Category Archives: Premier Boxing Champions


Ny tompondakan'i WBC Porter dia miatrika ny Tompondakan'ny IBF Errol Spence Jr. ao amin'ny Unification Title Welterweight izay lohatenin'ny FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View Asabotsy, Septambra 28 avy Staples Center any Los Angeles

Dirrell dia niaro ny anaram-boninahitra super antonony hanohitra an'i David Benavidez tsy resy tamin'ny hetsika fiaraha-miombon'antoka amin'ny Pay-Per-View raha toa kosa i Guerrero no lohatenin'ny FS1 PBC Fight Night Prelims

Click ETO ho an'ny Sary avy amin'i Leo Wilson/Premier Boxing Champions

Las Vegas (Septambra 18, 2019) – Tompondakan'ny Welterweight WBC “Fotoana Fampisehoana” Shawn Porter, Tompondakan'i WBC Super Middleweight Antony “The Dog” Dirrell ary ny teo aloha telo-fotoana izao tontolo izao tompon-daka Robert “The Masina” Mpiady Nanao fanazaran-tena ho an'ny haino aman-jery tany Las Vegas ny alarobia teo izy ireo teo akaikin'ny fiatrehana ny sabotsy, Septambra 28 avy Staples Center any Los Angeles.

Porter dia ho lohatenin'ny FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View amin'ny fanakambanana anaram-boninahitra welterweight amin'i Errol Spence Jr., raha i Dirrell kosa dia miaro ny fehikibony amin'i David Benavidez tsy resy amin'ny hetsika fiaraha-miombon'antoka amin'ny pay-per-view ho ampahany amin'ny hetsika manomboka amin'ny 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT.

Guerrero dia hifandona amin'i Jerry Thomas amin'ny lalao welterweight izay manasongadina ny FS1 PBC Fight Night Prelims mialoha ny pay-per-view ary manomboka amin'ny 7:30 p.m. SY / 4:30 p.m. PT.

Tickets ho an'ny Septambra 28faha- zava-nitranga, izay ampandrosoin'ny Man Down Promotions, TGB Promotions sy Shawn Porter Promotions, amidy izao ary azo vidiana amin'ny

Izao no nolazain'ireo mpiady ny alarobia avy ao amin'ny Barry's Boxing Gym any Las Vegas:

Shawn Porter

“Shawn Porter dia handao ny peratra miaraka amin'ny fehikibo roa. Handeha hamely azy aho. Hokapohiko mafy izy ary hanao zavatra izay tsy mbola hitanao mihitsy tamin'i Errol Spence..

“Manantena aho fa hisy fahoriana ho an'i Errol. Hisy ny fotoana ahatsapany fa resy ity ady ity. Tsy maintsy matanjaka ara-tsaina izy. Tsy fantatro raha ho eo amin'ny peratra izy. Mino aho fa manana tombony aho ao ary haiko ny miditra ao an-dohany.

“Heveriko fa voajanahary tahaka ny ahy ny fahatokisan'i Errol. Saingy heveriko fa namahana ny fahatokisany izy hatramin'ny nivoahan'ny fiavonavonana. Heveriko fa hampiseho izany amin'ny ady aloha izy. Mila manitsy izy. Rehefa fantany izany, Manantena aho fa hivoaka eo am-baravarankely ny avonavona ary tsy maintsy fantatr'izy ireo izany.

“Tsy mbola nahita an'i Errol nandalo fahoriana teo amin'ny peratra aho. Heveriko fa tsy nisy olona afaka nanohitra azy araka ny fomba ahafahako mihantsy azy. Tena aho miandrandra ny azy.

“Misy fitambarana avy amin'i Shawn Porter izay tsy azonao na aiza na aiza. Ny hafainganam-pandeha izany, fahefana, hakingan-tsaina sy faharanitan-tsaina. Tsy maintsy manao fanitsiana be dia be amin'ny lalitra ianao ary ho vonona. Sarotra ny miomana aho. Mety manana zavatra iray na roa andrasany i Spence, fa tsy handeha amin'izany.

“Efa teo amin'ny toeran'i Errol aho taloha ary fantatro hoe manao ahoana ny fieritreretana fa ny hany tsy maintsy ataoko dia ny miseho sy ny maha-izaho ahy.. Tonga amin'ny teboka iray izay tsapako izao fa mila manao bebe kokoa aho.

“Heveriko fa tsy misy zavatra betsaka tokony hodinihina amin'i Errol. Ny drafitra lalao dia ny hahatonga azy hanao ny fanitsiana. Tsy mandeha araka ny drafitra foana ny zavatra, nefa mbola heveriko fa fantatro ny tiany hatao ao. Tsy hanome anao zavatra be dia be izy, fa izay ataony, ambony izy ary mahay.

“Ny Southpaws dia mitondra ny tsara indrindra amiko. Mbola tanora indray aho. Ho hitanao ny Shawn Porter tsara indrindra.

“Heveriko fa mbola betsaka ny ho resy i Errol amin'ity ady ity. Tsy voatery niatrika fatiantoka mihitsy izy, ary ny ankamaroan'ny olona dia tsy manantena azy ho very. Izy dia eo amin'ny toerana tonga lafatra heverina ho ambony welterweight. Fa raha ny fahitako azy, Tsy manana finiavana ho resy mihitsy aho.”


“Hiady tsara izany. David Benavidez dia mpiady ary tsy maka na inona na inona aminy aho. Fantatro anefa fa manana ny fitaovana rehetra handresena azy aho. Tsy niady tamin’olona toa ahy mihitsy izy. Izay rehetra nandona azy, tokony handondona izy.

“Manana ny zavatra rehetra ilaiko ao amin'ny arsenalako aho. Mahay zavatra maro aho. Afaka manova azy aho raha ilaina izany. Raha mila mipetraka ao am-paosy aho, afaka aho. Raha mila boaty aho, afaka aho. Tsy heveriko fotsiny fa i Benavidez no mahatonga azy rehetra.

“Handeha aho ny knockout. Mandalo amin'ny ady rehetra aho. Raha tsy mitranga izany, Mbola afaka mandeha aho 12 fihodinana ary mivoaka ho mpandresy.

“Hanangana ny lovako io fandresena io. Misy mihevitra fa ho resy aho, ary faly aho amin'izany. Izany dia mitondra ny asako ho amin'ny ambaratonga hafa.

“Tsy mijery an'io ady io aho. Mifantoka amin'i David Benavidez aho. Aorian'ity ady ity dia afaka miresaka momba ny fampiraisana aho na inona na inona. Ataovy aloha fa tsy maintsy mikarakara an'i David aho.

“Ny fatiantoka dia fatiantoka na manao ahoana na manao ahoana. Na resy amin'ny iray kilaometatra na antsasaky ny fihodinana. Efa lasa izany ary tsy mifantoka afa-tsy amin'ny ho avy isika. Misy mpiady 22 taona tsy resy miezaka maka izay azoko.

“Ataovy ny asa rehetra rehefa ao anaty gym ianao, dia tsy maintsy avelanao ao anaty peratra ny zava-drehetra. Niofana mafy loatra izahay mba tsy hanao izany. Tena matoky aho. Rehefa tapitra ny andro, handresy ny mpankafy.

“Efa nahita an'i Benavidez niady aho taloha. Nijery azy akaiky ny mpanazatra ahy ary hamoaka ny drafitry ny lalao. Haingana izy, fa ho vonona izahay.”

ROBERT Guerrero

“Mahatsapa tsara aho izao. Nandeha tsara ny zava-drehetra ary tsy andriko ny handeha hiasa any. Vita daholo ny zava-tsarotra rehetra, izao dia fitazonana sy fiomanana fotsiny.

“Faly aho amin'ity fahafahana ity. Efa niomana tsara aho ary vonona ny handeha. Toy ny ady rehetra izany. Tsy misy avelanao tsy hivadika, tanteraho ny drafitry ny lalao ary ataovy izay tokony hatao mba hahazoana fandresena.

“Ny mpankafy dia hahazo izay azony foana amiko. Ho avy hiady aho, mitandrema ny raharaham-barotra ary avelao ho an'ny rehetra ny zavatra hotsaroana.

“Amin'ny adiko maro, Nandeha an-tongotra fotsiny aho ry zalahy. Nanana lehilahy toa an'i Keith Thurman sy Danny Garcia aho niady mba hihantona teo fotsiny, ary tsy niady tamin'ny fahafahako tanteraka aho. Nandeha azy ireo fotsiny aho. Fa ny fahaizako dia ny ady totohondry, izany no niady tamin'ny lanja maivana kokoa. Niala tamin'ny zavatra nahaizako aho.”

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Spence vs. Porter dia nandresy an'i Errol, tompondaka welterweight tsy resy IBF “Ny Marina” Spence Jr. manohitra ny WBC Welterweight Champion “Fotoana Fampisehoana” Shawn Porter tamin'ny fanakambanana anaram-boninahitra 147 kilao izay lohatenin'ny hetsika FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View ny asabotsy., Septambra 28 avy Staples Center any Los Angeles.

Ny hetsika pay-per-view dia manomboka amin'ny 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT ary manasongadina ny Tompondakan'ny WBC Super Middleweight Anthony “The Dog” Dirrell niatrika ny tompondaka teo aloha tsy resy, David “The Red Flag” Benavidez tamin'ny hetsika fiaraha-miasa, mpifaninana tsy resy Mario “ny aztec” Barrios sy Batyr Akhmedov miady amin'ny anaram-boninahitra WBA Super Lightweight, ary Josesito veterana mahery fo “Riverside Rocky” Lopez sy mpiady John Molina Jr. mifaninana amin'ny ady amin'ny welterweight 10 fihodinana.

Raha mila fanazavana fanampiny: fitsidihana
,, manaraka ao amin'ny TwitterPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions sy @Swanson_Comm na lasa mpankafy ao amin'ny Facebook amin'ny, &

Peter Quillin, tompondaka eran-tany teo aloha, dia nifanandrina tamin'i Alfredo Angulo tao amin'ny FS1 PBC Fight Night Main Event & amin'ny FOX Deportes Saturday, Septambra 21 avy any Rabobank Arena any Bakersfield, California

Bebe Kokoa! Niady teo aloha i Chris Colbert

lohateny Challenger Miguel Beltran Jr.; Nifandona i Terrel Williams Welterweight tsy resy miaraka amin'i Thomas Dulorme & Ny Prospect tsy resy Jesosy Ramos dia niatrika an'i Rickey Edwards Kick Off Telecast amin'ny

10:30 p.m. ET p.m. SY / 7:30 p.m. PT

FS2 PBC Fight Night Prelims dia manasongadina 154-Pound Lohateny Eliminator Showdown Eo anelanelan'ny Jeison Rosario & Bakhram Murtazaliev amin'ny hetsika manomboka amin'ny 8:30 p.m. SY / 5:30 p.m. PT

Tickets amidy amin'ity sabotsy ity, Aogositra 24 amin'ny 12 p.m. PT

BAKERSFIELD, TOY NY.(Aogositra 22, 2019) – Izao tontolo izao tompon-daka teo alohaPeter “zanak'osy Chocolate” Quillin hiady mafy mafyAlfredo Angulo in 12-boribory super middleweight showdown izay lohatenin'ny FS1 PBC Fight Night sy ao amin'ny FOX Deportes ny asabotsy, Septambra 21 avy any Rabobank Arena any Bakersfield, California.

Ny fandrakofana amin'ny FS1 dia manomboka amin'ny 10:30 p.m. SY / 7:30 p.m. PT ary manasongadina ny fisondrotana haingana Chris “Prime Time” Colbert miditra amin'ny peratra amin'ny lalao 10 fihodinana maivana amin'ny mpifanandrina amin'ny anaram-boninahitra taloha Michael Beltran Jr.., miampy welterweight tsy resy Terrel Williams miakatra hamely Thomas Dulorme amin'ny fisintonana fihodinana 10, raha ny fanantenana tsy resy Jesosy Ramos maka amin'ny Rickey Edwards in lalao super maivana 10 fihodinana hanokafana ny FS1 PBC Fight Night.

Ny FS2 PBC Fight Night Prelims dia hialoha ny karatra lehibe ary hanomboka amin'ny 8:30 p.m. SY / 5:30 p.m. PT, asongadina amin'ny fikapohana mafyJeison raozery vakana manohitra tsy resy Bakhram Murtazaliev amin'ny fihodinana 12 IBF 154-pound title eliminator.

“Ity dia karatra ady lehibe misy na inona na inona azon'ny mpankafy ady totohondry te, ahitana tompon-daka teo aloha, mpifaninana ambony sy kintana ho avy, rehetra ao lalao mifanentana izay mampanantena tantara an-tsehatra,” hoy i Tom Brown, Filohan'ny TGB fisondrotana. “Peter Quillin vs. Alfredo Angulo dia mampanantena fa ho tsara, antitra lamaody slugfest miaraka amin'ireo mpiady roa mitady hanaporofo fa vonona amin'ny tontolo iray izy ireo ady lohateny manaraka. Miaraka amin'ny fanantenana mampientam-po toa an'i Chris Colbert sy Jesus Ramos, miampy ady mifanandrify eo amin'ny mpifanandrina amin'ny Williams vs. Dulorme sy Rosario vs. Murtazaliev, ity dia ho alina feno hetsika manomboka any ambony ka hatrany ambany.”

