to his extreme power and ability to stop opponents. The 26-year-old has won all of his fight by knockout and since making his U.S. дебюттік жылы 2014 he has stopped Ernesto Guerrero, Juan Guzman, Christian Esquivel and most recently Danny Aquino.
An experienced 26-year-old who has fought professionally since 2007, Rosas came up just short in his last title opportunity, when he dropped a decision to Alejandro Hernandez in 2014. Rosas has won his last three fights in a row since then and the Mexico City-native will look to make a splash in his U.S. debut on April 29.
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Highlights available to embed at Жинақ туралы PBC Corona Extra демеушісі, Finest Сыра.

2012 U.S. Олимпиадашы & 154-Pound Contender Terrell Gausha Takes On Mexico’s Orlando Lora in Exciting Undercard Battle

Көбірек! Unbeaten Heavyweight Gerald Washington Takes On
Former Title Challenger Eddie Chambers
Undefeated Light Heavyweight David Benavidez Faces
Hard-Hitting Phillip Jackson
Сенбі, Сәуір 30 Карсоне StubHub орталығының, Калифорния.
Карсон, CALIF. (Сәуір 22, 2016) – Rising contender and 2012 U.S. Олимпиадашы Terrell Gausha (17-0, 8 КО) Мексика ның қабылдайды Орландо Lora (30-6-2, 19 КО) in a 10-round super welterweight affair that highlights undercard action at StubHub Center in Carson, Калифорния. бойынша Сенбі, Сәуір 30.
Одан басқа, heavyweight contenders Джеральд “Қара Rooster” Вашингтон (16-0-1, 11 КО) мен “Жылдам” Eddie Chambers (42-4, 23 КО) will meet in a 10-round bout while unbeaten rising knockout artist Дэвид “Қызыл Туы” Benavidez (13-0, 12 КО) battles hard-hitting Phillip Jackson (16-2, 15 КО) in eight-rounds of light heavyweight action.
сәуір 30 event features a PBC on FOX and FOX Deportes tripleheader headlined by the highly anticipated welterweight rematch between “Ызалы” Виктор Ortiz мен Басқа “Beast” Berto. Теледидар қамту басталады 8 p.m. ЖӘНЕ/5 p.m. PT with a featherweight showdown between unbeaten Jorge Lara and former multiple division world champion Фернандо “Cochulito” Montiel followed by a contest between hard-hitting light heavyweights Эдвин “La Bomba” Rodriguez мен Томас “Жоғары Dog” Уильямс Jr.
Further undercard action features Los Angeles-native Manny Robles Jr. (9-0, 4 КО) in a featherweight battle against Mexico’s Eduardo Rafael Reyes (6-6, 5 КО), 26-year-old brother of Abner, AdanSpeedy” Аналар (14-1-2, 3 КО) taking on Phoenix’s Jesus Aguinaga (4-3) in a six-round lightweight bout and Mexico’s Luis Bello (6-4, 2 КО) against in a six-round super lightweight contest.
Rounding out the action is Los Angeles native Энтони Flores (10-0, 6 КО) in a six-round welterweight scrap and 28-year-old Dardan Zenunaj (11-1, 9 КО) of Kosovo in a six-round lightweight affair.
On-шараларға билет, TGB Promotions септігін тигізеді, ол, Бас бағаланады $209, $105, $53, мен $27, плюс қолданылатын салықтар, алымдар мен қызмет көрсету үшін төлем, Енді сату болып табылады және онлайн сатып алу үшін қол жетімді.
Prior to the start of televised fights, an Official Fan Fest will be held for ticket holders outside of StubHub Center. The events start at 2:30 p.m. PT and features a Corona Beer Garden, food trucks, music from the band Metalachi and autograph signings with popular fighters such as Leo Santa Cruz, Әбенир Mares, Shawn Porter and more.
Кливленд қаласында дүниеге келген және көтерілген, АҚШ алтын медаль жеңіп алды безендіру әуесқойлық Gaushawas. Құрамасының 2009 мен 2012 және бір бөлігі ретінде АҚШ ұсынылған 2012 Олимпиада Team. 28 жастағы про бұрап, өйткені непобедимый болып табылады 2012. Жылы 2015 he earned victories over Norberto Gonzalez, Luis Grajeda, Eliezer Gonzalez and Said El Harrak. He will be challenged by the Mexican veteran Lora out of Sinaloa.
Екі жақты ойыншы (тығыз соңы мен қорғаныс соңы) Оңтүстік Калифорния университетінде, Вашингтон боксқа әкелді, оның дәстүрлі емес жолында Сиэтл Seahawks және Буффало вексельдерді практика отряды уақыт жұмсадық. 33 жастағы, сондай-ақ АҚШ Конгресінде өту алдында тікұшақ механигі ретінде Әскери-теңіз флоты жұмыс істеді және дейін кәсіби бокстан өз бастау ала алмады 2012. Fighting out of Vallejo, Калифорния, he is yet to lose in his latest endeavor after fighting to a draw with Amir Mansour in October and defeating Jason Gavern in March last year.
Representing the outstanding fight city of Philadelphia, Chambers enters this fight on a six-bout winning streak including stoppages in his lat two fights of Dorian Darch and Galen Brown. The veteran heavyweight challenged Wladimir Klitschko in 2010 for the heavyweight world title and owns victories over Derric Rossy, Dominick Guinn, Calvin Brock and Alexander Dimitrenko over his long career.
The younger brother of undefeated Jose Benavidez, David has racked up a perfect 13 wins in 13 starts at just 19-years-old. Fighting out of Phoenix, Benavidez picked up four victories via stoppage in 2015 and kicked off his 2016 with a knockout of Kevin Cobbs in January. He returns to take on the New York City product Jackson, who enters this fight the winner of 13 Оның соңғы 14 конкурстар.
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