分類存檔: CBS拳擊

DAIKI龜田 & VICTOR RUIZ SQUARE-off的輕量級行動WHILE冉冉升起的新星MIGUEL FLORES, 馬里奧·巴里奧斯 & RYAN卡爾把自己的不敗紀錄ON THE LINE星期日, 九月 6 從美國銀行中心在Corpus Christi, TEXAS

Anthony Dirrell and Marco Antonio Rubio With The Co-Main Event Featuring
傑米·麥克唐納VS. 大樹龜田 2
科珀斯克里斯蒂, TEXAS (八月 25, 2015) – Former two-time world champion 大樹龜田 (29-4, 18 科斯) 發生在墨西哥猛男 維克托·魯伊斯 (19-5, 14 科斯) 在對undercard的景點堆積陣容最輕量級行動 總理拳擊冠軍 (PBC) 上 CBS 曲調從美國銀行中心在科珀斯克里斯蒂生活, 得克薩斯州 星期天, 九月 6. 該電視節目的揭幕 4 PM ET/1 PM PT.
本次活動由前世界冠軍標題 安東尼 “狗” Dirrell的 (27-1-1, 22 科斯) 承擔墨西哥 馬爾科·安東尼奧 “毒藥” 盧比奧 (59-7-1, 51 科斯) 並設有最輕量級世界冠軍之間的複賽 傑米·麥克唐納 (26-2-1, 12 科斯) 和令人興奮的爭競 大樹 “該Mexicanito” 龜田 (31-1, 19 科斯).
門票現場活動, 這是由Leija Battah促銷和勇士拳擊推廣, 售價為 $109, $93, $49, $38 和 $15, 不包括適用的服務費和稅收,現已公開發售. 門票可在 www.ticketmaster.com, 美國銀行中心售票處或致電Leija Battah在促銷 (210) 979-3302. 要通過電話特瑪在充電 (800) 745-3000.
競技場內的行動將採用頂尖不敗的前景將其完美無瑕的記錄就行了 米格爾·弗洛雷斯 (16-0, 7 科斯) 面孔 約翰· “巴姆巴姆” 約翰遜(31-10, 23 科斯) 在八輪超羽量級較量, 馬里奧 “金童” 鄰里 (10-0, 5 科斯) 戰鬥 喬納森 “大力水手” 佩雷斯 (33-12, 27 科斯) 在八輪超羽量級行動, 瑞安 “牧童” 卡爾 (8-0, 6 科斯) 競爭在六輪次中量級外遇.
其他早期行動也將看到25歲的新澤西州出生 裡基·愛德華茲 (7-0, 2 科斯) 對19歲的 馬可·索利斯 (3-1, 1 KO) 朗德羅克的, 德克薩斯州在六輪輕量級的吸引力, 23-歲的科珀斯克里斯蒂出生 傑里米·朗格利亞 (7-5, 1 KO) 對28歲的現蕾 阿爾貝托·埃斯皮諾薩 聖安東尼奧馬刺在六輪的超羽量級劃分和科珀斯克里斯蒂的自己 羅伯特·貝拉 在六輪超輕量級比賽.
踢客在undercard將是23歲的金斯維爾本土 奧馬爾·羅哈斯 (3-3, 1 KO) 因為他對30歲的 阿爾貝托·埃斯皮諾薩 (3-7) 拉雷多, 德克薩斯州六輪超中量級行動, 瑞奇·古鐵雷斯 (1-0) 羅布斯敦的, 在得克薩斯州對馬刺的四回合的超羽量級較量 據約翰遜 (1-8).
的戰鬥龜田兄弟中間兄弟, 兄弟同時舉行世界冠軍的唯一一組, 26-歲的大樹將讓他的U.S. 亮相 九月 6 在科珀斯克里斯蒂. 戰鬥從東京, 他贏得了世界冠軍與戰勝Denkaosan Kaovichit和羅德里戈·格雷羅. 他將返回到環以來首次 2013, 想製造開始於一個世界冠軍頭銜另一個運行與24歲的魯伊斯從蒂華納, 墨西哥誰最近發表了第一輪淘汰賽結束費利克斯·盧比奧.
從米卻肯州一個不敗的戰鬥機, 墨西哥, 但戰鬥了休斯敦, 弗洛雷斯自轉為職業選手中並沒有失去 2009 在剛 17 歲. 這位23歲的讓他 2015 首次在五月與戰勝德國Meraz,隨後即由七月擊敗胡安·魯伊斯. 他將在約翰遜誰打架了聖安東尼奧.
戰鬥在他的家鄉,代表聖安東尼奧, Barrioslooks為他的第四次勝利 2015 上 九月 6. 這位20歲的希望建立在他的勢頭,並繼續在他的家鄉發展自己的粉絲群,當他在28歲的哥倫比亞佩雷斯.
休斯頓表示一個不敗的前景, 卡爾有一個出色的業餘生涯,與他結束排在第三位的國家中的141磅重的部門. 這位23歲已經在三次奪冠 2015 以及最近停止里戈韋托·弗洛雷斯在七月.
欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.americanbankcenter.com, follow在Twitter @PremierBoxing @AnthonyDirrell, MAVenenoRubio, @ JamieMcDonnell1, TomokiKameda, @SHOSports, @WarriorsBoxingProm, LeijaBattahPR, @AmericanBankCtr和@Swanson_Comm,



中國人民銀行在CBS BRAWL從五月


科珀斯克里斯蒂, TEXAS (八月 6, 2015) – 前世界冠軍 安東尼 “狗” Dirrell的 (27-1-1, 22 科斯) 發生在墨西哥爭競 馬爾科·安東尼奧 “毒藥” 盧比奧 (59-7-1, 51 科斯) 在一個超中量級對決 星期天, 九月 6 從美國銀行中心在科珀斯克里斯蒂, 德州與CBS體育電視開始在覆蓋範圍 4 P.M. AND/3 P.M. CT /下午1時. PT.


當晚的合作主要事件將看到最輕量級世界冠軍 傑米·麥克唐納 (26-2-1, 12 科斯) 面對令人興奮 大樹 “該Mexicanito” 龜田 (31-1, 19 科斯) 在12輪的世界冠軍頭銜的複賽 五月 9 CBS體育的鬥爭,看到麥克唐納生存第三輪擊倒取勝的比分 114-113 在所有三個法官’ 記分卡.


“我已經準備好回到中環,證明我仍然是最危險的人在本場比賽,” 說Dirrell的. “盧比奧是一個硬漢,但我來擊倒他,並最終讓我回到稱號. “狗’ 即將德州尋找造成一些痛苦。”


“我很高興面對安東尼Dirrell的上 九月 6,” 盧比奧說. “這對我來說是一個巨大的機會,我要離開這一切在環. 我答應了所有的球迷都在得克薩斯州一個偉大的鬥爭。”


“我很高興能夠回到狀態,再次面臨龜田,” 麥克唐納說:. “爭第一的輝煌, 他是一類的行為,我希望爭第一走後上甚至更長. 人們第一個以前寫我了,但我一直相信我會打他,我更加有信心,我會再次這樣做. 如果我開始好這段時間,我想我會阻止他。”


“這就是我想要的戰鬥,我很感激能有機會複賽傑米·麥克唐納,” 龜田說. “我以為我贏了第一次, 但是這一次,我會毫無疑問地. 我不能離開它的法官​​這個時候, 我的計劃是佔主導地位。”


門票現場活動, 這是由Leija Battah促銷和勇士拳擊推廣, 售價為 $109, $93, $49, $38 和 $15, 不包括適用的服務費和稅收,現已公開發售. 門票可在 www.ticketmaster.com, 美國銀行中心售票處或致電Leija Battah在促銷 (210) 979-3302. 要通過電話特瑪在充電 (800) 745-3000.


