Цатегори Арцхивес: ММА

Име непознато Борилачки спортови Покажи: Реакција после борбе на мај / Мац, УФЦ Фигхт Нигхт Превиев, Потпишите Тони'с Петитион за избацивање првог терена на утакмици Пхиллиес

Овонедељна борбена спортска емисија покрива широк спектар тема. Том, Тони и Рицх разговарају о боксерском мечу који је доказао да је МцГрегору потребно још око шест месеци “прави фоокин” тренинг да би били конкурентнији у. Мејведер крстари до 50-0, али Богата питања да ли то заиста засењује истину 50-0 околности које би учиниле Роцкијев непоражени низ импресивнијим. После свега, Маивеатхер није имао активни појас за наслов у време победе и победе “Монеи Белт” не треба рачунати као право првенство које је бранио. Роцки у пензији непоражен, поседовање појаса на 49-0. Да би помрачио Роцкијев рекорд, Флоид би требао имати појас светске титуле или више појасева у време када је забележена његова 50. победа. Такође разговарамо о свему осталом што се догађа у свету борбених спортова, осим што су се венчали Ронда Роусеи и Травис Бровне.





Портланд, Мејн (Август 31, 2017) -Нови Енгланд Фигхтс (НЕФ) will make its long-awaited debut in Portland onПетак, Новембар 3, 2017 at Aura with “НЕФ 31: The Old Port.” Раније данас, the fight promotion announced the addition of an amateur mixed-martial-arts bout to the card. Carlton Charles (1-0) ће преузети Nate Evans (0-0) at a catchweight of 175-pounds.

Carlton Charles shocked the Maine MMA community earlier this month with his stunning first-round technical knockout of Josh Jones (2-1) у “NEF 30in Bangor. Jones had looked indestructible to that point, only needing 24-seconds to finish his first two opponents combined. Заузврат, it took Charles only 23-seconds to polish off Jones in his amateur debut. Било је, zaista, one of the most impressive debuts in NEF history.

Чарлс’ athleticism comes as no surprise, међутим, to those who know him. He excelled in football for Windham High School. As an assistant coach, Charles later lead Windham to a Class A state championship. He went on to play for the NCAA Division I University of Maine Black Bears. Тренутно, Charles trains MMA with Charles Family Fighting alongside his older brother, and seven-fight NEF veteran, Нате Цхарлес.

I’m real excited about the opportunity to fight in Portland,” рече Чарлс. “Not often have we seen MMA in Portland, so it’s definitely going to get a lot of attention. It’s a bit closer to home than Bangor was, so I feel like I’ll have a lot of support there. I hope to put on a good show and look to build on the success of my first fight. I know my opponent will be tough so I am training hard to be prepared.

Nate Evans will be making his debut on 3. новембра. Like Charles, Evansbackground is in football. He was a star quarterback for Sumter Central High School in Livingston, Алабама. Also like Charles, Evans has begun training and combat sports and is hoping to make a successful transition from the gridiron to the MMA cage.

Неф следећи мешовите борилачки догађај, “НЕФ 31: The Old Port,” will see the company debut in Portland, Maine at the brand new, state-of-the-art venue Aura. The event is scheduled to take place on Петак, Новембар 3, 2017. Улазнице су у продаји сада на ввв.аурамаине.цом.


ЗА ОБЈАВЉИВАЊЕ ОДМАХ: Портланд, Мејн (Август 30, 2017) -Нови Енгланд Фигхтс (НЕФ) will make its long-awaited debut in Portland onПетак, Новембар 3, 2017 at Aura with “НЕФ 31: The Old Port.” Раније данас, the fight promotion announced the addition of an amateur mixed-martial-arts bout to the card. JaydaLil Killah” Бејли (0-0) Планирано је да се суочи Danae Dostie (0-0) in a female bantamweight contest.

Бејли, a senior at Hermon High School in Hermon, Мејн, will turn 18 (the legal minimum age for one to compete in MMA in Maine) a mere eight days before the fight, thereby making her the youngest person in history to ever compete in a regulated MMA fight in the state. She has trained in the martial arts since the age of four and has been a member of Young’s MMA in Bangor since age twelve. Bailey also wrestles for Bucksport High School as Hermon does not have a team. У доби од 15, she traveled to New Mexico to train at the world famous Jackson Wink MMA Academy where she worked with the likes of former UFC Women’s Bantamweight Champion Holly Holm (11-3). Bailey regularly competes in Jiu-Jitsu tournaments throughout the New England region.

