Категория Архив: Премиер боксови Champions

GERVONTA Дейвис и Баду JACK ОБСЪЖДАНЕ ПРЕДСТОЯЩО декември 28 Matchups – Дейвис да се изправи Yuriorkis Гамбоа За WBA Лек Световното първенство Докато Джак Предизвикателства WBA тежка категория Titlist Жан Паскал живо На SHOWTIME® От State Farm Arena в Атланта

КАКВО: Gervonta Davis и Badou Jack се срещна с представители на медиите миналата събота в Лас Вегас, за да обсъдят предстоящите Matchups провежда събота, Декември 28 живеят на SHOWTIME на всепризнатата State Farm Арена в Атланта в специална края на годината Premier боксови Шампионската събитие.

Двукратният шампион в категория перо супер Дейвис ще поеме бившия единна световна шампионка Yuriorkis Гамбоа за Световното първенство на WBA Лек като 24-годишният Дейвис изглежда да завладее друга дивизия. В ко-главното събитие на специален празник SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP Бокс® телевизионно предаване, Бившият две дивизия шампион Джак ще отправи предизвикателство към WBA тежка категория световен шампион Жан Паскал.

Билети за събитието, , която е възложена на Мейуедър Промоции, ГДД Промоции и TGB Промоции, са достъпни чрез Ticketmaster.com.

Също така участва в официален обяд в събота в Волфганг шайба в MGM Grand се Леонард Ellerbe, Главен изпълнителен директор на Мейуедър Промоции, и Стивън Еспиноса, Президент, Спортен & Събитие Програмиране, Showtime Networks Inc.

Ето какво бойците и ръководители трябваше да се каже,:

Мисли за Гамбоа и се движи нагоре в теглото:
“Ние знаем, Гамбоа е ветеран и че той е имал много войни, така че ние знаем имаме тежка битка. Той определено опасно. Той може да се удари. Той може да се бори.

“Последният му двубой той направи 134, така че ние знаем, че той може да получи голяма от мен, че теглото. Отивам на това знаейки, че той е по-голяма от мен боец. Аз съм просто ще донесе силата ми и се възползва от този клас на тегло и да стане световен шампион.

“Аз вярвам, че съм един от най-добрите бойци в света, но аз не се сравнявам с другите бойци. Току-що излезе и да се свърши работата.

“Атланта е моят втори дом. Уверен съм, че ще го продаде.”

На способността му и уникалност като боец:
“Аз идвам от различен плат от тези други момчета. Бил съм през всичко в живота ми. Много хора не са преживели това, което имам. Ако някога се ритъм тя би трябвало да бъде от някой, който е бил през това, което съм преживял. Тя не може да бъде всеки, който току-що е тренирал цял живот.

“Всеки път, когато стъпка на ринга аз съм готов да го оставите всичко там. Много хора не съм виждал пълни уменията ми, защото аз не съм се борил противник, който ги изведе.”

На своя потенциал в областта на спорта:
“В света на бокса не е видял истинската ми потенциал като изтребител, те току-що сте видели моя власт. Аз съм от типа на боксьор, където, ако не сте от там с мен, няма да сте там твърде дълго. Някои бойци искали да използваме времето си. Аз съм от типа, ако знам, че не си на моето ниво, Отивам да го покаже. Светът ще видите. Ще се боря никого.”

JACK Badou:
На предстоящия му двубой срещу Паскал:
“Развълнуван съм за тази битка. Аз всъщност се нарича Паскал ден преди последния си двубой и нека знае, аз бях пристрастията му. Но това е бизнес в края на деня. Идвам да си върне титлата си.”

На как се чувства той на тази възраст:
“Имам чувството, че един млад 36 възраст. Аз живея живот на чисто. Аз съм винаги в обучението на фитнес и се опитвам да не предприемат никакви наказание. Имам няколко години наляво и аз съм по-мотивиран от всякога. Имах нужда от малко почивка, че. Не бях почивка, тъй като бях любител преди двадесет години. Взех време за почивка със семейството и да яде добра храна. Сега съм гладен.”

На последното си изпълнение срещу Маркус Браун:
“Всеки, който ме видя в последния ми бой виждах аз бях плоска. Моята борба инстинкт ритна в в този момент. Той се бореше с мъртвец.”

На Дейвис срещу. Гамбоа двубоят:
“Това е голяма борба. Гамбоа е малко по-голям, но той изглеждаше добре в последния си бой. Аз съм голям, голям фен на резервоара – начина, по който той се бори, скоростта си, си атлетизъм, всичко. Той има власт звезда. Той беше на моя undercard, Сега аз съм на неговото. Той ще донесе големи неща за спорта и толкова дълго, колкото той остава фокусирано, той ще бъде суперзвезда. Той вече е суперзвезда.”

LEONARD Ellerbe:
На Дейвис’ позиция и прогресия в областта на спорта:
“Отиваме да покаже на всички колко той ще се превърне в най-голямата звезда в спорта. В 2020 ние ще взриви тази от водата. Ние сме били в състояние да мислят извън кутията. Това е начина, по който расте на спорта. Направихме съгласувани усилия да го преминат в руслото; работа с Балтимор Рейвънс, си парад, сега Атланта.

“Нашият план е да се направи най-големите и най-добрите битки там. Отиваме да командвате парада и то се случва да бъде на нашите условия, и ние ще съобщим на всички, когато това се случи. Всеки иска да се бори с резервоар. Има един общ нещо, когато се говори за 126, 130, 135, и сега 140. Има едно име, което е често срещано сред бойците и това е резервоар. Това ще бъде голямо пътуване и по-добре да се кача на него сега.

“Ако той може да преминем през Гамбоа декември 28, след това в 2020 той ще в този свят с плащане на оглед. Когато имате такава звезда сила и си мислите извън кутията, не само боксови фенове, ние ще направим най-големите битки там в света.”

На Баду Джак:
“Баду е мечтата на промоутърската. Той е човек, който дава никакви проблеми. Той е там, прави прекрасни неща за него и неговото семейство. Той прави толкова много да помогне, така и много други. Той използва платформата си по правилния начин. Това е чест да работя с боец ​​като него.

“Винаги съм знаел, че е голям талант, а понякога може да намерите диаманти в незавършен вид. Всеки винаги гледа момчетата излизат на Олимпийските игри. Видяхме го в залата и той наистина объркан човек нагоре. Имахме го под око и изработихме сделка с Лу [DiBella] и останалото е история.

“Имахме един неуспех, но всичко си има причина, и той просто излетяло тъй като. Той е страхотен боец ​​и ми харесва факта, че той е винаги готов да се бори с най-добрите. Никога не трябваше да второ предположение, че той е готов да се бори на всички.”

СТИВЪН Еспиноза:
“Има предимства и недостатъци на насърчаването на шоу на тази дата. Имало е много успехи насърчаване на музикални шоу по този уикенд. Това не е ябълки за ябълки, но това е един от факторите, които влязоха и има начин да се превърне това в нещо специално и уникално, защото на фен база Gervonta на.

“Това е страхотно да има квалифицирани боксьори, но ние се нуждаем, за здравето на този спорт, хора като Gervonta които се поставят фасове в седалките. Това е ключът в довеждането му в Атланта. Бокс е част от една култура, която се пресича с музика и спорт. Там не е спортист, който не гледат боксов мач с плащане на показване. Използването от които с личност като резервоар само ще разшири спорта.

“Има един автентичност и отвореност за Gervonta. Има много хора, които са имали неуспехи, които не говорят за това, като резервоар. Той поема риск да се говори за това и затова много хора, може да се отнася. Това е резервоар. Това, което виждате, е това, което получаваш. Това е много реален. Това е много автентичен и мисля, че това е защо хората се свързват с него лице, за разлика от него изтребител.”