門開在美國銀行中心 12 P.M. CT 並且將有精彩的undercard行動一整天.


Dirrell的已經看到了比大多數在他的職業生涯更逆境他在拳擊比賽中的時間已經受到嚴重損害的兩倍, 首先在十二月 2006 當他被診斷出患有非霍奇金淋巴瘤,並缺陣 20 個月,又在5 2012 當他打破了他的左小腿和左手腕在一次摩托車事故. 弗林特, 密歇根州本土從來沒有讓持有他失望,因為他一直贏的戰鬥和工作他的方式的專業隊伍. 在 2014 他贏得了他的第一個總冠軍時,他擊敗了衛冕冠軍Sakio郵幣卡. 他將目光打動,因為他需要在艱難和崎嶇的盧比奧 九月 6.


這位35歲的盧比奧是最有經驗的戰士之一左右,並期待再添大牌到他的受害者名單在他16年的職業生涯. 盧比奧擁有戰勝大衛·勒米厄, 卡洛斯Baldomir, 豪爾赫·科塔和里戈韋托阿爾瓦雷斯跨越,已經看到了他的世界冠軍挑戰三次職業生涯. 出生在杜蘭戈, 墨西哥, 他將戰鬥離家近,當他進入環科珀斯克里斯蒂.


約克郡, 因為英國的麥克唐納一直是以淚 2008 同 18 連勝. 他成為了最輕量級世界冠軍用一場大勝Tabtimdaeng娜Rachawat後來過來到美國並於5月打敗龜田之前成功抵禦哈維爾薩科·查孔. 在這場鬥爭中, 麥克唐納在龜田的手中倖存下來的早期擊倒,並用他的身高和活動賺取決定勝利.


龜田宣布他的到來在美國本土超過七月索爾Pungluang一個Singyu淘汰賽惡性之後 2014 在拉斯維加斯. 這是淘汰賽龜田的第二個最輕量級衛冕後,他贏得了保盧斯Ambunda在皮帶 2013 度過他的大部分職業生涯的戰鬥後,在他的祖國日本和墨西哥. 24歲的跟進他的U.S. 出道時,他擊敗了亞歷杭德羅·埃爾南德斯在芝加哥通過分裂的決定. 他將目光證明他應該已經獲得對傑米·麥克唐納決定在他們的第一次戰鬥的 五月 9 戰鬥.


欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.americanbankcenter.com, follow在Twitter @PremierBoxing @AnthonyDirrell, MAVenenoRubio, @ JamieMcDonnell1, TomokiKameda, @SHOSports, @WarriorsBoxingProm, LeijaBattahPR, @AmericanBankCtr和@Swanson_Comm,

成為Facebook上的粉絲在 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.Facebook.com/WarriorsBoxingPromo.


Photos By Lucas Noonan – PBC

STEP, TX (七月 19, 2015) – 在他的前8輪的較量, 不敗超羽量級的感覺, 馬里奧·巴里奧斯 (10-0, 5 科斯), 戰罷反對聲音勝利 阿圖羅·埃斯基韋爾 (9-3, 2 科斯), to record his tenth win. The impressive conquest took place this past 星期六 在頓河哈斯金斯中心在埃爾帕索, 德州中國人民銀行在CBS事件上, 通過標題 卡爾·弗蘭普頓 VS. 亞歷杭德羅·岡薩雷斯JR.


用他巨大的高度,達到優勢, Barrios controlled the action with a long jab and precise combinations. Esquivel, 誰是自然大男人, 無法降落任何清潔拳巴里奧斯上, who won every round. Scorecards read 80-72 全線.


“去八輪的第一次是一個很好的學習經歷對我來說。” 馬里奧說巴里奧斯, 誰是管理 鋁海蒙. “I was able to pace myself throughout the entire fight and never got tired. I could have gone four more rounds if this was a twelve round fight. Esquivel is a very tough fighter and I’m glad we both came out healthy. I’ll be ready to get back in the ring as soon as Haymon has another date for me. I’m very thankful for all the opportunities Haymon Boxing has given me.

卡爾·弗蘭普頓擊敗·岡薩雷斯JR. 在U.S. 首演PREMIER拳擊CHAMPIONS在CBS


連賽揭開序幕拳擊在埃爾帕索巨大DAY, TEXAS

圖片來源 - 以斯帖林/ CBS

點擊 這裡 對於照片

圖片來源: 以斯帖林/ CBS


步驟, 得克薩斯州 (七月 18) - 愛爾蘭不敗明星 卡爾“豺狼”弗蘭普頓 (21-0, 14 科斯) 表明大量的心臟和決心, 他成功地捍衛了他的初中輕量級冠軍反對 亞歷杭德羅·岡薩雷斯JR. (25-2-2, 15 科斯) 在頓河哈斯金斯中心在埃爾帕索和生活在人民銀行在哥倫比亞廣播公司. 戰鬥在他的U.S. 登場. 弗蘭普頓是在第一輪被擊倒兩次, 但反彈令人印象深刻的方式贏得通過一致決定 (116-108 兩次, 115-109).

在揭幕戰電視, 權重股 克里斯“夢魘”Arreola的 (36-4-1, 31 科斯) 和“大“弗雷德Kassi (18-3-1, 10 科斯) 打了接近10輪的較量中多數平局結束.


岡薩雷斯JR. 出來晃悠,打法拉姆頓用硬直左刺拳不到一分鐘進入戰鬥, sending the Northern Ireland-native to the canvas for the first time in his career. Frampton was knocked down again with less than 15 剩下秒在為先, 當岡薩雷斯擊中弗蘭普頓背後他的耳朵尖的右手. 岡薩雷斯是在扣除11日的第三輪點低的打擊,並再次.


“豺狼”沒有辜負他的美的崇高期望. 出道投擲和降落 100 岡薩雷斯相比小多拳, 包括刺戳的近三倍的量. 岡薩雷斯小, 扔更多的權力拳, 然而, 弗蘭普頓與他的力量拍攝更準確.


“我並沒有感到很大的首輪. 我從兩個閃光燈擊倒起身,但並恢復良好. 孩子可能衝得非常好,“弗蘭普頓說:. “戒指是帆布非常柔軟. 我不能讓在我的腳趾,這是我的最好的屬性. 我站了起來,表現出的勇氣. 我回來並贏得大多數回合,給興奮。“


弗蘭普頓繼續, “我想贏得淘汰賽. 它沒有發生. 我很失望, 但我會重新評估並繼續前進; 起向上. 他打了我低那麼多次, 但你必須處理這個並進行,這就是我所做的。“


“我絕對贏得了戰鬥, 我要有效得多,“岡薩雷斯說. “我想複賽,我很高興這樣做在他的家鄉. 我會採取任何戰鬥是最好的我無論是在 118 或122。”


“裁判反應過度的低衝擊, 我只是在做我的身體工作,“岡薩雷斯繼續. “我不是一個骯髒的戰鬥機, 我按規則辦事,這是令人失望. 他是一個優秀的戰士,但我他所面臨的最好的。”


在轉播的開幕回合, Arreola的準備作出一份聲明中說,他已經準備好了另一個世界冠軍拍攝, 但無法提供他因Kassi的固體比賽計劃和重量級的拳頭希望表現. 該得分 96-94 為Arreola的和 95-95 (兩次).
“It was a good decision. It was just a tough fight,“Arreola的說. “Fred came to fight and he’s a survivor. He held right, he moved right. He came here with a good strategy and he got a draw out of it.”


Arreola的繼續, “我知道如果我得到Deontay (懷爾德), I’d be in much better shape and a lot better prepared. Not that I wasn’t prepared for Kassi, 但他來這裡有很好的戰鬥和準備。“


Kassi並沒有Arreola的帶走什麼, 但明顯感到他贏得回合.


