Category Archives: HBO tinju

WBC MIDDLEWEIGHT WORLD jawara Miguel COTTO tarung Daniel GEALE ON Juni 6, 2015 AT BARCLAYS museur di BROOKLYN TELEVISED cicing dina HBO®

Diwakilan ku RC bangsa olahraga + Miguel COTTO promosi

Tanda kutip Pencét Konférénsi, Poto & Video

On Kemis, April 16, Roc Bangsa Olahraga sarta Miguel Cotto promosi hosted konferensi pers di The 40/40 Club di Manhattan ka ngembarkeun perangna pohara diantisipasi saterusna pikeun Miguel Cotto (39-4, 32 KO sacara), nu reigning WBC Middleweight jeung Magazine Ring World Jawara jeung asli kahiji Puérto Riko jadi jawara dunya dina opat kelas beurat beda. On Juni 6, 2015, Cotto bakal ngabéla judul ngalawan urut Dua-Time World Jawara Daniel Geale (31-3, 16 KO sacara) Australia dina perang nu bakal televised cicing dina HBO ti Barclays Center di Brooklyn.


Di dieu naon pamilon kudu nyebutkeun ...


Miguel Cotto: "Sadaya mah kudu ngomong ieu mah geus aya di dieu pikeun dua poé katukang mah ngaraos hayang pisan pikeun meunangkeun deui ka Los Angeles tur meunangkeun kana sési latihan sejen tur meunangkeun deui ka New York dina Juni 6. All I geus salempang ngeunaan anu mindset mah salila gelut. Kuring teu apal Daniel nyaéta bajoang gedé jeung Kuring bade ngalakukeun pangalusna mah salaku sok mawa gelut alus sarta hebat ka sadaya fans. Nempo anjeun kabeh asup Juni 6. "


Daniel Geale: "Kuring salaku gumbira Anjeun bisa kungsi ngabayangkeun. Ieu momen gede keur kuring. Jeung datang Juni 6, eta nu keur jalan jadi apan perang jeung mah teu bisa sabar leumpang jauh jeung judul. "


Michael Yormark, Presiden & Kapala branding jeung Stratégi of Roc Bangsa: "Dinten ieu mangrupa poé bersejarah pikeun Roc Bangsa jeung division tinju urang. Muhammed Ali sakali ceuk 'manéhna nu teu cukup wani nyokot resiko bakal ngalengkepan nganggur di hirup.' Dina Roc Bangsa, urang mutuskeun pikeun ngajalankeun division tinju urang bulan Agustus of 2014. Urang terang kami nyokot resiko a. Urang terang yen kami ngasupkeun hiji olahraga anu ngadegkeun jeung sajarah anu panjang dina budaya jero-rooted. Butuh kawani, Tapi terus terang Roc Bangsa sia lamun teu wani ... urang nuju komitmen pikeun promosi nu gelut pangbadagna jeung para pajuang pangbadagna. Ayeuna ngan bulan pondok sababaraha saterusna, urang nangtung di dieu jeung salah sahiji pajuang pangalusna di dunya, announcing a jawara dunya bout jero Mekah anyar tinju, Barclays Center, jeung siaran dina bearer standar telecasts tinju live, HBO. Butuh kawani jeung resiko ka dieu tapi ieu téh mangrupa momen reueus keur sakabeh urang. "


Hector Soto, Miguel Cotto promosi: "Miguel Cotto geus balik jeung manéhna di imah kadua di New York. As everyone nyaho, ayeuna teh geus tradisi pikeun pasangan katukang taun nu Miguel gelut dina wengi nu Puerto Rican Poé parade, jadi eta hiji ngahargaan tarung dina mangsa éta deui. On Juni 6, Miguel Cotto bakal ngabéla nya Championship Middleweight WBC ngalawan hiji lawan pancer, Daniel Geale. Geus cangcaya no, bakal gelut gedé di Barclays Center jeung dulur bakal ngarasakeun gelut utamana Puerto Ricans. Miguel Cotto bakal siap, bakal ngalatih salaku teuas saperti sok jeung kudu siap pikeun tangtangan Daniel Geale brings. "


Gary Shaw, Gary Shaw Productions: "Lamun nempo fight Daniel ngalawan Sturm, lamun urang indit ka Jerman jeung diangkat beubeur jeung jadi juara dunya, nu urang nu Daniel Geale nu nuju bade ningali dina Juni 6. Anjeun geus bade ningali fight agung. Miguel Cotto nyaéta bajoang agung. Daniel understands nu urang boga deal gede hormat keur manehna, tapi dina Juni 6dina HBO di Barclays Center, bakal jadi peuting nu anyar sakabeh. Bakal peuting lamun Daniel Geale nyokot beubeur deui ka Australia. "


Brett Yormark, CEO Barclays Center jeung Brooklyn Nets: "Tinju mangrupa bagian badag naon we ulah di Barclays Center. Simkuring pisan gairah ngeunaan eta sarta pohara deeply committed. Ieu bakal urang 13th peuting badag of Brooklyn tinju di kakara dua satengah taun sarta Kami reueus disebutkeun yen Barclays Center nyaéta Mekah anyar tinju di nagara ieu. Miguel Cotto ngabogaan sajarah storied di New York, jadi urang delighted nu manéhna nelepon Barclays Center imah anyar di dayeuh ieu. "



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Tiket, dibanderol di $500, $350, $250, $200, $150, $100, $50 jeung $25, teu kaasup ongkos layanan lumaku jeung pajeg, indit diobral Rebo, April 22 di 10:00 AM et. Tiket baris sadia di, jeung di Box Kantor American Express di Barclays Center mimiti Kemis, April 23 di 12:00 PM et. Pikeun ngeusi batre ku telepon, nelepon Ticketmaster di (800) 745-3000.


Cotto vs. Geale, gelut 12 buleud pikeun Cotto Kang WBC jeung Ring Magazine Middleweight World Championships, lumangsung Saptu, Juni 6 di Barclays Center di Brooklyn jeung bakal televised cicing dina HBO. Gelut ieu disajikan ku Roc Bangsa Olahraga sarta Miguel Cotto promosi dina asosiasi Gary Shaw Productions sarta disponsoran ku Cerveza Tecate.


Kanggo inpo nu leuwih mangga buka Turutan Roc Bangsa dina Twitter jeung Instagramrocnation jeung dina Facebook


Inpo nu leuwih lengkep, nganjang, nuturkeun dina Twitter jeung Instagram diHBOBoxing jeung jadi kipas dina Facebook di


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Provodnikov nyimpen dina usaha gagah di Matthysse bout; “Nu Siberian Rocky” sakali deui nembongkeun naha manéhna bajoang paling seru tinju Kang

Photo Kredit: Jamrud Harney-HoganPhotos /GoldenBoyPromotions /BannerPromotions

Philadelphia (April 20, 2015)— Baheula ieu Saptu wengi, fans tinju disaksian a bout klasik nu ningali Lucas Matthysse eek kaluar kaputusan mayoritas deukeut over Ruslan Provodnikov dina 12 buleud -junior welterweight clash di hareupeun a dijual kaluar riungan di Ngahurungkeun Batu Resort Kasino di Verona, York Énggal.
Bout nu, nu televised ku HBO tinju Sanggeus Dark, geus ucul ka kapala daptar pikeun 2015 Tarung tina Taun.
Jauh posting fight talk geus museur kira-kira kawani of Provodnikov, salaku perang-perangna sabelas tina dua belas rounds jeung panon kénca parah motong nu alatan headbutt kahaja. Ku getih ngalirkeun turun sisi kénca beungeutna, sareng nutup panon nya, Provodnikov perang heroically datang deui menyakiti Matthysse sababaraha kali salila bout nu, jeung di sabelas buleud manéhna badarat a hook kenca nu ampir dikirim Matthysse ka kanvas nu.
Loba di ringside, kaasup Nu Bleacher Report, HBO Kang Harold Lederman, Steve Kim of, & Dan Rafael of, damel bout malah di 114-114.
“Kuring teu bisa jadi deui bangga Ruslan, ceuk Banner promosi promosi Artie Pelullo.
Saptu peuting némbongkeun yén manéhna mangrupa tempur toughest jeung kalolobaan compelling di tinju. Saptu sacara fight ogé solidified nu Ruslan anu paling tempur friendly televisi dina leungeun olahraga turun, jeung bakal aya loba gelut badag pikeun Ruslan di mangsa nu bakal datang.”


