فئة المحفوظات: الفنون القتالية المختلطة

الإعلان عن قتال اللقب الثاني لـ NEF 34 في بورتلاند

بورتلاند, مين (مايو 2, 2018) - معارك نيو انغلاند (NEF) يعود إلى Aura في بورتلاند, مين مع حدث فنون القتال المختلط القادم, “NEF 34: موطن الشجعان,” في.يوم السبت ليل, يونيو 16, 2018. في وقت سابق من اليوم, أعلن الترويج للقتال عن إضافة مباراة بطولة وزن وسط للهواة إلى البطاقة. كارلتون تشارلز (2-1) من المقرر أن تأخذ على دنكان “هايلاندر” بيطار (2-2) للحصول على لقب هواة NEF الشاغر 170 رطلاً. تم تعيين المعركة لخمس جولات لمدة ثلاث دقائق.

انطلق كارلتون تشارلز إلى مشهد NEF الصيف الماضي مع خروج 23 ثانية من الضربة القاضية الفنية لجوش جونز الذي لم يهزم آنذاك (2-4) على بطاقة في بانجور, مين. سابقا في هذه السنة, عاد تشارلز إلى قفص NEF بتفكيك دلماركيس إدواردز لمدة 12 ثانية (0-1). سيحصل الظهير السابق لجامعة مين بلاك بيرز على أول تسديدة له في ميدالية ذهبية MMA يونيو 16, لكنه ليس غريبا على البطولات. بعد اللعب في مدرسة ويندهام الثانوية, قاد تشارلز فريق كرة القدم إلى لقب دولة من الدرجة الأولى كمدرب مساعد.

“أنا متحمس ومبارك حقًا لإتاحة هذه الفرصة للقتال من أجل لقب وزن الوسط للهواة في NEF,” وقال تشارلز. “أعتقد أنها خطوة كبيرة ومهمة للأمام لتجربتي كمهنية هاوية ومحاربة. هذه المعركة ضد خصم كبير أعرف أنه سيفعل, و يكون, التدريب الجاد وسوف تترك كل شيء في القفص. أعلم أن مدربي وعائلتي سيجعلونني مستعدًا لهذه المعركة, وأنا أتطلع إلى تقديم عرض لبورتلاند!”

ظهر دنكان سميث لأول مرة في NEF الشهر الماضي في “NEF 33” في بورتلاند مع مقصلة مثيرة للإعجاب من تايلور بارتليت (0-1) في الجولة الأولى. كان سميث قد تنافس سابقًا للحصول على عروض ترويجية أخرى في جميع أنحاء المنطقة في MMA ونوبات الكيك بوكسينغ منذ ذلك الحين 2014. وهو عضو في Evolution Athletix ومقرها ساكو, مين.

“نتطلع أنا وكارلتون إلى الاحتراف وتسلق السلم,” وقال سميث. “معارك مثل هذا هو كل شيء. لدي أقصى احترام لخصمي, لكن لدي كل المهارات للفوز. بخلاف الحصول على قص, تم الفوز بهذه المعركة بالفعل.”

NEF القادم الحدث مختلطة عسكرية الفنون, “NEF 34: موطن الشجعان,” ستقام في Aura في بورتلاند, مين يوم السبت, يونيو 16, 2018. التذاكر معروضة للبيع الآن عبر الإنترنت على www.AuraMaine.com.

حول معارك نيو انغلاند

معارك نيو انغلاند ("NEF") هي معركة الترقيات الأحداث للشركات. مهمة NEF هو خلق أعلى الأحداث نوعية للمقاتلين والجماهير على حد سواء. الفريق التنفيذي NEF لديه خبرة واسعة في مجال إدارة الرياضات القتالية, إنتاج الأحداث, العلاقات الإعلامية, تسويق, القانونية والإعلان.

سيتم تحديد لقب وزن البانتام الشاغر في NEF 34 في بورتلاند

بورتلاند, مين (مايو 1, 2018) - معارك نيو انغلاند (NEF) يعود إلى Aura في بورتلاند, مين مع حدث فنون القتال المختلط القادم, “NEF 34: موطن الشجعان,” في.يوم السبت ليل, يونيو 16, 2018. في وقت سابق من اليوم, the fight promotion announced the addition of an amateur bantamweight championship bout to the card. كام أرنولد (3-0) وسيجتمع مايكل كريسبو (3-3) for the vacant NEF amateur 135-pound title. The championship was previously held by Fred Lear (6-2) who vacated when he turned professional. The bout between Arnold and Crespo will make history as the first five-round amateur title fight in both NEF and Maine history. All previous amateur championship fights had been scheduled for three rounds.