I’ve been wanting to fight for as long as I can remember,” said Bailey. “3. новембра will be the day I can showcase what I have, and begin my career with a bang.

Standing opposite Bailey in the cage will be a fellow amateur debut in the form of Danae Dostie. Dostie is a graduate of Fryeburg Academy High School in Fryeburg, Maine where she was a standout athlete on the track and field team. She currently serves as a member of the military police with the Maine Army National Guard. Dostie represents Kenney’s MMA of Lisbon, Мејн.

I’m very excited for my first fight in NEF,” said Dostie. “It will be fun to see how this fight goes. I know either way I will learn a lot.

Неф следећи мешовите борилачки догађај, “НЕФ 31: The Old Port,” will see the company debut in Portland, Maine at the brand new, state-of-the-art venue Aura. The event is scheduled to take place on Петак, Новембар 3, 2017. Улазнице су у продаји сада на ввв.аурамаине.цом.


ЗА ОБЈАВЉИВАЊЕ ОДМАХ: Портланд, Мејн (Август 29, 2017) -Нови Енгланд Фигхтс (НЕФ) will make its long-awaited debut in Portland onПетак, Новембар 3, 2017 at Aura with “НЕФ 31: The Old Port.” Раније данас, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional mixed-martial-arts bout to the card. Џош Паркер (6-9) ће се састати The Blackpool RipperMatt Probin (0-0) in a featherweight matchup.

Josh Parker is the founder and head coach of Ruthless MMA & Бокс. A two-sport athlete, Parker has split his professional career between the MMA cage and the boxing ring. He has won two of his last three fights for NEF, most recently dominating Andre Belcarris (0-2) for three rounds on his way to a unanimous decision victory in June. Parker will look to continue his winning ways when he meets Probin on 3. новембра.

I want to thank NEF for making this fight,” said Parker when reached for comment. “I’m excited to get back in there. We recently expanded Ruthless and moved to a new location. Our team keeps growing and they are pushing me every day. I look forward to putting on a show on 3. новембра.”

Originally from Blackpool, England and now a Maine resident, Matt Probin divides his training between Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Young’s MMA. Probin went 6-2 over the course of his amateur MMA career. While Probin has not competed in MMA in more than three years, he has been active as a professional boxer and kickboxer in recent years. У 2016, Probin had a stint training Muay Thai in Thailand where he competed at the world famous Bangla Boxing Stadiumone of Thailand’s most venerated fight venues.

I’m pumped for this fight,” declared Probin. “I don’t think I’ve ever been this excited about fighting someone before. Thanks to NEF for making it happen. I guarantee this fight will not go the distance. I respect his game and experience, but that’s it. I’m coming out with bad intentions. Не блинк!”

Неф следећи мешовите борилачки догађај, “НЕФ 31: The Old Port,” will see the company debut in Portland, Maine at the brand new, state-of-the-art venue Aura. The event is scheduled to take place on Петак, Новембар 3, 2017. Улазнице су у продаји сада на ввв.аурамаине.цом.


Партнерство започиње експлозивом, деветобојна ММА борбена карта за
Дан независности Мексика из Амфитеатра у Краљевини Спласх на Петак, Седам 15

Улазнице за „Цомбате Америцас: Крик у кавезу “на продају на Тицкетон.цом

ЊУЈОРК - август 29, 2017 - Цомбате Америцас објавио је данас да је удружио се са оператором за забаву са седиштем у Јужној Калифорнији Хибрид Оне како би произвео вишеструке производе, уживо пренос мешаних борилачких вештина (ММА) догађаји у унутрашњости царства Калифорније, почев од борбене карте за девет мечева за Дан независности Мексика, у Амфитеатру у воденом парку Спласх Кингдом у Редландсу на Петак, Седам. 15.

„Борите се против Америке: Врисак у кавезу,”Догађај који започиње партнерство, емитоваће се уживо Азтеца Америца у У.С. и на ЕСПН Латинска Америка у 10 п.м. И, а наслов ће бити у перолакој категорији (145 фунти) поклапање између свирепих, 26-годишња звезда у успону Јосе “Фрогги” Естрада(3-1) од Окнарда, Калиф. и пешчани борац Изић „Лавље срце“ Фернандез (2-3) од Санта Ана, Калиф.