“我不開心的決定,“Kassi說. “我覺得我贏了每一個輪的爭奪. 我發現 今晚 我是更好的戰鬥機. 我採取什麼遠離克里斯. 我一直在他朋友多年. 人們不知道我, 所以我只是想向世界展示了我能做到這一點. 我證明,我是屬於重量級. 我發現我的心臟. 我一直在刻苦訓練了很多年,我發現它 今晚.”




STEP, TX (七月 17, 2015) – 聖安東尼奧的不敗超羽量級神童, 馬里奧·巴里奧斯 (9-0, 5 科斯), 對於他即將回合取得重 阿圖羅·埃斯基韋爾何塞·波拉斯 (9-2, 2 科斯), 設定為發生在頓河哈斯金斯中心在埃爾帕索, 得克薩斯州. Barrios weight in at 131.2 而波拉斯放倒在規模 131.8.


巴里奧斯與. 波拉斯 將作為搖擺回合在CBS事件中國人民銀行, 通過標題 卡爾·弗蘭普頓 VS. 亞歷杭德羅·岡薩雷斯JR. 電視報導開始於 4 P.M. AND/1 P.M. PT有重量級克里斯Arreola和弗雷德Kassi開放轉播.


“我很高興能有機會展示我的能力在國際舞台,” 馬里奧說巴里奧斯. “I know there will be a lot a fans tuning in form the USA and the UK. 有了這樣說, 我想提出一個偉大的表現. Hopefully the fight makes it to the televised portion of the show so the fans can see what I’m all about.


在CBS英超冠軍拳擊: 星期六, 七月 18 在 4 P.M. AND/1P.M. PT

精彩表演拳擊錦標賽®: 星期六, 七月 18 在 10 P.M. AND/7 P.M. PT

點擊 這裡 對於照片從以斯帖林/ SHOWTIME

STEP, TEXAS (七月 15, 2015) – Fight week kicked off with media workouts at the Redstar and Castro Chiropractor Center in El Paso 星期三 拳擊上週六一天巨大, 七月 18 如 總理拳擊冠軍CBS精彩表演拳擊錦標賽 帶來一整天的行動和夜間的頓河哈斯金斯中心.


在晚會 開演時間® 墨西哥特色巨星 塞薩爾查韋斯JR. (48-2-1, 32 科斯) 返回到環面對 馬科斯雷耶斯 (33-2, 24 科斯). 在當晚的合作主要事件, 波多黎各奧海 McJoe阿羅約 (16-0, 8 科斯) 發生在阿瑟·維拉紐瓦 (27-0, 14 科斯) 菲律賓國際羽聯少年輕量級世界錦標賽. 電視報導開始於 10 P.M. AND/7 P.M. PT不敗140磅的競爭者 阿米爾 “楊師傅” 我有 (17-0, 14 科斯) 以老將前世界冠軍挑戰者 費爾南多 “公正” 安古洛 (29-9, 16 科斯) 在一個世界冠軍消除.


在CBS事件下午的PBC是不敗的愛爾蘭超級巨星標題 卡爾·弗蘭普頓 (20-0, 14 科斯) 承擔 亞歷杭德羅· “Cobrita” 岡薩雷斯JR. (25-1-2, 15 科斯). 電視報導開始於 4 P.M. AND/1 P.M. PT帶之間的重量級對決 克里斯 “夢魘” Arreola的 (36-4, 31 科斯) 和 “大” 弗雷德貓, (18-3-0, 10 科斯).


門票晚會, 這是由查韋斯促銷推廣, 在TGB促銷和勇士拳擊協會, 售價為 $200, $100, $75, $50 和 $25 現已公開發售. 門票下午事件, 這是由TGB促銷推廣聯同勇士拳擊和Cyclone促銷, 售價為 $50 或 $25 一般入院現已公開發售. 要通過電話與充電主要信用卡, 致電特瑪在 (800) 745-3000 或大學票務中心 (915) 747-5234. 門票也可在 www.ticketmaster.com.







“我想找回的水平我曾經在. 我花了很多時間的環與非拳擊問題, 但現在我覺得完全集中在環.
I feel more comfortable in the ring and I feel like I have the right tools to win this fight on Saturday.
“每次吵架,你必須證明什麼, 你需要贏得並把一出好戲. I think the fans will see a great fight on Saturday between two Mexican fighters. 當我打我試著盡我所能在環.
“我想 168 是很好的減肥類我. 進入我的最後一戰,我有很長一段時間了,我不知道我的身體會作出回應.
“我將有兩個更多的戰鬥今年, but I can’t look past this Saturday. 我尊重我的對手, 因為我所有的對手都希望擊敗我.
“培訓與羅伯特·加西亞已經很大. 我與他有很大的聯繫,因為他知道如何戰士都感覺在環.
“我對我的工作戳更多, 我已經改變了我的風格有點下羅伯特·加西亞。”





“我很高興有這個機會打塞薩爾查韋斯JR. 我一直在掰著指頭數日子.


“我不知道它會如何結束, 但我知道,我要淘汰賽. 但, 我有準備 10 rounds so I just know I am going to win.


“我在角落裡最好的教練 [納喬貝斯坦]. He’s trained the best for many years. This is no mistake that we are training together and there is no room for mistakes on Saturday.


“他是一個偉大的戰士. He doesn’t need to imitate Julio Cesar Chavez Sr., but he’s always trying to do it. He has skills, but as a boxer he keeps making the same mistakes imitating his dad. And that’s why he hasn’t done what he’s capable of in boxing.


I don’t know what’s going to happen Saturday. They only thing I can tell you is that I’m ready to win and I will win on Saturday.




“我很興奮. 爭取第一次在美國哥倫比亞廣播公司, 這是一個令人難以置信的機會,讓我得到很大的曝光.
“他的父親是一位偉大的冠軍, 一個偉大的戰士. 我尊重這兩個岡薩雷斯JR. 和他的父親.
“這只是真正水平, 和我在一個比亞歷杭德羅·岡薩雷斯JR較好水平. 他是一個好戰士, 我給他的信用. 他會來打,並使其有趣, 但我有所有的工具打他.
“他會盡量保持長, 我的大部分對手做. 我可以衝很辛苦,當我打的人,他們往往會倒退.


“從一開始,他會盡量保持一個長期的鬥爭, 但它是由我使用的戰術,將工作. 我們有A計劃和B計劃, 但我們認為A計劃會奏效。”



“我的職業生涯打算優秀,直到我犯了一個錯誤,並採取了戰鬥中,我不應該. 我的團隊沒有告訴我,我把戰鬥反正這導致我的第一個也是唯一的損失. 他們說,'有什麼不殺你讓你更加堅強,’ 我真的相信.


“他們叫卡爾·弗蘭普頓在英國的超級明星. 他有一個世界冠軍. 我是一個競爭者.


“當我成為世界冠軍, 我將有一個下, 尤其是當我擊敗卡爾·弗蘭普頓.


“每個人都有不同的風格. 我是一個聰明的戰鬥機. 我是一個墨西哥,只是需要拳. 我能照顧好自己. 我23歲,並準備打一場漂亮仗對一個不錯的對手.


“我要利用這個機會優勢. 這對我來說是一個很好的機會,我已經迫不及待地在週六下午打.


“還有在卡爾·弗蘭普頓的比賽中的弱點, 但我不能告訴你,萬一他聽到我的計劃.


“它很容易看到一個戰士,並告訴他們,他們應該做這樣或那樣的. 它是不同的,當你在環. 我總是準備 100 百分. 我做好準備 12 發.


“我只打了墨西哥一次之外,它是在這裡埃爾帕索. 我敲我的對手,我期待著再次強調性能.




