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Invaincu Welterweight Champion du Monde Batailles Spence Invaincu quatre Division Champion du Monde Garcia dans le quartier historique Showdown Le premier Premier Champions de boxe sur Fox Sports Pay-Per-View événement

Samedi, Mars 16 de AT&T Stadium à Arlington, Texas
Billets en vente maintenant à

Cliquez ICI pour les photos de Frank Micelotta / FOX Sports

Cliquez ICI pour les photos de Andy Samuelson /
Premier Champions de boxe

Cliquez ICI pour FOX Sports Conférence de presse vidéo

LOS ANGELES (Février 16, 2019) – champion du monde mi-moyens Invaincu Errol Spence Jr. et invaincue champion quatre divisions Mikey Garcia visualisé leur affrontement à venir et face-off en direct sur FOX lors d'une conférence de presse à Los Angeles samedi comme ils près de leur bataille pour la suprématie livre pour livre que les titres d'un Premier Champions de boxe sur FOX Sports Pay-Per-View événement le samedi, Mars 16 d'AT&T Stadium à Arlington, Texas.

Spence et Garcia ont été rejoints sur scène lors de la conférence de presse par une légende vivante,Thomas “Hitman” Hearns, qui a remporté des titres dans cinq catégories de poids et a combattu Sugar Ray Leonard dans l'un des combats de la plupart des mi-moyens mémorables de l'histoire.

L'événement a également présenté une interview par satellite avec Dallas Cowboys propriétaire, Président et directeur général Jerry Jones, qui a partagé ses réflexions sur l'événement électrisant à venir à AT&T Stadium, avant Spence et Garcia étaient doués personnaliser jerseys Cowboys par deux Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders.

Les billets pour le Mars 16 événement, qui est promu par Promotions et sports TGB Ringstar, sont maintenant en vente, et peuvent être achetés à, le fournisseur officiel d'AT Ticketing&T Stadium.

Etaient également présents à la conférence de presse ont été invaincus l'ancien champion de 168 livres David Benavidez et favori des fans poids lourds Chris Arreola, qui sont en concurrence sur le PBC sur FOX Sports Pay-Per-View undercard comme batailles Benavidez Contender vétéran J'Leon Amour, tandis que Arreola matchs contre invaincue Jean Pierre Augustin.

Voici ce que les participants à la conférence de presse ont dit samedi de Microsoft Theater à L.Un. En direct:


“Je forme ancienne école donc je ne vous inquiétez pas sur la façon dont Mikey envisage de se renforcer au poids. Je ne suis pas inquiet à ce sujet et je ne pense pas que cela fera une différence dans la lutte. Je vais juste de se concentrer sur ce que je dois faire pour être à mon meilleur.

“La taille compte toujours, mais quand vous arrivez là-bas, à la fin de la journée, il est sur les compétences et l'intelligence. Je ne vais pas compter sur la taille. Je vais me concentrer sur mon talent. Si je peux rouler à travers lui, alors je vais vous montrer mon instinct de tueur et essayer de le sortir de là. Je vais utiliser ma capacité à le briser.

“Au début, je pensais qu'il était juste pourchasse mon nom quand il me appelait à. Une fois qu'il est devenu réel, J'ai vu comment il était sérieux. À ce moment-là, je suis très confiant que cela arriverait.

“Je ne suis pas le despote ici parce que Mikey a vraiment poussé pour la lutte. Les autres champions ne sont pas disponibles au moment, ainsi que Mikey est le combattant que de haut niveau qui m'a appelé. Je savais que c'était un combat que je voulais.

“Mikey est invaincue, a un ensemble de grande compétence et a remporté un titre à 140 livres. Je ne le vois pas comme ce petit combattant. Il a un style technique qui est très traditionnel. Il aime utiliser des angles pour mettre son adversaire en.

“Nous nous concentrons sur ce que je peux faire et ce que notre plan de jeu est. J'ai toujours espar les mêmes personnes peu importe ce que parce qu'ils me mettre dans la condition que je dois être et ils me apprêté pour tous les défis.

“La division poids welter a toujours été l'une des plus fortes divisions dans le sport et il est comme ça maintenant. Nous avons juste besoin de se battre les uns des autres. Je suis prêt à se battre l'un d'eux. Celui qui finit au-dessus de ce groupe, mettra fin à être un Hall of Famer. Voilà comment vous devenez un tout-temps grand.

“C'est quelque chose que j'ai attendu toute ma vie. Je suis concentré et prêt à relever ce défi. Il va être tous les yeux sur moi et Mikey dans cet anneau et je ne peux pas attendre.

“Je suis heureux que quelqu'un me défie. J'ai cherché un adversaire comme lui. Il s'établit dans ce sport. Je suis heureux de pouvoir relever ce défi. Je suis à la recherche d'un habile Mikey Garcia pour faire ressortir le meilleur de moi en Mars 16.

“Ma vision est que ma main sera élevé dans la victoire, que ce soit un knock-out ou un combat de 12 rounds épuisante, Je me prépare pour la meilleure compétence Mikey Garcia sage, sage force et pour autant que son intelligence annulaire.”


“Ce sont le genre de défis que je veux. quelqu'un que je besoin comme Errol Spence Jr., avec son attitude et le style, pour faire ressortir le meilleur de moi. Je veux que le monde de voir enfin la pleine Mikey Garcia.

“La formation que nous avons fait dans la baie de San Francisco m'a certainement aidé. Nous allons en poids et besoin de faire un type de formation différent. Nous voulions nous assurer que nous avons gagné un peu de masse pour que je puisse être en mesure de tenir hors du poids et de la force de Spence Errol.

“La clé de ma formation de force est que nous ne voulions pas perdre ma vitesse et l'explosivité. Je vois maintenant que je suis de retour en combat que j'ai encore que la vitesse tout en gagnant du muscle que nous devions.

“Si les gens disent Errol est plus grand, qui est juste évident. Mais qui est plus rapide? Qui a une meilleure synchronisation? Il y a beaucoup plus qui va dans ce sport et qui va gagner ce combat particulier.

“Cela a été l'un des plus difficiles des camps que j'ai jamais eu. Nous travaillons sur beaucoup de différentes méthodes et techniques pour être à notre meilleur. Il va être plus grand que moi la nuit de combat, mais cela fait partie du défi. Je suis sais que depuis le début et c'est la raison pour laquelle nous avons formé la façon dont nous avons.

“Quand je l'ai vu combattre Lamont Peterson j'ai décidé que Errol Spence Jr. était le combat que je voulais une jours. Les gens ont essayé de me parler de lui, mais maintenant ils sont tous à bord. Les gens ont commencé à voir ce que je vais être capable de le Mars 16.

“Je veux le meilleur Errol Spence Jr. Je sais qu'il est un grand combattant avec beaucoup de compétences et de talents. Il n'a pas besoin d'utiliser toutes ses compétences, exactement comme moi. Il fait tout bien, mais rien de spectaculaire. Je me sens juste que je suis le meilleur combattant. Je pense avoir l'avantage partout, sauf peut-être le pouvoir, mais nous découvrirons la nuit de combat.

“C'est l'histoire en train de se faire. Je suis en train d'établir un grand héritage. C'est le genre de combat que j'ai besoin. Je sais que mes fans vont apparaître et me donner beaucoup de soutien. Ce combat me excite vraiment et motive.

“Je ne vais pas laisser passer cette combat loin. Je vais me établir comme l'un des meilleurs de la génération et finalement l'un des meilleurs de tous les temps.

“Même si certaines personnes croient que je suis l'outsider, Je ne me vois pas de cette façon. Je suis invaincue et je pense que Errol sait que je pose un défi. Il est pas une tâche facile pour l'un d'entre nous. C'est le combat que j'ai besoin pour mon héritage.”

DERRICK JAMES, Entraîneur de Spence

“Ce combat est tout au sujet du niveau de compétences, pas la taille. Taille entrera en jeu un peu, mais nous allons montrer que nous avons Skillset battre ce gars-là. C'est ce que Errol va montrer.

“Mikey Garcia a un bon style technique. Mais il y a toujours une méthode pour abattre un grand combattant. Je pense qu'un jour comme aujourd'hui nous inspirer encore plus à travailler encore plus dur. On peut le voir juste en face de nous. Son vrai et nous ne pouvons pas attendre.