Undefeated Kam Arnold has been on a hot streak since his debut in the summer of 2017. The product of Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) في ويستون, Maine has cut through all three of his previous opponents with little resistance. None have made it past the two-minute mark of the first round with Arnold. It took him a mere 11-seconds to knock out David Thompson with a single punch at “NEF 33” last month in Portland. Arnold considers the opportunity to fight for the bantamweight title the highlight of his fight career thus far.

“I’m ecstatic for the opportunity to bring Lewiston back a title,” said Arnold. “Everything I’ve gone through in my life has led me to this exact moment. I’ve always said, even way back when I was a young lad, that I’m going to be champion one day. To be living the vision that I’ve had since being a small boy is just absolutely mind blowing. I’m great at what I do, and I will continue to prove everyone wrongall the naysayers and doubters. To all the people who have bullied me and talked s**t about my passion over the years, here’s a big ‘f**k you.I’m taking this one fight at a time, and I will continue this streak that I’m on. كل معركة, I want to go in there and just pulverize my opponent to the point that they never want to fight again. I’m the king of 135 and Crespo is going to feel the devastating power and strength I have on 16 يونيو. If you even dream about beating me, you better wake up and apologize!"

مايكل كريسبو, “متموج” to his fans and teammates, is a six-fight veteran of the NEF cage. A perpetual contender for the bantamweight title over the years, Crespo’s biggest win came atNEF 18when he upset Caleb Costello (3-4) عبر قرار بالإجماع. He is currently a member of First Class MMA based in Brunswick, مين.

Fighting for the 135 title is a great opportunity and a chance to showcase my style and skill against a formidable fighter,” said Crespo when reached for comment. “It’s a great opportunity to not only showcase my weapons, but to also solidify myself within the NEF talent pool as someone to be reckoned with. Let’s make it a show, Kam!”

NEF القادم الحدث مختلطة عسكرية الفنون, “NEF 34: موطن الشجعان,” ستقام في Aura في بورتلاند, مين يوم السبت, يونيو 16, 2018. التذاكر معروضة للبيع الآن عبر الإنترنت على www.AuraMaine.com.

حول معارك نيو انغلاند

معارك نيو انغلاند ("NEF") هي معركة الترقيات الأحداث للشركات. مهمة NEF هو خلق أعلى الأحداث نوعية للمقاتلين والجماهير على حد سواء. الفريق التنفيذي NEF لديه خبرة واسعة في مجال إدارة الرياضات القتالية, إنتاج الأحداث, العلاقات الإعلامية, تسويق, القانونية والإعلان.



BIPOLAR ROCK ‘N ROLLER Premieres During Mental Health Awareness Month

في الجمعة, مايو 25 في 9 عصرا. و/PT على شوتايم

الصورة مجاملة: SHOWTIME/Amanda Westcott


نيويورك - أبريل 30, 2018 – Prolific combat sports broadcaster Mauro Ranallo and his lifelong battle with mental illness are the subject of a new documentary film from SHOWTIME Sports®. BIPOLAR ROCK ‘N ROLLER – named for the moniker Ranallo gave himself as a broadcast personality and DJ in the early 90’s – will premiere on SHOWTIME during Mental Health Awareness Month on Friday, مايو 25 في 9 عصرا. ET / PT.


First look video: HTTPS://s.sho.com/2Ft4Mig



Ranallo has Bipolar Affective Disorder, a condition afflicting nearly five percent of the U.S. population according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI.org). As a national sportscaster for preeminent boxing, mixed martial arts and WWE events, Ranallo has long been an advocate for ending the stigma of mental illness. الآن, لأول مرة, he exposes the true extent of his daily struggle. Through extensive behind-the-scenes video footage, candid personal interviews and detailed accounts from his loved ones and doctors, BIPOLAR ROCK ‘N ROLLER takes an unflinching look at mental illness and its effects.




The film explores Ranallo’s career, including his work on the two biggest pay-per-view events in television history, وسعيه الدؤوب لتحقيق حلم الطفولة على الرغم من الصعوبات التي لا يمكن التغلب عليها على ما يبدو. Through this deeply personal portrait, Ranallo hopes that the film might inspire others to persevere in pursuing their dreams despite the challenges of a mental health condition.




