Kategoria Artxiboak: MMA


OHARRA berehalako: Portland, Maine (Otsaila 10, 2020) - baino gehiago 2000 Larunbat gaueko tenperatura ausartak New England Borrokak bezala (NEF) bere borroka-arte berrienak ekarri zituen (MMA) ekitaldia, Portland-eko Merrill Auditorium-aren agertokira. 22 Borrokak mundu ospetsuaren itzalpean gertatu ziren 1911 Kotzschmar Memorial Organ. Mendeko antzokian izan zen NEFren estreinaldia, eta ekitaldiak MMA lehiaketako bederatzigarren denboraldiko borroka promozio zoragarria ireki zuen.

Arratsaldean ekitaldi nagusian, UFC beteranoaManny "Bermudez Triangle" Bermudez(15-2) AurkeztutakoBruce "Pretty Boy" Boyington (19-12) lehen txandan gillotina kolearekin. Hasiera batean, NEF Profesional Arinari buruzko Titulua lortzeko lehiatuko zen, baina Bermudez txapelketari pisua falta zaio, ezin zen gerrikoa irabazi. Gaur egun titulua hutsik geratzen da.

Bermudezen garaipenak gau ezin hobea izan du Rockland-eko South Shore Sportfighting taldearentzat, Massachusetts. taldekideekin Darryl Andrews (1-0) eta Tim Birkenhead (2-0) biek izan zuten arrakasta gimnasiora igotzeko 3-0 gertaeraren erregistroa.

Baita ere 3-0 iluntzean Saco-en dagoen Evolution Athletix taldea izan zen, Maine.Teddy Politis (1-0), Grady naiz (1-0), etaTyler Smythe (1-0) guztiek beren aurkariak gelditu dituzte dagozkien borroken lehen txandaren lehenengo minutuan.

Gaueko istorio handiena, zalantzarik gabe,, Gertaera ko-nagusian sartu zen denbora luzean NEF beterano gisaJesse "Viking" Erickson(10-8) handedJosh "Hook On" Harvey(7-1-1) bere ibilbide profesionalaren lehen galera. Erickson, nork ordezkatzen ditu Central Maine brasildar Jiu-Jitsu eta Recon Fitness, jarri jiu-jitsu klinika bikain bat, datozen urteetarako gogoan izango dena. Harveyk kaiolaren aurka harrapatu zuen lehen txandan, Ericksonek guardia atera zuen eta bidalketa-kate baten bidez trantsizioa egin zuen, azkenik, kutxatila bat jartzeko, Portland-eko jendetza erabateko zalapartan bidaliz.

Txartelaren zati profesionalean ere gertatu zen pisu astun liskarrean, "Rasquatch" Hylton (5-3) DownedBrad Lee(0-1) bigarren kanporaketan teknikarien bidez. Hainbat minutu elkarren artean sentitu ondoren, bikotea lehen itzuliko atsedenaldietan atzera-aurrera egin zuten. Minutu bat baino gehiago bigarren txandan, epaileak 6: 6-ko Hylton-en erantzunik jaso ez zuenean.

Hylton-en lehen mailako MMA taldekideaJacob Deppmeyer(1-0) pro debuta arrakastatsua izan zuen, garaituzCarl Langston(0-5) lehen kanporaketa teknikoen bidez. Deppmeyer, Langston alderantzizko triangelu batean harrapatu eta erantzun gabeko ukondo batzuk euria egin zuen, Epaileari aukera hori emanez puntu horretan erasoa gelditzea baino.

Amateur txartelean, goiko ikuspegiaMike Bezanson (5-0) Kaze Dojok galdu egin du garaipen tekniko bat lortutaGreg Ishihara(2-2) lehen txandan.

Hamaikako sailkapenean amateurrak izan zirenNate "The Mule" zuria(5-0) etaCaleb "Dr. Sentitu »Austin (4-0), biak CMBJJren aurka borrokan, lehen itzulian dagozkien aurkariak amaitu zituzten.

