分类存档: 康贝特美洲

COMBATE AMERICAS 宣布蒂华纳完整阵容, 周四墨西哥, MARCH 30


马塞洛·“比特犬”·罗霍 VS.. 伊万·“El Brasil”·弗洛雷斯


何塞·阿尔代 (José Alday) 替换受伤的乔伊·鲁凯 (Joey Ruquet), 将在羽量级比赛中对阵欧文·埃尔南德斯·克里斯蒂


纽约 - 三月 17, 2017 – Combate Americas 今天宣布完成了一项出色的, 11-布卡在蒂华纳首次亮相, 周四墨西哥, 三月 30, 住在美国的 Azteca America. 在 10 P.M. 东部时间晚上 7 点从市礼堂出发.

阿兹特克电视台将于周五在墨西哥播出“Combate12” 11:00 下午, UFC Fight Pass® 将以视频点播形式分发该赛事的英语版本 (VOD).

“Combate12”将由最轻量级选手领衔 (135 英镑) 阿根廷人马塞洛“比特犬”罗霍之间的对决 (10-4) 和蒙特雷, 墨西哥人伊万 “巴西” 花卉 (8-1-1).

罗霍, 《拉丁美洲终极斗士》第三季的老将, 将在拉焦拉的首次首发中发表声明, 在康贝特美洲笼, 当他面对弗洛雷斯时, 他将肩负捍卫家族荣誉的使命.

花卉, 与此同时, 将从第二轮中反弹 (3:11) 服从 (手臂三角扼流圈) 在墨西哥城的“Combate10”比赛中败给马克“大黄蜂”德拉罗萨, 墨西哥一月.

《终极斗士拉丁美洲》第三季的另一位参赛者, 哥斯达黎加人沃尔特·萨莫拉 (9-2), 将对阵蒙特雷本地人亚历克斯 “趾高气扬” 花卉 (8-1) 在《Combate12》联合主赛事中; 墨西哥战斗机只有一个目标, 那就是在羽量级中捍卫自己国家的荣誉 (145 英镑) 结束.

在最受期待的美洲战役之一中 2017, 埃里克 “幽灵辣椒” 冈萨雷斯 (5-2) 洛杉矶, 加州在“Combate11”的主要赛事中与“现实主义者”丹尼·拉米雷斯进行“夜间之战”表演后不到两个月就重返赛场。

冈萨雷斯将与马可·安东尼奥发生碰撞 “岩石” 埃尔皮迪奥 (7-1) 墨西哥城. 艾尔皮迪奥以分歧判定战胜罗德里戈 “卡祖拉” 瓦尔加斯在“Combat10”。

在训练中鼻子受伤后, 拉斯维加斯的“猎人”乔伊·鲁凯, 内华达州. 已被 Jose “El Pochito” Alday 取代 (9-2) 埃莫西约, 索诺拉, 墨西哥.

阿尔代, 十月最后一次出发 15 对阵 Mahatma Chit-Bala Garcia Avalos 结果为平局, 将与欧文“莫雷诺”埃尔南德斯对决 (4-2) 蒂华纳. 埃尔南德斯在过去三场比赛中获胜, 两个由 (牛逼)KO.

此外, UFC 明星内特·迪亚兹 (Nate Diaz) 的斯托克顿 (Stockton) 中的两个人, 总部位于加利福尼亚州, 不败保护, 何塞·阿瓜约 (2-0) 和克里斯蒂安·乔瓦尼 (1-0), 将分别进行宣传亮相.

阿瓜约将对阵吉尔伯特·桑托斯 (1-2) 恩塞纳达, 墨西哥队在羽量级比赛中, 而乔瓦尼将与安吉尔·冈萨雷斯战斗 (0-0), 也来自恩塞纳达, 在最轻量级倾斜.

马塞洛·罗霍 (10-4) VS. 伊万·埃尔南德斯·弗洛雷斯 (8-1-1)
联赛: 135 磅. (最轻量级)

沃尔特·萨莫拉 (9-2) VS. 亚历克斯 “趾高气扬” 花卉 (8-1)
联赛: 145 磅. (羽量级)

马可·安东尼奥·埃尔皮迪奥 (7-1) VS. 埃里克·冈萨雷斯 (5-2)
联赛: 155 磅. (轻量级)

克里斯托弗·拉米雷斯 (5-1) VS. 亚历克斯·贝拉斯科 (6-1)
联赛: 170 磅. (次中量级)

巴勃罗Sabori (6-3) VS. 利维·萨乌尔·马罗金 (7-1)
联赛: 145 磅. (羽量级)

何塞·阿瓜约 (2-0) VS. 吉尔伯特桑托斯 (1-2)
联赛: 145 磅. (羽量级)

拉蒙·洛佩兹 (1-2) VS. 马克·博尼利亚 (4-3)
联赛: 155 磅. (轻量级)

何塞·阿尔戴 (9-2) VS. 欧文·埃尔南德斯 (4-2)
联赛: 145 磅. (羽量级)

巴勃罗·奥莱亚 (5-5) VS. 爱德华多·巴雷拉·索托 (2-1)
联赛: 135 磅. (最轻量级)

克里斯蒂安·乔瓦尼 (1-0) VS. 安吉尔·冈萨雷斯 (0-0)
联赛: 135 磅. (最轻量级)

奥斯卡金特罗 (2-1) VS. 奥斯卡·主席 (1-0)
联赛: 125 磅. (飞锤)


周四在蒂华纳的首次亮相,打击美国人重返墨西哥, MARCH 30


BANTAMWEIGHT主要活动: 马塞洛“比特犬”红色 VS. 伊万·弗洛雷斯

沃尔特·萨莫拉 VS. 亚历克斯·“加利托”·弗洛雷斯

埃里克“幽灵辣椒”冈萨雷斯 vs. 马可·安东尼奥·“岩石”·埃尔皮迪奥
乔伊“猎人”鲁凯 vs. 何塞·萨拉萨

纽约 - 三月 10, 2017 – Comb Americas 宣布今年第二场活动将在墨西哥境内举行 – 首次访问蒂华纳市 – 上 星期四, 三月 30, 住在阿兹特克美洲 (10 P.M. AND/PT) 和 UFC Fight Pass® (8 P.M. AND/5 P.M. PT), 来自福斯托·古铁雷斯·莫雷诺礼堂.

