Kategorija Archives: mišrių kovos menų

New England’s Future 4” OFICIALŪS SVORIAI

WORCESTER, MASĖS. (Spalis 27, 2017) – The officialNew England’s Future 4weight in was held today at Pepe’s Pizza & Restaurant in Worcester (MA) už rytojnight’s the final installment of the popular “Naujosios Anglijos ateitis” series show in 2017, pateikė Rivera Akcijos Pramogos (RPE), at DCU Center, Exhibition Hall, Worcester.
Main Event – Light Heavyweights (6)
Richardas “Popeye jūrininkas Vyras” Rivera (3-0, 2 Kos), Hartfordas, KT 177.6 kg.
Hansen Castillo (0-2), Orlandas, FL 176 kg.
Bendras bruožas – Sunkiasvoriai (4)
Gabrielius “NapaoGonzaga (už debiutą), Vusteris, MA 280 kg.
Alejandro Esquilin Santiago (už debiutą), Tampa, FL 235.8 kg.
Super vidutiniai (4)
elvis Figueroa (2-0, 1 KO), Naujas rojus, KT 167 kg.
Rene Nazare (už debiutą), Brazilija 167 kg.
Junior Middleweights (6)
Edwin Soto (10-2-2, 4 Kos), Naujas rojus, KT 140 kg.
Anthony Everett (1-6), Lawrence, MA 153.6 kg.
Welterweights (6)
adrian “Tonka” Sosa (5-0, 4 Kos), Lawrence, MA 139 kg.
Shakha Moore (12-23-2 (2 Kos), Norwalk, KT 146 kg.
Welterweights (4)
Wilfredo “Sucaro” pagonis (2-0), Southbridge, MA 146.6 kg.
Patrickas Lealas (0-3), Woburn, MA 148.6 kg.
Junior Welterweights (4)
Omaras Borojus, Jaunesnysis. (2-0), Danbury, KT 139.8 kg.
Bryan “The Brick” Abraomas (6-30, 6 Kos), Schenectady, NY 141 kg.
(Visos kovos & kovotojai gali keistis)
KADA: Šeštadienis, Spalis 28, 2017
KUR: DCU Center, Exhibition Hall, Vusteris, MA
KOORDINATORIUS: Rivera Promotions Entertainment
BILIETAI: Bilietai, kaina $75.00 (Ringo) ir $45.00 (general
admission), are sale and available to purchase at the DCU
Center box office, www.dcu.centerworcester.com, by contacting
DOORS OPEN: 6:30 P.m. IR
FIRST BOUT: 7:00 p.m. IR
"Twitter": @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp, KingRivera_


Tickets for “TS-1 Promotions Presents: Combate 19” at
Freeman Coliseum on sale now at Ticketmaster.com

Main Event: Kyra Batara vs. Paulina Granados

Bendras Main Event: Andres “The Bullet” Quintana vs. Rėja "kariai" Trujillo
Daugiau: “Froggy” Estrada vs. Jesse Vasquez


NIUJORKAS - Spalis 27, 2017 – TS-1 Promotions announced today that it will bring the Combate Americas live Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) television series to the state of Texas for the first time ever with a stacked, 12-bout event at Freeman Coliseum in San Antonio on Penktadienis, Gruodis. 1.

Tickets for “TS-1 Promotions Presents: Combate 19” are on sale atTicketmaster.com.

“TS-1 Promotions is thrilled to debut the incredibly fast-growing Combate Americas live television event series in the great state of Texas,” said TS-1 Promotions CEO Gregas Žydėti. “We are going to deliver to fans a memorable night of MMA action featuring some of the fastest rising stars in the sport, including several of San Antonio’s hottest, young prospects.”

In the women’s atomweight (105 svarų) main event and long-awaited grudge match, Eddie Bravo protégé Kyra "Mogwai" Batara (6-4) bus suvesti ne su Paulina “Firefox” Granados (4-2).

In a featherweight (145 svarų) bendro pagrindinis renginys, Andres “The Bullet” Quintana(12-2) will face off with fellow, hard-hitting knockout artist Rėja "kariai" Trujillo (21-19).

Elsewhere on the fight card, Jose “Froggy” Estrada (4-1) bus suvesti ne su Jesse Vasquez (2-3) in another featherweight contest.

Additional bouts for the “TS-1 Promotions Presents: Combate 19” event will be announced soon.

Kyra Batara vs. Paulina Granados
The 23-year-old Batara of Las Vegas, Nev., a former high school cheerleader turned grappling expert, is coming off a stellar, Antrasis rinkimų turas (3:46) submission of 12-time Spanish national judo champion Vanesa Rico at “Combate Clasico” in Miami, Fla. apie Liepa 27.

Iki šiol, Batara is unbeaten in Combate Americas television action, winning all four of her bouts – three by way of submission.

Granados is a 29-year-old native of Corpus Christi, Teksasas, now fighting out of San Diego, Kalifas. where she trains with a handful of the world’s top fighters.

Granados will look to notch her third straight victory on December 1.

Andres Quintana vs. Rey Trujillo

Quintana is a heavy-handed, 26-year-old rising star fighting out of Roswell, N.M. He is aiming for his third consecutive victory after earning back-to-back unanimous decisions over Ūrija Faber apsaugoti Erick Sanchez and Mexican contender Levy Saul Marroquin apie Vasaris 16 ir birželio mėn 30, atitinkamai.

