Archivio Categoria: Premier Boxing Champions

Robert Pasqua Jr. Parla della resa dei conti dell'unificazione con Mikey Garcia, Formazione in Florida & Di Più


"On Luglio 28, Mostrerò a tutti su cosa hanno dormito & perché sono un campione del mondo," – Pasqua

Il campione del mondo dei pesi leggeri imbattuto affronta Mikey Garcia Sabato, Luglio 28In diretta su SHOWTIME dallo STAPLES Center di Los Angeles & Presentato da Premier Boxing Champions

Fare clic QUI per le foto da Jose Pineiro / SHOWTIME



SPIAGGIA DI PALMA OVEST, FL. (Luglio 19, 2018) – Campione del mondo dei pesi leggeri IBF Robert Pasqua Jr. ha sfruttato al massimo il suo ritiro inaugurale con Kevin Cunningham e cercherà di portare lo stesso livello di concentrazione sul ring quando sfiderà il campione del mondo dei pesi leggeri WBC Mikey Garcia Sabato, Luglio 28 in diretta su SHOWTIME dallo STAPLES Center di Los Angeles in un evento presentato da Premier Boxing Champions.




“Ho deciso di andare in Florida per un ambiente diverso da quello in cui mi sono allenato di solito,", ha detto Pasqua, un nativo di Toledo che si era formato nella sua città natale per gran parte della sua carriera da professionista. “Avevo bisogno di essere portato fuori dalla mia zona di comfort. A casa, Ero concentrato su troppe altre cose. Venire a West Palm Beach mi ha permesso di concentrarmi solo su me stesso e sulla boxe".




Easter ha visto cosa aveva fatto Cunningham per i suoi amici più cari Adrien Broner e Gervonta Davis, che si sono allenati entrambi con Cunningham fino ad aprile 21 combattimenti su SHOWTIME che ha visto Broner combattere per un divertente pareggio contro Jessie Vargas e Davis conquistare un secondo titolo mondiale con uno spettacolare knockout di Jesus Cuellar.




"Sono stato con Adrien Broner e Gervonta Davis ad ogni passo durante il ritiro con Kevin Cunningham all'inizio di quest'anno,", ha detto Pasqua. “Ho visto di persona che era qualcosa che dovevo fare. Ho parlato con mio padre di come allontanarmi dalle distrazioni e abbiamo convenuto che questa era la mossa giusta".




La Pasqua è esplosa in scena 2016 con un knockout dominante dell'ex campione Argenis Mendez prima di battere Richard Commey nello stesso anno in una divertente battaglia per catturare la cintura leggera. Le ultime due difese di Easter, tuttavia, lo hanno visto scappare per un pelo con vittorie decisive, qualcosa che il campione imbattuto crede non sarà un fattore a luglio 28.




"Le persone stanno prestando attenzione ai miei ultimi due combattimenti quando non stavo usando la mia altezza e la mia portata,", ha detto Pasqua. “Posso migliorarlo riportandolo a quello che stavo facendo prima. Stavo mettendo fuori combattimento le persone combattimento dopo combattimento.




“Se stai guardando solo i miei ultimi due incontri, non mi stai dando credito per tutto ciò che porto in tavola. Ho affrontato due mancini duri di recente, ma a luglio 28 Mostrerò a tutti su cosa hanno dormito e perché sono un campione del mondo”.




La Pasqua di 27 anni ora si farà avanti per affrontare uno dei migliori libbra per libbra della boxe nel campione del mondo in quattro divisioni Mikey Garcia. Per Pasqua, questa è una lotta che aveva in mente e che può metterlo ai vertici dello sport.




“Ho sempre voluto combattere i migliori nella mia classe di peso e ora ho la mia possibilità di unirmi,", ha detto Pasqua. “So che Mikey combatterà la sua battaglia e cercherà di contrastare. Vuole aspettare che tu commetta un errore per poterne approfittare.




“Quello che devo fare è entrare e imporgli i miei attributi. La mia altezza e la mia portata sono i miei vantaggi, ma anche la mia velocità e potenza. Devo solo combinare tutto questo e concentrarmi sul mio gioco di gambe.




Anche se la Pasqua si combatterà nella città natale di Garcia, Los Angeles, non ha intenzione di lasciare che la folla partigiana influenzi la sua concentrazione mentre cerca la sua più grande vittoria da professionista nello stesso edificio in cui ha fatto il suo debutto professionale.




“Non importa per me dove combattiamo,", ha detto Pasqua. “Nessuno dei tifosi può aiutarlo a combattere. Riguarda solo me e lui insieme su quel ring.




“Il mio primo incontro da professionista è stato allo STAPLES Center e anche se era all'inizio di un undercard, Mi sentivo ancora come se ci fossero 10,000 fan che mi guardano. Ho appena combattuto la mia battaglia. Si tratta di rimanere concentrati. Non ci saranno scuse il 28 luglio".




I biglietti per l'evento dal vivo, che è promosso da Ringstar Sport e Promozioni TGB, iniziare a $50, più le commissioni applicabili, e sono già in vendita. Per acquistare i biglietti, visita




La trasmissione televisiva di tre incontri SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING (10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT) vedrà anche slugger dei pesi massimi cubani Luis "Il vero King Kong" Ortiz tornare in azione per affrontare l'ex sfidante del titolo Razvan Cojanu in un incontro di 10 round e concorrente super leggero imbattuto Mario "El Azteca" Barrios assumendo incisiva Jose Roman in una resa dei conti di 10 round.




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Per ulteriori informazioni, visitare, seguire su Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @MikeyGarcia, @RobertEaster_Jr, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions @STAPLESCenter e @Swanson_Comm o diventa fan su Facebook all'indirizzo, PBC è sponsorizzato da Corona, Finest Beer.

Citazioni sul campo di addestramento di Mario Barrios & Foto

Il contendente super leggero imbattuto Barrios affronta Jose Roman sabato, Luglio 28 In diretta su SHOWTIME da
STAPLES Centro in Los Angeles & Presentato da
Premier Boxing Champions
Fare clic QUI per le foto di Brett Ostrowksi



OAKLAND, COME. (Luglio 18, 2018) – Concorrente super leggero imbattuto Mario Barrios cercherà di fornire un sesto ko consecutivo quando dovrà affrontare Jose Roman il Sabato, Luglio 28 in diretta su SHOWTIME dallo STAPLES Center di Los Angeles in un evento presentato da Premier Boxing Champions.




La trasmissione televisiva di tre incontri SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING (10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT)è caratterizzato da una resa dei conti leggera per l'unificazione del titolo tra Mikey Garcia e Robert Pasqua Jr. e presenta anche slugger dei pesi massimi cubani Luis “The Real King Kong” Ortiz tornare in azione per affrontare l'ex sfidante del titolo Razvan Cojanu in un 10 round.




I biglietti per l'evento dal vivo, che è promosso da Ringstar Sport e Promozioni TGB, iniziare a $50, più le commissioni applicabili, e sono già in vendita. Per acquistare i biglietti, visita




Quartieri (21-0, 13 KO) ha fatto il salto dalla campagna a 130 libbre alla divisione superleggera a dicembre 2016 ed è rimasto impegnato mentre eliminava un'opposizione sempre più difficile mentre si avvicinava alla contesa per il titolo mondiale.