在最轻量级 (135 英镑) 主要事件, 阿根廷人 马塞洛 “比特犬” 罗霍 (10-4) 将与后起之秀和蒙特雷队展开对决, 墨西哥本地人 伊万·“El Brasil”·弗洛雷斯 (8-1-1).

罗霍, 第三季半决赛入围者 拉丁美洲的终极战士, 将在 La Jaula 首次亮相, 在康贝特美洲笼, 并着手证明他拥有领导美洲战斗所需的工具’ 快速增长的, 135-磅级别.

“我不仅是作为客人来到这里. 我来这里是为了成为我所在部门最重要的战士,”罗霍说. “MMA 在阿根廷不断发展, 现在是我们在非洲大陆的这一边展示这一点的时候了. 这场战斗将是北方与南方之间的对决。”

另一方面, 花卉, 他职业生涯第一次输给不败球队 马克·“大黄蜂”·德拉罗萨 在墨西哥城举行的“打击美洲”活动中, 墨西哥在 一月 19, 现在想立即返回胜利栏.

“当你面对墨西哥战士时, 你必须为一生中最艰难的战斗做好准备. 我希望 (罗霍) 意识到这一点, 如果他想取得胜利”弗洛雷斯说.


在羽量级中 (145 英镑) 合作的主要事件, 沃尔特·萨莫拉 (9-2) 哥斯达黎加将战斗 亚历克斯·“加利托”·弗洛雷斯 (8-1) 蒙特雷.


“墨西哥在任何运动中总是被击败的,”萨莫拉解释道. “对阵弗洛雷斯不会有什么不同. 我们要上演一出好戏. 这将是一个壮观的夜晚,因为美洲最优秀的拳手将出现在蒂华纳。”

在 拉焦拉 的其他行动, 埃里克·“幽灵辣椒”·冈萨雷斯 (5-2) 洛杉矶, 加利福尼亚州. 在他的英雄事迹仅六周后就将重返战场, “夜战”表演对抗 “现实主义者”丹尼·拉米雷斯 2 月 Combate11 16.

冈萨雷斯将出战 马可·安东尼奥·“岩石”·埃尔皮迪奥 (7-1) 墨西哥城的轻量级 (155 英镑) 事. 艾尔皮迪奥以分歧判定获胜 罗德里戈·“卡祖拉”·巴尔加斯 在墨西哥城举行的“打击美洲”活动中.


在另一场最轻量级比赛中, 乔伊“猎人” Ruquet (4-1) 拉斯维加斯, 内华达州. 将与碰撞 何塞·萨拉萨 (4-2) 蒂华纳.

Ruquet 凭借降服取得了惊人的胜利 (后方裸体扼流圈) 在第二轮 (1:47) 的行动针对 何塞·“幽灵”·塞哈 在墨西哥城举行的“打击美洲”活动中.

额外 战斗12 比赛将很快公布.

UFC FIGHT PASS 是一项数字订阅服务,让粉丝能够观看独家现场 UFC 赛事和比赛, 来自世界各地的独家现场 MMA 和格斗运动赛事, 独家原创和幕后内容前所未有 24-7 访问世界上最大的图书馆打.

立即下载 UFC 应用程序.

美洲作战袭击伯班克, 周四加利福尼亚州, 二月 16; 在 AZTECA AMERICA 和 UFC FIGHT PASS® 上直播

凯拉·巴塔拉 VS 瓦内萨·里科·费尔南德斯

埃里克桑切斯 VS. 安德烈斯“子弹”昆塔纳

埃里克“幽灵辣椒”冈萨雷斯 vs. “现实主义者”丹尼·拉米雷斯

何塞“青蛙”埃斯特拉达 vs. 乔治·埃尔南德斯

纽约 - 一月 25, 2017 – Combate Americas 今天宣布了主要赛事 – 女子原子量级 (105 英镑) 之间的对决 凯拉“MOGWAI”Batara (5-4) 和八届西班牙国家柔道冠军 凡妮莎·里科·费尔南德斯 (2-2) – 以及联盟的另外三场比赛 11 住混合武术 (MMA) 事件, 在伯班克的伯班克活动中心举行, 加利福尼亚州. 上 星期四, 二月. 16, 并在 Azteca America 直播 (10 P.M. AND/PT) 和 UFC FIGHT PASS® (8 P.M. AND/5 P.M. PT).

该活动也将于第二天晚上在墨西哥通过磁带延迟播出, 星期五, 一月. 20 在 11 P.M. CT。, 阿兹台克电视, S·A·B. 德·CV. (BMV: 阿兹台克; 拉蒂贝克斯: XTZA), 世界上最大的两个西班牙语电视节目制作商之一.

从价格 $45, 活动门票 – 《战斗11》 – 可以在网上购买 其我的座位.com.

在羽量级中 (145 英镑) 这项运动中两位冉冉升起的新星之间的联合主赛事, 乌利亚法贝尔-保护 埃里克·桑切斯 (7-2) 将与 Combate Americas 新人发生碰撞 安德烈斯“子弹”昆塔纳 (9-2).

