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世界冠军杰马尔·查洛 & 杰梅尔·查洛将在福克斯卫冕冠军 & 福克斯周六黄金时段驱逐出境, 十二月 22 巴克莱中心布鲁克林
更多! 顶级重量级选手多米尼克·布雷泽尔 (Dominic Breazeale) 在重量级对决中对阵波多黎各奥运选手卡洛斯·内格隆 (Carlos Negron),比赛在 8 P.M. ET /下午5时. PT
上周五销售门票, 十月 26 在 10 A.M. AND!

布鲁克林 (十月 25, 2018) – 双胞胎兄弟和世界冠军 Jermall夏洛茨维尔Jermell夏洛茨维尔 将为新赛季拉开帷幕 福克斯和福克斯体育频道的超级拳击冠军 周六黄金时段直播, 十二月 22 在巴克莱中心, 布鲁克林拳击™的家. 查洛斯夫妇是当今拳击界最炙手可热的两位年轻新星,他们在 2016 当他们成为第一对在同一重量级同时获得冠军的双胞胎拳击手时.




杰马尔·查洛将与顶级竞争者争夺 WBC 临时中量级冠军头衔 威利·梦露, 小, 而杰梅尔·查洛则第四次卫冕 WBC 超次中量级冠军头衔,对手是实力强劲的前冠军挑战者 托尼·哈里森. 杰莫尔在今天的新闻发布会上通过掷硬币获胜,决定哪位查洛双胞胎将结束节目,之后他的战斗将成为节目的主要赛事.




激动人心的行动之夜还将见证 WBC 强制挑战者和 2012 中美. 奥林匹亚 多米尼克 “麻烦” BREAZEALE 战斗 卡洛斯·内格龙, 波多黎各拳击队的成员 2008 北京奥运会, 在一场 10 轮的重量级比赛中,FOX 和 FOX Deportes 的广播在 8 P.M. ET /下午5时. PT.




演出门票, 由 Lions Only Promotions 和 TGB Promotions 与 DiBella Entertainment 联合推广, 周五发售, 十月 26 在 10 A.M. AND. 门票可在购买 ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, 或致电 800-745-3000. 从周六开始,还可在巴克莱中心的美国运通售票处购买门票, 十月 27 美国东部时间中午. 集团折扣可致电844-BKLYN-GP.




“拳击卡顶部的查洛双胞胎总是带来兴奋和娱乐,” 说汤姆·布朗, TGB促销总统. “在最近的记忆中,还没有任何双胞胎世界冠军拳击手能像查洛斯夫妇一样登上擂台. 杰马尔将接受威利·门罗娴熟的左撇子技术的考验, JR. 杰梅尔将面临托尼·哈里森的严峻挑战, 他也渴望赢得世界冠军. 重量级拳击手多米尼克·布雷泽尔 (Dominic Breazeale) 是一位从未退出过任何比赛的复古拳击手, 但他会全力对抗卡洛斯·内格隆, 谁有奥运血统. 对于巴克莱中心的人们以及收看福克斯和福克斯体育频道黄金时段广播的人们来说,这将是一个特别的夜晚。”




“福克斯体育很高兴能够在周六与中国人民银行启动这项新协议, 十二月 22 通过这些非凡的战斗,” 马克·西尔弗曼说, 总统, 全国网络, FOX体育. “未来四年, 我们期待着重点介绍 PBC 的明星拳击手阵容并讲述他们的精彩故事。”




“巴克莱中心以福克斯黄金时段转播的一场大型拳击之夜来结束其布鲁克林拳击节目的强劲表现是再合适不过了,” 布雷特说Yormark, BSE的全球首席执行官. “作为双胞胎的我自己, 我理解与你兄弟一起实现职业里程碑是多么特别, 我期待看到杰梅尔和杰莫尔为布鲁克林的拳击迷带来他们独特的兴奋品牌. 布雷泽尔 vs 顶级重量级比赛. 内格龙, 该卡将提供 BROOKLYN BOXING 的竞技比赛保证, 特色 50/50 战斗和这项运动的最佳人物。”




这将是查洛双胞胎在巴克莱中心的第三场比赛, 当他们进入十二月时 22 一个组合的 4-0 现场四场淘汰赛.




28岁的杰马尔·查洛 (27-0, 21 科斯) 比他的同卵双胞胎兄弟大一分钟,他比杰梅尔早一年赢得了他的第一个世界冠军,当时他在第三轮毁灭性地击倒了科尼利厄斯·邦德拉奇,赢得了 IBF 154 磅级冠军。 2015. 出生于里士满, 德克萨斯州并与杰梅尔一起在休斯顿长大, 杰马尔仍在休斯顿与著名教练罗尼·希尔兹一起训练. 他三次成功卫冕154磅冠军, 包括对顶级竞争者朱利安·威廉姆斯的毁灭性淘汰, 在增加体重参加中量级比赛之前.




事实证明,杰莫尔同样具有统治力 160 英镑,因为他在 154 当他在七月的第四轮中击败豪尔赫·塞巴斯蒂安·海兰(Jorge Sebastian Heiland)首次中量级亮相时,他的体重增加了 2017 结束. 杰马尔在第二轮淘汰赛中击败雨果·森特诺,成为 WBC 中量级临时冠军, JR. 在三月的最后一场比赛中 3.




“我非常兴奋,回到布鲁克林的火焰已经点燃,” 杰马尔·查洛说. “很高兴能和我的双胞胎兄弟在布鲁克林成为一场大型演出的主角. 这将是一个激动人心的拳击之夜. 威利·门罗是那些能让我达到所有伟大战斗所需水平的战士之一. 相信我, 我们会得到他们. 这是他一直要求的一场战斗,知道他在关注我让我感到很特别. 每个人都知道我来的目的. 我要击倒他. 我会尽我所能地爆发并结束演出. 旅程现在从布鲁克林开始。”




31岁的威利·梦露, JR. (23-3. 6 科斯) 已展现出在精英级别竞争的技能, 但当这位狡猾的左撇子面对强硬的查洛时,他将面临严峻的挑战. 罗彻斯特的战斗, 纽约州, 门罗在三月份一致判定战胜卡洛斯·加尔文后,将在巴克莱中心进行职业生涯第二次比赛 3. 随后,他于 8 月以一致判定击败了哈维尔·弗朗西斯科·马西尔 (Javier Francisco Maciel)。. 24 在他的职业生涯中曾面对过顶级中量级选手根纳迪·戈洛夫金和比利·乔·桑德斯.