У атомској тежини жена (105 фунти) ко-Маин Евент, бивши Еди Браво заштићен Кира "Могваи" Батара (6-4) Лас Вегас, Невада, тек је победила у другом кругу победе над дванаест пута шпанском националном шампионком у џудоу Ванеса Рицо, брзо ће се вратити у Ла Јаула, цомбате Америцас кавез, где ће се суочити 22-годишњак Јенна Сериоус (3-2) Нев Иорк, НИ.

По цени од $40, улазнице за „Цомбате Америцас: Крик у кавезу “је у продаји на Тицкетон.цом.

„Узбуђени смо што смо партнери са Хибрид Оне, и наставите брзо ширење наше серије догађаја уживо на још једно тржиште у Јужној Калифорнији, почев од феноменалне борбене карте у част Мексичког дана независности,”Рекао је извршни директор Цомбате Америцас и Ултимате Фигхтинг Цхампионсхип (УФЦ) суоснивач Кембел Мекларен.

„Спласх Кингдом смо стекли у априлу ове године са визијом да га претворимо у водећу дестинацију за забаву Унутрашњег царства. Данашње партнерство са Цомбате Америцас представља значајан корак ка остварењу те визије,”Рекао је Хибрид Оне суоснивач и сувласник Риан Саутер.

Након почетног догађаја у септембру. 15, Цомбате Америцас очекује повратак на место Редландс у децембру.

Други меч у атомској категорији за жене у „Цомбате Америцас: Врисак у кавезу “поставиће два професионална дебитантска такмичара - Бренда Енрикуез (0-0) из Солт Лејк Ситија, Јута против Схианн Фармер (0-0) Аламогордо, Н.М.

28-годишња Енрикуез започиње звездану аматерску каријеру током које је стекла 7-1 запис, са 6 њених победа које долазе услед било ког (Т.)КО или покоравање.

Фармер је двадесетчетворогодишњак који је сакупио аматерске записе о 4-1.

На другом месту на борбеној карти, непоражен, звезда у успону Рафаел „надарени“ Гарсија (4-0) од Мекицали, Баја Цалифорниа, Мексико ће свој други старт започети у Ла Јаули и суочити се са троструким ветераном Цомбате Америцас Маркос "Матадор" Бонилла (4-4) оф Лос Ангелес, Калиф. у Феатхервеигхт такмичењу.

У борби између непоражених лаких тегова (155 фунти) Јавиер “Хабанеро” Гарциа (2-0) од Цовина, Калиф. ће преузети Гуиллермо Гонзалез (3-0) Сан Бернардино, Калиф.

Свеже је стигао до победе у првом кругу такмичења у Цомбате Америцас Мај 5, Ралпх „Мајмун шпијун“ Акоста (17-12) Риверсиде, Калиф. ће сударити са Цуб Свансон ученик Гаретх де ла Цруз (6-1) од Палм Спрингс, Калиф.

Врата у амфитеатру у воденом парку Спласх Кингдом отворена су у 6 п.м. Прва борба ће почети у 6:30 п.м.


Перолаки главни догађај (Уживајте на Азтеца Америци и ЕСПН Латинској Америци):
Јосе Естрада вс.. Изић Фернандез

Атомвеигхт Цо-Маин Евент (Уживајте на Азтеца Америци и ЕСПН Латинској Америци):
Кира Батара вс.. Јенна Сериоус

Прелиминарни картица:
Веома лака ствар: Рафаел Гарциа вс.. Марк Бонилла
Лак: Јавиер Гарциа вс.. Гуиллермо Гонзалез
Атомвеигхт: Бренда Енрикуез вс.. Схианн Фармер
Фливеигхт: Ралпх Ацоста вс.. Гаретх де ла Цруз
Фливеигхт: Исаац Цамарилло вс.. Хебер Цастилло
Цатцхвеигхт (140 фунти): Ангел Гонзалез вс.. Јулио Агуилера
Миддлевеигхт: Сантиаго Диаз вс.. Алек Тхомпсон

How Will Mayweather vs. McGregor Shape the Future of Crossover Fights?