现场直播的其他地方, 淘汰赛艺术家同行 埃里克·“幽灵辣椒”·冈萨雷斯 (5-1) 和 “现实主义者”丹尼·拉米雷斯 (5-2) 将在一场轻量级对决 (155 英镑) 引力, 不败的同时, 严厉的 何塞·“青蛙”·埃斯特拉达 (2-0) 将接受提交艺术家 乔治·“愤怒”·埃尔南德斯 (4-3), 也处于轻量级.

“Combate11”的附加比赛, 包括蝇量级 (125 英镑) 比赛特色 海因里希·“瑞奇·斯克拉普斯”·瓦斯默 (4-1) 洛杉矶, 加利福尼亚州。, 将很快公布.

凯拉·巴塔拉 vs. 凡妮莎·里科·费尔南德斯

4 英尺 11 英寸, 22-拉斯维加斯的巴塔拉一岁, 内华达州. 你在拉焦拉势不可挡, 在康贝特美洲笼, 赢得全部三场比赛, 包括第二轮 (4:13) 技术击倒 珍妮“凤凰”西尔弗里奥 巴塔拉以前所未有的方式进行了一场地面和猛击,西尔维里奥陷入了“扭曲”,” 巴塔拉著名导师创造的专利提交动作, 埃迪·布拉沃.

让她成为美国. 登场, 里科·费尔南德斯 (2-2) 阿利坎特, 西班牙拥有柔道黑带二级,是西班牙国家柔道队13年成员,前国家自由式摔跤冠军. 迄今为止,她的两次职业综合格斗生涯胜利都是通过降服获得的.

埃里克桑切斯 VS. 安德烈斯·昆塔纳

5尺10, 26-萨克拉门托的桑切斯一岁, 加利福尼亚州. 是一位爆发力十足的终结者,他将在职业生涯中第三次进入拉焦拉, 取得三连胜.

男性阿尔法队成员通过以下方式击败了他最后的所有三个对手 (牛逼)KO或提交, 包括他最后的对手—— 迈克·塞古拉 ——桑切斯强迫他从后面裸绞中出来 50 他们在美洲战斗大会上最后一次见面的几秒钟 四月 18.

罗斯威尔之战, N.M., 6英尺-, 25-岁的金塔纳是另一支毁灭性的力量,他在职业生涯的九场胜利中除了一场之外的所有胜利都是通过 (牛逼)KO.

金塔纳将试图从近五年来唯一的失利中恢复过来——第一轮 (2:10) WHO (身体踢和拳) 掌握在 阿德里安·迪亚兹, 上 五月 19.

埃里克·冈萨雷斯 VS. 丹尼·拉米雷斯

5尺10, 25-托兰斯的冈萨雷斯一岁, 加利福尼亚州. 将面临三连胜的风险, 包括在Combate Americas的推动下取得两连胜.

迄今为止,冈萨雷斯在他的五场职业胜利中取得了四场 (牛逼)KO. 在他去年开始, 他交给了古巴新贵 约安迪·卡里略 他职业生涯的第一次TKO失败 (拳) 在第二轮 (3:13) 战斗.

出生于洛杉矶和前美国. 海洋, 5尺9寸, 27-一岁的拉米雷斯从萨克拉门托出战, 像他的对手一样, 除了五次征服中的一次之外,他在所有征服中都取得了胜利, 通过 (牛逼)KO.

强力击球的拉米雷斯第三轮取得进球 (1:02) WHO (拳) 上 查克·西恩 在他最后一次露面时 八月 27.

何塞·埃斯特拉达 vs. 乔治·埃尔南德斯

在成为专业人士不到一年的时间里, 5英尺6英寸, 26-埃斯特拉达一岁, 他的粉丝最熟悉的名字是“Froggy”,” 已经赢得了残暴拳手的名声, 两场先发均取得首轮淘汰赛胜利, 这两件事都发生在拉焦拉.

菲尔莫尔, 加利福尼亚州. 居民在他的职业首秀中留下了印记, 推杆 乔纳森·基罗斯 在不到两分钟的时间里,他仰面躺下,一拳打倒.

5尺10, 35-圣罗莎的埃尔南德斯一岁, 加利福尼亚州. 将在战斗美洲旗帜下寻求他的第一场胜利, 并试图阻止三打滑行.

两年前才转为职业球员 33, 埃尔南德斯在前四场比赛中轻松获胜, 以降服方式击败三名对手,并以 TKO 方式击败第四名对手.

UFC FIGHT PASS 是一项数字订阅服务,让粉丝能够观看独家现场 UFC 赛事和比赛, 来自世界各地的独家现场 MMA 和格斗运动赛事, 独家原创和幕后内容前所未有 24-7 访问世界上最大的图书馆打.

立即下载 UFC 应用程序.

# # #


First Data Vice Chairman, former Willis Group Holdings Chairman and CEO, and N.Y. Yankees minor league affiliate team owner sets his sights on the surging Hispanic millennial demographic and world’s fastest growing sport

纽约, 一月 11 — 康贝特美洲, the premier Hispanic Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) sports and media franchise, today announced the appointment of its lead investor, longtime financial services and sports industry entrepreneur and philanthropist 乔·普鲁梅里(Joe Plumeri), as its non-executive, board of directors chairman.

Plumeri, the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors for payment processing technology giant First Data, former chairman and CEO of Willis Group Holdings, former CEO of Citibank, North America and former President and Managing Partner of Shearson Lehman Brothers, as well as the owner of the New York Yankees minor league affiliate team, The Trenton Thunder, will sit on the board alongside Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) co-founder and Combate Americas CEO 坎贝尔迈凯轮, and three of Plumeri’s fellow strategic investors.

Plumeri’s appointment comes on the heels of Combate Americas closing its series B round of financing.

“We are honored and excited to name such an esteemed and accomplished member of the business community like Joe Plumeri as the chairman of our board of directors and to have him play such a pivotal role in this movement we have created to serve the Hispanic millennial audience,“麦克拉伦说:, who launched Combate Americas in 2013 as a first-to-market venture that essentially combined his UFC pioneer experience with his storied background in television production.