“I have always tried to do my part to bring awareness to mental health issues,قال رانالو. “Over the last several years, I allowed my best friend, Haris (Usanovic), to film me at my lowest points as well as at my highest. The idea is simply to show others who suffer that they are not alone and that, even when the outlook is bleak, you can overcome and achieve success. Mental illness is a life sentence—there is no cure—but it doesn’t have to be a death sentence.”




“Through BIPOLAR ROCK ‘N ROLLER, Mauro Ranallo has chosen to share not only his life’s dreams, but his nightmares as well,"وقال ستيفن اسبينوزا, رئيس, Sports and Event Programming for Showtime Networks Inc. “Having reached the pinnacle of his profession, Mauro bravely turns his keen observational skills inward to examine his own life-long battle. The result is a raw, poignant and ultimately inspirational film that personifies Mauro’s courage and selflessness.”




Ranallo is a popular fixture on today’s combat sports scenes. In a career that has spanned more than 30 سنوات, he has called everything from “All-Star Wrestling,” a Canadian professional wrestling outfit, to historic MMA events for PRIDE FIGHTING CHAMPIONSHIPS out of Japan, to WWE SmackDown Live on USA Network, to many of the biggest boxing events in the world for SHOWTIME Sports. Ranallo was the first broadcaster to call play-by-play on boxing, الكيك بوكسينغ, MMA and professional wrestling events on national television.




اليوم, Ranallo is the voice of three prominent nationally televised series: شوتايم بطولة الملاكمة®, WWE’s weekly show NXT on WWE Network, و BELLATOR MMA on Paramount Network. Perhaps best known for his dramatic, excitable style, Ranallo is a student of the English language. He has already made a lasting mark on the industry having called the two biggest pay-per-view events in television history: فلويد مايويذر مباراة. الرماية (مايو 2015, international telecast); ومايويذر مقابل. كونور مكجريجور (أغسطس. 2017, SHOWTIME PPV®).


BIPOLAR ROCK ‘N ROLLER is produced by Brian Dailey, the network’s Vice President, Sports Digital Content and Strategy, and MALKA MEDIA GROUP. Directed by first-time filmmaker Haris Usanovic, the film is executive produced by Stephen Espinoza and SHOWTIME Sports.




شوتايم شبكات المؤتمر الوطني العراقي. (SNI), شركة تابعة مملوكة بالكامل لشركة CBS, تمتلك وتدير شبكات التلفزيون قسط شوتايم®, THE MOVIE CHANNEL وFLIX®, وكما تقدم شوتايم حسب الطلب®, THE MOVIE CHANNEL على الطلب وFLIX على الطلب®, والشبكة المصادقة خدمة شوتايم في أي وقت®. شوتايم شركة الرقمية, شركة تابعة مملوكة بالكامل لSNI, تعمل بذاتها خدمة التدفق شوتايم®. SHOWTIME هو متاح حاليا للمشتركين عن طريق كابل, DBS ومقدمي شركة الاتصالات, وكخدمة يتدفقون قائمة بذاتها من خلال شركة آبل®, عام®, الأمازون, جوجل, أجهزة إكس بوكس ​​واحد, Samsung and LG Smart TVs. يمكن للمستهلكين أيضا الاشتراك في شوتايم عبر هولو, TV يوتيوب, TV حبال, دايركت الآن, سوني بلاي ستيشن Vue, Amazon Channels and FuboTV. كما تدير SNI شبكات سميثسونيان, مشروع مشترك بين SNI ومؤسسة سميثسونيان, والتي تقدم القناة سميثسونيان, وتقدم سميثسونيان الأرضمن خلال SN LLC الرقمية. SNI بتسويق وتوزيع الرياضية والفعاليات الترفيهية للمعرض للمشتركين على أساس الدفع لكل عرض من خلال شوتايم PPV. لمزيد من المعلومات, اذهب إلى www.SHO.com.


بورتلاند, مين (أبريل 30, 2018) - معارك نيو انغلاند (NEF) يعود إلى Aura في بورتلاند, مين مع حدث فنون القتال المختلط القادم, “NEF 34: موطن الشجعان,” في.يوم السبت ليل, يونيو 16, 2018. في وقت سابق من اليوم, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional bantamweight bout to the card. ارنستو Ornelas (3-7) وقعت لوجه كارل لانغستون (0-1) في معركة الوزن من 135 جنيه.

