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BELLATOR MMA 255: Pitbull vs. Sanchez 2Main Card:

C-Patricio Pitbull (32-4) defeated #2-Emmanuel Sanchez(20-5) via technical submission (ċowk giljottina) fi 3:35 ta round wieħed

#6-Jason Jackson(14-4) defeated #3-Neiman Gracie(10-2) via deċiżjoni unanima (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

#6-Tyrell Fortune(10-1) defeatedJack May (11-8) permezz TKO (puntelli) fi 3:16 ta round wieħed

Usman Nurmagomedov(12-0) defeatedMike Hamel(7-5) via deċiżjoni unanima (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)

5-Kana Watanabe(10-0-1) defeated #4-Alejandra Lara(9-4) permezz deċiżjoni maqsuma (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Card preliminari:  

#6-Magomed Magomedov (18-1) defeatedCee Jay Hamilton (15-8) permezz sottomissjoni (ċowk wara-naked) fi 1:22 ta 'round tnejn

Mandel Nallo (8-1) defeatedRicardo Seixas (9-3) permezz eliminatorja (strajkijiet) fi 3:23 ta round wieħed

Khalid Murtazaliev (15-2) defeatedFabio Aguiar (17-2) via deċiżjoni unanima (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)

Chris Gonzalez (6-0) defeatedRoger Huerta (24-13-1) permezz sottomissjoni (strajkijiet) fi 3:01 tal round tliet

Jose Augusto (17-1) defeatedJonathan Wilson (9-3) permezz sottomissjoni (head and arm choke) fi 4:58 ta round wieħed

Roman Faraldo (5-0) defeatedTrevor Gudde (2-2) permezz TKO 1:30 ta round wieħed

Jordan Newman (3-0) defeatedBranko Busick (2-2) permezz TKO (strajkijiet) fi 2:30 ta 'round tnejn


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Patrick “Pitbull:"“I am ready to fight AJ McKee right now, please just tell SHOWTIME, I will get in the cage and we can take care of this tomorrow.”

“I want to be the first man to defeat McKee, he has been opening his mouth about me for a very long time, this will be the biggest fight in BELLATOR history.”

AJ McKee: “Patricio Pitbull has been the man. Nothing against him. He’s got great accolades. I already said I’m going to be the champ-champ. Għalija, it’s the new era. He said my time is over. My time has just begun. We’ll see.

“It’s a fight the fans have wanted for the longest. Fit-quċċata ta 'dik, he’s underrated. He’s an outstanding champ. His accolades, his credentials, his record is phenomenal. Iżda fl-aħħar tal-ġurnata, nobody has a win over me. Nobody has a belt with my name on it and nobody is going to get a belt with my name on it.”

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LOS ANGELES– BELLATOR MMA and SHOWTIME Sports today announcedBELLATOR MMA 259 nhar il-Ġimgħa, Mejju 21, will be headlined by a featherweight championship rematch pitting current 145-pound titleholder and the top-ranked women’s pound-for-pound fighterCris “Cyborg” (23-2, 1 NC) against Northern California’sLeslie Smith (12-8-1). The event airs live exclusively on SHOWTIMEfi 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and emanates from Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Conn.

In addition to the main event, two matchups are confirmed, as No. 7 ħfiefAdam “The Bomb” Piccolotti (12-4) takes on No. 10 Georgi “Insane” Karakhanyan (30-11-1, 1 NC), while the undefeated No. 7Christian “Pain” Edwards (4-0) jissodisfaBen “Big Tuna” Parrish(4-1) in a light heavyweight contest. Attakki addizzjonali jitħabbru f'data aktar tard.

“I believe in five years she’s going to be a better fighter. More training, more working and fighting. More experience. The first fight was very fast, so I think this one is going to be a longer fight. She’s a warrior. She likes to fight and it’s going to be nice to fight somebody like this," said Cyborg, who appeared on tonight’sBELLATOR 255broadcast to confirm the event.

“Of course, I want this fight. Everyone’s goal is to get a title in the premiere organization, which this is. This is the best organization for my weight class, and the best possible place I can be. I can guarantee it will be an entertaining fight,” added Smith.

Just the second BELLATOR woman’s featherweight champion in the company’s history, Cris “Cyborg” is coming off the first defense of her BELLATOR title, a victory againstArlene Blencowe, that also marked the first submission win of her illustrious career. An MMA legend at 35-years-old, “Cyborg” will be looking to further her legacy as the greatest woman’s mixed martial artist of all-time when she faces Leslie Smith for the second time on May 21. After winning BELLATOR gold in the 12th title fight of her careerthe native of Curitiba, Brazil made history by becoming a world champion in her fourth major promotion, previously holding belts in both the UFC and Strikeforce. With a pro record of 23-2, 1 NC, Inklużi 19 wins by finish, the Brazilian-born fighter who now calls Southern California home, holds victories over tough competition, InklużiJulia Budd, Holly Holm, Marloes Coenen and Gina Carano.