По: Богат Бергерон

Fight News Unlimited is well aware of the termMMA vs. Boxing Debate.We had a whole radio show series on the subject, culminating with a full-fledged argument between Iceman John Scully (A Former Pro Boxer and Current Boxing Trainer) and Ken Shamrock (A Pro Wrestler, UFC Fighter and MMA trainer). The tipping point then was females in boxing and MMA. Shamrock supported their efforts while Scully took the argument that he did not want to see a woman get punched in the face.

This evening we are about to experience the largest corssover fight in the history of combat sports. A young, гладан, rabid MMA-fighting walk-on from the mean streets of Ireland faces a brash American coming out of retirement after a professional boxing career for the ages. The experience favors the expert at his craft, the most talented defensive fighter in the modern era of boxing. Floyd should cruise to victory, and the knockout he predicts is something many fans and speculators are placing in the 6th to 7th round range.

McGregor can win in any scenario where he sees the final bell, whether the decision favors him or not. All he has to do is entertain, push Floyd to points he’s never been pushed before, and get under Floyd’s skin. Even if it’s in a losing effort, Conor has to be a character that can sell another fight. Floyd repeatedly said in press tour events that he would fight Conor in the Octagon next. This is clearly Mayweather just trying to think about the big picture, but a one sided beating of McGregor won’t get fans talking too much about an Octagon faceoff. Some speculators insist Floyd will purposely let off the gas and let McGregor have his 12 rounds of action. The more Floyd makes Conor look like a clown, мада, this approach could do neither fighter any good in the long run.

Conor could certainly pull off his own knockout of Floyd Mayweather in the first four rounds, as he predicted. It is within the realm of possibility. Yet the big knockout either way the fight goes will be how Conor handles his business after this bout.


McGregor Sports and Entertainment became a brand even Dana White represented with a branded shirt the other night at the final press conference. I initially felt let down that White didn’t place any other UFC fighters on the undercard of this mega boxing event. The more I thought about the approach, мада, the more I imagined White is looking to do more of that down the road, but only if McGregor can shock the world or at least upset the apple cart of boxing in some small way.


Multiple boxers are clamoring for a chance to face an MMA fighter in crossover fights at every major division now that May/Mac set the table. David Haye and Anthony Joshua are just two heavyweights expressing interest in boxing MMA fighters. Joshua would even enter the cage if no submissionswere allowed. Tony Bellew wants a fight with Michael Bisping. Рои Јонес Јр. wants to fight Anderson Silva and has been angling for that opportunity for years now.


The real crossover Conor could tap into is one I fear he will fail to capitalize on, мада. There is tremendous potential in getting the kind of money pro boxers make to make the crossover to MMA fighter contracts. There’s been much speculation as to how White can get away with having the UFC co-promote a boxing match when the UFC’s management tactics do not meet the standards outlined in the Ali Act, which mandates certain crucial protections must be afforded to professional boxers.


Rather than come back to the sport of MMA after this fight and claim all the cash and prizes for himself, Conor should be the rising tide that lifs all boats. A true hero of his sport would see to it that he’s not the only one making money because he helped put MMA on the real world stage with his performance tonight. He could be an incredible mouthpiece for changing the way all fighters do business. The UFC and Dana White are notoriously greedy when it comes to controlling interests in their fistfighting employees. This is what makes the ongoing Anti-Trust lawsuit against the company so complicated.


As certain fighters who don’t like the UFC’s contract offers jump ship for Bellator, White and the UFC responded with the Instant Ultimate Fighter concept: The Contender Series. Every week a new fighter gets a contract. The army is always growing is their obvious approach here. McGregor could lead the charge of larger than life fighters who say no to the UFC and fight back against the company’s urge to give fighters so little in return for such great efforts.


Tonight’s fight may determine whether or not White and the UFC ever promote another crossover fight. Each time they do, мада, it will likely be headlined by just one MMA fighter vs. a boxer and not a stacked card. That way they can make each occurence a major event, even if it turns out to be a joke as many predict tonight will turn out to be.


It is all about how McGregor handles the aftermath in my eyes. Will he step up and speak out for the other fighters getting shafted on their UFC contracts? Will he be able to get that boxing money on the table for himself and his fellow fighters in the UFC and across the MMA landscape? His options will surely increase even in a competitive loss, which makes going down by KO, DQ or lopsided beating the only ways he doesn’t come out smelling like roses. Bilo šta da se dogodi, he has to use the attention constructively to improve both sports.


