Kategorija Arhiva: mješovite borilačke vještine


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Bellator 246: Archuleta vs.. Miješati Glavni Card:
Juan Archuleta (25-2) poražen Patchy Mix (13-1) putem jednoglasnom odlukom (49-46, 48-47, 48-47)
Neiman Gracie (10-1) poražen Jon Fitch (32-8-2, 1 NC) putem dostave (peta kuka) na 4:47 od krugu dva
Liz carmouche (14-7) poražen DeAnna Bennett (10-7-1) putem dostave (stražnji goli gušiti) na 3:17 od krugu tri
Keoni Diggs (9-0) poražen Derek Polja (20-11) putem tehničke prijave (stražnji goli gušiti) na 4:59 od krugu tri

Prethodno Card:
Daniel Madrid (18-6) poražen Pat Casey (6-3) preko Splita odlukom (29-28, 28-29, 30-27)
Ti Gwerderu (5-1) poražen Tuco Tokkos (4-2) putem TKO na 1:05 od krugu tri
Davion Franklin (2-0) poražen Ras Hylton (6-5) putem tehničke odluke (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Molimo posjetite Bellator.com za dodatne informacije.


Ovdje dovršite fotografije događaja

Bellator 245: Davis vs. Machida 2 Glavni Card:
Phil Davis (22-5, 1 NC) poražen Lyoto Machida (26-10) preko Splita odlukom (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)
Cat Zingano (11-4) poražen Gabby Holloway (6-6) putem jednoglasnom odlukom (29-27, 30-26, 30-26)
Taylor Johnson (6-1) poražen I Ruth (8-3) putem dostave (peta kuka) na :59 okruglog jedan
Raymond Daniels (2-1, 1 NC) a Peter Stanonik (5-4, 1 NC) ended in a no content (accidental low blow)

Prethodno Card:
Alex Polizzi (7-0) poražen Rafael Carvalho (16-5) jednoglasna odluka (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
Leslie Smith (12-8-1) poražen Amanda Bell (7-7) putem jednoglasnom odlukom (29-28, 29-28. 29-28)
Tyrell Fortune (8-1, 1 NC) a Jack May (11-6, 1 NC) ended in a no content (accidental low blow)
Keith Lee (7-3) poražen Vinicius Zani (11-7) putem jednoglasnom odlukom (29-28, 29-28, 30-27)

Molimo posjetite Bellator.com za dodatne informacije.




LOS ANGELES-Bellator MMA, vodeća promocija mješovitih borilačkih vještina u vlasništvu ViacomCBS-a, aCBS Sports Networknajavili su uzbudljivo novo partnerstvo koje će uživo vidjeti događaje organizacije koji će se prikazivati ​​u 24-satnom domu CBS Sportsa početkom ove jeseni.

CBS Sports Network će prenositi Bellator događaje, i domaće i međunarodne, UŽIVO u svim SAD-u. Tržišta, dok će preliminarni matchupovi strujati na CBSSports.com i YouTube kanalu Bellator MMA. Dodatni detalji bit će objavljeni naknadno.

Za početak novog partnerstva, CBS Sports Network uživo će prenositi Bellatorove događaje iz Europe, uključujućiBellator 247četvrtak, Listopada. 1 (4 poslije podne. I) u Milanu, Italija, kao i monumentalniBellator Parisdogađaj u subotu, Listopada. 10 (11:30 a.m. I) u Francuskoj.Bellator 247naslovljen je veteranskom borbom u poluteškoj kategorijiPaul Daley (42-17-2) aDerek Anderson (16-3, 1 NC), dokBellator Parisvidi“MVP” Michael Page (17-1) preuzetiRoss Houston (8-0, 1 NC) u poluteškoj kategoriji iCheick Kongo (30-10-2, 1 NC) liceTim Johnson (14-6) u teškoj borbi.

Prvi praizvedbeni događaj uživo iz SAD-a. održava se u četvrtak, Listopada. 15 (9 poslije podne. I) s masivnom kartom usidrenom u prvoj obrani svjetskog naslova aktualnog prvakaCris "Cyborg" (22-2, 1 NC), koji preuzima AustralijuArlene Blencowe (13-7), naBellator 249iz Mohegan Sun Arene u Uncasvilleu, Conn.

„Uzbuđeni smo što CBS Sports Network služi kao novi dom Bellator MMA događaja. Izvrsna je prilika za predstavljanje nekih od najboljih događaja i najvećih imena u sportu,”Rekao je izvršni potpredsjednik CBS Sportsa za programiranje Dan Weinberg. „Dodavanje Bellator MMA u portfelj CBS Sportsa omogućit će veću promociju, angažman i izloženost na svim našim platformama i sredstvima, uključujući CBS Sports Network, CBSSports.com, Sjedište CBS Sportsa, kao i naši različiti društveni računi. "

“Oduševljen sam što Bellator događaji uživo dolaze na CBS Sports Network počevši od listopada. 1, kao i jedinstvene mogućnosti koje partnerstvo stvara na svim platformama CBS Sportsa,", Rekao je predsjednik Scott Coker Bellator. “CBS Sports sinonim je za kultno sportsko emitiranje i nevjerojatno je sada Bellator MMA uključiti u tu obitelj. Želio bih zahvaliti Paramount mreži, nekada Spike TV, za godine potpore koja je pomogla Bellatoru da uđe u organizaciju koja je danas, i ove vijesti označavaju još jedan uzbudljiv odnos između dva svojstva ViacomCBS. Radujem se što ću donijeti najveće borbe, s najboljim svjetskim sportašima, uživo na CBS Sports Network i predstavljanje Bellatora potpuno novoj publici ove jeseni. "

CBS Sports Network, 24-satna dom DZS Sport, dostupan je putem svih glavnih kabela, satelitske i telco distributeri, kao i putem Ott streaming usluga YouTube TV, fuboTV, DirecTV i Hulu.

