آرشیو دسته بندی: برتر قهرمانان بوکس

از Ishe اسمیت در مقابل. تونی هریسون رسانه به نقل از تمرین & عکس

سوپر سبک وزن مرحله نهایی مسابقات عناوین برتر قهرمانان بوکس به Bounce اقدام جمعه, مه 11 از شهر سام در لاس وگاس
کلیک کنید اینجا برای عکس از کریس فارینا / تبلیغات میودر

LAS VEGAS (مه 9, 2018) – وقایع هفته مبارزه با لگد کردن چهارشنبه با تمرین رسانه ها برای قهرمانان بوکس در برتر گزاف کارت با عنوان های قهرمان سابق جهان Ishe اسمیت مصرف در مدعی سبک وزن فوق العاده تونی هریسون این جمعه, مه 11 از شهر سام در لاس وگاس.




پوشش به Bounce شروع در 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT و همچنین ویژگی های cruiserweight بدون شکست اندرو “حیوان” Tabiti, که در تمرین روز چهارشنبه شرکت, ملاقات لطیف Kayode برای 10 دوره از عمل.




بلیط برای رویداد, است که توسط تبلیغات می ودر ترویج, شروع در $25, در فروش در حال حاضر و در دسترس خواهد بود www.samstownlv.com/entertain.




اینجا چیزی است که شرکت کنندگان به حال برای گفتن چهارشنبه:






“در وجود دارد با برخی از مبارزان بزرگ در طول سال بوده است. ذهنیت من این است که هیچ جنگنده است که به ضرب و شتم من که هر بار او را به شدت متوقف شده. من به انجام هر کاری من می توانم به مطمئن شوید که اتفاق می افتد.




“این اولین بار در زندگی حرفه ای من است که من یک مربی قدرت و تهویه برای دو نفر نبرد در یک ردیف به حال است. من حق واقعا خوب احساس کن. من نفرت کلیشه و من نفرت گفت: این بهترین اردوگاه زندگی من است, اما من واقعا احساس مثل این یکی از بهترین اردوگاه من تا به حال است. من می خواهم که آخرین مبارزه احساس بیش از حد, اما من می دانم که من هم مثل بقیه صدا




“چه به من انگیزه است تماشای بچه ها مثل لبرون جیمز که انجام شده است این تقریبا به عنوان طولانی به عنوان من, و آنها هنوز هم در ابتدای بازی خود هستید. این نوع از طول عمر است آنچه که من برای و این تلاش که من زندهام که در داخل زندگی و در خارج از ورزشگاه.




“من شده است به مدت سه ماه آموزش برای این جنگ و من فقط می خواهم لرزش عادلانه در مبارزه در شب. من فکر کردم کارت امتیازی در مبارزه جولیان ویلیامز وحشتناک بود. من می توانم آن را کنترل کنید اما قطعا چیزی است که من می خواهم برای جلوگیری در مبارزه با شب.




“هیچ کس در لاس وگاس قرار داده است مثل من. من همه چیز را انجام داده ام در زندگی حرفه ای من راه سخت. من کمربند کورنلیوس Bundrage در شهر را گرفت. من قصد ندارم به در شب جمعه ضرب و شتم.




“من در این بازی است که دو دهه و من بالا و پایین ترین نرخ دیده ام. اگر همه چیز کار می کند, من پیروز در شب جمعه. من آماده رفتن در جاده هستم و در هر کسی.”


تونی هریسون




“هر بار که من گام به حلقه من بسیار با انگیزه و. من مبارزه برای تغذیه خانواده من. من از Detroit هستم بنابراین ما از طریق جنگ به تمام وقت. من آماده برای پرش در این مبارزه به عنوان به زودی به عنوان آنها به من در مورد آن پرسید.




“این یک مبارزه است که مرا به مبارزه با عنوان جهان است. این می تواند به من راست را به یک حذف عنوان از. چه جایی بهتر برای انجام آن از پایتخت بوکس جهان? هر کسی که مبارزه می کند می خواهد در مبارزه رویداد اصلی در لاس وگاس می شود.




“از Ishe اسمیت در تعداد زیادی از دعوا دشوار شده است و او را به بسیاری از بچه های بالا در بخش مبارزه. اگر من می توانم او را به برخی از خطر از, من می خواهم تا ببینید که چگونه اراده خود را در آن لحظه است. من قصد دارم به او را از یک دور فشار و من فکر می کنم آن را برای یک مبارزه خوب را می سازد.




“از بازی ذهنی من بخشی از آن را به او دور بعد از دور کار. اگر من ببینم او کم کردن سرعت, آن را به من بیشتر فشار. من قدر آنچه را او انجام می شود, اما من نمی دانم چقدر بیشتر او را ترک کرده است. من می خواهم به یک قهرمان مانند او.




“بودن فرد برای اولین بار برای متوقف کردن از Ishe یک فرصت من را به. آن بیانیه ای را. ولی اگر من رفتن از راه دور, آن را به تمام سوالات پاسخ به منتقدان در مورد موتور من بود. من قصد دارم به تازه تا پایان این مبارزه است.”






“من هیجان زده برای قرار دادن در یک نمایش خوب و مراقبت از یک حریف با دوام جامد. من می دانم که من در حال آمدن است و این فرصت دیگری برای نشان دادن مهارت های من.




“هنگامی که من مبارزه با cruiserweights بالای لایه, آنها در حال رفتن به دیدن آنچه که من قادر به. من اساسا برنامه بازی کانینگهام استیو علیه او استفاده. من بسیار سازگار هستم.




“من در نشان دادن یک طرف همه کاره از مهارت های بوکس من متمرکز. من قصد ندارم مستقیما برای حذفی. من می خواهم به مردم نشان دهم که من IQ بوکس و توانایی به دست کشیدن هر کسی در حلقه. من می خواهم برای نشان دادن هر دو طرف از مجموعه ای از مهارت است.”


لئونارد ELLERBE, مدیر عامل شرکت از تبلیغات Mayweather




“این همیشه مهم به دعوا های بزرگ مانند این به لاس وگاس. با از Ishe اسمیت یک بومی آن را حتی بهتر. این یک مبارزه خوب است که می تواند از Ishe تماس به ضخامت از همه چیز قرار داده است. مردم دست خود را افزایش نمی دهد برای مبارزه با از Ishe. من فکر می کنم از Ishe است باد دوم سمت راست در حال حاضر و او در این نقطه در زندگی حرفه ای او تجدید.




“از Ishe نمی جنگد مثل او 39. وجود دارد که نمی تواند هر چیزی را که تونی هریسون تواند به ارمغان بیاورد که از Ishe دیده نشده. از Ishe است آن را برداشت و من فکر می کنم بقیه تقسیم می داند که. این یک کلاس وزن عمیق با بسیاری از امکانات در خارج وجود دارد. او است که توانایی به ضرب و شتم کسی در خارج وجود دارد.




“آینده بسیار روشن برای اندرو Tabiti است. این همه در دست او. وی دارای تمام ویژگی هایی که شما نیاز. او دارای یک تیم خوب در اطراف او و آن را فقط یک ماده از پیدا کردن راه هایی برای کمک به او را به سطح بعدی دریافت کنید. این یک فرصت عالی را برای او به نمایش مهارت های خود در برابر بسیار با دوام است, مرد سخت در Kayode. Tabiti است را به یک بیانیه به تمام cruiserweights دیگر وجود. او یک پسر آنها در حال رفتن به باید برای برخورد با در آینده بسیار نزدیک است.”


قهرمانان بوکس در برتر گزاف نیز در دسترس خواهد از طریق سرویس جدید گزاف گویی در اشتراک ویدئو بر روی تقاضا زندگی می کنند جریان می شود شکر قهوهای, که ویژگی های گسترده و یکی از یک نوع کتابخانه از فیلم سیاه و سفید نمادین و همچنین برنامه نویسی اصلی گزاف گویی و سری. شکر قهوهای در دسترس بر روی تلویزیون اپل است, سال, کانال های آمازون, آمازون آتش TV, کیندل آمازون, آندروید و اپل گوشی های هوشمند و تبلت ها و مرورگرهای وب از طریق BrownSugar.com. شکر قهوه ای همچنین دارای قابلیت های گوگل کروم که اجازه می دهد ویدیو برای پخش در تلویزیون به طور مستقیم از دستگاه های تلفن همراه و قرص برای مصرف کنندگان با دستگاه های آندروید و iOS. یک دوره رایگان دادگاه اولیه برای مشترکین با قیمت خرده فروشی $ 3.99 / ماه پس از آن وجود دارد.