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За повече информация посетете www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, следват по Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions и @Swanson_Comm или станете почитател във Facebook най- www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing

Highly Anticipated WBC Super Welterweight Title Rematch Between Tony Harrison & Jermell Charlo Headlines Live in Primetime on FOX PBC Fight Night & On FOX Deportes Saturday, Декември 21 from Toyota Arena in Ontario, Калифорния – 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT

ONTARIO, Халиф. (Ноември 5, 2019) – The highly anticipated WBC Super Welterweight Title rematch between Шик “Супер лош” Harrison и Jermell “Iron Man” Charlo will headline live in primetime in FOX PBC Fight Night Action and on FOX Deportes Saturday, Декември 21 from Toyota Arena in Ontario, Калифорния.

Харисън срещу. Charlo II is a high-voltage rematch that has been building ever since the end of the first matchup. The two were set to meet in June, but the rematch was postponed when Harrison suffered torn ligaments after spraining his ankle in training.

Now that he is fully healed, Harrison is ready to solidify his hold on the title while Charlo is ready to take back what he believes belongs to him. The rematch comes just one day short of a full year from the first time the two stepped into ring against each other on FOX.

After a dramatic and razor thin first fight, Tony Harrison and Jermell Charlo are sure to be at their best on December 21 when they settle their rivalry in a can’t miss rematch,” каза Том Браун, Председател на TGB Промоции. “This is the kind of high stakes 50-50 fight that belongs in primetime on FOX and I know that the Southern California boxing fans watching in Ontario will love everything that these two champions bring to the ring.

Билети за събитието, който се популяризира от Lions Only Promotions и TGB Promotions, са в продажба в момента и могат да бъдат закупени на Ticketmaster.com.

In the first meeting, Harrison deployed a tactical defensive strategy that blunted much of the force of Charlo’s high-powered offense. The intrigue of the rematch is whether Harrison will be able to use a similar strategy to remain champion or will Charlo be able to impose his will on Harrison and regain the title.

The 29-year-old Harrison (28-2, 21 Нокаута) entered the first match against Charlo having come up short in his previous world title attempt. He lost to Jarrett Hurd in a bid for the IBF title in 2017. Harrison, a protégé of the late Emanuel Steward and a native of Detroit, bounced back with three strong performances, including a decision victory over former world champion Ishe Smith.

The delay just made me even hungrier heading into this fight,” Саид Harrison. “Watching Charlo the night we were supposed to go shine, and rejuvenate himself, it built up so much hunger in me. I’m tired of the talk and the noise. Аз съм готов да отида.

We’re looking to work smarter this time,” added Harrison. “I think everything I did before worked, but we want to make it even more decisive. The plan is to be more technically sound overall. You may see an early knockout. It’s tense between both parties. I’m pretty sure he wants to knock me out as much as I want to knock him out. Whoever has the best plan will win. But I’m by far the better athlete. Athlete for athlete it’s not even close. I’ll beat him in everything, тичане, баскетбол, футбол. My style is perfect for his style. He’s Shane Mosley to my Vernon Forrest. I’ll beat him every time I face him.

It was an emotional night for Charlo (32-1, 16 Нокаута) the first time he fought Harrison. He and his twin brother, Jermall, the WBC Middleweight World Champion, were defending their titles on a FOX PBC Fight Night doubleheader at Barclays Center in Brooklyn. Jermell and many ringside observers thought he had done enough to beat Harrison, but the judges saw it differently, handing Harrison a unanimous decision victory and setting up a hotly contested rematch.

A 29-year-old native of Houston, Texas, Charlo, won the title with a knockout victory over John Jackson in 2016. He went on to establish himself as one of the best young finishers in the sport with devastating stoppage victories over Charles Hatley and Erickson Lubin in defense of the title. He scored a majority decision over former world champion Austin Trout before taking on Harrison and most recently scored a knockout victory over Jorge Cota on FOX in June.

I still feel strongly that I won that first fight and I’m going to do things in a more dominant fashion this time,” Саид Charlo. “I’m coming in to this fight being the overpowering, силен, ferocious Jermell Charlo. Tony Harrison is not on my level. It’s my job on December 21 to prove that and to prove my worth. I’m coming in there mentally focused. When I fought Jorge Cota, that’s a prelim of what’s to be expected from me in the future.

I want to look for the knockout and set it up,” continued Charlo. “I don’t want it to go the judges. That’s my worst nightmare. If it does go 12 кръга, he’s going to be very injured at the end. The loss taught me how to be more patient and to take things step-by-step. I’m going to show everyone why Jermell Charlo is a threat to the whole 154-pound division. I personally feel I’m the best in the division. I’m an upgraded Jermell Charlo that you’ll see on December 21.

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Robert Великден Jr. Earns Decision Over Adrian Granados in Super Lightweight Debut & Rising Heavyweight Frank Sanchez Remains Unbeaten

Кликнете ТУК за Снимки от Аманда Уесткот / SHOWTIME
(Снимки, за да бъдат добавени скоро)

READING, Татко. – Октомври, 27, 2019 – Top super welterweight contender Erickson Lubin continued his resurgence with a dominant 10-round unanimous decision victory over Натаниел Gallimore Saturday night on SHOWTIME from Santander Arena in Reading, Татко.

Lubin (22-1, 16 Нокаута) won his fourth straight fight since a knockout loss to Jermell Charlo in a title challenge in 2017. The 24-year-old landed 42 percent of his power shots en route to the wide decision, отбелязаната 99-91 by all three judges.

The southpaw relied on a suburb left hook, attacking from a variety of angles against the durable Gallimore (21-4-1, 17 Нокаута) as he improved to 4-0 since beginning to train with southpaw specialist Kevin Cunningham.

“Имах огромен тренировъчен лагер благодарение на Кевин Кънингам,” - каза Любин. “Първоначално имахме Терел Гауша, но той падна поради нараняването си. Оценявам Галимор, че пристъпи към чинията. Той ми даде тежка битка и аз го оценявам. Дадохме на феновете това, което искаха. Премерих го. Току-що го измерих и успях да приложа мощните си снимки.

“Кевин е истински строг треньор и е специалист по южните лапи. Ние просто подобряваме нашата игра всеки лагер. Определено искам Jermell Charlo отново. Целта ми е да си отмъстя.”

Кънингам беше доволен от своя ученик, който беше изтласкан след петия рунд за първи път от повече от три години.
“Той винаги е бил адски боец ​​и аз просто исках да прецизирам и усъвършенствам набора от умения,” Каза Кънингам. “He can do everything that you can teach. He’s the total package. He’s got power, he’s got speed, he’s got footwork. He’s more than a brawler. He’s a skillful fighter with power.

He’s ready for all the top guys in the division. The guys with belts are what he wants.

Бивш световен шампион в лека категория Robert Великден, Jr. was victorious in his debut at super lightweight, winning a unanimous decision over Adrian Гранадос in an all-action fight scored 97-93, 98-92, 100-90.

Великден (22-1-1 14 Нокаута), who lost his lightweight title in a unification with Mikey Garcia in 2018, was matched for his first fight a super lightweight against one of boxing’s most aggressive, come-forward fighters and the result did not disappoint. Granados charged forward from the opening bell, pressing on the inside against his rangy, 5-foot-11 opponent. In the first half of the fight, Easter pocketed rounds while fighting from a distance, leaning on his speed to win the first four rounds on all three judges’ скоркарти. But the fight seemed to change tides at the midway point, with Granados able to force the bout to be contested at close range. Rounds seven through 10 featured tremendous, back-and-forth exchanges and the more active Granados seemed to get the better of the exchanges.

The fighters combined to throw 1,815 combined total punches and 1,379 combined power punches across 12 кръга.

We knew he was going to be a hell of a warrior in there,” Easter said. “That’s what we train for. This was no ordinary opponent and we knew he was going to bring it. I wasn’t surprised because that’s what he does. You’ve seen him fight with the best of the best and he threw down. I knew he was going to throw punches in bunches.

This was a hell of a test for me at 140 and I felt strong. I’m not calling out anybody specifically, but you know there are champions in this weight class and I’m coming for all the belts. Line ’em up.

One of boxing’s most reliable action fighters, Granados (20-8-2, 13 Нокаута) threw more punches and connected more and was once again frustrated with a decision that did not go his way.

“Аз съм безмълвен. I felt like I won the fight,” Granados said. “That 100 към 90? Come on now.

