Kategorija Archives: mišrių kovos menų


UŽ nedelsiant paleisti: Portlandas, Meino (Gruodis 19, 2019) - Naujosios Anglijos Kovų (NEF) surengs savo kitą mišrią kovos meną (MMA) renginys, “NEF 42: Sunaikinimo simfonija,” šeštadienį, Vasaris 8, 2020, „Merrill“ auditorijoje Portlande. Šiandien anksčiau, NEF paskelbė, kad prie kortos buvo pridėta mėgėjų svorio kategorija.Garis Carras(2-1) susidursOstinas Hamiltonas (0-1) esant kovos svoriui 165 svarų.

Šiuo metu Garry Carrui priklauso rekordas, kad NEF narve kada nors laimėjo seniausias sportininkas. Tai rekordas, kurį Carras pirmą kartą pasiekė būdamas 56 į 2017, palūžo amžiuje 57 į 2019, ir vėl bandys palūžti būdamas amžiaus 58 vasario 8 d. Praėjusią vasarą, Carras nugalėjo Cliffordą Redmaną (0-11) per pirmojo rato techninį nokautą „NEF 39“ Lewiston, Meinas. Carr tikisi surinkti trečią pergalę MMA narve „NEF 42“ Portlande. Šiuo metu jis atstovauja Centrinės Meino brazilui Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) įsikūrusi Lewiston.

“Nekantrauju grįžti į NEF narvą ketvirtą kartą,- sakė Carr.  „Šis nuvers namą arba nuvalys stogą. Tai garbė treniruotis ir kovoti už CMBJJ komandą. Nepamirškite akių nulupti – šioje kortelėje matysite daugybę mūsų, įskaitant mūsų kovos komandos vadovą, Jesse “Vikingas” Erickson. Aš siekiu užfiksuoti dar vieną naują NEF rekordą būdamas vyriausias vyras, laimėjęs NEF narvą būdamas amžiaus 58. Jūs turite pamatyti šį, žmonės. Trenk man bilietus!”

Austinas Hamiltonas praėjusį mėnesį Portlande debiutavo „NEF 41“ varžybose. Jis pralaimėjo Carro CMBJJ komandos draugui Nate'ui „The Mule“ White (4-0) pirmojo rato techniniu nokautu. Dabar jis turės galimybę atkeršyti už praradimą, kai vasario mėnesį susitiks su Carru 8 Portlande.

„Labai laukiu, kada gausiu galimybę išpirkti save po paskutinės kovos,- sakė Hamiltonas. „Aš neturiu nieko kito, išskyrus pagarbą Gariui, kaip ir bet kuris kitas šiame žaidime. Tikiuosi to tik tada, kai būsiu jo amžiaus, Aš vis dar galiu tai daryti!"

Naujosios Anglijos Kovų’ kitas mišrių kovos menų renginys, “NEF 42: Sunaikinimo simfonija,” vyks šeštadienį, Vasaris 8, 2020, „Merrill“ auditorijoje Portlande, Meino. Bilietai parduodami dabarwww.PortTix.com.


UŽ nedelsiant paleisti: Portlandas, Meino (Gruodis 18, 2019) - Naujosios Anglijos Kovų (NEF) surengs savo kitą mišrią kovos meną (MMA) renginys, “NEF 42: Sunaikinimo simfonija,” šeštadienį, Vasaris 8, 2020 „Merrill“ auditorijoje Portlande. Šiandien anksčiau, NEF paskelbė, kad prie kortelės buvo pridėtas mėgėjų vidutinio svorio mačas.Jasonas Landry(2-1) planuojama imtis„Dustin Carrier“(0-0) esant kovos svoriui 170 svarų.

Šių metų pradžioje Jasonas Landry išsiveržė į NEF kovos sceną, sukeldamas daugiau triukšmo nei bet kuris naujokas per tam tikrą laiką. Landry dominavo ir pateikė daug labiau patyrusį Justiną Boraczeką (4-3) praėjusį pavasarį „Landry“ debiutavo „NEF 38“. Savo tolesnėmis pastangomis, Landry vos nepaėmė Dan Seigars (0-1) vos septyniomis sekundėmis į pirmąjį raundą atremkite vieną smūgį.

Landry pagreitis, tačiau, praeitą rugsėjį, kai jis susitiko su Mike'u „Boogaloo“ Bezansonu, šiurpiai sustos (4-0) Orono mieste, Meinas. Po laukinių atidarymo mainų, Bezansonas sustabdė „Landry“ per techninę nokautą per pirmąją pirmo rato minutę. Ne vienas, kuris leido prarasti jį, Landry tai panaudojo kaip mokymosi patirtį ir motyvaciją grįžti į narvą Naujaisiais metais.

