Kategoria Artxiboak: mistoa arte martzialak

Future Combat Sports Queen Amanda Serrano headlines iKON 7 MMA event this Friday

LAS VEGAS (June 7, 2021) – Pure and simple, Amanda "The Real Deal" Serrano is a true fighter, whether it’s in a cage, ring or on a mat. Someday, she could very well be legitimately known as the “Queen of Combat Sports.”

The 10-time, 7 division world boxing champion headlines this Friday night’s iKON 7, presented by iKON Fighting Federation, the mixed-martial-arts division of Roy Jones Jr. Boxing, at Benito Juarez Auditorium in Los Mochis, Sinaloa, Mexikon.

iKON 7 will be streamed live and exclusively June 11th on UFC FIGHT PASS®, Honela hasten 10 p.m. ETA / 7 p.m. PT. UFC FIGHT PASS-en izena emateko, borroka kiroletarako munduko harpidetza digitaleko zerbitzu nagusia, mesedez bisitatu www.ufcfightpass.com or download the UFC app.

Universally recognized as unquestionably one of the top three women boxers in the world today, joining Katie Taylor eta Claressa Shields, the Puerto Rico-native Serrano, Brooklyn kanpo borrokan, New York, da 1-0-1 in mixed-martial-arts competition. She will face pro-debuting Valentia Garcia, Mexikoko, in the iKON 7 main event.

“It’s an honor to headline iKON 7,” Serrano said. “It is a fast-rising MMA organization that I plan to plant my flag on. My co-manager, Pearl Gonzalez, turned me on to it and so far, I’m loving my dealings with them.

“My first two opponents in MMA were also Mexicans and they were tough. I don’t want it any other way if I’m going to have people take me seriously in this sport. From what I understand, my opponent has striking experience but in MMA, you should never expect a particular style. Most are well rounded and regardless of their primary style, I’m ready for it.”

Serrano has conquered boxing and legitimately rates as one of the greatest female boxers of all-time, as well as a future Hall of Famer, sporting a 40-1-1(30 Kos) pro record. She’s also 6-0 with in Jiu-Jitsu with five submissions.

“I was having a hard time getting good fights in boxing I wanted,” Serrano explained, “so, I asked my trainer/manager Jordan (Maldonado) started talking about MMA. A year before I debuted in MMA, I shot a movie, ‘Fight Valley’, in which both my sister, Cindy(Serrano), and I co-starred alongside Miesha Tate, Chris Cyborg eta Holly Holm. During the filming we talked about helping each other train in our respective disciplines and yeah, it materialized but in way I became an MMA practitioner.

“Training is totally different. I took a year off from boxing just to learn the basics. Gaur, I train everyday regardless of upcoming fights or not. There are a ton of things I still need to learn. I’m pretty much a workaholic and a sore loser, beraz,, if I’m messing with it, I want it all! I’d love to one day fight for World title (MMA) and become a champion in both sports at the same time. I have what it takes to do it if anyone does. I do want to switch the narrative as a striker and be known in MMA for my ground game.”

Las Vegas fighter Johnny “The Paradox” Parsons (6-2-0, iKON: 2-0-0) hartzen Ricardo “Woody” Chavez (5-1-0), Mexikoko, at a 175-pound catchweight In the co-featured event.

Undefeated Tucson welterweight Pete “Dead Game” Rodriguez goes for his fourth consecutive win without a lossall in iKON competition – against Mexican opponentRoberto “Pixley 2B” Pixley (5-1-0).

Also scheduled to fight on the undercard is Yakima, Washington featherweight Jorge “The Natural” Alcala (4-1-0) vs. Sergio “The Animal” Cortez (3-2-0), Hong Kong female featherweight Ramona Pasqual (4-2-0) vs. pro-debuting Guadalupe Guzman, Miami by way of Egypt welterweight Manmoud Sebie vs. Enrique Hernandez in a battle of pro-debuting fighters, pro-debuting female flyweights Rosselyn Chavira, Tucson (DU) eta Sofia Salacar, Miami bantamweight Claudia Zamaora (2-1-0, iKON: 1-0-0), and Mexican featherweights Luis “Mano” Garcia (1-2, iKON: 1-1-0) vs. pro-debuting Angel Rivera UFC-tik kanpoko borroka borroka.

Txartela aldatu egin daiteke.


Websites: http://www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.com, www.ufcfightpass.com
Facebook: /UFCFightPass, /KeithVeltre
Twitter: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @Keith_Veltre, @RoyjonesJRfa @RoyJonesJrOfficial
Instagram: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre, @RoyJonesJrBoxing

ROY JONES JR, BOXEAREN SUSTAPENAK: Urtean sortua 2013 Roy Jones munduko 10 aldiz txapeldunaren eskutik, Jr.. eta Keith Veltre, Roy Jones, Jr.. (RJJ) Boxeo Promozioak boxeoa berrasmatzeko bidean da. RJJ-k dagoeneko eragin handia izan du boxeo komunitatean urte gutxian. UFC Fight Pass-erako eduki pozgarria sortzen, CBS Sports, Showtime, ESPN eta beIN Sports herrialde osoko leku onenetako batzuetan, RJJ has proven it is conquering the sweet science of the sport.

