Kategoria: Archiwum: Las Vegas

Canelo ALVAREZ VS. Daniel JACOBS ** In-Depth Preview i Analiz **

Przez: Tony Penecale

The biggest week in boxing is upon us with the annual Cinco de Mayo weekend extravaganza in Las Vegas. The Mexican marquee star Saul “Canelo” Alvarez returns to his home-away-from-home to face the challenge of fellow middleweight titlist, Daniel “Miracle Man” Jacobs, who is intent on spoiling the homecoming.

Can Canelo sprinkle some extra cinnamon on an explosive victory? A może to Jacobs zapewni kolejny cud w swoim powrocie do opowiadań?

WIEK, REKORD, I statystyki

Alvarez: Wiek: 28 lat
Rekord: 51-1-2 (35 Knockouts)
Wysokość: 5"9"
Waga: 167 * * Waga do ostatniego ataku (12-15-18)
Dosięgnąć: 70"

Jacobs: Wiek: 32 lat
Rekord: 35-2 (29 Knockouts)
Wysokość: 5„11”
Waga: 159 * * Waga do ostatniego ataku (10-27-18)
Dosięgnąć: 73"


Mistrz wagi średniej WBC Junior ('11-13)
Mistrz wagi średniej WBA Junior („13)
Mistrz Ring Magazine Junior Middleweight Champion ('13)
Mistrz wagi średniej WBC (2015 -Pres)
Mistrz WBA wagi średniej ('18 -Pres)
Mistrz Ring Magazine w wadze średniej ('18 -Pres)
Mistrz WBA Super Middleweight ('18 -Pres)
Ring Magazine Pound-4-Pound #3 Bokser

Mistrz WBA wagi średniej („14-17)
Mistrz IBF wagi średniej („18-” Pres)


Agresywny, fizyczny wojownik z niedocenianymi umiejętnościami bokserskimi, Alvarez często nosi przeciwników w dół z konsekwentnej presji i brutalne ciosy. Użyje zwodów i kontr, aby rzucić, gdy przeciwnik się wyczerpie i stworzy luki do ataku wysysającego siłę ciała. Niesie zmienia siłę walczyć w obu rękach, ale czasami nie rzucać na tyle ciosów. Podczas gdy on jest najbardziej znany ze swoich ofensywnych umiejętności, Alvarez ma przyzwoity, ale nie wielki, Umiejętności defensywne ślizgały i blokowanie ciosów.

Chudy, długoręki bokser o wszechstronnych umiejętnościach, który często walczy agresywnie i nie boi się wymieniać ciosami. Jacobs łączy dobre umiejętności bokserskie i podstawy z mocą nokautu w obu rękach. Czasami będzie zbyt agresywny i podatny na kontrowanie ciosów. W obliczu przeciwności wykazuje ogromne serce.


* Moc - Alvarez niesie grzmot w obu pięściach. Ma moc nokautu w obu rękach, ale jego najbardziej niszczycielska broń znajduje się w lewym hakiem, szczególnie dla ciała. W swojej karierze ma trzech kandydatów do nokautu roku.

* Siła - Alvarez jest fizycznie dojrzewania i gęsto zbudowany wojownik z niesamowitą siłą. Jest skuteczny w tworzeniu kopii bojowników się, nawet wtedy, gdy nie lądując przemywać ciosów. Wyrósł z wagi młodzieżowej i średniej i ostatnio startował w wadze superciężkiej.

* Doświadczenie - Alvarez przebył długą drogę podczas swojej kariery zawodowej i rywalizował z niektórymi z największych nazwisk w boksie. Był w tym momencie wiele razy i hałaśliwa atmosfera będzie dla niego drugą naturą.

* Charakter - Jacobs stanął i pokonał najbardziej zniechęcającego przeciwnika w swojej karierze, kiedy pokonał raka kości w 2011. Jego postać pojawia się na ringu, gdy zmierzył się z trudnymi wyzwaniami w swojej karierze.

* Moc - zarejestrował się Jacobs 29 z jego 35 profesjonalne zwycięstwa poprzez przestój. Ma moc zmiany walki jednym ciosem i instynkt zabójcy, by dobić rannego przeciwnika.

* Wszechstronny - Jacobs posiada dobre umiejętności bokserskie i ruch, czasami zmieniając postawę ortodoksyjną i południową. Jeśli przeciwko innemu agresywnemu przeciwnikowi, Jacobs będzie walił na tylną stopę i będzie szukał okazji do kontrataku. Jest biegły w przyspieszaniu tempa w razie potrzeby.


* Błędy taktyczne - Alvarez popełnił taktyczne błędy w niektórych poprzednich walkach, w tym próba pokonania Floyda Mayweathera Jr. boksując się z nim na zewnątrz. W innych walkach, pozwolił swoim przeciwnikom kontrolować tempo i kraść rundy.

* Łatwy do trafienia - podczas gdy jego umiejętności ofensywne są jego wizytówką, Alvarez ma przyzwoitą obronę. When he loses focus or becomes overly aggressive, he is wide open for straight right hands and counter punches.

* Heavy Feet – Alvarez has good boxing ability but is often slow-footed in the ring. When matched against taller fighters with good lateral movement, he frequently struggles, as was the case in his bouts with Austin Trout and Erislandy Lara.

* Suspect Chin – Jacobs is no stranger to tasting the canvas. He was knocked out in devastating fashion by Dmitry Pirog in his first professional loss. He was also on the canvas against Gennady Golovkin and Sergio Mora.

* Reckless – In his first fight against Mora, Jacobs became overly aggressive after scoring a knockdown and left himself wide open for a counter punch that put him on the canvas. Był również wytrącony z równowagi i ponownie lekkomyślny, kiedy ogłuszył Petera Quillina.

* Atmosfera - Jacobs walczył już wcześniej w Las Vegas i występował w Madison Square Garden. Jednak, to jego pierwszy weekendowy ekstrawagancki namiot Las Vegas Cinco-de-Mayo.


Alvarez: (12/15/18) - Alvarez zaliczył udany debiut w wadze superciężkiej, niszcząc grę, ale pokonał Rocky Fielding w trzech rundach. Alvarez ukarał ciało Fieldinga, strzelając cztery powalenia, i wykańczając go swoim podpisowym lewym hakiem do wątroby.

(10/27/18) - Jacobs miał ciężkie spotkanie z niepokonanym, ale nieznanym Serhijem Derevianchenko, wygrywając podzieloną decyzję w 12 rundach. Jacobs zdobył knockdown w pierwszej rundzie i zadał więcej ciosów podczas walki w tę iz powrotem.

3 Najlepszych występów

* James Kirkland (5/9/15) - Fajerwerki były widoczne z dzwonka otwierającego, gdy Kirkland zaatakował Alvareza atakiem kamikadze. Alvarez skontrował i strzelił knockdown w pierwszej rundzie i zakończył walkę w 3
rd okrągły z malowniczą prawą ręką.

* Liam Smith (9/17/16) - Alvarez metodycznie zniszczył wcześniej niepokonanego Smitha, kontrolowanie walki od początku. Alvarez strzelił knockdown w 7
th i 8th rundę przed zakończeniem pokazu z lewym hakiem do wątroby w 9th okrągły.

* Carlos Baldomir (9/18/10) - Alvarez był 20-letnim cudownym dzieckiem walczącym z trwałym byłym mistrzem świata w Baldomir. Alvarez powiodła boks wcześnie i wykorzystując swoje zalety w szybkości i zręczności, aby zamiatać pięć pierwszych rund. Ale to był jego wyświetlania w 6, który był niezapomniany. Alvarez wstrząsnęły Baldomir zanim w końcu spada z lewym sierpowym, czyniąc go przytomności zanim upadł na matę i czynienia mu tylko straty zatrzymania w 16-letniej karierze.

