Category Archives: Premier Boxing Champions

Carlos VELASQUEZ nrhiav yeej nyob rau hauv THAWJ NTIAJ TEB TITLE bout

Duab By Marlene Marquez
Las Vegas, NV (Lub yim hli ntuj 12, 2015) – Sib ntaus sib tua nyob rau hauv nws thawj thawj lub ntiaj teb no title bout rau Tuesday lub Cuaj Hli Ntuj 29, 2015, Puerto Rico super sib contender (WBA #9) , Carlos Velasquez (19-1, 12 Kos), yog xav kom muab undefeated WBA ntiaj teb tau zus ib, Javier Fortuna (28-0-1, 20 Kos), his first loss. The PBC on FOX Sports 1 yuav televise lub bout pib ntawm 9PM ET Eastern Time / 6PM PT. Ticket sales and venue for Fortuna vs. Velasquez yuav muab tshaj tawm sai.
Velasquez, uas sawv cev rau Puerto Rico nyob rau hauv lub 2004 Olympics, is thriving at the opportunity to fulfill his childhood dream of becoming a world champion. He believes he has advantages that will lead him to victory. On the line with be Fortuna’s WBA World title.
“Puas tau txij thaum kuv yog ib tug me nyuam tub hluas, Kuv yeej ib txwm pictured kuv tus kheej raws li ib tug lub ntiaj teb champion,” hais tias Velasquez. “Now I have a golden opportunity to accomplish that dream. It won’t be easy. Javier Fortuna is a very tough fighter with an undefeated record. He’s considered one of the best fighters in the division. Stylistically, he’s never been in the ring with a fighter like me. When I bring home the belt, Kuv vam tias kuv tau credit rau defeating ib sab saum toj fighter zoo li Fortuna.”
Trained by boxing guru Roberto Norris, thiab ua los ntawm noj haus / zog cob qhia Angel “Memo” Heredia, Velasquez pom tau tias nws muaj txoj cai pab neeg uas muaj peev xwm coj nws mus rau sab saum toj.
“Kuv ntseeg tias kuv muaj ib tug zoo kev ntaus kis las nyob rau hauv Roberto Norris, uas to taub kuv.” txuas ntxiv Velasquez. “Nws tau kuv ua hauj lwm nyob rau hauv tag nrho kuv muaj zog cov ntsiab lus, bringing out the best in what I do best. Memo is getting my body in top condition. Kuv xav tias zoo. I’m going to be at my best when I step in the ring with Fortuna.

