Архівы катэгорый: змешаныя баявыя мастацтва


Льюистон, Мэн (Жнівень 15, 2016) - New England Баі (NEF) вяртаецца ў LEWISTON на Верасня 10, 2016 with the fight promotion’s next event, “NEF 25: HEROES & VILLAINS.” Раней сёння, NEF executives announced the re-signing of Lewiston featherweight mixed-martial-artist Мэт “Кен Лялька” Деннинг (3-3) to a new developmental deal. The first fight of the deal will see Denning face Тэйлар Trahan (5-6) on the main card ofNEF 25.


I’m excited to have signed another contract with NEF,” сказаў Деннинг. “I was planning on retiring, but I still have too much fight left in me. I haven’t been doing great record-wise, but if people have seen the opponents I have faced and the performances I put on, they know I’m evolving.


Деннинг, член Цэнтральнай Мэн бразільскага джыу-джытсу (CMBJJ), has had eleven of his thirteen combined amateur and professional fights in the NEF MMA cage. He signed his first developmental deal with the promotion in the fall of 2014. Denning got off to a 2-0 start as a pro before dropping three of his next four. He says that his new focus will be on improving his abilities through tough fights rather than trying to pad his record.


I’m excited to fight Taylor Trahan. ён жорсткі, жорсткая барацьба, but I wanted it. I need the motivation to get back in prime shape like I was when I fought Jeremy Tyler and made my pro debut against Derek Shorey. I’m over records. I’m done with everyone’s opinions. I talked to my coaches and team and I’m going to fight tough guys and do my best to beat them and get better. When I am finally done fighting, I want people to remember that I fought extremely tough opponents and did very well. Thanks to Matt and Nick for asking for me back. I plan on putting on a great show come September 10th. Хто ведае–maybe the NEF fans will see me in the boxing ring soon! Oss.


Looking at the length of his career, it is hard to believe Taylor Trahan is only 25-years-old. The native of Littleton, Нью-Гэмпшыр, and current resident of St. Johnsbury, Вермонт, made his amateur MMA debut back in 2009, shortly after his 18th birthday. Seven years and 26 fights later, Trahan is recognized as one of the most prolific competitors in all of New England MMA. While he has fought in every corner of the region, Trahan has yet to step into the NEF MMA cage. He predicts that he and Denning will put on an exciting, fight-of-the-night performance in his NEF debut.


I’m looking forward to being a part of NEF 25,said Trahan. “NEF always puts on a great show. I’ll be fighting Matt ‘Ken Doll’ Деннинг. He’s a game opponent, but I see holes in his game that I’ll be looking to exploit. I predict the fight having a lot of fireworks and being fight of the night.


Наступная падзея Новай Англіі Паядынкі ", "NEF 25: HEROES & VILLAINS,” takes place on Субота, Верасня 10, 2016 у Androscoggin банка Colisée ў Льюистон, Мэн. Квіткі пачынаюцца за ўсё $25 і ўжо ў продажы ў www.TheColisee.com або патэлефанаваўшы па тэлефоне касы Colisee на 207.783.2009 х 525.