Ecco cosa ha detto il 23enne Barrios sul suo luglio 28 matchup e altro dal campo di addestramento nel nord della California con Virgil Hunter:


Sulla sua lotta contro Jose Roman:

“Roman è un combattente molto pericoloso con un buon record. È un combattente alto come me, quindi sarà una sfida diversa da superare per me.




“Non c'è dubbio che sarà il mio avversario più duro fino ad oggi. Questi sono il tipo di combattimenti difficili che devo vincere e vincere in modo convincente per raggiungere il livello del campionato. Ci andrò in missione a luglio 28 e dimostrerò di essere pronto per una title shot.




“So che è motivato ad entrare in questa lotta poiché combatterà vicino alla sua città natale. Rimarrò fedele al mio piano di gioco e mi concentrerò su ciò che devo fare, e questo è lanciare pugni duri con precisione precisa.”


Sulla sua attuale serie di vittorie consecutive:

“Da quando sono passato al superleggero, il mio corpo si è adattato all'aumento di peso, e mi sento più forte di quanto non sia mai stato. Sto ancora crescendo nella forza del mio uomo e anche il mio potere sta crescendo. Non vado mai in una rissa per cercare il ko, ma se faccio male al mio avversario, Prometto che cercherò di eliminarlo.”


Nel suo campo di addestramento per questo incontro:

“Ho fatto un fantastico campo di addestramento. Per le prime settimane mi stavo allenando a San Antonio presso la South Park Boxing Gym con mio padre e Rick Nunez che gettavano le basi per ciò che volevamo realizzare.




“Poi l'ho finito nel nord della California con Virgil Hunter, chi guiderà il mio angolo. Insieme formiamo tutti una squadra fantastica. Ho avuto un enorme sparring per questa lotta, la mia salute è buona e sono pronto per partire.”


Sul fare il suo debutto in SHOWTIME:

“Sono davvero entusiasta di fare il mio debutto al debutto di SHOWTIME su questa carta. Ho sempre saputo che ad un certo punto della mia carriera avrei combattuto sul grande palcoscenico. Ora è il momento di mostrare al mondo di che pasta sono fatto. Sono molto grato al mio team per avermi dato questa opportunità.”




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Per ulteriori informazioni, visitare, www.premierboxingchampions.come seguire su Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @MikeyGarcia, @RobertEaster_Jr, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions@STAPLESCenter e @Swanson_Comm o diventa fan su Facebook all', è sponsorizzato da Corona, Finest Beer.

L'imbattuto contendente da 140 libbre Fabian Maidana combatte il veterano Andrey Klimov & 2016 U.S. L'olimpionico Karlos Balderas sale sul ring sabato, Luglio 28 dallo STAPLES Center di Los Angeles in un evento Premier Boxing Champions

Di Più! Terrel Williams imbattuto si scontra con il potenziale cliente imbattuto Jamontay Clark in una notte ricca di azione di combattimenti con Undercard


LOS ANGELES (Luglio 16, 2018) – Imbattuto super leggero Fabian Maidana affronterà l'ex sfidante del titolo Andrey Klimov un incontro di 10 round che mette in evidenza l'azione undercard sabato, Luglio 28 dallo STAPLES Center di Los Angeles e presentato da Premier Boxing Champions.




L'azione continua con 2016 U.S. Prospetto di imbattibilità olimpica e nascente Carlos Balderas (5-0, 4 KO) in un combattimento super piuma di sei round plus Terrel Williams(16-0, 13 KO) assumendo una prospettiva imbattuto dei pesi welter Jamontay Clark (13-0, 7 KO)in una lotta 10 round.




L'evento è caratterizzato da un incontro di unificazione del titolo mondiale dei pesi leggeri tra il campione del mondo dei pesi leggeri WBC Mikey Garcia e campione del mondo dei pesi leggeri IBF Robert Pasqua Jr. in diretta su Showtime.




I biglietti per l'evento dal vivo, che è promosso da Ringstar Sport e Promozioni TGB, iniziare a $50, più le commissioni applicabili, e sono già in vendita. Per acquistare i biglietti, visita




Maidana (15-0, 11 KO) è il fratello minore del campione del mondo in due divisioni Marcos Maidana. Il 26enne di Buenos Aires, L'Argentina sta ottenendo un'impressionante vittoria per TKO su Justin Savi ad aprile 21 dopo aver sconfitto Johan Perez con decisione nel suo precedente combattimento. Klimov presenterà un aumento della concorrenza per Maidana mentre continua il percorso da potenziale cliente a contendente.




Il 35enne Klimov (20-4, 10 KO), che è nato a Klimovsk, Russia, ma ora vive a Beverly Hills, ha fermato Ruben Movsesiani nel suo ultimo incontro il 2 settembre. 30, 2017. Quella vittoria ha spezzato una serie di tre sconfitte consecutive in cui ha abbandonato le decisioni all'ex campione del mondo Jose Pedraza, Liam Walsh e Alejandro Luna dopo una serie di tre vittorie consecutive che hanno portato alla lotta per il titolo contro Pedraza.




Il 22enne Balderas, un messicano-americano di prima generazione, gareggiato negli Stati Uniti. Squadra olimpica di pugilato nel 2016 Giochi a Rio de Janeiro, Brasile prima di diventare professionista ad aprile 2017. In rappresentanza di Santa Maria, Calif., ha recentemente fatto il suo debutto allo STAPLES Center a giugno 9 con un ko al primo turno di Alex Silva per rimanere imbattuto nella sua promettente carriera professionale.




La carta conterrà anche l'ex sfidante del titolo Roberto Marroquin (27-4-1, 20 KO) contro quello di Panama Ricardo Nunez (20-2, 18 KO) in una resa dei conti di 10 round, super piuma una volta battuto Ivan Delgado (11-1-1, 4 KO) in un incontro di sei round e prospettiva imbattuta jerry perez (7-0, 5 KO) salire sul ring per un combattimento super-piuma di sei round.




Ulteriori combattimenti vedranno un potenziale 19enne imbattuto Wesley Diana di fronte alla Pennsylvania Evincile Dixon in un'attrazione da 140 libbre di quattro round, imbattuto Brandon Glanton assumendo del Messico Daniel Najera in un incontro da cruiserweight di sei round e pesi piuma una volta battuti luigi coria di fronte al Messico Torrente Guadalupe in una resa dei conti sei round.




A completare la formazione c'è una prospettiva imbattibile Giuseppe Baldera in una lotta di sei round, imbattuto Lina Licona in un incontro femminile di quattro round dei pesi mosca junior e uno scontro di otto round tra imbattute Neri Romero e Phoenix di Gesù Aguinaga.




La trasmissione televisiva di tre incontri SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING (10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT)vedrà anche slugger dei pesi massimi cubani Luis “The Real King Kong” Ortiz tornare in azione per affrontare l'ex sfidante del titolo Razvan Cojanu in un incontro di 10 round e concorrente super leggero imbattuto Mario “L'azteco” Quartieri assumendo incisiva Jose Roman in una resa dei conti di 10 round.




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Per ulteriori informazioni, visitare, www.premierboxingchampions.come www.staplescenter.comseguire su Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @MikeyGarcia, @RobertEaster_Jr, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions@STAPLESCenter e @Swanson_Comm o diventa fan su Facebook all', è sponsorizzato da Corona, Finest Beer.