Bellator će i dalje producirati sve vlastite događaje uživo, na čelu s izvršnim producentom Scottom Fishmanom.

Druga prvakinja u perolakoj kategoriji žena Bellator u povijesti tvrtke, Cris "Cyborg" dolazi s dominantnim nastupom nad Julijom Budd u siječnju kako bi osvojio svjetsku titulu od 145 kilograma. Već MMA legenda sa 35 godina, "Cyborg" će tražiti daljnje nasljeđe najveće ženske mješovite borilačke vještine svih vremena kada u listopadu upozna Arlene Blencowe. 15. Nakon što je osvojila Bellator pojas u svojoj 12. borbi za naslov u karijeri, "Cyborg" je ušla u povijest postajući svjetskim prvakom u svojoj četvrtoj većoj promociji, prethodno držao pojaseve i u UFC-u i u Strikeforceu. Uz profesionalni dosje od 22-2, 1 NC, uključujući 18 pobjeđuje putem završetka, borac rođen u Brazilu drži pobjede u oštroj konkurenciji kao što je Budd, Holly Holm, Felicia Spencer i Gina Carano.

Pobjedama u šest od posljednjih sedam borbi, uključujući pet nokauta, "Angerfist" se dovela u poziciju da izazove ženski naslov u perolakoj kategoriji. Donoseći jednoglasnu odluku o pobjedi nad Leslie Smith, bivša dvostruka boksačka svjetska prvakinja nastojat će zadržati zamah i položiti svoj prvi MMA naslov. Izvezana za najviše nokauta u povijesti perolake kategorije žene Bellator, lovac iz Novog Južnog Walesa, Australija želi zatražiti isključivo posjedovanje te evidencije, dok prihvaća svoj najteži izazov do danas u Crisu "Cyborg".

Dugogodišnji MMA veteran, Paul Daley se od tada profesionalno natječe 2003, gomilajući se preko 60 borbe u karijeri. Tijekom svog mandata, "Semtex" je polovica nekih od najupečatljivijih napada u MMA povijesti, uključujući inokaut godine nad Brennan Ward u 2017. Nedavno, Nottingham, Englezi su zabilježili uzastopne pobjede nad Erickom Silvom i Saadom Awadom, izvodeći svoj rekord u Bellator MMA na 8-4. Borba iz San Diega, Kalifornija, 30-godišnji Derek Anderson upisat će se 11. nastup za Bellator MMA u potrazi za trećom uzastopnom pobjedom. S 11 njegov 16 pobjede u karijeri dolaze do kraja, "Barbaric" se nada da će zaraditi svoju osmu i prvu svoju promotivnu pobjedu 2020 kampanja.

Trenutno vozi niz pobjeda u tri borbe, Michael je "otrov" Stranica, obožavateljima poznatiji kao „MVP,”Vraća se s namjerom da pokvari debi europske perspektive u poluteškoj kategoriji, Ross Houston. Imajući rekord u karijeri od 17-1, s 14 pobjede koje dolaze zaustavljanjem, ponos London Shootfightera podsjeća ljude zašto je jedan od najuzbudljivijih napadača u cijelom MMA-u. Nakon potpisivanja s Bellatorom u veljači, Škotski Houston debitirat će promotivno protiv jedne od najvećih zvijezda Bellatora u Pageu. "Hitman" planira zadržati svoje 8-0, 1 NC neporaženi rekord netaknut i poboljšati tri pobjede u podnošenju već na njegovo ime koristeći svoje poznate brazilske jiu-jitsu vještine.

Držeći impresivan MMA rekord od 30-10-2, 1 NC, Francuski Cheick Kongo vraća se u akciju nakon borbe za naslov protiv prvaka u teškoj kategoriji Ryana Badera prošlog rujna. Bivši kickboxer od tada ostaje neporažen 2015 i ući će u kavez Bellator na domaćem terenu za revanš protiv poznatog protivnika u teškoj kategoriji Tima Johnsona. Dolazi dominantna TKO pobjeda nad veteranom Mattom Mitrioneom naBellator 243 u kolovozu, Johnson se trebao natjecati po treći put u 2020 tražeći osvetu u revanšu od 2018 protiv Konga. Sada treniram iz Las Vegasa, Johnson je svojim nedavnim pobjedama brzo zaradio svoje mjesto na vrhu Bellator teške kategorije, uključujući virusni nokaut nad glavnim potencijalnim klijentom Tyrell Fortuneom u veljači.