* Sergio Mora (9/9/16) - Jacobs wymazał wszelkie kontrowersje z ich pierwszej walki, co zakończyło się kontuzją Mory w kostce, sekcjonując go w rewanżu, zakończone imponującym 7
th okrągły TKO. Jacobs zdobył powalenia w każdym meczu 4th i 5th rundy przed otwarciem i trzykrotnym upuszczeniem Mory w 7th okrągły, wymuszenie zatrzymania.

* Peter Quillin (12/5/15) - W bitwie o Brooklyn Bragging Rights, Jacobs stunned the undefeated and favored Quillin with a 1
st okrągły TKO. Jacobs landed a right hand early, sending Quilling staggering into the ropes. A follow-up flurry sent Quillin across the ring where the referee stopped the fight.

* Caleb Truax (4/24/15) – Jacobs dominated Truax with a masterful performance over 11 Rundy, controlling the action with a heavy jab, and wearing his game opponent down. Comfortably ahead going into the final round, Jacobs unloaded on his weakened adversary until the referee saved him from further punishment.


* Start fast and don’t allow Jacobs to become confident

* Cut off the ring and force Jacobs to fight in confined spaces

* Go to the body early and often

* Use a stiff jab and lateral movement to keep Alvarez off balance

* Land something to get Alvarez’s respect early

* Do not get reckless


* Czy powrót do wagi średniej osłabi Alvareza?

* Czy Alvarez spogląda na Jacobsa?

* Czy Alvarez poczuje się sfrustrowany, jeśli Jacobs użyje skutecznego ruchu bocznego??

* Czy Jacobs może wygrać decyzję w Las Vegas?

* Czy Jacobs będzie w stanie wykorzystać taktyczne niedociągnięcia Alvareza?

* Jak Jacobs poradzi sobie z atmosferą pro-Alvareza?


Tłum będzie brzęczał przy pierwszym dzwonku. Alvarez ruszy do przodu, ręce do góry, sondując jego dźgnięciem i próbując ustawić stopy. Jacobs będzie się poruszał na boki, zadając niepewne dźgnięcie i używając zwodów głową. Ostrożny 1
st Runda zakończy się, gdy Alvarez wkroczy i odda kilka mocnych uderzeń w ciało, co spowodowało, że tłum partyzantów wybuchnął wiwatami.

Alvarez będzie nadal wywierać nacisk w 2
nd i 3rd obchodzi Jacobs z większym autorytetem. Jacobs will land a few heavy jabs to the face with Alvarez countering with right hands over the top. Jacobs will step to his left to avoid Alvarez’s left hook to the body.

The action will continue to intensify through the middle rounds. Jacobs will be following his jab with a straight right hand. Alvarez will be crouching and using his strength on the inside, using overhand rights and hooks to the arms and ribs.

Alvarez will sport some redness around his eyes and Jacobs will show welts across his torso. The pro-Alvarez crowd will gasp as Jacobs lands a series of hard right hands in the 6
th round but will then erupt in the 7th when an exchange of left hooks sees Alvarez land first, sending Jacobs sprawling back to the canvas.

Jacobs will rise and affirm to referee Tony Weeks that he is okay to continue. Alvarez will attack, throwing his left hook to the body and head. Jacobs will stagger back, set his feet, and respond with a right hand and wild left hook. Alvarez will land a counter left hook to the head and Jacobs will clinch, with the bell ending the round.

The crowd will be wild with anticipation going into the 8
th okrągły, sensing the Alvarez might be closing in on victory. Jacobs will use lateral movement while he clears his head, probing with his jab to keep Alvarez at bay. Alvarez will continue to look for the homerun punch, but Jacobs will stay out of range for the duration.

Throughout the 9
th i 10th Rundy, Jacobs will be sufficiently recovered and willing to engage Alvarez, throwing more right hands, and increasing the tempo. Alvarez will land a series of thudding hooks to the body and Jacobs will counter with uppercuts on the inside.

The 11
th round will continue the intense action with both fighters having their moments. Alvarez will become inactive for stretches of the round, allowing Jacobs to again control the pace.

Going into the final round, Jacobs will know that he is in danger with the bout being so close. He will initiate the pressure on Alvarez and there will be some toe-to-toe exchanges. As Alvarez takes a deep breath, Jacobs will successfully back him on his heels with a jab, followed by a straight-right hand. Alvarez will roll with the punch and counter with his own right hand. The crowd will be on its feet as the fighters exchange punches and embrace the final bell.

The decision will be unanimous with Dave Moretti and Glenn Feldman both scoring 115-112 and Steve Weisfeld with a wider margin of 117-110, all in favor of Saul “Canelo” Alvarez.

Below you can access this week’s radio show where Tony , “Psychiczny” Tom Padgett and “Motłoch Rousin "” Rich Bergeron discuss the fight.

Listen to “Canelo vs. Jacobs Podgląd, Lesnar odchodzi z MMA, Pytania MacDonald będzie utrzymać ranienia ludzi po Fitch Draw” on Spreaker.


Box Fan Expo jest ostatecznym Fan Event doświadczenie, które daje fanów boksu okazję spotkać-and-pozdrawiam najlepszych myśliwców, obecnych i byłych mistrzów świata, boks celebrities i ludzi z branży w ustawieniu osobistym z bliska.

Sprzedaż biletów on-teraz w Eventbrite


Las Vegas (Maj 1, 2019) – Boxing Icon &Eight-time world champion Thomas Hearns hasconfirmed that he will appear, posiada budkę i przytrzymaj spotkać i pozdrowić z jego fanów na piątym roczny Box Fan Expo w sobotę maja 4, 2019 at the Las Vegas Convention Center.The Expo is open from 10 a.m. do 5 po południu, Podczas weekendu Cinco de Mayo. Boksie Expo również pokrywają się z silnie przewidywanego walki między Canelo Alvarez vs Danny Jacobs, które odbędzie się później tego wieczoru w T-Mobile Arena.

Bilety do skrzynki Fan Expo są dostępne w Eventbrite – http://boxfanexpo.eventbrite.com/

Hearns will make his 4th appearance at this years’ Expo i będzie podpisanie rękawiczki, Zdjęcia,rzeczy osobiste, a także mieć towar na sprzedaż dla fanów cieszyć. Boxing Fans will also have an opportunity to take pictures with this Boxing Living Legend also known as “Hitman”.

Hearns joins Roy Jones Jr., Mayweather Promotions, Anthony Dirrell, WBA, Julio Cesar Chavez, Riddick Bowe, Mikey Garcia, Errol Spence Jr., Marco Antonio Barrera, Mia St,John, Juan Manuel Marquez, Vinny Paz, Devin Haney, Earnie golarek, Al Bernstein, Michael Spinks, WBC, Erik Morales, James Toney i Jessie Vargas jako wczesne zaangażowanie w tegorocznej Box Fan Expo, z bardziej Boks gwiazdy zostaną ogłoszone.

About Thomas Hearns
Hearns bardziej znany jako “Hitman”, jako pierwszy bokser w historii wygrać tytułów mistrza świata w czterech działach. On też został pierwszym zawodnikiem w historii, aby wygrać pięć tytułów mistrza świata w pięciu różnych działów. Hearns was named Ring Magazine fighter of the year in 1980 i 1984 i jest najbardziej znany ze swoich walk z Sugar Ray Leonard, Roberto Marvin Hagler Duran. On został wprowadzony do Galerii Sław Boksu w 2012.

