Categoriae Archives: Premier Boxing Propugnatores


Click HIC Pro Thoronella Erba Photos / Mayweather Promotions

Las Vegas (June 17, 2015) – Cum libram pro libram-rex et Praeses Mayweather Promotions Floyd “Money” Mayweather Respiciens, pugnatores competing on this weekend 's Premier Boxing Propugnatores cards at MGM Grand, participetur a media workout Wednesday at Mayweather Boxing Club. Fecit quoque domum Sancti sui temporis ad gym Mayweather, duas fere horas expectantes mediorum loqui, dare proeliantium subtilis et consilio et sign autógrafos pro fans.


Lorem elaboratae sunt eventus bellatorum on Tuesday scriptor SUMMUS Boxing inde pugiles NBC card included Adrien “Forsit” Broner (30-1, 22 KOs),“Showtime” Shawn Porter (25-1-1, 16 KOs) atque Errol “Isto” Jr Spence. (16-0, 13 KOs). Coverage on NBC incipit 8:30 p.m. ATQUE/5:30 p.m. PT. Broner, et qui considerat Mayweather matrona “magnus frater,” has exercetur ad paucos hebdomades Mayweather Boxing Club, per Mayweather suggerente.


Principium bellatorum in hoc erit showcased in presentis dominicae SUMMUS Boxing inde pugiles CBS card etiam apud ministrantem Rances Barthélémy (22-0, 13 KOs), Antonio DeMarco (31-4-1, 23 KOs), Sammy Vasquez (18-0, 13 KOs) atque Wale Omotoso(25-1, 21 KOs) Chersonae autógrafos ac subscripta,. Incipit coverage CBS Sports ad4 p.m. ATQUE/1 p.m. PT.


Tesseras Diei event, promotus est per quod Mayweather Promotions in consociatione cum TGB Promotions, at sunt precii $400, $300, $100 atque $50, vectigal et onera venalia quos possidet iam locum ministerii. Interdum a maiore promeritum pecto ut visitet, vocare ad Ticketmaster (800) 745-3000. Tesseras sunt etiam aut


Dominica scriptor eventus tesseras, quod etiam, provehatur Mayweather Promotions in consociatione cum TGB Promotions sunt precii ad $100, $75, $50, atque $25 vectigal et onera venalia quos possidet iam locum ministerii. Interdum a maiore promeritum pecto ut visitet, vocare ad Ticketmaster (800) 745-3000. Tesseras sunt etiam aut


Hic sint quae dicere debuimus workout participes:


FLOYD MAYWEATHER, Praeses Mayweather Promotions


“Youve 'got duo guys hoc weekend in Adrien Broner and Shawn Porter quorum ius est teams circum eos. Feremus et personalitate si permanserint ex vincere, puteus 'vide quid accidit.


“Shawn Porter fortissimus fuit ante. Et solum unam, damnum et detrimentum Adrien solum unam,. Puto hoc est bonum matchup.


“Cum Robertus procinctu Guerrero, qui est southpaw, primum homunculus coepi vultus ad flectat ad illos erat southpaw and Errol (Spence Jr.) dabat michi maxime bonum work.He impulit me et fecerunt me get in summitate conditione tip, et statim fui in summitate conditione tip, Et comminatus sum ut potui. Hes pugnator infernum.”




“Ianitori potest non verberet, suus 'non est futurum.


“Postero Mayweather non Floyd. Id primus et solus ero Adrianus Broner.


“Nescio quid ni vererer Porter. Im 'non territa est, aliquid. Potest loqui, suus 'omnes okay.


“Im 'iens ut volutpat cum praesens dies pater mihi pater magnus victoria Saturday nox.


“Suae quisque ipsius appellationis ad AB in NBC temperetur, sicut futurum tempus ostendit quod gradiar anulum.”




“Sentio magnus. Et hoc totum est quod refert pondus. Quod 'primum parva pugna, et debellati deinceps proelio veniet on Saturday nox.


“Putaverunt enim, si me Broner haustum puto fore molestum me recipit, tamen suus 'non iens ut. Quod ut 'non Ostiario via. Nos fecimus iuxta omnia ius ad hanc punctum.


“Eo ego servus tuus custodit Broner relaturum sperabat dicendo, sed non satis intelligo quid dicat ignorat, quia paratus sum et adducam illud semper scit. Quod petere non Porter philb.


“Hes garrulus, Os vult illud bonum ad currendam. Erant 'iustus iens ut bene nostras res on Saturday nox.


“Hoc bonum futurum. Certe a turba pleaser. Seu novi seu veteris ad pugilatu, id utile futurum. Has artes Broner, ego autem, artes quoque. Suus 'iens esse magnificum certamen on Saturday nocte.”




“Erudiens nos solet esse suus castris. Nos utique non aliud, sed tamen ea, quae nostra causa paulo intensior.


“Im 'iustus paratos ad pugnam. Volo ponderemus-in, et cibus in stomacho anulus in aliquam. Im 'iam in pondus, eam iam diu, octo-week disciplina castra sic nos 100 percent parati.


“Im boxer-puncher. Possum venit deinceps, aut possum pixidem. Im conquirendam knockout et Im Odiosum excitando pugnat.


“Primis pugnantes NBC, on mea maximus card ad date, ad me et non habeo quod suus 'vere possum redire NBC ut iterum et principale eventus.”


RANCES Barthélemy


“Scio DeMarco parati illi auferre posuit multum pressura sicut Mexicanus pugnatores facere. Quod forte aliter se habere. Pugnaturi quam nos habemus consilium.


Moving to Las Vegas has made me more relaxed and comfortable. Now that I’m married and have my daughter, it’s been even more peaceful. Paratus sum ire.


“Ubi quisque CBS ardentes in U.S. me videre potest, est mihi data magis inspiration. Post hanc pugnam populus qui sim nesciam.”


ANTONIO demarco


“Paratus venio in pixidem, fiet ut aut rixam vicerint on Sunday.


“Mea scio impugnantem inuictus est sed non pugnaverat idem guys habeo. Suspendi itaque anulum in melius et experientia ostendit.


“Habuimus magnum disciplina castra, omnibus duris operis expletionem. Suus 'de exire on Sundayin medium speciem induens.”


Vasquez SAMMY


This was probably the best sparring camp I’ve ever had. It was a little longer than I’m used to – circiter viii septimanas – and we had some great sparring partners. I’m more ready than ever.


“Guys Omotoso s faced, ipse suus effodisset, so he’s been doing his job. He’s a power hitter so I know I can’t take him lightly. He dropped Jessie Vargas, sed non sum sicut celer pugnator.


“Potest etiam dicere, quod non vult, but he’s not going to knock me out. That’s what he’s supposed to say. Everything changes when you step into the ring. 'Iens ut non celerius invenire poterimus talem adversus me.


“Si consilium est de venatione mea videbo percutiebant eum ducam eam occasionem pulsare.


“Im pugnantes, pro omnibus fans retro in Pittsburgh, all my brothers and sister in the Armed Forces. I’ll be carrying them on my back as I enter the ring in hac dominica.”




“I’ve seen a few of Sammy’s fights. I think he has speed, but that’s the only thing that I see. I don’t think he has the power to knock me out.


“I’ve faced the tougher guys than him. In my last fight I floored Jessie Vargas, et, puto, Jessie velocior est quam eum.


“Non refert autem quantum cito, optimum mihi adferet.


“When I see a challenge I like to face it. I’m going to knock him out.”


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Pro magis notitia visit, atque, on Twitter sequiPremierBoxing, AdrienBroner, ShowtimeShawnP, ErrolSpenceJr, RealKidBlast, @ De.Marco07, @ SammyV2112, MayweatherPromoNBCSports, A fan at Facebook super @SHOSports et @MGMGrand et facti sunt,, aut




Las Vegas (June 17, 2015) – Boxing 's storied history necessitudine rem domesticam relationes: ut vitam hoc weekend as Patrem' Dies SUMMUS Boxing Propugnatores redit ad NBC onJune 20 et CBS June 21 pro quo vivunt in Maximo Teoobe. Proeliantium featured super utrumque horum reclinant cards arcto necessitudines cum soceris suis, figure patres in proelia caestus pater eorumve gym inveni.


Insuper, saepe nascatur scientia dulcis fans eficias ludo communicat generatione in generationem, seu traditionem transiret pugilatu vigiliarum suas domi. Ut SUMMUS Boxing Propugnatores pergit in magnam actionem ad network television, ut huius diei pugna terga pagellae volutpat aliud retro ut- ut occasionem hanc traditionem ultra, ut transeant per.