گزاف گویی (bouncetv) شبکه آفریقایی-آمریکایی سریعترین رشد را در تلویزیون و پخش در سیگنال های پخش از ایستگاه های تلویزیونی محلی و حمل کابل مربوطه است. شبکه ویژگی های ترکیبی برنامه نویسی اصلی و خارج از شبکه سری, تصاویر متحرک تئاتر, فوق العاده, ورزشی زندگی می کنند و بیشتر. گزاف گویی رشد کرده است به در دسترس باشد 99 میلیون خانه در سراسر ایالات متحده و 95% از همه خانه ها تلویزیون آفریقایی-آمریکایی. مشاهده BounceTV.com برای اطلاعات بیشتر.


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برای اطلاعات بیشتر: WWW.premierboxingchampions.com و www.mayweatherpromotions.com در توییتر دنبال کنیدPremierBoxing, BounceTV, MayweatherPromo, , وSwanson_Comm , تبدیل شدن به یک فن در فیس بوک در: www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions و www.Facebook.com/BounceTV. دنبال گفتگو با استفاده از #PBConBounce. PBC به Bounce است توسط تاج حمایت: بهترین آبجو با خدا ممنوع.




محل کانال های محلی, بازدید BounceTV.com.

جرمل چارلو در مقابل. Austin Trout Los Angeles Media Luncheon Quotes & عکس

Super Welterweight World Champion Charlo Meets Former World Champion Trout Saturday, ژوئن 9 Live on SHOWTIME from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles & ارائه شده توسط

برتر قهرمانان بوکس


کلیک کنید اینجا for Photos from Chris Farina/SHOWTIME


لس آنجلس (مه 8, 2018) – Unbeaten super welterweight world champion Jermell چارلو، مونتانا و قهرمان سابق جهان آستین ماهی قزل آلا went face-to-face Tuesday as they met with media in Los Angeles to discuss their showdown Saturday, ژوئن 9 live on SHOWTIME from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.




The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast is headlined by a rematch between featherweight world champions and Southern California rivals لئو سانتا کروز و ابنر مادیان.




بلیط برای رویداد زنده, است که توسط Ringstar ورزش و جوایز TGB ترویج, شروع در $50, به علاوه هزینه های قابل اجرا, and are on sale now To purchase tickets visit AXS.com or click اینجا.




Here is what the participants had to say Tuesday at Palm Restaurant Downtown Los Angeles:


JERMELL چارلو، مونتانا




Me and my brother talk the talk and we walk the walk. From this point on in our careers, we’re going full force and it’s going to be nothing but knockouts.




Every fight in my life is important because the man standing across from me is there to beat me. Kobe Bryant used to talk about how he knew everyone was going to come at him extra hard whether it was practice or a game, because of who he was and the status he had. I know that I can’t take anyone lightly.




I’m an animal. I love to train. I’m right on weight and really happy about how I feel. I’m in dog shape. I’m going to show everyone on June 9 what’s supposed to happen. You all know what to expect.




Our careers and our records are growing and you’re getting to see more of the Charlos. We’re jolts of lightning for this sport. We’re giving people real problems. We just get in there and do what we do.




We’re ready to keep putting on shows for everyone. My brother just did his thing in Brooklyn and now we’re taking it to the West Coast. I love Los Angeles. I live here and I love training here. Me and Jermall both have knockouts at STAPLES Center and we’re going to turn it out on June 9.




I know that I have to get in there, put my mind to it and do what I have to do. It’s his job to beat me and I’m preparing to stop him. The ‘Charlo Show’ ادامه دارد. I’m not worried about Trout’s fight with my brother. Every fight we’ve been growing and changing.




I didn’t have to go through what Trout had to in his last big fight against Hurd. I’m the fresher younger fighter. I don’t take away anything from what he’s done in his career, but I have my own career and legacy and he’s standing in my way.




Me and my brother are a force to be reckoned with. We train super hard. I’m not leaving that hard work in camp, I’m taking it to the fight.


آستین تروت




We’re going out there to steal the show. Which will be hard to do because the main event is a barnburner. But I just hope they’re not sleeping on me, because they’ve awoken a sleeping giant. I’ve been busy and active so I feel like I’m very dangerous right now.




I respect Charlo because he didn’t have to take this fight. Now it’s time to get it on. When I fought his brother, I remember people counted me out and said history had been made before I even stepped into the ring. I’m here again to try to stop the ‘Charlo Showand start the ‘Trout Show.'




“من در مورد این مبارزه بسیار هیجان زده هستم. I love fighting in Los Angeles. I’m undefeated here and I plan to remain undefeated here. Being at STAPLES Center is a great honor. I’m a big basketball fan so I know what that building means.




The Charlos act similar, but they’re not the same and they definitely don’t fight the same. I think the difference in this fight is that I’ve been busier leading up to it. I just fought in February so my skills were more refined coming into this camp.




We started camp already 50 percent of the way there because of my recent activity and it’s allowed me to work even more on game plan. We’re going to be prepared for everything he has. It’s going to add up to my victory.




My skills are going to be sharper than fans are used to seeing in recent years. The dog in me is fully ready to go. I’m starving. I feel like I’m young and this is my opportunity to prove I’m still the king of this division.




I’m just using the past disappoints as motivation. Including the fight against Jermall. That’s all the fuel that I need.




“در ماه ژوئن 9 you can expect to see my hand raised. It’s not going to be easy. It’s going to be a dog fight. It’s going to be a great fight and I’m going to come out on top. That belt is going to look on me.


ریچارد شافر, رئيس & مدیر عامل شرکت Ringstar ورزشی




The only way to make a card like this bigger than it already was with Santa Cruz vs. مادران 2, was to add a world title fight like this with two incredibly talented fighters. Austin Trout is a true champion outside of the ring and inside the ring and he knows what a win over Jermell Charlo would do for his career. He’ll be aided by having a man in his corner in Barry Hunter who always seems to come up with the right game plan.




There are a lot of great fighters with talent and skill, but you can’t tell me five fighters who can combine those skills with the charisma and personality that the Charlo twins have. The last time I saw crowds of reporters engaged with fighters like this was with Floyd Mayweather. But these guys aren’t following in anyone’s footsteps, they’re doing it their way and they’re doing an absolutely amazing job.




The Charlo twins are pound-for-pound one and two as having the overall package of skill and charisma. You can’t teach that. You either have it or you don’t.




The Charlos go into every fight with a target on their back. They know their opponent will be in their best shape possible. That is exactly the personality of Austin Trout and what makes him such a dangerous opponent who has years of experience in big fights to fall back on. Jermell knows that and he will be ready. I know these guys can’t wait to face each other on June 9.




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برای اطلاعات بیشتر www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.comو www.staplescenter.comدر توییتر دنبال کنیدShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @LeoSantaCruz2, @AbnerMares, Ringstar, @TGBPromotions@STAPLESCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions وwww.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter.PBC است توسط تاج حمایت, بهترین آبجو با خدا ممنوع.

Once-Beaten Eddie Ramirez Battles Former World Champion Argenis Mendez in 140-pound Showdown Headlining Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 & FOX دپورتس شنبه, مه 26 Live from Beau Rivage Resort & کازینو در Biloxi, می سی سی پی

Former World Title Challenger Oscar Escandon Clashes with Unbeaten 126-pound Contender Tugstsogt Nyambayar in

همکاری رویداد اصلی صفحه اصلی

بلیط فروش در حال حاضر!


BILOXI, MISSISSIPPI (مه 8, 2018) – هنگامی که مورد ضرب و شتم مدعی ادی رامیرز بر روی قهرمان سابق جهان را Argenis مندز in a 10-round super lightweight showdown that headlines برتر قهرمانان بوکس بر FS1 و FOX دپورتس روز شنبه, مه 26 from Beau Rivage Resort and Casino in Biloxi, می سی سی پی.



پوشش تلویزیونی در آغاز می شود 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and will also feature former title challenger اسکار Escandon ملاقات بدون شکست 2012 مدال نقره المپیک Tugstsogt Nyambayar در 10 دور مسابقه ورزشکار پروزن.



بلیط برای رویداد زنده, است که توسط تبلیغات TGB ترویج, شروع در $20 and are on sale now at the Beau Rivage Theatre box office, در www.ticketmaster.com و یا با تماس کارتون در (800) 745-3000.



This is a fantastic card for true boxing fans, because it has all the elements that make the sport great,” گفت: تام براون, رئيس جمهور از تبلیغات TGB. “You have a young contender in Eddie Ramirez looking to rebound from the first loss of his career facing a battle-tested former world champion in Argenis Mendez. You also have a young hungry contender in Nyambayar taking a major step forward by facing a strong contender in Escandon who wants to get back in the title mix. No one wants to take a step backwards.




رامیرز (17-1, 11 کوس) is looking to bounce back from suffering the first loss of his career in his last outing. Ramirez was knocked out by former world champion Antonio DeMarco last October on FOX, although Ramirez believed the ref acted too hastily in ending the fight. The 25-year-old from Aurora, Illinois was rapidly moving up the ranks before the loss, having scored impressive stoppage victories over then unbeaten prospects Kevin Watts and Ryan Karl and a split decision victory over Erick Bone in fights that aired on FS1 and FOX Deportes.



