Category Archives: Premier Boxing Champions


Lisa Milner

Ngiyabonga, operator. Thanks everyone for calling in. We have a great call today to talk about the debut of PBC on CBS taking place next Saturday, April 4, kusukela Pepsi Coliseum in Quebec City, Canada. We are going to start with the main event guys it’s Adonis Stevenson, ukukhanya wesibhakela world iqhawe; trainer yakhe, “Sugar” Hill; Saki Taurus, yangaphambili super middleweight emhlabeni iqhawe; nomqeqeshi wakhe, Kevin Cunningham. We will also have Artur Beterbiev later. His opponent is training in Spain. Ngakho, he will not be joining us. Kodwa, first let’s get some opening comments from the fighters and their trainers. Adonis, ongasinikeza us kancane ulwazi kanjani ukuqeqeshwa zizoya eholela fight ngesonto elizayo?


Adonis Stevenson

Ngenxa bonke abezindaba. Ngifuna ukubonga Al Haymon, umphathi wami, great job. This is a good person for me and fight on CBS since like ’80 like Sugar Ray Leonard, Muhammad Ali. Uyazi, this is amazing. And the first championship they want to start in Canada, Quebec City. This is amazing. And I’m very glad to be part of that.


L. Milner

Great. “Sugar” Hill, ayengase ungeza yini lelo mayelana ukuqeqeshwa noma Uphawula mayelana nendlela Adonis senzani ngaleso ekamu?

“Sugar” Hill

The training camp is going fantastic. We are here in his hometown of Montreal training at his gym. His gym is just opening. Ngakho, this would be the first training camp held at this gym and for such a fight of this magnitude where Adonis is defending his world championship for the fifth time. I’ve only been here for one week any other time, but Montreal is a great place and a great place for training as well. The city has been so good and warm welcoming me here, futhi ngibona kungani Adonis uthanda Montreal, futhi ngibona kungani Montreal uthanda kanye Adonis.

L. Milner

Great. Ngiyabonga. Sakio, could you epha us ukuvulwa ukuphawula esheshayo mayelana ekamu lokuqeqeshela?

Saki Taurus

Kulungile, okokuqala nje, I want to thank everybody for giving me this big opportunity at the world title. . My training camp is going really well. Ngifuna ukubonga uNkulunkulu, uyazi, to give me this opportunity. Again, we have a good training camp here. Everyone is happy. Ngijabulile, and my coach is happy. All my kingdom is happy. I’m just looking for on April 4, ukuze abe amathathu isikhathi emhlabeni iqhawe.

L. Milner

Awesome. Ngiyabonga. Mr. Cunningham, ukhona? Could you add anything to that?

Kevin Cunningham

Yebo. To piggyback on what Sakio has just said, siye sabhekana ekamu lokuqeqeshela okusika, great sparing. Everything is going well. Sakio understands the opportunity that’s before him, and we look to come to Canada and Montreal. And we’re going to into Adonishometown. Ngakho, Ingihlabe khona, kwenziwa ukuthi. You got to go into the lion’s den and take the title. So that’s what we’re working on doing and that’s what we plan on doing.


L. Milner

Great. Ngiyabonga. Okay, we’re going to go ahead and open it up for questions from the media. Operator, Ungakwenza sicela wenze lokho?



Adonis, so much talk about you fighting the other light heavyweight champions and who the real light heavyweight champion of the world is. What are your thoughts about these other guys and it is interfering with your concentration for your fight with Sakio on April 4 on CBS?


A. Stevenson

Yeah, Ngiyazi baye kangaka ukhuluma lokho, kodwa mina kakhulu egxile Bika manje, because Bika is in my face now. I don’t see anybody. I don’t see anybody in my face now. It’s Bika. And I don’t underestimate him, futhi Ngikhathazekile ukulungele kakhulu kuye. I kuyoba ngomumo ngaye April 4. Ngakho, focus wami Bika. Ngiyazi ukuthi babe abantu abaningi kangaka engitshela kanjani ukulwa lokhu, kodwa ngiyaqiniseka enqophileko kakhulu kule guy.


Iyini inqubo for izidakamizwa ngaphambi April 4?

A. Stevenson

Three isikhathi in ukuqeqeshwa eyodwa isikhathi ngehora lesithupha in the morning. Ngakho, they come into the condo and to do a drug test and two times in the training after sparing. I think it’s good for the boxers, to protect them. I’m very glad about that. And when I got to fight, Ngaso sonke isikhathi ngenza test, uyazi? Ngakho, akusikho okokuqala I do the test, but I always to do it. This is fantastic, Ngiyakuthanda ukuthi.


Ucabanga ukuthi kwakudingekile ukuba boxing ukuba lolo hlobo test?

A. Stevenson

Yebo kubalulekile ngoba, kuba kukusiza. Ngakho, kubalulekile kakhulu ukuba baqiniseke ukuthi yonke into ihamba kahle. Futhi lokho ingxenye isibhakela lokho kwemvelo. Ngiyajabula kakhulu futhi bejabule futhi basekele ukuthi.


Sakio, ucabanga ngalokho?

S. Taurus

Ngicabanga ukuthi kakhulu, kuhle kakhulu ngoba sengisizwa [ongaqondakali] since I’ve been here. I think it’s good for the new generation. It goes for this sport. Kwami, Ngicabanga ukuthi uphelele. Akuve ephelele ngoba, Abantu abaningi kangaka [ongaqondakali] umhlalaphansi [ongaqondakali] drug and they never get tested. And now with new generation, Ngicabanga ukuthi kuhle kakhulu, uyazi, for younger kids to try to see if they want to win. Once you come in this sport you have to have been clean. Kuyinto inhlangano ephelele ukuze uthole abantu abathintekayo bese hlola them. Kuyinto lokuyenza.


Ngakho bobabili uzobe ihlolwe izikhathi ezintathu, izikhathi ezimbili ngesikhathi ikamu ukuqeqeshwa, one time ngaphambi fight? Is that correct, guys?

A. Stevenson

Angazi kuye, but for me it’s three time. And we do a piss test, futhi senza ukuhlolwa igazi, too.

S. Taurus

Yeah, for me it was three time. Then two blood testlike blood test and piss test. This is the third time them testing me since I was here.


Umbuzo wokuqala ukuthi wacelwa ukuba Adonis mayelana nokulungiselela yakhe impi oluzayo futhi iziphazamiso sonke baphikisi esizayo, Ngithanda ukuthola ukwengeza umbuzo ofanayo to Adonis aphinde.


A. Stevenson

Uyazi, uhlobo izinto like Bika wasendle futhi uye wabonisani yena eze–uyazi, he just keep coming. The kind of stuff like that, I love this kind of stuff because he’s large and keep pressuring. And so, kukhombisa uma wenze iphutha elifana ke kuyoba Knockout ngokushesha kakhulu ekulweni.


Umbuzo wami uwukuthi for “Sugar” Hill. “Sugar”, Ngifuna nje ukwazi uma yamjabulisa isitayela ukuthi wakhethwa ukuba le mpi oluzayo, uma lokhu uhlobo test obulibheka njengoba umqeqeshi.

S. Hill

Ngokwazi ngifuna isitayela for Adonis ukulwa–and actually it doesn’t really matter to me. I’m happy with the selection of Sakio Bika. I have no problem with his style. I actually like the style because he’s coming forward. He wants to fight, and Adonis loves to fight. Adonis likes to go to toe-to-toe, and he likes to box. This is important for the maturity and, for Adonis learning more about boxing to be able to be in it with a fighter like Sakio Bika, who’s a strong, determined and tough veteran who can withstand. He can take a punch. He’s never been knocked out or anything like that. Ngakho, this is an opportunity for Adonis to maybe go 12 rounds or into the later rounds, which can build and add to his career as fighting in later rounds, which he has been able to do. This fight here with Bika is a test, and Adonis loves to be tested. I love for him to be tested as well. This is the only thing that’s going to make him grow and become more of a talented fighter and become a bigger superstar.


Adonis, are you looking at a tough 12 round fight or do you see it as motivation as to being the first to knock this guy out if that opportunity presents itself?

A. Stevenson

It is motivation for me. That’s why I train very hard. I know he’s large as well in his punch. And he wants to keep me pressured. I love this kind of style. And if he goes for 12 rounds I’m ready for 12 emahlandla. I fight and spar. My fight is, sparing and training for 12 rounds.When I get in the ring, Ngifuna the Knockout. I don’t look for the 12 round. If he goes the distance or 12 emahlandla, this is not a problem. Angikwazi ebhokisini. I’m beautiful. I got a good skill. I’m a Superman. Ngakho, it’s not a problem for me. Kodwa, first I’m looking for a knockout. And I think any boxer going in the ring to fight always looks for a knockout. Ngezinye izikhathi, it’s not like that. Kodwa, me, Ngifuna the Knockout. And Emanuel said knockouts sell.