“拳擊迫使你要堅強. 這需要大量的得到的那個戒指.


“這場鬥爭是專門為傑克LaMotta. It is his birthday and a lot of people would get belts and not take them seriously, 但他曾帶自豪. 我從來沒有見過他, 但我專這場鬥爭給他.




“我是一個拳擊手,沖床. 每場戰鬥你學習的東西.


“安古洛是一位資深的. 他是一個好戰士. 他已經在冠軍戰和打一些名字. 我是一個偉大的戰鬥準備。”



“最主要的是給球迷一場精彩的演出. 我要去的那個標題. 我的工作和研磨.


“訓練營已經進行得非常順利. 我一直在訓練營六週. 這場鬥爭最主要的是我的拳擊表演. 我的體重是它是什麼, 這就是我.


“我可能不會有六包, 但我有一拳擊倒某人出.


“我將致力於拳擊. 我愛拳擊, 這個訓練營已經為我好.


I would be a fool to say that it doesn’t cross my mind to fight again for the title. 在一天結束時, Saturday is much more important than a title shot.





“我不能說我注意到有什麼不同,因為我沒有在他以前的營地. 所有我能說的是,他已經表現出我的東西,我沒想到.

“我聽到來自球迷和媒體為他進行了訓練營的方式, 但我很驚訝. 我什麼都沒有,但良好的效果. 他出現了每天的健身房和做的一切都是他應該做的.
“他對打只是圍繞 100 發, 這比他在其他任何的訓練營做. 該訓練營是比我預想的要容易得多.
“我在訓練胡里奧不只是擊敗馬科斯雷耶斯, 但我在訓練胡里奧讓他更好地為三個或四個打架從現在看的東西真正的大.
“這是雷耶斯最大的機會’ 事業, 所以我們必須為他準備好. 他也有納喬貝斯坦一個偉大的教練, 誰可能是有史以來最好的教練, 所以我們必須做好準備太.
“之後胡里奧的損失 [安傑伊] Fonfara, 他得到了右後衛在健身房這場鬥爭準備. He wants to fight on Saturday and then have two more fights before the end of the year. 我想這正是需要胡里奧, 保持活躍. 這場鬥爭只有一次或兩次的戰士失去了自己的節奏。”




“JR七月. 是挺好的. 他曾與羅伯特·加西亞一個很好的訓練營,我很高興他作為一個教練.

“這場鬥爭是一場必須拿下的戰鬥為我的兒子. 他不能輸. 這會傷害他的職業生涯非常再次失去。”



“卡爾期待轟動. 他每次他訓練的時間尋找更好. 他成熟. 你沒有得到誰的傢伙成熟時,他們已經贏得了冠軍. 他們通常成熟作為一個戰士的工作自己的方式, 但他相對缺乏經驗.

“他只有 20 打架, but he had an extensive amateur career. He’s a very talented guy. 按時間順序, 他 28, 但他的生理更像二十出頭.

“他非常興奮,他U.S. 首次亮相,今天的投票率只陶醉了起來. 我們知道我們是對一個困難的孩子.

“我們認為他會比對克里斯·阿瓦洛斯他最後的強制辯護更加困難. 我們認為他會比阿瓦洛斯是可愛,爭取更多的防守. 卡爾將不得不去得到他. 這裡的底線是我們必須做的印象.

“他是令人興奮,並產生影響,然後我們會再回來聖. 帕特里克節,並試圖讓聖克魯斯和母馬的贏家。”



“這將是我第三次戰鬥訓練馬科斯雷耶斯. 另外兩個的時候,我訓練他, 馬科斯贏得淘汰賽.


“雖然他在這兩個打架表現良好, 我可以看到在馬科斯一個很大的區別. 他完全集中在拳擊和更加成熟. His mind is completely on his opponent and that’s what will make the difference on Saturday.


“塞薩爾查韋斯JR. 正在很努力成為像他的父親,並獲得名利收到他的父親同樣數額. 我唯一​​可以告訴你的是,塞薩爾查韋斯在墨西哥歷史上最偉大的戰鬥機; 他是驚人的,並提出了他的名字很努力。”


# # #


欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.sports.sho.com, www.premierboxingchampions.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @SHOSports, @ Jccchavez1, @RealCFrampton, @WarriorsBoxingProm, 使用#ChavezReyes @TGBPromotions和@Swanson_Comm並遵循談話,#FramptonGonzalez成為Facebook上的粉絲在 www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxingwww.Facebook.com/WarriorsBoxingPromo 或訪問欣欣拳擊博客 HTTP://shosportspoundforpound.tumblr.com/.

重量級明星克里斯Arreola呈現強硬FRED KASSI位於Premier拳擊CHAMPIONS在CBS上週六, JULY 18 從頓河哈斯金斯中心在埃爾帕索, TEXAS


馬里奧·巴里奧斯, 卡爾·萊恩 & 其他頂級前景輪淘汰


STEP, TX (七月 14, 2015) – 墨西哥裔美國人重量級明星 克里斯 “夢魘” Arreola的, (36-4, 31 科斯) 將面臨 “大” 弗雷德貓, (18-3-0, 10 科斯) 上 總理拳擊冠軍 CBS, 星期六 下午, 七月 18 從頓河哈斯金斯中心在得克薩斯大學埃爾帕索 (UTEP). 在CBS體育電視報導開始於 4 P.M. AND/2 P.M. MT /下午1時. PT.


精選在undercard是不敗的前景三重奏 馬里奧·巴里奧斯 (14-0, 5 科斯) 發生在 何塞·埃斯基韋爾 (9-2, 2 科斯)在六輪超輕量級回合, 卡爾·萊恩 (7-0, 5 科斯) 面孔 里戈貝爾花 (7-1, 2 科斯) 在六輪超輕量級和行動 史蒂夫·洛維特 (12-0, 10 科斯) 戰鬥 Jinner格雷羅 (8-4, 6 科斯) 在八輪輕重量級的吸引力


同時展出的是26歲的不敗之間的10輪中量級衝突 伊万·戈盧布 (8-0, 6 科斯), 戰鬥了布魯克林烏克蘭方式, 和26歲的 盧卡斯Maciec (22-2-1, 5 科斯) 從盧布林, 波蘭.


四捨五入了打架的日子是21歲的 賈斯汀·德洛克 (9-1, 5 科斯) 從格魯吉亞, 路易斯安那誰面臨29歲的底特律本地 Alcantar勞羅 (9-3, 1 KO) 在六輪超中量級的戰鬥, 而24歲的 喬希·泰勒 (0-2) 來自蘇格蘭將進入環對休斯敦火箭隊的 蘭迪·吉布森 (0-1) 對於六輪超輕量級回合.


這些令人興奮的戰鬥將支持CBS重頭戲中國人民銀行蝕不敗的愛爾蘭超級巨星 卡爾·弗蘭普頓 (20-0, 14 科斯) in a world title defense against Mexico’s 亞歷杭德羅· “Cobrita” 岡薩雷斯JR. (25-1-2, 15 科斯).


門票現場活動, 這是由TGB促銷推廣聯同勇士拳擊和Cyclone促銷, 售價為 $50 或 $25 一般入院現已公開發售. 要通過電話與充電主要信用卡, 致電特瑪在 (800) 745-3000 或大學票務中心 (915) 747-5234. 門票也可在 www.ticketmaster.com.


他第一次開始在埃爾帕索, 34歲的Arreola是在焦急的激情西得克薩斯拳擊球迷面前打. 在 三月 13 中國人民銀行卡他對勝利的柯蒂斯·哈珀在一個優秀的激烈毆鬥,在整個功能出色的雙向作用. 濱江的原生, 加利福尼亞州。, Arreola的挑戰了頂級的重量級人物,在過去十年中,被認為是在分裂最可怕的打孔器之一.

