Цатегори Арцхивес: бокс

Greg Cohen Promotions Signs Super Middleweight Derrick Webster to a Promotional Contract

Greg Cohen Promotions proudly announces the signing of once-beaten super middleweight Derrick “Take It to The Bank” Webster.




Глассборо, New Jersey’s Webster (28-1, 14 КОс) stands an enormous 6’ 4”, with fast and powerful hands. The naturally athletic southpaw only had 40 amateur fights and didn’t even start boxing until age 24 but picked up the sport very quickly.




Unlike most world-class fighters, Webster is a successful home-remodeling and construction business owner. He also played power forward for two seasons for the University of Maryland basketball while earning a bachelor’s degree in Juvenile Criminal Justice.




"Осећај је невероватан,” said Webster of the signing. “I feel like I belong on this level. I have a different story from the people I’m around. They’ve been fighting since they were kids. I didn’t pick up gloves until I was 24. For me to be here, with people who have been fighting all their lives… I’ve already reached a level a lot of guys never reach.”




Webster says trusting the wrong people made for a tough road earlier in his career, but he’s ready for a run at a world championship now that he has father figure/trainer Denny Brown and the experienced promoter Cohen on his side.




“From early on, people have been promising this and promising that. I’m past that point. I deal with that earlier in my career. I don’t have the patience to be playing around anymore. Greg says we’re fighting December 1 and then we will come back and fight again early next year. I expect to break into the world ratings and take my shot at a world championship.”




Webster is unique in that he’s not financially dependent on boxing. All of his sacrifice and work is done because he wants to.




“A lot of guys fight because they need it for their identity. I am successful in business already. I have built myself up as a brand. I have businesses that are doing well. Boxing just adds to my life. I still act. I do modelling. I don’t have to worry about money in boxing.”




Cohen says he’ll act quickly with Webster to get him into position for a world championship challenge.




“Derrick is a unique talent who is overdue for a big fight. With almost no previous experience, he has worked his way to a 28-1 record with solid wins over several reliable veterans. At the top of his potential, he can be a super middleweight version of (bivši šampion u velter kategoriji) Пол Вилијамс. He’s a smart and naturally talented fighter with excellent potential to become a force at 168 lbs.”




ПХИЛАДЕЛПХИА / ЛОС АНГЕЛЕС – Новембар 6, 2018 – Брандон Адамс won a majority decision over Eric Walker to advance to the final of The Contender on EPIX®.




Adams dropped Walker in round four with a hard right-left combination and came through the hard fought contest by scores of 49-45, 48-46 и 47-47.




Адамс, 20-2 са 13 нокаута, will now advance to the finals, where he will take on Shane Mosley, Јр. (13-2, 8 КОс) на Форуму у Инглевоод, California this Friday night live on EPIX at 10 Пм ЕТ / 7 АМ ПТ.




We are very proud of Brandon. We are excited to watch Brandon fight for The Contender title on Friday. He is a terrific fighter, и са победом, we can expect to see Brandon in big fights,” said Matthew Rowland, Потпредседник Банер Промоције.


The original Contender series ran for four seasons (2005-2009) and launched multiple fighters into contention for world titles, including title winners Sergio Mora, Цорнелиус Бундраге, Саки Бик, and Sam Soliman.




Eric Van Wagenen serves as executive producer and showrunner of the revived franchise alongside Mark Burnett. The format is owned by MGM Television and Paramount Television.




EPIX is available nationwide through cable, сателит, telco and streaming TV providers including Charter Spectrum, Cox, Веризон ФиОС, НА&Т У-стих, Dish Network, Sling, PlayStation Vue and, as of June 13, Comcast.

Микаелиан: ‘Ја сам паметнији’

Немац Ноел Микаелиан верује да има оно што је потребно новембар 10 у четвртфиналу Али Тропхи у најтежој категорији против Летонке Маирис Бриедис у павиљону УИЦ у Чикагу, САД.


Улазнице су доступне путем ТицкетМастер.цом или позивом 800-745-3000.




„Бокс је заиста тежак спорт и некако постанете зависни од њега,” рекао је 28-годишњи Микаелиан (24-1, 10 КОс).




