Категорија Архива: мешани боречки вештини


Portland, Мејн (Мај 2, 2018) - Нова Англија бори (NEF) returns to Aura in Portland, Maine with its next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 34: Home of the Brave,” во саботата ноќ, Јуни 16, 2018. Претходно денеска, the fight promotion announced the addition of an amateur welterweight championship bout to the card. Carlton Charles (2-1) is scheduled to take on DuncanThe Highlander” Смит (2-2) for the vacant NEF amateur 170-pound title. The fight is set for five three-minute rounds.

Carlton Charles burst onto the NEF scene last summer with a 23-second technical knockout of then-undefeated Josh Jones (2-4) on a card in Bangor, Мејн. Претходно оваа година, Charles returned to the NEF cage with a 12-second dismantling of Delmarkis Edwards (0-1). The former fullback for the University of Maine Black Bears will get his first shot at MMA gold on Јуни 16, but he is no stranger to championships. After playing for Windham High School, Charles led the football team to a Class A state title as an assistant coach.

I’m really excited and blessed for this opportunity to fight for the NEF amateur welterweight title,” said Charles. “I think it’s a big important step forward for my experience as an amateur and fighting career. This fight is against a great opponent that I know will, и е, training hard and will leave it all in the cage. I know my coaches and family will have me ready for this fight, and I’m looking forward to us putting on a show for Portland!”

Duncan Smith made his NEF debut last month atNEF 33in Portland with an impressive standing guillotine submission of Taylor Bartlett (0-1) во првиот круг. Smith had previously competed for other promotions throughout the region in MMA and kickboxing bouts since 2014. He is a member of Evolution Athletix based in Saco, Мејн.

Carlton and I are both looking to go pro and climb up the ladder,” рече Смит. “Fights like this is what it’s all about. I have the upmost respect for my opponent, but I have all the skills to win. Other than getting clipped, this fight is already won.

следниот настан мешани боречки вештини-NEF е, “NEF 34: Home of the Brave,” will take place at Aura in Portland, Maine on Saturday, Јуни 16, 2018. Tickets are on-sale now online at www.AuraMaine.com.

За Нова Англија бори

Нова Англија бори ("NEF") е борба настани промоции компанијата. NEF’s mission is to create the highest quality events for fighters and fans alike. Менаџерскиот тим NEF има долгогодишно искуство во борба спортски менаџмент, настани производство, односи со медиумите, маркетинг, правни и рекламирање.


Portland, Мејн (Мај 1, 2018) - Нова Англија бори (NEF) returns to Aura in Portland, Maine with its next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 34: Home of the Brave,” во саботата ноќ, Јуни 16, 2018. Претходно денеска, the fight promotion announced the addition of an amateur bantamweight championship bout to the card. Kam Arnold (3-0) ќе се сретне Мајкл Креспо (3-3) for the vacant NEF amateur 135-pound title. The championship was previously held by Fred Lear (6-2) who vacated when he turned professional. The bout between Arnold and Crespo will make history as the first five-round amateur title fight in both NEF and Maine history. All previous amateur championship fights had been scheduled for three rounds.

Undefeated Kam Arnold has been on a hot streak since his debut in the summer of 2017. The product of Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) во Lewiston, Maine has cut through all three of his previous opponents with little resistance. None have made it past the two-minute mark of the first round with Arnold. It took him a mere 11-seconds to knock out David Thompson with a single punch atNEF 33last month in Portland. Arnold considers the opportunity to fight for the bantamweight title the highlight of his fight career thus far.

“I’m ecstatic for the opportunity to bring Lewiston back a title,” said Arnold. “Everything I’ve gone through in my life has led me to this exact moment. I’ve always said, even way back when I was a young lad, that I’m going to be champion one day. To be living the vision that I’ve had since being a small boy is just absolutely mind blowing. I’m great at what I do, and I will continue to prove everyone wrongall the naysayers and doubters. To all the people who have bullied me and talked s**t about my passion over the years, here’s a big ‘f**k you.I’m taking this one fight at a time, and I will continue this streak that I’m on. Секоја борба, I want to go in there and just pulverize my opponent to the point that they never want to fight again. I’m the king of 135 and Crespo is going to feel the devastating power and strength I have on June 16th. If you even dream about beating me, you better wake up and apologize!"

