分類存檔: 混合武術

在 “風靡一時” 同….. Khamzat Dalgiev

M-1的挑戰 95 這個星期六 在印古什, 俄羅斯
Khamzat Dalgiev (ř) 與Ivan Buchinger連線

聖彼得堡, 俄羅斯 (七月 18) – M-1 Challenge featherweight champion Khamzat Dalgiev (10-1-0, M-1的: 7-1-0) 捍衛他的頭銜對他的美國挑戰者這個星期六, 內特 “火車” 蘭德維爾 (10-2-0, M-1的: 2-0-0), 在 M-1挑戰賽 95: 在山戰役 主要事件, 這個星期六在印古什, 俄羅斯.




全能型MMA戰鬥機, 達爾吉耶夫加入 “風靡一時” 一對一的面試:






KD: “我從小開始柔道訓練,我真的很喜歡. 奪冠之後, 法官做出了一些非常糟糕的決定,使我無法成為國家冠軍, 我決定繼續前進. 當時沒有MMA體育館, 所以我只是看了戰鬥視頻,希望有一天能開始戰鬥. 過了一會兒,我的一個朋友告訴我關於MMA健身房的開幕,我知道這是我的機會. 我記得在印古什(Ingushetia)舉行的首批M-1 Global演出之一時遠離Rage, 夢想有一天自己進入憤怒。”






KD: “在我職業生涯的開始, 對我來說最困難的事情是打擊, 因為我只有摔跤的背景. 但我可以肯定地說,摔跤手學習搏擊要比前鋒學習摔跤要容易得多。. 經過幾個月的艱苦訓練, 我第一次打架.




“在我早期的戰鬥中, 我更喜歡使用摔跤技巧來擊敗對手, 但隨著我的打擊越來越好, 我開始越來越多地使用它,真的很喜歡. 在接下來的戰鬥中,我希望將第四次淘汰賽的勝利增加到我的記錄中。”






KD: “在我的處女戰中, 我打了一個更有經驗的戰鬥機, 阿里·巴格夫, 誰有超過 20 職業戰斗在他的記錄. 我不在乎他的記錄,因為這些只是數字,我從未選擇過對手. 如果你想成為最好的人,就必須與最好的人戰鬥.




“我在首場比賽中的失利使我成為一名鬥士而改變了很多. 我積累了經驗, 從那時開始更加努力地訓練, 在上帝的幫助下, 我贏了 10 連續戰鬥. 即使我可以改變它並拒絕參加那場戰鬥, 我永遠也不會做,因為那場鬥爭是我職業生涯中最重要的一場。”






KD: “如果你想成功, 你必須努力 24/7 不遺餘力. 您必須設定目標並儘力達到目標, 清除路上的所有障礙.






“在與伊凡·布辛格(Ivan Buchinger)的冠軍爭奪戰中, 我非常有信心冠軍腰帶將屬於我. 我非常有動力,沒有感到他的一拳. 他可以向我的頭部投下一桿好球,導致擊倒, 但這並沒有動搖我. 我沒有集中精力,一直控制著戰鬥. 我在聽我的談話,在他們的幫助下淘汰了冠軍.




“為此勝利,印古什·尤努斯貝克·葉夫庫羅夫總統, 給了我一個慷慨的禮物 – 豐田凱美瑞 – 當我那天晚上回家時, 我把它給了我母親,因為我相信母親是任何人一生中最重要的人. 我並不總是在家, 我們沒有父親,我的弟弟還太年輕,無法幫助我們的媽媽, 媽媽可以開車來讓她的生活更輕鬆.


您對對手有什麼感覺, 內特蘭德維爾?


KD: “內特·蘭德維爾(Nate Landwehr)是一位非常進取的戰士,我喜歡. 他一直在不斷推他的對手, 無論, 即使他吃了一些拳, 他不停, 這正是我戰鬥的方式. 無所畏懼! 所以, 我毫不懷疑我們的戰鬥將是夜晚的最佳戰鬥!




