分类存档: 混合武术


单轮获胜者, 羽量级比赛将代表
美国. 和墨西哥在 $100,000 大奖赛

中美. 资格赛: 埃里克·冈萨雷斯 VS. 安德烈斯·昆塔纳
墨西哥预选赛: Sabori VS巴勃罗. 亚历杭德罗·弗洛雷斯

“对抗美洲”门票: 《世界杯战斗之路》现已发售

纽约 - 八月 16, 2018 – Combate Americas 今天宣布直播 Univision Deportes Network (UDN) 电视节目 (12 A.M. AND/9 下午. PT) 首屈一指的西班牙综合格斗赛事将成为头条新闻 (MMA) 体育特许经营商在长滩举行的首场“COPA COMBATE”资格赛, 加利福尼亚州. 上 星期五, 七. 28.


“美洲作战”: “Copa 战斗之路”活动, 将从长滩的沃尔特金字塔现场直播, 将有一对, 五分钟回合羽量级 (145 英镑) 打架, 获奖者代表各自国家——美国. 和墨西哥——在“COPA COMBATE,“ 一夜, 八人, $100,000 比赛, 日期和地点将很快公布.



从价格 $30, “对抗美洲”门票: Camino A Copa Combate”在沃尔特金字塔有售

网上购票平台, 以及在 Ticketon.com.


“这些一轮资格赛的战斗象征着美洲战斗所代表的意义 – '更多行动,”或“更多行动,”康贝特美洲首席执行官 坎贝尔迈凯轮. “在更短的时间内进行快节奏的战斗创造了这项运动中最激动人心的平台,, 有机会代表您的国家参加“COPA COMBATE”,” $100,000 大奖赛即将上线, 强度将达到一个全新的高度。”



在两场“Camino a Copa Combate”比赛之一中相互对峙, 五分钟回合, 羽量级争夺代表美国的权利. 在高风险锦标赛中, 会是 埃里克·“幽灵辣椒”·冈萨雷斯 (8-2) 和 安德烈斯“子弹”昆塔纳 (14-2).



在第二轮“Camino a Copa”一轮中, 五分钟的战斗, 保罗“黑鸡” Sabori (8-4) 将与碰撞 亚历杭德罗·“埃尔·加利托”·弗洛雷斯 (12-1). 比赛获胜者将代表墨西哥参加“COPA COMBATE”锦标赛.


埃里克·冈萨雷斯 VS. 安德烈斯·昆塔纳


5尺10, 26-雷东多海滩的冈萨雷斯一岁, 加利福尼亚州. 将从轻量级下降 (155 英镑) 自加入Combate Americas行列以来首次达到羽量级, 为了获得令人垂涎的资格, 一晚的比赛.



一个无情的战士,能够在任何范围的战斗中消灭对手, 冈萨雷斯在他职业生涯的八场胜利中,有六场是通过 (牛逼)KO或提交, 包括他为之前的仇报仇的最后一场战斗, 一致决定败在 “现实主义者”丹尼·拉米雷斯 通过对精彩片段进行评分, 第一回合 (3:15) 昏死 (拳) 拉米雷斯 (Ramirez) 在洛杉矶参加“战斗埃斯特雷拉斯”(Combate Estrellas) 活动 四月 13.



金塔纳, 6英尺, 27-来自罗斯威尔的一岁开拓者, N.M., 迄今为止在拉焦拉已经完美, 在康贝特美洲笼, 自去年首次亮相以来,他在促销旗帜下赢得了所有四场比赛.



金塔纳在“打击美洲”行动中取得的成就之一是六月 30, 2017 一致判定击败去年“COPA COMBATE”锦标赛冠军 列维·马洛奎恩(Levy Marroquin), 在征税中发生的一场比赛中, 墨西哥城海拔高, 墨西哥.


巴勃罗·萨博里 VS. 亚历杭德罗·弗洛雷斯


5英尺8英寸, 26-科罗拉多州圣路易斯市 1 岁的 Sabori, 索诺拉是令人畏惧的, 毁灭性的终结者,拥有 100 %的完赛率, 所有 8 迄今为止,他职业生涯中的胜利都是通过淘汰赛或降服获得的, 5 其中在第一轮行动中.



在他七月的最后一次首发中 29, 2017 蒂华纳, 下加利福尼亚州, 墨西哥, 萨博里艰难晋级第三轮 (3:03) WHO (拳) 的 安德鲁·赛恩.



弗洛雷斯身高 5 英尺 10 英寸, 27-岁, 蒙特雷迅速崛起的新星, 新莱昂州将重返 145 在最轻量级的惊人表现后体重 (135 英镑) 类.



弗洛雷斯在击败格拉索队的出色表现后取得了四连胜 维克多·马德里加尔 Combate Americas 在蒙特雷举行的首次现场活动四月 20. 这场胜利标志着弗洛雷斯在拉焦拉的连续第二场胜利, 自从击败 沃尔特·萨莫拉 通过三月份的分裂决定 30, 2017.



电视直播的附加比赛, Combate Americas世界锦标赛赛事主卡部分即将公布, 以及一个完整的, 初步回合卡.



沃尔特金字塔的大门将于 6 P.M. PT九月 28, 和第一初步回合将开始在 7 P.M.