Premier BOXING CHAMPIONS RAU ntev kawg XOVXWM rooj sab laj QUOTES & DUAB

Nyem NTAWM NO Rau cov duab ntawm Ed Diller / DiBella Lom ze
Nyem NTAWM NO Rau cov duab ntawm Lucas Noonan / Premier Boxing Champions
TSHIAB YORK (Lub yim hli ntuj 12, 2015) – Nrog ob hnub mus txog thaum lawv Premier Boxing Champions rau Ntsia hlau loj showdowns, neeg tua hluav taws koom nrog cov Friday, Lub yim hli ntuj 14 card tom Prudential Center nyob rau hauv Newark, New Jersey tuav ib tug nias lub rooj sib thamWednesday ntawm B.B. King txoj kev nyuaj siab vim Club & Hniav nyiaj hniav kub nyob rau hauv Manhattan.
Televised kev pab them nqi pib thaum 9 p.m. THIAB/PT thiab yog headlined los ntawm ib tug 12-round heavyweight showdown ntawm Anthony “Magic txiv neej” Tarver (31-6, 22 Kos) thiab Steve “U.S.S.” Cunningham (28-7, 13 Kos). Tsis tas li ntawd featured rau ntsia hlau loj yog cruiserweight lub ntiaj teb champion Marco “Tus tauj ncov loj” Huck (38-2-1, 26 Kos) tiv thaiv nws title tiv thaiv Polish contender Krzyzstof Glowacki (24-0, 15 Kos) thiab Polish heavyweight Arthur Pin (19-1, 14 Kos) kev noj nyob hauv teb chaws Cuba tus Consuegra Yasmany (17-1, 14 Kos).
Daim pib rau cov kev tshwm sim, uas yog txhawb los ntawm DiBella Lom ze nyob rau hauv lub koom haum nrog Warriors Boxing thiab Huck kev ua si Promotion yog luv nqi tom $150, $100, $70 thiab $45, tsis xws li siv cov kev pab nqi thiab yog rau cov muag khoom tam sim no, them los ntawm xov tooj ntawm 1-800-745-3000 los yog tej Ticketmaster qhov hluav taws xob. Daim pib tej zaum kuj yuav yuav ntawm Prudential Center lub chaw ua hauj lwm.
Ntawm no yog dab tsi tus neeg koom yuav tsum tau hais Wednesday:
Antonio TARVER
“Qhov no yog ib tug loj sib ntaus rau kuv. PBC tau tsim los rau cov tshiab, hluas hnub qub tab sis kuv ua tsaug lawv mam li qhia rau ib tug laus txiv leej tub zoo li kuv nyiag kev tsom teeb on Friday hmo ntuj.
“Koj muaj ob lub mav paub lawv txoj kev nyob ib ncig ntawm lub nplhaib. Peb nyob rau hauv lub mob ua lag ua luam thiab tsuas yog ib tug txiv neej muaj peev xwm yeej. Thaum cov pa luam yeeb clears on Friday peb mam li saib leej twg tseem tshuav sawv.
“Txhua sib ntaus yog ua los yog tuag rau kuv. Kuv twb tuaj dhau deb li deb mus pib dua. Kuv nyob rau ib lub destiny txawv tebchaws txoj cai tam sim no. Kuv sib xeem khiav ntawm uas heavyweight ntiaj teb Championship.
“Kuv yog ib tug loj teeb heavyweight tab sis kuv xav tias zoo meej ntawm heavyweight. Thaum kuv saib rov qab ib co ntawm kuv cov qub fights, Kuv twb yeej cia li ib tug plhaub ntawm kuv tus kheej. Tam sim no kuv noj qab nyob zoo thiab muaj zog thiab npaj txhij mus rau lub sab saum toj.
“Kuv twb tsis foom koob hmoov rau cov no cim txuj ci rau tsis muaj dab tsi. Kuv tau muab tso rau nws nyob rau hauv zaub. Qhov kev ua si tsis tau so kuv. Thaum kuv mus los ntawm tag nrho kuv cov teeb meem, Kuv los ua ib tug champion cai ces. Tam sim no kuv tsuas muaj mus taug kev los ntawm kuv destiny.
“Kuv sib ntaus sib tua heev zoo tshaj plaws thiab kuv ntaus cov heev tshaj plaws. Kuv tab tom nrhiav rau khob txhua leej txhua tawm.
“Kev kawm camp tau amazing. Kuv pab tau pom kuv zoo nkauj npaj rau no sib ntaus. Peb nyob nraum cia li xav muaj zog thiab muaj peev xwm tsis tos kom txog rau thaum Friday.
“Thaum kuv saib lub 'Rocky Balboa’ zaj duab xis thaum kuv ua si rau undisputed heavyweight yeej, Kuv xav tias zoo li daim duab no mus xyaum lub neej. Kuv ua si rau champ nyob rau hauv ib tug yeeb yam thiab kuv yuav los ua tus champ nyob rau hauv kev muaj tiag.”
Steve Cunningham
“Nws yog ib tug Library thiab ib yawm yuav ua hauj lwm nrog PBC. Nws yog lub sij hawm sib ntaus. Kev kawm camp yog tshaj. Kev kawm camp yog ntuj raug txim, thiab hais tias yog ib tug zoo kev kawm camp.
“Kuv paub tias kuv npaj mus ua dab tsi kuv yuav tsum tau ua. Kuv yuav npaj mus tau no yeej thiab kuv xav mus saib spectacular.
“Tarver yog ib tug tsib-lub sij hawm yeej, lus dab neeg, Hall ntawm Famer, tab sis hais tias yog tag nrho cov mus tawm lub qhov rai Lub yim hli ntuj 14. Nws yog zoo li lwm tus txiv leej tub kuv muaj los yeej.
“Kuv cov ntaub ntawv tsis muaj kev cuam tshuam dab tsi kuv twb ua nyob rau hauv lub nplhaib, tab sis kuv coj nws lub puab tsaig thiab kom mus rau pem hauv ntej zoo li kuv ua nyob rau hauv lub nplhaib.
“Cov neeg tau pom lub ua hauj lwm zoo los ntawm kuv. Lawv twb pom dab tsi kuv twb ploj mus nyob rau hauv los ntawm lub nplhaib. Lawv pom lub ze kev txiav txim siab losses. Kuv twb yeej ib txwm muaj txoj kev ntseeg nyob rau hauv kuv tus kheej thiab kuv tseem ua.
“Tarver tau tiv thaiv qhov zoo tshaj plaws muaj. Nws tau muaj. Nws yog tau los ntawm kev nyuaj siab. Nws muaj ib ce thiab downs. Muaj tsis muaj dab tsi koj yuav hais txog Tarver uas ua rau koj xav tias zoo li koj muaj peev xwm mus nyob rau hauv muaj thiab ua rau nws zoo li ib tug lub pob tw.
“Kuv 39 thiab kuv xav tias txaus. Qhov no yog ib tug sib ntaus. Lub hnub nyoog txhais tau tias tsis muaj dab tsi rau kuv. Kuv sib ntaus sib tua ib tug tsib-lub sij hawm yeej thiab hais tias yog yuav ua li cas peb saib nws.
“Ib tug txiv leej tub zoo li Tarver, tej zaum koj yuav tsum tham rau koj tus kheej los mus rau qhov chaw uas koj xav mus thiab hais tias yog leej twg nws yog. Nws yog ib tug zoo talker. Uas yuav nqa nyob rau hauv nws cov hauj lwm tom ntej no. Tab sis nws yog kev soj ntsuam txog nrog ib tug txiv leej tub uas loj hlob kev soj ntsuam txog cov thoob khib nyiab tham. Kuv hais txog nrog cov thoob khib nyiab talkers nyob rau hauv txhua txhia yam lus. Lub tham yog rau nws. Nws muag no sib ntaus, zoo. Tab sis tam sim no kuv tau txais nyob rau hauv muaj sib ntaus sib tua.
“Kuv kawm los ntawm tus tij laug Naazim Richardson, nws yuav tsis cia kuv yuav leej twg maj mam. Yog hais tias koj ua li ntawd, uas yog yuav ua li cas koj mus nyob rau hauv muaj thiab tau wiped tawm.”
Marco Huck
“Kuv yeej zoo siab mus yuav no rau kuv U.S. debut. Qhov no yog lub Mecca ntawm boxing. Kuv twb xav mus tua no rau ib tug ntev heev lub sij hawm.
“Kuv tab tom nrhiav rau pem hauv ntej rau so rau hauv pem teb nrog ib co ntawm cov hais mav li no.
“Nws yog ib tug tshwj xeeb heev lub sij hawm rau kuv yuav nyob ntawm no thiab kuv yuav mus qhia txhua leej txhua dab tsi kuv tag nrho hais txog.
“Qhov no yog ib tug uas zoo sib xws nkaus li mus rau ib tug thaum kuv tiv thaiv rau kuv thawj lub ntiaj teb title. Kuv tabtom pib kom sov hauv. Kuv yuav tsis txhob tos mus muab kuv ruaj ruaj rau lwm tug.
“Kuv xav kom coj ua si nawv rau txhua leej txhua. Tsis yog cov neeg uas ua tau cov nyiaj tab sis cov neeg uas tsis muaj cov nyiaj tau los yog siv nyob rau hauv kev ua si nawv. Nws yog zoo rau kev ua si nawv.
“Cov neeg muaj peev xwm tham ntau tab sis koj muaj los ua pov thawj nws sab hauv ntawm lub nplhaib. Kuv yeej ib txwm ua pov thawj rau hauv lub nplhaib. Nyob rau hnub Friday lawv yuav tsum tau chanting “Huck! Huck! Huck!'”
Glowacki ntawm KRZYSZTOF
“Kuv thiaj zoo siab mus yuav no. Qhov no sib ntaus yog tag nrho kuv lub neej. Kuv yeej ib txwm ua npau suav txog qhov no lub sij hawm yuav ib lub ntiaj teb tau zus ib thiab nws yog heev ze.
“Muaj tsis muaj tsis ntseeg Huck yog ib tug zoo fighter, ib tug tub rog, tab sis yog hais tias nws xav tias rau ib tug thib ob no yog mus yuav ib qho yooj yim nws yog yuam kev loj lub sij hawm. Qhov no yog mus yuav ib tug tsov rog los ntawm tus thawj puag ncig mus rau qhov kawg.
“Kuv twb pom kuv li lub ntiaj teb champion. Huck yog ib tug zoo fighter, zoo warrior, li cas? Kuv npaj txhij rau ib tug tsov rog, los ntawm thawj puag ncig mus rau lub xeem.”
“Kuv zoo siab heev rau ntawm no. Kuv boxing rau Polish neeg xws li kuv tus phooj ywg Glowacki, leej twg yog kuv paub tau tuav Huck.
“Kuv xav qhia rau sawv daws yuav ua li cas zoo kuv. Txhua tus neeg uas tsis ntseeg hais tias nyob rau hauv kuv yuav paub qhov tseeb.
“Tag nrho plaub Polish hais mav, kuv cov phooj ywg, will win on Friday.
“Kuv muaj ib tug amazing pab neeg thiab kuv yuav tsis tos. Kuv ua ib tug zoo dua thiab zoo dua fighter thiab kuv cog lus no yuav tsum yog ib tug exciting sib ntaus.”
Lou DIBELLA, Thawj Tswj Hwm ntawm DiBella Lom ze
“Artur Szpilka yog ib tug heev exciting heavyweight thiab yog hais tias koj tsis tau muaj lub sijhawm los mus saib nws koj yuav tsum tau ua kom koj tsis txhob nco Friday. Nws yog sib ntaus sib tua Yasmany Consuegra uas yog heev haib li zoo. Nws yog ib tug sib ntaus sib tua ntawm ob punchers thiab ib tug neeg yuav mus ntaus lub canvas.
“Glowacki yog ib tug heev ntse fighter uas ntseeg hais tias nws yog noj lub title rov qab mus rau Poland. Marco Huck ntseeg hais tias yog lwm yam. Cov neeg yuav mus yuav tau paub Marco Huck nyob rau hauv America thiab lawv yuav hlub nws cov style.
“Cov American pej xeem xav pom kev tsov kev rog nyob rau hauv lub nplhaib thiab kuv xav tias Huck thiab Glowacki yuav muab tso rau hauv ib tug qhia tau tias.
“Ib tug kuj zoo kawg thiab tej yam uas hais txog PBC yog hais tias tsis yog tsuas yog peb tau txais los mus ua kom txaus nyiam matchups, tab sis peb muaj peev xwm coj tshaj cov hnub qub thiab cov neeg uas tsis tau raug mus rau lub American pej xeem. Marco yog ib tug twb tau lub hnub qub nyob rau hauv feem ntau ntawm lub ntiaj teb no thiab nws yog sai yuav mus yuav ib lub hnub qub nyob rau hauv lub tebchaws United States.
“Cov ntsiab kev tshwm sim muaj tau xav los ntawm ib tug ntau ntawm cov neeg rau ib tug thaum. Antonio yog tab tom nrhiav rau ib tug tua rau lub ntiaj teb no heavyweight title thiab nws yuav tau tuav ib tug tiag tiag heavyweight tau muaj.
“Steve cov ntaub ntawv yog tsis pom ntawm qhov zoo tshaj ntawm fighter hais tias nws yog. Nws yog ib tug zoo heev fighter thiab ib tug neeg nrog koj ua cim.
“Antonio Tarver tau muaj ib tug zoo kawg li hauj lwm. Nws yog ib tug neej yav tom ntej Hall ntawm Famer. Lub tsib-lub sij hawm lub ntiaj teb champion moniker yog ib tug uas neeg feem coob yuav tsis hais. Tab sis tus txiv neej no tau.”
Yog xav paub ntxiv mus xyuas,,, raws li nyob rau hauv TwitterPremierBoxing, AntonioTarver, USSCunningham, Szpilka_Artur, LouDiBella, PruCenter, SpikeTV ThiabSpikeSports thiab ua ib cov kiv cua nyob rau hauv Facebook ntawm,