On Tuesday, Adrien “Forsit” Broner (30-1, 22 KOs) atque “Showtime” Shawn Porter (25-1-1, 16 KOs) faciem off in a ferociter competitive XII-circuitu matchup. Item in card, et inuictus Errol “Isto” Jr Spence. (16-0, 13 KOs) ponit dura-hitting recordum in linea contra veteranus Roberto “Comminatio” Garcia (37-3, 23 KOs) in maxima provocatio iuvenilis career. The PBC on NBC action begins at 8:30 p.m. ATQUE/5:30 p.m. PT


Deus orbem pugiles Rances Barthélémy (22-0, 13 KOs) atque Antonio DeMarco(31-4-1, 23 KOs) featured in Premier Boxing Propugnatores on CBS card Patrem 'Dies, Sunday, June 21 Initium live 4 p.m. ATQUE/1 p.m. PT. Etiam featured in a televised bout est explosivae welterweight matchup that pits the inuictus est Sammy Vasquez (18-0, 13 KOs) contra Nigerian knockout artifex Wale Omotoso (25-1, 21 KOs).


From the legendary duo of Mayweather, co-promotor hoc weekend 's PBC, fight cards, et patrem suum Floyd Mayweather Sr. pater-filius aliis Partes utJulio Cesar Chavez Sr. atque July Jr. atque Don atque Felix “Tito” Trinidad, momentum est paternitas, ut nunc ratio dulcedine semper prevalent, quod patet ex hoc weekend infra s comments Lorem cogitationum et pugnatores.




“Mea Moriturus Pops’ quae me fracta fuit primus occurrit quod et gym Aliquam Mike [Stafford]. Sicut novit me pater voluit loco buxus et introduxit me.


“Quisque enim vocat meum Moriturus Pops’ est, quia sicut a dad omnibus in circuitu me – amici mei, pugnatores si gym…omnes. He’s always been there 100 sentio de tempus.


“Parum mihi rabidus uterque pater. Sumus similibus. Sumus praecidet alterato panno, et laborare velimus gaudendum. Nos mesh.


“Duo weeks solet pater castra, Adventante autem ideo pugnat quotidie in gym. Cum non in gym mecum, opus est ut mechanicus Cincinnati cars.


“[On essendi patrem] I est amor cum meus kids. Fun atque iis rebus velim ad me quam ut hædum. Amo, cum veneris ad propinquos meos et non ad gym pugnat.


“Cum mea minimus natus Adrieon, Hoc modo illo modo temperatur aderam Patris dies singulos gradus melius fore si vicero.”




“Pater semper adiuvit me ab universa disciplina artes. Quoniam semper sit ibi unum patrem anomalia. Tu nescis modo invenitur communitas nimis Africanum – uno modo dad liberis qui vult esse pater fuit ibi enim mihi fratrique meo gratissimum.


“Every day is kind of like Father’s Day for us. Et hoc uno memorabili volo reddere multis venire primum. Manifesto Sunday multo melius si vincam.


“EGO sentio amo ego facere die quotidiana. Suus 'illi, et. Suum quod quid faciemus. Amarum habetis dies bonos. Me ipsum esse filium et athleta, aliter facit volo ut tractare super me.”




“Got me pater coepit caestu. Erat vir vivens auriga, ita depellere overnight, et tunc youll 'adepto domum 12:00 p.m. tunc vel postea concedam gym. Then after that he’d come from the gym, ea esset: 5:00 aut 6:00 p.m., et vellet in eo requiescere et pergens ad horas diei unius vel duorum.


“Per eos dies,, Putas non de, sed modicum sapere habui antiquius, immolavit nesciunt sacrificiis omnibus ire mihi omnia publica posse torneamentis pixidem ex statu et omnia vasa torneamentis. He had to pay for the hotel, sicut cibus pro damno quod effercio. We didn’t have any sponsors and stuff like that.

“Ego et pater superbus nomine bene se optimum esse me credit in me possim perculisset.


“Magna pars mea ludit curriculo pugilatu. He’s my supporter. That’s my mentor. That’s like my best friend. For Father’s Day, Im 'iens ut quaereret eum, et quod suus 'iens futurus eris superbus et infigo amabo win. He played a big part in my career. Without him, Scio non pugilatu. In angulo erit pater Saturday nocte.”


RANCES Barthélemy


“Dies mei pater mihi uxorem filiam peculiari, qui vel mundi, sicut dies regis miseriam. Being a father is very important, et hodiernam societatem, not enough fathers are there for their children. It’s great that there is a day to honor the good fathers that take care of their families.


“Pater meus, Emilio Barthelemy, was always there for me and my brothers. Ascendens autem in pugilatu ludibrio. Quoniam ego cum meis mihi perdifficile Cuba dad admodum propinquos. I love him very much and I want to wish him a happy Father’s Day as well.


“Memini cum sumus párvuli, me and my brothers would take my father out to breakfast on Father’s Day. Erat admodum peculiare momentum et omnes usi. My wife and daughter love to spoil me on Father’s Day. Et introduxit me in anno amet adeptus sum mirabile Cuban panem meum simul.”

Vasquez SAMMY


“Qui sphaeram tam fortem esse patrem puellae et cum tribus facit Pater meus

De die feriarum maximus patris mei.”


“Patris mei fuit mecum de gradu curriculo viam sustineat

selling tickets in Pittsburgh, Rossilione pugnantium esse meorum mecum

gestores. Praesent magna illum mecum, pugna esset ad hoc specialiter

Pater in die illo.”


“It’s tough having to be away from my daughter’s on Sunday but we’ll celebrate on

Monday when I get back home and have our Father’s Day then.”




“Duos pueros sum superbus [saecula 5 atque 2] rex cum uxore mea. Sed habitavimus in Los Angeles laetissima quadriennio ibi habemus et.


“Sic parentes ut uxorem meam spectet LA pellentesque vestibulum Australiae et uxor mea pugno cum faveant mihi venias.


“Reversusque est pro transferrique Romam placuerat coram patre meo a Nigeria Australia. Nacti occasionem mihi et comedi ex Africa exire. Vellet mereri.


“Mea trainer Eric Brown est quam patris meo nunc. Quóniam cognóvit uxorem et haedi. Ambulamus omni tempore. Quisque ac lectus caput recta tenere focus.


“Im vincat on Sunday. Dies mei praesentia quae futura pro haedos. Im 'iens ad hoc certamen eis. Patris praesentia dare possim optimum Day – freti, cur datis dad.”


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Live coverage of Premier Boxing Propugnatores on NBC Incipit 8:30 p.m. ATQUE/5:30 p.m. PT cum X-circuitu welterweight inuictus est praelium inter ortu stella Errol “Isto” Jr Spence. et lenta litigiosum Roberto “Comminatio” Garcia. Quod bout comitatur XII-circuitu headlining attractio featuring Adrien “Forsit” Bronersusceptis “Showtime” Shawn Porter.


Nullam enim vivunt eventus,, promotus est per quod Mayweather Promotions in consociatione cum TGB Promotions, at sunt precii $400, $300, $100 atque $50, vectigal et onera venalia quos possidet iam locum ministerii. Interdum a maiore promeritum pecto ut visitet, vocare ad Ticketmaster (800) 745-3000. Tesseras sunt etiam available


Coverage Premier Boxing Propugnatores on CBS Incipit 4 p.m. ATQUE/1 p.m. PT cum welterweight collisione Sammy Vasquez atque Wale Omotoso Inter orbem et deinde propugnatoribus sollicitudin Rances Barthélémy atque Wale Omotoso.


Nullam enim vivunt eventus,, promotus est per quod sunt precii ad Mayweather Promotions et TGB Promotions $100, $75, $50, atque $25 vectigal et onera venalia quos possidet iam locum ministerii. Interdum a maiore promeritum pecto ut visitet, vocare ad Ticketmaster (800) 745-3000. Tesseras sunt etiam available

SUMMUS CAESTUS inde pugiles NBC MEDIA colloquium dico EXEMPLAR


Swanson Kelly

Thanks everyone for calling in. We have an exciting conference call today to talk about an unbelievable boxing weekend coming up in Las Vegas. We’re going to hear more about that from Leonard Ellerbe, CEO of Mayweather Promotions, qui curram call.


Primo autem vocationis habita erant 'iens loqui ad Erroll Spence, Jr., et adversario suo,, Garcia Roberto, sed etiam vocatio ad suppositum, infeliciter, se habuit ad tempus in ultimum minutis medicus quid pro quo, priusquam in, sic ad nos non poterimus.