“最好的勝利就是快速的勝利, 所以我想完成‘火車’ 早. 另一方面, 艱難的五輪戰鬥將給我帶來更多的經驗,並促進我的職業生涯. 無論如何, 我會盡力而為,盡我所能. 我的目標是成為一名更好的戰士,並在MMA歷史上留下自己的印記!”




M-1挑戰輕量級冠軍 Movsar Evloev (9-0-0, M-1的: 9-0-0) 對陣他的第二個冠軍 拉斐爾·迪亞斯 (15-5-0, M-1的: 1-1-0) 在共功能的事件.







嘰嘰喳喳 & Instagram的:

@ M1GlobalNews


@ M1Global







七月 21 – M-1的挑戰 95 在印古什, 俄羅斯

UFC & M-1 Global announce partnership UFC RUSSIA


聖彼得堡, 俄羅斯 (七月 18) – The Russian-Chinese investment fund, 穆巴達拉投資公司, 和終極格鬥錦標賽 (UFC) have jointly announced the foundation of UFC Russia. The new company will promote MMA and organize new shows in Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). M-1 Global is going to be a partner, responsible for scouting and signing Russian athletes to prepare them to fight in the UFC. M-1 Challenge champions will have a unique opportunity to sign contracts with the UFC.




We are looking forward to further cooperation with the UFC and the Russian-Chinese investment fund working on developing young Russian talents,” M-1全球總裁 Vadim Finkelchtein 說. “This partnership will benefit our sport very much. MMA is a very popular sport and cooperation of the UFC, investment fund and M-1 Global can take MMA in Russia to a new level. Competition in M-1 Global is going to be even tougher and that means we are going to see even more excellent and spectacular fights!”








嘰嘰喳喳 & Instagram的:

@ M1GlobalNews

@ M1Global







七月 21 – M-1的挑戰 95 在印古什, 俄羅斯

在 “風靡一時” 同….. 內特蘭德維爾

M-1的挑戰 95 這個星期六 在印古什, 俄羅斯
內特蘭德維爾 (在上面) 去年9月,米哈伊爾·科羅布科夫(Mikhail Korobkov)在M-1全球首演

聖彼得堡, 俄羅斯 (七月 17) – 美國戰士 內特 “火車” 蘭德維爾(10-2-0, M-1的: 2-0-0) 挑戰M-1挑戰輕量級冠軍 Khamzat Dalgiev (10-1-0, M-1的: 7-1-0) 在這個星期六 M-1挑戰賽 95: 在山戰役 主要事件, 這個星期六在印古什, 俄羅斯.




戰勝克拉克斯維爾, 田納西, 蘭德威爾進入 “風靡一時” 一對一的面試:


你是怎麼得到你的暱稱的, '火車”?




NL: “我的朋友在中學後期開始打電話給我Nate Train. 我添加了“’ 在那兒,我可以在高中的足球場上說屎, 我只是喜歡說: ‘你剛被火車撞了過去!’ 當我開始戰鬥的時候很容易. 我非常擅長足球,那是我愛上接觸和重擊的地方。”


你的攻擊行為在哪裡, 身體上和語言上, 來自?




NL: “我一直都很自信. 更多, 我喜歡炫耀和談論狗屎, 所以我有很多自己, 很多打架. 我不是公牛. 我太小了, 但我會讓自己陷入困境,必須為擺脫困境而奮鬥。”






NL: “我一直從事全職工作,直到我職業生涯第二次失去. 失去之後, 我辭掉工作, 開始全職訓練,從那以後就再也沒有輸過。”






NL: “我的太太, 羅賓, 是最重要的. 沒有她,我什麼都不是. 從第一天開始,她就一直支持我. 大多數戰鬥機開始時只有自己相信自己可以做到, 我從兩個開始。”






NL: 我去過世界很多地方和我的妻子一起旅行. 所以, 我很高興能夠去俄羅斯並獲得報酬. 俄羅斯非常美麗,那裡的建築令人讚嘆. 我希望將來能探索和體驗更多的土地和文化. 如果您從未去過那裡,我建議您去!”