Munduko borroka hiriburuan oinarritua, Las Vegas, NV,Roy Jones Jr. Boxing Promotions is climbing to the top at a fast pace, talentu gaztea bere hazkunde egonkorrari gehituz: NABF super euli pisuko txapelduna, IBF #8 eta WBC # 14 Jade “Hurricane” Bornea (15-0, 10 Kos); two-time world title challenger, bantamweight “Mighty” Aston Palicte (26-4-1, 22 Kos); NABF welterweight champion, WBC #15 and Santiago “Somer” Dominguez (24-0, 18 Kos); former NABA welterweight champion Kendo “Tremendo” Castaneda (17-3, 8 Kos), former Interim World middleweight title challenger John “The Phenom” Vera (20-1, 12 KO), unbeaten super middleweight prospect Juan “Just Business” Barajas (11-0-1, 7 Kos), and former WBC World Youth heavyweight titlist Alexander “The Great” Flores (18-3-1, 16 Kos).

UFC FIGHT PASS BURUZ®: UFC BORROKA PASS® borroka kiroletarako munduko harpidetza digitaleko zerbitzu nagusia da. Urtean abiarazi zenetik 2013, UFC FIGHT PASS orain baino gehiagotan eskuragarri dago 200 herrialdeak eta lurraldeak. UFC FIGHT PASSek bere kideei sarbide mugagabea eskaintzen die UFC FIGHT PASS zuzeneko aurrekariak ikusteko; mundu osoko borroka arte mistoak eta borroka kirolak bizi; serie originala eta programazio historikoa; ezaugarri bereziak; atzean dagoen edukia; elkarrizketa sakonak; eta borroka kirolen munduari buruzko minutuko erreportajeak. UFC FIGHT PASS harpidedunek ere badute 24/7 sarbidea munduko borroka liburutegi handienera, baino gehiago agertzen da 20,000 dozenaka borroka erakunderen borrokak, baita UFC historiako borroka guztiak ere. Fight zaleek UFC FIGHT PASS sar dezakete ordenagailu pertsonaletan, iOS eta Android gailu mugikorrak, Apple TV, Xbox One, Amazon Fire telebista, Chromecast, Urtea, Samsung telebista adimendunak, LG telebista adimendunak, eta Sony telebistak Android TVrekin. Informazio gehiago lortzeko, mesedez bisitatu www.ufcfightpass.com.


OHARRA berehalako: Milford, New Hampshire (June 7, 2021) - New England Borrokak (NEF) announced today that the fight promotion will return with its next event, "NEF 44: Back in Black,” on August 21, 2021.  The show will originate from the Hampshire Dome in Milford, New Hampshire and will feature a mix of both mixed-martial-arts (MMA) and kickboxing fights. It will be NEF’s long-awaited debut in the Granite State, and it will also be the promotion’s first event since the COVID-19 pandemic hit in the spring of 2020.

NEF’s previously-scheduled event, “NEF 43: Rampage,” which was postponed indefinitely due to the pandemic, is still awaiting a rescheduled date at the Collins Center for the Arts at UMaine Orono. NEF executives hope that date will be sometime later in the fall, but at press time they were still waiting on a decision from the Combat Sports Authority of Maine on re-opening the regulation of MMA and boxing events in the state without restrictions.

“Fighters and fans have waited long enough,” declared NEF promoter and co-owner Nick DiSalvo. “With Maine not fully open for combat sports events yet, the Hampshire Dome and the New Hampshire Boxing Commission presented the perfect opportunity to get fighters back in the cage and active again before summer was over.”

NEF further announced today the first fight confirmed for the “NEF 44” card in Milford would be an amateur welterweight title contest. Duncan “The Highlander” Smith (5-3), who has held the promotion’s 170-pound championship since June 2018, is scheduled to defend against number-one-contender Mike “All Class” Bezanson (5-0).

“Coming out of COVID we’re going to find out who really wants it and is serious about accelerating in the sport,"Esan NEF jabekide eta matchmaker Matt Peterson. “Who was working during quarantine, grinding away in their basements and garages and backyards and getting better while the world was shut down? Duncan and Bezanson both believe they are those guys and we’re going to find out on August 21st. These are two of the best in the Northeast welterweight division and I can’t wait to see which one proves that they are ready to punch through into the professional division before the end of 2021.”

Reigning champion Duncan Smith is a perfect 3-0 in the NEF cage. His last defense of the title was at “NEF 38” in April 2019 when he defeated John Tefft (2-1) via unanimous decision. Smith represents Evolution Athletix based in Saco, Maine.

“I’ve never felt more complete and confident in all aspects of living,"Esan zuen Smith. “I am extremely excited to showcase my skills against a game opponent before I enter the pro ranks. A lot can change in two years.”

Undefeated Mike Bezanson is regarded by many as one of the most exciting competitors on the entire New England scene. He is known for his flashy striking style and explosive finishes. Bezanson represents Team Kaze of Lancaster, New Hampshire.