*Borite se protiv karata koje se mogu promijeniti.

Molimo posjetiteBellator.com za dodatne informacije.



Tickets on sale Tuesday, Sedam. 15!

ANĐELI - France has approved the practice of mixed martial arts and has placed the sport under the supervision of the French Boxing Federation (FFB). With these recent government approvals, Bellator is pleased to announce that it will become the first promotion to hold a major MMA event in France with a monumental show on Saturday, Listopad 10, 2020 at Accor Arena in Paris. Bellator Paris će značajka 13 MMA bouts and three boxing matchups.

Among the athletes competing atBellator Paris, 10 French fighters will appear on the card, including the renownedCheick Kongo (30-10-2, 1 NC), protiv koga će se suočitiTim Johnson (14-6) u okršaju teškaša. Dodatno, an exciting welterweight bout betweenMichael “Otrov” Stranica (17-1), obožavateljima poznatiji kao „MVP,” and the debuting undefeatedRoss Houston (8-0,1 NC) is also booked for the event.

Ovom povijesnom događaju bit će dopušten ograničeni broj obožavateljaTickets will be available beginning at 10 a.m. CEST on Tuesday, Rujan 15 naaccorarena.com abellator.fr.

Following the governmental decree, the French Boxing Federation is responsible for the implementation of MMA in France. “If I made the choice to initiate a delegation procedure for MMA, it was for its recognition; it is to liberate, supervise and develop its practice,” indicates the Minister of Sports, Roxana Maracineanu. This is a turning point in the history of French sport, as MMA is a discipline that is enjoying growing success, proven by these events capable of bringing together thousands of people and attracting millions of spectators.


“This is a monumental moment in the history of the sport, as well as our organization, and I am honored that Bellator will promote the very first MMA event in France by a major promotion,", Rekao je predsjednik Scott Coker Bellator. “Many people have worked tirelessly to bring this to fruition, and it would not have been possible without the support of the Minister of Sports, Roxana Maracineanu, as well as the French Kickboxing Federation sanctioning body. I would also like to thank Accor Arena, who have been an incredible venue partner, and I cannot wait for the French fans to be in attendance and join us live for what will be an unforgettable night of action in Paris on Oct 10.”

Držeći impresivan MMA rekord od 30-10-2, 1 NC, Francuski Cheick Kongo vraća se u akciju nakon borbe za naslov protiv prvaka u teškoj kategoriji Ryana Badera prošlog rujna. Bivši kickboxer od tada ostaje neporažen 2015 and will enter the Bellator cage on home soil for a rematch against a familiar opponent in heavyweight contender, Tim Johnson. With the most fights (15) and wins (12) in Bellator heavyweight history, as well as victories over Vitaly Minakov, Mirko Cro Cop, Antoni Hardonk and Matt Mitrione, the Parisian is planning for a successful homecoming on Oct. 10.

On the heels of a dominant TKO victory over veteran Matt Mitrione atBellator 243 u kolovozu, Tim Johnson is set to compete for the third time in 2020 tražeći osvetu u revanšu od 2018 against Cheick Kongo. Sada treniram iz Las Vegasa, Johnson je svojim nedavnim pobjedama brzo zaradio svoje mjesto na vrhu Bellator teške kategorije, uključujući virusni nokaut nad glavnim potencijalnim klijentom Tyrell Fortuneom u veljači. Boasting a career record of 14-6, s 11 coming by way of finish, the Minnesota-born military veteran looks to carry his momentum into a fight that has future world title implications.

Trenutno vozi niz pobjeda u tri borbe, Michael je "otrov" Stranica, obožavateljima poznatiji kao „MVP,”Vraća se s namjerom da pokvari debi europske perspektive u poluteškoj kategoriji, Ross Houston. Imajući rekord u karijeri od 17-1, s 14 pobjede koje dolaze zaustavljanjem, the pride of London Shootfighters looks to remind people why he is one of the most exciting strikers in all of MMA. In addition to his MMA accolades, Page is a 10-time kickboxing world champion and also undefeated as a professional boxer.

After signing with Bellator in February, Scotland’s Ross Houston will make his promotional debut against one of Bellator’s biggest stars in Michael Page. "Hitman" planira zadržati svoje 8-0, 1 NC undefeated record intact and moving one step closer to Bellator gold in the toughest test of his career to date. With three submission victories to his name, Houston’s Brazilian jiu-jitsu skills make him a viable threat if the fight goes to the ground against one of Bellator’s most feared strikers.

Pratite Bellator France na Instagramu@BellatorFrance i na Facebook-uwww.facebook.com/BellatorFrance/.

Molimo posjetitewww.Bellator.fr aBellator.com za dodatne informacije.

AžuriranoBellator ParisKartica:

Heavyweight Feature FightCheick Kongo(30-10-2, 1 NC) vsTim Johnson(14-6)

Velter Igrani Fight: Michael Page(17-1) vsRoss Houston(8-0, 1 NC)

*Kartica podložne promjenama.






