Kategórie Archív: MMA


Previously announced lightweight main event bout:
Enrique “Wasabi” Marin vs. Marco Antonio “La Roca” Elpidio

Tickets for “Combate Americas: La Batalla de Guadalajara” on sale

NEW YORK – October 17, 2018 – Combate Americas today announced an additional, featured bantamweight (135 libier) bout pitting Marcelo “Pitbull” Rojo (14-5) against undefeated rising star Jesse Strader (3-0) for its debut Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) event in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexiko, live in English in the U.S. and Canada on DAZN (10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m.. PT), and in Spanish in the U.S. on Univision Deportes Network (UDN) (12 a.m. ET/9 p.m. PT) v piatok, Október 26.


The star-studded live event at Complejo Nissan de Gimnasia will be headlined by a previously announced lightweight (155 libier) showdown between knockout artist Marco Antonio “La Roca” Elpidio (7-2-1) and Spanish MMA pioneer Enrique “Wasabi” Marin (11-5).


Fighting out of Cordoba, Argentína, the 30-year-old Rojo has collected an astounding 12 na 14 kariéra víťazstvo Cestou (T)KO alebo podania, and was a semi-finalist in the 2017, inaugural “COPA COMBATE” one-night, eight-man tournament.


In his last start at “Combate Estrellas II” on April 20, Rojo scored a highlight reel, Prvé kolo (2:34) knokaut (punč) na Fabian Galvan.


The 27-year-old Jesse Strader of Lancaster, Calif., USA is a ferocious striker who made his promotional debut with a unanimous decision over Nate Diaz-protégé José Aguayo na “Combate Americas: USA vs. Mexico” in Sacramento, Kalif. mája 11.


Ceny od 220.00$ MXN, tickets for “Combate Americas: La Batalla de Guadalajara,"Sú v predaji na Superboletos.com.


Monster Energy® for first time will be the official sponsor of Combate Americas; both properties share the same passion and enthusiasm that MMA fans possess. This alliance provides Monster Energy the possibility to expand its commitment to the MMA category. Monster Energy will have activations next Saturday at the capital of Jalisco with several surprises for the attendees.


Doors at Complejo Nissan de Gimnasia will open at 6 p.m. local time on October 26, a prvé predbežné zápas začne v 7 p.m.


Marco Antonio Elpidio vs Enrique Marín

Édgar Chairez vs Axel Osuna

Marcelo Rojo vs. Jesse Strader

Preliminary Bout Card:


Bantamweight: Cristian Quiñónez vs Víctor Madrigal
Atomweight: Brenda Enríquez vs Alitzel Mariscal
Catchweight (150 libier): Alejandro Martínez vs Jordan Beltrán
Ľahká váha: Leo Rodríguez vs Ramón López
Ťažká váha: Mike Villareal vs Alejandro Solórzano
Bantamweight: Mahatma García vs Federico Betancourt
Mušia: Luis Cerón vs José Alberto Martínez
Bantamweight: Guillermo Torres vs Mario Tena
Ľahká váha: Bryan Arreaga vs Marco Messi Domínguez
# # #

In The Rage…… Urs Pablo Ortmann

SAINT PETERSBURG, Rusko (Október 16, 2018) – Neporazený švajčiarsky záujemca vo welterovej váhe Urs Pablo Ortmann (8-0-0, M-1: 2-0-0) v triede v novembri 2 vyzvať ruského veterána Sergey Romanov (14-3-0, M-1: 5-2-0) na M-1 Challenge 98 Chelyabinsk, Rusko.




Neporazený šampión strednej váhy M-1 Challenge Artem Frolov (11-0-0, M-1: 9-0-0) proti brazílskemu vyzývateľovi Bruno BlindadoSilva (18-6-0, M-1: 1-0-0) v M-1 Challenge 98 Hlavnou udalosťou.


M-1 Challenge 98 bude vysielané z Ruska vo vysokom rozlíšení dňawww.M1Global.TV. Diváci budú mať možnosť sledovať predbežné bojuje a hlavné kartu prihlásenie k registrácii na www.M1Global.TV. Fanúšikovia môžu sledovať všetky akcie na svojich počítačoch, rovnako ako na Android a Apple chytré telefóny a tablety. M-1 Challenge 97 bude k dispozícii aj nawww.FITE.TV (predbežná karta je zadarmo, $7.99 pre hlavnú kartu).