Казахстан дамінуе ў Сусветнай асацыяцыі ММА 2016 Чэмпіянат Азіі

Монтэ-Карла, Манака (Жнівень 12, 2016)- Казахстан дамінаваў у нядаўняй другой штогадовай Сусветнай асацыяцыі змешаных адзінаборстваў (WMMAA) Чэмпіянат Азіі, захоп галоўных узнагарод у пяці з сямі вагавых катэгорый, у Цэнтры культуры і спорту Хвасуна ў Паўднёвай Карэі.
Асобныя пераможцы Казахстана былі ў лёгкай вазе Азама Маркабаеў, полулегком вага Ismail Geroyev, нападаючым Goyti Dazaev, паўцяжкай вага Эеркінбек Інджэль і цяжкавагавых Махмад Суліманаў. Іншы 2016 індывідуальныя чэмпіёны - Кіргізія ў лёгкай вазе Іліяс Чынгізбек Уулу і Узбекістан у сярэдняй вазеНурсултан Рузібоеў.
Індывідуальнае каманднае спаборніцтва праводзілася ў адпаведнасці з “Афіцыйныя правілы спаборніцтваў па змешаных адзінаборствах, падлягае зацвярджэнню WMMAA. У тым ліку дапрацоўкі, дапаўненні і ўдакладненні некаторых пунктаў. Матчы праводзіліся па алімпійскай сістэме, уключаючы па два трэція месцы ў кожнай з сямі вагавых дывізіёнаў.
Услед за Казахстанам у выніковым камандным заліку былі, па парадку, Паўднёвая Карэя і Кыргызстан. Глядзі ніжэй:
Выніковае каманднае становішча
1ст 2-я 3-я 4-я 5-я 6-я 7-я 8-я Усяго
Казахстан 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 66
Паўднёвая Карэя 0 1 7 0 2 0 0 0 58
Кіргізія 1 3 2 0 0 1 0 0 49
Узбекістан 1 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 32
Таджыкістан 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 21
Кітай 0 0 1 0 2 1 1 0 19
Камандны бал быў прысуджаны па максімальнай колькасці балаў, набраных асобнымі членамі каманды на наступнай аснове: 1вуліца – 10, 2й – 8, 3й – 6, 4й – 5, 5й – 4, 6й – 3, 7й – 2, 8й – 1
Націсніце тут, каб паглядзець дзеянне: HTTPS://www.youtube.com/watch?v = FAYR04B4Dvc
Bantamweights (134 ½ LBS. / -61.2 КГ):
1. Азама Маркабаеў (Казахстан)
2. Алімардэн Абдыкаараў (Кіргізія)
3. Лі Джонкван (Паўднёвая Карэя)
3. Рустам Магдзіеў (Узбекістан)
Featherweights (145 LBS. / -65.8 КГ):
1. Ismail Geroyev (Казахстан)
2. Алішэр Гарыбшоеў (Таджыкістан)
3. Кім Чонкван (Паўднёвая Карэя)
3. Ян Джыван (Паўднёвая Карэя)
Легкавагавіка (154 ½ LBS. / -70.3 КГ):
1. Ілісас Чынгізбек Уулу (Кіргізія)
2. Neimat Asadov (Казахстан)
3. Аліхон Хасанаў (Узбекістан)
3. Джанг Іхван (Паўднёвая Карэя)
Паўсярэдняга вагі (169 ½ LBS. / -77.1 КГ):
1. Goyti Dazaev (Казахстан)
2. Маўлонжон Балатаеў (Кіргізія)
3. Ім Джын Ён (Паўднёвая Карэя)
3. Цзян Тао (Кітай)
Средневесов (185 LBS. / -84.0 КГ):
1. Нурсултан Рузібоеў (Узбекістан)
2. Баўржан Куанышбаеў (Казахстан)
3. Талагон Рахманбердзі Уулу (Кіргізія)
3. Кім І Сак (Паўднёвая Карэя)
Святло цяжкавагавікоў (205 LBS. / -93.0 КГ):
1. Эркінбек Інджэль (Казахстан)
2. Квак Юн Суб (Паўднёвая Карэя)
3. Дзілавар Насыраў (Таджыкістан)
3. Даніяр Зарылбек Уулу (Кіргізія)
Цяжкавагавікоў (+205 LBS. / +93.0 КГ):
1. Махмад Суліманаў (Казахстан)
2. Вы плаціце Мусабаеву (Кіргізія)
3. Амін Ергашаў (Узбекістан)
4. Кім Чанхі (Паўднёвая Карэя)
Усе асобныя пераможцы, якія занялі першае месца, былі ўзнагароджаны спецыяльнымі паясамі чэмпіянату і медалямі, якія занялі другое і трэцяе месцы атрымалі медаль і сертыфікат. Каманды, якія фінішавалі ў тройцы лепшых у выніковым заліку, узнагароджаны кубкамі і сертыфікатамі.
Расклад маёра 2016 Падзеі ММА
Сем. 14-16 – Чэмпіянат Еўропы па ММА ў Тбілісі, Грузія
Кастрычнік. 7-9 – Інаўгурацыйны панамерыканскі чэмпіянат у Сант'яга, Чылі
Кастрычнік. 20-21 – Чэмпіянат МММ у Санкт-Пецярбургу, Расія
Шчэбет: @theWMMAA
Instagram: @worldmmaa


