Luokka Arkisto: Premier Boxing Champions

Mikey Garcia vs. Sergey Lipinets San Antonio lehdistötilaisuus Quotes & Kuvat

(Kuva pistetilanne: Esther Lin / Showtime)
Kolmen divisioonan maailmanmestari Garcia kohtaa 140 punnan maailmanmestari Lipinetsin Lauantai, Helmikuu. 10 elää Showtime® Vuodesta Alamodome San Antonio, Texas &
Esittämä Premier Boxing Champions
Klikkaa TÄSTÄ for Kuvia Esther Lin / Showtime
SAN ANTONIO (Joulukuu 19, 2017) – Undefeated kolme jako maailmanmestariMikey Garcia ja lyömätön IBF Junior Welterweight Maailmanmestari Sergey Lipinets olivat kasvotusten toisen päivän peräkkäin tiistaina lehdistötilaisuudessa San Antonio keskustelemaan päätapahtumaan välienselvittely käydään Lauantai, Helmikuu. 10elää Showtime (10:15 p.m. JA/PT). Matchup top-5 sijoittui juniori welterweights esittelee Premier Boxing Champions klo Alamodome San Antonio, Texas.
SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP NYRKKEILY kattavuus on myös ominaisuus kahden jako maailmanmestari Rances Barthelemy in uusintaottelua vastaan Kiryl Relikh avoinna oleviin WBA 140 kiloa maailman otsikko.
Liput tapahtumaan, joka edistää Ringstar Urheilu ja TGB promootiot, hinnoitellaan $250, $150, $75, $50 ja $20. Liput ovat myynnissä nyt ja saatavilla
Tässä on mitä lehdistötilaisuudessa osallistujat oli sanottavaa tiistai Ruth Chris Steak House Grand Hyatt San Antonio:
“Odotamme tiukassa kilpailutilanteessa taistelu. Lipinets on taistelija, joka on aina vaarallinen. Hänellä on valta molemmissa käsissä ja hän ei pelkää antaa kätensä mennä. Hän on myös halukas kärsiä, jotta hän voi lyödä takaisin. Se tekee hänestä vaarallisen.
“Tämä mahdollisuus voittaa tittelin neljännen divisioonan oli liian suuri välittää. On vaikea turvata taistelee näin. Olen onnellinen kaikki tuli yhdessä, jotta voimme antaa faneille suuri show.
“Viime vuosi oli hyvä vuosi palatessani. Se alkoi maailmanmestaruuden voittaa kolmannen divisioonan otsikko ja sitten minulla oli iso voitto Adrien Broner kesällä. Etsin vielä suurempi asioita 2018 ja tämä viime vuonna todella tasoittaneet tietä, että.
“Voittaa neljäs nimike on suuri kiinnittää minulle tekemään tässä taistelussa tapahtumaan. Tehdä historiaa kuin että on jotain, joka todella motivoi minua. Tiedän, että minulla on paljon enemmän saavuttaa urheilussa, mutta tämä on hyvä alku. Tähän suuntaan haluan mennä.
“Siellä on paljon lahjakkuutta ja historian nyrkkeily San Antonio. Veljeni on kuntosali täällä ja meillä on paljon taistelijoita koulutamme kanssa alueelta. Vaikka en ole koskaan taistellut täällä, Olen saanut paljon tukea yhteisöstä. Kun olimme tarkastellaan paikkoja taistelussa, tämä oli jotain olin innoissani tekemään.
“Olen taistellut eri alueilla Texas ja aina sai paljon rakkautta, mutta en ollut koskaan kyennyt taistelemaan San Antonio. Päätimme tuoda taistelua täällä antaa jotain takaisin Texasin osavaltiossa. Ei ole kaupungin parempaa isäntänä kuin San Antonio.”
“Puhaltimet San Antonio voi odottaa draamaa. Se tulee olemaan show. Se tulee olla iso lyöntejä, knockdowns ja kaikkea mitä haluaisi nähdä tappeluun.
“Tämä on suurin haaste, että olen ollut urani. Mikey on suuri tähti, mutta olen erittäin kilpailukykyinen ja haluan näyttää maailmalle, mitä voin tehdä.
“Minun Henkeni ei voida minkäänlaisia ​​taistelija, mutta minulla on myös nopeutta ja voimaa voittaa. Minä osoitan tuhoisa virta Helmikuu 10.
“Mikey on erittäin hyvä shakinpelaaja. Ihmiset aliarvioivat hänen kykynsä ajatella kehässä. Joten en voi vain mennä sinne tyylillä, että joku muu on käyttänyt häntä vastaan. Aiomme työskennellä lujasti paras peli suunnitelma, mitä voin tehdä.
“Tämä tulee olemaan vaikea taistelu. Pyrin saamaan win mitenkään, että voin. En voi sanoa, mitä se tulee näyttämään, mutta aion olla valmis mihin tahansa renkaassa.
“Olen tulossa voittaa. Haluan olla siihen asemaan, jossa Mikey on saavuttanut tässä urheilussa. Olen tehnyt kovasti päästä tähän hetkeen ja aion antaa sille kaikki hyödyntää.
“Jos en mielestäni ollut valmis tähän taisteluun niin en olisi ottanut sitä. Meillä on suunnitelma ja käytämme kaikkia kokemuksesta olen saanut minun uran toteuttaa sitä.”
RICHARD SCHAEFER, Puheenjohtaja & Toimitusjohtaja Ringstar Urheilu
“Nyrkkeily on menossa 2018 jossa valtavat voimat ja aloittamassa suurtapahtumat näin. Sinulla on kaksi voittamaton mestareita saada kehässä taistelemaan keskenään. Tällaiset taistelut nostavat urheilua jatkossakin korkeuksiin.
“Tämä oli helppo taistelu tehdä, koska sinulla on kaksi taistelijat, jotka haluavat mitata itseään vastaan ​​paras. Tämä on taistelu, joka sai tehdä nopeasti. Kumpikaan hävittäjä oli vakuuttunut. Molemmat pojat kokevat voivansa voittaa ja menevät taisteluun asenteella voittamaton taistelija.
“Kumpikaan näistä kavereista mitään ajatellut, että ne saattavat menettää. He ovat 100 prosenttia vakuuttunut siitä, että he ovat menossa kävellä pois sieltä kädellään nosti. Se, mitä tulee tehdä tästä hyvä matchup.”
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seuraa meitä Twitterissä @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @Ringstar @TGBPromotions, ja @Swanson_Comm tai liity faniksi Facebookissa osoitteessa ja Star Sports. PBC sponsoroi Corona Extra, Finest Beer.

Mikey Garcia vs. Sergey Lipinets Los Angelesin lehdistötilaisuuden lainaukset & Kuvat



Kolmen divisioonan maailmanmestari Garcia kohtaa 140 punnan maailmanmestari Lipinetsin Lauantai, Helmikuu. 10 elää Showtime®

Vuodesta Alamodome San Antonio, Texas &

Esittämä Premier Boxing Champions

Klikkaa TÄSTÄ for Kuvia Esther Lin / Showtime

LOS ANGELES (Joulukuu 18, 2017) – Undefeated kolme jako maailmanmestari Mikey Garcia ja lyömätön IBF Junior Welterweight Maailmanmestari Sergey Lipinets meni face-to-face ensimmäistä kertaa Maanantai lehdistötilaisuudessa Los Angelesissa keskustellakseen heidän päätapahtumastaan Lauantai, Helmikuu. 10 elää Showtime (10:15 p.m. JA/PT). Top-5 juniorisarjan keskisarjan ottelut pelataan Alamodomessa San Antoniossa, Texas ja sen esittelee Premier Boxing Champions.


SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP NYRKKEILY kattavuus on myös ominaisuus kahden jako maailmanmestari Rances Barthelemy in uusintaottelua vastaan Kiryl Relikh avoinna oleviin WBA 140 kiloa maailman otsikko.


