Категория Архив: смесени бойни изкуства

LFA ОСИГУРЯВА ЖЕНИ Flyweight ДЯЛ борбата за ЩАТА Централна долина

LFA 51 – СБРУЯ срещу. ДЕКАН
Основно събитие:
САБИНА “колумбийската QUEEN” МАЛКИ
Flyweight съперник LFA ЖЕНИ
Jaimee “Queenie” ДЕКАН
ЖЕНАТА Flyweight световна титла FIGHT
Петък, 28 септември на живо по телевизия AXS
Билетите са в продажба сега през Ticketmaster.com

LAS VEGAS, Nevada – Главен изпълнителен директор на LFA Ed Soares обяви днес, че LFA ще направи първото си пътуване до Централна долина на Калифорния през септември с Flyweight двубой за титлата за жени хедлайнери LFA 51.




Основното събитие на LFA 51 ще донесе дългоочакваната жените световна титла борба с долината Сан Хоакин. Хедлайнер ще видите Flyweight шампион непобеден LFA жените Сабина “колумбийската Queen” Mazo защитава титлата си срещу Flyweight съперник LFA жените Jaimee “Queenie” Nievera. LFA 51 – Mazo срещу. Nievera се провежда петък, 28 септември в Selland Арена в Фресно, Калифорния. Цялата основната карта ще се предава пряко и в цялата страна на AXS TV в 10 p.m. И / 7 p.m. PT.




“Аз съм развълнувана да въвеждат LFA до Фресно на LFA 51”, Обявената Соареш. “Това ще бъде нашата пета шоу в дома ми състояние на Калифорния. Централната долина има голяма борба фенове и много ММА талант. Очакваме с нетърпение да си опаковка Selland Арена на 28 септември с фантастична битка карта с хедлайнери Flyweight борба титла за жени между шампиона Сабина Mazo и голям съперник Jaimee Nievera.”




Билети за LFA 51 – Mazo срещу. Nievera са на разположение за покупка сега в Ticketmaster.com.




малък (5-0) е 21-годишният LFA жените Flyweight шампион, който пое света ВМА с щурм в 2017. Колумбийската вундеркинд подписа с LFA когато тя е била 19-годишна възраст и бързо се появи на световната сцена на LFA 9. Това се случи, когато тя свали 82-ра въздушнодесантна армия ветеран Джейми Thorton с удар с глава зашеметяващата, че се превръща във вирусна на масовите медии и ММА медии, така. The Kings ВМА продукт удвои меню в второкурсник си вид за LFA от нокаутира член Минесота Национална гвардия Линдзи Уилямс с почти идентични първи кръг удар на главата на LFA 23. The “колумбийската Queen” най-накрая получи короната си През април тази година. спечелване на изпълнението в заглавието идва с любезното съдействие на съдийско решение над Шанън Sinn на LFA 37, което видях Mazo осигури брилянтен дисплей бокс и клинч работа, както и нейните подпис муай тай умения. Меделин, Колумбия родния сега изглежда да започне царуването си като шампион с друг майсторското изпълнение на LFA 51.




Nievera (7-4) спечелил изстрел я в LFA злато през миналия месец юни на господстващо LFA дебют спечели срещу най 2016 RFA Фенове’ Choice Awards “Prospect на годината” победител Katy Колинс. Победата на единодушно решение дойде в Collins’ родния град на Брансън, Мисури в LFA 42 Само за няколко месеца след Колинс бе класирана #4 на учредителната лира-за-килограмова класиране на жените AXS телевизори. Победата веднага привлича вниманието на UFC сватове и Nievera бе предложена основна точка събитие във вторник вечер претендент Серия Dana White срещу Антонина Шевченко. 33-годишният ветеран Bellator й показа gameness с приемането на борбата с предизвестие една седмица срещу Шевченко, който е непобеден ВМА перспектива, Муай Тай световен шампион, и по-старата сестра на UFC #1 претендент Валентина Шевченко. Nievera показва един тон на сърцето и умения, но не успя да отправи резултат тя искаше. Градът съюз, Калифорния роден сега има шанс да обърне сценария с печелившите характеристики заглавие пред дома й в тълпа LFA 51.




В момента обявило основните Card (Излъчвани по телевизия AXS в 10 p.m. И / 7 p.m. PT):




Main Event | Дамски Flyweight Title Bout (125 LB)



– Сабина Mazo (5-0) срещу. Jaimee Nievera (7-4)




Co-Main Event |Категория петел Bout (135 LB)



– Густаво Покажи (19-3-1) срещу. Коди Гибсън (15-7)




Категория петел Feature Bout (135 LB)



– Nohelin Ернандес (8-2) срещу. Роландо Веласко (13-5-1)




Light Heavyweight Bout (205 LB)



– Йордания Пауъл (9-7) срещу. Андрес Alcantar (4-0)




Welterweight Bout (170 LB)



– Salaiman Ahmadyar(6-0) срещу. Хоакин Лопес (4-0)





LFA 51 ще бъде петата LFA Събитието ще се проведе в щата Калифорния. RFA домакин осем събития вътре “Златният щат” преди сливането. Цялата основната карта на LFA 51 ще се предава пряко и цялата страна на AXS TV в 10 p.m. И / 7 p.m. PT.