“Quand j'ai vu Errol nous étions en fait sparring les uns des autres. Nous commencé à travailler ensemble et je suis arrivé à le voir marcher à travers gars après gars. Nous savions qu'il était un grand athlète, mais il a fallu du temps pour construire à l'endroit où j'ai commencé à se rendre compte qu'il était quelque chose de spécial.”

ROBERT GARCIA, Frère Garcia & Entraîneur

“C'est un grand défi pour nous d'aller en poids pour lutter contre le meilleur poids welter dans le monde. Mais ce n'est pas comme son’ n'a jamais été fait avant et je sais que Mikey a les compétences et le pouvoir de le retirer. Voilà ce que nous venons à Dallas pour faire.

“Ce sera l'occasion pour Mikey de continuer à construire son héritage. Il veut être connu comme l'un des plus grands combattants de tous les temps et une victoire sur Errol Spence Jr. est un grand pas vers ce.

“Je ne pense pas qu'ils ont vue sur Mikey. “Ils savent que le talent qu'il a. Ils se préparent pour un grand combat comme ils l'ont fait avant. Je pense qu'ils savent qu'ils sont dans un vrai combat.”


“Je suis de retour ici dans ce stade et que tout ce qui compte. Je suis vivant et l'apprentissage. Je ne peux pas attendre d'être en mesure de se battre à nouveau pour le titre mondial.

« En fait, je sparred avec J'leon Love quand j'avais 15 ans, âgé. Il est un grand combattant qui est un vétéran. Je ne suis pas lui donnant. Je suis une formation pour ce combat comme il est un combat pour le titre mondial. Quelque soit le style qu'il est livré avec, Je vais être prêt pour cela.

“Je suis meilleur que jamais. Tout a été une leçon apprise. Je devais asseoir pendant que je perdu ma place, alors maintenant je suis plus motivé que jamais. Cette année, nous laissons le passé dans le passé et revenir plus fort.”

Chris Arreola

“Je suis très heureux d'être de retour. Ce fut une longue mise à pied où je passais du temps avec mon fils et le regardait grandir. J'ai manqué ce sentiment d'être devant les fans et obtenir ce droit de l'énergie nerveuse avant un combat.

“Je prévois et j'espère une foule tapageuse sur Mars 16. Il y aura beaucoup de fans Spence et Garcia et beaucoup de grands combats. Nous Mexicains, nous aimons les combats.

“Je sais que mon adversaire est un gaucher et il est lisse. Il va essayer de me sortir de la boîte. Je sais qu'il ne va pas vouloir rester dans mon poste de gouverne. Je dois être en forme pour la distance et être prêt pour les tirs venant de différents angles.”

JERRY JONES, Dallas Cowboys propriétaire, Président et directeur général

Sur l'hébergement Spence et Garcia à Cowboys séparés matchs à domicile la saison dernière:
“Il était bon de coudes frotter avec les champions. Je veux tout ce qu'ils ont à déteindre sur moi et les Cowboys de Dallas.

“Le fait que FOX est impliqué et leur intérêt pour ce combat est incroyable. Nous avons eu de grands événements avec FOX, y compris le Super Bowl. Notre stade a été vraiment construit pour la boxe. Ces combattants seront debout 70 pieds de haut suspendus au-dessus de l'anneau sur la carte vidéo. Il est une excellente façon de se sentir comme vous êtes si près que vous recevez les coups de ces grands combattants.

“Nous sommes tellement ravis de notre base de fans mexicain-américain. Ceci est un grand espace pour la boxe. Nous nous endear d'être impliqué dans un événement comme celui-ci en tout cas les Cowboys peuvent. Surtout avec deux grands combattants comme Spence et Garcia.

“Je pense que vous verrez un combat avec des champions exceptionnels impliqués sur Mars 16. Vous ne recevez pas de voir le meilleur contre le meilleur souvent. A AT&T Stadium, vous verrez d'une manière qui ne peut être égalé à des installations sportives normales. L'aura d'avoir des milliers de fans comme à un match de football est inégalée. Il est une grande expérience et nous sommes fiers d'être une partie de la boxe.”

RICHARD SCHAEFER, Président & PDG de Sport Ringstar

“Le gagnant de ce combat sera la livre pour livre le meilleur dans le monde. Tout le monde serait d'accord que ces deux gars-là sont en haut de cette liste, et je crois que celui qui gagne sera numéro un. C'est un couronnement pour qui est aujourd'hui le roi du sport.

“Mikey Garcia est techniquement l'un des meilleurs combattants du monde. Errol Spence Jr. est une forte, combattant déterminé qui veut juste prouver qu'il est le meilleur. Ce combat est une chance pour les deux gars de prouver qu'ils sont les meilleurs dans le monde.”

TOM BROWN, Président de TGB Promotions

“Ceci est un véritable événement blockbuster, digne de cette conférence de presse en direct sur FOX incroyable. Ces deux combattants ne sont pas seulement des superstars du sport, mais le vainqueur de ce combat sera en mesure de faire valoir le droit d'être numéro un livre pour livre.

“FOX et les Cowboys de Dallas ont donné une énorme quantité de soutien à cet événement et nous prévoyons une soirée inoubliable sur Mars 16. Mikey Garcia est audacieux vraiment être grand contre un combattant dans Errol Spence Jr. qui a lui-même établi que la classe de la division des 147 livres.”

# # #

Spence vs. Garcia est un Champions Premier boxe sur FOX Sports pay-per-View qui est en tête d'affiche invaincu champion du monde IBF poids welter Errol Spence Jr. défendre son titre contre quatre division champion du monde Mikey Garcia samedi, Mars 16 d'AT&T Stadium à Arlington, Texas.

Le PBC sur FOX Sports Pay-Per-View fonction undercard volonté Invaincu ancien champion super-moyens David Benavidez vétéran combattant prétendante J'leon Love, invaincu ancien champion des poids coq Luis Nery prise sur l'ancien champion et Mcjoe Arroyo favori des fans Chris Arreola face invaincu Jean Pierre Augustin.

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et, suivre sur TwitterPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, Foxsports, FOXDeportes, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions et @Swanson_Comm ou devenir fan sur Facebook à, &

A propos de AT&T Stadium:
AT&T Stadium est l'un des plus grands, la plupart des lieux de divertissement de haute technologie dans le monde. Conçu par HKS et construit par Manhattan Construction, la $1.2 milliards de stade comporte deux arches monumentales, le plus grand groupe de carte vidéo HDTV du monde, un toit rétractable expansive et les plus grandes portes de la zone d'extrémité escamotable dans le monde. Caractéristiques du stade comprennent des sièges pour 80,000 et jusqu'à expansibilité 100,000, sur 300 suites de luxe, sièges club sur plusieurs niveaux et les Cowboys de Dallas Shop Pro, ouvert au public toute l'année. Le stade accueille également une collection de classe mondiale de l'art contemporain, composée de plus 50 pièces d'un tableau international d'artistes curated affichés sur les murs et dans les grands espaces publics du lieu. En plus d'être la maison des Cowboys de Dallas depuis son ouverture en 2009, le stade a accueilli le Super Bowl XLV, la 2010 NBA All Star Game, la 2014 Basketball Final Four NCAA Hommes, la 2015 College Football Championnat National Playoff Jeu et annuel Goodyear Cotton Bowl classique. Le lieu a également accueilli le lycée et le football collégial, concerts, combats de championnat, matches internationaux de football, et d'autres événements spéciaux. Pour plus d'informations, aller à

Veteran Contender Andrzej Fonfara Withdraws from Fight Against Edwin Rodriguez Slated for Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes Saturday, Mars 9 at Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, Californie

Hard-Hitting Abel Ramos and Battle-Tested Francisco Santana Step In for All-Action Welterweight Showdown In Co-Feature

WBC Welterweight World Champion Shawn Porter Makes First

Title Defense Against Mandatory Challenger Yordenis Ugas In

Main Event – La couverture commence à 8 p.m. ET / 5 h, heure. PT

CARSON, CALIFORNIE. (Février 14, 2019) – Veteran contender and two-time title challenger Andrzej Fonfara has withdrawn from his match against Edwin Rodriguez that was scheduled to be part of Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes on Saturday, Mars 9 de Dignity Health Sports Park, anciennement StubHub Center, à Carson, Californie.