Liput tapahtumaan, joka edistää Ringstar Urheilu ja TGB promootiot, hinnoitellaan $250, $150, $75, $50 ja $20. Liput tulevat myyntiin huomenna at 12 p.m. CT ja se on saatavilla osoitteessa


Lipinets puolustaa ensimmäistä kertaa maailmanmestaruuttaan, kun taas Garciasta tulee vasta kolmas taistelija nykyaikaisessa historiassa, josta on tullut mestari. 126, 130, 135 ja 140-kiloa, siirtymistään tulevaisuuden Hall of Famers Juan Manuel Marquez ja Manny Pacquiao *.


Tässä on mitä lehdistötilaisuudessa osallistujia oli sanottavaa Maanantai alkaen Conga Room L. A. Elävät:




– Sergey Lipinetsin kaltainen maailmanmestari on minulle jännittävämpi vastustaja kuin helppo tittelin puolustaminen. Halusin haasteen ja tämä mies esittelee sen. Hän on luonnostaan ​​isompi mies. Hän tulee olemaan erittäin nälkäinen ja motivoitunut. Hän tietää, että voitto minusta käynnistää hänen uransa huipulle. Se tekee tästä ottelusta mielenkiintoisen.


”Maailmanmestaruuden voittaminen neljännessä divisioonassa on minulle iso asia. Isäni halusi aina kolmen sarjan maailmanmestarin, ja nyt minulla on mahdollisuus antaa hänelle neljäs titteli. Se on asia, joka todella innostaa minua.


"Se on ollut loistava paluu nyrkkeilyyn irtisanomiseni jälkeen. Kun tulin takaisin, Halusin edetä nopeasti ja tarttua suuriin haasteisiin. Sitä olemme tehneet tähän asti. Haluan ottaa vastaan ​​kaikki haasteet, joita ihmiset ajattelevat etten voi saavuttaa. Luulen, että pikkuhiljaa todistamme kaikille, että olen parempi kuin koskaan ja aion jatkossakin ottaa vastaan ​​sellaisia ​​taisteluita, jotka vahvistavat perintöäni.


"Olisi hieno saavutus päästä keskusteluun Manny Pacquiaon ja Juan Manuel Marquezin kaltaisten tyyppien kanssa., se olisi voitto sinänsä. Mutta se ei ollut mielessäni tätä taistelua vastaan. Haluan vain jatkaa taistelua parhaan kanssa. Minulla on vielä tehtävää, kunnes olen samalla tasolla Pacquiaon ja Marquezin kanssa.


"Siitä tulee hieno taistelu. Kuten olen sanonut, haaste minulle on, että taistelen isompaa miestä vastaan. On taistelu yö, se etu, joka hänellä on minuun, saattaa riittää tekemään siitä paljon jännittävämmän. On mielenkiintoista nähdä, kuinka hyvin sopeudun kokoon. Minun täytyy tehdä muutoksia voittaakseni nämä haasteet. Tämän pitäisi antaa faneille sitä jännitystä, jonka haluamme antaa heille.


"Ainoa huomioni on Helmikuu 10 Sergei Lipinetsiä vastaan. Se on tavoitteeni koko leirin ajan. Horisontissa minulle saattaa olla enemmän mahdollisuuksia, mutta näet taisteluillassa, että olen sataprosenttisesti keskittynyt.


– Tiedän, että minulla on mahdollisuus olla nyrkkeilyn suurin tähti Floyd Mayweatherin tavoin, ja uskon olevani oikealla tiellä saavuttaakseni sen. En näe urheilussa monia tyyppejä, joilla on ansioluettelo saavutuksistani. Aion jatkossakin ottaa parhaat puolet vastaan ​​ja voittaa vastustajani vakuuttavasti.




– Mikey Garcia on loistava mestari ja haluan olla siinä asemassa, missä hän on saavutettu tässä urheilussa. Ainoa tapa on mennä hänen läpi.


"Otan suuren haasteen Mikey Garciaa vastaan, ja monet ihmiset ajattelevat, etten ole valmis. Tämä on taistelu, jonka halusin. Minulla on ollut monia esteitä tielläni urani aikana ja olen voittanut ne kaikki. Aion voittaa Mikey Garcian juuri sillä tavalla.


"Joka kerta, kun olen sparrannut huipputaistelijoiden kanssa, kuten Terrence Crawford, Olen oppinut enemmän siitä, mitä minun on parannettava päästäkseni seuraavalle tasolle tässä urheilussa. Tällainen kokemus on lisännyt itseluottamustani ja auttaa minua kohtaamaan Mikey Garcian.


”Paljon kasvaessa voi tapahtua paljon asioita. Yleensä ihmiset käyttävät jotain poppia. Mikä tahansa versio Mikey Garciasta tulee näkyviin; Olen valmis häntä varten.


"Uskon, että aion voittaa, Mikey uskoo voittavansa, ja se kaikki paljastuu kehässä. Yhden asian voin taata; se tulee olemaan suuri taistelu.


"Jokainen taisteluni on ollut kovaa vastustajaa vastaan, joka on auttanut minua pääsemään tähän pisteeseen. Nyt, Olen valmis taistelemaan parhaan kanssa, ja Mikey Garcia on todella sitä.


– Minun piti työskennellä kovasti siirtyäkseni mestaripotkunyrkkeilijästä mestarinyrkkeilijäksi. Tein kaiken, mitä minun piti tehdä, liikutaan salilta salille ja sparrataan kaikkia. Pyrin aina parhaaseen ja halusin olla paras siinä, mitä teen.


ROBERT GARCIA, Miken veli & Kouluttaja


"Tiedämme, että Sergei Lipinets on erittäin vaarallinen taistelija. Hän on todella vahva mestari. Tiedän, että hän tulee olemaan nälkäinen, koska hän haluaa tulla suureksi nimeksi lyömällä Mikeyn.


"Mikey on erittäin älykäs kehässä. Tulemme sinne hyvällä pelisuunnitelmalla. Meillä on suuria sparrauskumppaneita. Vahva, raskaat kaverit, jotka antavat Mikeylle suuren haasteen sparrauksessa.


– Mikeyn on oltava hyvässä kunnossa tätä ottelua varten. Voit helposti voittaa kahdeksan ensimmäistä kierrosta, mutta neljä on vielä jäljellä. Sinun täytyy pystyä lopettamaan taistelu. Lipinetsin kaltainen mahtava rei'itin voi lopettaa sinut yhdellä kierroksella."


BUDDY MCGIRT, Lipinetsin kouluttaja


”Olemme valmiita kaikkeen. Tällä tavalla, kun taisteluilta tulee, meillä on vastaus kaikkeen. Tärkeintä on, että meidän on vain oltava paikalla avauskellosta loppuun asti. Sitä ei voi kiertää.


– Aiomme kattaa kaiken harjoitusleirillä. Sinulla on oltava kaikki vaihtoehdot käytettävissäsi taisteluillassa. Tällä tavalla, et ole koskaan yllättynyt kehässä. Sergey ei mene sinne heilumaan saadakseen tyrmäyksen, hän tulee olemaan kurinalainen ja keskittyy voittoon.


”Uskon, että Sergey on lähetystyössä. Tiedän, että myös Mikey Garcia on lähetystyössä, ja kunnioitan sitä. Kunnioitan sitä, että nämä kaksi miestä taistelevat keskenään. Mestarit tekevät sen, mitä Sergey tekee, ja se on taistelua parasta."


RICHARD SCHAEFER, Puheenjohtaja & Toimitusjohtaja Ringstar Urheilu


"Tästä tulee valtava ilta 140 punnan divisioonalle. Se on toinen varpaisiin varpaisiin välienselvittely Alamodomessa San Antoniossa, jossa niin monia mahtavia otteluita on pelattu aiemmin. Liput alkavat vain $20 joten odotamme jälleen suurta joukkoa taistelufaneja Texasissa.


"Tässä ottelussa on kaksi voittamatonta taistelijaa, kaksi isoa nyrkkeilijää ja 50 voittoa, 40 by tyrmäys, heidän kahden välillä. Nämä kaverit ovat molemmat mestareita, jotka uskaltavat olla mahtavia. Nämä ovat juuri sellaisia ​​taistelijoita, joista yleisö pitää. Nämä taistelijat pyrkivät olemaan mahtavia.