I’ve been sitting like a caged lion this last year because of COVID,” stated Bezanson when reached for comment. “Waiting eagerly for everything to open up just like everyone else. I’m very excited to be able to get back in there to perform for everyone!  I can assure you this will be the same game plan as all my previous fights. I’m going in there for two reasons, to knock out whoever is in front of me and walk out with a belt over my shoulder.

“With everything opening up and restrictions being lifted, there is a lot to get excited about,” said Bezanson’s coach and Kaze Dojo owner Greg Williams. “That being said, nothing excites me more than seeing Mike Bezanson bringing his unique brand of violence back to the NEF cage! He is a rare talent and I believe he will eventually realize himself on the highest level. Another amateur belt is just icing on the cake. We all look forward to seeing New England’s best amateur 170 prospect and how he has evolved in the past year!"

Tickets for “NEF 44: Back in Black” are on sale now atwww.NewEnglandFights.com/Tickets/The hybrid MMA and kickboxing event will take place at the Hampshire Dome in Milford, New Hampshire on Saturday, Abuztua 21, 2021, kanpai-denborarekin 7 pm.

Buruz New England Borrokak

New England Borrokak ("NEF") borroka ekitaldiak promozioak enpresa bat da. NEFren egitekoa da borrokalari eta zaleentzako kalitate goreneko gertaerak sortzea. NEF exekutiboa taldeko borroka kirol kudeaketan esperientzia zabala dauka, ekitaldiak ekoizpen, komunikabideekin harremanak, marketing, lege eta publizitatea.


KlikatuHEMEN Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME argazkiak egiteko

MIAMI(June 4, 2021) – Social media superstar and undefeated pro boxerJake “The Problem Child” Paul faced off with his next opponent, five-time UFC championTyron Woodley, at the historic 5garren Street Gym in Miami on Thursday ahead of their highly anticipated summer showdown on SHOWTIME PPV.

Here is what Paul and Woodley had to say following their heated stare down in Miami:


“I told him I’ll pay you double your purse if you beat me. But if you lose, you have to pay your purse to my charity. He lacks confidence. Why wouldn’t you take that bet as a fighter if you knew you were going to win? To make double the money? This is the biggest pay day of your life and you can make double? Put your money where your mouth is.

“He’s a good striker. He’s known for knocking people out. But I think when I beat Tyron, people have to put respect on my name. But that’s not what I’m here for to be honest. I already know how good I am. I know that this is going to be another easy fight. That’s why SHOWTIME is in business with me. You boxeo etorkizunari begira ari.

“He’s not as good as me and he’s playing catch-up. We see holes in his whole entire game and he has try to learn how to box. He’s stiff. Muscles don’t fight and he’s going to be out of his element. This is boxing. This isn’t MMA. You can’t learn how to box in this amount of time. Now we’re going to show him the reins. The Disney kid is going to beat up the five-time UFC champion of the world. It’s going to be hilarious.

“I haven’t even shown my fighting abilities at all. I haven’t even made it past two rounds in my professional career. I haven’t been hit in the face. Nobody can even see if I have a chin or my inside fighting game. I haven’t even warmed up yet. And by the way, I’m the type of fighter that gets better the longer the fight goes on. I get better in sparring so I haven’t even been able to warm up and I’m excited to show my ability if he can make it out of the first round.

“I’ve predicted every single one of my fights. I said Ben Askren, lehen txandan. I said Nate Robinson, lehen txandan. He got to the second. I said in my first pro fight, lehen txandan. I don’t think Tyron will make it out of two rounds. You might not even get to see my boxing abilities in this fight to be honest.”


“I’ve always wanted to box my whole life but never did it. This is my opportunity. This is a kid that’s a power-puncher. He’s got a lot of strength behind him. This is going to be a big platform to showcase what I can do in a boxing ring. And he’s a fighter. Borrokatu ahal zuen. Egunaren amaieran,, you can watch him and the timing, the rhythm and the footwork is there.

“He hasn’t fought very long. But the little action that I have seen was clean. Good defense. Nate was rushing him, he protected himself and he came out of his shell and cracked him.

“He’s trying to downplay his ability. He’s a fighter. Don’t let him play you by saying, ‘I’m just a YouTuber.’ Last week, he was a fighter. When he was saying nobody wanted to fight him, he was a fighter. You’re not a YouTuber anymore. You’re not on Disney. It’s been a long time since he was on Disney. That’s like me saying I’m just a collegiate wrestler and I don’t punch people.

“I just want to have fun. I want to train hard. I want to get better. I want to go out there and do things on my terms and be the one to call the shots. I want to go out there and make history. I always make history. I may not always get the credit for it but I’m always the first. Fighters always hit me up asking what they should do, what they’re doing wrong. Now it’s time for me to go do it myself.”