Stepping in as the replacement co-feature is a 10-round, all-action welterweight showdown between hard-hittingAbel Ramos et testé batailleFrancisco “Part” Santana. Coverage begins at 8 p.m. ET / 5 h, heure. PT and is headlined by WBC Welterweight World ChampionShawn Portermaking his first title defense in primetime against mandatory challengerYordenis Ugas.

Tickets for the live event, qui est promu par Promotions TGB, sont maintenant en vente. Les billets peuvent être achetés à

The 31-year-old Fonfara announced that he is retiring from boxing, prompting him to withdraw from the fight against Rodriguez on Wednesday.

There is no more enthusiasm and above all no more of the motivation and adrenaline that gave me the desire to go into the ring and compete,” Fonfara said. “je suis en bonne santé. Everything is okay. But I no longer have the heart for boxing.

Ramos (23-3-2, 18 KOs) has put together four technical knockout victories since losing a hard-fought majority decision to welterweight contender Jamal James in front of Jameshometown crowd in Minneapolis on April 13, 2018. The 27-year-old from Casa Grande, Arizona proved against James that he’s a formidable opponent for anyone in the 147-pound division.

Santana (25-6-1, 12 KOs) needs an impressive victory over Ramos to remain a force in the welterweight division. The 31-year-old Santana of Santa Barbara, California is coming off a majority decision over the always-tough Felix Diaz and owns victories over then unbeaten fighters Eddie Gomez and Kendal Mena.

#          #          #

Fans can live stream the fights on the FOX Sports app, available in English or Spanish through the FOX or FOX Deportes feeds. The fights are available on desktop et via l'App Store, ou les appareils connectés, y compris Apple TV, Android TV, TV Feu, Xbox One et Roku.

Pour Plus d'information: visitewww.premierboxingchampions.com, suivre sur TwitterPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, Foxsports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook &


PBC sur la FOX & FOX Deportes Headlined by Featherweight World Champion Leo Santa Cruz Taking on Mexico’s Rafael Rivera This Saturday Night from Microsoft Theater at L.A. Live in Los Angeles

Cliquez ICI pour les photos de Sean Michael Ham / TGB Promotions

LOS ANGELES (Février 14, 0219) – There was no love lost on Valentine’s Day in Los Angeles as fighters competing on Saturday’s Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes exchanged words and went face-to-face at the final press conference before their respective showdowns this Saturday night at Microsoft Theater at L.A. En direct.

WBA champion du monde poids plume Leo Santa Cruz will defend his title against Mexico’s Rafael Rivera in the main event of the show. Coverage begins at 8 p.m. ET / 5 h, heure. PT and will feature an exciting clash between contenders Omar Figueroa etJohn Molina Jr., plus unbeaten prospects Sebastian Fundora et Donnie Marshall going toe-to-toe.

Billets pour le spectacle, qui est promu par Promotions et sports TGB Ringstar, sont maintenant en vente, and can be purchased at

The event also featured an appearance by former world champion and Southern California fan-favorite Fernando Vargas. Here is what the press conference participants had to say Thursday from the Conga Room:


We were getting ready for Miguel Flores, but in the gym you have to always be ready for any kind of style. We had been already been working with sparring partners who brawl, and that’s what we expect from Rafael Rivera.

I knew immediately that Rivera was a good opponent. He’s young and hungry and that makes him dangerous. He can take punches, so we’re ready for 12 tours. We’re going to be smart in this fight because we know what Rivera can do.

Seeing my dad going through cancer treatment has been very tough. He motivates me to go to the gym and train hard, because I know if he sees me working hard, it will motivate him as well.

I’m just looking to go out there, give a great fight and help my name continue to grow so that I can fight the best.

I love fighting and training here in Los Angeles. It gives me a chance to be with my family more. When I have them here, it makes me train harder. I do all of this for them and their future.

If I can get this win, we want to unify the belts or make the third fight against Carl Frampton. Dans le cas contraire, we will go to 130 pounds and seek a title in a new weight class.


I’ve stepped in late before to a big fight. I’m always ready when it comes. Expect a surprise come Saturday night.

I know that I have everything it takes to bring this title back to Tijuana. We’ve trained hard and had these last four weeks to focus in on breaking Leo down.

I’m prepared for anything Leo brings into the ring. Everyone knows he’s very tough and throws a lot of punches, but I believe I am the faster fighter and I can hurt him with counters.

This is the best opportunity I’ve had, going up against a great champion like Leo. I’m ready for fight and a great show for the fans.

Omar Figueroa

Given our styles, there’s no way this is going to go the distance. I think this is going to be an early night and I’m planning on having my hand raised.

The layoff didn’t affect me against Robert Guerrero, so I don’t see why it will affect me now. That’s why I keep my style consistent. The only difference is the character across from me in the ring. This fight will depend on how John wants it to go, because I’m coming to fight.

I’m just looking to get in the ring and take advantage of this opportunity I’ve been given. I’ve made changes that have made my whole game so much easier. It’s a totally different mentality that I have now.

“Le camp d'entraînement se est bien passé. I’ve made a lot of changes in my lifestyle and I’m dedicated 100 percent to boxing. Things have never been better.

John Molina JR.

It’s time to fight. The hard work is done and the time is now. Talk is cheap. Le samedi soir, we’ll get down.

I’ve been down this road before. I was never given lofty expectations. There’s no pressure here. I think Omar’s style will accommodate mine and make it a fun fight for the fans.

Whenever I fight, it’s going to be exciting. You can say the same thing about Omar. I’m prepared for any version of Omar. Just like any other fight. I can’t wait until Saturday night to get in there and do what I do best.

I’ve put everything into this camp, like I’m sure my opponent has. That’s what we owe to the fans and it’s going to come to fruition Saturday night.


I expect a good fight. He’s an undefeated fighter and I hope to give the fans a great show and walk away victorious.

We’re totally focused on this fight. I just train and everything else is out of the way. I trained hard and I’m going to do my thing like always.

I’m still growing as a fighter. We’re getting better with every camp and every fight. It’s good that we keep fighting quality opponents, because it helps accelerate that process.

Hopefully we’re going to display a lot more boxing and technique in this fight. I think Marshall is going to come inside and attack the body. I think if I’m able to stop him, it will be from the boxing skills that I show.


I’m ready to dominate the fight like I always do. That’s the only thing on my mind. I don’t care about his height, record or anything else. I’m coming to dominate.

I’ve never been concerned with the height of Fundora. We sparred with some good strong southpaws in Florida including Yamaguchi Falcao. Then we went to Las Vegas for the second half of training camp and worked with some top prospects. I’m more than prepared for anything.

Every fight is a make or break fight. I’ve trained against top fighters and been all around the country in different gyms. I’ve only been pro two and a half years. Je suis un jeune 30. I’m going to announce myself on Saturday in a big way.

RICHARD SCHAEFER, Président-directeur général de Sport Ringstar

This weekend is another example why Los Angeles is such a great fight town. We’re going to have a fantastic crowd at Microsoft Theater at L.A. Live on Saturday night. I think that speaks to the strength of this city as a boxing town, and the strength of this card. This is top to bottom one of the best cards I can remember here in Los Angeles.

The tripleheader on FOX and FOX Deportes has three fights that want to steal the night. We will see which fight and which fighter everyone will be talking about after Saturday. There are definitely some fights on this card that have ‘Fight of the Yearwritten all over them.

We are committed to continuing to bring the best and biggest fights to the fans here in Los Angeles, because Los Angeles is the fight capital of the world again.

# # #

Leo Santa Cruz vs. Rafael Rivera is a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes event that will see featherweight world champion Leo Santa Cruz take on Mexico’s Rafael Rivera in the main event Saturday, Février 16 from Microsoft Theater at L.A. Live in Los Angeles.

Couverture télévisée commence à 8 p.m. ET / 5 h, heure. PT and features unbeaten former champion Omar Figueroa aux prises percutant John Molina Jr.. and a matchup between unbeaten prospects Sebastien Fundora et Donnie Marshall. Rising prospect and 2016 U.S.. Olympien Karlos Balderas will compete in a swing bout that will air live if time permits.

Les fans peuvent diffuser en direct les combats sur l'application FOX Sports, disponible en anglais ou en espagnol à travers les flux FOX ou FOX Deportes. Les combats sont disponibles sur le bureau sur et via l'App Store, ou des appareils connectés, y compris Apple TV, Android TV, TV Feu, Xbox One et Roku.