I’m tired of the same old story. It was clear that I controlled the fight. He never had me hurt. That was embarrassing.

I can’t control the judging. It’s very frustrating. I have a dream to be a world champion and it just seems like it’s not cutting out for me. But I have the heart of a champion and I’m not giving up.

При откриването схватката на телевизията, undefeated Cuban heavyweight Франк Санчесpitched a shutout against Джак Мулоуей, winning a 10-round unanimous decision scored 100-90 by all three judges.

Sanchez (14-0, 11 Нокаута) was the more active fighter from the opening bell, targeting the body against the defensive-minded Mulowayi (7-2-1, 3 Нокаута). The 27-year-old Sanchez, who was taken the 10-round distance for the first time, threw over 250 more punches than his opponent.

My opponent didn’t really want to fight, he just wanted to fight dirty,” Sanchez said. “So all I could do was give him some lateral movement. It’s difficult when someone doesn’t want to engage. We wanted to touch him down, touch him up high. But once he got touched, the guy just tried to tie up.

There was no problem going 10 кръга. I’m in great shape and I’m ready to fight again as soon as possible. I showed my technical superiority tonight. All the heavyweights better watch out.

Two-time super featherweight world champion Gervonta “Резервоар” Davis was interviewed during Saturday’s telecast as he continues to train for his lightweight debut December 28 on SHOWTIME from State Farm Arena in Atlanta. The explosive Davis, who will fight Yuriorkis Gamboa for the WBA Lightweight World Championship, continued to call out the top fighters when he spoke with host Brian Custer.

I’ve heard all these guys calling me out, I don’t want to sound cocky, but I am the cash cow at this weight class,” Davis said. “Me and Leo Santa Cruz are going to fight in 2020.

Saturday’s SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION tripleheader will replay on Monday at 10 p.m. ET / PT на SHOWTIME EXTREME.

Водещият в бранша производствен екип и екип на анонса предоставиха всички забележителности, sounds and drama from Santander Arena. Ветеранът Брайън Къстър беше водещ на предаването, versatile combat sports voice Mauro Ranallo called the action ringside alongside Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein and former two-division world champion Paulie Malignaggi. Three Hall of Famers rounded out the SHOWTIME telecast teamEmmy® носител на няколко награди репортер Джим Грей, unofficial ringside scorer Steve Farhood and world-renowned ring announcer Jimmy Lennon Jr. The Executive Producer of SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION was David Dinkins, Jr. а режисьор беше Боб Дънфи.

Телевизията беше достъпна на испански чрез вторично аудио програмиране (SAP) с Алехандро Луна и бившия световен шампион Раул Маркес, извикали екшъна.

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За повече информация посетете www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, следват по Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, и @Swanson_Comm или станете почитател във Facebook най- www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing
и www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions. The event was promoted by TGB Promotions and King’s Promotions.

BRIAN CARLOS CASTAÑO TRAINING CAMP QUOTES & СНИМКИ – Undefeated Former Champion Castaño Takes on Gritty Contender Wale Omotoso in Super Welterweight Showdown Headlining FS1 PBC Fight Night & на FOX Deportes събота, Ноември 2 From MGM National Harbor In Maryland

Кликнете ТУК for Photos from Micaela Sotelo

NORWALK, като. (Октомври 21, 2019) – Undefeated former champion Brian Carlos Castaño will look to further cement his place in the 154-pound division when he battles exciting veteran contender Белег “Lucky Boy” Omotoso in a 10-round super welterweight showdown that headlines FS1 PBC Fight Night and on FOX Deportes Saturday, Ноември 2 from MGM National Harbor in Maryland.

Билети за събитието, която се насърчава от TGB Промоции, are on sale now and can be purchased by visiting www.mgmnationalharbor.com/.

Castaño most recently fought in a standout back and forth title match against Erislandy Lara in March that ended in a split-draw. With a win on November 2, the unbeaten Argentine will put himself in position for either a rematch with Lara or one of the other standouts in the stacked division.

Here is what Castaño had to say from training camp at Legends Gym in Norwalk, California with his head trainer and father Carlos as he discussed his showdown against Omotoso, his most recent fight, future matchups and more:

What are you looking to show to the rest of this division in the fight against Omotoso?

As I do in every fight, I try to prove that I belong among the best in the division. I may no longer be a world champion, but I still feel I am a world champion because I didn’t lose in the ring. Така, I want to show against Omotoso and the world that I’m ready for everyone.

What do you know about Omotoso’s style and what kind of fight can fans expect?

He is a warrior that always comes straight forward to fight. He has proven many times that he can take punches and compete with anyone. Since I´m a warrior too, I think the fans are going to be in for an exciting war.

What did you think of the decision in the Lara fight? Did you believe you did enough to win the fight?

Even though I know it was a competitive fight, I know I did enough to get the win. I respect Lara as a great champion, but you cannot win fights of that level by only backpedaling all the time. I applied the pressure and connected with great punches, so I saw myself as the winner.

Is the rematch with Lara the fight you want with a win on November 2?

I thought I was going to have the rematch with Lara already but he probably didn’t want it. Първо най-важното, I have a tough challenge in front of me in Omotoso and I never underestimate anybody. I have to beat him in convincing fashion in order to earn another world title shot, either with Lara or any of the other top fighters in the division.

How does it feel to be sharing a card with another one of Argentina’s best fighters, Исус Куеляр (who fights Javier Fortuna in the co-main event)? Is there added inspiration because Argentina will be so represented on the telecast?

It’s always a great honor to represent Argentina in the U.S., which is the mecca of boxing. To share the card with a guy like Cuellar, whom I’ve known well since our times together on Argentina’s national team in the amateurs, will definitely be something meaningful. I know we’re both working hard to make our country proud on November 2.

# # #

Lara срещу. Castaño pits undefeated former champion Brian Carlos Castaño against exciting veteran contender Белег “Lucky Boy” Omotoso in a 10-round super welterweight showdown that headlines FS1 PBC Fight Night and on FOX Deportes Saturday, Ноември 2 from MGM National Harbor in Maryland.

The action begins at 10:30 p.m. И / 7:30 p.m. PT and features former world champions Javier “El Abejón” Състояние и Jesús Andrés Cuellar colliding in a 10-round super featherweight showdown in the co-feature.

Феновете ще могат да предавате на живо борбите в приложението FOX Sports, available in English or Spanish through the FOX, FS1 or FOX Deportes feeds. Боевете са достъпни на настолен компютър на FOXSports.com и чрез магазина за приложения, или свързани устройства, включително Apple TV, Android TV, пожар телевизия, Xbox One и Roku.

За повече информация: посещение www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
и www.foxdeportes.com, последват в TwitterPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FoxSports, FOXDeportes, @MGMNatlHarbor, TGBPromotions, и @Swanson_Comm или станете почитател във Facebook най- www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports и www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

Unbeaten Cuban Heavyweight Frank Sanchez To Face Jack Mulowayi in Televised Opener of SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION® this Saturday, Октомври 26 from Santander Arena in Reading, Татко. – Nigerian Heavyweight Efe Ajagba Withdraws with Back Injury

Nigerian Heavyweight Efe Ajagba Withdraws with Back Injury

2016 Olympian Eimantas Stanionis & 17-Year-Old Sensation
Vito Mielnicki, Jr., Lightweight Omar Douglas & Борец от полусредна категория
Jose Miguel Borrego Highlight Jam-Packed Undercard Lineup in Separate Fights as Part of Premier Boxing Champions Event

READING, Татко. (Октомври 21, 2019) – Unbeaten Cuban slugger Франк Санчес ще се изправят Джак Мулоуей in an eight-round heavyweight attraction to open SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION this Saturday, Октомври 26 живеят на SHOWTIME® from Santander Arena in Reading, Татко.

Sanchez (13-0, 11 Нокаута) steps in to replace карикатура Ajagba, who withdrew from the fight against the once-beaten Mulowayi (7-1-1, 3 Нокаута). Ajagba injured his back in training last week.