Nine of Quintana’s twelve career wins, iki šiol, atėjau būdu (T)KO.

The 35-year-old Trujillo of Houston, Texas is a battle-tested, eight-year veteran of professional MMA.

A known finisher, Trujillo has earned 16 nuo jo 21 career wins via (T)KO arba pateikimas.

Jose Estrada vs. Jesse Vasquez

The 26-year-old Estrada’s return to action comes on the heels of a successful debut at featherweight on Rugsėjis 15 when the Fillmore, Kalifas. resident stopped Izic Fernandez with a series of vicious strikes on the ground in the first round (3:59) mūšis.

One of the sport’s top, young prospects, Estrada has already produced memorable, highlight reel-worthy moments, defeating his first three professional adversaries inside of one round.

Fighting out of Dallas, Teksasas, the 28-year-old Vasquez will look to rebound from two straight defeats.

Vasquez was victorious in his first two professional starts, nugalėti Josh Nealybūdu pirmajame etape (3:57) pateikimas (galinio nuogas droselis) spalio 2, 2015, and finishing Joshua Hunter via third round (2:01) PSO (štampus) vasario 27, 2016.

LIVE, siekiant kovoti tinklo – UFC FIGHT NIGHT®: Brunsonas vs. Machida PRELIMS, Glory 47 Lionas & M-1 Iššūkis 84

TORONTO – kovos tinklas, pasaulio Premier 24/7 kelių platformų kanalas, skirtas visapusiškai aprėpti kovines sporto šakas, pristato įtemptą kovinio sporto savaitgalį, pabrėžė tiesioginė transliacija UFC FIGHT NIGHT®: Brunsonas vs. Machida PRELIMS šeštadienį, Spalis. 28 į 8:00 p.m. IR. Tą pačią dieną, tiesioginė transliacija prasidės val 1:00 p.m. Ir Glory 47 SuperFight serija iškart po to Glory 47 Lionas pagrindinė kortelė adresu 3:30 p.m. IR. Bet pirmiausia, viena diena anksčiau, M-1 atranka 16 tiesiogiai transliuojamas penktadienį, Spalis. 27 į 12:00 p.m. ET iškart sekė M-1 Iššūkis 84 į 12:30 p.m. IR.

Dviejų valandų UFC KOVŲ NAKTINĖS PRELIMOS prasidės šeštadienio vakarą val 8:00 p.m. ET su keturiomis įdomiomis kovomis, kaip pussvoriai Vicente Luque (11-6-1) ir Niko Kaina (10-0, 1NC) susidurti, Antonio Carlosas jaunesnysis (9-2, 1NC) veidai Džekas Marshman (22-6) į vidutinio svorio bijau, lengvasvoriai Hakrano dienos (23-5-1) ir Jaredas Gordonas (13-1) mūšis, o Eliziejus Zaleskis dos Santosas (17-5) ir Maksas Grifas (13-3) Pradėkite transliaciją su įdomiomis pusvidutinio svorio kategorijos rungtynėmis.

Prieš tiesiogines PRELIMS, „Fight Network“ tiesiogiai transliuos UFC FIGHT NIGHT PREFIGHT SHOW, su pirmaujančių pramonės mišrių kovos menų analitikų apžvalga, Buvęs pussunkio svorio čempionas Rashadas Evansas prisijungia prie kolegos analitiko Kenny Florian su laidos vedėja Karyn Bryant ir reportere Heidi Androl, duodančiais interviu su kovotojais.. Šeštadienio tiesioginės pagrindinės TSN2 kortelės pabaigoje, gyvai UFC FIGHT NIGHT POSTFIGHT SHOW transliuoja maždaug 1:00 tarifu. IR, apibendrinant visą įdomų veiksmą.

Šeštadienio popietę, Glory, pirmaujanti pasaulio kikbokso lyga, keliauja į Palais des Sports de Gerland Lione, Prancūzija. Vėdinimas gyvai 1:00 p.m. IR, the Glory 47 SuperFight serija bruožai nenugalėti Florentas Kaouachi (11-0, 3KO) debiutavo GLORY prieš patyrusį veteraną Abdarhmane Coulibaly (50-21, 23KO) lengvasvorio aferoje, 23-metų senumo plunksninė Massaro „Projektas“ Glunder (30-10-4, 20KO) piešia Liono Dylanas Salvadoras (49-13-1, 21KO) sunkiam išbandymui priešo teritorijoje, Ar ne. 3-reitinguojamas super mažo svorio varžovas Anissa Meksen (92-3, 29KO) eina į pirštus su Nr. 8-reitinguojami Funda "Findik" Alkayis (29-2, 12KO), Ahaggan „Boom Boom“ Yassine (27-6, 19KO) ir Estijos Maksimas Vorovskis (30-3-1, 14KO) susitikti vidutinio svorio kategorijoje, plius geriausios pusvidutinio svorio kategorijos perspektyvos Alimas „Profesorius“ Nabijevas (45-6, 21KO) ir Jimmy Vienot (56-12, 27KO) pradėti veiksmą.