Known for an exciting in-your-face striking style, Leslie “The Peacemaker” Smith will enter the BELLATOR cage on May 21 for the fifth time in her nearly 11-year MMA career. She gets a second shot at defeating “Cyborg,” following their first meeting at UFC 198 in Brazil on May 14, 2016. Peress li bout, Smith has won four out of five fights with victories over Irene Aldana andSinead Kavanagh among them. A teammate of fellow BELLATOR athleteKeri Taylor Melendez, Smith trains out of El Nino Training Center in San Francisco.

Il-karta preliminari għallBELLATOR MMA 259: Cyborg vs. Smith2 se arja JGĦIXU fl-Istati Uniti kollha. markets on the BELLATOR and SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channels, as well as Pluto TV.

Bħala parti mit-tnedija ta 'BELLATOR MMA fuq SHOWTIME, in-netwerk qed joffri lit-telespettaturi li huma ġodda għas-servizz ta 'streaming SHOWTIME prova ta' 30 jum b'xejn, segwit minn miżata skontata ta 'abbonament ta' kull xahar ta '$ 4.99 / xahar għas-sitt xhur li ġejjin. It-telespettaturi jistgħu jiffirmaw will be delivered two premier BELLATOR MMA events per month throughout 2021 u lil hinn, with all events scheduled to air live at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT anywhere the SHOWTIME service is available.

AġġornatBELLATOR MMA 259: Cyborg vs. Smith 2Karta tal-Ġlieda:

Bout tat-Titlu Dinji Featherweight: C-Cris “Cyborg”(23-2, 1 NC) vs. #4-Leslie Smith (12-8-1)

Ħfief Bout: #7-Adam Piccolot(12-4) vs. #10-Georgi Karakhanyan (30-11-1, 1 NC)

Dawl Heavyweight Bout: #7-Christian Edwards (4-0) vs.Ben Parrish(4-1)

*Karta soġġetta għal bidla.

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Kontenut ta ’Ġlieda Esklussiva Jinkludi Avvenimenti tal-Passat, Jenfasizza, U Analiżi fil-Fond tal-Grand Prix Dinji tal-Featherweight U Light Heavyweight

Grupp ta 'rġiel

Deskrizzjoni ġġenerata awtomatikament b'kunfidenza medja

NEW YORK - MARZU 19, 2021 - BELLATOR MMAis tnedija fuq SHOWTIME nhar il-Ġimgħa, 2 ta 'April biBELLATOR MMA 255: Pitbull vs. Sanchez 2 segwit minn żewġ iljieli konsekuttivi tal-Ġimgħa ta 'azzjoni ta' ġlieda MMA tal-kampjonat ħaj. Fl-antiċipazzjoni tat-tnedija, SHOWTIME se jxandar ġabra ta 'speċjali ta' BELLATOR u jiġġieled mill-ġdid fuq il-pjattaformi ta 'distribuzzjoni tiegħu biex iħejji t-triq għal April 2 avveniment live li fih il -Semifinali tal-BELLATOR MMA Featherweight World Grand Prix, kif ukoll il-bidu ta 'dak antiċipat ħafnaBELLATOR MMA Light Heavyweight World Grand Prix mistenni jibda nhar il-Ġimgħa, 9 ta 'April u l-Ġimgħa, April 16.

Nibdew din il-ġimgħa, kemm l-abbonati ta 'SHOWTIME kif ukoll dawk mhux abbonati għandhom aċċess għal ġabra esklussiva ta' ġlied li wittew it-triq għall-konfronti li jmiss konvinċenti f'kull wieħed minn dawn il-kampjonati mħallta tal-arti marzjali premier li fihomPatrick "Pitbull"Emmanuel SanchezAJ McKeeVadim NemkovRyan Bader u aktar.

B'żieda, SHOWTIME Sports se jippreżenta par ta 'speċjali mmexxija mill-punti ewlenin ospitati minnMorning Kombat’sBrian Campbell u Luke Thomas biex jipprevedu l-Pitbull vs.. Semifinali Sanchez featherweight u l-bidu tat-turnament tal-Grand Prix Dinji Lightweightweight ta ’tmien persuni. IntitolatTRIQ LILL-BELLATOR MMA, iż-żewġ programmi speċjali se jikkonsistu minn punti ewlenin, analiżi, u jiġġieldu t-tbassir, hekk kif id-duo tal-isports tal-ġlied dinamiku ta ’SHOWTIME Sports jipprepara lit-telespettaturi għad-debutt dirett ta’ BELLATOR MMA fuq SHOWTIME.

TRIQ LILL-BELLATOR MMA: Pitbull vs. Sanchez 2 se jiddebutta nhar it-Tnejn, 22 ta 'Marzu waqtTRIQ LILL-BELLATOR MMA: Grand Prix Dinji tal-Heavyweightse tkun premiere ġimgħa wara nhar it-Tnejn, Marzu 29 fuq il-Showtime Sports uBELLATOR MMA Kanali tal-YouTube.Iż-żewġ programmi se jkunu wkolldisponibbli għall-abbonati fuq il-pjattaformi kollha SHOWTIME On Demand, fuq SHOWTIME EXTREME, kif ukoll lid-distributuri SHOWTIME għall-portali onlajn u bla ħlas fuq talba tagħhom.