O Box Fan Expo
Box Fan Expo jest ostatecznym boks wydarzenie doświadczenie wentylator, która pozwala fanom meet-and-pozdrawiam boks Superstars dzisiejszy, obecnych i byłych mistrzów świata, legendy sportu i innych osobistości bokserskie. Fani mogą spodziewać się wystąpić różne interakcje, takie jak sesje autografów i zdjęć, Faceoff z ulubionych bokserów, zdjęcia z pierścieniem kart dziewczyn, Muzyka na żywo DJ, szansa na wygraną, towar i zakup pamiątek z różnych stoisk wystawców, “Pod jednym dachem“. Nie chcesz przegapić tego trzeba uczęszcza do Expo!

Box Fan Expo odniósł ogromny sukces wśród fanów boksu i ludzi z branży. Wiele gwiazd bokserskich uczestniczyły cztery ostatnie Expos takie jak Floyd Mayweather, Mike Tyson, Roberto Duran, Tommy Hearns, Marco Antonio Barrera, Roy Jones Jr., Andre Ward, Mikey Garcia, Marcos Maidana, Juan Manuel Marquez, Erik Morales, Errol Spence Jr., Sergio Martinez, Keith Thurman, Danny Garcia, Tim Bradley, Deontay Wilder, Amir Khan, Shawn Porter, Fernando Vargas, Zab Judah, James Toney, Jessie Vargas, Vinny Pazienza, Mia St.John, Leo Santa Cruz, Badou Jack, Terry Norris , Riddick Bowe , Earnie golarek, Leon Spinks, Danny Jacobs, Abner Mares, Jorge Linares, Brandon Rios i wiele więcej…

Wśród wystawców znajdą się: promotorów bokserskich, koło zębate, strój, ekwipunek, napoje energetyczne, suplementach, mediów nadawczych, ciał sankcjonowania, i innych firm, którzy chcą uczestniczyć po raz kolejny mieli okazję do zaprezentowania swojej marki do fanów i przemysł bokserski.

Bilety na Fan Expo Box dostępne są na stronie internetowej:

Throughout the next several days leading up to the event, nie będzie więcej aktualizacji na wielu gwiazd, które dopuszczają się ich wygląd na bokserski Expo. I dla każdego, kto w branży boksu lub innych wystawców (non-przemysł), kto chciałby być zaangażowany i zarezerwować stoisko, contact Box Fan Expo:

Telephone number: (514) 572-7222 or Las Vegas Number (702) 997-1927

W przypadku jakichkolwiek pytań prosimy o e-mail: boxfanexpo@gmail.com

For More information on Box Fan Expo visit: http://www.boxfanexpo.com

Follow Box Fan Expo on Twitter and Instagram: @BoxFanExpo

Follow Box Fan Expo on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/BoxFanExpo


Box Fan Expo jest ostatecznym Fan Event doświadczenie, które daje fanów boksu okazję spotkać-and-pozdrawiam najlepszych myśliwców, obecnych i byłych mistrzów świata, boks celebrities i ludzi z branży w ustawieniu osobistym z bliska.

Sprzedaż biletów on-teraz w Eventbrite


Las Vegas (Sierpień 29, 2019) – Boxing’s Four-Time World Champion Abner Mares has confirmed that he will appear and hold a meet and greet with his fans at the fifth annual Box Fan Expo on Saturday May 4, 2019 at the Las Vegas Convention Center.The Expo is open from 10 a.m. do 5 po południu, during Cinco De Mayo weekend.The Boxing Expo will also coincide with the highly anticipated fight between Canelo Alvarez vs Danny Jacobs, które odbędzie się później tego wieczoru w T-Mobile Arena.

Bilety do skrzynki Fan Expo są dostępne w Eventbrite – http://boxfanexpo.eventbrite.com/

Mares will make his third appearance at this yearsExpo, where he will be selling his own branded Team Mares merchandise, signing gloves and taking photos with fans. Mares is a commentator on Telemundo’sBoxeo Telemundoseries and a co-host of FOX and FS1’sInside PBC Boxing.

Mares joins Roy Jones Jr., Mayweather Promotions, Anthony Dirrell, WBA, Julio Cesar Chavez, Riddick Bowe, Mikey Garcia, Errol Spence Jr., Marco Antonio Barrera, Juan Manuel Marquez, Vinny Paz, Devin Haney, Earnie golarek, Al Bernstein, Michael Spinks, WBC, Erik Morales, James Toney i Jessie Vargas jako wczesne zaangażowanie w tegorocznej Box Fan Expo, z bardziej Boks gwiazdy zostaną ogłoszone.

About Abner Mares
Mares was born in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico and immigrated to the U.S. w wieku 7. Having been raised in both Los Angeles and Mexico. Mares is a Mexican-American professional boxer who formerly held the WBA (Regularny) Featherweight Championship Title. Mares is a four-time world champion in three weight classes. Some of Mares most notable and exciting fights were against top level fighters, such as Vic Darchinyan, Joseph Agbeko, Anselmo Moreno, Daniel Ponce De Leon, Jhonny Gonzalez, Leo Santa Cruz and Jesus Cuellar from whom he won the WBA title on December 10 th, 2016. He is presently the co-host of FOX and FS1Inside PBC Boxingand Telemundo’sBoxeo Telemundo.

O Box Fan Expo
Box Fan Expo jest ostatecznym boks wydarzenie doświadczenie wentylator, która pozwala fanom meet-and-pozdrawiam boks Superstars dzisiejszy, obecnych i byłych mistrzów świata, legendy sportu i innych osobistości bokserskie. Fani mogą spodziewać się wystąpić różne interakcje, takie jak sesje autografów i zdjęć, Faceoff z ulubionych bokserów, zdjęcia z pierścieniem kart dziewczyn, Muzyka na żywo DJ, szansa na wygraną, towar i zakup pamiątek z różnych stoisk wystawców, “Pod jednym dachem“. Nie chcesz przegapić tego trzeba uczęszcza do Expo!

Box Fan Expo odniósł ogromny sukces wśród fanów boksu i ludzi z branży. Wiele gwiazd bokserskich uczestniczyły cztery ostatnie Expos takie jak Floyd Mayweather, Mike Tyson, Roberto Duran, Tommy Hearns, Marco Antonio Barrera, Roy Jones Jr., Andre Ward, Mikey Garcia, Marcos Maidana, Juan Manuel Marquez, Erik Morales, Errol Spence Jr., Sergio Martinez, Keith Thurman, Danny Garcia, Tim Bradley, Deontay Wilder, Amir Khan, Shawn Porter, Fernando Vargas, Zab Judah, James Toney, Jessie Vargas, Vinny Pazienza, Mia St.John, Leo Santa Cruz, Badou Jack, Terry Norris , Riddick Bowe , Earnie golarek, Leon Spinks, Danny Jacobs, Abner Mares, Jorge Linares, Brandon Rios i wiele więcej…

Wśród wystawców znajdą się: promotorów bokserskich, koło zębate, strój, ekwipunek, napoje energetyczne, suplementach, mediów nadawczych, ciał sankcjonowania, i innych firm, którzy chcą uczestniczyć po raz kolejny mieli okazję do zaprezentowania swojej marki do fanów i przemysł bokserski.