Tapakila ho an'ny hetsika, izay nasandratry ny TGB Promotions, dia eo fivarotana asabotsy, Aogositra 24 amin'ny 12 p.m. PT ary azo vidiana amin' SY

Quillin (34-1-1, 23 Kos) mitady hiakatra indray ao amin'ny laharan'ny tompondaka ary tsy maintsy mandalo an'i Angulo alohan'ny hahatongavana amin'izy ireo. ny 36 taona, izay teraka tany Chicago ary mipetraka any Brooklyn ankehitriny, nandresy ny anaram-boninahitra eran-tany antonontonony manohitra an'i Hassan N'Dam in 2012. Niaro soa aman-tsara izy in-telo izany. Izy dia avy amin'ny tsy fanapahan-kevitra manohitra ny super teo aloha tompon-daka antonony Caleb Truax tamin'ny Aprily 13 ao amin'ny FS1 PBC Fight Night main hetsika. Izy no nandray ny fihodinana roa voalohany tamin'ireo mpitsara telo’ scorecards teo aloha nijanona ny hetsika rehefa tapaka lalina ny maso havanan'i Truax, vokatry ny an vody loha tsy nahy, namarana ny ady ary niafara tamin'ny a tsy misy fanapahan-kevitra.

“Toa tsy natao ho azy ny ady nataon'i Caleb Truax, SAINGY ity ady amin'i Angulo ity dia ady lehibe ho ahy hampiorenana ny tenako ity fizarana ity,” Hoy Quillin, izay nokasaina hanao lalao indray tany am-boalohany Truax tamin'ny Aogositra 31, talohan'ny nialany i Truax noho ny ratra nahazo an'i Achilles. “izaho vonona handeha 12 fihodinana izao. Tsy maintsy mivonona sy mijanona amin'ny endriny fotsiny aho satria nanana toby lehibe izay nahafahantsika nanorina zavatra sasany. Izany no natao ary hanararaotra izany aho amin'ny zava-dehibe fampisehoana ny 21 septambra.”

Angulo (25-7, 21 Kos) miditra amin'ny lalao amin'i Quillin taorian'ny knockout fandresena tamin'ny Evert Bravo tamin'ny Aprily 20. Ilay veterana 37 taona, izay teraka tao Mexicali, Meksika ary mipetraka any Coachella izao, California, efa niaraka tamin'ny sasany amin'ireo mpanao ady totohondry sangany sy sluggers nandritra ny asany izay nahitana azy tamin'ny maro fiadiana mampientam-po amin'ireo toa an'i Canelo Alvarez sy Erislandy Lara ny hafa.

“Manantena ny hampiseho amin'ireo mpankafy ahy ny Alfredo tsara indrindra aho Angulo tamin'ny 21 Septambra,” hoy i Angulo. “Niasa mafy aho manoloana ity fahafahana ity. Fotoana iray hanatonana ny anaram-boninahitra eran-tany sy miaraka amin'ny asa mafy sy ny fanohanan'ny ekipako, Handresy izany anaram-boninahitra izany aho.”

Misolo tena ny tanàna niaviany any Brooklyn, NY, Colbert(12-0, 4 Kos) efa nanomboka nalaza mampiseho fahaiza-manao goavana amin'ny voalohany 12 fandresena pro. ny 22 taona nivadika ho pro 2019 taorian'ny asa am-pitiavana mahavariana sy ny ankamaroany vao haingana no nifehy an'i Alberto Mercado teny an-dalana ho amin'ny fanapahan-kevitra iraisana momba ny FOX in Jona.

“Atolotro ho an'ny ady ity ady ity manohitra ny homamiadan'ny zaza,” hoy i Colbert, izay nahazo aingam-panahy tato ho ato fampahafantarana amin'ny mpankafy tanora voan'ny homamiadana. “Mikasa ny hiditra ao aho Rabobank Arena ary manao izay tsara indrindra vitako tamin'ny Septambra 21. Tsy manao faminaniana mihitsy aho noho ny adiko, fa mitady hanjakazaka foana aho ary raha tonga ny knockout dia tonga izany. Manana asa tokony hatao aho ary tsy maintsy mifantoka amin'ilay lehilahy ao anatiny eo anatrehako. Ho tonga ny 'Prime Time’ tamin'ny Septambra 21 mba ho hitan'ny mpankafy te-hahazo antoka fa hanitsy an'ity iray ity.”

Miady avy any Los Mochis, Sinaloa, Meksika, Beltran (33-7, 22 Kos) dia hiverina hiasa rehefa avy nandao fanapahan-kevitra amin'ny Yuriorkis Gamboa, tompondaka eran-tany teo aloha, ny volana novambra lasa teo. Ilay 30 taona nanohitra an'i Roman Martinez hahazo anaram-boninahitra super volom-borona ary resy tamin'ny fisarahana fanapahan-kevitra tamin'ny volana septambra 2012.

“Tena faly aho amin'ity fahafahana ity miady amin'i Chris Colbert amin'ny FS1 sy FOX Deportes,” hoy i Beltran. “manana aho niady ny tsara indrindra 130 mpangalatra eran'izao tontolo izao – Rocky Martinez, Gamboa, Mickey Roman ary indroa aho no nanao fanamby ho an'ny tompondaka eran-tany. Ity no karazana ady I mila ao amin'ny fahitalavitra nasionaly mba hiverenan'ny tenako amin'ny fifandirana. Tena matotra aho nandresy ary faly fa manana ny tobim-piofanako any Los Angeles miaraka amin'ny zanak'olo-mpiray tam-po amiko, Ray Beltran, tompondaka eran-tany teo aloha, izay manampy ahy hiomana ho amin'ny fandresena.”

Williams (18-0, 13 Kos) nanitatra ny firaketany tsy resy tamin'ny volana aprily niaraka tamin'ny fandresena fisarahana tamin'i Justin DeLoach tany Las Vegas. Ilay 35 taona avy any Los Angeles dia nahazo fanapahan-kevitra teo aloha momba an'i David Grayton tamin'ny Septambra 2018.

Mpifaninana hatry ny ela, Dulorme (24-3-1, 16 Kos) nahazo ny maro an'isa tamin'ny ady farany nataony tamin'i Jessie Vargas tompondaka eran-tany teo aloha Oktobra. Ny 29 taona dia efa nandatsaka fanapahan-kevitra tery ho ambony Yordenis Ugas tamin'ny volana Aogositra 2017. Nitranga izany faharesena izany taorian’ny filaharana nandresy valo tamin'ny ady sivy ny mpiady Porto Rikana, miaraka amin'ny fahavoazany tokana nandritra ny izay tonga amin'ny ady anaram-boninahitra amin'i Terrence Crawford.

Vao 18 taona monja, Ramos (10-0, 9 Kos) nahafaty knockout tamin'ny azy ady sivy voalohany hatramin'ny nivadika ho pro ny volana mey lasa teo. Ny Casa Grande, Arizona-tany vao haingana indrindra no nandeha lavitra tamin'ny asany pro, fandresena a fanakatonana fanapahan-kevitra niraisan'ny rehetra momba an'i Kevin Shacks tamin'ny volana Jona tao amin'ny FOX.

Miady amin'ny Paterson, New Jersey, Edwards (12-3, 3 Kos) Nandresy ny voalohany 11 ady pro, anisan'izany ny fandresena an'i Azriel tsy resy Paez sy John Delperdang. Ny 29 taona farany indrindra dia very fanapahan-kevitra tsy resy i Mykquan Williams tamin'ny volana Mey.

Rosario, 24 taona (19-1-1, 13 Kos) nandresy ny dimy farany miady ary tsy resy tao anatin'ny ady valo hatramin'ny fahareseny tokana tamin'i Nathaniel Gallimore in 2017. Ilay mpiady Dominikana teraka monina any Florida dia nandray nahafaty mpifanandrina sy olona ambony indrindra anisan'izany i Jamontay Clark, Justin DeLoach, Marcos Hernandez ary vao haingana, Jorge Cota amin'ny FS1 tamin'ny Aprily.

Murtazaliev any Rosia(16-0, 13 Kos), izay mipetraka ao Oxnard ankehitriny, Kalifornia ary tsy resy hatramin'ny nidirany ho pro 2014. Ny 26 taona dia manana nandresy tamin'ny knockout an'i Elvin Ayala sy Bruno Leonardo Romay in 2019.

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Ny mpijery dia afaka mivantana mivantana ny fandaharana PBC amin'ny FOX Fanatanjahantena sy FOX NOW apps na ao amin'ny Ankoatry ny, ny programa rehetra dia azo jerena ao amin'ny FOX Sports amin'ny fantsona SiriusXM 83 amin'ny radio satelita sy amin'ny SiriusXM fampiharana.

Raha mila fanazavana fanampiny: fitsidihana, ary, manaraka ao amin'ny TwitterPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions sy @Swanson_Comm na lasa mpankafy ao amin'ny Facebook amin'ny, &

Frank Sanchez, mpilalao olaimpika Puerto Rico, Victor Bisbal, tsy resy, tamin'ny sabotsy, Aogositra 31 ao amin'ny FOX PBC Fight Night & ao amin'ny FOX Deportes avy ao amin'ny The Armory any Minneapolis

Ny tompondaka eran-tany teo aloha, Caleb Truax, dia niala tamin'ny fiadiana nokasaina hanohitra an'i Peter Quillin noho ny ratra nahazo an'i Achilles.

Erislandy Lara, tompondaka eran-tany teo aloha, niady tamin'i Ramon Alvarez ho an'ny anaram-boninahitra WBA Super Welterweight tamin'ny hetsika lehibe., Miampy Sebastian Fundora, Super Welterweights haingana & Jamontay Clark Square dia miala amin'ny hetsika fiaraha-miombon'antoka amin'ny fampielezam-peo manomboka amin'ny 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT

MINNEAPOLIS (Aogositra 22, 2019) – Kiobàna lanja mavesatra miakatra haingana frank sanchez hiatrika ny Olympian Porto Rikana Victor Bisbal amin'ny fifandonana mavesatra 10 fihodinana ho ampahany amin'ny hetsika FOX PBC Fight Night sy amin'ny FOX Deportes Asabotsy, Aogositra 31 avy amin'ny The Armory any Minneapolis.

Sanchez vs. Nosoloin'i Bisbal ny lalao efa nomanina teo aloha teo amin'ny tompon-daka teo aloha Peter Quillin sy Caleb Truax, taorian'ny nanerena an'i Truax niala noho ny ratra nahazo an'i Achilles.

Ny fandrakofana momba ny FOX sy FOX Deportes dia manomboka amin'ny 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT ary lohatenin'ny tompondaka eran-tany teo aloha Erislandy “The American Dream” Lara niady tamin'i Ramon Alvarez tamin'ny lalao 12 fihodinana ho an'ny anaram-boninahitra WBA Super Welterweight. Ny hetsika mpiara-miombon'antoka dia hahita mpivady tanora super welterweights hifandona amin'i Sebastian “The Towering Inferno” Fundora dia mandray an'i Jamontay “Ilay mpamono mangina” Clark tamin'ny fisintonana fihodinana 10.

Tapakila ho an'ny velona hetsika, izay mampiroborobo ny TGB Promotions sy Warriors Boxing, azo vidiana ao amin'ny Armory ao amin'ny Sokajy:// ary amin'ny alàlan'ny Ticketmaster.

Mpihira malaza taloha avy any Kiobà nahaterahany, Sanchez (12-0, 10 Kos) mipetraka any Las Vegas izao ary tsy resy hatramin'ny nidirany ho pro 2017. Ny 27 taona dia nahafaty knockout tamin'ny ady enina voalohany nataony, ary nahazo fandresena sivy tao 2018. Sanchez vao haingana no nahafaty ny fijanonan'ny fihodinana faharoa tamin'i Jason Bergman tao amin'ny The Armory tamin'ny Jolay.

Rehefa avy nisolo tena an'i Puerto Rico tamin'ny 2004 Lalao Olaimpika, Bisbal (23-3, 17 Kos) Nandresy 21 ny voalohany 22 mpanohana ny ady, anisan'izany ny fandresena tamin'ny ady 16 tamin'ny tara 2006 mandra- 2013. Resy tamin'i Dominic Breazeale sy Magomed Abdusalamov izy talohan'ny nandreseny ny ady roa farany nataony tamin'ny volana aogositra. 31. Ny fivoahany farany dia nahita azy Edson Roberto Dos Santos Borges tamin'ny volana Desambra 2018.