隨著冠軍爭奪戰的臨近, 您如何看待這個標題鏡頭?




NL: “我很期待我的標題拍攝成功,等不及了. 讓我想起了電影ROCKY IV. 球迷將獲得他們永遠不會忘記的表演. 許多俄羅斯粉絲確實愛我,並在社交網絡上親自向我發送消息說, 我進行了他們所見過的最好的戰鬥,並為此而感謝我. 我的主要工作是使信徒!”






NL: “經過最後兩戰, I have had the biggest lines of fans to take pictures and sign autographs. What makes me special is my passion and heart. You may not remember the whole fight, but you will remember the feeling you had when you see a Nate the Train show!”


What do you expect from the champion, Khamzat Dalgiev?



DL: “I expect a highly motivated man ready to do whatever it takes to keep that title, fighting in front of his fans and in his home country, but it won’t be enough to defeat me. This has Fight of the Year written all over it, followed by Knockout of the Night for me. I am willing to walk through hell to become a world champion and nothing can stop me right now. I’m a man on a mission that started with a boy and his dream.



在共功能的事件, M-1挑戰輕量級冠軍 Movsar Evloev (9-0-0, M-1的: 9-0-0) 對陣他的第二個冠軍 拉斐爾·迪亞斯 (15-5-0, M-1的: 1-1-0).









嘰嘰喳喳 & Instagram的:


@ M1GlobalNews


@ M1Global









七月 21 – M-1的挑戰 95 在印古什, 俄羅斯





Inaugural Event Moved from 七月 20
星期六, 九月 15 At New
Hard Rock酒店 & Casino in Atlantic City
Full Night of Action Headlined by Team New Jersey vs.
Team Pennsylvania Will Stream Live on FloCombat.com

大西洋城, N.J. (七月 17, 2018) – The newest entity in MMA, MMA職業聯賽, has secured a multi-fight deal with FloSports to exclusively stream all MMA Pro League action live on their worldwide combat sports site, FloCombat.com.




This deal will begin with MMA Pro League’s inaugural event that will now take place 星期六, 七. 15, at the new Hard Rock酒店 & Casino in Atlantic City and feature Team New Jersey and head coach Dan Miller of the Miller Brothers taking on Team Pennsylvania, who are led by head coach Daniel Gracie of the renowned Gracie family.




“We’re thrilled that a worldwide audience will have the opportunity to experience our exciting inaugural event on FloCombat.com,” said President of MMA Pro League, Mark Taffet. “To accommodate this new deal, the first installment of ‘MMA Pro League At The Hard Rock’ will take place Saturday, 七. 15, to provide optimal time to put the broadcast team, production plan and telecast elements in place and ensure the best possible experience for our audience. We can’t wait for the first bell to ring.”




Fights streaming on FloCombat.com will include main card team action and preliminary matches, with the prelim bouts also available on FloCombat’s Facebook page. In the weeks leading up to live MMA Pro League events, both MMA Pro League and FloCombat will utilize their social and digital media platforms to provide content to fans such as regular updates from training camps, coverage of fight week activities including weigh-in and team workouts, plus original behind-the-scenes video.




To access live and on-demand coverage of all MMA Pro League action, visit FloCombat.com and become a monthly or annual PRO subscriber. Either subscription unlocks access to premium content across the entire FloSports network. Watch the games on all screens by downloading the FloSports app on iOS, 年, or Apple TV 4.




MMA Pro League will produce the live events and announce the broadcast team for future broadcasts in the coming weeks in addition to announcements of the Team New Jersey and Team Pennsylvania rosters.


Tickets for the Sept. 15 inaugural installment of “MMA Pro League At The Hard Rock” will be available at Ticketmaster.com starting Aug. 1.


