Категория Архив: смесени бойни изкуства


За незабавно освобождаване: Портланд, Maine (Януари 29, 2022) - New England Битки (NEF) returns with its next mixed-martial-arts (MMA) събитие, "NEF 46: Decade of Dominance,” on Saturday, Февруари 12, 2022, в Aura в Портланд, Maine. The event will commemorate NEF’s ten-year anniversary. The leading regional promotion launched on February 11, 2012. По-рано днес, NEF announced the addition of a professional lightweight bout to the fight card.Aaron “Relentless” Lacey (6-2) is scheduled to face New York’sДжером Микъл (4-11) в бой тегло от 155 паунда.

The bout was originally scheduled to feature Caleb Hall (4-0) against Mickle, but Hall had to pull out of the fight due to a medical issue. Lacey was quick to jump on the opportunity to get back in the NEF cage. He has not competed since “NEF 35” in the fall of 2018 when he defeated Jon Lemke (7-8).  The fight with Mickle will be Lacey’s first as a member of Nostos MMA of Somersworth, New Hampshire.

“I’m very thankful to be getting back in the cage,” said Lacey. “It’s even better that I get to do it in front of my home crowd! I have already had a few fights get booked and subsequently cancelled this year, so this opportunity is amazing. Jerome seems to be an experienced veteran but my game is better and more dangerous than ever. I cannot wait to showcase the weapons that have been added to the arsenal! Get you tickets now! February 12th you will witness a master class in controlled violence!"

"NEF 46: Decade of Dominance” takes place on Saturday, Февруари 12, 2022, в Aura в Портланд, Maine. The event will commemorate NEF’s ten-year anniversary. Вратите отварят в 6 pm with first fight at 7 следобед Билетите са в продажба сега наwww.Ticketmaster.com

За New England Битки

New England Битки ("NEF") е борба събития промоции фирма. мисия NEF е да създаде най-високо качество събития за бойци и фенове, така. Изпълнителен екип NEF има богат опит в управлението на бойни спортове, производство събития, Връзки с медиите, маркетинг, правна и реклама.


За незабавно освобождаване: Портланд, Maine (Януари 11, 2022) - New England Битки (NEF) returns with its next mixed-martial-arts (MMA) събитие, "NEF 46: Decade of Dominance,” on Saturday, Февруари 12, 2022, в Aura в Портланд, Maine. The event will commemorate NEF’s ten-year anniversary. The leading regional promotion launched on February 11, 2012. По-рано днес, NEF announced the addition of a professional lightweight bout to the fight card.Carl Лангстън(0-6)is scheduled to take onShaun Ray(2-1) при бойно тегло от 155 паунда.

Carl Langston will look for the first win of his professional career – a career stretching back to 2018. Prior to that time, Langston won seven fights as an amateur. He is a lifelong martial artist, having practiced taekwondo since the age of six and medaling in the sport at the Junior Olympic level. Langston is currently competing as an independent fighter.

“This fight is make it or break it for me,” noted Langston.  “I have every tool to best Shaun and any of my last opponents, I just have to show up mentally. I have had some major positive life changes with the start of this New Year with more to come, and I feel that’s going to help play a major role in this fight. I’m ready to bite down on my mouthpiece and get this finish. I don’t feel like Ray is a true 55er—he’s very small for the weight class—so the jump up to 55 to fight him is a testament to my skill set. I’m going to be the breakthrough fighter of 2022.”

Shaun Ray made his NEF debut last summer at “NEF 44” in Milford, New Hampshire in a losing effort to Caleb Hall (4-0).  Ray is a graduate of Easton High School in Easton, Maryland. He is currently a resident of Waterville, Maine. Like Langston, Ray is also an independent fighter.

“I am thankful for the opportunity to test my skill against a very well-seasoned striker,” said Ray.  “I have known Carl and followed his fight career for seven years. I have a lot of respect for him as a fighter. As for myself, I am just doing what I love to do. I feel this is an excellent match up.”

"NEF 46: Decade of Dominance” takes place on Saturday, Февруари 12, 2022, в Aura в Портланд, Maine. The event will commemorate NEF’s ten-year anniversary. Вратите отварят в 6 pm with first fight at 7 следобед Билетите са в продажба сега наwww.Ticketmaster.com.




Колаж на човек

Описанието се генерира автоматично със средна степен на сигурност

ДЪБЛИН – Водещата промоция на смесени бойни изкуства BELLATOR MMA днес добави редица експлозивни битки къмBellator 275: Мусаси срещу. Вандерфорд, ще се проведе в 3Arena в Дъблин, Ирландия, в петък, 25 февруари.

В това, което се очаква да бъде най-голямата ирландска женска битка досега, двубой в категория перо за жени между Северна ИрландияЛия Маккорт (6-1) и най-скорошния претендент за титлата на ИрландияСинеад Кавана (7-5) е настроен да осветява основната карта. Още, атракция с основна карта в категория петел между домашния фаворитБрайън Мур (14-8), който взема на No. 9 класиранаВестник Луго (7-0).