Bilety na Fan Expo Box dostępne są na stronie internetowej:

Throughout the next several days leading up to the event, nie będzie więcej aktualizacji na wielu gwiazd, które dopuszczają się ich wygląd na bokserski Expo. I dla każdego, kto w branży boksu lub innych wystawców (non-przemysł), kto chciałby być zaangażowany i zarezerwować stoisko, contact Box Fan Expo:

Telephone number: (514) 572-7222 or Las Vegas Number (702) 997-1927

W przypadku jakichkolwiek pytań prosimy o e-mail: boxfanexpo@gmail.com

For More information on Box Fan Expo visit: http://www.boxfanexpo.com

Follow Box Fan Expo on Twitter and Instagram: @BoxFanExpo

Follow Box Fan Expo on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/BoxFanExpo


Viktor Postol Outclasses Mohamed Mimoune In WBC Super Lightweight Eliminator & Efe Ajagba Knocks Out Michael Wallisch In Co-Featured Bouts

Catch The Encore Presentation Monday At 10 p.m. ET / PT
Showtime EXTREME®

Kliknij TUTAJ for Photos from Ryan Hafey/PBC

Kliknij TUTAJ na zdjęciach z Esther Lin / SHOWTIME

Kliknij TUTAJ na zdjęciach z Sean Michael Ham /
Mayweather Promotions

LAS VEGAS – Kwiecień 27, 2019 – Robert Easter Jr. and Rances Barthelemy fought to a split-draw in their matchup for the vacant WBA Lightweight World Title Saturday on SHOWTIME from The Chelsea inside The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas.

The challenging fight to score was ruled 115-113 Barthelemy, 115-113 Easter and 114-114. The WBA 135-pound title remains vacant following the split decision.

With both former world champions needing a win in a crossroads affair, neither fighter was able to pull the trigger in a matchup of talented counterpunchers. The tall, rangy lightweights competed on the outside for much of the 12-round bout, and while both relied on their reach to keep their opponent at bay, they failed to land many effective shots from the outside.

The switch-hitting Cuban Barthelemy (27-1-1, 14 KO), who fought defensively for most of the fight, transitioned to mostly southpaw in the third. The former two-division world champion’s most effective punches appeared to be body shots from the southpaw stance, while Easter (21-1-1, 14 KO) was at his best when he countered with his right.

As the 12-round affair progressed, the corners of both fightersRobert Easter Sr. and former Cuban champion Joel Casamayorpleaded with their pugilists to increase their output to little avail. Neither fighter landed 10 punches in any round, and while Easter was slightly more active they combined to throw just 743 stemple. They combined to land just 106 Suma stemple.

I feel I did enough to win this fight but the judges saw it differently,” said Easter, who was fighting for the first time since losing to pound-for-pound great Mikey Garcia in a unification last summer. “They saw it a different way. Rances is a crafty fighter, an elusive fighter. I tried to take the fight to him but he wouldn’t take it. It was hard to land my shots.

Barthelemy, who was returning to lightweight after losing a rematch to Kiryl Relikh in his bid to become Cuba’s first three-division world champion, was frustrated with the decision.

Robert was absent in the ring tonight,” Barthelemy said. “I wanted him to land his right and he didn’t. I wanted him to come forward and he didn’t. We were prepared for a different Robert Easterthe one that attacksbut he didn’t show up so I couldn’t deliver my strategy.

I landed the cleaner and more accurate shots. I feel I threw more punches. I was the busier fighter. I won the fight. I think this was a missed opportunity for me. I really feel I won this fight.

Former 140-pound world champion Viktor Postol outclassed Mohamed Mimoune in a WBC Super Lightweight Eliminator, winning via unanimous decision 98-92, 97-93, 99-91 in the SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION co-feature.

Postol fought off a stiff jab and utilized his reach advantage to keep the fight at range. The Ukrainian, who was working with Hall of Fame trainer Freddie Roach, was the more active fighter from bell to bell, rzucanie 587 punches compared to just 306 for the French Mimoune. While Mimoune was elusive and able to slip many of Postol’s power shots, he never left himself in a position to effectively counter his taller and more aggressive opponent. The southpaw Mimoune (21-3, 2 KO) averaged just 30 punches per round and was off balance for much of the fight, throwing wide looping shots that rarely landed.

Po walce, Postol attributed his victory with being able to remain disciplined and stick to the game plan of Roach.

I always try to be disciplined,” Postol said. “I did well tonight. My opponent’s style was a little awkward, but I did okay. If I could fight a guy like (Terence) Crawford, I can handle Mimoune. And I did.

Po walce, Postół, who’s only losses came against top fighters Terence Crawford and Josh Taylor, promised to chase the elite of the 140-pound class.

I want the next big fight,” Postol said. “Doesn’t matter whoWBC Champion Jose Ramirez would be a great choice. I was away for two years so I was a little bit worried before, but now I feel like I’m back. Jestem 100 percent back and ready for the next test.

Hall of Famer Steve Farhood, who served as unofficial ringside scorer for the SHOWTIME telecast, gave Postol all 10 of the rounds in the WBC Eliminator.

W pojedynku otwierającym telewizyjny, fast-rising heavyweight Efe Ajagba added another knockout to his resume with a second-round TKO of previously once-beaten Michael Wallisch.

Ajagba (10-0, 9 KO) was aggressive from the outset, rzucając prawie 100 punches in the opening round. Utilizing a steady diet of 1-2 Wzmacniacz, Ajagba landed at will in the second against Wallisch, who fought behind a high guard but couldn’t prevent the Nigerian’s power shots from landing. After eating a series of combos in the second, Wallisch (19-2, 12 KO) took a knee and was given time to recover after Ajagba appeared to throw and land a punch with his opponent on his knee. Wallisch got back up but was defenseless against Ajagba’s onslaught, forcing referee Tony Weeks to step in to stop the contest at 1:40.

I took my time in there, I used my jab a lot and it worked,” said Agjaba, który wylądował 43 procent jego strzałów energetycznych. “When I shot my right hand and he took it, I decided to keep unloading. I kept throwing combinations and I knew I was hurting him so I kept doing it.

I’m happy to be training with Ronnie (Tarcze). He is one of the best trainers in the world. He helped me with my jab and he’s helping me develop as a fighter.

Said trainer Ronnie Shields: “I think we still have a lot to learn. You saw he’s a busy guy and for a big guy to throw 93 punches in the first round, it’s a lot. He may be about a year away to becoming a contender. He will get there.

Tonight’s live event was promoted by Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions in association with About Billions Promotions.

An encore presentation of the tripleheader will air Monday at 10 p.m. ET/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME and will be available via the network’s On Demand platforms.

# # #

Former lightweight world champion Robert Easter Jr. and former two-division champion Rances Barthelemy will meet for the vacant WBA Lightweight Title in the main event of a SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION Saturday, Kwiecień 27 from The Chelsea inside of The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas and presented by Premier Boxing Champions. Zasięg zaczyna się w telewizji 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT and will also feature former super lightweight champion Viktor Postol taking on France’s Mohamed Mimoune in a WBC Super Lightweight Title Eliminator, while rising heavyweight sensation Efe Ajagba looks to remain unbeaten against once-beaten German Michael Wallisch in a 10-round heavyweight attraction.

Więcej informacji na stronie www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com,
followon Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions i @Swanson_Comm lub Zostań fanem na Facebooku nawww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions/ iwww.Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions.