Мајкл Креспо, “Крцкави” to his fans and teammates, is a six-fight veteran of the NEF cage. A perpetual contender for the bantamweight title over the years, Crespo’s biggest win came atNEF 18when he upset Caleb Costello (3-4) преку едногласна одлука. He is currently a member of First Class MMA based in Brunswick, Мејн.

Fighting for the 135 title is a great opportunity and a chance to showcase my style and skill against a formidable fighter,” said Crespo when reached for comment. “It’s a great opportunity to not only showcase my weapons, but to also solidify myself within the NEF talent pool as someone to be reckoned with. Let’s make it a show, Kam!”

следниот настан мешани боречки вештини-NEF е, “NEF 34: Home of the Brave,” will take place at Aura in Portland, Maine on Saturday, Јуни 16, 2018. Tickets are on-sale now online at www.AuraMaine.com.

За Нова Англија бори

Нова Англија бори ("NEF") е борба настани промоции компанијата. NEF’s mission is to create the highest quality events for fighters and fans alike. Менаџерскиот тим NEF има долгогодишно искуство во борба спортски менаџмент, настани производство, односи со медиумите, маркетинг, правни и рекламирање.



Премиери на BIPOLAR ROCK ‘N ROLLER за време на месецот на свеста за менталното здравје

На Петок, Мај 25 на 9 вечер. И/PT на Showtime

Фото учтивост: SHOWTIME / Аманда Весткот


ЊУЈОРК - април 30, 2018 - Продуктивниот борбен спортски радиодифузер Мауро Ранало и неговата доживотна битка со ментална болест се предмет на нов документарен филм од SHOWTIME Sports®. БИБОЛАРСКО РОК ‘N РОЛЕРИРА --Е - именувана за моникер Ранало се даде како радиодифузна личност и диџеј во раните 90-ти - ќе премиера на SHOWTIME за време на месецот на свеста за менталното здравје во петок, Мај 25 на 9 вечер. ЕТ / PT.


Прво погледнете видео: https://s.sho.com/2Ft4Mig



Ранало има биполарно афективно нарушување, состојба која заболува скоро пет проценти од САД. популација според Националната алијанса за ментално заболување (НАМИ.org). Како национален спортски спортер за врвен боксер, мешани воени вештини и настани на Светска војна, Ранало одамна е застапник за ставање крај на стигмата на ментални заболувања. Сега, за првпат, тој ја изложува вистинската мерка на неговата секојдневна борба. Преку обемни видео снимки зад сцената, искрени лични интервјуа и детални извештаи од неговите најблиски и докторите, БИПОЛАРСКО РОК ‘N РЕЛЕР прави незабележлива поглед на менталната болест и нејзините ефекти.




Филмот ја истражува кариерата на Ранало, вклучувајќи ја и неговата работа на двата најголеми настани за плаќање по гледање во историјата на телевизијата, и неговото немилосрдно извршување на детскиот сон и покрај навидум несовладливите шанси. Преку овој длабоко личен портрет, Ранало се надева дека филмот може да ги инспирира другите да истражуваат да ги извршуваат своите соништа и покрај предизвиците на менталното здравје.




„Отсекогаш сум се обидувал да дадам се од себе за да доведам до свеста за менталното здравје,“, Рече Ранало. „Во последните неколку години, Му дозволив на мојот најдобар пријател, Харис (Усановиќ), да ме снимаат на моите најниски поени, како и на моето највисоко ниво. Идејата е едноставно да им се покажеме на другите што страдаат дека не се сами и тоа, дури и кога изгледите се мрачни, можете да надминете и да постигнете успех. Менталното заболување е доживотен затвор - нема лек - но не мора да биде смртна казна “.