The bout will be a rematch of their fight in Portland earlier this month. Ornelas and Langston initially met at “NEF 33” نيسان 14 at Aura. أورنلاس, a member of Portland’s The Choi Institute, put on an impressive showing for the duration of three rounds on his way to a unanimous decision win on the judges’ بطاقات الأداء. The victory was Ornelasfirst in the NEF cage with four previous attempts since the promotion’s inception in February 2012. (He holds a record of 1-0 as a professional in the NEF boxing ring as well.) Not only is Ornelas predicting another win over Langston on يونيو 16 he promises to finish his foe this time.

Carl said his nerves got the better of him that night. لا, they didn’t أنا got the better of him, once I stepped into that cage and took the center and looked him in the eye,” said Ornelas imperatively. I saw fear. A true fighter has no fear. يونيو 16, he will see what a true fighter looks like, as he looks up at me from the flat of his back.

ال “NEF 33” bout with Ornelas was Langston’s pro debut after a lengthy amateur career that spanned 16 fights and more than four years. Many of his friends and family had turned out for the event in his hometown of Portland. And while Langston did force Ornelas to the scorecards, the Young’s MMA member was disappointed in his own performance, blaming the loss on nerves. He immediately asked NEF matchmakers for a rematch against Ornelas on the يونيو 16 Portland card.

I couldn’t be more excited about getting this rematch,” declared Langston. “I asked for this rematch the same night I lost to Ernie. I just wasn’t me that night. It was my first pro fight and my nerves got to me. I just didn’t feel like myself in there. أن يقال, I still took him to a decision being that he had nine pro fights and I was making my pro debut. He still doesn’t bring the skill set and talent that I bring to the cage. This was a big mistake for Ernie to accept this rematch. He got lucky the first time, and I promise I will finish him this time. I know what it feels like being in there with him now, and I will make him fold without a doubt in my mind. He’s a mouthpiece, and I’m going to silence him and his groupies.

NEF القادم الحدث مختلطة عسكرية الفنون, “NEF 34: موطن الشجعان,” ستقام في Aura في بورتلاند, مين يوم السبت, يونيو 16, 2018. التذاكر معروضة للبيع الآن عبر الإنترنت على www.AuraMaine.com.

BELLATOR 198: فيدور مقابل. نتائج مير الرسمية & الصور


البحث الجنائي:image002.jpg@01D3DF43.DF465E10

صور الحدث كاملة | يسلط الضوء على الفيديو الكامل


Bellator 198: فيدور مقابل. أنا النتائج:

فيدور إميليانينكو (37-5, 1 NC) مهزوم فرانك مير (18-12) عن طريق الضربة القاضية الفنية (اللكمات) في :48 من جولة واحدة

ايمانويل سانشيز (17-3) مهزوم سام صقلية (16-9) عبر تقديم (الذراع مثلث خنق) في 3:52 من جولة واحدة

رافائيل لوفاتو جونيور. (8-0) مهزوم جيرالد هاريس (25-6) عبر تقديم (armbar) في 1:11 من جولة واحدة

نيمان جرايسي (8-0) مهزوم صورة Javier Torres (10-4, 1 NC) عبر تقديم (الذراع مثلث خنق) في 3:18 جولة اثنين

ديلون دانيس (1-0) مهزوم كايل ووكر (2-5) عبر تقديم (اصبع القدم عقد) في 1:38 من جولة واحدة


بطاقة أولية:

آر مانديل كاميرون (6-3) مهزوم بي جيه. مربعات (6-7) عن طريق القرار بالإجماع (29-28 X3)

مارك ستودارد (16-9) مهزوم دان ستيتجن (12-6) عبر تقديم (مثلث خنق) في 4:43 من جولة واحدة

إريك بحكمة (29-9-1) مهزوم مورغان سيكنجر (20-11) عبر تقديم (armbar) في 1:12 من جولة واحدة

جوي ديهل (12-9) مهزوم نيت ويليامز (27-18) عبر تقديم (مثلث خنق) في 54 ثانية من الجولة الأولى

Asef Askar (1-0-1) و أندرو جونسون (0-0-1) قاتلوا لتحقيق الأغلبية (28-27, 28-28, 28-28)

Adil Benjilany (4-1, 1 NC) مهزوم كوري جاكسون (3-1) عبر قرار بالإجماع (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)

Sultan Umar (6-2) مهزوم توم انجيلوف (7-6, 1 NC) عبر قرار بالإجماع (30-26, 30-27, 30-27)

روبرت مورو (24-21-1) مهزوم آدم ماسيجوسكي (13-7-1) عبر قرار بالإجماع (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

Joe “Diesel” Riggs vs. undefeated M-1 Challenge middleweight champion Artem Frolov on June 1st in Russia

سان بطرسبورج, روسيا (أبريل 27, 2018) - Eternal confrontation: experience vs. youth will continue June 1st at M-1 التحدي 93 في تشيليابينسك, روسيا.