Pour plus d'informations: visite, ht
et, suivre sur TwitterPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, Foxsports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, @Ringstar and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at,

Unbeaten Welterweight World Champion Errol Spence Jr. Battles Undefeated Four-Division World Champion Mikey Garcia In Historic Showdown On First Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View Event

Samedi, Mars 16 de AT&T Stadium à Arlington, Texas

Billets en vente maintenant à

Blockbuster Event to Feature Unbeaten Former 168-Pound Champion David Benavidez, Undefeated Former Bantamweight Champion Luis Nery & Fan Favorite Chris Arreola In Separate Bouts on Four-Fight Pay-Per-View Card

ARLINGTON, TX. (Février 14, 2019) – Champion du monde IBF poids welter invaincu Errol “La Vérité” Spence Jr. defends his title against undefeated four-division champion Mikey Garcia in a highly anticipated and historic showdown for pound-for-pound supremacy that headlines a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View event on Saturday, Mars 16 d'AT&T Stadium à Arlington, Texas.

The four-fight pay-per-view card will also see unbeaten former super middleweight world champion David Benavidez taking on veteran contender J'Leon Amour dans une confrontation en 10 rounds, undefeated former 118-pound champion Luis Nery aux prises avec l'ancien champion McJoe Arroyo in a 10-round attraction and fan-favorite Chris “The Nightmare” Arreola face invaincu Jean Pierre Augustin for 10-rounds of action.

Les billets pour cette épreuve de force, qui est promu par Promotions et sports TGB Ringstar, sont maintenant en vente, et peuvent être achetés à, le fournisseur officiel d'AT Ticketing&T Stadium.

Spence and Garcia will go face-to-face on Saturday, Février 16 at a press conference in Los Angeles that will air live on FOX from the Microsoft Theater at L.A. Live in downtown Los Angeles beginning at 4:30 p.m. ET/1:30 p.m. PT. The press conference is open to ticket holders for the Leo Santa Cruz vs. Rafael Rivera featherweight championship fight.

Mardi, Février 19, Spence and Garcia will square off at a press conference from
AT&T Stadium where they will finally go toe-to-toe on March 16.

Garcia is stepping up two weight classes from his last fight to challenge Spence for the welterweight title in Spence’s backyard, not far from the Dallas suburb of DeSoto where Spence grew up a lifelong Dallas Cowboys fan. Garcia will be fighting in Texas for the ninth time as a pro and figures to be buoyed by the large contingent of Mexican and Mexican-American fans that will be in attendance.

His task has historical parallels to the paths taken by great fighters like Shane Mosley, Juan Manuel Marquez and Manny Pacquiao, who all moved up multiple weight classes to challenge all-time great welterweights. Mosley and Pacquiao were both successful in moving up from lightweight to defeat Oscar De La Hoya, while Marquez’s rise to welterweight was halted in a decision loss to Floyd Mayweather.

Spence is a power-punching welterweight who has stopped his last 11 opponents heading into this intriguing matchup against the brilliant tactician that Garcia has established himself as. With a clash of two superb boxers in the prime of their careers and squarely in the top-five of the mythical pound-for-pound rankings, the winner can stake a claim as the best boxer in the sport today.

“Errol Spence Jr. vs. Mikey Garcia is a matchup of two highly-skilled and accomplished fighters in a true blockbuster showdown,” a déclaré Tom Brown, Président de TGB Promotions. “Fans will get to see the hometown hero Spence against the Mexican-American superstar Garcia with huge contingents of fans uplifting them to put on a performance to match the moment. Combined with a jam-packed pay-per-view undercard of action fights, this has all the makings of a once-in-a-lifetime event.

“Spence vs. Garcia is an event that transcends boxing and is a coronation that will crown the new ‘King of Boxing,'” Schaefer a déclaré Richard, Président-directeur général de Sport Ringstar. “En plus de l'événement principal, fight fans will be treated to a spectacular night of boxing featuring three of the most exciting Mexican fighters in the sport in David Benavidez, Luis Nery and Chris Arreola. This is exactly what a pay-per-view card is and should be all about: entertainment and non-stop action from the first bell to the last!”

We are proud to host a boxing match of this magnitude with Errol Spence Jr. and Mikey Garcia,” said Dallas Cowboys Owner, President and General Manager Jerry Jones. “AT&T Stadium was built to house the greatest sporting events on the planet, and we feel we have another incredible boxing event on the horizon with this matchup in our building on March 16.

Spence (24-0, 21 KOs) is no stranger to big stadium events as he won the IBF title by traveling to England to take on then-champion Kell Brook at Bramhall Lane soccer stadium on May 27, 2017. In front of a raucous crowd of over 27,000 loyal Brook supporters, the 28-year-old Spence stopped Brook in round 11 to wrest away the title.

This will be Spence’s third defense of the title. After beating Brook, he successfully defended it with an eighth-round stoppage of two-division champion Lamont Peterson and then knocked out mandatory challenger Carlos Ocampo in the first round in his last fight at Ford Center at The Star in Frisco, Texas, near his hometown of Desoto, Texas on June 16. Spence turned pro shortly after representing the U.S. au 2012 London Olympics with much promise and rose to the championship ranks with wins over former champion Chris Algieri and veteran contenders Leonard Bundu, Alejandro Barrera and Chris van Heerden.

I can’t wait for March 16th. It doesn’t get bigger than this,” dit Spence. “Fighting at AT&T Stadium in my hometown is a dream come true. If I beat Mikey Garcia the way I plan on beating him, I will be the guy in the sport. This is my year and Mikey isn’t going to stop me. I am training like this is the biggest fight of my life and I want to put on a great show for the fans and win convincingly.

Garcia (39-0, 30 KOs) is striving to put together a legendary career and is aggressively pursuing that goal. He has won world championships at featherweight, junior léger, lightweight and junior welterweight. He now eyes a welterweight title against the consensus class of the division in Spence. Fighting out of Moreno Valley, Californie, Garcia unified the IBF and WBC Lightweight World Championships in his last bout by scoring unanimous decision victory over Robert Easter, Jr. sur Juillet 28.

The 31-year-old first reached the championship ranks by blitzing through the featherweight and junior lightweight division, defeating Orlando Salido, Juan Manuel Lopez, Roman Martinez and Juan Carlos Burgos to establish himself as a star in the sport. Garcia has been on a fast track since ending a nearly 2-1/2-year hiatus with a knockout victory over Elios Rojas in 2016. After the victory over Rojas, Garcia scored a KO victory over Dejan Zlaticanin for the WBC lightweight championship in January 2017, before defeating four-division champion Adrien Broner in July and then captured a title at 140-pounds by dropping and defeating Sergey Lipinets last March.

In my career I’ve always sought to fight the best in boxing and this fight against Errol Spence Jr. is just that,” a déclaré Garcia. “I want to be known as one of the all-time greats and what better way to do that than to win a welterweight title and become a five-division world champion. I have a tremendous amount of respect for Errol and what he’s accomplished, but I fully expect to leave the ring at AT&T Stadium with the welterweight world title. This is a match that I’ve been looking forward to for a long time and I plan on giving the fans a performance they’ll never forget.

The 22-year-old Benavidez (20-0, 17 KOs) became the youngest fighter to ever win a super middleweight title in 2017 when he defeated Ronald Gavril at just 20-years-old. Fighting out of Phoenix, Benavidez’s older brother Jose is also a pro fighter who challenged Terrence Crawford last year. Benavidez most recently won a rematch against Gavril last February, and as WBCChampion in Recesshe will look to reclaim his belt against the winner of the Anthony Dirrell vs. Avni Yildirim bout for the vacant title on February 23.

Born in Detroit but fighting out of Las Vegas, Aimer (24-2-1, 13 KOs) has long been amongst the top contenders at super middleweight and most recently lost a decision to Peter Quillin in August. The 31-year-old had been previously unbeaten in seven bouts heading into the contest against Quillin.

Currently riding a nine-fight knockout streak, Nery (28-0, 24 KOs) will look to get one step closer to a fight to regain a bantamweight title when he steps into the ring March 16. The 24-year-old from Tijuana, Mexico twice traveled to Japan and stopped Shinsuke Yamanaka in WBC title fights. En 2018 he stopped Jason Canoy and Renson Robles heading into his U.S. debut against Arroyo.