147-Pon kitu beurat kelas nyokot INSEMINASI panggung deui Saptu, Mei 2 Di hermansah Grand Taman aréna

Floyd Mayweather & Manny Pacquiao Square Pareum
Dina Showdown Classic séjénna

Dina The Divisi Welterweight

Las Vegas (April 20, 2015) — Geus mindeng geus ngomong yén “salaku division heavyweight mana, jadi mana tinju,” tapi anu teu sok geus masalahna jeung, kanyataanna, bisa komo jadi teu valid lamun ditempo ti sudut pandang komprehensif dating deui ka ahir 19th abad. Dina Tinju, Epik panulis Jerman Bertram Proyék Kang, 420-Kaca kopi-tabel disertasi dina sagala aspek élmu amis, he nyerat nu, “Kamewahan nyaeta dagang béntang langsing jeung nimble di handapeun 147-pound kelas beurat nu geus narik insiders jeung admirers kaéndahan kawas no séjénna.”


Jeung tah eta anu ku naon bakal asupna tolok ukur sejen dina sajarah beunghar of division lamun, dinaMei 2 di hermansah Grand di Las Vegas, hirup dina bayaran-per-view, jawara welterweight Floyd “Duit” Mayweather (47-0, 26 KOs) dicokot sasama titlist Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao(57-5-2, 38 KOs) dina unifikasi showdown lila-diantisipasi nu bakal prizefight richest dina sajarah olahraga Kang, jeung nu geus dicokot babandinganana kana sababaraha Premier nu matchups di kelas beurat imprinted jeung nu dagang elegan nu Proyék disebut.


Sanajan Pacquiao, hijina tempur kungsi meunang championships dunya dalapan kelas beurat, jeung Mayweather, anu geus reigned di kelas lima beurat, teu ngampanyekeun solely atawa komo lolobana salaku welterweights, geus boro kejutan nu parapatan pangpentingna careers ditandaan maranéhanana asalna di division sarua nu jadi loba Kujang panggedéna tinju Kang anu utamana dipikanyaho.


Nu “standar emas” nu sagala welterweights aspire tetep ahir, agung Gula Ray Robinson. Lahir Walker Smith Jr, nu kid ceking anu geus kungsi bertempur di hiji bout dititah di tingkat mana wae ieu tag-bareng jeung palatih George Gainford ka hiji turnamén amatir dina Kingston, N.Y.. Tanya lamun manéhna miboga flyweight manéhna wished nuliskeun, Gainford ieu rék nyebutkeun no lamun Smith tugged dina leungeun baju sarta ceuk, “Kuring gé ngalawan.” Sakumaha nu tétéla, Gainford miboga kartu AAU – Anjeun diperlukeun hiji jadi Certified salaku non-professional – dina ngaran Ray Robinson, salah sahiji boxers sélér nu geus dibikeun nepi olahraga. Smith / Robinson meunang kaputusan opat buleud, jeung, sanajan salah no terang eta mangka, sahingga ieu legenda lahir.


Robinson ieu 85-0 salaku amatir saméméh ngarobah pro di 19 dina 1940. Ku 1951, manéhna 128-1-2 jeung 84 victories knockout. Sanajan manéhna ogé inget keur menang judul middleweight lima kali, Robinson kungsi leungit salaku welterweight a, menang kitu mindeng jeung saterusna emphatically yén palatih legendaris, Eddie Futch, dipindahkeun pikeun niténan nu, “Anjeunna kagungan sagalana. Keterampilan tinju, daya punching, a gado agung, kakuatan mental. Aya euweuh manehna teu bisa ulah.”


Robinson oge kungsi an ego outsized, nu sugan mangrupakeun komponén penting keur nu mana wae nu bajoang gede Kang kosmetik mental. Komo anu renik of cangcaya di pangabisa hiji sorangan teu kondusif pikeun kasuksésan dina cingcinna. Sakali, lamun ditanya ngeunaan nya “game golf,” Muhammad Ali, nu teu muter golf, direspon, “Kuring anu pangalusna, panggedéna of 'ÉM sadaya. Kuring kakara teu dimaénkeun sanesna.”


Mayweather pasti brings nu aura of invincibility ka karyana, jeung meureun lain ngan alatan manéhna geus tacan leungit salaku professional. Dina 2013, cenah, “Tangtu aya rasa unbeatable. Kuring anu pangalusna. Kuring teu kamana kana naon wae fight figuring tangka simkuring ngaraos beatable. Kuring hayang nyieun warisan a keur kuring sorangan salaku tempur panggedéna anu kungsi asup cingcinna.”


Pacquiao, bari sugan teu salaku verbose, aya kurang aman dina sistem kapercayaan sorangan. Hal ieu jelema ukuran heaping bakat jeung swagger nu make Mayweather vs. Pacquiao kudu-tempo kajadian. Mana dina ieu pajuang pinunjul bisa nyieun ngalipet sejenna pikeun will nya? Anu baris geus ngaranna ditulis dina print leuwih badag dina buku badag of welterweights?


International tinju Galéri Kinérja geus inducted 23 pajuang anu nya éta, di hiji wanci nu sejenna, Pendekar welterweight. Sajaba Robinson, jalma nu plak Grace pendopo hallowed antarana Gula Ray Leonard, Roberto Duran, Thomas Hearns, Oscar De La Hoya, Felix Trinidad, Julio Cesar Chavez, Pernell Whitaker, Carmen Basilio, Henry Armstrong, Emile Griffith, Pipino Cuevas, Jose Napoles, Kanu Cokes, Bani Hasyim Ross, Kid Gavilan, Wilfred Benitez, Luis Rodriguez, Mickey Walker, Fritzie Zivic, GerardM Britton, Jackie Widang, Ted “Kid” Lewis jeung “Aneh” Billy Smith. Mayweather jeung Pacquiao nu tangtu assured ku ngahijikeun jajaran maranéhanana sanggeus maranéhanana jadi layak pikeun muka dumasar kartu keur mere sora nu.


Diterangkeun-nepi ka Mayweather vs. Pacquiao geus dihasilkeun no kakurangan babandinganana ka Patempuran welterweight katukang nu anu kasohor alam klasik tina eta bouts, nu rencang kapentingan umum nyebar ka maranehna, atawa duanana.


Nyaéta Mayweather vs. Pacquiao leuwih gampang jadi ulang tina, ngomong, Leonard-Duran I, nu Duran meunang dina kaputusan unanimous rousing dina Juni 25, 1980, di Montréal? Nu epik Leonard-Hearns I, dina Sept. 16, 1981, nu ningali Leonard, labuh dina scorecards, rally keur dramatis, 14th-buleud TKO di Caesars Istana? Kaputusan mayoritas kontroversial Trinidad Kang over De La Hoya di Sept maranéhna. 18, 1999, Ngahijikeun Tatar showdown di Mandalay Bay? Atawa bakal eta nyieun mark sorangan di saperti cara has nu no babandinganana bisa atawa kudu dicokot?