Leo Santa Cruz MEDIA Workout QUOTES & DUAB

Raug Cruz Yuav siv sij hawm Nyob Abner mares Nyob rau hauv sib ntaus sib tua Ntawm Los Angeles’ Qhov zoo tshaj plaws Nyob rau
Premier Boxing Champions nyob rau hauv ESPN (10 P.M. THIAB/7 P.M. PT)
Saturday, Aug. 29 Los ntawm cov khoom sib khawb Center Nyob rau hauv Los Angeles
Nyem NTAWM NO Rau cov duab ntawm Suzanne Teresa / Premier Boxing Champions
LOS ANGELES (Lub yim hli ntuj 11, 2015) – Undefeated ob-division lub ntiaj teb champion Tsov ntxhuav “Av qeeg” Raug Cruz muaj ib tug tub xov xwm workout Tuesday nyob rau leej twg tus tom ntej Boxing Academy nyob rau hauv La Puente, California., ua ntej nws showdown nrog Hlob Abner mares rau Premier Boxing Champions rau ESPN rau Saturday, Lub yim hli ntuj 29 airing nyob ntawm Staples Center nyob rau hauv Los Angeles.
Raug Cruz ua hauj lwm tawm rau hauv xov xwm, ua kev sib tham thiab txawm nyob nrog ib xyoos ncuav mog qab zib nyob rau hauv kev ua koob tsheej ntawm nws 27th hnub yug, uas yog Monday. Cov qhab Las Voces Del Rancho yog nyob ntawm tes mus hu nkauj rau nws “Happy Birthday.”
Daim pib rau cov kev tshwm sim, uas yog txhawb los ntawm TGB Promotions, yog luv nqi ntawm $25, $50, $75, $150 thiab $300, tsis xws li siv cov nqi thiab cov kev pab nqi, thiab yog nyob rau hauv kev muag khoom ntawm los yog los ntawm lub xov tooj ntawm 888-929-7849 los yog ntawm cov khoom sib khawb Center.
Ntawm no yog dab tsi Santa Cruz thiab nws txiv tau mus hais rau lub workout hnub no:
Leo Santa Cruz
“Peb mus qhia txhua leej txhua tus hais tias peb yog nyob rau hauv sab saum toj thaum peb nyob rau hauv uas lub nplhaib. Qhov no kuj yog ib tug zoo nce qib thiab peb tau vam thiab cia siab hais tias nws mus yuav ib tug loj sib ntaus.
“Kuv tau nyob rau hauv lwm yam loj sib ntaus thiab kuv ua txhua yam los npaj rau kuv cov neeg tuaj saib thiab cov kiv cua. Lawv saib taus peb pab neeg thiab lawv yog cov yog vim li cas vim li cas peb ua no sib ntaus. Kuv yuav mus txuas ntxiv mus sib ntaus rau kuv tus kivcua ntsawj thiab kuv yuav ua li cas nws kom txog thaum kuv qhov zoo tshaj plaws nyob rau hauv kev ua si nawv.
“Kuv 100 feem pua ​​nrog kuv lub zog thiab txias. Peb nyob nraum npaj rau mus 12 rounds yog hais tias nws yuav siv sij hawm ntev uas.
“Kuv heev determined los yeej muaj qhov kev sib ntaus. Nws yog lub biggest sib ntaus ntawm kuv ua hauj lwm. Kuv muaj ib tug ntau mus poob Kuv muaj ib tug ntau los ua pov thawj. Kuv xav los ua pov thawj rau tag nrho cov kiv cua tias kuv tsim nyog yuav tsum nyob rau hauv cov qib no. Ib tug yeej tiv thaiv mares yuav muab kuv nyob rau theem tau ntau loj sib ntaus.
“Kuv xav no sib ntaus peb lub xyoo dhau los thiab lawv hais tias kuv yog tsis nyob rau mares’ theem. Kuv hais tias kuv twb mus ua hauj lwm ib kom tau nyob rau hauv theem li muaj ib hnub peb yuav kom nws tshwm sim thiab ntawm no peb yog.
“Qhov no yog lub toughest fighter kuv twb ntsib. Ib tug sib ntaus tawm tsam nws yuav tsum yog tus biggest ntawm kuv ua hauj lwm. Txawm loj tshaj kuv thawj title. Mares muaj ib tug loj lub npe, txhua yam yog loj.
“Nrog ob Mexicans sib ntaus sib tua, nws yog ib txwm ib tug tsov rog. Muaj ib tug ntau ntawm kuj zoo kawg battles li ntawd nyob rau hauv lub yav dhau los thiab kuv xav tias qhov no yuav tsum tau dhau. Peb yuav mus nrog ib tug trilogy ntawm fights.
“Peb ob leeg muaj peb cov kiv cua puag nyob rau hauv Los Angeles thiab no sib ntaus yuav txiav txim seb leej twg yog tus huab tais thiab tus neeg uas tau txais tag nrho cov kiv cua.
“Kuv txiv yeej ib txwm tau muaj txij li thaum pib. Kuv twb yeej ib txwm tau zoo heev nrog nws. Nws yuav quaj qw rau kuv thiab qhia rau nws ib yam li nws yog.
“Kuv xav hais tias Abner tsiv ntau txij li thaum nws tsis tau mus Jhonny Gonzalez. Nws paub no sib ntaus yog ib qho tseem ceeb heev rau nws. Muaj yog ib tug ntau mus poob rau nws heev. Kuv xav tias nws yuav coj txhua yam no sib ntaus. Uas ua rau nws ib tug txawm zoo dua sib ntaus rau lub kiv cua.”
Jose Santa Cruz, Raug Cruz tus Leej Txiv & Tus kws qhia
“Leo yog npaj txhij nyob rau hauv nws noj cov zaub mov thiab nyob rau hauv txoj kev nws u. Nws yuav tsis ua si ua si. Nws mloog kuv hais vim hais tias nws yog ib tug zoo boxer thiab nws yuav ua tau txhua yam vim hais tias nws yeej paub Abner yog muaj zog.
“Qhov no yog ib tug lossis loj tus neeg rau Los Angeles. Lawv muaj ob los ntawm LA thiab txhua yam txog qhov no sib ntaus yog Los Angeles.
“Nws yuav tsum yog nyob rau sab saum toj ntawm tej yam uas cov feeb nws yuav tsum ua kom. Tab sis nws yuav mus tua nrog kev txawj ntse. Nws yog ib tug loj sib ntaus, kuv tus tub thiab Abner yog heev nrov thiab kuv paub hais tias nws yuav yog ib lub zoo sib ntaus.”
Yog xav paub ntxiv mus xyuas, www.staplescenter.comthiab Ua raws li ntawm TwitterPremierBoxing, @ LeoSantaCruz2AbnerMares, ESPNBoxing, STAPLESCenter, TGBPromotions ThiabSwanson_Comm thiab ua ib cov kiv cua nyob rau hauv Facebook ntawm, Ua raws li cov kev sib tham siv #PBConESPN.


Nyem NTAWM NO Rau cov duab ntawm Ed Diller / DiBella Lom ze
Sab qaum teb Bergen, N.J. (Lub yim hli ntuj 11, 2015) – Neeg tua hluav taws koom rau hnub Friday lub Premier Boxing Champions rau Ntsia hlau loj kev tshwm sim muaj ib tug xov xwm workout Tuesday ntawm ntiaj teb no Gym nyob rau hauv North Bergen, N.J. ua ntej lawv Lub yim hli ntuj 14 fights ntawm Prudential Center nyob rau hauv Newark.
Friday lub ntsiab kev tshwm sim qho to Anthony “Magic txiv neej” Tarver (31-6, 22 Kos) tiv thaiv Steve “U.S.S.” Cunningham (28-7, 13 Kos) nyob rau hauv ib tug 12-round heavyweight bout nrog televised kev pab them nqi pib thaum 9 p.m. THIAB/PT. Tsis tas li ntawd featured rau ntsia hlau loj yog cruiserweight lub ntiaj teb champion Marco “Tus tauj ncov loj” Huck (38-2-1, 26 Kos) tiv thaiv nws title tiv thaiv Polish contenderKrzyzstof Glowacki (24-0, 15 Kos) thiab Polish heavyweight Arthur Pin (19-1, 14 Kos) kev noj nyob hauv teb chaws Cuba tus Consuegra Yasmany (17-1, 14 Kos).
Daim pib rau cov kev tshwm sim, uas yog txhawb los ntawm DiBella Lom ze nyob rau hauv lub koom haum nrog Warriors Boxing thiab Huck kev ua si Promotion yog luv nqi tom $150, $100, $70 thiab $45, tsis xws li siv cov kev pab nqi thiab yog rau cov muag khoom tam sim no, them los ntawm xov tooj ntawm 1-800-745-3000 los yog tej Ticketmaster qhov hluav taws xob. Daim pib tej zaum kuj yuav yuav ntawm Prudential Center lub chaw ua hauj lwm.
Ntawm no yog dab tsi tus neeg koom yuav tsum tau hais Tuesday, ntxiv quotes los ntawm Tarver, uas yog mus koom tsis tau lub workouts:
Antonio TARVER
I’ve done enough talking. Tam sim no, peb tsuas yog peb hnub los ntawm kev sib ntaus.

“Peb ob kos npe rau ib daim ntawv cog lus rau lwm tus raug lub cev raug mob rau txhua lwm yam rau cov 12 or less rounds. Thaum cov pa luam yeeb clears, peb mam li saib leej twg tseem tshuav sawv.”