I really wanted the rematch with Antonio DeMarco, but I’m excited to be back in the ring,” گفت رامیرز. “Mendez is a good fighter, but I’m going to win by knockout. I’m confident that I’m going to make a big statement that I’m back and better than I’ve ever been.



The 31-year-old Mendez (24-5-1, 12 کوس) is coming off a split decision victory over Ivan Redkach last May on FS1 and FOX Deportes. با پیروزی, the fighter out of the Dominican Republic rebounded from back-to-back losses to lightweight champion Robert Easter, جونیور. و لوک کمپبل. عضو 2004 Dominican Olympic team, Mendez won a 130-pound world title with a knockout victory over Juan Carlos Salgado in 2013. He fought Rances Barthelemy twice to defend the title, with the first fight being declared a no decision before Mendez dropped the rematch.



I lost two fights and people started to wonder if I was done, but I’m a former world champion and came back strong to win my last fight,” سعید مندز. “Eddie Ramirez is a good fighter, but when I show him my speed power, and skills, everyone is going to see what I’m still capable of. This is a great opportunity to show that I can beat this guy badly and get back to the world championship level.



Escandon (25-3, 17 کوس) is trying to climb back into the featherweight title picture after losing by TKO to world champion Gary Russell, جونیور. در آخرین مبارزه خود در ماه مه 20. The 33-year-old from Ibague, Colombia scored a knockout victory over Robinson Castellanos in a 2016 interim featherweight title fight and lost a split decision to Moises Flores in a 2015 interim super bantamweight title bout.



With the level of competition that I’ve fought and beat, I know I’m the toughest and most experienced guy Nyambayar will have ever fought,” سعید Escandon. “Knockouts are what I do, and that’s what I’m preparing to accomplish. But no matter what he tries to do, box or fight, I’m going to win this fight and climb back to the top.



پرداخت کردن (9-0, 8 کوس) went the distance for the first time as a pro last time in the ring as he earned an eight round unanimous decision over then unbeaten Harmonito Dela Torre last November. The 25-year-old from Ulan-Bator, Mongolia won a silver medal at flyweight at the 2012 London Games and has trained in California since turning pro in 2015.



I feel very prepared for this fight,” said Nyambayar. “I’ve gained a lot of experience in my last few fights and have started to prove that I am tough and dangerous. This is another step up and I expect him to be toughest opponent I’ve faced. I’m determined to win this fight by any means,”


# # #



طرفداران می توانند زندگی می کنند جریان دعوا در FOX ورزشی GO, موجود در زبان انگلیسی یا اسپانیایی از طریق فید FS1 یا FOX دپورتس. دعوا در FOXSportsGO.com و از طریق فروشگاه برنامه موجود بر روی دسکتاپ می, و یا دستگاه های متصل از جمله تلویزیون اپل, تلویزیون اندیشه, تلویزیون آتش, ایکس باکس یکی و Roku. بعلاوه, تمام برنامه ها نیز موجود است در FOX ورزشی در کانال SiriusXM به هستند 83 در رادیوهای ماهواره ای و در برنامه SiriusXM به.



برای اطلاعات بیشتر www.premierboxingchampions.com http://www.foxsports.com/presspass / صفحه خانگی وwww.foxdeportes.com.

در توییتر دنبال کنیدPremierBoxing, @ FS1, FOXDeportes وSwanson_Comm و تبدیل به یک فن در فیس بوک در www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, و www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. نکات برجسته موجود در www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC روی FS1 & FOX دپورتس است تاج اضافی حمایت, بهترین آبجو با خدا ممنوع.


Ishe اسمیت & نقل قول تونی هریسون آموزش کمپ & عکس

سوپر سبک وزن مرحله نهایی مسابقات عناوین برتر قهرمانان بوکس به Bounce اقدام جمعه, مه 11 از شهر سام در لاس وگاس

کلیک کنید اینجا برای از Ishe Smith عکس از تبلیغات میودر

کلیک کنید اینجا برای تونی هریسون عکس از Superbad بدنسازی

LAS VEGAS (مه 3, 2018) – قهرمان سابق جهان Ishe اسمیت و مدعی 154 پوند تونی هریسون در مورد اردوگاه های آموزشی مربوطه می باشند و رقابت های آینده درست یک هفته قبل از آنها صحبت کرد مربع خاموش در قهرمانان بوکس در برتر گزاف رویداد اصلی جمعه, مه 11 از شهر سام در لاس وگاس.




پوشش به Bounce شروع در 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT و همچنین ویژگی های cruiserweight بدون شکست اندرو “حیوان” Tabiti ملاقات لطیف Kayode برای 10 دوره از عمل.




بلیط برای رویداد, است که توسط تبلیغات می ودر ترویج, شروع در $25, در فروش در حال حاضر و در دسترس خواهد بود www.samstownlv.com/entertain.





زرگر, یک بومی لاس وگاس مبارزه در شهر خود, افکار مشترک در اردوگاه های آموزشی خود را در می ودر باشگاه بوکس در حالی که هریسون, یک رقیب سابق عنوان, بینش به کار او در در Superbad بدنسازی در دیترویت قرار داد.





اینجا چیزی است که مبارزان به حال برای گفتن:


چه نوع از مشکلات می کند ژست حریف خود را?


Ishe اسمیت: “من در همه مخالفان من همان صادقانه نگاه. تونی یک بچه خوب و یک جنگنده خوب که برای یک عنوان جهان جنگیده است. او تا به حال بسیاری از اعتیاد به مواد مخدره پشت سر او در روز قبل از درد و رنج از دست دادن اول او در دفاع. من در این بازی را برای مدت طولانی بوده است و بسیاری از آینده و سالن فعلی دهاقین sparred, من هر یک از حریف نگاه همان.


تونی هریسون: “من می دانم که از Ishe یک جنگنده ناهموار که دوست دارد به داخل است, و گاهی اوقات باعث مواردی همچون ته سر تصادفی و همچنین فقط برای یک مبارزه grittier در می به طور کلی. او حاضر به حفاری های عمیق و گل آلود. او در می آید با بسیاری از تجربه, که شما هرگز نمی توانید به آرامی است.”


چگونه انتظار دارید این مبارزه برای نگاه?


TH: “من فقط رفتن برای پیروزی, اما اگر من یک شات برای متوقف کردن او بروید من قصد دارم برای آن. من می خواهم به یکی از اولین به انجام آنچه که هیچ کس دیگری قادر به انجام شده, و توقف از Ishe اسمیت است. من فکر می کنم انجام است که به من حق بازگشت در مکالمه در بالای بخش قرار. اما من فقط رفتن را در آنجا را به نفع هر وسیله لازم در مقابل حریف با تجربه.”


است: “خب بزرگترین رقیب در سن و سال من, با عقل من بدست, مرد در آینه است. من باید مطمئن شوید که انسان آماده مبارزه است. که جهت دیکته این مبارزه می رود. من در یک رول از نشان دادن است تا آماده مبارزه به تازگی شده. اگر من افتخار می کنم که انسان در آینه هستم, آن را به یک مبارزه به یاد ماندنی,”


چگونه تا به این اردوگاه آموزشی رفته? آیا شما هر گونه تغییرات اخیر به اردوگاه خود را ساخته شده?


است: “من یک حرفه ای نزدیک به 20 سال اما تا به حال داشته ام, من یک مربی قدرت و تهویه برای دو دعوا متوالی به حال هرگز. در حال قادر به تنها با یک مرد برای مبارزه جولیان ویلیامز و سپس دوباره داشتن او, که رفتن به کلید. آن را به من کمک کرد و آخرین مبارزه آن را به نگه داشتن من رفتن به جلو.”


TH: “این اردوگاه بوده است شگفت انگیز. این اولین اردوگاه است که من احساس می کنم باید آن نه افراطی و اجرا بدن من را به زمین. من همیشه سعی کردم به رفتن بیش از و فراتر از آن چیزی است که نیاز به انجام. این اردوگاه، فقط بیشتر محاسبه و روشمند. من بقیه ام که من به آن نیاز. حس خوبی دارم توپ توپم.”


چه کسی شما شده است مبارزه با و آنچه را که شما شده است به دنبال از شرکای مبارزه خود را دریافت کنید?


TH: “جو در ورزشگاه است در یک سطح مسابقات قهرمانی جهان است. شرکای مبارزه من یک دسته واقعا همه کاره از مبارزان با کیفیت بوده است. ما کار با ایالات متحده قرار گرفت انجام داده ام. المپیک چارلز Conwell, لئون لاوسون, ویلیام ویلیامز, Lanardo تینر, آنتونیو Urista و دیگر زن و شوهر. من فکر می کنم ما فقط در مورد هر آنچه از Ishe تواند به من در تاریخ 11 مه پرتاب پوشش داده ایم.”


