Категорија Архива: мешани боречки вештини


ЛОС АНЏЕЛЕС – Bellator MMA and Pluto TV, ViacomCBS companies, today announced that they have partnered to launch an exclusive channel on Pluto TV with iconic, action-packed past matches showcasing legendary talent and champions all from Bellator’s extensive library of content. The Bellator MMA channel on Pluto TV officially launched today with nonstop, adrenaline-rich entertainment and can be found in the “Sports” category on the leading, free streaming television service in the US.

The Bellator MMA channel on Pluto TV will debut with more than 500 fights from Bellator’s vast collection of past events. Fans will see historic bouts featuring current world champions Рајан Бадер,Даглас Лима, Patricio “Pitbull” и Ilima-Леи Macfarlane, as well as other iconic names and top talent in the sport, Вклучувајќи Fedor Emelianenko, Мајкл Чендлер, Gegard Mousasi,Квинтон "дивеење" Џексон, A.J. Меки, Бенсон Хендерсон, Jake Hager, Мајкл "отровот" Page и Chael Sonnen.

The Bellator MMA channel on Pluto TV can be accessed directly by clicking here: https://pluto.tv/live-tv/bellator-mma

“I am excited for the launch of the Bellator MMA channel on Pluto TV that will feature unlimited access to our extensive content library,” said Bellator President Scott Coker. “This is a great way to increase the promotion’s visibility across additional ViacomCBS platforms, while giving our fans the opportunity to relive these incredible moments from inside the Bellator cage.”

“We are excited to welcome a renowned and respected mixed martial arts organization like Bellator MMA to Pluto TV. Being a part of the ViacomCBS organization affords us unique access to a coveted portfolio of premium brands and properties with built-in fanbases, like Bellator, that further differentiates the types of programming we can stream on Pluto TV,” states Amy Kuessner, SVP of Content Strategy & Global Partnerships at Pluto TV. “The launch of Bellator MMA as an exclusive channel on Pluto TV brings free and easy access to millions of new and existing fans, with premium content that is guaranteed to really pack a punch.”

Pluto TV offers hundreds of channels and thousands of movies and television series on-demand to a domestic audience of over 24 million users. Со повеќе 100,000 hours of premium content available on the platform, Pluto TV is available across all major mobile, connected TV and web-based devices and has a global footprint spanning three continents across 22 земји.

Ве молиме посетете ја Pluto.tv и Bellator.com За дополнителни информации.




Bellator 242: Bandejas vs. Pettis Главната картичка:
Sergio Pettis (20-5) поразен Ricky Bandejas (13-4) преку едногласна одлука (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
Jason Jackson (12-4) поразен Мои Џордан (31-13) преку едногласна одлука (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
Jay Jay Wilson (6-0) поразен Тајван Клакстон (6-2) преку Сплит одлука (30-27, 27-30, 29-28)
Арон Пико (6-3) поразен Solo Hatley, Џуниор. (8-3) преку поднесување (задните гол задави) на 2:10 на првиот круг

Прелиминарните картички:
Марк Лемингер (1-1) поразен Jake Smith (7-4) преку TKO (штрајкови) на 4:46 на вториот круг
Raufeon Stots (14-1) поразен Cass Bell (5-1) преку поднесување (задните гол задави) на 1:24 на три тркалезни
Рас Хилтон (6-4) поразен Rudy Schaffroth (6-2, 1 Соединетите Американски Држави) преку едногласна одлука (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

Ве молиме посетете ја Bellator.com За дополнителни информации.



ЛОС АНЏЕЛЕС - Белатор со задоволство објавува повеќе претстојни настани што треба да се одржат во Мохеган Сан Арената во Некасвил, Конектикат., Вклучувајќи Bellator 243 во петокот, Август. 7, Bellator 244 во петокот, Август. 21 и Bellator 245 во петокот, Седум. 11.

Bellator 243 гледа поранешни светски шампиони Мајкл Чендлер (20-5) и Бенсон Хендерсон (28-8) се соочи уште еднаш во кафезот Белатор скоро четири години по нивната прва незаборавна средба, Многу очекуваниот реванш на главниот настан во лесна категорија се емитува во петок, Август. 7 на Мрежа на Парамаунт и ДАЗН на 10 вечер. И од Мохеган Сан Арена во Некасвил, Конектикат.

Во ко-главниот настан на картичката, повеќегодишен претендент во тешка категорија Мет Mitrione (13-7, 1 Соединетите Американски Држави) ќе го преземе тешкиот удар Тимотеј Џонсон (13-6) во возбудлив натпревар кој најверојатно нема да оди на резултатите на судиите.