The evening is headlined by top super welterweight contender Erickson “Чук” Lubin като на трудно потегля Натаниел Gallimore in a 10-round showdown that headlines the Premier Boxing Champions event beginning at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT. Бивш световен шампион в лека категория Robert Великден, Jr. will make his super lightweight debut against Adrian “El Tigre” Granados in a 10-round co-feature attraction.

Highlighting the action-packed non-televised portion of the card are fights featuring undefeated 2016 Lithuanian Olympian Eimantas Stanionis squaring off against Lancaster, Pennsylvania’s Evincii Dixon in a welterweight bout and 17-year-old welterweight prospect Vito Mielnicki Jr. facing Durham, North Carolina’s Marklin Бейли in a four-round attraction.

The action continues with bouts featuring Mexico’s Jose Miguel Borrego (15-2, 13 Нокаута) taking on Colombia’s Likar Ramos (29-8, 22 Нокаута) in an eight-round welterweight bout and Wilmington, Delaware’s Omar Douglas (19-3, 13 Нокаута) facing Riverside, Калифорния Humberto Galindo (12-0-1, 9 Нокаута) за 10 rounds of lightweight action.

Билети за събитието, which is promoted by TGB Promotions and King’s Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased through Ticketmaster.com or at the Santander box office (Monday-Friday, 10 А.М. – 5 вечерта, Saturdays 10 А.М. – 2 вечерта).

Also entering the ring is Colorado’s Рики Лопес (20-4-1, 6 Нокаута) in a 10-round super featherweight contest against Texas-native Джо Перес (14-3-2, 10 Нокаута), Paterson, New Jersey’s Norman Neely (3-0, 3 Нокаута) in a four-round heavyweight fight withD’Angelo Swaby (1-0, 1 KO) of the Bahamas, plus Miami’s Jessy Cruz (17-7-1, 7 Нокаута) отвежда на Мексико Ernesto Guerrero (32-29, 22 Нокаута) in an eight-round super featherweight attraction, and Michigan-native Raeese Aleem (14-0, 8 Нокаута) competes in an eight-round super bantamweight fight against Colombia’s Marlon Olea (14-5, 12 Нокаута).

Rounding out the action is undefeated Puerto Rican bantamweight prospect Jonathon Torres в шест-рундов мач, супер средна категория перспектива Darrion Lawson from Flint, Michigan in a four-round fight against Nicaragua’s Хайме Меза и средна категория Zany Larry of Clearwater, Florida in a four-round bout against Kansas-native Antonio Hernandez.

Бивш любител забележителни от родния си Куба, Sanchez now lives in Las Vegas and is unbeaten since turning pro in 2017. На 27-годишни отбелязаха нокаута в първите си шест професионални боеве, и взе девет победи в 2018. Sanchez most recently scored a dominant stoppage of Puerto Rico’s Victor Bisbal in August.

Fighting out of Antwerpen, Белгия, by way of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mulowayi will make his U.S. debut on October 26 in a pro career that dates back to 2015. The 32-year-old was unbeaten in his first seven pro fights before losing a narrow majority decision to Herve Bubeaux in a bout for the Belgium heavyweight title in May. He rebounded to defeat Artur Kubiak in July heading into his fight against Sanchez.

# # #

Lubin vs. Gallimore pits top super welterweight contender Erickson “Чук” Lubinсрещу силно удряне Натаниел Gallimore in a 10-round showdown on Saturday, Октомври 26, live on SHOWTIME from Santander Arena in Reading, Pa., в събитие, представен от Premier боксови шампиони.

The three-fight SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITIONbegins live at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and features former lightweight world champion Robert Великден Jr. making his super lightweight debut against battle-tested veteran Adrian “El Tigre” Granadosin the 10-round co-featured attraction, plus unbeaten heavyweight sensation Франк Санчес will enter the ring against once-beaten Джак Мулоуей в осем кръг мач.

За повече информация посетете www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, следват по Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, и @Swanson_Comm или станете почитател във Facebook най- www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing
и www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions.

Undefeated WBC Middleweight World Champion Jermall Charlo Defends Title Against Highly-Ranked Contender Dennis Hogan Saturday, Декември 7 Live on SHOWTIME® in Premier Boxing Champions Event from Barclays Center in Brooklyn


(Октомври 11, 2019) – На Събота, Декември 7, undefeated WBC Middleweight World Champion Jermall Charlo will defend his title against highly-ranked contender Dennis Hogan живеят на SHOWTIME от Barclays Center, в дома на Бруклин Бокс ™, в събитие, представен от Premier боксови шампиони.

Билети за събитието на живо, който се популяризира от Lions Only Promotions и TGB Promotions, are on-sale Monday, Октомври 14 при 10 А.М. ET and can be purchased at ticketmaster.comи barclayscenter.com.

Билети и могат да бъдат закупени от касата на American Express в Barclays Center, starting Tuesday, Октомври 15 при 12 p.m. И. Group discounts are available by calling 844-BKLYN-GP.More information on the event will be announced in the coming days.

Top Super Welterweight Erickson Lubin Now Set to Take On Hard-Hitting Nathaniel Gallimore In Main Event Of Premier Boxing Champions Event On Saturday October 26, Live on SHOWTIME® from Santander Arena in Reading, Татко.

Още, Rising Heavyweight Sensation Efe Ajagba Added To The Televised Card Replacing Rau’shee Warren vs. Emmanuel Rodriguez

Теръл Gausha & Rau’shee Warren Withdraw Due to Injuries

READING, Татко. (Октомври 10, 2019) – Top super welterweight contender Erickson “Чук” Lubin will now face hard-hitting Натаниел Gallimore in a 10-round showdown on Saturday, Октомври 26, live on SHOWTIME from Santander Arena in Reading, Pa., в събитие, представен от Premier боксови шампиони.

The all-action Gallimore replaces Теръл Gausha, who was forced to withdraw from the main event bout due to an injury to his left hand during sparring that required surgery.

Unbeaten heavyweight sensation карикатура Ajagba will enter the ring against once-beaten Джак Мулоуей in a 10-round bout that replaces the previously announced Rau’Shee Warren vs. Emmanuel Rodriguez fight. Warren had to withdraw from the contest due to a right hand injury suffered during sparring.

The three-fight SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION begins live at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and also features former lightweight world champion Robert Великден Jr. making his super lightweight debut against battle-tested veteran Adrian “El Tigre” Granados in the 10-round co-featured attraction.

Билети за събитието, which is promoted by TGB Promotions and King’s Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased through Ticketmaster.com or at the Santander box office (Monday-Friday, 10 А.М. – 5 вечерта, Saturdays 10 А.М. – 2 вечерта).

Orlando, Florida’s Lubin (21-1, 16 Нокаута) was one of the fastest rising contenders in boxing as he quickly raced to the top of the ladder to challenge Jermell Charlo for the WBC 154-pound championship in 2017. Following a one-punch, first-round stoppage to Charlo, the 24-year-old Lubin has rebounded with three straight stoppage victories of his own to regain his momentum toward a world championship.

През февруари, Lubin became the first boxer to stop former champion Ishe Smith and is coming off a TKO victory over Zaharia Attou in his last fight in June on SHOWTIME.

It’s unfortunate that Gausha had to pull out because I was really looking forward to that fight,” said Lubin. “Now I’m facing Nathaniel Gallimore, who is a very good fighter whose only losses are to top level guys. I’m expecting a very difficult fight, one that will be explosive for the fans, but one I know I will win. It’s my time to show the world I’m ready to be back on top of the super welterweight division.

The 31-year-old Gallimore (21-3-1, 17 Нокаута) most recently defeated Antonio Todd by decision in August to rebound from close decision losses to unified champion Julian Williams and top-ranked contender Patrick Teixeira in 2018. Born in Kingston, Jamaica and fighting out of Evanston, Illinois, Gallimore put together a seven-fight winning streak before the Williams fight, including knockouts of contenders Justin DeLoach and Jeison Rosario.

I’m approaching this like any other big fight that was in the works for a long time,” said Gallimore. “I’ve been waiting for this moment in my career for a while. This is a stepping stone that can take me where I want to go. Lubin’s a pretty good boxer-puncher. He was on the rise for a moment and I knew about him coming up. Това ще бъде голяма борба. I’ll make any adjustment in the ring to capitalize on what I need to do to be victorious that night.