„Kova visada buvo mano aistra,“Pareiškė Landry. „Užeiti į tą narvą, kur tiesiog žmogus žmogui - nėra geresnio už tai adrenalino. Pralaimėjimas yra mokymasis ir yra puikus kuras ugniai. Nekantrauju grįžti ten ir surengti vieną pragarų pasirodymą NEF gerbėjams. Tikėtis veiksmo kupino chaoso!"

Mėgėjiškai debiutuos Dustinas Carrier vasario mėnesį 8, bet jis savo komandą iš Centrinio Meino brazilo Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) neabejotinai turės jį paruoštą narve. Vežėjai traukiniai prie Lewiston, Meino salė kartu su ilgamečiais NEF konkurentais, tokiais kaip Jesse “The Viking” Erickson (9-8) ir buvęs „flyweight“ mėgėjų mėgėjas Dustinas Veinottas (5-4).

Naujosios Anglijos Kovų’ kitas mišrių kovos menų renginys, “NEF 42: Sunaikinimo simfonija,” vyks šeštadienį, Vasaris 8, 2020 „Merrill“ auditorijoje Portlande, Meino. Bilietai parduodami dabarwww.PortTix.com.




LOS ANGELES – The full slate of bouts for Bellator’s return to Neal S. „Blaisdell“ arenoje Honolulu, Hawaii this Friday, Gruodis. 20 and Saturday, Gruodis. 21 is official with a stacked doubleheader featuring something for every mixed martial arts fan.

„Bellator“ ir „USO Present“: Pasveikinkite karius „Paramount Network“ bus rodomas penktadienį, Gruodis 20 į 10 p.m. IR / 9 val. KT. The entire event will also stream on DAZN, o preliminarios kovos bus transliuojamos Bellator.com, DAZN ir visame pasaulyje „Bellator“ mobilioji programa.

Bellator 236: Macfarlane vs. Jackson – one of the star-powered, year-end highlights of fight season on DAZN – will stream Saturday, Gruodis 21 live exclusively on DAZN į 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT, o preliminarūs veiksmai vyks toliau Bellator.com, DAZN ir visame pasaulyje „Bellator“ mobilioji programa.

The main event of Friday’s card on Paramount Network will see a heavyweight headliner, featuring the Bellator debuts of former world champion Josh Barnett (35-8) ir Ronny Markes (19-7). Rounding out the stacked main card will see another Bellator debut, kaip Erikas Perezas (19-6) enters the cage to meet Hawaii’s own Toby Misech (11-7), former flyweight No. 1 pretendentai Alejandra Lara (8-3) ir Veta Arteaga (5-3) return to action and Bellator Welterweight World Grand Prix participant Tywan Claxton (5-1) takes on the undefeated prospect out of Maili, Havajai, Braydon Akeo (3-0). Taip pat, undefeated teammate of A.J. McKee Joey Davis (6-0) returns to the Bellator cage when he faces the “Big Island’s” 29-fight MMA veteran, Chris Cisneros (19-10).

The prelims for „Bellator“ ir „USO Present“: Pasveikinkite karius will feature an appearance from undefeated Bay Area-fighter fighter Cassas Bellas (4-0), as well as undefeated Hawaiian prospect Ty Gwerder (4-0).

A mere 24-hours later, Bellator 236 will take place exclusively on DAZN and will be headlined by a flyweight world title bout between Honolulu’s Ilima-Lei Macfarlane (10-0) ir Anglijos Kate Jackson (11-3-1). The co-main event is a quarterfinal matchup of the Bellator Featherweight World Grand Prix with A.J. McKee (15-0) atsižvelgiant į Derek laukai (20-9.).

Papildomai, recently signed Bellator welterweight Džeisonas Džeksonas (10-4) Holivudo, Fla. returns to the Bellator cage on short notice to take on Kiichi Kunimoto of Osaka, Japonija. Juliana Velasquez (9-0) looks to remain undefeated with Bellator when she meets Ruda Ellen (10-6) at flyweight, while local Hawaiian standouts Cheyden Leialoha(7-1) ir Nainoa Dung (3-0) go to battle against Raufeon Stots (12-1) ir Zach Zane (13-9), atitinkamai, to complete the main card.