The Glory 47 Lionas pagrindinė kortelė adresu 3:30 p.m. ET antraštė yra valdantis GLORY pussunkio svorio čempionas Artemas Vachitovas (18-5, 5KO) gindamas savo diržą nuo Nr. 2-reitinguotas varžovas Ariel Machado(45-8, 34KO). Be kitų veiksmų, buvęs GLORY pusvidutinio svorio čempionas „Geriausias“ Cedricas Doumbe'as (67-5-1, 39KO) pradeda savo kampaniją atgal į titulą prieš sunkiasvorį veteraną Yohanas „Miško kirtėjas“ Lidonas (93-36-1, 56KO), plius viena-naktį, vienos eliminacijos plunksninio svorio varžovų turnyras, tapo daugkartiniu Prancūzijos kikbokso čempionu Abdellah Ezbiri (43-12-1, 13KO) susitinka su kolegomis prancūzais-marokiečiais Azize „Magas“ Hliali (17-14-1, 2KO), o vietinis mėgstamas Fabio Pinca (102-25-3, 42KO) stoja prieš Uzbekistaną Anwar Boynazarov (79-20-2, 45KO) kitoje laikiklio pusėje.

M-1 Global grįžta į Ledo rūmus Šv. Peterburgas, Rusija penktadienį, Spalis. 27, pradedant nuo M-1 atranka 16 gyventi 12:00 p.m. IR, su Ispanijos ENOC Sprendžia Torres (20-10-1) prieš rusus Andrejus Seledcovas (7-4) į vidutinio svorio bijau, Didžiosios Britanijos sunkiasvoris Philas De Friesas (12-6) kovoja su Rusija Antonas Vjaziginas (8-1), Indijos Sascha Sharma (14-3) facing Zalimbegas Omarovas (8-2-1) plunksnoje pasviręs,Akhmadianas Ozdojevas (4-0) rizikuodamas savo tobulu rekordu Daniilas Prikaza (7-2-1) Rusijos pusvidutinio svorio svorių susidūrime, daugiau Maksimas Grabovičius (5-5) įgauna Timerlanas Šaripovas (4-1) visos Rusijos pusvidutinio svorio dvikovoje.

The M-1 Iššūkis 84 pagrindinė kortelė transliuojama tiesiogiai 2:30 p.m. IR, antraštė buvo M-1 pusvidutinio svorio čempionato kova tarp Rusijos atstovų Aleksejus Kunchenko (16-0) ir Sergejus Romanovas (12-1). Be bendro pagrindinis renginio, Brazilijos Caio Magalhaes (10-3) numeta su nenugalimu rusu Meno Frolovas (9-0) už M-1 vidutinio svorio karūną. Suapvalinti sukrautą rikiuotę, mūšio išbandytas amerikiečių veteranas Joe Riggsas (46-17) patenka į priešišką teritoriją prieš Rusijos vidutinį svorį Olegas Oleničevas (9-4), Suomijos Janne Elonen-Kulmala (15-5-1) atitinka Rusijos Bair namas (4-2) mažo svorio kovoje ir suomių lengvaatlečių perspektyvoje Jani Salmi (9-3) atrodo ranka Rusijos Romanas Bogatovas (3-0) jo pirmoji dėmė.

UFC FIGHT NIGHT PRELIMUS, PREFIGHT SHOW ir POSTFIGHT SHOW, plius Šlovė 47 SuperFight serija, Glory 47 Lionas ir M-1 iššūkis 84 Pagrindinis skyriaus, visi bus tiesiogiai transliuojami tik Kanadoje, o M-1 atranka 16 eteriai gyvena Kanadoje, Ne JAV. ir daugiau 30 Europos šalių, Afrika ir Artimieji Rytai.

Išsamų sąrašą kovos tinklo transliacijos grafiką, apsilankykite www.fightnetwork.com, Sekite mūsų Twitterfightnet, tapti ventiliatorius Facebook ir aplankyti mus Instagramfightnet.

Norėdami gauti daugiau informacijos Susisiekite:

Kova tinklas
Ariel Shnerer
Direktorius, Programavimas & Ryšių

Apie Kova Tinklas

Kova tinklas (www.fightnetwork.com) yra pagrindinis pasaulyje kovinio sporto tinklas, skirtas visapusiškai aprėpti kovines sporto šakas, įskaitant kovų, kovotojai, kovoti naujienas ir kovoti su gyvenimo būdą. Kanalas yra prieinamas daugiau nei aštuoniuose viršuje 20 vaizdo įrašų teikėjai JAV, visos pagrindinės vežėjai Kanada, „Roku“ ir „Apple TV“ įrenginiai Šiaurė Amerika, per 30 Europos šalių, Afrika ir Viduriniai Rytai bei TSN radijas Kanadoje per jį programa „Tiesioginės garso imtynės“. „Fight Network“ yra dukterinė įmonė Himnas Sportas & Pramogos Corp.., pirmaujanti pasaulinė sporto žiniasklaidos kompanija. Taip pat veikia „Fight Network“. Išdrįsk Ginti, ne pelno siekianti organizacija, kurios tikslas – spręsti smurto šeimoje ir lyčių nelygybės problemą, įgalinti moteris šiame procese.