Аджагба на Нигерия (11-0, 9 Нокаута) most recently passed the toughest test of his professional career when he defeated fellow 2016 Олимпиецът Али Ерен Демирезен с 10-кръгово единодушно решение през юли. 25-годишният Аджагба придоби широка известност през август 2018 когато неговият противник, Curtis Харпър, излезе от ринга, след като докосна ръкавици, за да започне първия кръг. Аджагба спечели битката, без да хвърли удар, тъй като Харпър беше дисквалифициран.

Живот в Стафорд, Тексас и тренировки с Рони Шийлдс, Ajagba has steadily increased his competition and added knockouts wins over Amir Mansour and Michael Wallisch this year.

Fighting out of Antwerpen, Белгия, by way of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mulowayi (7-1-1, 3 Нокаута) ще направи своя U.S. debut on October 26 in a pro career that dates back to 2015. The 32-year-old was unbeaten in his first seven pro fights before losing a narrow majority decision to Herve Bubeaux in a bout for the Belgium heavyweight title in May. He rebounded to defeat Artur Kubiak in July heading into his fight against Ajagba.

За повече информация посетете www.SHO.com/Sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, следват по Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, и @Swanson_Comm или станете почитател във Facebook най- www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing и www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions.

Ерол Спенс Jr. Unifies Welterweight Titles Against Shawn Porter in Epic Action Fight Headlining FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View Saturday Night from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles

David Benavidez Stops Anthony Dirrell to Win WBC Super Middleweight World Title in Co-Main Event & Mario Barrios Edges Batyr Akhmedov to Capture WBA Super Lightweight Title; Josesito Lopez Beats John Molina Jr. by TKO in Eighth Round

Robert Guerrero & Joey Spencer Pick Up Victories in FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View Prelims on FS1 & FOX Sports

Кликнете ТУК за Снимки от Франк Micelotta / FOX Sports
парола: fox-ppv

Кликнете ТУК за Снимки от Райън Hafey / Premier боксови шампиони

Кликнете ТУК за Снимки от Стефани Trapp / TGB Промоции

Лос Анджелис (Септември 29, 2019) – Ерол “Истината” Спенс Jr. (26-0, 21 Нокаута) unified the IBF and WBC Welterweight World Titles Saturday night against two-time champion “Showtime” Shawn Porter (30-3-1,17 Нокаута) in an action packed main event of a FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles.

It feels good to win,” каза Спенс. “This is a lifetime dream. It shows hard work pays off. Thanks Shawn Porter, my whole team and all my Texas people for coming out.

The back and forth brawl immediately garnered well-deserved Fight of the Year conversation as the two welterweight champions traded power punches from the opening bell to the end. Porter showed his trademark aggressive style throughout the action, smothering Spence while throwing his own power punches.

Shawn Porter is a rough and awkward fighter,” каза Спенс. “I didn’t get off what I wanted to. He’s a true champion. He made it tough.

That left it up to Spence to weather the oncoming storm and find spots to land power punches of his own. Според Compubox, Spence landed 44% от неговите силови удари, към 25% from Porter.

He’s a strong kid,” Саид Porter. “We both came in to do the job. I think I had a little more than what he expected, but he handled it. Congratulations to him and his team. We’re proud of what we did.

В четири кръгли, Porter had Spence in some trouble, as his power shots to the head and body put Spence on the defensive. The strategy from Porter stayed the same throughout, as Spence began to adjust and find a home for his offense, especially the sweeping left hook.

Round eight saw the action taken up to yet another level as Spence initially got the worst of one of the numerous exchanges, before settling in and responding enough to keep Porter at bay. The high-octane fight continued to entertain heading into the championship rounds with the fight up in the balance.

Spence landed one of the decisive blows of the bout in round 11, connecting flush with that sweeping left hook and scoring a knockdown when Porter’s knee and glove hit the canvas. As expected, Porter rebounded strong, going at Spence and putting him on the back foot for most of the remainder of the round.

I think that knockdown was the difference,” Саид Porter. “I couldn’t come back to the corner with my head down after that.

The final round was more of the same, with both fighters going toe-to-toe and leaving the STAPLES Center crowd on their feet and roaring until the final bell. The final punch stats saw both men throw nearly an equal number of punches, with Spence edging Porter 745 към 744 in punches thrown and 221 към 172 in punches landed.

All my punches have bad intentions,” каза Спенс. “By boxing Mikey Garcia, I wanted to show people I could do it with that style. Porter was throwing a lot. I wanted to show I was the bigger and stronger welterweight.

След 12 rounds the close nature of the fight yielded a split decision from the judges. One judge saw the fight 115-112 for Porter, overruled by two judges who saw it 116-111 for Spence. In the ring after the fight, Spence was confronted and called out by former two-division champion Danny Garcia for a potential showdown next.

It was a top dog fight tonight,” Саид Garcia. “I want you next Errol. It was a tough rugged fight. Shawn Porter is a tough fighter. I’m here to say I want next.

My how the tables have turned,” каза Спенс. “I’ve told my team, you line them up, I’ll knock them down.

Спенс срещу. Porter highlights тук, тук, тук и тук.

The pay-per-view co-main event saw unbeaten David “Червено знаме” Benavidez(22-0, 19 Нокаута) regain the WBC Super Middleweight World Championship from two-time champion Anthony “Кучето” Dirrell (33-2-1, 24 Нокаута) with a ninth-round TKO victory.

Everything just fell in place perfectly,” said Benavidez. “From the suspension to all the big fights I’ve been in. All of that helped me out in this fight. I did not make a mistake or open myself up more than I needed to. I worked behind my jab and got the stoppage. Things are going to get better and get tougher and I’m ready for the challenge.

The fight followed a similar pattern throughout, with Benavidez stalking his opponent looking to unload power shots, while Dirrell circled the ring looking to counter and keep him at bay with his jab.

Benavidez stayed in control through the early rounds, until Dirrell turned the tables momentarily in round four trying to batter Benavidez against the ropes, but he was unable to daze the 22-year-old.

In round six Benavidez broke through with a critical moment in the fight, landing a punch that opened up a cut over Dirrell’s right eye. With the blood pouring, the cut was immediately a problem for Dirrell, who now had limited vision to stop the incoming assault.

He hit me with a clean shot,” Саид Dirrell. “That’s my first time ever being cut by a punch. It opened up. There was nothing I could do about it. I couldn’t see the whole fight after that. My corner did a good job on it, but I really couldn’t see.

Despite having his cut checked by the ringside physician in rounds six, seven and eight, Dirrell was able to use his veteran savvy to stay in the fight. As the fight went to round nine Benavidez increased his offense, slowing Dirrell down enough where he could tee off with power punches in the corner.

As Dirrell tried to navigate away from Benavidez’s offense, he began to take take more punishment and looked shaky on his feet. Referee Thomas Taylor officially stopped the fight 1:39 в кръглата, at the direction of Dirrell’s corner. Benavidez ended the fight with a 165 към 94 предимство при удари кацна, with the biggest margin coming from his 101 power shots landed to just 41 from Dirrell.

There are so many emotions coming at me at once,” said Benavidez. “We put so much hard work into this training camp. We left home and were away from everything. But I had the dream to become the youngest two-time super middleweight world champion and I made my dreams come true.

I would have kept going in there,” Саид Dirrell. “I’m not quitting against anybody. Everyone saw I didn’t go down. My legs were still strong, but I couldn’t do anything about it.

We’re going back to the drawing board. I’m still fighting. We won’t end on a loss. You can put anybody in there with me.

Watch highlights of Dirrell vs. Benavidez тук, тук и тук.

Additional action saw undefeated Mario “El Azteca” Кварталите (25-0, 16 Нокаута) score a close unanimous decision victory over Batyr Akhmedov (7-1, 6 Нокаута) to capture the WBA Super Lightweight title in an action packed fight.

I knew this was going to be a war,” Саид Бариос. “He was getting dirty in there but the Mexican warrior in me was not going to let this opportunity pass me by. I dug deep and got the victory.