Ortman, špecialista na Muay Thai, nedávno vstúpil do The Rage, aby diskutoval o svojej vzostupnej kariére zmiešaných bojových umení, vrátane jeho boja proti Romanovovi:


urs pavel, máš dvojité meno, ako ťa volajú tvoji priatelia?




Ste tam: “Moji priatelia ma volajú len Urs a Pablo je moje bojové meno. Skôr bol rozdiel medzi skutočným ja a mojím bojujúcim alter egom; keď som vkročil do klietky, bol som divoký. Dnes je to iné, teraz sa všemožne snažím zostať v pokoji, keď bojujem. Mojím cieľom je teraz zostať efektívny a demonštrovať techniky čo najjasnejším spôsobom.”


Ako ste začali svoju kariéru MMA a čo sa vám na boji páči najviac?




Ste tam: “Vlastne, Kariéru bojových umení som zahájil, až keď som sa otočil 21. Predtým som hrával basketbal. Na 21, Gabriel Sabo mi pomohol vstúpiť do bojového sveta. Spočiatku, Nechystal som sa súťažiť, ale môj tréner, Zyber Ruday, videl môj potenciál a pomohol mi rásť. Milujem štrajkujúci a bojujúci. Vo svojej kariére mám viac víťazstiev v podaní, len kvôli tomu, že som cítil, že som na zemi lepší ako moji súperi.”


Čo nám môžete povedať o MMA vo Švajčiarsku? Kto je najvýraznejší bojovník?




Ste tam: “Yasubey Enomoto je pre mňa vzorom v MMA a mojím dobrým priateľom. MMA sa v poslednej dobe rýchlo rozvíja vo Švajčiarsku, ale popularita sa stále nedá porovnať s tým, čo vidíme v Rusku. Každopádne, takmer v každom meste sú telocvične MMA a majú veľa bojovníkov s potenciálom.”


Ako ste sa dostali k M-1 Global a ako sa vám páčia boje v Rusku?




Ste tam: “Pred nástupom do spoločnosti M-1 Global som už bol raz v Rusku v bitke v horách v Ingušsku, Miloval som to a mojím cieľom bolo bojovať pred týmto úžasným davom proti niektorým špičkovým súperom.




“Pracoval som veľmi tvrdo a vyhral som všetky svoje MMA, Boje K-1 a Muay Thai, takže sa o mňa začal zaujímať First MMA Management, a veľmi skoro po podpise zmluvy s nimi som dostal svoj prvý zápas v M-1 Global. Považujem za vynikajúce, že MMA má v Rusku taký rešpekt a že je podporované na tak vysokej úrovni, že na niektorých podujatiach môžete vidieť aj prezidenta. Mám skvelé skúsenosti s ruskými fanúšikmi, ktorí sú veľmi úctiví. Po mojich zápasoch som videl, že tomuto športu naozaj dobre rozumejú, takže milujem bojovať v Rusku.”


S kým by ste najradšej bojovali v M-1 Global?




Ste tam: “Rád by som bojoval Alexey Kunchenko. Videl som veľa jeho zápasov a bola by to pre mňa ťažká výzva. Som šťastný, že podpísal zmluvu s UFC a dúfam, že jedného dňa ho budem môcť nasledovať.”


Čo si myslíte o svojom nadchádzajúcom zápase proti Sergejovi Kunčenkovi??




Ste tam: “Sergey Romanov je jedným z najnebezpečnejších welterov na zozname M-1 Global. Vo svojom poslednom boji urobil niekoľko chýb a povedal by som, že iba porazil sám seba. Fanúšikovia M-1 Global budú náš boj milovať a som si istý, že víťaz by sa mal stať ďalším uchádzačom o titul. Predpokladám, že víťaz bude čeliť Maxim grabovať v boji o uvoľnený titul.





“Viem, že to bude tvrdý boj. Vyraďovacie víťazstvo by bolo úžasné, ale som otvorený každej príležitosti dokončiť tento boj. Ako vždy, Začnem tlačiť svojho súpera od úvodného zvončeka.”