Експлозивното завръщане на промоцията в ирландската столица заBellator 275: Мусаси срещу Вандерфорд, вижда световен шампион в средна категорияGegard Mousasiзащитава короната си срещу непобедения американецОстин Вандерфорд. Съ-основното събитие вижда ирландска звезда Питър Куели завръщане в игра срещу Манчестър, АнглияКейн Муса (13-4) в леката категория.

Подробностите за излъчването и допълнителните битки ще бъдат обявени през следващите седмици. Билетите за събитието вече са в продажба и могат да бъдат закупени онлайн отTicketmaster.ie иBellator.com.

Sinead Kavanagh ще се надява да отговори на сърцераздирателната загуба на световната титла срещу Cyborg в последното й излизане през ноември наBellator 271. Победител в двете си предишни участия в BELLATOR, преди да се изправи срещу кралицата на паунд за паунд, Kavanagh ще се стреми да се върне към победния си път и да оправдае прякора си „KO“ пред публиката на 3Arena.

В момента има поредица от пет победи, Маккорт от Северна Ирландия се завръща в игра след доминираща игра при победа с единодушно съдийско решение срещуДжесика Боргапо време на последното й излизане вBELLATOR 267през октомври. Сега седи на No. 4 в класацията на BELLATOR в полулегко тегло, победа за сметка на опонента си от февр. 25 ще измине дълъг път към преместването на „The Curse“ една крачка по-близо до битка за световната титла на BELLATOR срещу действащия шампион, Крис Киборг.

Дългоочакваното завръщане на Браян Мур в Дъблин ще накара боеца от Уексфорд да се изправи срещу No. 9 класиран в категория петел Jornel Lugo. „The Pikeman“ ще се надява подкрепата на домакините да му помогне да нанесе на Луго първото си професионално поражение и по този начин да се изкачи в официалната класация в категория петел за първи път. Луго спечели и четирите си двубоя под знамето на BELLATOR, включително категорична победа със събмишън в първи рунд срещу Кийт Лий наBellator 265 рано тази година.

Няколко допълнения бяха потвърдени за предварителната карта, включително двубой в категория петел между уелсецБрет Джонс (17-3) иХуршед Кахоров (8-0). Джонс се завръща на европейска земя с цел да направи изявление в задължителен мач срещу непобедения Кахоров. Ветеранът от ММА Джонс може да се похвали с впечатляващо 17 печели от неговия 20 професионални мача, докато Кахоров спечели всеки от първите си осем двубоя, включително доминираща победа с единодушно съдийско решение в неговия дебют в BELLATOR срещу Jair Junior наBellator 267 през октомври.

№ на Англия. 5 класиранаФабиан Едуардс (9-2) е готов да се завърне в клетката в Дъблин, когато поемеМариян Димитров(10-2). „The Assassin“ спечели първите си девет професионални битки и се утвърди като една от изгряващите звезди в средната категория на BELLATOR. Той ще се опита да се възстанови от поражението в последната си битка срещу претендента за титлата в Дъблин Остин Вандерфорд наBellator 259 през май.

ИрландияДани Маккормак (5-0) се завръща в игра след победата си в 3Arena през ноември срещу Audrey Kerouche, когато тя се изправиСтефани Пейдж(5-3) в двубой в категория сламка. Предварителната карта включва и двубой в полусредна категория между италианецаСтефано Патерно (13-4-1) и дебютант на BELLATORЛука Поклит (6-1) и двубой в категория перо между УелсСкот Педерсен(1-2) и на ИрландияНейтън Кели(3-2).

Завършването на допълненията към предварителната карта е афера в категория перо между бъдещ ирландецСиран Кларк (4-0) и дебютант на BELLATORАбу Тункара (7-2).

Феновете могат да видят актуализираната карта заBellator 275: Мусаси срещу ВандерфордПо-долу:


Bellator 275: MOUSATION VS. ВАНДЕФОРДОсновната карта:

Главно събитие за световната титла в средна категория: #C-Gegard Mousasi (48-7, 2 NC) срещу #1-Остин Вандерфорд(11-0)

Лек Bout: #5-Питър Куели(13-6, 1 NC) срещу.Кейн Муса(13-4)

Среща в категория перо жени: #5-Синеад Кавана(7-5)срещу. #4Лия Маккорт(6-1)

Категория петел Bout: Брайън Мур(14-8) срещу. #9-Вестник Луго(7-0)


Категория петел Bout: Брет Джонс(17-3) срещу.Хуршед Кахоров(8-0)

Лек Bout: Чарли Лири(17-11-1) срещу.Дейви Галон (19-7-2)

Перо Bout: Сиран Кларк(4-0) срещу.Абу Тункара(7-2)

В средна Bout: #5-Фабиан Едуардс(9-2) срещу.Мариян Димитров(10-2)

Welterweight Bout: Стефано Патерно(13-4-1) срещу.Лука Поклит(6-1)

Strawweight Bout: Дани Маккормак(5-0) срещу.Стефани Пейдж(5-3)

Лек Bout: Джуниър Морган (3-0) срещу.Дараг Кели(Pro Debut)

Перо Bout: Скот Педерсен(1-2) срещу.Нейтън Кели(3-2)

*Карта подлежи на промяна.

Моля, посететеBellator.com За допълнителна информация.

