Category Archives: Премьер Бокс Чемпиондар

Unbeaten All-Action Prospect Fabian Maidana Battles Puerto Rico’s Jorge Maysonet in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions on NBCSN Saturday, Шілде 23 From The Scottish Rite Auditorium in San Antonio

Көбірек! Undefeated Prospect Alan Castano Takes On Hard-Hitting Aaron Garcia in Middleweight Matchup & Unbeaten Prospect Brandon Figueroa in Action
Енді сату бойынша Билеттер!
Сан-Антонио (Шілде 14, 2016) – Unbeaten rising prospect Fabian “TNT” Майданы (9-0, 6 КО) will square-off against Puerto Rico’s Хорхе “MachitoMaysonet (13-1, 11 КО) in eight-rounds of welterweight action that serves as the main event of Премьер Бокс Чемпиондар бойынша NBCSN Сенбі, Шілде 23 from the Scottish Rite Auditorium in San Antonio.
Теледидар қамту басталады 8:30 p.m. ЖӘНЕ/10 p.m. PT and will feature unbeaten prospect Alan Castano(10-0, 7 КО) taking on brawler Aaron Garcia (15-5-1, 10 КО) in an eight-round middleweight bout and undefeated prospect Brandon Figueroa (8-0, 5 КО) in a super bantamweight attraction.
I’m very excited to be facing Jorge Maysonet on July 23 Сан-Антонио қаласында,” said Maidana. “I’ve been training hard and I’m ready to put my undefeated record on the line and put on a great show. There are great boxing fans down in San Antonio and I look forward to them getting to know me better.
I can’t wait for this fight on Шілде 23,” said Maysonet. “I know Fabian’s brother was a world champion, but this is my time to shine. Fabian’s never faced anyone like me. I have a lot of pride and I will bring it to the ring.
On-шараларға билет, which is promoted by Leija Battah Promotions and TGB Promotions, Бас бағаланады $100, $85, $50 мен $20 көбірек $1000 мен $850 for tables, алымдар, соның ішінде емес, және қазір сатылады. To purchase tickets call 210-988-8821, т ймешігін басы ыз МҰНДА or visit Champion Fit Gym at 6824 San Pedro Ave. Сан-Антонио, Техас 78216.
Ағасы Marcos бірдей ярости стилі ие, the 24-year-old Maidana has taken home dominant decisions in his last two bouts after scoring six straight knockouts following his pro debut in 2014. Santa Fe білдіретін, Аргентина, Maidana went eight-rounds in each of his last two bouts as he picked up victories over Peter Oluoch and Andres Amarillla.
The son of Puerto Rican Olympian Jorge Maysonet, the 26-year-old looks for his third straight victory on Шілде 23. A про бері 2010, Maysonet was born Catano, Puerto Rico but fights out of Queens, New York and has split his time fighting in the U.S., Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic throughout his career.
A young brawler from Buenos Aires, Аргентина, Castano turned pro and won his first eight fights before making his U.S. debut in August of last year with a knockout victory over Tom Howard. The 23-year-old most recently stopped Christoper Degollado in the third round of their November 2015 Showdown. He takes on the 22-year-old Garcia who was born in Guadalajara but trains out of Chicago.
The brother of former world champion Omar, the 19-year-old Figueroa turned pro in May of last year by defeating Hector Gutierrez and followed that up by stopping Ricardo Mena, Ramiro Ruiz and Francisco Muro to close out the year. The Weslaco-native has stayed busy in 2016 picking up four more victories via stoppage over Oldier Landin, Harold Reyes, Jahaziel Vazquez and Jonell Nieves.
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Қосымша ақпарат алу үшін мен, TwitterPremierBoxing орындаңыз, LeijaBattahPR, NBCSports ЖәнеSwanson_Comm және Facebook AT туралы жанкүйеріне айналу менҚол жетімді Highlights PBC on NBCSN is sponsored by Corona Extra, Finest Сыра.

Ұрыс Деонтей Уайлдер, Крис Arreola, Sammy Vasquez Jr. & Felix Diaz Media Workout Quotes & Қолданушы: Қолданушы:

FOX бойынша PBC & FOX Deportes Begins Сенбі, Шілде 16 жанында 8 p.m. ЖӘНЕ/
5 p.m. PT Live from Legacy Arena in Birmingham, Алабама
Т ймешігін басы ыз МҰНДА for Photos from Jennifer Halger/DiBella Entertainment/
Премьер Бокс Чемпиондар
(Photos to be added shortly)
BIRMINGHAM, AL. (Шілде 13, 2016) – Ауыр салмақта әлем чемпионы Ұрыс Деонтей Уайлдер, two-time heavyweight title challenger Крис Arreola, непобедимый полусреднем Sammy Vasquez Jr. and Olympic Gold medalist Феликс Диас БАҚ жаттығулар қатыстыСәрсенбі as they near their respective Премьер Бокс Чемпиондар бойынша FOX and FOX Deportes matchups taking placeSaturday, Шілде 16 Бирмингем қаласында мұра аренадан, Алабама.
Теледидар қамту басталады 8 p.m. ЖӘНЕ/5 p.m. PT and features unbeaten rising starЭриксон Любин battling once beaten brawler Ivan Montero in addition to the Wilder vs. Arreola and Vasquez Jr. VS. Diaz bout. The televised action will switch over to FS1 and FOX Deportes immediately following the conclusion of the FOX telecast.
Іс-шара үшін Билеттер, жылы ДиБелла сауық септігін тигізеді, ол
association with TGB Promotions and Bruno Event Team, тек басталады $20 және қазір сатылады. Билеттерін алу үшін мында кіріңіз мен
The fighters worked out at Round 1 Boxing in Vestavia Hills, Alabama as they prepare for the card headlined by the hometown favorite, Wilder, making the fourth defense of his heavyweight title.
Мұнда сарбаздың айтқанына болып табылады Сәрсенбі:
Ұрыс Деонтей Уайлдер
When it comes to Deontay Wilder, people look for the knockouts and I deliver. What separates me from other heavyweights is the fashion in which I knock guys out. I don’t just knock you out, I really put you out.
Arreola definitely has a style prone to a knockout. He’s a pressure fighter who will come forward all night. That plays to my style. I love pressure fighters who give me a challenge. They keep me moving and thinking. I love the sweet science and the art to it.
I never look at films of opponents because I want to be surprised and I want to give myself a mental challenge in there. That’s what makes this sport so great.
Birmingham has showed me love from day one. I don’t just represent my city; I represent the state. Everywhere is my home. Birmingham understands entertainment and excitement and that’s what I’m trying to bring to people here.
I’m here to defend my title against a very hungry fighter. It’s a life-changing event for the man who holds the belt at the end of the night.
I never look past anybody. But I can look through them. Before I became a champion, I said I wanted to be an active champion. Just like I was active coming up. This has been my longest time away from the ring, so if all goes well сенбіде, I want to be back in the next few months.
I have an ability to get out of bed and fight. I can do things that regular fighters can’t do. I don’t do miles of roadwork. I’m blessed with stamina.
This is my gift to give back to my state. Boxing is growing fast here. Me and Jay Deas have always wanted to do this. It warms my heart that we’re living our dreams.
КРИС Arreola
Deontay is a very tough opponent so I have to come hard this time. This is my third world title shot and I have to make it count. The first time I was too young, the second time I got caught with a shot, but this time I’ll be ready for anything.
Fighting a guy like Wilder, I have to be ready for anything. But he has to be ready too. I’m no slouch. I have fire and he’s another person in my way. I’m here to get it.
There’s no challenge to get ready for a fight. Мен боксшы емеспін. This is what I do and this is what I love to do. Boxing is the most gentlemanly sport there is. You beat each other up then you shake hands like nothing happened. I’ve been grinding every day in the gym for this.
This is a big night for both of us. It’s a great opportunity to be on primetime television. People are going to be watching for free at sports bars and it puts us out there. They’re going to watch two big men on display going for it all.
I took it one day at a time in camp. I had to grind and get better every single day. I fear no man. I respect the man, but I don’t fear him. Everybody knows that I fight coming forward. I have to be smart and I have to move in angles.
I want to leave a legacy behind. When they talk about Chris Arreola, they’re going to say ‘he did it.I took the long road but here we are now.
I expect him to have a lot of fans and he’s very deserving of that. He’s made things happen in this state and this state is lucky to have a fighter like him. But no one can get in there with him. The fans can’t fight for him. I love the fans, but they’re just there to watch. It’s just me and Wilder in there Сенбі.
Beating Bermane Stiverne and defending the title how he has, I definitely respect Deontay. The humility that Deontay has shown has been impressive. He was more brash coming up the rankings and flamboyant. Now he’s come into his own and he understands who he is.
The biggest difference between now and earlier in my career is that I’m comfortable with myself. My main motivation is being a boxer. I’m a boxer first. It’s not about who has the better six-pack.
Weaknesses are something that I have to bring out of Deontay. Someone different shows up every fight. We have a plan but we’ll have to expose him while I’m in the ring. You can see videos all day, but it might not be the same guy in the ring.
I think this fight goes eight rounds at the most. It’s tough to predict and he’s a shifty guy but I’m confident. I’m going to key in on the body and try to wear him out. I’ll be smart about it, because I have to make a statement in this fight.
My reach and my height will give me an advantage but he’s a slick fighter. All of these things can be advantages, but they can also work against you. I like to box and keep my opponent at range. I can’t let him smother me. We’re very prepared for his best shots.
I think it’s going to be a great fight. He has a great amateur pedigree but I think I’ve made more impact as a pro. We’re equals and it’ll make for an explosive fight.
Diaz is a slick southpaw, just like Luis Collazo. He’s had a couple decent names on his resume. I think Lamont Peterson fell into Diaz’s trap a little bit, which made that a close fight. He’s coming up to my weight, but he brings it and he’s dangerous.
It feels good to be here. It’s been a long training camp leading up to an unbelievable card like this. I’m very grateful for the opportunity to be here. My coach (Charles Leverette) is from Alabama and he represents the state hard, so I’ve been on the ‘Roll Tidebandwagon.
When I was young I remember watching great heavyweight title fights and now to be on the undercard of one is incredible. There are kids out there looking at me and Deontay in the same way. It’s amazing. It’s a blessing that really boosts my career and lets people get to know me better.
Sammy is a very good opponent of course. He’s undefeated right now, but he won’t be after Сенбі.
“Дейін жылжыту 147 is going to be great for me and allow me to be at my very best. I think I can do big things in this division and Сенбі night will be the start.
What you train for and what happens in the ring are two different things. I’m prepared for anything that could happen in the ring.
I have a great team and training camp has gone very well. I’ve been ready to fight for a long time and I can’t wait to get in the ring.
Everyone should come out, because it’s going to be a great fight. I’m very confident in my ability to pull off this victory.
Қосымша ақпарат алу үшін,,,HTTP:// / Старттық мен TwitterPremierBoxing орындаңыз, BronzeBomber, @NightmareBoxing @FOXSports, FOXDeportes, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions ЖәнеSwanson_Comm және Facebook AT туралы жанкүйеріне айналу, мен #PBConFOX Пайдаланып сөйлесуді орындаңыз. FOX бойынша PBC Corona демеушісі, Finest Сыра.