Bellator 243: Чендлер vs. Хендерсон 2 се емитува во живо на Paramount Network и DAZN во петок, Август 7 на 10 вечер. И / 21 часот. КТ. Настанот ќе се емитува и во живо на Sky Sports во Велика Британија. Прелиминарната акција ќе продолжи YouTube канал на Bellator MMA.

Остварување на својот 23-ти промотивен настап за Белатор, „Ironелезниот“ Мајкл Чендлер ќе има можност да ги замолкне своите критичари и да докаже дека е ноември 19, 2016 поделената одлука за победа над Хендерсон не беше ништо. После победите во секоја од неговите први 12 професионални борби, истакнато со неговата прва освојување светска титула во лесна категорија Белатор и неколку успешни одбрани на титулата, високиот гребен, Роден во Мисури брзо се прослави во класа од 155 фунти. 34-годишниот фудбалер на крајот би собрал рекламен рекорд, три лесни категории титули, кои вклучуваат три успешни одбрани. Победи во три од неговите претходни пет реванши во кариерата, вклучувајќи пар победи во светска титула во лесна категорија Patricky питбул и Брент Први, на 2009 Се-американски борач на НЦАА дивизија I на Универзитетот во Мисури ќе се обиде да додаде на тој вкупен и да ги потсети сите за што е способен поранешниот шампион.

Борба надвор од Глендејл, Аризона., „Мазниот“ повторно ќе добие одмазда со неговиот долгогодишен ривал Чендлер, следејќи повеќе обиди за закажување на борбата во текот на изминатата година. Очекувано реваншот првично требаше да се одржи на новогодишната ноќ на Ризин.20 во Јапонија, пред Хендерсон да биде принуден да се повлече поради повреда здобиена на тренинг. Неколку месеци подоцна, двајцата поранешни светски шампиони во лесна категорија требаше да се соочат во главниот настан по враќањето на Белатор во Ветровитиот град во јуни 6, пред глобалната пандемија да доведе до уште едно одложување. Сега, производот на МЛА лабораторијата ќе се обиде да го реши резултатот и да ја собере својата петта последователна победа на пат до последното туркање на ременот од 155 фунти на Белатор. Со половина од неговите 28 победи во кариерата дојде со нокаут или поднесување, 36-годишниот поранешен светски шампион во лесна категорија УФЦ и ВЕЦ ќе има за цел да ги смири сите сомнежи и да го заврши својот немисис на нагласен начин во август 7.

Откако првично беше закажано да се соочи Рони Markes на Bellator 241 во март пред пандемијата, Мет Митриона сега треба да го запознае Johnонсон, натпреварувач кој претпочита да ја одржува борбата исправена. Пред неговата кариера во ММА, 41-годишниот жител на Илиноис беше издвоен одбранбен крај на Универзитетот Пурдју, кој потоа заработи пат во НФЛ, играјќи шест сезони како член на iaујорк гигант и Минесота Викингс. На крајот се најде во ММА каде стана конкурент на високо ниво како што е денес, победувајќи ги доцните Kimbo сечете, Дерик Луис,Рој Нелсон и Fedor Emelianenko.

Тешка обложувалница која доаѓа во неговиот последен меч со Тајрел Фортун на Bellator 239, Тимоти Johnонсон шокираше многумина кога го заврши непоразениот натпреварувач пет години помлад од него нагласи нокаут на ролна во рамката за отворање. Победата беше прва за борецот Xtreme Couture во кафезот Белатор, кој потпиша со промоцијата во 2018 по седум излегувања во УФЦ. Со импресивна завршна ознака на 10 запира во неговиот 13 победи како професионален, Johnонсон ќе бара да оствари уште една импресивна прошетка кога ќе се врати во акција следниот месец.

Ажурирано Bellator 243: Чендлер vs. Хендерсон 2 Главната картичка:
Парамаунт мрежа и ДАЗН
10 вечер. И / 21 часот. КТ

Лесен главен настан: Мајкл Чендлер (20-5) наспроти. Бенсон Хендерсон (28-8)
Ко-главен настан во тешка категорија: Мет Mitrione (13-7, 1 Соединетите Американски Држави) наспроти. Тимотеј Џонсон (13-6)

*Картичката е предмет на промена.

Ве молиме посетете ја Bellator.com За дополнителни информации.

Royce Gracie Hosts Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Seminar Live Today at 3 вечер. PST / 6 вечер. EST on Bellator MMA’s Social Channels

Today at 3 вечер. PST / 6 вечер. EST on Bellator MMA’s social channels, one of the most influential MMA fighters of all-time, Ројс Gracie, will be teaching a Brazilian jiu-jitsu seminar.