„Bellator“ ir „USO Present“: Pasveikinkite karius Pagrindinė kortelė:

"Paramount tinklas & DAZN

10 p.m. IR / 9 val. CT/5 p.m. HST

Heavyweight Main Event: Josh Barnett (35-8) vs. Ronny Markes (19-7)

Bantamweight Main Card Bout: Toby Misech (11-7) vs. Erikas Perezas (19-6)

Flyweight Main Card Bout: Alejandra Lara (8-3) vs. Veta Artega (5-3)

Plunksnų svorio pagrindinės kortos: Tywan Claxton (5-1) vs. Braydon Akeo (3-0)

Vidutinio svorio pagrindinės kortos kovos: Joey Davis (6-0) vs. Chris Cisneros (19-10)

Preliminari kortelė:

DAZN, Bellator.com & the Bellator Mobile App

8:45 p.m. IR / 7:45 p.m. CT/3:45 p.m. HST

„Bantamweight“ preliminari kova: Cassas Bellas (4-0) vs. Pierre Daguzan (5-3, 1 NC)

Vidutinio svorio preliminari kova: Ty Gwerder (4-0) vs. Joseph Creer (6-1-1)

180-Pound Contract Weight Preliminary Bout: Hunter Ewald (Pro debiutas) vs. Brysen Bolohao (0-1)

Bellator 236: Macfarlane vs. Jacksonas Pagrindinė kortelė:


10 p.m. IR / 9 val. CT/5 p.m. HST

Flyweight World Title Bout: Ilima-Lei Macfarlane (10-0) vs. Kate Jackson (11-3-1)

Featherweight World Grand Prix Quarterfinal Bout: A.J. McKee (15-0) vs. Derek laukai (20-9)

Vidutinio svorio pagrindinės kortos kovos: Džeisonas Džeksonas (10-4) vs. Kiichi Kunimoto (20-8-2, 1 NC)

Flyweight Main Card Bout: Julianna Velasquez (9-0) vs. Ruda Ellen (5-2)

Bantamweight Main Card Bout: Raufeon Stots (12-1) vs. Cheyden Leialoha (7-1)

Lengva pagrindinė kortų serija: Nainoa Dung (3-0) vs. Zach Zane (13-9)

Preliminari kortelė:

DAZN, Bellator.com & the Bellator Mobile App

8:30 p.m. IR / 7:30 p.m. CT/3:30 p.m. HST

Lengvas parengiamasis mačas: Keoni Diggs (7-0) vs. Scotty Hao (4-2)

Parengiamosios varžybos su plunksna: Kai Kamaka III (5-2) vs. Spencer Higa (7-10)

Lengvas parengiamasis mačas: Dustin Barca (3-0) vs. Brandon Pieper (11-13)

Vidutinio svorio parengiamosios varžybos: Ben Wilhelm (3-0) vs. Keali’i Kanekoa (2-2)

„Bantamweight“ preliminari kova: Swayne Makana Lunasco (Pro debiutas) vs. Kaylan Gorospe (Pro debiutas)

Preliminarioji lengvaatlečių kova: Nate Yoshimura (Pro debiutas) vs. Chas Dunhour (0-1)

*Kortelė gali keistis

Prašome apsilankyti Bellator.com Daugiau informacijos.


UŽ nedelsiant paleisti: Portlandas, Meino (Gruodis 16, 2019) - Naujosios Anglijos Kovų (NEF) surengs savo kitą mišrią kovos meną (MMA) renginys, “NEF 42: Sunaikinimo simfonija,” šeštadienį, Vasaris 8, 2020 „Merrill“ auditorijoje Portlande. Šiandien anksčiau, NEF announced the addition of an amateur welterweight fight to the card.Mike “Boogaloo” Bezanson(4-0) planuojama į veidąGreg Ishihara(2-1) esant kovos svoriui 170 svarų.

Undefeated Mike Bezanson returned to NEF this past September after more than a three-year absence from cage competition. Bezanson, known for his flashy striking style and showmanship during fights, handed Jason Landry (2-1) his first loss at “NEF 40” in Orono, Maine. It took Bezanson only 41-seconds to pick up the technical knockout victory. He went on to capture a title in New Hampshire with a fourth-round knockout just weeks later. Bezanson has finished all four of his previous opponents with his striking prowess. He represents Team Kaze based in Lancaster, Naujasis Hampšyras.

“In 2020, I have to do some belt shopping—the one I currently hold is getting lonely and needs some friends,” said Bezanson.  “I’ll make sure the tickets are worth buying!”

Since losing his debut to Jordan Norman (2-1) last April, Greg Ishihara has been on a roll, winning his last two MMA bouts in the NEF cage and a Muay Thai Kickboxing fight in Vermont. Last month, Ishihara picked up his most recent win against Dylan Williams (0-3) with a knee to the body just over a minute into the first round at “NEF 41” in Portland. Ishihara represents Recon Fitness based in Westbrook, Meino.