BELLATOR MMA Confirms Full Fight Card for BELLATOR 260 on SHOWTIME Next Friday, June 11 at 9 p.m. ETA


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LOS ANGELES– BELLATOR MMA has confirmed the full fight card forBELLATOR MMA 260: Lima vs. AmosovonOstirala, June 11 Mohegan Sun Arena. The event is the promotion’s first show in America with fans in attendance since the start of the pandemic and airs LIVE on SHOWTIME at9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT.

BELLATOR’s 170-pound kingpinDouglas Lima(32-8) returns to the welterweight division to put his title on the line against undefeated and No. 1 sailkapeneanYaroslav Amosov (25-0) in a must-watch main event clash.

Headliner gain, the entirety of the Warrior 260 main card on SHOWTIME is stacked, including a 175-pound contract weight co-main event pitting legendary No. 6 ranked welterweight Paul Daley (43-17-2) against the streaking No. 3 ranked welterweight Jason Jackson (14-4). Era, a featherweight feature fight between the hard-hitting No. 6 sailkapenean Aaron Pico (7-3) versus Birmingham’s Aiden Lee (9-4) and a welterweight showdown between Demarques Jackson (11-5) eta Mark Lemminger (9-0, 1 NC). The newly announced fifth and final main card bout features a showdown between No. 10 sailkapenean Vanessa Porto (5-3) and Pitbull Brothers-product Ilara Joanne (9-5) in a 128-pound contract weight bout.

The preliminary card is locked in with six action-packed fights, highlighted by a featherweight battle between No. 9 sailkapeneanTywan Claxton(6-2) eta boladan duJustin Gonzales(11-0), who is making his BELLATOR debut. Bien bitartean, hometown hero and fan-favoriteNick Newell(16-3) is set to square off againstBobby King (9-3) in a lightweight bout and 20-year-old phenomLucas Brennan(4-0) prepares for a 150-pound contract weight clash withMatthew Skibicki (4-3). Era, two-time NCAA All-American wrestling standoutKyle Crutchmer (6-1) will take on undefeated welterweightLevan Chokheli (9-0, 1 NC) to cap off this stacked preliminary card.

GuztiakBELLATOR 260prelims will stream live at6 p.m. ET/3 p.m. PT on the BELLATOR MMA YouTube channel, SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel and Pluto TV.

As part of the launch of BELLATOR MMA on SHOWTIME, the network is offering viewers who are new to the SHOWTIME streaming service a 30-day free trial, followed by a discounted monthly subscription fee of $4.99/month for the next six months. Viewers can sign up atSHO.com/BellatorMMASubscribers will be delivered two premier BELLATOR MMA events per month throughout 2021 eta haratago, with all events scheduled to air live at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT anywhere the SHOWTIME service is available.

Full bout listings are below:

 BELLATOR MMA 260: Lima vs. AmosovTxartel nagusia:

Ostirala, June 11 – Live on SHOWTIME

9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT

Welterweight World Title Main Eventc-Douglas Lima(32-8) vs. #1-Yaroslav Amosov(25-0)

175-pound Contract Weight Co-Main Event#6-Paul Daley (43-17-2) vs. #3-Jason Jackson(14-4)

Featherweight Bout: #6-Aaron Pico (7-3) vs.Aiden Lee (9-4)

128-pound Contract Weight Bout: #10-Vanessa Porto (22-9) vs.Ilara Joanne(9-5)

Welterweight Bout: Demarques Jackson(11-5) vs.Mark Lemminger(11-3)

Aurrematrikula Txartela:

BELLATOR MMA YouTube Channel | SHOWTIME Sports YouTube Channel | Pluto TV

6 p.m. ET/3 p.m. PT

Welterweight Bout: Kyle Crutchmer (6-1) vs.Levan Chokheli (9-0, 1 NC)

Featherweight Bout: #9-Tywan Claxton (6-2) vs.Justin Gonzales(11-0)

Arina Bout: Nick Newell (16-3) vs.Bobby King (9-3)

150-pound Contract Weight Bout: Lucas Brennan (4-0) vs.Matthew Skibicki(4-3)

Featherweight Bout: #8-Amanda Bell(7-7) vs.Marina Mokhnatkina (4-2)

Argia Heavyweight Bout: Alex Polizzi(7-1) vs.Gustavo Trujillo(3-1)

*Txartela aldatu egin daiteke.

Please visitBellator.com informazio osagarria.

Featherweight Sensation Aaron Pico Meets Birmingham’s Aiden Lee During Main Card of BELLATOR 260 ostiralean, June 11 – Live SHOWTIME on


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LOS ANGELES — Today, BELLATOR MMA confirmed that No. 6 sailkapenean featherweightAaron Pico (7-3) has been added to theBELLATOR MMA 260: Lima vs. Amosovmain card on Friday, June 11, where he will oppose grappling aceAiden Lee(9-4), in a 145-pound bout. The fight will take place at Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Conn. and will be televised live on SHOWTIME at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT.

Warrior 260 will be headlined by welterweight world championDouglas Lima(32-8), who will defend his 170-pound title against the undefeated and top-ranked Yaroslav Amosov(25-0).

The event marks BELLATOR’s first fan-attended event in the United States sinceWarrior 239 took place on February 21, 2020. A limited number of tickets starting at $60 are available now and can be purchased through Ticketmaster or at Bellator.com.