今晚, 汤姆, 托尼(Tony)和里奇(Rich)参加了格斗运动的最后两个星期. 收听整个广播,了解您错过的所有重大新闻和事件以及本周末即将发生的一切, 太.



Brunswick, 缅因 (八月 15, 2018) – It’s absolutely no secret that few New England lightweights have raised their fists to volunteer for a mixed martial arts showdown with “The” Ryan Sanders in recent years.


The competition at welterweight isn’t clamoring for a date with Sanders, 或, although a newcomer to the region with ties to another hotbed of the sport is eager to embrace the challenge at “New England Fights 35: Wicked Season.”


Armando “Chino” Montoya, 老牌 16 专业的较量, and linked closely with a pioneering figure in combat sports, will answer the call 星期六, 九月 8. The bout will take place on Sanders’ home turf at Cross Insurance Center in Bangor. Opening bell time is 7 P.M.


“(NEF共同拥有和媒人) Matt Peterson asked me if I wanted to fight, and I was happy to take it,蒙托亚说. “I like to push myself. I don’t like easy fights.”


That attitude is a product of both Montoya’s cultural and professional background.

He’s proud to be a first-generation Mexican-American and a product of the relentless, fighting culture that has made his parents’ homeland such a force in boxing and MMA.


While living, working and fighting in California, he was a student of Thomas “Wildman” Denny, a veteran with almost 50 pro fights under his belt.


“That’s a name well-known to longtime fans of the sport,” Peterson said. “Denny was known for always having exciting fights, 输赢, and I know he instilled some of that mentality in his students, such as Armando.”


蒙托亚 (10-6) fought primarily in California, Colorado and New Mexico. He was in line to fight on a UFC card in Wyoming when a hand injury forced him to withdraw from the bout.


Although work and family commitments have slowed his pace in recent years, only five years separate him from a six-fight win streak.


“I’ve fought the top local guys wherever I’ve been my whole career. I fought against guys who wound up fighting for UFC or Strikeforce,蒙托亚说. “我 38, which I know is pretty old in this business, but I still like to challenge myself. It’s become more like a hobby. I have to work and support my family, but when the opportunities have come up, I love to train and give it a shot.”


A union carpenter by trade, Montoya sought more lucrative opportunities in that realm. Maine wound up on his radar because it is his mother-in-law’s home.

After the move, Montoya sought a local gym where he could continue to hone his craft in the martial arts. At 6-foot-3, having spent much of his career at middleweight, Montoya said he didn’t find many sparring partners his size.


“Then I was working in Portland and the superintendent there was a friend of John Raio,” Montoya recalled. “他说, ‘You should check out First Class MMA in Brunswick,’ so I did.”


Both family-oriented men with a passion for the sport and their shared faith, Raio and Montoya became fast friends.


“Armando is a strong leader and our most experienced fighter,”拉约说. “He’s the most humble guy you will ever meet and a devout Christian. His warm presence and willingness to share his knowledge and experience at First Class MMA make him a strong asset to our gym. He has been a huge reason for the growth of our students. I’m honored to call him my fighter and a great friend. He’s like family to me.”


First Class doesn’t have many exact matchups for the newcomer’s body type, 或, but Montoya likes the mix of personalities and youthful exuberance.


“It’s exciting to see other people so excited about the sport,蒙托亚说. “First Class has a lot of young guys who are just starting out, that have had one or two fights.”


Montoya’s first inclination is a stand-up clash. Most of his opponents have been substantially shorter, 虽然, and prefer ground-and-pound affairs in which his reach advantage is less of a factor. He said he enjoys the contrast of styles.


桑德斯 (16-9) is the clear favorite. In his prime at 31, undefeated through his past seven sojourns in the NEF hexagon, he has been more active than his unfamiliar opponent.


“Unfamiliar” is the operative word. The unknowns – namely Montoya’s vast experience against a different talent pool – make it a can’t-miss matchup.


Montoya can appreciate the challenge Sanders will face in ascending a class to face him.


“I’m used to being the one going up in weight,“他说,. “Being 6-foot-3, I’m used to bumping up from 170 到 185. It’s kind of cool being on the other side this time.”

While Montoya is quick to acknowledge God for his forward motion in life, he gives MMA proper credit for its role in his salvation, 还有.


Before entering the amateur ranks at age 25, ‘Mando’ spent five years in federal prison and walked out mad at the world.


“I had a lot of anger issues,“他说,. “This sport showed me how to take out that anger in a constructive way. I didn’t need to fight in the bars and the clubs anymore.”


Many have gained from Montoya’s personal triumphs. 现在, add NEF’s devoted fan base to that list.


“We’re lucky to have someone of Armando’s caliber stepping up to face Ryan,” Peterson said. “As if this card weren’t already exciting enough, now we have this added fight to thrill the Bangor fans. It doesn’t get any better than this.”


NEF的下一个混合武术事件, “NEF 35: 邪恶季节,” 将看到该公司重返班戈十字保险中心, 缅因. 该活动预定举行 星期六, 九月 8, 2018 响铃时间为 7 下午. 门票现已公开发售,在 www.CrossInsuranceCenter.com.