NEF has always treated me well,” noted Ishihara. “It means a lot to meto be able to compete here in Maine. The NEF staff is always professional making for a great experience. I look forward to competing inside the NEF cage in 2020. I’m excited for this upcoming fight with Mike. He’s flashy and his movement is impressive. This fight will give me the opportunity to display the full range of my skill set. I’m diligent in my preparation and I take pride in my work and performance. My goal is to hold the NEF title at 170-pounds and defend it.

Naujosios Anglijos Kovų’ kitas mišrių kovos menų renginys, “NEF 42: Sunaikinimo simfonija,” vyks šeštadienį, Vasaris 8, 2020 „Merrill“ auditorijoje Portlande, Meino. Bilietai parduodami dabarwww.PortTix.com.

Apie New England Kovų

Naujosios Anglijos Kovų ("NEF") yra kova renginiai akcijas bendrovė. NEF misija yra sukurti aukščiausios kokybės renginius tiek kovotojams, tiek sirgaliams. NEF vykdomoji komanda turi didelę patirtį Kovinis sportas valdymas, Renginiai gamyba, ryšiai su žiniasklaida, prekyba, teisinė ir reklama.


UŽ nedelsiant paleisti: Portlandas, Meino (Gruodis 13, 2019) - Naujosios Anglijos Kovų (NEF) surengs savo kitą mišrią kovos meną (MMA) renginys, “NEF 42: Sunaikinimo simfonija,” šeštadienį, Vasaris 8, 2020 „Merrill“ auditorijoje Portlande. Šiandien anksčiau, NEF announced the addition of an amateur flyweight fight to the card.Kalebas „Dr.. Feelgood “Austinas(3-0) susitiksDillon Henry(0-3) esant kovos svoriui 125 svarų.

Undefeated Caleb Austin returned to NEF this past fall after more than two years. It took Austin just over a minute to pound out a victory over Cory Richards (0-1) at “NEF 40” in September. In November, Austin went into the second round with Ryan Fogg (0-1) before picking up another technical knockout win. With current amateur flyweight champion Nate Boucher (6-3) turning pro at “NEF 42,” Austin will be considered one of the top contenders to the vacant strap should he get past Henry.

Success in athletics is nothing new to Caleb Austin. He put together an impressive record of 208-11 wrestling for Mountain Valley High School in Rumford, Maine and won state titles at 126 pounds his junior and senior years. The Lewiston Sun Journal named Austin the “Wrestler of the Year” in 2017. After graduation, Austin continued wrestling while attending the University of Southern Maine. He currently represents Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) of Lewiston, Meino.

“The amount of support that I’ve received since September when I made my return to the MMA cage has been humbling,” said Austin. “I’m in the gym and running every single day with February on my mind. Going 2-0 this fall season was great, but I’ve got bigger things in front of me for 2020. I will win the NEF Flyweight Championship next year and Dillon Henry is just the next obstacle in front of me on my way toward that goal. I want to win more quickly and more cleanly every time I get in the cage. It’s an honor every time I get to fight in front of the NEF fans—and I can’t wait to do it again at the Merrill Auditorium on February 8th.”

Dillon Henry comes to the cage on February 8 looking for the first win of his amateur career. Henry debuted last February against the aforementioned Nate Boucher who already had six fights under his belt at the time. This past September Henry competed against Stephen Desjardins who came into that bout as a seven-fight veteran. Henry was getting the upper hand against Desjardins until he dislocated his own shoulder throwing a punch in the first round. He currently represents First Class MMA of Brunswick, Meino.

I was going say a lot, but life can take unexpected turns and you start fighting for new reasons,” said Henry.  “I look forward to February 8th, enough said.”

“A fighter is more than his record and Dillon Henry is a great example of that,” noted NEF co-owner and matchmaker Matt Peterson.  “Dillon is always taking tough fights with the goal of getting better as an amateur so that he can eventually make his mark as a pro. Caleb is his next challenge and I’m certain that Dillon will bring the fight and make this a fun one for us as fans. Caleb came in quickly made an impact over the fall season. Can he continue his undefeated streak to start off a new year and a new decade? We’ll find out February 8th.”

Naujosios Anglijos Kovų’ kitas mišrių kovos menų renginys, “NEF 42: Sunaikinimo simfonija,” vyks šeštadienį, Vasaris 8, 2020 „Merrill“ auditorijoje Portlande, Meino. Bilietai parduodami dabarwww.PortTix.com.