В 2017, RFA и Legacy FC сливат, за да образуват LFA, висшата организация на развитието в Смесени бойни изкуства. Комбинираните сили на LFA стартираха кариерите на над 140 атлети да достигнат върха на ВМА, като се конкурират в UFC. През май на 2018 промоцията се присъединява към групата Лондон Trust Media Holdings на фирми.




Моля, посетете LFAfighting.com за актуализации боеве и информация. LFA е на Facebook в Legacy Борба Alliance. LFA също е на Instagram в @LFAfighting и Twitter в @LFAfighting.


Khadis Ibragimov new M-1 Challenge Light Heavyweight Champion

M-1 CHALLENGE 96 Официалните резултати & СНИМКИ
New M-1 Challenge light heavyweight champion Khadis Ibragimov was crowned
САНКТ ПЕТЕРБУРГ, Русия (Август 26, 2018) – Непобеждаван Khadis Ибрагимов (7-0-0) победен Dmitry Mikutsa в снощната M-1 Challenge 96 main event to capture the vacant M-1 Challenge light heavyweight title, at M-1 Arena in Saint Petersburg, Русия.




MMA fighters represented 10 different countries in this international event: Русия, САЩ, Украйна, Бразилия, Франция, Полша, Унгария, Чехия, Казахстан и Грузия.




Ibragimov, биете от Русия, locked in a rear-naked choke to submit his Ukrainian opponent, Mikutsa (9-4-1), in the second round for the vacant M-1 Challenge light heavyweight crown.




В съвместно черта събитието, Руски перо Виктор Kolesnik (15-3-1) finished off his American foe, Daniel “Agent OrangeSwain (18-9-1) in the opening round with damaging leg kicks.




Бразилски лек Michel “Sassariro” Silva (20-7-1) was too much for previously unbeaten Алексей “PhenomenalIlyenko (8-1-1), who succumbed to a vicious ground-and-pound attack.




Украински перо Yuri Chobuka (10-1-0) took a unanimous decision from Steve Polifonte (13-6-0), Франция.




грузински Flyweight Vazha Tsiptauri (6-1-0) ръце Sanzhar Adilov (4-1-0), Казахстан, his first loss as a professional by way of a unanimous decision.




На undercard, Руската тежка категория Yuri Fedorov (2-0-0) ground-and-pounded his way to a third-round technical knockout of fellow countryman Sergey Goltsov (0-2-), Руски перо Akhmadkhan Bokov (4-3-0) edged pro-debuting Adam Borovec (0-1-0) чрез решение мнозинство, и руски перо Nikita Solonin (5-2-0) registered a unanimous decision victory against Rene Hackl (4-1-0), на Унгария).




Russian pro-debuting Vasily Kozlov (1-0-0), fighting at a 158 ½ catchweight, and Russian welterweight Boris Medvedev (3-0-0) were first-round, one-punch knockout winners, съответно, срещу Jurand Lisieskаз (3-1-1), Полша, и украинската Dmitriy Tikhonyuk (0-1-0). Руски лек Artem Tarasov (3-1-0) used a barrage of punches to stop Filip Kovarik (3-1-0), Полша, в първи кръг.

Пълни резултати и снимки по-долу:



Основната карта


Основно събитие




Khadis Ибрагимов (7-0-0, М-1: 3-0-0), Русия

WSUB2 (4:30 – задна броня дросел)

Dmitry Mikutsa (9-4-1, М-1: 2-2-0), Украйна

(Ibragimov won the M-1 Challenge light heavyweight title)


CO-ИГРАЛЕН – Лека категория



Виктор Kolesnik (15-3-1, М-1: 4-1-1), Русия

WTKO1 (4:21 – leg kicks)

Daniel Суейн (18-9-1, М-1: 1-1-1), САЩ




Мишел Силва (20-7-1, М-1: 2-2-0), Бразилия

WTKO1 (1:34 – ground-and-pound)

Alexey Ilyenko (8-1-1, М-1: 1-1-0), Русия

Лека категория



Yuri Chobuka (10-1-0, М-1: 2-0-0), Украйна


Steve Polifonte (13-6-0, М-1: 0-1-0), Франция





Vazha Tsiptauri (6-1-0, М-1: 4-0-0)


Sanzhar Adilov (4-1-0, М-1: 0-1-0), Казахстан







Yuri Fedorov (2-0-0, М-1: 2-0-0), Русия

WTKO3 (1:11 – ground-and-pound)

Sergey Goltsov (0-2-0, М-1: 0-1-0), Русия


LIGHT гиганти



Rafal Kijanczuk (4-0-0 (М-1: 2-0-0), Полша

WTKO1 (5:00 – нараняване)

Ibragim Sagov (4-2-0, М-1: 3-2-0), Русия


ГАРАЖКА (72, кг, 158 ½ lbs.)