M-1 Iššūkis 84 Aleksejus Kunčenko prieš. Sergejus Romanovas OFICIALŪS SVORIAI & NUOTRAUKOS

Šį penktadienį Sankt Peterburge, Rusija
ST. PETERSBURG, Rusija (Spalis 26, 2017) – Šiandien vyko oficialus svėrimasrytojaus M-1 Iššūkis 84 St. Sankt Peterburgas Rusija. Žiūrėkite svorius ir nuotraukas žemiau.
M-1 Iššūkis 83 bus tiesiogiai transliuojamas iš Sankt Peterburgo didelės raiškoswww.M1Global.TV. Stebėtojai galės žiūrėti preliminarius kovoja ir pagrindinę plokštę prisijungdami prie užsiregistruoti www.M1Global.TV. Ventiliatoriai gali stebėti visus veiksmus savo kompiuteriuose, taip pat "Android" ir "Apple" išmaniųjų telefonų ir tabletes.
(R) Aleksejus Kunchenko(16-0-0, M-1: 8-0-0), Čempionas, Rusija,76,7 kg. (169,1 Svoris.)
(L) Sergejus Romanovas (11-1-0, M-1: 5-0-0), Varžovas, Rusija, 77,1 kg. (169,9 Svoris.)
(L) Caio “Velnio vaikis” MAGALHAES (10-3-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Brazilija, 83,9 kg. (184,9 Svoris.)
(R) Meno Frolovas (9-0-0, M-1: 7-0-0), Rusija, 83,9 kg. (184,9 Svoris.)
(L) Džo “Dyzelinas” Riggsas (45-17-0, M-1: 1-0-0), JAV, 83,5 kg. (184,1 Svoris.)
(R) Olegas Oleničevas (9-4-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Rusija, 83,3 kg. (183,6 Svoris.)
(L) ENOC Sprendžia Torres (20-10-1, M-1: 5-7-1), Ispanija, 83,8 kg. (184,7 Svoris.)
(R) Andrejus Seledcovas (7-4-0, M-1: 0-3-0), Rusija, 83,2 kg. (183,4 Svoris.)
(L) Janne Elonen-Kulmala (15-5-1, M-1: 1-0-1), Suomija, 61 kg. (134,5 Svoris.)
(R) Bair namas (4-2-0, M-1: 1-2-0), Rusija, 61 kg. (134,5 Svoris.)
ŠVIESOS sunkiasvoriai – 3 X 5
Arkadijus Lisinas (5-0-0, M-1:0-0-0), Rusija, 93,4 kg. (205,9 Svoris.)
Ilja Bočkovas (3-1-0, M-1:1-1-0), Rusija, 93,5 kg. (206,1 Svoris.)
Sunkiasvoriai – 3 X 5
Pilypas “F-11” DeFreisas (12-6-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Anglija, 120 kg. (264,5 Svoris.)
Antonas Vjaziginas (7-1-0, M-1: 3-0-0), Rusija, 115,1 kg. (253,7 Svoris.)
ŠVIESOS sunkiasvoriai – 3 X 5
Vasilijus Volodko (2-0-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Rusija, 93 kg. (205 Svoris.)
Dmitrijus Tebekinas (6-3-0, M-1: 1-1-0), Rusija, 93 kg. (205 Svoris.)
Temirlanas Šaripovas (3-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Rusija, 77,1 kg. (169,9 Svoris.)
Maksimas Grabovich (5-3-0, M-1: 4-3-0), Rusija, 76,9 kg. (169,5 Svoris.)
Akhmadchanas Ozdojevas (4-0-0, M-1: 4-0-0), Rusija, 77,0 kg. (169,7 Svoris.)
Danila Prikaza (7-2-1, M-1: 4-2-0), Rusija, 77,0 kg. (169,7 Svoris.)
Lengvasvoriai – 3 X 5
Jani Salmi (9-3-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Suomija, 72,0 kg. (158,7 Svoris.)
Romanas Bogatovas (2-0-0, M-1: 2-0-0), Rusija, 71,3 kg. (157,2 Svoris.)
Sascha Sharma (13-3-0, M-1: 3-1-0), Vokietija, 65,8 kg. (145,1 Svoris.)
Zalimbek Omaras (8-2-1, M-1: 5-1-1), Rusija, 65,8 kg. (145,1 Svoris.)
(Visos kovos & kovotojai gali keistis)
KADA: Penktadienis, Spalis 27, 2017
KUR: St. Peterburgas, Rusija
LIVE STREAM: www.m1global.tv (12.00 p.m. IR / 9:00 tarifu. PT Jungtinese Amerikos Valstijose)

"Twitter" & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global
M-1 IŠŠŪKIO RENGINIŲ kalendorius:
M-1 Iššūkis 84: Spalis 27, 2017 St. Peterburgas, Rusija
M-1 Iššūkis 85: Lapkritis 10, 2017 Maskvoje, Rusija



ANGELIAI - Fans can now take Bellator with them wherever they go with the launch of a next generation mobile app that makes keeping up with all things Bellator as simple as the touch of a button on your smartphone or tablet.


With a sleek new design that provides an engaging user experience through the convenience of persistent navigation, the brand-new Bellator global app is tailored to be fan-focused and content-driven.


For the first time, Bellator fans can now watch LIVE main card fights within the app, through television provider authentication, allowing them to keep up with the action as it happens. Be, Bellator MMA’s preliminary cards will be available worldwide and will stream LIVE, without geo-restrictions, within the global app.


Fully integrated with Apple AirPlay, users can also wirelessly stream all of the content available in the global app, including LIVE preliminary action, LIVE main card action (through television provider authentication) and Bellator’s exclusive digital content, directly to their televisions at home.