Apie New England Kovų

Naujosios Anglijos Kovų ("NEF") yra kova renginiai akcijas bendrovė. NEF misija yra sukurti aukščiausios kokybės renginius tiek kovotojams, tiek sirgaliams. NEF vykdomoji komanda turi didelę patirtį Kovinis sportas valdymas, Renginiai gamyba, ryšiai su žiniasklaida, prekyba, teisinė ir reklama.


UŽ nedelsiant paleisti: Portlandas, Meino (Gruodis 12, 2019) - Naujosios Anglijos Kovų (NEF) surengs savo kitą mišrią kovos meną (MMA) renginys, “NEF 42: Sunaikinimo simfonija,” šeštadienį, Vasaris 8, 2020 „Merrill“ auditorijoje Portlande. Šiandien anksčiau, NEF announced the addition of an amateur lightweight fight to the card.Mohammad Al Kinani(7-1) imsisJustin Middleton (1-0) esant kovos svoriui 155 svarų.

Mohammad Al Kinani is currently the number-one-ranked lightweight amateur in all of New England MMA. He last appeared in the NEF cage in November 2018. Al Kinani holds a perfect record of 3-0 with the promotion and has finished all three opponents in the first round via technical knockout. One of the top prospects in the region, Al Kinani represents Evolution Athletix based in Saco, Meino.

“I’m excited as always to fight in Portland,” noted Al Kinani.  “It’s different fighting in Portland. I have a lot to prove against Justin Middleton February 8th at Merrill Auditorium. Be ready to see a different animal to start up the New Year. Portland is my townmy territory.”

Justin Middleton burst onto the NEF fight scene with an upset victory over Jon Assam (1-2) last month at “NEF 41” in Portland. Middleton came into the bout as the underdog as it was both his debut against the more experienced Assam and Assam represented an established fight team while Middleton was an independent competitor. He submitted Assam via rear-naked choke in the first round. Middleton is a longtime, distinguished, and heavily-decorated Army Ranger that served the United States proudly in Iraq.

“I’m honored to have such a seasoned and accomplished opponent so early in my career,” said Middleton.  “I know that it’s going to be a challenge, and I will be training accordingly. 155 is the optimum performance weight for me, and I will be coming with everything I’ve got. I’m sure Mo and I will give the fans a war.

Naujosios Anglijos Kovų’ kitas mišrių kovos menų renginys, “NEF 42: Sunaikinimo simfonija,” vyks šeštadienį, Vasaris 8, 2020 „Merrill“ auditorijoje Portlande, Meino. Bilietai parduodami dabarwww.PortTix.com.

Apie New England Kovų

Naujosios Anglijos Kovų ("NEF") yra kova renginiai akcijas bendrovė. NEF misija yra sukurti aukščiausios kokybės renginius tiek kovotojams, tiek sirgaliams. NEF vykdomoji komanda turi didelę patirtį Kovinis sportas valdymas, Renginiai gamyba, ryšiai su žiniasklaida, prekyba, teisinė ir reklama.


UŽ nedelsiant paleisti: Portlandas, Meino (Gruodis 10, 2019) - Naujosios Anglijos Kovų (NEF) surengs savo kitą mišrią kovos meną (MMA) renginys, “NEF 42: Sunaikinimo simfonija,” šeštadienį, Vasaris 8, 2020 „Merrill“ auditorijoje Portlande. Šiandien anksčiau, NEF announced the addition of a professional catchweight fight to the card.Nate “Backpack” Boucher bus padaryti savo profesinę debiutavo prieš“Sleepy” Norman Fox (0-1) ne kova svorio 130 svarų.

2019 was a banner year for Boucher. He finished his amateur career with a stellar 6-3 record and captured NEF’s amateur flyweight title at “NEF 41” last month in what would be his final amateur fight. Boucher has won his last four fights in a row – all by first round rear-naked choke submission. Shortly after his title victory, Boucher engaged in a heated exchange on Facebook with Fox who challenged Boucher to enter the pro ranks to fight him. Boucher was quick to accept the challenge. He currently represents Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) of Lewiston, Meino.

“I closed out 2019 by doing exactly what I said I was going to do,” stated Boucher.  “I went 3-0 and won the New England Fights Amateur Flyweight Title. I planned on taking time off to focus on my unborn child’s arrival. Tačiau, Norman had quite a mouthful to say and asked for the fight. Taip, I did what fighters do and took the fight immediately. Norman is in for a long night on February 8th. I hope for his sake that he fully prepares for this. The way I see it, I was given a gift to kick off my pro career. Thank you to Cure Cannabis and the rest of my loyal sponsors and supporters for helping me get to this point in my career—I look forward to the next level with all of you.”