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Ny mpijery dia afaka mandefa mivantana ny seho PBC amin'ny fampiharana FOX Sports sy FOX NOW na ao amin'ny Ankoatry ny, ny fandaharana rehetra dia hita ao amin'ny FOX Sports amin'ny fantsona SiriusXM 83 amin'ny radio zanabolana sy amin'ny fampiharana SiriusXM.

Raha mila fanazavana fanampiny: fitsidihana, ht
ary, manaraka ao amin'ny TwitterPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, WarriorsBoxingProm, TGBPromotions, ary @Swanson_Comm na lasa mpankafy amin'ny Facebook ao, &

Brandon Figueroa niaro ny anaram-boninahitra vonjimaika WBA Super Bantamweight hanohitra an'i Javier Nicolas Chacon amin'ny ady hody izay lohatenin'ny FS1 PBC Fight Night & amin'ny FOX Deportes Saturday, Aogositra 24 avy any Bert Ogden Arena any Edinburg, Texas

Teny nalaina & PHOTOS

Click ETO ho an'ny Sary avy amin'i Christian Inoferio

WESLACO, TX. (Aogositra 20, 2019) – Tompondakan'ny WBA Super Bantamweight vonjimaika tsy resy Brandon Figueroa naneho ny fahaizany tamin'ny fanazaran-tena tamin'ny haino aman-jery ny talata talohan'ny niarovany ny anaram-boninahitra hody an'i Arzantina Javier Nicolas Chacon izay lohatenin'ny FS1 PBC Fight Night sy ao amin'ny FOX Deportes ny asabotsy alina avy ao amin'ny Arena Bert Ogden any Edinburg, Texas.

The Weslaco, Figueroa, teratany Texas, no hiaro ny anaram-boninahitra hody amin'ny hetsika lehibe izay manomboka amin'ny 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT amin'ny maha-22 taona azy dia mitady hitazona ny anaram-boninahitra azony tamin'ny fampiatoana an'i Yonfrez Parejo tamin'ny Aprily tao amin'ny FOX.

Tapakila ho an'ny velona hetsika, izay atosiky ny TGB Promotions miaraka amin'ny Panterita Boxing, amidy izao ary azo vidiana amin'ny alalan'ny bertogdenarena.comary/na

Ity no nolazain'i Figueroa tamin'ny Talata avy amin'ny Panterita Boxing Club any Weslaco:

Brandon Figueroa

“Ny fandresena amin'ny sabotsy teo anoloan'ny fianakaviako sy ny namako tany an-tanindrazako dia ho mahagaga. Ireo no olona nanohana ahy ary te hahita ahy velona nandritra ny taona maro. Farany dia voninahitra lehibe ho ahy ny fahatongavana amin'io fotoana io.

“Hafa ny ady ao an-trano sy ny matory ao am-pandriako mandritra ny herinandron’ny ady. Fihetseham-po mahafinaritra izany. Mifantoka amin’izay tokony hataoko fotsiny aho, ary izany dia fiaran-dalamby sy ady.

“Mahatsiaro ho tsy mampino aho. Mihena tsara ny lanja. Ara-batana sy ara-tsaina dia tena vonona aho. Tsy andriko ny asabotsy. Ho afomanga sy fampisehoana mahatalanjona izany.

“Voninahitra ho an'ny mpanao ady totohondry voalohany nahazo lohateny lehibe tao amin'ny Bert Ogden Arena. Manapaka izany aho ary manao tantara, noho izany dia fantatro fa ho fotoana tsy hay hadinoina ho ahy izany.

“Tena tsy mitsaha-mitombo ny heriko ary mipoaka kokoa aho amin'ny peratra ankehitriny. Ampitomboinay foana ny habetsahan'ny totohondry azonay atsipy ary mihamatanjaka izahay isan'andro.

“Ity no iray amin'ireo ady miavaka indrindra amin'ny asako satria miady eto amin'ity kianja ity eo imason'ny fianakaviako sy ny mpanohana ahy aho.. Ho alina mahafinaritra izany.

“Tsy manao tsinontsinona ny mpanohitra aho alohan'ny ady. Miofana mafy aho amin'ny ady rehetra toy ny ady lehibe indrindra amin'ny fiainako. Miasa amin'ny heriko izahay, ny hafainganam-pandehako sy ny fiarovan-tenako. Tsy maintsy miasa amin'izany rehetra izany aho mba ho eo amin'ny sehatra manerantany.

“Niady tamin'ny lehilahy lehibe aho hatramin'ny naha-mpilalao azy. Ny raiko sy ny anadahiko dia nampiditra izany tao am-poko foana mba tsy hatahotra fanoherana. Tsy niteny mihitsy aho tamin'ny ady, izany ihany no fomba nitaizana anay. Tsy matahotra aho.

“Tsy maintsy manohy ny ataoko fotsiny aho, izay ady. Tena tia ady totohondry aho ary te-hametraka ny tanindrazako amin'ny sarintany. Izany dia momba ny fitaomam-panahy ho an'ny ankizy ao anatiny sy ivelan'ny peratra.

“Ny fitsipi-piasako dia momba ny tsy fitoviana. Na dia amin'ny fotoana tsy iasako aza dia miasa foana aho ary mitazona ny tenako amin'ny endriny. Ny fifehezana ahy foana no zava-dehibe indrindra.”

# # #

Figueroa vs.. Chacon dia hahita an'i Brandon Figueroa tsy resy amin'ny fiarovana ny anaram-boninahitra WBA Super Bantamweight vonjimaika hanoherana an'i Javier Nicolas Chacon amin'ny lalao 12 fihodinana izay lohatenin'ny FS1 PBC Fight Night sy ny FOX Deportes Asabotsy, Aogositra 24 avy any Bert Ogden Arena any Edinburg, Texas.

FS1 PBC Fight Night dia manomboka amin'ny 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT ary manasongadina kintana vao misondrotra Stephen Fulton Jr. maka an'i Isaac Avelar amin'ny lalao super bantamweight 10 fihodinana amin'ny co-feature.

Ny mpijery dia afaka mandefa mivantana ny seho PBC amin'ny fampiharana FOX Sports sy FOX NOW na ao amin'ny Ankoatry ny, ny fandaharana rehetra dia hita ao amin'ny FOX Sports amin'ny fantsona SiriusXM 83 amin'ny radio zanabolana sy amin'ny fampiharana SiriusXM.

Raha mila fanazavana fanampiny: fitsidihana, ht
ary, manaraka ao amin'ny TwitterPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions sy @Swanson_Comm na lasa mpankafy ao amin'ny Facebook amin'ny, &


Former Champion Jean Pascal Edges Marcus Browne By Technical Decision After Accidental Headbutt Ends Fight in Round Eight & Wale Omotoso Stops Curtis Stevens in Third Round of 154-Pound Duel

Click ETO for Photos from Nabeel Ahmad/Premier Boxing Champions

Click ETO ho an'ny Sary avy amin'i Stephanie Trapp/TGB Promotions

Brooklyn (Aogositra 4, 2019) – Unbeaten Polish star and Brooklyn native Adam Kownacki (20-0, 15 Kos) earned a unanimous decision over Chris “The Nihamafy” Arreola (38-6-1, 33 Kos) in an all-action brawl in front of his hometown fans that headlined FOX PBC Fight Night main event and on FOX Deportes Saturday night from Barclays Center, ny tranon'ny BROOKLYN BOXING™.

Kownacki and Arreola set the CompuBox heavyweight record for combined punches landed and thrown in a heavyweight fight. They landed a combined 667 punches, besting the previous record of 650, while throwing 2,172 punches, far surpassing the previous mark of 1,730.

Highlights from the fight can be found ETO, ETO ary ETO.

Chris is an Aztec warrior,” hoy Kownacki. “Izy no lehibe mpiady. I knew it would be a tough fight and I prepared for it. The CompuBox numbers prove it was a great fight.

Adam is relentless,” Hoy Arreola. “He just keeps coming. I know I got him with some good punches and he got me with some good ones. I was more than ready to go all 12, but Adam came in and won the fight.

The action began right from the first bell, as Kownacki charged at Arreola and immediately began exchanging as both men threw power punches in bunches. Kownacki worked off of his jab to initiate his offense, while Arreola was effectively able to counter his hard-charging opponent and respond every time he was hit with a combination.

I thought it was a good close fight but I knew I pulled it out,” hoy Kownacki. “I landed a lot of shots and that was enough to win. That’s all that matters.

Kownacki stunned Arreola in the early moments of round two but Arreola quickly responded to slow Kownacki’s momentum. Arreola found more and more success with his overhand right as the fight went, landing the punch numerous times in the fourth and fifth round especially.

Round six was a back and forth affair that featured a big offensive surge from Kownacki early in the round, before an exciting exchange at the end of the round saw both men take heavy punches.

I tried to follow up when I had him hurt but I was throwing two punches instead of three or four,” hoy Kownacki. “Props to Arreola because he proved he could still hang. I’m sure the fans would want to see him again.

The middle rounds saw Arreola pick up a hand injury, but it didn’t appear to slow him down much as his punch output continued to be strong for the second half of the fight. For Kownacki, it was his first time going past 10 rounds as a pro.

After the punches continued to fly through the last bell, the two heavyweights embraced in the ring prior to hearing the judges’ maro. Taorian'ny 12 fihodinana, all three judges saw the fight in favor of Kownacki, ny maro ny 117-11 in-droa ary 118-110.

Retirement is something I need to talk to my family and team about,” Hoy Arreola. “I gave it my all this fight. I let it all hang out. After breaking my hand, I kept fighting because I believed I could win.

I just have to keep training hard, getting better and sharpening my skills,” hoy Kownacki. “We’ll see what the future holds. Hopefully next year I’ll get the title shot.

The co-main event saw former world champion Jean Pascal (34-6-1, 20 Kos) earn a narrow technical decision over previously unbeaten Marcus Browne (23-1, 16 Kos) to capture the WBA interim light heavyweight title after an accidental headbutt ended the fight in round eight.

Boxing is boxing,” said Pascal. “We clashed heads, but at the end of the day, I was winning the round. I dropped him three times. Tena ady akaiky, but I believe I was winning.

Browne appeared to be in control early, using his jab effectively and finishing his combos with power punches. Throughout the fight, Browne would land 52% of his power punches according to CompuBox.

Amin'ny manodidina efatra, Pascal broke through landing a perfect right hand that connected with Browne as he threw his own right hook. Browne hit the canvas for the third time in his career, but was able to make it through the round.

Watch Pascal score the knockdown ETO

Browne looked to have regained control of the fight until late in round seven when Pascal again connected on a powerful right hook that caught Browne during an exchange. Pascal jumped on Browne after he got to his feet and knocked him down a third time right before the bell ended round seven.

Montreal’s Pascal was looking to finish Browne in round eight, while Browne looked to effectively navigate the ring while recovering from the previous round. It was midway through the round that Pascal hit Browne with an accidental headbutt on the ropes that opened a cut over Browne’s left eye.

Watch the headbutt ETO

Referee Gary Rosato halted the bout 1:49 ho any amin'ny manodidina, on the advice of the ringside physician, meaning the fight went to the scorecards. By winning the shortened eighth round on all three judges’ karatra, Pascal won the fight by the score of 75-74 in-telo.

I could hear my daughter ringside and that was motivation for me,” said Pascal. “She was yelling my name all night long. I’m going to go home and talk to my team to see what is next. Canada has Drake, the NBA Champions and now I’m bringing the belt home.

Browne was unavailable for post fight comments as he was taken to NYU Lutheran Medical Center due to the cut.

The opening bout on FOX saw Wale Omotoso (28-4, 22 Kos) drop Curtis Stevens(30-7, 22 Kos) three times on his way to a third round stoppage victory in their super welterweight clash.

For Stevens it was his first fight at 154-pounds, and he was tested at the new weight from the outset. Omotoso began moving and jabbing around the ring as Stevens stalked him and tried to throw power punches to slow his movement. Late in the first round, Omotoso broke through with a right hand to the side of Stevenshead that dropped him in the middle of the ring.

My coach told me to keep my hands up, be patient, box him and jab,” said Omotoso. “He told me I shouldn’t push it and that when the opening was there, I’d take it. That’s exactly what happened.

He hit me with an overhand right in the first round that knocked my equilibrium,” said Stevens. “But that didn’t really affect me too much. I wasn’t stepping enough into my punches, I was reaching. I got caught when I was reaching.

In round two Omotoso landed a perfect jab on Stevens, as his opponent was throwing a left hook, that sent him down for the second time in the fight. Stevens again made it through the round, and began the next frame trapping Omotoso in the corner and connecting on power punches.

I was just letting my hands go,” said Omotoso. “On the second knockdown my confidence grew. I was glad to get the victory by knockout.

While Stevens was able to own the early moments of the third round, Omotoso hit him with a three punch combo that featured left hook, left uppercut and then straight right hand that put Stevens down for the third time. Stevens got to his feet but referee Johnny Callas halted the bout at 1:28 ny fihodinana fahatelo.