Vasily Kozlov (1-0-0, М-1: 1-0-0), Русия

WKO1 (0:42 – пунш)

Jurand Lisieski (3-1-1, М-1: 0-1-0), Полша





Dmitriy Tikhonyuk (1-0-0, М-1: 1-0-0), Украйна

WKO1 (1:07 – пунш)

Boris Medvedev (2-1-0, М-1: 1-1-0), Русия





Artem Tarasov (3-1-0, М-1: 1-0-0), Русия

WKO1 (1:57 – щанци)

Filip Kovarik (3-1-0, М-1: 1-1-0), Полша


Лека категория



Nikita Solonin (5-2-0, М-1: 2-1-0), Русия


Rene Hackl (4-1-0, М-1: 0-1-0), Унгария




Akhmadkhan Bokov (4-3-0, М-1: 4-1-0), Русия


Adam Borovec (0-1-0, М-1: 0-1-0), Чехия



Khadis Ибрагимов (L) wore down Dmitry Mikutsa
Виктор Kolesnik (L) kicked his way past Daniel Swain
Michel Silva is shown finishing off Alexey Ilyenko
Yuri Chobuka (L) defeated Steve Polifonte
Vazha Tsiptauri (top position) decisioned Sanzhar Adilov








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@ M1GlobalNews

@ M1Global






SAINT PERTERSBURG, Русия (Август 24, 2018) — The official weigh in was held yesterday for today’s M-1 Challenge 96, headlined by the vacant M-1 Challenge light heavyweight title, at M-1 Arena in Saint Petersburg, Русия.
Complete weights and pictures below:
Основната карта
Основно събитие – 5 X 5
(L) Dmitry Mikutsa (9-3-1, М-1: 2-1-0), Украйна 204 ½ кг. (92,95 кг).
(R) Khadis Ибрагимов (6-0-0, М-1: 2-0-0), Русия 205 паунда. (93 кг)
CO-ИГРАЛЕН – Лека категория – 3 X 5
(L) Daniel Суейн (18-8-1, М-1: 1-0-1), САЩ 145 паунда. (65,8 кг)
(R) Виктор Kolesnik (14-3-1, М-1: 3-1-1), Русия 144 паунда. (65,35 кг)
(R) Alexey Ilyenko (8-0-1, М-1: 1-0-0), Русия 154 паунда. (69,95 кг)
(L) Мишел Силва (19-7-1, М-1: 1-2-0), Бразилия 154 ½ кг. (70,25 кг)
Руслан Rakhmonkulov (11-1-0, М-1: 1-0-0), Русия 178 паунда. (81 кг)
Maksim Grabovich (8-4-0, М-1: 5-4-0), Русия 168 ½ кг. (76,6 кг)
Лека категория – 3 X 5
(L) Steve Polifonte (13-5-0, М-1: 0-0-0), Франция 145 паунда. (65,8 кг)
(R) Yuri Chobuka (9-1-0, М-1: 1-0-0), Украйна 144 паунда. (65,6 кг)
Гиганти – 3 X 5
Yuri Fedorov (1-0-0, М-1: 1-0-0), Русия 261 паунда. (118,4 кг)
Sergey Goltsov (0-1-0, М-1: 0-0-0), Русия 227 паунда. (103,25 кг)
LIGHT гиганти – 3 X 5
Rafal Kijanczuk (3-0-0 (М-1: 1-0-0), Полша 204 паунда. 92,8 кг)
Ibragim Sagov (4-1-0, М-1: 3-1-0), Русия 204 паунда. (92,7 кг)
ГАРАЖКА (72, кг, 158 ½ lbs.) – 3 X 5
Jurand Lisieski (3-0-1, М-1: 0-0-0), Полша 158 паунда. (71,8 кг)
Vasily Kozlov (за дебют), Русия 158 паунда. (71,7 кг)
Dmitriy Tikhonyuk (за дебют), Украйна 169 ½ кг. 77,1 кг)
Boris Medvedev (2-0-0, М-1: 1-0-0), Русия 169 ½ кг. (77,05 кг)
Filip Kovarik (3-0-0, М-1: 1-0-0), Полша 154 паунда. (70,2 кг)
Artem Tarasov (2-1-0, М-1: 0-0-0), Русия 154 ½ кг. (70,25 кг)
Лека категория – 3 X 5
Rene Hackl (4-0-0, М-1: 0-0-0), Унгария 144 паунда. (65,5 кг)
Nikita Solonin (4-2-0, М-1: 1-1-0), Русия 144 паунда. (65,65 кг)
Adam Borovec (за дебют), Чехия 144 паунда. (65,35 кг)
Akhmadkhan Bokov (3-3-0, М-1: 3-1-0), Русия 144 паунда. (65,65 кг)
Sanzhar Adilov (4-0-0, М-1: 0-0-0), Казахстан 129 ½ кг. (57,65 кг)
Vazha Tsiptauri (5-1-0, М-1: 3-0-0) 129 паунда. (58,5 кг)
(всички битки & бойци, подлежащи на промяна)
КОГА: Събота, Август 25, 2018
КЪДЕ: Санкт Петербург, Русия
Предавания на живо: www.m1global.tv (11.00 А.М. И / 8:00 А.М. PT in USA). Also available onFITE.TV (предварителната карта е безплатна, $7.99 за основната карта)
Кикотене & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global
Предстоящи състезания за предизвикателства M-1:
Август. 25 – M-1 Challenge 96: Mikutsa vs. Ibragimov in Saint Petersburg, Русия


Бангор, Maine (Август 24, 2018) - New England Битки (NEF) ще проведе следващото си събитие за смесени бойни изкуства, “NEF 35: Зъл сезон,” септември 8 в Cross Insurance Center в Бангор. The event will mark the fourth time since 2013 that NEF has visited the Queen City. По-рано днес, the fight promotion announced the full fight card planned for the evening.