Norman Fox returns to the NEF cage after a four year hiatus from competition. He was last seen at “NEF 21” in February 2016 in a losing effort in his professional debut. Fox went 4-2 kaip mėgėjų, finishing his opponents in all four of his wins. Fox is currently a member of First Class MMA based in Brunswick, Meino.

Nate is one-dimensional,” declared Fox.  “All he can do is wrestle. If he doesn’t immediately shoot for a takedown, he will as soon as my hands touch his face. I’m dangerous everywhere. If he does get the fight to the ground, he will regret it.

The catchweight bout joins an already star-studded lineup on the professional portion of the card. Previously announced for “NEF 42” is a five-round professional lightweight title fight between former NEF champion and World Series of Fighting veteranBruce "Pretty Boy" Boyington (17-11) and WEC and UFC veteranJosh “The Fluke” Grispi(14-5).  Another lightweight fight announced for “NEF 42” will feature two Maine fan-favorites as reigning NEF Professional Featherweight ChampionJosh “Hook On” Harvey(7-0-1) kelia savo undefeated rekordą prieš linijaJesse “The Viking” Erickson (9-8) in a non-title encounter. And Bellator veteranDominic “Domnation” Jones (2-3) irCarl Langstonas (0-4) will square off in a professional featherweight contest.

Naujosios Anglijos Kovų’ kitas mišrių kovos menų renginys, “NEF 42: Sunaikinimo simfonija,” vyks šeštadienį, Vasaris 8, 2020 „Merrill“ auditorijoje Portlande, Meino. Bilietai parduodami dabarwww.PortTix.com.


Las Vegasas, NV – LFA has signed an international distribution deal with FIGHT GLOBE to distribute its content to the international public as announced by the industry leader for independent distribution of MMA and kickboxing content. FIGHT GLOBE will distribute LFA’s content outside of the United States and Canada, allowing an international audience to experience MMA in its purest form.

I am excited to announce the partnership between LFA and FIGHT GLOBE,” stated Ed Soares, CEO of LFA. “LFA is the world’s #1 premier developmental organization in MMA and FIGHT GLOBE is one of the world’s largest independent distributors of MMA content. This will help grow the LFA brand on a global scale, while giving our fighters worldwide visibility.

FIGHT GLOBE is a worldwide leader for the distribution of MMA and kickboxing content with offices located in The Netherlands, United Arab Emirates, and Malaysia. It owns, manages, and distributes television media rights with a sterling reputation among sports federations, rengėjai, and rights holders from around the world. FIGHT GLOBE represents some of the most influential combat sports events from all over the globe.

We are very excited for this new partnership with LFA,” stated Sabine Kesseler, CEO of FIGHT GLOBE. “LFA is one of the Top MMA promoters in the United States with a great roster of professional fighters. Daugiau, their event production is always on point and we are very proud to work with them.

Į 2017, RFA and Legacy FC merged to form LFA, the premier developmental organization in Mixed Martial Arts. The combined forces of LFA launched the careers of over 170 sportininkai, kurie pasiekė MMA viršūnę konkuruojančių UFC.  Gegužės 2018, the promotion joined the London Trust Media Holdings group of companies. Lapkričio 2019 the promotion announced a broadcast partnership with UFC FIGHT PASS®.
Prašome apsilankytiLFA.com for bout updates and information. LFA is on Facebook atPalikimas Kova aljansąLFA is also on Instagram at@LFAfighting ir "Twitter" ne@LFAfighting.

About LFA:LFA is a professional Mixed Martial Arts promotion that gives rising stars and top contenders the opportunity to prove their talent to fans and leaders in the industry. LFA was formed by the powerhouse merger between RFA and Legacy FC. LFA presents live Mixed Martial Arts events on a monthly basis around the United States to markets including Atlanta, Minneapolis, Dalasas, Denveris, "Phoenix", Las Vegas and Los Angeles. Remiantis Las Vegase, NV,  LFA is one of the most active and respected MMA organizations in the fastest growing sport in the world.About FIGHT GLOBE:FIGHT GLOBE (FightGlobe.com), an Athletic Sports Group company, is the number one independent distributor of MMA and kickboxing content worldwide. It owns, manages and distributes television media rights and has established an exemplary track record in distributing TV and media rights for sports federations, promoters and rights holders. FIGHT GLOBE represents some of the most popular and influential combat sports events from all over the globe. Annually FIGHT GLOBE distributes over 300 live combat sports programming, ancillary fight sports content and hundreds of hours of archived content to broadcasters, in more than 150 countries across the world reaching 1 billion-plus households.About LONDON TRUST MEDIA:London Trust Media is a diversified business focused on the Internet and media industriesbringing the Internet back to its original state and bringing power back to the people. London Trust Media runs the leading no-log VPN service provider in the world Private Internet Access (PIA) as well as Kore Asian Media, Linux Journal, freenode, Snoonet, JOG, BlockExplorer, and Provocateur. Please visit their website atlondontrustmedia.com Daugiau informacijos.