The next-gen mobile app also features the rich history of Bellator MMA and its athletes. With detailed fighter bios and stats, as well as the most up-to-date information on Bellator MMA’s upcoming events, the app is editorialized daily and delivered straight to fans looking to stay in the know.


Seamless integration allows fans to also easily purchase tickets to upcoming events and visit BellatorShop.com without ever needing to leave the app interface.


Now available for download in the App Store and Google Play. „Android“ 4.2 and higher, as well as iOS 9.0 and higher, required for download.


Prašome apsilankyti Bellator.com information.


Paveikslėlis žemiau: Levy SaulEl NegroMarroquin (8-2) will compete in aCOPA COMBATEtournament alternate bout in Cancun, Mexico onŠeštadienis, Lapkritis. 11. Nuotraukų kreditas: Scott Hirano/Combate Americas, UAB



NIUJORKAS - Spalis 26, 2017 –Combate Americas today announced the addition of two “alternate bouts” for its historic, Vienos nakties, eight-man “COPA COMBATE” Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) Gaidys (135 svarų) tournament that will award its winner a grand prize of $100,000 at Grand Oasis in Cancun, Mexico on Šeštadienis, Lapkritis. 11, live on Telemundo Deportes (11:35 p.m. IR/10:35 p.m. KT, or following “Titulares y Mas”).

The two alternate matchups, as well as a newly announced women’s atomweight (105 svarų) matchup between world top 10-ranked Sheila Padilla (3-1) iš Visalia, Kalifas. and aggressive-minded Lisbeth “Bunny” Lopez Silva(4-3) Meksikas, Mexico will stream live on the Telemundo Deportes En Vivo app and TelemundoDeportes.com, pradedant nuo 9 p.m. IR/8 p.m. KT, preceding the live Telemundo Deportes broadcast of the event that picks up with the tournament’s first semifinal stage matchup.

In one tournament alternate bout, Levy Saul “El Negro” Marroquin (8-2) bus suvesti ne su Alejandro “Pitbull” Abomohor (5-4) ir, in the other tournament alternate bout, Felipe “Pipe” Vargas (4-0) will face off with Jose “Pupi” Calvo (3-1).

In the event a winner of one of the tournament’s quarterfinal stage bouts is unable to advance to the semifinal stage due to injury, one of the two alternate bout winners will take the injured quarterfinal bout winner’s place in the semifinal stage.

Aukščiau: Sheila Padilla (į kairę) will square off with Lisbeth Lopez Silva (teisė) in an atomweight (105 svarų) preliminary bout atCOPA COMBATE” apie Šeštadienis, Lapkritis. 11. Nuotraukų kreditas: Combate Amerika, UAB

Marroquin’s start will mark a drop from the featherweight division. 22-ejų metų, who hails from Monterrey, Meksika, has produced seven of his eight career victories to date, by way of (T)KO arba pateikimas.

Abohomor of Barranquilla, Colombia is a 23-year-old Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu national champion and Capoeira expert.

Nenugalėtas, 23-year-old Vargas is a ferocious knockout artist who recently relocated from Spain to Miami, Fla. where he has been training with famed fight squad American Top Team.

Similar to Vargas, the 24-year-old Calvo of San Jose, Costa Rica moved to Chicago, Blogai. where he trains with renowned coach Mike Valle.

Tickets for “COPA COMBATE” at Grand Oasis Cancun are on sale at SmarTicket.

“COPA COMBATE” takes place on the 24oji anniversary of McLaren’s now legendary UFC 1 event that he executive produced as the co-founder of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC). The storied event set off a combat sports revolution, and changed the martial arts fight world forever.

The live Telemundo broadcast of “COPA COMBATE” marks the first time in history that NBCU’s leading Spanish language television network will air MMA fight programming, and will cover the tournament’s two semifinal stage bouts and championship stage showdown as well as a previously women’s strawweight (115 pounds0 co-main event between Melissa “Super Melly” Martinez (2-0) of Mexico City and Gloria “Gloriosa” Bravo (4-2) of Santiago, Čilė.

A lottery ball drawing to determine the “COPA COMBATE” tournament quarterfinal stage matchups will be held onKetvirtadienis, Lapkritis. 2. The eight tournament competitors are as follows:

  • Jonas „Sexi Mexi“ Castaneda (14-2) iš Mankato, Nuo.
  • Marcelo “Pitbull” Rojo (12-4) of Cordoba, Argentina
  • Carlos “Lobo” Rivera (10-2) Meksikas, Meksika
  • Mikey “El Terrible” Erosa (12-5) San Chuanas, Puerto Rikas
  • Marc “Lufo” Gomez (20-10) of Barcelona, Ispanija
  • Andres “Doble A” Ayala (11-4) of Bogota, Kolumbija
  • Kevin “El Frio” Moreyra (4-1) of Lima, Peru
  • Ricky "The Gallero" Palacios (9-1) Misijos, Teksasas

The entire quarterfinal stage of the tournament will stream live on the Telemundo Deportes En Vivo app and TelemundoDeportes.com, along with the tournament alternate bouts and the women’s preliminary bout.