Льюистон, Мэн (Жнівень 12, 2016) - New England Баі (NEF) вяртаецца ў LEWISTON на Верасня 10, 2016 with the fight promotion’s next event, “NEF 25: HEROES & VILLAINS.The fight card will feature both mixed-martial-arts and professional boxing bouts. Раней сёння, the fight promotion announced the first pro boxing bout signed for the event. Brandon Montella (4-0, 3 КО) возьме на сябе Толлисон Люіс (2-1, 1 KO) у чатыры раўнды ў паўцяжкай конкурсу ў.


Montella graduated from Carrabec High School in North Anson, Maine in 1998. Soon after, Montella joined the United States Marine Corps (Марская пяхота ЗША). He served in the marines until 2003 when he received an honorable discharge. After spending the better part of a decade in Virginia, Montella moved with his wife to the Boston, Massachusetts area in 2011. He owns and operates The Way, LLC boxing gym in Woburn, Масачусэтс. Montella has been on a tear in the boxing ring of late, scoring three knockouts in an eight-month period.


Tollison Lewis cut his teeth in the NEF MMA cage. He has found more success, аднак, in the boxing ring. Lewis took a fight on one day’s notice against veteran John Webster (8-7-1, 6 КО) восенню 2014. He would dominate that fight and win by decision. Lewis followed up that performance with a stoppage of Zenon Herrera (0-2) у мінулым годзе, earning himself a crack at Brandon Berry’s (11-2-1, 7 КО) Northeast Junior Welterweight Title earlier in 2016. Lewis predicts nothing short of an all-out slugfest with Montella on Верасня 10.


I’m expecting a battle,” сказаў Люіс. “I know I’ll be prepared for one. Expect a war! I’m not going to talk about itI’m going to show it, and losing isn’t an option.


Наступная падзея Новай Англіі Паядынкі ", "NEF 25: HEROES & VILLAINS,” takes place on Субота, Верасня 10, 2016 у Androscoggin банка Colisée ў Льюистон, Мэн. Квіткі пачынаюцца за ўсё $25 і ўжо ў продажы ў www.TheColisee.com або патэлефанаваўшы па тэлефоне касы Colisee на207.783.2009 х 525.


Для атрымання больш падрабязнай інфармацыі пра навінкі карт падзей і бою, калі ласка, наведайце вэб-сайт прасоўванне па адрасе www.NewEnglandFights.com. У дадатак, Вы можаце глядзець відэа ў фармаце NEF ў www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, ісці за імі на Twitternefights і далучыцца да афіцыйнай групе Facebook "New England баі."

M-1 Global continues worldwide expansion


САНКТ-ПЕЦЯРБУРГ, Расія (Жнівень 11, 2016) – In nearly 20 years since its founding, M-1 Global has promoted 215 падзеі, у тым ліку больш за 2,000 запалкі, у 17 different countries on three continents.
M-1 Global’s homeland of Russia has hosted, вядома, the most events with 128. Followed by Yuri Fuuta-led Belarus, which in only five years (2010 для 2014) has presented 29 competitions, and Ukraine, led by Dmitry Khristyuk, з 20.
While the three leading hosts of M-1 events are former Soviet Union-bloc nations, the fourth leading host in the MMA World is the United States with 10: 8 independent, M-1 Selection, M-1 Challenge and M-1 Breakthrough, which showcased a rising star at that time, Кароль Мо Лаваль, супраць Марка Kerr у галоўную падзею, as well as two super shows in partnership with Affliction, у якім Фёдар Іmelianenko crushed former UFC champions Tim Sylvia і Andrei Арлоўскі.
У 2009-2010 era of team World Cup and M-1 Challenge, the most widely traveled around the world, included events held in the Netherlands (5 Teams), Японія (4 Teams), Фінляндыя (2 падзеі), along with one-time events in Brazil, Іngland, Іспанія, Bulgaria and Germany. Representing their country’s national teams in these competitions were the likes of UFC and Bellator fighters such as Gegard Mousasi, Stefan Struve, ДжэйкІllenberger, Karl Amossou, Gu Hyun Lim, Christian M`Pumbu, Mikhail Zayats,Дэйв Янсен, Hakran Diaz, Іiel Weichel і Niko Puhakka, the future winner of Grand Prix KSW.
M-1 Global’s recent history in Georgia, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan added to its collection of diverse location events, plus an unprecedented event in China for any MMA organization, the inaugural show, “Battle in Ёнaven,” was held in Beijing, followed by the Chhendu stage of the tournament, “Road to M-1”. Таксама, the “Road to M-1project was a trial for M-1 Global’s move into Germany.
Seventeen countries have hosted M-1 Global events as the Russia-based organization continues to expand its borders. Future M-1 Global plans include hosting events in the UAE, Indonesia and Monaco.
Шчэбет & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global