The action began with Akhmedov trying to get inside against his taller opponent, while Barrios looked to move and punish Akhmedov with pot shots from the outside. В четири кръгли, Barrios connected with a combo that stunned Akhmedov before Barrios followed up and scored a knockdown when Akhmedov’s glove touched the canvas.

The plan was to gradually grow the activity,” said Akhmedov. “I knew that I had to win by a wide margin. After the first knockdown, I knew that I had to add activity more quickly than I had planned. So I started being more aggressive. I did everything I could to try to stop him.

After surviving the round, Akhmedov picked up the aggression and began effectively closing the space down between his opponent. He began to land numerous clean left and right hooks that put Barrios on the defensive.

As the championship rounds neared, Barrios began to experience severe swelling in his left eye amidst the onslaught from Akhmedov. В последния кръг, Barrios was able to turn the tide back in his favor late in the frame. He delivered a pinpoint right hand that stunned Akhmdov and again forced him to put a glove on the mat.

After the knockdown, the fight went to the judges scores, who saw the fight 116-11, 115-11 и 114-112, всичко в полза на Бариос. The relentless pursuit after the first knockdown from Barrios ended with him holding a 238 към 135 предимство при удари кацна, but it was not enough to sway the judges on this night.

I promised my city of San Antonio that I would bring this title back home and I did it,” Саид Бариос.

The judges see better than I can from the ring,” said Akhmedov. “I did everything I could. Мислех, че съм спечелил мача. They decided that he won the fight. When I watch the fight I’ll be able to tell you what it looked like. My job is to do everything to win. The judges are supposed to judge correctly.

I tried to do everything I could. I was told that I wouldn’t be able to handle his experience, but he was on the ropes most of the fight. I beat him up and I thought I won the fight.

The opening bout of the pay-per-view saw Josesito “The Riverside Rocky” Lopez (37-8, 20 Нокаута) knock out John Molina Jr. (30-9, 24 Нокаута) in the eighth round of their welterweight fight.

We both carry power in our hands so it wasn’t a surprise someone went down,” Саид Lopez. “It easily could have happened to me with the power he has. I was able to catch him early, find openings and get the finish.

Lopez landed a critical blow on his first punch of the night, snapping off an overhand right that connected flush with Molina and put him on the canvas early in the first round. Lopez was patient following up and eventually landed a vicious body shot that put Molina down for the second time in the round.

Molina was able to rise to his feet and make it to the second round, and showed flashes that he might be able to change the tide of the fight. He slowed Lopez’s attack down in round two with a vicious combination of right and left hooks to the head.

You can never take the fight out of a fighter,” Саид Molina. “I have a never say die attitude and I have my whole career. Беше тежка битка, but the better man won tonight.

I knew he wasn’t going to quit,” Саид Lopez. “Той е воин. I had to keep on the pressure. I was thinking that hopefully the ref and the team made the right call to finish it at the right time.

Lopez stayed patient however and jabbed while looking to set up the right hand that had knocked Molina down in the first. In round seven Lopez broke through again, this time landing a perfect straight right hand that put Molia on the canvas late in the round.

After a long look from the ringside physician and his own corner, Molina tried to take his chance at a fight-changing punch in the eighth round. Early in the round, Lopez was able to land several big power shots that prompted referee Ray Corona to stop the bout 39 секунди след началото на кръг.

I wanted to keep going at the end,” Саид Molina. “I thought I was still coherent and could still move well. But you can’t go against what the referees say.

There’s a lot more ‘Riverside Rocky’ наляво,” Саид Lopez. “Robert Garcia has turned my career around. I’m a race car and like NASCAR, I’ve got a whole team behind me. I’m a top 10-level fighter. I’m going to give any fighter and any world champion a run for their money. I want memorable fights and I want the best.

Watch Lopez drop Molina in round one тук and round seven тук.

The main event of prelims on FS1 saw former three-time world champion Robert “Призракът” Войн (36-6-1, 20 Нокаута) earn a unanimous decision victory over Jerry Thomas (14-2-1, 8 Нокаута) in their 10-round welterweight fight.

The early rounds were strategic, as Thomas relied on his movement while Guerrero looked to fire jabs patiently until he found opportunities for his power punches. Round three saw action jump up a bit as Guerrero landed a big straight left that pushed Thomas hard back into the ropes.

I got some rounds in tonight, which was valuable,” Саид Guerrero. “We got what we needed and boxed our way to victory.

Guerrero continued to stalk Thomas and attack the body as his opponent spent most of the fight set on circling the ring. Обаче, in round nine, Thomas upped the presser and closed the distance on Guerrero. He landed numerous power shots that put Guerrero on the back foot.

It was Thomasbest round of the fight, but he was unable to put Guerrero down or out and after 10 rounds the fight was in the judges’ ръце. All three saw the bout in favor of Guerrero, от десетки 98-92 и 99-91 два пъти.

I want to get back into those bigger fights,” Саид Guerrero. “I moved around and stayed smart in there tonight. The goal was to stick to the game plan and I did until the end of the fight, but then I got right back on it. You just have to keep working out the kinks and that’s what I’m going to keep doing.

In the opening prelims bout, unbeaten top prospect Джоуи Спенсър (9-0, 7 Нокаута) scored a third-round stoppage of previously unbeaten Travis Gambardella (5-1-2, 2 Нокаута) in their super welterweight contest.

Spencer started the action early, leading with power shots while also controlling the distance between him and his opponent. A series of body shots put Gambardella down twice in the first round, although he was able to make it to the closing bell of the frame.

The body shots weren’t really the plan going in,” said Spencer. “I started off with head shots and he was taking those well. I put one downstairs and I instantly saw it affect him badly. I knew it was a wrap. I was going to keep going to the body.

Spencer landed a powerful straight right hand to Gambardella’s head early in round two and quickly followed up with a flurry punctuated by another body shot that dropped him for the third time in the fight. Although Spencer looked to close hard, Gambardella was able to fight intelligently and make it through another round.

I thought the referee was going to stop it in the second round,” said Spencer. “When he let him go I took a deep breath and made sure not to punch myself out. I stuck to my jab and let the rest take care of itself.

Early into round three, Spencer went back on the attack and connected with a big left hook to Gambardella’s head. Този път, referee Ray Corona jumped in and halted the bout 53 секунди след началото на кръг, giving Spencer the TKO victory.

I’m so happy with the improvements that I was able to show tonight on the big stage,” said Spencer. “I’m really excited for what’s to come.

Watch highlights from Spencer тук.

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Спенс срещу. Porter pit unbeaten IBF Welterweight Champion Errol “Истината” Спенс Jr. against WBC Welterweight Champion “Showtime” Shawn Porter in a 147-pound title unification that headlined a FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View event on Saturday, Септември 28 от Staples Center в Лос Анджелис.

The pay-per-view event began at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and featured WBC Super Middleweight World Champion Anthony “Кучето” Dirrell facing unbeaten former champion David “Червено знаме” Benavidez in the co-main event, unbeaten contenders MarioEl AztecaBarrios and Batyr Akhmedov battling for the WBA Super Lightweight title, and rugged veteran JosesitoThe Riverside RockyLopez and brawler John Molina Jr. competing in a 10-round welterweight fight. The event was promoted by Man Down Promotions, TGB Promotions and Shawn Porter Promotions.

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, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepageand www.foxdeportes.com, последват в TwitterPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FoxSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions и @Swanson_Comm или станете почитател във Facebook най- www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions,www.facebook.com/foxsports & www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

Дионтей Уайлдър защитава Своето WBC титлата в дългоочаквания Rematch срещу Луис Ортис по FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View събота, Ноември 23 в MGM Grand Garden Arena в Лас Вегас

Три-Division Шампион Лео Санта Круз търси дял в Четвърта дивизия, когато той Битки Мигел Флорес за перо първенство WBA Super в Co Main Event-

Бокс на Най-дълго царуване шампион в тежка категория Битки Опасен кубински перфоратор за уреждане Резултат След Epic Първо Clash

Билети продават още сега!