Alicia, campionessa mondiale WBA Super Middleweight Women “L'imperatrice” Napoleon difende il suo titolo contro la concorrente una volta sconfitta Hannah Rankin sabato, Agosto 4 a NYCB LIVE, sede del Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum

LONG ISLAND, NY (Luglio 16, 2018) – Campionessa mondiale super medi WBA femminile Alicia 'The Empress’ Napoleone, (9-1, 5 KO), di Lindenhurst, NY farà la sua prima difesa contro la titlist WBC Silver Middleweight Hannah Rankin, (5-1, 1 KO) di Glasgow, Scozia il Sabato, Agosto 4 a NYCB LIVE, sede del Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum.




Previsto per dieci round, Napoleone contro. Rankin è un'attrazione speciale per l'incontro undercard sulla carta dei Premier Boxing Champions impilata, caratterizzata dallo scontro dei pesi welter tra ex campioni del mondo Altro Berto e Devon Alexander su FOX e FOX Deportes (7:30 p.m. E / 4:30 p.m. PT).




I biglietti per l'evento dal vivo, promosso da TGB Promotions e DiBella Entertainment, sono già in vendita. I biglietti possono essere acquistati on-line,, o chiamando 1-800-745-3000. I biglietti sono disponibili anche presso il Ticketmaster Box Office su NYCB LIVE. Gli sconti di gruppo sono disponibili chiamando 516-231-4848.




“Sono entusiasta di questa opportunità di poter difendere il mio titolo mondiale per la prima volta a Long Island al NYCB LIVE,” disse Napoleone. “È un momento speciale della mia carriera e un vero onore far parte del primo incontro femminile in questo luogo iconico.




“So quanto è brava Hannah Rankin. Ha appena vinto il titolo WBC Silver Middleweight ed è più alta di me con una portata più lunga, inoltre ha appena finito di allenarsi con Cecilia Braekhus. Mi sono allenato per tutta l'estate e sarò pronto a difendere il mio titolo il 4 agosto.”




“Sono molto entusiasta di annunciare questa lotta per il titolo mondiale femminile tra Alicia Napoleon e Hannah Rankin nel nostro agosto impilato 4 evento al Colosseo,” ha detto Lou DiBella, Presidente di DiBella Entertainment. “Alicia è una ragazza di Long Island e una carismatica campionessa del mondo con una legione di fan nell'area di New York City. Ha vinto il titolo mondiale al Barclays Center e lo difenderà al NYCB LIVE. Hannah Rankin è una sfidante di qualità dalla Scozia, che è ben nota per la sua ambizione su anello e per i suoi successi come musicista professionista. La boxe femminile negli Stati Uniti e a livello internazionale continua a crescere in popolarità e il nostro impegno a promuoverla rimane più forte che mai.”




Il popolare Napoleone, proprietario di entrambe le palestre Overthrow a Manhattan e Brooklyn, ha vinto il suo titolo mondiale a marzo 3 al Barclays Center di Brooklyn con una decisione dominante a dieci round su Femke Hermans precedentemente imbattuta di fronte a un enorme contingente di sostenitori sia di Long Island che di New York City. Napoleone aveva un precedente combattimento programmato per giugno 21 rinviata e ha continuato gli allenamenti in preparazione alla difesa del titolo mondiale.




Combattere nei ranghi pagati per un solo anno, Rankin ha sconfitto Sanna Turunen, allora imbattuta, in dieci round a giugno, conquistando il titolo vacante dei pesi medi femminili d'argento WBC e la sua terza vittoria consecutiva è iniziata ad agosto 4.




Un musicista professionista fuori dal ring, la 27enne Rankin suona il fagotto e negli ultimi anni ha viaggiato per il mondo suonando con numerose orchestre mentre si allenava e approfondiva la sua carriera nel cerchio quadrato.




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I fan possono in diretta streaming le lotte sul app FOX Sports, disponibile in inglese o spagnolo attraverso i feed FOX o FOX Deportes. I combattimenti sono disponibili su desktop a e attraverso l'app store, o dispositivi collegati tra cui Apple TV, Android TV, Fuoco TV, Xbox One e Roku.




Per ulteriori informazioni: visita, e, seguire su TwitterPremierBoxing, @FOXTV, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions,LouDiBella, @NYCBLive e @Swanson_Comm o diventa fan su Facebook
a,, PBC è sponsorizzato da Corona, La Cerveza Mas Fina.BROOKLYN BOXING on Long Island è un'estensione del marchio BROOKLYN BOXING ™ della BSE. Per ulteriori informazioni, visita


Rising Contender Ladarius Miller Meets Dennis Galarza in Lightweight Showdown that Headlines Premier Boxing Champions on Bounce Friday, Agosto 3 from Sam’s Town in Las Vegas

Di Più! Welterweight Showdown Between Cesar Barrionuevo & Abel Ramos & Unbeaten Junior Welterweight Juan Heraldez Faces Kevin Watts
Biglietti in vendita ora!


LAS VEGAS (Luglio 11, 2018) – Rising contender Ladarius Miller (16-1, 5 KO) dovrà affrontare Dennis Galarza (16-3, 9 KO) a 10-round lightweight match that headlines Premier Boxing Champions on Bounce Friday, Agosto 3 from Sam’s Town in Las Vegas.




La trasmissione televisiva inizia alle 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and features a 10-round welterweight showdown between Cesar Barrionuevo (34-3-2, 24 KO) e Abel Ramos (19-3-2, 14 KO) plus unbeaten junior welterweight Juan Heraldez assumendo Kevin Watts(11-2, 4 KO) in un incontro previsto per il 10 round.




I biglietti per l'evento, which is being promoted by Mayweather Promotions, iniziare a $25, are on sale now and will be available at




We have a stacked card prepared August 3 for fans in Las Vegas and watching on Bounce,” , ha detto Leonard Ellerbe, CEO di promozioni Mayweather. “Ladarius Miller has stepped his fight game up and is making tremendous strides with his career. He’s putting in the work and I’m sure he’ll be ready to take on Dennis Galarza and come out victorious on fight night. The bouts leading up to the main event will prove to be crowd pleasers as well, bringing the fans an overall great night of boxing.




The 24-year-old Miller has been on a tear since a loss in February 2016, showing off increased power plus the speed that defined him since turning pro in 2014. Miller has won seven fights in a row, including a victory over Jamel Herring and previously unbeaten Maynard Allison. Born in Memphis but living and training out of Las Vegas as a pro, Miller has already scored two stoppage victories this year in his adopted hometown.




I feel great right now and happy to get back in the ring,” ha detto Miller. “I have a great team behind me and they’re giving me motivation to fight and train even harder than ever. Galarza is another step up for me and someone who I’m very aware of. I have to be patient in this next fight. If I see an opportunity for a knockout then I’ll go for it, but it’s not the plan. I have the skillset. All I can do is go out there, download his plan, and react. My goal is always to give the fans an exciting show while I’m out there.




Galarza, un pugile dilettante eccezionale, stepped up in competition and dropped a narrow decision to veteran contender Edner Cherry in April. Il 25enne Galarza, che è di Brooklyn ma si allena a Orlando, had won three straight fights heading into that bout and will look to get back in the win column in the same building where he won a 10-round decision against Omar Tienda last June.