新英格兰战斗 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推广公司. NEF的使命是创造战斗机和球迷的一致好评最高的质量事件. NEF的执行团队在作战体育管理方面拥有丰富的经验, 生产活动, 媒体关系, 市场营销, 法律和广告.


住在 the NEW
普赖尔湖, 明尼苏达州
门票现在通过发售 神秘湖网站

LAS VEGAS, 内华达 – LFA CEO Ed Soares announced today that the promotion will celebrate its historic 50th televised event in Minnesota by crowning a new middleweight champion at LFA 50. This event will also kick off an action-packed fall fight season, which starts on the third week of September.




LFA的重头戏 50 will feature a middleweight title fight when two-time LFA title challenger BrendanAll InAllen faces top undefeated prospectThe AmazingTim Hiley for the vacant strap. LFA 50 – Allen vs. Hiley takes place Friday, September 21st at the new Mystic Lake Center in Prior Lake, 明尼苏达州. 整个主卡将被电视直播,并在全国范围AXS电视上的 9 P.M. AND / 6 P.M. PT.




I am excited to celebrate our 50th televised event at the state of the art Mystic Lake Center in Minnesota”, 规定苏亚雷斯. “LFA has produced fifty nationally televised MMA events faster than any promotion in history. LFA 50 will be the third of four live nationally televised MMA events to take place inside Mystic Lake’s new world-class facility in 2018. 神秘湖 has been a fantastic partner and it will now host our LFA middleweight world title fight between Brendan Allen and Tim Hiley on September 21st.




LFA 门票 50 – Allen vs. Hiley are available for purchase NOW at 神秘湖网站.




阿伦 (9-3) returns to the LFA Octagon fresh off the most emphatic win of his career. The 22-year-old Louisianian and two-time LFA middleweight title challenger knocked out two-time Legacy FC middleweight title challenger Larry Crowe with a check hook KO that went viral in June after their headlining encounter at LFA 43. The man known asAll Inis now looking to do just that in his sixth appearance for the promotion. He also competed twice for Legacy FC before the promotion merged with RFA to create LFA and is fully aware of the stakes when he steps foot inside the LFA Octagon. His only setbacks have come to men currently competing in the UFC. The young Roufusport product has built a loyal fan base for being one of the most clinical finishers in the division. All nine of his victories have come via KO, WHO, 或提交. He now hopes a third time’s a charm as he vies for LFA gold at LFA 50.




Hiley (7-0) will get his first LFA title shot after dominating in his first two fights for the promotion earlier this year. The 29-year-old has the same plan as Allen. He is looking to continue a proud LFA history of top middleweight prospects that win LFA titles and sign with the UFC. All four previous LFA middleweight champions have done just that. That illustrious list includes Eryk Anders, 马库斯·佩雷斯(Markus Perez), 安东尼·埃尔南德斯, and Ian Heinisch. “The Amazingone looks to continue amazing LFA fight fans with his exciting skill set. Another layer of intrigue to his title fight with Allen is that both men train just a few miles from each other in Milwaukee, 威斯康星. Hiley represents Pura Vida, home of UFC star Zak Ottow. 与此同时, Allen fights out of Roufusport, home to UFC star Sergio Pettis. Both Ottow and Pettis became stars in the RFA before signing with the UFC. Hiley looks to start his own legacy at LFA 50.



目前公布的主卡 (在 AXS TV 上播出 9 P.M. AND / 6 P.M. PT):


主要事件 | 中量级冠军争夺战 (185 磅)

– 布伦丹·艾伦 (9-3) VS. Tim Hiley (7-0)


合作的主要事件 | Heayweight Bout (265 磅)

Brian Heden (31-16) VS. 拉斐尔 “BebezãoPessoa (8-0)


次中量级回合 (170 磅)

– 本·诺依曼 (13-5) VS. 鲍比·李 (8-2)


次中量级回合 (170 磅)

Ashkan Morvari (15-7) VS. 贾森·维特 (13-5)


羽量级布特 (145 磅)

Josh Marsh (4-1) VS. Dmitry Gerasimov (9-6)




在 2017, RFA和传统FC合并组建LFA, 在混合武术最大的发展机构. The combined forces of LFA have launched the careers of over 140 已经通过在UFC的竞争达到了MMA的巅峰运动员. 在五月 2018, 促进加盟伦敦信托传媒控股集团公司.




LFA 50 will be the eighth LFA event to take place in the state of Minnesota. RFA 和 Legacy FC 在该赛事中总共举办了 9 场活动 “土地 10,000 湖泊” 合并前. 其中六场活动是在神秘湖赌场酒店内以 RFA 名义举行的. LFA全主卡 50 将进行现场直播,并在全国范围AXS电视在 9 P.M. AND / 6 P.M. PT.




在 2017 RFA和传统FC合并组建LFA, 在混合武术最大的发展机构. LFA的联合部队发动过的职业生涯 130 athletes to reach the pinnacle of MMA by competing in the UFC. 在五月 2018 促进加盟伦敦信托传媒控股集团公司.




请访问 LFAfighting.com 对于回合更新和信息. LFA 的 Facebook 网址为 传统格斗联盟. LFA也对在Instagram的 @LFAfighting 和Twitter的 @LFAfighting.