Undefeated Heavyweight Justin Jones Battles Terrance Marbra & Unbeaten Prospect David Perez Takes On Adan Ortiz in Undercard Attractions Friday, Шілде 15 from Horseshoe Tunica Hotel & Casino in Tunica, Миссисипи

Көбірек! Unbeaten Prospect Joey Bryant Featured On Exciting Night of Fights
ESPN туралы PBC & ESPN Deportes Doubleheader Begins at 9 p.m. ЖӘНЕ/6 p.m. PT
TUNICA, MS (Шілде 13, 2016) – Undefeated brawler Джастин Jones (18-0-1, 11 КО) беттері Terrance Marbra (8-3, 6 КО) in a six-round heavyweight bout while unbeaten bantamweight prospect David Perez (6-0, 3 КО) шайқас Adan Ortiz (9-1, 8 КО) in featured undercard bouts Жұма, Шілде 15 from Horseshoe Tunica Hotel & Casino in Tunica, Миссисипи.
The July 15 event is headlined by a battle between explosive super lightweight contenders as Сергей Lipinets сай Walter Castillo негізгі іс-шараға Премьер Бокс Чемпиондар бойынша ESPN and ESPN Deportes. Теледидар қамту басталады 9 p.m. ЖӘНЕ/6 p.m. PT and features 2012 Олимпиада ойындарының күміс жүлдегері Tugstsogt Nyambayar facing veteran featherweight contenderРафаэль “Dynamite” Vazquez.
On-шараларға билет, which is promoted by Warriors Boxing in association with Prize Fight, the City of Tunica the Horseshoe Tunica Hotel & Казино, Бас бағаланады $60 мен $35, және қазір сатылады. Билеттер сатып алуға болады orby calling Warriors Boxing at (954) 985-1155 немесе бару арқылы
Additional undercard action sees unbeaten 21-year-old Joey Bryant (15-0, 11 КО) сегіз дөңгелек жеңіл айқаста, непобедимый жергілікті даңғылы Bobby Taylor (2-0, 1 KO) against ArkansasTyrone Paige (0-1) in a four-round bout, Charlotte-prospect Fernando Arrellano (2-0, 2 КО) takes on Tunica’s Raleigh Jeffries in a four-round super welterweight affair and Memphis-native Julius Dyis (4-1, 2 КО) квадраттар-өшіру қарсы Оскар Valdez (1-0, 1 KO) in super welterweight action.
Rounding out the night of fights is unbeaten prospect Austin Dulay керісінше Terrance Roy in a four-round lightweight bout and welterweight Dedrick Bell in a six-round bout against Knoxville’s Aaron Anderson.
Хьюстон жүзеге күрес, the experienced Jones will return to the ring after delivering a fourth-round stoppage of Dwight Gipson in January. Jones looks for his third straight stoppage жұмада when he faces Marbra. Санкт-. Петербург, Florida-native is coming off a decision over once-beaten Ernest Mazyck in September of last year.
At just 20-years-old, Perez is racking up experience after turning pro in April of 2015 with a first round stoppage over Deseante Armstrong. The Houston-native owns two other first round knockouts and most recently won a decision over Isau Duenez. He takes on the 24-year-old Sterling, Illinois-native who most recently stopped Terrance Roy in April.
Ақпарат алу үшін кіріңіз, TwitterPremierBoxing орындаңыз, @UnionSamurai, WarriorsBoxProm, @ESPNBoxing and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at
мен Highlights available to embed at PBC on ESPN is sponsored by Corona Extra, Finest Сыра.

Welterweight Contender Levan Ghvamichava Stops Breidis Prescott in Seventh Round of Main Event on Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS on FS1 & BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX Deportes Tuesday Night from Robinson Rancheria Resort & Casino in Nice, Калифорния