I was okay but the referee has to do his job,” said Stevens. “I was down three times so I know he was looking out for my best interests.

I didn’t expect it to go exactly like that,” said Omotoso. “I was just listening to my coach. The second knockdown was actually with my jab. I have to talk to my team about what’s next. I’m thankful for this opportunity. I’m so happy to have this win. Give me anybody next, Vonona aho.”

Watch Omotoso’s TKO over Curtis Stevens ETO

# # #

ADAM KOWNACKI VS. CHRIS ARREOLA FINAL PRESS CONFERENCE QUOTES & PHOTOS – Unbeaten Polish Star & Brooklyn Native Adam Kownacki & Former Title Challenger Chris Arreola Face Off Before FOX PBC Fight Night Main Event on FOX & FOX Deportes This Saturday from Barclays Center in Brooklyn


Unbeaten Polish Star & Brooklyn Native Adam Kownacki & Former Title Challenger Chris Arreola Face Off Before FOX PBC Fight Night Main Event on FOX & FOX Deportes This Saturday from Barclays Center in Brooklyn

Click ETO ho an'ny Sary avy amin'i Stephanie Trapp/TGB Promotions

Brooklyn (Aogositra 1, 2019) – Unbeaten Polish star Adam Kownacki ary ny anaram-boninahitra teo aloha nihantsy ady Chris “The Nihamafy” Arreola went face to face at Thursday’s final press conference, two days before they meet in a heavyweight showdown headlining FOX PBC Fight Night this Saturday live on FOX and FOX Deportes from Barclays Center, ny tranon'ny BROOKLYN BOXING™.

The press conference also featured fighters competing in action beginning at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT as unbeaten WBA interim light heavyweight champion “Sir” Marcus Browneary tompon-daka teo aloha Jean Pascal, plus Brooklyn’s Curtis Stevens ary Wale Omotoso, all faced-off ahead of their respective matchups Saturday night.

Tapakila ho an'ny hetsika, izay nasandratry ny TGB Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased at Tickets can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center.

The fighters were joined on stage by former lineal heavyweight champion Michael Spinks. Here is what the fighters had to say Thursday from the Brooklyn Marriott:

ADAMA Kownacka

This is one of my dreams coming true. Since the amateurs I’ve wanted to fight at Barclays Center and on Saturday night I’m the main event. I couldn’t be more excited

I’ve been pushed hard in training camp and I can’t wait to show everyone all of my work on Saturday. The key is going to be jabbing in and throwing my punches in bunches like I always do.

This is a new experience for me being the headliner, but in the ring it doesn’t matter. It’s just two guys fighting each other. We both love to fight. I can’t wait to get it over with and punch him in the face.

Chris Arreola is a warrior. You always know that when Chris fights, it’s a good fight. But I’m going to test how much he has left in the gas tank. Chris has been in there with three champions and when I take care of business on Saturday, I’ll be one step closer to being world champion.

It’s truly a great feeling to have all this support from my fans here. These fans are trusting me to bring the title back to Brooklyn and to Poland.

Barclays Center has been my boxing home. I can’t wait to get in the ring. This is a tough fight and I have to make sure I send the fans home happy.

This definitely has Fight of the Year written all over it. Neither of us are afraid to let our hands go and no matter what happens, the fans are going to be winners on Saturday.


I understand that Adam is the favorite because he’s undefeated and fighting in his hometown. Rehefa tapitra ny andro, none of that matters to me. I’m going to give it my all for this fight.

I’m carefree right now. I have no stress. Raha very, I’m okay with walking way. But I’m not here to do that. I’m here to win.

“Fantatro fa manana mpanohitra mafy teo anoloan'ny ahy. I have my work cut out for me. But ‘The Nightmareis going to keep going.

I went to Joe Goossen as my trainer because I knew it was time to make a change. I have to make this last run count. This is the best team I could imagine. Joe makes you work on your mistakes. I believe the winner of this fight is whoever takes advantage of the first mistake.

I respect everybody outside of the ring, but once we’re in the ring, I’m not friends with anyone. We’ll shake hands after the final bell, but I’m here to put on a show. It’s lights, fakan-tsary, action and time to shine.

He’s a volume puncher. He just keeps coming and he’s smiling at you the whole time. Rehefa tapitra ny andro, I’m going to put a frown on his face Saturday.

My prediction is that the fans are going to get their money’s worth. You better record this one, because you’re going to watch it again and again. I’m going to come out with my hand raised.

Marcus Browne

Being in training in Colorado really lets me get attuned to my game plan. It’s just waking up every day and working with that same mentality where I’m focused on nothing but the fight. It’s all about going in there and getting that win.

I’m going to punish Pascal on Saturday. If the knockout is how he wants to go, I’ll be ready. I promise I’m going to beat him for 12 fihodinana.

It feels great to be here defending my belt. I’ll be in a better position after this fight. I’m going to make a statement in this fight and put Pascal in his place.

Pascal is a guy who doesn’t come to lay down, he comes to beat you. That’s what the sport is about. You have to fight guys of that stature if you’re not fighting champions.

A win on Saturday puts me in contention to fight for a world title next. That’s my focus, but before that, it’s about Jean Pascal and taking care of him the right way.

This is a great card for New York with me, Adam and Curtis all representing our home city. It’s great for us to be in this position together.


Marcus has been saying that he’s going to go in there and try to knock me out, but I’m no amateur. I know what his game plan is going to be. He’s going to run around the ring and try to hold. We all know he’s the best at running like a chicken.

When I was Marcus’ taona, I was already a world champion. He was watching me on TV when he was at the Olympics.

How is he going to knock me out? I think without the cut that Badou Jack had in their fight, he would have knocked Marcus out.

“Vonona aho. I’m a solid fighter. I’ve fought the best, so I don’t think Marcus will be able to knock me out.

I’m too good all-around for Marcus. This is my chance to show that I still have a lot of gas left in the tank. I’m still good enough to fight at the very top level of the sport.


This is my first time fighting at Barclays Center, and I’m going to give the fans a taste of what they’ve been missing.

I decided that I’d go down to 154-pounds because my camp has a lot of the top 160-pound fighters so we were getting in each other’s way. There are a lot of opportunities for me in this weight class as well.

No matter what has happened in my career, I have always come back. I’m mentally always ready to bounce back. I’ve had layoffs in my career, but I know that I’m going to get where I need to be.

Nobody calls me out because they know I can punch. I’m too risky for the top fighters because they know there’s a chance they get knocked out.

It’s incredible to have this opportunity to fight at Barclays Center for the first time. It’s going to be a good time for me and all the fans.


I’m not worried about Stevens being at a new weight. I don’t think it’s going to affect him that much. Amin'ny Sabotsy, we’re both going to do our best to get the win.

He’s a big puncher who brawls. But I’m a big puncher too. He’s been there and fought everybody, but I’m going to show the world what I can do.

I think this is going to be a toe-to-toe fight. There might be some feeling out, but as the fight goes on and we get into the middle rounds, it’s going to be fought in the middle of the ring.

I’ve trained well for this fight and had sparring with lots of different fighters. The different styles that I’ve seen throughout camp will have me prepared for anything Stevens shows me on Saturday night.

# # #

Kownacki vs. Arreola pits undefeated Polish star and Brooklyn-native Adam Kownacki against veteran former title challenger Chris “The Nihamafy” Arreola for a heavyweight showdown that headlines FOX PBC Fight Night on FOX and FOX Deportes Saturday, Aogositra 3 avy Barclays Center, ny tranon'ny BROOKLYN BOXING™.

The broadcast starts at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT and features unbeaten interim WBA Light Heavyweight Champion “Sir” Marcus Browne battling former world champion Jean Pascal in a 12-round bout, plus Brooklyn’s Curtis Stevens makes his 154-pound debut against Wale Omotoso in a 10-round fight.

Ny mpijery dia afaka mandefa mivantana ny seho PBC amin'ny fampiharana FOX Sports sy FOX NOW na ao amin'ny Ankoatry ny, ny fandaharana rehetra dia hita ao amin'ny FOX Sports amin'ny fantsona SiriusXM 83 amin'ny radio zanabolana sy amin'ny fampiharana SiriusXM.

Raha mila fanazavana fanampiny: fitsidihana, ht
ary, manaraka ao amin'ny TwitterPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @BrooklynBoxing, TGBPromotions, ary @Swanson_Comm na lasa mpankafy amin'ny Facebook ao, ary


Yordenis Ugas Tops Omar Figueroa by Unanimous Decision; Sergey Lipinets Stops Jayar Inson in Two Rounds & Luis Nery Knocks Out Juan Carlos Payano in Ninth Round in Pay-Per-View Undercard


Efe Ajagba Defeats Ali Eren Demirezen by Unanimous Decision in Clash of Unbeaten Heavyweights on FOX

Click ETO for Photos from Stewart Cook/FOX Sports
Password: f0xb0x

Click ETO for Pacquiao vs. Thurman & ETO for Plant vs. Lee Photos from Ryan Hafey/Premier Boxing Champions

Click ETO ho an'ny Sary avy amin'i Stephanie Trapp/TGB Promotions

Click ETO for Photos from Sean Michael Ham/Mayweather Promotions

Las Vegas (Jolay 21, 2019) – Boxing’s only eight-division world champion, Senator MannyPacMan” Pacquiao nitete Keith “Indray Mandeha” Thurman in round one and won a close split decision to earn a welterweight world title in the main event of a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View event Saturday night from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

It was fun,” said Pacquiao. “My opponent is a good fighter and boxer. Tonga mahery tokoa izy. I’m not that kind of boxer who talks a lot; we were just promoting the fight. I think he did his best, and I did my best. I think we made the fans happy tonight because it was a good fight.

The sell-out crowd of 14,356 got treated to great action from the start, as an exciting first round was capped off by Pacquiao dropping Thurman for the first time in his career with a straight right hand late in the round.

I knew it was too close,” Hoy Thurman. “He got the knockdown so he had momentum in round one.

Thurman made it into the second round but continued to have trouble with Pacquiao’s right hand, as the future Hall of Famer threw it successfully as a jab and a power punch throughout the fight. Thurman adjusted in the middle rounds and began to try to smother Pacquiao and walk him down, having success when he was able to get his combinations off before his opponent.

Despite blood pouring from his nose from round four on, Thurman was able to land powerful combinations on Pacquiao for much of the second half of the fight, but was never able to hurt Pacquiao or score a knockdown of his own.

I wish I had a little bit more output to go toe to toe,” Hoy Thurman. “I felt like he was getting a little bit tired, but he did have experience in the ring. My conditioning and my output was just behind Manny Pacquiao’s. I would love the rematch.

In round 10, Pacquiao’s landed a strong left hook to the body that clearly hurt Thurman and forced him to spend much of the remainder of the round backpedaling. The CompuBox scores were indicative of the close nature of the fight, with Thurman out landing Pacquiao 210 ny 195, while Pacquiao was busier throwing 686 punches ho 571 from Thurman.

I really love the fans,” said Pacquiao. “Thank you so much for coming here and witnessing the fight. I’m sure they were happy tonight because they saw a good fight. Even though Thurman lost, he did his best. He’s not an easy opponent. He’s a good boxer and he’s strong. I was just blessed tonight.

Watch the round 10 Manasongadina ETO

Pacquiao had a large advantage in jabs landed, mampifandray amin'ny 82 to Thurman’s 18. The 192 power punches landed by Thurman was the most in 43 Pacquiao fights that CompuBox has tracked. Round-by-round, the two fighters were only separated by more than five landed punches in rounds two, seven and nine.

Taorian'ny 12 fihodinana, the judges reached a split decision, with one judge scoring the fight 114-113 for Thurman, overruled by two judges scoring it 115-112 for Pacquiao, who captured the WBA Welterweight World Championship at 40-years-old.

You get blessings and lessons,” Hoy Thurman. “Tonight was a blessing and a lesson. Thank you everybody, and thank you Manny Pacquiao.

“Heveriko fa (I will fight) next year,” said Pacquiao. “I will go back to the Philippines and work and then make a decision. I do hope to be at the (Errol) Spence vs. (Shawn) Porter fight on September 28.

The co-main event of the pay-per-view saw top contender Yordenis Ugas (24-4, 11 Kos) drop previously unbeaten Omar Figueroa (28-1-1, 19 Kos) on his way to a unanimous decision in their WBC welterweight title eliminator.

Ugas got off to a strong start, connecting on a straight right hand that sent Figueroa into the ropes, which he held onto so he didn’t hit the canvas, but enough that referee Russell Mora ruled it a knockdown.

The fight played out how I thought it would,” said Ugas. “I came out strong and Figueroa was tough as well. This was similar to the fight everyone expected. I came out on top.