“通往 M-1 的道路: 美国” 官方结果

道格 “YamatoUsher stops
David Mundell in 2ND
Yoislandy Izquierdo landed the kick of the night

纳什维尔, 田纳西州. (八月 14, 2018) – Georgia middleweight 道格 “YamatoUsherYoislandy “古巴” Izquierdo were knockout-winners this past Saturday night in the “通往 M-1 的道路: 美国” main event and co-feature, 分别, at Global Mall in Nashville, 田纳西.




“通往 M-1 的道路: 美国” was presented by M-1 Global USA and Angel Fight Promotions and aired live on worldwide pay per view.




“风靡一时,” a hybrid ring/cage, made its American debut in Music City.



What a great first event for M-1 Global USA,” M-1 Global USA CEO Mike Merriman 说. “There were so many obstacles to overcome and lessons to be learned, but the show still went well. The fighters worked hard and the staff worked diligently. I couldn’t have asked for more. We are working on our next show and some possible partnerships that should make a lot of fans smile.




Usher (10-3-0) overcame a relatively slow opening round to knockout his late replacement opponent, 大卫· “RedneckMundell (9-4-0), with a powerful right-left combination for his sixth consecutive victory, which snapped Mundell’s three-fight win streak.




Izquierdo (12-4-0), fighting out of Charlotte (NC) by way of Cuba, took care of business early, 淘汰 Damond Pickney (15-11-0), 温泉之地, 阿肯色州, less than a minute into the opening round by way of a vicious head-kick.




Virginia bantamweight 托尼·格雷夫利 (14-5-0) ruined the courageous comeback of previously undefeated Brazilian fighter Bruno Ferreira (8-1-0), who was making a comeback after successfully battling cancer the past three years. Gravely’s aggressive ground-and-pound attack resulted in a quick first-round technical knockout win.




Georgia flyweight Cee JayThe Autobot” 汉密尔顿 (13-6-0) 和加利福尼亚重量级 科迪 “The MooseGoodale won three-round decisions, 分别, against Puerto Rican 阿布迪尔 “梦魇” 委拉斯开兹 (8-6-0) 和 NkemdirimKimOti (2-4-0)




Kentucky welterweight 布兰登 “剑圣” 钟 (9-7-0) registered a first-round, ground-and-pound TKO win over JacobTick-TockMcClintock (9-3-0), of Arizona, while Chicago welterweight J. 盒子 used the same method to defeat previously unbeaten Tennessean James Conway (3-1-0) 在第二轮.




对初步卡, Chicago bantamweight 克里斯 “The Jungle” 约翰逊 (5-8-0) 淘汰 Jerrod “乡巴佬锤子” Jennings (2-2-0) 在第一轮. Kentucky lightweight Kegan Agnew (1-0-0) made an impressive pro debut, locking in a rear naked choke to submit hometown favorite Dwayne Herrelle (0-2-0) 在首轮.



MAIN EVENT – middleweights的
Doug Usher (10-3-0), College Park, 马里兰
大卫·蒙代尔 (9-4-0), 奥兰多, 佛罗里达
共同特征 – 轻量级
Yoislandyu Izquierdo (12-4-0), 夏洛特, 北卡罗来纳
达万德·皮克尼 (15-11-0), Hot Springs, 阿肯色州
托尼·格雷夫利 (14-5-0) Radford, 弗吉尼亚州
Bruno Ferreira (8-1-0) 圣保罗, 巴西
杰·汉密尔顿 (13-6-0), Hartwell, 格鲁吉亚.
亚必迭贝拉斯克斯 (8-6-0), 博格新港口, 佛罗里达
Brandon Bell (9-6-0), Harlan, 肯塔基州
雅各布·麦克林托克 (9-3-0), 坦佩, 亚利桑那
J. 盒子 (7-7-0), 芝加哥, 伊利诺伊
James Conway (3-1-0), Dickson, 田纳西
Cody Goodale (6-4-0), 河边, 加利福尼亚州.
Nkemdirim Oti (2-4-0), 迪凯特, 阿拉巴马州
Chris Johnson (5-8-0), 芝加哥, 伊利诺伊
Jerrod Jennings (2-2-0), 梅菲尔德, 肯塔基州
Kegan Agnew (1-0-0), Fredonia, 肯塔基州
WSUB1 (后方赤裸阻气)
Dwayne Herrelle (0-2-0) 纳什维尔, 田纳西
Doug Usher used a powerful combination to KO David Mundell
托尼·格雷夫利 (在上面) destroyed Bruno Ferreira’s comeback party
Heavyweight Cody Goodale (ř) punched his way past Nkemdirm Oti
Brandon Bell (在上面) finished off Jacob McClintock
J. Cajigas lines up Jacob Conway
Andiel Velazquez (L) & Cee Jay Hamilton put on a show for Nashville MMA fans
叽叽喳喳 & Instagram的:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global


Golden Nugget Casino, 饭店 & Marina in Atlantic City.

Tickets on sale NOW 通过 Tick​​etmaster.com

LAS VEGAS, 内华达 – LFA CEO Ed Soares announced today that the promotion will head toThe World’s Famous Playgroundwith a pair of welterweight duels at the top of LFA 49, when the promotion visits Atlantic City, New Jersey in September. This will be the LFA’s first trip to the northeast.