Telemundo Deportes, one of the leading providers of sports content in Spanish in the United States, is home to two of the world’s most popular sporting events: the FIFA World Cup™ through 2026 and the Summer Olympic Games through 2032. Papildomai, Telemundo Deportes broadcasts the FIFA World Cup™ CONCACAF qualifying matches for most of the region, including the Mexico and USA national teams’ away matches and the Premier League. Telemundo Deportes is also home to “Boxeo Telemundo Ford,” the #1 boxing program in Spanish, and “Titulares y Más,” the #1 sports news, entertainment and commentary show in Spanish, among other recognized sports properties.

Bellator 185: Mousasi vs.. Shlemenko oficialūs rezultatai & Nuotraukos

Gegard Mousasi (43-6-2) nugalėjo Aleksandras Shlemenko (56-10, 1 NC) per vieningu sprendimu (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)


Nuotraukos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/iaobj6dqfk4jq1y/AADPZmjhtmreJ-7mNCkqEKvua?dl=0


Neiman Gracie (7-0) nugalėjo Zakas Bucia (18-9) per pateikimo (kaklo švaistiklis) į 2:27 apvalios dviejų

Nuotraukos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/kvl101uwhi2zi3p/AABH7yRjFJHzNnRgDcEeGI23a?dl=0

Kristina Williams (1-0) nugalėjo Heather Hardy (1-1) per TKO (gydytojo nutraukimas) į 2:00 apvalios dviejų

Nuotraukos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/09r32tj0p0lfrlh/AAA2wiI3m1-pTHGaePuJeR5Ta?dl=0

Ryanas Quinn (14-7) nugalėjo Marcusas Surinas (4-1) per vieningu sprendimu (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)


Nuotraukos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/uzsfhmp09sbgh7r/AADZyyNKyuqDKiWfZW1F1MkAa?dl=0

Lisa Blaine (2-0) nugalėjo Ana Julaton (2-3) per split sprendimą (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)


Nuotraukos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/meae709iunpv7rt/AAAvcWOCHh0R5N0K9UT8o-Jna?dl=0

Preliminarūs Kortų rezultatai:

Džonas Lopezas (6-4) nugalėjo Bilis Giovanella (9-5) per vieningu sprendimu (29-28, 30-27, 30-26)

Kevinas Carrieris (1-0) nugalėjo Jose Antonio Perez (0-1) (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Vovka Molis (4-2) nugalėjo Frankas Sforza (6-1) per pateikimo (giljotina) į 1:17 apvalios dviejų

Donas Šainis (4-1) nugalėjo Matthew Denningas (5-7) per TKO (streikai) į 4:50 apvaliosios vieną

Jordanas Youngas (7-0) nugalėjo Alecas Hooben (5-4) per pateikimo (trikampis droselis) į 2:44 apvaliosios vieną

Costello van Steenis (9-1) nugalėjo Steve'as Skrzatas (8-10) per pateikimo (streikai) į 2:52 apvaliosios vieną

Joaquinas Buckley (8-1) nugalėjo Vinicijus iš Jėzaus (5-2) per split sprendimą (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

pete Rogersas (3-4) nugalėjo Timothy Wheeleris (1-5) per pateikimo (giljotina) į :37 apvaliosios vieną

Dekanas Hancock (3-1) nugalėjo Jonas Beneducijus (2-2) per TKO (streikai) į 3:38 apvaliosios vieną


Pictured: Undefeated MelissaSuper Melly” Martinezas (teisė) of Mexico and Miesha Tate pupil GloriaGloriosa” Šauniai Padirbėta (į kairę) of Chile will square off in a strawweight (115 svarų) co-main event on the live Telemundo broadcast ofCOPA COMBATEfrom Cancun, Mexico on Šeštadienis, Lapkritis. 11. Nuotraukų kreditas: Scott Hirano/Combate Americas


NEW YORK – October 18 2017 –Combate Americas today announced the addition of a women’s strawweight (115 svarų) showdown between undefeated knockout artist Melissa “Super Melly” Martinez (2-0) ir Gloria “Gloriosa” Bravo (4-2) that will serve as the co-main event on the highly-anticipated, live Telemundo broadcast (11:35 p.m. IR/10:35 p.m. KT, or following “Titulares y Mas”) of the “COPA COMBATE” Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) extravaganza from Cancun, Mexico on Šeštadienis, Lapkritis. 11.

The battle between the 20-year-old Martinez of Mexico City, Mexico and the 31-year-old Bravo, of Santiago, Čilė, will immediately precede the championship stage bout and finale of the one-night, eight-man bantamweight (135 svarų) “COPA COMBATE” tournament that will award its winner a grand prize of $100,000 and that, pirmą kartą, will see top-ranked fighters from the U.S., Latin America and Spain represent their respective countries in a quest for glory.

“This is a phenomenal addition to an already stellar and historic fight card created for the Telemundo broadcast television platform,Sakė Combate Amerika Vadovas Campbell "McLaren".

“With the incredibly relentless and hard-hitting action we have seen from the women of Combate Americas,"McLaren" toliau, “it is only fitting that we showcase a matchup between two of the sport’s brightest and fastest rising female stars like Melissa Martinez and Gloria Bravo on the ‘COPA COMBATE’ platform.”

“COPA COMBATE” takes place on the 24oji anniversary of McLaren’s now legendary UFC 1 event that he executive produced as the co-founder of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC). The storied event set off a combat sports revolution, and changed the martial arts fight world forever.