Актуализиран график на събитията на BELLATOR

Sat. Jan. 29 // Bellator 273: Бадер срещу. Молдавски// Център за отпечатъци // Феникс, THE

Безплатно. Февруари. 19 // Bellator 274: Грейси срещу. Сторли // Mohegan Sun Arena // Uncasville, CT

Безплатно. Февруари. 25 // Bellator 275: Мусаси срещу. Вандерфорд // 3Арена // Дъблин, IRE


За незабавно освобождаване: Портланд, Maine (Януари 6, 2022) - New England Битки (NEF) returns with its next mixed-martial-arts (MMA) събитие, "NEF 46: Decade of Dominance,” on Saturday, Февруари 12, 2022, в Aura в Портланд, Maine. The event will commemorate NEF’s ten-year anniversary. The leading regional promotion launched on February 11, 2012. По-рано днес, NEF announced the addition of a professional lightweight bout to the fight card.Mohammad Al Kinani(0-0)е планирано да се изправятChris “Ironfist” Rooney (0-1) при бойно тегло от 155 паунда.

The fight will be the professional debut for Al Kinani who finished his amateur career with an impressive record of 9-1. He leaves the amateur division as the number-one ranked lightweight in both New England and the Northeast. Six of Al Kinani’s nine victories have been finishes, including a 34-second knockout in his final amateur fight last fall. The fight with Rooney will be Al Kinani’s first in his home state of Maine in over three years. He represents Evolution Athletix based in Saco, Maine.

“This fight on February 12th is the first step of a long journey that I’ve been dreaming of for quite some time,” said Al Kinani. “It’s going to be a fight that’ll start and end with a handshake, but you know how I roll once I’m locked in there. Всичко е бизнес, бебе. Това е, което правя: I take care of fucking business.”

Chris Rooney will make his first appearance in the NEF cage on February 12, but he is a longtime MMA veteran, having competed in the sport since February 2011. He won twelve fights as an amateur prior to making his professional debut last September. Rooney trains at Sargent Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in St. Albans, Vermont.

“I am very excited to announce that my next fight will be against Mo Kinani for New England Fights,” stated Rooney. “Though this will be my second fight as a professional, this will be my debut with NEF. I am looking forward to showcasing my knockout power and overall abilities as a mixed martial artist. Even though the fans in Maine may not yet know the name Rooney, they won’t forget it after they witness my iron-fist power.”

"NEF 46: Decade of Dominance” takes place on Saturday, Февруари 12, 2022, в Aura в Портланд, Maine. The event will commemorate NEF’s ten-year anniversary. Вратите отварят в 6 pm with first fight at 7 следобед Билетите са в продажба сега наwww.Ticketmaster.com




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АНГЕЛИТЕ - Fresh off an 87-second destruction of Mark Lemminger in the co-main event ofБЕЛАТОР ММА 266, Do Not. 4-класиранаNeiman Gracie(11-2) will strap on the BELLATOR gloves for the 12тата consecutive time when he takes on once-beaten and No. 5-класиранаЛоган Сторли(12-1) in a clash of top-10 170-pounders atБЕЛАТОР ММА 274: Грейси срещу. Сторли в събота, Февруари. 19.

In the co-featured bout inside Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Кон., former BELLATOR Welterweight Champion and No. 8-класиранаАндрей Koreshkov (24-4) will return to action and open his 2022 campaign againstMukhamed Berkhamov(15-1), a winner of his last seven contests. The main card will also see undefeatedKeri Taylor Melendez (5-0) compete at flyweight against former title challenger and No. 6-класиранаVeta Arteaga (6-4) and a pair of heavyweights who find themselves tied at No. 8 in the official rankings will open the main card, when undefeated prospectДавион Франклин (4-0) биткиSaid Sowma (8-2).

SHOWTIME will televise theБЕЛАТОР ММА 274: Грейси срещу. Сторли основна карта на живо в9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT.Допълнително, the thrilling preliminary fights will stream live on the BELLATOR MMA YouTube channel, SHOWTIME Sports YouTube канал и Pluto TV, започващи в6 p.m. ET/3p.m. PT.

Билети заБЕЛАТОР ММА 274: Грейси срещу. Сторли will go on sale Friday, Jan. 7 at bothTicketmaster.com иBellator.com, with a special presale taking place Thursday, Jan. 6.

Five preliminary contests are also official forБЕЛАТОР ММА 274, three lightweight bouts, the first pitting 44-fight veteranГеорги Karakhanyan(31-12-1) against Northern California’sAdam Piccolot(12-4), a battle between two of the best nicknames in MMAMandel “Rat Garbage” Nallo (8-1, 1 NC) иNick “Nyquil” Browne(12-1), както иCorey Samuels (3-2), who won in ten seconds in his BELLATOR debut, returning to face undefeatedJustin Montalvo(4-0).

The final two preliminary contests will seeИсая Хокит (0-1) will move down to featherweight in his second BELLATOR outing, когато той поемаAlbert Birckhead (0-1) в промоционалния си дебют. И накрая, top-flight bantamweight prospectJaylon Bates (4-0) welcomesChris Disonell (6-4) back to BELLATOR for the first time since 2019.