Watch the highlight of the knockdown ETO

Figueroa recovered and was able to make it to round two, where he continued his strategy of coming forward to try to hurt Ugas on the inside. Ugas was able to control that action on the inside, landing numerous uppercuts to stun Figueroa. Na izany aza, the inside fighting led to Ugas being deducted a point by the referee in round five for holding.

Ugas fought a smart fight,” Said Figueroa. “He was smothering me on the inside and holding. I thought the scores were too wide. I was following him and working the whole time. I felt like he only worked the last 30 seconds of the round, but I guess that was all it took.

I didn’t have any problems with his size. I thought I was able to do my thing, but when he was holding me I couldn’t get my offense going.

Despite that, and being warned later in the fight for delivering low blows, Ugas dominated the fight according to CompuBox, out landing Figueroa 229 ny 131 and connecting with 28% of his punches, to Figueroa’s 22%.

I knew Figueroa was a tough guy, so I didn’t want to waste my energy trying to take him out early,” said Ugas. “I was ready to go 12 rounds.

Taorian'ny 12 fihodinana, all three judges scored the fight the same, 119-107 in favor of Ugas, who became the mandatory for the winner of the Errol Spence Jr. vs. Shawn Porter welterweight title unification.

I’m extremely happy to be in this position to fight for the WBC title again,” said Ugas. “I will be ready for the winner of Errol Spence Jr. vs. Shawn Porter.

Additional action saw former world champion Sergey Lipinets (16-1, 12 Kos) score a highlight-reel knockout against Jayar Inson (18-3, 12 Kos) in the second round of their welterweight matchup.

Lipinets was originally scheduled to fight John Molina Jr., before Molina pulled out of the fight Friday morning due to a back injury. Inson, who was scheduled to fight on the non-televised undercard, stepped up to the challenge.

When I first heard the news about Molina, I knew that I wanted to still fight on a show of this magnitude,” said Lipinets. “As far as fighting a southpaw, I’ve had so many amateur fights in my kickboxing career that I had no problem adjusting. Tena resaka fotsiny ny fotoana. I also have sparred with great southpaws like Victor Ortiz throughout my career, so I was comfortable with the change in fighter.

In an exchange early in the second round, Lipinets landed a clean left hook to Inson’s head, which sent the Filipino-fighter to the canvas. Although Inson got to his feet, referee Jay Nady waved off the bout 57 segondra an-manodidina.

I got hit and I slipped, that made it look worse,” said Inson. “When I stood up I thought I was fine and tried to raise my hands and show the referee.

Joe Goossen is an exceptional trainer and he just told me to work from a different direction facing a southpaw,” said Lipinets. “I just made sure to block his punches with my elbows. That was the only adjustment I had to make and it ended up working just fine.

Watch the Lipinets KO highlight ETO

The opening pay-per-view bout saw undefeated former champion Luis Nery (30-0, 24 Kos) deliver a ninth-round knockout of former bantamweight champion Juan Carlos Payano (21-3, 9 Kos).

I wasn’t really paying attention to how long the fight was going, I was just getting into a rhythm as it went on,” said Nery. “I had to work hard to get to him because he’s a good boxer. The longer it went, the better I felt. I put my punches together well once I got going.

In a fast-paced duel of former champions, Payano had success early boxing the aggressive Nery, moving back to avoid his attack and landing his own offense against the knockout artist. Payano out landed or was even in punches landed for each of the first six rounds of the bout.

I’m a warrior and I wanted to keep going and fight back every time he came forward,” said Payano. “My coach wanted me to stay behind my jab a little more.

As the fight grew into the middle rounds, Nery began to increase the offense and was able to land power shots that slowed Payano’s ability to box from the outside. Nery hurt Payano early in round seven, eventually dominating the round, out landing his opponent 22 ny 7.

He was a very complicated fighter at the beginning, he’s a veteran, so I had to try to adapt to his style to see how I could get in,” said Nery. “In the fifth or sixth round I started gaining control of the fight and then that left hook came to the body which was devastating.

During the exchanges it was Nery’s second shot that was getting in,” said Payano. “We corrected the issue but then that body shot came in from nowhere and hit me in a rib that I had broken years ago against Raushee Warren.

Round eight saw Nery continue to break Payano down, most notably landing a big left hand midway through the round that caused blood to pour from Payano’s nose. During an exchange in the ninth-round, Payano landed a devastating left hook to the ribs that put Payano down. He was unable to recover and referee Vic Drakulich halted the bout 1:43 ho any amin'ny manodidina.

I wanted to get him out early,” said Nery. “But this showed that I do have the experience to go into the later rounds and still take out my opponent. I showed that I have good defense and can make adjustments.

Watch Nery’s knockout ETO

The FOX PBC Fight Night main event on FOX and FOX Deportes saw IBF Super Middleweight World Champion Caleb “Sweethands” Plant (19-0, 11 Kos) retain his title with a dominant third-round knockout over previously unbeaten Mike Lee (21-1, 11 Kos).

It went exactly how I planned it would go,” Said Plant. “Tanteraka. I’ve been telling you all week it wasn’t going to go 12 rounds and I stuck to my word and I tried to do that. I hope you guys had a good time.

Plant got off to a fast-start, dropping Lee with a left hook late in the first round. The unbeaten challenger was able to recover and survive the round, but was hard-pressed to make up for the hand speed advantage of Plant.

You can watch Plant’s first knockdown ETO

I think I have a high boxing IQ and I do this at a really high level,” Said Plant. “So it was just about making adjustments. Izy lehibe, strong guy and he just came in here to give it his all.

Lee looked to charge in hard against Plant and use his size and power to land a big shot and change the momentum of the fight. Plant was sharp and avoided the looping right hands that Lee was attacking with.

The speed was the difference, he’s fast and very accurate,” Hoy Lee. “I had some success with my right hands but wasn’t able to be consistent with it.

Amin'ny manodidina telo, Plant landed a vicious right hook early in the round that put Lee down for the second time. After a left hook appeared to connect and send Lee down a second time, referee Robert Byrd ruled it had come from a push and continued the fight once Lee got to his feet.

Plant had his opponent hurt and continued to press forward, eventually landing another left hook that put Lee down, this time forcing the referee to wave off the bout 1:29 ho any amin'ny manodidina.

Watch the highlight of Plant’s TKO ETO

I had no issue with the stoppage, that’s the referee’s job and I respect it,” Hoy Lee.

Taorian'ny ady, Benavidez was asked about a possible unification fight against the winner of the just announced Anthony Dirrell vs. David Benavidez WBC Super Middleweight Championship fight.

Oh yeah, we can definitely unify,” Said Plant. “I ain’t hard to get a hold of. I ain’t hard to make a fight with. Come see me. You know my advisor.

The opening bout on FOX and FOX Deportes saw Efe Ajagba (11-0, 9 Kos) score a unanimous decision over Ali Eren Demirezen (11-1, 10 Kos) in a 10-round battle of undefeated heavyweights. It was the first time that two unbeaten fighters from the 2016 Olympics faced off as pros.

You can find full fight highlights ETO

Ajagba used his jab and height effectively throughout the fight, fipetrahana 10 ny 45 jabs per round, doubling the heavyweight average. Na izany aza, an elbow injury and the accurate punching of Demirezen forced Ajagba to go the distance for the first time as a pro.

This was the first fighter to take me the distance,” said Ajagba. “He was strong and could take my punches. My trainer just told me to keep using my jab and stay in the middle of the ring.

I hurt my elbow early on, so I couldn’t shoot my right hand like I wanted. But I won’t use that as an excuse. As a tall man I had to use the jab and if it went the distance, that was my best way to win.

Demirezen thought the scorecards should have been closer and believed that his performance should have garnered him more than the decision loss. Demirezen was actually the more accurate puncher, fipetrahana 26% of his punches to 22% from Ajagba.

I don’t agree with the scores, especially 99-91said Demirezen. “It was much closer. I feel that at minimum, it was a draw. I knew I had to knock him out and that a knockout might be easier than winning by points. I thought it was a good performance but I can do better. I’d like to fight in the U.S. indray.”

Ajagba’s activity from start to finish was impressive, as he threw 877 fitambaran'ny punches, fipetrahana 191. While Demirezen was not far behind with 149 punches landed, he only out landed Ajagba in three rounds.

Taorian'ny 10 rounds of action all three judges scored the fight in favor of Ajagba, ny maro ny 99-91 in-droa ary 97-93.

IBF Champion Errol Spence Jr. Battles WBC Champion Shawn Porter In Highly-Anticipated 147-Pound Title Unification Match that Headlines a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View Event Saturday, Septambra 28 avy Staples Center any Los Angeles

The Welterweight World Title Takeover Continues!

BEBE KOKOA! Two-Time Champion Anthony Dirrell will Defend His WBC Super Middleweight Title Against Undefeated Former Champion David Benavidez in the Co-Feature

Tickets On Sale, Alatsinainy, Jolay 22 Amin'ny 12 p.m. PT!

Los Angeles (Jolay 20, 2019) – Welterweight world champions collide when IBF Champion Errol “Ny Marina” Spence Jr. clashes with WBC Champion“Fotoana Fampisehoana” Shawn Porter in a massive 147-pound title unification match headlining a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View on Saturday, Septambra 28 at Staples Center in Los Angeles.

The co-feature of the evening will pit WBC Super Middleweight Champion Antony “The Dog” Dirrell against unbeaten former champion David “The Red Flag” Benavidez in an explosive 168-pound showdown.

Tickets for the event go on sale Monday, Jolay 22 amin'ny 12 p.m. PT and can be purchased at

“Errol Spence Jr. versus Shawn Porter in a welterweight unification match brings to mind some of the great 147-pound clashes of the past – Sugar Ray Robinson vs. Kid Gavilan, Leonard vs. Hearns or Whitaker vs. Chavez,” hoy i Tom Brown, Filohan'ny TGB Promotions. “Both men are in their primes and both like to apply pressure. With that clash of styles, something has to give. Ao amin'ny mpiara-endri-javatra, Anthony Dirrell doesn’t want to give up the title and David Benavidez wants it back. Played out before an electric crowd at STAPLES Center in Los Angeles and headlining a PBC on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View, this show has instant classic written all over it.

Spence vs. Porter represents a major step forward in the quest to find the best 147-pound boxer on the planet. Spence has declared that anyone who wants to make that claim will have to come through him. Porter has already faced the some of the biggest names in the division, including Keith Thurman and Danny Garcia, and will make Spence back up his boast.

The unbeaten Spence (25-0, 21 Kos) is a young, powerful welterweight who vaulted to the top of the welterweight scene with a punishing 11faha- round knockout victory over Kell Brook for the IBF championship in front of Brook’s hometown fans in Sheffield, England in 2017. Fighting out of Desoto, Texas, Spence has successfully defended the title three times. Most recently he scored a unanimous decision victory over three-division world champion Mikey Garcia in a PBC on FOX Pay-Per-View show before a hometown crowd at AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas on March 16.

It’s going to be a very exciting fight,” hoy i Spence. “Shawn is never in a boring fight and I always entertain. It will be a ‘Fight of the Yeartype fight because our styles mesh. Shawn Porter is a guy who tries to rough you up. That’s what he’s always done. With Yordenis Ugas he tried to box and he said he didn’t like that style. He said he is going back to his original style. If he brings that style to me, it’s going to be a great fight because I’m going to bring it right back to him.

The 31-year-old Porter (30-2-1, 17 Kos) is a two-time welterweight champion whose high-pressure style has served him well in his rise in the 147-pound division. Born in Akron, Ohio and now living in Las Vegas, Porter won the IBF welterweight title with a unanimous decision victory over Devon Alexander in 2013. He lost the title, which Spence now has, to Kell Brook by a majority decision in 2014. Porter moved back into the championship ranks with a unanimous decision victory over Danny Garcia for the vacant WBC title in 2018. He successfully defended the title with a split decision victory over Yordenis Ugas in March on FOX.

There haven’t been too many fights as a professional that I’ve been this excited about,” Hoy Porter. “I was really excited about the Danny Garcia fight and I’m really excited about this one. Ever since Spence got a belt, I really circled this fight on my calendar. Preparation is the key. I think I have everything it takes to beat Errol Spence. I’m very confident and my team is confident in what I have to do on September 28. We’ll be ready.

Dirrell vs. Benavidez promises to be a hotly contested battle for the WBC Super Middleweight title. Dirrell is a two-time WBC 168-pound world champion and will bring experience, while Benavidez will bring his high-octane style.

The 34-year-old Dirrell (33-1-1, 24 Kos) won the WBC title for the first time with a unanimous decision over Sakio Bika in 2014. The native of Flint, Michigan lost the title the next year to Badou Jack by majority decision. He put together six straight victories after that loss to get back into position to fight for the championship again. He won the title with a technical decision victory over Avni Yildirim in February on FS1. Dirrell is the younger brother of Andre Dirrell, who won a bronze medal as a member of the U.S. Olympic boxing team in 2004.