„Ако сте боксер, ти си боксер за живот. Бокс ме је научио да сам заиста дисциплинован; Имам посвету за тај спорт и никада не одустајем.”




Микаелиан је бивши шампион ВБО омладине и ВБО интернационални шампион у крузеру, али његов највећи тест до данас је само неколико дана.




„Четвртфинале против Бриедиса… биће то тешка борба. Он је фаворит, он је заиста добар борац. Има добру школу, совјетска школа, пробијање снага. Такође је мислилац у рингу, али мислим да сам паметнији.




„Учинићу оно што је неопходно за победу. Борим се за моделом; погоди и не погоди. То је за мене бокс и какав би требало да буде. “




“Дао сам другу шансу,”Рекао је Бриедис (24-1, 18 КОс) једна од звезда И сезоне Светске боксерске супер серије.




А латвијски спортски херој несумњиво је фаворит за одвођење овогодишњег Али Тропхи-а у 200 лб дивизија.




„Желим да искористим ову другу прилику. Користићу га, и да видимо докле стигнем. Свако од нас на турниру је другачији. То је веома велики тест за мене. И физички и психолошки “.




Прошле године у октобру бивши светски шампион у ВБЦ-у награђен је за заповедника Реда три звезде, највиша државна награда у Летонији, за „изузетна достигнућа у спорту и значајан допринос промоцији Летоније у свету.’




„Желим да својим примером покажем да постоји потреба за Летонцима, и не само Летонци, већ да се сви уопште окупе. Да људи треба да имају борбени дух,”Рекао је 33-годишњак.




„На многим стварима морам да порадим на себи, и физички и психолошки. Не постајем млађи, али учинићу све што могу.




„Физички се осећам добро у себи. Моји физички индекси су добри. Сада, Најважнија ствар, уз Божју помоћ, је да вредно радим са свим својим техникама бокса. Желим да покажем за шта сам способан у боксу и да покажем какав сам. “




Маирис Бриедис вс Ноел Микаелиан и Крзисзтоф Гловацки против Максим Власов два су четвртфинала у најтежој категорији на невероватном двојцу када Ворлд Бокинг Супер Сериес долази у УИЦ павиљон у Чикагу.


Навијачи у САД. можете гледати четвртфинале УЖИВО на ДАЗН-у, глобална платформа за стримовање спорта. Да бисте се пријавили за једномесечни бесплатни пробни период, фанови могу посетити ДАЗН.цом или преузети апликацију ДАЗН на свој омиљени повезани уређај.




Неколико локалних потенцијала ће нагласити узбудљиву подземну карту.

Training Camp Almost Complete; A Confident and On-Weight Claressa Shields Ready for Hannah Rankin DAZN Showdown on November 17

Women’s superstar and two-division world champion Claressa Shields is in Florida with trainer John David Jackson, finishing up preparations for her showdown with Glasgow, Scotland’s Hannahh Rankin on Saturday, Новембар 17, at the Kansas Star Arena and Casino in Mulvane, Канзас.




Схиелдс (6-0, 2 КОс) will defend her IBF and WBA World Middleweight Championships, and be looking to add the vacant WBC title, against Rankin (5-2, 1 КО) in the 10-round co-featured bout to Salita Promotions stablemate Jarrell Miller’s heavyweight showdown against Romania’s Bogdan Dinu.




Both fights, along with former world champion Brandon Rios taking on Canelo’s brother, Ramon Alvarez, in a super welterweight 10-rounder and former two-time world middleweight title challenger Gabriel Rosado going against once-beaten contender Luis Arias, will be broadcast live on DAZN.




23-year-old Shields, a former two-time Olympic Gold Medallist, has reignited interest in women’s boxing and become a ratings favorite for her nationally televised championship exploits. A proud native of Flint, Мичиген, Shields mixes her brash pronouncements of greatness with a genuine and continued effort to inspire female athletes and render aid to members of her home community.




Shields was originally scheduled to face WBC and WBO World Middleweight Champion Christina Hammer on November 17, but the bout was postponed after Hammer withdrew due to medical reasons.