Originating from the exalted Brazilian jiu-jitsu family, Gracie scored his first professional TKO when he backed his opponent against the fence and unleashed a barrage of unanswered punches to Lemminger’s head, forcing referee Jason Herzog to stop the contest at 1:27 of the opening round on Sept. 18, 2021, в Сан Хосе, Халиф.

The great grandson of Gracie Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu founder Carlos Gracie, nephew of MMA icon Royce Gracie, and cousin to Renzo Gracie, Neiman Gracie opened his outstanding MMA career by recording nine consecutive wins of then-undefeated opponents, including eight by submission.

A native of Rio de Janeiro, Бразилия, the 33-year-old BELLATOR veteran currently holds a 9-2 promotional record. While others his age were learning to speak their native language, Gracie began jiu-jitsu training at age four. Fast forward to 18 years later when the multi-faceted fighter earned the Gracie Jiu-Jitsu black belt at 22. Допълнително, the Renzo Gracie Jiu-Jitsu and Kings MMA fighter captured the 2011 U.S National Jiu-Jitsu title, 2008 Pan-American Jiu-Jitsu crown, и 2007 American National Jiu-Jitsu championship during an illustrious amateur career.

Родом от Webster, S.D., the hard-hitting Storley commenced his pro vocation with six consecutive knockouts, including five in the initial stanza, en route to 11 straight triumphs overall. Освен това, “The Storm” will make his ninth consecutive BELLATOR appearance where he currently holds a magnificent 7-1 рекорд.

Like his counterpart on Feb. 19, Storley began wresting at a young age, albeit one year later at age five. Допълнително, the Sanford MMA product and former folkstyle wrestler completed a fabled amateur career as a four-time NCAA Division-I champion at the University of Minnesota, as well as a six-time South Dakota High School Activities Association titlist.

The 29-year-old Storley, who holds academic degrees in both business and marketing, thrilled his hometown crowd in his last turn by earning a split-decision victory over Dante Schiro in the co-featured bout ofБЕЛАТОР ММА 265 in Sioux Falls, S.D.


Събота, Февруари. 19 – живей нататъкSHOWTIME

9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT

Welterweight Main Event: #4-Neiman Gracie (11-2) срещу. #5-Логан Сторли (12-1)

Състезание в състезание в полутежка категория: #8-Андрей Koreshkov (24-4) срещу.Mukhamed Berkamov (15-1)

Flyweight Bout: #6Veta Arteaga (6-4) срещу.Keri Taylor Melendez (5-0)

Heavyweight Bout: #8-Said Sowma (8-2) vs.#8Давион Франклин(4-0)


BELLATOR MMA YouTube канал | канал SHOWTIME Спорт YouTube | Телевизор Плутон

6 p.m. И / 3 ч. PT

Лек Bout: Георги Karakhanyan(31-12-1) срещу.Adam Piccolot(12-4)

Лек Bout: Мандел Нало (8-1, 1 NC) срещу.Nick Browne(12-1)

Категория петел Bout: Jaylon Bates (4-0) срещу.Chris Disonell (6-4)

Лек Bout: Corey Samuels (3-2) срещу. Justin Montalvo(4-0)

Перо Bout: Исая Хокит (0-1) срещу.Albert Birckhead (0-1)

*Карта подлежи на промяна.

Моля, посететеBellator.com За допълнителна информация.


Актуализиран график на събитията на BELLATOR

Sat. Jan. 29 // Bellator 273: Бадер срещу. Молдавски// Център за отпечатъци // Феникс, Аризона.

Сб, Февруари. 19/ / Bellator 274: Грейси срещу. Сторли // Mohegan Sun Area // Uncasville, Кон.

Безплатно. Февруари. 25 // Bellator 275: Мусаси срещу. Вандерфорд // 3Арена // Дъблин, Ирландия

Full Fight Night Results, Цитати & Photos For BELLATOR MMA 272: Петис срещу. Horiguchi

Картина, съдържаща човек, outdoor, спорт

Описание се генерира автоматично
Complete Fight Night Photos Here – Please Credit: БЕЛАТОР ММА

C-Серджо Петтис (22-5) победен Kyoji Horiguchi (29-4) направо KO (spinning backfist) при 3:24 на четири кръг

Серджо Петтис: “I came out here and got beaten up for four rounds. When it happened, I was just like, ‘Man I am losing this fight. I’ve got to do something spectacular.’ It (the decisive punch that ended the fight) came at the right time.”

“I needed to face some adversity, and tonight Horiguchi gave me all of that. It was hard trying to time his rhythm, trying to get his movement down.”

“My coaches always tell me, ‘If you open up, you could be one of the best in the world.’ That what I’m pushing for.”

#9-Jeremy Kennedy (17-3, 1 NC) победен #4-Emmanuel Sanchez (20-7) чрез единодушно решение (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Jeremy Kennedy: “I can’t seem to find it. My coaches got mad at me in my last fight. I’ve got an atomic bomb. That’s what my coach said. It’s a 100-mile (per hour) fastball. I’ve got to use it. Last fight, Не съм. I wanted to try and mix it up, change my style. I was competitive, but I had to get back to my roots.”