Льюистон, Мэн (Жнівень 11, 2016) - New England Баі (NEF) вяртаецца ў LEWISTON на Верасня 10, 2016 with the fight promotion’s next event, “NEF 25: HEROES & VILLAINS.NEF executives announced earlier today that Джэсі “The Viking” Эрыксан (7-5) і Джон Лэмке (5-6) will square off for the second time in their respective careers. Lemke won the first meeting at NEF’s co-promotion with Bellator, “Bellator 93,in the spring of 2013. The bout will take place in the 155-pound lightweight division.


Originally scheduled to take place earlier this month atNEF Presents Дана Уайт: Lookinfor a Fightin Bangor, Erickson-Lemke II was postponed when Erickson suffered an injury in training. Дэвін Паўэл (8-1) stepped in to replace Erickson in the bout. While he was stopped late in the first round, Lemke put on a valiant performance, shattering Powell’s nose in the process. Lemke hopes to get back on the winning track atNEF 25.


My last couple of performances have been a bit disappointing for me as a fighter, so I wanted to fight again as soon as possible and figure this out,” сказаў Лэмке. “I am incredibly grateful for another opportunity to fight for NEF. I am learning how to separate who I am as a person and man versus who I am as a fighter when I step in to that cage. This will enable me to stop holding back and really leave it all in the cage. Jesse is a fighter through and through and this will be a great battle for sure.


Эрыксан, з другога боку, is coming off a brutal knockout victory over Amos Collins (4-5) у чэрвені гэтага года. It was just the latest in a string of improved striking performances from Erickson in the past couple of years. He says that he will welcome the opportunity to stand and exchange with Lemke should the opportunity present itself.


I can’t wait to step into the NEF cage against Jon,” said Erickson. “У мяне ёсць шмат павагі да яго. He is a talented well rounded fighter and always puts on a show. He beat me in my pro debut, but that was years ago and I’m very excited to show everyone how far I’ve come. I’m not the same fighter I was then and now that I’ve recovered from injury, I look forward to competing against him. Most people expect me to look for the takedown to utilize my jiu jitsu, but I love to strike and want to show him and everyone else that I’ve got Thor’s hammer in these hands. If he thinks the outcome will be the same and he will walk through me, it’ll be a rough night for him. Victory or Valhalla.


Наступная падзея Новай Англіі Паядынкі ", "NEF 25: HEROES & VILLAINS,” takes place on Субота, Верасня 10, 2016 у Androscoggin банка Colisée ў Льюистон, Мэн. Квіткі пачынаюцца за ўсё $25 і ўжо ў продажы ў www.TheColisee.com або патэлефанаваўшы па тэлефоне касы Colisee на 207.783.2009 х 525.


Для атрымання больш падрабязнай інфармацыі пра навінкі карт падзей і бою, калі ласка, наведайце вэб-сайт прасоўванне па адрасе www.NewEnglandFights.com. У дадатак, Вы можаце глядзець відэа ў фармаце NEF ў www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, ісці за імі на Twitternefights і далучыцца да афіцыйнай групе Facebook "New England баі."