Neštebotajú & Instagram:



@ M1GlobalNews

@ M1Global








Nadchádzajúce udalosti výzvy M-1:



November. 2 – M-1 Challenge 98: Frolov vs.. Silva v Čeľabinsku, Rusko

Titulný zápas MMA v ťažkej váhe Titulky FFC 32. TENTO PIATOK V LAS VEGAS

Shelton Graves sa ujal Tonyho Johnsona na šampionáte FFC MMA v ťažkej váhe

LAS VEGAS, NV, (Október. 16, 2018) – Final Fight Championship nadväzuje na svoj historický debut v Las Vegas (dňa X. 12th) s bojom o titul MMA v ťažkej váhe okt. 19th. “FFC 32” bude bojová karta typu all-MMA s niektorými z najtalentovanejších umelcov zmiešaných bojových umení v krajine, a za.




Pri strete medzi dvoma hladnými tlmičmi ťažkej váhy, Shelton “Hrobár” Graves (8-3-0), Baltimore, MD bude čeliť Tony “Hulk” Johnson (11-4-1), Nashville, TN V hlavnej udalosti “FFC 32”, ktorá sa koná v piatok, Október. 19th vo Fight Dome Las Vegas v Riu Las Vegas. Graves a Johnson budú bojovať o voľný titul FFC MMA v ťažkej váhe.




V noci hlavná udalosť, bude to ďalší bash medzi skúsenými zápasníkmi v ťažkej váhe, Rodney Wallace (26-16-1), Bamberg, SC, a Carl Seumanutafa (11-8-0), San Francisco, AKO, veteránsky muay thai konkurent a podstatný knockout umelec.




Vo welterovej váhe, Edmilson Freitas (7-2-0), Manaus, Amazonka, Brazília berie na Austin Vanderford (5-0-0), Portland, OR. Branko Busick (2-1-0), Steubenville, OH bitky Ivan Erslan (6-0-0), Záhreb, Chorvátsko v ľahkej váhe, a v ľahkej divízii, Adam Smith (11-9-0), Langley, WA boja Brandon recepty (8-2-0), Chlapec, AKO, zaokrúhliť hlavnú kartu.




“FFC 32” sa bude vysielať na CBS Sports Network, piatok večer, Október. 19, ďalšie informácie nájdete v miestnych zoznamoch.




Počas nedoplatkovej časti večera, welterweight Javahn Matthews, West Linn, OR bude debutovať profík, keď bude čeliť Jordan Christensen, Las Vegas, NV.




V ich najnovšej udalosti, “FFC 31 Night of Champions”, Final Fight Championship sa zapísal do histórie ako prvá spoločnosť na podporu bojových športov, ktorá ponúka tri rôzne disciplíny (box, kickbox a MMA) v jednej bojovej karte, všetky boje boli o titul.




Vstupenky sú k dispozícii v ktorejkoľvek pokladni Las Vegas Caesars Entertainment, na telefónnom čísle 702-777-2782 alebo 855-234-7469 alebo on-line na Ticketmaster.com. Pre skupiny 10 alebo viac hovorov 866-574-3851 alebo e-mailom EntertainmentGroupSales@Caesars.com.




Pre viac informácií o Final Fight Championship, navštívte finalfightchampion.com, Facebook na Facebooku.com/FFCFighting, a sledujte na Instagrame / Twitteri @FFCFighting.









LOS ANGELES – The Finals of the Bellator Heavyweight World Grand Prix will see the greatest heavyweight of all time Fedor Emelianenko (38-5, 1 NC) meet current light heavyweight champ Ryan Bader (26-5) for the Bellator world heavyweight title. The dream matchup takes place on Saturday, Január 26 at the “Fabulous” Forum in Inglewood, Kalif.




Vstupenky na Bellator: Fedor vs. Bader go on sale to the general public starting Friday, Október. 19 na 10 a.m. PT and can be purchased at the Forum box office, as well as Bellator.com and Ticketmaster.com. A special Bellator Nation presale will take place Wednesday, Október. 17 and Thursday, Október. 18. The event will be broadcast live and free on Paramount Network at 9 p.m. ET / 8 p.m.. CT and will be simulcast live on DAZN. Preliminary action will stream on Bellator.com and globally on the Bellator Mobile App. Additional bouts will be announced in the coming weeks.




