Kategórie Archív: MMA

M-1 Challenge 105 Official Results & Obrázky

Sergej Morozov zostáva

Titul M-1 Challenge v bantamovej váhe

Assu Almabaev rozrušuje

Chris Kelades zajal dočasnú korunu mušej váhy M-1 Challenge

OPATROVATEĽKA, Kazachstan (Október 20, 2019) - Kazašská sila bola vystavená včeraM-1 Challenge 105, v Nur-Sultan, Kazachstan, v ktorých vyhrali päť zo šiestich súbojov, vrátane dvojice titulov M-1 Challenge, a remíza.

V hlavnej udalosti a odvete, Sergey Morozov (16-4), Kazachstanu, odrazil amerického vyzývateľaJosh „Finisher“ Rettinghouse (16-5), získal päťkolové jednomyseľné rozhodnutie o úspešnej obhajobe svojho titulu M-1 Challenge v bantamovej váhe.

Morozov zvíťazil vo svojom piatom postupovom a šiestom súboji vo svojich posledných siedmich zápasoch od pôvodného zápasu a prehry s Rettinghouse. Morozov získal titul M-1 Challenge v bantamovej váhe vlani v júni o hM-1 Challenge 102, tak sa konalo v Nur-Sultane, keď prestal predtým neporazenýAlexander Osetrov vo štvrtom kole.

Almabaev (11-2), bojujúcich z Kazachstanu, bola pre jeho krajana pomerne neskorá náhrada, bývalý dočasný šampión v mušej váhe M-1 ChallengeArman Ashimov, ktorý bol nútený stiahnuť sa pre zranenie utrpené počas výcvikového tábora.

Zlepšuje svoj globálny rekord M-1 na 3-0, Almabaev prijal päťkolové jednomyseľné rozhodnutie Keladesa, ktorý robil svoju prvú obhajobu titulu. Almabaev sa umiestnil na zúčtovaní s nespochybniteľným zoznamom titulov mušej váhy M-1 ChallengeAlexander Doskalchuk, ktorý sa zotavuje zo zranenia.

Tiež bojuje na hlavnej karte, bývalý majster svetla M-1 ChallengeArtem Damkovsky (23-11), Bieloruska, získal trojkolové jednomyseľné rozhodnutie nad RuskomVladimír Kanunnikov(9-2), Brazílska ľahká váhaMichel „Sassarito“ Silva (22-8-1) zaznamenal technický knokaut ruštinyKhamzat Dalgiev (11-3), pomocou útoku zem-a-libra, a kazašská welterová váhaIsatay Temirov (6-1-1) a ruskýDanila Prikaza (12-3-2) bojoval na trojkolovú rozdelenú remízu.

Sudcovia na tejto vysoko konkurenčnej karte ako ôsmi pracovali nadčasy 12 záchvaty išli na celú vzdialenosť, vrátane dvoch remíz a troch rozhodnutí o rozdelení. Ešte raz, M-1 Global predstavil skutočnú medzinárodnú udalosť s 11 rôzne krajiny zastúpené v The Rage: Kazachstan, Spojené štáty americké, Kanada, Bielorusko, Rusko, Brazília, Kirgizsko, Kuba, Azerbajdžan, Švédsko a Gruzínsko.

Brazílska bantamová váharafael Dias (16-5-1) hranami predtým neporazenýZalkarbek Zarlyk Uulu (3-1) prostredníctvom rozdeleného rozhodnutia o undercard, zatiaľ čo švédska welterweightPer Franklin (9-5-1) aGadzhibaba Gadzhibabajev (3-0-1) bojovali o delenú remízu.

Kazašský mušíOpravený Zhusupov (8-2) prijal jednomyseľné rozhodnutie z ruštinyGleb Khabibullin (4-1), Ruská welterweightMagomedkamil “Junior” Malikov (7-1) zastavil brazílsky veteránRubenilton „Rubinho“ Pereira (20-8) na razidlách v druhom kole, a ruská ťažká váhaJurij Fedorov (3-2) použil gilotínovú tlmivku na porazenie KubáncaMichel Batista (4-2) v úvodnom kole.

Kazachovia zvíťazili v úvodných dvoch nájazdoch noci na predbežne overdcard: ľahká váhaAzamat "Azu" Markabaev (3-3) predložil gruzínskyBeqa Gogoladze (0-2) v druhom kole so zadným nahým sýtičom, a mušej hmotnostiZhuman „Arian“ Zhgumabekov (8-4) rozhodol pro-debutovať KirgizskoRuslan Kudaiberdirev (0-1).