"Nämä kaverit tietävät vain yhden asian, ja se on voitto. Sergey Lipinets on suurin lyöjä 140 punnan painollaan ja näyttää siltä, ​​että Mikey Garcia etsii aina näitä suuria lyöntejä.


"Mikey haluaa tehdä jotain, mitä vain Manny Paccquiao ja Juan Manuel Marquez ovat tehneet, siirtyessään ylöspäin 126 kiloa läpi 140 puntaa voittotittelin jokaisessa divisioonassa. Sitä voimaa on erittäin vaikea kantaa höyhenpainosta. Sinun täytyy virittyä nähdäksesi jännittävän taistelijan, joka yrittää tehdä historiaa.


STEPHEN ESPINOZA, Varatoimitusjohtaja & Toimitusjohtaja, Showtime Urheilu


”Nyrkkeily tarvitsee hienoja taisteluita. Hyvä, korkealaatuiset ottelut, kuten Leo Santa Cruz vs. Carl Frampton, Keith Thurman vs.. Danny Garcia ja Errol Spence vs. Kell Brook. Hyviä taisteluita tarvitaan jatkuvasti, ja sitä olemme tehneet SHOWTIMEssa parin viime vuoden ajan. Mikään muu verkko ei ole tehnyt SHOWTIMEn tasoisia taisteluita. Mikään muu verkosto ei ole niin sitoutunut urheiluun kuin SHOWTIME on ollut.


"Parhaiden täytyy taistella parasta vastaan, ja niin Mikey Garcia on tehnyt. Hän pääsi kahden ja puolen vuoden lomautuksen jälkeen sisään 18 kuukauden hänellä on ollut neljä tappelua, kaksi mestaruusottelua ja aikoo hakea mestaruutta neljännessä painoluokassa, jotain vain Manny Pacquiao ja Juan Manuel Marquez ovat tehneet aiemmin. Sitä suuret taistelijat tekevät.


"Historiallisesti taistelijat, jotka erottavat itsensä legendaarisista, ovat niitä, jotka haastavat itsensä ja matkustavat painoluokkien yli etsiäkseen näitä haasteita. Mutta tässä tarinassa on kaksi puolta. Ne, jotka ovat kiinnittäneet huomiota, ovat nähneet Sergey Lipinetsin pitävän paljon melua SHOWTIME-korteista viime aikoina.. Hän on noussut hyvin nopeasti.


"Jos katsot vain Lipinetsin ennätystä, 13-0, ja ajattele hänen taistelevan Mikey Garciaa, se kuulostaisi hullulta. Mutta jos katsot hänen kohtaamaansa kilpailua, hänen viimeisellä seitsemällä vastustajallaan on yhteensä ennätys 163-15. Sitä ei yleensä näe 13 taistelee uralle. Lipinets on taisteluveteraani, ja mitä tahansa kehässä tapahtuu, hän on valmis siihen. Siitä tulee jännittävä ilta."

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*Pacquiao voittanut lineal mestaruuskilpailuja 126 ja 140-kiloa, vaikka hän ei voittanut aakkoset otsikot.


Lisätietoja osoitteesta ,,

seuraa meitä Twitterissä @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @Ringstar @TGBPromotions, ja @Swanson_Comm tai liity faniksi Facebookissa osoitteessa ja PBC sponsoroi Corona Extra, Finest Beer.

Former Welterweight World Champion Jessie Vargas Drops Aaron Herrera on His Way to Unanimous Decision Victory in the Main Event of a Special Friday Night Edition of Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS on FS1 &BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX Deportes from Pioneer Event Center in Lancaster, Kalifornia.

Jamal James Delivers Vicious Body Shot for
Third Round Knockout of Diego Chaves
John Molina Jr. Rises from Knockdown to Stop Ivan Redkach In
Round Four of Super Lightweight Slugfest
Wale Omotoso Wins by Unanimous Decision Over
Freddy Hernandez
Klikkaa TÄSTÄ for Photos from Peter Young/
Premier Boxing Champions – (Photos to be added shortly)
LANCASTER, KUTEN. (Joulukuu 16, 2017) – Former welterweight world championJessie Vargas (28-2, 10 KOs) returned to drop and defeat Aaron Herrera (24-8-1, 15 KOs)by unanimous decision in the main event of a special Perjantai night edition of Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TIISTAISIN on FS1 ja Nyrkkeily Champions on FOX Deportes from Pioneer Event Center in Lancaster, Kalifornia.
I’m very happy to be back after a long layoff,” Said Vargas. “It was a long time off and I felt the ring rust. I stayed patient and tried to stick to my distance. The inconsistencies affected me more than I thought it would and Herrera kept pushing the fight.
I was setting him up and waiting for him to punch before attacking him. I expect more in my next performance and I’m disappointed I didn’t finish him, but a win is a win. We’ll get back to the drawing board. I showed I have the power with the knockdown, I just have to finish it off next time.
Vargas was effective early and often, landing a strong lead left hook to the head of Herrera at the end of round one before controlling the second round with series of combinations. Herrera slowly increased his output as the fight went on, but was never able to slow down the attack of Vargas.
Midway through round six, Vargas sent Herrera to the canvas with a left hook that initially stunned him and a combination that put him down. Herrera rose to the canvas but continued to be picked apart by the skilled and composed Vargas.
I felt relaxed in the ring,” Said Vargas. “I was trying finish him with the hook. His head movement threw me off and kept him in the fight. We have to keep improving and look better in the next fight.
Jälkeen 10 kierrosta, Vargas earned a unanimous decision by the score of 100-89 three times in his first fight sisään 13 kuukauden as he seeks another title in the welterweight division.
I’m ready for anyone,” Said Vargas. “I’m going to start preparing huomenna for anyone. I’m looking forward to facing Keith Thurman, the Errol Spence Jr. vs. Lamont Peterson winner, or Danny Garcia. I’m back and I’m ready to stay busy and get back in the ring as soon as possible to reach my goals.
The co-main event saw once-beaten welterweight Jamal James (22-1, 10 KOs) earn a third-round knockout over veteran contender Diego Chaves (26-3-1, 22 KOs) with a sensational left hook to the body that gave James the most impressive victory of his career to date.
James used his jab and significant height advantage from the outset in an attempt to set up combinations, while Chaves looked to attack the body and close the distance. Both fighters traded attacks early, but it was James who broke through first with a barrage in the third round.
After stunning Chaves with a right hand, James went on the attack as his opponent stopped throwing punches. He took full advantage of the opportunity by perfectly placing the left hook to the body that sent Chaves down and eventually counted out by referee Tom Taylor.
In an action-packed super lightweight showdown, John Molina Jr. (30-7, 24 KOs) delivered a fourth round stoppage of Ivan Redkach (20-3-1, 16 KOs) after both men hit the canvas in the first three rounds.
“Se oli suuri taistelu,” Said Molina. “Olin hieman ruosteessa, but it’s not an excuse, Redkach was a really tough guy. We got the job done and never gave up. Taistelu on taistelu, it’s not over until it’s over.
Both men came out looking to throw power punches from the start, and it was Redkach who struck first, pinning Molina in the corner in round two before dropping him with a combination. Molina was able to drastically change the tide of the fight in round three fight a perfect right hand that landed flush as Redkach was already off balance and sent him to the canvas.
Redkach was able to survive the round, but Molina connected again in round four with a right hand that stunned Redkach and a clubbing left hook that put him down again. This knockdown prompted referee Eddie Hernandez to wave off the bout 1:27 into the fourth round, giving Molina a big victory with his family watching ringside.
You always dig deep with your family watching,” Said Molina. “You never want to lose in front of your family. I’m always going to fight until the very end. I had a tough opponent in front of me but I did what I had to to get the victory.
The opening bout of the telecast saw Wale Omotoso (27-3, 21 KOs) score a unanimous decision victory over Freddy Hernandez (34-9, 22 KOs) in a 10-round welterweight contest.
Hernandez had success early in the fight, hitting Omotoso with counter left hands consistently and using his range effectively. As the fight wore on Omotoso increased his pressure and broke through in round eight with a straight right hand that stunned Hernandez.
Omotoso was unable to score a knockdown, but had success throughout the final three rounds on his way to earning the decision by scores of 96-94, 97-93 ja 100-90.
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Fans can live stream the fights on FOX Sports GO, available in English or Spanish through the FS1 or FOX Deportes feeds. The fights are available on desktop at and through the app store, or connected devices including Apple TV, Android TV, Fire TV, Xbox One and Roku. Lisäksi, all programs are also available on FOX Sports on SiriusXM channel 83 on satellite radios and on the SiriusXM app.
Seuraa TwitterissäPremierBoxing, @ FS1, FOXDeportes JaSwanson_Comm ja tulla faniksi Facebookissa osoitteessa, Highlights saatavilla PBC on FS1 & FOX Deportes was sponsored by Corona Extra, La Cerveza Mas Fina and promoted by TGB Promotions.