“I would have liked to have mixed it up a bit more, но (Emmanuel) Sanchez is in your face the whole time. It was hard to dictate that calculated range. He just came right at me.”

“I put a lot of pressure on myself. I had a close friend pass away. He was in my corner for my last few fights. I didn’t want to go home with a loss. I didn’t want to take any extra chance. I wanted to win every single exchange. I wanted to win every second, every moment of this fight. I didn’t care what that looked like. I had to get the ‘w.’ “

“Next time, I am going to get back to having fun and find that happy medium. This one is for Boom. I had to get my hand raised at all costs. I wasn’t coming out of this without a win.”

#7-Джош Хил (21-4) победен Jared Scoggins (10-2) направо KO (пунш) при :56 на втори кръг

Джош Хил: “This one was about timing. We knew the first round would be hard to get that timing down. Той (Jared Scoggins) was very jumpy, in and out. That (punch that ended the fight) was right on the button.”

“I belong there (in the Bellator MMA World Grand Prix). I know this division is stacked, so I understand (why he wasn’t included). I want in. If there are any injuries or pull outs, I’m your man.”

“I saw him (Scoggins) go down and knew he was out. There was no point to keep going.”

"Той (Scoggins) is very traditional, karate-esque. My coach and I worked on timing quite a bit. I knew the first round might be a little tricky. I landed a punch in the first, but it wasn’t on the money. The one in the second (that ended the fight) was.”

#5-Джони Еблен (10-0) победен Collin Huckbody (10-4) чрез TKO (щанци) при 1:11 на първи кръг

Джони Еблен: “I wanted to send that dude (Huckbody) to the metaverse. Печално, I could not do that tonight. I was I could have put on a better show, but it is what it is.”

“John Salter, I signed a bout agreement to fight you in Florida, but you [expletive withheld] out. I don’t know if you got hurt, or you [expletive withheld] out. But I want to see you in this [expletive withheld] cage, Клозет. Let’s gear up and let’s get after it.”

Александър Шаблий (21-3) победен Bobby King (10-4) чрез единодушно решение (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
Kai Kamaka III (9-4-1) победен John de Jesus (14-10) чрез единодушно решение (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)
Levan Chokheli (10-1, 1 NC) победен Vinicius de Jesus (9-5) чрез единодушно решение (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)
Justin Montalvo (4-0) победен Jacob Bohn (10-8) чрез единодушно решение (29-27, 29-28, 29-28)
Mike Hamel (8-5) победен Килис Мота (12-3) чрез съдийско решение (29-28, 28-29, 30-27)
Spike Carlyle (13-3) победен Dan Moret (15-7) чрез представяне (задно гол дросел) при 2:58 на три кръгли
Кайл Кръчмър (8-1) победен #10-Oliver Enkamp (10-3) чрез единодушно решение (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Моля, посетете Bellator.com За допълнителна информация.

2022 is the Year of the BELLATOR Bantamweight World Grand Prix



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АНГЕЛИТЕ -It was officially announced at tonight’sBellator 272: Петис срещу. Horiguchi event that next year’s prestigious BELLATOR World Grand Prix will take place in the promotion’s incredibly stacked bantamweight division. The winner of tonight’s 135-Pound World Championship fight betweenСерджо Петтис иKyoji Horiguchi will defend their title next year in the Bantamweight World Grand Prix featuring a gauntlet of the eight best athletes the weight class has to offer.

In addition to both Pettis and Horiguchi, the Bantamweight World Grand Prix is set to feature former divisional championХуан Арчулета, Do Not. 2 класирана-Raufeon Stots, Do Not. 3 класирана-Нестабилен микс, Do Not. 4 класирана-Магомед Магомедов, Do Not. 5 класирана-Леандро Higo, и Не. 6 класирана-Джеймс Галахър, who will all vie for the right to be named the next BELLATOR Bantamweight World Champion and take home a grand prize of one-million-dollars.

First-round matchups and additional details such as dates, locations and tournament alternates will be revealed soon.

All tournament bouts will be five-round contests and will be telecast in the United States exclusively on SHOWTIME.

Former BELLATOR Bantamweight World Champion Kyoji Horiguchi enters tonight’s contest unranked due to inactivity within the promotion. Official BELLATOR Rankings will be updated and distributed on Monday, Декември. 6.

Шампион – Серджо Петтис (21-5):

Fighting out of Milwaukee, Wisc.,Серджо Петтис captured the BELLATOR bantamweight crown in May 2021 by outpointing former championХуан Арчулета in a fast-paced contest atBELLATOR 258.During a nearly six-year, 14-fight UFC stint, the Roufusport-product competed in both the flyweight and bantamweight classes, collecting nine victories and a pair of “Fight of the Night” honors against Alex Caceres and Matt Hobar in 2014. Prior to his UFC tenure, Pettis, the younger brother of former UFC lightweight champion Anthony Pettis, earned world titles in Resurrection Fighting Alliance’s flyweight division and North American Fighting Championship’s 135-pound class. Following a trio of impressive triumphs over some of the division’s elite, BELLATOR’s bantamweight champion is set to protect his belt and an unblemished 3-0 promotional mark entering the tournament.