LOS ANGELES— For the first timeBellator MMA’s “FightSphere” atMohegan Sun Arena u Uncasville, Conn. will host a stacked doubleheader weekend on Friday, Sedam. 11 and Saturday, Sedam. 12. On night oneBellator 245is headlined by former world champsPhil Davis (21-5, 1 NC) aLyoto Machida (26-9) in a light heavyweight rematch, dokBellator 246on night two sees a bantamweight world championship fight featuring top contenderJuan Archuleta (24-2) taking on the undefeatedPatchy Mix (13-0) for the vacant title.

Two former world title challengers also make their long-awaited Bellator debuts, kaoCat Zingano (10-4) poprimaGabby Holloway (6-5) in a featherweight matchup atBellator 245, dokLiz carmouche (13-7) meets the newly signedDeAnna Bennett (10-6-1) at flyweight during the main card ofBellator 246.

Bellator 245: Davis vs. Machida 2u petak, Sedam. 11 aBellator 246: Archuleta vs.. Miješatiu subotu, Sedam. 12 air live onParamount Network aDAZN na 10 poslije podne. ET/9 p.m. CT. Preliminary action will stream onBellator MMA’s YouTube channel. Additional bouts will be announced in the coming days.

A former Bellator light heavyweight world champion, Phil Davis returns to the Bellator cage for the first time since stoppingKarl Albrektsson naBellator 231 in October of last year. A four-time NCAA D-I All-American wrestler at Penn State University, "G. Wonderful” has earned professional victories over Brian Stann, Alexander Gustafsson, Antonio Rogerio Nogueira, and the man he will face again on Sept. 11, Lyoto Machida. With eight Bellator appearances already, the San Diego-based fighter has his sights set on reclaiming his world title in the sport’s toughest light heavyweight division.

After signing with Bellator in 2018, Lyoto Machida made his highly anticipated promotional debut with a victory over former champRafael CarvalhonaBellator 213and would later go on to defeat the now-retiredChael Sonneninside the famed Madison Square Garden atBellator 222. The former UFC light heavyweight champ, known to fans around the globe as “The Dragon,” owns notable career wins over Tito Ortiz, “Shogun” Rua, Dan Henderson, Rashad Evans and Randy Couture. Having lost to Davis in the first matchup in Brazil, the native ofSalvador, Bahia, Brazil is looking for redemption and a future shot at Bellator gold.

Fresh off of an impressive victory overHenry Corrales naBellator 238 ranije ove godine, Juan Archuleta will look to capture the promotion’s vacant bantamweight strap. Fighting out of Hesperia, Kalifornija, the 32-year-old knockout artist will once again drop down a weight class for a shot at the world title, something he successfully accomplished on four separate occasions while competing for regional promotion King of the Cage (svjetlo velter, lak, flyweight and bantamweight). Following a hard-fought featherweight world title bout withPatricio Pitbull prošlog rujna, “The Spaniard” returns to bantamweight, where he has been undefeated for over five years.

Currently fighting out of Jackson Wink MMA in Albuquerque, N.M., Patchy Mix will make his fourth appearance for Bellator, where he has tallied three first-round submission victories. The 26-year-old Buffalo, N.Y.-native hopes to remain undefeated and build off of his most recent win on New Year’s Eve, which saw “No Love” earn a guillotine choke-submission over Yuki Motoya at Bellator’s co-promotional event with Rizin atRizin.20u Japanu. Prior to his time with the Scott Coker-led promotion, Mix dominated his competition in all nine of his fights with King of the Cage, collecting five first round finishes. Sada, the submission specialist will face the toughest test of his young career, a matchup with the former Bellator featherweight world title contender and a shot at Bellator’s vacant 135-pound strap.

Također najavljeno zaBellator 245“Easy” Ed Ruth (8-2) returns to middleweight against the debutingTaylor “Tombstone” Johnson (5-1) on the main card; current Bellator Kickboxing welterweight world champRaymond “The Real Deal” Daniels(2-1) returns to MMA againstPeter Stanonik(5-4); former middleweight champRafael Carvalho(16-4) kvadrati s neporaženimaAlex “Easy” Polizzi(6-0) u poluteškoj; hard-hitting heavyweightsTyrell Fortune(8-1) aJack May(11-6) sudaraju; “Killa” Keith Lee (6-3) licaDominic “The Honey Badger” Mazzotta (15-3) in a 140-lb. contract weight preliminary matchup.

Također najavljeno zaBellator 246…top welterweight contendersJon Fitch (32-7-2, 1 NC) aNeiman Gracie (9-1) square off in the co-main eventDerek "Stallion" Campos(20-10) aRoger “El Matador” Huerta(24-12-1, 1 NC) go toe-to-toe in a lightweight battle; Jackson Wink MMA heavyweight prospectDavion “The Don” Franklin (1-0) poprimaRas “The Jamaican Shamrock” Hylton (6-4) on the prelims; Hawaii’sTy “Savage” Gwerder(4-1) meets London’sGeorge “Tuco” Tokkos(4-1) in a middleweight contest.