Fighting out of Stary Oskol, Belgorod Oblast, Rusko, Fedor Emelianenko enters the Heavyweight World Grand Prix Finals on the heels of consecutive first-round knockouts over Chael Sonnen a Frank Mir in the tourney’s semifinals and opening round, príslušne. A former PRIDE FC Heavyweight Champion and PRIDE 2004 Heavyweight World Grand Prix Champion, “The Last Emperor” is now one win away from claiming Bellator gold. Often referred to as “The GOAT” by fans around the world, his career resume stands as one of the most impressive in the history of the sport with victories over AntônioRodrigo Nogueira, Mirko Cro Cop, Mark Hunt, Mark Coleman and Andrei Arlovski, aby sme vymenovali aspoň niektoré. S 29 career victories ending via finish, the punching power and world-class Sambo of the stoic Russian could result in yet another accolade in his illustrious career.




Attempting to become a simultaneous two-division titleholder, Ryan Bader’s path to the rare achievement is nearly complete. In his quest to earn the moniker of “Champ-Champ” and cement his status in the pound-for-pound standings, the Reno, Nev.-native KO’d “King Mo” Lawal v 15 seconds and later dominated matt Mitrione in the Semifinals of the Heavyweight World Grand Prix. Fighting out of Gilbert, Ariz., the former two-time NCAA Division I All-American wrestler from Arizona State University began his professional career with a 12-fight unbeaten streak and by winning season eight of The Ultimate Fighter. “Darth” continued his path of dominance by collecting victories over some of the 205-pound division’s top talent, including wins over former world champions “Rampage” Jackson, Rashad Evans, Phil Davis and Rafael “Feijão” Cavalcante, as well as Ovince Saint Preux, Vinny Magalhães and Linton Vassell.


Aktualizované Bellator: Fedor vs. Bader boj Card:


Heavyweight World Grand Prix Finals Main Event: Fedor Emelianenko (38-5, 1 NC) proti. Ryan Bader (26-5)



*Karta s výhradou zmeny




Prosím, navštívte Bellator.com Pre viac informácií.


Portland, Maine (Október 15, 2018) - New England zápasu (NEF) will hold its final mixed-martial-arts event of 2018, “NEF 36: Battle for the Gold,” v sobotu, November 17 AL KINANI Urobí PROFESIONÁLNY DEBUT NA NEF, Maine. Dneska, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional cruiserweight championship bout to the card. The Jamaican ShamrockRasRasquatchHylton(3-1) will meet undefeated Yorgan De Castro (2-0) to crown the first-ever NEF Professional Cruiserweight Champion.

The fight will officially give birth to the brand-new NEF cruiserweight division. This bout, as well as future bouts in the weight class, will take place at the 225-pound limit. Divízia, which sits between light-heavyweight and heavyweight, was approved as an official weight class for MMA by the Association of Boxing Commissions at their annual conference in July 2017. NEF will be one of the first promotions in the country to institute a cruiserweight division.

The adoption of new weight classes at the highest levels of the sport in order to account for the wide gaps in the current championship class structure is inevitable—we’re just getting there first,” povedal NEF spolumajiteľ a dohadzovač Matt Peterson. “There’s no more perfect way to usher in this new era of the 225-pound weight class than with a championship fight on the year-end “Battle for the Gold” show between two high-caliber, hungry opponents that NEF fans are very familiar with. This action-packed event was tailor made to include this breakthrough boutit’s just one more element to an already blistering card. Fans can be certain that they will get their money’s worth on November 17th.

Ras Hylton will return to the NEF cage after nearly a year-and-a-half absence. He is a five-fight veteran of the NEF cage where he is undefeated with three wins as an amateur and two as a professional. Vlani v auguste, Hylton knocked out veteran Eric Bedard (6-8) in Rhode Island with a single elbow strike after absorbing a barrage of shots from Bedard that had little-to-no effect. Standing at a towering 6’6,Hylton holds a black belt in Taekwondo. He trains with both First Class MMA in Brunswick, Maine and Dragon Fire Martial Arts of South Portland.

“I’m ecstatic about the response to my FaceTime call to action, and that I get to kick off my cruiserweight run back home,” said Hylton. “I’ve spoken at length about my dream to elevate the draw and excitement to see the heavier divisions, so I thank (NEF owners) Matt Peterson and Nick DiSalvo for working with me again, and launching the title here with NEF! Yorgan is a good strong fighter with heavy hands that I saw work against my best friend Nick Gulliver in another belt war. Now I move to follow ‘The Guardian’sexample, and keep the inaugural strap right here in Maine. Thanks for staying with us everyone!"