Steve Cunningham
“Kuv puas tau cruiserweight tshaj plaws, Kuv yog tus sab saum toj ntawm cov zaub mov saw. Kuv xav ua nws lwm qhov chaw. Heavyweight yog lub tom ntej no kev sib tw.
“Qhov no yog ib tug loj kev sib tw. Tarver tau ua keeb kwm. Qhov ntawd yog qhov zoo ntawm kev sib tw kuv nyiam. Heavyweight yog ib tug loj kev sib tw tshaj cruiserweight. Cov hais mav yuav tsum tau loj thiab muaj zog tshaj kuv. Kuv heev kev sib tw thiab hais tias pushes kuv thaum lub sij hawm txoj kev kawm. Cov kev sib tw kom kuv mus.
“Nws yog zoo yuav tsum tau sib ntaus sib tua dua nyob rau tom Prudential Center. Qhov no yog paub ib ncig rau kuv. Kuv sim mus khaws lwm yeej. Nws yog txoj cai li hauv txoj kev ntawm peb thiab peb nyob nraum nrhiav rau tsav tsev zoo siab Saturday.
“Kuv tiv thaiv nyob rau hauv cov teb chaws Europe heev npaum li cas, sib ntaus sib tua no nyob ze rau lub tsev yog ib tug me ntsis scary. Muaj ib tug ntau ntawm ob lub qhov muag nyob rau hauv koj. Tab sis hais tias yog dab tsi peb ua. Peb lis siab thiab ua dab tsi peb ua. Yog hais tias ib tug fighter tsis muaj qab haus huv lawv nyob nraum yog dag los yog tsis muaj nws nyob rau hauv lawv.
“Kuv cia li muaj mus kom muab nyob rau hauv kev ua hauj lwm. Kuv twb tau ntau tus nyob ze fights, txhua leej txhua tus paub yuav ua li cas nws yog ploj mus down thiab kuv zoo nrog nws.
“Kuv xav tias kuv yuav npaj rau ib tug title cai tam sim no, tab sis nws yog mus txog rau lub xov xwm thiab cov kiv cua. Peb mam li saib seb qhov kev kawm mus. Yog hais tias koj pom ib tug zoo kev kawm thiab koj demand nws, Kuv npaj txhij.”
Marco Huck
“Kuv tsis tshua txhawj txog kuv tus kheej nrog rau kuv tw. Kuv tsuas txhawj yog hais tias nws yog ib tug southpaw los yog orthodox. Ib tug ntau ntawm cov neeg hais tias lawv nyob rau hauv lawv nyob rau hauv qhov zoo tshaj plaws zoo ntawm lawv lub neej, tab sis lawv tag nrho cov nphau los.
“Qhov tshaj plaws xwb kuv yuav tsum tau paub yog hais tias kuv yuav mus tuav nws tuaj Friday hmo ntuj. Kuv xav kom kuv tw yuav tau kho rau kuv vim hais tias kuv yog lub ntiaj teb no yeej.
“Kuv noj tag nrho kuv tw tiag. Nws yog tsis hwm tsis tau thiab nws yog zoo heev-ranked.
“Kev kawm nyob rau hauv Las Vegas yog tawv thaum xub thawj. Obviously los tshaj los ntawm cov teb chaws Europe, peb nyob nraum tsis siv rau lub tshav kub. Kuv txawm ua xyem xyav Yog hais tias qhov no yog txoj kev txiav txim tab sis saib nws tam sim no nws yog lub zoo meej kev txiav txim siab. Peb nyob rau hauv zoo kawg zoo thiab peb tom zoo rau qhov kub thiab txias.
“Thaum kuv nws thiaj li rov qab mus txog rau Heavyweight Kuv xav mus tua cov sab saum toj hais mav tam sim ntawd. Tej zaum kuv mam li mus tua Deontay Wilder, uas yog twv yuav raug hu ib qho kev nthuav kev xaiv.
“Tag nrho peb cov kom pom tseeb yog on Friday hmo ntuj thiab peb yeej.”
Glowacki ntawm KRZYSZTOF
“Huck yog ntawm cov hoob kawm cov nyiam vim hais tias nws yog ib lub ntiaj teb tau zus ib. Tom qab kuv tuav nws, Kuv yuav ib tug nyiam heev.
People are afraid of Huck’s power but I’m not. What I want is a hard fought battle and winning by knockout in final round. Qhov no yog kuv npau suav thiab kuv yuav ua kom nws tshwm sim.”
My trainer Ronnie Shields is exactly right saying that I’m here to knock Consuegra out. This is what I will do on Friday.
“Kuv ua hauj lwm nyuaj nyob rau hauv Houston thaum lub sij hawm txoj kev kawm camp. Kuv muaj lub zog mus tua 15 rounds yog tias tsim nyog. Kuv ceev thiab tsis nkim tej yam kuv punches yuav yog tus txawv.”
Kamil Laszczyk
“Nws yog ib tug loj deal rau kuv mus tua nyob rau hauv Prudential Center. Kuv pib kuv US ua hauj lwm no nyob rau hauv 2011 thiab tam sim no sib ntaus sib tua nyob rau hauv Newark txhais tau tias ib tug ntau rau kuv.
“Kuv xav qhia rau sawv daws yuav ua li cas zoo kuv offensively. Ib me ntsis ntau lub sij hawm thiab kuv yuav tau mus tauj xub rau ib lub ntiaj teb title.”
Yog xav paub ntxiv mus xyuas,,, raws li nyob rau hauv TwitterPremierBoxing, AntonioTarver, USSCunningham, Szpilka_Artur, LouDiBella, PruCenter, SpikeTV ThiabSpikeSports thiab ua ib cov kiv cua nyob rau hauv Facebook ntawm,


(Sab laug mus rau Txoj Cai: Laszczyk, Glowacki & Pin. Yees duab Credit: Przemek Garczarczyk)
Nyem NTAWM NO Rau cov duab ntawm Fan Ntsib & Hu tos txais
Yees duab Credit: Przemek Garczarczyk
Glowacki Yuav siv sij hawm nyob rau hauv Cruiserweight ntiaj teb tau zus Marco Huck
Thaum Artur Szpilka Ib sab Cuban Heavyweight Yasmany Consuegra Nyob Premier Boxing Champions nyob rau hauv ntsia hlau loj
Friday, Aug. 14 Los ntawm Prudential Center nyob rau hauv Newark, N.J.
TSHIAB YORK (Lub yim hli ntuj 11, 2015) – Sab saum toj Polish neeg tua hluav taws Krzysztof Glowacki (24-0, 15 Kos), Arthur Pin (19-1, 14 Kos) thiab Kamil Laszczyk (20-0, 8 Kos) muaj ib tug xov xwm nyob rau hauv Manhattan luncheon Monday los sib tham txog lawv cov Friday, Lub yim hli ntuj 14 bouts ntawm Prudential Center nyob rau hauv Newark, New Jersey.
Tom qab ntawd nyob rau hauv lub hnub, lub tua hluav taws tuav ib lub kiv cua ntsib thiab sib hu ntawm lub Amsterdam huas Lounge nyob rau hauv Linden, New Jersey qhov chaw uas lawv kos npe autographs thiab chatted nrog cov kiv cua ua ntej lawv yuav los tom ntej Friday hmo ntuj bouts.
Glowacki yuav sib ntaus sib tua cruiserweight lub ntiaj teb champion Marco Huck (38-2-1, 26 Kos) nyob rau hauv lub Premier Boxing Champions rauNtsia hlau loj co-featured kev tshwm sim thaum Szpilka yuav noj nyob rau hauv Cuban heavyweight Consuegra Yasmany (17-1, 14 Kos) nyob rau hauv lub 10-round televised opener pib thaum 9 p.m. THIAB/PT. Laszczyk yuav siv sij hawm nyob rau hauv khub unbeaten Oscauris Frias (16-0, 6 Kos) nyob rau hauv ib yim-round featherweight attraction. Cov ntsiab tshwm sim ntawm lub hmo ntuj ntseg heavyweight showdown ntawm Anthony “Cov khawv koob txiv neej” Tarver (31-6, 22 Kos) thiab Steve “U.S.S.” Cunningham (28-7, 13 Kos).
Daim pib rau cov kev tshwm sim, uas yog txhawb los ntawm DiBella Lom ze nyob rau hauv lub koom haum nrog Warriors Boxing thiab Huck kev ua si Promotion yog luv nqi tom $150, $100, $70 thiab $45, tsis xws li siv cov kev pab nqi thiab yog rau cov muag khoom tam sim no, them los ntawm xov tooj ntawm 1-800-745-3000 los yog tej Ticketmaster qhov hluav taws xob. Daim pib tej zaum kuj yuav yuav ntawm Prudential Center lub chaw ua hauj lwm.
Ntawm no yog dab tsi tus neeg koom yuav tsum tau hais Monday:
Glowacki ntawm KRZYSZTOF
“Kuv nyeem hais tias Marco Huck hais tias nws yuav bet tag nrho nws cov nyiaj rau defeating kuv, li ntawd kuv yuav hais rau hauv tib lub – I’m betting all my money that I will be a new world champion on Lub yim hli ntuj 14.
“Qhov no yog yuav ua li cas nws zoo nyob rau hauv kuv lub taub hau. Txhua yam mus txig. Kuv tuaj ib tug no ob peb lub lis piam ua ntej lub sib ntaus, tsis muaj teeb meem tag nrho cov.
“Kuv yog ib tug heev nyob ntsiag to txiv neej, tab sis thaum kuv nqis mus rau lub nplhaib, Kuv yog ib tug txawv txiv neej. Kuv yog ib tug tsiaj nyaum uas tsis muaj kev ntshai ntawm tag nrho cov.
“Cov neeg thov kuv yog hais tias qhov no sib ntaus yuav nyob nruab nrab ntawm Huck tus nyoos hwj chim thiab kuv lub nplhaib txawj ntse. Kuv pom zoo, tab sis dab tsi ntxiv tshwm sim ntawm Prudential Center, koj yuav tau saib koj tus kheej.”
“Kuv tsis them sai sai mus rau dab tsi Consuegra yog hais txog kuv kev txawj ntse. Nyob rau hauv lub dhau los, tej zaum kuv yuav tawg nrog ib co expletives, but now I’m saving my energy for the ring for Lub yim hli ntuj 14.
“Kuv paub raws nraim li cas kuv yuav ua li cas nws. Qhov no yog kuv los tog rau U.S. viewers thiab lawv yuav tsis tu siab. Kuv ua hauj lwm rau ib qho nyuaj nyob rau hauv Houston tshuab no lub sij hawm.
“Tsis txhob muab rau kuv tsis ncaj ncees lawm – Kuv txaus siab rau Consuegra raws li ib tug dav hlau tua rog, but I also know what I can do.
Kamil Laszczyk
“Kuv paub hais tias kuv sib ntaus sib tua ib tug tawv fighter uas muaj ntau tshaj li knockouts kuv muaj sib ntaus. Kuv paub hais tias kuv yuav npaj mus sib ntaus qhov zoo tshaj plaws nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no.
“Kuv yuav tsum tau ua kuv tshaj plaws thiab kuv yuav tsis mus tau vwm nyob rau hauv lub nplhaib thiab kuv yuav tsis muab kuv xoom nyob rau hauv lub poob kem. Kuv muaj ib tug yawm sparring zaug thiab kuj zoo kawg camp sib ntaus sib tua nrog Olympians.
“Tom qab no sib ntaus, Kuv npaj tau nyob twj ywm nyob rau hauv lub tebchaws United States, tej zaum ib xyoo los yog ob tug tau kuv kev rau lub ntiaj teb no Championships fights.”
Ronnie Shields, Pin tus kws qhia
“Pin yog npaj txhij. Nws yog nyob rau hauv zoo kawg zoo thiab camp yog tiag tiag zoo. Qhov tseem ceeb tshaj – nws yog ntseeg.
“Consuegra muaj ib tug zoo pib xyaum ua hauj lwm. Tab sis qhov no tsis yog lub amateurs lawm. Koj tau them nyiaj, qhov no yog thaum nws tag nrho cov suav. Nws yuav tsum nyob rau hauv lub nplhaib nrog cov tsiaj qus, Arthur Pin, uas yog mus khob nws lub taub hau tawm.
“Qhov no yog qhov tseeb; this is what will happen in Prudential Center. Let’s see who will do the running when the fight starts. Yog hais tias nws yog ib tug txiv neej ntawm nws cov lus, Consuegra yuav sawv thiab sib ntaus. Nws yuav ua tau zoo kawg rau peb thiab tus kiv cua.”
# # #
Yog xav paub ntxiv mus xyuas,,, raws li nyob rau hauv TwitterPremierBoxing, AntonioTarver, USSCunningham, Szpilka_Artur, LouDiBella, PruCenter, SpikeTV ThiabSpikeSports thiab ua ib cov kiv cua nyob rau hauv Facebook ntawm,