CMBJJ beste produktu bat, Garry Carr (3-1), Bere errekorra hautsi zuen bigarren aldiz jarraian, berriro ere, atleta zaharrena NEF kaiolan borroka irabazteko. 58 urterekin, Carr-ek aho batez erabaki zuen 23 urteko Austin Hamilton 23 urteko garaipena (0-2) Hamaiketakoa amateur mailako borroka batean.

NEF-k ere jakinarazi zuen hurrengo ekitaldian promozioa UMaine Orono campusean itzuliko zela apirilaren Collins Centre for the Arts-en. 18 "NEF" rekin 43: Rampage ". Dagoeneko baieztatu da gertaerarako, Zac "Rocky" Richard(6-2-1) defendatuko du NEF Amateur arin tituluaDevin Corson(3-1), bitarteanChelsea Tucker(3-3) Oregonen betetzen dituCaree Hill(6-2) NEF amateur mailako emakumezkoen flyweight txapelketarako, eta Caleb Austinen aurpegiakJames Ploss (1-2) Aspaldiko bere eztabaidaren berraztertzea 2017 end.

"NEF 42" osoa Portland-en emaitza da, Maine:


Manny Bermudez def. Bruce Boyington tapoi bidez gillotinara, txandan 1

Jesse Erickson def. Josh Harvey tap bidez armbar-era, txandan 1

Ras Hylton def. Brad Lee knockout teknikoaren bidez, txandan 2

Chris Caterino def. Nate Boucher tap bidez armbar-era, txandan 1

Jacob Deppmeyer def. Carl Langston knockout teknikoaren bidez, txandan 1


Tim Birkenhead def. Mike Murray tap bidez belauneko barrara, txandan 2

Joe Howard def. Justin Kangas KO bidez, txandan 1

Mike Bezanson def. Greg Ishihara knockout teknikoaren bidez, txandan 1

Felipe Gunter def. Hannon Sanford aho batez erabakita

Nate White def. Brian Cosco knockout teknikoaren bidez, txandan 1

Darryl Andrews def. Titus Pannell aho batez erabakita

Jason Landry def. Dustin Carrier korapilo teknikoaren bidez, txandan 2

Tyler Smythe def. Clifford Redman bidalketa teknikoaren bidez, txandan 1

Garry Carr def. Austin Hamilton aho batez erabakita

Ryan Fogg def. Giuliano Rossi medikuaren geldialdiaren bidez, txandan 2

Ben Grady def. Jon Assam KO bidez, txandan 1

Tim Bergeron def. Henry Jeffs knockout teknikoaren bidez, txandan 1

Caleb Austin def. Dillon Henry txorrotaren bidez atzeko biluziko uzkurdura, txandan 1

Dylan Williams def. Wyatt Sochin zatitutako erabakiaren bidez

Randall Hathorn def. Tim Murray knockout teknikoaren bidez, txandan 1

Henry Clark def. Aurkezpen teknikoaren bidez Taylor Bartlett, txandan 1

Teddy Politis def. Kevin Lamay tap bidez Kimura, txandan 1

New England Borrokak’ hurrengo arte martzialen arte mistoak, “NEF 43: Rampage,” larunbatean ospatuko da, April 18, 2020, Collins Centre for the Arts UMaine Orono-n. Sarrerak aste honetan bertan egongo dira salgaiwww.CollinsCenterfortheArts.com.  

Buruz New England Borrokak

New England Borrokak ("NEF") borroka ekitaldiak promozioak enpresa bat da. NEFren egitekoa da borrokalari eta zaleentzako kalitate goreneko gertaerak sortzea. NEF exekutiboa taldeko borroka kirol kudeaketan esperientzia zabala dauka, ekitaldiak ekoizpen, komunikabideekin harremanak, marketing, lege eta publizitatea.


LOS ANGELES – Following the medical complications that were publicly disclosed by Rafael Lovato Jr.. (10-0) late last month, the Bellator middleweight champion has decided to relinquish his 185-lb world title. The unbeaten Lovato Jr. defeated former champ Gegard Mousasi to win the title at Warrior 223 in London on June 22, 2019.