Three-Division World Champion Mikey Garcia Seeks Title in a Fourth Weight Class When He Challenges Unbeaten 140-pound Champion Sergey Lipinets Saturday, Helmikuu. 10 Live on SHOWTIME® at the Alamodome in San Antonio, Texas & Esittämä Premier Boxing Champions

Undefeated Two-Time World Champion Rances Barthelemy to Rematch Kiryl Relikh for Vacant 140-Pound Title In Co-Main Event
Tickets on Sale Next Week!
SAN ANTONIO (Joulukuu 14, 2017) – Undefeated kolme jako maailmanmestari Mikey Garcia will attempt to win a world title in a fourth weight class when he challenges unbeaten IBF 140-pound world champion Sergey Lipinets päällä Lauantai, Helmikuu 10 elää SHOWTIME. Top-5 juniorisarjan keskisarjan ottelut pelataan Alamodomessa San Antoniossa, Texas and is presented by Premier Boxing Champions.
Kahden jako maailmanmestari Rances Barthelemy kohtaavat Kiryl Relikh in a rematch of their May showdown on SHOWTIME, tällä kertaa vapautunut WBA 140 kiloa maailman otsikko. Doubleheader otsikon jaksoja on täysin auki 140-kiloinen jako asetetaan vaiheessa mahdollisen yhdistymisen ottelu.
Liput tapahtumaan, joka edistää Ringstar Urheilu ja TGB promootiot, hinnoitellaan $250, $75, $50 ja $20. Tickets will go on sale next week and will be available at
29-vuotias Garcia (37-0, 30 KOs), painokkaasti palasi pound-for-pound luettelot 2017 pisteyttämällä kohokohta kela tyrmäyksellä Dejan Zlaticanin voittaa WBC Kevyt MM tammikuussa ja sitten hallitseva neljän divisioonan mestari Adrien Broner matkalla yksimielistä päätöstä heinäkuussa. Garcia on jäsenenä tunnettu nyrkkeily perhe, ja on tunnettu hänen urheilullisuutta ja hänen käskeä läsnä renkaassa, hiottu veljensä ja ylistämä kouluttaja Robert Garcia.
Garcia, Moreno Valley Poiketen Oxnard, Kalifornia., palasi kehään jälkeen kahden ja puolen vuoden lomautus heinäkuussa 2016 menettämättä hetkeäkään pysäyttämällä entisen mestarin Elio Rojas. Garcia, joka on hoitanut maailmanmestaruuksia osoitteessa 126, 130 ja 135 kiloa, on lopettanut 19 hänen viimeisen 22 vastustajia kuten Roman “Kallioinen” Martinez, Juan Manuel Lopez ja Orlando Salido.
It is a dream to have the opportunity to become a four-division worldchampion,” Garcia sanoi. “San Antonio has some of the greatest boxing fans in the country, including some key supporters of my Robert Garcia Boxing Academy family. Since my last fight, I have stayed in the gym. I can’t wait to give the fans in Texas and those watching at home on SHOWTIME another great performance.
Lyömätön Lipinets (13-0, 10 KOs) vallanneet huippukevyet mestaruutensa vain hänen 13th pro taistelu kukistamalla Akihiro Kondo kautta päätöksensä yksimielisesti Marraskuu 4 Showtime. Hän on kotoisin Kazakstanista mutta muutti Venäjälle, kun hän oli kuusi vuotta vanha. Hän asuu nykyisin Beverly Hills, Kalifornia, Lipinets ja on koulutettu Buddy McGirt.
28-vuotias nousi 140 paunan rankingissa voittoja sitten lyömätön Haskell Rhodes, Levan Ghvamichava ja Walter Castillo ennen tyrmäämällä Leonardo Zappavigna vuonna maailmanmestaruuden Eliminator viime joulukuussa. Lipinets will look to stamp his place as an elite fighter when he takes on the accomplished and dangerous Garcia on Helmikuu 10.
Getting the title is one thing, but keeping the title is a more difficult task,” said Lipinets. “I’m not about to give it away to anybody. No disrespect to Mikey Garcia or anybody else out there, but I’m keeping my title. Beating Mikey Garcia will put me in the elite of boxing where I believe I belong. I’m happy my team was able to put this great fight together. I can promise you this won’t be a snoozer. It’s going to be an action-packed fight for sure.
We’re going to call it‘Undefeated.That pretty much sums it up. Two undefeated fighters, champion versus champion,” sanoi Richard Schaefer, Puheenjohtaja & Toimitusjohtaja Ringstar Urheilu. “It’s a big challenge for Mikey Garcia to win a championship belt in his fourth weight class. Lipinets never backs down and he’s out to show that’s he one of the biggest punchers in the division. A win for Lipinets is a game-changer for his family and his career. A win for Mikey is another feather in his cap and will help him be recognized as pound-for-pound best in the world. I’m happy to be back in San Antonio at the Alamodome. I’ve promoted some big fights there. San Antonio fight fans are in for a real treat seeing two of the best fighting each other. I’m sure the fans will embrace this fight.
We have another intriguing matchup of two young, hungry undefeated fighters who lay it on the line every time they step into the ring,” said Tom Brown, Presidentti TGB Kampanjat. “As talented as Mikey is, you can’t count Lipinets out. He’s one of the hardest hitters in the 140-pound division. He’s a tough competitor and there’s a reason why he’s a world champion. He knows this is a career-defining fight and he’s going to do everything he can to spoil the party for Garcia in San Antonio on Feb. 10.”
In three consecutive fights on SHOWTIME since his return to the sport, Mikey Garcia has solidified his position on boxing’s pound-for-pound lists,” sanoi Stephen Espinoza, Executive Vice President ja General Manager, Showtime Urheilu. “Mikey has proven he’s willing to take on the most avoided opponents in any division as he seeks out the biggest possible matchups in the sport. He’ll face yet another dangerous opponent in Sergey Lipinets, an undefeated champion in his own right, as he seeks to become a four-division world champion. On the heels of Errol Spence vs. Lamont Peterson on Tammikuu 20, a matchup of consensus top-10 welterweights, we’re proud to deliver this main event of top-5 ranked fighters to build on the momentum.
Barthelemy (26-0, 13 KOs), who was born in Arroyo Naranjo, Cuba and now lives in Las Vegas, has won world titles at 130 ja 135 kiloa. He defeated Relikh by unanimous decision in his debut at 140 pound in his last fight on Toukokuu 20. If he defeats Relikh again, he will become the first Cuban boxer to win world championships in three different weight classes. He defeated Argenis Mendez by unanimous decision to win the 130-pound world title in 2014 and a year later scored a unanimous decision over Denis Shafikov for the 135-pound world title. Barthelemy, 31, has two brothers, Yan and Leduan, who are professional boxers who he trains alongside with under the tutelage of Ismael Salas.
Relikh (21-2, 19 KOs) believes that he won the first match with Barthelemy and that the scorecards did not reflect the competitive nature of the fight. The 28-year-old nearly had Barthelemy out after landing a barrage of punches that penned Barthelemy on the ropes, but he was only awarded a knockdown. In the eighth round, Barthelemy came back to drop Relikh with a body shot. Shortly after the Toukokuu 20 title eliminator, the WBA ordered a rematch, this time to be contested for the vacant 140-pound title. This will be Relikh’s second world title shot after the fighter from Minsk, Belarus lost a unanimous decision to Ricky Burns in Glasgow, Scotland on Oct. 7, 2016.
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seuraa meitä Twitterissä @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @Ringstar @TGBPromotions, ja @Swanson_Comm tai liity faniksi Facebookissa osoitteessa ja , PBC sponsoroi Corona Extra, Finest Beer.