“I am looking forward to this next chapter in my career that will allow me to focus on one of the last centers of growth in the U.S. economy – the emerging and exploding Hispanic demographic – through an incredible, first-to-market sports entertainment and media property that Campbell and his team have built with Combate Americas,” said Plumeri.

Prior to his role with First Data, Plumeri guided Willis Group Holdings for nearly 13 years to enormous value creation. He also served as President of Smith Barney, Vice Chairman of Travelers and Chairman and CEO of Primerica during his tenure with Citigroup.

As a philanthropist, Plumeri was named Humanitarian of the Year in 2006 after contributing the largest gift in history to the Make-A-Wish Foundation, to fund the construction of the New Jersey headquarters of the non-profit organization dedicated to fulfilling the wishes of children with life-threatening diseases.

Plumeri is also responsible for funding the creation of business scholarships, athletic scholarships and annual faculty excellence awards at his alma mater, The College of William & Mary in Williamsburg, 弗吉尼亚州。, where the baseball stadium, Plumeri Park, is named after his father. He also donated money to New York Law School to help create the Joe Plumeri Center for Social Justice and Economic Opportunity.

Combate Americas also recently announced a new company president in Alberto “El Presidente” Rodriguez, formerly Alberto Del Rio of the WWE, and a new television partnership that has its fight programming airing in over 135 million homes weekly on Azteca America in the U.S. and Mexico’s TV Azteca S.A.B. 德·CV. (BMV: 阿兹台克; 拉蒂贝克斯: XTZA), 世界上最大的两个西班牙语电视节目制作商之一.

历史上首次, Combate Americas will head outside of the U.S. – to Mexico City, Mexico – with its live event series on 星期四, 一月. 19 when it will present a 10-bout fight card live on Azteca America and UFC FIGHT PASS®. The event will air the following evening, 星期五, 一月. 20 阿兹台克电视.




纽约 - 一月 6, 2017 – Combate Americas 今天宣布完成了一项出色的, nine-bout Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) fight card, including a bantamweight (135 英镑) showdown between two fast-rising, undefeated stars – 马克·“大黄蜂”·德拉罗萨 (7-0) 和 Ivan “El Brasil” Hernandez Flores (8-0-1) – for the league’s much-anticipated, historic debut in Mexico on 星期四, 一月. 19, 住在阿兹特克美洲 (10 P.M. AND/PT) 和 UFC FIGHT PASS® (8 P.M. AND/5 P.M. PT).

The “Combate10” event, which will take place at El Plaza Condesa in Mexico City, will also air via tape delay in Mexico the following night, 星期五, 一月. 20 在 11 P.M. CT., 阿兹台克电视, S·A·B. 德·CV. (BMV: 阿兹台克; 拉蒂贝克斯: XTZA), 世界上最大的两个西班牙语电视节目制作商之一.

The fight card is headlined by the previously announced, bantamweight battle between knockout artist Steve Swanson (14-2) and Xtreme Couture prodigy Gustavo Lopez (6-2).

One of the latest athletes to sign an exclusive, multi-fight agreement with Combate Americas, the 22-year-old Delarosa of Dallas, Texas will enter La Jaula, 在康贝特美洲笼, for the first time in his young career.

至今, Delarosa has notched four of his six professional career wins by way of (牛逼)KO或提交. 在他去年开始 四月 2, 他赢得了一致的决定 Arthur Oliveira.

A multiple-time Brazilian Jiu Jitsu tournament champion, Delarosa holds a brown belt in the discipline and is a three-time MMA champion in regional competition.

在 25 岁, Hernandez Flores of Monterrey, 新莱昂, Mexico is ranked as high as number one in Mexico and number two in all of Latin America in the sport’s flyweight (125 英镑) 联赛.

Five of Hernandez Flores’ victories, 迄今, 得来的方式 (牛逼)KO或提交.

In other action on the card, 不败, 22-一岁的前景 拉法“送礼”加西亚 (3-0) 墨西卡利, 下加利福尼亚州, Mexico will make his promotional debut after being discovered at the Combate Americas open tryout in Pasadena, 加利福尼亚州. 去年八月.

Garcia will take on submission expert Raul “The Cobra” Najera Ocampo (4-2) of Mexico City in a featherweight (145 英镑) 竞赛.

不败, 18-year-old phenom 凯文·加西亚 (4-0) of Monterrey will face off with hard-hitting Enrique “Kike” Barragan (5-1) 萨尔蒂约的, Coahila, Mexico in a bantamweight battle.

Garcia and Barragan have each claimed all of their professional career victories, 迄今, 通过 (牛逼)KO或提交.

In one of two welterweight (170 英镑) 对决, 埃里博托·托瓦尔 (6-3-1) of Pachuca, Hidalgo, Mexico will square off with Christofer Ramirez (4-1) 瓜达拉哈拉, 哈利斯科, 墨西哥.

In the other welterweight scrap, 亚历克斯·贝拉斯科 (5-1) 恩塞纳达, 下加利福尼亚州, Mexico will meet Julio Cesar Cruz (9-9) 墨西哥城.

UFC FIGHT PASS 是一项数字订阅服务,让粉丝能够观看独家现场 UFC 赛事和比赛, 来自世界各地的独家现场 MMA 和格斗运动赛事, 独家原创和幕后内容前所未有 24-7 访问世界上最大的图书馆打.