“My journey with my team and family to become the Bellator middleweight world champion was incredible and something I will cherish forever,” said Lovato Jr. “I dreamed of having a long reign as champion, but sometimes life has another plan. Bellator has been very supportive during this difficult process, a situation that has never really happened before in our sport. I know the division must move on while I am on the sidelines and I wish everyone great fights on their way to that belt. I will be working to come back if it is possible – and if not, life will continue to be amazing for me and I look forward to working with Bellator in another fashion.”

“This has been an incredibly challenging time for Lovato Jr., his team and his family at home,"Esan Bellator presidente Scott Coker. “He is a true warrior of the sport and I cannot say enough about him for making such a difficult decision. His health is the priority for us and we will continue to work with him on addressing the next steps in his career.”

Bellator will announce plans for the vacant middleweight title in the coming days.

Please visit Bellator.com informazio gehiagorako.


OHARRA berehalako: Portland, Maine (Urtarrilaren 27, 2020) – New England Borrokak (NEF) bere hurrengo arte martzialak nahastuko ditu (MMA) Ekitaldia, “NEF 42: Suntsipenaren sinfonia,” larunbatean, Otsaila 8, 2020, at Merrill Auditorium in Portland. Last Friday, NEF announced the full fight card for the event with 24 bouts scheduled to take place. Earlier today, the fight promotion confirmed a 25garren fight for the card.Nate “Backpack” Boucher(0-0) bildukoChris Caterino (3-3) at a catchweight of 140 kilo.

Boucher was originally scheduled to face Norman Fox (0-1) in his pro debut. Fox, after initially calling out Boucher on social media to accept a fight with him in the professional ranks, pulled out of the contest in the days leading up to the fight card announcement. Boucher, who most recently held the NEF Amateur Flyweight Championship with an amateur record of 6-3, was determined to make his pro debut at “NEF 42” despite the Fox pullout. NEF co-owner and matchmaker Matt Peterson was able to quickly confirm a replacement opponent in the form of Caterino.

“I was incredibly disappointed when Norman pulled out against me—especially considering all the smack he talked to get the fight in the first place—but what a relief that I’ll still be able to be part of such a groundbreaking, historic NEF card,” said Boucher. “I’m so grateful that I get to make my pro debut in such a beautiful venue as the Merrill Auditorium. Respect to Chris for stepping up on short notice to take this bout. I will be doubling down in my preparation efforts during the next two weeks to make a statement on February 8th and leave no doubts that I belong in the pro ranks with the best in the region.”

Chris Caterino is a longtime veteran of the New England MMA scene, having made his amateur debut in 2010. Although he is taking the fight on short notice, Caterino has been very active of late and will, Zalantzarik gabe,, be prepared for Boucher. One week ago, Caterino submitted Joey Sanchez (0-4) in the first round of a bout in New Hampshire. It was his third fight in a nine-month stretch. Caterino represents Gate City MMA of Nashua, New Hampshire where he trains with New England MMA legend Nuri Shakir (18-21).

“I’m excited to make my NEF debut,” said Caterino. “I look forward to a great night and plan on getting the ‘W.’”

New England Borrokak’ hurrengo arte martzialen arte mistoak, “NEF 42: Suntsipenaren sinfonia,” larunbatean ospatuko da, Otsaila 8, 2020, Portrongo Merrill Auditoriumean, Maine. Sarrerak salgai daude orainwww.PortTix.com.

Buruz New England Borrokak

New England Borrokak ("NEF") borroka ekitaldiak promozioak enpresa bat da. NEFren egitekoa da borrokalari eta zaleentzako kalitate goreneko gertaerak sortzea. NEF exekutiboa taldeko borroka kirol kudeaketan esperientzia zabala dauka, ekitaldiak ekoizpen, komunikabideekin harremanak, marketing, lege eta publizitatea.