Rising Prospects Enter the Ring as 2016 US-. Olympian Karlos Balderas & 2016 Olympic Bronze Medalist Misael Rodriguez Compete in Separate Bouts on Friday, Joulukuu 15 from Pioneer Event Center in Lancaster, Kalifornia.

Lisää! Once-Beaten Prospect Marcos Hernandez
Faces Mexico’s Oscar Mora in Undercard Attraction
LANCASTER, KUTEN. (Joulukuu 13, 2017) – A stacked night of action will feature 2016 US-. Jumalainen Karlos Balderas ja 2016 Olympic pronssimitalisti Misael Rodriguez entering the ringing in separate undercard matchups this Perjantai, Joulukuu 15 from Pioneer Event Center in Lancaster, Kalifornia.
The Premier Boxing Champions event is headlined by former welterweight champion Jessie Vargas taking on hard-hitting veteran Aaron Herrera in a 10-round showdown. Televised coverage on FS1 and FOX Deportes begins at 10 p.m. JA/7 p.m. PT and features a welterweight matchup between rugged veteran Diego Chaves and rising contender Jamal James, plus a super lightweight bout betweenJohn Molina Jr. ja Ivan Redkach. The telecast begins with exciting welterweight Wale Omotoso (26-3, 21 KOs) päin Freddy Hernandez (34-8, 22 KOs) in a 10-round contest.
Liput livetapahtuman, joka edistävät TGB Promotions, begin at $30 ja ovat nyt myynnissä. To purchase tickets visit the Pioneer Event Center’s Ensimmäinen 300 fans who bring a toy to donate to the Holiday Toy Drive will receive a free t-shirt and five dollars off of general admission tickets. The Holiday Toy Drive will benefit the Inner Circle Foster Care & Adoption Service in Palmdale, Kalifornia.
Balderas (2-0, 2 KO) will enter the ring for a lightweight fight against Mexico’s Carlo Flores (4-7-1, 3 KOs) while Rodriguez (5-0, 3 KOs) takes on Cuba’s Yunier Calzada(6-2-1, 1 KO) in a six round super middleweight contest.
Additional undercard action will see once-beaten prospect Marcos Hernandez (10-1, 2 KOs) ottamista Oscar Mora (7-4, 6 KOs) in an eight round junior middleweight affair.
Rounding out the night of fights are a trio of prospects as unbeaten Alejandro Guerrero täyttää Phillip Percy in a four-round super featherweight contest, samalla kun se on voittamaton Efren Lopez taistelut Tyler Marshall in a four-round junior welterweight bout and once-beaten Luis Coria kasvot Leonardo Torres in a junior lightweight matchup.
Fighting out of Santa Maria, Kalifornia, the 21-year-old Balderas is the son of Mexican parents who immigrated to the United States to give their children a better life. Balderas had an impressive amateur career that included a 2014 Youth National Championship, four National PAL championships and an impressive run in the World Series of Boxing. His amateur career culminated in a trip to the 2016 Olympic Games where he represented the U.S. and defeated fighters from Kazakhstan and Japan before a decision loss in the quarterfinals. He made his pro debut back in April, forcing Michael Thomas to retire after one round and followed that up with a first round stoppage of Eder Fajardo in July.
At last year’s Rio games, the 23-year-old Rodriguez overcame incredible odds to win the first Olympic boxing medal for Mexico since Christian Bejerano in 2000. The Chihuahua native and his teammates had to resort to begging on public buses and streets in Mexico to raise money to compete in international boxing tournaments. He completed his road to the medal stand by defeating Egypt’s Hosam Bakr Abdin to clinch a medal in the middleweight division. Rodriguez mad his pro debut in April with a dominant decision victory over Brian True and has continued his winning ways with more victories so far in 2017.
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Fans can live stream the fights on FOX Sports GO, available in English or Spanish through the FS1 or FOX Deportes feeds. The fights are available on desktop at and through the app store, or connected devices including Apple TV, Android TV, Fire TV, Xbox One and Roku. Lisäksi, all programs are also available on FOX Sports on SiriusXM channel 83 on satellite radios and on the SiriusXM app.
Seuraa TwitterissäPremierBoxing, @ FS1, FOXDeportes JaSwanson_Comm ja tulla faniksi Facebookissa osoitteessa, Highlights saatavilla PBC on FS1 & FOX Deportes is sponsored by Corona Extra, Finest Beer.

Former World Champion Jean Pascal Stops Previously Unbeaten Ahmed Elbiali in Round Six of the Main Event of a Special Friday Night Edition of Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS on FS1 & BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX Deportes from Hialeah Park in Miami, Florida