„Преку БИПОЛАРСКО РОК ‘N РЕЛЕР, Мауро Ранало избра да ги сподели не само своите соништа на неговиот живот, но и неговите кошмари,", Изјави Стивен Espinoza, Претседател, Програмирање на спорт и настани за мрежи на шоу. „Постигна на врвот на својата професија, Мауро храбро ги свртува своите сериозни вештини за набудување навнатре за да ја испита сопствената битка во живот. Резултатот е суров, потресен и на крај инспиративен филм што ја персонифицира храброста и несебичноста на Мауро “.




Ranallo е популарна игра на денешните борбени спортски сцени. Во кариера што опфаќа повеќе од 30 години, тој повика сè од „Борењето на сите вездички“,“Канадска професионална борачка облека, до историски настани за ММА за ПРВИНГ БОРБИВНИ ЧАСОВИ надвор од Јапонија, до WWE SmackDown во живо на мрежата на САД, на многу од најголемите настани во боксот во светот за SHOWTIME Спорт. Ранало беше првиот радиодифузер што повика плеј-по-игра на боксот, кикбокс, ММА и професионални настани во борење на националната телевизија.




Денес, Рандало е гласот на три истакнати национално-телевизиски серии: Showtime ПРВЕНСТВО бокс®, Неделно шоу на WWE NXT на WWE мрежа, и БЕЛАТОР ММА на Paramount мрежата. Можеби е најпознат по неговата драматична, возбудлив стил, Ранало е студент на англиски јазик. Тој веќе направи траен белег на индустријата, нарекувајќи ги двата најголеми настани за плаќање по поглед во историјата на телевизијата: Флојд Mayweather наспроти. Мани Pacquiao (Мај 2015, меѓународен телекаст); и Mayweather наспроти. Конор Мекгрегор (Август. 2017, Showtime PPV®).


БИПОЛАРСКО РОК ‘N РЕЛЕР е во продукција на Брајан Дејли, потпретседател на мрежата, Спортска дигитална содржина и стратегија, и МАЛКА МЕДИУМСКА ГРУПА. Во режија на првпат режисер Харис Усановиќ, филмот е извршен во продукција на Стивен Еспиноза и SHOWTIME Sports.




Showtime Мрежи Inc. (SNI), целосно во сопственост на подружница на КБС корпорација, поседува и работи со премија телевизиски мрежи Showtime®, Филмот КАНАЛ и Flix®, и исто така нуди Showtime НА БАРАЊЕТО®, Филмот КАНАЛ По барање и Flix нарачана®, и мрежа автентикација услуга Showtime секое време®. Showtime Дигитални АД, целосно во сопственост на подружница на SNI, работи на самостојна стриминг услуга Showtime®. SHOWTIME во моментов е достапен за претплатниците преку кабел, Велика Британија и даватели на телефонските, и како самостојна служба стриминг преку Apple®, Година®, Амазон, Google, Xbox One, Samsung и LG Smart телевизори. Потрошувачите, исто така може да се претплатите на Showtime преку Hulu, YouTube телевизија, прашка ТВ, DirecTV сега, Sony PlayStation Погледни, Амазонски канали и FuboTV. SNI исто така управува Смитсонијан мрежи, заедничко вложување меѓу SNI и Смитсонијан институција, кој нуди Смитсонијан канал, и нуди Смитсонијан Земјатапреку SN Дигитални ДОО. SNI продава и дистрибуира спортски и забавни настани за изложба на претплатниците на плати-per-view основа, преку Showtime PPV. За повеќе информации, одат на www.SHO.com.


Portland, Мејн (Април 30, 2018) - Нова Англија бори (NEF) returns to Aura in Portland, Maine with its next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 34: Home of the Brave,” во саботата ноќ, Јуни 16, 2018. Претходно денеска, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional bantamweight bout to the card. Ернесто Ornelas (3-7) има потпишано во лице Карл Langston (0-1) на борбата тежина од 135 килограми-.