I don’t back down from anybody and Ladarius Miller is no exception,” Detto Galarza. “I walked out of my last fight against Edner Cherry knowing that I won the fight, even though I didn’t get the decision. I won the respect of the fans and now I’m back with another chance to prove myself. I know Miller very well and I know a win here can put me into the upper echelon of the division. This is a coming out fight for both of us and I’m looking to win impressively.




The 29-year-old Barrionuevo fights out of Salta, Argentina and has been the Argentine welterweight champion since 2015. He enters this fight the winner of his last 10 concorsi, including a first round destruction of Adrian Luciano Veron in January. Barrionuevo will be making his U.S. debut when he enters the ring in Las Vegas onAugust 3.




Fighting out of Casa Grande, Arizona, Ramos made his welterweight debut by stopping Emmanuel Robles last July before challenging once-beaten Jamal James in April and losing by a narrow majority decision. The 27-year-old has bounced back with two stoppage victories in 2018 and has draws against world champion Maurice Hooker and contender Levan Ghvamichava on his resume.




Heraldez is unbeaten since turning pro in 2009 and picked up the biggest victory of his career thus far when he triumphed over previously undefeated Jose Miguel Borrego last August on the Mayweather vs. McGregor undercard. Combattimento da Las Vegas, the 27-year-old will make his 2018 debut August 3 looking to further his contender credentials.




The Los Angeles-native Watts put his career back on the right path with a knockout victory over then once-beaten Ryan Karl in April and hopes to build on that with another notable victory August 3. The 26-year-old won his first 11 pro fights before suffering defeats to then unbeaten fighters Eddie Ramirez and Jose Miguel Borrego.




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Premier Boxing Champions on Bounce will also be available to be streamed live via Bounce’s new subscription-video-on-demand service Brown Sugar, which features an extensive and one-of-a-kind library of iconic black movies as well as Bounce original programming and series. Brown Sugar is available on Apple TV, Anno, Amazon Channels, Fuoco Amazon TV, Amazon Kindle, Android and Apple smartphones and tablets and web browsers via Brown Sugar also has Google Chromecast capabilities which allow video to play on televisions directly from mobile devices and tablets for consumers with Android and iOS devices. There is a free initial trial period for subscribers with a retail price of $3.99/month thereafter.




Bounce (BounceTV) airs on the broadcast signals of local television stations and corresponding cable carriage, and features a programming mix of original and off-network series, immagini teatrali in movimento, offerte speciali, live sports, e altro ancora. Bounce has grown to be available in more than 109 million homes across the United States and 97% of all African-American (AA) television homes, including all the top AA television markets. Visit for more information. Bounce is part of The E.W. Scripps Company (NASDAQ: SSP).




Per ulteriori informazioni, visitare: e seguire su TwitterPremierBoxing, BounceTV, MayweatherPromo, and @Swanson_Comm, diventare fan su Facebook a:, and Follow the conversation using #PBConBounce. PBC on Bounce is sponsored by Corona: Finest Beer.




Per la posizione canale locale, visita


Four-Division World Champion Garcia Battles Lightweight Champion Robert Easter Jr. in 135-Pound Title UnificationSabato, Luglio 28 live on SHOWTIME from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles
Fare clic QUI per le foto da Esther Lin / SHOWTIME

LOS ANGELES (Luglio 10, 2018) – WBC Lightweight World Champion Mikey Garcia worked out for the press Tuesday at Fortune Gym in Los Angeles as he prepares for his 135-pound title unification against IBF titlist Robert Pasqua Jr. Sabato, July 28live on SHOWTIME from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.




IL CAMPIONATO DI BOXE SHOWTIME® tripleheader (10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT) vedrà anche slugger dei pesi massimi cubani Luis “The Real King Kong” Ortiz tornare in azione per affrontare l'ex sfidante del titolo Razvan Cojanu in un incontro di 10 round e concorrente super leggero imbattuto Mario “L'azteco” Quartieri assumendo incisiva Jose Roman in una resa dei conti di 10 round.




I biglietti per l'evento dal vivo, che è promosso da Ringstar Sport e Promozioni TGB, iniziare a $50, più le commissioni applicabili, e sono già in vendita. Per acquistare i biglietti, visita




Ecco cosa Garcia, his brother and trainer Robert Garcia and Ringstar Sports Chairman and CEO Richard Schaefer had to say ahead of Garcia’s first title unification fight:






It’s been seven years since I last had the chance to fight here in LA, and that was even before I was champion. Now after all of my accomplishments, I get to come home and put on a unification match for my local fans.




Every time I walk into the ring, there’s a moment where I get butterflies and feel the emotions from the fans. This time it’s with my hometown fans and that’s really special. I’m really looking forward to it because I know the fans are going to show up and show their love and support.




I think I’m in my prime right now. I’m in the best shape physically and mentally that I’ve ever been in. I need to take advantage of the moment right now and take on the biggest challenges. I want to give the fans fights to remember. Those are the fights that excite me the most.




I know Easter is very tall and has a longer reach than me. In palestra, we’ve been working on sparring partners who present different challenges and made adjustments from there. I have to catch him reaching in or put pressure and work my way inside. There are different things that I’m capable of doing.




I’m pretty experienced from fighting taller guys in the past, so I don’t think it’s going to make too huge a difference. It’s a disadvantage on paper, but once fight night comes, Sarò pronto.




This is a big fight for me and I’m sure it’s the biggest fight of Easter’s career so far. I’m glad to hear he’s training extra hard. It shows me that he’s motivated and hungry to show off his very best, proprio come me.




This is my natural weight and so far everything in camp has been smooth. The weight started coming off right away and now just restricting the diet enough so we get to where we want to be.


ROBERT GARCIA, Garcia’s Brother & Allenatore




We know that Robert Easter is training like never before to be ready for this fight against Mikey. He has a huge reach advantage, so we know he’s going to come in and use that. He has a new trainer [Kevin Cunningham] who is going to try make us box with him.




We don’t listen at any criticism of Easter for having close decisions in his last couple of fights. We know that Easter is going to come in having trained like never before. It’s going to be the best Robert Easter Jr. possible on fight night.




Mikey fighting at home in front of his hometown fans is huge for us. We know that there’s extra pressure that comes with it, but everything we’ve done together so far in his career has prepared him for it. I’m confident it’s going to bring out the best in him.




We have to use our experience advantage. Mikey has fought the better competition, but Easter is a young guy who wants to take Mikey’s spot. Mikey is very smart, so he’s going to look for the right punch to do damage.


Richard Schaefer, Presidente & CEO di Ringstar Sport




Mikey Garcia has the opportunity to dominate at 135 e 140-libbre, plus he even wants to move up in weight and challenge himself against the best at 147-pounds. It shows the character and strength of Mikey Garcia. No challenge is too big for him.




Whenever Mikey Garcia fights, it is must-see TV. He’s as good as it gets in the sport. This challenge against Robert Easter Jr. is the kind of fight that can turn you into a boxing fan. This is going to be a barnburner. They say that styles make fights and these two styles are made for each other.




There was always somebody who carried the sport of boxing who was in Los Angeles, but right now there isn’t. Mikey is coming to fill that void. To have Mikey back at STAPLES Center is a perfect pairing of fighter and arena. STAPLES Center tends to bring out the best in fighters and that’s sure to happen again on July 28.