LFA的重头戏 49 will feature a welterweight showdown when two of the sport’s most highly-touted prospects collide. The high-stakes headliner pairs Sean Brady and Gilbert Urbina in a battle of undefeated prospects. LFA 49 – Brady vs. Urbina takes place Friday, September 14th at the Golden Nugget Casino, 饭店 & Marina in Atlantic City, 新泽西州. 整个主卡将被电视直播,并在全国范围AXS电视上的 9 P.M. AND / 6 P.M. PT.




I am excited to bring LFA to the northeast,” 规定苏亚雷斯. “Atlantic City is a great fight town with a long, storied history in prize fighting. On September 14th, LFA will add another chapter to the city’s combat sports history. LFA 49 will feature a top-tier main event between undefeated prospects Sean Brady and Gilbert Urbina, which takes place at the world-famous Golden Nugget Casino, 饭店 & Marina in Atlantic City.




LFA 门票 49 – Brady vs. Urbina are available for purchase NOW at Tick​​etmaster.com.




Brady (8-0) is the top prospect on the east coast and widely-considered one the best welterweight prospects in the world. He comes to LFA after winning all eight of his professional fights, which includes regional title fights in his last three contests. The Renzo Gracie Philly standout won his first title in May of last year by submission. He then defended it by submitting LFA vet Mike Jones this past October. The biggest win of his career, 然而, came this past March in his second title defense. This came against UFC vet and 终极战士 16 winner Colton Smith. Brady defeated the four-time UFC vet via Unanimous Decision. Now the 25-year-old Philadelphian has upped the ante by signing with LFA to face a fellow unbeaten prospect at LFA 49.




Urbina (5-0) is perhaps the only welterweight prospect that can match the intrigue surrounding Brady. This is due in large part to the fact that Gilbert Urbina, 年龄 22, comes from a famous Texan fighting family. His older brother Hector Urbina, 年龄 30, is a three-time UFC vet that was also a cast member on two seasons of the UFC’s hit reality television show 终极战士 (TUF 19 and TUF 25). 与此同时, his other brother Elias Urbina, 年龄 24, has competed on UFC President Dana White’s television series 达纳·怀特 (Dana White) 的周二晚竞争者系列赛 以及 终极战士 as he was a cast member on TUF 23. Now Gilbert Urbina, after a quick submission victory at LFA 7, is looking to build his own legacy by securing a marquee win at LFA 49.




LFA联合主赛事 49 will also feature a welterweight clash when two of the division’s most exciting fighters look to make a statement during the LFA’s first trip to AC. They happen to be men used to bright lights and media attention. The first is Jonavin “蜘蛛” Webb (10-2), who is a teammate of Brady at Renzo Gracie Philly. Webb made a name for himself on the east coast before signing with the UFC in 2015. Webb is currently riding a two-fight win streak and will meet one of the flashiest fighters in the division. That would be Tanner “哈默” Saraceno (7-2). When Webb was fighting in the UFC, Saraceno was busy making a name for himself by competing on the sixth season of the WWE’s professional wrestling television series Tough Enough. Saraceno, who now lives in South Carolina, is eager to continue his rise in MMA by capturing the biggest win of his career at LFA 49.




The main card of LFA 49 will also feature one of the year’s most anticipated debuts in women’s MMA. That would be the debut of three-time USA national boxing champion Danyelle Wolf. 在 2014, Wolf appeared in ESPN’s world-renownedThe Body Issuealongside boxing legend and fellow southeastern Pennsylvania native Bernard Hopkins. Wolf was a three-sport athlete at Millersville University of Pennsylvania, where she competed in basketball, track (heptathlon), and field hockeybefore winning her three USA national boxing titles, Golden Gloves title (拳击), and IBJJF title (柔术). Wolf competed at 152-pounds in boxing, but will be competing at 145-pounds in MMA. That next chapter in her career begins against LFA vet Courtney King at LFA 49. King is a well-known Upset Queen in LFA, who made a name for herself last summer by derailing the highly-anticipated debut of Colbey Northcutt, who is the older sister of UFC star Sage Northcutt. King stopped Northcutt via TKO at LFA 14 and will look to spring another upset at LFA 49.



目前公布的主卡 (在 AXS TV 上播出 9 P.M. AND / 6 P.M. PT):


主要事件 | 次中量级回合 (170 磅)

Sean Brady (8-0) VS. Gilbert Urbina (5-0)


合作的主要事件 | 次中量级回合 (170 磅)

Jonavin Webb (10-2) VS. Tanner Saraceno (7-2)


女子轻量级比赛 (145 磅)

– 丹耶尔·沃尔夫 (0-0) VS. Courtney King (1-1)


轻量级布特 (135 磅)

– 安德鲁·萨拉斯 (5-1) VS. 艾哈迈德的Kayretl (8-2)





LFA 49 will serve as the fourth LFA event to take place on the east coast. It will also be the first time that LFA has traveled toThe Garden Stateof New Jersey before or after the merger. 有关 LFA 的更多信息 49 将很快公布. LFA全主卡 49 将进行现场直播,并在全国范围AXS电视在 9 P.M. AND / 6 P.M. PT.