Un 2008 Olympian for his home country of Puerto Rico, Arroyo (18-2. 8 KOs) captured a 115-pound championship with a technical decision over Arthur Villanueva in their 2015 choc. After dropping decisions against Rau’shee Warren and Jerwin Ancajas, the 33-year-old most recently defeated Sander Diaz last June.

An exciting brawler inside the ring, Arreola (37-5-1, 32 KOs) is well-known for challenging the best heavyweights in the sport throughout his career, and for becoming a popular attraction in and around his native Los Angeles for his fighting style and persona. The 37-year-old faced the likes of Vitali Klitschko, Tomasz Adamek, and Bermane Stiverne, before challenging Deontay Wilder for his title in 2016. After a brief retirement, Arreola returned to stop Maurenzo Smith last December.

Unbeaten and fighting out of Louisville, Augustin (17-0-1, 12 KOs) will face his toughest and most experienced test to date in Arreola. Né en Haïti, Augustin turned pro in 2014 and has steadily climbed up the heavyweight rankings.

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A propos de AT&T Stadium:
AT&T Stadium est l'un des plus grands, la plupart des lieux de divertissement de haute technologie dans le monde. Conçu par HKS et construit par Manhattan Construction, la $1.2 milliards de stade comporte deux arches monumentales, le plus grand groupe de carte vidéo HDTV du monde, un toit rétractable expansive et les plus grandes portes de la zone d'extrémité escamotable dans le monde. Caractéristiques du stade comprennent des sièges pour 80,000 et jusqu'à expansibilité 100,000, sur 300 suites de luxe, sièges club sur plusieurs niveaux et les Cowboys de Dallas Shop Pro, ouvert au public toute l'année. Le stade accueille également une collection de classe mondiale de l'art contemporain, composée de plus 50 pièces d'un tableau international d'artistes curated affichés sur les murs et dans les grands espaces publics du lieu. En plus d'être la maison des Cowboys de Dallas depuis son ouverture en 2009, le stade a accueilli le Super Bowl XLV, la 2010 NBA All Star Game, la 2014 Basketball Final Four NCAA Hommes, la 2015 College Football Championnat National Playoff Jeu et annuel Goodyear Cotton Bowl classique. Le lieu a également accueilli le lycée et le football collégial, concerts, combats de championnat, matches internationaux de football, et d'autres événements spéciaux. Pour plus d'informations, aller à


PBC sur la FOX & FOX Deportes Headlined by Featherweight World Champion Leo Santa Cruz Taking on Mexico’s Rafael Rivera This Saturday Night from Microsoft Theater at L.A. Live in Los Angeles

CliquezICI for Photos from Luis Mejia/TGB Promotions

LOS ANGELES(Février 13, 2019) – Fighters competing on Saturday’s Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes event took part in a media workout Wednesday as they near their respective showdowns this Saturday night at Microsoft Theater at L.A. Live in Los Angeles.
Billets pour le spectacle, qui est promu par Promotions et sports TGB Ringstar, sont maintenant en vente, and can be purchased at
Wednesday’s workout featured Mexican contenderRafael Rivera, who will battle WBA Featherweight World ChampionLeo Santa Cruz dans l'événement principal.
Also working out Wednesday at City of Angels Boxing Club were unbeaten former championOmar Figueroaet percutantJohn Molina Jr.., who battle in super lightweight action, et perspective invaincueDonnie Marshall, who faces fellow-unbeatenSebastian Fundorain a super welterweight bout that kicks off televised coverage at 8 p.m. ET / 5 h, heure. PT. Invaincu 2016 U.S.. OlympienKarlos Balderaswas also in attendance, as he competes in a TV swing bout.
The fighters will go face-to-face at a press conference on Thursday that will feature former two-time world champion and Southern California favorite Fernando Vargas. Voici ce que les combattants avaient à dire mercredi:
When I got this opportunity, Je ne pense pas deux fois. I was training and ready and I wanted this challenge. I’m here to make the most of it.
Like I always say to my fans, be ready for a great fight. I’m looking to make this very exciting and interesting. The belt is coming back with me to Tijuana.
I never look for the knockout, but I’ve still been able to get them. Je suis prêt, so I hope he’s also ready to give the fans a great fight.
“C'est un gros défi pour moi. I’m coming for that world title. I want to prove how good I am and become a world champion for my fans in Tijuana.
I love to face the best fighters out there. Leo is a fighter who throws a lot of punches. We’ve seen it and we’ve studied it. But I don’t think he’s very fast. I’m faster than he is and I have to take advantage of that. I have to counter him when he comes in and do my job.
Omar Figueroa
I’m looking to come back strong against Molina. My style is always to go in there for the knockout and give the fans a great show. The sooner we get him out of there, le meilleur.
We know that John Molina is a tough fighter. He’s been in there with some of the best in the world and he’s given them problems. We expect him to bring a great fight.
We’ve seen Molina box before and make things difficult for certain fighters. I’m going to try to make the fight my style of fight and we’ll see if he obliges. Once he feels the power, he might choose to box.
I don’t think this goes past six rounds. I’m confident about that. We’re going to be ready for anything Molina brings.
I’ve been doing a lot of healing physically, mentalement et spirituellement. I’m looking to show on Saturday that I’ve got everything together.
John Molina JR.
I feel excited and confident. Maybe overconfident, mais je suis prêt. We did our job in the gym and now we are ready for the fight.
I have to expect the best version of Omar Figueroa. He is a smart kid. I don’t know if he is trying to entice me into a war right away. I don’t know what his game plan is, but we will find out on Saturday.
Fans need to tune in on FOX and FOX Deportes February 16. This is going to be a war and I believe we’re going to steal the show.
This isn’t my first go around against a Joel Diaz-trained fighter. I did it before with Ruslan Provodnikov and now it is my job to beat Figueroa.
I am not affected by being considered the underdog. Every one of my fights, fans make money. I think Provodnikov I was 11-1. When you become a veteran in the sport, you stop worrying about stuff like that. Talk is cheap.
There is a lot at stake for me. I don’t feel pressure, but there is a lot at stake. Every fight of my career I have something to prove and Saturday is no different.
This is my first big opportunity and I’m ready to take full advantage. I’m going to show everybody where I’m at.
I’m going to take it as it comes in the ring. We have a game plan, but I’m a creator in the ring. I create on the go. I’ll fit in where I can and go with the flow of the fight.
The only challenge I see is his height. He’s obviously very tall at six-foot seven-inches. We know what we have to do to break him down. I don’t even really see the height as a challenge, because I spar with heavyweights all the time.
“Je suis 10-0, but I only started boxing when I was 20, sur 10 il y a des années. I don’t have the time like young prospects who want to play around, I want to fight any and everybody I can right now.
KARLOS Balderas
I feel excited and anxious to get back in the ring. I’m ready physically and mentally. I know that my opponent won’t be ready for the heat I’m going to throw at him.
This year I’m looking to be busy. I want to be back in the ring in April if everything goes well on Saturday. After this fight I’m going to move to Los Angeles and add trainer Roberto Alcazar to my team. He’s had a lot of experience in big fights and I think he’s going to be a great help. I can really understand clearly what he’s trying to teach me.
I’m going to show everyone that I’m the real deal once again. I’m going to prove why these fighters can’t make it through a fight with me. This year is all business for me.
#         #       #
Leo Santa Cruz vs. Rafael Rivera is a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes event that will see featherweight world championLeo Santa Cruztake on Mexico’sRafael Rivera in the main event Saturday, Février 16 from Microsoft Theater at L.A. Live in Los Angeles.
Televised coverage begins at 8 p.m. ET / 5 h, heure. PT and features unbeaten former championOmar Figueroaaux prises percutantJohn Molina Jr.. and a matchup between unbeaten prospectsSebastien FundoraetDonnie Marshall. Rising prospect and 2016 U.S.. OlympienKarlos Balderaswill compete in a swing bout that will air live if time permits.
Pour plus d'informations: visitewww.premierboxingchampions.comht
tp://, suivre sur TwitterPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, Foxsports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, @Ringstar and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook

Welterweight Champion Errol Spence Jr. & Four-Division Champion Mikey Garcia to Square Off at Unprecedented Live Press Conference on FOX & FOX Deportes This Saturday, Février 16 à 4:30 p.m. ET/1:30 p.m. PT from Microsoft Theater at L.A. En direct

Fighters to Preview Blockbuster Showdown During Nationally Televised Press Conference Leading up to Saturday, Mars 16 FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View from AT&T Stadium à Arlington, Texas

LOS ANGELES(Février 11, 2019) – Unbeaten welterweight championErrol Spence Jr.and undefeated four-division championMikey Garciawill go face-to-face at a special FOX PBC PRESS CONFERENCE that will air live on FOX and FOX Deportes this Saturday, Février 16 à 4:30 p.m. ET/1:30 p.m. PT from Microsoft Theater at L.A. Live in Los Angeles.