Oficiálne výsledky nižšie:



Sergey Morozov (16-4, M-1: 10-3), Kazachstan


Josh Oprava domu, (16-5, M-1: 4-1), Spojené štáty americké

(Morozov si udržal titul M-1 Challenge v bantamovej váhe)


Assu Almabaev, (11-2, M-1: 3-0), Kazachstan


Chris Kelades (14-5, M-1: 3-2), Kanada

(Almabaev získal dočasný titul v mušej váhe pre M-1 Challenge)


Artem Damkovsky (23-11, M-1: 14-8), Bielorusko


Vladimír Kanunnikov (9-2, M-1: 0-2), Rusko

Michel silva (22-8-1, M-1: 4-3), Brazília

WTKO1 (1:48 - zem & libra)

Khamzat Dalgiev (11-3, M-1: 8-3), Rusko

Super-velterová váha

Isatay Temirov (6-1-1, M-1: 1-0-1), Kazachstan


Danila Prikaza (12-3-2, M-1: 8-4), Rusko


Ťažké váhy

Jurij Fedorov 3-2, M-1: 3-1), Rusko

WSUB1 (Gilotína sýtiča)

Michel Batista (4-2, M-1: 0-1), Kuba cestou USA

Super-velterová váha

Magomedkamil Malikov (7-1, M-1: 4-1), Rusko

WTKO2 (1:21)

Rubenilton Pereira (20-8, M-1: 4-5), Brazília


Gadzhibaba Gadzhibabajev (3-0-1, M-1: 1-0-1), Azerbajdžan


Per Franklin (9-5-1, M-1: 0-0-1), Švédsko


Opravený Zhusupov (8-2, M-1: 3-0), Kazachstan


Gleb khabibullan (4-1, M-1: 2-1), Rusko


rafael Dias (16-6-1, M-1: 2-2-1), Brazília


Zalkarbek Zarlyk Uulu (3-1, M-1: 0-1), Kirgizsko



Azamat Markabaev (4-2, M-1: 1-0), Kazachstan

WSUB2 (Zadný tlmivka - 2:48)

Beqa Gogoladze (0-2, M-1: 0-1), Georgia


Zhuman Zhumabekov (8-4, M-1:10-0), Kazachstan


Ruslan Kudaiberdirev (0-1, M-1: 0-1), Kirgizsko




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Oficiálne výsledky & FOTKY PRE BELLATOR MILAN, Bellator 230 A Bellator Kickboxing 12

Kompletné fotografie z Fight Night tu

Bellator 230: Carvalho vs. Nemkov boj Card:

Vadim Nemkov (11-2) porazený Rafael Carvalho (16-4) via predloženia (zadné nahý tlmivka) na 3:56 z bicykla dvoch

Dragos Zubco (3-1) porazený Hesdy Gerges (0-2) via jednomyseľným rozhodnutím (29-28 x3)

Kirill Sidelnikov (12-6) porazený Domingos Barros (6-1) via jednomyseľným rozhodnutím (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)

Walter Pugliesi (5-2) porazený Andrea Fusi (8-5) via jednomyseľným rozhodnutím (30-27 x3)

Nicolo Solli (3-0) porazený A Cassell (4-4-1) via predloženia (trojuholník tlmivka) na 3:15 okrúhleho jedného

Bellator Milan: Manhoef vs. Našťastie boj Card:

Melvin Manhoef (32-14-1, 2 NC) porazený Yannick Bahati (9-5, 1 NC) cez KO (štrajku) na 2:29 okrúhleho jedného

Alessio Sakar (24-13, 2 NC) porazený Canaan Grigsby (8-8) cez TKO (štrajku) na 0:23 okrúhleho jedného

Stefano Paterno (13-3-1) porazený Ashley Reece (8-2) jednomyseľné rozhodnutie (30-27, 29-27, 29-27)

Rafael Macedo (10-4, 1 NC) porazený Kane Mousah (12-3) cez delené rozhodnutie (30-27, 29-28, 28-29)

Bellator Kickboxing 12: Varga vs.. Faustino boj Card:

Gabriel Varga (18-6) porazený Cristian Faustino (31-12-2) via jednomyseľným rozhodnutím (50-45 x3) o udržanie titulu Bellator Kickboxing muší