Lamun datang ka bouts welterweight henteu kapohoan, ku ayeuna kudu atra nu nanaon jeung sagalana mungkin. Mayweather jeung Pacquiao bakal nyieun sajarah, jeung nambahan eta, ku ngusahakeun ngabengkokkeun takdir unggal ka tujuan sorangan.

# # #


Mayweather vs. Pacquiao mangrupa 12 buleud dunya welterweight jawara unifikasi bout diwanohkeun ku Mayweather promosi jeung Top réngking Inc., sarta disponsoran ku Tecate. Nu bayar-per-view telecast bakal sobat dihasilkeun sarta co-disebarkeun ku HBO bayaran-per-View® jeung SHOWTIME PPV® dimimitian di 9 p.m. AND/ 6 p.m. PT.


Kanggo inpo nu leuwih sadérék,,, jeung nuturkeun dina Twitter difloydmayweather, MannyPacquiaomayweatherpromo, TRBoxing, SHOSports, HBOboxing JeungSwanson_Comm, jeung jadi kipas dina Facebook di, / TopRankMannyPacquiao,,

MATTHYSSE ngéléhkeun PROVODNIKOV ku mayoritas kaputusan IN A Thriller perang AT Ngaktipkeun Batu Resort Kasino IN Verona New York

Cicing dina HBO tinju Sanggeus DARK®
Dijual-OUT Témbongkeun geus keur dubbed calon
'Ngalawan taun’
Klik Di Dieu pikeun Photos
Photo Kredit: Jamrud Harney-HoganPhotos /GoldenBoyPromotionsBannerPromotah
Verona, YORK ÉNGGAL (April 18) -Ngaktipkeun Batu Resort Kasino di Verona, New York dirawat ka bersejarah dijual kaluar cocog-up antara dua gladiators paling seru dina tinju salaku Lucas “La kawas Mesin”” Matthyssjeung (37-3, 34 KO sacara) nyandak meunangna kaputusan mayoritas leuwih “Nu Siberian Rocky” Ruslan Provodnikov (24-4, 17 KO sacara) dina 12 buleud welterweight junior bout dina pamisah-loka doubleheader dina HBO tinju Sanggeus Dark ®.

Dibere ku Spanduk promosi jeung Golden promosi Boy, & Arano Box promosi aksi dipak peuting ditembongkeun dua atlit pajoang dina perdana maranéhanana careers, jeung judul ditémbak di division 140-pound dipikaresep nongkrong di cakrawala nu.

Provodnikov ieu motong parah di buleud dua ti hiji headbutt kahaja. Matthysse sasaran panon tapi Provodnikov walked ngaliwatan unggal shot. Provodnikov datang deui engké dina babak jeung sababaraha kombinasi solid jeung badarat sababaraha nembak ambek pisan ka sirah Matthysse sacara. Matthysse kungsi mumbul nice deui buleud lima manéhna landed sababaraha jabs hésé nyanghareupan an Provodnikov oncoming.

Perang terus ngaliwatan rounds tengah salaku boh pejuang indit toe ka toe bari Matthysse landed kombinasi ti kajauhan jeung Provodnikov nuluykeun karasa jeung terus tawuran. Provodikov kungsi sabelas buleud kuat manéhna landed teuas kenca ka luhur sirah nu buckled Matthysse jeung Argentinian kapaksa tahan. Dua waged kungsi diributkeun deui final dina buleud dua belas jeung ieu Matthysse urut jawara WBC meunang via kaputusan mayoritas jeung skor tina 115-113 dua kali jeung 114-114.

“Jigana mah didominasi tarung, Mah emang mah geus hits pangalusna,” Sa'id Lucas Matthysse. “Ruslan nyaeta bajoang tangguh, Anjeunna nyandak sadayana mah threw di manéhna. Mah geus loba hormat pikeun manéhna. Aya titik basa kuring ngira yén bakal eureun tarung alatan cut Ruslan sacara, tapi timnya ieu bisa ngadalikeun eta. I menyakiti leungeun mah di babak kagenep, tapi kuring tetep bade alatan kuring hayang ngabuktikeun yén Kami anu pangalusna dina division jeung nu ngaku siap pejuang toughest. Kuring hayang pindah ka hareup jeung ngalawan nu meunangna Mayweather-Pacquiao.”

“Manéhna nya éta puncher hardest mah kungsi perang tapi ngalawan salaku teuas salaku mah bisa ka pisan ahir,” Said Provodnikov. “Kuring teu kungsi hayang tarung dieureunkeun. Ngan waktu bakal lamun Kami deui mah.”

Jalan saméméh live split-loka HBO tinju Sanggeus Dark doubleheader, Patrick Teixeira(25-0, 21 KOs) of Santa Catarina, Brazil Nyanghareupan off ngalawan Accra, Géorgia sacara Patrick Allotey (30-2, 24 KOs) dina dijadwalkeun 10 buleud middleweight bout. Boh pejuang datang di silih aggressively di babak kahiji dina bursa seru punches hard. Teixeria nunda ahirna tarung dina babak kadua manéhna dikirimkeun a niup dahsyat ka awak Allotey sacara knocking manéhna turun meunang gelut via knockout.

“Kami bagja pisan jeung ngarasa emosi ngeunaan fight kahiji mah jeung Golden promosi Boy,” ceuk Patrick Teixeira. “Kuring hayang mastikeun mah impressed eta di fight kahiji mah, jadi kuring dilatih pisan teuas pikeun mastikeun kuring indit sakabehna 10 buleud. Tapi Kami bungah kacida kuring meunang knockout nu.”

Vitaly Kopylenko (25-1, 14 KO sacara) meunang kaputusan unanimous dalapan buleud leuwih Lekan Byfield (6-8-2, 1 KO) dina bout middleweight. Kopylenko knocked turun Byfield dua kali dina punches nu staggered asli Atlanta kana tali. Kopylenko pesiar turun manteng of tarung meunang via kaputusan unanimous kalawan skor 79-72.

“I menyakiti taktak mah di babak kahiji tapi kuring ieu bisa katekunan kaluar jeung darat sababaraha nembak alus,” Said Kopylenko.

Washington, D.C standout, Lamont Roach JR. (7-0, 3KOs) Nyanghareupan Carolina, Puerto Rico Kang Jose Miguel Castro (4-3, 2 KOs) dina dijadwalkeun genep buleud bout lightweight. Roach didominasi tarung awal dina, unggul bout ku kaputusan unanimous.

“Ieu mimiti genep rounder mah,” ceuk Lamont Roach JR. “Jigana mah bisa geus knocked manéhna turun atawa ngajadikeun anjeunna kaluar lamun kuring bakal teunggeul harder di awal tapi kuring dilatih salila genep buleud jeung hayang mastikeun mah bisa indit jarak. Atuh naon hayang knockout arah ahir, tapi kuring teu meunang eta.”

Vitor Oliveira Jones (9-0, 5 KO sacara) meunang kaputusan unanimous genep buleud leuwih Guillermo Sanchez (15-14-1, 6 KOs) dina bout lightweight. De Oiveira boxed well ti luar jeung nyebatkeun nu southpaw Sanchez nice jeung datang imah jeung meunangna ku skor tina 59-55 jeung 58-56 dua kali.

“Ieu gelut alus. Butuh waktu kuring sababaraha rounds pikeun meunangkeun bade tapi Kami bagja pisan jeung kinerja mah ningali maju ka fight mah saterusna,” Said De Oliveira.