Former BELLATOR Bantamweight Champion – Kyoji Horiguchi (29-3):

Hailing from Takasaki, Япония, 31-годишниятKyoji Horiguchi is the reigning RIZIN bantamweight champion who notoriously became a simultaneous, two-promotion champion in 2019 after taking down and upsetting then-BELLATOR champion Darrion Caldwell at Madison Square Garden. За съжаление, an injury would force Horiguchi to relinquish his BELLATOR title in 2019, and he now looks to reclaim his belt in a main event clash with current championСерджо Петтис приBellator 272. While with RIZIN, the American Top Team-product amassed an impressive 10-1 promotional mark, highlighted by eight finishes and five first-round knockouts. Допълнително, more than half of Horiguchi’s career victories have come via knockout. Сега, after reclaiming his RIZIN bantamweight strap and avenging only his third loss in 32 outings with a highlight-reel, opening-round knockout over Kai Asakura on New Year’s Eve 2020, the Japanese sensation fighting out of Coconut Creek, Fla., aims to get his hands back on BELLATOR’s title

Do Not. 1 Ranked Bantamweight – Хуан Арчулета (25-3):

With the Bantamweight World Grand Prix set, former BELLATOR World Champion and No. 1-класиранаХуан Арчулета sees a clear path toward regaining the 135-pound crown. Armed with 25 professional victories, включително и 12 by way of K.O. или представяне, the “Spaniard” has no issues stopping opponents inside the BELLATOR cage. The former four-division King of the Cage world champion, who holds victories over Patchy Mix, Хенри Corrales, and Ricky Bandejas, strives to keep that trend going throughout the Grand Prix.

Do Not. 2 Ranked BantamweightRaufeon Stots (17-1):

Considered one of the world’s best 135-pound fightersRaufeon “Supa” Stots has been in the title conversation since his 2019 BELLATOR debut. Currently riding a nine-fight winning streak, на NO. 2-ranked bantamweight has defeated some of BELLATOR’s finest, including Magomed Magomedov and Josh Hill, by smothering opponents with top-tier grappling ability. Sporting a near-perfect 17-1 рекорд, the Roufusport product and two-time NCAA Division II Champion now has an opportunity to compete for a long-awaited crown.

Do Not. 3 Ranked Bantamweight – Нестабилен микс (15-1):

Set to make his sixth promotional appearance under the BELLATOR umbrella, the pride of Angola, N.Y., has collected two-first round submission victories while compiling a 4-1 record with the Scott Coker-led promotion. The 28-year-old Buffalo, N.Y.. native looks to build off his most recent win atBellator 270 over James Gallagher in his opponent’s hometown of Dublin, Ирландия, миналия месец. Prior to his time with BELLATOR, Mix dominated the competition while on the regional scene by collecting nine of his 15 professional victories, including five first-round finishes. Сега, the submission specialist will face the toughest challenge of his career, a shot at the tournament’s $1 million prize and BELLATOR’s 135-pound strap.

Do Not. 4 Ranked Bantamweight – Магомед Магомедов (18-2):

After capturing belts in different organizations, Dagestani phenomМагомед Магомедов hopes to add to his collection by taking home BELLATOR gold. Amassing an impressive 18-2 career record with 12 via finish, “Tiger” has made a swift impact on the BELLATOR 135-pound division since his December 2020 promotional debut by climbing to No. 4 in the rankings. Possessing both a blistering pace and superior grappling, Magomedov has the potential to be a nightmare matchup for anyone in the BELLATOR Bantamweight World Grand Prix.

Do Not. 5 Ranked Bantamweight – Леандро Higo (21-5):

After dropping in weight to 135-pounds, Leandro Higo has been on a tear by winning three consecutive fights and putting the entire bantamweight division on notice. Under the tutelage of the famed Pitbull Brothers camp, the Brazilian is coming off a hard-fought, split-decision victory over former Bantamweight World Champion Darrion CaldwellatBellator 259 през май 2021. Като 12 of Higo’s 21 pro victories have come by submission, the entire bracket knows that the No. 5-ranked bantamweight will not be an easy out.

Do Not. 6 Ranked Bantamweight – Джеймс Галахър (11-2):

Hailing from Strabane, Ирландия, one of MMA’s brightest young fighters strives to notch his 12th career victory in a tournament stacked with 135-pound talent. Following a finish over Anthony Taylor atBellator 169 през декември 2016 and a pair of first-round submissions the following year, “The Strabanimal” has tallied four victories over his past six contests, including three first-round finishes and a highlight reel 35-second win atBellator 227. Poised for the biggest test of his young career, the former SBG Ireland-product aims to shed the shadow of former training partner, Conor McGregor, and add to his own legacy with a shot at BELLATOR bantamweight gold.

Моля, посететеBellator.com За допълнителна информация.



За незабавно освобождаване: Портланд, Maine (Ноември 30, 2021) - New England Битки (NEF) returns with its next mixed-martial-arts (MMA) събитие, "NEF 46: Decade of Dominance,” on Saturday, Февруари 12, 2022, в Aura в Портланд, Maine. The event will commemorate NEF’s ten-year anniversary. The leading regional promotion launched on February 11, 2012. По-рано днес, NEF announced the addition of a professional featherweight bout to the fight card. Former NEF Amateur Featherweight ChampionNathaniel Grimard (0-0) is scheduled to take onAnthony Vasta (0-0) в бой тегло от 145 килограма.