Huic aliud adulescentis est fantastic pugnator, and I’m certainly looking forward to seeing him fight. I’m going to go ahead and turn it over to Leonard Ellerbe, quis illud apertum initia.


Leonard Ellerbe

Gratias tibi ago, Kelly. I’d like to thank everyone for joining us on this afternoon’s call. PBC on NBC returns to primetime network television this Saturday, June 20th. The telecast incipit 8:30 p.m. AND / V:30 p.m. PT. We’ll be coming to you live from MGM Grand in Las Vegas. This event will be sponsored by Corona, et gratias pro alimonia Libet.


Our main event will feature a 12-round showdown between former world champions Adrien Broner and Shawn Porter. The co-main event features hot prospect Errol Spence, Jr. and veteran Roberto Garcia in a 10-round welterweight fight. Following the fights on NBC, nos switch super ad NBCSN plus magnam actionem.


Tesserae pro vivunt eventus, quae provehatur Mayweather Promotions in consociatione cum TGB Promotions, es nunc in venditionem. The tickets are available through Ticketmaster and With the purchase of a ticket to the June 20th dimicabitis Saturday, fans will also have access to the PBC on CBS card taking place on Sunday at the MGM Grand. That bout will feature, in consectetur, Rances Barthélémy versus Antontio DeMarco, and Sammy Vasquez pugnabit Wale Omotoso, qui incipit 4:00 p.m. AND / I:00 p.m. PT on CBS.


Co-libet committitur principale eventus introducendum, and I’d like to start out with Errol Spence. Errol Spence is coming to us from Desoto, Texas. He is a 2012 US Olympian. He most recently dominated Samuel Vargas on the April 11 on PBC on NBC card. I’m very familiar with this young, exciting prospect. He’s a very talented fighter and he will be a force to be reckoned with for quite some time. He’s a future world champion. He’s coming to us at 16-0 apud 13 KOs. Errol?


Jr Errol Spence.

Hi, I’m glad to be here. It’s a big opportunity for me on a huge stage. I’m going to go in and do like I always do, put on a great show and a great performance and raise my stock. Hopefully, post hanc pugnam, post haec valde effectus, NBC principale eventus possim.



Sentis viam vis movens moveri sicut tu? Faster? Slower? Where you’re supposed to be? Ergo, quam celeritate putas, si adversarius potest curam, Garcia Roberto, hoc weekend, ut vos can adepto in bello potiora, titulum aliquando forte?


Et. Jr Spence.

I feel like I’m moving the way I want to move. I’m fighting when I want to and I’m fighting on the regular, so everything’s been consistent and how I want it to go. I’m stepping up the competition, and I’m fighting on the big stage that I wanted to fight on. After I get rid of Roberto Garcia, I think it will be another step up fight. Hopefully, Nota magis adversarium possim nomine, spero autem in superioribus mundi fortissimus, deinde postero anno aliquando, Ego permittit pro titulum.



Secundum quibuslibet, tu optimus Pugnator in Iunctus Civitas in vulputate Team 2012 summa potentia et ut amet amet. Est quod ipsa distractione pro vobis? Does it motivate you? Do you believe your clippings? How do you stay focused? Because it seems like you are a pretty focused guy, ambulans in via tua te.


Et. Jr Spence.

Nam cognoscere res, morabatur focused est iustus aliquid ultro etiam facere, but I also want to live up to the hype and to the high standards that a lot of boxing writers and a lot of people have of me. I’ve just got to go out there and perform and look great, volui respice magna, so I have to stay focused and work hard. That’s the only way that I’m going to get where I want to be and get to the top and get to fighting these name-known opponents. EGO iustus have iustus manere manere focused et dedicavit, et ego esse definiendus pugnando notum adversarios, sicut Robert Guerrero or Keith Thurman aut Amir Khan vel aliquis sicut.



Quid sibi ergo vult victoria adversus Garcia facere in terms of questus vos ibi?


Et. Jr Spence.

Garcia Roberto, ipse 'lenta, veteranus ille, et puto me cum paene cotidie a contender, Habui ad faciem sicut a guy, et cum bona multum experientia metus record, so I can go into that contender level and contender status where I can start fighting more name-known guys. I think it’s just a process I have to go through so I can get to where I want to be. Roberto Garcia is a tough fighter. He’s not as known as the guys I would like to fight, Ad illa vero ad pugnandum guys.



Cum cessum Europae orientalis multum pugnatores, qui pugnabit pro titulo suo in secundo aut tertio cognitionis professionalem certamen, Sentis instent gradum quendam processus ut vestram et solidiora pugnat et develop parum celerius etiam, quam nos Ive 'seen normaliter American pugnatores in praeterito?


Et. Jr Spence.

Do Not. I don’t necessarily feel pressured. Everybody has their own path that they have to take. What those guys did was great, et quod suus 'realiter extraordinarium et inauditum, sed unum cunctis caelestium viam suam, ammirantibus crescit differenter.



Errol, PBC, quia audio profectum broadcasting pugnat, in 2015, youve habebat, unum pugnare Garcia-Peterson undercard, sed pugnatore commercial vel your bio, patefacio ut 'multum questus. Tu mihi quid Gomorra similes, ut suus 'in TV videris et quid reaction has been to quod nuditate?


Et. Spence, Jr.

It’s been great. Im 'excitatur. It shows that my hard work’s been paying off, and it shows how my manager believes in me. I’ve only been a pro fighter for three years and some change and I’m already being broadcast in with guys that have been pro eight, decem annis, undecim annis, and I’m head-to-head with these guys. It just shows a lot of people believe in me and I’ve got a lot of people behind me who support me.



Memorasti Robert Guerrero, Keith Thurman, and Amir Khan as potential opponents that you’re looking at. Do you see them as stepping stones to something bigger, vel sunt gallorum certaminibus vis? It sounded like you might have been alluding to a different fight. Quid miraris si ego vias tuas in illis guys pugnare vides Mayweather?


Et. Jr Spence.

Not necessarily. These are the guys that are in the top ten, that are in the top five. These are the guys that are supposed to be there after Floyd retires in September, currit guys sunt uelut diuisione iri, so these are the guys I’m looking at. I’m nowhere near close to fighting Mayweather, because I haven’t even gotten in the top ten yet. These are the guys thatI’m looking at that are in the top ten that are supposedly running the weight class after Floyd’s gone and retired.



Volo te scire quod rogo adversatam, Garcia Roberto? Cogitatis, quasi pro, Garcia esse durior Pugnator ut youve faced?


Et. Spence, Jr.

I see him as the most experienced fighter. It could be the toughest. It all depends. One of my tough fights was against Emmanuel Lartey. Et erat 15-0, et ego 8-0 at tempus. But I mean it could be. Hes lentus, ipse suus expertus, and he’s gritty. I know he’s going to come to fight, date mihi durior erit hoc dicere pugnas.



Autem, you’ve gone back and forth in the last year or so between welterweight and super welterweight. Is there one of those weight classes you particularly want to focus upon?


Et. Jr Spence.

Im sistendo 147, and welterweight is my weight class. A lot of times I might fight at 148 aut aliquid simile quod, autem 147 class bellandi est pondus quod ego.


K. Swanson

Okay, quod tu ad ult, Errol, but I have one for you that I’d like to add here. The weekend is Father’s Day weekend, et quid vos legere, condita certus eram pulchellus dad haberes instrumentum tuum curriculo pugilatu. Admiratio si tu me una nobiscum necessitudinis cum pauco circa dad, fracta esset ingenium tuum momentum progressionem, ero tecum, et si quid pro quo hic auctor in.


Et. Jr Spence.

Meo dad, he got me started in boxing. Erat vir vivens auriga, ita depellere overnight, et tunc youll 'adepto domum 12:00 p.m. tunc vel postea concedam gym. Then after that he’d come from the gym, ea esset: 5:00 aut 6:00 a.m., et vellet in eo requiescere et pergens ad horas diei unius vel duorum. Per eos dies,, Putas non de, sed modicum sapere habui antiquius, immolavit nesciunt sacrificiis omnibus ire mihi omnia publica posse torneamentis pixidem ex statu et omnia vasa torneamentis. He had to pay for the hotel, sicut cibus pro damno quod effercio. We didn’t have any sponsors and stuff like that.


Magna pars mea ludit curriculo pugilatu. He’s my supporter. That’s my mentor. That’s like my best friend. For Father’s Day, Im 'iens ut quaereret eum, et quod suus 'iens futurus eris superbus et infigo amabo win. He played a big part in my career. Without him, Scio non pugilatu.