Eddie “E-Boy” Gomez (18-1, 11 KOs) The Bronx, New York dimimitian peuting jeung meunangna knockout téhnis leuwih Jonathan Batista (14-6, 7 KOs) San Pedro de Marcos, Républik Dominika, lamun teu bisa ngajawab Batista bel pikeun ngamimitian buleud genep di dijadwalkeun 10 buleud super welterweight bout maranéhanana.

“Abdi ngaraos séhat, Aku wareg jeung meunang, tapi kuring hayang némbongkeun leuwih,” ceuk Eddie Gomez. “Mah ngan lalaki warmed up, mintonkeun tinju jeung karya foot kaahlian mah ngabuktikeun mah siap jawara gelut 12-buleud.”

Sidney McCow ngoleksi knockout téhnis babak kahiji leuwih Paulo Souza dina dijadwalkeun opat buleud welterweight. McCow (3-2, 2 KO sacara) New York, NY pummeled Souza nepi bout ieu dieureunkeun di 2:55 of buleud hiji. Souza of Somerville, Massachusetts ayeuna 0-8.

Matthysse vs. Provodnikov ieu 12 buleud welterweight junior bout dibere ku Banner promosi, Golden Boy promosi dina pergaulan jeung Arano Box promosi sarta disponsoran ku Corona tambahan, Mexico, Hirup eta Pikeun Believe It! jeung Khortytsa Vodka. Nu hirup HBO tinju Sanggeus split-loka Dark doubleheader telecast mimiti di 9:45 p.m. AND/PT.
Inpo nu leuwih lengkep, nganjang,, jeung turutan dina Twitter diGoldenBoyBoxing, BannerBoxing, HBOBoxing, RuslanProvod,@ TurningStone sarta jadi kipas dina Facebook di Golden Boy FacebookPage,, Toner Hideung jeung nganjang urang dina Instagram @ GoldenBoyBoxing, @ Banner tinju, @ Turningstone jeungruslanprovod.

Will Mayweather vs. Pacquiao Live up to the Hype?

Ku: Beunghar Bergeron

Floyd “Duit” Mayweather Jr. (47-0, 26 KOs) and MannyPac Man” Pacquiao (57-5-2, 38 KOs) are set to clash on May 2nd, 2015 in one of the most hyped fights in boxing history. This fight is so huge they are even planning to sell tickets to the weigh-in due to crowd control issues. The proceeds will not be going to the promoters or the boxers, sanajan. It all goes to charity. Leungit, this is a first for the state of Nevada, which traditionally requires that all weigh-ins be free of charge for fans to attend.

The level of anticipation surrounding this fight had a long time to build up. For the better part of the last decade, these two pound-for-pound juggernauts could not make this fight happen for one ridiculous reason after another. As someone who personally attended some of Mayweather’s public workouts in Vegas, I can attest to the fact that the undefeated welterweight champion repeatedly and relentlessly cited Pacquiao’s refusal to undergo Olympic style blood testing when asked about the attempts being made to get this fight signed over five years ago.

Mayweather even came up with a little rap lyric to express the issue in simple terms:

If you wanna fight the best, you gotta take the test,” he belted out during a sit-up session at one of those open workouts.

Pacquiao changed his tune on the testing and overcame the biggest hurdle of all when he met personally with Mayweather and agreed that he would be the “B” side and should therefore get a smaller split of the purse. As the video above outlines, Mayweather was then able to dominate the negotiation process.

Although pundits still say this fight will be the biggest in the history of the sport, the question must be asked if this pairing is happening too late in the careers of both fighters for it to be as exciting as some experts predict it will be.

It was always clear to me this fight would happen, but it became obvious that the longer it took to sign the contracts, the better Floyd’s chances of winning would be. Leungit, Floyd did admit in 2012 yen the real reason he didn’t want to fight Pacquiao was due to health concerns. He denied being scared, calling himselfsmartfor thinking about his family and his health first. Leungit, he insisted that the main reason his health would be at risk in that fight was if Pacquiao was really doing steroids, as Mayweather alleged and ended up being sued over. The two settled out of court and the fight is now imminent, so some fans think it’s all water under the bridge. Others are just plain aggravated that we had to wait this long for this bout to come to fruition.

Boxing Legend Marvin Hagler even commented recently that Mayweather waited until Pacquiao aged a little more before signing to fight him. Hagler compared Mayweather’s tactics to Sugar Ray Leonard waiting until Hagler became a littlesofthimself before they signed their fight contract. That bout turned out to be hugely controversial and left Hagler extremely bitter about the sport that made him famous.

Janten, the May-Pac fight will happen, and Mayweather is the obvious favorite. To learn more about the gambling side of this story, parios Boxing betting at William Hill site. The biggest payoff for any lucky bettor will be a successful bet on Pacquiao, but it’s easy to wonder if Pacquiao really is too old to win this time out. Barina ogé, there are tons of concerns with Manny’s calf muscles seizing up, and he reportedly uses a healing cream that costs thousands of dollars per bottle to address the problem.

Mayweather (38) is actually the older fighter, but the 36-year-old Manny’s fought 17 more bouts in the pro ranks and will likely be the most active puncher “Duit” ever faced. Mayweather’s normally spectacular and overwhelming defensive prowess just might be tested.

This fight may not be worth every penny you spend on tickets or the Pay-Per-View feed, but the fact that it is finally happening is still special. It will still be a fight boxing fans everywhere around the world can enjoy and appreciate. It’s ultimately up to the fighters to prove they are both up to the task of making sure this fight lives up to expectations. Chances are, Floyd will do his best to leave the MGM Grand with an uneventful decision win. Let’s just hope Pacquiao has enough left in the tank to make sure this is the most competitive fight Mayweather’s ever been in. It may not be the most opportune time for this fight to happen, but it’s a lot better to get it late than never.

Matthysse v. Provodnikov Timbangan ngalawan Card ti Verona, YORK ÉNGGAL

Ruslan Provodnikov 139.5 – Lucas Matthysse 139

Vitaly Kopylenko 160 – Lekan Byfield 158
Vitor Oliveira Jones 135 – Guillermo Sanchez 133
Patrick Teixeira 160 – Patrick Allotey 157
Paulo Souza 150.5 – Sidney McCow 146
Lamont Roach JR. 132.5 – Jose Miguel Castro 133
Eddie Gomez 149 – Jonathan Batista 149.5

Tempat: Ngaktipkeun Batu Resort Kasino
Promoters: Spanduk promosi, Golden promosi Boy jeung Arano Box promosi
Telepisi: HBO tinju Sanggeus Dark di 9:45 PM et/PT
1st Bout: 6:50

Photos ku Banner promosi
Dina naon geus pasti jadi tarung sadaya-tindakan pikeun inget jeung saréat sadaya fans fight nu bungah pikeun, Argentina sacara Lucas “La Maquina” Matthysse (36-3, 34 KOs) bakal tarung Ruslan Provodnikov “Nu Siberian Rocky” (24-3, 17 KOs), di naon anu bakal jadi test pamungkas boh pejuang. Alatan paménta unprecedented, tiket ayeuna dijual-kaluar tapi fans bisa nyekel sagala tindakan langsung dina HBO tinju Sanggeus Dark dimimitian di 9:45 p.m. AND/PT.

Alatan paménta unprecedented nempo surefire ieu “Tarung tina Taun,” tiket sagemblengna dijual kaluar.