است: “من به همه شما می توانید فکر می کنم که sparred, به ویژه برای این اردوگاه همه از بازیکنان این تیم تبلیغات میودر. من شده است مبارزه بچه ها بزرگ, بچه ها کمی و من حتی با Andrew Tabiti در مورد گرفتن در آن وجود دارد با من شوخی ام. من واقعا لذت داشتن و بهره گیری از زمان من در ورزشگاه.”


آیا فکر می کنید فاصله سنی 12 سال را به یک تفاوت در این مبارزه را? چرا و چرا نه?


است: “قطعا نه. او زدم شده دو بار. من هرگز متوقف شده است. من یک کار خوب از نادیده گرفتن سر و صدای خارج. سن چیزی جز یک عدد است. این کاملا متفاوت که شما در واقع در حلقه با من هستید. من همیشه در مورد به چالش کشیدن خودم. من زنده در داخل زندگی یک جنگنده و خارج از حلقه. من راه اندازی به مقابله با هر چیزی را که راه من در این بازی پرتاب می شود.”


TH: “من واقعا نمی دانم که چگونه او زندگی خود را زندگی می کند, بنابراین من واقعا مطمئن نیستید که چگونه سن و سال او ممکن است یا ممکن است یک عامل بازی نیست. اما من می شود در آینده در یک سرعت تهاجمی, و پس از آن خواهیم دید که چگونه همه چیز بازی. این یک راز است برای حال حاضر هر چند تا زمانی که ما در آن وجود دارد و او را به شکل یک بیت را دریافت کنید. اما او خوب و تازه نگاه برابر جولیان ویلیامز و ویلیامز یکی از بچه ها بالا در بخش است. بنابراین من فکر می کنم او با اعتماد به نفس آینده خاموش از که عملکرد, اما من آماده برای او باشد.”


چه نوع از بهبود شما در دعوا های اخیر ساخته شده و چگونه شما را پیاده سازی است که در حلقه مه 11?


TH: “نکته اصلی من اعتماد به نفس من است. من فکر نمی کنم کسی می تواند به من در بالا از بازی من ضرب و شتم وقتی که من هستم. وقتی که آن زمان مبارزه, من قادر به اجرای آن و ایجاد انگیزه خودم. من در قلب من می دانم که این افراد می تواند به من ضرب و شتم نیست.”


است: “من قادر به توسعه یک سیستم پشتیبانی واقعا قوی در زندگی من که کمک اقامت زندگی حرفه ای من قوی شده. با استفاده از این و درمان بدن من خوب, من قادر به آخرین اس ام اس. این کار اخیر با قدرت و تهویه مربی جدید است واقعا تعویض بازی بوده است و من فکر می کنم می توانید به من به سطح دیگری در این بخش از زندگی حرفه ای من است.”


چه کاری می تواند یک پیروزی در ماه مه 11 را برای شما انجام رفتن به جلو? چه کسی می خواهید بعد از بعدی را با پیروزی در مه به 11?


است: “پیروزی در ماه مه 11 تنها گزینه است. من می خواهم به دستم را بالا بردم در پایان شب. این پیروزی را می بسیاری باشد. جولیان ویلیامز در حذف عنوان پس از ضرب و شتم من بود, بنابراین من می دانم هر چیزی ممکن است. من را به نفع خود. این فقط به معنی همه چیز را به من. من هیچ وقت به گذشته چه چیزی در بشقاب من نگاه. بدون دسر برای من تا زمانی که من شام من به پایان برساند.”


TH: پیروزی در برابر از Ishe می خواهد من به دعوا واقعا معنی دار پشت, دعوا قهرمانی. من می خواهم یکی دیگر از ضربه در یک دارنده عنوان مثل جارت هرد عشق. هدف این است که برای بازگشت به بالای به چهره از بهترین مبارزان در این تقسیم بندی انباشته.”


قهرمانان بوکس در برتر گزاف نیز در دسترس خواهد از طریق سرویس جدید گزاف گویی در اشتراک ویدئو بر روی تقاضا زندگی می کنند جریان می شود شکر قهوهای, که ویژگی های گسترده و یکی از یک نوع کتابخانه از فیلم سیاه و سفید نمادین و همچنین برنامه نویسی اصلی گزاف گویی و سری. شکر قهوهای در دسترس بر روی تلویزیون اپل است, سال, کانال های آمازون, آمازون آتش TV, کیندل آمازون, آندروید و اپل گوشی های هوشمند و تبلت ها و مرورگرهای وب از طریق BrownSugar.com. شکر قهوه ای همچنین دارای قابلیت های گوگل کروم که اجازه می دهد ویدیو برای پخش در تلویزیون به طور مستقیم از دستگاه های تلفن همراه و قرص برای مصرف کنندگان با دستگاه های آندروید و iOS. یک دوره رایگان دادگاه اولیه برای مشترکین با قیمت خرده فروشی $ 3.99 / ماه پس از آن وجود دارد.


گزاف گویی (bouncetv) شبکه آفریقایی-آمریکایی سریعترین رشد را در تلویزیون و پخش در سیگنال های پخش از ایستگاه های تلویزیونی محلی و حمل کابل مربوطه است. شبکه ویژگی های ترکیبی برنامه نویسی اصلی و خارج از شبکه سری, تصاویر متحرک تئاتر, فوق العاده, ورزشی زندگی می کنند و بیشتر. گزاف گویی رشد کرده است به در دسترس باشد 99 میلیون خانه در سراسر ایالات متحده و 95% از همه خانه ها تلویزیون آفریقایی-آمریکایی. مشاهده BounceTV.com برای اطلاعات بیشتر.


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برای اطلاعات بیشتر: WWW.premierboxingchampions.com و www.mayweatherpromotions.com در توییتر دنبال کنیدPremierBoxing, BounceTV, MayweatherPromo, , وSwanson_Comm , تبدیل شدن به یک فن در فیس بوک در: www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions و www.Facebook.com/BounceTV. دنبال گفتگو با استفاده از #PBConBounce. PBC به Bounce است توسط تاج حمایت: بهترین آبجو با خدا ممنوع.




محل کانال های محلی, بازدید BounceTV.com.

Errol اسپنس جونیور. در مقابل. Carlos Ocampo Dallas Press Conference Quotes & عکس

Welterweight World Champion Makes Homecoming Defense at

Dallas Cowboys Facility Saturday, ژوئن 16 در برابر

Unbeaten Mandatory Challenger

Live on SHOWTIME at The Star in Frisco, تگزاس در یک رویداد ارائه شده توسط قهرمانان برتر بوکس

کلیک کنید اینجا برای عکس از استر لین / SHOWTIME

FRISCO, TEXAS (مه 2, 2018) – Welterweight world champion Errol اسپنس جونیور. received a championswelcome in his hometown Wednesday at Dallas Cowboys World Headquarters at a press conference to discuss his homecoming defense Saturday, ژوئن 16 live on SHOWTIME against unbeaten Carlos Ocampo at Ford Center at The Star in Frisco in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.




Spence and Ocampo were welcomed with personalized Dallas Cowboys jerseys and an appearance from Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders at The Star as Spence prepares to make his first hometown world title defense. He last fought in Dallas in November 2015 but will now have a chance to excite his hometown fans in the first boxing event to take place inside Ford Center.




بلیط برای رویداد, which is promoted by TGB Promotions in association with Man Down Promotions, go on sale Friday, مه 4 در 10 صبح. CT و می توانید از طریق آن خریداری کنید www.SeatGeek.com.




Here is what the press conference participants had to say Wednesday from the Dallas Cowboys Headquarters Atrium Interview Room at the Star:


ERROL اسپنس JR.




“این یک فرصت بزرگ برای من است. This has been a lifelong dream of mine. I can’t wait to fight in front of my hometown fans that have been rooting for me since the amateurs. It’s great to bring this event to Ford Center. I’m happy to defend my title against a great contender like Ocampo and I hope everyone comes out and supports their champion.




I don’t think there’s any extra pressure fighting in my hometown. It’s just added motivation. Real pressure was fighting against 30,000 fans in the champion’s hometown for my first title against Kell Brook. This is me fighting in front of people who love me and who have seen me grow up as a boxer. I can’t wait to put on a show for them.




Everybody poses a challenge in the ring. Ocampo is tough. He’s young and this is something he’s been fighting for his whole life. من می دانم که او در آینده برای مبارزه با. Mexican fighters have a great tradition. They come to fight and they don’t back down. I know he’s going to give it his all and that gets me motivated.




My motto is ‘Man Downand I have to live up to it. من به دنبال حذفی نمی گردم, but I let it happen naturally. I let it come to me and we’re definitely going to let it happen on fight night.