K. Swanson

Magna. Thanks for sharing that. I know he was an important part of your story. So, Leonard, that is it on the side for Errol. We appreciate you taking the time out of your training. Optimum fortuna vobis, et custodientes vos expectamus NBC PBC.


L. Ellerbe

The fans are going to be in for a great treat with this fight. Garcia comes with a lot of experience, and Errol is the new guy on the block. He’s making a name for himself. Big things are expected out of Errol, nocte et die Saturni sese magno vultus faciendum venire.


Et. Jr Spence.

Gratias tibi ago. I’d like to thank everybody for their questions and stuff and everybody tuning in and listening. Just make sure you tune in Saturday. I’m going to put on a great performance and a great show.


L. Ellerbe

In consectetur, we have a valde suscito certamen. We have two gentlemen who are very familiar with each other. They both come out of the state of Ohio. They both have extensive amateur backgrounds. I think it’s going to be an excellent fight.


We have Shawn Porter. Sicut dixi, ille e Posoniensis ad nos, Ohio. He’s now fighting out of Las Vegas. His most recent win was on Spike in March when he fought Eric Bone. He has fought a number of good fighters, including big wins over former world champions Devon Alexander and Paulie Malignaggi. He comes to us with a record of 25-1-1, apud 16 KOs, est aliud quam priores welterweight mundi fortissimus, “Showtime” Shawn Porter.


Shawn Porter

Quid usque, omnes? Thanks for having me on.


Nosnon Porter

Introductio gratias agamus propter mirificam guys, Leonard. We really appreciate you guys having us on today. As far as our training camp, Shawn has been preparing for this fight and the previous fight and the previous fight before that ever since he turned professional. We never really go into a camp, per se. We just continue with what we were already doing. I have been blessed with an athlete who understands that this is his lifestyle, suus 'anno-circuitu, and he just works like that. So when it was time to turn up the heat a little bit, we were already ready to go. When it was time to bring down the weight a little bit, illa non erat problem either.


He’s strong. He’s happy. He’s feeling really good. Today we did a little bit of track work. We headed to the gym, et tunc recordati sunt colloquium dico vobis habebamus guys, ita inconveniens omnino pro nobis et sede revertetur quia parum de labore suo et hanc vocationem iam factum, non tantum in hac pugna tibi aut palaestra hac, but in previous fights and previous camps that we’ve had before this. Everything is on point. Everything is exactly where we want it to be, magnum certamen et nos expectamus magna indocilis nocturnis sabbati.



Quare ita egisti, ut præpares te ad certamen aliter hoc disciplina castra Adrianus celeritas Broner?


S. Gere,

Nosti quid locutus, I’ll let you know. Yes, he is skillful and fast. We haven’t really done much different to try to offset that or anything. The reason being is because we know that I’m just as fast and just as quick as he is. There haven’t been any special workouts that we’ve incorporated this camp or anything like that to do anything differently to offset his speed. We’ve just really focused more so on my skills and also the different techniques that are required to cut off and slow down a fast fighter like him. So, Ive 'been effectus illud quod, iustus immo altiore. We’re not overlooking his speed. We’ve just done more of what we need to do to prepare for it, semper quod factum est.


K. Gere,

Iustus dare parum guys info, Puto Devon Alexander est unum de ieiunas pugiles: et equom, period. I know that Manny Pacquiao is one of the fastest boxers in boxing. I know that Andre Dirrell is one of the fastest boxers in this sport. Shawn has been able to compete against those type of guys in professional fights, in sessions, in camps. We don’t have a problem with anyone’s speed. He’s just as fast as anybody that comes in the ring with him, Cum loqueris retardato metus, Quod ut 'non sumus aliquid de.


Forsit est quod nos agere volunt ieiunium amet, and we’ve got power to come along with that. So, we’re prepared for that. Just like Shawn said, we just continue doing what we’ve already done. At this point in time, curae omnino non, ita parati sumus.



Have te quovis modo ad ipsum ad maybe adprobata quae venerant in annulum cum Adrien Broner?


S. Gere,

Nosti quid locutus, I haven’t. I understand that could arise during the fight. My whole thing is this, et suus 'quispiam ut meo dad semper irruerent in me, is being professional at all times. Being professional means maintaining your composure and staying poised and sticking to the game plan no matter what. So, pugna faciat quidquid dicat, Ius id ego facio plus quam verisimile, and I’ll just continue to do what I’m doing and what my corner’s asking me to do. I’m not worried about it at all. Ego sum, qui sum, : ego opus fecit.


K. Gere,

Shawn’s coming to knock Adrien’s head off. He’s in a real fight, and this is a big fight. I think it’s going to be a very entertaining fight. They both have contrasting styles. Both have certain strengths that they do certain things very well. It’s going to be a very competitive and exciting fight.



You’re an Akron guy. Broner’s a Cincinnati guy. They’re saying it’s the battle of Ohio, et quid pro quo iens, magna magna pugnat pro omni tempore, locum habere formidolose pugnat, foret guys sed forte existimatis eum in duking iactatus iura condere pro statu Ohio?


S. Gere,

Im guy northeast Ohio, Non Akron, not just Cleveland. It’s a blessing to be able to represent northeast Ohio, and I’ve done that for a very long time with pride. I’ve made everyone proud back home along the way. Apud eundem,, omnia mihi nota, I learned from my dad. He told me a long time ago, Si vis, inquit consectetuer, Si vis facere meliorem et in summo gradu, inpertiendam tantum procedere curam interdum elit exire.


Cum dictis, Las Vegas is the Mecca of boxing. It’s where we all want to be. I’ve been blessed enough to move out here two years ago, and this is where I always wanted my career to go. A fight of this magnitude is happening where it’s supposed to happen at. The bragging rights will come after the fight.



Quam durum est tibi futura descendendum 144? What was the reason that you guys made the fight for significantly under the welterweight limit when both of you guys have been welterweight champions and not had any issues with 147?


S. Gere,

I’ll answer the first question first. Nunc, nos erant 'Cadillacing, and what I mean by that is we’re taking it one day at a time. We’re moving slow so everybody can see us, and we’re feeling good doing it. It’s coming along exactly the way we wanted it to, and it’s been a blessing. We were called and told that we were asked to be 144 pounds by Adrien Broner. That was not our decision. As soon as it was announced to me from my dad, Ego ei, ad quodcumque opus pugna.


Opinor, qui timet nihil certamen paulo hædum de Cincinnati 147, even though that’s a weight that he’s even fought for a championship at. That’s neither here nor there. The weigh-in is Friday. We’ll be there. We’ll be on weight, and we’ll be excited to get on that scale and look him in the eyes at that weight and let him know that we’re feeling good. Whatever advantage he thought could come from that, ipse suus satis ualebat nec,.


Bonum est de magno mea ego peream, and somehow we can get my body to do what it needs to do. In fine diei,, all I can do is give it up to God. It’s been great along the way and, sicut dixistis, Contendi cum exaltaveris quasi 165 et etiam in possumus, rudi 154 super turning pro, et nunc 147 for the last about four or five years. It’s been great, libras et non pauca obstant occasum.


K. Gere,

I call it addition by subtraction. As he loses weight, he increases his opportunity for big fights. So, ambulavimus de 154 ad 147, et magnus suus pugnat ibi manus et pedis pugna nominum. Hic weve aliquot librarum descendere rogatus, and it just so happens he’s living this way year round so he didn’t have to go into some crazy I’ve got to get this weight off type thing. This morning, he was very light. He’s eaten twice this morning already. He’s feeling really good. We’re able to do this, and we’re confident that it’ll continue throughout the week to come off like it is. We’re looking forward to this big fight at a lighter weight. So, that’s why I call it addition by subtraction. We get more out of coming down in a lower weight than we did being in the higher weight class.



Shawn, Adrianus pugnat aliquyam ambos in aliqua, but you’re also both very good boxers also. What is your take on how this is going to play out?


S. Gere,

I think this fight’s going to go everywhere. You’ve seen me fight. You know that I want to dictate everything. I want to dictate the pace. I want to be the commander in the ring. Cum dictis, nos versatile, quod est magnus, and we can box from the outside. There will also be points where we look to move in and get really physical. We’re just going to play it one round at a time and we’ll look to box and also look to punch and put it all together. That’s what you want in a big fight, when you can do so many things and this fight requires you doing so many things. We look to put it all together on Saturday night-the boxing, the punching,, pressura, the countering, ex hoc omnes.



Tuens cum Adrien Broner scriptor record, perit illa Marcos Maidana vidistis hominem. Is there anything you’ve learned from that fight with Maidana that you can apply for yourself in your fight with Adrien?