Lawang dina Saptu, April 18 kabuka di 6:00 p.m. jeung bout kahiji dijadwalkeun pikeun 6:50 p.m. jeung HBO tinju Sanggeus Dark telecast di 9:45 p.m. AND/PT.
Matthysse vs. Provodnikov nyaéta 12-buleud welterweight junior bout dibere ku Banner promosi, Golden Boy promosi dina pergaulan jeung Arano Box promosi sarta disponsoran ku Corona tambahan, Mexico, Hirup eta Pikeun Believe It! jeung Khortytsa Vodka. Lawang nu keur dijadwalkeun pikeun muka di 6:00 p.m. AND jeung bout kahiji dijadwalkeun pikeun 6:50 p.m. AND jeung HBO tinju Sanggeus Dark telecast bakal keur di9:45 p.m. AND/PT.

Matthysse bobodoran. PROVODNIKOV ahir Pencét tanda petik jeung poto Konférénsi

Verona, YORK ÉNGGAL (April 16) – Anggota media jeung fans meunang sawangan naon nyangka di ring dina dinten saptu kalawan urut Champions Dunya Lucas “La Maquina” Matthysse jeung “Nu Siberian Rocky” Ruslan Provodnikov salilakonferensi pers final ayeuna pikeun Matthysse vs. Provodnikov di Oneida Nation sacara Ngaktipkeun Batu Resort Kasino di Verona, Ny.

Dina naon geus pasti jadi tarung sadaya-tindakan pikeun inget jeung saréat sadaya fans fight nu bungah pikeun, Argentina sacara Lucas “La Maquina” Matthysse (36-3, 34 KOs) bakal tarung Ruslan Provodnikov “Nu Siberian Rocky” (24-3, 17 KOs), di naon anu bakal jadi test pamungkas boh pejuang. Alatan paménta unprecedented, tiket ayeuna dijual-kaluar tapi fans bisa nyekel sagala tindakan langsung dina HBO tinju Sanggeus Dark dimimitian di 9:45 p.m. AND/PT.

Di handap ieu naon pejuang, promoters jeung trainers kapaksa nyebutkeun ayeuna di Ngaktipkeun Batu Resort Kasino di Verona, Ny.

Ruslan PROVODNIKOV, Urut WBO Super Lightweight Dunya Jawara:
“Kuring hayang hatur everyone for nu keur di dieu jeung ngarojong acara ieu, na mah hayang hatur sadaya anu dijieun fight ieu lumangsung, Golden promosi Boy, Banner promosi jeung HBO.
“Kami bungah Lucas jeung tim nu jadi yakin sorangan sabab Kami positif anu sakali Kami di ring lampah mah bakal nyarita keur diri. Kami di dieu pikeun meunang sarta kuring baris ngalakonan sagalana meunang tarung.
“Kami positif anu sakali Kami di ring, Kami ngan aya meunang.
“Kuring teu apal Kami ngan aya meunang tarung. Kuring bakal meunang tarung di mana wae ongkos.

“Teu aya anu bisa ngeureunkeun bakal mah, bakal mah, moal pegat.

“I ngalawan pikeun hiji pamanggih, keur kuring sorangan, pikeun urang jeung nyieun sajarah. Kuring keur pajoang salah sahiji pajuang pangalusna, jeung kuring ngarasa kawas ieu baris nyieun sajarah. Kuring teu ngalakukeun hal eta pikeun Kinérja atawa duit.

“Kuring papanggih Bernard geus lila pisan jeung manéhna ka kuring: 'Nyieun sajarah sorangan,’ jeung kuring ngarasa kawas mah geus ngalakonan nu.

“Ieu akang make gelut gede, fans geus nungguan lila, sarta anggap anu pangalusna man win.”

Lucas Matthysse, Urut Interim WBC Super Lightweight Dunya Jawara:

“Kuring hayang hatur Oscar jeung Mario pikeun nyieun ieu tarung lumangsung. Kuring hayang hatur Ruslan pikeun narima tarung. Abdi atoh pisan.

“Urang teu pakasaban gede di camp latihan, jeung Kami disusun jeung siap Ruslan. Kuring keur bade méré prestasi gede dina dinten saptu.”

Artie PELULO, Présidén Banner promosi:

“Ieu akang jadi gelut pangalusna taun.
“Kuring geus kungsi rejeki nu sae pikeun ko-ngamajukeun Corrales-gulang I jeung ieu bisa jadi nu.
“Ieu téh gede nu dua pejuang di perdana karir maranéhanana jadi di ring.

“Kuring geus hatur mitra mah di Golden promosi Boy, Oscar De La Hoya jeung Eric Gomez. Ieu pisan nu jarang sarta gede nu dua pejuang di perdana maranéhanana geus megatkeun pikeun nyanghareupan silih di ring.

“Kuring hayang hatur Ngaktipkeun Batu Resort Kasino, sipatna operasi kelas kahiji.
“Boh pejuang ieu geus gotten dieu pajoang tangguh, pejuang top. Maranéhanana hayang gelut pangalusna kawas Oscar jeung Bernard anu dieu ayeuna. Ruslan jeung Lucas percaya anu sipatna anu pangalusna, aranjeunna pajoang silih perdana maranéhanana, hiji hal anu pohara jarang dipake dina olahraga.”
“Boh lalaki ieu geus gotten dieu ku pajoang guys pohara alus.
Oscar De La Hoya, Présidén jeung nu ngadegkeun Golden promosi Boy:
“Ieu pelesir ka jadi sisi dipake ku sisi jeung Banner promosi jeung HBO, nyieun gelut gede ieu, gelut yén fans hayang lalajo.

“Kapan ieu mah di dieu di Ngaktipkeun Batu Resort Kasino taun ka tukang pikeun tinju Hall International Inohong induksi, I nangtung luhur jeung nu diajarkeun ngeunaan cara urang kudu nahan kumisan egos urang nyieun gelut pikeun fans. Ieu conto sampurna naon tinju bisa lamun anjeun boga dua pejuang gede nyanghareupan silih di ring. Putting dina gelut gede naon Banner promosi jeung Golden promosi Boy kabeh ngeunaan.

“HBO mangrupa salah sahiji mitra pangalusna di bisnis, aranjeunna komitmen ka putting dina gelut pangalusna dina televisi. Lamun urang nitenan HBO, sing saha wae nu pangalusna.

“Mario nyaéta promoter luhur di Argentina, pasangan anu understands filsafat urang, sarta manéhna trusts urang. Maranehna geus instrumental pikeun nunda dina tinju pangalusna di tukang 10 taun. Urang geus hatur mitra siga anjeunna for keur ayaan urang.

“Lucas mangrupa salah sahiji pajuang pangalusna datangna agama luar ka Argentina. Manéhna ngabogaan sumanget tarung gede. Manéhna boga kombinasi pangalusna keur brawler jeung oge bisa kotak sarta maju lamun manéhna hayang. Kombinasi gede Hal ieu ngajadikeun manéhna petinju-puncher, nu ngajadikeun manéhna fun lalajo.

“Lucas’ catetan speaks keur dirina, jeung salah sahiji percentages pangalusna knockouts di olahraga.”

Vadim KORNILOV, Manager pikeun Ruslan Provodnilkov:

“Kuring hayang hatur sakabeh tim pikeun nyieun ieu tarung lumangsung.