“我以前也经历过这个职位,12 月 22 日这不会让我感到困扰,” 门罗说. “这是我第三次争夺冠军头衔, 我是我们家族中的第三位威利·梦露, 并且已经两次争夺冠军, 我知道第三次将会是魅力. 有一项工作要做,但没有什么是容易的. 杰马尔·查洛(Jermall Charlo)与我过去的对手根纳迪·戈洛夫金(Gennady Golovkin)和比利·乔·桑德斯(Billy Joe Saunders)齐名, 所以这又是一次艰难的郊游. 但这绝对是一个我准备迎接的挑战,也是一个我认为我能够克服的挑战。”




Jermell夏洛茨维尔 (31-0, 15 科斯) 当他在第八轮击倒约翰·杰克逊时,与他的兄弟一起成为 154 磅的世界冠军。 2016 同一天晚上,他的兄弟卫冕了自己的 154 磅冠军头衔. 这位 28 岁的选手此前曾战胜过瓦内斯·马蒂罗相 (Vanes Martirosyan), 约阿希姆·阿尔辛和加布里埃尔·罗萨多在获得世界冠军机会之前. 与杰克逊的世界冠军之战也是杰梅尔在达拉斯与德里克·詹姆斯的第一次格斗训练, 他将在那里为这场比赛进行训练.




自从获得称号以来, 杰梅尔三度卫冕成功, 他在精彩集锦中击倒了查尔斯·哈特利和埃里克森·鲁宾 2017 六月份,奥斯汀·特劳特 (Austin Trout) 三次登上画布,最终取得了决定性的胜利. 这场比赛代表查洛有机会加强对154磅级别的控制.




“这对我来说是一场超级战斗, 比任何战斗都更大, 因为我可以和我的兄弟一起参加大型演出,我们可以一起展示我们的才华,” 杰梅尔·查洛说. “十二月 22, 我们后面没有任何东西. 比赛结束后,球迷们回家,我们将上演一场精彩的表演. 我正在和我的教练德里克·詹姆斯一起工作,我们正在做好准备,而不仅仅是为了托尼·哈里森. 我们正在努力统一. 我们会为部门中的每个人而来. 我非常高兴能和我的兄弟一起在 PBC 和 FOX 之间的新协议中开启首秀。”




28岁的哈里森 (27-2, 21 科斯) 是 154 磅级的顶级竞争者,他希望充分利用自己的第二次击球获得世界冠军. 格斗出底特律, 哈里森自2017年输给154磅级冠军贾勒特·赫德以来,已取得三连胜。 2017 在FOX. 哈里森最近的表现让他在史密斯的家乡拉斯维加斯以判定战胜了前世界冠军伊什·史密斯. 哈里森击败了谢尔盖·拉布琴科和费尔南多·格雷罗,希望在面对赫德以来最艰难的考验中夺得世界冠军.




“基于我上次对阵伊什·史密斯的表现, 我觉得我赢得了这个机会,” Harrison说. “杰梅尔·查洛是一位出色的战士. 我喜欢他对这项运动的态度和他在擂台上的技巧, 我期待以最好的状态面对他. 但这只会让我的竞争力源源不断. 这将是技能对技能的考验, 从第一轮开始会有很多来回的回合. 归根结底取决于谁最能坚持自己的游戏计划. 在这个级别很难获得机会,所以我要去那里,把它留在擂台上,让它成为一场激动人心的战斗。”




的成员 2012 中美. 伦敦奥运会奥运代表队, BREAZEALE (19-1, 17 科斯) 在过去的两场比赛中,他都取得了令人印象深刻的淘汰赛胜利,在WBC排名中跻身强制性竞争者的行列. 在输掉与安东尼·约书亚的重量级冠军争夺战后 2016, 这位 33 岁的选手在 2 月的一场比赛中击败了当时保持不败的伊豆乌戈诺 2017 当年 11 月阻止前冠军挑战者埃里克·莫利纳 (Eric Molina) 之前的战争. 格伦代尔酒店, 加州人还战胜了阿米尔·曼苏尔, 弗雷德·卡西和亚斯马尼·孔苏埃格拉.




“这是我第一次回到巴克莱中心 13 自从我击败埃里克·莫利纳(Eric Molina)几个月以来,我很高兴向粉丝们展示我会留下来,” 说Breazeale. “卡洛斯·内格隆是个大块头,也是奥运选手. 我想证明我没有任何环锈. 我已经脱离了圈子, 但我住在健身房,我可以拳击, 猛踩油门,机会出现时将其击倒。”




圣胡安的战斗, 波多黎各, 内格龙 (20-1, 16 科斯) 赢得了他的第一个 13 转职业后的职业比赛 2009 在他任职之后 2008 奥林匹克运动会. 这位 30 岁的选手已经连续七场击倒比赛获胜,其中包括 12 月的一场比赛 2016 当时保持不败的克里斯蒂安·加尔维斯(Cristian Galvez)的停赛和六月的统治性表现 2017 在TKO胜利的过程中,他两次击倒了德里克·罗西(Derric Rossy).




“我很感激有这个机会,也很感谢我的团队一直在我身边,” 尼格隆说. “任何了解这项运动的人都知道这是一项多么艰巨的任务,我每天都在努力赢得这场战斗. 当有人向我提供布雷泽尔时,我立刻答应了. 我想成为第一个出生和长大的波多黎各重量级冠军 22 我将带着荣誉而战, 心和骄傲. 我将宣布一位新的重量级人物。”




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MANILA (十月 22, 2018) — Senator MANNY “吃豆子” 帕奎奥, boxing’s only eight-division world champion, announced today that he has entered into an exclusive agreement to work with manager / advisor Al Haymon. The new alliance will have team Pacquiao and Haymon work together to navigate the remainder of his illustrious career. Pacquiao’s first defense of the World Boxing Association welterweight world title will kick off the new partnership and will have Pacquiao appear on the Premier Boxing Champions series. Pacquiao’s promotion company, 议员促销, will promote all of his upcoming bouts under this new alignment with Haymon.