The exciting main event will feature two popular Bangor-area athletes doing battle as Jon Лемке (7-8) отговаря Арон “Безмилостен” Lacey (5-2) in a lightweight contest. Lemke, ветеран от морската пехота на САЩ за, trains with Titan Athletics in neighboring Brewer, Maine, while Lacey represents Young’s MMA of Bangor.

The co-main event will see Lacey’s teammate, and reigning NEF Professional Lightweight Champion, “The” Райън Сандърс (16-9) поемането на ArmandoBig Chino” Монтоя (10-6) in a non-title welterweight scrap. Sanders is coming off a huge submission win earlier this summer in Portland, Maine. Монтоя, who represents First Class MMA of Brunswick, Maine, will debut in the Pine Tree State after a decade-long career on the southwest MMA circuit.

In another highly-anticipated professional fight, Калеб Hall (1-0) of the Choi Institute in Portland will face another Young’s MMA team member in the form of CJ кана (3-1). After a successful amateur career that saw him capture the NEF Amateur Featherweight Title, Hall impressed with a first-round submission of veteran John Ortolani (8-12) earlier this year in his pro debut. Кана, a member of the United States Air Force security forces, closed outNEF 30last August in Bangor winning the promotion’s pro middleweight strap over Mike Hansen (5-9).

The amateur portion of the fight card will be headlined by a title fight as Потупване “PK” Kelly (4-0) puts both his lightweight belt and undefeated record on the line against the challenge of Ed Forlenza (2-2). Kelly, който се обърна 54 last week, is a legend of Maine wrestling mats as both a competitor and coach and a member of the Maine Amateur Wrestling Hall of Fame. He vows that this will be the final fight of his MMA career. Forlenza took the fight on short notice after Kelly’s previous challenger dropped out due to injury. He is a member of team Juniko based in Hyannis, Massachusetts. Forlenza is no stranger to the NEF cage. He won his amateur debut atNEF 23in the summer of 2016 on Cape Cod.

Speaking of wrestling coaches, “NEF 35” will also feature the amateur debut of Shawn Costigan (0-0). Costigan is a member of the Bucksport High School wrestling coaching staff. He will represent Young’s MMA in his cage debut when he takes on the fellow-debuting David Hills (0-0).

Also on the amateur card will be the brother of CJ Ewer, Роджър Юър (1-0). A pharmacist by day, Roger made his amateur debut last year atNEF 30in Bangor with a second round technical knockout of Dustin Freeman (0-1). При “NEF 35,he will take on Jason Hanley (0-0) of Orchard Park Martial Arts in western New York state.

Пълната “NEF 35” борбата карта (подлежи на промяна):


155 Aaron Lacey 5-2 (MMA Йънг) срещу Jon Лемке 7-8 (Titan Athletics)

170 Райън Сандърс 16-9 (MMA Йънг) vs Armando Montoya 10-6 (First Class MMA)

185 Crowsneck Boutin 2-3 (Bad Little Falls Dojo) vs Mark Gardner 0-0 (Академията)

155 CJ кана 3-1 (MMA Йънг) vs Caleb Hall 1-0 (Choi Insistute)

155 Джош Харви 4-0 (MMA Йънг) vs Jay Ellis 15-77 (Team Knockout)

145 Zenon Herrera 1-6 (Team SMOG) vs Ernesto Ornelas 3-7 (Choi Institute)

Аматьори MMA

155* Заглавие Pat Kelly 4-0 (MMA Йънг) vs Ed Forlenza 2-2 (Juniko)

170 David Hart 0-3 (MMA Кени е) vs Christian Barrett 1-0 (First Class MMA)

155 Зак Ричард 1-0 (Nostos) срещу Clifford Redman 0-5 (Независим)

150 Тейлър Бартлет 1-1 (CMBJJ) vs Jacob Deppmeyer 1-1 (First Class MMA)

265 Роджър Юър 1-0 (MMA Йънг) vs Jason Hanley 0-0 (Orchard Park Martial Arts)

180 Jordan Norman 0-1 (Bad Little Falls Dojo) vs Brandon Schwinck 0-2 (Независим)

145 Джо Хауърд 1-0 (CMBJJ) vs Jordan Young 0-1 (Независим)

155 Jesse Fitzsimmons 0-0 (Nostos) vs AJ Morales 0-0 (Orchard Park Martial Arts)

145 Shawn Costigan 0-0 (MMA Йънг) vs David Hills 0-0 (Независим)

135 Нейт Баучер 2-3 (CMBJJ) vs Joshua Greenlaw 0-2 (Независим)

160 Andrew Brown 0-0 (Nostos) vs Chris Lachcik 0-0 (Независим)


Combate Americas has announced seven new bouts, including a new 125-pound limit, co-main event matchup between previously announced Tracy Cortez (below left) на Phoenix, Аризона., USA and Karen Cedillo (below right) of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Мексико, for the ‘Marroquin vs. Aldayworld championship event, live on Univision and Univision Deportes Network from Phoenix on Петък, Седем. 14.