You said that you weren’t impressed with Kovalev’s performance over Jean Pascal. Do you want to put on a better performance? Do you feel pressure to put on a better performance since you said that? What do you think about that?

A. Stevenson

I’m not going to put pressure on myself. “Superman” ungazizwa akusho ingcindezi. Ngizofika ukusebenzisa boxing yami skill, futhi Ngizofika ukusebenzisa ikhanda lami ring. I don’t have to put pressure on something like that. I don’t feel like that. I’m the man. I’m the guy to get beat.


Was Sakio Bika the first opponent they offered to you?

A. Stevenson

Yeah, it was the first. He was the first to open. We’re happy, and we don’t have a problem. And I know Sakio he was lightno, super middleweight champion. It’s very good, because he’s a good boxer. He was champion last two fights. That’s a good opportunity for him, too, to go from light a heavyweight to fight me. And it’s a good opportunity for me, too.


I want to ask you at what point did you say to yourself, “I have to fight,” noma “I want to fight Sergey Kovalev to unify all the belts in the division.At what point did you say that in your career?

A. Stevenson

I don’t think about Kovalev now. I think about Bika. It doesn’t matter what I said now because I have a fight coming up with Bika. Kodwa, sure I want to fight for titles, but nowfor now I’ve got Bika in my face.


You cha bahlatshwa umxhwele indlela kovalev wabheka empini omunye ngesonto ngokumelene Pascal. Kungani?

A. Stevenson

I’m not impressed by it because this is the first big fight Pascal had since Bernard and he fights one time a year before Bernard Hopkins. Ngakho, in four years he fights one time. Ngakho, yingakho angiyona umxhwele ngalokho, ngoba Pascal akuyona boxer asebenzayo like wasebenzisa ukuba emuva ngosuku.



Uyazi ukuthi kovalev, because of the WBC is going to be mandatory. I want to know how hard will you press for that mandatory if you’re successful again.

A. Stevenson

Kunjalo, Ngiyazi. I’m ready to fight a title. Kodwa, I let my team, Al HAYMON, care about that. Then after that Kovalev we can unify the title. It’s not a problem for me because the two titles he gets now he gets Bernard Hopkins’ isihloko, and I should fight Bernard Hopkins.


This is a fight that’s going to be on national television in the United States, free TV. Have you given any thought about the fact that you’ll be performing in front of an audience probably bigger than has ever seen you fight ever?

A. Stevenson

Kunjalo. This is a good opportunity for that. And first of all, I want to thank Al Haymon for that, too, ngoba, that’s him putting on the show. And since Muhammad Ali and Sugar Ray Leonard, back in the day it was free. Manje, we offer the public the fight for free and that’s a great opportunity for me. Ngakho, I have a good performance for Sakio Bika. Kodwa, I know Sakio Bika is a tough opponent and he’s very awkward and tough. We’ll prepare for that, and we’re ready. It’s also very good for the young kids, watching the fight. It’s a good opportunity for everybody.


With that big potential audience watching wouldn’t that put you in a position where you’re looking for a knockout?

A. Stevenson

Kunjalo. That gives me a lot of motivation. That’s why I train really hard for this fight and watchso people watch me. Since Muhammad Ali, I’m the first to be poor and the projects. Ngakho, Ngingumfana kakhulu, very happy, and I’m going to put a good performance. Like Emanuel said, knockouts sell.


Adonis, where are you training this week? Bese, when are you actually going to Quebec City?

A. Stevenson

You know I opened a new gym in Quebec City. This is a good opportunity for me to train in my hometown. This is the first time since 2011. I can see my kid, too. Ngakho, Ngiyakuthanda ukuthi. And we train very hard, me and my trainer. We put the hard work pay off. This is different. This is a good opportunity for me, futhi ngiyamthanda ukuthi.


Ngakho, uku in Quebec City manje ke?

A. Stevenson

I’m in Montreal now. Quebec City, Ngizofika kuleli sonto.


Ngakho, lapho empeleni uya Quebec City?

A. Stevenson



Again, my question goes to Adonis. I just want to know if a knockout is the result that you absolutely need or would you be disappointed if you didn’t win by a knockout against Bika?

A. Stevenson

I know Bika is a tough opponent. Ngakho, Ngikhathazekile ukulungele 12 emahlandla. Uma Knockout kukhona, it’s there. If it’s not, it’s not. Kodwa, in the ring, Ngifuna the Knockout. Ngakho, it doesn’t matter for me, but I’m always looking for the knockout. That’s a Kronk. The Kronk Gym and my team we’re looking for that. Since the Kronk it’s been a while. They’re always looking for the knockout. If you’re training in the Kronk Gym and any fighter is looking for the knockout.


Kodwa, it can be dangerous to always be looking for a knockout because then if you don’t get it as quickly as you want then you can get away from your style of boxing. Is that something that worries you?

A. Stevenson

We can go 12 round. It’s not a problem for me. We train for that. We train for that. I can go 12 round. And I’m from Kronk Gym, Detroit. And this place, we have a good, good trainer like Emanuel “Sugar” Hill. They know boxing. They teach me very well my skill and everything and my balance. They know boxing. And so, they know if the knockout is not there, but we’re going to work. We’re going to use the good ability to go for 12 emahlandla. It’s not a problem.


Sakio, I just want to know, how does it feel for you in this training camp to train for a light heavyweight fight after having spent pretty much your entire career at a super middleweight?

S. Taurus

I feel it was a new challenge to go up and try to fight the big bull. When you see my regimen, nobody ever wants to fight me. It was always a little bit difficult because people don’t want to fight me. For me it’s a big challenge because Stevenson, Adonis is a great champion and I want to become the world champion in life. I’m very sure I can handle him. And come April 4, because I have a good preparation, , a great sparing partner, I just looking for you to see how I can handle the big bull. Adonis is the first one for me at this weight, but I just feel confident, I feel positive. Ngikulungele, uyazi, to go there and show the people in the world I can beat Adonis Stevenson on April 4. I want to tell the big bull. I want to move up in light heavyweight division, futhiApril 4 people are going to be see it.


Does the weight feel better for you? Do you see yourself staying at light heavyweight?

S. Taurus

I see myself like a light heavyweight. I see myself at light heavyweight because you see so many world champions. For me just it’s just a challenge. I want to challenge myself. Engingakwenza ukukhanya esindayo lula. It would be a struggle to do super middleweight. Uyazi, Engingakwenza ukukhanya sosondonzima ngempela kalula. Angikwazi ukusingatha bull big, ngoba ngenza wonke umuntu. This is a big opportunity for me to try to see if can I handle the big bull. I can handle Adonis. njenge April 4, I will try to test myself. You all ready? Ngikulungele. I abe ukulungiselela kahle,. Siqeqeshe kanzima kakhulu kule mpi. Ngibheke nje ukuza Quebec futhi unakekele ibhizinisi.


Ngesikhathi esifanayo ubungase at the fight Sergey kovalev / Jean Pascal, futhi waya HBO umhlaziyi ngesikhathi, Bernard Hopkins, and you told him that you guarantee that you will fight Sergey Kovalev. I wanted to see what your answer was to what you think of Sergey Kovalev and his performance ngomgqibeloebusuku umbhangqwana izimpelasonto edlule.

A. Stevenson

Pascal akunandaba manje ngoba thina ukhuluma ngani Bika. I niyolwa April 4 nge Bika. Kuyinto onzima kakhulu mayelana Bika and don jazy akuyona umuntu manje uma ngicabanga nilwe kovalev and Pascal bese emva ngathi, “Well, yeah, Ngizofika ukulwa.” He’s not a person for me now. The person now is Bika.


You okuqinisekisiwe ukuthi impi yakho esilandelayo sasizoba ngokumelene kovalev emuva May ngonyaka odlule emva 12 rounds against Fonfara. You beat Fonfara.

A. Stevenson

You can’t guarantee. It’s not working like that. It’s not football. It’s not hockey. And one punch can change anything. So now I got Bika in my face, and I’m very focused with Bika, because I know this guy gives problems to all the champions. He was champion. And I know this fighter is tough.

L. Milner

Okay. Gentlemen, thank you so much for your time. I think this call really set in motion a great week and a half heading into the fight. Ngakho, thank you so much. We’re going to switch over to Mr. Beterbiev.

Artur Beterbiev

I like my training, and I am training hard. And it was all planned. Ngakho, it all went according to the plan. It’s a serious opponent. I can’t wait to have that fight.


Artur, you defeated Sergey Kovalev in the amateurs. What do you think of him as far as a professional opponent right now?

A. Beterbiev

Taking into consideration all his statements that he recently produced, I would like to meet with him and put him back in his place in professional.


What do you remember about him as a guy who’s fighting you? What do you remember?