# # #




欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.MMAProLeague.com, follow the conversation on Twitter @MMAPro_League, @DanMiller185, @DanielGracie, @Hani_Darwish1 and @MarkTaffetMedia, Instagram上的 Instagram.com/mmaproleague,Instagram.com/DanMiller185, Instagram.com/DanielGracie,Instagram.com/Hani_Darwish1Instagram.com/MarkTaffetMedia, 並在Facebook上 Facebook.com/MMAProLeague

Bruno Ferreira battles back from cancer; Returns after 3 years of inactivity to fight atRoad to M-1: 美國”

八月 11 worldwide Pay Per View from Nashville


納什維爾, 田納西州. (七月 16, 2018) – Undefeated Brazilian MMA fighter Bruno Ferreira (8-0-0) returns to action August 11 after successfully battling cancer the past three years.



The now 30-year-old Ferreira will take on always dangerous Tony Gravely (12-5-0), 弗吉尼亞, 在 “Road to M-1: 美國”, presented by M-1 Global USA and Angel Fight Promotions.




This is very special for me,” Ferreira said. “感謝上帝. I’ve waited so long for this to happen. People can expect that I will be equal to or better than in my last fight.




The cancer treatment was very severe. I had three surgeries and several cycles of chemotherapy, which was so strong and bad that every cyclelasting from Monday to Fridaywas four to five hours. It seemed like I was dying. I tried to cheer up my mother and wife before each surgery, but the fear inside me was huge. When I woke up, I thanked God that I had survived.




Road to M-1: 美國” will air live on worldwide pay-per-view from Global Mall in Nashville, 田納西. A hybrid ring-cage, “風靡一時”, will make its debut in America.




綜合體育媒體將分發 “Road to M-1: 美國” in North America on cable, 通過iN需求進行衛星和數字按次計費, 無處不在, 美國的DIRECTV和DISH, 以及羅傑斯, 薩斯通電話, and Shaw PPV in Canada, 並在全球範圍內進行直播 FITE.TV 應用程式和網站 (www.fite.tv), 開始 9 P.M. AND / 6 P.M. PT, 對於只有一個建議零售價 $19.95.




Georgia middleweight DougYamatoUsher (9-3-0) 面孔 ReggieThe Regulator” 毛 (14-6-0), of Florida, 在主要事件. The co-featured event matches Russian lightweight Vadim Ogar (6-3-0) 北卡羅來納, 與 Yoislandy “古巴” Izquierdo(11-4-0).




Diagnosed with testicular cancer three years ago, Ferreira’s rise to the top of the MMA world was derailed with his life-threatening medical issue, which severely jeopardized his combat sports career. Sessions of heavy-duty chemotherapy and three surgeries left Ferreira wondering if he’d survive, never mind fight once again.




Although he continued to train, albeit at a much lower level of intensity, he increased the potency of his training after treatments concluded, but he had lost his training rhythm. A restricted diet enabled Bruno to come back strong and now he’s making his post-cancer return in his American debut.




Ferreira does admit that, at one stage, he never thought he’d fight again. “There were a few moments,’ 他解釋, “especially when I first discovered it. I had a conversation with my brother about my MMA career being over. 他說: ‘Calm down, you’ll just delay it a little while.The hope of returning to fight gave me strength, but sometimes did cross my mind that I wouldn’t recover from my time off. Thanks to God I came back and today I am about to realize my greatest dream.




Fighting on worldwide pay per view will have an even more special taste because all the people who helped me will be able to watch and see that not only and I’m doing well, I’m doing what I like the most….戰鬥!




I want to grow inside of M-1 Global, in search of a title belt, living to fight. I also want to let others suffering from cancer to know that this disease does not always end in death. They need to have a lot of faith in God and live one day at a time. Wake up, 謝謝; sleep, 謝謝. I heard a lot of bad things, but I didn’t give up. Be thankful for your miracle, I believe mine has already happened.




Other scheduled main-card fights include Georgia flyweight J. “The Autobot” Hamilton (12-6-0) VS. Floridian fighter Abdiel “夢魘” Velazquez (8-5-0), Kentucky welterweight 布蘭登 “The JuggernautBell (5-6-0) VS. JacobTick-TockMcLintock (9-2-0), of Arizona; and Tennessee welterweight James Conway (3-0-0) VS. P.J. Cajigas(5-7-0), 芝加哥.