Former Two-Division World Champion Barthelemy Takes on Robert Easter Jr. for WBA Lightweight Title This Saturday, Kwiecień 27 Żyją na SHOWTIME® from The Chelsea Inside The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas and Presented by Premier Boxing Champions

Kliknij TUTAJ na zdjęciach z Sean Michael Ham /
Mayweather Promotions

LAS VEGAS (Kwiecień 23, 2019) – Były dwa mistrz świata z podziałem Rances Barthelemy and France’s Mohamed Mimoune continued preparations for their respective showdowns at a media workout in Las Vegas Tuesday before they step into the ring this Saturday, Kwiecień 27 live on SHOWTIME from The Chelsea inside of The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas and presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

Barthelemy faces off against former lightweight world champion Robert Easter Jr. for the vacant WBA Lightweight title in the main event, while Mimoune takes on former champion Viktor Postol in a WBC 140-pound title eliminator as part of the action live on SHOWTIME beginning at 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT.

Bilety na imprezę, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions in association with About Billions Promotions, można kupić w www.cosmopolitanlasvegas.com or through Ticketmaster.

Here is what the workout participants had to say Tuesday from Mayweather Boxing Club in Las Vegas:

Rances Barthélemy

The key thing for me to get back to the top, is to get back to my roots. It’s about using what made me a champion and getting back to that. We’ve gone back to our Cuban roots in training with Joel Casamayor and left any distractions behind. You’ll see all of that in my performance on Saturday night.

Easter and myself are both on the road to redemption coming off of our first defeats. I expect the same Robert Easter Jr. that I’ve seen on tape. He comes forward and tries to fight it out. There’s nothing overly impressive about him to me.

I’m ready for whatever Robert Easter Jr. wants. If he wants a war, we’ll have a war. Everyone knows I’ve never backed down, but I’m going to win this fight with the intelligence that made me a world champion.

Casamayor comes from the same streets as me, he knows my style, how I think and how I need to work. We identify with one another a lot so we don’t have to confront each other. With a simple look, I know what he’s trying to tell me. Between him and my brother, Yan, I feel blessed to have two Olympians in my corner.

To the Cuban people, this will be my best fight and and a strong performance for the Cuban boxing community. I’m going to focus and work hard like us Cubans always have since we were born. I had to grow up through hardships and I’ve worked to show that anything is possible coming from Cuba.


Postol is one of the best that I will face but I am not afraid. I am confident I will win. I’ve studied him together with my coach and we have a strategy in place that you will see on Saturday.

“Jestem bardzo podekscytowany na tę okazję. It is every boxer’s dream to fight in Las Vegas and I am happy and ready to show the Americans what I have.

I have no issues with Postol’s height advantage. I am prepared for it. It is not my first time facing off against a boxer that is taller than me. I have a very good reach as well, but it is my speed that will beat him.

I have worked very hard after my losses and put all my effort into bettering my performance. I’m stronger and more mature now than ever. I know I have to win and I will win.

I’m looking forward to the opportunity to fight for the world title after I win on Saturday night. I’m dedicating this fight too all French people and I hope they make sure to not miss it on Saturday.

JOEL CASAMAYOR, Barthelemy’s Trainer

We’ve been training since mid-February for this fight. It’s been a long three months in the gym together. I see a different Rances. He’s fighting smarter and he’s gotten back to his Cuban roots. That’s what made him a two-time world champion.

It’s hard to predict, but if it were up to me of course I’d say Rances will win by knockout. From what I’ve seen in training camp, Rances is going to put on a great performance Saturday night. He knows what he has to do.

We have a great connection throughout camp. I just have to look into his eyes and I feel like I know what he’s going to bring. All the hard work has been done and he’s 100 percent ready for Saturday night.

MEHDI OUMIHA, Mimoune’s Trainer

Mohamed Mimoune is an improved fighter who’s shown a lot of new and different skills in training. We have the right tactics to earn this victory on Saturday.

We are prepared for what Postol can bring, but we’re focused on Mohamed Mimoune being at his best. Everything I have seen in training camp makes me very confident that we’re going to win Saturday and go on to fight for the title.

LEONARD Ellerbe, Mayweather Promotions prezes

Rances has a tremendous amount of experience. If you look at his earlier fights before he became champion and during his championship runs, he’s fought on the big stage time and time again.

I think Rancesexperience will help in a fight like this, but Robert Easter Jr. has also been in big fights. They both bring a lot of background in exciting, high-quality fights. You have two fighters with something to prove looking to do just that live on SHOWTIME Saturday night.

# # #

Former lightweight world champion Robert Easter Jr. and former two-division champion Rances Barthelemy will meet for the vacant WBA Lightweight Title in the main event of a SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECJALNA EDYCJA Sobota, Kwiecień 27 from The Chelsea inside of The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas and presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

Zasięg zaczyna się w telewizji 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT and will also feature former super lightweight champion Viktor Postol taking on France’s Mohamed Mimoune in a WBC Super Lightweight Title Eliminator, while rising heavyweight sensation Efe Ajagba looks to remain unbeaten against once-beaten German Michael Wallisch in a 10-round heavyweight attraction.

Więcej informacji na stronie www.SHO.com/Sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com,
śledź na Twitterze @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions i @Swanson_Comm lub Zostań fanem na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing,
www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions/ i www.Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions.


Former Two-Division World Champion Faces Former Champion Robert Easter Jr. for WBA Lightweight Title Saturday, Kwiecień 27 Żyją na SHOWTIME® from The Chelsea Inside The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas and Presented by Premier Boxing Champions

Kliknij TUTAJ for Photos from Irving Quinonez/Damian Vasquez
Team Barthelemy

LAS VEGAS (Kwiecień 16, 2019) – Były dwa mistrz świata z podziałem Rances Barthelemy discussed changes to his training camp as he nears a vacant WBA Lightweight Title showdown with former lightweight champion Robert Easter Jr. odbywa się w sobotę, Kwiecień 27 live on SHOWTIME from The Chelsea inside of The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas and presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

Coverage on SHOWTIME begins at 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT and will also feature former super lightweight champion Wiktor Postół taking on France’s Mohamed Mimoune in a WBC Super Lightweight Title Eliminator, while rising heavyweight sensation Efe Ajagba looks to remain undefeated against once-beaten German Michael Wallisch w 10 rundzie ciężkiej atrakcji.

Bilety na imprezę, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions in association with About Billions Promotions, można kupić wwww.cosmopolitanlasvegas.com or through Ticketmaster.

After losing for the first time in his pro career in a 140-pound title fight against Kiryl Relikh last March, Barthelemy rebounded to stop Robert Frankel in December as he prepared to return to the lightweight division to face Easter. Since the loss to Relikh, Barthelemy made fellow Cuban and former world champion Joel Casamayor head trainer as he looks to return to the championship ranks.

Here is what Barthelemy had to say from training camp at Prince Ranch Bones Adams Boxing Gym in Las Vegas:

How has training camp gone so far?

Everything has been going well under the guidance of Joel Casamayor and the assistance of my brother Yan Barthelemy and Oscar Vasquez. We have been training twice a day and sparring three to four times a week against solid guys like former world champion and ex-opponent Mickey Bey. Like they say, ‘iron sharpens ironand the quality of sparring has been tremendous help in getting me ready for April 27. I feel better prepared both mentally and physically than I did in my most recent fights.

What do you make of Robert Easter Jr. and what do you know about him?

I have seen various Robert Easter Jr fights and have been studying him very closely. He’s a great boxer who likes to use his height and reach to his advantage. He’s an ex-world champion who has fought quality opponents. He deserves all of my respect but we are very confident that we will be victorious against him.

Do you feel you have been able to rebound from your first career defeat?

Most definitely, I have been able to move on and use that defeat as a lesson in my career. They say sometimes we learn more in defeat than we do in victories and that was the case in that fight.