FROM PHOENIX, Аризона. ON Петък, Септември. 14




NEW YORK – Август 23, 2018 – Combate Americas today announced a new women’s flyweight (125 паунда) co-main event – Tracy Cortez (3-1) срещу, Karen Cedillo (1-0) – as well as six other new bouts featuring fighters representing five different countries, for the premier Hispanic Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) franchise’s world championship event in Phoenix on Петък, Седем. 14, live on both Univision (12 А.М. И/PT) and Univision Deportes Network (UDN) (12 А.М. И/9 p.m. PT).


The unbeaten, 29=year-old Cedillo of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico will replace Brandi Narvaez, who was originally slated to face off with Cortez of Phoenix, но е бил принуден да се оттегли поради контузия.



In the previously announced, world championship bantamweight (135 паунда) Main Event, Monterrey’s Levy Saul Marroquin (11-2), the winner of the inaugural, 2017 “COPA COMBATE,” one-night, осем човека, $100,000 grand prize tournament, will collide with fellow star Jose “Pochito” Alday (11-3-1) на Tucson, Аризона. via Hermosillo, Сонора, Мексико.



Among the other new fights announced today for the “Combate Americas: Marroquin vs. Alday” world championship event that will take place at Celebrity Theatre were a featured, live televised lightweight (155 паунда) contest between undefeated, rising star and Cub Swanson защитено Rafa “Gifted” Garcia (7-0) и LaRue "Канибалът" Бърлей (8-3).



5-крак-7, 24-year-old Garcia of Palm Springs, Калифорния., USA by way of Mexicali, Baja California, Мексико, has been on a tear since he made his professional debut nearly four years ago, defeating all but one of his opponents via (T)KO или представяне.



Бърлей, a 5-foot-10, 34-годишният, seasoned competitor who hails from Phoenix, has faced off with top level adversaries, and is best known for his upset, трети кръг (3:40) СЗО (knee strike to the body and punches) на 2011 NCAA Division I national wrestling champion and previously undefeated MMA prospect Bubba Jenkins на септември. 20, 2013.



Also announced today was a featherweight (145 паунда) preliminary bout card contest between two unbeaten prospects – Tino Gilaranz (1-0) Мадрид, Spain and Austin Wourms (1-0) на Phoenix.



In a 140-pound catchweight matchup on the undercard, Roman “El Gallito” Salazar (12-7) of Mammoth, Аризона., USA will return to La Jaula, гръдния Combate Americas, for the second time in his career, към лицето Eduardo “El Pube” Alvarado (3-4) Тихуана, Baja California, Мексико.



Another featherweight scrap will see Javier “Blair” Reyes Rugeles (7-1) of Bogota, Colombiá square off with “Magic” Mike Hamel (5-2) на Gilbert, Аризона., САЩ.



In flyweight action, непобеден, изгряваща звезда Richard Palencia (6-0) на Mesa, Аризона. ще поеме Federico “The Argentinian Ninja” Oliveira (3-4) of Mendoza, Аржентина.



Battle-tested veterans Yaotzin Meza (21-11) на Glendale, Аризона., USA and Gilbert Aguilar (17-18-1) of Phoenix by way of Mexico City, Mexico will collide at featherweight.



Additional preliminary bout matchups for “Combate Americas: Marroquin vs. Alday” will be announced soon.



На цена от $30, tickets for “Combate Americas: Marroquin vs. Alday” are on sale at

CelebrityTheatre.com и Ticketon.com.


Doors at Celebrity Theatre open at 6 p.m. PT, with the first preliminary bout beginning at 7 p.m.


Combate Americas has announced the opening of La Jaula Studios, a new multi-media studio based in N.Y. “Rootas,” a La Jaula Studios-produced, docu-series chronicling the lives of six Combate Americas fighters, will venture to Thailand with ErikGoyito” Перес (По-долу, надясно) as the MMA superstar prepares for battle under a new mentor, Muay Thai legend Buakaw Banchamek (По-долу, наляво).

New Multi-Platform Content Production Studio
Will Target Today’s Millennials and Generation Z

Stan Jakubowicz, Chief Content Officer, Will Lead La Jaula Studios

НЮ ЙОРК - август 21, 2018 – Coming off the successful launch of its new season on Univision, with record ratings beating those of general market English language Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) properties, Combate Americas president Jacqueline Hernandez today announced the opening of La Jaula Studios, a new multi-platform content production studio created to serve the most digitally native, multiracial and multicultural generations that have ever existed—Hispanic Millennials and Generation Z.

The new studio will be led by Stan Jakubowicz, who was recently promoted to Chief Content Officer, and will be based in New York.