AžuriranoBellator 245: Davis vs. Machida 2Glavni Card:

Paramount Network and DAZN

Petak, Sedam. 11 - 10 poslije podne. ET/9 p.m. CT

Poluteškoj Main Event: Phil Davis(21-5, 1 NC) vsLyoto Machida (26-9)

Featherweight Co-Main EventCat Zingano(10-4) vsGabby Holloway(6-5)

Srednjoj Značajka Bout: I Ruth (8-2) vsTaylor Johnson(5-1)

Borba u poluteškoj kategoriji: Raymond Daniels(2-1) vsPeter Stanonik(5-4)

Updated Preliminary Card:

YouTube kanal Bellator MMA-a

Poluteškoj Prethodno Bout: Rafael Carvalho(16-4) vsAlex Polizzi(6-0)

Teški Prethodno Bout: Tyrell Fortune(8-1) vsJack May(11-6)

140-lb. Contract Weight Preliminary BoutKeith Lee(6-3) vsDominic Mazzotta(15-3)


AžuriranoBellator 246: Archuleta vs.. Miješati Glavni Card:

Paramount Network and DAZN

Subota, Sedam. 12 - 10 poslije podne. ET/9 p.m. CT

Bantamweight World Title BoutJuan Archuleta(24-2) vsPatchy Mix(13-0)

Velter Co-Main Event: Jon Fitch(32-7-2, 1 NC) vsNeiman Gracie(9-1)

Flyweight Značajka Bout: Liz carmouche (13-7) vsDeAnna Bennett(10-6-1)

Lagan Značajka Bout: Derek Polja(20-10) vsRoger Huerta(24-12-1, 1 NC)

Updated Preliminary Card:

YouTube kanal Bellator MMA-a

Srednjoj Prethodno Bout: Ti Gwerderu(4-1) vsGeorge Tokkos(4-1)

Teški Prethodno Bout: Davion Franklin (1-0) vsRas Hylton(6-4)

*Kartica podložne promjenama.


SFT 23 VR: Jeffrey vs. Assis OFFICIAL RESULTS

Aaron Jeffrey punches-out Bruno Assis in 3rd round

MIAMI (Kolovoz 15, 2020) – The long-awaited American debut of SFT MMA & Xtreme(Standout Fighting Tournament), delayed several months due to the COVID-19 pandemic, finally happened this past Thursday night with a “closed show” at Wynwood Studios in Miami, Florida.

“SFT 23 VR: Jeffrey vs. Assis” was streamed live and exclusively worldwide on pay per view via the FITE app and website (www.FITE.tv), as well as taped live to air at future dates on regional television throughout the U.S. on United Fight Alliance (UFA), as well as on Brazilian television.

“Putting this event together was the most difficult thing I’ve done in SFT,” SFT presidentDavid Hudson rekla. “The fight card feels like it changed daily. At some point we had 12 fights with a very international main card, made up of highly ranked athletes. We probably signed around 20 matches and ended up with five. It was also our first time promoting in the U.S. and without everybody at full force made things very difficult, as well as the production side. We ended up with a much inferior show, as far as production goes, compared to what SFT always puts out. Međutim, the fights where really good, and at the end of the day, it’s all about the fight. I’m glad we did it.  It’s not the start I had hoped for, but now we are ready to return in full force. We are looking at end of November, early December, for the next USA show.

We want to bring back Jeffrey and Jornel as soon as possible. With flight restriction to and from Brazil, along with restrictions to promoting an open-door event, I’m not exactly sure about getting them on our cards but, hopefully, we can still get it done still this year in Brazil.”

Canadian middleweightAaron Jeffrey (8-2-0) took a step closer to reaching his dream of fighting in the UFC, registering a sensational knockout on punches of his Brazilian opponentBruno “Brunao” Assis (9-5-0) in the opening round. The 27-year-old Jeffrey, of Niagara Falls, Ontario, unleashed a barrage of lethal punches to end the fight for his sixth victory in his last seven fights. This was the SFT debut for both of these main event fighters. Jeffrey vs. Assis was selected as Fight of the Night and each fighter was awarded a $1000 bonus.

U suradnji opremljenog događaja, Luiz “Buscape” Firmino won a 3-round decision over fellow BrazilianMarkus “Maluco” Perez in a grappling match contested at a 198-pound catchweight.

Undefeated Floridian lightweightsJornel “Ai” Lugo (4-0-0), representing West Palm Beach, and Missouri’sCortaviousRomiuous (4-1-0) put on an entertaining show in their SFT debuts and Lugo emerged with a tough victory by way of a 3-round split decision.

In a battle of Puerto Rican lightweightsJames Hay (3-1-0) locked in a Rear Naked Choke to submitOrlando Santana (2-2-0) in the second round.

Miami light heavyweightJoshua Da Silveira (2-0-0) remained unbeaten in spectacular fashion, knocking out pro-debutingCody Rolling, fighting out of Banner Elk, Sjeverna Karolina,  with a perfectly placed kicked to the head in the opening round. Da Silveira received a $1000 bonus because his was selected as Knockout of the Night.