S. Gere,

Yes. We’ve taken a look at a number of his fights, non iustus malus, but also the good. I’m steadily reminding myself not to underestimate him, Nec putet me venturus est, et fecit omnia, quae ei Maidana, and that’s it and I’ll get the win. We look to do so much more than what Maidana did, et premebant quod applicatur Maidana cantum tota illa pugna fuit grandis erat quae necessaria erant.


We will look to do some of that. I’ve also taken a look at his earlier fights when he looked really sharp and superb, just to remind myself of what he can do. There were lot of things he didn’t do against Maidana, but there were a lot of things he did do well against some of his other competitors earlier in his career. We look to do a lot of different things this fight. It’s going to take a lot to win this one, et sumus perfectibilis.



Te didici certis habere uel aliqua mutatione facta venientem pugna superiore anno quum Brook Kell?


S. Gere,

Yes and no. I think with that fight, eoque magis quae facti sumus mutata, numerus unus, mentalem tunc numerum fieri, basics. Dicam, numerus unus, quia ea quae sunt mentis rogasti me multum in in anguli pares non incorporamus. In fine diei,, Possum nisi ipse respexi, and that’s the reason those things didn’t show up. We worked on a lot of mental preparation since that fight, anguli non solum ab efficere posse mandatisque fundamenta et pugna.


There were a lot of things I didn’t do in that fight. I got a little wild at points. Post pugnam, semel a nobis redivimus disciplina, similitudine ergo ascendissemus ad fundamenta usque semper, sed cum paulo vehementius fundamenta rationem mentis.



Sabbati nocte futurum certamen, principale eventus, primam tempus, paene omnes in agro NBC, and it’s going to be televised internationally. Tell us about how that affects you, cum in tali pugna marchio.


S. Gere,

Nosti quid locutus, Possum polliceor hoc vobis, this is something that I’ve always envisioned and I’ve always looked forward to. My fight with Julio Diaz, MGM erat cum Maximo repertæ, I was really excited. Then I was told it was going to be in one of the conference rooms. The whole entire bubble didn’t bust, but a little bit of the air came out. I’ve just always marveled at the crowd, uoces profi, lumina, the whole nine. I love every part of the ambiance of a big MGM Grand fight. I’m taking it with a lot of excitement and obviously not over enthused, but I do understand the moment that I’m about to have. The great part about it is it’s a moment that I’ve always wanted, and I’m looking forward to it, ita omnino faxo haud quaestio.


Est ulla rogare uetere inter vos et Adrien?


S. Gere,

Nosti quid locutus, there was no animosity about the weight up until the press conference that we had last week. We had the press conference. We’ve known for weeks now that the contracted weight is supposed to be 144. Here we are doing everything that we need to do as professionals to be on weight, esse puncto, be 100%, placuit offendunt contractum et haedus, pondus 144, non habere vult loqui de pondus contractae seria, habere vult non loqui de aliquo rehydration clause, neminem alloquio involvente vult vitare pondus terminos vel, possit implere:.


Quanto magis loquuntur, the more and more the animosity starts to set in because I’m a professional doing what I do. I’ve done it at this high level for so long, et pondus vero genus est 147 for so long. You want to move up into my weight, then move up. Don’t be scared. Don’t be worried. Don’t be afraid. Put your skill on the line along with your record. Put everything on the line. Put it all on the line at 147. Don’t put it at 144 et loqui nolunt.


I’m not going to worry about it. We still maintain our professionalism and come into this fight and this weigh-in the way we’re supposed to. No personal animosity towards Adrien Broner. I know him, ego autem novi eum a longe.


Cum dictis, magis eam semper, “Hey, tu, ut valuisti?” type relationem aliquam, non “Transeamus usque hodie fustem” naturam relationis et, non “Quare mihi loqueris? Possem tibi aliquando pugnare,,” relationship. So, we’re cool. The night of the fight, foes for erimus 12 rounds, or however many rounds it lasts. Postquam, Et ego ero qui profitentur se curare et pugilatu.



Pondus, bene facit, tu te vel movens post recurrit ad welterweight?


S. Gere,

Obviously fecerimus hunc moventur a Christo quia, and that was to fight the kid. Postquam, I don’t think there’ll be any other reason for me to move any lower than 147. It’s not going to be a problem this fight, but it’s not something that I want to entertain in the future. I’m a 147-pound fighter, simple as that. Anyone I fight will be a strong 147-pound fighter, not a blown-up 140-pound fighter and not a took-down 154-pounder. We look to fight everyone at their best, et optimum futurum 144 on Saturday.


K. Swanson

Okay. That actually was your last media question, Interrogabo vos et ego Im 'iens, something that I actually shared with Errol Spence too. It’s Father’s Day weekend for the big boxing weekend in Las Vegas. Ego esse ducamus et equom novit circa close, intimate relationship that the Porters have. I’d like, Shawn, una nobiscum tibi quid significet et quid pares dad cotidie ad sabbati nocte Patris.


S. Gere,

Honeste, I’m happy that this fight has come at this time. My dad and I have worked extremely hard together for a very long time doing this sport. What better way to celebrate or wake up and just be proud of what we’ve done the night before, tamquam gentile, ut a team? Sum excitatur circa hoc die arma pater nocte, et ego et transibit prospiciebat excitare possent, et in proximam cellam ducti sumus admirationem excitare et justum fieri pater, obviously, Nunc autem non solum anulum quadrigis et in familia.


Ipse significat mundum mihi, et qui sciat. I definitely know I mean the world to him. I’ve said this before, amorem possumus habere, nos esse participes, feremus anulum ad invicem, and it’s unparalleled. You can’t match it. Quod significat multum. That makes a difference during the fight.


K. Swanson

Leonard, Vertere libet tibi in ultimas.


L. Ellerbe

Okay. I just want to clear up this whole weight issue. It seems that there’s a lot of back and forth about the weight. Both fighters have agreed to fight this fight Saturday at 144 pounds max. I want to be clear with that, 144 pounds max. Both fighters agree upon that. The fans are expecting a great fight, and I think that both fighters will be at their best come Saturday night. Both fighters have had an excellent camp and have prepared to fight at the weight, and both fighters know what to expect from each other. They know each other very well. They both have great strengths, puto suus 'iens esse valde fun pugna futura sabbati nocte.


Im 'valde impressa with Shawn Porter, with what he’s been able to do as a professional. What I like the most about Shawn is his confidence. As a young veteran, he’s willing to get in there with anybody and those are the things that are a rare attribute when what you see with young fighters. A lot of fighters talk the talk, but they’re not willing to step up. Sicut dixi, one of the most impressive things that I personally admire about Shawn is that he’s willing to get in there with anybody. He’s even called out Floyd Mayweather. He’s willing to get in there with Floyd, and that’s what I like. The guy’s willing to put it on the line, dareris super line, pascere quae capit fans quod volunt dare familiae.


Sabbatum noctem quam expectamus, proelium magnum in fans. Tuning in omnibus gratias.


K. Gere,

Guy 's vos magnam habebat ibi session, good questions. We’re feeling good, so we’re looking forward to seeing you guys on Saturday. Thanks for having us.

Pro magis notitia visit,, on Twitter sequiPremierBoxing, AdrienBroner, ShowtimeShawnP, ErrolSpenceJr, AmenazaGarcia, MayweatherPromoNBCSports, and @MGMGrand and become a fan on Facebook at, atque


At coverage Incipiunt agitata ESPN 9 p.m. ATQUE/6 p.m. PT

Tesseras sunt On Sale Now!

BROOKLYN (June 17, 2015) – Middleweight Mundus Champion Daniel “Miraculum hominis,” Jacobs (29-1, 26 KOs) redit ad circulum in superioribus mundi fortissimus patria Brooklyn Sergio “The Latin Anguis” Mora (28-3-2, 9 KOs) ut televised aperitorem Premier Boxing Propugnatores on ESPN primetime Saturday, Aug. 1 at Barclays Center with televised coverage incipientes 9 p.m. ATQUE/6 p.m. PT.


Hac pugna tibi praecedet de showdown inuictus est inter superstar Danny “Swift” Garcia (30-0, 17 KOs) et Brooklyn proprio Paulie “Magica Man” Malignaggi (33-6, 7 KOs).


“Pecto sum tanti excitari posse esse pro tempore honor barclays Center,” dicta Jacobs. “Ex hoc ego redimentes tempus expectantes praesertim fans volo spectaculo Brooklyn. Mea mihi ad laborandum tincidunt.”