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Per ulteriori informazioni, visitare, www.premierboxingchampions.come www.staplescenter.comseguire su Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @MikeyGarcia, @RobertEaster_Jr, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions@STAPLESCenter e @Swanson_Comm o diventa fan su Facebook all'indirizzo, e è sponsorizzato da Corona, Finest Beer.


Unbeaten 140-Pound Contender Mario Barrios Battles Jose Roman To Open Three-Fight SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Telecast Headlined By Mikey Garcia vs. Robert Pasqua Jr. World Championship Unification Event

LOS ANGELES (Luglio 10, 2018) – Cuban heavyweight slugger Luis “The Real King Kong” Ortiz returns to action to face former world title challenger Razvan Cojanu in a 10-round bout on Saturday, Luglio 28 in diretta su SHOWTIME dallo STAPLES Center di Los Angeles in un evento presentato da Premier Boxing Champions.




La trasmissione televisiva di tre incontri SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING (10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT)will open with unbeaten super lightweight contender Mario “L'azteco” Quartieri assumendo incisiva Jose Roman in una resa dei conti di 10 round. The event is headlined by lightweight world championship title unification bout between WBC Lightweight World Champion Mikey Garcia e campione del mondo dei pesi leggeri IBF Robert Pasqua Jr.



I biglietti per l'evento dal vivo, che è promosso da Ringstar Sport e Promozioni TGB, iniziare a $50, più le commissioni applicabili, e sono già in vendita. Per acquistare i biglietti, visita




After having heavyweight champion Deontay Wilder nearly out on his feet in their March classic, Ortiz (28-1, 24 KO) eventually succumbed to the power of the unbeaten champion. Ora, Ortiz looks to get back to world title contention on July 28. Originally, from Camaguey, Cuba, now residing in Miami, Fla., Ortiz will fight in Los Angeles for the first time as a professional. Ortiz quickly became one of the most avoided men in boxing with victories over Bryant Jennings, Tony Thompson and Malik Scott on his way to the memorable showdown with Wilder.




I’m looking to make a statement on July 28 and get back to challenge for the heavyweight championship of the world,” detto Ortiz. “I’m excited to be back in the ring. I am thankful to have this opportunity. To all the fans in Los Angeles, don’t miss this great card at STAPLES Center. ‘The Real King Kongis coming to LA!”




A native of Romania and fighting out of Burbank, Calif., Cojanu (16-3, 9 KO) challenged then WBO heavyweight world champion Joseph Parker for the title in May 2017. Cojanu took the New Zealand champion the distance but lost via unanimous decision in the champion’s home country. Standing over six-foot-seven, Cojanu scored three straight knockout victories in 2016 to earn the title shot and will return to the ring for his first fight in the U.S. since January 2016.




I’m proud and confident to know that I will be stepping into the ring against a worthy opponent on July 28,said Cojanu. “Luis Ortiz is a world-class fighter with a lot of experience, which will give me the opportunity to show my skills to all the fans at STAPLES Center in Los Angeles and watching on SHOWTIME.




Il 23-year-old Quartieri (21-0, 13 KO) has been impressive since moving up to 140 pounds last March. He’s scored stoppage victories over Yardley Cruz, Jose Luis Rodriguez, Naim Nelson and most recently a second-round destruction of Eudy Bernardo. The five-foot-ten Barrios of San Antonio had previously campaigned at 130 pounds before making the move to the higher weight class that has helped unlock his power.




I fought on SHOWTIME EXTREME but making my debut on SHOWTIME has always been a dream of mine since I was a kid,” Detto Barrios. “Ora, the time has come to show why I’m here. I’m ready to keep showing why I’m going to become a star and one of the sport’s next great fighters. Come July 28, everyone should tune-in for a great night of fights. It’s ‘Aztecatime.




Fighting out of Garden Grove, Calif., Romano (24-2-1, 16 KO) scored knockouts in nine of his first 11 pro fights and has won 10 del suo ultimo 11 leading up to July 28. The 30-year-old most recently dropped a decision to Wilberth Lopez last September after a run of defeating veteran fighters and will look to put himself back on the path to a world title with a victory over Barrios at STAPLES Center.




I’m very excited to have this great opportunity,” said Roman. “Barrios has been on a roll, but I have the experience to take him out. Both of us bring pressure and I know he’s going to be hungry to keep his record perfect. I’m more motivated than I’ve ever been for this fight. I can’t wait to put on a show in my backyard for all the great fans in Southern California.




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Per ulteriori informazioni, visitare, www.premierboxingchampions.come www.staplescenter.comseguire su Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @MikeyGarcia, @RobertEaster_Jr, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions@STAPLESCenter e @Swanson_Comm o diventa fan su Facebook all', è sponsorizzato da Corona, Finest Beer.

Former Welterweight World Champions Andre Berto & Devon Alexander Square Off Live in Prime Time on FOX & FOX Deportes Saturday, Agosto 4 in a Premier Boxing Champions Event from NYCB LIVE, Home of the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum and Former World Champion Peter Quillin Takes on 168-Pound Contender J’Leon Love Also in Prime Time

Di Più! Special Edition of PBC on FS2 & FOX Deportes Features Unbeaten Light Heavyweight Contender Marcus Browne Against Once-Beaten Lenin Castillo & Former World Champion Luis Collazo Faces Bryant Perrella in a Welterweight Showdown
Biglietti in vendita Venerdì, Luglio 6 a 10 a.m. E!

LONG ISLAND, NY (Luglio 5, 2018) – Former 147-pound world champions Altro Berto (31-5, 24 KO) e Devon Alexander (27-4-1, 14 KO)will battle in a 12-round showdown that headlines a stacked night of Premier Boxing Champions su FOX e FOX Sports live in prime time on Saturday, Agosto 4 from NYCB LIVE, sede del Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum. La trasmissione televisiva inizia alle 7:30 p.m. E / 4:30 p.m. PT with former world champion Pietro “Kid Chocolate” Quillin (33-1-1, 23 KO) facing 168-pound contender J'Leon Amore (24-1-1, 13 KO) in un 10 round. Also in action will be former amateur standout and fast-rising unbeaten prospect Joey Spencer (3-0, 3 KO) in a super welterweight match.




The exciting night of fights begins with a special edition of PBC on FS2 & FOX Sports a 5:30 p.m. E / 2:30 p.m. PT with unbeaten light heavyweight contender Marcus Browne (21-0, 16 KO) taking on once-beaten Lenin Castillo (18-1-1, 13 KO) in una partita da 10 round. The FS2 & FOX Deportes telecast will begin with a welterweight showdown between former world champion Luis Collazo (37-7, 20 KO) contro Bryant Perrella (15-1, 13 KO).




I biglietti per l'evento dal vivo, promosso da TGB Promotions e DiBella Entertainment, go on sale Friday, Luglio 6 a 10 a.m. I biglietti possono essere acquistati on-line visitando,, o chiamando 1-800-745-3000. Tickets are also available at the Ticketmaster Box Office at NYCB LIVE beginning Saturday, Luglio 7 a mezzogiorno. Gli sconti di gruppo sono disponibili chiamando 516-231-4848.