MP Promotions will also work with Al Haymon to bring some of the best fighters from the Philippines and Asia to the United States to appear on the PBC series.




I’m very excited about this new chapter in my career and I’m looking forward to a fresh start. I’m reinvigorated by the prospects of bringing up new fighters under the MP Promotions banner,” 帕奎奥说. “My team will work closely with Al Haymon for the remainder of my career to deliver the most anticipated fights with the top PBC fighters. Those are the fights the fans want to see and the ones I want to have to close out my career.




MP Promotions is very excited about this last phase of Senator Manny’s Hall of Fame Career. We look forward to launching this new relationship with Manny’s first world title defense,” said Joe Ramos, who heads MP Promotions. “I would also like to acknowledge matchmaker Sean Gibbons, legal counsel Tom Falgui, and Senator Manny’s aide Steve Jumalon for their tireless efforts and invaluable advice.




帕奎奥, a three-time Fighter of the Year and Boxing Writers Association of America’s reigning Fighter of the Decade, will return to the ring early next year. 战斗, 即将公布, will be co-promoted by MP Promotions and TGB Promotions.




With Philippine President Rodrigo R. Duerte and Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad in attendance (the first time two heads of state attended a championship boxing event), Pacquaio regained the welterweight title for a fourth time on July 15 at Axiata Arena in Kuala Lampur, Malaysia by knocking out defending WBA champion Lucas Matthyssee in the seventh round.




帕奎奥 (60-7-2, 39 科斯), who hails from Sarangani Province in the Philippines, is the only sitting Congressman and Senator to win a world title. After serving two terms as congressman, Pacquiao was elected to a Philippine Senate seat in May 2016, capturing over 16 全国百万选票. Pacquiao’s boxing resume features victories over current and future Hall of Famers, 包括霍亚, 哈顿, 马尔科·安东尼奥·巴雷拉, 莫拉雷斯, 米格尔·库托, 莫斯利, 和胡安·曼努埃尔·马尔克斯.


Joe Joyce Makes Impression Against Iago Kiladze in U.S. 登场; Both Joey Spencer and

Efe Ajagba Knock Out Opponents in First Rounds of Respective Fights;
Stephen Fulton Dominates German Meraz in TV Opener
点击 这里 对于照片
图片来源: Luis Meija/Ringstar Sports

安大略, 加利福尼亚州. (七. 30) – In a marathon night of fights, Southern California fans were treated to performances in a variety of weight classes headlined by Brandon Figueroa (17-0-0, 12 科斯) 韦斯拉科的, TX against Columbian Oscar Escandon (25-5-0, 17 科斯) in an action-packed 10-round super bantamweight bout that ended with a knockout by the young prospect Figueroa in the final round live on FS1 and FOX Deportes from Citizens Business Bank Arena.




Both Figueroa and Escandon picked up the pace early as they went toe-to-toe battling in an entertaining fight from the first bell. 菲格罗亚, who typically fights at a distance, wanted to make a statement that he isn’t afraid to fight on the inside. An accidental head butt caused a large cut over the left eye of Figueroa, as blood poured the remainder of the fight. The combatants continued to throw high volumes of punches throughout the bout, but Figueroa remained more accurate and active as Escandon did his best to stay strong. 在第十轮也是最后一轮, Figueroa sealed the win with a powerful combination that ended in a right upper cut to Escandon’s chin, sending him to the canvas rendering him unable to stand at minute 1:42.




Escandon is tough. He is short and it was hard to get to the body,” 赛义德·菲格罗亚. “I can fight both inside and outside, but his size did matter. I had to get in there and he wasn’t backing up. I was ready for this fight. Opportunities like this don’t come often so I had to take it and run with it. I have been training all summer and I am ready to take a few days off and get right back to it.




I knew Figueroa was good, but I was surprised at how tough he was,” 埃斯坎登说. “Everyone can get caught with a punch. 我不累. 我只是被抓了. I am okay. I am going to keep going.




The co-main event saw British Silver Medalist Joe Joyce (6-0, 6 科斯) make his U.S. debut in a heavyweight fight domnation against Iago Kiladze (26-4-0, 18 科斯) 格鲁吉亚. Thirty seconds into the second round, Joyce sent Kiladze through the ropes with a flurry of right hands. Kiladze recovered and fought back, surviving the remainder of the round. He entered the third throwing everything he could, but Joyce hit him with a hard hook to the body forcing him to the canvas again. The fight ended in the with 41 seconds to go in the fifth round as Joyce landed a hard left hook to Kiladze’s body knocking him out.




It is great to be here,” said Joyce. “I started training in the United States because it was the best way to start my career here,” said Joyce. “It is great to have my sixth win here and I look forward to getting in the ring again soon. I think I made a great impression here tonight and I just want to continue that streak.




Also featured on the card was fast-rising star Joey Spencer (5-0, 5 科斯) of Union City, 加利福尼亚州. Against Cory Macon (0-3-0) of Durham, NC in a four-round middleweight bout. The 18-year-old Spencer, with dreams to become the youngest American with a world title, went to work immediately, going to the body of Macon. He continued to attack the body, but with a hard left hook, he sent Macon to the canvas, ending the fight just inside round number one at minute 2:36.




I stay active and stay in the gym. It keeps me focused and ready,” 斯宾塞说. “My goal is to become a world champion by age 20. Fans need to keep an eye on me and my career because I am here to stay.




卡通Ajagba (7-0-0, 6 科斯) faced Nick Jones (7-1-0, 5 科斯) of Okmulgee, OK in a six-round heavyweight fight that didn’t even last one round. With a hard right hand, Ajagba sent Jones to the canvas with a devastating knockout in 2:25 第一.