Visos kovos nuotraukos čia

Bellator 234: Kharitonov prieš. Vassell Pagrindinė kortelė

Sunkiojo Bout: Linton Vassell (19-8, 1 NC) nugalėjo Sergejus Kharitonov (30-8, 2 NC) per TKO (streikai) į 3:15 apvaliųjų 2

Lengvas Bout: Sidney Outlaw (14-3) nugalėjo Rogeris Huerta (24-12-1, 1 NC) per vieningu sprendimu (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)

Lengvas Bout: Aviv Gozali (4-0) nugalėjo Zaka Fatullazade (14-9) pateikimas (anaconda choke) į 0:56 apvaliųjų 1

Negu vidutinis svoris Bout: Haim Gozali (12-6) nugalėjo Artur Pronin (16-4) per pateikimo (kulnas kablys) į 4:12 apvaliųjų 1

Artimieji Bout: Ostinas Vanderfordas (9-0) nugalėjo Gračikas Bozinyanas (10-4) per vieningu sprendimu (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

Preliminari kortelė

Lengvas Bout: Sineadas Kavanaghas (6-4) nugalėjo Olga Rubin (6-2) per TKO (streikai) į 4:37 apvaliųjų 2

Negu vidutinis svoris Bout: Robson Gracie Jr. (3-0) nugalėjo Ameer Bashir (0-2) per pateikimo (trikampis droselis) į 4:39 apvaliųjų 1

Sunkiojo Bout: Adam Keresh (4-0) nugalėjo Vladimir Fedin (15-6, 1 NC) per TKO (streikai) į 3:29 apvaliųjų 1

Negu vidutinis svoris Bout: Shimon Smotritsky (6-0) nugalėjo Illia Hladkii (3-1) per TKO (streikai) į 2:10 apvaliųjų 1

Lengvas Bout: Vuqar Keramov (14-3) nugalėjo Gustavo Wurlitzer (22-24, 1 NC) per KO (strike) į 1:29 apvaliųjų 1

157-LB. Contract Weight Bout: Kirilas Medvedovskis (12-7) nugalėjo Akhmed Fararzha (6-2) per pateikimo (giljotina) į 0:46 apvaliųjų 2

Gaidys Bout: Raz Bring (5-2) nugalėjo Naziri Daniliuk (2-2, 1 NC) per vieningu sprendimu (30-26, 30-27, 29-28)

Lengvas Bout: Mikail Dulgher (4-1) nugalėjo Ofir Leibel (0-1) per vieningu sprendimu (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)

Gaidys Bout: Ron Becker (4-2) nugalėjo Artem Kazartsev (0-2) per TKO (streikai) į 2:57 apvaliųjų 1

Gaidys Bout: Ben Cohen (1-0) nugalėjo Maksym Tkachuk (0-1) per pateikimo (galinio nuogas droselis) į 3:19 apvaliųjų 1

Šviesos Sunkiojo Bout: Eli Aronov (4-0) nugalėjo Sari Hleihil (2-4) per vieningu sprendimu (30-26, 30-26, 28-27)

Musė Bout: Itay Lipszyc (1-0) nugalėjo Itzik Yakobov (0-1) per pateikimo (straight ankle lock) į 2:51 apvaliųjų 1

220-LB. Contract Weight Bout: Noam Voldman (1-5) nugalėjo Nisim Rozalis (0-2) per split sprendimą (30-27, 28-29, 29-28)

Lengvas Bout: Itay Tratner (1-0-1) vs. Elias Mamadov (1-1-1, 1 NC) ends in a split draw (28-27, 28-29, 28-28)

Negu vidutinis svoris Bout: Tomer Maslis (1-0) nugalėjo David Malka (0-1) per TKO (streikai) į 1:32 apvaliųjų 3

*Please note that a preliminary welterweight bout between Nika Ben Tuashy (2-0) ir Rafael Aronov (1-3) was cancelled due to injury.