Top Heavyweight Contender Luis Ortiz Scores Second Round Knockout of Daniel Martz with Heavyweight World Champion Deontay Wilder Kehän vierus
Bryant Perrella Earns Unanimous Decision Over Alex Martin &
Stephen Fulton Defeats Adam Lopez in Battle of
Unbeaten Prospects
Klikkaa TÄSTÄ for Photos from Douglas DeFelice/
Premier Boxing Champions – Photos to be added shortly
MIAMI (Joulukuu 9, 2017) – Former light heavyweight world champion Jean Pascal(32-5-1, 19 KOs) scored an impressive stoppage of previously unbeaten Ahmed Elbiali (16-1, 13 KOs) in the sixth round of the main event of a special Friday night edition of Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TIISTAISIN on FS1 ja Nyrkkeily Champions on FOX Deportes at Hialeah Park in Miami, Florida.
Having already stated that this bout would be the final of his 12-year career, Pascal was able to wear down his younger opponent in a fight that featured power punches throughout. Elibali appeared to have Pascal stunned and hurt in the opening moments of the first round, but was unable to capitalize as Pascal began to time his powerful counters.
It was a beautiful fight,” said Pascal. “I knew it would be my last one and I wanted to make a statement against a young, unbeaten fighter. It went basically as I expected, a couple of difficult moments but I was able to do everything I wanted.
Elbiali stuck to his strategy of walking down Pascal with power shots, but exhausted too much energy in doing so while not being able to seriously hurt his opponent. Pascal’s counters grew stronger as the fight went on and Elbiali lost steam on his punches as he entered the sixth round for only the fourth time in his pro career.
After an impressive round five, Pascal poured on the attack in round six, landing numerous unanswered hooks before Elbiali’s corner called for a stop to the fight at 2:06pyöreään.
I fought his fight, I should have boxed more and taken him into the later rounds,” Said Elbiali. “It wasn’t my day. He is a world class fighter. I felt like I hurt him in the first round, but I felt drained after that. I’m not sure why, it might have been the nerves. But I’ll learn from this.
The co-main event of the telecast saw top heavyweight contender Luis “King Kong” Ortiz (28-0, 24 KOs) deliver a second round knockout of Daniel Martz (16-6-1, 13 KOs) and swiftly call out heavyweight world champion Deontay Wilder, who had joined the FS1 broadcast ringside.
The towering heavyweights exchanged words in the ring after the fight, with both men looking forward to a possible matchup in 2018.
I’ve wanted you and I’m going to bless you again with another opportunity,” Said Wilder. “I was ready the first time. This is a new day for you. I think you’re one of the best heavyweights in the world and I want to prove that I am the best. We must fight each other. You will have your fight.
Anthony Joshua doesn’t want to fight either of us, let’s give the world this fight,” Said Ortiz. “There will be no excuses. I will be ready to do this for Cuba!”
Ortiz made quick work of his opponent, knocking him down with body shots in round one before delivering a counter left hand that put Martz down and prompted referee Samuel Burgos to stop the fight 43 seconds into round two.
Additional televised action featured welterweight prospect Bryant Perrella (15-1, 13 KOs) return to the ring to drop Alex Martin (13-3, 5 KOs) matkalla yksimielistä päätöstä voitto.
I felt pretty good about the fight,” Said Perrella. “There are some things I’d like to have done different, but considering I was out for 15 months and injured for a long time, I’m pleased with what I was able to accomplish. I didn’t get the knockout after hurting him, but I was able to handle him better than anyone else before me.
Perrella got off to a fast start when he landed a thudding lead right hook from the southpaw stance that put Martin on the canvas. Martin was able to recover enough to survive the round and rebounded to put together several good rounds while showing off impressive boxing ability.
The Florida-native Perrella was able to stabilize his lead and ride the momentum from the early knockdown to victory as he picked up his jab and overall aggressiveness in the second half of the fight. Jälkeen 10 rounds the judges saw the fight in favor of Perrella by scores of 79-72 kahdesti ja 77-74.
The opening bout of the telecast saw a battle of unbeaten featherweight prospects as Philadelphia’s Stephen Fulton (12-0, 5 KOs) earned a majority decision victory overAdam Lopez (8-1, 3 KOs).
I worked hard to get the win,” said Fulton. “I had to adjust after the first two rounds but I took the fight to him and controlled the pace. He thought he had me hurt in round two, but it wasn’t anything. He landed a good shot but that was it. I never stressed about how the fight would turn out as long as I stuck to the game plan.
Lopez had his best moment of the fight late in round two when he staggered and appeared to hurt Fulton, who took a series of right hands before hearing the bell. Fulton was able to adjust and use his jab effectively while countering and rarely allowing Lopez to cut off the ring. Lopez was successful when he was able to get Fulton pinned against the ropes, but after eight rounds the judges ruled in favor of Fulton by scores of 78-74, 77-75 ja 76-76.
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Fans can live stream the fights on FOX Sports GO, available in English or Spanish through the FS1 or FOX Deportes feeds. The fights are available on desktop at and through the app store, or connected devices including Apple TV, Android TV, Fire TV, Xbox One and Roku. Lisäksi, all programs are also available on FOX Sports on SiriusXM channel 83 on satellite radios and on the SiriusXM app.
Seuraa TwitterissäPremierBoxing, @ FS1, FOXDeportes JaSwanson_Comm ja tulla faniksi Facebookissa osoitteessa, Highlights saatavilla PBC on FS1 & FOX Deportes was sponsored by Corona Extra, La Cerveza Mas Fin and promoted by Warriors Boxing.

Top Heavyweight Contender Luis “King Kong” Ortiz Clashes With Daniel Martz in a Featured Attraction on a Special Friday Night Edition of Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS on FS1 & BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX Deportes Dec. 8, From Hialeah Park in Miami, Florida

LISÄÄ! Welterweight Prospects Bryant Perrella & Alex Martin
Square-Off and Unbeaten Featherweight Prospects Stephen Fulton and Adam Lopez Meet in Undercard Matchup
MIAMI (Joulukuu 4, 2017) – Top-rated heavyweight title contender Luis “King Kong” Ortiz ottavat Daniel “The MountainMartz in an added 10-round featured bout on a special Friday night edition of Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TIISTAISIN on FS1 ja Nyrkkeily Champions on FOX Deportes at Hialeah Park in Miami, Florida Joulukuu. 8.
The main event of the card features Ahmed Elbiali saamassa entinen maailmanmestari Jean Pascal on 10 pyöreä valo raskaansarjan ottelu. Televised coverage of the 2-1/2 hour show begins at 9 p.m. JA/6 p.m. PT with a battle between unbeaten featherweight prospects Stephen Fulton (11-0, 5 KOs) ja Adam Lopez (8-0, 3 KOs) and also features welterweight prospects Bryant Perrella (14-1, 13 KOs) ja Alex Martin(13-2, 5 KOs) in undercard action.
Ortiz is returning to the ring one week after the World Boxing Council lifted a sanction that it had imposed against the Cuban heavyweight contender in October. Ortiz was pulled from a match against world champion Deontay Wilder scheduled for Nov. 4, after Ortiz failed a Voluntary Anti-Doping Association drug test. Last week the WBC ruled that Ortiz had failed to disclose two medications that he was taking, which triggered his positive test. He was fined $25,000 for failing to make the disclosure, and re-instated into the organization’s rankings.
That cleared the way for Ortiz to return to the ring, and he will waste no time doing so with a match that he hopes will help propel him toward another world title shot in 2018.
I’m just thankful to be back in the sport I love so much. I can’t wait to get some action and feel that ring and those gloves tight on my wrist,” Ortiz said. “I’d like to thank everyone, especially my loyal fans, who stood by me and supported me through this rough time. I don’t think it would have been possible without you guys. I’d like to thank the WBC and Mr. Sulaiman for being humane enough to take time for their investigation, and my entire team who never lost faith in me. But most of all I need to thank God because without him there wouldn’t be anything worth living for.
The 38-year-old Ortiz (27-0, 23 KOs), of Camaguey, Cuba now resides in Miami, Fla., and will be fighting Martz in a 10-round bout in front of his adopted hometown crowd. The hard-hitting southpaw turned pro seven years ago after defecting from Cuba and has since been steadily climbing the heavyweight ladder. He cemented his standing in the division with victories over veteran contenders Bryant Jennings, Tony Thompson and Malik Scott and is currently ranked No. 3 jonka WBC. Ortiz hasn’t fought in almost a year, having scored a technical knockout victory over David Allen at Manchester Arena in England on Dec. 10, 2016 viimeisessä taistelussaan.
Ortiz-Martz replaces the Chad Dawson-Edwin Rodriguez light heavyweight bout on the card. The match was cancelled after Dawson suffered an injury in training camp.
The 27-year-old Martz (16-5-1, 13 KOs), a 6-foot-7 heavyweight from Clarksburg, West Virginia, has taken on world champion Joseph Parker and contender Bryant Jennings during his five-year professional career. He is coming off a second round technical knockout victory over Tim Washington on Nov. 17.
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Fans can live stream the fights on FOX Sports GO, available in English or Spanish through the FS1 or FOX Deportes feeds. The fights are available on desktop at and through the app store, or connected devices including Apple TV, Android TV, Fire TV, Xbox One and Roku. Lisäksi, all programs are also available on FOX Sports on SiriusXM channel 83 on satellite radios and on the SiriusXM app.
Seuraa TwitterissäPremierBoxing, @ FS1, FOXDeportes JaSwanson_Comm ja tulla faniksi Facebookissa osoitteessa, Highlights saatavilla PBC on FS1 & FOX Deportes is sponsored by Corona Extra, Finest Beer.