Errol Spence Jr. versus Mikey Garcia is one of the most intriguing fights of the year and having them face off before a live audience on network television is an unprecedented and unique way to build interest for this fight,” said Bill Wanger, Vice-président exécutif de la programmation, Live Operations and Research, FOX Sports. “We’re excited to highlight these two undefeated fighters before they go toe-to-toe in the ring.

This is a historic occasion. I can’t recall the last time, if ever, in my 30 years in the sport when there has been a press conference live on broadcast television,” a déclaré Tom Brown, President of TGB Promotions. “It’s just further proof of the commitment that FOX has to the sport and the PBC boxers. It’s also a win for the fans who tune-in because they will get a sneak peek at what awaits when these two champions step into the ring at AT&T Stadium à Arlington, Texas on March 16.

“Spence vs. Garcia is a more than a fight. It is an event that will determine who is pound-for-pound the best fighter in the world,” Schaefer a déclaré Richard, Président-directeur général de Sport Ringstar. “It is an event that transcends boxing. The legendary AT&T Stadium is the perfect host for this event, where two champions in the prime of their careers will put their records and their legacies on the line. Sur Mars 16, the world will be watching and witness one of the biggest events of our generation.

The hour-long show on FOX will be hosted by Kate Abdo along with analysts Ray Mancini and newly crowned IBF World Super Middleweight Champion Caleb Plant. Kenny Albert hosts the press conference with fighters in the ring, while Jimmy Lennon Jr. introduces fighters. Heidi Androl serves as the reporter, adding interviews during the show. Spence and Garcia will preview their upcoming FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View showdown taking place Saturday, Mars 16 d'AT&T Stadium à Arlington, Texas.

Boxing fans can tune-in at 8 p.m. ET / 5 h, heure. PT for more PBC on FOX and FOX Deportes coverage as a three-fight broadcast kicks off from Microsoft Theater with WBA Featherweight World Champion Leo Santa Cruz defending his title against Mexico’s Rafael Rivera in the main event.

LEO SANTA CRUZ LOS ANGELES MEDIA WORKOUT QUOTES & PHOTOS – WBA Featherweight Champion Santa Cruz Takes on Mexico’s Rafael Rivera in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes Saturday, Février 16 from Microsoft Theater at L.A. Live in Los Angeles

WBA Featherweight Champion Santa Cruz Takes on Mexico’s Rafael Rivera in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes Saturday, Février 16 from Microsoft Theater at L.A. Live in Los Angeles

Cliquez ICI for Photos from Luis Mejia/TGB Promotions

LOS ANGELES (Février 5, 2019) – WBA champion du monde poids plume Leo Santa Cruz, one of Los Angelesmost popular boxing stars, hosted a media workout at Fortune Gym in Hollywood Tuesday as he nears his primetime showdown againstRafael Rivera that headlines Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes Saturday, Février 16 at Microsoft Theater at L.A. Live in Los Angeles.

Billets pour le spectacle, qui est promu par Promotions et sports TGB Ringstar, sont maintenant en vente, and can be purchased at

Santa Cruz, who was joined by his father and trainer Jose Santa Cruz, showed off the skills that have made him a can’t-miss attraction. Santa Cruz was originally scheduled to face Miguel Flores, but he was replaced by Rivera after Flores suffered an injury in training.

Here is what the workout participants had to say Tuesday in Hollywood:


We kept our training camp going despite the change of opponent. We always train the same no matter who the opponent is.

We spar against fighters who have every different kind of style, because the opponent could always bring something new to the ring. My dad tells me to always be prepared for any kind of style. We are ready for whatever the opponent brings into the ring.

I’m always staying in shape whether I’m in the gym training for a fight or not. When they call us and tell us what the fight is, we’re always ready.

I know that Rivera has fought some good opponents like Joseph Diaz and Joet Gonzalez, and he’s gone the distance with them. He’s given them tough battles. He’s shown that he’s a tough fighter who will leave everything in the ring.

This isn’t going to be an easy fight. Rivera is tougher than people have given him credit for in the past. It motivates me to try to be the first to knock him out. If I have the opportunity for it, I’m going for it. Most important though, is to come out of there with the victory.

Sometimes when my dad is having tough days dealing with the cancer, I want to stay at home with him, but he tells me to go to the gym and train hard. So I tell him that we’re going to work hard for him. We both motivate each other.

“(Champion poids plume WBC) Gary Russell Jr. is the fight that I want. He beat me in the amateurs, but in the pros I get 12 tours. I think that I can beat him.

JOSE SANTA CRUZ, Leo’s Father & Entraîneur

We didn’t worry too much about the opponent change. I don’t think it makes too much of a difference. Leo is going to be at his best and ready for whoever steps into that ring.

We didn’t let the change effect our routine. We continued the same preparations as always so Leo is ready to fight. We respect every opponent too much to ever fall behind in conditioning.

I think this is going to be a good fight. Leo is always very competitive and any time he can win a fight he knows it will be big for his career.

Leo is 30-years-old right now and I think that he will be retired by 35. He has a lot left to accomplish in this sport and our team is going to keep pushing him to be the best that he can.

RICHARD SCHAEFER, Président & PDG de Sport Ringstar

Top to bottom this is just a great card. It’s going to be toe-to-toe action downtown at L.A. En direct. It’s an affordable ticket at $30, and that gives you the chance to see one of the stars of the sport in a slugfest.

Leo Santa Cruz always brings great action and drama when he enters the ring. You have to be on the edge of your seat during a Leo Santa Cruz fight and I expect nothing less next Saturday night. Rafael Rivera has nothing to lose in this fight, and that is the recipe for a tremendous showdown.

Boxing at Microsoft Theater has caught on. That fight in January between Caleb Plant and Jose Uzcategui had a great atmosphere and it is just a beautiful place to watch the fights. Microsoft Theater is becoming the indoor ‘war groundsof boxing.

TOM BROWN, Président de TGB Promotions

Rafael Rivera put up a great fight against Joseph Diaz Jr., and he came back against Joet Gonzalez and lost a split-decision, but he really won that fight. Rivera should only have one loss on his record.

Rivera is going into this fight with the same granite chin that he showed everyone against Diaz. He was prepared and ready when the call came for this fight. He’s a great replacement. Leo better be ready and not take him lightly.

# # #

Leo Santa Cruz vs. Rafael Rivera is a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX
Deportes event that will see featherweight world champion Leo Santa Cruz prendre en charge
Mexique Rafael Rivera in the main event Saturday, Février 16 from Microsoft Theater at L.A. Live in Los Angeles.

Couverture télévisée commence à 8 p.m. ET / 5 h, heure. PT and features unbeaten former champion Omar Figueroa aux prises percutant John Molina Jr.. and a matchup between unbeaten prospects Sebastien Fundora et Donnie Marshall.

Pour plus d'informations: visite, ht
et, suivre sur TwitterPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, Foxsports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, @Ringstar and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at,

Mexico’s Cesar Juarez Battles Former Champion Ryosuka Iwasa in IBF Super Bantamweight Title Eliminator & Undefeated Carlos Licona Defends IBF Junior Flyweight Championship Against South Africa’s DeeJay Kriel on Saturday, Février 16 at Microsoft Theater at L.A. En direct

Plus! 2016 Olympienne Karlos Balderas, Hugo Centeno, Jr. and Ivan Redkach Appear in Separate Matches in Non-Televised Action

WBA Featherweight Champion Leo Santa Cruz Defends Title Against Rafael Rivera in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions on
FOX & FOX Sports

LOS ANGELES (Février 5, 2019) – Mexico’s Cesar Juarez battles former champion Ryosuka Iwasa of Japan in a 12-round IBF Super Bantamweight title elimination match and undefeated IBF Junior Flyweight Champion Carlos Licona of Mexico clashes with South Africa’s DeeJay Kriel in non-televised action presented by Premier Boxing Champions on Saturday, Février 16 at Microsoft Theater at L.A. Live in Los Angeles.