I’m going to work my butt off, putting in extra hours in the gym, because this is one of the toughest opponents I’ve ever fought,” Dirrell said. “He’s young and he’s tough. But I’m more than ready for anything that he can bring. I bring an exciting fight. He knows that. The world knows that. Afaka miresaka, but nothing matters but what happens in the ring. I wanted this fight to be out west because I will fight anybody anywhere. It’s only two people in the ring and we’re going to give a good entertaining fight for the fans.

Benavidez (21-0, 18 Kos) won the WBC title with a split decision victory over Ronald Gavril in 2017. Fighting out of Phoenix, Arizona, Benavidez successfully defended the title with a more convincing unanimous decision over Gavril in the rematch four months later. The 22-year-old returned to the ring to score an impressive knockout victory over veteran J’Leon Love in March on the Spence vs. Garcia PBC on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View.

I’m looking forward to reclaiming my WBC belt in my next fight against Anthony Dirrell,” hoy i Benavidez. “This fight is overdue and I guarantee I will be ready for whatever he brings to the ring. The fans are really going to enjoy this one.

Raha mila fanazavana fanampiny: fitsidihana
,, manaraka ao amin'ny TwitterPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions sy @Swanson_Comm na lasa mpankafy ao amin'ny Facebook amin', &

Exciting Lineup of Undercard Fights Feature Puerto Rican Heavyweight Carlos Negron, Super Welterweight Clash Between Curtis Stevens & Wale Omotoso, Local Fan-Favorite Heather Hardy & Bebe kokoa – Asabotsy, Aogositra 3 avy Barclays Center in Brooklyn & Atolotr 'i Premier Ady Totohondry Champions

Asabotsy, Aogositra 3 avy Barclays Center in Brooklyn & Atolotr 'i Premier Ady Totohondry Champions

Polish Star Adam Kownacki Headlines Against Former Title Challenger Chris Arreola in FOX PBC Fight Night Main Event Live on
FOX & FOX Sports – 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT

Brooklyn (Jolay 9, 2019) – An exciting lineup of action-packed undercard attractions will add to the Summer heat on Saturday, Aogositra 3 live from Barclays Center, ny tranon'ny BROOKLYN BOXING™, tamin'ny hetsika natolotry ny Premier Boxing Champions.

The event is headlined by Polish star and heavyweight contender Adam Kownacki and former title challenger Chris “The Nihamafy” Arreola meeting in the main event of FOX PBC Fight Night live on FOX and FOX Deportes. Ny fandefasana manomboka amin'ny 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT and also features two-time world champion Andre Berto and 147-pound contender Miguel Cruz, who meet in a welterweight attraction, and interim WBA Light Heavyweight Champion Marcus Browne and former world champion Jean Pascal, who duel in a 175-pound bout.

Undercard bouts are highlighted by 2008 Puerto Rico Olympian Carlos Negron (20-2, 16 Kos) in a 10-round heavyweight fight against Atlanta’s Brian Howard (14-3, 11 Kos), former title challenger Curtis Stevens (30-6, 22 Kos) taking on veteran contender Wale Omotoso (27-4, 21 Kos) in a 10-round super welterweight clash and featherweight world champion and unbeaten local fan-favorite Heather “The Heat” Hardy (22-0, 4 Kos) in her 10faha- appearance in the ring at Barclays Center.

Tapakila ho an'ny hetsika, izay nasandratry ny TGB Promotions, can be purchased at Tickets can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center.

Additional action features a pair of uneaten fighters as Brooklyn’s Julian Sosa (13-0-1, 5 Kos) steps in for an eight-round welterweight showdown versus Texas-native Brian Jones (14-10, 8 Kos), plus Maryland-native Cobia Breedy (13-0, 4 Kos) takes on Michigan’s Ryan Lee Allen (9-3-1, 4 Kos) in a 10-round featherweight attraction.

Rounding out the lineup is Mexico’s Isaac Cruz Gonzalez in a 10-round featherweight fight, undefeated fanantenana Keeshawn Williams ao amin'ny enin-manodidina welterweight ady, unbeaten New Yorker Arnold Gonzalez in a four-round featherweight duel and undefeated New Jersey-native Kestna Davis in a four-round super welterweight bout against California’s Jaime Meza.

# # #

Ny mpijery dia afaka mandefa mivantana ny seho PBC amin'ny fampiharana FOX Sports sy FOX NOW na ao amin'ny Ankoatry ny, ny fandaharana rehetra dia hita ao amin'ny FOX Sports amin'ny fantsona SiriusXM 83 amin'ny radio zanabolana sy amin'ny fampiharana SiriusXM.

Raha mila fanazavana fanampiny: fitsidihana, ht
ary, manaraka ao amin'ny TwitterPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @BrooklynBoxing, TGBPromotions, ary @Swanson_Comm na lasa mpankafy amin'ny Facebook ao, ary


Pacquiao vs. Thurman Headlines Premier Boxing Champions FOX Sports Pay-Per-View Event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas

You’re going to see a world class performance on July 20 that has me standing alone on top of the division.” – Thurman

ST. Petersburg, FL. (Jolay 8, 2019) – Keith “Indray Mandeha” Thurman’s victories have always been the center of conversation. Even with nine championship fights and eight title defenses already under his belt, his Saturday, Jolay 20 fight against Manny Pacquaio could prove to be the most significant, as he steps onto boxing’s biggest stage looking to capture a momentous victory.

Pacquiao vs. Thurman will pit the undefeated WBA Welterweight World Champion Thurman against boxing’s only eight-division world champion and Philippine Senator MannyPacManPacquiao in the main event of a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

The FOX pay-per-view begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and tickets for the event, which is promoted by MP Promotions, Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased online through, Mampianiana an-telefaonina ao amin'ny 866-740-7711 or in person at any MGM Resorts International box office.

Coming off a majority decision over Josesito Lopez that ended a 22-month ring absence in January, Thurman (29-0, 22 Kos), 30, had won a close unanimous decision over former title holder “Fotoana Fampisehoana” Shawn Porter in June 2016 and a split-decision over two-division title winner Danny “Swift” Garcia in March 2017, adding Garcia’s WBC crown to his WBA version, before he vacated the WBC title due to injury.

Thurman broke down all of his title performances in anticipation of the fight that could cement his place amongst boxing’s best of this era.

KO 10 Diego Chaves, Jolay 27, 2013, AT&T Center, San Antonio: The 24-year-old Thurman came off a near-shutout unanimous decision over former champion Jan Zaveck in March 2013 and faced an unbeaten Argentine interim WBA champion who was after his fifth consecutive stoppage win and had knocked out 18 ny 22 mpanohitra.

Thurman traded early power shots, controlled tempo with his athleticism and boxing ability and floored Chaves with a ninth round left hook to the liver before dropping him for the final time with a right hand in the 10faha- manodidina. Chaves failed to beat the count as Thurman became a 147-pound titleholder.

The Diego Chaves fight was the biggest fight of my career, elevating me to the WBA interim champion,” Hoy Thurman. “I broke him down round by round and landed a beautiful body shot in the ninth round and after that it was a matter of time. That was a fight that earned me worldwide respect and was the start of everything for me.

WHO 9 Jesosy Soto Karass, Desambra 14, 2013, Alamodome, San Antonio:Soto Karassprevious victory was a 12th-round stoppage of two-time belt holder Andre Berto in a fight that saw him rise from an 11th-round knockdown. Hurt by a hard right in the first round, Thurman recovered, flooring Soto Karass with a left uppercut in the fifth and again from a powerful combination in the ninth as the referee ended matters.

Soto Karass was coming off a victory over Andre Berto which made it an important measuring stick fight for me,” Hoy Thurman, “He did open the fight by tagging me in the first round, but I dropped him in the fifth and again in the ninth and was able to finish him off for my first title defense.

RTD 3 Julio Diaz, Aprily 26, 2014, StubHub Center, Carson, Kalifornia: In a one-sided beat-down, former champion Diaz took a knee from a left to the temple the second round and retired prior to the fourth from a body shot that caused rib damage. Diaz never fought again.

That was a tremendous fight for me as the headliner in my first main event,” Hoy Thurman. “Diaz was coming off of good showings against Shawn Porter, fighting Porter to a draw once, and Amir Khan, whom he dropped in their fight. I also had the opportunity to make a statement. I did that by stopping him in only three rounds.

ud 12 Leonard Bundu, Desambra 13, 2014, the MGM Grand Garden Arena, Las Vegas: A previously unbeaten 40-year-old switch-hitting veteran, Bundu (31-1-2, 11 KO) was dropped by a first-round right hand in a shutout victory (120-107 in-telo) for Thurman who ended an eight-month ring absence and was recovering from an injured left shoulder.

Bundu was a switch-hitting awkward fighter. I switched [to southpaw] on him in the first round and dropped him with a right hand,” Hoy Thurman. “I out boxed him and really gave the world a taste of how good of a boxer I am. It was an easy blowout.

ud 12 Robert Guerrero, Martsa 7, 2015, the MGM Grand Grand Garden Arena: Thurman entered this bout after having been elevated to the full champion before facing Guerrero (32-3-1, 18 Kos), a two-division title winner. He overcame a grotesque hematoma above his left eye from an accidental clash of heads, nitete “The Masina” in the ninth-round, and lost a combined four rounds in PBC’s first ever main event.

Guerrero had fought Floyd Mayweather and I was happy to have a common opponent with Floyd, so that I could prove to the world that I deserved a shot at Mayweather,” Hoy Thurman. “I had to overcome that adversity of having that hematoma by knocking him down in the ninth round. That fight really raised my stock to another level.


RTD 7 Luis Collazo, Jolay 11, 2015, USF Sundome, Tampa: Thurman overcame a crippling left hand to the liver in the fifth round to become only the man to stop Collazo, a former champion who had gone the distance in losses to Ricky Hatton, Shane Mosley, Andre Berto and Amir Khan. In a homecoming fight, Thurman opened a deep gash over Collazo’s right eye with his own left hook, eventually resulting in the southpaw’s retiring on his stool after the seventh round.

I was able to survive that body shot to perform in the next round. The fight was taking its toll on him though. I was becoming more comfortable and accurate as I physically broke him down,” Hoy Thurman. “The arena was electric, and the love was amazing. It was a great homecoming to defend my world title near where I grew up in Clearwater, Florida.


ud 12 Shawn Porter, Jona 25, 2016, Barclays Center, Brooklyn, New York:Thurman overcame a bullish former champion in Porter (26-2-1, 16 Kos) before an electric crowd, winning a give-and-take, blood-and-guts brawl by scores of 115-113, telo mpitsara rehetra’ karatra. Highlights were Thurman’s clean right hand-left hook combination that buckled Porter’s knees late in the third round, a 10th-round left hook that did the same, and an even more vicious head-swiveling hook in Round 11 of a Fight of The Year standout from 2016.

Our fight was tough, back and forth, but by no means was Shawn Porter going to take my title,” Hoy Thurman. “I pushed myself over the final rounds to make sure I’d be victorious in what was one of the ‘Fight of The Yearcontenders that year. That fight proved to everyone that I can win any type of fight, against any type of fighter.


SD 12 Danny Garcia, Martsa 4, 2017, Barclays Center: Thurman won a clash of 28-year-olds over the then unbeaten Garcia (33-0, 19 Kos), along with the WBC’s crown in just the 10th title unification in division history and only the third between a pair of unbeaten fighters. The crowd of 16,533 represented the highest attended boxing match at Barclays Center to date. Thurman’s movement disrupted the timing of Garcia, a Philadelphia-based fighter who was a unified champion at 140-pounds.

This was two undefeated welterweights going toe-to-toe in the prime of their careers. Danny Garcia’s a sharp puncher who won the WBC’s vacant title that Floyd Mayweather gave up for retirement,” Hoy Thurman. “But after beating Shawn Porter, I knew Danny would be an easy fight. This was my first chance to beat an undefeated world champion, and I came out swinging on him in round one to make a statement that his world title was about to be mine.


MD 12 Josesito Lopez, Janoary 26, 2019, Barclays Center: Thurman ended an injury-hampered 22-month ring absence against Lopez (36-8, 19 Kos), scoring a second-round knockdown with a left hook, being hurt by a right hand in the seventh, and using his mobility and athleticism down the stretch for the victory.

I was really nervous about making weight after walking around at 182 for the past two years,” Hoy Thurman. “But even though I got hit and hurt in the seventh round, I knew my boxing ability would get me through. It was a relief to make it through that fight feeling strong and healthy and I’ve taken those feelings right into this training camp.


Manny Pacquiao (61-7-2, 39 Kos), Jolay 20, 2019, the MGM Grand Garden Arena: The 40-year-old Pacquiao has earned back-to-back victories over former champions by seventh-round TKO over Lucas Matthysse (Jolay 2018) and unanimous decision Adrien Broner (Janoary).