Since his professional MMA debut in 2017, Aaron Pico has widely been considered one of the brightest prospects in the sport. The Jackson Wink fighter has showcased a wrestling acumen that stacks up with the best in the world, coupled with vicious punching power that has earned him stunning KO victories with both his left and right hand. The 24-year-old has shown steady growth each time out in the BELLATOR cage and is currently riding a three-fight winning streak.

Fighting for the first time on American soil, the 26-year-old Lee looks to secure his third straight victory inside the BELLATOR cage. An underrated submission specialist, the Englishman earned his fourth career victory via rear-naked choke against Damian Frankiewicz and a stunning head-kick knockout against Jeremy Petley in the first round of their matchup last September.

Gainera, a welterweight fight between BELLATOR veteranKyle Crutchmer (6-1) and promotional debutantLevan Chokheli(9-0, 1 NC) has been added as a preliminary bout. Crutchmer, who trains out of AKA in San Jose, wrestled at Oklahoma State University, where he became a two-time All-American and two-time Big 12 txapeldun. Bien bitartean, Chokheli looks to keep his record flawless while making a sound first impression in his BELLATOR debut. The 24-year-old Georgian boasts an impressive 100% finishing rate, having never seen the final bell in all nine of his fights.

Also added to the preliminary card, “The Boogeyman," Lance Wright(5-1) will be making his BELLATOR debut after an impressive showing on the American regional scene. He will be tasked with fightingTaylor “Tombstone” Johnson (6-2), a two-fight veteran of the BELLATOR cage.

All prelims will stream live at5:30 p.m. ET/2:30 p.m. PT on the BELLATOR MMA YouTube channel, SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel and Pluto TV. Full bout listings are below.

BELLATOR MMA 260: Lima vs. AmosovTxartel nagusia:

Ostirala, June 11 – Live on SHOWTIME

9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT

Welterweight World Title Main Eventc-Douglas Lima(32-8) vs. #1-Yaroslav Amosov(25-0)

175-pound Contract Weight Co-Main Event#6Paul Daley (43-17-2) vs. #3-Jason Jackson(14-4)

Featherweight Bout: #6-Aaron Pico (7-3) vs.Aiden Lee (9-4)

Welterweight Bout: Demarques Jackson(11-5) vs.Mark Lemminger(11-3)

Aurrematrikula Txartela:

BELLATOR MMA YouTube Channel | SHOWTIME Sports YouTube Channel | Pluto TV

5:30 p.m. ET/2:30 p.m. PT

Welterweight Bout: Kyle Crutchmer (6-1) vs.Levan Chokheli (9-0, 1 NC)

Featherweight Bout: #9-Tywan Claxton (6-2) vs.Justin Gonzales(11-0)

Arina Bout: Nick Newell (16-3) vs.Bobby King (9-3)

Featherweight Bout: Lucas Brennan (4-0) vs.Matthew Skibicki(4-3)

Featherweight Bout: Amanda Bell(7-7) vs.Marina Mokhnatkina (4-2)

Argia Heavyweight Bout: Alex Polizzi(7-1) vs.Gustavo Trujillo(3-1)

Middleweight Bout: Taylor Johnson(6-2) vs.Lance Wright (5-1)

*Txartela aldatu egin daiteke.

Please visitBellator.com informazio osagarria.

SFT dominating Brazilian National MMA Rankings

SAO PAULO, Brasilen (Maiatza 25, 2021) – Fighters in SFT’s stable, according to MMA Premium, dominated May’s Brazilian National MMA Rankings.

In the male pound-for-pound ratings, SFT stable fighters captured three of the top four positions: 2, Marcos “Babuino” de Santos (33-13-1, SFT: 3-0-), 3. Wellington “Predador” Prado (11-2-0, SFT: 5-1-0), 4. Thiago “Manchinha” Silva (19-9-0, (SFT: 0-1-0).

“Babuino” and “Predador”, hurrenez hurren, are also the top 2 ranked featherweights, while Junior andAcacio “Pequeno” dos Santos (13-3-0, SFT: 2-0-0) finished one-two in the light heavyweight division.

SFT women also placed second and third in the women pound-for-pound ratings, hurrenez hurren, with strawweightsJulia Polastri (8-2-0, SFT: 1-0-0) etaKarine “Killer” Silva (13-4-0, SFT: 2-0-0). 

SFT swept the top three positions in female bantamweight rankings, in order, with Karine “Killer,” who was SFT’s 2020 Submission of the Year recipientGisele “Gi” Moreira (9-4-0, SFT: 1-0-0) etaSidy Rocha (12-8-2, SFT: 0-1-0).

“SFT was established in 2018 by our film and production company,” SFT presidentDavid Hudson said. “Two events were produced, but then we were on hold for five years, and back then, I had nothing to do with SFT. When events were resumed in 2018, I wondered why a country that played a major role in the creation of MMA and UFC didn’t have a world-class promotion. After analyzing what was being done and attendingSFT 4 in Brazil, I was sure the problem was how things were being done. I decided to walk away from the film industry and dedicated my life to MMA.