The official weights are below:  



Aaron Jeffrey (8-2-0, SFT: 1-0-0), Kanada

WTKO3 (Punches – 1:26 

Bruno Assis (9-5-0, SFT: 0-1-0), Brazil


Markus Perez, Brazil


Luiz Firmino, Brazil


Jornel Lugo (4-0-0, SFT: 1-0-0), SAD

WDEC3 (29-28, 29-28, 28-29) 

Cortavious Romiuous (4-1-0, SFT: 0-1-0), SAD


James Hay (3-1-0, SFT: 1-0-0), Portoriko

WSUB2 (Rear Naked Chole -3:16) 

Orlando Santana (2-2-0, SFT: 0-1-0), USA by way of Puerto Rico


Joshua DaSilveira (2-0-0, SFT: 1-0-0), SAD

WKO1 (Kick to head

Cody Rolling (0-1-0, SFT: 0-1-0), SAD


Website: www.sftmma.com 

Facebook: /SFT.MMA, /SFT.Xtreme, davidhudson.SFT

Cvrkut: @SFTMMA

Instagram: @SFTMMA, @SFTEXTREME, @DavidHudson.SFT

You Tube: /SFTUSA, /SFTBrasil


LOS ANGELES — Bellator MMA s ponosom objavljuje da je neporažen Valerie Loureda (3-0) will continue to compete inside the Bellator cage after signing an exclusive multi-year, multi-fight extension to remain with the ViacomCBS-owned promotion.

“I am pleased to have re-signed with Bellator,” Loureda said. "Kao što sam uvijek rekao, I am here to show the world the true martial artist that I am and chase the flyweight belt. I was born for this, I am a natural born fighter.”

Undefeated to start her mixed martial arts career, a run that has been spent entirely with Bellator, the 22-year-old Loureda has immediately made a mark on the flyweight division by emphatically winning all three of her fights. A 4th dan taekwando black belt who was a former member of the U.S. Olympic team, “Master” Loureda is a proud Miami resident who spends a great deal of her time training at American Top Team. Nedavno, Loureda made her 2020 debut inside Bellator’s “FightSphere” at Bellator 243, stopping Tara Graff in the second round, a finish that garnered worldwide media attention and that earned over 11 million views through Bellator’s social media platforms.

Re-live Valerie Loureda’s emphatic stoppage victory from Bellator 243 ovdje.

Loureda competes in Bellator MMA’s flyweight division, a weight class currently championed by Ilima-Lei Macfarlane and includes other top athletes the likes of Liz carmouche, Juliana Velasquez, Alejandra Lara, Denise Kielholtz, Malin Hermansson, među ostalima.

Molimo posjetite Bellator.com za dodatne informacije.

Newest MMA promotion Ikon fighting federation to launch september 24 in mississippi

Streaming Live and Exclusively on UFC FIGHT PASS® 

LAS VEGAS (Kolovoz 10, 2020) – Veteran combat sports promoterKeith Veltre has announced the debut of MMA’s newest promotional company, iKON Fighting Federation (iKON), Rujan 24 at Biloxi Civic Center in Biloxi, Mississippi.

All iKON events, held in association with Roy Jones, Jr. (RJJ) Boks Promocije, will be streamed live on UFC FIGHT PASS®, the world’s leading digital subscription service for combat sports.

Veltre, who also announced the hiring ofDean Toole as iKON’s matchmaker, is the CEO and co-founder of RJJ Boxing Promotions and Kinektic submission grappling, both streaming events exclusively on UFC FIGHT PASS.

“I have always lived by the motto, when businesses are downsizing during tough times, I either acquire or expand,” Veltre said. “I take advantage of times like this to rollout new adventures and MMA has always been in my game plan. I have always attached myself to a great team and bringing in Dean Toole as lead matchmaker was a no brainer, and I promise Ikon will deliver fireworks. I am thankful to have a great broadcast partner, UFC FIGHT PASS, and we’re excited to launch our first Ikon event with UFC FIGHT PASS on September 24th."

Toole added, “Being the founder and CEO of Island Fights, on UFC FIGHT PASS, it sometimes gets overlooked that I’m also the matchmaker for all of our professional events. I couldn’t be happier for this opportunity to continue doing what I’m best at and matchmake fights for iKON Fighting Federation.

“I had the privilege of being hired by Keith Veltre and UFC FIGHT PASS in December for the Quinet Ultra event and I think they liked working with me and my staff. I hope we made a good impression. I’m very excited to get started and do what we do best and that’s get these athletes to UFC.”

Full details and matchups will soon be announced.

To sign up for UFC FIGHT PASS, posjetitewww.ufcfightpass.com or download the UFC app.