“Abii ad `appropinquare tabulam,’ Nunc massa sit pars huius eventus ego peream,” dicta Mora, “I don’t plan to let this opportunity get by me. On August 1, Brooklyn venio ut vincat.”


Nullam enim vivunt eventus,, promotus est per DiBella quod Entertainment in consociatione cum Swift Promotions, at sunt precii $250, $150, $75 atque $45, quos possidet locum muneris tutela quod taxes, es nunc in venditionem. Tesseras sunt available ad, www.ticketmaster.comet in American Express Box Office at incipiens Barclays Center Thursday, June 18 in tempore meridiano. A phone ut visitet, vocare ad Ticketmaster (800) 745-3000. Nam group tesseras, BK suscipit accumsan DCCC-group-.


Center inspiratori barclays figura qui pugnabit adversus quartum, Brooklyn s Jacobs Absolutis tela desuper cancer superstes, vindicare last August percussit cum Jarrod Flecher pro middleweight title. In 2011, Suspendi itaque anulum in patrocinium secuti, et a seductoribus tutavit extremis limitibus suae vitae enim arcu 19 mensibus. Cum reverteretur,, ubi non amisit sustulit cessavi cum. XXVIII annorum ad futurum respicit, quando spectat custodirent momentum in MoraAug. 1.


Uictore NBC “The Contender” series, in XXXIV annorum Mora est Deus orbem euerso eximius welterweight, et spectant add a middleweight coronam nomini eius. Los Angeles native owns victorias super isHe Smith, Peter Manfredo Jr. et Vernon Forrest et intrat hac pugna tibi in quinque proelium navale win streak. Mense Februario anni proximi et percussit Han Abraham pro principio primo et ponam in Brooklyni Aug. 1.


Praeter main Vespero principale eventus rei co-, select undercard inspectante factum esse live on ESPN3. ESPN Deportes ambulant etiam partem pugnae televise Diei Pugnat series et ESPN International tradet live trans networks in America Latina tum, Brazil, Caribici et Pacific Rim. Ago erit etiam coverage available on computers per WatchESPN, smartphones, tabulas, Ignis Ignis Amazon TV et lignum TV, Apple TV, Chromecast, Annus, Xbox 360 et an Xbox via foederata video provider.


Pro magis notitia visit, Follow on TwitterPremierBoxing, DannySwift, PaulMalignaggi, LouDiBella, ESPNBoxing, BarclaysCenter EtSwanson_Comm et factus a fan on Facebook at,,, Conversationem sequi using #PBConESPN et #BrooklynBoxing.


Plus excitando Prospects Complete Full Undercard Of

SUMMUS Boxing inde pugiles CBS

Las Vegas (June 16, 2015) – Super middleweight CONCERTATOR Amor J'Leon (19-1, 10 KOs) Suspendi itaque anulum in New Jersey redit ad faciem Jason Escalera (15-3, 12 KOs) X super middleweight rotundus in die plenae partem actionis bout Sunday, June 21 Arena in MGM Maximo Garden.


The undercard erit compleat Premier Boxing Propugnatores on CBS show incipientes 4 p.m. ATQUE/1 p.m. PT cum welterweight collisione Sammy Vasquez atque Wale Omotoso followed by the showdown between former world champions Rances Barthélémy atque Antonio DeMarco.


Etiam intrans anulus inuictus CONCERTATOR Lydell Rhodum (23-0, 11 KOs) qui accipiet Jared Robinson (15-2, 7 KOs) in octo-circuitu junior welterweight bout


Ulterius ad operationem features knockout inuictus est artifex Andrew “Bestia” Tabiti (9-0, 9 KOs) adversum Thomas Hanshaw (6-5, 4 KOs) in octo-circuitu cruiserweight certamen, Ronald “The Thrill” Gavril (12-1, 9 KOs) susceptis Jessie Nicklow (24-6-3, 8 KOs) qui circumeant super middleweight actio et octo Lanell “KO” Follibus (12-1-1, 7 KOs) istarumque, adversum Marcus Upshaw (16-13-4, 7 KOs) in octo-circuitu super middleweight attractio.


Sunt dies pugnatur explendam Juan Heraldez (7-0, 5 KOs) atque Charvis Holifield(2-1, 1 KO) in separate inspectante.


Nullam enim vivunt eventus,, promotus est per quod Mayweather Promotions in consociatione cum TGB Promotions sunt precii ad $100, $75, $50, atque $25 vectigal et onera venalia quos possidet iam locum ministerii. Interdum a maiore promeritum pecto ut visitet, vocare ad Ticketmaster (800) 745-3000. Tesseras sunt etiam available


A once CLXVIII-at-ductili CONCERTATOR libras, Amor autem eius secundum XXVII annorum initium 2015 on June 21. He bounced sustinet a lone uictos dominari Scott Sigmon in March. The Inkster, Native michigan owns wins over Marco Antonio Periban, Derrick Findley et Simon Lajuan. Subibit XXX-anno-senex a Escalera Hoboken, New Jersey.


A multi-ludo athleta succrescens probavit qui in utroque pugilatum mixta bellicis artibus professionally Rhodum spectat manere invicto in Oklahoma urbem est scriptor June 21. XXVII annorum in Las Pro secundo et pugnabit primum 2015. Ultimo pugnavit in Nov. 2014 Huerta in unum congruerunt sententiae Miguel adeptus. Et sumit XXXII-year- Robinson de Sumter, South Carolina.


Pro quo de genere est sed proeliati Chicago, Et quasi pro perfecta habet knockout Tabiti recipis Teoobe Maximo knockout at tertia quaerit. In XXV annus-vetus pugnavit ultimum in Dec. 2014 XXX annorum et faciem Ashland, Kentucky primogenitus Hanshaw.


A XXVIII annus-vetus Romanian pugnandi de Las Vegas, Gavril bounced sustinet a clades demonstratur-boxing prius seriis Oscar Riojas in April. Et quadrarent Nicklow adversum experti de Baltimore XXVIII annorum.


Cognomento: “KO” propter satis lautum potestatem, XXIX in annus-vetus Follibus spectat instruere possimus pugna amoeni LINEA in sex his June 21. Las Quo accipit patriam, de XXXIV annorum Iacsoniapolis Upshaw.


Pro magis notitia visit atque on Twitter sequiPremierBoxing, SHOSports, RealKidBlast, @ De.Marco07, @ SammyV2112, MayweatherPromo , TGBPromotions EtMGMGrand et factus a fan on Facebook at atque aut


Begins at coverage super NBCSN 11 p.m. ATQUE/8 p.m. PT

Inuictus est Prospect Robert Easter Jr. Faces

Miguel Mendoza in NBCSN

More! Plena Slate inuicti Prospects In Action

Las Vegas (June 15, 2015) – Popularibus oppressi inuictus est Terrell Gausha (14-0, 8 KOs) accipiet Mexicanus litigiosum Luis Grajeda (18-4-2, 14 KOs) in X-round super welterweight bout to Vivamus scelerisque Premier Boxing Propugnatores coverage super NBCSN incipientes 11 p.m. ATQUE/8 p.m. PT on Saturday, June 20, Magni sequi Garden PBC Teoobe vivunt a NBC Arena Telecast.


Etiam in actione dominatur in NBCSN inuictus Robertus Easter Jr. (13-0, 10 KOs) qui subibitMiguel Mendoza (21-5-2, 21 KOs) in PERFUSORIUS bout. Fretus sincere, the Gausha vs. Bout Grajeda coeptarent NBC ante switching super ad NBCSN.


Live coverage of Premier Boxing Propugnatores on NBC Incipit 8:30 p.m. ATQUE/5:30 p.m. PT cum X-circuitu welterweight inuictus est praelium inter ortu stella Errol “Isto” Jr Spence. et lenta litigiosum Roberto “Comminatio” Garcia. Quod erit secuti bout a XII-circuitu headlining attractio featuring Adrien “Forsit” Broner susceptis “Showtime” Shawn Porter.


Plenus slate de seriis expectationes rotundus sicco reliquum card ut Michael Hunter(7-0, 4 KOs) proeliis Deon Aelam (14-2, 8 KOs) sex in circuitu heavyweight dum boutLadarius “Memphis” Miller (7-0, 1 KO), Kevin “Secundum adventum” Newman (2-0-1, 1 KO) atque , Sanjarbek Rakhmmanov Omnes featured in separate inspectante.