“Ruslan geus siap for gelut ieu, ieu hiji hal manehna geus nungguan pikeun mintonkeun yen jadi anu pangalusna di kelas beurat nya.
” Oscar De La Hoya pikeun nyebutkeun yen nu meunangna Matthysse – Provodnikov kudu ngalawan nu meunangna Mayweather -Pacaquio, Oscar bajoang nu bakal Ruslan.”
Andrei NAPOLSKIKH, Co-manager pikeun Ruslan Provodnikov:

“Ieu salah sahiji gelut Ruslan geus nungguan,. Nu geus ngabalukarkeun loba motivasi di sisi urang jeung urang ningali maju ka gelut alus dina Saptu, April 18.”
Bernard Hopkins, Future Galéri Famer jeung Golden Boy promosi Rakan:
“Urang di dieu pikeun nyieun gelut pangalusna. Rupa gelut fans hayang nempo.

“Kuring hayang nepikeun média: Anjeun sadaya meunang kasempetan pikeun nulis ngeunaan gelut alus, nuturkeun eta jeung nyaho anu pejuang kudu ngalawan jadi dina tingkat nu pangluhurna. Pikeun bisa terus ditunda gelut pangalusna, urang kudu Anjeun pikeun nunda tekenan dina urang terus teu narékahan pikeun ditunda gelut fans hayang nempo.

“Ieuh, Anjeun boga dua Galau gede di Lucas jeung Ruslan. Fight ieu dikaitkeun jeung mangka ieu dipigawé, jeung nu naon tinju kabeh ngeunaan. Kami rek ngamimitian hiji Vibe alus di dunya tinju.

“Nulis hal alus kira urang.”

Mario ARANO, Manager ka Lucas Matthysse:

“Kami pohara bagja jeung ngahatur nuhun ka dieu. Kuring hayang hatur HBO, Golden promosi Boy jeung Banner promosi pikeun nyieun ieu tarung lumangsung. I hayang pribadi hatur Artie Pelullo jeung Ruslan pikeun narima tarung.

“Team Matthysse geus dipigawé pakasaban gede di sia Lucas dina bentuk pangalusna pikeun ieu tarung. Lucas geus digawé bener teuas sarta disusun pikeun mawa mungkin fight pangalusna ngalawan Ruslan dina dinten saptu.

“Lucas milik di leagues utama, jeung dina dinten saptu manéhna baris mintonkeun dunya naha.”

Marvin SOMODIO, Palatih of Ruslan Provodnikov:
“Abdi hoyong hatur Oscar, Golden promosi Boy jeung Banner promosi pikeun kasempetan. Abdi nya éta hiji ngahargaan jadi bagian ti this.I ogé hayang hatur Freddie Roach pikeun ngabogaan urang jadi bagian ti timnya. Ieu mangrupa tanggung jawab gedé.

“Ieu katilu kalina mah di Ngaktipkeun Batu Resort Kasino. Dua Kahiji kali kami knockouts buleud 1st jeung Saptu wengi, Kuring keur néangan kaluar 3 kahiji-buleud knockout.
Luis “CUTY” BARRERA, Palatih ka Lucas Matthysse:

Dina Dinten Saptu, Lucas bakal ngabuktikeun he milik jeung sakabeh greats di olahraga.”

RAY HALBRITTER, Oneida Pawakilan Nation jeung Nation usaha CEO:

“Urang ngahormatan jadi hosting dua pejuang gede ieu, jeung urang happy maranehna milih Ngaktipkeun Batu Resort Kasino.

“Ieu Ngaktipkeun 50th fight Batu sacara nasional broadcasted dina dua taun.

“Ngawangun up for gelut ieu warranted, jeung urang kasampak maju ka hiji peuting seru dina Saptu, April 18.”

Photos ku Banner promosi
Alatan paménta unprecedented nempo surefire ieu “Tarung tina Taun,” tiket sagemblengna dijual kaluar.

Lawang dina Saptu, April 18 kabuka di 7:00 p.m. jeung bout kahiji dijadwalkeun pikeun 8:00 p.m. jeung HBO tinju Sanggeus Dark telecast di 9:45 p.m. AND/PT.
Matthysse vs. Provodnikov nyaéta 12-buleud welterweight junior bout dibere ku Banner promosi, Golden Boy promosi dina pergaulan jeung Arano Box promosi sarta disponsoran ku Corona tambahan, Mexico, Hirup eta Pikeun Believe It! jeung Khortytsa Vodka. Lawang nu keur dijadwalkeun pikeun muka di 6:00 p.m. AND jeung bout kahiji dijadwalkeun pikeun 6:50 p.m. AND jeung HBO tinju Sanggeus Dark telecast bakal keur di9:45 p.m. AND/PT.


ON Juni 6, 2015 AT BARCLAYS Center di Brooklyn Televised langsung dina HBO®

-Tiket diobral Rebo, April 22 di 10:00 AM et


YORK ÉNGGAL (April 16, 2015)Roc Nation Sports and Miguel Cotto Promotions are pleased to announce the next highly anticipated battle for Miguel Cotto (39-4, 32 KO sacara), nu reigning WBC Middleweight jeung Magazine Ring World Jawara jeung asli kahiji Puérto Riko jadi jawara dunya dina opat kelas beurat beda. On Juni 6, 2015, Cotto bakal ngabéla judul ngalawan urut Dua-Time World Jawara Daniel Geale (31-3, 16 KO sacara) Australia dina perang nu bakal televised cicing dina HBO ti Barclays Center di Brooklyn.


Tiket nu dibanderol di $500, $350, $250, $200, $150, $100, $50 jeung $25, teu kaasup ongkos layanan lumaku jeung pajeg, jeung indit diobral Rebo, April 22 di 10:00 AM et. Tiket baris sadia di, jeung di Box Kantor American Express di Barclays Center mimiti Kemis, April 23 di 12:00 PM et. Pikeun ngeusi batre ku telepon, nelepon Ticketmaster di (800) 745-3000.


I am happy and excited to be back in New York and fighting at Barclays Center,” said Cotto. “This is another chapter in my career and I’m committed to train as hard as always and bring a big victory. I’m looking forward to seeing all the Puerto Rican fans on June 6 and to being part of another exciting boxing night in Brooklyn.


I would like to thank HBO for their continued support, Gary Shaw of GSP, Bill Treacy of Grange Old School Boxing and Dino Duva at Roc Nation Sports for their collective professionalism in making this fight happen,” said Geale. “Last but not least, thanks to Miguel Cotto for the opportunity to become a world champion once again. I have total respect for Miguel and his achievements, but I can win this fight and that is exactly what I intend to do come June 6 in Brooklyn at Barclays Center.


We’re excited and proud to bring Miguel Cotto back to New York along with Miguel Cotto Promotions, now as a part of the Roc Nation Sports family,” said David Itskowitch, COO tinju of Roc Nation Sports. “Brooklyn and boxing have a long history, and Puerto Rican heritage is closely integrated with both. What a way for New York to kick off the week of the Puerto Rican Day Parade festivitieswith Miguel Cotto’s long-awaited return to the ring. The night of Juni 6 will be one to remember for fans in attendance at Barclays Center and those watching at home on HBO.


We are excited to have Miguel Cotto back in New York and at Barclays Center for the first time,” said Hector Soto, Miguel Cotto promosi. “This is a Puerto Rican traditionMiguel Cotto is New York and New York is boxing. We can’t wait until the night of Juni 6 to present a great and entertaining boxing show together with our partners at Roc Nation Sports.


Daniel Geale is a true warrior and will leave everything in the ring against Miguel Cotto like he always does,” ceuk Gary Shaw, Gary Shaw Productions. “He’s never in a dull fight and the fans will get their money’s worth as both fighters like to let their hands go. I want to thank Grange Old School Boxing for having confidence in me. This will be a tough fight for Geale, however I’m convinced that he will beat Cotto and I’m hopeful that Miguel didn’t make any other plans for September other than a rematch with Daniel.