AT FOXWOODS Resort twv txiaj yuam pov HAUV MASHANTUCKET, Connecticut
Daim pib rau muag khoom Tam sim no!
MASHANTUCKET, I (Lub yim hli ntuj 10, 2015) – Undefeated middleweight lub hnub qub Peter “Kid Qhob noom xim kasfes” Quillin (31-0-1, 22 Kos) yuav tawm xov xwm nyob rau hauv ib tug 12-round middleweight bout tiv thaiv Michael Zerafa (17-1, 9 Kos) while super welterweight world champion Cornelius “K-9” Hauv qab npau taws heev heev (34-5, 19 Kos) defends against undefeated rising star Jermall Charlo (21-0, 16 Kos) nyob rau hauv ib tug nkaus packed tsab ntawm Premier Boxing Champions rau NBC Saturday, Cuaj hlis 12 nyob ntawm Foxwoods Resort Twv txiaj yuam pov nyob rau hauv Mashantucket, Connecticut pib ntawm 4 p.m. THIAB/1 p.m. PT.
“Kuv npaj txhij thiab zoo siab heev rov qab rau lub nplhaib nyob rau hauv NBC rau Cuaj hlis 12,” Hais Quillin. “Kuv twb sib sib zog nqus rau hauv kev kawm pw hav zoov thiab npaj yuav nyob rau hauv qhov zoo tshaj plaws zoo ntawm kuv txoj hauj lwm. I know my opponent is dangerous and he’s coming to make a name for himself. I’m at the top of my game and I plan to stay there.”
“Kuv muaj siab rau hauv no sib ntaus. Qhov no kev ua si nawv yog tag nrho hais txog sib ntaus sib tua qhov zoo tshaj plaws thiab muab tus kiv cua lawv xav li cas rau saib,” hais tias Zerafa. “Qhov no yog ib tug zoo lub sij hawm thiab kuv tab tom nrhiav rau pem hauv ntej rau los tshaj muaj thiab muab rau ib tug qhia tau tias.”
“Nws yog ib txoj koob hmoov yuav tsum tau lub junior middleweight lub ntiaj teb champion,” hais tias Bundrage. “Kuv xav ua tsaug rau kuv tag nrho pab rau ua no sib ntaus tshwm sim. Kuv tab tom nrhiav rau pem hauv ntej rau kuv debut rau PBC thiab ntse tiv thaiv kuv ob lub ntiaj teb no title. Detroit yog qhov chaw uas lub npe no nyob rau, nws yuav tsis mus nyob qhov twg. Kuv yuav tsum npaj kom txhij los mus muab kuv UFW tag nrho cov nyob ib ncig ntawm lub ntiaj teb no ib tug zoo kev ua tau zoo, nyob rau hauv yeej.”
Cov kev Charlo no yog ib tug ntev-awaited title koob tshuaj tivthaiv. Nws thiab nws tus tij laug, Jermell, yog ob sab saum toj nyob rau hauv lub zeem muag 154-phaus division.
“Qhov no yog kuv lub sij hawm, Kuv twb tsis tau ntau npaj txhij rau ib tug sib ntaus,” Hais Charlo. “Kuv twb ua npau suav txog kev sib ntaus zoo li no rau ib tug ntev lub sij hawm thiab nws nyob ntawm no nyob rau hauv pem hauv ntej ntawm kuv. Kuv yuav spectacular thiab kuv yuav tag Cornelius Bundrage.”
Daim pib rau lub nyob kev tshwm sim, uas yog nce los ntawm DiBella Lom ze, yog luv nqi ntawm $150, $85 thiab $45, tsis xws li siv cov kev pab nqi thiab them se thiab yog rau cov muag khoom tam sim no. Daim pib muaj nyob rau ntawm thiab los yog mus saib tau lub Foxwoods’ Box Office. Yuav kom them los ntawm lub xov tooj hu Ticketmaster ntawm (800) 745-3000.
“Peter Quillin yog los tawm lub toughest sib ntaus ntawm nws cov hauj lwm. Peb tab tom nrhiav rau pem hauv ntej rau nws tau txais rov qab rau hauv lub nplhaib, nyob rau hauv anticipation ntawm tus ntev-awaited showdown nrog Daniel Jacobs tom qab xyoo no,” hais tias Lou DiBella, Thawj Tswj Hwm ntawm DiBella Lom ze. “Hluas, tshaib plab Michael Zerafa yog tab tom nrhiav rau chim lub kua cart. Nrog tsis siab thiab tsis muaj dab tsi mus poob, nws yuav sim muab pov ib tug ciaj ntswj mus rau hauv kas Qhob noom xim kasfes tus lofty npaj. Hluas Jermall Charlo zoo rau muab tso rau nws lub npe rau lub 154-phaus daim ntawv qhia los ntawm kev noj ib lub ntiaj teb npe los ntawm qub tub rog yeej thiab Puncher Cornelius 'K9’ Hauv qab npau taws heev heev. We are thrilled to bring this PBC event to DiBella Entertainment’s New England home, Foxwoods.”
“Rau 23 xyoo, Foxwoods tau lub East ntug dej hiav txwv capital rau qhov zoo tshaj plaws nyob rau hauv kev lom zem thiab kev ua si, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog boxing, uas peb tau privileged los host pua pua ntawm fights featuring qhov zoo tshaj plaws neeg tua hluav taws nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no,” hais tias Felix Rappaport, Thawj Tswj Hwm thiab CEO Foxwoods Resort Twv txiaj yuam pov. “Rau Cuaj hlis 12, ntxiv nyob rau hauv uas nplua nuj kev lig kev cai, The Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation and Foxwoods will be honored to work with the best in the business, Lou DiBella thiab Premier Boxing Champions series, raws li lawv muaj ib tug kev teb chaws televised yav tav su ntawm championship boxing nyob ntug dej hiav txwv-rau-ntug dej hiav txwv nyob rau hauv NBC.”
Quillin rov mus ua nyob rau hauv Cuaj hlis 12 tshiab tawm ntawm ib tug nyuaj-kos tiv thaiv tiv thaiv middleweight lub ntiaj teb champion Andy Lee nrhiav kom nws undefeated cov ntaub ntawv lawm. Nws yeej ib middleweight siv nyob rau hauv 2012 nrog nws lub hnub qub-txiav txim siab, rau-knockdown kev kawm tiv thaiv Hassan N'Dam nyob rau hauv thawj boxing card hosted ntawm Barclays Center. Yug nyob rau hauv Chicago tab sis sib ntaus sib tua tawm ntawm New York City, 31-xyoo-laus mus rau tiv thaiv uas title tiv thaiv muaj zog contenders Fernando Guerrero, Gabriel Rosado thiab Lukas Konecny. Tam sim no, “Kid Qhob noom xim kasfes” zoo los qhia tawm nws superstar kev txawj ntse rau network TV rau qhov thib ob lub sij hawm.
Tom qab xa cov pro thaum muaj 18 xyoo-xyoo-laus, Zerafa yeej-thawj 15 pib ntawm nws cov hauj lwm thaum sib ntaus sib tua tawm ntawm nws haiv neeg Australia. Thaum 23-xyoo-laus Zerafa yuav ua kom nws U.S. debut rau Cuaj hlis 12 thaum nws los mus rau Connecticut tau noj nyob rau Quillin. Nws yus tus kheej li yeej tshaj yav tas los unbeaten fighters Bruno Carvalho thiab Lukas Ntse thiab yog los tawm ntawm ib tug thib plaub puag ncig TKO tshaj Yodmongkol Singmanasak nyob rau hauv lub peb hlis ntuj.
Bundrage cov hom hauj lwm tau skyrocketed nyob rau hauv xyoo tsis ntev los txij li thaum lub ntiaj teb no title yeej ua tau zoo nyob rau hauv 2010 tshaj Cory Spinks. Lub Detroit-haiv neeg mus rau tiv thaiv lub title tiv thaiv Sechew Powell thiab Spinks. Nws yuav poob lub npe nyob rau hauv 2013 , tiam sis sai sai khwv tau lwm koob tshuaj tivthaiv tiv thaiv Carlos Molina, uas nws yuav defeat los ntawm unanimous kev txiav txim siab los ua ib tug ob-lub sij hawm lub ntiaj teb no yeej. Nws defends tiv thaiv cov heev tshaib plab Charlo rau Cuaj hlis 12.
Heev ntshai thiab undefeated,24-xyoo-laus Charlois luam rau nws thawj lub ntiaj teb title sijhawm. Nws tseem undefeated nyob rau hauv 2014 nrog hom victories tshaj Hector Muñoz, Norberto Gonzalez thiab Lenny Bottai thiab pib 2015 los ntawm shutting tawm nyob rau hauv lub peb hlis ntuj Michael Finney. Sib ntaus sib tua tawm ntawm Houston, Charlo yuav tsis muaj tsis ntseeg saib yuav impressive nyob rau hauv nws thawj PBC sijhawm.
Yog xav paub ntxiv mus xyuas,www.dbe1.comthiab / boxing,raws li nyob rau hauv TwitterPremierBoxing, KidChocolate @ K9Boxing, FutureOfBoxing, LouDiBella, FoxwoodsCT ThiabSwanson_Comm,