出生於喀麥隆,但戰鬥了新奧爾良, 35歲的強硬Kassi將期待爆冷的Arreola並作出了巨大的舞台上的影響. Kassi已交付擊倒五他八強戰,將讓他第一次開始 2015 上 七月 18.


戰鬥在他的家鄉,代表聖安東尼奧, Barrioslooks為他的第三次淘汰賽的勝利 2015 上 七月 18. 這位20歲的希望建立在他的勢頭,並繼續在他的家鄉發展自己的粉絲群,當他在25歲的埃斯基韋爾來自墨西哥.


休斯頓表示一個不敗的前景, 卡爾有一個出色的業餘生涯,與他結束排在第三位的國家中的141磅重的部門. 這位23歲的已經贏得了兩次 2015 而最近擊敗阿爾弗雷德廳 五月 9. 他面臨著32歲的加州弗洛雷斯.


代表新南威爾士, Austraila, 在Lovettturned親 2010 並且還沒有在他的第一滴一拼 12 結束. 這位30歲的花費在32歲的格雷羅從厄瓜多爾.


欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.com, 在Twitter @ PremierBoxing, @SHOSports, @RealCFrampton, @WarriorsBoxingProm, @TGBPromotions和@Swanson_Comm成為Facebook上的粉絲在www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxingwww.Facebook.com/WarriorsBoxingPromo 或訪問欣欣拳擊博客 HTTP://shosportspoundforpound.tumblr.com/.

PREMIER拳擊CHAMPIONS在CBS & 精彩表演拳擊錦標賽新聞發布會的電話抄本



Thank you operator. Thank you everybody for joining us. We’re going to get to the fighters for this huge, huge day of boxing next Saturday, 七月 18. I did want to first turn the call over to Stephen Espinoza, Executive Vice President and General Manager of SHOWTIME Sports who can get into the details of the fights and the first fighter we will have speaking immediately after Stephen is Chris Arreola. But Stephen please kick it off.



Thanks very much Lisa. As Lisa said, it is a huge weekend of boxing coming up on CBS and SHOWTIME. First on Friday night we’ve got a stellar SHOBox card featuring six undefeated boxers in action.


Then on Sunday we have a unique day/night double header, which as far as we have found is unprecedented. It’s CBS and SHOWTIME teaming up to televise a total of five fights, including two world title fights and a title eliminator, all coming from the Don Haskins Center in my hometown, 步驟, 得克薩斯州.


So the SHOWTIME family is very happy about these events, as are all the rabid boxing fans that are in the El Paso area. 在 1:00 P.M. PT/4:00 ET on CBS we have the always exciting heavyweight star Chris Arreola as well as the U.S. debut of super bantamweight world champion Carl Frampton.


Shortly you’ll hear from both Chris and Carl as well as Carl’s promoter Barry McGuigan. Interesting note about Barry McGuigan, obviously a Hall of Famer in his own right. Barry McGuigan appeared in one of the first televised bouts ever on SHOWTIME back in 1986 against Steve Cruz. Unfortunately he didn’t win that night, but he was one of the very first televised events on SHOWTIME. It’s a pleasure to have him back.


Then in the evening portion of the telecast on SHOWTIME, 7:00 P.M. PT/10:00 P.M. ET we have what is now a three fight card. Happy to announce that we’ve added a third fight to the card, the very exciting Amir Imam will be taking on Fernando Angulo in a super lightweight title eliminator.


Then we are also excited to have a super flyweight world championship McJoe Arroyo, the exciting Puerto Rican star, against Arthur Villanueva. Of course the headliner is a battle of two very exciting Mexican fighters Julio Cesar Chavez, JR. and Marcos Reyes.


So all in all, it could be a very historic day. It’s certainly unprecedented as far as we know in in this sport. Now I’m going to turn back over to Lisa.


L. 米爾納

Okay great. Thanks so much and we’re just going to go straight ahead and introduce Chris “夢魘” Arreola的. Chris could you please make an opening statement just about training camp and then we will open it up for questions?


Chris Arreoloa

Well I’m over here in Riverside training. I’ve been out here for the past seven weeks working hard, grinding every day, getting ready for this big fight in El Paso. You know El Paso is a big fight town and I’m looking forward to exhibiting my boxing skills and showing everybody that I’ve still got it and I’m still a force to be reckoned with and I’m going for the title run again.



Just talk a little bit about this next fight and your opponent. What do you know about him? And what are the keys for you?


Ç. Arreola的

我知道他是一個非常漂亮的戰鬥機, 一個非常漂亮的拳擊手, 一個拳擊手切換了很多, 從切換到左側右傾, 這取決於你為他們提供了一種選擇. 那我要去需要做的事情是使用大量的角度我給他不同的看法,因為他是一個非常熟練的戰鬥機,我想,只要我可以,因為他們不支付我帶他出去隨著時間的推移. 和埃爾帕索的球迷應該有一個很好的郊遊從我.



我知道你已經有一對夫婦的冠軍投你的職業生涯, 克里斯, 我知道有許多人,你談一些其他獲得標題射擊九月. 什麼是你的重點,現在? 什麼是你的心態像?


Ç. Arreola的

我的重點現在, 這是18日. 這是我唯一的焦點,因為沒有這種雙贏, there is no title shot. You’re only as good as your last win, 這就是我的感覺. 所以大家都在談論的只是說說而已. 這並不意味著什麼,直到我贏得這場戰鬥. 然後,我們才能真正談論它. 因此,首要的事情是18. I want to make sure that I put on a good fight because Fred is a good fighter and when I beat him I want to beat him in a fashion that people want to see me fight Wilder, not just have it given to me.


I want to deserve that title fight. I want people to want to see that fight. So that’s my main goal of this fight, to showcase my skills and show everybody that I deserve another title shot.



Chris is there an ideal weight for you to fight at and what do you plan to come in, tip the scales at on fight night?


Ç. Arreola的

My main goal – 首先是我的主要事情是在拳擊比賽中被塑造. 我的體重並不反映我的訓練. 最主要的是我想成為一個好拳擊重量和偉大的拳擊重量為了讓我去充分的十個回合, 為了讓我扔 80 到 100 圍繞拳. 這是我的主要目標是向人們展示我的拳擊技巧.


至於重量拳, 如果我有一個最佳的重量, 這將是在中240秒, 如 44, 45, 在最低可能 42, 但對於這場戰鬥,我想我要來在40年代高, — 47, 48. But the main thing is El Paso fans are going to see a good boxing weight and a great boxing fight from myself.



How do you use your size advantage? How do you use your size advantage against an opponent, particularly on this fight coming up? How will you use that advantage you have?


Ç. Arreola的

Well as far as my weight advantage, it’s more you’ve got to impose your will. You’ve got to impose your will as far as pushing him back. Pushing him back is smart with the jab and making sure I keep him in his heels because I don’t want him being on his toes because he’s very good on his toes.


So the main thing I have to do is impose my will, moving my head, working behind the jab, and pushing it back to the ropes. Once I push his back to the ropes, it’s trying to work his body from the body to the head. We love working the body.


That’s what I’m going to plan to do, is make sure that he knows that he’s in a fight, make sure that he understands that every time I touch him I don’t touch him to touch him, I touch him to hurt him.



What does it mean to fight on network television, which everybody gets?


Ç. Arreola的

Honestly it’s a privilege and an honor to be fighting on national network TV where everyone gets it. It’s different to hear of regular persona person that doesn’t even know boxingknow some boxers. Like I’ve been hit up by a guy like, “Hey do you know Keith Thurman?”