Čingiz Allazov (60-3, 1 NC) porazený Sudsakorn Sor Klinmee (287-53-4) via jednomyseľným rozhodnutím (30-27 x3)

Luca Cecchetti (24-5) porazený Alex Avogadro (46-6-3) cez TKO (Lekár zastavenie) na 2:09 okrúhleho jedného

Shan Cangelosi (35-10-1) porazený Kevin Ross (33-12) via jednomyseľným rozhodnutím (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)

Jurij Bessmertny (45-20-2) porazený Giuseppe De Domenico (51-10) via jednomyseľným rozhodnutím (29-28 x3)

Jade Jorand (1-0) porazený Silvia Noc (66-18-4) cez KO (kop) na 0:12 z bicykla dvoch

Endy Bonat (32-10-1) proti. Kebrom Neguse (33-2-2) vládol väčšinovým žrebom (28-28, 28-28, 29-28)

Terasa Hnatchuk (12-0-1) porazený Giacomo Licheri (7-1) via jednomyseľným rozhodnutím (30-27 x3)

Luca Mameli (9-2) porazený Pawel Szymanski (15-14-2) via jednomyseľným rozhodnutím (30-27 x3)

Prosím, navštívte Bellator.com Pre viac informácií.





LOS ANGELES – For the first time in the organization’s history, Bellator travels to Japan and the iconic Saitama Super Arena for an historic event, ako Fedor Emelianenko (38-6, 1 NC) a Quinton "Rampage" Jackson (38-13) square off in a long-awaited heavyweight showdown. Bellator Japan: Fedor vs. ZUREN, powered by RIZIN, takes place Sunday, December 29 and will air LIVE on Paramount Network.

Vstupenky na Bellator Japan: Fedor vs. ZUREN go on sale November 3. Additional bouts are expected to be announced in the coming days.

“For Bellator’s debut in Japan, we wanted to bring a massive event and fighters that the Japanese fans really connect with,” said Bellator President Scott Coker. “Given the vast history of martial arts and MMA in Japan, and especially at Saitama Super Arena, this will be a very special show that no one will want to miss.This will, unquestionably, be a monumental event for Bellator and I am looking forward to the moment that Fedor and ‘Rampage’ walk out to a crowd that has known them since their careers began. I would also like to thank RIZIN for their help in making this event a possibility and we look forward to working together in the near future to showcase the best talent each organization has to offer.”

Fighting out of Stary Oskol, Belgorod Oblast, Rusko, Fedor Emelianenko returns to Japan following a successful run in the Bellator Heavyweight World Grand Prix earlier this year, where he earned consecutive first-round knockouts over Chael Sonnen a Frank Mir. A former PRIDE FC Heavyweight Champion and PRIDE 2004 Heavyweight World Grand Prix Champion, “The Last Emperor” returns to where his career started. Often referred to as “The GOAT” by fans around the world, his career resume stands as one of the most impressive in the history of the sport with victories over Antônio Rodrigo Nogueira, Mirko Cro Cop, Mark Hunt, Mark Coleman and Andrei Arlovski, aby sme vymenovali aspoň niektoré. S 29 career victories ending via finish, the punching power and world-class Sambo of the stoic Russian could result in yet another defining moment in his illustrious career.

An eight-fight veteran of Bellator, “Rampage” Jackson’s legendary career has seen him compete against some of the top names in the sport, generating a loyal army of fans along the way. The former PRIDE and UFC champion is the proud owner of many epic highlight reel slams and knockouts that he has racked up throughout his epic battles with the likes of Chuck Liddell, Dan Henderson, "Kráľ Mo" Lawal, Kevin Randleman and, perhaps most-notably, his four-fight series with Wanderlei Silva. The Memphis, Tennessee-native has long been seen as an icon to MMA fans around the globe and has openly voiced a desire to face Fedor in front of a Japanese crowd before his career comes to an end. Teraz, the two legends will finally meet inside the Bellator cage on December 29 at the famed Saitama Super Arena.

Aktualizované Bellator Japan: Fedor vs. ZUREN boj Card:

Hlavná udalosť v ťažkej váhe: Fedor Emelianenko (38-6, 1 NC) proti. Quinton "Rampage" Jackson (38-13)

*Karta s výhradou zmeny.

Prosím, navštívte Bellator.com Pre viac informácií.


Cuban Olympian & UFC Veteran Looks to Conquer
BKFC Light Heavyweight Division

PHILADELPHIA (Október 8, 2019) – Former Olympian and UFC standoutHector Lombard has become the latest fighter to sign with Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship (BKFC) as he looks to make his mark in the biggest and best bare knuckle fights that the sport has to offer.