Szpilka Nrhiav rau pem hauv ntej rau Muab Nws Paub Tswv yim rau zaub Friday

Polish Heavyweight contender Ib sab teb chaws Cuba lub Consuegra nyob rau Prudential Center nyob rau hauv Newark tom ntej Friday
Thaum nws nkag mus rau lub nplhaib tom ntej no Friday, Lub yim hli ntuj 14, Polish heavyweight hero Artur Szpilka hais tias nws yog xav ua kom qhia tawm cov kev txhim kho nws tau ua hauj lwm nrog tus kws qhia Ronnie Shields.
Pin (19-1, 14 Kos) yuav fim Cuba lub Yasmany Consuegra (17-1, 14 Kos) nyob rau hauv cov thawj txhawb bout ntawm lub Premier Boxing Champions nyob rau hauv Ntsia hlau loj doubleheader featuring Antonio “Magic txiv neej” Tarver (31-6, 22 Kos) txojkev Philadelphia lub Steve “USS” Cunningham (28-7, 13 Kos) thiab cruiserweight yeej Marco “Tus tauj ncov loj” Huck (38-2-1, 26 Kos) tiv thaiv nws title tiv thaiv Szpilka lub countryman Krzyzstof Glowacki (24-0, 15 Kos) nyob rau Prudential Center, nyob rau hauv Newark, New Jersey.
Daim pib rau cov kev tshwm sim, txhawb los ntawm DiBella Lom ze nyob rau hauv lub koom haum nrog Warriors Boxing thiab Huck kev ua si Promotion, yog luv nqi ntawm $150, $100, $70 thiab $45, tsis xws li siv cov kev pab nqi thiab yog rau cov muag khoom tam sim no ntawm, them los ntawm xov tooj ntawm 1-800-745-3000 los yog tej Ticketmaster qhov hluav taws xob. Daim pib tej zaum kuj yuav yuav ntawm Prudential Center lub chaw ua hauj lwm. Televised kev pab them nqi pib thaum 9 p.m. THIAB/PT. Undercard txiav txim pib thaum 6:00 p.m. THIAB, nrog qhov rooj qhib rau ntawm 5:30 p.m. THIAB.
Mus rau hauv nws thib peb sib ntaus nrog lub zoo-hwm Shields, Szpilka hais tias nws yog ib tug txawv fighter. “Ronnie shields yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws tsheb loj thauj neeg. Txhua lub sij hawm kuv mus rau lub gym, nws qhia kuv ib yam dab tsi tshiab. Kuv tuaj rau kev kawm siab vim kuv cob qhia nyob rau hauv ntseeg kuv tias kuv yuav tau champ. Peb muaj ib lub sij hawm nyob rau hauv lub gym thiab txhua yam yog mus zoo.”
Lub southpaw Szpilka hais tias nws respects nws tus nrog sib ntaus, Consuegra, tab sis tau tuaj dhau deb li deb mus poob ua hauj lwm nrog Shields. “Nws yog ib tug zoo fighter. Nws muaj ib tug zoo sab tes xis thiab nws yog ib tug zoo Mover. Kuv xav tias nws yuav tau ib tug zoo sib ntaus, tab sis kuv paub li cas kuv yuav tsum tau ua li cas los yeej.
Teem nrog Polish boxing txuj ci, nyob rau hauv tas li ntawd rau Glowacki vs. Huck thiab Szpilka vs. Consuegra, the Premier Boxing Champions on Spike event will also include middleweight Maciej Sulecki (20-0, 5 Kos) thiab lub ntiaj teb no-kab sab featherweight Kamil “Me Tyson” Laszczyk (20-0, 8 Kos).
“Kuv zoo siab heev yuav tsum tau mus txog rau hauv Newark tag kis (Sunday). Kuv tos ntsoov rau qhov uas qhia tawm kuv txuj ci tshiab thiab pom kuv cov phooj ywg yeej lawv fights,” txuas ntxiv Pin. “Tom ntej no Friday Kuv yuav ib kauj ruam los ze zog rau kuv tus npau suav ntawm winning ib tug championship. Kuv saib rau pem hauv ntej mus rau nws thiab rau kev kawm mus kuv ua hauj lwm nrog Ronnie Shields. Nws yog ua kuv mus rau hauv ib tug tau zus ib.”
Yog xav paub ntxiv mus xyuas,, thiab, raws li nyob rau hauv TwitterPremierBoxing, AntonioTarver, USSCunningham, Szpilka_Artur, LouDiBella, PruCenter, SpikeTV ThiabSpikeSports thiab ua ib cov kiv cua nyob rau hauv Facebook, rau

Premier BOXING CHAMPIONS SERIES cuaj hlis ntuj. 11 Hauv Toronto

Rau Tam Sim Tso

2012 U.S. Olympian ERROL Spence siv RAU Chris Van HEERDEN HAUV ntev TV CO-FEATURE

Stevenson vs. KARPENCY nuj nqis nyob rau

WBC TEEB Heavyweight NTIAJ TEB TITLESib ntaus

Nthuav LOS gym, Cap, LENNOX Lewis THIAB MLSE

Toronto (Lub yim hli ntuj 7, 2015) — Groupe Yvon Michel (Gym), nyob rau hauv lub koom haum nrog ntiaj teb no Legacy Boxing (Cap) thiab Maple Nplooj kev ua si thiab lom ze (MLSE), officially tshaj tawm hnub no tias 2012 U.S. Olympian Errol “Qhov tseeb” Spence yuav siv sij hawm nyob rau hauv South African welterweight Chris “Lub tshav kub kub” Van Heerden nyob rau hauv lub 10-round televised co-feature, airing Cuaj hlis 11 nyob rau Ntsia hlau loj TV nyob rau hauv lub tebchaws United States, raws li zoo raws li Indigo thiab Tswb TV nyob rau hauv Canada, los ntawm Ricoh Coliseum Toronto nyob rau hauv.