Marcos Hernandez Earns Unanimous Decision Over Thomas Hill in
Battle of Unbeaten Prospects
Malcolm McAllister Stays Unbeaten with TKO Victory Over
Gilberto Yoruba
Т ймешігін басы ыз МҰНДА for Photos from Andy Samuelson/Premier Boxing Champions
(Photos to be added shortly)
NICE, CALIF. (Шілде 13, 2016) – Welterweight contender Леван Ghvamichava (17-2-1, 13 КО) scored two knockdowns before stopping Брейдис Прескотт (29-8, 21 КО) in the seventh round of the main event Сейсенбі түнгі Премьер Бокс Чемпиондар БН-TO-БН сейсенбі FS1 және Бокс Чемпиондар on FOX Deportes from Robinson Rancheria Resort & Casino in Nice, Калифорния.
Ghvamichava outworked and outslugged Prescott, knocking him down in round four before knocking him down again in round seven and eventually forcing the stoppage. Prescott got off to a fast start, using his length and a strong right hand to dictate action in the first frame.
Prescott couldn’t keep up the work rate however, as Ghvamichava began to close the distance and created more toe-to-toe exchanges. Дөңгелек төрт жылы, Ghvamichava connected with a left hook and a right cross that dropped Prescott, who was able to beat the count and get back on his feet.
After the knockdown, Prescott attempted to revert to his round-one form by boxing and using his jab, but the persistent Ghvamichava kept working hard to get inside on the taller fighter. The hard work paid off in round seven when Prescott was severely staggered with a right hand before being sent to the canvas by a left hook.
Prescott was unable to recover as he beat the count narrowly but was on shaky ground. He hit the canvas two more times, both ruled pushes by the referee before a hard combination by Ghvamichava in the corner forced referee Michael Margado to stop the fight at 2:37 of round seven.
Тоқтата тұру уақытта, Ghvamichava had thrown nearly 100 more punches than Prescott (495-397) and had out landed him 134 қарай 110.
The co-main event of the night saw Marcos Hernandez (8-0, 2 КО) earn a unanimous decision in a competitive and entertaining eight-round super welterweight brawl against previously unbeaten Томас Hill (6-1, 1 KO).
Hernandez and Hill went back and forth from start to finish in the first eight round bout of either prospect’s career. Hill looked to dictate the action with his jab and body work, but it was Hernandez who had more success throughout the night with his left hand and various uppercuts.
The sixth round saw Hill lose a point early on in the round for a low blow. The deduction clearly increased the urgency in Hill who pressed forward, delivering the best action of the fight. Hill pushed the pace but Hernandez withstood the strong combinations and repeatedly caught Hill with strong left hands. Outside of staggering Hill once early in the seventh round, both fighters continued to throw hard punches all the way to the final bell.
The punch stats reflected the close nature of the fight as Hernandez out landed Hill 161 қарай 157 while it was Hill who had the slight edge in accuracy, қону 33 percent of his punches to 31 percent for Hernandez. Even without the point deduction, the judges still preferred Hernandez, who landed the more significant punches, and gave him the decision by scores of 79-72, 78-73 мен 77-74.
The opening bout of the telecast saw middleweight prospect Malcolm McAllister (8-0, 8 КО) remain unbeaten with a stoppage victory over Gilberto Yoruba (7-3, 4 КО). Yoruba did not come out for the eighth and final round after McAllister dominated the first seven rounds of the fight.
McAllister controlled the fight by working off of his strong jab with powerful right hands and hooks to the body. Yoruba continued to come forward throughout the fight, wildly throwing numerous overhand rights looking to stun the undefeated prospect.
After staggering Yoruba several times in round four, McAllister really began to do damage when he teed off on Yoruba with multiple unanswered shots to close out the frame. The one-sided action showed in the punch stats as McAllister out landed Yoruba 184 қарай 76 eventually leading to a frustrated Yoruba being deducted a point in round six for low blows.
# # #
PBC on FS1 & FOX Deportes was promoted by TGB Promotions
Қосымша ақпарат алу үшін: бару, HTtp:// / Старттық,, мен TwitterPremierBoxing орындаңыз, @TGBPromotions @FS1, FOXDeportes ЖәнеSwanson_Comm және Facebook AT туралы жанкүйеріне айналу, мен PBC on FS1 & FOX Deportes is sponsored by Corona, Finest Сыра.

Undefeated Rising Star Erickson Lubin Takes On Mexico’s Ivan Montero in Televised Bout on Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes Saturday, Шілде 16 Бирмингем қаласында мұра аренадан, Алабама