The bout will be a rematch of their fight in Portland earlier this month. Ornelas and Langston initially met atNEF 33” април 14 at Aura. Ornelas, a member of Portland’s The Choi Institute, put on an impressive showing for the duration of three rounds on his way to a unanimous decision win on the judges’ scorecards. The victory was Ornelasfirst in the NEF cage with four previous attempts since the promotion’s inception in February 2012. (He holds a record of 1-0 as a professional in the NEF boxing ring as well.) Not only is Ornelas predicting another win over Langston on Јуни 16 he promises to finish his foe this time.

Carl said his nerves got the better of him that night. Не, they didn’t Јас got the better of him, once I stepped into that cage and took the center and looked him in the eye,” said Ornelas imperatively. I saw fear. A true fighter has no fear. Јуни 16, he will see what a true fighter looks like, as he looks up at me from the flat of his back.

На “NEF 33bout with Ornelas was Langston’s pro debut after a lengthy amateur career that spanned 16 fights and more than four years. Many of his friends and family had turned out for the event in his hometown of Portland. And while Langston did force Ornelas to the scorecards, the Young’s MMA member was disappointed in his own performance, blaming the loss on nerves. He immediately asked NEF matchmakers for a rematch against Ornelas on the Јуни 16 Portland card.

I couldn’t be more excited about getting this rematch,” declared Langston. “I asked for this rematch the same night I lost to Ernie. I just wasn’t me that night. It was my first pro fight and my nerves got to me. I just didn’t feel like myself in there. Тоа се рече, I still took him to a decision being that he had nine pro fights and I was making my pro debut. He still doesn’t bring the skill set and talent that I bring to the cage. This was a big mistake for Ernie to accept this rematch. He got lucky the first time, and I promise I will finish him this time. I know what it feels like being in there with him now, and I will make him fold without a doubt in my mind. He’s a mouthpiece, and I’m going to silence him and his groupies.

следниот настан мешани боречки вештини-NEF е, “NEF 34: Home of the Brave,” will take place at Aura in Portland, Maine on Saturday, Јуни 16, 2018. Tickets are on-sale now online at www.AuraMaine.com.






Bellator 198: Fedor наспроти. Мене Резултати:

Fedor Emelianenko (37-5, 1 Соединетите Американски Држави) поразен Френк Мир (18-12) преку TKO (тупаници) на :48 на првиот круг

Емануел Санчез (17-3) поразен Сем Сицилија (16-9) преку поднесување (рака-триаголник задави) на 3:52 на првиот круг

Рафаел Ловато помладиот. (8-0) поразен Gerald Harris (25-6) преку поднесување (armbar) на 1:11 на првиот круг

Ниман Gracie (8-0) поразен Javier Torres (10-4, 1 Соединетите Американски Држави) преку поднесување (рака-триаголник задави) на 3:18 на вториот круг

Dillon Danis (1-0) поразен Kyle Walker (2-5) преку поднесување (toe hold) на 1:38 на првиот круг


Прелиминарните картички:

R’Mandel Cameron (6-3) поразен P.J. Cajigas (6-7) via unanimous decisión (29-28 x3)

Mark Stoddard (16-9) поразен Dan Stittgen (12-6) преку поднесување (триаголник задави) на 4:43 на првиот круг

Eric Wisely (29-9-1) поразен Morgan Sickinger (20-11) преку поднесување (armbar) на 1:12 на првиот круг

Joey Diehl (12-9) поразен Nate Williams (27-18) преку поднесување (триаголник задави) на 54 seconds of round one

Asef Askar (1-0-1) и Andrew Johnson (0-0-1) fought to a majority draw (28-27, 28-28, 28-28)

Adil Benjilany (4-1, 1 Соединетите Американски Држави) поразен Corey Jackson (3-1) преку едногласна одлука (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)

Sultan Umar (6-2) поразен Tom Angeloff (7-6, 1 Соединетите Американски Држави) преку едногласна одлука (30-26, 30-27, 30-27)

Robert Morrow (24-21-1) поразен Adam Maciejewski (13-7-1) преку едногласна одлука (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

Joe “Diesel” Riggs vs. undefeated M-1 Challenge middleweight champion Artem Frolov on June 1st in Russia

Санкт Петербург, Русија (Април 27, 2018) - Eternal confrontation: experience vs. youth will continue June 1st at М-1 предизвик 93 во Chelyabinsk, Русија.