Lub Xya. 11 kev tshwm sim, ib feem ntawm lub prestigious Premier Boxing Champions series, YUAV MUAB headlined los ntawm lub ntiaj teb no teeb heavyweight title sib ntaus ntawm tiv thaiv tau zus ib Adonis “Superman” Stevensonthiab challenger Tommy “Kryptonite” Karpency.

Stevenson (26-1-0, 21 Kos), sib ntaus sib tua tawm ntawm Montreal, yuav tiv thaiv nws lub ntiaj teb no Boxing Council (Qhov),Lub nplhaib magazine thiab lineal teeb heavyweight (175 phaus) lub ntiaj teb Championship koj cov menyuam rau lub thib rau lub sij hawm, tiv thaiv lub ntiaj teb no-nyob challenger Tommy “Kryptonite” Karpency (25-4-1, 14 Kos), lub American southpaw los ntawm Adah, Pennsylvania, uas yog los tawm ib tug loj chim no yav dhau los kaum hli ntuj 4, 2014, thaum nws swb lawm yav tas los lub teeb heavyweight lineal yeej Chad Dawson los ntawm txoj kev ntawm ib tug split kev txiav txim siab.

Lub 25-xyoo-laus Spence (17-0, 14 Kos), sib ntaus sib tua tawm ntawm Desota, Texas, yog ib tug heev dai kom zoo nkauj U.S. pib xyaum ua boxer. Lub txaus ntshai southpaw yog ib tug microscopic lub hnub qub uas yog raug them raws li cov yav tom ntej ntawm lub welterweight faib tom qab Floyd “Nyiaj” Mayweather, Jr. retires. Nyob rau hauv nws cov nag sib ntaus, Spence nres qub tub rog Phil LoGreco nyob rau hauv lub thib peb puag ncig.

Van Heerden (23-1-1, 12 Kos), 28, kuj yog ib tug southpaw. Thaum lub sij hawm nws zoo heev ua hauj lwm, nws tau sau npe yeej tiv thaiv cov yam koj nyiam uas Sebastian Lujan, Cosme Rivera, Mathais Hatton, Ray nqe, Cecil McCalla thiab Ramon Avila.

“Peb zoo siab heev rau muaj Spence tiv tiag Van Heerden li cov televised co-feature nyob rau hauv lub Cuaj Hli Ntuj peb 11th kev tshwm sim nyob rau hauv Toronto,” Gym tus thawj tswj hwm Yvon Michel hais tias. “Lawv yog cov ob ntawm cov feem ntau feemxyuam welterweights nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no. Qhov no match-up muaj tag nrho cov makings ntawm ib tug exciting, heev, kiv cua-phooj ywg sib ntaus. Peb nyob nraum tsos uas boxing kiv cua nyob rau hauv lub U.S. thiab Canada yuav tsum tau mus saib no sib ntaus, raws li tau zoo raws li 'Superman’ Stevenson tiv thaiv Karpency, nyob rau hauv lub teb chaws TV.”

Tsis tas li ntawd ib feem ntawm no nce qib yog yav tas los undisputed heavyweight zus ib ntawm lub ntiaj teb no, Lennox Lewis,conqueror ntawm Mike Tyson, Evander Holyfield, Vitali Klitschko ntawm cov ntau notables thaum lub sij hawm nws distinguished boxing hauj lwm.

Ib tug tag nrho ntawm yim bouts yuav tau teem lub sij hawm cov kev tshwm sim, showcasing hluas tej txuj ci los ntawm Ontario thiab Quebec.

Daim pib mus rau ntawm kev muag thiab muaj nyob rau yuav ntawm ntawm gym (514) 383-0666, Cap (416) 678-6957 los yog Ricoh Coliseum (416) 263-3900. Daim pib nqi pib ntawm 40 $. Ntxhuav kuj los ntawm kev hu GLB.


Rau Tam Sim Tso

Stevenson vs. KARPENCY


Nthuav LOS gym, Cap, LENNOX Lewis THIAB MLSE

Toronto (Lub yim hli ntuj 5, 2015) — Groupe Yvon Michel (Gym), nyob rau hauv lub koom haum nrog ntiaj teb no Legacy Boxing (Cap) thiab Maple Nplooj kev ua si thiab lom ze (MLSE), yog txaus siab ncha moo teb tom ntej no lub ntiaj teb no title tiv thaiv ntawm ntshai tsam Puncher, Adonis “Superman” Stevenson, Cuaj hlis 11, nyob rau Ricoh Coliseum Toronto nyob rau hauv. Cov kev tshwm sim yog ib feem ntawm lub prestigious Premier Boxing Champions series, airing live on Ntsia hlau loj TV nyob rau hauv lub tebchaws United States, rau Indigo thiab Tswb TV nyob rau hauv Canada.

Stevenson (26-1-0, 21 Kos),ofMontreal, ib qho ntawm feem haib phaus-rau- phaus punchers nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no, yuav tiv thaiv nws lub ntiaj teb no Boxing Council (Qhov), Lub nplhaib magazine thiab lineal teeb heavyweight (175 phaus) lub ntiaj teb Championship koj cov menyuam rau lub thib rau lub sij hawm, tiv thaiv WBC #9 contender Tommy “Kryptonite” Karpency (25-4-1, 14 Kos), lub koom American southpaw sib ntaus sib tua tawm ntawm Adah, Pennsylvania. Nws yog Stevenson tus xav tiv thaiv nws lub npe nyob rau hauv Toronto:

“Kuv pog mus tshaj tawm kuv tom ntej no kev sib ntaus nyob rau hauv Cuaj hlis 11 nyob rau hauv Toronto tiv thaiv Tommy Karpency. Kuv yuav npaj mus muab cov mob nyob rau hauv. Kuv ua hauj lwm nyuaj thiab nyob teem”, hais tias lub yeej.

Lub 29-xyoo-laus Karpency rho tawm ib tug loj chim Lub kaum hli ntuj 4, 2014 nyob rau Foxwoods Resort ntawm Mashantucket, Connecticut, defeating qub teeb heavyweight lineal yeej Chad Dawson los ntawm txoj kev ntawm ib tug split kev txiav txim siab. Karpency, uas tau yeej nws plaub sib ntaus, kuj yog tam sim no Pennsylvania thiab NABA-USA teeb heavyweight yeej. Nws yog tshwj xeeb yog zoo siab heev tau txais lub ntiaj teb no championship sijhawm.

Kuv yeej tib yam txiv leej tub Stevenson yeej ua lub ntiaj teb champion. Kuv tuav nws [Dawson] cia li ib lub xyoo tom qab Stevenson tuav nws. Tom qab ntawd yeej, Kuv hais tias lub ntuj yog cov kev txwv thiab hais tias kuv xav qhov zoo tshaj plaws nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no. Lub yeej [tshaj Dawson] muaj pov thawj tias kuv yuav nyob hauv cov neeg tseem ceeb ntawm lub teeb heavyweight. Tam sim no nws yog kuv txoj hauj lwm los yeej muaj qhov kev sib ntaus“, piav Karpency.

“Gym yog trilled coj lub ntiaj teb no championship sib ntaus thiab cov 'Premier Boxing Champions’ series rau Toronto rau thawj lub sij hawm,” Gym tus thawj tswj hwm Yvon Michel hais tias. “Peb tau ntsia no peb tes num rau ib tug ntev lub sij hawm. Qhov no tau ua tau vim hais tias peb pom zoo koom tes nrog Les Zoov thiab Lennox Lewis, los ntawm CAP, thiab Wayne Zronick, los ntawm MLSE. Peb muaj txoj kev ntseeg coj ib tug loj boxing kev tshwm sim hais tias qhov no prodigious ua si nawv nroog deserves. Txawm ntau, Peb ntseeg hais tias peb tau pom cov uas yuav tsum tau nrog ib tug neeg yuav lav tsis tau txoj kev vam meej ntawm peb tes num thiab ua nws dua nyob rau hauv ib tug kev bases.”

Nws yog ib qho kev nco cib fim ua hauj lwm alongside MLSE thiab gym,” GLB president Les Zoov ntxiv. “Ntiaj teb no Legacy lus txib ntawm reviving lub ntiaj teb no-chav kawm kev boxing nyob rau hauv zoo kawg nkaus lub nroog ntawm Toronto tau los ua ib tug kev muaj tiag. “Mus ntxiv rau lub legacy kuv yawg tsim thiab reignite ib tug mob siab rau 'lub qab zib science’ thoob plaws hauv lub nroog yog ib lub zeem muag thiab accomplishment kuv cia siab tias yuav mus ntxiv rau cia ib tug ntev ntiajteb tam sim no raws li zoo raws li nyob rau tag nrho cov yav tom ntejtiam ntawm kiv cua boxing.”