SANTA MONICA, Каліфорніі (Жнівень 10, 2016) – A bantamweight showdown pitting Джо Уорэн (13-5) супраць Сирван Какава (12-4) has been added to the main card of "Bellator 161: Конга супраць. Джонсан," які адбудзецца Верасня 16 inside the H-E-B Center at Cedar Park, Тэхас, and will air LIVE and FREE on SPIKE.

The bantamweight contest joins a heavyweight main event featuring Шэйх Конга (24-10-2) прымаючы на Тоні Джонсан (10-2), and the U.S. Дэбют Anastasia Yankova (3-0), які адказвае вета Артеага (2-0). Additional contests will be announced in the coming weeks.


Квіткі на "Bellator 161: Конга супраць. Johnson” пачынаюцца толькі $25 can be purchased at Bellator.com, Ticketmaster, or the H-E-B Center at Cedar Park Box Office. The event will air LIVE and FREE on SPIKE at 10 p.m. І/9 p.m. Канэктыкут.

A 15-fight veteran of Bellator MMA and champion in not one but two different weight classes, Warren enters the cage with an 11-4 mark under the Scott Coker-led promotion, including multiple streaks of five consecutive wins. Dating back to 2015, the 2006 Pan American and World Champion wrestler has made three consecutive appearances in Bellator’s main event, including an impressive unanimous decision victory over L.C. Davis at "Bellator 143: Уорэн супраць. Дэвіс ". Hailing from Denver, Каларада, the “Baddest Man on the Planet” will look to become the first-ever fighter to knock out Kakai when the two meet in main card action on SPIKE.


Nicknamed “Zohan,” Kakai comes into the fight in search of his first career win under the Bellator MMA banner. На толькі 26 гадоў, the Swedish submission specialist hopes to make a splash against the former two-division champion in Warren. Since making his professional debut in 2008, Kakai has recorded 12 wins as a pro, with half coming by way of submission. Prior to joining the Bellator MMA fray, Kakai made a splash fighting under the direction of the UFC, recording a unanimous decision victory over Danny Martinez in his promotional debut. Kakai now faces one of the most challenging opponents Bellator MMA’s stacked bantamweight division has to offer when he enters the cage on September 16 at the H-E-B Center at Cedar Park.


Абноўлена "Bellator 161: Конга супраць. Johnson” Main Card:

Heavyweight Main Event: Шэйх Конга (24-10-2) супраць. Тоні Джонсан (10-2)

Легчай вага - са-галоўная падзея: Джо Уорэн (13-5) супраць. Сирван Какава (12-4)

Flyweight Feature Bout: Anastasia Yankova (3-0) супраць. вета Артеага (2-0)


Льюистон, Мэн (Жнівень 9, 2016) – In a rare occurrence, two champions from two different weight divisions will square off onВерасня 10, 2016 when New England Fights presents “NEF 25: HEROES & VILLAINS” Льюистон. Reigning NEF MMA Amateur Bantamweight Champion Джоні рамёствы (4-0) will come up in weight to challenge Калеб зала (7-3) for Hall’s NEF MMA Amateur Featherweight Title.


Caleb Hall was a two-time Maine state champion wrestling for Dirigo High School in Dixfield. He would go on to wrestle for Plymouth State University in New Hampshire, as well as the University of Southern Maine. На “NEF 22” this past spring, Hall captured the vacant featherweight title by submitting Erik Nelson (2-3) у другім туры. In the upcoming bout with Crafts, Hall will be looking to not only retain his title, but to also gain a measure of revenge against Crafts who defeated Hall’s teammate Henry Clark (3-2) Апошняя няўдача.


Johnny’s making a big mistake coming up in weight trying to take my belt,” said Hall. “I will avenge my teammate, Генры Кларк, and put him away early.


Johnny Crafts is a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu brown belt with Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ). As mentioned, Crafts defeated Henry Clark of the Choi Institute last fall to claim the amateur bantamweight title. На Верасня 10, Crafts hopes to make history by becoming the first competitor to simultaneously hold two championships in two different weight divisions.