LOS ANGELES – On Saturday, Maiatza 9, SAP Center at San Jose will host Bellator with an event headlined by a light heavyweight world championship bout featuring two-division Bellator champion Ryan Bader (27-5, 1 NC) defending his 205-pound title against Russia’s Vadim Nemkov (11-2).

Bellator San Jose: Bader vs.. Nemkov airs on Paramount Network and DAZN on Saturday, Maiatza 9 at 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT. Preliminary action will stream on DAZN, Bellator.com and globally on the Bellator Mobile App. bouts osagarria izango da datozen asteetan jakinaraziko da.

Sarrerak Bellator San Jose: Bader vs.. Nemkov are available early through an exclusive Bellator Nation pre-sale beginning Wednesday, Feb. 12 through Thursday, Feb. 13. Tickets will go on sale to the general public Friday, Feb. 14. Tickets can be purchased at the LexisNexis Risk Solutions Ticket Office at SAP Center, through Ticketmaster and Bellator.com.

A winner of seven out of his last eight fights at both heavyweight and light heavyweight, Bellator’s two-division champion Ryan Bader will make his first light heavyweight title defense since defeating"King Mo" Lawal, Matt Mitrione eta Fedor Emelianenko en route to winning Bellator’s 2018 Heavyweight World Grand Prix and becoming world heavyweight champ. Fighting out of Chandler, Ariz., the former two-time NCAA Division I All-American wrestler from Arizona State University began his professional career by winning season eight of Ultimate Fighter. “Darth” continued his path of dominance by collecting victories over some of the 205-pound division’s top talent, including wins over former world champions “Rampage” Jackson, Rashad Evans, Phil Davis (x2) and Rafael “Feijão” Cavalcante, as well as Ovince Saint Preux and Vinny Magalhães, before signing with Bellator in 2017.

Vadim Nemkov, who is undefeated over his last six fights and a perfect 4-0 in Bellator since signing in 2017, will come into his first-ever title shot in MMA fresh off a submission win against former middleweight champion Rafael Carvalho. Garaipena With, Nemkov has unequivocally defeated some of the best athletes Bellator has to offer, including three former champions in Carvalho, Phil Davis eta Liam McGeary. A three-time Russian national sambo champion, Nemkov trains alongside Fedor Emelianenko in Stary Oskol, Errusiak.

Eguneratua Bellator San Jose: Bader vs.. Nemkov Txartel nagusia:

DAZN/Paramount Network

10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT

Light Heavyweight World Title Bout: Ryan Bader (27-5, 1 NC) vs. Vadim Nemkov (11-2)

*Txartela aldatu egin daiteke

Please visit Bellator.com informazio gehiagorako.


OHARRA berehalako: Portland, Maine (Urtarrilaren 22, 2020)

Ostirala, Otsaila 7 and Saturday, Otsaila 8 promise to be a heavyweight weekend in Portland, Maine for Brad Lee.

On the opening night, Lee will put his lungs to the test as lead vocalist for a hardcore band known as Instigate, which will hold a CD release party in conjunction with its performance at Geno’s Rock Club.

Then he’ll exchange the microphone for a pair of gloves and attempt to play a two-fisted tune on Ras Hylton in the New England Fights mixed martial arts cage.

Lee will make his MMA debut against the veteran Ras “Rasquatch” “The Jamaican Shamrock” Hylton (4-3) in a professional bout at NEF 42: “Symphony of Destruction” inside another renowned concert venue, Merrill Auditorium.

“I absolutely want to make a living out of it,” Lee said of his immediate jump to the pro ranks after a diverse combat sports upbringing. “I feel that I’m fairly marketable. I think I can make a bit of a splash in this corner of the world. I would say I have humble confidence.”

He’s more understated about the musical exploits. Lee characterizes that side of his performance artistry as the typical garage band with small dreams.

“It’s been a huge part of my life. If you’re a big kid with a skateboard, it’s probably going to lead to music and fighting eventually,"Lee esan.