Tsis tas li ntawd ib feem ntawm no nce qib yog yav tas los undisputed heavyweight zus ib ntawm lub ntiaj teb no, Lennox Lewis. Thaum tsis sib ntaus sib tua ntxiv lawm, nws stills li tus mob siab rau rau nws ua si nawv. Lewis yeej Mike Tyson, Evander Holyfield, Vitali Klitschko ntawm cov ntau notables thaum lub sij hawm nws illustrious boxing hauj lwm.

“Nws yog qhov zoo yuav tsum muaj ib feem ntawm GLB, ua hauj lwm nyob rau hauv nrog gym thiab MLSE, mus rau revive boxing nyob rau hauv Toronto thiab thoob plaws Canada rau lub siab tshaj plaws qib,” Lewis remarked. “Raws li lub qub undisputed heavyweight zus ib ntawm lub ntiaj teb no, Kuv zoo siab yuav tsum tau tsim tsa ib lub teb chaws platform qhov twg boxers, xws li lub ntiaj teb no teeb heavyweight yeej Adonis Stevenson, yuav nthuav lawv tej txuj ci nyob rau hauv tsev thiab tau txais cov nyiaj them yug lawv yuav tsum tau txais.”

Nyob rau hauv lub co-feature, tam sim no Canadian heavyweight yeej Dillon “Loj Lub teb chaws” Carman (8-2, 7 Kos), ntawm Mississauga, Ontario, yuav fim qub Lewis thiab Tyson tus nrog sib ntaus, Jamaican-yug Donovan “Rab chais” Ruddock (40-5-1, 30 Kos). Ib tug tag nrho ntawm yim bouts yuav tau teem lub sij hawm cov kev tshwm sim, showcasing hluas tej txuj ci los ntawm Ontario thiab Quebec.

Boxing nyob rau hauv Toronto thiab Ontario

Toronto yog ib tug boxing kub cov nqaij ntawd raws li thaum ntxov raws li 1880.

Jake Kilrain, George Dixon, Joe Gans, Kid McCoy, Harry Qib, Sam Langford,Benny Leonard, Mickey Walker, Kid Qhob noom xim kasfes, Max Baer, Primo Carnera,Joey Giambra, Archie Moore, Floyd Patterson, Bob Foster, Muhammad Ali, thiab Larry Holmes tag nrho cov waged epic battles nyob rau hauv Toronto thaum lub sij hawm lawv cov boxing hauj lwm.

Lwm yam standouts uas tseem tiv thaiv nyob rau hauv Toronto muaj xws li Jimmy Wilde, Jimmy Welsh,Hluas Stribling, Rocky Kansas, “Panama” Al Brown, Sandy Saddler, Battling Levinsky, Sammy Angott, Tommy Loughran, Maxie Rosenbloom, Jose Napoles, Ernie Terrell, Jimmy Ellis, Nino Benvenuti, thiab Aaron Pryor.

Canadian lus dab neeg George Chuvalo tiv thaiv rau cov heavyweight ntiaj teb no title Lub peb hlis ntuj 29, 1966 nyob rau Maple nplooj vaj tiv thaiv tiv thaiv tau zus ib thiab boxing iconMuhammad Ali, nyob rau hauv tej zaum tus nto moo tshaj plaws bout puas tau muaj nyob rau hauv lub nroog. Lub ib txwm tawv Chuvalo ntawd kub ntev li 15 Rounds nrog tus txiv neej lub npe hu ua “Lub Tshaj”.

Toronto haiv neeg Nick Furlano kuj Boxed thiab lasted 15 rounds tiv thaiv ferocious ntiaj teb Boxing Association (WBA) lub ntiaj teb no super sib zus thiab International Boxing Hall ntawm koob meej neeg, Aaron “Lub Hawk” Pryor, Lub rau hli ntuj 22, 1984, nyob rau Varsity chaw ntau pob ntawm lub tsev kawm ntawv ntawm Toronto.

Txij thaum ntawd los, Sarnia tus tub Steve Molitor yog tus International Boxing Federation ntiaj teb no super bantamweight (122 phaus) champion, los ntawm 2006 rau 2011. Nws tiv thaiv nyob rau hauv xya lub ntiaj teb no title fights nyob rau hauv Ontario, tag nrho cov nyob rau Rama Twv txiaj yuam pov.

Ntau tsis ntev los, Kaum Ib Hlis Ntuj 15, 2014 nyob rau Hershey Center nyob rau hauv Mississauga, Brampton tus kheej Denton Daley sib tw WBA ntus lub ntiaj teb no cruiserweight yeej Youri Kalenga, ib tug nativeof lub koom pheej ywj pheej ntawm cov Congo, poob nyob rau hauv lub 12th thiab zaum kawg puag ncig.

Daim pib mus muag starting Friday, Lub yim hli ntuj 7 ntawm 10:00 a.m., rau, ntawm gym (514) 383-0666, Cap (416) 678-6957 los yog Ricoh Coliseum (416) 263-3900. Daim pib nqi pib ntawm 40 $. Ntxhuav kuj los ntawm kev hu GLB.

Premier Boxing Champions – Tus tom ntej Round rau thaws TV: “Smashing Debut”


Atlanta (Aug. 5, 2015) – Lub series premiere ntawm Premier Boxing Champions – Tus tom ntej Round rau thaws TV nyob Aug. 2 yog ib tug knockout zoo.


Cov nyob telecast tauj 459,000 tag nrho cov viewers thiab hauj sim 333,000 Cov tsev neeg uas nyob nruab nrab ntawm 9:00 p.m.-12:15 a.m., nrog ib tug ncov cov neeg tuaj saib ntawm 667,000 tag nrho cov viewers thiab 444,000 Tsev neeg. Qhov no nyob telecast kuj tauj 255,000 Cov neeg laus 25-54 thiab 195,000 A18-49.


Thaws TV aired ib tug tam sim ntawd Encore ntawm PBC – Tus tom ntej Round tom qab nyob kev tshwm sim thiab lub ob telecasts ua ke mus txog ze li ntawm ob lab cim viewers.


Lub network kuj tshwm lub PBC – Tus tom ntej Round nyob rau uas pom ib tug pab nce ntawm ntau tshaj li 300% on Sunday hmo ntuj. (Nyem no mus saib lub telecast.)


Thaws TV tus debut ntawm PBC – Tus tom ntej Round twb tseem tau ntsib nrog ci ci tawm xyuas, kuj muaj: “Smashing debut” (Bleacher Daim ntawv qhia txog) thiab “Lub debut ntawm PBC: Tus tom ntej Round rau thaws TV yog ib tug kawm tau zoo” (Teb chaws USA no).

Lub inauguralPBC – Tus tom ntej Round consisted ntawm peb exciting fights. The main event saw Juan Carlos “Tus me nyuam Pacquiao” Payano (17-0, 8 Kos) swb Rau'shee Warren (13-1, 4 Kos) nyob rau hauv ib tug nyob ze, 12-puag ncig split kev txiav txim siab rau khaws hisBantamweight Title.


Nyob rau hauv thawj bout ntawm ib tug plaub-tug txiv neej super welterweight kev sib tw, John Jackson(20-2, 15 Kos) yeej ib 10-round unanimous kev txiav txim siab dua Dennis Laurente (49-6, 30 Kos). The second tournament bout featured a hard-hitting fight in which Jorge Cota (25-1, 22 Kos) yeej Yudel Jhonson. The winners of this tournament, Cota thiab Jackson, yuav tua rau PBC – Tus tom ntej Round rau thaws TV nyob rau hauv Kaum ib hlis.


Fred Hickman (CNN Cov kev ua si, ESPN) hosted PBC – Tus tom ntej Round, Fran Charles(NFL Network, MLB Network) called the blow-by-blow action and former Super Welterweight World Champion Austin “Tsis muaj ntseeg” Trout muab kev pom thiab tsom xam.


PBC – Tus tom ntej Roundrov qab Dawb. Xya. 18 ntawm 9:00 p.m. (THIAB) nrog lub sij hawm ntawm fights yuav tau tshaj tawm sai.


Bounce TV is carried on the broadcast signals of local television stations and corresponding cable carriage. Bounce TV is the fastest-growing African-American (AA) network hauv TV thiab nta ib tug programming mix ntawm thawj thiab off-network series, theatrical tsab ntawv tsa suab duab, specials, nyob ua si thiab ntau. Bounce TV has grown to be available in more than 85 lab tsev nyob 90 ciaj uas muag, 90% ntawm African American TV tsev — nrog rau tag nrho cov sab saum toj AA TV ciaj uas muag. Ntawm cov founders ntawm Thaws TV yog iconic American nuj nqis Ambassador Andrew Young thiab Martin Luther King III. Rau hauv zos channel qhov chaw, mus ntsib