Sometimes we do not see clearly when we are winning. Bad habits or little details that need correction are overlooked when you are winning. Sometimes we do not even see them. I feel rejuvenated and we have made many important changes that were necessary for my career. You will see on April 27 that there is still much more left from Team Barthelemy.

What would it mean to become a champion again on April 27?

We have no doubt that we’ll become champion again for a third time on April 27. This will bring my name back at the top of the sport with many potential big fights to be made. It will mean so much more to me because Cuban boxing has currently gone through a rough patch and this victory will allow Cuba to have a champion once again.

Any final message to your fans before your fight?

Please make sure to tune in on April 27. This fight will be very competitive, with two evenly-skilled former world champions looking to reclaim their status at the top of the sport. Fights like this are what make boxing great. Cuba will have a champion once again on April 27!”

# # #

Więcej informacji na stronie www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com,
śledź na Twitterze @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo,@TGBPromotions i @Swanson_Comm lub Zostań fanem na Facebooku nawww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, iwww.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions.


Angelo Leo, Xavier Martinez And Andres Cortes Featured In Separate Bouts Live on SHOWTIME From Sam’s Town Live in Las Vegas

Tickets Are On Sale NOW

LAS VEGAS – Marzec 13, 2019 – Three undefeated prospects will make their ShoBox: Nowa Generacja debut as super bantamweight Angelo Leo and super featherweights Xavier Martinez i Andres Cortes compete in separate bouts on a Mayweather Promotions card live on SHOWTIME Friday, Kwiecień 5 (10 p.m. ET / PT) z Sama Town na żywo w Las Vegas.

Top 122-pound prospect Leo (16-0, 8 KO) will square off against Filipino Neil Tabanao (17-4, 11 KO) in a 10-round bout in the ShoBox główne wydarzenie, while super featherweight Martinez (13-0, 9 KO) odbędzie się John Moralde (21-2, 11 KO) in a 10-round co-featured attraction. W otwieracza transmitowane, Las Vegas prospect Cortes (10-0, 6 KO) will face Baltimore’s Jahmal Dyer (9-1, 5 KO) w ośmiu okrągłych bardzo piórkowej ataku.

Tickets for the Mayweather Promotions’ Sin City Showdown are priced at $25, $50 i $75 and can be purchased by visiting: https://mayweatherpromotions.com/events/

“Mayweather Promotions is excited to bring the Sin City Showdown back this year, as it is home to a roster of talented prospects,”Powiedział Leonard Ellerbe, Mayweather Promotions prezes. “The card features three of our young talented undefeated prospects Angelo Leo, Xavier Martinez, and Andres Cortes making their television debuts. It’s exciting to see these guys climb the ranks, as they look to take their careers to the next level. Each one of them will be facing tough competition on fight night. I expect nothing but fireworks.”

“We have three unbeaten and untested prospects ready for the next step of their careers in Angelo Leo, Xavier Martinez and Andres Cortes,”Powiedział Gordon Hall, Producent wykonawczy, Starszy Wiceprezes, Production, Showtime Networks Inc. "ShoBox is all about introducing and developing new talent. It’s about pushing young prospects outside of their comfort zone, matching them tough and discovering the next generation of champions in the process. I look forward to see whether or not Leo, Martinez and Cortes will rise to the occasion.”

Originally from New Mexico and currently residing in Las Vegas, Lew, 24, recorded a unanimous decision over Alberto Torres in his 2019 debut on the non-televised undercard of Gervonta Davis vs. Hugo Ruiz. Lew, who started boxing when he was eight, amassed a notable amateur resume, winning the state Golden Gloves and Jr. Golden Gloves Championships before turning pro at 18. Leo debuted under the Mayweather Promotions banner in November of 2017 with a fourth-round knockout of Dominican Republic’s Yasmaly Basilio Peguero-Nieves.

“This fight came to me at the perfect time,- powiedział Leo, who has fought four of his last six bouts at Sama Town na żywo. “I’m in great condition coming off my recent fight last month. I think Tabanao is good fighter and a good counter-puncher. He fought good competition and he went the distance with a former world champion, so I know I have a tough fight ahead. He is a dangerous fighter but I have a solid plan. I have a unique style and I think I bring a lot to the table with my speed, angles and body shots. Fans should expect an exciting fight on April 5.”

Tabanao, 24, made his pro debut in 2012 in his home country of the Philippines. He will make his United States debut next month as he looks to move up the super bantamweight ranks. Tabanao won the WBO Oriental Featherweight Title in 2016 with a third-round technical knockout of Ibrahim Balla. In his next fight, Tabanao lost the belt when he dropped a unanimous decision to Isaac Dogboe, who would go on to become the WBO Super Bantamweight World Champion. Tabanao suffered two consecutive defeats after losing to Dogboe but has admirably rebounded by winning his last four bouts.

My trainer Sonny Dollente is working hard to prepare me for this fight,” said Tabanao. “We know this is our first fight in the States and TV debut, so we are working especially hard to put on a great performance and we thank Mayweather Promotions for this opportunity. Angelo Leo is a good fighter but we have a good strategy. It has always been my dream to represent The Philippines and to be known as a great boxer. This fight will bring me one step closer to my dream.”

Martinez, Sacramento, Kalifornii., is best known for his crafty and powerful fighting style and is regarded by many as a prospect to watch. After losing his first two amateur fights, he amassed a record of 88-10. He won the Jr. Golden Gloves in 2010, rywalizowali w 2012 i 2013 Nationals Championships and was ranked No. 3 amateur in the country in 2013. He turned pro in Mexico at 17 and joined the Mayweather Promotions team in late 2016 with a unanimous decision win over Wilfredo Garriga at Sama Town na żywo. He’s coming off five straight knockout victories, with his most recent being an impressive fifth-round knockout against Deivi Julio Bassa on February 9. Martinez is looking for a statement victory over Moralde to assert his pedigree in the 130-pound division.

“It feels great to get back in the ring,” said Martinez. “I’m happy Mayweather Promotions found another great matchup for me, and on national television. Now it’s time for me to do my part as a fighter by training hard and getting the win. I came in to training camp with a fresh mindset and ready to go to war. I’m ready for whatever Moralde brings to the table. I don’t know much about him other than he has the guts to fight me. I heard two opponents said, ’No,’ to this fight because they didn’t want to face me.”

Moralde, who made his pro debut in 2011 as a 17-year-old, will see his toughest test to date when he meets rising star Martinez. Hailing from Davao del Sur in the Philippines, Moralde, który jest 2-2 w ostatnich czterech walk, is looking to redeem himself in this pivotal matchup. Jego patenty USA. debiut w 2017 didn’t go as planned as he was handed the first loss of his career at the hands of Toka Khan Clary. He rebounded quickly against Ismail Muwendo but lost by decision against Jamel Herring in his next fight. He scored a second-round knockout victory over Elmer Colve in his last outing.

“It feels great to have another opportunity to put my skills on display for the world to see on national TV,” said Moralde. “I’m up against a tough fighter; we both have a tough fight ahead. I have to make a statement. This is the fight that will get me where I want to go. I want to fight the toughest and I’m ready to face anyone they put in front of me.”

Born and raised in Las Vegas, Cortes, 22, fell in love with the sweet science at an early age as he watched his brother Luis at the gym. He started training at Elite Boxing Gym when he was six, alongside Juan Heraldez and Andrew Tabiti, who would later become his Mayweather Promotions stablemates. He had a reported record of 130-20 as an amateur and turned pro in 2016. He caught the attention of Floyd Mayweather while sparring with lightweight champion Gervonta Davis. Cortes joined Mayweather Promotions soon after. He has won four of his last six fights by knockout including his last outing against Eder Amaro Fajardo on January 17. With a win, Cortes will be one step closer to becoming a legitimate contender.