“But it’s definitely not about the money,” he added. “It’s literally a band of friends doing it to hang out with our other friends on the weekend. We couldn’t (care less) about stadiums. We’re not Metallica. It’s just a hobby. It’s an outlet for me to get out the (stuff) that’s in my head. It’s just a hobby.”

In the same way that new fighters are required to earn their way upward on fight posters, Lee, who said he “dabbles” with guitar, sounds most excited about the New England-based bands with whom Instigate gets to share the stage.

“Death Before Dishonor and Cruel Hand, if you know anything about that scene, those are big names,"Lee esan. “It would have been a great show regardless of whether we were there or not.”

Turning pro in the NEF hexagon without any amateur background isn’t the typical journey, but Lee saw it as the wisest path after a frustrating year of trying to locate willing opponents.

Most potential foes, esan zuen, were intimidated by his 6-foot-4 frame and what was then a walking-around weight of more than 300 kilo. The heavyweight limit is 265.

“I had five different opponents with three different promotions, including NEF, cancel on me. I had fights where the opponent took the fight with me, backed out, and then took a heavyweight fight on the same card,"Lee esan. “I don’t want to mention names, but one guy in Rascircle (did that). I just got fed up and annoyed with guys holding back my career.”

Lee said he eventually contacted NEF co-owner and matchmaker Matt Peterson to inquire about the pro landscape within his promotion.

Hylton, who casts a similarly imposing shadow at 6-6, is coming off a sequence of two losses in his past three appearances, including a knockout loss to Chris Sarro – another fighter making his pro debut – last September.

“Matt put Ras out there. I watched the videos and talked to my coaches and went ahead with it,"Lee esan. “He’s coming off two hard fights. He seems like a respectful guy. I’m sure some people in his camp think I’m a (jerk). The thing about me in the social media world is I only release what I want people to see. People can talk (crap) all they want.”

In one of his videos, which Lee entitled, “What Makes a Pro a Pro?,” he breaks down what he considers the misconception that an amateur career is a necessity for MMA success.

“Look at Jon Jones. Orain, I’m not saying I’m Jon Jones, but he became a world champion without any (arte martzialak) belts at all,"Lee esan. “So what is it? Is it that he can knock guys out? I’ve knocked out a bunch of guys in my life. Is it his cardio? My cardio is pretty good.

“You know, I just got tired of waiting around for other people. When I was getting ready to fight about a year ago, I realize I was right at the top of the weight class, but it’s like people were scared. Esan nahi dut, if you don’t want to be a heavyweight then get down to 205 or whatever. I’m a lot lighter and in better shape now. People probably would have been better off fighting me last year.”

Boxing and judo are the primary skills in Lee’s tool kit, although he describes himself as a voracious cross-trainer.

“I think the MMA world sleeps on boxing quite a bit,"Lee esan. “Muay Thai seems to be the thing, but the Muay Thai guys get their faces hit a lot. But I train anything and everything. I’ll do Tai chi in a park with somebody if it helps me get better, I don’t care.”

Lee, 29, is based out of Paladin Combat Sports in Clinton, Massachusetts, where he said he will stack up his schedule and intensity level against almost anyone his size in the combat sports game.

“Win or lose, I’ll be back in the gym on Monday. Compared to what I’ve seen from most UFC and Bellator heavyweights, I work out harder than most of them,"Lee esan. “I was 316 pounds less than a year ago. If anyone wants to check me on my motivation or dedication, tell them to check the scale (at weigh-ins) on February 7.”

Horren ostean, fans are invited to follow Lee down the street to Geno’s and listen to him pursue his other passion the night before he makes his debut in the NEF cage.

New England Borrokak’ hurrengo arte martzialen arte mistoak, “NEF 42: Suntsipenaren sinfonia,” larunbatean ospatuko da, Otsaila 8, 2020, Portrongo Merrill Auditoriumean, Maine. Sarrerak salgai daude orainwww.PortTix.com.