FOX бойынша PBC & FOX Deportes Begins at 8 p.m. ЖӘНЕ/5 p.m. PT and Moves to FS1 & FOX Deportes at 10 p.m. ЖӘНЕ/7 p.m. PT
FS1 Bouts to Feature Unbeaten Jamal James Against Welterweight Contender Wale Omotoso Plus Exciting Former Champion Vic Darchinyan Taking On Mexico’s Enrique Quevedo & Непобедимый ауыр салмақта
Gerald Washington in Action
BIRMINGHAM, AL (Шілде 11, 2016) – Жеңіліссіз жұлдызы Эриксон “Балға” Lubin (15-0, 11 КО) returns to the ring to battle once-beaten brawler Ivan Montero (20-1, 8 КО) in a super welterweight bout featured on the Премьер Бокс Чемпиондар (PBC) бойынша FOX and FOX Deportes telecast onСенбі, Шілде 16 from Legacy Arena at the BJCC in Birmingham, Алабама.
FOX televised coverage begins at 8 p.m. ЖӘНЕ/5 p.m. PT and is headlined by heavyweight world champion Ұрыс Деонтей “Қола Bomber” Wilder defending his belt against two-time title challenger Крис “Nightmare” Arreola plus undefeated welterweight contender Sammy “Сержанты” Vasquez Jr. battles Olympic gold medalist Феликс Диас. The televised action will switch over to FS1 and FOX Deportes immediately following the conclusion of the FOX telecast.
Bouts to be featured on FS1 & FOX Deportes include a 10-round matchup between unbeaten welterweightЖамал James (19-0, 9 КО) and exciting contender Wale Omotoso (26-2, 21 КО), бұрынғы әлем чемпионыVic Darchinyan (42-8-1, 31 КО) in a 10-round super bantamweight bout against Mexico’s Enrique Quevedo (16-7-1, 10 КО) and undefeated heavyweight Джеральд “Қара Rooster” Вашингтон (17-0-1, 11 КО) 10-тур ісінде.
Іс-шара үшін Билеттер, жылы ДиБелла сауық септігін тигізеді, ол
association with TGB Promotions and Bruno Event Team, тек басталады $20 және қазір сатылады. Билеттерін алу үшін мында кіріңіз мен
A highly regarded prospect with an exciting style, 20-жасар Lubin burst onto the scene looking to finish opponents early as he cements his status as an elite contender. Fighting out of Orlando, he has already taken down experienced veterans including Orlando Lora, Ayi Брюс, Michael Finney and Norberto Gonzalez. He was sensational in November 2015 when he knocked out Alexis Camacho and in January he headlined his first card and dominated Jose De Jesus Macias in his first 10-round bout. He kept the hot streak going in June when stopped veteran Daniel Sandoval in the third round.
Бастап кәсіби 2011, Montero was unbeaten in his first 19 pro fights including victories in 2015 over Michel Rosales and Julio Cesar Avalos. Fighting out of Yucatan, Мексика, he began his 2016 campaign by defeating Roberto Valdez in April. Now he looks to make a mark in his U.S. дебют Шілде 16.
A tall welterweight at 6-foot-2, James is undefeated as a pro and beat tough contender Javier Molina in an FS1 and FOX Deportes main event in January. The 27-year-old out of Minneapolis had a big 2015 that began with victories over Michael Balasi and Daniel Sostre and culminated with a hard fought decision over once-beaten Juan Carlos Abreu in September. He will look to keep that momentum going when he faces his most dangerous opponent to date on Шілде 16.
Born in Nigeria, but fighting out of Oxnard, Omotoso earned a unanimous decision over Gilberto Sanchez Leon in his last bout. He was unbeaten in his first 18 pro bouts while fighting out of Australia. The 31-year-old won his first five bouts stateside and will look for back-to-back victories when he battles James in Birmingham.
The fighter from Armenia who now fights out of Glendale, Калифорния, Darchinyan is coming off of stoppage victories over Cris Paulino and Prayoot Yaijam. Having fought against top contenders and former champions such as Abner Mares, Иса Cuellar, Nonito Donaire and Nicholas Walters, Darchinyan looks to work his way back into world title contention after picking up titles in multiple weight classes. He takes on Quevedo out of Los Algodones, Mexico who most recently stopped previously unbeaten Yoandris Salinas in the fifth-round of their 2014 соңы.
Екі жақты ойыншы (тығыз соңы мен қорғаныс соңы) Оңтүстік Калифорния университетінде, Вашингтон spent time with the Seattle Seahawks and Buffalo Bills practice squads on his unconventional path that led him to boxing. The 34-year-old also worked in the Navy as a helicopter mechanic before going to USC and did not get his start in professional boxing until 2012. Fighting out of Vallejo, Калифорния, he is yet to lose in his latest endeavor and most recently he defeated former title challenger Eddie Chambers in April.
Қосымша ақпарат алу үшін,,www.TGBPromotions.бірге, HTTP:// / Старттық мен foxdeportes.comTwitterPremierBoxing орындаңыз, BronzeBomber, @NightmareBoxing @FOXSports, FOXDeportes, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions ЖәнеSwanson_Comm және Facebook AT туралы жанкүйеріне айналу,мен #PBConFOX Пайдаланып сөйлесуді орындаңыз. FOX бойынша PBC Corona демеушісі, Finest Сыра.

Sergey Lipinets Training Camp Quotes & Қолданушы: Қолданушы:

Undefeated Contender Takes On Hard-Hitting Walter Castillo in PBC on ESPN & ESPN Deportes Main Event Жұма, Шілде 15 From Horseshoe Tunica Hotel & Casino in Tunica, Миссисипи
Т ймешігін басы ыз МҰНДА for Photos from Team Lipinets/Premier Boxing Champions
TUNICA, MS (Шілде 12, 2016) – Непобедимый супер жеңіл Сергей Lipinets is days away from meeting Nicaragua’s Walter Castillo in the explosive main event of Премьер Бокс Чемпиондар бойынша ESPN and ESPN Deportes Жұма, Шілде 15 from Horseshoe Tunica Hotel & Casino in Tunica, Миссисипи.
Теледидар қамту басталады 9 p.m. ЖӘНЕ/6 p.m. PT and features 2012 Олимпиада ойындарының күміс жүлдегері Tugstsogt Nyambayar facing veteran featherweight contender Рафаэль “Dynamite” Vazquez.
On-шараларға билет, which is promoted by Warriors Boxing in association with Prize Fight, the City of Tunica the Horseshoe Tunica Hotel & Казино, Бас бағаланады $60 мен $35, және қазір сатылады. Билеттер сатып алуға болады or by calling Warriors Boxing at (954) 985-1155 немесе бару арқылы
Lipinets hopes a decisive victory over Castillo will put him squarely in the mix of 140-pounds contenders and he has enlisted the help of Buddy McGirt as his new trainer heading into this fight. Here is what Lipinets had to say about his matchup, training camp and more:
On fighting in the main event on ESPN:
I’m very thankful to be fighting on a great network like ESPN. I’m hoping to score a spectacular knockout and have it be shown on SportsCenter’s Top 10 Playsthat would be great. One thing the fans watching can count on, is me throwing a lot of hard punches. I want to have an electrifying performance.
On his current training camp:
I’ve been working really hard to improve on every aspect of my game. I’m seeing improvement in a lot of areas, especially fighting on the inside. I want to be a well-rounded fighter who can make adjustments in a fight and it all starts in the gym. I’m happy with my sparring sessions. I’m feeling really confident going into this fight.
On facing tough opponent Walter Castillo:
Castillo is a veteran with many more fights than me. I know experience will be on his side, but I have many fights in kickboxing that will make up for my lack of fights in the boxing arena. I’m not sure how he deals with southpaws, but I’m going to be setting the pace from the opening round. I’m expecting him to be in great shape so I believe it’s going to be a good competitive fight, but one I feel I can win.
On how he feels his career is progressing
I never dreamed everything would come so fast. In only my eighth fight, I’ll be fighting on national television for the second time, and it’s very beneficial to my career. I’m making a name for myself and everyone is starting to take notice. My career is taking off.
On his relationship with veteran trainer Buddy McGirt
Buddy and I are working great together. He brings a lot of experience and knowledge to the ring. He comes up with fantastic game plans as he’s able to see flaws in my opponents. Being that he’s a former fighter, I have a tremendous amount of respect for him. We both know what it’s like to be in the ring and that’s very important to me. I’m happy with his instructions.
Ақпарат алу үшін кіріңіз, TwitterPremierBoxing орындаңыз, @UnionSamurai, WarriorsBoxProm, @ESPNBoxing and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at
мен Highlights available to embed at PBC on ESPN is sponsored by Corona Extra, Finest Сыра.