Undefeated M-1 Challenge middleweight champion Artem Frolov (10-0-0, M-1: 7-0-0), who was mentioned by Fighters Only Magazine among the 20 top MMA prospects for 2018, will defend his title for the first time against American favorite Џо "Дизел" Riggs (47-17-1, M-1: 2-0-1). Frolov is known as a well-rounded fighter who has defeated all ten of his opponents, four of which he knocked out, and the other four submitted. Last October, Frolov captured the belt by defeating UFC veteran Caio Magalhaes, на Бразил, со едногласна одлука, but he needed a break to heal his injuries.





At the same event, Riggs got his second victory in M-1 Global competition, extending his winning streak to six fights, all ended by TKO. Another impressive victory earned “Diesel” his title-shot and he is ready to add another championship belt to his collection. Since the champ (Frolov) could not fight and Riggs wanted to stay active, he took another fight against Ukrainian wrestler Borys Polezhai (18-6-0), кој заврши со нерешен резултат. “Diesel” was clearly not satisfied with that result, but his impressive unbeaten streak helped him get the June 1ул title shot. Riggs, се разбира, will bring do his best to become world champion once again.





Will Riggs get his 48th career victory and bring another title back home to Arizona or will it be an easy job for the young Frolov?





Russian star Alexander “Storm” Shlemenko (56-10-1, 1 Соединетите Американски Држави, M-1: 6-0-0) headlines М-1 предизвик 93 against Brazilian power-puncher Bruno Silva (17-6-0, M-1: 0-0-0).





Watch the event in the M-1 Global app, on M1Global.com or on FITE.TV for just $7.99 and enjoy a dozen stunning fights from the best European promotion M-1 Global!







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Upcoming M-1 Challenge Events:

Мај 12 – M-1 Challenge 91: Doskalchuk vs. Ashimov in Shenzhen, Кина.

Мај 24 – M-1 Challenge 92: Kharitonov vs. Vyazigin in Saint Petersburg, Русија

Јуни 1 – M-1 Challenge 93: Shelemnko vs. Silva in Chelyabinsk, Русија


Portland, Мејн (Април 27, 2018) - Нова Англија бори (NEF) returns to Aura in Portland, Maine with its next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 34: Home of the Brave,” on Saturday night, Јуни 16, 2018. Претходно денеска, the fight promotion announced the addition of an amateur women’s catchweight bout to the card. Chelsea Tucker (0-2) will return to the NEF cage to take on the debuting Glory Watson (0-0) на борбата тежина од 130 фунти.

Chelsea Tucker, a member of First Class MMA of Brunswick, Мејн, is a native of Williamsburg, Вирџинија. She has served her country as a veteran of the United States Coast Guard. Tucker has twice entered the NEF cage to compete in MMA bouts. She lost to Sarah Matulis (1-0) via TKO last fall at “NEF 31.” She returned to meet Catie Denning (1-0) in February atNEF 32. Tucker forced Denning to a decision, but lost on the judges’ scorecards. Earlier this month, Tucker entered the NEF cage for a third time to grapple Carol Linn Powell (0-1) on the opener ofNEF 33. Tucker and Powell went to a five-minute draw.

I look forward to stepping into the cage with Glory,” said Tucker. It’s always an honor to step into the cage with anyone who puts in the time and work. She comes from a very good gym and so do I. I have some great sparring partners and coaches. I’m excited to show what I have learned every time I make an appearance.

NEF 34will be the debut of Glory Watson in the MMA cage. Watson is a product of Young’s MMA of Bangor, Maine where she is a teammate of Catie Denning who defeated Chelsea Tucker earlier this year. She is eager to test the skills she has picked up from her team in the cage this June.

I’m looking forward to stepping into the cage to represent Young’s MMA,” said Watson. “Го сакам овој спорт, and am excited to show what I can do. I am thankful to the NEF for this opportunity to put the skills I have learned to the test.