Buruz New England Borrokak

New England Borrokak ("NEF") borroka ekitaldiak promozioak enpresa bat da. NEFren egitekoa da borrokalari eta zaleentzako kalitate goreneko gertaerak sortzea. NEF exekutiboa taldeko borroka kirol kudeaketan esperientzia zabala dauka, ekitaldiak ekoizpen, komunikabideekin harremanak, marketing, lege eta publizitatea.


OHARRA berehalako: Portland, Maine (Urtarrilaren 20, 2020) - New England Borrokak (NEF) bere hurrengo arte martzialak nahastuko ditu (MMA) Ekitaldia, “NEF 42: Suntsipenaren sinfonia,” larunbatean, Otsaila 8, 2020, Portrongo Merrill Auditoriumean. Gaur lehenago, NEF announced the addition of an amateur lightweight bout to the fight card.Joe Howard(2-3) bildukoJustin Kangas(0-2) borrokaren pisuan 155 kilo.

Joe Howard is coming off a win over Jesse Fitzsimmons (0-2) at “NEF 41” last November. The fight was stopped by the referee on advice from the ringside physician between the first and second rounds when a cut on Fitzsimmons’ forehead could not be closed. It marked the end of a three-fight losing streak for Howard. Howard currently represents Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu based in Lewiston, Maine, and has recently moved back to his home state of Georgia.

“I’m not in this for fortune and fame—this is business and I want that gold and I’ll keep mining the NEF until I get it,” exclaimed Howard. “Thank you to Justin for taking this fight. I applaud Justin—I’ve been on a two-fight losing streak and I know what that feels like, so I know that he’s going to be a real challenge. But I’m the principal of this cage, and I’m about to school his ass with Southern class. Pack your lunch pail—New England is about to learn who the peach is.”

As Howard alluded to, Justin Kangas is by day the principal of Warren Community School in Warren, Maine. Kangas has competed twice previously in the NEF cage, losing to Nate White (4-0) and Nathaniel Grimard (1-0) respectively. He seeks his first win as an amateur at “NEF 42.” Kangas represents First Class MMA of Brunswick, Maine.

I am excited to have another opportunity to fight for NEF and am grateful to Joe for taking the fight,” said Kangas.  “Joe is a warrior and it will undoubtedly be a tough bout for sure. I look forward to the challenge and opportunity in front of me.

New England Borrokak’ hurrengo arte martzialen arte mistoak, “NEF 42: Suntsipenaren sinfonia,” larunbatean ospatuko da, Otsaila 8, 2020, Portrongo Merrill Auditoriumean, Maine. Sarrerak salgai daude orainwww.PortTix.com.

Buruz New England Borrokak

New England Borrokak ("NEF") borroka ekitaldiak promozioak enpresa bat da. NEFren egitekoa da borrokalari eta zaleentzako kalitate goreneko gertaerak sortzea. NEF exekutiboa taldeko borroka kirol kudeaketan esperientzia zabala dauka, ekitaldiak ekoizpen, komunikabideekin harremanak, marketing, lege eta publizitatea.


OHARRA berehalako: Portland, Maine (Urtarrilaren 19, 2020) - New England Borrokak (NEF) bere hurrengo arte martzialak nahastuko ditu (MMA) Ekitaldia, “NEF 42: Suntsipenaren sinfonia,” larunbatean, Otsaila 8, 2020, Portrongo Merrill Auditoriumean. Gaur lehenago, NEF announced a change to one-half of the card’s main event.Manny "Bermudez Triangle" Bermudez(14-2) egingo da orain aurreBruce "Pretty Boy" Boyington(17-11) for the vacant NEF Professional Lightweight Championship in the night’s headline fight.

Bermudez stepped in to replace his teammate and training partner Josh Grispi (14-5) who was originally scheduled to meet Boyington. Grispi was forced to bow out of the main event due to legal complications unforeseen at the time of the bout’s signing. Mere hours after losing Grispi, NEF executives were notified that Bermudez would accept the fight with Boyington.

Like Grispi, Bermudez is a veteran of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) – the pinnacle of the sport. He put together a record of 3-2 while competing in the promotion before being released this past October. All three of Bermudez’s wins in the UFC came by way of submission. The fight with Boyington will be Bermudez’s first since his release.