Nhar is-Sibt, Marzu 27, ripetizzjoni ta 'BELLATOR MMA 253: Caldwell vs.. McKee se jixxandar fuq SHOWTIME fi 8 p.m. ET / PT. Il-karta ta ’erba’ ġlied, inkluż il-finitura emblematika ta 'McKee "McKee-otine" fuq l-ex Champion tad-Dinja Bantamweight BELLATORDarrion Caldwell li mexxa lill-istilla żagħżugħa fil-Finali tal-Grand Prix Dinji tal-Featherweight, nirrepetu wkoll fuq SHOWTIME nhar il-Ħadd, Marzu 28 fi 12 Nofsillejl ET / PT, u għal darb'oħra nhar il-Ħamis, April 1 fi 9 p.m. ET / PT.

Bellator 253, flimkien ma 'bosta avvenimenti tal-passat li dehru lill-ġellieda ta' klassi dinjija fil-kampjonati li ġejjin, se jkun skedat fi SHOWTIME EXTREME fil-ġimgħa fil-ġimgħa 10 p.m. ET / PT u issa huma disponibbli fuq pjattaformi SHOWTIME On Demand. Avvenimenti magħżula jkunu disponibbli b’xejn għal dawk li mhumiex abbonati permezz tal-pjattaformi tad-distributuri SHOWTIME u fuq il-programmi SHOWTIME Selects u BELLATOR MMA ta ’Pluto TV..

Bħala parti mit-tnedija ta 'BELLATOR MMA fuq SHOWTIME, in-netwerk qed joffri lit-telespettaturi li huma ġodda għas-servizz ta 'streaming SHOWTIME prova ta' 30 jum b'xejn, segwit minn miżata skontata ta 'abbonament ta' kull xahar ta '$ 4.99 / xahar għas-sitt xhur li ġejjin. It-telespettaturi jistgħu jiffirmaw

Ir-replays tal-ġlieda li ġejjin huma skedati għall-ġimgħat li ġejjin hekk kif il-partitarji jippreparaw għat-tnedija ta 'BELLATOR MMA fuq SHOWTIME:

·       BELLATOR MMA 252: Pitbull vs. Carvalho- (Data oriġinali tal-arja 11/12/2020)

·BELLATOR MMA 251: Manhoef vs. Anderson- (Data oriġinali tal-arja 11/05/2020)

·BELLATOR MMA 245: Davis vs. Machida 2- (Data oriġinali tal-arja 09/11/2020)

·BELLATOR MMA 244: Bader vs.. Nemkov- (Data oriġinali tal-arja 08/21/2020)

·BELLATOR MMA 222: MacDonald vs.. Gracie- (Data oriġinali tal-arja 06/14/2019)

·BELLATOR MMA 220: MacDonald vs.. Fitch- (Data oriġinali tal-arja 04/27/2019)

·BELLATOR MMA 214: Fedor vs. Aktar ħażin- (Data oriġinali tal-arja 01/26/2019)

·BELLATOR MMA 186: Bader vs.. Vassell- (Data oriġinali tal-arja 11/03/2017)

·Aktar, żewġ bouts individwali minn BELLATOR MMA 209: - (Data oriġinali tal-arja 11/16/2018)

  • BELLATOR MMA: Davis vs Nemkov
  • BELLATOR MMA: Pitbull vs. Sanchez

Għal aktar tagħrif ż, segwi fuq Twitter @BellatorMMA u @ShowtimeSports,  fuq Instagram @BellatorMMA u @ShoSports, jew isiru fan fuq Facebook

Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta To Host Triller Fight Club’s 2021 Kickoff Event on April 17, the PPV Boxing Card Headlined by Jake Paul and Ben Askren

iNDemand is Exclusive North American Cable, Satellite & Telco Pay-Per-View Distributor; FITE to Handle Live Global Digital Streaming and Power

Atlanta and Los Angeles, Marzu 8, 2021 - Triller Fight Club today announced that Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta, Georgia, will be the home for TFC’s inaugural event of 2021, the April 17 boxing Pay-Per-View card headlined by Jake Paul u Ben Askren. This will be the first-ever fighting event at one of the most dynamic venues in the world, which was the home of Super Bowl LIII.

iNDemand, the leading transactional video-on-demand and PPV programming provider in North America, will serve as the exclusive U.S. and Canadian cable, satellita, and telco PPV provider for the event. Fans will be able to order the event on PPV through their existing cable, satellite and telco PPV providers, including Xfinity, Spectrum, Contour, DirecTV, AT&T TV, Dish, Fios, and Optimum (U.S.), as well as Rogers, Bell, Shaw, Videotron, and Sasktel (Kanada). FITE, the premier PPV digital platform will handle worldwide live pay-per-view streaming distribution online, and via FITE mobile and Smart TV apps, game controllers and all major OTT devices as well as power

The suggested PPV retail price for the event is $49.99 (U.S. & Kanada). Fans outside North America can check the FITE link at for international pricing.