A. Beterbiev

I have a very good memory. Ngakho, I did beat him twice in the amateur ranks, but I’m more focused on the future right now. I would like to beat him again.


Artur, could you describe how you feel your career is going up at this point?

A. Beterbiev

I like the way I’ve been led in my professional career. I’m training everyday and working everyday and always thinking about that. I always try to improve and improve my not that strong parts, as part of my preparation.I’m not a future teller. Ngakho, I’m ready to meet all the solid opponents. And I’m ready for the championship of the world, and I’m ready for any case scenario.


Is there any interest in you fighting the winner of Stevenson/Bika?

A. Beterbiev

I could fight anybody.


What do you think of Campillo and what kind of challenges does Campillo presents to you because he has so much more professional experience than he has?

A. Beterbiev

Yebo, I have a lot of respect for Campillo because he’s very experienced. For sure he has more experience than I do. He has experience winning and losing, and he’s a solid opponent, but the fight’s going to show if his professional language could help him in this fight.


What do you learn from a knockdown?

A Beterbiev

I don’t think that was a knockdown. I just lost my balance for an instant. I recovered right away instantly. But I still think that this is a good lesson for me for this not to happen in the future. And I’m going to try to avoid any dangerous situations in my future.


How do you see Campillo, what kind of a fighter is he, and is there any part of his styleany elements of his style that can be worrisome?

A. Beterbiev

This is a solid opponent.He’s working very well, very experienced at attack. He’s very experienced at defense. The fight is going to show what’s going to happen.

L. Milner

Okay, omkhulu. Ngiyabonga. Ngiyabonga, Artur. Thanks everybody for being on. A special thanks to the media. This is a great show April 4 on CBS njalo, PBC on CBS right from Quebec City. Ngakho, ngibonga kakhulu futhi babe usuku olukhulu.


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PBC on CBS, isihloko esikhulu by the light wesibhakela ubuqhawe kwezwe fight phakathi Stevenson and Bika, kugqugquzelwa Groupe Yvon Michel (Gym) futhi eyethulwe Videotron futhi sikanye Mise-O-Umdlalo.
Amathikithi ukudayiswa manje Pepsi Coliseum box Ihhovisi Quebec, ngokubiza (418) 691-7211 noma (800) 900-7469, online at, at gym (514) 383-0666 futhi Champion Boxing Club (514) 376-0980. Ticket amanani isukela $25 to $250 on the floor.

Ukuze ulwazi olunabile, vakashela futhi, ukulandela on Twitter atSHOSports, yvonmichelgym, AdonisSuperman AndSakio_Bika, ukulandela ingxoxo usebenzisa #StevensonBika, abe fan on Facebook noma uvakashele Blog Showtime Boxing at


Chofoza LAPHA Thwebula Ama ifotho

Photo Credit: Zivuse Photography Group

Washington D.C. (March 26, 2015) – A little more than two weeks in advance of his highly anticipated bout at Barclays Center e Brooklyn, Lamont Peterson (33-2-1, 17 Kos) media sabamba at the Bald Eagle Recreation Center e Washington, D.C. Lamont, umfowabo Anthony nomqeqeshi sikaLamont, Barry Hunter, took some time out of their training schedule to discuss Lamont’s Premier Boxing Champions Yimpi ngokumelene Danny “Swift” Garcia (29-0, 17 Kos) on April 11.


Ngezansi sicela uthole izingcaphuno esiphawulekayo kusukela umcimbi, ubuhanjelwe print, ukusakaza kanye zabezindaba inthanethi kusuka emhlabeni esifundeni:


Lamont Peterson, Super Esilula World Champion


“Loluhlelo kungaba nje ukuphuma khona futhi silwe naye. Kungakhathaliseki ukuthi ngikhetha ukulwa, Ngizizwa ngikhululekile zingenza. Angazi izinyawo kusheshe, kodwa mina angasebenzisa ukuba benze ezinye izinto too. Ngingaya phambili. Angazi njalo kumele uya emuva. I anamathele plan game, kodwa asazi ukuthi yini le plan umdlalo manje.


“Sengqondo My lubonisa njalo in the ring, ikakhulukazi angaba ngu ngasekupheleni. You buza a lot of umzimba wakho ukuthi ring and a lot of izikhathi uya lokho uyazi. Ngakho ubuntu bakho nakanjani uyaphuma, futhi ngicabanga ukuthi lapho mina kukhanye ngaphezu kwezinye fighters. The emahlandla kamuva lapho kuvamise ukuthatha I phezu ukulwa. A lot of the time I sengathi singahlehlisa emahlandla more.


“The abalandeli wayefuna ukubona le mpi, ngakho ngangifuna ukwenza isiqiniseko ukuthi kwenzeka. Angikaze ngempela umemeza amagama noma ukukhuluma ngubani Ngifuna next. I ashiyele abalandeli kanye nabezindaba ngoba ziningi ezinoshevu ukulwa ukuthi abalandeli bafuna ukubona kungelokothe. Ekupheleni kosuku, Ngithathe belwela abalandeli nabezindaba kungani ukulwa ngubani bafuna kimi ukulwa?


“Ngibheke nje ukuthatha izinto ngenzeni kahle futhi akhiphe, bese Ngibheke ukuba asuse izinto Garcia enza kahle futhi amphoqe ukuba enze izinto engakwenzi kahle kaningi. I abawubheki isiphi impi eyodwa eyedlule zakhe ucabanga ezethu uya ukuya ngaleyo ndlela.


“Ngingumfana fighter kangcono. Muhle nakanjani counter-puncher futhi sibhekile ukuze uqiniseke ukuthi asihlanganyeli walwa indlela abanye bebelokhu.


“Kube nezikhathi ezinzima nezimnandi ekamu. Ngezinye izikhathi sekuyisikhathi aqhele futhi uphumule, kodwa ngezinye izikhathi sekuyisikhathi ukusebenza kanzima. Kukonke ngizizwa enkulu. A lot of abantu bathi lokhu, kodwa lokhu kuye kwaba ekamu wami omkhulu ukuqeqeshwa njalo futhi Ngiyajabula lapho ngibukele manje. Ngikulungele ukulwa.


“Lona impi esikhulu kimi. Emva lokhu akukho washiya ukwenza in the class isisindo. Ngingathanda ukuhambisa ngemva kule mpi ezayo.”


Barry Hunter, Trainer Peterson sika


“Lamont kuyinto fighter enemisebenzi kakhulu. Uthi waba emakhulwini ring izikhathi. Yena kungaba ebhokisini. Yena bangalwa kokubili ngaphakathi nangaphandle. Yena kungaba strategize, kodwa angakwazi futhi anonya.


“Danny kuyinto fighter esiqinile. Akakwenzi eyodwa noma ezimbili izinto ezinkulu, kodwa owenza izinto eziningi kahle. Kukhona ezinye izinto nakuba ukuthi sesibonile kuye ukuthi sicabanga ukuthi angasizakala futhi sesikude ukuphuma khona ngenhloso ukwenza kanjalo. Kukonke ngicabanga Lamont kuyinto fighter kangcono.


“Kukhona amagama ambalwa kuphela big kwesokunxele at 140, wonke umuntu uye wathuthela up to 147. Ngakho indlela Lamont acabanga kwaba ukuthi okuwukuphela kwendlela kule mpi kwakunengqondo at 140 kwaba uma angabhekana Danny Garcia. Lokhu kwaba okwengeziwe enikeza abalandeli abakufunayo ukubona. Lokhu uzonikeza abalandeli a okukhulu fight khulula futhi TV kazwelonke.


“NBC inethiwekhi weqiniso sports. Sinenkosi NBA, WNBA, NFL, MLB, NHL, MLS and the sport kuphela ukuthi okwakusele kwaba boxing. Boxing esetshenziswa ukuba njalo network futhi kwadingeka ukulwa edume nge amasosha edume. Kwakungelula ngaso sonke mayelana ibhande noma. Kodwa izinto zashintsha, kodwa lokhu kusinika ithuba ukuletha boxing emuva fans weqiniso.”


Anthony Peterson

“Angisona novalo ukubukela le mpi. Ngizofika nje ukuhlala futhi ubukele emuva. SikaLamont nikulungele.


“Danny kuyinto fighter ongavamile. Kuba in DNA yakhe, kodwa Lamont is wayegxile Ngiyaqiniseka ukuthi uzokwenzani ukunqoba.


“Lamont ngafunda ukulwa nokuvikela nami emigwaqweni.”


# # #

Amathikithi for the umcimbi bukhoma, okuyinto kugqugquzelwa DiBella Entertainment, kuthiwa ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe at $300, $200, $150, $100, $80 futhi $50, hhayi kuhlanganise kusebenza amacala service nezintela, futhi ukudayiswa manje. Amathikithi ayatholakala, futhi ngesikhathi American Express Box Office at Barclays Center. Ukushaja ngocingo, shayela Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000. For amathikithi group, sicela ushayele 800-GROUP-BK.