“Our mission with La Jaula Studios is to tell the bold, untold and unfiltered stories of the real-life heroism behind Combate’s fighters and their communities,” said Hernandez. “Stan’s proven creative expertise and uncontainable passion for this sport make him a perfect fit to lead La Jaula.”


Jakubowicz is a creative executive with nearly 20 years of experience producing multi-platform content for television, digital and film. He has produced box office hits such as La Mujer de Mi Hermano, and co-produced the critically acclaimed The German Doctor, an Oscar and Golden Globes official submission for Best Foreign Film in 2014.


Jakubowicz also co-produced Visitantes, a horror film featuring Mexican superstar, Kate del Castillo, and served as an associate producer for the film El Inca, a Venezuelan boxing drama that earned him a second official submission in the Foreign Film category for the Academy Awards.

As an Emmy-nominated TV Executive Producer, Jakubowicz has produced for the world’s leading media companies such as Disney, Comcast, Sony, Univision, NBC Universal and Fremantle Media.



La Jaula Studios will produce authentic content in Spanish, English and Portuguese that complements Combate Americas’ programming. Production will take place around the globe, including Latin America, Бразилия, Испания, Portugal and the U.S.


La Jaula Studios will offer a variety of programming, including lifestyle-documentaries to scripted series, feature films, short-form digital, social and mobile contentand customized, sponsor-branded interstitials that will air during highly-watched Combate Americas’ live Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) television and digital events. This content will offer brands and advertisers a unique opportunity to connect with Combate Americas’ audience.
Upcoming projects include:



  • “Rootas,"(wt)- a docu-series chronicling the lives of six Combate Americas fighters on their journey, told first-hand through their eyes. The first episode will feature Mexican MMA superstar Erik “Goyito” Perez, as he heads to an unfamiliar world – Тайланд – to train under legendary Muay Thai champion Buakaw Banchamek, a fighter whose unmatched speed and devastating knockout power in the ring has transformed him into one of the most sought-after commodities in the fight world.


  • “The Real Deal,” a major motion picture and docu-series chronicling the life and career of Amanda “The Real Deal” Serrano, the only female fighter and only Puerto Rican fighter in history to win five world boxing championships in five different weight divisions, as she sets her sights on achieving another unprecedented feat – becoming the first fighter in history to win a major MMA world championship while simultaneously retaining a world boxing title.






Лос Анджелис – Bellator returns to Tel Aviv, Israel for the third-consecutive year on Thursday, Ноември. 15 with a featherweight world title clash pitting Патрисио "Pitbull" Фрейре (27-4) срещу Emmanuel Sanchez (17-3) set to anchor Bellator 209 inside Menora Mivtachim Arena. В допълнение, Хаим Гозали (8-5) looks to get revenge against Ryan Couture (11-6) in co-main event welterweight action, докато Phil Davis (19-4, 1 NC) ще поеме Вадим Nemkov (9-2) най-тежката категория. Допълнително, a women’s featherweight contest between undefeated Israeli Олга Рубин (4-0) и ветеран Cindy Dandois (12-3) ще бъде показана на картата.




Tickets are on sale now and are available at Eventim.co, както и Bellator.com. The event will air Friday, Ноември. 16 при 9 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. CT on Paramount Network and can also be streamed on DAZN.




Bellator has partnered with Ananey Communications, an Israeli television conglomerate boasting 14 channels, including the EGO and EGO TOTAL channels, which have broadcast Bellator in Israel since 2012.




Родом от Натал, Бразилия, two-time featherweight champ Patricio “Pitbull” will enter the Bellator cage for a promotional record 20th time on Nov. 15. С 15 wins under the Bellator umbrella, “Pitbull” will be making his second title defense since reclaiming the world title at Bellator 178 срещу Даниел Щраус миналата година. Съвсем наскоро, “Pitbull” defeated Daniel Weichel, edging out his opponent via split decision at Bellator 203 in Rome. След като спечели финал в 20 на неговата 27 победи като професионалист, the reigning champion has become synonymous with excitement and fans can certainly expect more fireworks when he enters the cage onNov. 15.




Sanchez has officially emerged from prospect to title contender when he challenges for the featherweight title in Tel Aviv. Unlike his opponent, Sanchez will find himself in unfamiliar territory on Nov. 15, as the 28-year-old Milwaukee, Wis.-fighter will make his first professional appearance outside of the United States. “El Matador” will be seeking his 10th promotional win and his fifth consecutive victory, a streak that began in January of last year. With his last defeat coming over two years ago and with recent victories over former Bellator champions Даниел Щраус and Marcos Galvao, както и Сам Sicilia, there may not be another athlete on Bellator’s roster more deserving of a title fight than the Roufusport Academy-product.




A member of Team Renzo Gracie, Gozali returns to the Bellator cage for the fifth time in his 20-year career. The Israeli fighter will once again fight Ryan Couture on Nov. 15, following a three-round thriller at Bellator 180 миналото лято. Fighting out of Bat Yam, Израел, “Batman” favors events on home turf, notching two opening round submission wins in each of his las two bouts inside Menora Mivtachim Arena. Сега, with seven of his eight career victories coming by way of submission, the former Israeli army soldier hopes to keep his rematch with Couture out of the judges’ hands.