Nullam enim vivunt eventus,, promotus est per quod Mayweather Promotions in consociatione cum TGB Promotions, at sunt precii $400, $300, $100 atque $50, quos possidet locum muneris tutela quod taxes, et nunc in venditionem. Interdum a maiore promeritum pecto ut visitet, vocare ad Ticketmaster (800) 745-3000. Tesseras sunt etiam aut


Natus et suscitavit in Cleveland, Gaushawas exornata amateur qui vicis aurum medals ad US. In National Championships 2009 atque 2012. Ad XXVII annorum undefeated quia conversus est in pro 2012. Plurimus nuper ipse laceratum a knockout victoria in March super Norberto Gonzalez calcitrare off eius 2015 cum videbimus bellum sumit aedificare prosperitatem de Grajeda Chihuahua XXVIII annorum, Mexico.


A 2012 U.S. Olympium qui vicis U.S. Championships in amateur 2009 atque 2007, XXVI annorum ad memoriam nominis reliquisset Hunter coepit facere in elit in acie pro eo conversus 2013. Post conciliandos quater in 2014, Van Neussianum, California-indigena won optent: super Avery Gibson in February ad start 2015. Venator suscipit, conservus Van-indigena Neussianum in XXXV annus-vetus Aelam.


Who was a minus perfecto amateur 2012 U.S. Olympic alternis, in XXIV annus-vetus Pascha Jr. recta ad principium secundi Teoobe facient Grand Garden Arena. Quia in turning pro seriis 2012, the Toldeo, Ohio natus pugnator tradidit a secundus rotundum knockout super Alejandro Rodriguez March. Easter Jr. faces a lentus provocatio in XXXI annus-vetus a Mendoza Aguascalientes, Mexico.


Natus in Memphis pugnabant sed de Las Vegas, Molendinarius est vultus tertium, in victoria 2015 iam virgis Ryan Picou et Marquis Taylor tantum hoc anno. The-XXI annorum septem pugnat quia turning pro invicto in mane 2014.


Post eligeremus up his first pro victoria nuntiavit March 6 at MGM Maximo, 23-cum eam viam Newman knockout primum annorum quando stetit in April Urquizo Richard in primo circuitu. Las Quo nasci de Los Angeles sed proeliati, Newman ultima redit effectus anulum vultus depositio aedificandi.


A prioribus amateur Asian fortissimus, Rakhmanov ponam in pro debut ad calcitrant-off excitantem nocte agnouit in June 20 ut perpetrarat de Uzbekistan sumit adversarium qui circumeant determinatur quattuor junior welterweight actio.


Tesseras On Sale Wednesday, June 17 at 10 a.m.

BROOKLYN (June 15, 2015) – Inuictus est superstar Danny “Swift” Garcia (30-0, 17 KOs) accipiet Brooklyn proprio Paulie “Magica Man” Malignaggi (33-6, 7 KOs) at Barclays Center as Premier Boxing Propugnatores erit vivunt in in Primetime ESPN on Saturday, August 1 with coverage incipientes 9 p.m. ATQUE/6 p.m. PT.


“Suus 'iens ut magna bella August Paulie 1st,” dicta Garcia. “Suspendi itaque anulum in questus sum denuo prospiciebat, meós quintum compareant Barclays Center, fans orientalem plagam magnam et induens ministratorem exhiberet spectaculum mundo et observasti omnes semitas fans. Per finis est noctis, Ave adhuc invictos esse agili’ Garcia. Omnibus qui diligunt me nisl, Te amo nimis. Vobis hoc.”


“Quamquam O patre ton Angelus reverentia, Lorem tum quod commune vinculum ut adimpleatur in patrem anulum / son, EGO, similes illis, et per hoc ludo et ego suus competitor omnia experiri elite adversum. So I look forward to defending my home turf of Brooklyn and matching my skills against Danny’s at Barclays Center on August 1.”


August 1 Garcia secabimus Danny primum pugna veram welterweight,” dixit Lou DiBella, Praeses DiBella Entertainment. “Itll maris ad Barclays Center, Brooklyn scriptor in in tincidunt s Paulie Malignaggi. Hoc quale sit oportet vincere situ PBC utriusque ESPN matchup pugnatores.”


“Nos excitantur hospitio a tertia praestantes SUMMUS Boxing Propugnatores eventu valeat et primi ESPN pugna in Brooklyn,” dixit Barclays Center CEO Brett Yormark. “Garcia danny semper ponit, et in magno elegantia et illic 'non maior sit quam in Brooklyn fan ventus Paulie Malignaggi. Cum hac pugna tibi, we are continuing statuere Barclays Center as SUMMUS boxing venue in regione.”


“New hoc classic Philly versus duos match-sursum featuring pugilatum 'maximus est eadem prorsus quid ESPN is Televising SUMMUS Boxing Propugnatores,” inquit Gaius Kweder, senior moderatorem programming et adquireret ESPN. “Danny Garcia has devastassent junior welterweight divisionem et pro adempta inserens se welterweight divisio, ipse suus conserendae cum mundo priori quod propugnatori Paulie Malignaggi.”


Nullam enim vivunt eventus,, promotus est per DiBella quod Entertainment, at sunt precii $250, $150, $75 atque $45, quos possidet locum muneris tutela quod taxes, et in sale Wednesday, June 17 at 10 a.m. Tesseras sunt available ad, et in American Express Box Office at incipiens Barclays Center Thursday, June 18 in tempore meridiano. A phone ut visitet, vocare ad Ticketmaster (800) 745-3000. Nam group tesseras, BK suscipit accumsan DCCC-group-.


Praeter main Vespero principale eventus rei co-, quae paulo Anuntiabitur, select undercard inspectante factum esse live on ESPN3. ESPN Deportes ambulant etiam partem pugnae televise Diei Pugnat series et ESPN International tradet live trans networks in America Latina tum, Brazil, Caribici et Pacific Rim. Ago erit etiam coverage available on computers per WatchESPN, smartphones, tabulas, Ignis Ignis Amazon TV et lignum TV, Apple TV, Chromecast, Annus, Xbox 360 et an Xbox via foederata video provider.


Sicut autem in anno mundi fortissimus, Garcia revertar ad Philadelphiæ scriptor Center Headline at Barclays eo commentarius quintum. Garcia pugnavit ultimum in Brooklyn on Aprilis 11 defeating Lamont Peterson in concitans 12 circuitu maioris. XXVII annorum partim ex maxima nomina quoque tendente incolumi record caestu, possidet Amir Khan, Ericus Morales, Lucas Matthysse et Zab Judah.


A priori mundo euerso 140 et CXLVII-libras, Revertar ad anuli XXXIV annorum decernam barclays Malignaggi quartum a professio Center. Magnum percussit qui accusatur praesentes habeat nomina per victorias domum suam destituerit et similia Zab Iuda abstulit, Vyacheslav Senchenko et Pablo Cesar Cano. Ortum, ita in vicinia Bensonhurst Brooklyn scriptor, “Magica Man” cum primum in anulo April ingredietur 2014.

The first live Premier Boxing Propugnatores on Primetime ESPN (Norma in ESPN) telecast, ex USF Sun Dome in Tampa, Fla., erit pluma stella-bullis XII-circuitu welterweight matchup inuictus est inter Keith “Tempus” Thurman (25-0, 21 KOs) et Luis Collazo (36-6, 19 KOs) in quo series ESPN debuts Saturday, July 11, at 9 p.m. Foramen fight will showcase a X-circuitu junior middleweight matchup inuictus est inter Tony Harrison (21-0, 18 KOs) and Willie Nelson (23-2-1, 13 KOs). Read more.


Pro magis notitia visit, Follow on TwitterPremierBoxing, DannySwift, PaulMalignaggi, LouDiBella, ESPNBoxing, BarclaysCenter EtSwanson_Comm et factus a fan on Facebook at,,, Conversationem sequi using #PBConESPN et #BrooklynBoxing.



Coverage Begins At televised 4 P.m. ATQUE/2 P.m. MT / I p.m. PT

TRANSGREDIOR, TEXAS (June 12, 2015) – Inuictus est British superstar Carl Frampton (20-0, 14 KOs) facit U.S. professional debut when he takes on quick-fisted Mexican Alejandro “Cobrita” Gonzalez Jr. (25-1-2, 15 KOs) on Premier Boxing Propugnatoreson CBS, Saturday post meridiem,, July 18 a Tanai Raskins Center at UTEP El Paso, Texas. Televised coverage super CBS initium capit 4 p.m. ATQUE/2 p.m. MT / I p.m. PT.


Also featured in televised actio est stella heavyweight Chris “Somnum exterreri solebat” Arreola (36-4, 31 KOs), qui cum primum circulum rediens March.