Does Manny belong in the ring with a fighter in his prime? Is Keith Thurman still Keith ‘One TimeThurman after some vulnerability against Josesito Lopez?” Hoy Thurman, rhetorically speaking. “Mazava ho azy, I’d like to get the knockout or TKO, but either way, you’re going to see a world class performance that has me standing alone on top of a division that has so many great fighters. I’m trying to be that great, devastating champion once again, and come July 20, I will prove that I am.

# # # Pacquiao vs. Thurman Headlines Premier Boxing Champions FOX Sports Pay-Per-View Event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas

You’re going to see a world class performance on July 20 that has me standing alone on top of the division.” – Thurman

ST. Petersburg, FL. (Jolay 8, 2019) – Keith “Indray Mandeha” Thurman’s victories have always been the center of conversation. Even with nine championship fights and eight title defenses already under his belt, his Saturday, Jolay 20 fight against Manny Pacquaio could prove to be the most significant, as he steps onto boxing’s biggest stage looking to capture a momentous victory.

Pacquiao vs. Thurman will pit the undefeated WBA Welterweight World Champion Thurman against boxing’s only eight-division world champion and Philippine Senator MannyPacManPacquiao in the main event of a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

The FOX pay-per-view begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and tickets for the event, which is promoted by MP Promotions, Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased online through, Mampianiana an-telefaonina ao amin'ny 866-740-7711 or in person at any MGM Resorts International box office.

Coming off a majority decision over Josesito Lopez that ended a 22-month ring absence in January, Thurman (29-0, 22 Kos), 30, had won a close unanimous decision over former title holder “Fotoana Fampisehoana” Shawn Porter in June 2016 and a split-decision over two-division title winner Danny “Swift” Garcia in March 2017, adding Garcia’s WBC crown to his WBA version, before he vacated the WBC title due to injury.

Thurman broke down all of his title performances in anticipation of the fight that could cement his place amongst boxing’s best of this era.

KO 10 Diego Chaves, Jolay 27, 2013, AT&T Center, San Antonio: The 24-year-old Thurman came off a near-shutout unanimous decision over former champion Jan Zaveck in March 2013 and faced an unbeaten Argentine interim WBA champion who was after his fifth consecutive stoppage win and had knocked out 18 ny 22 mpanohitra.

Thurman traded early power shots, controlled tempo with his athleticism and boxing ability and floored Chaves with a ninth round left hook to the liver before dropping him for the final time with a right hand in the 10faha- manodidina. Chaves failed to beat the count as Thurman became a 147-pound titleholder.

The Diego Chaves fight was the biggest fight of my career, elevating me to the WBA interim champion,” Hoy Thurman. “I broke him down round by round and landed a beautiful body shot in the ninth round and after that it was a matter of time. That was a fight that earned me worldwide respect and was the start of everything for me.

WHO 9 Jesosy Soto Karass, Desambra 14, 2013, Alamodome, San Antonio:Soto Karassprevious victory was a 12th-round stoppage of two-time belt holder Andre Berto in a fight that saw him rise from an 11th-round knockdown. Hurt by a hard right in the first round, Thurman recovered, flooring Soto Karass with a left uppercut in the fifth and again from a powerful combination in the ninth as the referee ended matters.

Soto Karass was coming off a victory over Andre Berto which made it an important measuring stick fight for me,” Hoy Thurman, “He did open the fight by tagging me in the first round, but I dropped him in the fifth and again in the ninth and was able to finish him off for my first title defense.

RTD 3 Julio Diaz, Aprily 26, 2014, StubHub Center, Carson, Kalifornia: In a one-sided beat-down, former champion Diaz took a knee from a left to the temple the second round and retired prior to the fourth from a body shot that caused rib damage. Diaz never fought again.

That was a tremendous fight for me as the headliner in my first main event,” Hoy Thurman. “Diaz was coming off of good showings against Shawn Porter, fighting Porter to a draw once, and Amir Khan, whom he dropped in their fight. I also had the opportunity to make a statement. I did that by stopping him in only three rounds.

ud 12 Leonard Bundu, Desambra 13, 2014, the MGM Grand Garden Arena, Las Vegas: A previously unbeaten 40-year-old switch-hitting veteran, Bundu (31-1-2, 11 KO) was dropped by a first-round right hand in a shutout victory (120-107 in-telo) for Thurman who ended an eight-month ring absence and was recovering from an injured left shoulder.

Bundu was a switch-hitting awkward fighter. I switched [to southpaw] on him in the first round and dropped him with a right hand,” Hoy Thurman. “I out boxed him and really gave the world a taste of how good of a boxer I am. It was an easy blowout.

ud 12 Robert Guerrero, Martsa 7, 2015, the MGM Grand Grand Garden Arena: Thurman entered this bout after having been elevated to the full champion before facing Guerrero (32-3-1, 18 Kos), a two-division title winner. He overcame a grotesque hematoma above his left eye from an accidental clash of heads, nitete “The Masina” in the ninth-round, and lost a combined four rounds in PBC’s first ever main event.

Guerrero had fought Floyd Mayweather and I was happy to have a common opponent with Floyd, so that I could prove to the world that I deserved a shot at Mayweather,” Hoy Thurman. “I had to overcome that adversity of having that hematoma by knocking him down in the ninth round. That fight really raised my stock to another level.


RTD 7 Luis Collazo, Jolay 11, 2015, USF Sundome, Tampa: Thurman overcame a crippling left hand to the liver in the fifth round to become only the man to stop Collazo, a former champion who had gone the distance in losses to Ricky Hatton, Shane Mosley, Andre Berto and Amir Khan. In a homecoming fight, Thurman opened a deep gash over Collazo’s right eye with his own left hook, eventually resulting in the southpaw’s retiring on his stool after the seventh round.

I was able to survive that body shot to perform in the next round. The fight was taking its toll on him though. I was becoming more comfortable and accurate as I physically broke him down,” Hoy Thurman. “The arena was electric, and the love was amazing. It was a great homecoming to defend my world title near where I grew up in Clearwater, Florida.


ud 12 Shawn Porter, Jona 25, 2016, Barclays Center, Brooklyn, New York:Thurman overcame a bullish former champion in Porter (26-2-1, 16 Kos) before an electric crowd, winning a give-and-take, blood-and-guts brawl by scores of 115-113, telo mpitsara rehetra’ karatra. Highlights were Thurman’s clean right hand-left hook combination that buckled Porter’s knees late in the third round, a 10th-round left hook that did the same, and an even more vicious head-swiveling hook in Round 11 of a Fight of The Year standout from 2016.

Our fight was tough, back and forth, but by no means was Shawn Porter going to take my title,” Hoy Thurman. “I pushed myself over the final rounds to make sure I’d be victorious in what was one of the ‘Fight of The Yearcontenders that year. That fight proved to everyone that I can win any type of fight, against any type of fighter.


SD 12 Danny Garcia, Martsa 4, 2017, Barclays Center: Thurman won a clash of 28-year-olds over the then unbeaten Garcia (33-0, 19 Kos), along with the WBC’s crown in just the 10th title unification in division history and only the third between a pair of unbeaten fighters. The crowd of 16,533 represented the highest attended boxing match at Barclays Center to date. Thurman’s movement disrupted the timing of Garcia, a Philadelphia-based fighter who was a unified champion at 140-pounds.

This was two undefeated welterweights going toe-to-toe in the prime of their careers. Danny Garcia’s a sharp puncher who won the WBC’s vacant title that Floyd Mayweather gave up for retirement,” Hoy Thurman. “But after beating Shawn Porter, I knew Danny would be an easy fight. This was my first chance to beat an undefeated world champion, and I came out swinging on him in round one to make a statement that his world title was about to be mine.


MD 12 Josesito Lopez, Janoary 26, 2019, Barclays Center: Thurman ended an injury-hampered 22-month ring absence against Lopez (36-8, 19 Kos), scoring a second-round knockdown with a left hook, being hurt by a right hand in the seventh, and using his mobility and athleticism down the stretch for the victory.

I was really nervous about making weight after walking around at 182 for the past two years,” Hoy Thurman. “But even though I got hit and hurt in the seventh round, I knew my boxing ability would get me through. It was a relief to make it through that fight feeling strong and healthy and I’ve taken those feelings right into this training camp.


Manny Pacquiao (61-7-2, 39 Kos), Jolay 20, 2019, the MGM Grand Garden Arena: The 40-year-old Pacquiao has earned back-to-back victories over former champions by seventh-round TKO over Lucas Matthysse (Jolay 2018) and unanimous decision Adrien Broner (Janoary).

Does Manny belong in the ring with a fighter in his prime? Is Keith Thurman still Keith ‘One TimeThurman after some vulnerability against Josesito Lopez?” Hoy Thurman, rhetorically speaking. “Mazava ho azy, I’d like to get the knockout or TKO, but either way, you’re going to see a world class performance that has me standing alone on top of a division that has so many great fighters. I’m trying to be that great, devastating champion once again, and come July 20, I will prove that I am.

# # # Pacquiao vs. Thurman Headlines Premier Boxing Champions FOX Sports Pay-Per-View Event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas

You’re going to see a world class performance on July 20 that has me standing alone on top of the division.” – Thurman

ST. Petersburg, FL. (Jolay 8, 2019) – Keith “Indray Mandeha” Thurman’s victories have always been the center of conversation. Even with nine championship fights and eight title defenses already under his belt, his Saturday, Jolay 20 fight against Manny Pacquaio could prove to be the most significant, as he steps onto boxing’s biggest stage looking to capture a momentous victory.

Pacquiao vs. Thurman will pit the undefeated WBA Welterweight World Champion Thurman against boxing’s only eight-division world champion and Philippine Senator MannyPacManPacquiao in the main event of a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

The FOX pay-per-view begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and tickets for the event, which is promoted by MP Promotions, Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased online through, Mampianiana an-telefaonina ao amin'ny 866-740-7711 or in person at any MGM Resorts International box office.

Coming off a majority decision over Josesito Lopez that ended a 22-month ring absence in January, Thurman (29-0, 22 Kos), 30, had won a close unanimous decision over former title holder “Fotoana Fampisehoana” Shawn Porter in June 2016 and a split-decision over two-division title winner Danny “Swift” Garcia in March 2017, adding Garcia’s WBC crown to his WBA version, before he vacated the WBC title due to injury.

Thurman broke down all of his title performances in anticipation of the fight that could cement his place amongst boxing’s best of this era.

KO 10 Diego Chaves, Jolay 27, 2013, AT&T Center, San Antonio: The 24-year-old Thurman came off a near-shutout unanimous decision over former champion Jan Zaveck in March 2013 and faced an unbeaten Argentine interim WBA champion who was after his fifth consecutive stoppage win and had knocked out 18 ny 22 mpanohitra.

Thurman traded early power shots, controlled tempo with his athleticism and boxing ability and floored Chaves with a ninth round left hook to the liver before dropping him for the final time with a right hand in the 10faha- manodidina. Chaves failed to beat the count as Thurman became a 147-pound titleholder.

The Diego Chaves fight was the biggest fight of my career, elevating me to the WBA interim champion,” Hoy Thurman. “I broke him down round by round and landed a beautiful body shot in the ninth round and after that it was a matter of time. That was a fight that earned me worldwide respect and was the start of everything for me.

WHO 9 Jesosy Soto Karass, Desambra 14, 2013, Alamodome, San Antonio:Soto Karassprevious victory was a 12th-round stoppage of two-time belt holder Andre Berto in a fight that saw him rise from an 11th-round knockdown. Hurt by a hard right in the first round, Thurman recovered, flooring Soto Karass with a left uppercut in the fifth and again from a powerful combination in the ninth as the referee ended matters.

Soto Karass was coming off a victory over Andre Berto which made it an important measuring stick fight for me,” Hoy Thurman, “He did open the fight by tagging me in the first round, but I dropped him in the fifth and again in the ninth and was able to finish him off for my first title defense.

RTD 3 Julio Diaz, Aprily 26, 2014, StubHub Center, Carson, Kalifornia: In a one-sided beat-down, former champion Diaz took a knee from a left to the temple the second round and retired prior to the fourth from a body shot that caused rib damage. Diaz never fought again.

That was a tremendous fight for me as the headliner in my first main event,” Hoy Thurman. “Diaz was coming off of good showings against Shawn Porter, fighting Porter to a draw once, and Amir Khan, whom he dropped in their fight. I also had the opportunity to make a statement. I did that by stopping him in only three rounds.

ud 12 Leonard Bundu, Desambra 13, 2014, the MGM Grand Garden Arena, Las Vegas: A previously unbeaten 40-year-old switch-hitting veteran, Bundu (31-1-2, 11 KO) was dropped by a first-round right hand in a shutout victory (120-107 in-telo) for Thurman who ended an eight-month ring absence and was recovering from an injured left shoulder.