The four-hour show, which will kick off at 8pm ET with the live PPV main card starting at 9pm ET, will also feature an exciting undercard of fights that will be announced shortly. Triller Fight Club is a partnership between Triller and Snoop Dogg and is spearheaded by Ryan Kavanaugh.

“Our vision of big fights, big entertainment and world class events can only fit into a world class venue, and Mercedes-Benz Stadium fits that vision,” said Kavanaugh. “April 17th will have an element of surprise and action for everyone, from music fans to the casual and diehard fight fan. The way we will present the night in this state-of-the-art venue will continue to redefine consumer engagement for a global consumer, with world class partners like iNDemand and FITE joining us not just for this event, but for the others we will have in 2021 and beyond.”

“Mercedes-Benz Stadium will continue to be the place where sports and entertainment’s biggest events are held, and we welcome Triller Fight Club for this special event,"Qal Tim Zulawski, Chief Revenue Officer for AMB Sports and Entertainment. “We look forward to showcasing our stadium to the global audience that Ryan and his team are building, and are proud to be a part of this historic night of boxing and entertainment.”

Mercedes-Benz Stadium serves as the home stadium of the Atlanta Falcons of the National Football League (NFL) and Atlanta United of Major League Soccer (MLS). One of the most acclaimed venues in the world, the Stadium has hosted the College Football Playoff National Championship in 2018, MLS All-Star Game and some of the biggest music and entertainment events in addition to its NFL and MLS tenants. There will be no public sale of tickets for the event. A very limited number of fans and guests will be selected to join in the live event, with details to be announced in the coming weeks, and everything will be subject to stringent local, state and federal protocols due to COVID 19.

“We’re thrilled to be working with Triller again after the incredible success of our Tyson vs. Jones Jr. PPV event last November—it was one of the best-selling PPV events of all time,"Qal Mark Boccardi, iNDemand’s SVP, Programmazzjoni & Marketing. “2021 is going to be a great year for the Pay-Per-View event category, and we know that Jake Paul and Ben Askren will put on an exciting main event on April 17th.”

Triller Fight Club has already reinvented the fight sport presentation genre, and we are excited to be a part of bringing this event to a global audience,” qal Michael Weber, COO of FITE. “Triller and FITE are the perfect pair to deliver a flawless, no-filler fan experience worthy of this moment.

The April 17th card will be Triller Fight Club’s first in a series of 2021 special events, following the debut record setting Tyson vs. Jones Jr. PPV fight in 2020, which shattered all digital fight PPV records and became the eighth most successful fight PPV in history. This event will feature Jake Paul taking on former Bellator and ONE Championship champion Ben Askren in the headline matchup of the night. Paul, whose boxing debut against former professional athlete Nate Robinson set all kinds of records for fan engagement, will face Askren, who transitions to boxing after an MMA record of nineteen wins and two losses, six knockouts and six submissions. Askren made his professional MMA debut in 2009 against Josh Flowers where he won by TKO in the first round. As a former Bellator Champion, ONE Championship Champion, PAN American Champion in freestyle wrestling, two-time NCAA wrestling champion for Missouri and two-time winner of The Dan Hodge Trophy, Askren joins Triller’s Fight Club with a significant amount of experience in the ring.

In addition to being a co-owner, Snoop also provides strategic counsel to Triller Fight Club, helping to select fighters and musical acts for the show-stopping events. An entertainment expert who has successfully maneuvered through a range of projects in a variety of different fields, Snoop secured his spot as a fan favorite during Triller’s first sporting event, Tyson vs.. Jones.


TV: Cable, satellita & telco PPV providers, including Xfinity, Spectrum, Contour, DirecTV, AT&T TV, Dish, Fios, and Optimum (U.S.), as well as Rogers, Bell, Shaw, Videotron, and Sasktel (Kanada).

Worldwide Streaming: FITE.TV and all FITE mobile, Smart TV, game controller and OTT apps as well as the event microsite hub: TrillerFightClub.



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LOS ANGELES-Bellator MMAis pleased to announce the organization will implement an official fighter rankings system for each of its weight classes, in addition to a pound-for-pound list for both the men’s and women’s divisions, in the coming weeks. The officialBellator MMA Fighter Rankings will be determined by a 15-person voting panel, comprised exclusively of members of the MMA media.

“This is the greatest roster in the history of Bellator,” said Bellator MMA President Scott Coker. “As we continue to sign the top free agents in the sport and see the success of young prospects inside the Bellator cage, we felt that the time was right to introduce official fighter rankings. We are always looking at ways to improve our product and this adds a new and exciting aspect to the organization that will have a significant impact on how fans watch Bellator. Every division is competitive, every matchup is important, and we are set for several potential blockbusters as we begin a new year on Showtime.”

Votes will be cast for eligible fighters following each Bellator live event and final results will be made public. To ensure transparency, the tabulation of votes will be overseen solely by a third-party company, Combat Registry.