Now we know why my last opponent walked out of the ring. He was afraid that was going to happen to him,” 说Ajagba. “I watched tape of Jones and I knew he was slow. I was ready to attack the minute I got into the ring. I want anyone that my management will put in front of me. 我已经准备好了. I prepared for six rounds and I can’t wait to get back in the ring.




In a televised swing bout, young prospect Jose Balderas (5-0-0) of Santa Maria, 加利福尼亚州. was tested by Mexican Ivan Martino (3-3-0, 3 科斯) 在最轻量级, but was able to get his shots off, connected with several left hooks to Martino’s body.




He is a strong guy and he kept coming, but we were ready for it,” 巴尔德拉斯说. “I think I got the rounds he needed. I have been improving since my first fight. I am going to keep learning and keep growing.




斯蒂芬·富尔顿 (14-0-0, 6 科斯) of the fighting city of Philadelphia faced German Meraz (61-50-2, 38 科斯) of Mexico opened the telecast in a scheduled eight-round featherweight fight. 富尔顿, who took this fight with 72 小时’ 注意, used his jab throughout the and dominated every round. In the first minute of the eighth and final round, Fulton knocked Meraz down, setting up the win. 到底, the judges ruled the bout a unanimous decision.




I wasn’t worried about taking the fight on such short notice,” 富尔顿说. “I knew I was going to dominate. I might have prepared for someone else, but that didn’t matter. I have the experience to be able to adjust. He could have had 100 fights or five fights and I would have bene ready. I want Brandon Figueroa next.


To kick off the night, FS1 and FOX Deportes broadcasted a slate of preliminary fights. Below please find the results of those exciting match-up:




Jesse Rodriguez of Los Angeles (7-0-0, 4 科斯) won via unanimous decision against Edwin Reyes of Las Vegas (8-4-3, 5 科斯) in an eight-round light flyweight bout.




British light heavyweight Kody Davies (7-0-0, 6 科斯) defeated Jerhed Fenderson (4-7-0, 2 科斯) of Las Vegas via unanimous decision.




In his professional debut, Oscar Juarez of Brownsville TX, defeated Matt Gaver (0-2-0) 贝克斯菲尔德, 加利福尼亚州. via unanimous decision in a six-round super lightweight bout.




Arnold Alejandro of Dallas (8-0-0, 7 科斯) defeated Francisco Camacho (7-9-1, 3 科斯) of Matamoros, Mexico via fifth round knockout in a featherweight fight scheduled for six rounds.




To open the night of fights at Citizens Business Bank Arena, former world champion James DeGale (25-2-1, 15 科斯) defeated Fidel Moterrosa (39-19-1, 31 科斯) via third round KO.




# # #




球迷们可以即时串流在FOX体育应用打架, 可通过FS1或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 战斗可在FOXSportsGO.com上的桌面设备上找到,也可以通过App Store获得。, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司. 此外, 所有节目也可在SiriusXM频道的FOX Sports上获得 83 卫星收音机和在SiriusXM应用.






欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.premierboxingchampions.comhttp://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepagewww.foxdeportes.com.

在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions, @Ringstar, @ FS1, @FOXDeportes和@Swanson_Comm并成为粉丝在Facebook上 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, 和 www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. 可在亮点www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. FS1上的PBC & FOX Deportes由Corona Extra赞助, 最好的啤酒.

Undefeated Featherweight Contender Brandon Figueroa Takes on Former Title Challenger Oscar Escandon in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions Action This Sunday, 九月 30 Live on FS1 & FOX体育

Stacked Night to Feature 2016 Olympic Silver Medalist Joe Joyce Battling Iago Kiladze from Citizens Business Bank Arena in
安大略, 加利福尼亚州
更多! Undefeated Prospects Efe Ajagba, 乔伊斯宾塞 &
Stephen Fulton Enter the Ring in Separate Attractions
在开始 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT

ONTARIO, 例如. (九月 26, 2018) – Unbeaten featherweight contender 布兰登·菲格罗亚 takes on rugged veteran 奥斯卡埃斯坎东 在10轮的主要事件 Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 和 FOX Deportes 这个星期天, 九月 30 from Citizen’s Business Bank Arena in Ontario, 加利福尼亚州.




约翰·莫利纳, 小, who was scheduled to be in the main event, will be rescheduled to return to the ring soon. And former welterweight champion Victor Ortiz, who was slated to face Molina, will no longer be on the card.




电视报道开始于 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT将展出 2016 奥运会银牌得主 乔·乔伊斯 面对 阿戈·基尔德泽 在10轮的重量级景点.




The exciting night of fights will also see rising unbeaten prospects enter the ring as 2016 尼日利亚奥海 卡通Ajagba (6-0, 5 科斯) steps in for a six-round heavyweight bout, sensational super welterweight prospect 乔伊斯宾塞 (4-0, 4 科斯) competes in a four-round match and featherweight prospect 斯蒂芬·富尔顿(13-0, 6 科斯) looks to remain unbeaten in an eight-round match.




门票活动, 由TGB Promotions和Ringstar Sports推广, 现已公开发售,并可以在Ticketmaster.com购买.


菲格罗亚 (16-0, 11 科斯), the brother of former lightweight world champion Omar Figueroa, 小, continues to climb the ladder in the featherweight division with a step up match against the tough former title challenger Escandon. The 21-year-old out of Weslaco, Texas was busy last year as he won all four of his matches and he has logged two knockout victories this year, beating Giovanni Delgado in March and Luis Roy Suarez Cruz in his last fight on August 4, with three of those six wins coming on FS1 and FOX Deportes.




这位34岁的 埃斯坎顿 (25-4, 17 科斯), who fought in the 2004 Olympian for Colombia, is a hardnosed veteran from Ibague, Colombia looking to rebound from two tough losses to Tugstsogt Nyambayar on May 26 on FS1 and WBC featherweight champion Gary Russell, JR. 在 2017.