Facebook: /UFCFightPass, /KeithVeltre

Cvrkut: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @Keith_Veltre

Instagram: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre

ABOUT UFC FIGHT PASS®UFC FIGHT PASS® is the world’s leading digital subscription service for combat sports. Od pokretanja u 2013, UFC FIGHT PASS is now available in more than 200 zemlje i teritoriji. UFC FIGHT PASS provides its members with unlimited access to live UFC FIGHT PASS Prelims; žive mješovite borilačke vještine i borbene sport iz cijelog svijeta; Izvorna serija i povijesni programiranje; posebne značajke; iza-the-scene sadržaj; dubinskih intervjua; i up-to-minutu izvješća o svijetu borilačkim sportovima. UFC FIGHT PASS subscribers also have 24/7 pristup najvećoj svjetskoj borbi knjižnici, sadrži više od 20,000 Borbe s desecima bori sportskim organizacijama, kao i svake borbe u UFC povijesti. Fight fans can access UFC FIGHT PASS on personal computers, iOS i Android mobilnih uređaja, Apple TV, Xbox One, Amazon Fire TV, Chromecast, Godine, Samsung Smart TV, LG Smart TV, i Sony TV sa Android TV. Za više informacija, posjetitewww.ufcfightpass.com




LOS ANGELES– On Friday, August 21, Bellator’s “FightSphere” atMohegan Sun Arena u Uncasville, Conn. will host a light heavyweight world title main event bout featuring two-division Bellator champRyan Bader (27-5, 1 NC) defending his 205-pound championship against Russia’sVadim Nemkov (11-2).

The evening’s co-main event sees fomer world championJulia Budd (13-3) take on Connecticut’sJessy Miele (9-3) in a featherweight clash.

Bellator 244: Bader vs. Nemkovairs live onParamount Network aDAZN Petak, Kolovoz 21 na 10 poslije podne. ET/9 p.m. CT. Preliminary action will stream onBellator MMA’s YouTube channel. Additional bouts will be announced in the coming days.

A winner of seven out of eight contests at both heavyweight and light heavyweight, Bellator’s double champ Ryan Bader will make his first light heavyweight title defense since defeating “King Mo” LawalMatt Mitrione aFjodor Emelianenkoen route to winning Bellator’s 2018 Heavyweight World Grand Prix and becoming world heavyweight champ. Fighting out of Chandler, Arizona, the former two-time NCAA Division I All-American wrestler out of Arizona State University began his professional career by winning season eight ofUltimate Fighter. “Darth” continued his path of dominance by collecting victories over some of the 205-pound division’s top talent, including career wins overPhil Davis(x2), Linton Vassell, “Rampage” Jackson, Rashad Evans, Rafael “Feijão” Cavalcante and Ovince Saint Preux. Nedavno, Bader fought heavyweightCheick Kongo to a no contest following an accidental eye poke.

The 28-year-old Russian powerhouse Vadim Nemkov, who is undefeated over his last six fights and a perfect 4-0 in Bellator since signing in 2017, will enter his first-ever title shot in MMA fresh off a submission win against former middleweight world championRafael Carvalho. With that victory, Nemkov has defeated some of the best athletes Bellator has to offer, including three former champions consecutively in CarvalhoPhil Davis aLiam McGeary. A three-time Russian national sambo championNemkov trains alongside the legendary Fedor Emelianenko in Stary Oskol, Russia for the standout Team Fedor.

Former Bellator featherweight world champion Julia Budd has won 11 of her last 12 krajevi, including seven victories since signing with Bellator in 2015. After defeating Dutch legend Marloes Coenen for the inaugural Bellator women’s featherweight world title atBellator 174, the Gibson MMA-product and Port Moody, British Columbia native has gone on to collect victories over top contendersOlga RubinArlene Blencowe aTalita Nogueira. With seven of her 13 career victories coming by way of knockout or submission, “The Jewel” will look to jump back into title contention with a statement win on August 21.

With an impressive career mark of 9-3, Jessy Miele will look to parlay her most recent win over former Bellator title contenderTalita Nogueirawhen she competes atBellator 244.Hailing from Waterbury, Conn. the 35-year-old is currently in the midst of a four-fight unbeaten streak and was slated to compete againstLeslie Smith naBellator 241before it was cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic. Borba profesionalno od 2014, and competing against the likes of Nogueira and Charmaine Tweet along the way, “The Widowmaker” will undoubtedly face the stiffest test of her nearly six year-career when she meets Budd on August. 21.

AžuriranoBellator 244: Bader vs. NemkovGlavni Card:

Paramount Network and DAZN

10 poslije podne. ET/9 p.m. CT

Light Heavyweight World Title BoutRyan Bader (27-5, 1 NC) vsVadim Nemkov(11-2)

Featherweight Co-Main EventJulia Budd(13-3) vsJessy Miele(9-3)

Teška kategorija: Roy Nelson(23-19) vsValentin Moldavsky(9-1)

Updated Preliminary Card:

YouTube kanal Bellator MMA-a

Srednjoj Prethodno Bout: John Salter(17-4) vsAndrew Kapel(15-6)

Lagan Prethodno Bout: Adam Piccolot(12-3) vsSidney Outlaw(14-4)

Bantamweight Prethodno Bout: Erik Perez(19-7) vsJoshua Hill(19-3)

Pero Prethodno Bout: Lucas Brennan (2-0) vsWill Smith (3-1)

Lagan Prethodno Bout: Vladimir Tokov(7-0) vsChris Gonzalez(4-0)

Lagan Prethodno Bout: Lance Gibson Jr.(3-0) vsShane Kruchten(12-5)

*Kartica podložne promjenama.

Molimo posjetiteBellator.com za dodatne informacije.