Ukuze ulwazi olunabile, vakashela, futhi, ukulandela on TwitterPremierBoxing, LouDiBella, DannySwift, @ KingPete26, KidChocolate, AndyLeeBoxing, @RealLuisCollazo, NBCSports AndBarclaysCenter futhi abe fan on Facebook at, futhi Landela ingxoxo usebenzisa #PremierBoxingChampions and #BKBoxing.

Embondelene undercard UZA Barclays CENTER MHLAKA, APRIL 11 Njengengxenye NIGHT SUPER ukulwa



U.S. OLYMPIANS Marcus Browne AND Errol Spence JR.



BROOKLYN (March 26, 2015) – Superstars of the zamanje nezesikhathi esizayo ngeke amelwe kahle Saturday, April 11 at Barclays Center njengoba undercard full of Olympians eBrooklyn, namathemba kanye nezinkanyezi esizayo hit the ring looking ukujabulisa isixuku Brooklyn.


The undercard ethokozisayo izici Olympic Gold Medalist for the Dominican Republic Felix Diaz Ukulwa Nokufuna Brooklyn owazalelwa Gabriel “Tito” Bracero in a 10-round umncintiswano super engasindi. Okuningi, ukubuya eBrooklyn uqobo Luis Collazo, ngubani zizofuna in action welterweight.


Futhi silwa at Barclays Center kukhona a pair of 2012 U.S. Olympians, as undefeated prospect “Sir” Marcus Browne liba abanolwazi Aaron Pryor Jr. futhi enibambisene Browne Olympic Errol Spence Jr. kwenza Brooklyn DEBUT yakhe ngokumelene once-washaywa Samuel Vargas.


Ngaphezu kwalokho on the undercard embondelene is the ohlonishwayo Viktor Postol, plus ithemba Ezingakanqotshwa Prichard “Dug” Colon izimpi Jonathan Batista futhi themba Ezingakanqotshwa Heather “Ukushisa” Hardy” liba URenata Domsodi in a super bantamweight iziqubu.


“Kuba i udumo kimi ukuba ukulwa eNew York okokuqala futhi at Barclays Center. Ngiyazi abalandeli Dominican bazoya obala force okugcwele engisekela,” Said Diaz. “Bracero kuyinto fighter ezinzima, kodwa mina abe emhlabeni championship amaphupho futhi umi endleleni yami.”


“Lena kufezeka iphupho for me,” Said Bracero. “Ngihlala Sunset Park, right phansi block kusukela Barclays Center futhi ngiyajabula ngenxa leli thuba ukuze balwe phambi ekhaya fans. Ngiye ngabhekana esihogweni ekuphileni, kodwa angikaze ithemba ephusheni lami. Uma ukholelwa kuwena, yini kungenzeka. Lokhu phetho! Yami futhi mina sengilungele.”


“Ngijabulile kakhulu ukuba ukulwa at Barclays Center aphinde. Ngiye ngabhekana nobunzima ezinye zezikhathi of career yami Amazing kakhulu khona,” Said Collazo. “Lokhu kuyoba ukulwa lwesine engilwaziyo at Barclays Center futhi ngihlela ekunikezeni ekhaya abalandeli okuningi nethuswe ngezinhlaka April 11.”


“Ngijabule futhi ube nexhala ukulwa Barclays Center for the time lwesishiyagalombili,” Said Browne. “Abangani bami kanye nomndeni bazoya aphume angisekele like behlale benza, kodwa mina am nakakhulu abe ikhadi guys eziningi kangaka I cabanga amasosha ezinkulu kanye nabangane bami like Kid Chocolate and Lamont Peterson.”


“Ukulwa at Barclays Center for the okokuqala kuyithuba elihle futhi ngihlela ngokugcwele of it,” wathi Spence Jr. “Ngizofika ukusebenza kanzima ekamu ukuba agqoke show esikhulu abalandeli eBrooklyn.”


“I wazalwa wakhulela eBrooklyn futhi kuwudumo ukuba bacelwa ukuba alwe edolobheni lakithi at Barclays Center,” Said Hardy. “Ngibheke phambili ngokubeka on a show olukhulu kubalandeli on April 11.”


“Ngijabulile kakhulu ngalokhu ikhadi nabo bonke abantu bendawo on the undercard. Collazo kuyinto fighter omkhulu futhi omunye ukuthi abalandeli athande ukuba ukubukela,” wathi Lou DiBella, President of DiBella Entertainment, Umgqugquzeli we umcimbi. “Felix Diaz Ukuqhathanisa Gabriel Bracero kuyinto Yimpi New York, nge Dominican Olympic igolide medalist kusukela Bronx ebhekene “Nuyorican” kusukela Sunset Park, Brooklyn. Futhi, the Brooklyn ukuvela kokuqala 2012 Olympian Errol Spence kuyoba izibiliboco for the fans. Engeza izinkanyezi ekuphumeni like eStaten Island Marcus Browne and Brooklyn uqobo Heather Hardy, the lady lokuqala DBE futhi une ezazidingeka an kagesi, ebusuku angayeki of action.”

“Inhliziyo isibhakela at Barclays Center yiyona punjab lendawo ukuthi alwe in ring ethu,” wathi Brett Yormark, CEO of Barclays Center. “Our April 11 ikhadi hhayi nje zihambisa enkulu emini matchups, kodwa unikeza eziningi fighters engilithandayo, kuhlanganise Luis Collazo and Marcus Browne, ithuba sikhangise amakhono abo edolobheni yabo. Lokhu kuzoba nobusuku ethokozisayo Brooklyn Boxing.”


Le uhlelo othakazelisayo iziqubu undercard azokusizana Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) on NBC primetime main event bouts featuring undefeated superstar Danny “Swift” Garcia (29-0, 17 Kos) ezibhekene Lamont Peterson (33-2-1, 17 Kos) and the middleweight championship bout between “Irish” Andy Lee (34-2, 24 Kos) futhi Ezingakanqotshwa Peter “Chocolate Kid” Quillin (31-0, 22 Kos). The Izitolimende wesibili PBC on NBC uqala at 8:30 p.m. KANYE.


Amathikithi for the umcimbi bukhoma, okuyinto kugqugquzelwa DiBella Entertainment, kuthiwa ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe at $300, $200, $150, $100, $80 futhi $50, hhayi kuhlanganise kusebenza amacala service nezintela, futhi ukudayiswa now.Tickets ayatholakala, futhi ngesikhathi American Express Box Office at Barclays Center. Ukushaja ngocingo, shayela Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000. For amathikithi group, sicela ushayele 800-GROUP-BK.


A Olympian-time ezimbili ezimelela Dominican Republic, Diaz (16-0, 8 Kos) wawina indondo yegolide at imidlalo yakhe yesibili Olympic in 2008 e Beijing. Manje ukulwa out of the Bronx, engu-31 ubudala ubheka ukuba azikanqotshwa lapho ethatha Bracero on April 11. Le impi ngeke eziphawula isikhathi sakhe sokuqala silwa eNew York futhi akungabazeki ukuthi ufuna ukujabulisa abalandeli in yakhe yokutholwa ekhaya city.


The Brooklyn owazalelwa Bracero (23-1, 4 Kos) uye wasebenza eya ekubeni Olwa in the junior welterweight division. Ukushona kwakhe kuphela wangena 2012 to DeMarcus Corley, kodwa liphinde ukunqoba kwakhe minyaka eyisihlanu ukulwa, kuhlanganise phezu wangaphambilini isihloko Olwa Dmitriy Salita ukunqoba kwakhe kakhulu yamuva. Manje, ilungiselela ukwenza omunye isitatimende ngokumelene Felix Diaz in wakhe DEBUT Barclays Center.


Omunye fighters eBrooklyn abahlonishwa kakhulu namuhla, Collazo (35-6, 18 Kos) uzobe kuhloswe ukuba ugqashule lapho engena ring on April 11. In May of 2015 Collazo wabhekana Amir Khan in a kanzima alwa 12-round ngazwilinye isinqumo ukulahleka, snapping a ezine-fight win streak. Njengoba bengazange balahlekelwa ezilandelanayo, the Collazo enamatshana ikholelwa ukuthi lakubo sixuku uyoyinika umfutho udinga ukuthola win.


Njengoba esondela irekhodi lakhe ukubukeka lwesishiyagalombili at Barclays Center, the 2012 U.S. OlympianBrowne (13-0, 10 Kos) buya busho okufanayo Mecca boxing olusha olwakhiwayo lwemikhumbi. Unbeaten njengoba professional, kanye knockouts emihlanu Barclays Center ring, nowokuzalwa Staten Island ikhombisile ukuthi unithanda kangakanani ukulwa ebaleni yakhe. Browne ubhekene engu-36 ubudala Pryor Jr.(19-7, 12 Kos) kusukela Cincinnati in a iziqubu ukukhanya sosondonzima.