Undefeated M-1 Challenge middleweight champion ارتيم فرولوف (10-0-0, M-1: 7-0-0), who was mentioned by Fighters Only Magazine among the 20 top MMA prospects for 2018, will defend his title for the first time against American favorite جو "الديزل" ريجز (47-17-1, M-1: 2-0-1). Frolov is known as a well-rounded fighter who has defeated all ten of his opponents, four of which he knocked out, and the other four submitted. Last October, Frolov captured the belt by defeating UFC veteran كايو ماجالهايس, البرازيل, ويصدر القرار بالإجماع, but he needed a break to heal his injuries.





At the same event, Riggs got his second victory in M-1 Global competition, extending his winning streak to six fights, all ended by TKO. Another impressive victory earned “Diesel” his title-shot and he is ready to add another championship belt to his collection. Since the champ (Frolov) could not fight and Riggs wanted to stay active, he took another fight against Ukrainian wrestler Borys Polezhai (18-6-0), التي انتهت بالتعادل. “Diesel” was clearly not satisfied with that result, but his impressive unbeaten streak helped him get the June 1شارع title shot. ريجز, بالطبع, will bring do his best to become world champion once again.





Will Riggs get his 48th career victory and bring another title back home to Arizona or will it be an easy job for the young Frolov?





Russian star Alexander “Storm” Shlemenko (56-10-1, 1 NC, M-1: 6-0-0) headlines M-1 التحدي 93 against Brazilian power-puncher برونو سيلفا (17-6-0, M-1: 0-0-0).





Watch the event in the M-1 Global app, on M1Global.com or on FITE.TV فقط ل $7.99 and enjoy a dozen stunning fights from the best European promotion M-1 Global!







تغريد & إينستاجرام:


@ M1GlobalNews


@ M1Global






القادمة M-1 التحدي الأحداث:

مايو 12 - تحدي M-1 91: Doskalchuk vs. Ashimov in Shenzhen, الصين.

مايو 24 - تحدي M-1 92: خاريتونوف مقابل. Vyazigin in Saint Petersburg, روسيا

يونيو 1 - تحدي M-1 93: Shelemnko vs. Silva in Chelyabinsk, روسيا


بورتلاند, مين (أبريل 27, 2018) - معارك نيو انغلاند (NEF) يعود إلى Aura في بورتلاند, مين مع حدث فنون القتال المختلط القادم, “NEF 34: موطن الشجعان,” مساء يوم السبت, يونيو 16, 2018. في وقت سابق من اليوم, the fight promotion announced the addition of an amateur women’s catchweight bout to the card. تشيلسي تاكر (0-2) will return to the NEF cage to take on the debuting المجد واتسون (0-0) في معركة وزن 130 جنيه.

تشيلسي تاكر, a member of First Class MMA of Brunswick, مين, is a native of Williamsburg, فرجينيا. She has served her country as a veteran of the United States Coast Guard. Tucker has twice entered the NEF cage to compete in MMA bouts. She lost to Sarah Matulis (1-0) via TKO last fall at “NEF 31.” She returned to meet Catie Denning (1-0) in February atNEF 32. Tucker forced Denning to a decision, but lost on the judges’ بطاقات الأداء. Earlier this month, Tucker entered the NEF cage for a third time to grapple Carol Linn Powell (0-1) on the opener of “NEF 33.” Tucker and Powell went to a five-minute draw.

I look forward to stepping into the cage with Glory,” قال تاكر. It’s always an honor to step into the cage with anyone who puts in the time and work. She comes from a very good gym and so do I. I have some great sparring partners and coaches. I’m excited to show what I have learned every time I make an appearance.

NEF 34will be the debut of Glory Watson in the MMA cage. Watson is a product of Young’s MMA of Bangor, Maine where she is a teammate of Catie Denning who defeated Chelsea Tucker earlier this year. She is eager to test the skills she has picked up from her team in the cage this June.