I feel like I’ve definitely earned this hometown fight. To go to another country and fight a champion in his hometown, and to win the belt, I think I deserve to defend my belt in front of my fans.




It’s going to be a great feeling being at this venue on fight night. When I was a kid, I thought I was going to be playing for the Cowboys. So this is just going to be a wonderful opportunity. I’ve already talked to a lot of Cowboys players who are excited to come see me fight.




I do believe I’m the best welterweight in boxing right now. I’ve been trying to prove it for a long time. I’m never looking past anyone, but I’d love to fight Danny Garcia, Shawn Porter and when he’s back, کیت تورمن. I’m ready to fight the best in the division and prove I reign supreme over all of them.






I know that this is a great opportunity to be fighting here in Spence’s hometown. That’s a plus for me and it motivates me. I’m going to be ready to fight for 12 دور.




It’s supposed to be tough with the crowd against me and I know I’m the underdog, but my mind is only on the fight. I’m just fighting one man, not a whole crowd. I know that I have what it takes.




Spence is a very smart and tough fighter, but he doesn’t scare me. I’ve been working for this for too long and I will be 100 percent ready to win.




I’ve had a very tough preparation and a very long camp. We’ve been sparring southpaws to prepare and so far everything has been smooth.




Being here I am even more excited and more motivated to push hard these last weeks of training camp and come into this fight at my absolute best.




I have been the underdog before and I’m prepared to once again overcome that. I’m not worried about what anybody else thinks of me or this fight. My mind is only on winning and being prepared to do whatever I have to.




He can talk about knocking me out all he wants but I’m here too and I’m ready to knock him out on June 16.


جرثقیل JAMES, ترینر اسپنس




Being at home, this fight is going to be about Errol keeping his focus and staying task. He’s always been able to do that. He’s motivated and driven. He’s the guy that you have to drag away from the gym.




I never looked ahead to moments like this with Errol, from the beginning we just grinded away day by day. I was focused on enhancing his skillset and that’s what we’re still doing to this day.




I’m able to keep my feelings bottled up until after a fight, because being at home there can be a lot of distractions. But of course, this event being here in Dallas is phenomenal. I’m most excited that my two daughters will be able to come to the fight.




Errol has been training extremely hard like he always does. On the first day of sparring he did 15 دور با [WBC 154-pound champion] Jermell Charlo and [سنگین وزن سبک بدون شکست] در مبارزه وزن کم وزن مقابل جمهوری دومینیکن.




The two of us just have to stay focused and everything comes naturally. It’s going to be a great show for this city and a great night for Errol.


استفن اسپینوزا, رئيس جمهور, ورزش و برنامه نویسی رویداد, شبکه های نمایش, INC.




SHOWTIME is the home of the biggest fights and brightest stars in boxing, so we are particularly thrilled to be here at the home of the best professional franchise in sports, the Dallas Cowboys. We’re proud to be bringing the first boxing event ever inside of the Ford Center and we can’t wait to show off these facilities on SHOWTIME in June.




This is the first world title fight in Dallas in quite some time and I can’t think of anyone better to bring that here with than Errol Spence Jr. It’s fitting that the NFL Draft was here last week, because I think that if boxing had a draft, there’s a good argument Errol Spence Jr. would be the number one pick. He’s top pound-for-pound champion, he’s a popular draw and he’s in boxing’s most talent-rich division. He has the ‘Trainer of the Yearin his corner and has won 10 straight fights by knockout, from contender to champion. That is the sign of a truly great fighter.




The great thing about boxing and for Carlos Ocampo, is that none of those accolades matter on June 16. رتبه بندی, opinions and belts don’t matter. It’s just two guys in a ring and only one man will win. He’s spent his whole life working for this opportunity and I believe that will make this an exciting event.




As a Texas-native, I know that Dallas is a football town, it’s a good town for all sports but at its heart, Dallas is a football town. But I have great confidence that on June 16, Dallas will be a great boxing town as well.


TOM BROWN, رئيس جمهور از تبلیغات TGB





With IBF Welterweight World Champion Errol Spence Jr. making his homecoming debut at this great venue, the Headquarters of the Dallas Cowboys, I know that this is going to be a hot ticket and one you’ll want to purchase right way.




A lot of hard work went into getting this event together at this great venue and we’re thrilled to be working with the team here at Ford Center to bring it to the fight fans of this city.




Errol Spence is one of most talked about fighters in the sport. Many consider him the best welterweight and perhaps the best fighter in the world. He’s also made it known that he’s willing to prove that and fight the best in the division. But he can’t afford to look past this young undefeated challenger from Mexico, in Carlos Ocampo. He’s fought his whole life for this opportunity and is here to make the most of it. It’s going to be a great night and a great homecoming for Errol Spence Jr. on June 16.


STEPHEN JONES, Chief Operating Officer of the Dallas Cowboys




These are two really special young men on this stage and this is the kind of event that we had in mind when we opened The Star. To be able to have great athletes like these as part of unique events at The Star is something we’re very excited about.




We like to create versatility for this venue and we want to bring all types of sporting events here. This doesn’t happen without the city of Frisco and the Frisco independent school district. We’re also honored to partner with TGB Promotions and Premier Boxing Champions for this groundbreaking announcement.




It’s known how energetic the sport of boxing is, but to be able to host Errol Spence Jr. and have him represent our city will be an unforgettable experience for all. Carlos Ocampo is a quality opponent who is also unbeaten. I admire both of you men and I look forward to watching you on June 16.



Welterweight World Champion Errol Spence Jr. To Defend Title Against Mandatory Challenger Carlos Ocampo Saturday, ژوئن 16 Live on SHOWTIME from Ford Center at The Star in Frisco, تگزاس در یک رویداد ارائه شده توسط قهرمانان برتر بوکس


فروش بلیط از جمعه, مه 4 در 10 صبح. CT


FRISCO, TX (آوریل 30, 2018) – Undefeated welterweight champion Errol “واقعیت” اسپنس جونیور. will defend his IBF world title in a Dallas homecoming Saturday, June 16live on SHOWTIME at Ford Center at The Star in Frisco against unbeaten mandatory challenger Carlos Ocampo در یک رویداد ارائه شده توسط برتر قهرمانان بوکس. It will be the first boxing event inside Ford Center and Spence’s first hometown fight as world champion.




اسپنس, who will attempt to make the second defense of the world title he won last May from Kell Brook, combines explosive power with sublime boxing skill. In his last four fights, Spence has begun to assert himself as the best boxer in the deep and talented 147-pound weight division. امروز, Spence is rated in the top-10 on boxing’s coveted pound-for-pound list. Ocampo, who had a highly rated amateur career in Mexico, is also undefeated but will be facing his toughest challenge to date as a professional in his first world title fight.




بلیط برای رویداد, which is promoted by TGB Promotions in association with Man Down Promotions, go on sale Friday, مه 4 در 10 صبح. CT و می توانید از طریق آن خریداری کنید www.SeatGeek.com.




“Errol اسپنس, جونیور. has emerged as one of the most exciting champions in the sport today with a combination of skills that he has crafted into a fan-friendly style,” گفت: تام براون, رئيس جمهور از تبلیغات TGB. “This is an opportunity for Errol to defend his title before the fans in his hometown at Ford Center at The Star and to continue to demonstrate why he is the top man in the 147-pound division. Carlos Ocampo, a young hungry contender, will certainly bring his A-game and that will bring out the best in Errol. It promises to be an entertaining show for boxing fans.




SHOWTIME has become home to the biggest stars in boxing and Errol Spence is one of its brightest,” گفت: استفان اسپینوزا, رئيس جمهور, Sports and Event Programming for SHOWTIME. “Spence made an emphatic statement one year ago when he traveled to Sheffield, England to wrest the title from the champion on his home turf. اکنون, a young and talented Carlos Ocampo has an opportunity to do the same. We are proud to team up with the Dallas Cowboys, Ford Center, TGB Promotions and Premier Boxing Champions to deliver yet another of boxing’s must-see, marquee events.




It’s known how energetic and exciting the sport of boxing is, but to be able to host IBF World Champion Errol Spence Jr. here at The Star to represent our city, and his home town, will be an unforgettable experience for all,” said Dallas Cowboys Chief Operating Officer Stephen Jones.




اسپنس (23-0, 20 کوس) returned home with the welterweight title last May after defeating champion Kell Brook in Brook’s hometown of Sheffield, انگلستان. The 28-year-old southpaw from Desoto, Texas made his first defense against former two-division champion Lamont Peterson, stopping him via seventh round technical knockout on Jan. 20 در بروکلین.