A 6-foot-6 heavyweight, 乔伊斯 (5-0, 5 科斯) won the silver medal in the 2016 Rio Olympic Games as a super heavyweight from Great Britain and now trains in Big Bear, California with Abel Sanchez. The 32-year-old from London turned pro in 2017 and has been on a knockout roll since. 乔伊斯, whose nickname is ‘Juggernaut,’ has ended four of his five fights inside of two rounds. He scored a first-round KO victory over Ivica Bacurin in his last fight on June 15.


基拉泽 (26-3, 18 科斯) is an experienced veteran who will test Joyce early in his young career. The 32-year-old out of Ukraine who now lives in Los Angeles and will be looking to rebound from back-to-back losses to Michael Hunter and Adam Kownacki. Before those losses he had put together a six-match win streak.




# # #




球迷们可以即时串流在FOX体育应用打架, 可通过FS1或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 战斗可在FOXSportsGO.com上的桌面设备上找到,也可以通过App Store获得。, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司. 此外, 所有节目也可在SiriusXM频道的FOX Sports上获得 83 卫星收音机和在SiriusXM应用.




欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.premierboxingchampions.comHTTP://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepagewww.foxdeportes.com.

在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions, @Ringstar, @ FS1, @FOXDeportes和@Swanson_Comm并成为粉丝在Facebook上www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, 和 www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.可在亮点 www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. FS1上的PBC & FOX Deportes由Corona Extra赞助, 最好的啤酒.

维克托·奥尔蒂斯 VS. 约翰·莫利纳JR. Los Angeles Media Workout Quotes & 照片

VS奥尔蒂斯. 莫利纳JR. 头条新闻 Premier Boxing Champions Action
Live on FS1 & 福克斯周日驱逐出境, 九月 30 从
Citizens Business Bank Arena in Ontario, 加利福尼亚州.
点击 这里 for Photos from Luis Mejia/Ringstar Sports

LOS ANGELES (九月 20, 2018) – Former welterweight world champion维克托·奥尔蒂斯 和强硬 约翰·莫利纳JR. showed off their skills at a media workout Thursday as they prepare to face off Sunday, 九月 30 在主要事件 Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 and FOX Deportes live from Citizens Business Bank Arena in Ontario, 加利福尼亚州.




电视节目开始在 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT和功能 2016 中美. 奥林匹亚 卡洛斯Balderas, who was in attendance at Thursday’s workout and faces New Mexico’s 何塞·萨利纳斯, along with his brother 何塞·巴尔德拉斯, who competes on the non-televised portion of the card.




The stacked night of PBC action on FS1 and FOX Deportes will also see unbeaten featherweight contender 布兰登·菲格罗亚 与粗犷的老兵较量 奥斯卡埃斯坎东 在10轮的较量, 2016 British Olympian 乔·乔伊斯 作战 阿戈·基尔德泽 in an eight-round heavyweight attraction and rising unbeaten prospects 卡通Ajagba 乔伊斯宾塞 in separate showdowns.




门票活动, 由TGB Promotions和Ringstar Sports推广, 现已公开发售,并可以在Ticketmaster.com购买.




Here is what the participants at the media event had to say Thursday from Fortune Gym in Los Angeles:






“约翰·莫利纳JR. 是战士, and it’s going to be two warriors on fight night. This is another chance for me to do what I love to do and what I have the most passion in the world for.




You have to keep that fire burning inside you to keep competing in this sport. You have to go in there 100 英里每小时. This is a sport and I’m going in there to destroy him, then we can go have lunch after.




I have lots of respect for Molina, but this is still boxing. He’s in my way right now and I’m going to knock him out of the way.




I have one big task ahead of me and that’s John Molina Jr. 九月 30. I can’t focus on anyone else out there, as much as I may want to fight them. I have a tremendous challenge in front of me.




I don’t feel that I have the size advantage. Molina is a big guy. I’m not too small or anything, but at the end of the day we’re going to have a good dance in that ring and there’s going to be no excuses.




I’m working hard each day in camp to be ready for September 30. Whatever the coaches have been asking of me, I’ve been there and delivered.






I know that Victor is going to be himself in there. We’re both veterans who have been been down this road before. He’s coming to win and that’s what excites me. I think everyone watching is going to get a treat on September 30.




Victor is probably the physically bigger guy because he’s been at welterweight longer, but I think I carry the weight well. I’ve always been big for my weight classes so I think it will fit perfectly.




Training is what I do. I’ve been down this road before so it’s really just built into my system to get in the gym and work hard. Everything has been going great. We’re on track with some hard work ahead to be ready for fight night.




Victor deserves my undivided attention and he has it. Especially for this fight. He is a big strong guy who hits hard for 147-pounds. I never pick the easy guy when I move up in weight. My first fight at 140 was Lucas Matthysse and I expect fireworks for this fight as well.




My ability to bounce back and deal with adversity in the ring is all about mindset. When I’m in that ring, I’m just 100 percent focused on doing what I have to do for my family. I’ve been blessed by boxing. I put it all on the line.




I know I have to go through the fire every time I get into the ring. If I didn’t think that I’d be fooling myself. You can say what you want about Victor, but he’s always been in exciting fights and I’m going to have to deal with that style on September 30.






I envision myself going out there and breaking down my opponent little by little. I think we’ve kept the same kind of training going, but me and my brother are much more comfortable as pros now, so it’s gotten even more productive.




I’m excited to keep working and getting my rounds in, while also having fun with this job I’m blessed to have. I’m not planning to let this fight go the distance and I’m going to take the opportunity to end it when I see it.




Me and my brother both believe that the fight is really won in the gym. By the time you get up into the ring, it’s just sparring really. That helps me stay relaxed and focused on the work I’m there to do and not worried about anything going on around me.






“参加这场战斗我感觉很棒. I’ve learned a lot from each time I’ve gotten into the ring and I’m going to take that into this next fight to put on my best performance.




My goal is always to go out there and be great. I’m ready to break my opponent down and do what I have to do.