Res est in primis duobus Haskins Don Center Saturday, July 18 Mexicanus superstar cum Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. Sum et proelia laurigero Marcos McJoe Arroyo in Pi Arthur Villanueva pro orbe titulum illius SHOWTIME with coverage starting at 10 p.m. ATQUE/8 p.m. MT / VII p.m. PT.


“Faciens suus honor U.S. debut on CBS,” dixit Frampton. “Multum effecit et ego sum expectantes fortunae meae profectionis maiore fortuna July 18. Omnes suus 'iens pugna fans meridiem spectat magna.”


“Im 'thrilled dimicare Frampton Carl El Paso, Suspendi itaque anulum in Texas omnia spondeo relinquam,” Gonzalez dixerunt Jr. “Scio erit sortem Mexicánæ fans there fovendo me et consilium est, pugnant et tollent Frampton perfectam record.”


“Non expectare ut ostendam in artes in collum CBS,” dicta Arreola. “Scio ego tumultuque El omnis qui in pugna recipisse omnes vigilantes televisionem delectabiles habebunt.”


Nullam enim vivunt eventus,, promotus est per quod TGB Promotions in consociatione cum Bellatores Boxing et Cyclone Promotions, at sunt precii $50 aut $25 et sale communi modo admissio. Interdum a maiore promeritum pecto ut visitet, vocare ad Ticketmaster(800) 745-3000 or the University Ticket Center (915) 747-5234. Tesseras sunt etiam available


Minus perfecto amateur qui vicis Irish championships in nationalibus 2005 atque 2009, plus a iunioribus argentum numisma in Unione Europaea 2007, XXVIII annus-vetus Frampton has had the major successu ducens ad eius US. debut in July 18. From Belfast, Septemtrionis Hibernia, Britanniarum Regnum, Frampton certamine mundi title in Sept. 2014 cum a dominant optent: super Kiko Martinez. Nuperrime Februarii huius anni in proelium quo titulo defensionis tenues per Chris quintum Avalos sistendum in via aliquis circumciderat.


Mundi fortissimus, filius quondam, in XXII-anno-senex Gonzalez Jr. notam facere in pugna quaerunt nationally televised. In Tijuana, Mexico native erat infigo in suo priori bout on US. soil, tribus temporibus in itinere Leopoldo pulsans primum Gonzalez El Paso TKO. Redit El Paso looking instruere possimus tres pugnam win streak quod viderit eum deponent Javier Franco, Et Alem Robles, Consalvi Garcia.


XXXIV Arreola defeated the annus-vetus in a thrilling heavyweight showdown on Curtis HarperMarch 13 in Ontario, Ill. Natus est in Escondido, Ill. sed proeliati de Los Angeles, Arreola diu est unum ex maxime timens punchers in divisione heavyweight. Optimum in divisione ausus, Hac in re quid Arreola successionem spectant capit fans excipere July 18.


Don Raskins Centrum pro Frampton vs. Gonzalez Jr. card patescunt 12 p.m. MT.


Pro magis notitia visit, follow on Twitter @ PremierBoxing, SHOSports, RealCFrampton, WarriorsBoxingProm, TGBPromotions EtSwanson_Commbecome a fan on Facebook atque visitare SHOWTIME Boxing Blog




KNOCKOUT caput Alexandri in JOHNSON

Click HIC Pro Photos Noonan Lucas / SUMMUS Boxing Propugnatores

CHICAGO (June 13, 2015) – Premier Boxing Propugnatores (Norma) on Spike reversus est ad Chicago scriptor UIC Pavilion on Friday apud alium mansit pensionem de spectaculi pugnat. Apertio autem vidit televised bout Arturius Beterbiev (9-0, 9 KOs) curo a knockout contra septimo circuitu Alexander Johnson (16-3, 7 KOs). The second televised bout featured Lara Erislandy (21-2-2, 12 KOs) as he secured a unanimous decision victory over Delvin Rodriguez (28-8-4, 16 KOs).


Infra sunt comments fecit per televised pugnatores suas sequentes performances hac nocte,:




“Gratias ago Deo meo totius quadrigis et Delvin essendi magna Idaeam. Gratias Al Haymonis.


“Hoc erat ingens perficientur hac nocte,. Potui terram meam vel ad sinistram. Delvin natum putavit iustus trying ut in nobis supersint ibi, faciebat, quid agerem, nesciebam unde.


“Ursum se intrare tentabam, , non erat working. Sic et ego habui impetro infestantibus in ibi.


“Suus nunquam a consolatoria affectum relinquens ad iudices. Et ad vincendum omni knockout libet si fieri per, sed saltem obtinuit miseránte hac nocte,.


“Al cum quadrigis et Im 'iens ut accumbere (Dum expositionem Haymonis). Patet futuro. Optimum quidem volumus. Volumus Floyd Mayweather. Volumus Miguel Cotto. At volumus Gennady Golovkin 160 pondo.”




“Satis enim mihi est in incommoditas hac nocte,. Ille erat acris et dans mihi sortem Ridiculum angulos operari.


“He semperque ad terram sinistram. Et adprehendit me semel facta corporis excutere Iudi tres pagellas vel quattuor vices.


“Puto PBC, magnus ludo. Lorem accepto gradu pugilatu ad totum. Aliqua nisl faciunt vere capere cum. Servans quod magna pars dolor pugnatores.


“Nunc dicis Difficile next. Pugnat adhuc mihi magna. Quia perdidi perito, technical pugnator sicut Lara dicunt non pugnat Non sumus magni mihi est.”




“Hoc est magnum plus mihi pro meo curriculo multa. Curabitur sit amet ipsum ut transeam quattuor vices hac nocte,.


“Nihil est illo mihi operatum hac nocte, quamquam. I amo pixidem smart est invenire rectum foramina. Maybe Quod atuem ad lefty switch in novissima hebdomada fecit differentia.


“Curabitur sit amet ipsum ac viribus par memorque PBC pars alterius fuisse habuisse pecto certamine passim in Civitatibus Foederatis Americae. Fui in ultimis erat in Chicago 2007 in eodem visneto. Ut sit amet quam ut sentiret.


“Im pugilem, populum autem non nominaverit eludentem insultasse dominis. Non possum minus futura praedicere, sed ego magis laborare quam hoc facere verrat blandeque. Cingulum possim volo maximus. Quod est meum metam.”




“Nec refert producet semper parati quia suus parte ludum. Habeo, nee. Potiorque erat hac nocte,.


“Ferrum in surgens post leporem alias magis quam me affecerunt offa Auris, Ferocem sed altiore iustus erat hac nocte,.


“Multa per ludum puto pugilatum PBC. Non sum ab eis auferre pugnandi potestatem faceret in gratiam card hac nocte,.


“Et pergens ad gym sum uorsibus quod sequitur cum meis.”


# # #

Card esset, provehatur, provehatur Bellatores Boxing in consociatione cum Group Yvon Michel (GYM) and Star Boxing. Pro magis notitia, pugiles, on Twitter sequiPremierBoxing, LaraBoxing, @ DRodriguez1980, WarriorsBoxProm EtSpikeTV et factus a fan on Facebook,



Click HIC Video de Lara s pitch & Sermo cum

Jose Abreu stella alba Sox

Click HIC Ron Vesely pro Photos / Chicago Albus Sox Team Lara

CHICAGO (June 11, 2015)Super Welterweight World Champion Erislandy “The American Somnium” Lara (20-2-2, 12 KOs) threw out the ceremonial first pitch at yesterday’s Chicago Albus Sox vs. Houston Astros game at U.S. Cellular Field. Lara stepped on the mound and threw a perfect strike.

Lara Erislandy steps in annulum hoc Friday June 12, 2015 contra Delvin Rodriguez (28-7-4, 16 KOs) quod SUMMUS Boxing Champions on Spike redit.

Nullam enim vivunt eventus,, promotus est per quod Bellatores Boxing in consociatione cum Group Yvon Michel (GYM) and Star Boxing, at sunt precii $151, $101, $51, atque $31, quos possidet locum muneris tutela, et nunc in venditionem. Interdum a maiore promeritum pecto ut visitet, vocare ad Ticketmaster (800) 745-3000 Box Office at Pavilion aut UIC (312) 413-5740. Tesseras sunt etiam available aut per visitans UIC Pavilion Box Office (Thursday aut Friday9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.).

Pro magis notitia visit, pugiles, on Twitter sequiPremierBoxing, LaraBoxing, @ DRodriguez1980, @WarriorsBoxProm, yvonmichelgym, starboxing etSpikeTV et factus a fan on Facebook at,