Undefeated Rising Star Erickson Lubin Takes On Mexico’s Ivan Montero in Televised Bout on Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes Saturday, Шілде 16 Бирмингем қаласында мұра аренадан, Алабама

FOX бойынша PBC & FOX Deportes Begins at 8 p.m. ЖӘНЕ/5 p.m. PT and Moves to FS1 & FOX Deportes at 10 p.m. ЖӘНЕ/7 p.m. PT
FS1 Bouts to Feature Unbeaten Jamal James Against Welterweight Contender Wale Omotoso Plus Exciting Former Champion Vic Darchinyan Taking On Mexico’s Enrique Quevedo & Непобедимый ауыр салмақта
Gerald Washington in Action
BIRMINGHAM, AL (Шілде 11, 2016) – Жеңіліссіз жұлдызы Эриксон “Балға” Lubin(15-0, 11 КО) returns to the ring to battle once-beaten brawler Ivan Montero (20-1, 8 КО) in a super welterweight bout featured on the Премьер Бокс Чемпиондар (PBC) бойынша FOX and FOX Deportes telecast onСенбі, Шілде 16 from Legacy Arena at the BJCC in Birmingham, Алабама.
FOX televised coverage begins at 8 p.m. ЖӘНЕ/5 p.m. PT and is headlined by heavyweight world champion Ұрыс Деонтей “Қола Bomber” Wilder defending his belt against two-time title challenger Крис “Nightmare” Arreola plus undefeated welterweight contender Sammy “Сержанты” Vasquez Jr. battles Olympic gold medalist Феликс Диас. The televised action will switch over to FS1 and FOX Deportes immediately following the conclusion of the FOX telecast.
Bouts to be featured on FS1 & FOX Deportes include a 10-round matchup between unbeaten welterweight Жамал James (19-0, 9 КО) and exciting contender Wale Omotoso (26-2, 21 КО), бұрынғы әлем чемпионы Vic Darchinyan (42-8-1, 31 КО) in a 10-round super bantamweight bout against Mexico’s Enrique Quevedo (16-7-1, 10 КО) and undefeated heavyweight Джеральд “Қара Rooster” Вашингтон (17-0-1, 11 КО) 10-тур ісінде.
Іс-шара үшін Билеттер, жылы ДиБелла сауық септігін тигізеді, ол
association with TGB Promotions and Bruno Event Team, тек басталады $20 және қазір сатылады. Билеттерін алу үшін мында кіріңіз мен
A highly regarded prospect with an exciting style, 20-жасар Lubin burst onto the scene looking to finish opponents early as he cements his status as an elite contender. Fighting out of Orlando, he has already taken down experienced veterans including Orlando Lora, Ayi Брюс, Michael Finney and Norberto Gonzalez. He was sensational in November 2015 when he knocked out Alexis Camacho and in January he headlined his first card and dominated Jose De Jesus Macias in his first 10-round bout. He kept the hot streak going in June when stopped veteran Daniel Sandoval in the third round.
Бастап кәсіби 2011, Montero was unbeaten in his first 19 pro fights including victories in 2015 over Michel Rosales and Julio Cesar Avalos. Fighting out of Yucatan, Мексика, he began his 2016 campaign by defeating Roberto Valdez in April. Now he looks to make a mark in his U.S. дебют Шілде 16.
A tall welterweight at 6-foot-2, James is undefeated as a pro and beat tough contender Javier Molina in an FS1 and FOX Deportes main event in January. The 27-year-old out of Minneapolis had a big 2015 that began with victories over Michael Balasi and Daniel Sostre and culminated with a hard fought decision over once-beaten Juan Carlos Abreu in September. He will look to keep that momentum going when he faces his most dangerous opponent to date on Шілде 16.
Born in Nigeria, but fighting out of Oxnard, Omotoso earned a unanimous decision over Gilberto Sanchez Leon in his last bout. He was unbeaten in his first 18 pro bouts while fighting out of Australia. The 31-year-old won his first five bouts stateside and will look for back-to-back victories when he battles James in Birmingham.
The fighter from Armenia who now fights out of Glendale, Калифорния, Darchinyan is coming off of stoppage victories over Cris Paulino and Prayoot Yaijam. Having fought against top contenders and former champions such as Abner Mares, Иса Cuellar, Nonito Donaire and Nicholas Walters, Darchinyan looks to work his way back into world title contention after picking up titles in multiple weight classes. He takes on Quevedo out of Los Algodones, Mexico who most recently stopped previously unbeaten Yoandris Salinas in the fifth-round of their 2014 соңы.
Екі жақты ойыншы (тығыз соңы мен қорғаныс соңы) Оңтүстік Калифорния университетінде,Вашингтон spent time with the Seattle Seahawks and Buffalo Bills practice squads on his unconventional path that led him to boxing. The 34-year-old also worked in the Navy as a helicopter mechanic before going to USC and did not get his start in professional boxing until 2012. Fighting out of Vallejo, Калифорния, he is yet to lose in his latest endeavor and most recently he defeated former title challenger Eddie Chambers in April.
Қосымша ақпарат алу үшін,,,HTTP:// / Старттық мен TwitterPremierBoxing орындаңыз, BronzeBomber, @NightmareBoxing @FOXSports, FOXDeportes, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions ЖәнеSwanson_Comm және Facebook AT туралы жанкүйеріне айналу, мен #PBConFOX Пайдаланып сөйлесуді орындаңыз. FOX бойынша PBC Corona демеушісі, Finest Сыра.