I’m honestly just excited to get in there and have a brutal, fun fight,” said Crafts. “It’s going to be a guaranteed war versus Caleb. It’s less focus on cutting weight at 145 for me and more on the training camp. I’m going to be the most technical and strong I have ever been for this fight.


Наступная падзея Новай Англіі Паядынкі ", "NEF 25: HEROES & VILLAINS,” takes place on Субота, Верасня 10, 2016 у Androscoggin банка Colisée ў Льюистон, Мэн. Квіткі пачынаюцца за ўсё $25 і ўжо ў продажы ў www.TheColisee.com або патэлефанаваўшы па тэлефоне касы Colisee на 207.783.2009 х 525. Tickets will also be available at the door the night of the event.


Для атрымання больш падрабязнай інфармацыі пра навінкі карт падзей і бою, калі ласка, наведайце вэб-сайт прасоўванне па адрасе www.NewEnglandFights.com. У дадатак, Вы можаце глядзець відэа ў фармаце NEF ў www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, ісці за імі на Twitternefights і далучыцца да афіцыйнай групе Facebook "New England баі."




SANTA MONICA, Каліфорніі (Жнівень 8, 2016) - Chinzo Machida (3-2) will make his promotional debut in featherweight preliminary action at "Bellator 160: Хендэрсан супраць. Pitbull” на Жнівень 26 at Honda Center in Anaheim, Каліфорнія., супраць Mario Navarro (4-4).

The fight joins a main card that includes a lightweight main event between fellow superstars Бенсон Хендэрсан (23-6) і Патрысіа «Pitbull» (25-3). У дадатак, непераможаным накаўтам мастак A.J. Макі (4-0) clashes with former KOTC titlist Генры Корралес (12-3), while explosive lightweights Вы Авад(19-7) і Дэрэк Андэрсан (13-2) go toe-to-toe in a matchup that you do not want to miss. Rounding out the televised action is a women’s flyweight encounter pitting Lena Ovchynnikova (11-4) супраць Jaimelene Nievera (4-1).

During the must-see preliminary portion of the event, Bubba Джэнкінс (11-2) will look for revenge against Georgi “Insane” Karakhanyan (24-6-1) in a featherweight rematch. У нападаючым дзеянняў, both Kevin “Baby Slice” Ferguson Jr. і Joey Davis will both suit up for the first time under the Bellator umbrella and make their professional debuts.

"Bellator 160: Хендэрсан супраць. Pitbull” адбываецца на Жнівень 26 inside Anaheim California’s Honda Center, and will air LIVE and FREE on SPIKE at 10 p.m. І/9 p.m. Канэктыкут.

Дзверы для гэтага мерапрыемства адкрытага ў 4:45 p.m. PT local time and the first preliminary bout – which streams live on Bellator.com і Bellator Mobile App — пачынаецца з 5:00 p.m. PT. Квіткі на мерапрыемствы пачынаюцца за ўсё $30 and can be purchased now on Ticketmaster and at the Honda Center Box Office.

Мачида, the elder brother of former light heavyweight champion Lyoto Machida, has only fought five times in his career, but is currently riding a two-fight winning streak. Machida impressively finished Brian Wood via flying knee for Resurrection Fighting Alliance in 2014 і на Жнівень 26 Machida will be fighting an opponent who’s currently on the opposite end of the spectrum, and has lost his last two outings. If unfamiliar with Machida’s handy work, look no further than his aforementioned finish of Wood here.

Navarro, 33, has competed almost exclusively in his home state of California, з 7 з 8 fights taking place a short drive from his home in Huntington Beach. A two-fight veteran of Bellator MMA, “Handsome” has competed against Cleber Luciano and Brandon Bender under the Scott Coker-led promotion and will look to get back to his winning ways in Anaheim, Каліфорнія., Жнівень. 26.