Lombard is the first-ever Olympian to sign with BKFC, having represented Cuba in judo in the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney, Austrália.

I’ve wanted to fight for this amazing organization for a while and I’m excited that it’s all come together,” said Lombard, who will compete in the 185-pound light heavyweight division. “Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship is the next level of fighting and I am glad to be part of it.

Hector Lombard is one of the most devastating punchers in MMA history and we are looking for Hector to make a huge splash with BKFC,” said BKFC founder and president David Feldman. “Ako fanúšik, I cannot wait to see how Hector does in the squared circle. He’s exciting and explosive. This is an incredible signing.

Lombard also holds the distinction of being the first Bellator champion to sign with BKFC. He was the inaugural Bellator middleweight champion, winning the title in 2009. Lombard went 8 – 0 in Bellator with seven finishes, including a six-second knockout of UFC veteran Jay Silva in May of 2010.

Lombard relinquished the Bellator middleweight championship in 2012, when he moved to the UFC. In the UFC, Lombard fought a total of 12 doba, recording notable knockout wins against Rousimar Palhares and Nate Marquardt.

In his professional MMA career, Lombard tallied 34 vyhráva, 22 of which have come by knockout or TKO. He is regarded as one of the hardest punching middleweights and welterweights in MMA history.

Lombard is from Cuba and moved to Australia after the 2000 Letné olympijské hry. He now lives in Florida.

# # #


Complete Fight Night Photos

Bellator 229: Koreshkov vs.. Larkin Hlavné Card

Lorenz Larkin (21-7, 1 NC) porazený Andrey Koreshkov (22-4) cez delené rozhodnutie (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Yamauchi up (24-4) porazený Tie Awad (23-12) via predloženia (Armbar) na 1:40 okrúhleho jedného

Keri Taylor Melendez (4-0) porazený Mandy Polk (6-4) via jednomyseľným rozhodnutím (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Tony Johnson (8-2) porazený Joe Schilling (4-6) cez KO (údery) na 2:07 na treťom kole

Predbežné Card

Salim Mukhidinov (7-3) porazený Adel Altamimi (8-6) via jednomyseľným rozhodnutím (29-27, 30-26, 30-27)

Anatoly Tokov (29-2) porazený Hracho Darpinyan (17-9-2) cez TKO na 4:38 z bicykla dvoch

Derek Anderson (16-3, 1 NC) porazený Guilherme “Bomba” (10-6) via jednomyseľným rozhodnutím (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Joey Davis (6-0) porazený Jeff Peterson (10-8) cez KO (flying knee) na 1:00 okrúhleho jedného

Johnny Eblen (6-0) porazený Mauricio Alonso (13-8, 1 NC) via jednomyseľným rozhodnutím (30-26, 30-27, 30-27)

Vladimir Tokov (5-0) porazený Brandon Hastings (6-4) via jednomyseľným rozhodnutím (30-26, 30-27, 30-27)

Jordan Newman (2-0) porazený Riley Miller (0-1) cez TKO na 4:28 okrúhleho jedného

Kelvin Gentapanan (1-0) porazený Sunni Imhotep (2-0) cez delené rozhodnutie (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Jay-Jay Wilson (4-0) porazený Jorge Juarez (4-2) via predloženia (zadné nahý tlmivka) na 1:33 okrúhleho jedného

Prosím, navštívte Bellator.com Pre viac informácií.




Tickets on sale next Friday, Október. 11

LOS ANGELES – For the second time in as many years, Neal S. Blaisdell Arena in Honolulu, Hawaii will host the homecoming of Ilima-Lei Macfarlane (10-0), as she puts her undefeated record and Bellator women’s flyweight title on the line against No. 1 uchádzač Kate Jackson (11-3-1) in the main event on Saturday, Decembra. 21, streamed exclusively on the DAZN app.

Okrem toho, Bellator Hawaii will feature the first quarterfinal matchup of Bellator’s Featherweight World Grand Prix, when the man with the longest winning streak in promotional history, A.J. McKee (15-0), takes on the always-exciting Derek Fields (20-9) in the evening’s co-headliner.