Couture looks to duplicate the success he had in his first matchup with Gozali, when he picked up a unanimous decision win inside Madison Square Garden last June. A veteran of UFC and STRIKEFORCE, Couture has appeared six times in the Bellator cage and will make the jump back up to welterweight in hopes of collecting the 12th win of his career. A member of Xtreme Couture in Las Vegas, the Seattle native will look to play the role of spoiler to Gozali when the two rematch in Tel Aviv.




Hailing from Harrisburg, Penn. Davis has earned impressive victories over elite competition during his illustrious 10-year career, including wins over the likes of Lyoto Machida, "King Mo" Lawal, Liam McGeary и последно Линтън Васелпри Bellator 200 рано тази година. Бой от Сан Диего, Халиф. the former four-time NCAA Division-1 All-American wrestler out of Penn State University holds a near flawless mark of 6-1 in Bellator. "Господин. Wonderful” trains alongside current Bellator bantamweight champ Darrion Caldwell, Dominick Cruz and A.J. Matthews amongst others at Alliance MMA.




Борба с Стари Оскол, Русия, 26-year-old knockout artist Vadim Nemkov will make his third appearance with Bellator when he meets Davis. A protege of Bellator heavyweight Fedor Emelianenko, Nemkov will be looking to build on his pair of knockout wins, which includes a win over former light heavyweight champion Liam McGeary при Bellator 194. With eight of his nine career victories coming by way of first round stoppage, the former Sambo world champion does not waste much time inside the cage. His ability for finishing fights will be tested when he meets Davis, an athlete who has yet to be finished in his career.




Israeli women’s featherweight Olga Rubin steps back inside the Bellator cage for the third time to put her undefeated streak on the line in her home country. With her previous promotional victories at Bellator 164 и Bellator 188 coming via TKO, “Big Bad” has developed a reputation as one of the more dangerous prospects in the division. She is now set to take on UFC and Invicta FC veteran Cindy Dandois, who owns career wins over Marloes Coenen, Йорина Баарс and Megan Anderson. Training out of Xtreme Couture in Las Vegas, “Battlecat” is currently riding a four-fight win streak, which includes a victorious appearance in RIZIN.


Обновено Bellator 209: ‘Pitbull’ vs. Sanchez Бойна карта:

Featherweight World Title Bout: Патрисио "Pitbull" Фрейре (27-4) срещу. Emmanuel Sanchez (17-3)

Състезание в състезание в полутежка категория: Хаим Гозали (8-5) срещу. Ryan Couture (11-6)

Light Heavyweight Feature Event: Phil Davis (19-4, 1 NC) срещу. Вадим Nemkov (9-2)

Среща в категория перо жени: Олга Рубин (4-0) срещу. Cindy Dandois (12-3)




Бангор, Maine (Август 20, 2018) - New England Битки (NEF) ще проведе следващото си събитие за смесени бойни изкуства, “NEF 35: Зъл сезон,” септември 8 в Cross Insurance Center в Бангор. По-рано днес, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional middleweight bout to the card. Crowsneck Boutin (2-3) ще се върне в клетката, за да поеме Марка “Pockets” Гарднър (0-0) в бой тегло от 185 килограма.




It will have been two years almost to the day since Boutin last competed in the NEF cage. That September night in 2016 he was defeated by Jesse Erickson (9-7) при “NEF 25.” От този момент, Boutin has become an instructor with a new team, Bad Little Falls Dojo, based in Machias, Maine and has concentrated on raising his young daughter. He will look to recapture the glory of his 2014 season when he went 3-0, including two first-round knockouts, in the NEF cage and was voted “Fighter на годината” by fans.




“I am blessed with this opportunity to go to war inside the NEF cage,” каза Boutin. “Past two years, I’ve been fighting for my sweet princess, Iola Soule. I possess new light, and I’d whoop the old me’s ass. I am still aboard this ride. I am a revenant.”




Mark Gardner has had a stellar first year with NEF. През ноември миналата година, he debuted with a second-round technical knockout of Carlton Charles (2-2) при “NEF 31.” He would follow up that success with a pair of first-round finishes this year, including a submission victory by arm bar earlier this summer atNEF 34.” Във всички, he finished his amateur career a perfect 3-0. Gardner is a product of the Academy of Mixed Martial Arts based in Portland, Maine.




“I can’t wait to fight Crowsneck in September,” said Gardner. “To be able to make my pro debut so soon after three good fights is pretty rad. I’ve been training hard for this and I can’t wait to see it pay off in there.”




следващо събитие смесени бойни изкуства NEF си, “NEF 35: Зъл сезон,” ще види компанията да се завърне в Cross Insurance Center в Бангор, Maine. Предвидено е събитието да се състои Събота, Септември 8, 2018 с време звънец на 7 ч. Билетите са в продажба сега в www.CrossInsuranceCenter.com.