“I’m looking forward to coming up to Bruce’s home turf and showing where it is I belong on the regional circuit,” stated Bermudez.  “I have experience at various levels in the sport and Bruce does too, so it’ll be interesting to see how the matchup unfolds on fight night.”

Bruce Boyington has never been one to back down from a challenge. The Taekwondo black belt and US Marine Corp veteran has made a career of fighting the “best of the best” whether it be in the NEF cage, at Madison Square Garden fighting for the World Series of Fighting (WSOF) on national television, or halfway across the world competing on a global event in Russia. Boyington, a member of Titan Athletics based in Brewer, Maine, looks to capture the lightweight strap for the second time on February 8.

There is no easy fight and this makes for the same scenarioa main event worthy of any card,” said Boyington.  “Two high caliber fightersthat’s the kind of fight I like to be in.

Adding to the high-caliber aspect of the fight, two streaks held by Boyington and Bermudez respectively make the fight even that much more intriguing. Boyington has never lost a title fight. He is a perfect 7-0 when a championship strap is on the line. In the same breadth, Bermudez has never lost a regional fight as a professional. He was a perfect 11-0 on the regional scene prior to signing with the UFC. On February 8, someone’s “0” will have to go.

“I first met Manny Bermudez 11-years ago one random weekend while visiting his home gym, South Short Sportfighting,"Azpimarratu zuen NEFen jabeak eta partiduko arduraduna Matt Peterson.  “He was a young, gangling teenager at the time that was giving fits on the floor to men two and three times his age. Manny made the gym his second home and the rest, esan bezala, is history—Manny went on to have a great run in the UFC. When Josh Grispi was forced to pull out of his fight with Bruce, Bruce gave me one directive for a replacement opponent—‘make sure they are good,’ he said. Bruce always wants to face the best and that’s what we were able to bring him in Bermudez. This is a main event fit for a symphony.”

New England Borrokak’ hurrengo arte martzialen arte mistoak, “NEF 42: Suntsipenaren sinfonia,” larunbatean ospatuko da, Otsaila 8, 2020, Portrongo Merrill Auditoriumean, Maine. Sarrerak salgai daude orainwww.PortTix.com.

Buruz New England Borrokak

New England Borrokak ("NEF") borroka ekitaldiak promozioak enpresa bat da. NEFren egitekoa da borrokalari eta zaleentzako kalitate goreneko gertaerak sortzea. NEF exekutiboa taldeko borroka kirol kudeaketan esperientzia zabala dauka, ekitaldiak ekoizpen, komunikabideekin harremanak, marketing, lege eta publizitatea.


OHARRA berehalako: Portland, Maine (Urtarrilaren 17, 2020) - New England Borrokak (NEF) bere hurrengo arte martzialak nahastuko ditu (MMA) Ekitaldia, “NEF 42: Suntsipenaren sinfonia,” larunbatean, Otsaila 8, 2020, Portrongo Merrill Auditoriumean. Gaur lehenago, NEF announced the addition of a professional catchweight bout to the card.Keegan “The Flu” Hornstra(4-11) hartuko onRyan “The Roosta” Cushing(0-0) borrokaren pisuan 160 kilo.

Keegan Hornstra is a longtime veteran of the New England MMA fight scene, having made his amateur debut a decade ago. He returned to the cage last April after a three-year absence and defeated Zenon Herrera (1-8) by first-round submission at “NEF 38.” Hornstra had a quick turnaround for his next fight, taking on Dom Jones (2-3) just a few weeks later at “NEF 39.” Unfortunately for Hornstra, he was on the losing end of that contest. He will look to get back in the win column on February 8. Hornstra currently represents Evolution Athletix based in Saco, Maine.

“He won’t show,” predicted Hornstra of his opponent. “If he does, bring umbrellas, because I’m sending teeth into the crowd.”

Ryan Cushing will make his professional debut at “NEF 42.” He is an independent fighter based out of Massachusetts. Cushing was a perfect 2-0 as an amateur with both victories coming by way of first-round submission.