The 5-foot-2 Martinez will return to La Jaula, Combate Amerikos narvas, for the second time in her career after shelling out a stunning, highlight reel knockout apie Yajaira “Shokolate” Romo antrojo turo (2:45) of battle at Combate 15 in Mexico City on Birželis 30.

Following the promotional debut victory, Martinezas, also a decorated Muay Thai competitor, earned a second-place finish at WAKO Kickboxing’s “The World Games 2017 – Wroclaw” tournament in Poland on Liepa 30.

The 5-foot-5 Bravo will enter La Jaula for the first time ever and put a three-fight winning streak on the line. All three of her latest victories came by way of armlock submission.

Bravo recently ventured from Chile to Las Vegas, Nev. to train for the upcoming matchup with famed, retired, former UFC world champion Miesha "Tate.

In addition to the “COPA COMBATE” tournament championship bout and the featured women’s fight between Martinez and Bravo, Telemundo’s live broadcast of “COPA COMBATE” will feature the tournament’s semifinal stage consisting of two bouts that pit the winners of the quarterfinal stage bouts in each tournament bracket against one another. The entire quarterfinal stage of the tournament will stream live on the Telemundo Deportes En Vivo app and TelemundoDeportes.com.

Telemundo Deportes, one of the leading providers of sports content in Spanish in the United States, is home to two of the world’s most popular sporting events: the FIFA World Cup™ through 2026 and the Summer Olympic Games through 2032. Papildomai, Telemundo Deportes broadcasts the FIFA World Cup™ CONCACAF qualifying matches for most of the region, including the Mexico and USA national teams’ away matches and the Premier League. Telemundo Deportes is also home to “Boxeo Telemundo Ford,” the #1 boxing program in Spanish, and “Titulares y Más,” the #1 sports news, entertainment and commentary show in Spanish, among other recognized sports properties.



KAS: Limited-Edition Randy Couture Bobblehead Giveaway and Meet & Pasveikinti


Bellator MMA will be giving away a free limited-edition Randy Couture bobblehead on Penktadienis, Lapkritis. 3 to the first 5,000 fans in attendance at Bryce Jordan Center on the campus of Penn State University for Bellator 186: Baderis vs. Vassell. The bobblehead giveaway is limited to one per person and will only be available to ticketholders upon entry into the arena.


Be, Bellator MMA fans are invited to attend a unique opportunity to meet the MMA and wrestling great prior to Bellator 186: Baderis vs. Vassell. The meet and greet will take place on the concourse of Bryce Jordan Center on Penktadienis, Lapkritis. 3, nuo 6:30-8:30 p.m. IR. Space is limited and fans are encouraged to arrive early to reserve their place in line.


***Bobblehead giveaway and meet and greet are exclusively for Bellator 186 ticketholders***

***Bobbleheads distributed at venue points of entry, only while supplies last at each entry***

KUR: Bryce Jordan Center

127 Bryce Jordan Center

University Park, Pa. 16802


KADA: Meet & Pasveikinti

Penktadienis, Lapkritis 3 nuo 6:30-8:30 p.m. IR


PSO: Randy Couture


Randy Couture (19-11)

Randy “The Natural” Couture made his mark in the sport of wrestling and later MMA, where he was a multiple-time world champion at both heavyweight and light heavyweight. Over his 14-year career, Couture compiled 19 pergalės, while also competing in 15 pavadinimas kovoja. Prior to his professional career in mixed martial arts, the retired United States Army Sergeant made an impact on the high school and collegiate wrestling community by earning a state championship while attending Lynnwood High School in Washington state and a historic collegiate career that saw him become a three-time NCAA DI All-American at Oklahoma State University. Couture also serves as a coach for his son, Ryan Couture, who currently competes in Bellator MMA’s welterweight division.


KOVA INFORMACIJA: Bellator 186: Baderis vs. Vassell will be broadcast LIVE and FREE on SPIKE, Penktadienis, Lapkritis. 3 į 9 p.m. IR/8 p.m. KT, o preliminarūs veiksmai bus transliuojami Bellator.com ir Bellator Mobile App. Tickets for the event are on sale now and can be purchased at Bellator.com, as well as the Bryce Jordan Center box office and Ticketmaster.


Baigta Bellator 186: Baderis vs. Vassell Kovos kortelė:

Light Heavyweight World Title Bout: Ryan Bader (23-5) vs. Linton Vassell (18-5, 1 NC)

Women’s Flyweight World Title Bout: Ilima-Lei Macfarlane (6-0) vs. Emily Ducote (6-2)

Light Heavyweight Feature Bout: Philas Davis (17-4, 1 NC) vs. Liūto pienas (10-0)

Middleweight Feature Bout: Ir Rūta (3-0) vs. Chrisas Dempsey (11-5)

Lengvas bruožas: Jūs Awad (20-9) vs. Zach Freeman (9-2)


Preliminari kortelė:

Vidutinio svorio parengiamosios varžybos: Loganas Storley (6-0) vs. Mattas Secor (9-4)

Parengiamosios varžybos su plunksna: Tywan Claxton (Pro debiutas) vs. Johnny Bonilla-Bowman (1-0)

„Bantamweight“ preliminari kova: Dominic Mazzotta (12-2) vs. Matt Lozano (8-5)