Поўны "Bellator 160: Хендэрсан супраць. Pitbull” SPIKE-Televised Main Card:

Lightweight No. 1 Contender Main Event: Бенсон Хендэрсан (23-6) супраць. Патрысіо "Pitbull" Фрейрэ (25-3)

Лёгкі сумесна Галоўнай падзеяй: Вы Авад (19-7) супраць. Дэрэк Андэрсан (13-2)

Flyweight Feature Bout: Lena Ovchynnikova (11-4) супраць. Jaimelene Nievera (4-1)

Featherweight Feature Bout: A.J. Макі (4-0) супраць. Генры Корралес (12-3)


Bellator.com-Streamed Preliminary Card:

Featherweight Preliminary Bout: Chinzo Machida (3-2) супраць. Mario Navarro (4-4)

Featherweight Preliminary Bout: Bubba Джэнкінс (11-2) супраць. Георгій Караханян (24-6-1)

Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Joey Davis (Pro Дэбют) супраць. Keith Cutrone (1-0)

Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Kevin Ferguson Jr. (Pro Дэбют) супраць. Jon Tomasian (Pro Дэбют)

Lightweight Preliminary Bout: Gabriel Green (2-0) супраць. Alex Trinidad (1-0)

Flyweight Preliminary Bout: Стыў Рамірэс (4-1) супраць. Ron Henderson (4-2)

Flyweight Preliminary Bout: Kyle Estrada (3-2) супраць. David Duran (3-4)

Lightweight Preliminary Bout: Mike Segura (4-3) супраць. Jacob Rosales (3-2)

Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Jonny Cisneros (9-4) супраць. Andy Murad (12-2)

Lightweight Preliminary Bout: Джэйк Робертс (6-0) супраць. Стывен Марцінес (11-4)


Bangor, Мэн (Жнівень 6, 2016) - New England Баі (NEF) held its most recent event, “NEF Presents Дана Уайт: Lookinfor a Fight,Пятніца night at the Cross Insurance Center in Bangor. The event sold out moments before doors opened to the public. Over 1200 fans in attendance witnessed a wild night of eight professional bouts. The crowd included UFC President Dana White who was in attendance to film a future episode of his web series.


Fight of the night went to Аарон Lacey (2-0) і John Santos (3-4). The two featherweights battled back and forth for a grueling, and bloody, 15-хвілін. Lacey was declared the winner by split decision on the judges’ сістэмы паказчыкаў.


In a rematch from 2014, NEF ММА Прафесійны лёгкай вазе Дэвін Паўэл (8-1) took on Джон Лэмке (5-6) in a non-title catchweight contest. In a repeat of the first bout, Powell scored the win over Lemke with a first round submission.


Ryan Sanders (11-8) і Derrick Kennington (11-8) were the third fight of the evening to go the distance with Sanders picking up the victory via unanimous decision.


In the bantamweight main event, Brazilian prospect Ricardo Lucas Ramos (9-1) submitted Glendale, Каліфорніі Alfred Khashakyan (7-3) у другім туры.


The results from Bangor, Мэн:


Ricardo Lucas Ramos def. Alfred Khashakyan via rear-naked choke, круглы 2

Ryan Sanders def. Derrick Kennington via unanimous decision
Devin Powell def. Jon Lemke via rear-naked choke submission, круглы 1

Аарон Лэйсі Def. John Santos via split decision

David Mundell def. Jarod Lawton via unanimous decision

CJ Збан выразнасці. Ruben Redman via KO, круглы 1

Derrick Brown def. Brendan Battles via TKO, круглы 2

Джош Харві Def. Зянон Эррера тэхнічным накаўтам, круглы 1


Наступная падзея Новай Англіі Паядынкі ", "NEF 25: HEROES & VILLAINS,” takes place on Saturday, Верасня 10, 2016 у Androscoggin банка Colisée ў Льюистон, Мэн. Квіткі пачынаюцца за ўсё $25 і ўжо ў продажы ў www.TheColisee.com або патэлефанаваўшы па тэлефоне касы Colisee на 207.783.2009 х 525. Tickets will also be available at the door the night of the event.