Nathaniel Grimard made his NEF MMA debut in September 2019 at “NEF 40: School of Hard Knocks.” That night, Grimard submitted Justin Kangas (0-3) via armbar in the first round. During the pandemic lockdown, Grimard competed twice in Florida and improved his record to 3-0. His unbeaten record positioned Grimard to challenge for the then vacant NEF Featherweight Championship. През август, Grimard stopped Brandon Maillet-Fevens (3-2) in the second round at “NEF 44: Back in Black” to become the 145-pound titleholder. Grimard got right back in the cage at “NEF 45: Uprising” to defend his strap against Billy Wilson (7-1) from the famed Jackson Wink MMA camp in New Mexico. Grimard lost a laborious five-round decision that made Wilson the new champion. Сега, Grimard hits the reset switch as he plans to turn professional against NEF newcomer, Anthony Vasta. Grimard represents Nostos MMA of Somersworth, New Hampshire where he trains under UFC and Bellator veteran, and former NEF Professional Lightweight Champion, Девин Powell (10-5).

“I can’t imagine a better way to start my pro career than on NEF’s 10th anniversary card,” Grimard stated. “I have big goals for myself and I’m ready to take on anybody in my way. I have nothing but respect for Vasta and his martial arts skills, but I have never been more focused.”

Anthony Vasta will also be making his professional debut at NEF 46. Vasta and Grimard made their respective MMA amateur debuts within a couple of months of each other. Vasta and Grimard share another common tie, as both competed on the same card in Florida during the pandemic. Vasta has a 1-1 amateur record and trains at Defensive Edge Martial Arts Academy in Wakefield, Massachusetts.

“Being able to make my professional debut against another rising New England fighter that I respect is exciting,” Vasta stated. “It’s time to take the next step in my career, put my skills to the test, and seize the opportunity. My style is really unorthodox and hard to prepare for. I plan to go out there and put on a dominant performance against another tough prospect of this division.”

"NEF 46: Decade of Dominance” takes place on Saturday, Февруари 12, 2022, в Aura в Портланд, Maine. The event will commemorate NEF’s ten-year anniversary. Вратите отварят в 6 pm with first fight at 7 следобед Билетите са в продажба сега наwww.Ticketmaster.com

BELLATOR MMA Confirms Full Fight Card for BELLATOR MMA 272: Петис срещу. Horiguchi on SHOWTIME This Friday, Декември. 3 при 10 P.m. ET/PTBELLATOR MMA Confirms Full Fight Card for BELLATOR MMA 272: Петис срещу. Horiguchi on SHOWTIME This Friday, Декември. 3 при 10 P.m. ET / PT


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АНГЕЛИТЕ - BELLATOR MMA has confirmed the full fight card forБЕЛАТОР ММА 272: Pettis vs Horiguchicard at the Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Кон. The event puts a stamp on the 2021 calendar year and is set to begin on SHOWTIME at10 p.m. ET / PT.

The stacked preliminary card will stream live on the BELLATOR MMA YouTube channel, SHOWTIME Sports YouTube канал и Pluto TV, започващи в7 p.m. ET / 4 p.m. PT.

В основното събитие на вечерта, current BELLATOR Bantamweight World ChampionСерджо Петтис (21-5) puts his belt on the line against former BELLATOR 135-pound titleholder and current RIZIN championKyoji Horiguchi (29-3). The co-main event features former featherweight world title challenger No. 4-класиранаEmmanuel Sanchez (20-6) versus former UFC standout and No. 9-класиранаJeremy Kennedy (16-3, 1 NC).

Also anchoring the main card will be a bantamweight bout between UFC veteranJared Scoggins (10-1) и Не. 7-класиранаДжош Хил (20-4), as well as undefeated American Top Team-product, и Не. 5-ranked middleweightДжони Еблен (9-0), who looks to protect his unblemished record against BELLATOR newcomerCollin Huckbody (10-3).

With seven thrilling fights in total, наБЕЛАТОР ММА 272 preliminary card is highlighted by a pair of welterweight contests between Swedish submission specialist No. 10-класиранаOliver Enkamp (10-2) and former Oklahoma State University wrestling standoutКайл Кръчмър (7-1) както иLevan Chokheli (9-1, 1 NC) иVinicius de Jesus (9-4).

ХавайскитеKai Kamaka III (8-4-1) returns to the Scott Coker-led promotion, as he prepares for battle withJohn de Jesus (14-9) в категория перо действие, докатоDan Moret(15-6) иSpike Carlyle (12-3) meet in a 160-lb contract weight matchup.

Three additional lightweight matchups have also been announced with Russian sensationАлександър Шаблий (20-3) taking on Utah’sBobby King (10-3), Килис Мота (12-2) бойMike Hamel (8-5), иJustin Montalvo(3-0) squaring up withJacob Bohn (10-7)

Билети заБЕЛАТОР ММА 272 са в продажба в момента и могат да бъдат закупениTicketmaster.com иBellator.com.