The initial rankings will be released in the days leading up to Bellator’s return to action and debut on SHOWTIME® Il-ġimgħa, April 2 maBellator 255: Pitbull vs. Sanchez 2 fi 9 p.m. U.

Information detailing fighter eligibility, as well as additional voting criteria, is listed below:

Divisional Rankings:

  • Top 10 fighter rankings will be voted on in nine Bellator MMA weight classes, in addition to two pound-for-pound lists.
  • Champions of each division will be automatically assigned to the Champions slot atop the rankings.
  • Fighters in seven men’s divisions will be ranked, Inklużi:
    • Heavyweight
    • Dawl Heavyweight
    • Middleweight
    • Welterweight
    • Ħfief
    • Featherweight
    • Bantamweight
  • Fighters in two women’s divisions will be ranked, Inklużi:
    • Featherweight
    • Flyweight
  • Two pound-for-pound lists will be voted on, Inklużi:
    • Men’s
    • Women’s

 New Fighter Eligibility:

  • A fighter must have competed once inside the Bellator cage on a current term with the company to be eligible.


  • A fighter is eligible to be ranked for up to 15-months without competing.


  • A fighter remains eligible for 60 days after an indication of retirement, with the organization ultimately determining if the fighter remains active and eligible.

Multiple Weight Classes:

  • A fighter is allowed to be actively ranked in two different weight classes and is eligible to be ranked in an additional weight class once they have competed at least once in that division.
  • A fighter must actively compete in each weight class – a period of inactivity longer than 15 months in a given weight class will result in the removal from that specific weight class, but not necessarily from another division or the overall rankings pool.
    • With the exception being that a fighter is actively participating in a World Grand Prix tournament in a different weight class.


  • A fighter serving a non-medical suspension from an overseeing regulatory body and/or the organization for longer than six months will be removed from rankings eligibility. A fighter will remain eligible with a suspension of six months or fewer.

Fighter Rankings Pool:

  • The final list of eligible fighters, and the weight classes in which they are eligible to be ranked, will ultimately be determined by the organization.

Voting Frequency:

  • New Bellator rankings will only be voted on after every event, regardless of frequency.
  • Votes will be due the Monday following a Bellator live event.

First-Place Votes:

  • Each rankings period will reveal how many number one contender votes each fighter received.

Voting Tabulation:

  • Tabulation of votes will be handled exclusively by Combat Registry, a third-party independent of Bellator MMA.

Voting Panel:

  • Bellator fighter rankings will be voted on exclusively by media members within the MMA industry.
  • In no capacity, will Bellator staff, atleti, talent or other organization personnel participate in voting.

The inaugural voting panel will include the following members of the media:

  1. Jeff Cain – MMA Weekly
  2. Brian Campbell – CBS Sports
  3. Rodrigo Del Campo – Claro Sports
  4. Rob DeMello – KHON Hawaii
  5. Jason Floyd – The MMA Report
  6. George Garcia – MMA Junkie
  7. Amy Kaplan – FanSided
  8. Nolan King – MMA Junkie
  9. John Hyon Ko – South China Morning Post
  10. Mark LaMonica – Newsday
  11. Igor Lazarin – TASS Russia
  12. Shakiel Mahjouri – Fightful MMA
  13. Joe McDonagh – Cageside Press
  14. John Morgan – MMA Junkie
  15. Ken Pishna – MMA Weekly

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Jason “The Kid” Knight to headline iKON 5



LAS VEGAS (Frar 18, 2021) – Mississippi featherweightJason “The Kid” Knight rieda headlineiKON 5, streaming live and exclusively March 5th on UFC FIGHT PASS®, jibda 8 p.m. U / 5 p.m. PT, from Biloxi Civic Center in Biloxi, Mississippi.

To sign up for UFC FIGHT PASS, the world’s leading digital subscription service for combat sports, jekk jogħġbok żurwww.ufcfightpass.comor download the UFC app.

iKON 5 is presented by iKON Fighting Federation in association with Roy Jones Jr. Boxing.

“We’re thrilled to return to where iKON Fighting Federation started last September,” iKON presidentKeith Veltre said. “We’ve improved each show from then and are prepared for a breakout year in 2021. We were able to successfully launch a new MMA company during a pandemic, despite all of the challenging restrictions, and we’re moving forward full force this year as we continue growing.”

The 28-year-old Knight (20-6-0), fighting out of Lucedale (MS), is coming off an impressive bare knuckle fighting victory last November, when he stopped former UFC fighterArtem Lebov in the fifth round. A Jiu-Jitsu and Muay Thai specialist, Knight fought in the UFC between 2015 and 2018. He is matched againstTaurean Boggues (15-11-0) in the main event.

Undefeated Louisiana welterweight“The Ghost” AJ Fletcher (6-0-0) will face an opponent to be determined in the co-featured event.

Tallahassee (FL) welterweightSocrates “The Sounds of Kaos” Pierre (11-6-0), who is matched against local favoriteHarris “Sandman” Stephenson (6-2-0), another fighter with a bare-knuckle fighting background.

Also slated to be in action isCharlie Decca (2-0-0), ta 'Miami, who will throw-down with Alabama’sKyle McDonough (0-1-0) at a catchweight.