160 LB. Catchweight Preliminary Bout: Brett Martinez (6-4) vs. Mike Wilkins (7-4)

Parengiamosios varžybos su plunksna: Frank Buenafuente (7-4) vs. Francis Healy (7-4)

Parengiamosios varžybos su plunksna: Michael Trizano (4-0) vs. Mike Otwell (3-1)

150 LB. Catchweight Preliminary Bout: Scott Clymer (Pro debiutas) vs. Mike Putnam (1-1)

Parengiamosios varžybos su plunksna: Andrew Salas (3-1) vs. Ethan Goss (3-3)

Vidutinio svorio preliminari kova: Josh Fremd (1-0) vs. Mike Diorio (1-0)


Main Event:
Penktadienis, OCTOBER 20th LIVE ant AXS TV
Tickets are on sale NOW through CAGETIX.com
HOUSTON, Teksasas – Palikimas Kova aljansą (MPŪV) CEO Ed Soares announced today that the promotion will head to Nebraska, the birthplace of RFA, next month at LFA 25.

Pagrindinis renginys MPŪV 25 will feature the battle-tested Nebraskan and RFA mainstay Dakota Cochrane. He will face the explosive Brazilian powerhouse Ciro “Blogas berniukas” Rodrigues in a welterweight war. MPŪV 25 – Cochrane vs. Rodrigues takes place Penktadienis, spalio 20th at the Ralston Arena in Omaha, Nebraska. Visa pagrindinė plokštė bus tiesiogiai transliuojamos ir šalyje nuo AXS TV ne 9 p.m. IR / 6 p.m. PT.
I am excited to bring LFA to Nebraska, the birthplace of RFA,” Užfiksuota Soares. “RFA hosted six events in the Cornhusker State and LFA will continue our great history in the state on spalio 20th. Dakota Cochrane is one of the most accomplished fighters in Nebraska. He will headline LFA 25 against Ciro Rodrigues, who is coming off a huge knockout win last month in his LFA debut.
Tickets for LFA 25 – Cochrane vs. Rodrigues are available for purchase online NOW at CAGETIX.com and will be available at the box office at 10:00 esu pirmadienį, Rugsėjis 18.
Cochrane (29-12) was the most active fighter in RFA history before the promotion merged with Legacy FC earlier this year to form LFA. He made his debut for the promotion at its inaugural event RFA 1 gruodžio 2011. Cochrane went on to compete for RFA at five of its first six events and holds the record for most fights in RFA history with eight RFA fights to his credit. During his time with the promotion, Cochrane headlined three RFA events and fought for the inaugural RFA lightweight title. The proud Nebraskan also fought for Legacy FC last October and made his LFA debut in April. Cochrane now looks to add another chapter to his lengthy history with the promotion by headlining LFA 25 in his hometown of Omaha. He will be looking for his thirtieth career win in the process.
Rodrigues (21-6) signed with LFA this summer after making a name for himself in his native Brazil for the past 11 metų. The Brazilian known as “Blogas berniukas” made his professional MMA debut when he was 17-years-old and rose to prominence in his home country. The Nova União trained fighter won one of Brazil’s most prestigious titles, when he captured the Jungle Fight world title in 2015. That win came during an impressive streak, which has seen Rodrigues win eight of his last nine fights over the past four years. The biggest of those wins, tačiau, came last month in his LFA and international debut. Tokiu kovos, Rodrigues knocked out three-time UFC vet David Michaud in less than two minutes in the main event of LFA 19. He now looks to double-down in the main event of LFA 25.
RFA visited the state of Nebraska a total of six times and produced an incredible amount of talent at those six events. Fourteen fighters went on to sign with the UFC. Tim Elliott, James Krause, Derrickas Lewisas, Jessamyn Duke, Jordan Rinaldi, Julian Marquez, Mirsad Bektic, Pedro Munhoz, Kamaru Usmanas, Efrain Escudero, Andriejus Sanchez, Lukas Sandersas, Grant Dawson, and Anthony Smith are the fourteen fighters that competed for the RFA in Nebraska before signing with the UFC.
Šiuo Paskelbta Pagrindinė plokštė (Televiziją ant AXS TV ne 9 p.m. IR / 6 p.m. PT):
Main Event | Negu vidutinis svoris Bout (170 LB)
– Dakota Cochrane (29-12) vs. Ciro Rodrigues (21-6)
Rugsėjį 2016, RFA and Legacy FC officials announced that they would be merging to form the premier developmental organization in Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) pradedant sausio 2017. RDA ir palikimas FC beveik pradėtas daugiau nei karjeros 100 sportininkai, kurie pasiekė MMA viršūnę konkuruojančių UFC.
MPŪV 25 will serve as the first LFA event to take place in the state of Nebraska. RFA visited the “Cornhusker valstybė” six times before the merger. That includes the inaugural RFA event in December 2011. Further information about LFA 25 bus paskelbta netrukus. Visa pagrindinė kortelė MPŪV 25 bus tiesiogiai transliuojamos ir šalyje nuo AXS TV ne 9 p.m. IR / 6 p.m. PT.
Prašome apsilankyti LFAfighting.com už šoninių atnaujinimus ir informaciją. LFA is on Facebook at Palikimas Kova aljansą. LFA is also on Instagram at @LFAfighting ir "Twitter" ne @LFAfighting.