A 2012 آمریکایی. Olympian at the London Games, Spence has knocked out 10 straight opponents to climb the ranks of the division. In the wake of Floyd Mayweather’s retirement from boxing, four of the top-five ranked welterweights-Danny Garcia of Philadelphia, Shawn Porter of Las Vegas, Keith Thurman of Clearwater, فلوریدا., and Spence-are all vying for the top spot in one of history’s most popular weight classes.




I’m honored to be fighting in Dallas before my hometown fans and the people who have supported me from the beginning,” گفت: اسپنس, who last fought in Dallas in 2015, a knockout victory over Alejandro Barrera. “This is something I’ve been wanting to do for a while now. It’s going to be great to fight at The Star, and because I’m a big Dallas Cowboys fan, I’m looking forward to fighting on the campus of Dallas Cowboys World Headquarters.




I believe that I’m the number one fighter in the welterweight division and I’ll step into the ring on June 16 with that feeling. I’m going to draw from the energy of my fans. I’ve studied some of Ocampo and I can tell he likes to box but he’s willing to get into a fight. I know how he feels going into someone else’s hometown for his first shot at the title. This is his big opportunity and it’s going to make this a great event.




The 22-year-old Ocampo (22-0, 13 کوس) will be taking a major step forward in his career with this mandatory title challenge against Spence. Ocampo, از Ensenada در, باخا کالیفرنیا, Mexico will be making his U.S. debut and fighting professionally outside of Mexico for the first time. Ocampo is a two-time silver medalist at the Mexican Olympiad, an amateur national championship tournament. His holds significant professional victories over former world title challengers Jorge Paez, جونیور. and Charlie Navarro while he most recently scored a seventh round stoppage of Dario Ferman in November.




I’m training very hard for my fight against Errol Spence Jr.,said Ocampo. “This is the opportunity that I’ve worked my whole life to get and I’m coming to take Spence’s belt on June 16. I will give the fans a very exciting fight and show once again what Mexican fighters are made of.

About The Star



The Star is the 91-acre campus of the Dallas Cowboys World Headquarters and practice facility in Frisco, وابسته به تکزاس. Developed as a first-of-its-kind partnership between the City of Frisco and Frisco ISD, The Star features Ford Center, a 12,000-seat stadium that hosts Frisco ISD football games and other events; Cowboys Fit, a 60,000 square-foot gym developed in partnership with leading fitness developer, Mark Mastrov; and Cowboys Club, a members-only club where the country club meets the NFL; The Omni Frisco Hotel, a 16-floor, 300-room luxury hotel; Baylor Scott & White Sports Therapy & Research at The Star, a 300,000 square-foot center of excellence for sports medicine set to open in 2018; as well as a variety of shopping, dining and nightlife options. For more information on The Star, بازدید: HTTP://thestarinfrisco.com.





برای اطلاعات بیشتر www.sho.com/sports , www.premierboxingchampions.comو www.thestarinfrisco.com. Follow us on Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, ErrolSpenceJr, PremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, @TheStarinFrisco and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing و www.Facebook.com/thestarfrisco. PBC است تاج اضافی حمایت, بهترین آبجو با خدا ممنوع.

Josesito Lopez Defeats Miguel Cruz by Unanimous Decision in Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes Main Event Saturday Night from Don Haskins Center in El Paso, وابسته به تکزاس

Former World Champion Anthony Dirrell Drops Abraham Han on His Way to Unanimous Decision Victory


Claudio Marrero Scores Sensational First Round Knockout Over

Previously Unbeaten Jorge Lara

کلیک کنید اینجا for Photos from Hosanna Rull/

برتر قهرمانان بوکس

STEP, TX. (آوریل 28, 2018) – Rugged veteran contender Josesito لوپز (36-7, 19 کوس) تصمیم متقابل را به دست آورد میگل کروز (17-1, 11 کوس)in a welterweight attraction that headlined Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes Saturday night from Don Haskins Center in El Paso, وابسته به تکزاس.





I beat a great undefeated fighter tonight and I was able to out class him,” سعید لوپز. “I have some boxing ability clearly. I used my skills tonight. I felt that I dominated the pace, out worked him and I never let him do anything that hurt me.





Josesito was stronger than I thought,” said Cruz. “I took a little too long to get off and get going and it cost me.





The action began to heat up in round three as Lopez broke through and began landing flush on Cruz to the head. Lopez controlled the action against Cruz on the ropes and when the real estate shifted to the middle of the ring.





صلیب, who stated before the fight that attacking the body would be key, was twice deducted points by referee Rafael Ramos for low blows, once in round five and again in round six. This forced Cruz to abandon his predominant strategy.





I didn’t agree with the calls on the low blows,” said Cruz. “I didn’t get a chance to work the body like I wanted. That was the plan coming in. They took it away from me.





This is just another step in my journey. I didn’t get hurt or anything. I just need to get better in the gym and keep working combinations. I just have to get better.





Under the guidance of renowned trainer Robert Garcia, Lopez boxed effectively and worked through the body attack and low blows to consistently win rounds and keep Cruz’s offense mostly at bay. بعد از 10 دور, judges ruled in favor of Lopez by scores of 98-90 و 99-89 دو برابر.





I think the biggest difference has been Robert Garcia in my corner,” سعید لوپز. “He has me living a healthier lifestyle and that played a big part in my victory. I have an elite trainer who is training me like an elite fighter. I was one step behind in the past, but now I think I’ve made up that distance and then some.





Welterweight has a lot of good fighters, but I know I can compete with them. I’m a fan-friendly fighter who’s always going to leave it all in the ring.





این رویداد مشترک قهرمان سابق جهان بود آنتونی Dirrell (32-1, 24 کوس) drop El Paso’s آبراهام هان (26-4, 16 کوس) on his way to a unanimous decision in their 10-round super middleweight contest.






I thought I did well tonight boxing him for 10 دور,” سعید Dirrell. “I didn’t think I lost a round. Two of the judges thought so but I can’t do anything about that. من آنچه من قرار بود انجام دهد.





Han has an incredible chin. He took everything I gave him. I even went to the body and gave it to him there. I was trying to go the body until the end but he still stood up. All I could do was keep pressuring him and get the victory.





Greeted by a chorus of boos upon entering the ring, Dirrell sent the hometown fighter to the canvas with a right hand to the head late in round one as the bell rang. Han tried to use his movement, switching stances and tying Dirrell up to frustrate his opponent, and had some success as the two men wrestled each other to the canvas in the waning moments of round four and continued to push and shove on the ground until they were broken up by referee Laurence and sent to their corners.





Han was able to occasionally land clean punches, but nothing that ever disrupted the attack from Dirrell, who was too consistent and sharp with his power punches. Han believed that his lack of an effective jab hurt him in this fight.





I wasn’t happy with my performance,” said Han. “I couldn’t get my jab going at all. If I had been more effective with that I think I would have been able to win more rounds.





بعد از 10 دوره از عمل, all three judges score the bout in favor of Dirrell by scores of 100-89 و 99-90 دو برابر. Dirrell, a former titleholder at 168-pounds vowed that he plans to fight one more time, for a world title.





The champions at 168-pounds better look out,” سعید Dirrell. “It’s going to be my last fight but I’m hungry to win another title.





The opening bout of the telecast saw exciting featherweight contender کلودیو ماررو (23-2, 16 کوس) deliver a stunning one punch knockout of خورخه لارا (29-1-2, 21 کوس) in the first round of their featherweight bout.





I knew he would be aggressive and we worked very hard in training camp to achieve this,” said Marrero. “I saw my opportunity and I knew that it was over once I connected.




I just got caught with a great punch,” سعید لارا. “I wanted to be aggressive and give the fans a great show. It didn’t go my way. I’ll be back and I’ll be better. I’m going to get back to work and keep pushing toward my goals.




Lara charged forward in the opening seconds, but was caught by a perfect left hook from Marrero during one of the early exchanges in the fight and was sent to the canvas. While he tried to get to his feet, he was clearly hurt as referee Rocky Burke halted the bout 33 seconds into the opening round.





This was a message to the whole division,” said Marrero. “I’m a championship-caliber fighter and I showed it again tonight. I’m ready to take on every champion out there. I want the best challenges and I proved tonight that I’m able to beat anyone. I have all the skills and I can’t wait to show them off against the best.




# # #





طرفداران می توانند زندگی می کنند جریان دعوا در FOX ورزشی GO, موجود در زبان انگلیسی یا اسپانیایی از طریق فید FOX یا FOX دپورتس. دعوا در FOXSportsGO.com و از طریق فروشگاه برنامه موجود بر روی دسکتاپ می, و یا دستگاه های متصل از جمله تلویزیون اپل, تلویزیون اندیشه, تلویزیون آتش, ایکس باکس یکی و Roku. بعلاوه, تمام برنامه ها نیز موجود است در FOX ورزشی در کانال SiriusXM به هستند 83 در رادیوهای ماهواره ای و در برنامه SiriusXM به.