Three female strawweight matches are scheduled: Tal CaliforniaValerie “The Violator” Wong (0-1-0), who made her pro debut in Invicta, vs. Denver’sKathryn Paprocki (2-1-0)), Louisiana’s pro-debutingMacy Breaux vs. Tal Orlando (FL) Shawna “Bam Bam” Ormsby (2-2-0), and West Palm Beach’s (FL) Kayla “K-Rock” Hracho (3-2-0, iKON: 2-0-0) vs. Knoxville’s (TN) Emilee King (4-4-0). There is another female fight on tap between pro-debuting Alabama flyweightGriffin Fisk vs. Connecticut’sAlexandra Ballou (1-0-0), who won her pro-debut in Bellator competition.

Card subject to change.



Facebook: /UFCFightPass, /KeithVeltre

Twitter: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @Keith_Veltre@RoyjonesJRfa @RoyJonesJrOfficial

Instagram: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre, @RoyJonesJrBoxing

ABOUT ROY JONES JR, BOXING PROMOTIONS: Co-founded in 2013 by 10-time world champion Roy Jones, Jr. and Keith Veltre, Roy Jones, Jr. (RJJ) Boxing Promotions is on its way to reinventing boxing.  RJJ has already made a huge impact in the boxing community in a few short years.  Creating exhilarating content for UFC Fight Pass, CBS Sports, Showtime, ESPN and beIN Sports in some of the finest venues across the country, RJJ has proven it is conquering the sweet science of the sport.

Based in the fight capital of the world, Las Vegas, NV, Roy Jones Jr. Boxing Promotions is climbing to the top at a fast pace, adding young talent to its growing stable: NABF super flyweight champion, IBF #8 u WBC # 15 Jade “Hurricane” Bornea (15-0, 10 Kos); two-time world title challenger, WBO #11 bantamweight “Mighty” Aston Palicte (26-4-1, 22 Kos); NABF welterweight champion, WBC #14 and Santiago “Somer” Dominguez (24-0, 18 Kos); former NABA welterweight champion Kendo “Tremendo” Castaneda (17-2, 8 Kos), former Interim World middleweight title challenger John “The Phenom” Vera (19-1, 11 KO), unbeaten super middleweight prospect Juan “Just Business” Barajas (11-0-1, 7 Kos), and former WBC World Youth heavyweight titlist Alexander “The Great” Flores (18-3-1, 16 Kos).  

ABOUT UFC FIGHT PASS®UFC PASS ĠLIEDA® is the world’s leading digital subscription service for combat sports. Since launching in 2013, UFC FIGHT PASS is now available in more than 200 countries and territories. UFC FIGHT PASS provides its members with unlimited access to live UFC FIGHT PASS Prelims; live mixed martial arts and combat sports from around the world; original series and historical programming; special features; behind-the-scenes content; in-depth interviews; and up-to-the minute reports on the world of combat sports. UFC FIGHT PASS subscribers also have 24/7 access to the world’s largest fight library, featuring more than 20,000 bouts from dozens of combats sports organizations, as well as every fight in UFC history. Fight fans can access UFC FIGHT PASS on personal computers, iOS and Android mobile devices, Apple TV, Xbox One, Amazon Fire TV, Chromecast, Sena, Samsung Smart TVs, LG Smart TVs, and Sony TVs with Android TV. Għal aktar informazzjoni, jekk jogħġbok ż




Bellator 252: Pitbull vs. Carvalho Main Card:
Patrick "Pitbull" (31-4) defeated Pedro Carvalho (11-4) permezz KO (punch) fi 2:10 ta round wieħed
Yaroslav Amosov (25-0) defeated Logan Storley (11-1) permezz deċiżjoni maqsuma (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)
Emmanuel Sanchez (20-4) defeated Daniel Weichel (40-12) via deċiżjoni unanima (48-46, 49-46, 49-45)

Card preliminari:
Aaron Pico (7-3) defeated John de Jesus (13-9) permezz KO (punch) fi 4:12 ta 'round tnejn
Keri Taylor Melendez (5-0) defeated Emilee King (4-4) permezz sottomissjoni (ċowk wara-naked) fi 3:02 ta round wieħed
Ħajt Manny (12-6) defeated Devin Powell (10-5) via deċiżjoni unanima (30-27, 29-28, 30-27)
Jornel Lugo (5-0) defeated Schyler Sootho (4-1) via deċiżjoni unanima (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)
Lucas Brennan (4-0) defeated Andrew Salas (6-5) via deċiżjoni unanima (30-27, 30-26, 30-26)
Roman Faraldo (4-0) defeated Pat Casey (6-4) permezz (WHO) puntelli fi 2:30 ta 'round tnejn
Trevor Gudde (2-1) defeated Khonry Gracie (2-2) permezz TKO (irkoppa) fi 3:28 tal round tliet

Jekk jogħġbok żur għal informazzjoni addizzjonali.

iKON Fighting Federation RETURNS TO MEXICO



LAS VEGAS (Novembru 10, 2020) – Many of Mexico’s top mixed-martial-arts fighters will be in action Friday night, Novembru 20th, fiiKON 3, streaming live and exclusively on UFC FIGHT PASS®, jibda 11 p.m. U / 8 p.m. PT, from Marinaterra Hotel Spa & Event Center in San Carlos, Sonora, Mexico.