Did the change of opponents from Hammer to Rankin affect your training?




I don’t train for my opponents, I just push to get the best out of me, физички и ментално. If I’m the best ‘me,’ I don’t have to worry about who the opponent is. The change of opponents didn’t bother me at all; the worst thing about this camp for me was just all the date changes – constantly having to get my mind focused on the pace and timing of training depending on the fight date. I can’t wait to get in the ring!


You’ve fought at super middleweight 168 and recently at middleweight 160 фунти. How is your training, diet and any other efforts different to make 160?




Training is always hard and I’m constantly learning. I’ve had a completely different diet this camp – a real change and a positive one for me. I’ve teamed up with Perfecting Athletes for my daily meals, and I feel great. I’ve always tried to eat healthy but these folks are pros and are more educated in that field than myself. I have this magic drink that makes my stomach smile – I love it! It’s watermelon mixed with a green vegetable. I’m not going to tell you what vegetable it is, but I’ve been drinking it everyday, and I feel GREAT.


Your viewership numbers have been very strong. Why do you think people are drawn to you?




I believe that people are drawn to how real and honest I am, како у и ван ринга. I say what I mean and mean what I say. I’m hard but I have a soft side also. And I think people are drawn to how I fightnot only do I talk a good game but I fight my aoff too! дајем 1000% every time – I want to change the game and bring a whole new generation of fans to women’s boxing and boxing overall.


What do you know about your opponent Hannah Rankin?




I know that my opponent Rankin is very tough and determined to be a world champion. I like her drive, I like her heart. I know that she has been in the ring as a sparring partner for many champions, one being Christina Hammer. So Rankin has seen some good fighters. But one thing is for sure – she has never seen a fighter like me. And since Hammer couldn’t fight because of her medical condition, in many ways the next best thing is to fight and beat her sparring partner and let Rankin tell Hammer what she’s in for when she returns!


What needs to be done to solve the Flint water crisis?



To solve the flint Water crisis, I think that people should continue to give water and also keep it in the news that there is a city in America where, unbelievably, US citizens don’t have clean water. And hopefully the president or our governor do something to fix all the pipes.


What’s the secret to becoming the best of the best in any sport?




I believe the secret starts with believing in yourself, being dedicated, working hard and just always striving to be better. I feel I’m my biggest critic when I train and box. It’s hard to watch film of my fights because even though I’m doing 97 things right I just can’t stand to see the 3 things I’m doing wrong. I’m a person who strives to pull out my full potential. It takes guts to be great. Nothing will stand in the way of achieving my goals, which includes being the GWOAT and creating equality for all women fighters when it comes to the money, opportunities and coverage the men get.






WBC Heavyweight Champion Deontay Wilder Battles Lineal Heavyweight Champion Tyson Fury Saturday, December 1On SHOWTIME PPV® From STAPLES Center in Los Angeles
Кликните ОВДЕ За слике из Естхер Лин / Сховтиме
Кликните ОВДЕ for Photos from Ryan Hafey/
Премиер Бокс шампиона


ЛОС АНГЕЛЕС (Новембар 5, 2018) – ВБЦ Хеавивеигхт Светски шампион Деонтаи Вилдер held a jam-packed media day Monday in Los Angeles where he discussed his blockbuster matchup against lineal heavyweight champion Тисон Фури taking place Saturday, Децембар 1 на СХОВТИМЕ ППВ® од Стаплес Центер у Лос Анђелесу.




Wilder arrived in Los Angeles, along with trainer Jay Deas, to show off his skills in front of media at Churchill Boxing Club in Santa Monica. The most significant heavyweight event in the U.S. in more than 15 године, вилдер против. Fury tests the raw power of the 6-foot-7 Wilder against the unmatched size and mobility of the 6-foot-9 Fury.




Карте за догађај, which is promoted by BombZquad Enterprises and Queensberry Promotions, in association with DiBella Entertainment and TGB Promotions, су у продаји сада. Цене карата се крећу од $75, plus applicable fees and are available via АКСС.цом. вилдер против. Fury will be produced and distributed by SHOWTIME PPV.