Bellator: Macfarlane vs. Jackson – one of the star-powered, year-end highlights of fight season on DAZN – will stream live exclusively on DAZN na 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m.. PT, while preliminary action will stream on Bellator.com, DAZN and globally on the Bellator Mobile App. Tickets go on sale next Friday, Október. 11 and can be purchased through Bellator.com, as well as Ticketmaster.com or the Neal S. Blaisdell Arena box office. Additional bouts will be announced in the coming weeks.

Born and raised in Honolulu, current Bellator women’s flyweight champ Macfarlane made her pro debut in 2015 with a KO victory that went viral and has not looked back since, remaining undefeated in her career. With impressive victories over Valerie Letourneau a veta Arteaga, Macfarlane was the focal point of Bellator’s debut in Hawaii last year. A proud graduate of Honolulu’s Punahou High School in 2009, Macfarlane later attended San Diego State University, where she would go on to earn her Master’s degree in liberal arts and science with a focus on indigenous issues – a subject she remains passionate about, launching “The Ilimanator Scholarship” for indigenous girls last year. Now Ilima-Lei turns her focus to Kate Jackson, who will be looking to play the role of spoiler when she enters the Bellator cage on December 21.

A winner of seven of her last eight fights, Kate Jackson has earned her way to a title shot against the division’s inaugural champion. A competitor on the 23rd season of The Ultimate Fighter, Jackson hails from Lostwithiel, Cornwall, Anglicko, and most recently defeated Lena Ovchynnikova v Londýne. Jackson made her Bellator debut in 2017 with a first round-victory over of Colleen Schneider and would later go on to dominate Anastasia Yankova at historic Bellator 200 in front of her hometown crowd. Facing the biggest test of her career, Jackson looks to reign atop the flyweight division when she leaves Hawaii.

With an undefeated professional record of 15-0, including six knockouts and eight first round finishes, there doesn’t seem to be much more for the talent-oozing 24-year-old to prove to the MMA community before his name is routinely mentioned among the division’s elite. Fighting out of Long Beach, Calif., “Mercenary” is fresh off of a jaw-dropping performance that saw him finish Georgi Karakhanyan in only eight seconds just moments after watching his father, Antonio McKee, collect a knockout victory in what was the first ever father-son duo to compete on the same card in the US. With all 15 of his career wins coming under the direction of the Scott Coker-led promotion, the Team BodyShop product has made it clear that he has his sights on Patricio "Pitbull" and his 145-pound belt, as he continues to build a strong argument as the new face of Bellator. Constantly looking for new records to break, McKee may have found the perfect match in Campos, as the two brawlers have combined for a remarkable 22 finishes over 36 kariéra víťazstvo.

Fighting out of Lubbock, Texas, Campos will be competing in the first of the four quarterfinal matchups in Bellator’s Featherweight World Grand Prix, following a decisive victory over former featherweight world champion Daniel Straus na Bellator 226 this past September. The 31-year-old knockout artist is ready to build on his impressive professional record of 20-9, when he takes on undefeated superstar McKee on December 21. Always ready to trade blows, the heavy-handed veteran has spent much of his time competing in Bellator’s lightweight and welterweight divisions over the past six years of his career. Teraz, “The Stallion” hopes to continue his impressive surge in the 145-pound class, as he prepares to go toe-to-toe with one of the most dangerous featherweights in the world. With a shot at one million dollars on the line, Campos will rely on his fearless fighting style and sound wrestling background if he wants to advance in what many have pinned as one of the most anticipated matchups in the second round.

Bellator Hawaii: Macfarlane vs. Jackson Hlavné Card:

Flyweight World Title Bout: Ilima-Lei Macfarlane (10-0) proti. Kate Jackson (11-3-1)

Featherweight World Grand Prix Quarterfinal Bout: A.J. McKee (15-0) proti. Derek Fields (20-9)

*Karta s výhradou zmeny.

Pre viac informácií, navštívte Bellator.com.


Complete Event Photos Here

Bellator 228 Hlavné Card výsledky:

Gegard Mousasi (46-7-2) porazený Lyoto Machida (26-9) cez delené rozhodnutie (29-28, 28-29, 30-27)

Patricio "Pitbull" Freire (30-4) porazený Juan Archuleta (23-2) via jednomyseľným rozhodnutím (49-46, 50-45, 49-46)

A.J. McKee (15-0) porazený Georgi Karakhanyan (28-10-1, 1 NC) cez KO (údery) na :08 okrúhleho jedného

Darrion Caldwell (14-3) porazený Henry Corrales (17-4) via jednomyseľným rozhodnutím (29-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Daniel Weichel (40-11) porazený Saul Rogers (13-3) via jednomyseľným rozhodnutím (29-28, 30-27, 29-28)