Preliminary card bouts include California heavyweight CodyThe MooseGoodale (5-4-0) VS. NkemdirimKim Oti(2-3-0), of Alabama, New Brunswick, Canada bantamweight Chris Johnson (5-6-0) VS. JerrodThe Hillbilly Hammer” 詹寧斯 (2-1-0), of Kentucky, and Nashville favorite Dwayne Herrelle (0-1-0) VS. pro-debuting Kentucky lightweight Kegan Agnew.

















嘰嘰喳喳 & Instagram的:



@ M1GlobalNews


@ M1Global












班戈, 緬因 (七月 16, 2018) - 新英格蘭戰鬥 (NEF) will hold its next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 35: Wicked Season,” 上 九月 8 at the Cross Insurance Center in Bangor. 今天早些時候,, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional lightweight bout to the fight card. 喬希 “勾搭上” 哈維 (4-0) will return to the cage to take on 傑伊·埃利斯 (15-79) 在155磅重的鬥爭.

The fight with Ellis will take place just over 16 months since the last time Harvey did battle in the NEF cage. The former amateur lightweight champion is undefeated thus far in his professional career. Harvey has entered the cage four times in the pro ranks and has finished all four opponents in the first round with two knockouts and two submissions to his credit. He is a member of Young’s MMA based in Bangor, 和 “NEF 35will be Harvey’s first opportunity to fight in front of his hometown fans, family and friends sinceNEF Presents Dana白色: Lookinfor a Fightwhich took place at the Cross Insurance Center in August 2016.

“I’m excited to display the improvements I made since my last fight,” Harvey said. “Thankful for any opponent willing to hook on, will be one for the highlight reel for sure!”

哈維的對手, 傑伊·埃利斯, is a longtime veteran of the sport based out of Milwaukee, Wisconsin where he trains with Team Knockout. Ellis regularly travels to New England to compete and has gained a cult following throughout the region. 上個夏天, he shocked Bangor fight fans by taking the fight to Ryan Sanders (16-9) and nearly upsetting the hometown favorite with a submission attempt before Sanders was able to score a come-from-behind victory.

I’m so happy to be coming back to Maine to put on another great performance,” stated Ellis when reached for comment. “This time my hand will be raised high as the victorious one.

NEF的下一個混合武術事件, “NEF 35: Wicked Season,” will see the company make its return to the Cross Insurance Center in Bangor, 緬因. The event is scheduled to take place 星期六, 九月 8, 2018 與鐘時間 7 下午. 門票現已公開發售,在 www.CrossInsuranceCenter.com.





Full Bellator 203 照片 // 信貸: Bellator /盧卡斯·努南


Bellator 203 Scorecards


Bellator 203 官方成績:

帕特里西奧“鬥犬” (27-4) DEF. 丹尼爾Weichel (39-10) 通過分裂的決定 (49-46, 48-47, 47-48)

*“Pitbull” retains Bellator featherweight world championship

阿萊西奧Sakara (20-12, 2 NC) DEF. Jamie Sloane (8-5, 1 NC) 通過TKO (罷工) 在 1:19 圓一個

安德烈Koreshkov (21-2) DEF. Vaso Bakocevic (33-18-1) via KO at 1:06 圓一個

Alen Amedovski (6-0) DEF. Will Fleury (4-1) via KO at 1:39 圓一個

Maxim Radu (9-1) DEF. Simone La Preziosa (3-5) 通過TKO (罷工) 在 4:50 圓一個

Michele Martignoni (4-0) DEF. Simone D’Anna (4-2) 通過KO (頭踢) 在 :06 seconds of round one

*Martignoni ties record for fastest KO in Bellator history



Tickets are on sale NOW through TheBombFactory.com

LAS VEGAS, 內華達 – LFA CEO Ed Soares announced today that the promotion will crown an interim featherweight champion when the promotion returns to Dallas in August.