As Hylton noted, this will not be the first time Yorgan De Castro has come to Maine looking to take gold back with him to Massachusetts. De Castro faced Hylton’s teammate Nick Gulliver for the NEF Amateur Heavyweight Title in a losing effort atNEF 26almost two years to the day he will fight Hylton.

I’m very excited to become the first 225-pound NEF champion,” said De Castro. “We will be sure to put on a great show for the fans. I’ve been through some very dark moments in my all life and on November 17 I’ll make sure I bring all my demons with me and Ras will have to deal with them. This fight will be absolutely epic.

A native of Portugal now residing in the fighting city of Brockton, Massachusetts, De Castro has had success to date in his professional career. He has finished both of his previous opponents via technical knockout at light-heavyweight. For fighters like De Castro and Hylton, the creation of a cruiserweight division in NEF opens a new realm of career possibilities that did not exist before. De Castro was one of the first individual to respond positively to Hylton’s Face Time video calling for the creation of a cruiserweight division.

I’m excited to make my NEF debut as a professional fighter in the inaugural cruiserweight division,” De Castro continued. “This is a huge opportunity for fighters and I’m looking to make my mark in that division. I have nothing but respect for Ras—he’s a class act man and very tough—but he has never faced a more dedicated and focused Yorgan and on November 17, I’ll be victorious and write my name in NEF history.

Nef budúci udalosť zmiešaných bojových umení, “NEF 36: Battle for the Gold,” will see the company make its return to Aura in Portland, Maine. The event is scheduled to take place Saturday, November 17, 2018 with a bell time of 7 popoludní. Vstupenky sú už v predaji v www.AuraMaine.com.



Full Fight Photos Here | Video Highlights Here


kompletné Bellator 208 Hlavné Card:

Fedor Emelianenko (38-5, 1 NC) porazený Chael Sonnen (30-16-1) cez TKO (údery) na 4:46 okrúhleho jedného

Benson Henderson (26-8) porazený Tie Awad (23-10) via jednomyseľným rozhodnutím (30-27, 30-26, 30-26)

Cheick Kongo (29-10-2) porazený Timothy Johnson (12-5) cez KO (údery) na 1:08 okrúhleho jedného

Anatoly Tokov (27-2) porazený Alexander Shlemenko (56-12, 1 NC) via jednomyseľným rozhodnutím (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Henry Corrales (16-3 porazený Andy Main (12-4-1, 1 NC) cez KO (údery) na 2:08 na treťom kole


Predbežné Card:

Jeremy Puglia (1-1) porazený Eric Olsen (0-2) cez TKO (údery) na 3:16 okrúhleho jedného

Dennis Buzukja (1-0) porazený Ryan Castro (0-2) cez KO (údery) na 2:53 okrúhleho jedného

Andrews Rodriguez (1-0) porazený Mike Diorio (1-3) via jednomyseľným rozhodnutím (30-27, 20-27, 30-27)

Zarrukh Adashev (1-1) porazený Christian Medina (0-2) cez TKO (štrajku) na 1:08 okrúhleho jedného

Jennifer Chieng (1-0) porazený Jessica Ruiz (0-1) cez TKO (údery) na 1:22 okrúhleho jedného

David Meshkhoradze (1-0) porazený Shaquan Moore (0-1) cez delené rozhodnutie (30-27, 30-27, 28-29)

Tommy Espinosa (6-1) porazený Sukhrob Aydarbekov (5-4) via predloženia (Armbar) na 1:27 okrúhleho jedného

Nick Fiore (3-3) porazený Jerome Mickle (3-7) via jednomyseľným rozhodnutím (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)


Oficiálne výsledky
(všetky obrázky s povolením Final Fight Championship)

LAS VEGAS, NV, (Október. 14, 2018) – Debut úplne nového Fight Dome Las Vegas priniesol v piatok večer výbušnú noc ohňostrojov v hoteli a kasíne Rio All-Suite.. “FFC 31 Night of Champions” bola určite noc na zapamätanie.




“Scorpion Sting” Mladen Brestovac vydal nočný knokaut, s pľuzgierovým vysokým ľavým kopom do hlavy Jhonaty Dinizovej v dvojminútovej značke kola 3.