请访问 LFAfighting.com 对于回合更新和信息. LFA 的 Facebook 网址为 传统格斗联盟. LFA也对在Instagram的 @LFAfighting 和Twitter的 @LFAfighting.




在 2017 RFA和传统FC合并组建LFA, 在混合武术最大的发展机构. LFA的联合部队发动过的职业生涯 130 athletes to reach the pinnacle of MMA by competing in the UFC. 在五月 2018 促进加盟伦敦信托传媒控股集团公司.

蒙托亚将在九月迎战桑德斯 8 在班戈

班戈, 缅因 (八月 8, 2018) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) 将举行下一场综合格斗比赛, “NEF 35: 邪恶季节,” 上 九月 8 在班戈的交叉保险中心. 今天早些时候,, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional welterweight bout to the card. “该” 瑞安·桑德斯(Ryan Sanders) (16-9) 将面临 阿曼多 “大奇诺” 蒙托亚 (10-6) 在170磅重的斗争.

The bout will be the third for Sanders in front of his hometown friends, 家人和歌迷们. He is undefeated in the Queen City, where Sanders trains at Young’s MMA. He scored a decision over Derrick Kennington (13-11) two years ago atNEF Presents Dana白色: 在看’ 为了一场战斗and a submission of Jay Ellis (15-78) last year at the Cross. 总体, Sanders is on a roll, having won six of his last seven. During that stretch, he captured the NEF Professional Lightweight Title, knocked out veteran John Ortolani (8-13) in a mere 15-seconds, and literally tore Vince McGuiness’ (5-8) arm out of its socket earlier this summer atNEF 34” 在波特兰, 缅因.

Unfortunately for Sanders, his meteoric rise to the top of New England’s 155-pound division over the course of the last two years has come with consequences. He has called out virtually every other top lightweight prospect in the region in recent months with the sound of crickets as the only response. It is a testament to both Sandersskill and the respect, (or fear for that matter), that his peers hold for him. Hence Sandersmove to the heavier welterweight division to find opponents willing to step in the cage across from him.

I am excited that I get another chance to fight in my backyard,” said Sanders. “I appreciate Montoya for taking this fight because not many men are willing to fight me regionally. I look forward to displaying my ever evolving tool set come 九月 8 and getting another step closer to being the best in the world. It’ll be a great night for Young’s MMA and myself.

Armando Montoya is a longtime veteran of the MMA cage. He started his professional career back in 2009 on the West Coast and has competed extensively throughout the Southwest over the years. Montoya has fought for national promotions like King of the Cage and the Resurrection Fighting Alliance. 最近, Montoya relocated to Maine where he trains with First Class MMA in Brunswick. The bout with Sanders will be his first fight back from a layoff that began in early 2017.

I’m excited to be fighting again after a year and a half off,” said Montoya. “Thanks to NEF and Maine for the opportunity to be able to fight for an awesome promotion. Thanks to Sanders. It’s exciting to fight a worthy opponent in September. God is good, God bless us all!”

NEF的下一个混合武术事件, “NEF 35: 邪恶季节,” 将看到该公司重返班戈十字保险中心, 缅因. 该活动预定举行 星期六, 九月 8, 2018 响铃时间为 7 下午. 门票现已公开发售,在 www.CrossInsuranceCenter.com.

MMA 职业联盟宣布广播团队 & 环播音员

UFC名人堂成员帕特·米莱蒂奇 & 逐场比赛老将 T.J. De Santis 联手进行广播流媒体
在 FloCombat.com 上直播
Jazz Securo Set for Ring Announceing Duty
开幕活动 星期六, 九月 15
Hard Rock酒店 & 大西洋城赌场




大西洋城, N.J. (八月 7, 2018) – MMA中的最新实体, MMA职业联赛, 将提供由 UFC 名人堂成员领导的顶级转播和场内体验 帕特·米尔蒂奇 与老将一起进行色彩评论 T.J. 通过桑蒂斯, 同时响铃播音员 爵士免费 周六将召集战士参加 MMA 职业联赛的首届比赛, 九月 15 从新的 Hard Rock 酒店在 FloCombat.com 上直播 & 大西洋城赌场.




该节目将让来自新泽西队的战士, 由主教练带领 丹·米勒 米勒兄弟, 对阵宾夕法尼亚队和他们的主教练, 丹尼尔·格雷西 著名的格雷西家族.




MMA Pro League 首席执行官 Hani Darwish 表示, “我想不出比 Pat Miletich 这样的专业广播团队更好的方式来开启 MMA 职业联赛的新时代和团队理念, T.J. 德桑蒂斯和爵士 Securo. FloCombat 上的 MMA Pro League 观众可以享受真正的享受。”




“我对 Pat Miletich 的深度和广度以及极大的热情感到兴奋, T.J. De Santis 和 Jazz Securo 将在 9 月参加 MMA 职业联赛的首届电视转播 15 从硬石酒店 & 大西洋城赌场,” MMA Pro League 主席 Mark Taffet 说. “我们的观众将被告知, 这群伟大的广播公司在最高水平上参与和娱乐。”


首期门票 “硬石综合格斗职业联赛”可在 Ticketmaster.com 获得.