They never watched a boxing fight in their life. But the fact that now it’s on NBC, CBS, and all the three networks, people are able to watch boxers and showcase their skills. That’s one thing that I’m so happy and honored to do is that it’s not just a casual boxing fans but it’s anyone. Anyone could watch me fight, and that’s pretty dope. That’s really an honor and just drives me to want to display my skills a lot more, knowing that there’s going to be a wider audience watching me.



克里斯. I was just wondering what you thought of Wilder’s performance against Molina and were you surprised that Molina was able to give him the trouble that he did considering what you did to him in your fight?


Ç. Arreola的

To be honest with you, when I watched that fight I didn’t think it was going to last two, three rounds. Personally I think that Wilder carried him. First I think Wilder wanted to get himself rounds. I don’t think that Wilder was really trying to take him out until he actually pushed on the gas.


Sometimes trying to showcase you get caught and he got caught a couple times with some stupid shots that he should never have been caught with. That’s why I never want to go rounds. I don’t care who it is. I want to get him out of there as soon as I can because all it takes is one punch to get knocked out.


I honestly believe that Wilder was just showcasing. 我相信,懷爾德只是背著他打. 我帶什麼去了戰鬥. 我不採取任何榮譽,在我服用了莫利納速度比他.





Ç. Arreola的

它沒有鼓勵我. 這並沒有讓我感覺更好, 有什麼不同. 時,他轉戰Stiverne我該怎麼看到更多的關是他. 現在,這場鬥爭是一個很好的戰鬥. 這是拼一拼,我看到了很多出懷爾德和犯了很多錯誤, 很多好的和差很多懷爾德.


As far as him fighting Molina, did it encourage me? Man, 老老實實, I don’t fear anybody. I love fighting. I want to fight him just because I want to fight him, especially now since he has a title. And do I believe I could fight him? Yes and I believe that he hasn’t been in the ring with someone like me, someone that really doesn’t give a crap.


你知道, I really don’t care about myself. I really care about winning the fight. I’m willing to put my life on the life because I want to win a fight. Now the time that I cried when my trainer stopped me, I didn’t cry because he said I quit or anything. I didn’t quit. I cried because of my pride. I’m a prideful man. I have too much fight for myself. And to quit, that’s horrible.


L. 米爾納

謝謝你這麼多. If you give just one quick closing comment and then we’ll move on to Carl Frampton.


Ç. Arreola的

好, well I’m really looking forward to July 18 to showcase my skills in front of the whole United States to watch showcase boxing. I’m happy that we’re up here and I can’t wait to showcase my skills in El Paso, Texas which I know has been hungry for big fights. See you on the 18th.


L. 米爾納

Perfect, 謝謝. Okay now I am delighted to introduce Carl Frampton and his Hall of Famer manager Barry McGuigan. We also have Alejandro on the line. But before we have him make an opening statement I did want Carl and Barry to say a few words.



I’m just looking forward to the fight. I think it’s going to be a good fight. Kind of reiterating what Chris just said there now, it’s giving me a chance to showcase my talents on CBS, terrestrial TV in the U.S., also terrestrial television in the U.K. on ITV. So I’m really looking forward to a good fight.



Just to reiterate that point, as a manager and a former world champion myself, my name was sort of written in stone 30 years ago because I appeared on terrestrial TV. It’s been that way for a long time, and I think what PBC is doingit’s great for us to be associated with the go-to guy at the moment in boxing.


To get terrestrial television fans interested in boxing, casual boxing fans, not just the aficionados but people who are genuinely of a casual interest in boxing but the ones who will watch big fights. I think it’s great not just for Carl Frampton but great for all the fighters on the bill and great for boxing in general.


So we’re thrilled to be here. We’re already in El Paso. Carl is expecting a tough fight from Alejandro, and we’re very much looking forward to it.


L. 米爾納

好, wonderful. We actually also have Alejandro Gonzalez, JR. 上線. Alejandro could you make an opening comment just about how training camp’s going and preparing for Carl?



很好, we’re preparing 100% because we’re going to fight a great champion so we need to be 100% ready with the preparations.


你的名字是不是比較知名的休閒美式拳擊迷,並在這場鬥爭中,你會得到大量接觸美國拳擊的時間基本上. 這是什麼意思你?


Ç. 弗蘭普頓

這意味著很多, 這件事情我和我的時間已經討論, 我在英國和愛爾蘭,但在美國非常知名的, 除非你是一個死忠的拳擊迷,你不會知道誰卡爾·弗蘭普頓是.


因此,這是給我的機會上電視地面大量曝光. 這是一個大問題. 我覺得那種拳擊已經墮落. 這是一個運動的工人階級和勞動階層的人都沒有得到,看看它,因為它是被隱藏起來的衛星頻道這麼久.


所以這是非常適合我, 也不僅是對我的拳擊,也為我們的非常新的促銷隊伍的Cyclone促銷活動有自己的戰鬥機之一展示在大西洋兩岸.



What was the main reason that you decided to jump on board with Al Haymon and make a trip over to the United States?



Well we discussed it with our team and it was a pretty easy decision to be honest. I think the exposure that we can get with Al Haymon is absolutely massive and huge.


Even more so than that he’s got a lot of the top fighters around the super bantamweight division all these names that I want to fight, 你知道, 獅子座聖克魯斯, 押尼珥Mares, Gary Russell those sort of fighters that he’s got that Al Haymon controls.


So without linking up with him it would have been pretty hard to make them fights. So it was a pretty easy decision. We are very grateful for the opportunity here.


As I said before to the answer previously it’s giving me a chance for massive exposure here and that’s really the big thing, exposure both sides of the Atlantic.


B. McGuigan

If I could add to that, there isn’t any bigger than Al Haymon at the moment. If you want to get into the American market and the reality is Carl is a superstar in Britain and in Europe and in Ireland and the reality is when your career is dead and buried all they remember is the stuff you’ve done in the United States.


So it’s a very important decision for us to come over here and try and be impressive and trying to make a name for ourselves.



How much of that went into your decision to come over here and expand the market and be able to touch on those big fights against Leo Santa Cruz, Gary Russell or even Abner Mares if he can upset Leo in August.


B. McGuigan

事情是這樣的, here’s the thing again there are at the last count 27 million people of Irish descent in America I think that’s on the East Coast actually. So we want to get into that market.


It’s a great market, we need to get as many people on our side as possible and we have great respect for Alejandro and his dad. He’s got a great Mexican boxing heritage and obviously that’s the fight that we’re looking at and concentrating on at the moment.


But it would be foolish certainly of me not to look ahead and plan ahead and think about what are the super fights out there for us and that is against Leo Santa Cruz and Abner Mares, Gary Russell and I believe Frampton can to go 130 as well and be successful there.


But one stage at a time and we’re not taking our eyes off the ball on the 18th. It’s a very tough fight for us, Alejandro is a great fighter.


Ç. 弗蘭普頓

I just agree 100% on everything that Barry said. If you want to do anything in America at the minute the way boxing is going Al Haymon is the man to link up with and we’ve done that.


I’m very pleased with doing that. Me and the team are all very pleased and we think that things are just really going to kick off. But again it’s one fight at a time.


I’m not looking past Alejandro. I leave it to my manager Barry and the rest of the team to think ahead but for me I just think about the fighter in front of me and that’s Alejandro .


He’s the only guy I’ve been thinking about for the last 14 week training camp and that’s the way it will remain until the fight.



I’m just wondering what your thoughts are on adopting fighting on the East Coast, beginning to draw in some of those new American Irish boxing fans who may not be familiar with you yet?


Ç. 弗蘭普頓

That’s where we want to be, we want to be on the East Coast. We want to be fighting around the East Coast, 紐約, 麥迪遜廣場花園, 巴克萊中心, those sort of places, Boston potentially as well.


I’m hoping that there is already talk about my next fight I’m not too sure where it will be but good chance my next fight could be in the UK and Ireland again somewhere.