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主卡 (Live on Azteca America and UFC FIGHT PASS):

Steve Swanson vs. Gustavo Lopez

Atomweight Co-Main Event:
Nicdali Rivera-Calanoc vs. Lisbeth Lopez Silva

最轻量级: Mark Delarosa vs. 伊万·埃尔南德斯·弗洛雷斯(Ivan Hernandez Flores)
最轻量级: Jose Ceja vs. 乔伊Ruquet


最轻量级: 拉法·加西亚vs. Raul Najera Ocampo
轻量级: 罗德里戈·巴尔加斯vs. 马可·安东尼奥·埃尔皮迪奥
最轻量级: Kevin Garcia vs. Enrique Barragan
次中量级: Alex Velasco vs. Julio Cesar Cruz
次中量级: Heriberto Tovar vs. Christofer Ramirez


ON 星期四, 一月 19

Atomweight Co-Main Event:
Nicdali Rivera-Calanoc vs. Lisbeth Lopez Silva

轻量级: Rodrigo “Kazula” Vargas vs. Marco Antonio “La Rocka” Elipidio

最轻量级: Jose Ceja vs. 乔伊Ruquet

纽约 - 一月 3, 2017 – Combate Americas today announced four spectacular Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) 结束, including a bantamweight (135) main event between rising stars Steve Swanson (14-2) 和 Gustavo Lopez (6-2) – for the league’s much-anticipated, historic debut in Mexico on 星期四, 一月. 19, 住在阿兹特克美洲 (10 P.M. AND/PT) 和 UFC FIGHT PASS® (8 P.M. AND/5 P.M. PT).

本次活动, which will take place at El Plaza Condesa in Mexico City, will also air via tape delay in Mexico the following night, 星期五, 一月. 20 在 11 P.M. CT., 阿兹台克电视, S·A·B. 德·CV. (BMV: 阿兹台克; 拉蒂贝克斯: XTZA), 世界上最大的两个西班牙语电视节目制作商之一.

In the atomweight (105 英镑) 合作的主要事件, former world championship challenger Nicdali“夜皇后”里维拉Calanoc (9-9) will make her long-awaited return to La Jaula, 在康贝特美洲笼, and face red-hot Lisbeth Lopez Silva (3-3).

“We are excited to be assembling a phenomenal fight card, and to have the opportunity to be at the forefront of MMA’s growth in Mexico with our unique and fast-growing sports franchise,”康贝特美洲首席执行官 坎贝尔迈凯轮.

In other main card action, two hard-hitting, Mexico City rivals, 罗德里戈·“卡祖拉”·巴尔加斯 (9-5) 和 Marco Antonio “La Rocka” Elpidio (4-1-1) will collide at lightweight (155 英镑).

Fellow upstarts 何塞·“幽灵”·塞哈 (4-3) 和 乔伊“猎人” Ruquet (3-1) will square off at bantamweight.

Additional bouts for the Combate Americas event will be announced soon.

The 5-foot-5, 36-year-old younger brother of UFC star 小熊斯旺森, Steve of Indio, 加利福尼亚州. is a 36-year-old prolific knockout artist whose family originally hails from Chihuahua, 墨西哥.

Swanson is a winner of his last four fights, 全部通过 (牛逼)KO. He is coming off an explosive, 38-second stoppage of Christian Rios十月 22.

Fighting out MMA legend 兰迪“自然”时装’s Xtreme Couture camp in Las Vegas, 内华达州. Lopez is a 5-foot-5, 27-year-old finisher originally from Yakima, 洗.

Lopez emerged unbeaten, 以创纪录 3-0, during the Combate Americas “Road To The Championship” fight series that spanned from September 2015 to May 2016. He has notched five of his six professional career victories via (牛逼)KO或提交.

Rivera-Calanoc is a 5-foot-3, 31-year-old resident of Las Vegas, 内华达州. and native of Tulsa, 俄克拉何马州。, as well as a battle-tested veteran of the sport who has faced a handful of top rivals in the women’s field, 含 杰西卡·潘尼(Jessica Penne).

里维拉Calanoc, whose ancestral roots are in Chihuahua, took a split decision in her last start on 三月 12, 从 Ronni Nanney.

Lopez Silva of Mexico City is aiming for her fourth straight win on the heels of a unanimous decision over Marcel Yineris Nieto十二月 2 in Panama City, 巴拿马.

A former welterweight (170 英镑), Vargas of Mexico City is a 5-foot-8, 31-year-old powerhouse who will put a three-fight win streak on the line.

至今, the Mexican Pride team member has claimed all of his wins by way of (牛逼)KO或提交.

埃尔皮迪奥, whose nickname translates to “The Rock,” is also a former welterweight standout who will look to secure his third consecutive win.

在他最后的努力中 三月 19, 埃尔皮迪奥, a member of the Renzo Gracie affiliate team in Mexico City, 打进了第二轮 (3:16) 在将军澳 弗朗西斯科·巴尔加斯 with an onslaught of punches.

5英尺​​7, 31-year-old Ceja of Port Arthur, Texas will make his second start under the promotion of Combate Americas.

In his debut for the league on 十月 14, Ceja avenged a previous loss in dynamic fashion, 得分第一轮 (4:22) 淘汰赛 欧文·“野兽”里维拉 in the first live televised, professional MMA event since UFC 7 九月 1995.

Ruquet of Las Vegas, 内华达州. via Venice, 佛罗里达州. is a 5-foot-8, 24-year-old upstart and seasoned striker who will make his second appearance in La Jaula after submitting Luke Faultersack with an anaconda choke in the second round (4:28) of action on 四月 25.

UFC FIGHT PASS 是一项数字订阅服务,让粉丝能够观看独家现场 UFC 赛事和比赛, 来自世界各地的独家现场 MMA 和格斗运动赛事, 独家原创和幕后内容前所未有 24-7 访问世界上最大的图书馆打.