Ahmed Elbiali Training Camp Quotes & Kuvat

Unbeaten Contender Clashes with Former World Champion Jean Pascal in 175-Pound Showdown on A Special Friday Night Edition of Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TIISTAISIN
On FS1 & Nyrkkeily Champions FOX Deportes
From Hialeah Park in Miami, Florida, Joulukuu. 8
Klikkaa TÄSTÄ for Photos from Team Elbiali
MIAMI (Marraskuu 30, 2017) – Unbeaten light heavyweight Ahmed Elbiali will look to stamp his contender status when he faces former champion Jean Pascal in the 10-round main event of a special Perjantai night edition of Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TIISTAISIN on FS1 ja Nyrkkeily Champions FOX Deportes,Joulukuu 8 from Hialeah Park in Miami, Florida. Televisioitu kattavuus alkaa 9 p.m. JA/6 p.m. PT.
Liput livetapahtuman, joka on edistää Warriors Nyrkkeily, begin at $30 ja ovat nyt myynnissä. Tickets can be purchased at tai soittamalla (877) 840-0457, and are also available at the casino cage.
Here is what Elbiali had to say about training camp and more as he prepares for his toughest opponent to date:
On fighting in the main event on FS1 and FOX Deportes:
It’s a dream come true to be headlining my first main event, especially on FS1 and FOX Deportes, where the world will be watching. I’ve worked very hard to get to this point in my career and I’m grateful for the opportunity. I’m looking to bring excitement to the audience. Those tuning in will get to see a hungry undefeated fighter who will be looking to end the fight early.
On his current training camp:
For the first time during a training camp, I’ve really secluded myself from society. I’m living at my trainer Carlos Albuerne’s house. It’s like I’m in prison. I don’t see any of my close friends or family. It’s hard, but I know it’s a necessary sacrifice if I want to get to the top. I’m working on all aspects of my game, especially using my jab to set up my power shots. My body is healthy and I’m in the best shape I’ve been in years. All the hard work is paying off. I feel great going into this fight.
On facing former world champion Jean Pascal:
Pascal is a very experienced fighter who knows what it’s like to win a world title. He’s a former world champion who’s fought at the elite level. He’s a dangerous puncher with a lot of skill. I’m taking this fight seriously and I feel this will be a defining fight in my career. I’m happy to have this opportunity and may the best man win.
On fighting in his hometown of Miami:
Fighting in my hometown is always a great experience. This is my big coming out party and I’m pleased that all my family and friends will be there to watch me fight. I’m hoping to be the first big star boxer to come out of the ‘305.Miami has many boxing fans and the time is now to put Miami boxers on the map.
On what a win will do for his career:
A victory against Pascal will catapult my career to heights I’ve never seen. A win will lead to a higher ranking and one step closer to a world title shot. Everything is riding on this fight. Victory is a must!
# # #
Fans can live stream the fights on FOX Sports GO, available in English or Spanish through the FS1 or FOX Deportes feeds. The fights are available on desktop at and through the app store, or connected devices including Apple TV, Android TV, Fire TV, Xbox One and Roku. Lisäksi, all programs are also available on FOX Sports on SiriusXM channel 83 on satellite radios and on the SiriusXM app.
Seuraa TwitterissäPremierBoxing, @ FS1, FOXDeportes JaSwanson_Comm ja tulla faniksi Facebookissa osoitteessa, Highlights saatavilla PBC on FS1 & FOX Deportes is sponsored by Corona Extra, Finest Beer.

Errol Spence Jr. vs. Lamont Peterson Press Conference Quotes & Kuvat

Welterweight World Title Showdown Headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP NYRKKEILY Lauantai, Tammikuu 20 Barclays Center Brooklyn & Esittämä Premier Boxing Champions
Klikkaa TÄSTÄ for Kuvia Amanda Westcott / Showtime
Klikkaa TÄSTÄ sillä Kuvat Ed Diller / Dibella Viihde
Klikkaa TÄSTÄ for Press Conference Video from
Dibella Viihde
BROOKLYN (Marraskuu 29, 2017) – Lyömätön välisarjan maailmanmestari Errol Spence Jr. ja entinen mestari Lamont Peterson went face-to-face for the first time Wednesday at a press conference in Brooklyn to discuss their world title showdownheadlining action on Lauantai, Tammikuu 20 elää Showtime. The event is presented by Premier Boxing Champions from Barclays Center, koti BROOKLYN NYRKKEILY®.
SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING coverage begins live at 9 p.m. JA/6 p.m. PT and will feature undercard attractions that will be announced in the near future.
Liput livetapahtuman, joka edistää Dibella viihde ja TGB promootiot, hinnoitellaan alkaen $50, ja ovat nyt myynnissä. Tickets can be purchased at, tai soittamalla 800-745-3000. Lippuja voi ostaa myös American Express -lipputulosta Barclays Centeristä. Ryhmä alennukset ovat saatavilla soittamalla 844-BKLYN-GP. Showtime CHAMPIONSHIP NYRKKEILY televisiointi on saatavilla myös espanjaksi kautta johdetun ääniohjelmantoiston (SAP).
Tässä on mitä lehdistötilaisuudessa osallistujia oli sanottavaa keskiviikko:
You’re going to see the same Errol Spence that you’re used to. I can’t look ahead because I know how dangerous Lamont Peterson is. I’ve been in training camps with him and I know what he can do.
I’ve seen too many fighters look down the road and get beat before they get to the big fight. I have to be 100 percent focused and hungry. I’m fully dedicated to this fight.
Lamont can push me to even greater levels. I feel like he is a better fighter than Kell Brook and has even more heart than Kell Brook and he can bring out the best in me.
I think it’s going to start out as a boxing match, but as we go on, it’s going to be a dog fight. We both have big hearts. I’ve never known Lamont to turn down any fight. Not a lot of people wanted to fight me. The big names shied away from me but Lamont stood up and said he’d fight me. This is going to be a hard fight.
I used to watch Lamont and his brother Anthony Peterson before I ever met them. I like their styles, the way they throw body punches and the fundamentals that they learned from Barry Hunter.
I think I can be known as the best pound-for-pound in the sport, but I have to take it one fight at a time. I want to be the undisputed welterweight champion. That should be everyone’s ultimate goalto be the best fighter in the sport. But first I have a big test ahead of me Tammikuu 20.
This is the business of the sport. I was a young guy when Lamont was giving me advice. Now we’ve gotten to this point. It really shows his longevity in the sport and how I’ve reached the ranks of being a top pro fighter.
Sparring with Lamont Peterson was really great work. Se oli oppimiskokemus. I was an amateur so I was going at a fast pace and Lamont was being patient, blocking and countering and picking his shots. He was fighting at a pro pace and I didn’t really understand it until I got farther into my career.
You’ve seen me and Lamont fight. We’re not in boring fights. We have fan-friendly styles and you’re going to get a really good fight. We have the mentality to really go after it and give it our all to get this win.
I want the best in this division to all fight each other. It’s time for everyone else to stand up and proclaim that they want to be great. That’s how we get this division to the peak. I don’t feel like waiting to fight the best. I want to prove myself.
This is a world title fight and I’m thankful for that. I try not to make too much out of each fight. I just want to take it one fight at a time. I’ve done this for 13 years as a professional. All fights are the same. I’m going to go in there and take care of business.
As a top fighter, you’re obligated to take what comes on the table. Regardless of who it is. It’s boxing. It’s a sport and we’re competitors. We want to go in there and compete to see who’s the best. We’re going to treat it like business like we always do.
You already know when I fight, it’s a feeling out process to start, but in my head, Olen valmis menemään. It’s going to get rough in the trenches and we’ll see who wants it more.
I knew six years ago when Errol was in my camp that we’d get to this point. I knew he would be a champion. Suurimmaksi osaksi, I’ve seen him improve and progress throughout the pro ranks and I believe he’s going to keep getting better.
I don’t pay any attention to the outside noise. I respect everyone’s opinion. I just go out and train to do what I love to do. I do this because I love to box. I’m not here to get on a list. I truly love this sport.
I can’t worry about people thinking that Errol is the next star in this sport. I believe that, but I can’t worry about it. It is up to me and my team to come up with the right type of strategy and execute it.
I’m not too worried about figuring out his southpaw stance. I’ve been around long enough and encountered enough southpaws. I’m confident I’ll be able to handle it.
The size may seem like an advantage for Errol, but it’s up to me and my team to figure out the best way to negate it. I know who I am. I’m a competitive person. Regardless of everything, I’m going to come to win.
DERRICK JAMES, Spence Trainer
We have a game plan in place. We’ll try to perfect everything leading up to this one. We’re working on making Errol a more complete fighter every time out. He’ll be better than he was when you saw him against Brook.
We’re looking for the perfect fight. It takes a great fighter to bring out the greatness in another great fighter. These guys are high caliber fighters and it’s about as good a matchup as you can have in the division.
These are two guys with the mentality to go after it. But they also have technical skill. This is going to be an old school fight between guys with real skills.
It’s one thing to do it, but it’s another to teach. I’ve really understood this sport since I became a trainer. Fighters are developed, not born. I’m going to keep working with these guys on the fundamentals so we can bring up the whole sport.
BARRY HUNTER, Petersonin Trainer
When I look at Errol Spence, I instantly fell in love with him because he reminded me of Lamont so much. They both have that dog mentality. I’ve always known he was a special fighter.
Lamont told me when he worked with Errol that he really liked the kid. He knew he would be a world champion. I had to remind myself that this is business. We have to fight our friends.
These are the two guys who are ready to fight anybody. The fight on Tammikuu 20 is going to be one to remember. It’s a fan-friendly fight.
Errol Spence is the best fighter in the welterweight division. You have athletes that can fight and athletes who are fighters. Errol and Lamont are both. They have the skills and they have the ability to fight.
To be the best in the world, you have to fight the best in the world. All the greats have done it. In order to get back to the glory days, we need to put the best against the best. I have confidence in Lamont Peterson against anybody.
LOU Dibella, Presidentti Dibella Viihde
There are very few fights you could make that are better in the welterweight division than this fight. It’s going to take place at the home of big-time boxing, here at Barclays Center in Brooklyn and live on SHOWTIME.
Errol Spence is one of the most talked about fighters in the sport. Some think he could be the best fighter in the world. He’s consistently said he only wants to fight the best and on Tammikuu 20 he will be fighting another champion and another great welterweight. Lamont Peterson never backs down from a challenge and we know he’ll be ready for this fight on Tammikuu 20.
This is a great event that continues the run of significant meaningful matchups on SHOWTIME. It’s been great quality programming. The fight cards have all been incredibly easy to promote because the fights have been so strong. You have to make fights with great fighters battling other great fighters. That’s what we need to energize our fans and our sport.
STEPHEN ESPINOZA, Executive VP & Toimitusjohtaja, Showtime Urheilu
As we come to the end of 2017 we look back on what has been a really strong year. 25 nights of live boxing, 80 live boxing matches and 27 mestaruutensa taistelee. Not just title fights, but world title fights featuring top ranked challengers against top ranked champions.
We’ve brought you the most watched fight of the year in Keith Thurman vs. Danny Garcia right here at Barclays Center on CBS. It was also the most watched primetime boxing match in nearly 20 vuotta. But we will not be resting on our laurels.
We’ll kick off next year with an incredibly strong card. Errol Spence has grown up on SHOWTIME and we’re proud of that. He made his debut on ShoBox and won his world title on SHOWTIME. He has knocked out nine straight opponents and in his last five fights his opponents have an impressive record of 141-7-3.
Not a lot of fighters are rushing to fight Errol Spence. Lamont Peterson not only stepped up to the challenge, but he relinquished his welterweight title to take this fight. That’s the kind of fighter he is. He has one of the strongest resumes in the division and he’s fought the best guys in the sport.
We’re thrilled to kick off the year with this matchup. It’s another great fight in the welterweight division, a division we’ve been paying a lot of attention to for years. We’ll see you on Tammikuu 20.”
BRETT YORMARK, Brooklyn Sportsin toimitusjohtaja & Viihde
We’re coming off of an incredible 2017 for BROOKLYN BOXING. It far exceeded my expectations. We’re very committed to boxing, not just now, but in the future. This fight kicks off what I think will be a great 2018 for BROOKLYN BOXING.
Lamont was on the first ever PBC card at Barclays Center in 2015 and Brooklyn is happy to have you back. Errol was here in the spring of 2016 and we’ve had him as a fan several times, but we far prefer having you here in the ring.
Barclays Center is known for hosting 50-50 fights and this is no different. We’re thrilled to be holding this event here in Brooklyn. We look forward to seeing you on Tammikuu 20.”
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ja PBC sponsoroi Corona Extra, Finest Beer.