Then we’d be looking to go to New York or the east coast. I think that’s where my American fan base will be, mainly on the East Coast.


I think they’ll appreciate the way I fight. It’s all well and good me winning fights but I think what the Americans and boxing fans want to see is exciting fighters and I think that I’ve got an exciting style to please them.


So East Coast is where we want to be. I think El Paso was the only matinee show that we could link up with British TV Time. So it’s setting pretty in the UK at the minute, it’s being shown at around 10:00 pm out of the UK.


That’s why we had to go to El Paso but, 你知道, I’m very happy for this chance to fight here but of course I want to fight on the East Coast.


B. McGuigan

Can I also add to that, what we see and Carl wants to do what GGG has done. We want to get the Mexicans fans on our site too and obviously the fight against Alejandro on the 18th of July is a fight that we, that Carl must win, he must win impressively. We hope that we will garner some support from the Mexican fans too and that they will appreciate Carl’s style.



What’s it like working with Barry and what kind of things have you learned from him during your time together?


Ç. 弗蘭普頓

Well it’s great. I’ve been with Barry since six years ago. Originally at the start I had done a lot of training with Barry and he’s the best for me and taking me through training sessions.


I lived in his house while I trained in England, the South of England. I have a very good relationship with Barry and the rest of his family. His son is now training me at the minute and he kind of took the reins.


Barry is in the gym most days. He comes and watches me spar and he’s been there and done it, he’s done it all and to be getting advice every day of someone who has done that it’s obviously great and very beneficial to me.


我 28 years old I’m not the youngest guy in the world but I still feel like I’m learning all the time. 我仍然覺得我越來越好,我只是嘗試和浸泡盡可能多的信息了,因為我可以.





B. McGuigan

我認為卡爾·弗蘭普頓是愛爾蘭最好的戰鬥機之一,有以往任何時候都,這是一個大膽的聲明,他是 28 歲, 他是按時間順序 28 但生理他只是一個年輕人,因為他的方式戰鬥, 他的風格就是這樣,.


他不採取了很多懲罰,他可以框回去, 展望未來,我認為他有戰鬥的偉大的風格. 我認為美國人會喜歡他和7月18日是我們讓我們的第一印象的戰鬥,我相信這將是一個大的印象.


我們期待一場艱苦的戰鬥,但我真的相信,卡爾既有個性, 戰鬥風格和魅力,使其工作在這裡, I believe we’re on the threshold of something very big.



Barry does it bring back a lot of memories for you seeing Carl.


B. McGuigan

The next best thing to actually fighting yourself is being involved with young men and developing talent and as you come along through your career and I’m sure the same is with Alejandro ‘s dad.


Being involved with kids and developing them, especially if they are your own child and often Carl feels like he is part of the family. He’s been involved so long and he’s a really talented kid. He’s very dedicated and it’s great to see him make progress.


For me vicariously I love and appreciate all of the things that he’s doing and making the progress he’s making and turning into the fighter that I always believed he could.



What do you see as being the potential for you fighting either or both Guillermo Rigondeaux and Scot Quigg?


Ç. 弗蘭普頓

看, I would like to fight them all. 我覺得跟奎格的情況是他自己outpricing上一拼. 他認為他的身價超過他是什麼. 我總是告訴我的母親長大從未賣自己短,所以我不打算賣自己短斯科特·奎格或埃迪·赫恩.


我覺得Rigondeaux鬥爭的可能性很大. 有傳言說他可能會被連接起來以鋁海蒙,如果他不與Al海蒙連接起來的話當然的鬥爭會更容易使. 我相信我能贏.


You look at Rigondeaux and I completely admire what he does and his fighting style, but I think I’m the only man in the Super Bantamweight division that can beat him. I’m ready to take that fight whenever it comes.



How long do you see yourself sticking around at 122?


Ç. 弗蘭普頓

Well I can stay here as long as possible. I think I could probably, if I wanted to be, I could be a career super bantamweight. I find it that I’m making the weight division a little bit easier with each camp.


But I’m a big super bantamweight. I think Alejandro is maybe a few inches taller than me. He’s about five foot seven area. I’m about five foot five.


我很堅強. 我很, very solid. I’m quite a super bantamweight. But if I wanted I could just stay here for the rest of my career. But I think it’s some sort of legacy and it’s important to move up the weight divisions. I think I would be very dangerous as well.


B. McGuigan

Very simple situation with Scott Quigg. Scott Quigg has got the regular title. Scott Quigg has never headlined to show, although he’s a champion and I really respect the guy. He thinks I don’t, but I do. I just want to set the record straight in America too. He’s a decent fighter, 毫無疑問.


He never has fought the level of opposition Carl has fought. The real champion is Guillermo Rigondeaux. Scott Quigg doesn’t merit 50% of the purse. Carl has won all his title fights. He’s taken risks. He’s buying out arenas. He’s been a headline act; all of the things that Quigg has not done. Quigg has got the WBA regular title. The real champion is Guillermo Rigondeaux.


When Hearn took it upon himself to go and ask, he went behind our backs and asked if the fight could be sanctioned as a unification fight. He was told no because the real champion is Guillermo Rigondeaux.


So with that in mind, we don’t want the regular title. We’re not interested in the regular title. We’re interested in the fight, but not in that title.


We are of course interested in Guillermo Rigondeaux’s Super world title. That’s a different story. But the fact is, if we’re going to Manchester, we’re putting Carl’s credibility on the line and we’re going into his home first.


When you come into this fight with a voluntary defense, the guy gets as much as the champion wants to pay him. Or even in the mandatory position, it’s still a 75/25% situation. So we said we’d star at 70/30 but the least we would take would be 60/40, and they wouldn’t play ball. It’s as simple as that.


所以戰鬥並不重要,因此,我們現在有一個情況,我們可以爭取一些,這些偉大的球員, 提供卡爾回來,並獲得過去亞歷杭德羅在7月18日.





Ç. 弗蘭普頓

我認為這將是精絕. 我盒裝世界各地作為一個業餘. 我從家裡很多時候離開盒裝. 我一直在很, 非常惡劣的環境在土耳其. I remember Turkey being extremely hostile for some reason and I went out there and beat three Turks three years in a row.



Have you noticed any difference around since that fight on ITV?


Ç. 弗蘭普頓

I get recognized a lot, but obviously back home in Belfast it’s very good, and especially around a fight. It’s hard to kind of go anywhere without someone coming and asking for a photograph or even just to shake your hand, which I don’t mind at all. I enjoy it and I enjoy people’s company and I enjoy chatting to him.


In London since the last fight it has got a little bit better. Well better or worse; whatever you want to call it. People are approaching me a little bit more. But I can still go fairly unrecognizable in London.


It’s all about the change. We’re fighting here on CBS here. I’m fighting on ITV at prime timea prime time slot. We don’t have any other big shows to go up against. The last time I fought it was pretty late on ITV much of the day and stuff was on at the same time.


So they took a lot of viewing figures we’re expecting to do about a million viewers here, and obviously when you do that, more people are going to recognize you in the street.



Did you get any feedback from ITV?


Ç. 弗蘭普頓

I think they were over the moon with it and that’s why this came back and they’re showing another. You know if they weren’t happy with it they wouldn’t have put me back on again. That’s the bottom line.


So ITV were very happy. They were very happy with their viewing figures and they want to continue a relationship with us and that continues with the fight on the 18th against Alejandro.


L. 米爾納

好, 偉大. We’re actually going to take one question for Alejandro and then we have to move on to Julio Cesar Chavez. So can we please have this question for Alejandro and then we will turn it over.



Alejandro you’ve fought before at the Sun Bowl on the Julio Cesar Chavez undercard. Are you looking to upset Carl Frampton this way here and shock the world?