“Under my leadership, SFT has had a whole new way of promoting MMA. Each decision I made, I was told that by many that I was wrong, and it would result in the end of SFT. Numbers don’t lie and thanks to God, I I have the numbers that prove I was correct., Hala ere, as innovative and even crazy my ideas may have been, I knew that at the end of the day our fights had to be top notch. I had a 3-year plan and my goal was to have top 10 Brazilian fighters in each weight class in SFT, excluding those who had contracts outside of Brazil.”

SFT is tentatively prepared to return July 10th withSFT 27 in Brazil.

“We were on track to reaching our goal, but the pandemic caused us to pause at the year of year too,” Hudson explained. “Due to inactivity, many of our fighters dropped out of the top 5 eta 10 in national rankings. We still have a lot of the best of the best in Brazil in our stable and in July we will return with our monthly events. I am sure that in a year, things will be back on track, and we’ll be closer to our goal.

“Part of our strategy was to have events in the United States, but there are still travel restrictions for Brazilians going to the USA. As soon as we are able to bring our fighters to the United States to fight, we will, and then we will be one step closer to attaining my goal.”


Web: www.sftcombat.com

Facebook: /SFT.combat, davidhudson.SFT

Twitter: @SFTCombat, @SFTUSA

Instagram: @SFTCombat, @DavidHudson.SFT

You Tube: /SFTCombat, /SFTUSA, /SFTBrasil


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c-Cris Cyborg (24-2, 1 NC) garaitu #4-Leslie Smith (12-9-1) TKO bidez (grebak) at 4:51 Kopako bost

Cris Cyborg after retaining the title:

“I knew she was tough and I’ve fought her before. I know her and respect her and she’s a real fighter. I knew with her it would be a great match, because she’s capable and she’s tough."

“I was really working in sparring to keep going and going because I knew it was going to be this way. I noticed I enjoyed it a little more. It’s going to be 16 years as a professional fighter this month so I started to enjoy it in there."

“I’ve been working on grappling my whole life but I just feel like I’m getting better and better every day. I got a black belt, but it’s like a white belt because I’m always learning."

“I’ve been doing this 16 urte, I’ve got four titles. But before you can be a G.O.A.T. you have to fight the ‘Cat.’ So, I’d like to fight with Cat Zingano and I will ask Scott Coker. Because before you can be a G.O.A.T. you have to fight the ‘Cat.’”

#6-Leandro Higo (20-5) garaitu Darrion Caldwell (15-5) split erabaki bidez (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

“I’ve been waiting for this fight for three years now. It’s exactly how I wanted it to go. I used my wrestling and I used my jiu-jitsu. I’m a complete fighter and I’m ready for any fighter on the planet because I believe I’m the best. I knew I had lost the first round, but in the second when he was throwing all those elbows and cut me open, I’m from a poor family in Brazil and that was nothing I hadn’t seen before. I felt happy being in that cage with blood all over me.

“He ended up taking me down in the second and I went for a kimura, which is something I’m very accustomed to doing, but he reversed it but then he didn’t do anything and I hit him with a lot of strikes on bottom. A lot of elbows and strikes and I stayed very on bottom and he wasn’t doing anything. That’s why I won the second and third round.”

“I think that I deserve a title shot. I just beat three of the biggest names in the game and I just beat a former world champion. And nobody has beaten the top three guys of this world-class caliber like I have done in three consecutive wins. I’m going for that world title and that’s what’s next for me. So let’s make it fast.”

#3-Austin Vanderford (11-0) garaitu #4-Fabian Edwards (9-2) aho batez erabaki bidez (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Austin Vanderford following his unanimous decision win:

“I like my fights bloody, whether it’s me or my opponent. I’ll get a scab. But hats off to Fabian who cut me up a little bit. But happy to get the win.”

“He was a big, strong guy. I started feeling him give me that head and arm choke. Zoritxarrez, I didn’t capitalize on it. But I knew what I was going to do. I was going to just grind it out. He’s a good striker so I had to be careful but I felt good. Wrestling … it’s my heart. I’m ready for the next step.”

Jaleel Willis (15-2) garaitu Maycon Mendonca (11-5) aho batez erabaki bidez (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)

Hannah Guy (3-1) garaitu #8-Valerie Loureda (3-1) aho batez erabaki bidez (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)

Hannah Guy following her first win inside the BELLATOR cage…

“I felt like I had really good cardio, so that was awesome because I was really worried about that a little bit. I’m so thankful she took the fight and I’m so thankful BELLATOR gave me this opportunity.

“I thought I was going to finish with the triangle (choke), zintzotasunez. She just slipped right out of there, so that was awesome of her. Her defense was really good. I was really impressed with that. I didn’t know what her ground game was but it was a lot better than I thought it was going to be.