LAS VEGAS (Септември 28, 2019) – най-дългото царуване в тежка категория на бокса световен шампионДионтей “Атентатора Bronze” Обърквамще поеме своя най-опасен съперник до момента, когато той защитава своята титла в WBC реванш срещу веднъж пребит кубински РазбихLuis “Кинг Конг” Ortiz в главното събитие на FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View Събота, Ноември. 23 в MGM Grand Garden Arena в Лас Вегас.

Три дивизия шампион и настоящ шампион WBA пероЛъв “Земетресение” Santa Cruz ще се стреми заглавие в друга разделение в сътрудничество основното събитие, когато той поемаMiguel “на Мичоакан” Цветя за WBA Супер перо първенство като част от действията началото на заплащане-на-оглед на 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT.

Уайлдър и Ортис ще подновят съперничеството те задвижи, когато за първи път се занимава с експлозивен сблъсък в Бруклин, който е един от 2018 е най-добрите боеве. Уайлдър спечели че мач от 10тата кръг TKO след Ортис го зашемети и почти го имаше в седмия кръг. Мачът на вълнуващо черта много обрати, за да налагат реванш.

С комбиниран 66 нокаута в 74 кибрит, Wilder срещу. Ortiz II е тежка категория дуел, който да гарантира едно страхотно показване на сила на удара. Най- първо се бори миналата година видях Wilder отпадане Ортис в петия кръг, Ортис зашеметяване и наранява Уайлдър в в седмия рунд, който той спечели 10-8 върху всички съдии’ карти, и в крайна сметка Wilder отпадане Ортис отново с мощен десен ъперкът, която принуди рефера да спре срещата в 10тата кръг.

Билети за събитието, , която е възложена BombZquad Промоции, TGB Промоции и Мейуедър Промоции, са в продажба в момента и могат да бъдат закупениwww.mgmgrand.com илиwww.axs.com.

“Ние сме развълнувани да добавите този феноменален тежка категория реванш между Дионтей Уайлдър и Луис Ортис да вълнуващ месец за забавление в MGM Grand,” Richard Sturm, Председател на Лас Вегас развлечения на живо и спортове, каза. “Ние не можем да чакаме да се бори фенове на свидетел какво със сигурност ще бъде "нокаут’ на една вечер в Гранд Garden Arena.”

Обърквам (41-0-1, 40 Нокаута), носител на бронзов медал за дейността си към САЩ. бокс Екипът на 2008 Олимпийски игри, е повече от живял до прякора “Атентатора бронзовата.” 33-годишният Уайлдър е нокаутиран всички освен един от мъжете, че той се е сблъсквал на ринга, което го прави един от най-страхували еднощампова нокаут художник в бокса днес.

Най-активен шампион в тежка категория в областта на спорта, това ще бъде трета отбрана заглавие Уайлдър в 11 месеца. Той идва от връхната-макара първи кръг нокаут на Доминик Breazeale в Бруклин на май 18. Преди това имаше един от най-драматичните мачове на 2018 когато той падна Тайсън Фюри два пъти, включително зашеметяващ нокдаун в 12тата кръг, по пътя към разцепление привлече през декември миналата година.

Роден и все още живеят и обучение в Тускалуса, Alabama, обърквам ще се върне да се бори в MGM Grand в Лас Вегас за първи път, откакто той спечели титла в тежка категория с господстващо 12-рундов мач над Bermane Stiverne през януари 17, 2015. Победата е имал дори по-голямо значение за Уайлдър, защото той дойде на рождения ден на бокса своя идол, Мохамед Али. Реваншът срещу Ортис ще му бъда 10тата защитата на титлата.

“Когато съм се борил Ортис не само той има родословие, но Също така той е класификацията, че са вампири на разделението,” Саид Wilder. “Съгласен съм с тези, които казват, че Луис Ортис беше моята най-трудното борим до момента. Никой не искаше да се бие с него и те все още не го правят. В реванша има повече доверие и по-мотивация да правя това, което трябва да направите,. аз бях Вече видяхме стила преди. Това ще го направи по-забавно. Не мога да чакам, за да да видим как той се опитва да ми се справя, когато съм в силите си.

“Това е вторият голям борбата за мен под моята фирма, BombZquad Промоции, и аз съм много щастлив за това. Ние все още имаме много работа за вършене, за да го изградим в вида на компанията, че аз знам, че ще бъде в бъдещето, но то идва заедно. За да може да се направи по-FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View в MGM Grand в Лас Вегас под моя собствен банер е фантастично.”

Ortiz (31-1, 26 Нокаута) е излъган от три поредни победи, тъй като страдание единствената загуба на кариерата си в този първи мач с Уайлдър в 2018, включително най-скоро печели единодушно решение над християнски Hammer на Март 2. The левичар, който е роден в Камагуей, Куба и сега живее в Маями, е един от най-избягвани в тежка категория претенденти в бокса заради неговата порочен нокаут сила и хитри левичар боксови умения. В първия борбата с Уайлдър, Ортис боли Уайлдър с брояч учебник дясната кука, че почти го прави първият кубински тежка категория световен шампион направи.

Извън пръстена, Уайлдър и Ортис споделят обща връзка-ñ това както мотивирани да се борят за дъщерите си. най-старата дъщеря Уайлдър, Naieya, е роден с спина бифида, мотивиране на Уайлдър да заемат по бокс за да плати за нея медицински разходи. Дъщеря му Ортис, Lismercedes, има болезнено състояние на кожата наречено булозна епидермолиза, което води до болезнени мехури на кожата и Ортис е работил, за да се повиши информираността за.

“Трябва да се даде Дионтей Уайлдър много кредити за предприемане на тази борба, защото показва, че има сърцето на истински шампион,” Саид Ортис. “Той въобще не е уплашен да вземат опасен битка, защото нека бъдем честни, това е най-опасното борбата за него. По мое мнение, той е най-добрият в тежката категория в света, докато някой не го бие, и това е точно това, което аз ще направя ноември 23 в MGM Grand Garden на Арена на FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View. 'Кинг Конг’ идва в Лас Вегас!”

А три разделение световен шампион се бори от Лос Анджелис, Св. кръст (36-1-1, 19 Нокаута) държи перо титлата на WBA и ще направи своя дебютира на супер перо и търсене на заглавие в четвърти клас на тегло. Най- 31-годишният е доминираща сила в категория перо разделение, тъй като 2015, включително две вълнуващи перо заглавие двубои срещу Авенир Марес и Карл Фрамптън всеки. Той загуби колана в първия си мач срещу Фрамптън в 2016, но регенерирани при повторния мач на следващата година. Санта Круз е състезавал в заглавие пристъпи в 16 на неговата последна 18 битки, докато бране на колани в 118, 122 и 126 паунда и е идващи победа единодушно решение над Рафаел Ривера в последната му битка през февруари по FOX.

“Когато за първи път започнах бокса мечтата ми беше да бъде един свят шампион и съм щастлив да спечели три различни световни първенства в три различни дивизии,” каза Santa Cruz. “Не можех да си представя спечелване на шампионата в четири дивизии. Това е нещо, което аз никога не е мечтал на и аз съм много щастлив за тази възможност.

“Знам, Флорес е друг труден мексикански боксьор като мен. Той винаги идва напред, така че ще бъде забавно борба за феновете. Аз съм Наистина очаквам с нетърпение да се бори отново в Лас Вегас в MGM Grand. Това ще за да бъде наистина вълнуващо атмосфера, защото имате Дионтей Уайлдър и Луис Ортис в тежка категория първенство борба, и Дионтей винаги чука си противници, но се надяваме, че нашата борба ще открадне нощта.”

Цветя (24-2, 12 Нокаута) Първоначално бе планирано да се бори Санта Круз за перо титлата през февруари, но силно изкълчен глезен в обучение и трябваше да се оттегли от борбата. Роден в Мексико, но израснал в и борба от Хюстън, Флорес стана класацията с победи над Райън Kielczweski, Рубен Тамайо и Марио Брионес. След като претърпя загуба на Dat Нгуен и се стреми да отскочи, Флорес бе фаворит на отчетните карти срещу Крис Avalos в битка за FS1 когато състезанието бе прекратено заради една рана на Флорес’ вежда, която бе скандално постанови, че са дошли от един удар. Флорес отскочи назад от тази загуба да спре Раул Chirino през април 2018 а също така отбеляза победа с TKO срещу Луис май в най-новата си битка юни 29 След контузия в глезена.