следниот настан мешани боречки вештини-NEF е, “NEF 34: Home of the Brave,” will take place at Aura in Portland, Maine on Saturday, Јуни 16, 2018. Tickets are on-sale now online at www.AuraMaine.com.

FNU Борбен спортови Прикажи: Ли наспроти. Barboza Recap, Wilder Camp Offers $50 Million to Joshua for Boxing Superfight, итн.

Оваа недела Том, Tony and Rich recap last week’s UFC Fight Night, all the boxing action from last Saturday, and all the biggest combat sports stories of the week, including the funeral of Wrestling Legend Bruno Sanmartino. Ние, исто така, ја прегледате претстојните настани, with Tom and Rich making a push-up bet on Fedor vs. Mir in this Saturday’s Bellator Main Event.

Listen to the whole broadcast below:



Over 4.6 Million Television Viewers Tune In For “Combate Estrellas I” Across Univision And Univision Deportes Network In The U.S. And Azteca 7 во Мексико

U.S. Television Ratings Increase By 10 Percent with “Combate Estrellas II”
Во петокот, Април 20

Sponsors Included Anheuser-Busch’s Estrella Jalisco, Advanced Auto Parts, Double Cross Vodka, Hot 6 Energy Drink and Battle Boom Gaming

ЊУЈОРКАприл 26, 2018Combate Americas today announced ratings for its first two live, 2018 настани – “Combate Estrellas I” and “Combate Estrellas II”which also marked the historic, first-ever live Univision and Univision Deportes Network (UDN) televised Mixed Martial Arts (МЛД) настани, во петокот, Април 13 and Friday, Април 20, соодветно.


Despite its start time of midnight ET in the United States, “Combate Estrellas I” delivered a total of 583,000 persons 2+, Вклучувајќи 296,000 adults in the coveted 18-49 age group, on the Univision and Univision Deportes Network simulcast, beating Bellator 197, which aired in primetime on the Paramount Network.


In Mexico, the event delivered over 4 million live broadcast television viewers on Azteca 7.


The Facebook LIVE stream of the “Combate Estrellas I” preliminary bout card, which immediately preceded the 90-minute live television airing of the main card, delivered over 294,000 streams.


“The amazing growth of our TV ratings confirms we are the hottest MMA promotion in the world,” said Combate Americas CEO Campbell McLaren.


Airing exclusively on UDN in the midnight ET slot the following Friday, Април 20, “Combate Estrellas II” delivered another 200,000 total viewers, на 10 percent increase from the first installment of the two-part, “Combate Estrellas” live event series.

Of the total UDN viewers for “Combate Estrellas II," 67 percent were in the 18-49 age group.


The Facebook LIVE stream of the “Combate Estrellas II” preliminary bout card garnered over 630,000 streams, more than doubling the online audience from one week earlier.


Like Combate Americas, advertisers also emerged victorious from the record-ratings.


We were thrilled to partner with Anheuser-Busch’s Estrella Jalisco, Advanced Auto Parts, Double Cross Vodka, HOT 6 Energy Drink and Battle Boom Gaming for the event, which allowed them to engage with the consumer on location, as well as reaching millions of consumers through multi-platforms with respective key brand messaging,” said Combate Americas CRO, Mike Pine. “Combate Americas is the only MMA engine in existence today that serves 100 percent a Hispanic demographic, allowing brands to streamline and reach the fastest growing population in the world and a consumer set that will spend close to $1.7 trillion in 2018.


The bantamweight (135 фунти) main event of “Combate Estrellas I” at The Shrine in Los Angeles, Калифорнија. saw Jose “Pochito” Alday (11-3) of Mexico edge out a split decision over superstar John “Sexi Mexi” Castaneda (16-4) of the U.S., while the flyweight (125 фунти) co-main event featured the MMA debut of five-division world boxing champion Amanda “The Real Deal” Serrano (0-0-1) кој, representing Puerto Rico, valiantly fought Corina Herrera (3-4-1) of the U.S. to a draw.