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Azteca’s first MMA programming deal in history also
includes weekly series showcasing
Combate Americas’ fastest rising stars

NEW YORK/MEXICO CITY DF, 十月 26 — 康贝特美洲, the premier Hispanic Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) 体育特许经营, and TV Azteca, S·A·B. 德·CV. (BMV: 阿兹台克; 拉蒂贝克斯: XTZA), 世界上最大的两个西班牙语电视节目制作商之一, today announced an exclusive, year-long agreement to broadcast live world champion MMA events in the U.S. 和墨西哥.

In addition to monthly live events, the partnership, which marks the first time in history Azteca will carry MMA programming in Mexico, also includes a weekly series that will showcase the most exciting Combate Americas fights to date as well as highlight the league’s prolific, young fighters and celebrity personalities.

The live events and weekly series will be featured on both TV Azteca’s Channel 7 in Mexico and Azteca America in the U.S. Broadcast from Mexico City, the first live event under the new partnership is scheduled for 星期四, 一月. 19.

“MMA has developed a worldwide audience and through Combate Americas, a passionate following among the fast-growing U.S. Hispanic, millennial audience, which is why we wanted this programming for both U.S. 和墨西哥,“说 Rodrigo Fernández, Director of Azteca 7. “Campbell McLaren understands MMA better than anyone, which is why Azteca wants to be part of what we believe will be phenomenal growth for Combate Americas.”

“As we’ve seen with our soccer programming, live sports events drive Hispanic millennial viewing. That’s why the opportunity to deliver MMA, with its proven track record, to our audience is so compelling,“说 Manuel Abud, president and CEO, Azteca America. “Combate Americas understands the sport and our audience. It’s an unbeatable combination.”

“Our partnership with Azteca will take Combate Americas to the next level,” said Combate Americas founder and CEO 坎贝尔迈凯轮. “I was there for the beginning of the UFC and saw how critical the correct television partner is to the growth of the franchise. Azteca has incredible reach in both the U.S. 和墨西哥, which is why this is such an exciting time for us.”

The weekly series, Combate Americas Azteca, hosted by award-winning MMA journalist and Combate Americas color commentator 安德烈街, will premiere on Thursday, Nov., 3 在 10 P.M. 在美国. on Azteca America, 并 星期五, 十一月. 4 在 11 P.M. on TV Azteca’s Channel 7 在墨西哥, following the popular La Liga Mexicana football. The monthly live events air live in the U.S. and the following night in Mexico.

Founded by UFC co-creator McLaren and co-owned by Creative Artist Agency (CAA), Bunim/Murray Productions and Major League Baseball Advanced Media (MLBAM), Combate Americas is the first fight-themed show to win a major television award (“Best Variety or Reality Series” at the 29 annual Imagen Awards on August 1, 2014). The company has expanded its roster to include over 40 战士和, after producing two live events in 2015, it rolled out a total of five live events in 2016.

Combate Americas live events will continue to air in English via UFC FIGHT PASS®, a digital subscription service which gives fans access to exclusive live UFC events and fights, 来自世界各地的独家现场 MMA 和格斗运动赛事, 独家原创和幕后内容前所未有 24-7 访问世界上最大的图书馆打.
# # #

TV Azteca is one of the two largest producers of Spanish-language television programming in the world, operating two national television networks in Mexico, El trece and Azteca 7, through more than 300 owned and operated stations across the country. TV Azteca affiliates include Azteca US, a broadcast television network focused on the rapidly growing U.S. 西班牙市场, and Azteca Web, an Internet company for North American Spanish speakers.


Former WWE heavyweight champion takes on new moniker
“El Presidente” as well as executive role with the
leading Hispanic MMA sports franchise

纽约, 十月 11 - 康贝特美洲, the premier Hispanic Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) 体育特许经营, today announced that it has named multiple-time professional world wrestling champion and former Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) star Alberto “El Presidente” Rodriguez, formerly known as Alberto Del Rio and Alberto El Patrόn, as its president.

A former WWE 世界重量级冠军, 罗德里格斯, the son of Lucha Libre legend Dos Caras, 老, also competed in 14 professional MMA bouts – 2 of them under the promotion of former Japanese juggernaut PRIDE Fighting Championships – 间 2001 和 2010, as Alberto “Dos Caras, Jr.” Rodriguez. He compiled an overall record of 9-5 in the sport, 同 7 of his victories coming by way of submission.

In his new executive role with Combate Americas, “El Presidente” will be actively involved in all aspects of athlete relations and development, from recruitment to enhancing their showmanship skills.

“A storied fighter, with a following throughout Mexico and the U.S., Alberto brings a tremendous amount of knowledge of what it means to be in competition, coupled with an ability to communicate his passion for the sport, to his new role,” said Campbell McLaren, Combate Americas founder and CEO. “From working with Alberto in the past, we have gotten to know him very well, and are thrilled to have him on our team in an executive capacity.”

“I am excited to enter a new chapter in my career in combat sports, and to have the opportunity to spearhead the Combate Americas mission of delivering to fight fans everywhere, an authentic and first-rate Hispanic MMA product,”罗德里格斯说.

Following in his father’s footsteps, Rodriguez made his professional wrestling debut in 2000, eventually signing with the WWE where he took on the “Del Rio” name and became the league’s only competitor in history to win both the “Royal Rumble” and the “Money in the Bank” ladder match in the same calendar year – 2011.

Over the course of two tenures with the WWE, Rodriguez faced and defeated a collection of top rival champions and other superstars in the sport, including fellow Mexican hero Rey Mysterio, John Cena, Dolph Ziggler and Randy Orton.

As a member of the Mexican National Greco-Roman wrestling team in the late ‘90s, Rodriguez won the Central American and Caribbean Games in his weight division three times.

Rodriguez will make his public debut as “El Presidente” this week, during the first-ever Combate Americas live event in New York on 星期五, 十月. 14 在维罗纳的Turning Stone Resort Casino.