To sign up for UFC FIGHT PASS, the world’s leading digital subscription service for combat sports, jekk jogħġbok ż or download the UFC app.

iKON 3 is presented by iKON Fighting Federation (in association with Roy Jones Jr. Boxing) and De La O Promotions.

Two highly rated Mexican lightweights, Do Mhux. 5 Alejandro “El Pato” Martinez (11-4-0) u Nru. 7 Daniel “Danger” Vega(12-3-0), headlineiKON 3.  Martinez has won two fights in a row, while Vega has been victorious in five of his last six matches.

South America and Mexico’s top-rated flyweightLouis “Lazyboy” Rodriguez (11-2-0) uċuħPaul “El Tierno” Marquez Moreno (6-5-0) in the co-featured event.

A pair of Mexican lightweights with identical records (10-3-0), Marco “La Roca” Elpidio uOziel “El Terro” Rodriguez Lopez, throwdown in a Special Lightweight Attraction.

Tucson (IL) welterweight superPete “Dead Game” Rodriguez (1-0-0, SFT: 1-0-0), who made his successful pro debut atiKON 2, in which he used a strong ground-and-pound attack to stop his opponent, battaljiYasser “Pantera” Guzman Delacruz (0-1-0) 

Other fights on tap include Miami super lightweightElvin Espinosa (3-0-0) vs. TBA, female flyweightKayla “K-Rock” Hracho (1-2-0), fighting out of Coconut Creed, Florida, vs.Jessica “Asthartea” Solis (0-1-0), and pro-debuting Mexican featherweightsLuis “Mano” Gerardo Carcia uFrancisco Montoya Barcena.    

Card subject to change.



Facebook: /UFCFightPass, /KeithVeltre

Twitter: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @Keith_Veltre@RoyjonesJRfa @RoyJonesJrOfficial

Instagram: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre, @RoyJonesJrBoxing

ABOUT ROY JONES JR, BOXING PROMOTIONS: Co-founded in 2013 by 10-time world champion Roy Jones, Jr. and Keith Veltre, Roy Jones, Jr. (RJJ) Boxing Promotions is on its way to reinventing boxing.  RJJ has already made a huge impact in the boxing community in a few short years.  Creating exhilarating content for UFC Fight Pass, CBS Sports, Showtime, ESPN and beIN Sports in some of the finest venues across the country, RJJ has proven it is conquering the sweet science of the sport.

Based in the fight capital of the world, Las Vegas, NV, Roy Jones Jr. Boxing Promotions is climbing to the top at a fast pace, adding young talent to its growing stable: NABF super flyweight champion, WBC #15, WBA #14 and IBF #7 Jade “Hurricane” Bornea (15-0, 10 Kos), two-time world title challenger WBO #11 bantamweight “Mighty” Aston Palicte (26-4-1, 22 Kos), former NABA welterweight champion Kendo ‘Tremendo” Castaneda (17-2, 8 Kos), former Interim World middleweight title challenger John “The Phenom” Vera (19-1 (1 KO), NABF, WBC FECARBOX & WBC U.S. champion welterweight, WBC #14 and Santiago “Somer” Dominguez (22-0, 17 Kos), undefeated middleweight prospect Connor “Kid” Coyle (12-0, 5 Kos), undefeated super middleweight prospect Juan “Just Business” Barajas (11-0, 7 Kos), and former WBC World Youth heavyweight Alexander “The Great” Flores (18-3-1, 16 Kos).  

ABOUT UFC FIGHT PASS®UFC PASS ĠLIEDA® is the world’s leading digital subscription service for combat sports. Since launching in 2013, UFC FIGHT PASS is now available in more than 200 countries and territories. UFC FIGHT PASS provides its members with unlimited access to live UFC FIGHT PASS Prelims; live mixed martial arts and combat sports from around the world; original series and historical programming; special features; behind-the-scenes content; in-depth interviews; and up-to-the minute reports on the world of combat sports. UFC FIGHT PASS subscribers also have 24/7 access to the world’s largest fight library, featuring more than 20,000 bouts from dozens of combats sports organizations, as well as every fight in UFC history. Fight fans can access UFC FIGHT PASS on personal computers, iOS and Android mobile devices, Apple TV, Xbox One, Amazon Fire TV, Chromecast, Sena, Samsung Smart TVs, LG Smart TVs, and Sony TVs with Android TV. Għal aktar informazzjoni, jekk jogħġbok ż

RJJ Boxing & iKON Fighting Federation Return to Mexico for back-to-back events



LAS VEGAS (Novembru 2, 2020) – Roy Jones Jr.(RJJ) Boxing Promotions and iKON Fighting Federation (iKON) return to Mexico for back-to-back combat sports events, Novembru 19th l 20th, at Marinaterra Hotel Spa in San Carlos, Sonora, Mexico.