Mario Barrios Scores Unanimous Decision Against Devis Boschiero on Premier Boxing Champions on ESPN & ESPN Deportes from Sun National Bank Center in Trenton, Нью-Джерси

Eddie Ramirez Wins Unanimous Decision Over Jessie Roman
Т ймешігін басы ыз МҰНДА Фотосуреттерге арналған
Несие: Dave Nadkarni/Premier Boxing Champions
TRENTON, NJ (Шілде 10, 2016) – Undefeated rising super featherweight contender Марио Barrios (16-0, 8 КО) defeated former title challenger Devis Boschiero (39-5-1, 21 КО) бірауызды шешімімен (120-107 X 3) in the 12-round main event of Премьер Бокс Чемпиондар бойынша ESPN & ESPN Трентона Sun Ұлттық Банк орталығының, Нью-Джерси.
Ашылу қоңыраудың бастап, Barrios asserted himself as the aggressor, landing his jab at will and finding his distance early.
Barrios деді, “Initially my game plan was to work the jab and see what would open (Boschiero) жоғары. But as the rounds went by he didn’t seem like he was going to come at me. He just didn’t seem to want any action.
A very tall super featherweight at more than six feet, the 21-year-old Barrios proved difficult for the stocky Boschiero to reach. Дегенмен, near the end of the second round, the experienced Italian found a rare opening and landed several punches that briefly put Barrios on his heels.
Дөңгелек үш жылы, Barrios regained control and coasted throughout the middle rounds, largely due to Boschiero’s hesitation to engage.
It was pretty frustrating. I came out to put on a show for the fans, and unfortunately it seemed like my opponent was just trying to survive,” Саид Barrios. “I can try to press the fight all I want, but if he doesn’t want to fight it’s not going to happen.
Boschiero, who challenged for a world title in 2011, қосылған, “I had trouble finding my range tonight. He was tougher to hit than I expected.
In round 12, Barrios scored the only knockdown of the fight, but Boschiero was able to get back to his feet and used the final seconds of the fight to execute his best combination of the night.
I got to him in the final round,” said Boschiero. “But the opportunities were there when they weren’t in previous rounds.
A victorious Barrios said, “This was my first 12-round fight, and it felt good to get the experience, I just wanted more intense action. But an ESPN main event takes my career to the next level. I’m just hoping for my shot at the title.
Televised coverage kicked off with undefeated prospect Eddie Ramirez (14-0, 9 КО) handily defeating Californian contender Jessie Roman (20-3, 9 КО) бірауызды шешімімен (98-92, 99-91 X 2) in a 10-round super lightweight showdown.
Ramirez, a Chicago Golden Gloves champion, settled in early and controlled the bout from the outset. Ramirez said, “I felt like I was in control and like I was getting hit a lot less than he was.
In the third frame, the fighters locked up for a thrilling exchange on the ropes, Ramirez landing the harder of the punches.
A frustrated Roman said, “He was landing a lot of combinations, but he never hurt me.
Ramirez opened up the fourth round with a furious flurry, but Roman fought back with a hard left hook of his own, shocking Ramirez.
He did catch me with a couple of clean hooks when I let my defense down,” acknowledged Ramirez. “That was my fault, but nothing that hurt me very bad.
The middle stages of the fight saw Ramirez, the busier more precise fighter, steadily distance himself on the judges’ к рсеткіштер ж йесі.
I was prepared for tonight because I had a really long training camp,” said Ramirez. “I’ve been ready to fight since mid-June. I was just in great shape.
Roman didn’t seem as game and admitted, “I gassed out a little bit in the end. I haven’t fought in a year and I think some of my struggles tonight were due to that. My timing was off a little bit too.
Roman didn’t give up though, landing a barrage of shots near the close of round nine, reminding Ramirez that he was in for a fight. Дегенмен, it was too little too late as Ramirez coasted to a comfortable victory.
Ramirez concluded, “”Fighting on ESPN is like a dream come true. Әуесқой ретінде, I always envisioned myself on this network. So this feels like a great accomplishment, and I’m leaving with a lot of new fans tonight.
# # #
карта Патша Promotions ықпал етті.
Ақпарат алу үшін кіріңіз мен, TwitterPremierBoxing орындаңыз, @Boxer_Barrios, @KingsBoxing, @ESPNBoxing and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at Highlights available to embed at PBC on ESPN is sponsored by Corona Extra, Finest Сыра.