一. 岡薩雷斯

是的, this is going to be my second time fighting on Chavez’s undercard, but I’m very happy to fight a great fighter. But my dad told me, if you want to be best you have to fight the best. So that’s what I think that Carl Frampton is one of the best of the bantamweight champs.



Are you looking forward to fighting in front of a huge Mexican-American crow in El Paso?


一. 岡薩雷斯

是的, 當然. In El Paso there’s a lot of Mexican people. Like I just said, Chavez is going to be in that fight and he’s a Mexican. So he has a lot of crowd. I have a lot of crowd and it’s going to be a great fight and a lot of people and a lot of Mexican and American people in the fight.


L. 米爾納

We do have Julio Cesar Chavez on the line so we’re going to jump over to the SHOWTIME



I’m very happy that we are close to the fight. I have five weeks with (羅伯特·) and I prepared 100% for the fight. I feel ready to fight.



七月, you’re always an honest person. 你一直都是很真誠的一切. 我的問題給你的是, 你的職業生涯中最大的敵人是否已經塞薩爾查韋斯, 他自己?


Ĵ. 塞薩爾·查韋斯

我一直沒 100% 每時每刻, 但我的職業生涯有過很多成就. 我是第一個墨西哥贏得中量級世界冠軍. 我一直是個世界冠軍. 我捍衛我的腰帶. 除此之外,我真的擊敗偉大的戰士. 我有一個紀錄 48 和 2. 因此,這是不公平的說,我沒有完成很多並沒有準備所有的時間. 但是,這是一個很大的挑戰.





Ĵ. 塞薩爾·查韋斯

很顯然,我必須贏得這場戰鬥. 我是偉大的.


我承擔了,這是一個艱難的挑戰. 我打別人是誰 175 英鎊. 我兩年處於非活動狀態後,有人打.


有很多事情在我的職業生涯,包括我正在經歷的同時,我試圖讓準備戰鬥的法律問題,怎麼回事. 這是一個艱難的挑戰.


儘管這是一個失敗為我,我覺得我是一個更好的戰鬥機比他. 但他更多的準備. 我認為,這些是因素. 我打算贏得這場下一場比賽.


L. 米爾納



Marco Reyes

Well I’ve been Mexico City for six weeks right now in camp with Nacho Beristain, my trainer right now. A number of you have been excited for that fight July 18 which I’m going to face with Julio Chavez and I’m going to be in great shape for it.



Nacho Beristain says that Julio changing trainers is not the issue, that it’s a personal and a mental issue and that’s the problem. Do you have a response?


Ĵ. 塞薩爾·查韋斯

Robert Garcia is a great trainer. He has respect for a lot of people. He’s a respected trainer. I don’t understand what Nacho Beristain’s problem is.


He has in the past criticized me and he’s also criticized other people. In his career he goes around criticizing people. 但, the facts are different.


I’m is first Mexican middleweight champion. I’ve only had two defeats. One was number two pound fighter which is Martinez. And I knocked him down, almost knocked him out, almost finished the right.


My second was against a natural 175 pounder who was ranked number four in the world who’s a very top level fighter.


So on July 18 I plan to show Nacho Beristain and everybody else that I’m one of the greatest fighters.



Julio have you ever thought about losing again since you lost again what would happen in your career with another defeat?


Ĵ. 塞薩爾·查韋斯

I’m not planning on losing. I’m planning on winning. When I fight at my weight I can beat anybody. There’s nobody in boxing who can beat me when I fight at my weight.


I feel right now that I’m at the best. I feel this is the best part of my career. And on July 18 我要贏.


If I lost this fight then it would make me think about retiring because this is not the type of rival that should beat me. The type of rivals that I fought are much better and tougher than this rival.


What big name are you thirsty for?


Ĵ. 塞薩爾·查韋斯

Well firstly I respect my opponent a lot. All opponent are dangerous because Reyes, he’s a tough guy.


I have big plans for the division, I will fight anyone out there.


But now I focus on Reyes. After that it’s whatever opponent comes. I’m ready for whatever name


I fight for the people and if the people want a big name I will fight anyone


L. 米爾納

好. Julio could you just close out today as you wrap up training camp and head into fight week in El Paso?


Ĵ. 塞薩爾·查韋斯

I feel ready to show the people a great fight. I’m ready to show the people my great fighting and I hope they enjoy the fights. Because two Mexican fighters in the ring every time makes a great fight.


I want to send a big hug to all of the people in El Paso. I hope that they come out and support both fighters. This is going to be a great fight between two Mexican fighters.


But obviously I intend on winning this fight. And most importantly I plan on giving the fans a great fight on July 18.



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拉斯維加斯, 七月 10, 2015總理拳擊冠軍 (PBC) 系列已經發布了夏季時間表, 展示世界上最好的拳擊對決, 作為精英戰士在碰撞運動的最新階段. 在未來的幾個月, 中國人民銀行系列將宣揚在ESPN (七月 11, 八月 1ST 和 29), NBC (九月 12 和九月 26), CBS (七月 18 和九月 6), NBCSN (七月 25 八月 15), 穗 (八月 14 和九月 11) 和彈跳電視 (八月 2ND).


中國人民銀行系列, 在3月推出 7, 2015, 有:

  • 質量帶來了打架超過 22 萬觀眾免費電視, 包括羅伯特·格雷羅和基思·瑟曼與中國人民銀行登場對決 (其中拳擊專家們呼籲的最好的戰鬥之一 2015)
  • 聯手NBC, CBS, ESPN, SPIKE, 彈跳電視, 和更多的驚喜…. 以拳擊回球迷!
  • 通過社交媒體渠道推廣#FreeBoxing4All中國人民銀行的使命上漲粉絲支持 – 達四百多萬粉絲,動員成千上萬的拳擊愛好者分享有關訪問的重要性消息, 質量打架

請訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.com 並按照國務院拳擊冠軍的Facebook的嘰嘰喳喳. Follow #FreeBoxing4All to monitor fan conversation.


有關更多信息,, 請聯繫邁克·多納休: Michael@haymonboxing.com


從塞內卡尼亞加拉度假村重量 & 賭場的'拳擊錦標賽在CBS體育網’

丹尼斯·霍根 151 磅. VS. 肯尼四月 152 磅.

10 ROUNDS WBA-NABA美國超級次中量級冠軍

托尼·路易斯 137.5 磅. VS. 愛德華·瓦爾迪茲 136 磅.

合作的主要事件: 輕量級 – 10 ROUNDS

賈雷爾 “大寶貝” 磨坊主 268 磅. VS. EXCELL霍姆斯 250 磅.

電視開瓶器: 權重股 – 6 ROUNDS

巴赫蒂亞爾Eubov 150 磅. VS. 傑森 - 湯普森 146 磅.


喬·格林 169 磅. VS. 蓋伊帕克 165 磅.

超級middleweights – 6 ROUNDS

Hoshuan Sambolin 133 磅. VS. 戴夫·安東尼 139 磅.

超級羽量級 – 4 ROUNDS

丹尼爾·NA德吉澤斯 VS. 若蘇埃里維拉NA

輕量級 – 4 ROUNDS

地點: 塞內卡尼亞加拉度假村 & 賭場, 尼亞加拉大瀑布, 紐約

促銷員: 格雷格·科恩促銷聯同亞當·威爾科克的戰卡促銷, 維托Mielnicki的GH3促銷, 德米特里Salita的六角星的促銷活動和生產的大衛·舒斯特的贏家通吃製作


電視: CBS體育網 (9 P.M. AND/PT)


門票:售價 $35 和 $45, 而場邊座位 $75 並且可以與主要的信用卡致電特瑪在購買 (800) 745-3000, onlineat Tick​​etmaster.com或者通過Seneca Niagara賭場票房: 716-501-2444.