We are delighted that Miguel Cotto has chosen Barclays Center and Brooklyn to continue his storied career in New York City,” ceuk Brett Yormark, Barclays Center CEO. “Cotto’s Puerto Rican heritage combined with Australia’s own Daniel Geale is going to create a tremendous global audience for this Juni 6 gelut. This announcement further cements Barclays Center as the leading boxing venue in this country.


Last June, Miguel Cotto became a middleweight champion, joining a select handful of elite fighters to have won major titles in four weight classes or more, and becoming the first Puerto Rican champion to do so ,” ceuk Petrus Nelson, vice president, programming, HBO Olahraga. “For Cotto’s first title defense, he faces former two-time world champion Daniel Geale at Barclays Center, the iconic Brooklyn landmark whose mystique elevates every event fortunate enough to call it home. As Cotto continues the next phase of his historic career, we are thrilled to present this middleweight championship fight live on HBO.


Miguel Cotto (39-4, 32 KO sacara) is the reigning WBC and Ring Magazine middleweight world champion and the first native of Puerto Rico to become world champion in four different weight classes. He is the former WBO junior welterweight world champion, the former WBA welterweight world champion, the former WBO welterweight world champion and the former WBA super welterweight world champion. He also represented Puerto Rico in the 2000 Olimpiade di Sydney, Australia. Cotto has had 22 world championship fights, compiling a record of 18-4 jeung 15 knockouts in those bouts. In Puerto Rico, he is hailed as a national hero and the successor of Felix Trinidad as the island’s most revered boxer. Cotto is one of the biggest gate attractions in boxing and one of the largest pay-per-view draws among active fighters. Nu panganyarna, dina Juni 2014, Cotto dijieun sajarah di fight kahijina minangka middleweight ku dominating southpaw Argentine jeung defending WBC jeung Magazine Ring Middleweight Dunya Jawara Sergio Pramanik (51-2-2, 28 KO sacara). Manéhna dilatih ku Hall legendaris Inohong palatih Freddie Roach jeung geus perang sababaraha ngaran pangbadagna di olahraga kaasup Floyd Mayweather jeung Manny Pacquiao. Cotto owns tinju pausahaan promosi sorangan di Puerto Rico, Miguel Cotto promosi, Zakat sarta diaku leuwih Foundation Miguel Angel Cotto, hiji organisasi nirlaba dedicated ka combatting obesitas budak leutik. Dina Maret 2015, Cotto jeung Roc Nation Sports ngumumkeun yén maranéhanana geus diasupkeun kana partnership nu ngawengku kasapukan co-promosi jeung Miguel Cotto promosi pikeun ngamajukeun gelut Cotto sacara.


Daniel Geale (31-3, 16 KO sacara) is the former IBF and WBA middleweight world champion and the current holder of the PABA and WBO Interim Asia Pacific middleweight titles. A boxing hero in his native Australia and hailed as Tasmania’s 2012 Athlete of the Year, Geale is Ring Magazine’s fourth rated middleweight in the world and the WBC’s number six rated contender. Salaku amatir, he competed for Australia in the 2000 Olympic Games and was a gold medalist at the 2002 Commonwealth Games in Manchester, Inggris. Geale made his professional debut in Australia in 2004, eventually compiling twenty-one consecutive victories and winning the IBO middleweight title in 2007 against previously undefeated Daniel Dawson (29-0, 20 KO sacara). Dina Sasih Méi 2009, Geale suffered his first defeat, losing his title to Anthony Mundine (35-3, 23 KO sacara) in a hotly-contested battle. The Australian rebounded in May 2011 to win the IBF middleweight title with a split decision victory over Sebastian Sylvester (34-3, 16 KO sacara) di Jerman. After two successful title defenses, including a unanimous-decision victory over Ghanaian Osumanu Adama (20-2, 15 KO sacara), Geale stunned Germany’s Felix Sturm (37-2-2, 16 KO sacara) to win the WBA middleweight title, unifying the titles in 2012. A year later on August 17, 2013, Geale lost his IBF middleweight title to Darren Barker (25-1, 16 KO sacara) via a split-decision in Atlantic City. He bounced back six months later with a sixth round technical knockout victory over Garth Wood (12-3-1, 8 KO sacara). Dina tanggal 26, 2014, in an event televised by HBO World Championship Boxing, Geale faced off against undefeated WBA Middleweight World Champion Gennady Golovkin (29-0, 26 KO ') di New York City, but came up short in trying to reclaim his former title. Dina pertarungan panganyarna nya, Geale captured the vacant PABA and WBO Interim Asia Pacific middleweight titles, winning a twelve-round unanimous decision victory over fellow Australian Jarrod Fletcher (18-2, 10 KO sacara).


Cotto vs. Geale, gelut 12 buleud pikeun Cotto Kang WBC jeung Ring Magazine Middleweight World Championships, lumangsung Saptu, Juni 6 di Barclays Center di Brooklyn jeung bakal televised cicing dina HBO. Gelut ieu disajikan ku Roc Bangsa Olahraga sarta Miguel Cotto promosi dina asosiasi Gary Shaw Productions sarta disponsoran ku Cerveza Tecate.
Kanggo inpo nu leuwih mangga buka Turutan Roc Bangsa dina Twitter jeung Instagramrocnation jeung dina Facebook di
Inpo nu leuwih lengkep, nganjang, nuturkeun dina Twitter jeung Instagram diHBOBoxing jeung jadi kipas dina Facebook di


Ngeunaan Roc Nation Sports

Roc Bangsa Sports, a sub-division of Roc Nation, diwangun dina spring 2013. Pangadeg Shawn “Jay Z” Asih Carter ngeunaan olahraga ngakibatkeun formasi alami Roc Nations Sports, nulungan atlit dina cara nu sarua Roc Nation geus nulungan seniman dina industri musik pikeun taun. Roc Nation Sports pokus elevating atlit’ karir dina skala global boh sareng mareuman sawah. Roc Nation Sports conceptualizes jeung executes poéna marketing jeung dukungan, teureuh masarakat, amal dasi-in, Hubungan media jeung strategi brand. Roc Nation Sports dibuka division tinju anak, hiji pausahaan promosi service full nu ngagambarkeun juara dunya Miguel Cotto jeung Andre Ward, dina bulan Agustus 2014. Roc Bangsa Sports’ roster ngawengku atlit premiere saperti Kurniawan Cano, Skylar Diggins, Kevin Duka, Geno Smith, Koswara Cruz, CC Sabathia, James Young, Dez Bryant, Ndamukong Suh, Rusney gulang, Yoenis Cespedes, Jaelen Strong, Todd Gurley, Wilson Chandler, Erick Aybar and Frances Tiafoe.


About Miguel Cotto Promotions

Miguel Cotto Promotions is the leading promotional company in Puerto Rico founded by the five-time and four-division world champion Miguel Cotto and entrepreneur Hector Soto in 2005. Miguel Cotto Promotions has the vision of developing the best talent in Puerto Rico and Latin America, while searching for the best partnerships in the business to present the best quality shows in the industry. Dina 2015, Miguel Cotto Promotions launched their most recent project namedBoxeo Al Maximoin partnership with Univision Puerto Rico network, capturing great ratings results on the new Saptu night fightsplatform.