Predbežné Card:

Adrian Najera (2-0) porazený Jason Edwards (2-1) via predloženia (zadné nahý tlmivka) na 2:28 na treťom kole

Benji Gomez (9-12) porazený Johnny Santa Maria (3-5) via jednomyseľným rozhodnutím (30-27 x3)

Ozzy Diaz (4-1) porazený Andre Walker (5-3) via predloženia (zadné nahý tlmivka) na 3:05 okrúhleho jedného

ian Butler (7-6) porazený Emilio Williams (4-3) cez TKO (údery) na :53 z bicykla dvoch

AJ Agazarm (2-1) porazený Jonathan Quiroz (3-4) via jednomyseľným rozhodnutím (29-28 x3)

Ava Knight (1-0) porazený Shannon Goughary (4-4) cez TKO (punč) na 1:46 na treťom kole

Antonio McKee (30-6-2) porazený William Sriyapai (14-9) cez TKO (údery) na 1:17 z bicykla dvoch

Johnny Cisneros (13-7) porazený Mike Jasper (13-6) cez TKO (leg injury) na 4:28 z bicykla dvoch

Leandro Higo (19-5) porazený Shawn Bunch (9-4) via predloženia (gilotína tlmivka) na 4:34 z bicykla dvoch

Weber Almeida (2-0) proti. Castle Williams (4-2) cez TKO na 0:20 z bicykla dvoch

Joshua Jones (9-4) porazený Dominic Clark (14-9) via predloženia (gilotína tlmivka) na 2:39 okrúhleho jedného

James Barnes (12-4) porazený David Duran (8-6) via predloženia (zadné nahý tlmivka) na 1:51 z bicykla dvoch

Prosím, navštívte Bellator.com Pre viac informácií.




LOS ANGELES – Bellator is set to deliver one of the most anticipated bouts in the history of women’s MMA on Saturday, Január 25 at the “Fabulous” Forum in Inglewood, Kalif. when reigning champ Julia Budd (13-2) defends her world featherweight title against Cris “Cyborg” (21-2, 1 NC) v hlavnej udalosti.

Vstupenky na Bellator: Budd vs.Cyborg go on sale to the general public Friday, Október. 4 na 10 a.m. PT and can be purchased at the Forum box office, as well as Bellator.com a Ticketmaster.com. A special presale is scheduled to take place Wednesday, Október. 2 through Thursday, Október. 3 using code “BELLATOR” upon purchase.

Bellator: Budd vs. cyborg will stream live exclusively on the DAZN app at 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m.. PT, while preliminary action will stream on Bellator.com,DAZN and globally on the Bellator Mobile App. Additional bouts will be announced in the coming weeks.

Fighting out of Port Moody, Britská Kolumbia, Kanada, Budd will enter the Bellator cage in January for the fourth time since claiming the inaugural Bellator women’s featherweight world title in 2017. Currently riding a winning streak of 11 konca, including seven straight fights since joining forces with Bellator in 2015, “The Jewel” has her eyes set on a fourth consecutive world title defense when she finally has the opportunity to challenge “Cyborg.” Since knocking off Dutch legend Marloes Coenen for the 145-pound strap at Bellator 174, the Gibson MMA-product has since collected victories over top contenders Olga Rubin,Arlene Blencowe a Talita Nogueira. With seven of her 13 kariéra vyhrá prichádza formou knockout alebo predloženie, the former kickboxing standout will look to derail the Bellator debut of “Cyborg.”

On the heels of signing the largest contract in women’s MMA history, Cris “Cyborg” will enter the Bellator cage for the first time on January 25, with the opportunity to lay claim to Bellator gold. Just like her upcoming opponent, “Cyborg” too was an inaugural champion, winning the inaugural Strikeforce Featherweight Championship in 2009 after defeating Gina Carano. The 34-year-old Curitiba, Brazil-native’s Bellator tenure follows a three-year run in UFC, multiple world title and a 20-fight unbeaten streak that includes notable victories against Holly Holm, Tonya Evinger, Marloes Coenen and Leslie Smith.