Action will also see 2016 U.S.. Olympien Karlos Balderas (6-0, 5 KOs) in a special six-round lightweight attraction, l'ancien challenger titre Hugo Centeno, Jr. (26-2, 14 KOs) réunion Oscar Cortez (27-3, 14 KOs) in an eight-round middleweight bout and John Redkach (21-4-1, 16 KOs) dueling Tyrone Harris (26-13, 16 KOs) in an eight-round welterweight match. The Balderas fight is a swing bout for the FOX and FOX Deportes telecast that will air live if time permits.

Billets pour le spectacle, qui est promu par Promotions et sports TGB Ringstar, sont maintenant en vente, and can be purchased at

Juarez (23-6, 17 KOs) has worked his way back into title contention since losing to Isaac Dogboe in a super bantamweight championship match last January. The 27-year-old from Mexico City fought three more times in 2018, scoring two stoppage victories and a unanimous decision over Jorge Sanchez most recently in September.

Iwasa (25-3, 16 KOs) won the IBF Super Bantamweight title with a TKO victory over Yukinori Oguni in 2017 and successfully defended it with a unanimous decision over Ernesto Saulong last March. The 29-year-old from Kashiwa, Chiba, Japan most recently lost the title by unanimous decision to T.J. Doheny in August.

Mexico’s Licona (14-0, 2 KOs) was very busy in 2018, fighting four times and winning the IBF Junior Flyweight title with a split decision over Mark Anthony Barriga on December 1. The 23-year-old from Mexico City, Mexico will be making his first title defense against the 23-year-old Kriel (14-1-1, 6 KOs). Fighting out of Johannesburg, Afrique du Sud, he will compete for the first time in the U.S. and is coming off a unanimous decision victory over Xolisa Magusha in March.

Non-televised undercard action also features unbeaten prospect Jose Gomez (11-0, 4 KOs) parement Jorge Luis Guzman (5-2-1, 2 KOs) dans un six rondes super-plume combat, undefeated super featherweight prospect Jerry Perez (10-0, 7 KOs) réunion Ivan Benitez (12-2, 4 KOs) in a four round match and a six-round super featherweight clash between Neri Ariel Romero (11-0, 7 KOs) et Roxberg Patrick Riley (13-1, 7 KOs).

Rounding out the card is undefeated super lightweight prospect Julian Rodarte (14-0-1, 6 KOs) competing against Miguel Mendoza (23-15-2, 22 KOs) dans un match de huit rondes, Philippine featherweight and former world champion Marlon Tapales (31-2, 14 KOs) stepping in for a 10-round attraction and the pro debut of Shon Mondragon in a four-round super bantamweight fight.

# # #

Leo Santa Cruz vs. Rafael Rivera is a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX
Deportes event that will see featherweight world champion Leo Santa Cruz prendre en charge
Mexique Rafael Rivera in the main event Saturday, Février 16 from Microsoft Theater
at L.A. Live in Los Angeles.

Couverture télévisée commence à 8 p.m. ET / 5 h, heure. PT and features unbeaten former champion Omar Figueroa aux prises percutant John Molina Jr.. and a matchup between unbeaten prospects Sebastien Fundora et Donnie Marshall.

Pour plus d'informations: visite, ht
et, suivre sur TwitterPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, Foxsports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, @Ringstar and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at,


Undefeated Welterweight Champion Thurman Makes Long Awaited Ring Return to Defend His Title Against Battle-Hardened Veteran López in Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes Main Event Saturday, Janvier 26 du centre Barclays à Brooklyn

Cliquez ICI pour les photos de Stephanie Trapp / Promotions TGB

BROOKLYN (Janvier 23, 2019) – As fight week begins for the first Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes event of 2019, champion du monde poids welter Keith Thurman and veteran contender Josesito López took part in a media workout at Gleason’s Gym in Brooklyn on Wednesday before they headline action this Saturday, Janvier 26 de Barclays Center, la maison de BROOKLYN BOXE ™.

Couverture télévisée commence à 8 p.m. ET / 5 h, heure. PT and features additional participants from Wednesday’s workout including rising Polish heavyweight contenderAdam Kownacki et ancien challenger titre Gerald Washington, who meet in a 10-round attraction, and hard-hitting featherweights Claudio Marrero et Tugstsogt Nyambayar, who meet in a 12-round showdown.

Wednesday’s event also saw unbeaten Brooklyn prospect Chris Colbert, who takes on once-beaten Josh Hernandez in PBC Prelims on FS1 and FOX Deportes that begin at 6 p.m. ET / 3 h, heure. PT.

Billets pour le spectacle, which is promoted by TGB Promotions in association with DiBella Entertainment, commencer à $50 et peuvent être achetés à,, ou en appelant 800-745-3000. Les billets peuvent également être achetés à la billetterie American Express au Barclays Center. Les rabais de groupe sont disponibles en téléphonant 844-BKLYN-GP.

Voici ce que les combattants avaient à dire mercredi:


We’re back in Brooklyn, it’s been a long time and I’m happy. I feel slim and trim. Everything is great headed into Saturday.

I had a lot of ups and downs, but once we got into camp, we did what we had to do. We slowly improved each day and now we’re ready. It was a slow start, but we’re going to be finishing strong on Saturday.

When I’m outside of the ring, I’m not the jealous type watching other people perform. But I feel better when I’m here living out my dream. These past weeks, I have just felt so good. I feel fantastic and ready to perform. I’m going to be an active fighter and one of the best welterweights in the world today.

My ranking, my ‘0’ and my accomplishments haven’t gone anywhere. I’ve been out of sight and out of mind for a little, mais je suis de retour. You can’t block a star from shining. We’re in the galaxy and shining bright.

I’m definitely interested in a big unification fight with Errol Spence Jr. When I first met Errol at MGM Grand years ago, I told him that it’s nice to meet him and I can’t wait to get in there and scrap it out. I’m humble, but I’m also honest. I’m a man of my word. It doesn’t matter how many years ago that I said it, but from that day to this day, it’s a true statement.

Josesito LOPEZ

I’m confident in my abilities. Talk is cheap to me. What other people say makes no difference to me. I’ve come here to do a job and I’m going to do it.

I know that I have a tough task ahead of me, but I also know that I can do it. I can pass this test. I’m ready for it. We’ve prepared right and everything is lined up. We worked hard for 10 weeks and now it’s time.

It’s hard to say if Keith will be my toughest opponent, but he definitely has a great resume and is a great champion. I’ve fought some great guys but I’m taking this as the most important fight of my career.

I think that since I started working with Robert Garcia, all of my skills are on par with Keith Thurman. Plus important, I’m a much smarter fighter than I’ve ever been. I’m always going to be courageous in the ring, but we’ve developed a game plan where I take less unnecessary risks.

The most important thing in my game plan is for me to dictate the pace. I need to control the ring throughout the fight. I’m prepared for however he brings the fight.

ADAM Kownacka

It’s going to be a sea of red and white on Saturday. The Polish fans are unbelievable and I can’t wait to go out there and get a knockout for them.

I think I’ve improved my speed heading into this fight. Je me sens bien. It’s been a long camp leading up to this huge card. I have to come out at my top condition. I made a slight statement against Charles Martin, and I’m going to make a bigger one against Gerald Washington.

I definitely want to outdo the performances of Deontay Wilder and my friend Jarrell Miller against Washington. I want to have bragging rights. I want that knockout.

Washington has fought contenders, good fighters and a guy I lost to in the amateurs in Nagy Aguilera. He’s proven that he’s game, and I’m expecting the best version of him. Je serai prêt.

Boxing is a skill, not a bodybuilding contest. I proved my conditioning last fight by throwing 70 poinçons une ronde. I’m in ever better shape right and I feel great.


We know where we want to be and we know this is a stepping stone to getting back there. I have to take the hard road and this is it. We’re prepared, we’re ready and I’m looking forward to January 26.