This is an outstanding card from top to bottom with matches that figure prominently in the 147-pound, 168-pound and 175-pound divisions,” ha detto Tom Brown di Promozioni TGB. “Berto and Alexander are two former champions who are fighting to get back into the crowded welterweight title picture. The Peter Quillin and J’Leon Love winner factors heavily in the super middleweight championship mix. It’s compelling action for the fans at Nassau Coliseum and the ones tuned in to FOX in prime time.




I’m happy to bring another action-packed event back to NYCB Live on Long Island,” ha detto Lou DiBella, Presidente di DiBella Entertainment. “Headlining the FOX and FOX Deportes telecast, former world champions Andre Berto and Devon Alexander meet in a high-stakes crossroads battle with the winner emerging one step closer to another shot at the welterweight crown. Former middleweight champion Peter Quillin continues his comeback facing the talented J’Leon Love and Staten Island’s unbeaten light heavyweight contender Marcus Browne also appears on the card. Long Island boxing fans will want to arrive early for a tremendous undercard, with local talent as well.




An exciting and accomplished fighter from Florida, Berto returns to the ring after dropping a contest last April to Shawn Porter. Berto represented Haiti in the 2004 Olympics and picked up his biggest recent triumph on FOX in April 2016 as Berto scored a fourth-round knockout of former champion Victor Ortiz in their high-octane rematch.




Berto previously challenged retired legend Floyd Mayweather in September 2015 and has engaged in numerous Fight of the Year-worthy bouts, compreso un 2012 war with Robert Guerrero and his first fight with Ortiz. He has twice held a welterweight title, first the WBC belt, which he successfully defended five times between 2008 e 2011, plus the IBF crown he picked up in 2011 with a victory over Jan Zaveck.




This is a great fight that has been a long time coming,” Detto Berto. “We share some common opponents, but we have different styles of fighting and styles make fights. I’ve had a lot of success with southpaws. I’m looking forward to seeing him in front of me and capitalizing on what I’m working on now.


Alexander returned to the spotlight in February after only fighting once since 2015 while he sought treatment for an addiction to painkillers. He looked sharp in his first big fight in years, displaying similar speed and skills that had made him a two-weight champion before being given a controversial draw against former champion Victor Ortiz on FOX, in a fight most thought Alexander had won.




The 31-year-old emerged onto the scene with a unanimous decision victory over Randall Bailey to add the welterweight crown to the 140-pound title he had won three years prior. Originally from St. Louis, but now training in Florida with longtime coach Kevin Cunningham, Alexander has defeated the likes of Marcos Maidana, Lucas Matthysse and Jesus Soto Karass throughout his accomplished career.




“Sono molto entusiasta di questa lotta. Berto and I have history going back to the amateurs,” Alexander said. “Lo conosco molto bene, but we’ve never fought. I have to show that I’m still one of the best in a stacked division. This is all business for me, because at this point in my career, I’m approaching every fight as if it’s my last. This is prime time for me.




My mentality is that Berto is still the killer that he was 10 anni fa. So I’m looking at him like he’s lost nothing. I’ve got one mission, and that’s to beat Berto. I’ll be technically sound and 100 percent focused on accomplishing that task.




A Brooklyn-resident who has made the borough home for his whole career, Quillin returned to the ring last September when he defeated Dashon Johnson by unanimous decision. The former middleweight champion made three title defenses after winning his title from Hassan N’Dam in Brooklyn and his only loss came at the hands of former champion Daniel Jacobs.




I’m excited to be back at home in New York in front of my fans and people I love so dearly,” Quillin detto. “I’m coming back more polished and more seasoned and a man of God. I’ve definitely always been a guy who steps out and does what people think I can’t do. I know J’Leon is looking to make a splash. He needs a name on his resume. I have to do everything in my power to make sure that doesn’t happen. Either he’s going to have to learn a hard lesson or give me a hard lesson.




Il 30-year-old Amare enters this fight unbeaten in his last seven contests after most recently defeating Jaime Barboza in May. The Michigan-native who now trains and lives in Las Vegas had previously defeated a slew of contenders and will look to move closer to a world title shot with a victory over Quillin on August 4.




I think this is a really good matchup,” said Love. “Peter Quillin is a very talented fighter and a former world champion who is always in great shape. He’s someone you have to train very hard for and that you definitely cannot take lightly. I’m just grateful for the opportunity to fight a spectacular fighter like him. We’ll put on a great fight.


Browne has put together three-straight impressive knockout victories to continue his rapid rise up the highly competitive 175-pound division. The 27-year-old southpaw has sandwiched knockouts of Thomas Williams, Jr. last February and Francy Ntetu this January around a second-round destruction of then unbeaten Seanie Monaghan in the inaugural boxing event at Nassau Coliseum on a FOX primetime telecast last July. Il 2012 U.S. Olympian will look to put himself in position for a world title fight with a convincing win on August 4.




I feel good about fighting close to home in New York,” Ha detto Browne. “Lenin Castillo is definitely a good, Affamato, up-and-coming fighter who has one loss to Joseph Williams. Non lo sto trascurando, but right now I’m trying to keep my top position in order to vie for a title, so I have to destroy him.




Il 29-year-old Castello fights out of his native Dominican Republic and enters this bout with three straight victories by stoppage. Castillo’s recent wins followed his first professional loss, a majority decision defeat to unbeaten Joseph Williams last February. Castillo has fought professionally since 2010 and was unbeaten in his first 12 combattimenti. The only other blemish on his pro resume was a majority draw in Brooklyn against then unbeaten Travis Peterkin in 2015.




Marcus Browne is a boxer I’ve been following a long time because we were both Olympians,” Detto Castillo. “This is a good style matchup that I think will make a fun fight for the fans. We’re looking for the victory. Both of us know that a win here can take us to a world title shot and I’m not planning on wasting my opportunity.


Collazo is a former world champion hailing from Brooklyn who has fought top welterweights from Berto and Shane Mosley to Keith Thurman and Ricky Hatton. His most recent fight saw him score a sensational knockout victory over Sammy Vasquez in February 2017. He returns to the ring after recovering from injuries sustained during training and will face Perrella di Fort Myers, FL. The 29-year-old defeated Alex Martin in his home state in December via a unanimous decision in his last outing.



Danny Roman Defends WBA Super Bantamweight World Championship In SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Co-Feature;


Catch The Encore Presentation Monday At 10 p.m. E/PT su Showtime EXTREME®


Fare clic QUI per Foto; Credit Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME


Fare clic QUI per Foto; Credit Ryan Hafey/PBC


FRISCO, TEXAS (Giugno 16, 2018) – Errol Spence Jr. defended his IBF Welterweight World Championship with a first-round knockout of previously undefeated mandatory challenger Carlos Ocampo in a homecoming fight Saturday on SHOWTIME at Ford Center at The Star. VIDEO:




A sellout crowd of more than 12,600 fans packed Ford Center at The Star in Frisco to witness Spence’s first homecoming defense as champion and his first fight in Dallas since 2015. The consensus top-5 pound-for-pound fighter did not disappoint, pounding the body from the opening bell with his trademark body attack and superb ring generalship.




Spence, who was making his second defense as a 147-pound champion, floored Ocampo with a brutal 1-2 body shot combo, the second punch landing flush on the challenger’s side and instantly flooring him as the opening round concluded. Ocampo (22-1, 13 KO) crippled over in pain while on the canvas, was unable to beat the count and remained on the floor for more than two minutes while Spence celebrated his victory.