爱荷华州人,受过泰拳和拳击等学科的训练, 摔跤和巴西柔术, 米莱蒂奇 在大舞台上取得突破,成为第一位重返 UFC 次中量级冠军 1999. 在他传奇的 MMA 职业生涯之后,他入选了 UFC 名人堂 2014, Miletich 开设了一所综合格斗学院 11 综合格斗世界冠军. 在 2009, 他开始了他的广播生涯,为 Strikeforce 在 SHOWTIME 的整个运行过程中提供色彩评论. 他还在 AXS TV 和 ESPN 的 MMA Live 上为战斗做过评论.




“我很高兴 MMA Pro League 正在庆祝 MMA 团队,” 米利蒂奇说. “团队方面更令人兴奋, 教练一群战士面对另一支球队的策略将在运动员中发挥出最好的水平. 我很荣幸在硬石酒店召集首届 MMA 职业联赛活动 & 9 月 15 日大西洋城赌场.”




二十多年的广播老手, 通过桑蒂斯 当他在明尼阿波利斯的 KXXR-FM 电台阵容中获得一席之地时,他在高中三年级时闯入了这个行业. 他为许多组织提供了逐场比赛, 包括因维克塔格斗锦标赛, Eddie Bravo 邀请赛和 Roy Jones Jr. 的岛屿大战. De Santis 目前与 Tyron Woodley 和 Bruce Buffer 等人合作制作一系列 MMA 播客,并为 ESPN.com 制作节目, SI.com, 在他的职业生涯中,Ring Magazine 和 FOX Sports.




“我很高兴能将我丰富的 MMA 广播经验带到 MMA Pro League 和他们的团队概念中,” 德桑蒂斯说. “很荣幸能与名人堂成员帕特·米莱蒂奇一起在 9 月现场直播比赛 15 从新的硬石酒店 & 大西洋城赌场. 我等不及要开始 MMA 的新时代了!”




经过超过 20 多年的宣布, 安全的 引进了无数的战士, 录音艺术家, 世界各地著名场馆的运动员和团队. 他宣布了有关 PPV 的活动, NBC有线电视和卫星电视, NBC体育网, AXS 电视和 FOX 体育, 除了出现在奥斯卡提名电影中 “猎狐者”. 新奥尔良本地人已被授予 “最佳戒指播音员” 在 2013 佛罗里达综合格斗奖并被提名为 “年度环播音员” 在 2016 蓝草综合格斗奖.




“我很高兴能参加 9 月在大西洋城举行的首届 MMA 职业联赛活动 15,” Securo 说. “我很荣幸能与传奇的格斗运动高管 Mark Taffet 和 Hani Darwish 合作, 我期待着为他们对 MMA 新时代的创新愿景做出贡献. 它即将下降!”





访问所有 MMA Pro League 动作的实时和点播报道, 访问 FloCombat.com 并成为每月或每年的 PRO 订阅者. 任一订阅均可解锁对整个 FloSports 网络的优质内容的访问权限. 通过在 iOS 上下载 FloSports 应用程序在所有屏幕上观看比赛, 年, 或苹果电视 4.




欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.MMAProLeague.com, 关注 Twitter @MMAPro_League 上的对话, @丹米勒185, @丹尼尔格雷西, @Hani_Darwish1 和 @MarkTaffetMedia, Instagram上的 Instagram.com/mmaproleague,Instagram.com/DanMiller185, Instagram.com/DanielGracie,Instagram.com/Hani_Darwish1 和 Instagram.com/MarkTaffetMedia, 以及在 Facebook.com/MMAProLeague 上的 Facebook,

“风靡一时” 冲击音乐城 “通往 M-1 的道路: 美国” 位于纳什维尔

这个星期六 LIVE on worldwide Pay Per View


纳什维尔, 田纳西州. (八月 18, 2018) – “风靡一时,” a hybrid ring/cage, will make its American debut this Saturday night in the Music City, when the “通往 M-1 的道路: 美国” professional mixed-martial-arts event is held at Global Mall in Nashville, 田纳西.




“通往 M-1 的道路″ 美国”, presented by M-1 Global USA and Angel Fight Promotions, will air live on worldwide pay-per-view.starting at 9 P.M. AND / 6 P.M. PT. 综合体育媒体将分发 “通往 M-1 的道路: 美国” 在北美使用电缆, 通过iN需求进行卫星和数字按次计费, Vubiquity, 美国的DIRECTV和DISH, in addition to Rogers, SASKTEL, and Shaw PPV in Canada, 并在全球范围内进行直播 FITE.TV 应用和网站 (www.fite.tv), each way for a suggested retail price of only $19.95.




“风靡一时, used by M-1 Global throughout Europe and Asia, measures 23-feet across and 24inches from the floor to first rope, and then there are three additional ropes above that. Fans in attendance and watching on PPV will have optimum viewing of a ring and fighters the safety associated with a cage.




“通往 M-1 的道路: 美国” is headlined by a middleweight fight between Florida veteran fighter 大卫· “RedneckMundell (9-3-0), who replaced injured ReggieThe Regulator” 毛, and against Georgia middleweight 道格 “YamatoUsher (9-3-0). Both fighters are hot, Usher riding a five-fight win streak, dating back 2 年半, and Mundell has won his last three fights.