“Grappling is just where I want to be if you’ve seen any of my other fights. My striking has really improved a lot though so I’m hoping to change that. But grappling has always been my strong suit. I didn’t want to just depend on my grappling, but I thought I landed some shots pretty well a few times. In this fight I thought I could see when the punches were coming. And I was able to defend a little bit better and how I’ve grown. So I’m just really proud of myself right now.”

Aurrematrikula Txartela:
You Awad (24-13, 1 NC) garaitu Nate Andrews (16-4) KO bidez (grebak) at 3:16 Bat txandan
#7-Grant Neal (6-0) garaitu #8-Tyree Fortune (5-1) aurkezteko bidez (atzerako biluzik choke) at 4:20 Bat txandan
Sumiko Inaba (2-0) garaitu Kristina Katsikis (1-2) TKO bidez (grebak) at 3:35 txandan hiru
Aviv Gozali (6-0) garaitu Sean Felton (5-3-1) aurkezteko bidez (orpo kako) at 1:17 Bat txandan
#9-Davion Franklin (3-0) garaitu Tyler King (12-10) KOren bidez 2:02 Bat txandan
#7-Leah McCourt (5-1) garaitu 6-Janay Harding (6-5) aurkezteko bidez (triangelu choke) at 2:42 Kopako bi of
Danny Sabatello (11-1) garaitu Brett Johns (17-3) aho batez erabaki bidez (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
Alexander Shabliy (20-3) garaitu #9-Alfie Davis (14-4) aho batez erabaki bidez (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Please visit Bellator.com informazio osagarria.


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AINGERUAK - Ekitaldi nagusia Warrior 262 ostiralean, Uztailaren 16 will feature undefeated 125-pound world champion Juliana Velasquez (11-0) making the first defense of her title against BELLATOR Kickboxing’s Flyweight World Champion and No. 4 sailkapenean Denise Kielholtz (6-2). The card emanates from the Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Conn. and airs live on SHOWTIME at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT.

A limited number of tickets starting at $60 go on sale beginning Friday, June 4, with a special presale starting on Thursday, June 3 batetik 10 a.m. ra 10 p.m. ETA, and can be purchased at Ticketmaster and Bellator.com.

The preliminary portion of BELLATOR MMA 262: Velasquez vs. Kielholtz at hasten 5:30 p.m. ET/2:30 p.m. PT and will stream live on the BELLATOR MMA YouTube channel, SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel and Pluto TV. Additional bouts will be announced at a later date.

Hailing from Rio de Janeiro, Brasilen, the 34-year-old Velasquez makes the first defense of her flyweight title since dethroning inaugural champion ILIMA-Lei Macfarlane at Warrior 254 in December of last year. Sitting in the No. 2 slot on the BELLATOR women’s pound-for-pound rankings, Velasquez is a former Brazilian national champion in judo, a martial arts discipline she began training at age four. The Team Nogueira product has been a dominant force throughout her unblemished 11-fight professional career, including six wins under the BELLATOR banner.

“I’m extremely excited and happy to get back in the BELLATOR cage and defend my title for the first time,” said Velasquez. “I’ve been training really hard, and I’m fully prepared to put on an incredible performance for my fans. Denise has been a great champion in the BELLATOR kickboxing ring, but this MMA belt is mine and it will be going back to Brazil with me after the fight.”

Already the reigning BELLATOR Kickboxing Flyweight World Champion, Kielholtz is looking to capture the promotion’s MMA gold as well when she straps on the BELLATOR MMA gloves for the seventh time. The Dutch striking sensation, known to fans as “Miss Dynamite,” is riding a four-fight MMA winning streak, including a first round knockout over former title challenger Kate Jackson at Warrior 247 azken urria. Much like her opponent, the 32-year-old Kielholtz holds a black belt in judo with multiple titles as a member of the Dutch National Judo Team.

“This is the moment I’ve been waiting for since I was a child,” said Kielholtz. “My journey in martial arts started when I was nine years old. I have earned multiple championships from kickboxing and judo and I feel like the universe has put everything together. All the hard work, all the sacrifices I have made in my life have all led me to this opportunity. This will be the crowning achievement of my career. This is mine.”

# # #

BELLATOR MMA 262: Velasquez vs. Kielholtz Txartel nagusia:
Ostirala, Uztailaren 16 - 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT

Flyweight World Title Main Event: C-Juliana Velasquez (11-0) vs. #4-Denise Kielholtz (6-2)

Aurrematrikula Txartela:
BELLATOR MMA YouTube channel | SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel | Pluto TV
5:30 p.m. ET/2:30 p.m. PT

For more information on upcoming BELLATOR MMA events, bisita BELLATOR.com.

Multi-World boxing champion Amanda Serrano to headline iKON 7 MMA gertaera

LAS VEGAS (Maiatza 20, 2021) – Multiple World boxing champion Amanda "The Real Deal" Serrano titular iKON 7, presented by iKON Fighting Federation, the mixed-martial-arts division of Roy Jones Jr. Boxing, June 11garren at Benito Juarez Auditorium in Los Mochis, Sinaloa, Mexikon.

iKON 7 will be streamed live and exclusively JUNE 11 on UFC FIGHT PASS®, Honela hasten 10 p.m. ETA / 7 p.m. PT. UFC FIGHT PASS-en izena emateko, borroka kiroletarako munduko harpidetza digitaleko zerbitzu nagusia, mesedez bisitatu www.ufcfightpass.com or download the UFC app.