The debate can be solved, but I believe the future holds a chance for a new tournament format. First there is a boxing match, then an MMA fight. Six weeks apart, both fighters have six months to train before the first fight. It’s the next logical step, and there will be a boxer who takes the challenge.


Mayweather can impress the purists with either a demolition over 12 rounds or a KO within the distance. McGregor only has to survive valiantly to turn more heads and gain more popularity. If he wins he chooses his own destiny and makes a ton of pundits and critics eat their words. The question is what happens next? Will the debate be solved whatever happens at the end of the night?




McGregor can have a big hand in whatever shakes out next for the crossover market. Will it be attractive and lucrative in the months and years to come, or will this fight go down as a fad that left most fans bitterly disappointed? If it makes McGregor more famous than he already is, it’s a win, so I would love to see him make that win mean something. If he can find a way to help all of the fighters on the UFC roster get more of the money on the table, I’m in his corner.






Комплетне фотографије догађаја овде

Андреј Корешков (20-2) поражен Цхиди Њокуани (17-5) ТКО (ударци) у 4:08 округлог једног

Фернандо Гонзалес (27-14) поражен Бреннан Вард (14-6) субмиссион (гиљотина) у 1:02 рунде три

Бровн Еллен (4-1) поражен вета Артеага (3-1) преко Сплита одлуке (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

А.Ј. МцКее (9-0) поражен Блер Тугман (10-7) једногласна одлука (30-27, 30-26, 30-26)

Joey Davis (2-0) поражен Justin Roswell (1-2) ТКО (штрајкови) у 1:35 округлог једног

Арлин Blencoe (10-6) поражен Синеад Каванагх (4-2) преко Сплита одлуке (29-28, 27-30, 29-28)

Крис Хонеицутт (10-1) поражен Kevin Casey (9-6-2) ТКО (ударци) у 2:06 рунде два

Кате Јацксон (9-2) поражен Colleen Schneider (11-8) ТКО (повреда ноге) у 5:00 округлог једног

Георгиј Караханан (27-7-1) поражен Данијел Пинеда (22-13) ТКО (Доктор застој) у 4:05 рунде два

Хенри Цорралес (14-3) поражен Noad Lahat (11-3) једногласна одлука (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)

Вадим Немков (7-2) поражен Пхилипе Линс (10-2) преко КО (ударци) у 3:03 округлог једног

Талита Ногуеира (7-0) поражен Аманда Белл (5-5) субмиссион (позади-Накед Цхоке) у 3:44 округлог једног

Рики Раинеи (13-4) поражен Marc Stevens (21-11) једногласна одлука (29-27, 29-27, 29-27)

Kristi Lopez (1-1-1) fought Jessica Sotack (1-1-1) to a split draw (29-28, 28-29, 28-28)

Мет Сецор (9-4) поражен Т.Ј. Sumler (5-6) субмиссион (Американа) у 4:00 округлог једног

Tom Regal (2-0) поражен Kastroit Xhema (1-1) преко КО (ударци) у 3:21 округлог једног

Alex Potts (1-0) поражен Брендон Полцаре (1-1) субмиссион (Кимура) у 3:10 округлог једног

Joshua Ricci (4-0) поражен Brandon Warne (1-3) једногласна одлука (29-27, 29-28, 29-28)


ЗА ОБЈАВЉИВАЊЕ ОДМАХ: Портланд, Мејн (Август 25, 2017) -Нови Енгланд Фигхтс (НЕФ) will make its long-awaited debut in Portland onПетак, Новембар 3, 2017 at Aura with “НЕФ 31: The Old Port.” Раније данас, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional mixed-martial-arts bout to the card. Јохн “Прва класа” Зрак (2-8) ће се састати Зенон “K-Bar” Херрера (0-5) at a catchweight of 150-pounds.

For John Raio, the bout will mark his return to the cage after more than two years. Raio retired following his rematch with Bruce Boyington (13-11) у јуну 2015. He has decided to make one more run at competing. Competition has been in Raio’s blood since his youth. He won a Maine state championship wrestling for Gardiner Area High School in 1995, and he went on to wrestle for Plymouth State University and the University of Southern Maine. While working for the United States Postal Service, Raio began competing in MMA in 2012. Since his retirement, Raio has concentrated on training fighters at his gym First Class MMA in Brunswick, Мејн. He has led several to championship gold in the NEF cage while working full-time at his current position with Bath Iron Works (BIW).