“I’ve only taken off one week from the gym since my last fight in January,” said Cortes. "Czuję się świetnie. Jestem 100 percent prepared for whatever my opponent brings my way. I’ve been working on my power and my strength with my conditioning coach and overall development as a fighter. I’m ready for my next challenge.”

Baltimore’s Dyer, 27, picked up boxing at 19 and after a brief amateur career turned pro in March of 2017. He scored an impressive 22-second first-round knockout of Dwayne Martin in just his third professional bout. He was named 2017 Rookie of the Year by Boxing Along the Beltway, a Washington, D.C.. boxing publication, and has won five fights in a row, most recently against promising undefeated prospect Carlos Dixon.

I’m coming fresh off a fight so I’m still in great shape,” said Dyer. “Andres Cortes is a good fighter, ale jestem lepszym wojownikiem. I’m training to go a full eight rounds, but if I find an opportunity before then, Idę do jej podjęcia. I’ve been waiting for a chance to show the world how good of a fighter I am, i to jest to. This is my time to show the world who I am.”

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Więcej informacji na stronie www.sho.com/sports
, www.mayweatherpromotions.com
, śledź na Twitterze @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, MayweatherPromo, @MayweatherPromotions, @mayweathersports and #ShoBox, lub stać się fanem na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/SHOSports
i www.Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions

O ShoBox: Nowa Generacja

Od momentu powstania w lipcu 2001, Seria krytyków SHOWTIME boks, ShoBox: Nowa Generacja jest opisywany młody talent dopasowane trudne. The ShoBox filozofia jest do transmisji ekscytujące, Tłum miłe i konkurencyjne mecze, zapewniając jednocześnie terenu doświadczalnego dla chętnych perspektyw zdecydowani walczyć o tytuł mistrza świata. Część rosnącej listy 79 Strażacy, którzy pojawili się na ShoBox i awansowała do gromadzenia tytułów mistrzowskich zawiera: Errol Spence Jr., Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr, Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paul Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams i więcej.

FFC 33 Results from Las Vegas

New Kickboxing Champion Crowned at FFC 33
Chub Upsets Previously Unbeaten Vrtacic for Middleweight Title
(Zdjęcie: Mykta Chub (lewo) wins FFC Middleweight Kickboxing Title with Orsat Zovko (prawo) FFC CEO/Founder)
Photo courtesy: Sergey Baranov/Final Fight Championship


Las Vegas, NV, (Listopad 2, 2018)The Main Event ofFFC 33delivered an upset and a new champion, as Mykta Chub (18-7-0) defeated previously unbeaten champion Andi Vrtacic (10-1-0) przez podziału decyzji (47-48, 48-47, 48-47) to win the FFC Middleweight Kickboxing Title.




Chub and Vrtacic displayed a great deal of endurance during their five round war. Chub was able to pin Vrtacic into the corners quite often during this fight, frustrating the young Vrtacic and preventing him from using his signature high kicks. Vrtacici landed some nice head kicks and few solid combinations but it wasn’t enough to impress the judges, allowing Chub to steal the win, and the title.




W przypadku jednoczesnego Główna, which involved two very exciting MMA lightweight fighters, Darrick Minner (22-9-0) wasted no time submitting former UFC Fighter, “Cassius” Glina Collard (16-8-1) by rear naked choke in the very first round. The submission victory, which was the 19th of Minner’s career, only took 31 seconds to execute.




Andre Keys (10-1-0) went the distance with Randy Fuentes (7-7-1) in their Super Welterweight Boxing bout. Keys won by split decision (55-59, 55-59, 58-56) in a fight that featured both fighters standing in the pocket and trading hard shots for the majority of their six round fight.




In a Kickboxing Lightweight matchup, despite breaking his left arm in the fight, Chris McMillan (38-10-0) won a split decision (28-29, 29-28, 29-28) against Teo Mikelic (18-7-0) in a fight that featured some vicious kicks and crisp punches by both fighters.




The night began with Sherrard Blackledge (1-0-0) winning his professional MMA debut by unanimous decision (30-27, 30-26, 30-27) over Jordan Christensen (0-2-0) in the Welterweight division.




Most of these fights ended up going the distance and the fighters did not disappoint tonight,” said FFC CEO/Founder, Orsat Zovko. “FFC 33 showcased a lot of endurance and toughness and delivered an entertaining show for the fans.




FFC 33took place at its permanent home, “Fight Dome”, which is located at Caesars Entertainment’s Rio Las Vegas. The event aired nationwide on CBS Sports Network.




Final Fight Championship (FFC) is the first and only professional combat sports franchise offering fans a unique ‘multi-discipline’ doświadczenie (Boks, Kickboxing and MMA), where every event culminates with a championship title bout. All FFC events take place insideFight Domeat Caesars Entertainment’s Rio Las Vegas, the all-new mecca of combat sports.



Kompletny “FFC 33MMA results below:







Mykyta Chub (18-7-0), ft. Lauderdale, FL via Ukraine

Win by Split Decision, 5 Rds. (47-48, 48-47, 48-47)

Andi Vrtacic (10-1-0), Pula ,Chorwacja

(Chub wins FFC Middleweight Title)



Darrick Minner (22-9-0), Nebraska City, NE

Win by Submission (Rear Naked Choke) :31, Rd. 1

Glina Collard (16-8-1), Toquerville, OUT



(BOKS) SUPER welterweights


Andre Keys (10-1-0), Tacoma, Waszyngton

Win by Split Decision, 6 Rds. (55-59, 55-59, 58-56)

Randy Fuentes (7-7-1), McAllen, Teksas

(KICKBOXING) Lightweights

Chris McMillan (38-10-0), Calgary Alberta, Kanada

Win by Split Decision, 3 Rds. (28-29, 29-28, 29-28)

Teo Mikelic (18-7-0), Pula, Chorwacja




(MMA) Welterweights

Sherrard Blackledge (1-0-0), Las Vegas, NV (Pro Debiut)

Win by Unanimous Decision, 3 Rds. (30-27, 30-26, 30-27)

Jordan Christensen (0-2-0), Las Vegas, NV

Kickboxing Title Bout Headlines FFC 33 Multi-Discipline Event on Nov. 2

Mykyta Chub fights Andi Vrtacic for the FFC Middleweight Championship at Fight Dome

LAS VEGAS, NV, (Październik 30, 2018)The main event is set forFFC 33and it will involve two explosive kickboxers from overseas. Mykyta Chub (17-7-0) of the Ukraine, bitwy Andi Vrtacic (10-0-0) Pula, Chorwacja, for the FFC Middleweight Championship on November 2nd, at Fight Dome located at Caesars Entertainment’s Rio Las Vegas.




Both fighters have fought for FFC multiple times. Chub has a (3-1) record during his tenure with Final Fight Championship. Vrtacic, who is the defending middleweight champion, boasts a (4-0) record with FFC.




The fans at Fight Dome Las Vegas loved our Kickboxing fights at FFC 31,said FFC CEO/Founder, Orsat Zovko. “And we are excited to have world champion kickboxers fighting for us again on November 2nd.”




The Co-Main Event forFFC 33will feature an MMA Lightweight clash between, Darrick Minner (16-5-0) Nebraska City, NE, and former UFC Fighter, Cassius” Glina Collard (16-7-1) Toquerville, OUT.