I’m looking forward to stepping into the cage to represent Young’s MMA,” said Watson. “أنا أحب هذه الرياضة, and am excited to show what I can do. I am thankful to the NEF for this opportunity to put the skills I have learned to the test.

NEF القادم الحدث مختلطة عسكرية الفنون, “NEF 34: موطن الشجعان,” ستقام في Aura في بورتلاند, مين يوم السبت, يونيو 16, 2018. التذاكر معروضة للبيع الآن عبر الإنترنت على www.AuraMaine.com.

FNU القتال الرياضة مشاهدة: لي مقابل. باربوزا خلاصة, عروض وايلدر كامب $50 مليون ليشوع للملاكمة Superfight, الخ.

هذا الأسبوع توم, توني وغني خلاصة الأسبوع الماضي UFC الكفاح ليلة, كل عمل الملاكمة من يوم السبت الماضي, وجميع أكبر قصص القتالية الرياضة في الأسبوع, بما في ذلك جنازة المصارعة الأسطورة برونو Sanmartino. نحن معاينة أيضا الأحداث القادمة, مع توم وغني جعل رهان دفع ما يصل على فيدور مقابل. مير في Bellator الحدث الرئيسي لهذا اليوم السبت.

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خلال 4.6 Million Television Viewers Tune In For “Combate Estrellas I” Across Univision And Univision Deportes Network In The U.S. And Azteca 7 في المكسيك

الامريكى. Television Ratings Increase By 10 Percent with “Combate Estrellas II”
يوم الجمعة, أبريل 20

Sponsors Included Anheuser-Busch’s Estrella Jalisco, Advanced Auto Parts, Double Cross Vodka, Hot 6 Energy Drink and Battle Boom Gaming

نيويوركأبريل 26, 2018Combate Americas today announced ratings for its first two live, 2018 أحداث – “Combate Estrellas I” and “Combate Estrellas II”which also marked the historic, first-ever live Univision and Univision Deportes Network (UDN) televised Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) أحداث, يوم الجمعة, أبريل 13 and Friday, أبريل 20, على التوالي.


Despite its start time of midnight ET in the United States, “Combate Estrellas I” delivered a total of 583,000 persons 2+, بما فيه 296,000 adults in the coveted 18-49 age group, on the Univision and Univision Deportes Network simulcast, beating Bellator 197, which aired in primetime on the Paramount Network.


In Mexico, the event delivered over 4 million live broadcast television viewers on Azteca 7.


The Facebook LIVE stream of the “Combate Estrellas I” preliminary bout card, which immediately preceded the 90-minute live television airing of the main card, delivered over 294,000 streams.


“The amazing growth of our TV ratings confirms we are the hottest MMA promotion in the world,” said Combate Americas CEO Campbell McLaren.


Airing exclusively on UDN in the midnight ET slot the following Friday, أبريل 20, “Combate Estrellas II” delivered another 200,000 total viewers, ل 10 percent increase from the first installment of the two-part, “Combate Estrellas” live event series.

Of the total UDN viewers for “Combate Estrellas II," 67 percent were in the 18-49 age group.


The Facebook LIVE stream of the “Combate Estrellas II” preliminary bout card garnered over 630,000 streams, more than doubling the online audience from one week earlier.


Like Combate Americas, advertisers also emerged victorious from the record-ratings.


We were thrilled to partner with Anheuser-Busch’s Estrella Jalisco, Advanced Auto Parts, Double Cross Vodka, HOT 6 Energy Drink and Battle Boom Gaming for the event, which allowed them to engage with the consumer on location, as well as reaching millions of consumers through multi-platforms with respective key brand messaging,” said Combate Americas CRO, Mike Pine. “Combate Americas is the only MMA engine in existence today that serves 100 percent a Hispanic demographic, allowing brands to streamline and reach the fastest growing population in the world and a consumer set that will spend close to $1.7 trillion in 2018.


The bantamweight (135 جنيه) main event of “Combate Estrellas I” at The Shrine in Los Angeles, كاليفورنيا. saw Jose “Pochito” Alday (11-3) of Mexico edge out a split decision over superstar John “Sexi Mexi” Castaneda (16-4) من الولايات المتحدة, while the flyweight (125 جنيه) co-main event featured the MMA debut of five-division world boxing champion Amanda “The Real Deal” Serrano (0-0-1) الذي, تمثل بورتوريكو, valiantly fought Corina Herrera (3-4-1) of the U.S. to a draw.