Brestovac po ľavom kope ochrannej známky poslal Diniza, ktorý narazil na plátno. S víťazstvom, Brestovac si zachováva titul FFC v odbore heavyweight kickboxu a vylepšuje si svoj rekord (55-14-1.). Diniz, ktorý bol agresorom väčšiny bojov a predviedol svoj vzrušujúci štýl vystupovania, klesá na (16-6-0.)




Brestovac si udržal titul FFC v kickboxe v ťažkej váhe




shkodran “Albánsky bojovník” Šťasný (83-18-1) vyhral titul FFC Welterweight Kickboxing so zastavením 4. kola KO vs. Francois “Bang Bang” Prah (18-8-1). Séria pevných úderov Veseliho otriasla Ambangom a poslala ho na koleno 1:23 známka kola číslo štyri.




V boxovej časti večer, Shawn Miller, Tróje, NY (19-4-1) získal vo svojom desaťkolovom boji o titul s Dennisom jednomyseľné rozhodnutie víťazstvo “Mongoose” Morris (14-3-1). Miller zvíťazil o skóre 100-90, 97-93, 97-93, vyslúžil si Majstrovstvá sveta WBU v krížovej váhe.




Na majstrovstvách FFC MMA welterweight, Ben Egli splnil svoju povesť umelca podriaďujúceho sa odborníkovi tým, že v obchode udusil Roberta Nevesa 3:21 značka v prvom kole. Egli vyhral boj zadným nahým tlmivkou, niečo, čo počas svojej kariéry v Pro MMA urobil celkovo päťkrát. Víťazstvo v šampionáte prináša Egliho rekord (11-2-0) zatiaľ čo Neves padá k (10-3-0).




“FFC 31 Night of Champions” bol vysielaný naživo na CBS Sports Network a udalosť sa zapísala do histórie ako Final Fight Championship, jedna z najrýchlejšie rastúcich spoločností na podporu bojového športu na svete, sa stala prvou propagačnou spoločnosťou, ktorá usporiadala multidisciplinárne podujatie (Box, Kickbox a MMA) v histórii Las Vegas.


kompletné “FFC 31 Night of Champions” výsledky nižšie:




Oficiálne výsledky



Ben He (11-2-0), Portland, Oregon

Vyhrajte Submission Rear Naked Choke, 3:25 Rd 1

Roberto Neves (10-4-0), Sao Palo, Brazília

(Egli vyhral titul FFC Welterweight)



Shawn Miller (19-4-1, 7 KO), Troy, NY

Vyhrajte UD 10 Rds (100-90, 97-93, 97-93)

Dennis Morris (14-3-1, 12 KO), Milwaukee, WI

(Miller vyhral titul WBU Cruiserweight)





Mladen Brestovac (55-14-1), Majster, Záhreb, Chorvátsko

Vyhrajte KO (Head Kick), 2:00 Rd 3

Jhonata Diniz (16-6-0), Curitiba, Brazília

(Brestovac si ponecháva titul FFC v ťažkej váhe)


Shkodran Veseli (83-18-1), Zürich, Švajčiarsko

Vyhrajte KO (Dierovačky), 1:23 Rd 4

Francoisov prah (18-8-1), Mechanicsville, VA

(Veseli vyhral titul FFC Welterweight)




Full Fight Photos Here


kompletné Bellator 207: Mitrione vs. Bader Výsledky:

Ryan Bader (25-5) porazený matt Mitrione (13-5) via jednomyseľným rozhodnutím (30-25, 30-24, 30-25)

Sergei Kharitonov (29-7-1, 1 NC) porazený Roy Nelson (23-16) cez KO (knees) na 4:59 okrúhleho jedného

Lorenz Larkin (20-7, 1 NC) porazený ion Pascu (18-9) via jednomyseľným rozhodnutím (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

Corey Browning (4-2) porazený Baby Slice (3-2) cez TKO (údery) na 2:08 z bicykla dvoch

Mandel Nallo (7-0) porazený Carrington Banks (7-2) cez KO (koleno) na :57 z bicykla dvoch

Predbežné výsledky karty:

Mike Kimbel (2-0) porazený Alex Potts (1-1) cez KO (punč) na :06 okrúhleho jedného