Puerto Rico native Serrano, Brooklyn kanpo borrokan, New York, da 1-0-1 in mixed-martial-arts competition. She will face pro-debuting Valentia Garcia, Mexikoko, in the iKON 7main event. One of the greatest female boxers of all-time, Serrano is a 10-time, 7-division World champion, who sports a remarkable 40-1-1(30 Kos) pro record.

“We are thrilled to have Amanda Serrano headlining our card,” iKON Fighting Federation president Keith Veltre esan. “She is a great boxing champion, one of the all-time best, who is going to make waves in MMA. She can really fight! Her fight is also a continuation of the terrific Puerto Rico versus Mexico sports rivalry.”

Co-featured gertatuz gero, Las Vegas fighter Johnny “The Paradox” Parsons (6-2-0, iKON: 2-0-0) aurpegiak Ricardo “Woody” Chavez (5-1-0), Mexikoko, 175 kiloko catchweight batean.

Undefeated Tucson welterweight Pete “Dead Game” Rodriguez, a familiar iKON fighter, goes for his fourth straight victory without a lossall in iKON competition – versus Mexican opponent Roberto “Pixley 2B” Pixley (5-1-0).

Scheduled to fight on the undercard is Yakima, Washington featherweight Jorge “The Natural” Alcala (4-1-0) vs. Sergio “The Animal” Cortez (3-2-0), Hong Kong female featherweight Ramona Pasqual (4-2-0) vs. pro-debuting Guadalupe Guzman, Miami by way of Egypt welterweight Manmoud Sebie vs. Enrique Hernandez in a battle of pro-debuting fighters, pro-debuting female flyweights Rosselyn Chavira, Tucson (DU) eta Sofia Salacar, and Mexican featherweights Luis “Mano” Garcia (1-2, iKON: 1-1-0) vs. pro-debuting Angel Rivera.

Txartela aldatu egin daiteke.


Websites: http://www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.com, www.ufcfightpass.com
Facebook: /UFCFightPass, /KeithVeltre
Twitter: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @Keith_Veltre, @RoyjonesJRfa @RoyJonesJrOfficial
Instagram: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre, @RoyJonesJrBoxing


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Elevate Sports Ventures Joins Bellator MMA To Support Sponsorship, Premium and Ticket Sales Strategies

NEW YORK – MAY 19, 2021 -BELLATOR MMA, a leading global mixed martial arts organization featuring the world’s most dominant combat sports athletes, is set to welcome back fans in attendance to watch live events beginning with BELLATOR 260: Lima vs. Amosovostiralean, June 11, and BELLATOR 261: Johnson vs. Moldavskyon Ostirala, June 25, MOHEGAN eguzkia Uncasville Arenan, Conn. Both events will be televised live on SHOWTIME®.

To amplify the anticipated return to fan-attended events, BELLATOR has tapped Elevate Sports Ventures, an innovative and resourceful sports and entertainment marketing firm, to support sponsorship, premium and ticket sales strategies for the internationally renowned mixed martial arts brand.

A limited number tickets starting at $60 will be made available beginning this Friday, Maiatza 21 for BELLATOR 260: Lima vs. Amosovand BELLATOR 261: Johnson vs. Moldavsky for purchase at Ticketmaster and Bellator.com.

Elevate’s integration comes on the heels of BELLATOR MMA’s move to its new exclusive U.S. television partner, SHOWTIME, which began televising the promotion’s events in April. The sports agency additionally will support BELLATOR’s marketing, operational and routing strategies for events moving forward.

“We are very excited to be getting into business with Elevate,” said BELLATOR MMA President Scott Coker. “They bring a tremendous amount of knowledge and experience to the table with a proven track record of providing consistent results for top professional sports franchises, leagues and events. It feels like our family just got bigger, and I am confident that this new relationship will lead to the continued growth of the BELLATOR brand.”

“At Elevate, we are inspired by BELLATOR’s ambition to meaningfully connect and engage with current and new fans, and aggressively route new live events to its diverse, global fanbase,” said Elevate Sports Ventures Chairman and CEO Al Guido.  

Following this Friday’s BELLATOR 259: Cyborg vs. Smith 2, BELLATOR MMA will have hosted 16 events without spectators in attendance at Mohegan Sun Arena during the COVID-19 pandemic. Horrez gain, the promotion held three cards in Milan, Italian, and a historic night of fights in Paris, which marked the first time a major MMA promotion held an event in France.

Elevate will leverage its “Insights” vertical, utilizing industry-leading data and analytics practices, to generate smarter sponsorship, premium and ticket-sales targets and strategies, including producing data-driven fan profile analysis, product and pricing strategies, lead-scoring modeling and more for BELLATOR MMA’s front office, global brand and future live events.

For more information on upcoming BELLATOR MMA events, bisitaBELLATOR.com.