Пълните списъци за двубоите са по-долу:


Петък, Декември. 3 – живей нататъкSHOWTIME

10 p.m. ET / PT

Bantamweight World Title boutC-Серджо Петтис (21-5) срещу.Kyoji Horiguchi (29-3)

Перо мач: #4-Emmanuel Sanchez (20-6) срещу. #9-Jeremy Kennedy (16-3, 1 NC)

Bantamweight boutДжош Хил(20-4) срещу.Jared Scoggins(10-1)

В средна мач: #5-Джони Еблен (9-0) срещу.Collin Huckbody (10-3)


BELLATOR MMA YouTube канал | канал SHOWTIME Спорт YouTube | Телевизор Плутон 

7 p.m. ET / 4 p.m. PT

Лек мачАлександър Шаблий (20-3) срещу.Bobby King (10-3)

Перо мачJohn de Jesus (14-9) срещу.Kai Kamaka III (8-4-1)

Welterweight мач: Levan Chokheli (9-1, 1 NC) срещу.Vinicius de Jesus (9-4)

Лек мач: Justin Montalvo (3-0) срещу.Jacob Bohn (10-7)

Лек мач: Килис Мота (12-2) срещу.Mike Hamel (8-5)

160-Pound Contract Weight boutDan Moret (15-6) срещу.Spike Carlyle (12-3)

Welterweight мач: #10-Oliver Enkamp (10-2) срещу.Кайл Кръчмър (7-1)

*Карта подлежи на промяна.

Моля, посететеBellator.com За допълнителна информация.


Актуализиран график на събитията на BELLATOR

Безплатно. Декември. 3 // Bellator 272: Петис срещу. Horiguchi// Mohegan Sun Arena // Uncasville, CT


За незабавно освобождаване: Портланд, Maine (Ноември 26, 2021) - New England Битки (NEF) returns with its next mixed-martial-arts (MMA) събитие, "NEF 46: Decade of Dominance,” on Saturday, Февруари 12, 2022, в Aura в Портланд, Maine. The event will commemorate NEF’s ten-year anniversary. The leading regional promotion launched on February 11, 2012. По-рано днес, NEF announced the addition of an amateur championship bout to the fight card. NEF Flyweight ChampionTyler Smythe (3-1) is scheduled to defend his title against former NEF Flyweight ChampionРайън "Gordo" Burgess (3-2) при бойно тегло от 125 паунда.

Tyler Smythe notched his third MMA win and captured coveted NEF gold in the process when he recently stopped previously undefeated flyweight prospect Caleb “Dr. Чувствай се добре” Остин (5-1) in a “Fight of the Night” performance at “NEF 45: Uprising.” Down on the scorecards but not discouraged, Smythe waged a come-from-behind victory to earn the technical knockout (СЗО) stoppage over Austin in the final second of the fourth round of their championship bout. Never one to slow down, Smythe, who is trained by Nate Libby out of Evolution Athletix in Saco, Maine, is anxious to make an immediate turnaround and defend his title against a former NEF Champion.

“From bell to bell, every round, I’ll be going at this kid like he owes me money,” Smythe stated. “I want a quick finish. Ryan doesn’t deserve to be in that cage with me. February 12th, I’ll show why I’m the NEF flyweight champ.”

Ryan Burgess is no stranger to championship challenges. Hailing from Rumford, Maine, Burgess is one of only four Mountain Valley High School mat men to ever win triple state crowns in wrestling. He amassed an amazing 151-23 overall high school record before graduating and turning his attention to mixed martial arts. Burgess quickly made a name for himself in MMA when he won the NEF Flyweight Championship in November 2015 with a split-decision nod over then Champion Dustin Veinott (5-4). When Burgess last competed, he displayed a dangerous Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ) game off his back in defeating Nate Boucher (0-1) in a heated hometown rivalry. Burgess, a BJJ purple belt, trains under Jason “JB” Bell and fights out of Bell’s Famoso BJJ.

“I’m super excited to make my return on NEF’s 10-year anniversary show,” Burgess stated. “It’s been a long time coming for me to return to the cage and I can’t think of a more perfect scenario than coming back and regaining my flyweight title with a finish over Smythe. It’s been three years since I’ve competed, but my coach, Jason Bell, and I have been putting in work behind the scenes. I can’t wait to showcase my skills and put on a show for the fans.

“Smythe seems like a tough opponent, and it was no easy feat for him to defeat Caleb Austin for the belt,” Burgess continued. “With that being said, I see many holes in his game that I plan to exploit come February 12th. I hope he’s not expecting the same fighter he’s watching in the three-plus-year-old film he’s researching to better understand me. Mentally and skillfully, I am a far superior fighter compared to my previous bouts and only my training partners actually know the weapons I’ll be bringing into that cage to get the job done. Smythe may rethink his entire pursuit of a professional MMA career when I’m finished with him. The pressure I’m going to bring would melt any of these amateur flyweights in New England and come February they will all be on notice.”

"NEF 46: Decade of Dominance” takes place on Saturday, Февруари 12, 2022, в Aura в Портланд, Maine. The event will commemorate NEF’s ten-year anniversary. Вратите отварят в 6 pm with first fight at 7 следобед Билетите са в продажба сега наwww.Ticketmaster.com