A 2012 U.S. Olympian ababenolwazi ahlobisa kakhulu career amateur, Spence Jr. (15-0, 12 Kos) kusukela DeSoto, Texas, ufuna azikanqotshwa futhi bayaqhubeka igama ngokwakhe mdlalo. Umsolwa oneminyaka engu-25 ubudala intando empini kuzalwa yase- Vargas (20-1, 10 Kos) ukulwa out of Ontario, Canada.


A out oneminyaka engu-31 ubudala Kiev, Ukraine Postol (26-0, 11 Kos) uye wenza igama yena njengoba omunye Amadoda ayesesaba kunawo division super engasindi. Njengoba nje alwa kabili USA ngaphambi, April 11 yithuba esikhulu Postol ukwenza isitatimende emhlabathini American. Emva kuka Selcuk Aydin ukunqoba amadlingozi May 2014, Postol is abebenokwenziwa for a big 2015.


Ukulwa out of Puerto Rico, the fast-ekuphumeni Colon (13-0, 10 Kos) kwenza ukubukeka kwakhe okwesibili Barclays Center on April 11 ngemuva oqavile Lenwood Dozier eBrooklyn en eya isinqumo eziyisithupha-round in August 2014. Umsolwa oneminyaka engu-22 ubudala uzobhekana engu-30 ubudalaBaptist (14-5, 7 Kos) out of the Dominican Republic in super welterweight action.


Kakade owawina yokuqala ngqa professional female boxing emdlalweni Barclays Center,Hardy (12-0, 2 Kos) abuyise on April 11 looking ukugcina irekhodi lakhe ephelele abephule. At Barclays Center ukunqoba Her ezindlule wangena June 2014 lapho ethola siwine waqhekeka phezu Jackie Trivilino. Iningi muva, wabe siwine okudlangile ngazwilinye ngokumelene Elizabeth Anderson ngoDisemba 2014. Ubheka ukugcina ukuthi umfutho kwenzekani April 11 lapho ebhekana the URenata Domsodi (12-6, 5 KO sika) out of Budapest, Hungary in a super bantamweight umncintiswano.


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Ukuze ulwazi olunabile, vakashela, futhi, ukulandela on TwitterPremierBoxing, LouDiBella, DannySwift, @ KingPete26, KidChocolate, AndyLeeBoxing, @RealLuisCollazo, NBCSports AndBarclaysCenter futhi abe fan on Facebook at, futhi Landela ingxoxo usebenzisa #PremierBoxingChampions and #BKBoxing.

Campillo Next for Beterbiev

Quebec CITY (March 19, 2015) – Emva oqavile ezinhlwini amateur ngesikhathi wonke imijikelezo ezimbili Olympic, Manje ithemba Russian Artur Beterbiev ilungele elite pro boxing sika, yize uye kuphela walwa kasikhombisa a professional. The Groupe Yvon Michel (Gym) jewel ngeke siqhubeke nohambo lwakhe April 4 e Quebec City, angabiki aphile on CBS and TVA Sports, ngokumelene zangaphambili world iqhawe Gabriel Campillo, of Spain.

“Izintatheli ngeke sijabule kusukela angizange KO muntu namuhla,” wahleka Beterbiev ngemuva umphakathi lizilolonga namuhla Quebec City, Wabonisa amakhono akhe kanye sparring yakhe partners, EyiNgisi Bob Ajisafe and Australian Blake Caparello.

“Ngempela ngicabanga kuyoba ebusuku iDemo Campillo,” Caparello wathi ngemuva Ukubanga Beterbiev. “Le guy has ezinye ngomfutho ezinonya. Wayengacabanga ukuxosha ngisho bese yokuzingela a strong Sergey kovalev in the ring,”

Beterbiev (7-0, 7 Ngakho) uyobhekana zangaphambili WBA light sosondonzima emhlabeni iqhawe Campillo (25-6-1, 11 Ngakho), a 6'2 bahlakaniphe” southpaw oye alwa 211 emahlandla njengoba professional, in a iziqubu wokulungiselela phambi WBC andThe Ring ukukhanya wesibhakela isihloko kwezwe fight phakathi sivikele iqhawe Adonis “Superman” Stevenson and Sakio Bika.

Beterbiev-Campillo iwukuba izwe IBF yesibili usezingeni in the light division sosondonzima.

“It is a ukulwa okuhle ngokumelene Umphikisi omuhle; a ukumelana, guy abanolwazi,” Beterbiev trainer Marc Ramsay ihlaziye. “Campillo will bring a lot of ring experience to Artur. Boxer My uyaqhubeka ngcono zonke izinsuku kodwa, empeleni, yena kakade, isilungele best.”

“Ngizofaka on a show omuhle futhi silwe April 4th,” Beterbiev waqhubeka. “When I step in the ring, Anginayo umngane. Ngifuna ukuqhubeka ngcono ngize ngiphinde nazo Sergey kovalev. Futhi mina ngeke aphinde amshaya!”

Kevin Bizier vs. Stanislav Salmon

Welterweight Canadian Kevin Bizier (23-2, 16 Kos) bayoba nethuba yakhe ukubhala umlando in the Quebec Coliseum elidala, kusukela uyokwenza ukulwa last boxing iziqubu owake akhiqizwa yangaphambili Nordiques arena. April 4th, eyobhekana yangaphambili French and WBC welterweight Mediterranean iqhawe Stanislav Salmon (24-3-2, 10 Kos).

In order to realize that dream, ukuziqhenya the Quebec City kwakufanele lokwenqaba ithuba avele iziqubu semi-final ye ukulwa Julio Cesar Chavez Jr and Andrzej Fonfara, April 18th e Carson, California.

“Kevin ngabe wathola isikhwama khulu than fike kwadingeka ukuba impi yakhe last emelene Jo Jo Dan he, kodwa wayefuna ukuhlala ekhadini Quebec,” umgqugquzeli Yvon Michel wanezela. “Akazange umsebenzi omkhulu sekusuke isidumo close ngempela ngokumelene Dan and Dan lwa an IBF welterweight emhlabeni fight, March 28 in England. Konke sisengakwazi Kevin futhi siyakholelwa kuyena.”

“Ukuze umuntu ngeke ukuvala Colisée kuyinto ngempela,” Bizier amazwana. “Libuye ukulungiselela ukulwa okuhle kanye nami okumelwe siyenze enkulu. I ngayo ukulwa California, kodwa mina ngeke elinye ithuba in June. Futhi of course, Ngingathanda nginithandile ukuba izicathulo Jo Jo Dan ukulwa in a ubuqhawe emhlabeni…kodwa ngelinye ilanga, kuyoba kuyithuba lami.”

Sébastien Bouchard vs. Denis Farias

Futhi ekhadini, Fovorie Canadian Sébastien Bouchard (9-1, 3 Kos) ngeke ukwandisa abhekane guy French ezinzima Denis Farias (19-6-2, 1 Kos).

“Sébastien saziqhenya empini yakhe yokugcina lapho wayeka the last boxer ukuze anqobe icon Stéphane Ouellet, Belgian Cedric Spera,” Gym iphini likamengameli Bernard Barre okukhulunywa. “Yena uzobe ebhekene a fighter okuhlala, oye kuphela walahlekelwa ngesinye isikhathi by K.O.”
Amathikithi ukudayiswa at the Pepsi Coliseum box Ihhovisi Quebec, ngokubiza (418) 691-7211 noma 1 (800) 900-7469, online at, at gym (514) 383-0666 futhi Champion Boxing Club (514) 376-0980. Ticket amanani isukela $25 to $250 on the floor.

ESPN Reaches Multi-Year Agreement to Televise Premier Boxing Champions Series

PBC on ESPN to Air 12 Two-hour Live Shows Annually on ESPN and ABC

March 18, 2015ESPN will televise Premier Boxing Champions, uchungechunge wadala for ithelevishini by Haymon Boxing, featuring top-level ukulwa phakathi eziningi zabaculi boxing sika. The multi-year agreement was announced today. The first of 12 two-hour annual live Premier Boxing Champions on ESPN (PBC on ESPN) telecasts is scheduled for Saturday, July 11, at 9 p.m. KANYE on ESPN and ESPN Deportes.


ESPN telecasts ngeke baveze bukhoma in emini. ABC broadcasts will air ngomgqibelo ntambama, imininingwane eminye ukuba umemezele at usuku. ESPN, Inethiwekhi ESPN sika Spanish-ilimi, will also televise all PBC on ESPN fights as part of its Night ayalwa series.