Any of the top heavyweights would be great to fight, mais je le prends un combat à la fois. This is going to be an action-packed fight.

I have the total package. We’ll see everything I learned from my last fights and see if it makes a difference now.

I know that Kownacki is going to come forward. I know what kind of fighter he is. I didn’t come here to lose. I came here to win and get back on the right track and into contention to win the heavyweight title.

Styles make fights. I was doing very well in the Deontay Wilder fight, similar to what Tyson Fury was doing. This is a different type of fight. You’re going to see my skills come to life to contain this man.


We went through a very serious, 10-week camp because we know that we’re here to fight a very strong fighter. I’ve taken everything to the fullest each day with intense work in training camp. Je suis prêt.

We respect our opponent, but he’s coming to our weight division. I’ve been making this weight ever since I was a pro. Dans son dernier combat, he was dropped by Oscar Escandon, who’s a very good fighter, but he’s a smaller guy.

We believe that this is the beginning of something beautiful. I’m going to be at the top of the rankings after this fight. We believe that winning this fight is going to take us back to the top level.

I understand that this is my time to shine. I’m more focused and dedicated than I’ve ever been and it’s going to show in the ring on Saturday night.

Tugstsogt Nyambayar

I feel good and strong. I’ve had a great camp and I’m ready for Saturday night. I’m going to give a great show for the fans in my Brooklyn debut.

I put everything into camp and I’m going to show it in the ring on Saturday night. I’m here to win and show off my athleticism. I believe I can do everything in the ring.

Claudio Marrero is a good tough contender who’s been at this level for quite some time. He’s a good boxer who can punch, so we prepared for everything. He may have more pro experience, but I believe I have more boxing experience than Marrero. I’ve seen everything throughout the world.

Now it’s just a matter of cultivating my skills and experience into becoming a world championship fighter. In this fight, I’m going to dictate the style of the fight. It’s going to go down on my terms.


I’m going to go out there and dominate like I always do. I don’t have any resolutions for 2019. I’m just going to do the same thing and keep being great.

New year, same me. I’m out here chasing greatness. I’m looking to keep winning and work my way to a world title. I’m not just talk, I’m the real deal.

I don’t believe that you can be rushed into a world title fight. Je suis prêt. I don’t care if I’m considered a prospect for a contender, I’m just going to show everyone that I’m no fluke. I do this differently.

I always fight for a cause and this time I’ve got my hair dyed pink for breast cancer awareness. It’s for my mom and all of the other survivors and people going through this.

# # #

Champions de boxe Premier sur FOX & FOX Deportes is headlined by the return of WBA Welterweight World Champion Keith Thurman defending his title against veteran contender Josesito López on Saturday, Janvier 26 live from Barclays Center, the home of BROOKLYN BOXING™ and the East Coast home of PBC. The event is promoted by TGB Promotions in association with DiBella Entertainment.

La diffusion commence à 8 p.m. ET / 5 h, heure. PT and features rising unbeaten Polish heavyweight Adam Kownacki taking on former title challenger Gerald Washington, plus a 12-round featherweight showdown between Claudio Marrero and Tugstsogt Nyambayar.

PBC Prelims on FS1 and FOX Deportes begin at 6 p.m. ET / 3 h, heure. PT and will feature junior lightweight prospect Chris Colbert taking on once-beaten Josh Hernandez in an eight-round bout, plus 2016 U.S.. Olympian Antuanne Russell facing Roberto Almazán in a six/eight round super lightweight attraction, and super welterweight prospect Chordale Booker meeting Juan De Ángel for eight-rounds of action.

Les fans peuvent diffuser en direct les combats sur l'application FOX Sports, disponible en anglais ou en espagnol à travers les flux FOX ou FOX Deportes. Les combats sont disponibles sur le bureau sur et via l'App Store, ou des appareils connectés, y compris Apple TV, Android TV, TV Feu, Xbox One et Roku.

Pour plus d'informations: visite, ht
et, suivre sur TwitterPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, Foxsports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, et @Swanson_Comm ou devenez fan sur Facebook à,

Unbeaten Prospect Stephen Fulton & Welterweight Contender Miguel Cruz Enter The Ring In Separate Undercard Attractions Saturday, Janvier 26 from Barclays Center in Brooklyn in Event Presented by Premier Boxing Champions

Unbeaten Prospect Stephen Fulton & Welterweight Contender Miguel Cruz Enter The Ring In Separate Undercard Attractions Saturday, Janvier 26 from Barclays Center in Brooklyn in Event Presented by Premier Boxing Champions

Undefeated Welterweight Champion Keith Thurman Makes Long Awaited Ring Return to Defend His Title Against Battle-Hardened Veteran Josesito Lopez in PBC on FOX & FOX Deportes Main Event

BROOKLYN (Janvier 22, 2019) – Perspective montante invaincue Stephen Fulton and welterweight contender Miguel Cruz will step into action in separate undercard attractions on Saturday, Janvier 26 as part of an exciting night presented by Premier Boxing Champions from Barclays Center, la maison de BROOKLYN BOXE ™.

Croix (17-1, 11 KOs) will take on Colombia’s Luis Florez (24-11, 20 KOs) in a six or eight round welterweight attraction while Fulton (14-0, 6 KOs) faces Colombia’sMarlon Olea (13-3, 12 KOs) in an eight-round super bantamweight showdown.

The event is headlined by the return of WBA Welterweight World Champion Keith Thurman defending his title against veteran contender Josesito Lopez in PBC on FOX and FOX Deportes action that begins at 8 p.m. ET / 5 h, heure. PT.

Billets pour le spectacle, which is promoted by TGB Promotions in association with DiBella Entertainment, commencer à $50 et peuvent être achetés à,, ou en appelant 800-745-3000. Les billets peuvent également être achetés à la billetterie American Express au Barclays Center. Les rabais de groupe sont disponibles en téléphonant 844-BKLYN-GP.

Rounding out the card are a trio of unbeaten prospects as Clarksburg, MarylandMark Duncan competes in a four-round middleweight fight against Daniel Flores, Landover, Maryland Tyrek Irby (5-0, 2 KOs) prend Jonathan Figueroa in a four-round welterweight attraction and Mychal Teal sur St. Pétersbourg, Florida steps into the ring for a four-round battle against Jacob Landin.

The 24-year-old Fulton fights out of Philadelphia and will be making his Barclays Center debut when he steps into the ring Saturday night. Fulton has defeated previously unbeaten fighters in five of his last eight contests and most recently vanquished his most experienced opponent to date in German Meraz last September.

Fighting out of Lake Mary, Floride, Cruz returns to action after losing an exciting duel against Josesito Lopez last April. A member of the Puerto Rican national team as an amateur, the 28-year-old owns victories over then unbeaten fighters in Alex Martin and Samuel Figueroa.

# # #

Champions de boxe Premier sur FOX & FOX Deportes is headlined by the return of WBA Welterweight World Champion Keith Thurman defending his title against veteran contender Josesito Lopez on Saturday, Janvier 26 live from Barclays Center, the home of BROOKLYN BOXING™ and the East Coast home of PBC. The event is promoted by TGB Promotions in association with DiBella Entertainment.

La diffusion commence à 8 p.m. ET / 5 h, heure. PT and features rising unbeaten Polish heavyweight Adam Kownacki taking on former title challenger Gerald Washington, plus a 12-round featherweight showdown between Tugstsogt Nyambayar and Claudio Marrero.

PBC Prelims on FS1 and FOX Deportes begin at 6 p.m. ET / 3 h, heure. PT and will feature junior lightweight prospect Chris Colbert taking on once-beaten Josh Hernandez in an eight-round bout, plus 2016 U.S.. Olympian Antuanne Russell facing Roberto Almazán in a six/eight round super lightweight attraction, and super welterweight prospect Chordale Booker meeting Juan De Ángel for eight-rounds of action.

Les fans peuvent diffuser en direct les combats sur l'application FOX Sports, disponible en anglais ou en espagnol à travers les flux FOX ou FOX Deportes. Les combats sont disponibles sur le bureau à et via l'App Store, ou des appareils connectés, y compris Apple TV, Android TV, TV Feu, Xbox One et Roku.

Pour plus d'informations: visite, ht
et, suivre sur TwitterPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, Foxsports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, et @Swanson_Comm ou devenez fan sur Facebook à,