UŽ nedelsiant paleisti: Portlandas, Meino (Lapkritis 10, 2019) - Naujosios Anglijos Kovų (NEF) held its most recent mixed-martial-arts (MMA) renginys, “NEF 41: Collision Course,” on Saturday night at Aura in Portland. Four titles were decided on a thirteen-fight card held before a capacity audience.

Į pagrindinį renginį, Cara Greenwell (10-4) played the role of spoiler, winning the NEF Amateur Women’s Strawweight Championship with a unanimous decision over Bangor, MeinoGlory “The Fury” Watson (6-1).  Greenwell came all the way from Oklahoma for the fight. It is the first blemish on the previously-undefeated Watson’s amateur record.

“Killa” Kam Arnold (6-1) retained the NEF Amateur Bantamweight strap with a devastating second-round knockout ofWalt Shea(3-2) in the evening’s co-main event. It was Arnold’s second successful defense of the title and the sixth knockout victory of his amateur career.

Zacas „Rocky“ Richardas(5-2-1) captured the NEF Amateur Lightweight Title with a unanimous decision win over“Magic” Mike Murray(2-1).  The fight went back and forth for five grueling rounds and looked at one point like the doctor at cageside would stop the bout due to an injury on Richard’s knee. The fight continued, tačiau, and Richard pulled out the win on the judges’ scorecards.

Nate Boucher (6-3) nugalėjoSteve Desjardins (5-4) via submission in the first round to become the new NEF Amateur Flyweight Champion. The win was Boucher’s fourth in a row.

In addition to the fights, NEF announced that its first event of 2020 would take place on February 8 as the promotion debuts at the 1900-seat Merrill Auditorium in Portland. The show is titled “NEF 42: Symphony of Destruction” and tickets went on sale Saturday night atwww.PortTix.com

Already announced for “NEF 42” is a five-round professional lightweight title fight between former NEF championBruce "Pretty Boy" Boyington (17-11) and WEC and UFC veteranJosh “The Fluke” Grispi(14-5).  Boyington has not fought in his home state of Maine in two years, while Grispi has been absent from competition since his release from the UFC in 2013. Boyington previously held the promotion’s lightweight title before vacating it to sign with the World Series of Fighting.

Another lightweight fight announced for “NEF 42” will feature two Maine fan-favorites asJosh “Hook On” Harvey(7-0-1) kelia savo undefeated rekordą prieš linijaJesse “The Viking” Erickson (9-8).  Harvey is the reigning NEF Pro Featherweight Champion and one of the top prospects in the entire country. Erickson will be looking to bounce back from a loss last summer in his attempt to capture the lightweight strap.

A third pro fight was announced for “NEF 42” that will feature localsDominic “Domnation” Jones (2-3) irCarl Langstonas (0-4).  Jones most recently competed for global promotion Bellator on a fight card in Connecticut. Langston, after a solid amateur career, will be looking for his first professional win in front of his hometown crowd.

The official results from Portland, Meino:

Cara Greenwell def. Glory Watson via unanimous decision
Kam Arnold def. Walt Shea via knockout, turas 2
Zac Richard def. Mike Murray via unanimous decision
Nate Boucher def. Steve Desjardins via tap to rear-naked choke, turas 1
Solomon Spigel def. George Pissimissis via technical submission, turas 1
Joe Howard def. Jesse Fitzsimmons via doctor stoppage, turas 1
Greg Ishihara def. Dylan Williams via technical knockout, turas 1
Justin Middleton def. Jon Assam via tap to rear-naked choke, turas 1
Brian Cosco def. Clifford Redman via technical submission, turas 1
Caleb Austin def. Ryan Fogg via technical knockout, turas 2
Nate White def. Austin Hamilton via technical knockout, turas 1
Brandon Maillet-Fevens def. Tyler Knights via tap to rear-naked choke, turas 2
Chandler Chapman def. Tim Bergeron via unanimous decision

Naujosios Anglijos Kovų’ kitas mišrių kovos menų renginys, “NEF 42: Sunaikinimo simfonija,” vyks šeštadienį, Vasaris 8, 2020 „Merrill“ auditorijoje Portlande, Meino. Bilietai parduodami dabarwww.PortTix.com.

Apie New England Kovų

Naujosios Anglijos Kovų ("NEF") yra kova renginiai akcijas bendrovė. NEF misija yra sukurti aukščiausios kokybės renginius tiek kovotojams, tiek sirgaliams. NEF vykdomoji komanda turi didelę patirtį Kovinis sportas valdymas, Renginiai gamyba, ryšiai su žiniasklaida, prekyba, teisinė ir reklama.