Mario Barrios vs. Devis Boschiero PBC on ESPN & ESPN Deportes Official Weights & Weigh-In Photos

Weights from Trenton, NJ
Т ймешігін басы ыз МҰНДА for Photos From Dave Nadkarni/
Премьер Бокс Чемпиондар

TRENTON, NJ (Шілде 8. 2016) –
Марио Barrios 130 – Devis Boschiero 130
Eddie Ramirez 142 – Jessie Roman 141
Tyrone Crawley 139 – Alexander Charneco 140
Darryl Bunting 165 – Кайл Kurtz 167
Кристофер Brooker 169 – Gabriel Pham 168
Тит Williams 124 – Jovany Fuentes 125
Zhankosh Turarov 151 – Daniel Souza Santos 150
On-шараларға билет, Патша Акциялар септігін тигізеді, ол, Бас бағаланады $75, $55, $39 мен $24, қолданыстағы алымдар, соның ішінде емес, және қазір сатылады. Билеттер сатып алуға болады МҰНДА, Sun Ұлттық Банк Центр кинокассада немесе қоңырау шалу арқылы 609-656-3234.

Марио Barrios, Devis Boschiero, Eddie Ramirez & Jessie Roman Media Workout Quotes & Қолданушы: Қолданушы:

ESPN туралы PBC & ESPN Deportes Begins Ертең, Шілде 9 жанында
9 p.m. ЖӘНЕ/6 p.m. PT from Sun National Bank Center in
Trenton, Нью-Джерси
Т ймешігін басы ыз МҰНДА for Photos From Dave Nadkarni/
Премьер Бокс Чемпиондар
TRENTON, NJ (Шілде 8. 2016) – Undefeated rising contender Марио Barrios, former title challenger Devis Boschiero, unbeaten prospect Eddie Ramirez and Californian contender Jessie Roman hosted a media workout Бейсенбі as they prepared for theirПремьер Бокс Чемпиондар бойынша ESPN and ESPN Deportes showdowns taking place this Saturday, Шілде 9 Трентона Sun Ұлттық Банк орталығының, Нью-Джерси.
Теледидар қамту басталады 9 p.m. ЖӘНЕ/6 p.m. PT and features Barrios taking on Boschiero in a 12-round super featherweight title eliminator, while Ramirez and Roman square-off in a 10pround super lightweight battle.
On-шараларға билет, Патша Акциялар септігін тигізеді, ол, Бас бағаланады $75, $55, $39 мен $24, қолданыстағы алымдар, соның ішінде емес, және қазір сатылады. Билеттер сатып алуға болады МҰНДА, Sun Ұлттық Банк Центр кинокассада немесе қоңырау шалу арқылы 609-656-3234.
The fighters worked out at the Sun National Bank Center for media as they near their primetime bouts, with a chance to elevate themselves closer to world title contention. Мұнда сарбаздың айтқанына болып табылады Бейсенбі:
“Оқу ұлы болды. We trained in Las Vegas for a large portion of this camp. We had some good runs at 7,500 feet of elevation and I feel very ready for Сенбі.
Boschiero is a tough fighter with a lot of experience. He has gone the distance plenty of times and I am ready to face the best version of him сенбіде.
Headlining on ESPN and ESPN Deportes is a blessing. I grew up watching the fights on ESPN and knowing that I am the main event is a dream come true.
We had a very good training camp. Everything went smoothly and I had great sparring. I couldn’t have asked for a better camp.
Barrios is a very good prospect and very tall for the weight. We will see what he has сенбіде. We’re prepared for everything and the plan is to test him throughout the fight.
I am very proud to be fighting on ESPN and I am hoping to give the American public a great fight. I am taking this one step at a time. Сенбі will not be an easy fight. Күштілер ұтып ала алады.”
“Бұл тамаша мүмкіндігі болып табылады. It’s really a dream come true. When I was young. I envisioned fighting on ESPN and now here I am. I am and ready and anxious to just get in the ring and fight. I’m on weight and ready to go.
“Оқу өте жақсы барды. I have been ready to fight for weeks. Roman has a decent record and people tell me that he is a good fighter, but I haven’t seen anything of him.
My father passed away in May and that is my motivation for this fight. He started me in boxing from when I was six-years-old all the way until I was 22.
I do not know much about Ramirez other than that he is undefeated and he has a lot of power. We are ready mentally and physically for him.
This is a big opportunity for me to fight on ESPN. It’s great exposure. Keep your eye out for me, I am going to become a world champion.
Ақпарат алу үшін кіріңіз мен, TwitterPremierBoxing орындаңыз, @Boxer_Barrios, @KingsBoxing, @ESPNBoxing and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at Highlights available to embed at PBC on ESPN is sponsored by Corona Extra, Finest Сыра.