Aktualizované Bellator: Budd vs. cyborg boj Card:

Zápas o titul mušíovej váhy: Julia Budd (13-2) proti. Cris “Cyborg” (21-2, 1 NC)

*Karta s výhradou zmeny

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Bellator 226: Bader vs. Kongo Hlavné Card:

Ryan Bader (27-5, 1 NC) a Cheick Kongo (30-10-2, 1 NC) was ruled a no-contest due to an accidental eye poke

Derek Fields (20-9) porazený Daniel Straus (26-9) via jednomyseľným rozhodnutím (30-26, 30-25, 30-25)

Adam Borics (14-0) porazený Pat Curran (23-9) cez TKO (údery) na 4:59 okrúhleho jedného

Pedro Carvalho (11-3) porazený Sam Sicilia (17-10) via predloženia (face-crank) na 1:56 z bicykla dvoch

Emmanuel Sanchez (19-4) porazený Tywan Claxton (5-1) via predloženia (trojuholník tlmivka) na 4:11 z bicykla dvoch

Daniel Carey (7-3) porazený Gaston Bolanos (5-2) via technical submission (gilotína) na 4:19 okrúhleho jedného

Predbežné Card:

Ivan Batinich (4-1) porazený Daniel Compton (2-2) via predloženia (zadné nahý tlmivka) a 4:33 z bicykla dvoch

Tyson Miller (1-0) porazený Albert Gonzales (1-2) cez TKO na 1:18 okrúhleho jedného

Alan Benson (1-1) porazený Favian Gutierrez (2-3) cez delené rozhodnutie (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Peter Ishiguro (2-1) porazený Elias Anderson (0-1) via jednomyseľným rozhodnutím (29-28 x3)

Daniel Gonzalez (3-2) porazený Jon Adams (0-1-1) cez TKO (štrajku) na 4:56 z bicykla dvoch

Cornelius Savage (1-0) porazený Evan Gubera (0-2) cez delené rozhodnutie (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

John Macapa (23-4-2) porazený Ashleigh Grimshaw (20-11-1) cez TKO (rohové zastavenie) na 5:00 z bicykla dvoch

Adam Piccolot (12-3) porazený Jake Smith (7-3) via predloženia (zadné nahý tlmivka) na 2:34 z bicykla dvoch

Jessica Borga (3-2) porazený Amber Leibrock (3-4) via predloženia (Armbar) na 4:45 okrúhleho jedného

Cass Bell (4-0) porazený Isaiah Rocha (1-1) via predloženia (gilotína tlmivka) na 1:21 okrúhleho jedného

Batsumberel Dagvadorj (6-0) porazený James Terry (20-11) via predloženia (bulldog choke) na 2:43 okrúhleho jedného

Renato Valente Alves (6-4) porazený Abraham Vaesau (5-3) via predloženia (zadné nahý tlmivka) na 3:36 na treťom kole

Hyder Amil (4-0) porazený Ignacio Ortiz (2-1-1) cez delené rozhodnutie (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Chris Gonzalez (3-0) porazený Luis Vargas (2-4) via jednomyseľným rozhodnutím (30-27, 30-26, 30-25)

Prosím, navštívte Bellator.com Pre viac informácií.


Vinicius De Jesus stops Chris Lozano to Retain CES MMA welterweight title

HARTFORD, Conn. (Septembra 7, 2019) – CES MMA World Welterweight Champion Vinicius De Jesus made his first title defense tonight, stopping game challenger Chris “The Cleveland Assassin” Lozano in the third round in the “CESMMA 58” main event at the Connecticut Convention Center in Hartford.

The main card was streamed live and exclusively on UFC FIGHT PASS®, the world’s leading digital subscription service for combat sports.

Lozano (10-5) dropped De Jesus (9-2) in the opening round with a shot to the temple, but the Brazilian bounced up and fought back. The first two rounds were fought relatively cautious as both fighters took turns being the aggressor. De Jesus took charge in the third connected on punches and kicks, while avoiding Lozano’s limited offensive attacks. A strong De Jesus punch snapped Lazano’s head and that’s the opening the defending chance had set up. He bashed Lazano around the cage, trapping him as he threw punishing combinations until the referee waved off the action midway through the third.

“I appreciate him (Lozano) accepting this fight when others didn’t,” an excited De Jesus praised his opponent after the fight. “I respect him very much and hope he’s okay and back in the cage soon. I have a high fight IQ and he was difficult to hit. This is for my fans and family.

“My boxing paid off. My father coached me to box. Teraz, I’m looking for the big show, the lions in the UFC.”