“I was a little disappointed. I wanted to give the crowd their money’s worth,” Spence said. “I wanted him to sustain a bit and give him some punishment, but the body shot got him and I dropped him.”




It was the ninth time Spence (24-0, 21 KO) has floored an opponent with a body shot in his 24 combattimenti professionali.




“I knew if I hit him again he would probably drop,” Spence said. “That was my game plan. I’m the body snatcher. If he reacts weirdly, I just keep going to the body and I keep breaking him down.”




Dopo la lotta, Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones joined Spence in the ring to congratulate him on the victory.




“This moment is a dream,” Spence said. “I wanted to play for the Dallas Cowboys and now I’m fighting in front of the Dallas Cowboys and Jerry Jones. Thank you to the whole Dallas Cowboys organization.




“We’ll definitely be back after I unify some titles. We’ll make this an annual thing where I fight here.”




Jones was thrilled with what was the first boxing event inside the Ford Center at The Star, the centerpiece of the 91-acre campus of the Dallas Cowboys World Headquarters and practice facility.




“This room was full of Dallas Cowboys football players supporting you,” Jones said. “They share your passion. I saw a guy in this ring who knew what he wanted. When you knock a guy out by hitting him once on the side of his back, you’re bad to the bone.




“I love his awareness. He had a plan from the beginning. He is exceptionally gifted. He has family that is behind him and our family, the Cowboys, want to be behind him as well.”




Dopo la lotta, SHOWTIME Sports reporter Jim Gray, who was inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame last Sunday, asked Spence what he would like to do next.




“I want to fight the best,” Spence promised. “Danny Garcia and Shawn Porter are fighting each other (for the WBC title) and I definitely want to make that a unifying fight. We both have the same management, we both fight on SHOWTIME. Why not make that happen? I definitely want that fight whenever it’s available.”




Nella co-feature televisivo, Danny Roman defended his WBA Super Bantamweight World Championship with a unanimous decision over previously undefeated Moises Flores in a 12-round fight that was scored 116-112, 118-110, 120-108.




The champion Roman (24-2-1, 9 KO) was the faster and sharper fighter from the opening bell. Romano, who was making the second defense of his 122-pound belt, pounded the body repeatedly over 12 round, connecting on a staggering 50 percent of his body shots. Fiori (25-1, 17 KO), who failed to make weight for the title fight and was unable to win the belt, tired in the latter half of the fight and was largely a stationary target for Roman for 12 round.




Both fighters threw more than 1,000 punzoni, yet it was Roman who was the more effective boxer, connecting on an impressive 42 per cento dei suoi colpi di potenza.




“I was trying to box him. We tried to do a smart fight,” Roman said. “We tried to take him out, but unfortunately we couldn’t.




“I would like to unify. I would like to challenge any of the champions. I’d love to face Rey Vargas or Isaac Dogboe. I don’t mind going back to Japan either.”




“I know I messed up in training,"Flores ha detto. “I didn’t make the weight, but I still wanted to perform and give it everything I have.




“We both hit each other a lot. colpisco (Romano) with some good shots, I just couldn’t finish him. I was probably around 60 percent energy-wise. From the fifth round on I had to just fight with pure heart.




"(Romano) put on a great show for the fans, and that’s what makes me feel great. That’s all I wanted was to put on a good fight.”




Nel match della trasmissione televisiva Showtime Championship Boxing apertura, Javier Fortuna suffered an injury while falling through the ropes due to an accidental push in the fourth round and his 140-pound matchup with Adrian Granados was ruled a No Decision.




Granados (18-6-2, 11 KO) and Fortuna (33-2-1, 23 KO) both came out swinging from the opening bell. In a wild fourth round, Fortuna was deducted two points, first for punching to the back of the head, and second for holding. After the second point deduction, the former 130-pound champion Fortuna aggressively moved forward and unloaded a series of shots.




Pochi istanti dopo, Granados and Fortuna were clinching along the ropes near Granados’ corner when Fortuna fell backward through the ropes, whipping his neck as he fell back. Complaining of pain and lack of movement, Fortuna was stabilized with a neck brace and removed from the ring on a stretcher in what was later described as a precautionary measure.




Al momento dell'arresto del gioco, Grandos was leading on all three of the judges’ scorecards.




“I didn’t push him. I think he fell with his own,"Ha detto Granados. “I think he was looking for an excuse on his way out. We were both battling, but I knew he could feel I was getting stronger. He caught me with a shot and it just turned me up.




“First and foremost I just want to pray that he’s OK. Let’s do the rematch. I’ve been dying for a fight at 140.”




Saturday’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast will re-air on Monday at 10 p.m. ET/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME and will be available via SHOWTIME ON DEMAND and SHOWTIME ANYTIME.




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About The Star

The Star is the 91-acre campus of the Dallas Cowboys World Headquarters and practice facility in Frisco, Texas. Developed as a first-of-its-kind partnership between the City of Frisco and Frisco ISD, The Star features Ford Center, a 12,000-seat stadium that hosts Frisco ISD football games and other events; Cowboys Fit, un 60,000 square-foot gym developed in partnership with leading fitness developer, Mark Mastrov; Cowboys Club, a members-only club where the country club meets the NFL; The Omni Frisco Hotel, a 16-floor, 300-room luxury hotel; Baylor Scott & White Sports Therapy & Research at The Star, un 300,000 square-foot center of excellence for sports medicine set to open in 2018; as well as a variety of shopping, dining and nightlife options as part of the Entertainment District. For more information on The Star, visita




Per ulteriori informazioni, visitare , e Follow us on Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, ErrolSpenceJr, @PremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, @TheStarinFrisco and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at e PBC è sponsorizzato da Corona Extra, Finest Beer.


Errol Spence Jr. vs. Carlos Ocampo Final Press Conference Quotes & Foto

Unbeaten Welterweight World Champion Faces Undefeated Challenger This Saturday, Giugno 16 Live on SHOWTIME from Ford Center at The Star in Frisco, Texas in an Event Presented by Premier Boxing Champions
Fare clic QUI per le foto da Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME

FRISCO, TEXAS (Giugno 14, 2018) – Imbattuto campione del mondo dei pesi welter Errol Spence Jr. e top-rated contender Carlos Ocampo spoke to media at the Dallas Cowboys World Headquarters Thursday as Spence nears his homecoming title defense against his unbeaten challenger this Saturday, Giugno 16 live on SHOWTIME from Ford Center at The Star in Frisco in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.




La trasmissione televisiva Showtime Championship Boxing inizia alle 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and features super bantamweight world champion Daniel Roman defending his belt against unbeaten Moises “Chucky” Fiori e l'ex campione del mondo Javier Fortuna clashing with Adrian Granados in a 10-round 140-pound special attraction, all of whom were in attendance at Thursday’s final press conference.




I biglietti per l'evento, which is promoted by TGB Promotions in association with Man Down Promotions, sono già in vendita e possono essere acquistati presso




Here is what the press conference participants had to say Thursday ahead of the first boxing event to take place inside Ford Center at The Star:






I’m really happy to be here and I’m so happy that everyone came out. Saturday night is going to be great. mi sono allenato per 10 weeks and I’m 100 percent focused on Ocampo. I’m here to do my job, which is to win and look good winning.