SFT MMA And Xtreme’s american debut august 13 in miami

“SFT 23 VR: Jeffrey vs. Assis”

Streaming live & exclusively onFITE.TV pay per view

MIAMI (Kolovoz. 6, 2020) — The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically altered plans in combat sports, particularly for Brazil-based SFT MMA & Xtreme (Standout Fighting Tournament), which planned to make its American debut last June at Seminole Hard Rock in Hollywood, Florida. Its long-awaited American debut will finally take place on Thursday, Kolovoz 13, with “SFT 23 VR: Jeffrey vs. Assis”, in a closed show at Wynwood Studios in Miami, Florida.

“SFT 23 VR: Jeffrey vs. Assis” will be streamed live and exclusively worldwide on pay per view via the FITE app and website (www.FITE.tv), s početkom u 7 poslije podne. EDT / 4 poslije podne. PDT, for $14.95. It’ll also be taped live and air at future dates on regional television throughout the U.S. on United Fight Alliance (UFA), as well as on Brazilian television.

Only fighters and one corner person each, a skeleton staff including television production crew, dužnosnici, and commission members will be allowed onsite. No fans, media, or ring-card girls. SFT will provide masks and be responsible for cleaning, disinfecting, and encouraging everyone to follow all COVID-19 recommendations. Everybody will be tested for COVID-19 the day prior to the weigh in, at the weight in, and during the day of the event.

“Our plan was for SFT MMA & Xtreme to have a circuit, starting in Brazil, and then promoting shows in the United States and Mexico,” SFT president David Hudson rekla. “The Coronavirus changed everything. Our show last Saturday night in Sao Paulo, Brazil, was canceled after we had the weigh in, but we wanted to do the right thing and paid everybody involved.

“We can’t wait for U.S. fans to watch our product to understand what they’ve been missing. SFT gives fans what they want: konkurentan, action-packed fights in a completely different form of entertainment. We’re having our August 13th show in Miami because we want to increase awareness, particularly in the United States, of our unique product of combat sports entertainment. Our shows are regularly broadcast on one of the five national television networks in Brazil. We have five of the top seven pound-4-pound MMA fighters in Brazil and we want to bring some U.S. talent to fight in Brazil. Two fighters from this show will be given a chance to fight in Brazil and then, hopefully, at the Seminole Hard Rock later this year.”

The main event pits Canadian middleweightAaron Jeffrey (7-2-0, (SFT: 0-0-0) against BrazilianBruno “Brunao” Assis (9-4-0, SFT: 0-0-0) in their SFT MMA debuts. Styles make fights and Jeffrey, Ne. 1 rated middleweight in the Province of Ontario, will be looking for his sixth knockout, while Assis, Ne. 1-rated fighter in the State of Minas, has his sights set on his seventh submission finish.

Američka laganaFrank “The Praying Mantis” Buenafuente (10-4-0, SFT: 0-0-0), fighting out of Garfield, New Jersey, takes on Mexico’s No. 4-određenDaniel “Danger” Vega (12-3-0, SFT: 1-0-0) in the co-featured event. Buenafuente, who has a strong wrestling background, will be making his SFT MMA debut. Vega defeatedFabio Gasolina at “SFT 12” held in Mexico.

An SFT Xtreme (striking & kicking with 4-ounce gloves, no ground fighting) match will showcase Brazilian-native kickboxing legendMaycon Oller, who now fights out of Tustin, Kalifornija, against World kickboxing championJadar Alves, Brazil, in what promises to be a sensational showdown.

A grappling match will be on tap as well, pitting two of Brazil’s leading middleweightsMarkus “Maluco” Perezprotiv Luis “Buscape” Firmino.

The opening bout on the main card finds American lightweightsJornel “A1” Lugo(3-0-0, SFT: 0-0-0) aContavious Romious (4-0-0, SFT: 0-0-0) in a well-matched battle of two undefeated prospects.

The preliminary card offers strong support. BrazilianRegivaldo “Handstone” Carvahlo (5-2-0, SFT: 0-0-0) faces AmericanRaymond “Godson” Ramos (5-4-0, SFT: 0-0-0) fighting at a 140-pound catchweight in SFT debuts for both fighters, and two other SFT debut fighters, BrazilacLucas Alexandre (0-2-0, SFT: 0-0-0) and his American opponentShawn Brown (2-2-0, SFT: 0-0-0), square-off in a featherweight fight.

Also fighting on the preliminary card are Puerto Rican lightweightsOrlando Santana (2-1-0, SFT: 0-0-0) aJames Hay(2-1-0, SFT: 0-0-0), American light heavyweightsJoshua DaSiveira (1-0-0, SFT 0-0-0) i debitiranjeCody Rolling, and American bantamweightsSal Guerriero (1-1-0, SFT: 0-0-0) naspramJohn “The Baptist” Birdson (0-1-0, SFT: 0-0-0). 

The card is subject to change.

SFT MMA & Xtreme is coming to America next week. Catch the revolution


Website: www.sftmma.com 

Facebook: /SFT.MMA, /SFT.Extreme, davidhudson.SFT

Cvrkut: @SFTMMA

Instagram: @SFTMMA, @SFTEXTREME, @DavidHudson.SFT

You Tube: /SFTUSA, /SFTBrasil