The event will begin promptly on Facebook, Твитер, Instagram and YouTube.


Лас Вегас, Н.В.. (Април 13, 2020): Contenders Clothing is proud to announce the creation of the Fighting for Fighters Fund, a new program that will put money directly, and immediately, into the hands of professional fighters affected by the current Covid-19 crisis.

With combat sports across the United States being suspended indefinitely, many fighters who earn a living competing professionally are self-employed contractors leaving them out of work and not eligible for state unemployment. While there is money earmarked for contract workers under the Cares Act, funds have been hard to, if not impossible, to access, leaving many working class fighters in dire need of assistance.

While some well-known apparel companies are donating to large and mostly worldwide health organizations, we’ve yet to see any company directly help fighters,” said Contenders Chief Executive Officer, Jonathan Snyder.

We have been embraced by professional fighters of all levels who have worn our boxer briefs and t-shirts at weigh ins and we truly consider anyone who wears us as part of our family. They’ve had our back and now it’s time to have theirs.

Funding for Fighting for Fighters will come from the sales of an exclusive, ‘Go The Social Distancet-shirt created specifically as a fundraiser for the program. Во прилог, Contenders Clothing is giving 10% of every single sale throughout the entire month of April at www.contendersclothing.com directly into the fund.

Payments will go out the first week of May and will be divided equally from the overall amount Fighting for Fighters raises between all eligible fighters.

We’ve come to find that fighters are special people in and out of the ring and not enough people understand their sacrifice. Ако Fighting for Fighters can literally buy groceries for a fightersfamily for a week or pay a utility bill at a time when they desperately need it, then we will consider it a success.

If you are an active professional fighter based in the United States whose income has been affected by the Covid-19 crisis please sign up at:

If you’d like to purchase the Go the Social Distance t-shirt and have all proceeds go to the Fighting for Fighters Fund, please head to:

Contenders Clothing’s boxer brief line, which contains the first ever officially licensed Muhammad Ali and Rocky collections, has been a favorite of professional boxers at weigh-ins since launching in 2018. From world champions such as Tyson Fury to up and coming contenders and prospects, Contenders has been at the forefront of the world of boxing apparel.

Fight Club, Contenders Clothing’s endorsement program, was established in 2019. With a focus on working class and inspirational fighters, Contenders Fight Club has already seen one of it’s athletes, Andrew Cancio, win a world title in a massive upset. In addition to the announcement of current #1 contender and former world champion Jessie Magdaleno joining Contenders Fight Club last month, Contenders is continuing it’s commitment to the boxing industry with plans on announcing several new signees throughout 2020 that represent the future of the sport.

За повеќе информации посетете ја страницата: www.contendersclothing.com
For any further information on Contenders’Fighting for Fighters Fund – please drop us a line atchris@contendersclothing.com and we will get right back in touch. Thanks in advance for your support and helping spread the word.
Follow Contenders Clothing on Social Media!     

Bellator MMA Statement on May Events

Due to the ongoing safety concerns surrounding the COVID-19 outbreak, as well as current federal, state and local government mandates, Bellator MMA officials today have announced that three upcoming live events scheduled for May have been postponed.

These events include:

  • Bellator 242 – May 9 во Сан Хозе, Калифорнија.
  • Bellator European Series London – May 16 во Лондон
  • Bellator 243 – May 29 in Temecula, Калифорнија.

The organization will continue to monitor the situation closely and fully intends to reschedule the events as soon as possible.

Како и секогаш, the health and safety of our athletes, фанови, partners and staff remains our top priority. We appreciate the understanding and patience of everyone involved during this incredibly difficult time.

Refunds for ticketholders to these events, as well as Bellator 241 originally scheduled for March 13 во Мохеганите Сонце Арена, will be available at their original point of purchase.

Ве молиме посетете јаBellator.com За дополнителни информации.

Taking Fitness to the Digital Age

од страна на: Kas Andz

WhatsApp pings 10am …”Hi, this is your gym, due to coronavirus the gym has been shut down until further notice”.

If you’re like me, and you need that runner’s high to keep your body and mind in check, then the above message was the doomsday scenario. Forget the toilet paper, I need my weights!

That’s for me, a gym goerwhat about the personal trainers, the MMA fighters, the wrestlers, the boxers that earn their livelihoods on everything that Covid-19 forces us not to?

These professions may not be an “essential service” like ambulance drivers and supermarkets, but these professionals are an essential service for the days to come for the mind, тело, and soul of everyone, especially during an epidemic are becoming more and more essential by the day, even by the hour.