There will be one other Kickboxing bout atFFC 33” jako Chris McMillan (87-10-3) of Calgary Alberta, Kanada, przyjmuje Teo Mikelic (18-6-0) Pula, Chorwacja, in the Lightweight division.




In Boxing, it will be a battle of two Super Welterweights in a six round contest as Randy Fuentes (7-6-1) McAllen, TX faces off against Andre Keyes (18-4-1) Tacoma, Waszyngton.




FFC 33will air on CBS Sports Network, as a part of a multi-year agreement to broadcast FFC’s ground breaking multi-discipline (Boks, Kickboxing and MMA) Fight Dome series at Caesars Entertainment’s Rio Las Vegas. The event will also air in Spanish on Claro Sports in Mexico and Latin America. Check your local listings for more information.




Bilety na “FFC 33are available at any Las Vegas Caesars Entertainment Box Office, dzwoniąc 702-777-2782 lub 855-234-7469, lub na stronie internetowej Ticketmaster.com.



For more information about Final Fight Championship, odwiedź finalfightchampionship.com, Facebook at Facebook.com/FFCFighting, and Follow FFC on Instagram/Twitter @FFCFighting.


Box Fan Expo jest ostatecznym Fan Event doświadczenie, które daje fanów boksu okazję spotkać-and-pozdrawiam najlepszych myśliwców, obecnych i byłych mistrzów świata, boks celebrities i ludzi z branży w ustawieniu osobistym z bliska.

Las Vegas (Wrzesień 12, 2018)–At this Saturday’s 4th annual Box Fan Expo at the Las Vegas Convention Center, some of the top amateur boxers will be on display as, they will compete in the inaugural Box Fan Expo Invitational.

The Box Fan Expo invitational is sponsored by Mayweather Promotions & Adidas Boxing

Several highly-ranked and top fighters from the USA Boxing amateur program will receive a special invitation to take part at the Inaugural Box Fan Expo Invitational 2018, to compete and have a chance to FACEOFF against the best in their division. The Invitational will be held at the Las Vegas Convention Center during the Box Fan Expo on Saturday, September 15th, Mexican Independence Day Weekend and on the same day as the Canelo vs GGG rematch that will take place later that evening at the T-Mobile arena in Las Vegas.

Thousands of boxing fans that will attend the Expo, as well as many boxing media outlets, rodzina, przyjaciele, and more importantly a chance to get showcased their skills in front of top boxing companies like Mayweather Promotions, sanctioning bodies like the WBC and the WBA, top Boxing Managers, strój & gear brands such as adidas Boxing, Cleto Reyes, Kronk Boxing, Fight Label and top boxing stars such as Andre Ward, Errol Spence Jr., Mikey Garcia, Badou Jack, Marco Antonio Barrera, Erik Morales and Juan Manuel Marquez to name a few.

Notoriety from top boxing companies, thousands of boxing fans, media covering the event, as well as some of the top Boxing Celebrities who will be participating at this year’s Expo. The TOP 2 fighters of the 2018 Box Fan Expo Invitational will receive a $3,000 sponsorship from adidas Boxing in boxing equipment for a year. All participants will get to keep the boxing gloves and headgear they use to compete. Dodatkowo, bout winners will take home an amazing belt.

The Fernando Vargas Fighting Foundation was established by former world champion Fernando Vargas and his wife Martha Vargas and strategically opened its doors in the City of North Las Vegas as they saw that there was a great need to help kids get off the streets and offer them a safe haven. The FVFF is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing youth with a constructive alternative to self-defeating behavior through athletic, academics and community service programs. Their programs include role model mentors and agiving inner city kids a fighting chancephilosophy that impacts an average of 400 kids a year. The strength and popularity of their programs provide youth with positive opportunities not otherwise afforded to them.

Fernando Vargas Fighting Foundation
3240 Civic Center Dr., Ste. B
North Las Vegas, NV 89030
Tel. 702-810-2687

Mayweather Promotions O
Odpowiednio w stolicy rozrywki świata, Las Vegas, Mayweather Idea powstała w 2007 by 12-time World Champion and undefeated boxing icon with a record of 50-0, Floyd “Pieniądze” Mayweather. Mayweather Promotions seamlessly promotes all forms of live entertainment.

For more information on Mayweather Promotions, przejdź do: www.mayweatherpromotions.com

About Adidas Boxing
Adidas are experts in the field of Combat Sports. They are the only complete Combat Sports brand offering a complete range of training equipment and apparel for the Combat Sports player. All of the Adidas product is researched, developed and combat tested by professional athletes.

The Adidas brand has proudly sponsored major Boxing events and was the exclusive equipment supplier for boxing gloves and headguards for Beijing 2008 Igrzyska Olimpijskie, the sole equipment supplier of boxing for the London Olympic Games 2012, the World Amateur Boxing Championships 2009 Milano and 2017 Hamburg.Discover a complete customized experience for fighters of all skill levels. Every glove is built to your specific requirements. Z ponad 16 leather colors, including many metallics, these first customized gloves are a revolution in the boxing world. More info at (www.usboxing.net).

O Box Fan Expo
Box Fan Expo jest ostatecznym boks wydarzenie doświadczenie wentylator, which allows fans to meet-and- greet boxing superstars of today, obecnych i byłych mistrzów świata, legendy sportu i innych osobistości bokserskie. Fani mogą spodziewać się wystąpić różne interakcje, takie jak sesje autografów i zdjęć, Faceoff z ulubionych bokserów, zdjęcia z pierścieniem kart dziewczyn, Muzyka na żywo DJ, szansa na wygraną, towar i zakup pamiątek z różnych stoisk wystawców, “Pod jednym dachem”. Nie chcesz przegapić tego trzeba uczęszcza do Expo!

Box Fan Expo odniósł ogromny sukces wśród fanów boksu i ludzi z branży. Wiele gwiazd boksu było obecnych na trzech ostatnich wystawach, takich jak Floyd Mayweather, Mike Tyson, Roberto Duran, Tommy Hearns, Marco Antonio Barrera, Roy Jones Jr., Marcos Maidana, Sergio Martinez, Keith Thurman, Danny Garcia, Tim Bradley, Deontay Wilder, Amir Khan, Shawn Porter, Fernando Vargas, Zab Judah, James Toney, Vinny Pazienza, Mikey Garcia , Mia St. Johns, Leo Santa Cruz, Badou Jack, Terry Norris , Riddick Bowe , Earnie golarek, Leon Spinks, Danny Jacobs, Abner Mares, Jorge Linares, Brandon Rios i wiele więcej…

Wystawcy, takich jak bieg bokserski, strój, nowy sprzęt, napoje energetyczne, alkohol, suplementach, mediów nadawczych, organizacje sankcjonujące i inne firmy, które zechcą w nim uczestniczyć, po raz kolejny będą miały szansę zaprezentować swoją markę fanom, media i przemysł bokserski.

Bilety na Fan Expo Box dostępne są na stronie internetowej:

Przez następne kilka dni prowadzące do zdarzenia, there will be weekly updates on the many stars that will commit their appearance at the Boxing Expo. I dla każdego, kto w branży boksu lub innych wystawców (non-przemysł), kto chciałby być zaangażowany i zarezerwować stoisko,

Contact Us:
Telephone number: (514) 572-7222 or Las Vegas Number (702) 997-1927

W przypadku jakichkolwiek pytań prosimy o e-mail: boxfanexpo@gmail.com

More information on Box Fan Expo visit: http://www.boxfanexpo.com

Follow Box Fan Expo on Twitter and Instagram at: @BoxFanExpo

Follow Box Fan Expo on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/BoxFanExpo