It’s exciting to be on the same card as my brother again. We definitely are still invested in each other’s fights. Hopefully we can each take care of business and be able to be there cheering each other on.


理查德·谢弗, 主席 & Ringstar体育的CEO




It’s refreshing to see the level of respect from Ortiz and Molina. This is an extremely evenly matched fight with no clear favorite. These are fighters who can create a memorable night. It’s the perfect example of how styles make fights.




Both of these men know how to entertain and are must-see television every time they step into the ring. Now they’re fighting each other and it’s got war written all over it. The fans watching on Sunday night and here in Ontario are in for a treat.




I’m excited to see the continued development of Karlos Balderas on September 30. He is quickly making an impression throughout the sport and I believe he’s going to prove that he can live up to the promise in the not too distant future. Sunday will be another step toward what he can really accomplish.




# # #




球迷们可以即时串流在FOX体育应用打架, 可通过FS1或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 战斗可在FOXSportsGO.com上的桌面设备上找到,也可以通过App Store获得。, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司. 此外, 所有节目也可在SiriusXM频道的FOX Sports上获得 83 卫星收音机和在SiriusXM应用.




欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.premierboxingchampions.comHTTP://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepagewww.foxdeportes.com.

在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions, @Ringstar, @ FS1, @FOXDeportes和@Swanson_Comm并成为粉丝在Facebook上www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, 和 www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.可在亮点www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. FS1上的PBC & FOX Deportes由Corona Extra赞助, 最好的啤酒.




什么: 在原来的数字专营权的最新分期付款 战斗之夜, SHOWTIME体育® takes viewers behind the scenes of last Saturday’s welterweight world championship main event, 丹尼·加西亚 VS. 肖恩·波特. 战斗之夜 delves into the minds of the athletes and their families in the sober hours before the fight, into the fighters’ respective corners during the intense bout and into the locker rooms in the immediate aftermath of the battle in Brooklyn.

Distinct cinematography and exclusive audio featured in 战斗之夜: 丹尼·加西亚VS. 肖恩·波特 provides intimate access to two of the welterweight division’s best fighters, delivering a unique perspective on one of the most important matchups in boxing.

Now a two-time world champion, Porter said his lifelong dream came true when legendary SHOWTIME ring announcer Jimmy Lennon Jr. called his name as the victor.

整个九月 8 精彩表演拳击锦标赛® 电视节目是通过SHOWTIME ANYTIME可用®, SHOWTIME ON DEMAND® 与独立的流媒体服务SHOWTIME®



手表, 视图 & 分享通过YouTube: https://s.sho.com/2x0FndA


Yordenis Ugas Dominates Cesar Miguel Barrionuevo in

Co-Featured Bout


Adam Kownacki Remains Undefeated with Decision Win Over


Amanda Serrano Earns World Title in A Record Sixth Weight Division in SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING COUNTDOWN Main Event

观看安可演示周一 10 P.M. ET / PT在


点击 这里 for Photos from Tom Casino and Amanda Westcott/SHOWTIME

布鲁克林 (九月 9, 2018) – 肖恩·波特 became WBC Welterweight World Champion Saturday night as he earned a narrow unanimous decision victory over 丹尼·加西亚 in a hotly contested fight live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center, 布鲁克林拳击™的家, 由总理拳击冠军呈现事件.




All three judges scored the fight in favor of Porter (116-112, 115-113, 115-113) 在一场激动人心的战斗中 13,058 fans at the 30 professional boxing event at Barclays Center. (Video highlights here: HTTPS://s.sho.com/2MWXfRj)





Porter earned the belt that Keith Thurman, who previously defeated Porter and Garcia, was forced to vacate due to an injury.




In an anticipated title fight that was widely regarded as a 50-50 contest in boxing’s deepest division, 加西亚VS. Porter played out as advertised. The difference in total power punches landed throughout the 12-round battle was just five, with Garcia holding the narrow advantage.




In a matchup of accuracy vs. activity, Porter looked to outworked Garcia. He was relentless in his attack and threw 742 总拳和 544 权力拳, 着陆 25 百分. 加西亚, 另一方面, was the more precise fighter, landing the higher percentage and more meaningful punches. 他连接上 46 percent of the 304 他扔出的强力拳. Due to the contrasting styles, the three judges were only able to all agree on four rounds.




I made a prediction and a hard one to live up to,” 波特说. “I said I wasn’t leaving New York without this belt and I’m not leaving New York without this belt. I knew he was going to be accurate. The game plan for me was to be accurate from the outside and show I could beat him without roughing him up on the ropes.




A disappointed Garcia clearly disagreed with the judges’ 记分卡.




He was throwing a lot,” 加西亚说, who falls to 7-2 在世界冠军战斗. “I had my defense tight, so I wasn’t feeling his punches. I thought I landed the clearer shots and won this fight.

I have to sit back, relax and see what’s next for me.




Following the announcement of the decision, IBF welterweight champion and consensus top-five pound-for-pound fighter 埃罗尔·斯彭斯JR. entered the ring to challenge the newly crowned WBC champion to what would be a blockbuster unification bout.




The same way that you called Danny out, I’m going to call you out”, 斯彭斯说:. “I think I’m the best welterweight in the division. I’m ‘The Truthand I guarantee you I come home as unified champion. I definitely want that fight against Porter.




It was a star-studded night at Barclays as current and former world champions attended the fights, including Spence, 米奇·加西亚, 贾勒特赫德, Gervonta戴维斯, 阿德里安Broner, 其他叶贝, Claressa盾, Keith Thurman and Jermell and Jermall Charlo.




在 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING 的联合特色活动中, consensus top-10 welterweight Yordenis Ugas (23-3, 11 科斯) out boxed Argentina’s 塞萨尔米格尔·巴里奥努埃沃 (34-4-2, 24 科斯) on his way to a dominating unanimous decision victory (119-109, 120-108, 120-108). With the win in the WBC title eliminator, Ugas earns the WBC’s second mandatory position to fight Porter.