Для атрымання больш падрабязнай інфармацыі пра навінкі карт падзей і бою, калі ласка, наведайце вэб-сайт прасоўванне па адрасе www.NewEnglandFights.com. У дадатак, Вы можаце глядзець відэа ў фармаце NEF ў www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, ісці за імі на Twitternefights і далучыцца да афіцыйнай групе Facebook "New England баі."


New featherweight main event:
John “Sexy Mexy” Castaneda replaces injured Erick Sanchez against Angel Cruz

New flyweight co-main event:
Danny Martinez in for injured Jonathan Martinez against Benjamin Vinson

NEW YORK – Жнівень 4, 2016 - Combate Амерыкі, першы ў свеце U.S. Іспанец Змешаныя баявыя мастацтва (MMA) sports franchise, today announced new main event and co-main event matchups for its 10-bout fight card that will air live on UFC FIGHT PASS® from The Exchange in Los Angeles, Халіф. наЧацвер, Жнівень. 11 на 9:30 p.m. І/6:30 p.m. PT.

Streaking star Джон "Sexy Sexy" Кастанеда (10-2) will step in for Эрык Санчэс, who suffered a staph infection, and face off with Angel “Tito” Cruz(5-2) у полулегком вазе (145 фунты) main event at “Aspira A Mas Presents Combate Americas: CombateOCHO,” while four-time UFC® ветэран Danny “The Gremlin” Martinez will replace a hurt (knee injury) Jonathan Martinez(19-7) in the flyweight (125 фунты) co-main event contest with Benjamin Vinson (8-3-1).

У дадатак, the planned women’s atomweight (105 фунты) матч паміж Кіра "Mogwai" батарэі (5-3) і Lisa Ellis (15-10) has been scrapped due to a hamstring injury sustained by Batara.

“We wish Erick, Jonathan and Kyra speedy and full recoveries, and have the utmost respect for John Castaneda and Danny Martinez, two ferocious warriors who did not hesitate to accept our offers to face super tough opponents in the top two fights on our card, на кароткі тэрмін,»Сказаў генеральны дырэктар Combate Americas Кэмпбэл Макларен.

The 24-year-old Castaneda of Mankato, Ад. is riding a five-fight win streak, the last three of which came inside the Combate Americas cage, or “La Jaula.”

Сустрэцца, the fast-rising star who normally competes at bantamweight (135 фунты), but who began his career as a featherweight, has notched 7 з яго 10 прафесійная кар'ера выйграе шляхам (T)КО або падпарадкаванне.

Martinez of Chula Vista, Халіф. will see action for the first time since his unanimous decision win over Richie Vaculik на UFC 193 апошні Лістапада 14.

The 31-year-old finisher, originally hailing from Tempe, Штат Арызона., зарабіў 14 з яго 19 Кар'ера перамогі па шляху (T)КО або падпарадкаванне.

Tickets for “Aspira A Mas Presents Combate Americas: CombateOCHO,” priced from $40, are on sale at ItsMySeat.com as well as at The Exchange box office. UFC FIGHT PASS is available on: personal computers, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Amazon Fire TV, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Android, Chromecast, Samsung Smart TV, LG Smart TV, Sony TVs with Android TV and Roku devices.

Doors at the Exchange LA open for the event at 5:30 p.m. PT, і першы папярэдні бой карты пачнецца ў 6 p.m. The live UFC FIGHT PASS stream will commence at 6:30 p.m.


Featherweight Main Event:
John Castaneda vs. Angel Cruz

Flyweight Co-Main Event:
Danny Ramirez vs. Benjamin Vinson

Лёгкі вага: Heinrich Wassmer vs. Бенджи Гомес
Полулегком вага: Izic Fernandez vs. Марк Бонилья
Лёгкі вага: Jonathan Santa Maria vs. Albert Tapia
Полулегком вага: Jonathan Quiroz vs. Ryan Lilley
Лёгкі: Jose Estrada vs. Christian Cardona
Лёгкі: Erick Gonzalez vs. Yoandy Carrillo
Сярэдні вага: Daniel Rodriguez vs. Hector Saldana
Сярэдні вага: George Hernandez vs. Hakob Ter Petrosyan