The main event of LFA 47 will feature an interim featherweight title bout when former LFA featherweight title challenger DamonThe LeechJackson battles fellow top contenderNastyNate Jennerman. LFA 47 – 傑克遜VS. Jennerman takes place this Friday, August 10th at The Bomb Factory in Dallas, 得克薩斯州. 整個主卡將被電視直播,並在全國范圍AXS電視上的 9 P.M. AND / 6 P.M. PT.



LFA featherweight champion Kevin Aguilar recently got the opportunity to compete for a UFC contract,” 規定蘇亞雷斯. “Damon Jackson and Nate Jennerman are the two winningest featherweights in LFA history. They will compete for the LFA interim featherweight title on August 10th. LFA started at The Bomb Factory at LFA 1 by unifying the Legacy FC and RFA bantamweight titles. 在五月, we unified our featherweight title in the same venue. Now we will continue our exciting history in Dallas at LFA 47.



Tickets for LFA 47 – 傑克遜VS. Jennerman are available for purchase NOW at TheBombFactory.com.



傑克遜 (15-2-1) heads into this title fight looking to capture LFA gold that eluded him the first time he competed for it at LFA 4. The former Legacy FC featherweight champion and three-time UFC veteran came up short against Kevin Aguilar that night, but has since strung together four consecutive submission victories inside the LFA Octagon. The NAIA All-American wrestler currently has the most wins in LFA history (5 勝) and will look to continue his dominance and position himself for one of two preferred outcomes with a title win at LFA 47. That would be either a rematch with Aguilar or a return trip to the UFC.



Jennerman (12-3) is the only man to experience a similar level of success as Jackson since the merger of Legacy FC and RFA created LFA in January 2017. The Roufusport product is currently tied with LFA flyweight champion Maikel Perez for second most wins in LFA history (4 勝) and will look to tie the promotion’s wins leader Jackson by defeating the man himself. 是否 “Nasty Nate” 勝經提交, he will also tie Jackson’s record for most submission wins in LFA history (5 submission wins). 更重要的是, Jennerman will capture prestigious LFA championship gold against his toughest opponent to date.



主卡 (Televised on AXS TV at 9 P.M. AND / 6 P.M. PT):



主要事件 | Interim Featherweight Title Bout (145 磅)

Damon Jackson (15-2-1) VS. Nate Jennerman (12-3)


合作的主要事件 | 羽量級布特 (145 磅)

Levi Mowles (9-3) VS. Charles Cheeks III (13-6)


次中量級回合 (170 磅)

Evan Cutts (9-3) VS. WilliamPatolinoMacario (9-3)


次中量級回合 (170 磅)

Sean Spencer (12-6) VS. Bilal Williams (8-6)


次中量級回合 (170 磅)

Ramiz Brahimaj (6-1) VS. 賈斯汀·帕特森 (10-4)


Women’s Strawweight Bout (115 磅)

Valerie Soto (0-0) VS. Cristina Crist


羽量級布特 (145 磅)

Austin Lingo (4-0) VS. Eddie Brown (4-1)




LFA 47 will be the sixth LFA event to take place in the City of Dallas. It will also be the twelfth time that LFA has traveled toThe Lone Star State” 德克薩斯州. The entire main card of LFA 47 將進行現場直播,並在全國范圍AXS電視在 9 P.M. AND / 6 P.M. PT.




請訪問 LFAfighting.com 對於回合更新和信息. LFA is on Facebook at 傳統格鬥聯盟. LFA is also on Instagram at @LFAfighting 和Twitter的 @LFAfighting.




在 2017 RFA and Legacy FC merged to form LFA, the premier developmental organization in Mixed Martial Arts. The combined forces of LFA launched the careers of over 130 athletes to reach the pinnacle of MMA by competing in the UFC. 在五月 2018 the promotion joined the London Trust Media Holdings group of companies.