Janay Harding (4-4) porazený Sinead Kavanagh (5-3) cez TKO (lekára zastavenie) na 5:00 okrúhleho jedného

Andre Fialho (10-1) porazený Javier Torres (10-5, 1 NC) väčšinovo rozhodnutí (28-28, 29-28, 29-28)

Sarah Click (2-2) porazený Kristi Lopez (2-1-1) via jednomyseľným rozhodnutím (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Vinicius de Jesus (6-2) porazený Tim Caron (9-3) via jednomyseľným rozhodnutím (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)

Alexandra Ballou (1-0) porazený Lisa Blaine (2-1) cez TKO (lakte) na 3:28 na treťom kole

Pat Casey (4-0) porazený Kastriot Xhema (2-2, 1 NC) via jednomyseľným rozhodnutím (30-26, 30-26, 30-26)

Kemran Lachinov (7-2) porazený Sean Lally (8-4) via jednomyseľným rozhodnutím (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)





Brent Primus Defends Lightweight Title Against Michael Chandler in Long-Awaited Main Event Rematch to Kick Off Honolulu Doubleheader


LOS ANGELES – To honor the brave men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces, Bellator MMA has partnered with the USO to present a special live event free for the troops, along with their friends and families, decembra 14.



“Having worked with the Army Combatives Program to evaluate and update their combat readiness, I have long respected the military and their courage,” said Royce Gracie, MMA Legend and Bellator Ambassador. “When I found out we were doing an event in Hawaii, knowing the large military population there, I knew we had to show our support and appreciation through MMA.”




Bellator President Scott Coker is proud of this new relationship with USO and is eager to show his support to the brave service men and women.




“The USO is a historic military support organizationnot just in entertainment but in connecting them back to the things they love and fight for,"Povedal Coker. “It made perfect sense for Bellator to establish a relationship with the USO and provide a unique opportunity to Hawaii’s military population. We appreciate their service to the nation, and we hope this is just the first of many opportunities for us to work together.”




Emanating from the Neal S. Blaisdell Arena in Honolulu, this unique show will be headlined by a title fight featuring current lightweight champ Brett Primus (8-0) against two-time former titlist Michael Chandler (18-4), while heavyweight icon Frank Mir (18-12) spĺňa Javy Ayala (10-7) in a heavyweight clash.

Bellator and USO Present: Salute the Troops will air on Paramount Network on Friday, December 14 na 10 p.m. ET/9 p.m. CT and will be simulcast on CMT. The event will also stream LIVE on DAZN, while preliminary bouts will stream on Bellator.com and globally on the Bellator Mobile App. Dodatočné záchvaty budú oznámené v najbližších týždňoch.




Reigning champ Brent Primus puts both his title and undefeated streak on the line in a highly anticipated rematch for the Bellator lightweight title. After upsetting Chandler last year, the Eugene, Ore.-native has since battled injuries that have delayed his return to the cage. Teraz, he looks to silence the critics and prove that he is the rightful and deserving 155-pound champion. One of the most-decorated fighters in Bellator history, Michael Chandler has plans to reclaim the championship and become a three-time titleholder. “Iron” has defeated a who’s who among the division’s elite, počítajúc v to Benson

Henderson, Patrickom Pitbull (x2), Yamauchi up and Eddie Alvarez. The former University of Missouri wrestler, who now calls Nashville home, has earned his way back to No. 1-contender status with his sights set on leaving Hawaii with the belt.




Former UFC heavyweight champ Frank Mir returns to the Bellator cage following his exciting back-and-forth battle with Fedor Emelianenko last spring. With career wins over Roy Nelson, Antonio “Big Nog” Nogueira (x2), Brock Lesnar and Mirko Cro Cop, the Brazilian jiu-jitsu black belt looks for another impressive victory to add to his illustrious career. After shocking the world when he KO’d Sergei Kharitonov, Javy Ayala become an overnight sensation to MMA fans. Known to fans as “Eye Candy,” the heavyweight has also impressively defeated Eric Prindle and Raphael Butler. Fighting out of Porterville, Calif., Ayala returns hoping to yet again shock the world and defeat one of the greatest heavyweights in MMA history.