Ukusabalala Live uyophinde abe olutholakala WatchESPN kumakhompyutha, Smartphones, Izibhebhe, Amazon Fire TV and Fire TV Stick, Apple TV, Chromecast, Year, Xbox 360 futhi Xbox One via i video umhlinzeki esebenzisana nayo. Isivumelwano futhi amalungelo emhlabeni wonke nge ESPN International.


Card details of the first PBC on ESPN telecast and subsequent shows will be announced at a later date. ESPN’s long-standing Friday Night ayalwa will celebrate its last show Friday, May 22 with the finals of the Boxcino 2015 tournament.
ESPN has a long history of carrying world-class boxing events and the new Premier Boxing Championsseries uyaqhubeka ukuzibophezela kwethu mdlalo uNdunankulu-level ukulwa emini ngaphambilini itholakale kuphela premium ikhebula amanethiwekhi,” wathi John Skipper, Umengameli ESPN.


PBC on ESPN telecasts will be produced by ESPN. Blow-by-blow commentator Joe Tessitore futhi Umhlaziyi Teddy Atlas, kokubili abemukeli ohlonishwa Sam Taub Award for Excellence in Sokusakaza Journalism owethulwe Boxing Writers Association of America (BWAA), will call the fights ringside on ESPN and ABC.Additional on-air commentators will be announced at a later date.

ESPN3, ESPN’s live multi-screen sports network,will present non-televised undercard bouts and PBC on ESPN weigh-ins live leading up to the fights. Stories about the fighters and the fights will also be featured on and on SportsCenter.

Boxing on ESPN

Boxing bekulokhu okuyisisekelo lwezinhlelo ESPN analo cishe 35 Eminyakeni. ESPN began televising boxing on April 10, 1980 – Ngonyaka wokuqala inethiwekhi mayelana the air – when weekly boxing returned to television for the first time since 1964. For the past 17 Eminyakeni, ESPN Friday Night ayalwa hasshowcased ezinye iziqubu best in the embonini isibhakela kwethulwa abalandeli nezinkanyezi esizayo futhi champions.


About Haymon Boxing Management
Haymon Boxing Management isekelwe Las Vegas, Nevada, futhi ilawula futhi weluleka ngaphezu 200 fighters professional.


For more information on Premier Boxing Champions, Ukuvakashela:,, noma


LEE SET UKUVIKELA TITLE yakhe ngokumelene UPETRU QUILLINAPRIL 11 ON THE ngokulangazela ibolekwe



I-New York, NY (March 17, 2015) – Nakuba sigubha St. Day Patrick namuhla, mhlawumbe ujabulela ubhiya noma ezimbili, middleweight iqhawe “Irish” Andy Lee (34-2, 24 Kos) kuba kanzima ekamu ukuqeqeshwa kwakhe Monte Carlo nge trainer Adam Booth njengoba ilungiselela ukuvikela isicoco sakhe emhlabeni ngokumelene iqhawe zangaphambili Peter “Chocolate Kid” Quillin, at Barclays Center, e Brooklyn, NY, on Saturday, April 11. Wasekela by DiBella Entertainment, Lee vs. Quillin ngeke baveze bukhoma NBC at 8:30 p.m. KANYE, kanye emncintiswaneni silindele ngokulangazela phakathi Danny “Swift” Garcia futhi Lamont Peterson, njengengxenye Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) series.


Ngezansi a izingcaphuno ezimbalwa ezivela Andy and umgqugquzeli Lou DiBella:




“Ngiyamthanda St. Day Patrick. Usuku bonke abesilisa Irish nabesifazane ukuba siziqhenye ukugubha umlando kanye namasiko ethu. Ngeshwa, kimi kulo nyaka khona uzoba no Guinness njengoba ngizobuya in the gym, kodwa ngibheke phambili sigubha nabantu bonke abantu Irish emva I win on April 11!


“Training konke uya ngohlelo. Umqeqeshi My Adam Booth Ubeka me ngokusebenzisa paces zami futhi sisebenza kanzima ndawonye ukuqinisekisa ukuthi mina ishaye Quillin nokugcina isihloko yami. Ngizizwa esiqine kakhulu futhi ebukhali. Bengilokhu Ukubanga nge fighters ezintathu Ezingakanqotshwa, Miles Shinkwin, Rocky Fielding and Deion Jumah. Ngibheke phambili ekufikeni eBrooklyn futhi sivikele igama lami phambi bonke ababekhona nalabo ukubukela on NBC.”


LOU DIBELLA, President of DiBella Entertainment:


“Andy Lee bekulokhu ukuziqhenya Limerick. Impumelelo yakhe umenze omunye Champions Ireland olukhulu. Izinga umuntu ukuthi kumenza omunye abasubathi abaningi wayethanda nabahlonishwa wesibhakela. Njengoba ulungiselela ukuvikela isicoco sakhe ngokumelene Peter Quillin on April 11, uye ukuzilungisa for ukulwa enkulu career yakhe esiteji enkulu ngangokunokwenzeka njengengxenye Premier Boxing Champions on NBC at Barclays Center. Njengoba aqeqesha futhi ulungiselele ukuya eBrooklyn, I-New York, kokubili Andy nomqeqeshi Adam Booth wazi okusezingeni kanjani ezigxotsheni kukhona futhi kuyoba isilungele emini. St Happy. UPatrick Day to everyone; namuhla sonke Irish. Andy uhlela ukwenza azizwe like St. Day Patrick futhi April 11.”


Amathikithi njengamanje ezisendalini for the umcimbi bukhoma, okuyinto kugqugquzelwa DiBella Entertainment, futhi ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe at $300, $200, $100 futhi $50, hhayi kuhlanganise kusebenza amacala service nezintela. Amathikithi,, futhi ngesikhathi American Express Box Office at Barclays Center. Ukushaja ngocingo, shayela Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000. For amathikithi group, sicela ushayele 800-GROUP-BK.


NBC and NBCSN uyodala 20 aphile “PBC on NBC” boxing izenzakalo 2015. Ngaphakathi the 20 imibukiso bukhoma, NBC Sports Group uyodala ngaphezu 50 amahora Ukusabalala PBC, kubandakanya NBCSN- futhi post-fight for izinhlelo NBC telecasts. UNdunankulu Boxing Champions uchungechunge wadala for ithelevishini by Haymon Boxing. The PBC on NBC izoba zezinkanyezi yanamuhla bhá, emdlalweni wabo esibaluleke kakhulu.


All PBC on NBC shows will be streamed live on NBC Sports Live Extra via “TV Everywhere,” enikeza abathengi value eyengeziwe for subscription service yabo, nokwenza okusezingeni kokuqukethwe izinga iyatholakala kumakhasimende MVPD kokubili ephuma ekhaya futhi ezisekelweni multiple. NBC Sports Live Extraiyatholakala desktops at The NBC Sports Live Extra app iyatholakala at the App Store for iPad and iPod touch, kumadivayisi khetha ngaphakathi Google Play, futhi phezu emafasiteleni amafoni kanye amaphilisi.


# # #


Ukuze ulwazi olunabile, vakashela, futhi, ukulandela on TwitterPremierBoxing, @LouDibella, DannySwift, @ KingPete26, KidChocolate, AndyLeeBoxing, NBCSports AndBarclaysCenter futhi abe fan on Facebook at, Landela ingxoxo usebenzisa #PremierBoxingChampions and #BKBoxing.

Erick ITHAMBO Kugcizelela IN ngoLwesihlanu ebusuku kulwa owayeyiMeya Welterweight Champ uShawn PORTER NAPHEZU edolweni Kulimale

For Eliseduze Release

I-New York (March 16, 2015)–Boxing ibhizinisi funny. Ngezinye izikhathi, ngisho nalapho ulahlekelwa, uwinile.

Ngakho kwaba ngolwesihlanu ebusuku, lapho eneminyaka engu-26 ubudala Ecuadorean welterweight junior Erick Bone wabonisa izwe ukuthi ithalente-class emhlabeni and neqhawe uzimisele.

Bone, ohlala Queens, NY, futhi iphethwe Eli Mackay, wamiswa ngo round amahlanu owayengumengameli wezwe iqhawe Shawn Porter on Spike TV in Ontario, California.. Ababukeli wabona Bone uyaphumelela ezinye ngokumelene Porter. Lokho impumelelo kungenzeka suprising njengoba Bone wathatha fight on amahora amabili nane isaziso.

In round amabili, Bone, ngubani sisayinwe Umeluleki Al Haymon, ukwenyela edolweni kwesokudla. Yena walwa emahlandla lamatsatfu ngesinye knee. “I ngeke wenze noma yimuphi izaba. Kodwa ngifuna abantu ukuba bazi ngizobuya, on TV, futhi ngiyakuba isilungele a fight ehlobo,” wathi Bone (16-2).