In the first live televised fight of the night, ferocious, وزن الريشة (145 جنيه) rising star Jose “Froggy” Estrada (5-1) of the U.S. score a second round (1:43) منظمة الصحة العالمية (knees and punches) on “Ruthless” Rudy Morales (5-6) of Guatemala.


Amongst the celebrities who took in the action at The Shrine were Diego Boneta, Camila, Cynthia Olavarria, Victoria La Mala, Flor de Toloache and Forggie.


In the bantamweight main event of “Combate Estrellas II” at Gimnasio Nuevo Leon in Monterrey, المكسيك, world-ranked superstar and Monterrey native Erik “Goyito” Perez (18-6) avenged a previous defeat at the hands of David “D.J.” Fuentes (13-10) of McAllen, تكساس, نحن., scoring a third round (1:22) KO (اللكمات) on Fuentes while, in the bantamweight co-main event, Marcelo “Pitbull” Rojo (14-5) of Cordoba, Argentina decimated Fabian Galvan (8-3) of Monterrey via first round (2:34) قصا (لكمة).


Leading off the live telecast, 20-year-old sensation Melissa “Super Melly” Martinez (4-0) extended her unbeaten run by earning a dominant, unanimous decision over Ivanna Martinenghi (4-2) بوينس آيرس, الأرجنتين.


Combate Americas returns to UDN on Friday, أبريل 27, ابتداء من 12 صباحا. و / 9 مساءً. PT, with “Combate Estrellas III,” a compilation of the best, non-televised fight action from the “Combate Estrellas I” and “Combate Estrellas II” preliminary bout cards.


Source: Nielsen, NPM, L+SD data


بورتلاند, مين (أبريل 26, 2018) - معارك نيو انغلاند (NEF) يعود إلى Aura في بورتلاند, مين مع حدث فنون القتال المختلط القادم, “NEF 34: موطن الشجعان,” في.يوم السبت ليل, يونيو 16, 2018. في وقت سابق من اليوم, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional lightweight bout to the card. Reigning NEF MMA Professional Lightweight Champion “ال” ريان ساندرز (15-9) ستواجه Vince McGuiness (5-7) in a non-title bout at a fight weight of 155-pounds.

Ryan Sanders has had a storied career in the NEF cage. He competed in, وفاز, the main event of the very first NEF card in February 2012 over veteran Dan Keefe (7-3). Sanders fought on ten of the first fifteen NEF cards, including the company’s co-promotion with Bellator in the spring of 2013. After more than a two-year absence from NEF, Sanders returned to the promotion in August 2016 and went on a five-fight win-streak over the course of the next yearthe longest streak of his career. During that stint, Sanders captured his first gold in NEFthe coveted professional lightweight titlewith a victory over Jon Lemke (7-8) last spring. The bout with McGuiness will be Sandersfirst in the NEF cage since August 2017. He will be looking to bounce back from a loss in Massachusetts last month. Sanders is a longtime member of Bangor, Maine’s Young’s MMA fight team.

I’m ecstatic to be back fighting for the NEF, it has been too long,” said Sanders. “I’m back to show the fans that I’m the best lightweight in the region, and that I’m on the road to be the best lightweight in the world. I really appreciate Vince taking this fight. I look forward to showing my improvements and the work that I’ve been putting in while away from the cage. I have great coaches, teammates, and an amazing wife in my corner that makes me truly feel unstoppable. Come watch me take another step towards my destiny on يونيو 16 in Portland.

مواطن من بروكلين, New York and current head coach of Bang Muay Thai in Tampa, فلوريدا, Vince McGuiness is no stranger to the New England MMA scene. His two most recent fights have been in Massachusetts, and McGuiness has even competed previously on a Portland fight card in 2015. He will be looking to rebound against Sanders after losing his last four bouts in the cage.

“I’m excited to be back in New England fighting again,” said McGuiness. “I always get love up there. I’m ready to put on a scrap!"

NEF القادم الحدث مختلطة عسكرية الفنون, “NEF 34: موطن الشجعان,” ستقام في Aura في بورتلاند, مين يوم السبت, يونيو 16, 2018. التذاكر معروضة للبيع الآن عبر الإنترنت على www.AuraMaine.com.