“Аз съм изключително развълнуван да бъдат намалени тази възможност за пореден път да се бори Лео Санта Круз и спечели световната титла,” Саид Флорес. “Като ко-основното събитие на тази FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View карта с Уайлдър срещу. Ортис хедлайнер е невероятно. Това е една сбъдната мечта за мен, и аз отивам да се възползва от ситуацията. Този момент в животът ми е нещо, което аз съм представял, тъй като бях дете. На November 23, ще видите най-добрата версия на себе си като смятам, че е в най-добрата форма на моето живот, с цел да стане световен шампион, и какъв по-добър начин да го направя отколкото в Лас Вегас в MGM Grand. Лео и аз ще постави на голямо шоу, че можете да се гарантира.”

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IBF Champion Spence and WBC Champion Porter Meet in Welterweight Title Unification that Headlines FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View while WBC Super Middleweight Champion Dirrell Takes on Former Champion Benavidez in Co-Main Event This Saturday, Септември 28 от Staples Center в Лос Анджелис

Кликнете ТУК for Photos from Leo Wilson/Premier Boxing Champions

Кликнете ТУК за Снимки от Франк Micelotta / FOX Sports
парола: fox-ppv

Кликнете ТУК за Снимки от Стефани Trapp / TGB Промоции

Лос Анджелис (Септември 25, 2019) – IBF Welterweight World Champion Ерол “Истината” Спенс Jr. and WBC Welterweight Champion “Showtime” Shawn Porter had an intense faceoff at Wednesday’s final press conference before they headline a FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View this Saturday, Септември 28 в Staples Center в Лос Анджелис.

The press conference also featured WBC Super Middleweight World Champion Anthony “Кучето” Dirrell и бивш световен шампион David “Червено знаме” Benavidezexchanging words before they clash in the co-main event of pay-per-view action that begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT.

Билети за събитието, which is promoted by Man Down Promotions, TGB Promotions and Shawn Porter Promotions, са в продажба в момента и могат да бъдат закупени на AXS.com.

Here is what the fighters had to say Wednesday from the Wilshire Grand Ballroom II at the Intercontinental Hotel:

Ерол Спенс JR.

I feel like all of my fights prepared me for this moment. Porter is not like Mikey Garcia. They have different styles and different mentalities. But there are a lot of distractions fighting at home and I feel like I overcame that to lead me to this point.

I don’t make anything of the words he’s saying. We train hard and we’re focused and prepared for anything he brings Saturday night.

He’s been talking a lot, his dad’s been talking a lot and I’m going to shut him up. They’re going to call me theshow stopperafter Saturday night.

I’ve prepared for everything. It’s all about adjustments. I make them fast in the ring. People thought Kell Brook’s experience would help him but it didn’t at all. I can adjust to my opponent’s style and we will show it Saturday.

“Аз съм готов да отида. I never missed weight and I’m always professional. It’s just hard work and dedication. I’m going to be even more ripped and ready than I was against Mikey Garcia.

This is going to be an amazing event come Saturday night. I will be the unified champion of the world. Shawn comes to fight and I embrace that. I can’t wait because I promise this is going to be one for the history books.

I just have to do what I’ve been doing. I don’t care about the rounds as long as it doesn’t go 12.
I’m going to win and do it in dominating fashion.

It’s important to me to get the knockout. It’s a goal of mine to stop him and I hope to get it done. If can’t get it done, then I’m just going to be comfortable with the victory. But you know I’m looking for the stoppage.


It’s the competitor in me to get at him any way I can. Until that bell rings, we’ll do whatever we need to do to let him know we’re really here to fight him.

When you’re in there with a top level opponent, it’s supposed to be a close action packed fight. I have everything it takes to make each fight exciting when I step into the ring.

Everyone has seen everything what I’ve done in my career. Everyone knows I can take a punch and I’ll be there from the first round to the last round. We’ll see what happens to Errol as the fight goes on.

This is the best camp I’ve ever had. The nutrition and everything has been spot on. I’m ahead of schedule and that’s where I plan to stay. I expect to be eating Friday morning.

I’m aggressive and I’m strong and guys can’t handle it. There are things that happen in the ring and you just have to move with it. I’m always ready to do whatever it takes to get the job done.

I expected it to get heated today. I know that if I fire at Errol, he’s going to fire back. That’s how the fights going to be as well. Everyone got a good taste of what you’ll see Saturday.

Being in the underdog position is literally where I come from. Northeast Ohio is always an underdog. Everybody works where I come from. We always do the best we can.

The resume is for everyone else to compare and contrast. За мен, it’s all about who’s in front of me. I believe I have the right recipe to be the person to get the job done Saturday. I have the style to challenge him physically and mentally.

We didn’t change too much of our program heading into this fight. For the second time we went down to Washington, D.C. for part of our camp.


The underdog or the favorite I’m always going to ”Кучето’ без значение какво. People can have their opinion on the odds, but it doesn’t play into my mentality at all for this fight.

This is a fight that could very well steal the show on this pay-per-view. It’s an honor to be in this position. It’s a dream to be on a card like this defending my title.

I have to see how it plays out, but age is just a number. You see Manny Pacquiao and fighters like that who went out and beat younger opponents. You have to be determined and still focused on the game.

Experience is definitely a big key in this fight. I think that he has holes in his game and I’m going to expose it on Saturday night.

The cut from my last fight won’t be an issue for this one. That fight was over six months ago, so if it’s going to heal, it should be healed. It doesn’t affect anything I’m doing in the ring.

My training camp in Las Vegas was spectacular. It’s all about taking yourself out of your comfort zone and push yourself to the max to be successful at this elite level.

I don’t think this fight is going the distance and I know I’m having my hand raised at the end. He got dropped with a jab and I hit harder than Ronald Gavril.

ДАВИД Бенавидес

“Аз съм много мотивиран за тази битка. I feel like I have another opportunity to not just get a title, but take it from a champion. Аз съм работил много трудно за тази битка. Dirrell has never been knocked out and I’m taking the challenge to be the man who does it.

This is the perfect time for this fight. I’m getting stronger every day. Dirrell feels like he has a lot to prove to the fans. So it’s going to be a war as long as it lasts.

This is going to be an amazing card. It’s a stacked card from beginning to end. I want to make a statement and steal the show.

Dirrell is a great fighter and we’re both ready for what we’re going to do. There’s a respect between us, but I’m going for the knockout. If I don’t, he’s going to get a beating.

I’m definitely going to make this weight class my home. I have no problem at all making weight. There’s a lot of great fights to be made at super middleweight and we’re going to stay here as long as we can get those fights done.

As of right now, all of my attention is on Anthony Dirrell. We give him the respect he deserves because he’s a champion at the end of the day. It’s going to take my best to beat him and we’re looking forward to doing it.

Dirrell has experience, plus some speed and power. He can change from orthodox to southpaw and has a lot of tricks in his book. He’s been in there with some good fighters. But what motivates me the most is that he’s never really been hurt and I want to be the first. I know when I put my hands on somebody, I can hurt them.

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Спенс срещу. Porter pits unbeaten IBF Welterweight Champion Errol “Истината” Спенс Jr. against WBC Welterweight Champion “Showtime” Shawn Porter in a 147-pound title unification that headlines a FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View event on Saturday, Септември 28 от Staples Center в Лос Анджелис.

The pay-per-view event begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and features WBC Super Middleweight World Champion Anthony “Кучето” Dirrell facing unbeaten former champion David “Червено знаме” Benavidez in the co-main event, unbeaten contenders MarioEl AztecaBarrios and Batyr Akhmedov battling for the WBA Super Lightweight title, and rugged veteran JosesitoThe Riverside RockyLopez and brawler John Molina Jr. competing in a 10-round welterweight fight.

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