Mackay uthe uyaziqhenya boxer yakhe beza ikilasi isisindo kuleso iDemo. “Walwa ngesinye knee,” Mackay bamangala. “Udokotela uthe kuhle impi yaphela ngoba kwakungase aye ulimele kakhulu knee Erick sika. Kodwa-ke nje bhinyila. Sendaba, Erick kuyinto talent real futhi uyokwenza nomsindo at welterweight junior!”
“Njengoba impi bathuthuka, Erick wayeqala ukuthola Porter. Kwakungaba real ezithakazelisayo ukubona kanjani ngabe wadlala phezu okuhlelelwe emahlandla nambili wayeshilo abalimele knee kwakhe.”


SUPER middleweight Champion ANTHONY DIRRELL izimpi HARD-ukushaya Badou JACK

Middleweight Champion DANIEL JACOBS UQALA umakadebona EZIJABULISAYO Caleb TRUAX

Amathikithi ON SALE MANJE!

CHICAGO (March 16, 2015) – Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) Spike on TV uphindela nge doubleheader ezimatasa onFriday, April 24 at the UIC Pavilion in Chicago njengoba Okungishaya kanzima Anthony “The Dog” Dirrell (27-0-1, 22 Kos)Ubhekene off against inselele Badou Jack “The Ripper” (18-1, 12 Kos) in super middleweight action.


Isenzakalo sokuqala main of the kusihlwa uzobona Daniel “The Miracle Man” Jacobs (28-1, 25 Kos) esalwa it out nge veteran ethokozisayo Caleb “Golden” Truax (25-1-2, 15 Kos) in a iziqubu middleweight.


Amathikithi for the umcimbi bukhoma, okuyinto co-kugqugquzelwa Warriors Boxing Promotions and Mayweather, kuthiwa ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe at $151, $101, $51, futhi $31, hhayi kuhlanganise kusebenza ngamasevisi, futhi ukudayiswa manje. Ukushaja ngocingo nge credit card enkulu, shayela Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000 noma UIC Pavilion Box Office at (312) 413-5740. Amathikithi ayatholakala noma ngekuvakashela Lihhovisi UIC Pavilion Box (Thursday noma Friday 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.).


Isenzo isiqephu on Spike TV uqala at 9 p.m. KANYE futhi 8 p.m. PT (kwabambezeleka the west coast).


“Ngijabulile kakhulu silwa on Spike TV futhi ngihlela ngokuba the guy wonke umuntu usekhuluma lapho ubusuku phezu,” Said Dirrell. “Lena platform esikhulu kimi futhi Ngingumfana eyashukumisela kunanini ukugqoka show for the fans. Badou Jack kuyinto Umphikisi ezinzima kodwa Ngizofika ukwenza kube ebusuku embi kakhulu kuye.”


“Leli yithuba esikhulu kimi futhi angiyikumvumela ukuvumele iphambana iminwe yami,” wathi Jack. “Ngiyazi Anthony Dirrell kuyinto fighter umpetha kodwa mayelana ukuzizwa ehlukile amandla lapho ngifika kwakhe. Ngibheke phambili ekubeni iqhawe super middleweight on April 24th.””


“'The Miracle Man’ ubuyile! Ngijabulile ngalokhu impi futhi ngiyazi ukuthi kuzoba ebusuku esikhulu abalandeli futhi Ngilindele ukuba agqoke show,” Said Jacobs. “Wonke umuntu e Chicago and wonke umuntu wokubuka Spike TV uzoba in for uswidi.”


“Kungijabulisa kakhulu kangaka bakwazi ukuncintisana in a fight enkulu on a sigaba omkhulu kangaka,” Said Truax. “Jacobs kuyinto fighter omuhle futhi Ngiyamhlonipha, kodwa awukaze in the ring nomuntu ofana nami. Ngizomenzela akhokhe uma oyithatha kalula me.”


“Simagange ukuba beletha Premier Boxing Champions emuva Spike TV futhi the UIC Pavilion in Chicago okokuqala,” wathi Leon Margules, President of Warriors Boxing, co-umgqugquzeli senzakalo nge Mayweather Promotions. “Chicago has a fight umlando omkhulu amabili ubuqhawe ukulwa, April 24 kuyoba kwesinye isahluko okukhulu emlandweni.”


“Simagange ukuba babambisane-ekugqugquzeleni ngalobubusuku omkhulu boxing,” Said Leonard Ellerbe, CEO of Mayweather Promotions. “”Badou Jack kuyinto kanzima-working and eyashukumisela fighter oye ngokubeka emsebenzini ukuze uthole leli zwe isihloko shot. Ngilindele ebusuku iziqhumane kwathi ngo-April 24th. Promotions Mayweather uyoba elinye iqhawe.”


“Kuyasijabulisa okukhulula kubabukeli zethu a esicindezelayo, umcimbi ngani fighters ezimatasa abaye washaywa class emhlabeni izimbangi esiyingini izithiyo obuqand ngaphandle kwalo ukuya esiteji boxing enkulu,” wathi Jon Slusser, Senior Vice President, Sports, Spike TV.


Dirrell uye wazibona adversity kakhulu kulo career yakhe njengoba isikhathi sakhe wesibhakela kuye kwawohlozwa sina kabili. Okokuqala ngoDisemba 2006 lapho kwatholakala ukuthi unesifo non-Hodgkins lymphoma futhi bayikhulisa ngothando for 20 izinyanga ngokuphindaphindiwe May 2012 lapho ephula emlenzeni wakhe osezansi kwesobunxele izihlakala kwesokunxele in a engozini yesithuthuthu. The Flint, Michigan-native ungalokothi ukuvumele lokho phansi Nokho ugcine naye njengoba elokhu yokuwina ukulwa kanye ukusebenza ngendlela yakhe up the professional ezinhlwini. In 2014 wayinqoba ubuqhawe yakhe yokuqala, lapho wanqoba Sakio Bika in a rematch of yabo 2013 udwebe. Manje ubuhle engu-30 ubudala ukuba agqoke kwenye show on April 24 in Chicago.


The Jack oneminyaka engu-31 ubudala ubelokhu Yebo for a shot isihloko emhlabeni kusukela asayina kanye Mayweather Promotions in 2013. The fighter kanzima-ukushaya out of Las Vegas ngendlela Stockholm, Sweden, lost okokuqala in 2014 kodwa liphinde in iziqubu yakhe elilandelayo nge 10-round isinqumo ngazwilinye anqobe Jason Escalera in August futhi waqhubeka kugcizelele ngoDisemba lapho iqeda Francisco Sierra lesithupha-round. Manje, the 2008 Gambian Olympian uzothola shot on the stage big lapho ethatha Dirrell on April 24.


Enye figure ugqozi ukuthi uzobe bengena ring, Jacobs Brooklyn isiqediwe umgwaqo umdlavuza osindile iqhawe August odlule lapho wanqoba Jarrod Fletcher yakhe isihloko middleweight. In 2011, yena waba in pursuit of a ubuqhawe lapho umdlavuza ezisengozini ukuphila kwakhe futhi wamgcina out of the ring for 19 izinyanga. Kodwa lapho ebuyela, wathatha lapho ayegcine, kokuphunyuka not lost kusukela. Manje, yena ubheka ukwakha on umfutho wakhe ngokumelene Umphikisi ezinqala on April 24.


Wazalelwa e Osseo, Minnesota, Truax is an experienced veteran who has fought professionally since 2007. Ukulwa ikakhulu esimweni sakhe ekhaya, engu-31 ubudala wawina yakhe yokuqala 14 ukulwa ngaphambi nasici wakhe wokuqala umbhalo wakhe, a amanzi Phil Williams in 2010. Truax ayihlanganyele more ukulwa ezine, kuhlanganise ukunqoba kuka Williams ukuthi wamzuzela 2012 alwe Jermain Taylor. Truax wajikijela isinqumo ezinzima ukuze Taylor kodwa okuphume Ezingakanqotshwa ukulwa eziyisishiyagalombili kusukela. Manje, yena engena ukulwa enkulu umsebenzi wakhe on April 24 in Chicago.


Ukuze ulwazi olunabile, vakashela,, ukulandela on TwitterPremierBoxing, AnthonyDirrell, BadouJack, DanielJacobsTKO, GoldenCalebT AndSpikeTV futhi abe fan on Facebook at,


Shawn PORTER uthola ucingo lwemibhalo KWABANTU AN umxhwele Erick ITHAMBO

Wesibhakela CHIRS ARREOLA IPHUMELELE ISINQUMO ngazwilinye ngokumelene A Tough Curtis Harper

ONTARIO, Calif. (March 13, 2015) – Esokuqala Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) card on Spike TV delivered on it’s promise to bring fight fans a great night of boxing match-ups. The night’s main event featured Umphumela “The Beast” Berto (30-3, 23 Kos), ngubani wabhala stoppage umxhwele Josesito “Riverside Rocky” Lopez (33-7, 19 Kos) phambi kwesixuku lively kakhulu Citizens Bank Arena Business.