Ocampo is very dangerous because he has nothing to lose. It’s his first title fight, which is a position I’ve been in before. I had a lot of fire and I felt like I had nothing to lose. I’m sure he’s been training hard and is focused. I know he’s fighting for him family so he’s going to come to fight. I want a guy who’s going to test me so the crowd gets their money’s worth.




I’ve had pressure my whole boxing career. Being on Olympian and a top prospect was pressure, but then I also went overseas to take the title from a top fighter. I’ve always overcome the pressure on me and I’m going to overcome another test on Saturday night.




Every fight is a statement fight. Non importa chi sto combattendo. All eyes are on me in the welterweight division. People want to see if there are chinks in my armor, so it’s important for me to put on a great performance and prove I’m the best welterweight in the division.




Dallas already is a boxing town, just not enough boxing comes here. I can be the star who has annual fights and bring the city out like we’re doing Saturday night. I’m going to prove we’re a boxing city in Dallas and that Texas is a boxing state period. I do this for the whole state.




We work hard every camp and we’re 100 percent dedicated. There hasn’t been much difference in this camp than normal. The sparring with Jermell Charlo was top quality and has me prepared for Saturday night.




I’m ready to line up those other champions. I’ve said that since I was 15-0. I want to fight every opponent and take them out no matter who it is. I’m here to prove that I’m the best in the division.






We’re here on the same stage and I’m ready. I’m appreciative to be here and I’m calm. I have nothing to lose. He has all the pressure of being in his hometown. I’m just relaxed and ready to fight.




I’ve studied his fights enough. What’s most important is that I know that he has everything to lose and I don’t. He has a home field advantage, but at the end of the day, it’s just two guys in the ring.




I’ve gotten a great reception from the people here in Dallas. I’ve been treated like a champion and after Saturday I’ll be a world champion. You don’t want to miss this fight.




He can try to come and knock me out, but this is my dream. This is what I’ve trained my whole life for and I’m not going to let this chance pass me by.




I’m going to use my height, distance and jab throughout the fight. The counter will be important for me. I’m going to look to catch him so he better be ready.




“Ho intenzione di lasciare tutto sul ring. I’m going to show what I have and give everyone a great performance from start to finish.






Flores is a tough opponent. I don’t overlook anybody. I know he’s going to come in and fight. Defending my belt is the only thing that’s on my mind.




We work hard like always. The only thing that changes in camp is strategy, and we will be ready for anything Flores can bring.




We’re going to be ready for his pressure. I’m going to fight a smart fight. If we have a chance to take him out early, then I’m going to jump on it. You never know what could happen in a fight.




Flores is not an easy opponent. Nobody is at this level. I just work hard every day like it’s my first shot at a world title. I know that if I put in the work, everything will come together in the ring.




Roman is a good fighter, that’s why we’re here. Hopefully on Saturday night he won’t be able to take my volume of punches. I’m going to bring pressure for every moment of the fight and we’ll see if he holds up.




Everyone knows that I like to come forward and make exciting fights. There will be drama and I’m expecting to come out of there with my hand raised.




On Saturday night I’m going to get redemption for everything that happened in my last fight and deliver a win and an exciting fight. This is a chance that I’ve worked and trained hard to get again.






Everyone knows what I can do here in the ring. I’m very glad to be here meeting Granados, because we’re going to give the fans a a great fight on Saturday that’s going to steal the show.




I know that Granados has fought a lot of top opposition, but on Saturday night, I’m going to be a different fighter than he’s ever seen in the ring.




This will be a battle. Everyone will see on fight night what the difference is between me and him. I’m a special fighter. I’m going to prove it again on Saturday.






It’s been a long hard road to this fight. I know I have marks on my record, but I can easily say that I know all of them have been controversial. I’ve pushed through everything and I know that I’m truly respected as a fighter.




I’m always going to bring the same fire and determination to the ring. If my opponent is brave enough to stand with me, then it’s going to be all-action. In entrambi i casi, I’m coming to break him down and get the victory.




‘Recently I’ve gone against a lot of opposition that is naturally bigger than me, but I’ve never backed down or been afraid of any of them. This fight is going to prove that I belong in the upper echelon of boxing.




I’ve checked out Fortuna’s fights and he’s a scrapper. He likes to bang too in the ring just like I do. It’s all the recipes for a can’t miss fight.


DERRICK JAMES, Trainer di Spence




I’m very happy to see everybody out here and we’re so glad that the fans are getting involved. This city means everything to me and Errol, so to bring a great night like this and have this huge reception from the fans, is a little bit of extra motivation.




I think we’re going to see a great fight. Ocampo is very tough opposition and Errol has trained very hard. We’re going to see the best Errol Spence on Saturday night and I’m sure we’ll see the best Carlos Ocampo, which should make for a fun night for the fans.


BRITTANY GOOSSEN BROWN, Vice President of TGB Promotions




We are so excited for Saturday night and to be bringing the first boxing event inside Ford Center at The Star. Dallas is a great fight town and who better to headline the first title fight here in 50 years than hometown favorite Errol Spence Jr.? He is sure to put on a great performance for his hometown fans.




It has truly been a pleasure to work with the entire Dallas Cowboys organization throughout this promotion and we hope this is just the start of bringing sellout crowds here to the heart of Texas. We can’t wait to see you all there on Saturday night.


STEPHEN ESPINOZA, President Sports & Events Programming, Showtime Network Inc.




SHOWTIME is thrilled to be here at The Star for the first boxing event inside of Ford Center. Week after week and month after month, we’ve delivered the best fighters in the most meaningful fights to boxing fans. Saturday is the 11th SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING this year. These events have featured more than 15 lotte titolo mondiale, just in the first six months of the year. We’re doing more boxing and more high quality boxing than any other network by far.




Saturday is no exception, especially in terms of quality. Errol Spence Jr. is a consensus top five pound-for-pound fighter. He’s knocked out 10 straight fighters and it was 2014 when an opponent last went the distance. Errol is in many ways our Dak Prescott (Dallas Cowboys quarterback), he’s a young star, a fan favorite and we expect him to be one of the faces of the sport for years to come.




If you know of the tradition of Mexican fighters in this sport, then you know that Carlos Ocampo cannot be overlooked. He’s coming to win and that makes him very dangerous and should create an exciting fight.




Both of the opening bouts leading up to the main event on SHOWTIME are significant bouts with fighters that bring all action styles to the ring.




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About The Star

The Star is the 91-acre campus of the Dallas Cowboys World Headquarters and practice facility in Frisco, Texas. Developed as a first-of-its-kind partnership between the City of Frisco and Frisco ISD, The Star features Ford Center, a 12,000-seat stadium that hosts Frisco ISD football games and other events; Cowboys Fit, un 60,000 square-foot gym developed in partnership with leading fitness developer, Mark Mastrov; Cowboys Club, a members-only club where the country club meets the NFL; The Omni Frisco Hotel, a 16-floor, 300-room luxury hotel; Baylor Scott & White Sports Therapy & Research at The Star, un 300,000 square-foot center of excellence for sports medicine set to open in 2018; as well as a variety of shopping, dining and nightlife options as part of the Entertainment District. For more information on The Star, visita




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