Пълни снимки // Кредит: Bellator / Lucas Нунан


пълен Bellator 204 Main Card:


Основно събитие в перо: Darrion Caldwell (13-1) Def. Noad All (12-4) чрез TKO (щанци) при 2:46 на втори кръг

*Титлата на Колдуел в категория петел не беше заложена на карта


Състезание в състезание в полутежка категория: Логан Сторли (9-0) Def. A.J. Matthews (9-8) чрез TKO (щанци) при 3:56 на втори кръг



Среща на основната карта на Bantamweight: Рики Тави (11-1) Def. Джеймс Галахър (7-1) направо KO (стачки) при 2:49 на първи кръг



Среща на основната карта в перо: Тайван Клакстън (3-0) Def. Крис Ленциони (3-2) чрез единодушно решение (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)


Предварителен Card:


Лек предварителен двубой: Омар Моралес (7-0) Def. Трой Навроцки (3-1) направо KO (стачки) при 0:58 на първи кръг



Лек предварителен двубой: Демарк Джаксън (9-2) Def. Брайс Logan (9-3) чрез съдийско решение (28-29, 29-28, 30-27)



Предварителен двубой в тежка категория: Джейсън Джаксън (8-3) Def. Jordon Larson (9-5) чрез TKO (щанци) при 3:52 на първи кръг



Предварителен двубой в тежка категория: Дейвид Мишо (13-4) Def. Кори Дейвис (3-1) направо KO (щанци) при 1:42 на първи кръг



Предварителен двубой в средна категория: Ромеро Памук (3-0) Def. Уили Уайтхед (2-3) чрез TKO (стачки) при 4:12 на първи кръг



Предварителен двубой в тежка категория: Тайлър Рей (3-1) Def. Сет Бас (4-3) направо KO (стачки) при 3:30 на кръг 1



Лек предварителен двубой: Кийт Фатхайм (1-1) срещу. Мика Петровски (2-1) чрез единодушно решение (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)



Предварителен двубой за полутежка категория: Лойд Маккини (8-5) Def. Робиел Тесфалдет (2-2) чрез представяне (ръка триъгълник дросел) при 4:17 на три кръгли



Предварителен двубой в средна категория: Джеф Нилсен (2-0) Def. Уайът Майер (1-1) чрез TKO (щанци) при 2:53 на първи кръг


Six Promotional Partners On-Board
Supporting MMA Pro League
Jab Apparel Set to Provide Uniforms Ahead of
Встъпително събитие Събота, Септември 15 при
Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Atlantic City

Атлантик Сити, N.J. (Август 16, 2018) – The newest entity in MMA and professional team sports, MMA Pro League, has struck an apparel partnership with Jab Apparel, as well as six promotional partners, ahead of their inaugural fight card on Saturday, Септември 15

в Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Atlantic City and streaming live on FloCombat.com.




In addition to Jab Apparel, the companies providing their promotional support for MMA Pro League are Everlast, the preeminent boxing brand since 1910, Select, a U.S.-based premium benefits card company, Everipedia, the world’s largest English encyclopedia by content, Captiv8, a full-service promotional product and marketing agency, на Village Pourhouse a New York City sports bar and cigar company Q Cigar. All promotional partners will also be distributing MMA Pro League video and photo content across their websites and social media platforms.




We are very encouraged by the breadth of promotional support being provided by this great group of companies who believe in MMA Pro League and our team concept,” said MMA Pro League CEO Hani Darwish. “We are very excited that they are with us at the launch of a new era in MMA.




I’d like to thank all of our promotional partners, as well as FloSports and the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Atlantic City, for their support of MMA Pro League,” said MMAPL president Mark Taffet. “Their efforts not only enhance our brand but also extend the reach of MMA Pro League to fans across many demographic groups.




Amongst the many ways that these companies will be engaging fans heading intoSeptember 15 include various discounts and special offers for purchasing tickets through their vendors. Ticket buyers using their Select card will be given significant discounts, while purchasing tickets at a Q Cigar location will net fans free Robusto and Churchill cigars. Fans who buy tickets at Village Pourhouse will receive a free drink with their purchase and be rewarded with a discount meal after the fight.




The Everipedia database will house the biographies of each MMA Pro League fighter and be accessible from the league’s website. Everipedia will also present theTale of the Tapefor each fight and service other statistical information.




Jab Apparel, a UK-based company that launched in March, will provide training apparel and fight night uniforms for MMA Pro League teams and employees. Everlast will be the official glove provider of MMA Pro League, while Captiv8 will deliver MMA Pro League promotional items.




These partnerships are on top of the previously announced deals with the beautiful new Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Atlantic City, which will host a series of MMA Pro League matches, and FloSports, who will exclusively stream all MMA Pro League team fight action live on their worldwide combat sports site, FloCombat.com.




Tickets for the inaugural installment ofMMA Pro League At The Hard RockonSaturday, Септември 15, featuring Team New Jersey vs. Team Pennsylvania, are available at Ticketmaster.com.


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За повече информация посетете www.MMAProLeague.com, следете разговора в Twitter @MMAPro_League, @ DanMiller185, @DanielGracie, @ Hani_Darwish1 и @MarkTaffetMedia, on Instagram at Instagram.com/mmaproleague,Instagram.com/DanMiller185, Instagram.com/DanielGracie,Instagram.com/Hani_Darwish1 and Instagram.com/MarkTaffetMedia, and on Facebook at Facebook.com/MMAProLeague.