“Keegan is a fantastic person and a veteran that I really respect,” said Cushing.  “He also has really turned himself around lately and looks better than ever, and he is someone I always got along with when I crossed paths and spoke with him, so it’s going to be pretty cool sharing the cage with him. I’m excited to test myself against him in the cage and in the ‘best facial hair’ battle at weigh-ins.”

New England Borrokak’ hurrengo arte martzialen arte mistoak, “NEF 42: Suntsipenaren sinfonia,” larunbatean ospatuko da, Otsaila 8, 2020, Portrongo Merrill Auditoriumean, Maine. Sarrerak salgai daude orainwww.PortTix.com.

Buruz New England Borrokak

New England Borrokak ("NEF") borroka ekitaldiak promozioak enpresa bat da. NEFren egitekoa da borrokalari eta zaleentzako kalitate goreneko gertaerak sortzea. NEF exekutiboa taldeko borroka kirol kudeaketan esperientzia zabala dauka, ekitaldiak ekoizpen, komunikabideekin harremanak, marketing, lege eta publizitatea.



Bellator and the USO Present: Agurtu Tropak Txartel nagusia:

Josh Barnett (35-8) vs. Ronny Markes (19-7) was cancelled by the Hawaii State Boxing Commission deeming Barnett unable to compete tonight due to severe illness

Toby Misech (12-7) garaitu Erik Perez (19-7) KO bidez (punches) at 0:54 Bat txandan

Alejandra Lara (9-3) garaitu Veta Artega (5-3) aho batez erabaki bidez (30-26, 30-26, 30-26)

Tywan Claxton (6-1) garaitu Braydon Akeo (3-1) aho batez erabaki bidez (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Joey Davis (7-0) garaitu Chris Cisneros (19-11) TKO bidez (punches) at 3:55 Bat txandan

Aurrematrikula Txartela:

Hunter Ewald (1-0) garaitu Brysen Bolohao (0-2)aurkezteko bidez (atzerako biluzik choke) at 1:42 Bat txandan

Joseph Creer (7-1-1) garaitu Ty Gwerder (4-1) aho batez erabaki bidez (30-27, 30-27, 29-26)

Cass Bell (5-0) garaitu Pierre Daguzan (5-4, 1 NC) aho batez erabaki bidez (30-27, 29-28, 30-27)

Please visit Bellator.com informazio gehiagorako.


HONOLULU - On the same night as Bellator and the USO Present: Agurtu Tropak, Bellator is proud to announce the signing of United States Marine Corps veteran and established flyweight competitor Liz Carmouche (13-7) urte anitzeko esklusiboa, anitzeko borroka kontratua.

Carmouche joins Bellator’s women’s flyweight division following a six-year run in UFC – a tenure that includes world title bouts in both the bantamweight and flyweight divisions, as well as notable wins over Katlyn Chookagian and Jessica Andrade.

Fighting out of San Diego, the 35-year-old Team Hurricane Awesome-product also formerly competed for Strikeforce, notching a pair of victories with the promotion. She earned an additional win over Valentina Shevchenko earlier in her career.

Prior to her days as a professional athlete, the Lafayette, Louisiana-native spent five years serving as an aviation electrician in the United Stated Marine Corps, where she completed three tours of duty in the Middle East. A longtime friend and teammate of Hawaii’s own ILIMA-Lei Macfarlane, “Girl-Rilla” finally has the opportunity to compete alongside Bellator women’s flyweight world champion in an already-stacked 125-pound division.

Carmouche’s promotional debut will take place early 2020 in the flyweight division, which is championed by her training partner, Ilima-lei Macfarlane, who headlines Warrior 236on DAZN tomorrow night in Honolulu, Hawaii. The division also features Macfarlane’s opponent Kate Jackson, as well as other top athletes competing this weekend in Hawaii, Barne Juliana Velasquez, Veta Arteaga, Bruna Ellen eta Alejandra Lara.