In a tactical performance, Ugas dictated the pace from the opening bell and looked comfortable throughout the 12 发. He was the more effective fighter from the outset, 着陆 55 他的权力拳%,而 35 他的总拳%的. 巴里奥努埃沃, who was facing a big step-up in competition, was never able to trouble the former Olympic bronze medalist out of Cuba, despite throwing more punches.




Barrionuevo connected on just 26 他的权力拳%,而 19 他的总拳%的. Ugas was the far more accurate puncher connecting on 55 他的权力拳%,而 35 他的总拳%的, including a wild multi-punch assault on Barrionuevo in the eighth round.




We won today and I think I showed everybody my talent,” 赛义德·乌加斯, 谁提高到 8-0 在 147 英镑. “I’m happy with my performance. I showed enough, now I’m ready for a championship fight.




I want the winner of Danny Garcia vs. 肖恩·波特. I’m here to compete with the top-level guys in the sport.




I just didn’t have the right distance tonight,” 说巴里奥努埃沃, 谁是他中美. 登场. “It was hard to catch him and attack. He countered well and attacked the body. I showed my heart but he was the better fighter tonight.




在转播揭幕战, heavyweight slugger 亚当Kownacki (18-0, 14 科斯) remained undefeated by scoring a unanimous decision victory over former world champion 查尔斯·马丁 (25-2-1, 23 科斯) in a sensational action-packed fight. Each of the judges scored the fight 96-94 in favor of the hometown favorite Kownacki, who was fighting in front of a boisterous contingent of Polish fans.




Both fighters were incredibly active, 拥有近 1400 total punches thrown throughout the 10 发. Kownacki and Martin, the former IBF heavyweight champion, each threw over 500 power punches and landed 37 percent of them.




Kownacki, who was fighting at Barclays Center for the seventh time in his pro career, started the fight on the front foot, backing up his opponent and wearing him out on his way to winning the early rounds. Martin began to claw his way back into the fight and caught a second win in the seventh round, landing several powerful left-handed blows to the head of Kownacki.




In a contender for the 2018 整年的, 该 10 and final round saw tremendous back-and-forth action with both fighters trading devastating exchanges while doing their best to stay on their feet. The two fighters combined to land 62 punches in the round, 57 of which were power punches.




I think I proved tonight that I’m a top 10 战斗机,” Kownacki told SHOWTIME Sports® reporter Jim Gray. “I think I need one or two more fights before I go for a title fight. 我有我身后一支伟大的球队. Whatever they decide, that’s the route we are going to take.




I thought I won the decision a little wider than the cards, but Charles came to fight all night. He was in shape and coming forward and I had to dig deep.




马丁, who was punished by a slow start, was gracious in defeat and gave credit to Kownacki.




I’m a late starter, but he was the better man tonight,” 他说,. “Looks are very deceiving, but it’s boxing. I put up a hell of a fight and went the 10 发. I just came up short.




在 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING COUNTDOWN 直播 Undercard 比赛的流媒体报道中, 阿曼达·塞拉诺 (35-1-1, 26 科斯) became the first six-division world champion in women’s boxing history, joining Manny Pacquiao and Oscar De La Hoya as the only boxers, 男女不限, to reach the mark. The Brooklyn native defeated an aggressive and determined Yamila埃丝特·雷诺索 (11-5-3, 8 科斯) to earn the vacant WBO Junior Welterweight World Championship via unanimous decision (all three judges scored the fight 99-91).




This means everything to me,” 塞拉诺说. “I work so hard and I hope this fight shows the fans that girls can fight and we can give it our all just like the men do. We deserve to have this platform and we deserve to be shown.




也在直播中, Brooklyn fan-favorite 克里斯·科尔伯特 (9-0, 3 科斯) cruised to a unanimous decision win over 法蒂乌·法西努 (28-11-3, 15 科斯) 和梅威瑟促销’ 不败前景 理查德森Hitchins (6-0, 3 科斯) dominated Mexico’s 塞萨尔·瓦伦苏埃拉 (7-3, 2 科斯) en route to a unanimous decision victory.




周六的精彩表演拳击锦标赛tripleheader将重播上周一 10 P.M. ET / PT在Showtime EXTREME.




# # #




欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, DannySwift, @ShowtimeShawnP, LouDiBella, @TGBPromotions, 或成为Facebook上的粉丝在 www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxingwww.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment. PBC was sponsored by Corona, La Cerveza Mas Fina and promoted by TGB Promotions and DiBella Entertainment, 与DSG促销协会.



加西亚VS. 穿 | 星期六, 九月 8

从布鲁克林巴克莱中心出发, 由顶级拳击冠军颁发

点击 这里 从阿曼达韦斯科特/ SHOWTIME照片

精彩表演拳击锦标赛® - 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT住在SHOWTIME

DANNY GARCIA vs. SHAWN PORTER – WBC Welterweight World Championship



Danny Garcia – 146 ¾磅

Shawn Porter – 147 英镑

裁判: 史蒂夫·威利斯; 士师记: 唐阿克曼 (纽约州), 朱莉·莱德曼 (纽约州), Eric Marlinski (纽约州)

YORDENIS UGAS vs. CESAR MIGUEL BARRIONUEVO – WBC Welterweight World Title Eliminator



Yordenis Ugas – 146 ¾磅

Cesar Miguel Barrionuevo – 146 英镑

裁判: 瑞奇·冈萨雷斯; 士师记: 约翰McKaie (纽约州), 凯文摩根 (纽约州), 汤姆·施雷克 (纽约州)


ADAM KOWNACKI vs. CHARLES MARTIN – 10-Round Heavyweight Bout



Adam Kownacki – 263 ¼磅

Charles Martin – 246 英镑

Referee and judges for Kownacki-Martin are not yet determined and will be provided on Saturday


SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING COUNTDOWN – 7 P.M. ET / 4时三十分. PT Streaming Live On SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel & 欣欣拳击Facebook页面


AMANDA SERRANO vs. YAMILA REYNOSO – WBO Junior Welterweight World Championship



Amanda Serrano – 138 ½磅

Yamila Esther Reynoso – 138 ¾磅

裁判: 埃迪·克劳迪奥 (纽约州); 士师记: 约瑟夫·帕斯卡莱 (新泽西州), 小拉里·哈扎德. (新泽西州), Waleska罗尔丹 (纽约州)





“It’s a matter of time before I fight everybody. It’s how the sport is. It’s all about timing and the time is now. I’m ready to go in there and reclaim what is mine. I’m excited for all my fights. This is another fight for my legacy. I plan on going in there and giving 150 percent and giving my all, my blood, sweat and my tears and make my family and my friends proud. 丹尼·加西亚, 婴儿. Win by under 9.”