برای اطلاعات بیشتر www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.tgbpromotions.com, HTTP://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage وwww.foxdeportes.com.

در توییتر دنبال کنیدPremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, @FOXTV, FOXDeportes وSwanson_Comm و تبدیل به یک فن در فیس بوک در www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions و www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. نکات برجسته موجود درwww.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions.PBC در FOX & FOX Deportes توسط Corona Extra حمایت مالی شد, La Cerveza Mas Fina and promoted by TGB Promotions.

برتر قهرمانان بوکس در FOX & FOX Deportes Final Press Conference Quotes & عکس

Josesito Lopez vs. میگل کروز, آنتونی Dirrell در مقابل. آبراهام هان & Jorge Lara vs. Claudio Marrero Tripleheader روز شنبه, آوریل 28 Live on FOX & FOX Deportes from Don Haskins Center in El Paso, وابسته به تکزاس
کلیک کنید اینجا for Photos from Ruben Ramirez

STEP, TX. (آوریل 25, 2018) – Rugged veteran Josesito لوپز و بدون شکست میگل کروز faced-off Thursday and discussed their upcoming showdown Saturday, آوریل 28 as part of Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes from Don Haskins Center in El Paso, وابسته به تکزاس.




Also squaring-off Thursday and competing in PBC on FOX and FOX Deportes action that begins at 8:30 p.m. و / 5:30 p.m. PT were former world champion آنتونی Dirrell and El Paso’s آبراهام هان, who meet in a 10 round super middleweight clash, and featherweight brawlers خورخه لارا و کلودیو ماررو, who compete in a 10 مبارزه دور.




بلیط نمایش, است که توسط تبلیغات TGB ترویج, اکنون در حال فروش هستند و می توانید از طریق Ticketmaster خریداری کنید.




Here is what the fighters had to say Thursday from Don Haskins Center:






I’m well prepared for this fight, I’ve had a great camp with Robert Garcia. I have a tough unbeaten opponent who’s really good. I just have to prove I’m better on Saturday night.




I’m so excited to be finally fighting in Texas and I’ve gotten so much love and support already from this city. I can’t wait to give these fans a show.




This is the kind of fight that I can really display my skills. I’m going to show everyone the same heart that I always do, combined with some skills that Robert Garcia has helped get.




I’m going to be prepared for anything on Saturday. Cruz is unbeaten and that brings its own kind of mentality. I know I have what it takes to conquer this challenge and fight the best in the division.




This is going to be a textbook Josesito Lopez performance. I’m going to fight my hardest from bell to bell and take this victory home with me.






El Paso has been great to me and I’ve really enjoyed my time here. I’m in this city to fight. I’m here to come and prove myself in this welterweight division.




I have respect for what Josesito’s done in the game, اما در پایان روز, this is the premier division in boxing. I feel I’m one of the best guys at 147 and I’ll be here for a while. I’m going to be a force.




I know Josesito is bringing the fight and I promise you I’m bringing it as well. I will come out on top. This is a can’t miss fight for sure.




I have to be smart and execute my game plan round after round. My jab will be key and if I can use that and wear him down to the body, I think I’ll have a great chance to stop him.




I know what it takes to win at this level now. I’ve gotten better each fight and I think my time is now. People are going to know my name after Saturday night.


آنتونی DIRRELL




I plan on going in there and getting the victory. I know Han is a great fighter who will bring the best out of me. That’s what I need right now.




Come Saturday it’s going to be just another fight for me. I take everybody seriously. I know that anything can happen in that ring. I prepared well for this fight and I’m ready to get the win.




Everyone knows that I’m a championship-caliber fighter and I’ll prove it again on Saturday. پس از این مبارزه, I’m ready to take on any of the super middleweight champions. I’ll beat any of them.




I’m the best fighter that he’s ever going to fight and he will see that on Saturday. I’m going to leave no doubt.






I’ve fought in many other people’s backyards so being able to fight here in my hometown is amazing. I turn it up to a different level here. The crowd will give me a big boost in energy and it’s going to help me get the win.




I hope the sports fans of El Paso come out and watch me put on a great performance. I know the type of challenge I have in front of me, but I also know that I have the skills to pull this off.





This is a great opportunity to show people outside of El Paso what kind of fighter I really am. I have a lot of experience and I’ve fought all over, but I don’t know if I’ve ever been more prepared for a fight.




Anthony Dirrell is a great champion but I’m a champion of this city. This is my chance to take down a big name and move to the next level of the sport.


خورخه LARA




I’m going to leave the ring Saturday night with my hand raised. I’ve had a wonderful training camp and I prepared perfectly for this fight. It will show on fight night.




Marrero better be ready, because I’m going to come at him and look for the kill early. I want to make a statement and I’ll go through him to make it.




I’m very focused and ready to take home this win on Saturday night. The fans are going to love my style and the heart that I fight with.


کلودیو ماررو




I hope that Jorge Lara is ready to fight on Saturday night. This is going to be a battle and I know that we’ll both leave everything in the ring.




I prepared well for this fight because I know that everything is on the line for me. I have to be victorious so I can go on and get where I want to in boxing.




I’m more skilled and more experienced than anyone that Lara has faced and on Saturday night I’m going to give him lots of problems.




# # #




طرفداران می توانند زندگی می کنند جریان دعوا در FOX ورزشی GO, موجود در زبان انگلیسی یا اسپانیایی از طریق فید FOX یا FOX دپورتس. دعوا در FOXSportsGO.com و از طریق فروشگاه برنامه موجود بر روی دسکتاپ می, و یا دستگاه های متصل از جمله تلویزیون اپل, تلویزیون اندیشه, تلویزیون آتش, ایکس باکس یکی و Roku. بعلاوه, تمام برنامه ها نیز موجود است در FOX ورزشی در کانال SiriusXM به هستند 83 در رادیوهای ماهواره ای و در برنامه SiriusXM به.




برای اطلاعات بیشتر www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.tgbpromotions.com,HTTP://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage و www.foxdeportes.com.

در توییتر دنبال کنیدPremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, @FOXTV, FOXDeportes وSwanson_Comm و تبدیل به یک فن در فیس بوک در www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions و www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. نکات برجسته موجود درwww.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC در FOX & FOX دپورتس است تاج اضافی حمایت, بهترین آبجو با خدا ممنوع.


برتر قهرمانان بوکس در FOX & FOX Deportes El Paso Media Workout Quotes & عکس

Josesito Lopez vs. میگل کروز, آنتونی Dirrell در مقابل. آبراهام هان & Jorge Lara vs. Claudio Marrero Tripleheader روز شنبه, آوریل 28 Live on FOX & FOX Deportes from Don Haskins Center in El Paso, وابسته به تکزاس
کلیک کنید اینجا for Photos from Ruben Ramirez

STEP, TX. (آوریل 25, 2018) – Fighters competing on Saturday’s Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes card, با عنوان توسط Josesito لوپز مبارزه با میگل کروز در عمل سبک وزن, participated in a media workout Wednesday in El Paso before they step into the ring at Don Haskins Center.




Also participating in the workout was former world champion آنتونی Dirrell and El Paso’s آبراهام هان, who meet in a 10 round super middleweight clash, and featherweight brawlers خورخه لارا و کلودیو ماررو, who compete in a 10 مبارزه دور.




بلیط نمایش, است که توسط تبلیغات TGB ترویج, اکنون در حال فروش هستند و می توانید از طریق Ticketmaster خریداری کنید.




Here is what the fighters had to say Wednesday from Wolves Den Gym in El Paso:






Having Robert Garcia in my corner has given me the training and preparation of an elite fighter. It’s a big difference. He’s one of the best trainers in the world and I’m going to help show that on Saturday.




I’ve been training with Robert for quite some time now. I’ve been getting sharp working with other elite fighters in the gym. It’s kept me on my toes and that’s what I needed.




Cruz is tough, he’s undefeated and he comes focused to win. He’s a good fighter but I’m here this week to prove that I’m a better fighter.




Experience will definitely play a big part. But I also don’t think he’s faced anyone with the skills I have. All of my losses are to great fighters. I feel like I’ve taken a big step forward here.




It feels great to be headlining in El Paso on FOX and FOX Deportes. I bring exciting fights and I’m always in wars. Saturday will be no different.




I’m really excited to finally be fighting in Texas, it’s something I’ve looked for and asked about for many years. Texas holds a big piece of my heart and I’m ready to give the fans here a show on Saturday.






This was an excellent training camp. It was a hard camp. It was extensive but I got through it and it has me feeling very prepared. It was absolutely the most strenuous camp I’ve had. من همیشه سخت تمرین می کنم, but this one in particular, I had extra motivation.




To get the win I need to use my jab and work the body. There are more aspects of it, but those two things are essential for me winning this fight.