在共功能的事件, veteran Arkansas fighter 达万德·皮克尼 (15-10-0) faces his Cuban opponent, Yoislandy “古巴” Izquierdo (11-4-0), who is fighting out of Charlotte, 北卡罗来纳.




The feelgood story of the show is undefeated Brazilian MMA fighter Bruno Ferreira (8-0-0), who has successfully beaten testicular cancer, returning to fight after three long years, versus always tough Tony Gravely (12-5-0), 弗吉尼亚.




Other main-card fights include Georgia flyweight J. “The Autobot” 汉密尔顿 (12-6-0) VS. Floridian fighter 阿布迪尔 “梦魇” 委拉斯开兹 (8-5-0), Kentucky welterweight 布兰登 “剑圣” 钟 (5-6-0) VS. JacobTick-TockMcLintock (9-2-0), of Arizona; and Tennessee welterweight James Conway (3-0-0) VS. J. 盒子 (5-7-0), 芝加哥.




Undercard bouts include California heavyweight 科迪 “The MooseGoodale (5-4-0) VS. NkemdirimKim Oti (2-3-0), of Alabama, New Brunswick, Canada bantamweight Chris Johnson (5-6-0) VS. Jerrod “乡巴佬锤子” Jennings (2-1-0), of Kentucky, and Nashville favorite Dwayne Herrelle (0-1-0) VS. pro-debuting Kentucky lightweight Kegan Agnew.












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帕特·凯利 (PAT KELLY) 将参加 9 月份的综合格斗决赛 8 在班戈

缅因 (八月 7, 2018) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) 将举行下一场综合格斗比赛, “NEF 35: 邪恶季节,” 上 九月 8 在班戈的交叉保险中心. 今天早些时候,, 拳击推广活动宣布在卡中增加业余轻量级冠军争夺战. 帕特·凯利 (4-0) 计划捍卫他的带子,以应对其他未尝败绩的综合格斗选手的挑战 蒂姆·曼宁 (2-0).

这场比赛将是 53 岁凯利的最后一场比赛,他四年前 40 多岁时开始参加综合格斗比赛. 他将一生在垫子上获得的无与伦比的摔跤证书带到了笼子里. 凯利堪称缅因州摔跤界的传奇人物. 作为前卡姆登罗克波特高中的高年级学生,他赢得了州冠军. 凯利继续为缅因大学摔跤,在那里他获得了新英格兰冠军并参加了全国 NCAA 锦标赛. 后, 作为教练,凯利带领卡姆登罗克波特和卡姆登山地区高中多次获得州冠军. 他指导的学生中有现任 UFC 明星蒂姆·博奇 (Tim Boetsch) (21-11). 凯利入选缅因州摔跤名人堂 2007.

“五年前,我在班戈 (Bangor) 跟随 Young 的 MMA 开始了这段旅程,” 凯利说. “在同一个伟​​大的城市里进行告别之战是再合适不过了. 我非常感谢NEF给我机会在他们的笼子里战斗并最终赢得艾米冠军. 对我来说,, 年龄只是一个数字. 我的整个职业生涯都在寻找艰难且有竞争力的挑战, 而这场战斗无疑是另一个巨大的挑战。”

对于他在摔跤方面取得的所有成就, 凯利在 MMA 笼中的经历也令人印象深刻. 他完成了前三场比赛,赢得了 NEF 业余轻量级冠军头衔. 去年夏天在 “新EF 29,” 凯利将当时不败的拉斐尔·维拉多交给了他 (4-1), 比凯利小十四岁的运动员, 职业生涯第一次失利,夺取金腰带. 一年多后, 凯利承诺将他标志性的强度带到杨格综合格斗训练营和他的最后一场比赛中 九月 8.

“我努力训练, 期,” 凯利惊呼道. “我确信我的对手也会做同样的事情, 这就是它的全部意义 – 准备获胜的意愿. 另外, 对我来说,让教练克里斯·杨和厄尼·菲奇知道我真的很感激他们让我成为杨的 MMA 大家庭的一员,这一点很重要. 致我在杨的队友以及我所有的球迷 – 感谢您的搭车… 我很享受你们所有人。”

凯利的挑战者 九月 8, 蒂姆·曼宁, 也是不败的. 盖恩斯维尔 F2 竞技场外的战斗, 佛罗里达, 曼宁的昵称是 “谋杀” 有充分理由. 去年秋天,曼宁在他的业余首秀中仅用了 37 秒就用臂杆制服了对手. 继这一表现之后,他在今年早些时候的二年级笼子赛中又在第一轮提交了令人印象深刻的成绩.

NEF的下一个混合武术事件, “NEF 35: 邪恶季节,” 将看到该公司重返班戈十字保险中心, 缅因. 该活动预定举行 星期六, 九月 8, 2018 响铃时间为 7 下午. 门票现已公开发售,在 www.CrossInsuranceCenter.com.


新英格兰战斗 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推广公司. NEF的使命是创造战斗机和球迷的一致好评最高的质量事件. NEF的执行团队在作战体育管理方面拥有丰富的经验, 生产活动, 媒体关系, 市场营销, 法律和广告.