The seven-bout, “Combate Americas: Empire Rising” card will be headlined by the league’s first world championship showdown in history – a bantamweight (135 英镑) title fight between ferocious rising stars John “Sexy Mexy” Castaneda (11-2) 曼凯托, 从. and Gustavo Lopez (6-1) 拉斯维加斯, 内华达州. via Yakima, 洗.

康贝特美洲: Three New Bouts Announced For New York on October 14

下面: PaulinaFirefox” 格拉纳多斯 (合照) will face off with Jenna Serio in a featured atomweight (105 英镑) contest at Combate Americas: Empire Rising, 美国. Hispanic league’s debut event in New York, 上 星期五, 十月. 14, live on beIN Sports en Español as well as UFC FIGHT PASS®.


Featherweight co-main event: 埃里克桑切斯 VS. Victor Martinez
最轻量级: 欧文·里维拉 VS. Cristobal Chavez
Women’s atomweight: Paulina Granados vs. Jenna Serio


NEW YORK – Sept. 14, 2016 – Combate Americas today announced the addition of three bouts, including a featherweight (145 英镑) co-main event contest between streaking 乌利亚法贝尔 保护 埃里克·桑切斯 (7-2) and hard-hitting knockout artist Victor Martinez (6-4) to the league’s first world championship fight card in history at Turning Stone Resort Casino in Verona, 纽约州. 上 星期五, 十月. 14, live on beIN SPORTS En Español and UFC FIGHT PASS®.

The matchup between Sanchez and Martinez will precede the much-anticipated bantamweight (135 英镑) championship showdown between red-hot stars 约翰“性感的性感”卡斯塔涅达 (11-2) 曼凯托, 从. 和 Gustavo Lopez (6-1) 拉斯维加斯, 内华达州. via Yakima, 洗.

In another bantamweight contest, Blackzilians team member and rising star欧文·“野兽”里维拉 (5-1) will collide with undefeated submission expert Cristobal “El Mosquito” Chavez (4-0).

在女子原子量级中 (105 英镑) 行动, 宝琳娜“火狐”格拉纳多斯(3-2) 将在 Jenna Serio (3-1).

埃里克桑切斯 VS. Victor Martinez

5尺10, 25-萨克拉门托的桑切斯一岁, 加利福尼亚州. will look for his third straight victory in La Jaula, and his fourth consecutive win overall, after submitting (后方裸体扼流圈) Mike Segura in just 50 seconds at the third event in the Combate Americas “Road To The Championship” series in Los Angeles, 加利福尼亚州. 上 四月 18.

Prior to the victory, 桑切斯, who has won five of his seven professional starts by way of (牛逼)KO或提交, scored a third round (1:22) WHO (拳) 上 Ousmane Thomas Diagne 在Bellator 147 上月 4, 2015.

还 25 岁, the 25-year-old Martinez of Pharr, Texas has notched five of his six professional wins by way of (牛逼)KO, with all five of the conquests having come with his hands.

Martinez is looking to rebound from a close, split decision defeat at the hands of Erick Gonzalez at the fourth Combate Americas “Road To The Championship” event on 四月 25.

以上: Irwin “野兽” 里维拉 (合照) will make his Combate Americas debut against undefeated Cristobal Chavez in a featured bantamweight (135 英镑) 结束.

欧文·里维拉 VS. Cristobal Chavez

Fighting out of Boca Raton, 佛罗里达州。, the home of the Blackzilians fight squad, 5英尺6英寸, 27-year-old Rivera, who will make his debut under the promotion of Combate Americas, was raised in New Windsor, 纽约州. after being born in Nezahualcoyotl, 墨西哥. He jump started his professional career with a split decision victory over Andre Cuff 十一月 7, 2014, and ran to three consecutive wins thereafter.

在他最后一次外出时 三月 25, Rivera submitted Jose Ceja in third round (4:45) of battle with a rear-naked choke.

5英尺​​7, 26-year-old Chavez of El Paso, Texas has yet to be beaten in a combined eight professional and amateur bouts. Three of his four professional wins have come via (牛逼)KO或提交.

Chavez is coming off a second round (4:14) 服从 (armlock) 的 Ronny Perrogon六月 11.

Paulina Granados vs. Jenna Serio

A native of Corpus Christi, Texas where she excelled in power lifting as a high school student, the 5-foot-2, 28-year-old Granados fights out of the famed Alliance MMA team in San Diego, 加利福尼亚州.

Granados made her Combate Americas debut in her last start on 五月 9, earning a split decision over longtime rival 斯蒂芬妮·阿尔芭(Stephanie Alba), whom Granados had defeated twice previously during their amateur days.

Serio of Brooklyn, 纽约州. is a 5-foot-2, 24-year-old upstart who will enter the Combate Americas cage for the first time, riding a two-fight win streak.

In her last effort, Serio handily submitted Sadee Monserrate 在第一轮中有一个赤裸裸的cho (2:50) of their matchup on 六月 3.

A nationally recognized venue for legendary, fight-of-the-year-level boxing events, Turning Stone Resort Casino will now become one of the very first venues in New York to host professional MMA fights. With a legacy of hosting some of the best events in the country, rivaling many venues in major cities such as Las Vegas, Atlantic City and New York City, Turning Stone has established Upstate New York as a premier destination for live sporting events. Turning Stone 是一家屡获殊荣的度假胜地, 提供世界一流的设施,包括四家酒店, 多于 20 餐厅和餐饮选择, 两个豪华水疗中心, 一 125,000 平方英尺的拉斯维加斯式的游戏楼层, 歌舞表演风格的陈列室, 一 5,000 座位竞技场, five pristine golf courses, 几家酒吧, 鸡尾酒廊和夜生活场所.