Kuvulwa isiqephu iziqubu akubona Shawn “Isikhathi Sombukiso” Gqoka (25-1-1, 16 Kos) ukumisa a eligabavulayo Erick Bone (16-2, 8 Kos), owayebizwa ngamathebhu ukuba ugcwalise njengoba replacement ngomzuzu wokugcina ngoba Roberto “Usongo” Garcia.


In the iziqubu swing, isasasa wesibhakela Chris “The Nightmare” Arreola (36-4, 31 Kos) wakwazi ukunqoba empini walwa kanzima Curtis Harper (12-4, 8 Kos). Kubonakala sengathi iziqubu wayemiselwe ukuba stoppage ekuseni ngemuva eduze KO by Arreola in the umzuliswano wokuqala. Nokho, Harper wakwazi ukuqamba yena afike aphoqelele fight ukuya ibanga.


Ngezansi kunezibonelo ezithile eziphawulekayo imibono evela fighters isiqephu mayelana yabo tonight ukusebenza:




“Ngangicabanga Ngenza OK tonight. I wayethola in groove yami Umbhangqwana labo emahlandla wokuqala, bese ngabona wayengase ingangilimazi. Ngase izandla zami go.


“The jab away wamgcina. I wayesebenzisa yona zamshaya uthole ubuso bakhe. Ngase ekubambeni naye jab ubusuku bonke. Ngazizwa oqinile emva kwalokho okokuqala phansi ngangqongqoza naye.


“Josesito kuyinto fighter ezinzima. Wazuza zonke limgwaza zami futhi more.


“Leli yithuba amazing. Angikwazi ukulinda izinombolo. Bazophatheka ukukhombisa ukuthi PBC ngempela.


“Angazi ukuthi yini okulandelayo nje okwamanje. Ngizofika uphumule nomndeni wami bese ukukhuluma Al Haymon ubone lokho anakho angibekele.”




“I wayengekho 100% tonight. I zonakale isandla sami sobunxele in the round wesithathu. I nje wayengekho at best ami. Kwadingeka amathuba. I neze kuye.


“I wenza okuningi kahle ikhono enginalo. Angibanga ngesankahlu off the punches ukuthi ngifuna. Wayelapho ukuthandelwa hit, kodwa angikwazanga ukukwenza.


“The knockdown yokuqala wabopha nami ezisongwe iqakala lami a little, kepha ngangi philile. Lokhu stoppage kwaba 10 zimbi izikhathi ukwedlula stoppage Maidana. I wayengekho engazinzile noma ubuhlungu tonight mina ngisenze ziqhubeka.


“Berto kumane ezinzima. Angibonanga lutho ukuthi angikwazanga ishaye khona. Uma bekungelona for the stoppage ke ngicabanga ukuthi bebengaba amshaya. Wayengumuntu ukuzivuselela, kodwa limgwaza zakhe kwakungezona enkulu.


“Ngifuna ukugcina ukulwa the best. Ukulahla encela mina yayingazimisele ngoba tonight. I ube umuntu ongcono ami lapho ngilwa the best.”




“Ngangicabanga wanikeza ukusebenza omkhulu tonight, kodwa engangingayenza umsebenzi ongcono ukulalela lokho ekhoneni yami yayifuna of me. Ngingaba kwakhulunywa kakhulu libukhali tonight.


“The ufikelwa wasebenza mina. Sasifuna ukuba mix it up and wammisa up the jab. Uma ngifika umzimba wakhe kwaba phezu. Iphutha My wayephethe isibhamu ukunikeza isibhamu.


“Bone kwaba umxhwele on tape, kodwa ngangingaqiniseki ukuthi ngempela yini ongakulindela tonight. Wayengumuntu strong and quick noma. Weza ukulwa.


“Angazi ukuthi kwenzekeni Garcia. Ngicabanga ukuthi engiwenzayo ngeke okwenza isisindo. Imicabango My kanye nemithandazo ukuphuma emndenini wakhe nakuba ngoba ngiyazi bafunani phambili tonight.


“Sasenza ngendlela yethu tonight. Ngithemba ngakwazi ukumjabulisa abalandeli. Ekupheleni kosuku sesikude funda kulokho okwenzeka lapha kulobubusuku.


“I Angiqiniseki ukuthi yini okulandelayo, kodwa ngiyaqiniseka okunempilo futhi ukulungele ukubuyela e-ring ngokushesha ngangokunokwenzeka. Sizothatha konke comers.”




“Konke zazihamba kahle bese umzuliswano wesibili knee yami wanika out futhi kuthinteka ukusebenza yami lonke fight. Angifuni ukwenza izaba nakuba. Ngangizama ukunikeza konke yami.


“I evamile ukulwa 140. Ngakho waphinde angifuni ukwenza izaba, kodwa esitheni sami kwadingeka eziningi asizakale tonight.


“Tonight ngafunda esimisweni sami class isisindo at 140. Kuba onzima kakhulu bagxume a ubusuku class isisindo, kodwa mina ngenza engingakwenza.


“It i udumo luboniswe like lokhu. Where I bavela lezi zinto akuvamile kakhulu futhi ngizibheka ngale isibusiso.


“Sizoba balwe at 140. Noma ubani bafuna ukubeka phambi kwami ​​ngaso 140 I uzoba ukwamukela impi.”




“Mina a “D” jikelele tonight. I nje wayengabuzi uphonsa combos ngokwanele.


“Noma nini ngaphonsa punches it wayesebenza kimi. I nje ukuhlala more ekhuthele ring.


“Harper uyindoda ezinzima. I wambamba okuningi punches okuhle futhi hung khona kahle kakhulu.


“PBC has a platform omusha esikhulu uquqaba ezongibona engikwenzayo. Akuve ukuba Umdlalo wesibhakela emuva emini!


“Ngifuna ukuthola emuva ku ring ngokushesha ngcono. Ngikulungele uthole emuva ejimini futhi basebenze ngokushesha ngangokunokwenzeka.”


Curtis Harper


“I wangena evilaphayo. Ngifanele ukwenza ngcono. Zonke isinyathelo round yokuqala wasiza ukuthola izinzwa out of the way noma.


“Ngangenza kahle liqine jab, kodwa ngidinga ukuba ikhanda lami more. I wayenesineke kakhulu jikelele. Ngifanele ukuba nolaka.


“UChris a ezinzima, kid strong. Uma sicabanga ukuthi uye futhi ngubani uye walwa Ngicabanga Ngenza kahle tonight.


“Ngikhathazekile ungobusisiweyo happy ukuba lapha kulesi sigaba. Ngithanda ukuthatha ukugcina ibambene cards PBC.


“Ngenxa PBC futhi zonke fans. Lokhu kungenye imini omunye dollar, kodwa sengikulungele more.”


# # #


Ikhadi fight wakhushulelwa by Goossen Promotions. Ukuze ulwazi olunabile, vakashela,, ukulandela on TwitterPremierBoxing andSpikeTV futhi abe fan on Facebook at futhi

Robert Guerrero – Ngikulungele alethe omunye ebusuku othakazelisayo action



Las Vegas, NV (March 11, 2015) – Ezinsukwini ezimbalwa ngemva komzamo kwakhe eziphefumulelwe ngokumelene WBA Welterweight Champion, Keith Thurman (25-0, 21 Kos), Robert “The Ghost” Warrior kakade ngabomvu impi yakhe olandelayo. Guerrero is today’s version of a modern day gladiator who leaves everything in the ring. His never die fighting style is what fans of all ages are thriving to see. Sports fans around the world witnessed a “Fight of the Year” candidate when Guerrero and Thurman left everything in the ring. Guerrero speaks on his future.


“Nakuba mina no Thurman waya empini, umzimba wami uyalulama kahle,” URobert wathi Guerrero. “Njengoba crazy njengoba kuzwakala, I’m ready to get back to work and start training. I’m hoping I can get back in the ring by the summer and finish off strong by the end of the year. If I can get two more fights in this year, I’ll be happy. I know the fans are looking forward to my next fight, futhi ngikulungele ukuyibhubhisa omunye ebusuku othakazelisayo action.”


Bob Santos ngubani co-okwenzayo Guerrero washo, “Ngemva kokubheka ukulwa, Ngabona Guerrero yayimelene a super-middleweight impi ebusuku, which makes his fight with Thurman even more unbelievable. Guerrero who came up from 122 lbs. wahamba ibanga nge iqhawe Ezingakanqotshwa owalwela kakhulu umsebenzi wakhe ngesikhathi 154 amakhilogremu, that’s incredible. The fans got to see a true warrior in Guerrero last Saturday, futhi ngeke uthole simbone esikhathini esizayo esiseduze.”