Bundu was a switch-hitting awkward fighter. I switched [to southpaw] on him in the first round and dropped him with a right hand,” Hoy Thurman. “I out boxed him and really gave the world a taste of how good of a boxer I am. It was an easy blowout.

ud 12 Robert Guerrero, Martsa 7, 2015, the MGM Grand Grand Garden Arena: Thurman entered this bout after having been elevated to the full champion before facing Guerrero (32-3-1, 18 Kos), a two-division title winner. He overcame a grotesque hematoma above his left eye from an accidental clash of heads, nitete “The Masina” in the ninth-round, and lost a combined four rounds in PBC’s first ever main event.

Guerrero had fought Floyd Mayweather and I was happy to have a common opponent with Floyd, so that I could prove to the world that I deserved a shot at Mayweather,” Hoy Thurman. “I had to overcome that adversity of having that hematoma by knocking him down in the ninth round. That fight really raised my stock to another level.


RTD 7 Luis Collazo, Jolay 11, 2015, USF Sundome, Tampa: Thurman overcame a crippling left hand to the liver in the fifth round to become only the man to stop Collazo, a former champion who had gone the distance in losses to Ricky Hatton, Shane Mosley, Andre Berto and Amir Khan. In a homecoming fight, Thurman opened a deep gash over Collazo’s right eye with his own left hook, eventually resulting in the southpaw’s retiring on his stool after the seventh round.

I was able to survive that body shot to perform in the next round. The fight was taking its toll on him though. I was becoming more comfortable and accurate as I physically broke him down,” Hoy Thurman. “The arena was electric, and the love was amazing. It was a great homecoming to defend my world title near where I grew up in Clearwater, Florida.


ud 12 Shawn Porter, Jona 25, 2016, Barclays Center, Brooklyn, New York:Thurman overcame a bullish former champion in Porter (26-2-1, 16 Kos) before an electric crowd, winning a give-and-take, blood-and-guts brawl by scores of 115-113, telo mpitsara rehetra’ karatra. Highlights were Thurman’s clean right hand-left hook combination that buckled Porter’s knees late in the third round, a 10th-round left hook that did the same, and an even more vicious head-swiveling hook in Round 11 of a Fight of The Year standout from 2016.

Our fight was tough, back and forth, but by no means was Shawn Porter going to take my title,” Hoy Thurman. “I pushed myself over the final rounds to make sure I’d be victorious in what was one of the ‘Fight of The Yearcontenders that year. That fight proved to everyone that I can win any type of fight, against any type of fighter.


SD 12 Danny Garcia, Martsa 4, 2017, Barclays Center: Thurman won a clash of 28-year-olds over the then unbeaten Garcia (33-0, 19 Kos), along with the WBC’s crown in just the 10th title unification in division history and only the third between a pair of unbeaten fighters. The crowd of 16,533 represented the highest attended boxing match at Barclays Center to date. Thurman’s movement disrupted the timing of Garcia, a Philadelphia-based fighter who was a unified champion at 140-pounds.

This was two undefeated welterweights going toe-to-toe in the prime of their careers. Danny Garcia’s a sharp puncher who won the WBC’s vacant title that Floyd Mayweather gave up for retirement,” Hoy Thurman. “But after beating Shawn Porter, I knew Danny would be an easy fight. This was my first chance to beat an undefeated world champion, and I came out swinging on him in round one to make a statement that his world title was about to be mine.


MD 12 Josesito Lopez, Janoary 26, 2019, Barclays Center: Thurman ended an injury-hampered 22-month ring absence against Lopez (36-8, 19 Kos), scoring a second-round knockdown with a left hook, being hurt by a right hand in the seventh, and using his mobility and athleticism down the stretch for the victory.

I was really nervous about making weight after walking around at 182 for the past two years,” Hoy Thurman. “But even though I got hit and hurt in the seventh round, I knew my boxing ability would get me through. It was a relief to make it through that fight feeling strong and healthy and I’ve taken those feelings right into this training camp.


Manny Pacquiao (61-7-2, 39 Kos), Jolay 20, 2019, the MGM Grand Garden Arena: The 40-year-old Pacquiao has earned back-to-back victories over former champions by seventh-round TKO over Lucas Matthysse (Jolay 2018) and unanimous decision Adrien Broner (Janoary).

Does Manny belong in the ring with a fighter in his prime? Is Keith Thurman still Keith ‘One TimeThurman after some vulnerability against Josesito Lopez?” Hoy Thurman, rhetorically speaking. “Mazava ho azy, I’d like to get the knockout or TKO, but either way, you’re going to see a world class performance that has me standing alone on top of a division that has so many great fighters. I’m trying to be that great, devastating champion once again, and come July 20, I will prove that I am.

# # # Pacquiao vs. Thurman Headlines Premier Boxing Champions FOX Sports Pay-Per-View Event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas

You’re going to see a world class performance on July 20 that has me standing alone on top of the division.” – Thurman

ST. Petersburg, FL. (Jolay 8, 2019) – Keith “Indray Mandeha” Thurman’s victories have always been the center of conversation. Even with nine championship fights and eight title defenses already under his belt, his Saturday, Jolay 20 fight against Manny Pacquaio could prove to be the most significant, as he steps onto boxing’s biggest stage looking to capture a momentous victory.

Pacquiao vs. Thurman will pit the undefeated WBA Welterweight World Champion Thurman against boxing’s only eight-division world champion and Philippine Senator MannyPacManPacquiao in the main event of a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

The FOX pay-per-view begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and tickets for the event, which is promoted by MP Promotions, Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased online through, Mampianiana an-telefaonina ao amin'ny 866-740-7711 or in person at any MGM Resorts International box office.

Coming off a majority decision over Josesito Lopez that ended a 22-month ring absence in January, Thurman (29-0, 22 Kos), 30, had won a close unanimous decision over former title holder “Fotoana Fampisehoana” Shawn Porter in June 2016 and a split-decision over two-division title winner Danny “Swift” Garcia in March 2017, adding Garcia’s WBC crown to his WBA version, before he vacated the WBC title due to injury.

Thurman broke down all of his title performances in anticipation of the fight that could cement his place amongst boxing’s best of this era.

KO 10 Diego Chaves, Jolay 27, 2013, AT&T Center, San Antonio: The 24-year-old Thurman came off a near-shutout unanimous decision over former champion Jan Zaveck in March 2013 and faced an unbeaten Argentine interim WBA champion who was after his fifth consecutive stoppage win and had knocked out 18 ny 22 mpanohitra.

Thurman traded early power shots, controlled tempo with his athleticism and boxing ability and floored Chaves with a ninth round left hook to the liver before dropping him for the final time with a right hand in the 10faha- manodidina. Chaves failed to beat the count as Thurman became a 147-pound titleholder.

The Diego Chaves fight was the biggest fight of my career, elevating me to the WBA interim champion,” Hoy Thurman. “I broke him down round by round and landed a beautiful body shot in the ninth round and after that it was a matter of time. That was a fight that earned me worldwide respect and was the start of everything for me.

WHO 9 Jesosy Soto Karass, Desambra 14, 2013, Alamodome, San Antonio:Soto Karassprevious victory was a 12th-round stoppage of two-time belt holder Andre Berto in a fight that saw him rise from an 11th-round knockdown. Hurt by a hard right in the first round, Thurman recovered, flooring Soto Karass with a left uppercut in the fifth and again from a powerful combination in the ninth as the referee ended matters.

Soto Karass was coming off a victory over Andre Berto which made it an important measuring stick fight for me,” Hoy Thurman, “He did open the fight by tagging me in the first round, but I dropped him in the fifth and again in the ninth and was able to finish him off for my first title defense.

RTD 3 Julio Diaz, Aprily 26, 2014, StubHub Center, Carson, Kalifornia: In a one-sided beat-down, former champion Diaz took a knee from a left to the temple the second round and retired prior to the fourth from a body shot that caused rib damage. Diaz never fought again.

That was a tremendous fight for me as the headliner in my first main event,” Hoy Thurman. “Diaz was coming off of good showings against Shawn Porter, fighting Porter to a draw once, and Amir Khan, whom he dropped in their fight. I also had the opportunity to make a statement. I did that by stopping him in only three rounds.

ud 12 Leonard Bundu, Desambra 13, 2014, the MGM Grand Garden Arena, Las Vegas: A previously unbeaten 40-year-old switch-hitting veteran, Bundu (31-1-2, 11 KO) was dropped by a first-round right hand in a shutout victory (120-107 in-telo) for Thurman who ended an eight-month ring absence and was recovering from an injured left shoulder.

Bundu was a switch-hitting awkward fighter. I switched [to southpaw] on him in the first round and dropped him with a right hand,” Hoy Thurman. “I out boxed him and really gave the world a taste of how good of a boxer I am. It was an easy blowout.

ud 12 Robert Guerrero, Martsa 7, 2015, the MGM Grand Grand Garden Arena: Thurman entered this bout after having been elevated to the full champion before facing Guerrero (32-3-1, 18 Kos), a two-division title winner. He overcame a grotesque hematoma above his left eye from an accidental clash of heads, nitete “The Masina” in the ninth-round, and lost a combined four rounds in PBC’s first ever main event.

Guerrero had fought Floyd Mayweather and I was happy to have a common opponent with Floyd, so that I could prove to the world that I deserved a shot at Mayweather,” Hoy Thurman. “I had to overcome that adversity of having that hematoma by knocking him down in the ninth round. That fight really raised my stock to another level.


RTD 7 Luis Collazo, Jolay 11, 2015, USF Sundome, Tampa: Thurman overcame a crippling left hand to the liver in the fifth round to become only the man to stop Collazo, a former champion who had gone the distance in losses to Ricky Hatton, Shane Mosley, Andre Berto and Amir Khan. In a homecoming fight, Thurman opened a deep gash over Collazo’s right eye with his own left hook, eventually resulting in the southpaw’s retiring on his stool after the seventh round.

I was able to survive that body shot to perform in the next round. The fight was taking its toll on him though. I was becoming more comfortable and accurate as I physically broke him down,” Hoy Thurman. “The arena was electric, and the love was amazing. It was a great homecoming to defend my world title near where I grew up in Clearwater, Florida.


ud 12 Shawn Porter, Jona 25, 2016, Barclays Center, Brooklyn, New York:Thurman overcame a bullish former champion in Porter (26-2-1, 16 Kos) before an electric crowd, winning a give-and-take, blood-and-guts brawl by scores of 115-113, telo mpitsara rehetra’ karatra. Highlights were Thurman’s clean right hand-left hook combination that buckled Porter’s knees late in the third round, a 10th-round left hook that did the same, and an even more vicious head-swiveling hook in Round 11 of a Fight of The Year standout from 2016.

Our fight was tough, back and forth, but by no means was Shawn Porter going to take my title,” Hoy Thurman. “I pushed myself over the final rounds to make sure I’d be victorious in what was one of the ‘Fight of The Yearcontenders that year. That fight proved to everyone that I can win any type of fight, against any type of fighter.


SD 12 Danny Garcia, Martsa 4, 2017, Barclays Center: Thurman won a clash of 28-year-olds over the then unbeaten Garcia (33-0, 19 Kos), along with the WBC’s crown in just the 10th title unification in division history and only the third between a pair of unbeaten fighters. The crowd of 16,533 represented the highest attended boxing match at Barclays Center to date. Thurman’s movement disrupted the timing of Garcia, a Philadelphia-based fighter who was a unified champion at 140-pounds.

This was two undefeated welterweights going toe-to-toe in the prime of their careers. Danny Garcia’s a sharp puncher who won the WBC’s vacant title that Floyd Mayweather gave up for retirement,” Hoy Thurman. “But after beating Shawn Porter, I knew Danny would be an easy fight. This was my first chance to beat an undefeated world champion, and I came out swinging on him in round one to make a statement that his world title was about to be mine.


MD 12 Josesito Lopez, Janoary 26, 2019, Barclays Center: Thurman ended an injury-hampered 22-month ring absence against Lopez (36-8, 19 Kos), scoring a second-round knockdown with a left hook, being hurt by a right hand in the seventh, and using his mobility and athleticism down the stretch for the victory.

I was really nervous about making weight after walking around at 182 for the past two years,” Hoy Thurman. “But even though I got hit and hurt in the seventh round, I knew my boxing ability would get me through. It was a relief to make it through that fight feeling strong and healthy and I’ve taken those feelings right into this training camp.


Manny Pacquiao (61-7-2, 39 Kos), Jolay 20, 2019, the MGM Grand Garden Arena: The 40-year-old Pacquiao has earned back-to-back victories over former champions by seventh-round TKO over Lucas Matthysse (Jolay 2018) and unanimous decision Adrien Broner (Janoary).

Does Manny belong in the ring with a fighter in his prime? Is Keith Thurman still Keith ‘One TimeThurman after some vulnerability against Josesito Lopez?” Hoy Thurman, rhetorically speaking. “Mazava ho azy, I’d like to get the knockout or TKO, but either way, you’re going to see a world class performance that has me standing alone on top of a division that has so many great fighters. I’m trying to be that great, devastating champion once again, and come July 20, I will prove that I am.

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