“对抗美洲”门票: Empire Rising” are on sale and can be purchased at the Turning Stone Box Office, 拨打 877.833.SHOW, 或在Ticketmaster.com上在线. 门票售价 $75, for cageside, $65, $50 和 $35, and may be subject to additional fees. 大门会在打开 5:30 P.M.该事件, 和第一初步回合将开始在 6 P.M.


UFC FIGHT PASS 是一项数字订阅服务,让粉丝能够观看独家现场 UFC 赛事和比赛, 来自世界各地的独家现场 MMA 和格斗运动赛事, 独家原创和幕后内容前所未有 24-7 访问世界上最大的图书馆打.

UFC FIGHT PASS is available on: personal computers, 的Xbox 360, Xbox One上, 亚马逊消防电视, iPhone, iPad的, 苹果电视, Android的, 的Chromecast, Samsung Smart TV, LG Smart TV, Sony TVs with Android TV and Roku devices.


(Pictured below): Twenty-four year-old surging star John “Mexy的性感” 卡斯塔涅达 (11-2) 曼凯托, 从. will bid to become the first 135 pound world champion in Combate Americas history on星期五, 十月. 14, live on beIN Sports en Español and UFC FIGHT PASS.

John “Sexy Mexy” Castaneda faces Gustavo Lopez
for the world bantamweight championship
在维罗纳的Turning Stone Resort Casino, 纽约州.


纽约 - 七. 8, 2016 – Combate Americas today announced that red-hot, streaking bantamweight (135 英镑) 明星 约翰“性感的性感”卡斯塔涅达 (11-2) 和 Gustavo Lopez (6-1) will face off in the first world championship bout in league history at Turning Stone Resort Casino in Verona, 纽约州. 上 星期五, 十月 14, live on beIN SPORTS En Español and UFC FIGHT PASS®.

The 24-year-old Castaneda of Mankato, 从. and the 27-year-old Lopez of Las Vegas, 内华达州. via Yakima, 洗. will collide in the main event of the 10-bout “Combate Americas: Empire Rising” Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) extravaganza.

“We are thrilled to be producing our first world title fight in Combate Americas history at our debut event in the Empire State,”康贝特美洲首席执行官 坎贝尔迈凯轮, who also produced the last live televised professional MMA event in New York State with UFC® 7 九月 8, 1995.

“John Castaneda and Gustavo Lopez put on some incredibly memorable and heroic performances during our ‘Road To The Championship’ fight series this year and last year,“继续迈凯轮, “so we are looking forward to have these two budding, young stars square off and to crowning our first champion.”

Each fighter earned his way to the title fight in “La Jaula,” or the Combate Americas cage, by going undefeated in three consecutive bouts during the “Road To The Championship” series that kicked off in September 2015 and concluded on May 9, 2016.

Pictured Above (Far): Bantamweight star Gustavo Lopez (6-1) 拉斯维加斯, 内华达州. via Yakima, 洗. will look to continue his unbeaten run inLa Jaula,” 在康贝特美洲笼, when he fights for his first world title.

卡斯塔涅达, who has finished 8 他 11 职业生涯的胜利, is riding a six-fight win streak dating back to May 16, 2015 当他提交 佩德罗·贝拉斯科 在第一轮中有一个赤裸裸的cho (2:42) 战斗.

Castaneda’s run in the “Road To The Championship” series began with a unanimous decision win over 贾斯汀Governale 九月 17, 2015, and continued with a spectacular, arm-triangle choke submission of 费德里科·洛佩兹 in the closing moments of the third round (4:49) 行动.

The aggressive-minded Castaneda cemented his spot in the world title fight by edging out a split decision over Gabriel Solorio四月 25.

在他去年开始, Castaneda stepped up for Combate Americas on just two weeks’ notice, replacing an injured 埃里克·桑切斯, at the higher, featherweight limit of 145 英镑, 针对 Angel Cruz 八月 11, and scored a second round (2:25) WHO (拳) on Cruz.

Fighting out of the famed Xtreme Couture camp in Las Vegas, 洛佩兹, a protégé of former UFC® 冠军 Miesha Tate and UFC bantamweightBryan Caraway, will look for his sixth consecutive win in the cage, and his fourth under the Combate Americas promotional umbrella.

类似于他的对手, Lopez is a determined finisher who has earned five of his six professional career wins by way of (牛逼)KO或提交.

Lopez began his Combate Americas journey in the “Road To The Championship” series, 击败 Mauricio Diaz by way of unanimous decision on September 17, 2015.

In his second Combate Americas appearance, Lopez submitted 乔伊Ruquetwith an arm-triangle choke in the second round (4:06) 行动, before sealing his fate in the title fight with Castaneda by scoring a devastating, 第二轮 (4:07) 在将军澳 索尔·埃利桑多 with a barrage of punches on the ground.

A nationally recognized venue for legendary, fight-of-the-year-level boxing events, Turning Stone Resort Casino will now become one of the very first venues in New York to host professional MMA fights. With a legacy of hosting some of the best events in the country, rivaling many venues in major cities such as Las Vegas, Atlantic City and New York City, Turning Stone has established Upstate New York as a premier destination for live sporting events. Turning Stone 是一家屡获殊荣的度假胜地, 提供世界一流的设施,包括四家酒店, 多于 20 餐厅和餐饮选择, 两个豪华水疗中心, 一 125,000 平方英尺的拉斯维加斯式的游戏楼层, 歌舞表演风格的陈列室, 一 5,000 座位竞技场, five pristine golf courses, 几家酒吧, 鸡尾酒廊和夜生活场所.

“对抗美洲”门票: Empire Rising” are on sale and can be purchased at the Turning Stone Box Office, 拨打 877.833.SHOW, 或在Ticketmaster.com上在线. 门票售价 $75, for cageside, $65, $50 和 $35, and may be subject to additional fees. 大门会在打开 5:30 P.M.该事件, 和第一初步回合将开始在 6 P.M.


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