About Gary Shaw Productions

Based out of New Jersey, Gary Shaw Productions was founded in 2002 by President and Chief Executive Officer, Gary Shaw, a former NJ regulator. Having promoted boxing shows in China, Australia, Mexico and the U.K., GSP is known as an international enterprise, whose main objective is to bring excitement to boxing with competitive fights. Partaking in some of the biggest events in boxing history, which include Felix Trinidad vs. Fernando Vargas, Lennox Lewis vs. Vitali Klitschko, Winky Wright vs. Felix Trinidad, Diego Corrales vs. Jose Luis gulang, Shane Mosley vs. Winky Wright and Marquez vs Vasquez I, II & III, GSP has solidified its self as one of the top promotional companies in the sport.


About Barclays Center

Barclays Center opened on September 28, 2012, and is a major sports and entertainment venue in the heart of Brooklyn, York Énggal. One of the most intimate seating configurations ever designed into a modern multi-purpose arena, Barclays Center offers 17,732 korsi keur baskét, 15,795 pikeun hoki, jeung nepi ka 19,000 korsi keur konser, sarta ngabogaan 101 suites méwah, opat bar / lounges, opat klub, jeung 40/40 Klub & Restoran ku American Express.


Barclays Center sarwa an rupa éksténsif kajadian, kaasup konser Premier, kartu tinju utama professional, baskét kuliah luhur, nempokeun kulawarga, nu Nets Brooklyn jeung pas New York Islanders.

Barclays Center geus ngartikeun ulang ladenan customer arena jeung pangalaman kuliner. Anak leuwih ti 2,000 pagawé dilatih ku Disney Institute, nu panangan piwuruk bisnis The Walt Disney Company, jeung program dahareun ™ BrooklynTaste anak pitur selections ti 55 restoran jeung pabrik well-dipikawanoh di Borough nu.


Barclays Center engages customer jeung state-of-the-seni téknologi pikeun ningkatkeun pidangan pangalaman fan. As the first arena in the world to utilize Cisco StadiumVision mobile multicast streaming technology, Barclays Center allows fans to watch live video and instant replays from their mobile phones while connected to the arena’s free Wi-Fi.

Located atop one of the largest transportation hubs in New York City, Barclays Center is accessible by 11 subway lines, the Long Island Rail Road, jeung 11 bus lines.

For more information on Barclays Center, mangga buka


Quotables From Notables

Manny Pacquiao, Freddie Roach and Bob Arum

16 Days Before The Fight of the Century

Saptu, Mei 2, Di hermansah Grand Taman aréna IN Las Vegas


Klik IEUH For Pacquiao Media Day Replay Link

Klik IEUH For Pacquiao Media Day Video Highlights

Klik IEUH For Mayweather Media Day Video Highlights

Klik IEUH Pikeun Poto Ti Halimun lin / SHOWTIME

Klik IEUH Pikeun Poto Ti Chris Farina / Top dina réngking

Klik IEUH For Mayweather Photos From Salasa sacara Workout

Kiridit: Halimun lin / SHOWTIME

Hollywood, CALIF. (April 16, 2015) – It was Manny Media Mania at Rebo sacara media workout for Fighter of the Decade, eight-division world champion and boxing superhero Congressman MANNY “Pacman” PACQUIAO. Pacquiao (57-5-2, 38 KOs), who represents the Sarangani province in the Philippines, hosted a Hollywood Media Workout with his Hall of Fame trainer Freddie Roach and Hall of Promoter Bob Arum.


Over 300 media from around the globe flocked to Wild Card Boxing Club to ask the trio about Pacquiao’s Mei 2 welterweight world championship unification battle against undefeatedFloyd “Duit” MAYWEATHER JR. (47-0, 26 KOs), di hermansah Grand Taman sarena di Las Vegas.


Mayweather vs. Pacquiao is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Top Rank Inc., the live pay-per-view telecast will be co-produced and co-distributed by HBO Pay-Per-View® jeung SHOWTIME PPV® dimimitian di 9:00 p.m. AND/ 6:00 p.m. PT.


What Pacquiao, Top Rank CEO Bob Arum and Hall of Fame trainer Freddie Roach ceukRebo:


MANNY PACQUIAO, Eight-Division World Champion


I feel very excited for the fight.


I have a lot of sparring partners that are similar to Floyd’s fighting style, we have done well. We know what to expect.


I have watched tape on Floyd to make sure that our strategy and technique in training camp is correct.


My entire career defines my legacy; I have already accomplished great achievements in my career while excelling in different weight divisions. This fight is an additional achievement in my career; it’s the biggest fight in boxing history.


I can say that beating Floyd would be the biggest victory of my career.


More people are interested and informed about this fight now than they would’ve been five years ago.


Style wise, I am the same fighter I was five years ago. My determination, inspiration and killer instinct is the exact same as it was five or six years ago.


“Kanggo abdi, boxing is my passion. I enjoy boxing and giving honor to my country of the Philippines. My concern is to bring an exciting fight to my fans. My first concern going into every fight is how will be to be able to entertain my fans, give them enjoyment and make them happy.


The reason I am so loved by fans is because of my reckless style of fighting. People like exciting fights with actual punches being thrown.




Manny is motivated, he’s ready for the fight. I expect a great performance from him.


It’s a very interesting fight because Floyd is a defensive specialist who has a good right hand and picks off his opponents. He’s an extraordinarily good fighter.


Pacquiao’s strength is speed, particularly his foot speed and the fact that he throws so many punches and attacks from low angles. He really hits harder than Floyd does, so that’s really what it’s going to be about.


Floyd has a different defense than Juan Manuel Marquez. His defense is primarily his shoulder roll. A lot of his defense is geared against a right handed fighter. Jeung ceuk nu, I think Manny is going to surprise a lot of people with how he is going to be able to reach Floyd.


I would say Manny is more motivated for this fight than any other fight I’ve seen him prepare for.


I’m looking forward to Mei 2. I love Manny’s chances of winning, that’s the main thing. He looks great, he’s motivated, no nonsense, and I think he’s going to put on a performance for the ages. It’s going to be hard for him to top his performance against Oscar De La Hoya, but I think he will in this fight.

Freddie ROACH, Pacquiao’s Hall of Fame Trainer


We have a great idea of when and where we are going to attack Mayweather.


This fight was five years in the making. Promoters should realize that these types of fights are what’s best for boxing and we should have more fights like this. I’m not surprised by the hype surrounding the fight.


Manny has really raised the bar in this training camp. He’s a different Manny Pacquiao than I have seen him going into previous training camps. He is punching so much harder in training for this camp.


Manny is better than ever, his attitude is different and I’ve never seen him work this hard. His speed is faster, his punches are harder. I’m really happy where he’s at. His legs look great; he’s on his toes all the time.


Mayweather is a good counter-puncher, but Manny has faster hands and his combinations are better than Floyd’s.


Both fighters have great experience, so I don’t believe that will be a factor in the fight. The biggest thing is that each fighter comes in with a different style. Floyd is a counter-puncher but Manny must be the one to enforce the fight.


I believe that Manny being a southpaw will be a factor in this fight. Manny showed me tape of Floyd fighting a southpaw and told me that that is exactly what we are going to do in this fight.


I can tell how much this fight means to Manny because he has watched tape on Floyd. Manny has never watched tape on any fighter before.


Since Manny moved to 147 he hasn’t knocked many guys out, so getting the knockout in this fight isn’t a concern for me. If Manny fights at 140, then he does knock guys out, but at this weight he is fighting guys who are bigger than him.


Floyd may be a bigger guy, but we will still win the fight.


This fight is much bigger than when Manny fought Oscar De La Hoya. Manny is a different person going into this fight. He hit me so hard the other day that I believe it’s the hardest I’ve ever been hit by a fighter who I’m training.


I don’t believe that Floyd ever wanted this fight, he was forced to take it by the public and the media. I wouldn’t be surprised if Floyd pulled out now.


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