This unforgettable night will be part of an historic weekend culminating with the previously announced Bellator Hawaii v sobotu, December 15, airing exclusively on DAZN. This highly-anticipated fight card includes Bellator women’s flyweight champ Ilima-Lei Macfarlane defending her title against Valto jerie Létourneau, Lyoto Machida making his Bellator debut against former champ Rafael Carvalho, Neiman Gracie prevzatie A Ruth in an opening round matchup in the Bellator Welterweight World Grand Prix and much more.



Bellator and the USO will also partner for a week of special events in Hawaii leading up to the big weekend of exciting fights on December 14 a 15. More details to come soon.


Aktualizované Bellator and USO Present: Salute the Troops boj Card:

Lightweight World Title Main Event: Brent Primus (8-0) proti. Michael Chandler (18-4)

Heavyweight Main Card Bout: Frank Mir (18-12) proti. Javy Ayala (10-7)


*Karta s výhradou zmeny




Prosím, navštívte Bellator.com a USO.org Pre viac informácií.


Portland, Maine (Október 11, 2018) - New England zápasu (NEF) will hold its final mixed-martial-arts event of 2018, “NEF 36: Battle for the Gold,” v sobotu, November 17 AL KINANI Urobí PROFESIONÁLNY DEBUT NA NEF, Maine. Dneska, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional lightweight championship bout to the card. “The” Ryan Sanders (17-9) is scheduled to defend the NEF Professional Lightweight Title against Jacob “Jaguár” Bohn (7-5).

It is only fitting that the lightweight championship will be defended at the top of the card titledBattle for the Gold.The NEF 155-pound strap is the most-coveted in all of New England. It has been known as the jumping off point for many athletes from the regional scene onto the national level of the sport. Current UFC competitor Devin Powell (9-3) held the title just prior to signing with the world’s biggest MMA promotion. Desmond “predator” Green (21-8), also currently on the UFC roster, signed with Bellator just days after winning the NEF lightweight belt in 2013. And Bruce “Pretty Boy” Boyington (16-11), another of the NEF 155-pound titleholders, went on to compete nationally for the World Series of Fighting.

Despite holding such a prestigious regional championship, the fight opportunities at lightweight for Ryan Sanders have been few and far between. To say it has been frustrating for him and his coaches at Young’s MMA would be a major understatement. Sanders has called out virtually every top 155-pound competitor in the New England region, but none have been brave enough to step in the cage with him. Even the casual observer cannot really blame them. Sanders literally tore current Glory Kickboxing signee Vince McGuiness’ (5-8) arm out of its socket earlier this year atNEF 34and then followed-up that performance with a dominant submission win over Mando Montoya (10-7) na “NEF 35” minulý mesiac.

I was sitting around, eating my feelings because I was convinced that there was no one that would fight me,” said Sanders. “Ale (NEF owners) Vrub (DiSalvo) and Matt (Peterson) went out of New England where I assume there are less cowards and found a quality opponent in Jacob. I look forward to methodically breaking Jacob, showing my ever improving skill set and defending my lightweight belt. I have the mindset and work ethic to be the greatest fighter that has ever come out of Maine and on November 17, I will show why I am ready for the next level.

Jacob Bohn, based out of Waterville, New York, is coming off two big wins in lightweight bouts earlier this year. He defeated longtime veteran Kenny Foster (12-13) via split decision on a card in Long Island, New York. Bohn went on to submit Lewis Corapi (8-4) in the first round of a bout in Rhode Island this past summer.

I’m excited to visit Maine and can’t wait to make my NEF debut against Ryan Sanders for the lightweight belt,” stated Bohn when reached for comment. “I only take fights that I think will take me to the next level, and Sanders looks like a game opponent. Get ready for a show New England, I’m coming for that strap!”

Nef budúci udalosť zmiešaných bojových umení, “NEF 36: Battle for the Gold,” will see the company make its return to Aura in Portland, Maine. The event is scheduled to take place Saturday, November 17, 2018 with a bell time of 7 popoludní. Vstupenky sú už v predaji v www.AuraMaine.com.

O New England bojuje

New England Boje ("NEF") je boj akcie propagácie firmy. Poslaním NEF je vytvárať podujatia najvyššej kvality pre bojovníkov aj fanúšikov. Vo formáte NEF výkonný tím má rozsiahle skúsenosti v oblasti riadenia bojové športy, Výroba udalosti, media relations, marketing, právne a reklama.