“It’s hard to put it into words how bad I want this. The best way I can describe it in words is that I’ve never wanted anything more in my life. To some, it’s just a belt, but for me it’s my world. 就像我说的, I’m not leaving Brooklyn without this belt. Shawn Porter will be victorious tomorrow night.”


Yordenis Ugas:

“I’m a tough fighter and I like to fight the best. They say he’s a big puncher and that’s what I like. I like guys that can stand in there and fight. Hopefully it’s going to be a war and a great fight for the fans.”



“Tomorrow for sure, everyone will know my name. I’m ready to give a great show to everybody.”



“I’m from Brooklyn, 一, so I’m not afraid of anything. He ain’t got no heart, so I’m going to get in there early and hurt him.”



“He’s been saying the same [东西], but we’ll see tomorrow. This is everything. 我来了. That’s all I have to say.”



“我感觉好极了. I love fighting at Barclays and once again I’m going to make history. I’ve won all my titles by knockout so I’m looking to do it again. Brooklyn’s my second home – my home away from home. I’m excited to do this in Brooklyn at Barclays Center and hopefully there’s more to come.”




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Livestreaming Undercard Action Features Amanda Serrano In Potential Record-Breaking World Championship Bout and Precedes SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Three-Fight Telecast

纽约– 9月 7 – Welterweight World Champion 基思·瑟曼 will serve as a guest analyst this Saturday on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING COUNTDOWN, providing insight and analysis during undercard streaming fights in advance of this Saturday’s Danny Garcia vs. Shawn Porter WBC Welterweight World Championship. Live streaming coverage from Barclays Center begins at 7 P.M. ET / 4时三十分. PT on the 欣欣体育YouTube频道 欣欣拳击Facebook页面 and features multiple live fights and analysis preceding the evening’s three-fight SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® telecast (9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT).

In the featured bout of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING COUNTDOWN, 阿曼达·塞拉诺 (34-1-1, 26 科斯) will attempt to make women’s boxing history as the five-division world champion faces Yamila埃丝特·雷诺索 (11-4-3, 8 科斯) the vacant WBO Junior Welterweight World Title. A win will place Serrano in elite company alongside Manny Pacquiao and Oscar De La Hoya as boxing’s only six-division world champions.

Thurman will join host Ray Flores and analyst Chris Mannix to call the streaming action Saturday from Brooklyn. The reigning WBA Welterweight Champion, Thurman has previously defeated both of Saturday’s headliners. “One Time” edged Porter in a 2016 Fight of The Year Candidate, and narrowly defeated Garcia in a split-decision win to unify the division in 2017.

Saturday’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING COUNTDOWN will feature multiple bouts in what will be the seventh digital presentation of live fights from SHOWTIME Sports in 2018. For the third straight year, the network continues to deliver industry-leading livestream coverage of boxing free to all U.S. consumers with internet access.

Polish slugger 亚当Kownacki and former heavyweight champion 查尔斯·马丁 will open up Saturday’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast with a 10-round heavyweight attraction. 在共同特征, 147-英镑竞争者 Yordenis Ugas will battle against Argentinian favorite 塞萨尔·巴里奥努埃沃 in a welterweight world-title eliminator showdown.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports, 订阅 欣欣体育YouTube频道, 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing或成为Facebook上的粉丝在 www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.

丹尼·加西亚: 该方法




前世界冠军 Talks About His Mindset Before He Enters the Ring

Garcia Faces Shawn Porter in WBC Welterweight World Championship Bout

这个星期六, 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT Live 在Showtime

图片来源: 开演时间

手表, 视图 & 分享通过YouTube: https://s.sho.com/2NWXuZn


什么: 前次中量级世界冠军 丹尼·加西亚 takes you on his ring walk and explains how he prepares to enter the ring in this new digital offering from SHOWTIME Sports®. 丹尼·加西亚: 该方法 provides insight into Garcia’s routine as he shares his thoughts before he climbs through the ropes.

“I don’t have headphones in,” Garcia said. “I like to be relaxed. 这里. I’m in the moment… As soon as I get in the ring, Pops [father Angel Garcia] goes, ‘Come on, 丹尼!’ I can look into his eyes and I know how he’s feeling. And when the bell rings, I’m in a whole different element.”

加西亚, the former unified 140-pound champion and former WBC welterweight titleholder, will meet the fan favorite and former welterweight champion 肖恩·波特 明天晚上, 九月 8, 住在Showtime巴克莱中心, 布鲁克林拳击™的家.

SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING 的现场报道开始于 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT and also features Polish slugger 亚当Kownacki and former heavyweight champion 查尔斯·马丁 opening up the telecast with a 10-round heavyweight attraction. 在共同特征, 147-英镑竞争者 Yordenis Ugas will battle against Argentine power puncher 塞萨尔·巴里奥努埃沃 in a welterweight world-title eliminator showdown.

夜晚以冠军拳击倒计时的表演时间拉开帷幕 7 P.M. AND /4 P.M. PT elterweight orld Çhampion 基思·瑟曼 joins boxing broadcaster Ray Flores and analyst Chris Mannix to preview the night’s tripleheader and call live undercard bouts from ringside in Brooklyn. SHOWTIME’s seventh digital presentation of live boxing in 2018 将在 欣欣体育YouTube频道, 和 欣欣拳击Facebook页面 and will feature five-division champion Amanda Serrano as she embarks on a quest to conquer a title in a sixth weight class.