I’m excited to get back into the cage,” Рекао је Раи. “Two years is a long time after fighting 14 пута у три године. I’ve learned a lot about the sport in that time. Our team’s success has motivated me a lot. We have amazing fighters and instructors at our gym. The opportunity to fight in Portland, where I delivered mail for eight years, was too hard to pass up.

Zenon Herrera last competed in the NEF cage in August 2016. He has split his professional career between boxing and MMA. Херрера је војни ветеран, након што је четири године служио у војсци Сједињених Држава и пет година у Корпусу маринаца Сједињених Држава. О 3. новембра, Herrera will look to score his first win since his amateur days on the Florida MMA circuit.

It’s been a long time since last in the NEF cage for both myself and John Raio,” Саид Херрера. “This will be a great way for both of us to make a return, and I’m very much looking forward to going in with such a well classed person. John and I are both the type who will come forward and never back down. I really think this is going to be a great match that will be enjoyed by all involved.

Неф следећи мешовите борилачки догађај, “НЕФ 31: The Old Port,” will see the company debut in Portland, Maine at the brand new, state-of-the-art venue Aura. The event is scheduled to take place on Петак, Новембар 3, 2017. Улазнице су у продаји сада на ввв.аурамаине.цом.

О Нове Енглеске Бои

Име непознато Борилачки спортови Покажи, Jon Jones Busted Again, Маивеатхер вс. McGregor Previews and Predictions, Crossover Potential

Тони, Tom and Rich discuss the upcomingSuperfightin Las Vegas between Conor McGregor and Floyd Mayweather, Јр. this Saturday night. We also break down Tony’s PREDICTION. This week’s show also features our discussions on the crossover potential after this fight. Anthony Joshua and Tony Bellew both expressed interest in crossover fights. We additionally chat about Jon Jones testing positive for a steroid after UFC 215 and the upcoming Bellator card tomorrow night. We even go over the Mini May/Mac fight at Larry Flynt’s Hustler Club in Las Vegas.



ЗА ОБЈАВЉИВАЊЕ ОДМАХ: Портланд, Мејн (Август 24, 2017) -Нови Енгланд Фигхтс (НЕФ) will make its long-awaited debut in Portland onПетак, Новембар 3, 2017 at Aura with “НЕФ 31: The Old Port.” Раније данас, the fight promotion announced the addition of an amateur mixed-martial-arts bantamweight bout to the card. Хенри Кларк (3-3) Планирано је да се суочи Карл Лангстон (6-9) на тежини борбе од 135 килограма.

Henry Clark is a member of the Choi Institute based in Portland. Since his debut in the fall of 2014, Clark has been known for producing exciting moments in the NEF cage. In a memorable bout with Langston’s Young’s MMA teammate, and current NEF MMA Amateur Bantamweight Champion, Фред Лир (6-2), Clark held onto a triangle choke while Lear viciously slammed him not once but twice. He will look to break a two-fight losing streak with what Clark predicts to be a dominant performance against Langston in front of his hometown fans.

Portland is my town,” declared Clark. “О 3. новембра, I’m showing up to prove that. I’ve got a great opponent in Carl who always shows up to fight, but I’m planning on keeping it a dominant, one-sided affair. Truly my only desire is that of violence, my only intention is victory. Both will be achieved.

Like Clark, Carl Langston calls Portland home. With a background in Taekwondo, Langston has thrilled NEF fans on numerous occasions with his prolific striking abilities. He knocked out Alex Johnson (2-3) with a series of violent kicks to the body in Langston’s last NEF appearance. Langston says this will be his last amateur fight before turning professional.

This will be my last amateur fight and there isn’t any better way to go out fighting for NEF’s first card in my hometown in Portland,” stated Langston. “I’m super pumped to be part of this card! Што се тиче мог противника, he’s a good guy and I have nothing bad to say about him, but come fight time, I’m going to walk through him. He won’t make it out of the second round. He has nothing to offer me.

Неф следећи мешовите борилачки догађај, “НЕФ 31: The Old Port,” will see the company debut in Portland, Maine at the brand new, state-of-the-art venue Aura. The event is scheduled to take place on Петак, Новембар 3, 2017. Улазнице су у продаји сада на ввв.аурамаине.цом.