Former World Champion Devon Alexander Returns to Drop & Defeat Walter Castillo in the Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS on FS1 & BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX Deportes from The Coliseum in St. Petersburg, Fla.

Miguel Cruz Remains Unbeaten With
Unanimous Decision Over David Grayton
Klikkaa TÄSTÄ for Photos from Douglas DeFelice/
Premier Boxing Champions – (Photos to be added shortly)
ST. PETERSBURG, FL. (Marraskuu 21, 2017) – Entinen maailmanmestari Devon Alexander (27-4, 14 KOs) returned to the ring in impressive style as he dominated Walter Castillo (26-5-1, 19 KOs) on his way to a unanimous decision in the main event of Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TIISTAISIN on FS1 jaNyrkkeily Champions FOX Deportes Tiistai night from The Coliseum in St. Petersburg, Florida.
This feels really good,” sanoi Alexander. “I’ve been on a journey that I didn’t expect to go through and I’m thankful to be back in the ring and have my career back.
Returning to the ring for the first time kahdessa vuodessa, Alexander was sharp from the outset, using the skills that made him a two-division champion to befuddle Castillo. Alexander’s jab found itsrange from the beginning and he slowly began to work in straight left hands that he would land frequently to maintain control of the action.
My coach was telling me to pick it up throughout the fight,” sanoi Alexander. “The rust got to me a little bit. I know that I can be more active. I really started to feel warmed up later in the fight. I know that I can do way better but I was happy to have this experience.
Kierroksella kaksi, Alexander scored a highlight reel knockdown of Castillo as he landed a powerful par of straight left hands sandwich around a right uppercut. Castillo continued to try to walk Alexander down and stayed persistent in throwing power punches as much as he could over the course of the fight.
He kept moving side to side and didn’t really stay in there and fight,” Said Castillo. “I wanted him to run less but I just kept coming forward trying to throw punches. I got dazed a little from the knockdown but nothing bad. That was more about his speed.
Alexander proved to be too sharp throughout the welterweight affair, consistently avoiding Castillo’s big punches and delivering his own varied and effective attack. Jälkeen 10 kierrosta, Alexander was officially back in the win column with a unanimous decision by scores of 100-89 kahdesti ja 96-93.
I love doing what I do,” sanoi Alexander. “This is what I was born to do since I was seven-years-old. I’m thankful to be back doing what I love.
I’m going to talk to my coach and my team and see what we can come up with next. I’m ready to fight anybody out there. I don’t have any cuts so I’m ready. I’m on a journey and I’m thankful to be here.
The opening bout of the telecast saw unbeaten Miguel Cruz (17-0, 11 KOs) earn a close unanimous decision over David Grayton (15-2-1, 11 KOs) in a competitive welterweight clash.
Both fighters took their time getting started in round one before Grayton broke through in round two and stunned Cruz against the ropes late in the round. Cruz bounced back in round three landing a right hand late in the third round that forced Grayton to tie up and eventually tackle Cruz to the canvas in order to survive the round.
Cruz suffered his first cut of the fight during the round three exchange but fought through the wound under his right eye and dropped Grayton with a jab early in round six to score a crucial knockdown. The intensity of the fight continued into the eighth round when Grayton began to tee-off on Cruz as blood poured from a second cut, this one above Cruz’s right eye.
The back and forth battle continued until the final bell, with both men throwing wildly as the referee attempted to break up the action. Jälkeen 10 rounds all three judges saw the fight in favor of Cruz by the score of 96-93.
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Fans can live stream the fights on FOX Sports GO, available in English or Spanish through the FS1 or FOX Deportes feeds. The fights are available on desktop at and through the app store, or connected devices including Apple TV, Android TV, Fire TV, Xbox One and Roku. Lisäksi, all programs are also available on FOX Sports on SiriusXM channel 83 on satellite radios and on the SiriusXM app.
Seuraa TwitterissäPremierBoxing, @ FS1, FOXDeportes JaSwanson_Comm ja tulla faniksi Facebookissa osoitteessa, Highlights saatavilla PBC on FS1 & FOX Deportes was sponsored by Corona Extra, La Cerveza Mas Fina and promoted by Warriors Boxing and Fire Fist Boxing Promotions.