Full Event Photos Here


完成 Bellator 202: 巴德VS. 核桃 結果:

朱莉婭·巴德 (12-2) 打敗 塔利塔諾蓋拉 (7-1) 通過TKO (拳) 在 4:07 第三輪

Michael McDonald (19-4) 打敗 愛德華多·丹塔斯 (20-6) 通過KO (拳) 在 :58 圓一個

克里斯·哈尼科特 (11-2, 1 NC) 打敗 Leo Leite (10-2) 通過一致決定 (30-25, 30-25, 30-25)

瓦倫丁·摩爾達夫斯基 (8-1) 打敗 Ernest James (1-1) 通過TKO (拳) 在 4:03 of second round


丹尼爾·凱里 (6-2) 打敗 Aaron Webb (2-1) 通過提交 (後方裸體扼流圈) 在 2:54 第二輪的

Will Morris (3-0) 打敗 Charles Williams (3-1) 通過一致決定 (30-27, 30-26, 30-25)

女傑阿特亞加 (4-2) 打敗 Emily Ducote (6-5) 通過一致決定 (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Yaroslav Amasov (20-0) 打敗 Gerald Harris (25-7) 通過一致決定 (30-26, 30-27, 30-27)

Steve Kozola (9-2) 打敗 Ryan Walker (7-4) 通過KO (拳) 在 1:45 圓一個

魯迪Schaffroth (5-0, 1 NC) 打敗 Jon Hill (12-7) 通過TKO (拳) 在 :42 圓一個

Tyler Ingram (2-0) 打敗 岡薩雷斯 (3-1) 通過提交 (後方裸體扼流圈) 在 4:13 第二輪的

Nation Gibrick (2-0) 打敗 Luis Erives (0-1) 通過提交 (腳後跟鉤) 在 1:30 圓一個



緬因 (七月 13, 2018) - 新英格蘭戰鬥 (NEF) will hold its next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 35: Wicked Season,” 上 九月 8 at the Cross Insurance Center in Bangor. 今天早些時候,, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional lightweight bout to the fight card. CJ壺 (3-1) 定要面對 迦勒大廳 (1-0) 在155磅重的鬥爭.

Ewer headlined the previous NEF card in Bangor with a win over Mike Hansen (5-9) last August to claim the professional middleweight title of the promotion. 今年早些時候,, he tried to become the first multi-division champion in NEF history when he met Kemran Lachinov (5-2) for the welterweight strap. It was not to be, 然而, as Ewer suffered his first professional loss that February evening at “NEF 32。” A member of Bangor’s Young’s MMA who proudly serves his country with the United States Air Force security forces, Ewer will look to rebound from that loss against Hall this September.

Caleb has improved exponentially every single fight, and he looked amazing his last fight,” said Ewer of his opponent. “Caleb will go very far in this sport, but I am going to make sure he doesn’t do it at my expense. It’s going to be a very tough, very exciting fight for sure.

Caleb Hall surprised many fans when he arrived forNEF 33weigh-ins this spring. The one-time amateur featherweight titleholder looked like a monster version of his former self after bulking up with ten pounds of muscle for his professional debut at lightweight. The next night, Hall squeezed the proverbial life out of rugged veteran John Ortolani (8-13) with a Von Flue choke to pick up his first pro victory. The impressive performance sent a message to the New England MMA scene that Hall had indeed arrived in the pro ranks. Hall is a product of the Choi Institute in Portland, Maine and a two-time state wrestling champion out of Dirigo High School in Dixfield, 緬因.

I am looking forward to making another statement with a win over Ewer in his hometown,” stated Hall. “他是一個艱難的戰鬥機, and I can’t wait to get in there and fight.

NEF的下一個混合武術事件, “NEF 35: Wicked Season,” will see the company make its return to the Cross Insurance Center in Bangor, 緬因. The event is scheduled to take place 星期六, 九月 8, 2018 與鐘時間 7 下午. 門票現已公開發售,在 www.CrossInsuranceCenter.com.