The good news isdigital communication of physical arts is NOT a new thing. Workout videos, wrestling and MMA fighting have all been digitized starting from TV spots, YouTube and just about anywhere you can find a screen.

First step is to ask yourself, how have you been offering your services until now?

Сега, can you replicate that in front of a camera

Сега, can you use a computer and put things on a membership site?
(check this out https://www.capterra.com/sem-compare/membership-management-software)

Еј! You got a business!

Almost any educational based service, even physical can be digitized and presented. Не, it’s not going to be AS good as the real stuff and no, you can’t expect your clients to have the equipment that the gym does

But here’s the tricky part and here’s the difference between a successful campaign and one that isn’t…

First thing to understand is, people will pay for value, especially in this era when spending has to be done well. So let’s do it well

Option A: The tone down. Equipment is mostly inaccessible, so change up your training program to not need those fancy pieces. Ask yourself, what can you swap in or out of the routine and still get the impact you’re looking for?

A stairmaster can be replaced by stairs, weights can be replaced by stones (carefully).

If you make your training videos with these toned down equipment, making it something that everyone can do, on any budget, you got yourself a winner.

This is also the opportunity to combine in other services that work together such as nutrition during isolation. An endless level of opportunity, perhaps even more than normal.

Option B: The UpsellPeople don’t have these equipment, why not get it to them. All stores are suffering. Reach out to these stores and factories and strike a deal that you will help facilitate sales for them.

In turn, you advertise a special discounted deal on the best equipment. All the while you begin earning commission points on these sales. A true win-win for everyone. If you need help with your digital marketing, chat with these guys.

Keep in mind your audience, its demographic and how it’s marketed.

I know these are new-age types of marketing tactics for the down to earth gym goer, these are the times we have to learn to adapt and changeor disappear.


Orono, Мејн (Март 20, 2020) - Нова Англија бори (NEF) announced today that the fight promotion’s next mixed-martial-arts (МЛД) Настанот, "NEF 43: Дивеење,” has been rescheduled to Saturday, Јуни 13, 2020. Настанот, which will originate from the Collins Center for the Arts on the University of Maine’s flagship Orono campus, was originally scheduled to be held on April 18. Event organizers, Меѓутоа, have decided to reschedule to June 13 based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) recent recommendation that all events and gatherings consisting of 50 people or more be postponed for at least eight weeks due to concerns surrounding the COVID-19 coronavirus contagion.

Претходно денеска, NEF released the following statement from its owners Nick DiSalvo and Matt Peterson via its Facebook page:

Due to ongoing concerns surrounding the coronavirus and public gatherings, NEF 43 has been re-scheduled to Saturday, Јуни 13, 2020, at the Collins Center for the Arts in Orono. Doors will open at 6 pm and first fight will be at 7 часот.

For tickets purchased through a fighter (or for those who plan to purchase tickets through a fighter): All tickets printed with the April 18 date will be honored at the door on June 13. If you cannot attend the event on the new date of June 13, please contact the fighter that originally sold you the ticket.

For tickets purchased through the CCA box officeAll tickets printed with the April 18 date will be honored at the door on June 13. If you cannot attend the event on the new date of June 13, please email the box office atccatix@maine.eduYou may also call 207.581-1755 and leave a message. The box office will take refund requests until next Friday, Март 27, 2020, на 5 pm EDT.

Thank you all for your patience and continued support as we continue to monitor and adjust to this unprecedented situation. We wish all of our fans, борци, staff, and friends good health and safety at this difficult time.

– Ник DiSalvo & Мет Петерсон

Нова Англија бори’ next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 43: Дивеење,” ќе се одржи во сабота, Јуни 13, 2020, at the Collins Center for the Arts at UMaine Orono. Билетите се во продажба сега воwww.CollinsCenterfortheArts.com.  


ЗА ОБЈАВУВАЊЕ ВЕДНАШ: Orono, Мејн (Март 12, 2020) - Нова Англија бори (NEF) will present its next mixed-martial-arts (МЛД) event at the Collins Center for the Arts on the University of Maine’s flagship Orono campus. The event, titled “NEF 43: Дивеење,” will take place on Saturday, Април 18, 2020, with a bell-time of 7 pm EDT. Earlier today, the fight promotion announced the addition of an amateur strawweight bout to the card.BJ Garceau(1-1) се планира да се соочи соFatima Kline(1-0) at a fight weight of 115 фунти.