V čo-predstavoval udalosť, Hartford heavyweightParker Porter (8-5) and his Brazilian opponentDirlei Broenstrup (16-7) put on a very entertaining show. Porter couldn’t miss his overhand right in the first round, but Broenstrup responded in the second and came out hot for the third. All of a sudden Porter unloaded a straight right on Broenstrup’s chin and that’s all she wrote with less than two minutes remaining on the clock.

“I knew I started to get tired in the third round,” Porter commented. “I felt that I had won the first two rounds and my mentality was stay alive and don’t get taken out. I’d love to get a shot at the CES heavyweight strap in my next fight.”

Veteran Cincinnati lightweightReggie Merriweather (13-5) ruined the homecoming type of night for popular and previously undefeatedJesse James Kosakowski (3-1) from Waterbury, CT. Merriweather landed several bombs, Kosakowski got out of a few jams, and then suddenly Merriweather closed the show with a single righthanded punch halfway through the first round. Kosakowski’s large crowd of supporters expressed their collective feelings the referee had prematurely stopped the fight, but the upset was already in the books.

Massachusetts featherweight“Relentless” Robbie Leroux switched positions onPete “The Heat” Rogers, Jr.  to win by way of a reverse heal hold (na obrázku nižšie) forcing a tap-out. It appeared that Rogers had the advantage and was moments away from victory Leroux did his thing.

Florida bantamweightJornel “A1” Lugo, who lived in Wallingford (CT), used his speed and angles to stopHarris “Dirty Harry” Bonfilgio on punches in the first round. “Only one thing pays the bills…skills,” Lugo said after the fight. “Everybody kept telling me to watch out for his kicks. I studied – I’m paranoid – so I was prepared.”

Pro-debuting Brooklyn flyweightAdrian Haly prijal rozdelené rozhodnutie odJustin “Juggernaut” Valentin, z Meriden (CT), in the first fight of the night steamed live on UFC FIGHT PASS.

“CESMMA 59” Oct. 25, 2019 at Twin River Casino in Lincoln, RI

Providence lightweightSean Soriano (12-6) will headline “CESMMA 59” on Friday night, Október 25, 2019, at Twin River Casino in Lincoln, Rhode Island. A pair of undefeated, red-hot prospects, New York welterweightJohn Gotti III (4-0) and Connecticut light heavyweightWilliam “Knightmare” Knight (5-0), are also scheduled to fight on what promises to be a loaded card.

Local favoriteNick Giuiletti, fighting out of nearby Wallingford, jumped all over lightweightCody Schieve right off the bell, driving his over-matched opponent to the mat and unleashed a barrage of unanswered punches until the undercard fight was halted only 38-second into round one by way of technical knockout.

Massachusetts cruiserweightDan Randall used an effective ground-and-pound attack againstJesse Baughman, who tapped out midway through the opening round.

Connecticut bantamweight Will “Siracha” Smith took two of three rounds from Aaron Reese for a unanimous decision in the opening match of the evening.

Below find the official results:



 Vinicius De Jesus, De Jesus MMA / Norwalk, CT by way of Brazil

WTKO3 (3:22)

Chris Lozano, Warehouse Warriors / Cleveland, OH

(De Jesus retained the CES MMA title)


Parker Porter, Underdog MMA / Hartford, CT

WKO3 (3:17)

Dirlei Broenstrup, Minu Fight Team / Rio Grande, Brazília


Reggie Merriweather, Aaron Thomas Jui

Jitsu / Cincinnati, OH

WKO1 (2:37)

Jesse James Kosakowski, PSDTC / Waterbury, CT


Robbie Leroux, Regiment Training / Fall River, MA

WSUB (1:55)

Pete Rogers, Jr., Pete Rogers Karate / Norwich, CT


Jornel Lugo, Combat Club & DZ MMA / West Palm Beach, FL

WKO1 (3:27)

Harris Bonfilgio, Ultimate MMA / Gilford, CT


Adrian Haly, Brooklyn MMA / Brooklyn, NY

WDEC3 (29-28. 29-28, 28-29)

Justin Valentin, Underdog MMA / Meriden, CT



Nick Giuletti, Ultimate MMA / Wallingford, CT

WTKO1 (0:38)

Cody Schieve, Team Schieve / Jasper, IN

Ťažké váhy

Dan Randall, FAA /Granby, MA

WSUB1 (2:33)

Jesse Baughman, Team Link North / Littleton, NH


Will Smith, Golden Falcon MMA & FAA / West Haven, CT

WDEC3 (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

Aaron Reese, Jackson Wink MMA / Shaker Heights, OH


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