In the first live televised fight of the night, ferocious, featherweight (145 фунти) rising star Jose “Froggy” Estrada (5-1) of the U.S. score a second round (1:43) СЗО (knees and punches) on “Ruthless” Rudy Morales (5-6) of Guatemala.


Amongst the celebrities who took in the action at The Shrine were Diego Boneta, Camila, Cynthia Olavarria, Victoria La Mala, Flor de Toloache and Forggie.


In the bantamweight main event of “Combate Estrellas II” at Gimnasio Nuevo Leon in Monterrey, Мексико, world-ranked superstar and Monterrey native Erik “Goyito” Perez (18-6) avenged a previous defeat at the hands of David “D.J.” Fuentes (13-10) of McAllen, Тексас, U.S., scoring a third round (1:22) КО (тупаници) on Fuentes while, in the bantamweight co-main event, Marcelo “Pitbull” Rojo (14-5) of Cordoba, Argentina decimated Fabian Galvan (8-3) of Monterrey via first round (2:34) нокаут (удар).


Leading off the live telecast, 20-year-old sensation Melissa “Super Melly” Martinez (4-0) extended her unbeaten run by earning a dominant, unanimous decision over Ivanna Martinenghi (4-2) Буенос Аирес, Аргентина.


Combate Americas returns to UDN on Friday, Април 27, со почеток во 12 изутрина. И / 21 часот. Португалија, with “Combate Estrellas III,” a compilation of the best, non-televised fight action from the “Combate Estrellas I” and “Combate Estrellas II” preliminary bout cards.


Source: Nielsen, NPM, L+SD data


Portland, Мејн (Април 26, 2018) - Нова Англија бори (NEF) returns to Aura in Portland, Maine with its next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 34: Home of the Brave,” во саботата ноќ, Јуни 16, 2018. Претходно денеска, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional lightweight bout to the card. Reigning NEF MMA Professional Lightweight Champion “На” Ryan Sanders (15-9) ќе се соочи Vince McGuiness (5-7) in a non-title bout at a fight weight of 155-pounds.

Ryan Sanders has had a storied career in the NEF cage. He competed in, и го освои, the main event of the very first NEF card in February 2012 over veteran Dan Keefe (7-3). Sanders fought on ten of the first fifteen NEF cards, including the company’s co-promotion with Bellator in the spring of 2013. After more than a two-year absence from NEF, Sanders returned to the promotion in August 2016 and went on a five-fight win-streak over the course of the next yearthe longest streak of his career. During that stint, Sanders captured his first gold in NEFthe coveted professional lightweight titlewith a victory over Jon Lemke (7-8) last spring. The bout with McGuiness will be Sandersfirst in the NEF cage since August 2017. He will be looking to bounce back from a loss in Massachusetts last month. Sanders is a longtime member of Bangor, Maine’s Young’s MMA fight team.

I’m ecstatic to be back fighting for the NEF, it has been too long,” said Sanders. “I’m back to show the fans that I’m the best lightweight in the region, and that I’m on the road to be the best lightweight in the world. I really appreciate Vince taking this fight. I look forward to showing my improvements and the work that I’ve been putting in while away from the cage. I have great coaches, teammates, and an amazing wife in my corner that makes me truly feel unstoppable. Come watch me take another step towards my destiny on Јуни 16 in Portland.

A native of Brooklyn, New York and current head coach of Bang Muay Thai in Tampa, Флорида, Vince McGuiness is no stranger to the New England MMA scene. His two most recent fights have been in Massachusetts, and McGuiness has even competed previously on a Portland fight card in 2015. He will be looking to rebound against Sanders after losing his last four bouts in the cage.

“I’m excited to be back in New England fighting again,” said McGuiness. “I always get love up there. I’m ready to put on a scrap!"

следниот настан мешани боречки вештини-NEF е, “NEF 34: Home of the Brave,” will take place at Aura in Portland, Maine on Saturday, Јуни 16, 2018. Tickets are on-sale now online at www.AuraMaine.com.