BJ Garceau will enter the NEF cage for the third and final time on April 18. Garceau, who was diagnosed with Type-1 juvenile diabetes in 1993, made headlines with her amateur debut and became an inspiration to many. She defeated Sarah Ziehm (1-2) via split decision at “NEF 32” in February 2018. Garceau returned to the cage later that year, losing to Chelsea Tucker (3-3) in the third round of an “NEF 36” contest. Garceau is a product of Young’s MMA based in Bangor, Мејн

“I’m so excited to be back in the cage in my hometown, for what will be my final fight this April,” said Garceau.  “I want to be able to leave my old stomping grounds with my hand held high at the end and walk away with a win for my fans, пријатели, семејство, тренери, team and myself. I’ll give it everything I’ve got one last time and this will be a fight you don’t want to miss. With that being said, I am beyond grateful for my opponent taking on the fight and every opportunity Young’s MMA, NEF and everyone in the mixed martial arts community has given me over the years. Ви благодарам, Ви благодарам, Ви благодарам!"

Fatima Kline will make the trek from her home in Hyde Park, New York for the fight. At just 19-years-old, Kline already holds a purple belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. She made her amateur MMA debut last fall with a unanimous decision win on a card in White Plains, New York. Kline represents Black Hole Jiu-Jitsu based in Wappingers Falls, Њујорк.

“I would like to thank NEF for giving me the opportunity to showcase all of my hard work,” said Kline when reached for comment. “Being that this is my debut fight for the organization, I promise to be at the top of my game come fight night. Ви благодарам, BJ, for accepting this matchup, and I look forward to seeing you in the cage. The one message I would have for the crowd is: be prepared to be entertained.”

Нова Англија бори’ next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 43: Дивеење,” ќе се одржи во сабота, Април 18, 2020, at the Collins Center for the Arts at UMaine Orono. Билетите се во продажба сега воwww.CollinsCenterfortheArts.com.  

За Нова Англија бори

Нова Англија бори ("NEF") е борба настани промоции компанијата. NEF’s mission is to create the highest quality events for fighters and fans alike. Менаџерскиот тим NEF има долгогодишно искуство во борба спортски менаџмент, настани производство, односи со медиумите, маркетинг, правни и рекламирање.


ЗА ОБЈАВУВАЊЕ ВЕДНАШ: Orono, Мејн (Март 11, 2020) - Нова Англија бори (NEF) will present its next mixed-martial-arts (МЛД) event at the Collins Center for the Arts on the University of Maine’s flagship Orono campus. The event, titled “NEF 43: Дивеење,” will take place on Saturday, Април 18, 2020, with a bell-time of 7 pm EDT. Earlier today, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional featherweight bout to the card.Aaron “Relentless” Lacey(6-2) ќе се сретне“Yours Truly” Chris Herd(2-3) at a fight weight of 145 фунти.

It will have been 19 months since the last time Aaron Lacey stepped in the NEF cage as a competitor. Lacey defeated veteran Jon Lemke (7-9) in the main event of “NEF 35” in September 2018. He has not fought since due to an injury suffered later that fall. A former NEF Amateur Featherweight Champion, Lacey started his professional career a perfect 4-0 before going 2-2 in his last four bouts. He will look to make his comeback a successful one on April 18. Lacey represents Young’s MMA based in nearby Bangor, Мејн.

“I’m so super excited to be getting back into my happy place,” exclaimed Aaron Lacey.  “Matt (Петерсон, NEF косопственик и сватовник) worked really hard to get me a fight on this card, and I am beyond grateful! Април 18та ‘Relentless’ returns!"

Lacey противник е, Chris Herd, will make the 1,000-mile trip from his home in Wilmington, North Carolina for the fight. Herd had a stellar amateur career, ќе 5-0 with four knockouts and one submission and capturing a regional championship along the way. Both of his wins as a professional have been first-round finishes with one a technical knockout and the other a submission. Herd currently represents Brunson’s MMA & Fitness based in Wilmington, Северна Каролина.

“No man can touch me without my permission,” said Herd when reached for comment.  “This fight will go where I want it, and I will finish it at will.”

Нова Англија бори’ next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 43: Дивеење,” ќе се одржи во сабота, Април 18, 2020, at the Collins Center for the Arts at UMaine Orono. Билетите се во продажба сега воwww.CollinsCenterfortheArts.com.  

За Нова Англија бори

Нова Англија бори ("NEF") е борба настани промоции компанијата. NEF’s mission is to create the highest quality events for fighters and fans alike. Менаџерскиот тим NEF има долгогодишно искуство во борба спортски менаџмент, настани производство, односи со медиумите, маркетинг, правни и рекламирање.