I’ve fought a lot of good, جوان, strong fighters recently. Past a certain level you learn that you can’t just knock everybody out. You learn to weather the storm and use your energy more efficiently. I’ve learned a lot about myself as a fighter.




Josesito throws looping punches. That’s tough because it’s a bit unconventional. He throws looping punches that can take away your equilibrium. He’s got a lot of experience and that’s definitely a major factor in what I’ve been preparing for.




It feels great to be on this stage, but at the same time I know I earned my spot to be here. I remember watching Josesito fighting in 2011 در مسابقه Mayweather vs. Ortiz undercard and I knew right then that I was going to be in the ring with these guys.


آنتونی DIRRELL




I had a great, eight-week long training camp with great sparring. I feel good and I’m ready to fight for sure.




I know that Han is a warrior. He’s rugged and that’s why I chose to fight him here in his backyard. I know that he’s going to bring a fight for me.




It’s just going to be me and him in the ring. The audience can’t help him. All his fans can’t help him. Coaches can only help him between rounds. I’m going to block everything else out and just focus on him.




I just need to stick to what we worked on in training camp. We have to implement those strategies and you’ll see it come Saturday night.




I’m a better, stronger and wiser fighter these days. I’ve been through a lot to stay in world title contention. Everybody knows how badly I want my title back. در روز شنبه, everyone will see that I’m a champion. I’m ready for anyone with a belt.






I’m so happy to be fighting at home on this big stage. In many ways this is a dream come true and something that’s been a long time coming. I can’t wait to perform in front of my people.




I know I’m the underdog versus Dirrell but that doesn’t bother me at all. I always train to be better than anyone expects me to be. This fight will be no difference.




This is a big fight for me and I’ve been training so hard to put on a great show for my hometown fans. This is a great fight town and I’m going to give the fans something to cheer about.


خورخه LARA




I’m so excited to get in the ring. I’m still eating right now leading up to the weigh-in and I feel ready to go. I’m eager to step into the ring.




I’m not worried about Claudio Marrero. I’m just staying loose and focused on what I have to do. Marrero has to focus on me because he’s never fought a guy like me. I’m going to stay loose and bring the fight to him.




The world title is my destiny. This is one shot closer to a world title. I’m highly ranked but the champions don’t want to give me a chance. So I will have to fight my way there.




I’m like a dog going after a bone in the ring. من فقط می خواهم به مبارزه با. I’m here to take the fight right to him.


کلودیو ماررو




It was a very hard training camp like always. I take it very seriously and I’m ready for this fight on Saturday night.




I know I’m facing a tough Mexican fighter who will leave it all in the ring. We worked very hard on a plan for him.




He must be mistaken if he thinks I’ve never seen a fighter like him before. It’s the other way around. He’ll definitely know what level I’m on after Saturday night.




My style is to both come forward, but have the ability to move backward. It’s all about what the fight dictates and what my corner wants.


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طرفداران می توانند زندگی می کنند جریان دعوا در FOX ورزشی GO, موجود در زبان انگلیسی یا اسپانیایی از طریق فید FOX یا FOX دپورتس. دعوا در FOXSportsGO.com و از طریق فروشگاه برنامه موجود بر روی دسکتاپ می, و یا دستگاه های متصل از جمله تلویزیون اپل, تلویزیون اندیشه, تلویزیون آتش, ایکس باکس یکی و Roku. بعلاوه, تمام برنامه ها نیز موجود است در FOX ورزشی در کانال SiriusXM به هستند 83 در رادیوهای ماهواره ای و در برنامه SiriusXM به.




برای اطلاعات بیشتر www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.tgbpromotions.com,HTTP://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage و www.foxdeportes.com.

در توییتر دنبال کنیدPremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, @FOXTV, FOXDeportes وSwanson_Comm و تبدیل به یک فن در فیس بوک در www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions و www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. نکات برجسته موجود درwww.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions.PBC در FOX & FOX دپورتس است تاج اضافی حمایت, بهترین آبجو با خدا ممنوع.


I am the best light heavyweight in the world, and Toronto and the world will see that on مه 19.” – آدونیس استیونسون
I asked for this fight for a long time and finally we got it. بر مه 19 we’re going to have a three-time world champion.” – Badou جک
کلیک کنید اینجا برای عکس; اعتبار: Baxter Promotions



چی: WBC Light Heavyweight World Champion Adonis Stevenson and former two-division world champion Badou Jack faced off in Toronto on Tuesday to formally announce their highly anticipated showdown Saturday, مه 19 live on SHOWTIME from Air Canada Centre in Toronto.




The southpaw Stevenson (29-1, 24 کوس) is the longest reigning champion in the 175-pound division and one of the hardest hitters in boxing. جک (22-1-3, 13 کوس) یک سابق 168 and 175-pound champion who relinquished his title for the chance to challenge Stevenson in the biggest light heavyweight showdown of 2018.




استیونسون انتظار: کاهش از. Jack is part of a split-site SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® telecast beginning at 10 p.m. ET/PT with featherweight champion Gary Russell, جونیور. defending his title against mandatory title challenger Joseph Diaz from the MGM National Harbor in Maryland.




Tickets for the Premier Boxing Champions event in Toronto, که توسط Groupe Yvon Michel تبلیغ می شود, تبلیغات لی باکستر و تبلیغات می ودر, جمعه در فروش است, آوریل 27 and will be available at www.ticketmaster.ca.




Below are quotes from the fighters and event promoters.


آدونیس استیونسون:



I love Toronto, I spend a lot of time here. I have fought here before. I have a lot of fans in Toronto, and on May 19 I’m going to put on a show for them. I’m going to give them something to remember.




Badou Jack is an excellent opponent. He’s smart, he’s been a world champion, and he’s shown he’s a true competitor. But I am the best light heavyweight in the world, and Toronto and the world will see that on May 19.




Badou Jack is a good champion. He’s not coming to Canada to lose. I know he’s coming to win so we need to train like we’ve never trained before.




I know Badou is one of the best boxers in the world and I can’t take him lightly. We can’t underestimate this guyhe’s a two-time world champion.




“من به دنبال حذفی. I know Badou is ready, من حاضرم, مه 19 will be exciting.





I’m glad to be fighting here in Toronto on May 19. I want to thank Adonis and his team for giving me the opportunity. I’ve been training for a while now, and feel great. کمپ بزرگ بوده است. I think I’m getting better and better, and I’m ready to become a world champion again on May 19 and give Toronto a show.




“او یک مبارز قوی, everybody knows that. He does a lot of things well, not just land the big shots. But I’m a guy who’s great at a lot of things, and who’s coming to win. به تو قول میدهم, I’ll leave Toronto a champion.




We have three more weeks to get ready for one of the biggest fights of my life. I asked for this fight for a long time and finally we got it. در ماه مه 19 we’re going to have a three-time world champion.


YVON میشل, Groupe Yvon Michele:



We were faced with a situation in Montreal that demanded this fight be moved. I called MLSE, and Lee Baxter, and with the co-operation of everybody here, we knew almost immediately that this fight had a great new home here at the ACC in Toronto.




Over the duration of his time as world champion, Adonis has become not only one of the best light heavyweights in the world, but one of the best fighters in the sport. But Badou Jack is the toughest opponent that Adonis has faced since becoming champion. Adonis has always risen to the occasion, and on May 19th he’ll do it again and be successful in defending his world championship.


LEE BAXTER, Baxter Promotions:



Taking on a project like this with just three weeks to sell the fight is a huge task. But this is an opportunity that I couldn’t pass up. We’ve been on a mission to bring boxing to Toronto sports fans and put us back on the sport’s map. I think this is the perfect group of people to pull off this task and turn this endeavor into a huge success.




I want to thank Yvon Michel, MLSE, جوایز Mayweather, the champion Adonis Stevenson, Badou جک, and everybody else represented on the dais. This is a great fight, regardless of where it takes place, but because it’s happening here in Toronto at the ACC, with an undercard featuring some of the best local fighters fighting on the biggest stage of their careers, it’s going to be a great Toronto sports event.


لئونارد ELLERBE, جوایز Mayweather:



“اولین, I want to extend our hearts and best wishes to everybody affected by Monday’shorrifying tragedy here in Toronto.




I know first-hand that Toronto is a great sports city. Floyd and I saw it with our own eyes when we were here last year promoting his fight with McGregor. The fans are passionate, and vocal, and they’re hungry for a good fight. I know they’re going to love seeing Badou Jack become a three-time world champion.




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برای اطلاعات بیشتر www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com,mayweatherpromotions.com و www.groupeyvonmichel.ca در توییتر دنبال کنیدShowtimeBoxing, PremierBoxing, AdonisSuperman, BadouJack, MayweatherPromo, و یا تبدیل به یک فن در فیس بوک درwww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. PBC است توسط تاج حمایت, بهترین آبجو با خدا ممنوع.