RJJ Boxjng and iKON MMA will be streamed live on UFC FIGHT PASS®, the world’s leading digital subscription service for combat sports. To sign up for UFC FIGHT PASS, jekk jogħġbok ż or download the UFC app.

“We’ve really enjoyed working the past few months with co-promoterEmanuel Romo (De La O Promotions) and Marinaterra Hotel and Spa has been a gracious host” saidKeith Veltre, CEO/co-founder of RJJ Boxing. “Things will be a little different this trip, għalkemm, because we’ve separated boxing and MMA into two nights of combat sports entertainment. RJJ Boxing features a great super middleweight title fight between undefeated Juan Barajas and Mexican knockout artist Bruno Sandoval. As usual, we’ll showcase some promising prospects in real fights. iKON is growing fast, and our third MMA event promises to be our best yet.”

Boxing is scheduled to start streaming Thursday (Novembru. 19) live on UFC FIGHT PASS, jibda 10 p.m. U / 7 p.m. PT, followed on Friday (Novembru. 20) with MMA action, commencing 10 p.m. U / 7 p.m. PT.

Fil-avveniment prinċipali 10-round, Juan “Just Business” Barajas(11-0, 7 Kos), fighting out of Victorville, California, puts his unblemished pro record on the line against dangerousBruno “Tiburon” Sandoval (21-4-1, 17 Kos) for the vacant World Boxing Council (WBC) Latino super middleweight championship.

Three unbeaten Cuban prospects living in Guatemala – middleweightYoelvis “La Joya” Gomez (2-0, 2 Kos), heavyweightGeovany “La Bestia” Bruzon (2-0, 2 “KOs) and super bantamweightAriel Perez De La Torre (3-0, 3 Kos) — are slated to be in 6-round bouts versus opponents to be determined. Unbeaten California welterweightRaiden “Mortal Kombat” Jace Martinez (5-0, 5 Kos) is also scheduled to fight in a 4-rounder against TBA.

Two highly rated Mexican lightweightsAlejandro “El Pato” Martinez (11-4-0) uDaniel “Danger” Vega(12-3-0), headlineiKON 3.   

AdditionaliKON 3 matches will soon be announced.

Cards subject to change.



Facebook: /UFCFightPass, /KeithVeltre

Twitter: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @Keith_Veltre@RoyjonesJRfa @RoyJonesJrOfficial

Instagram: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre, @RoyJonesJrBoxing

ABOUT ROY JONES JR, BOXING PROMOTIONS: Co-founded in 2013 by 10-time world champion Roy Jones, Jr. and Keith Veltre, Roy Jones, Jr. (RJJ) Boxing Promotions is on its way to reinventing boxing.  RJJ has already made a huge impact in the boxing community in a few short years.  Creating exhilarating content for UFC Fight Pass, CBS Sports, Showtime, ESPN and beIN Sports in some of the finest venues across the country, RJJ has proven it is conquering the sweet science of the sport.

Based in the fight capital of the world, Las Vegas, NV, Roy Jones Jr. Boxing Promotions is climbing to the top at a fast pace, adding young talent to its growing stable: NABF super flyweight champion, WBC #15, WBA #14 and IBF #7 Jade “Hurricane” Bornea (15-0, 10 Kos), two-time world title challenger WBO #11 bantamweight “Mighty” Aston Palicte (26-4-1, 22 Kos), former NABA welterweight champion Kendo ‘Tremendo” Castaneda (17-2, 8 Kos), former Interim World middleweight title challenger John “The Phenom” Vera (19-1 (1 KO), NABF, WBC FECARBOX & WBC U.S. champion welterweight, WBC #14 and Santiago “Somer” Dominguez (22-0, 17 Kos), undefeated middleweight prospect Connor “Kid” Coyle (12-0, 5 Kos), undefeated super middleweight prospect Juan “Just Business” Barajas (11-0, 7 Kos), and former WBC World Youth heavyweight Alexander “The Great” Flores (18-2-1, 16 Kos).  

ABOUT UFC FIGHT PASS®UFC PASS ĠLIEDA® is the world’s leading digital subscription service for combat sports. Since launching in 2013, UFC FIGHT PASS is now available in more than 200 countries and territories. UFC FIGHT PASS provides its members with unlimited access to live UFC FIGHT PASS Prelims; live mixed martial arts and combat sports from around the world; original series and historical programming; special features; behind-the-scenes content; in-depth interviews; and up-to-the minute reports on the world of combat sports. UFC FIGHT PASS subscribers also have 24/7 access to the world’s largest fight library, featuring more than 20,000 bouts from dozens of combats sports organizations, as well as every fight in UFC history. Fight fans can access UFC FIGHT PASS on personal computers, iOS and Android mobile devices, Apple TV, Xbox One, Amazon Fire TV, Chromecast, Sena, Samsung Smart TVs, LG Smart TVs, and Sony TVs with Android TV. Għal aktar informazzjoni, jekk jogħġbok ż