Here is what Wilder and Deas had to say Thursday at media day, where Wilder was joined by his girlfriend Telli Swift and their eight-month-old daughter Kaorii:






I feel like I’m at my very best right now. Душевно, physically and emotionally I’m ready to go. Све је савршено. I just want to get in the ring and show action. Tyson Fury doesn’t know what he’s gotten himself into.




As a true champion, I know how to adjust to any fighter that’s in front of me. My experience facing fighters of all styles has prepared me for this special fight.




I’ve had tremendous sparring. Every day I’m making adjustments and getting myself right so I can get my timing and style exactly how it needs to be. If the fight was this weekend, Deontay Wilder is ready to go.




Luis Ortiz was the most avoided fighter in the heavyweight division and I understand why he had never gotten the title shot before. I’m the type of fighter who gives people opportunities and he was the fighter I needed to face to prove to the world what I’m all about.




This is not a game for me. Everyone has heard about what it’s like to be in the ring with me, but until you’re in there, you don’t know for sure that what you’ve been hearing is for real. I’m the best in the world. I don’t think any heavyweight has been through what I’ve been through.




I’m training for a certain type of mission. As a fighter I have to have the mindset that I must be ready for anything. Онда, once it’s time for the bell to ring, I become ‘The Bronze Bomber’.




Fury has height just like me and he also brings an awkward style like myself. He’s rangy, mobile and he believes he’s the best in the world. You’ll get two giants who are athletic and move around the ring like no one else in this sport.




They say that I have the power and he has the boxing skills. We’ll see on December 1. It’s a puncher versus a boxer. I think the puncher is going to box his lights out, and then I’m going to knock his lights out.




I don’t watch too much film or study guys past getting their style down and seeing how they use their styles. My trainers watch film and use that knowledge to give me advice throughout the fight. I find that my opponents fight differently depending on who they’re facing, so I can’t dwell too much on watching past fights.


Јаи лепо, Вилдер Тренер




Tyson Fury is kind of like a Rubik’s cube. But a Rubik’s cube can be solved. Fury is a very versatile fighter who can move, he can box and fight from lots of distances. He’s the total package as a fighter and on top of that he’s strong-willed mentally.




We have our hands full, but I know that Deontay Wilder is the guy to handle Tyson Fury. Deontay is the the right guy to take over boxing and this is the first step in that.




Deontay has had a fantastic camp and we’ve had really good sparring partners. Fury is a tall fighter, but it’s really the athleticism that makes him what he is. We believe we’re better off finding more athletic guys who are slightly shorter than Fury, rather than someone his height who is a statue.




Fortunately Deontay has always been a focused fighter, so keeping him right mentally I don’t think will ever be a problem. Deontay can handle any chaos around him better than anyone I’ve seen. When he says he’s the man for this job, he really means it.




The tough thing with preparing for Tyson Fury is that even he doesn’t know exactly what he’s going to do in there. He can fight lefty, righty, dirty or clean. We’re working on being prepared for all of these things and more.




Both guys are very athletic and very awkward style-wise, but once this fight combusts, it’s going to be phenomenal. You don’t want to blink or go to the bathroom, the pretzel can wait, because you’re going to want to catch every second of it.


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GH3 Promotions signs Former World Title Challenger Dominic Wade

NUTLEY, Њ., (Новембар 5, 2018) – GH3 Promotions has signed former world title challenger and middleweight contender Dominic Wade to a Promotional deal.




Газити, 28 years-old of Largo, Мериленд има евиденцију 18-1 са 12 нокаута.




Wade was a four-time Junior Olympic Champion and a participant in the 2007 Олимпијски Бокинг Суђења.




He turned professional on March 14, 2009 with a 1st round stoppage over undefeated Chris Davis (3-0). Wade climbed up the rankings with victories over Michael Faulk (2-0), Grover Young (4-0), Ник Бринсон (16-1-2) and former world champion Sam Soliman.




Those wins catapulted Wade to face unified Middleweight world champion Gennady Golovkin on April 23, 2016 на Форуму у Инглевоод, Калифорнија.




Wade suffered his only professional defeat in that fight, and has not fought since the world title opportunity.




I am excited to get back in the ring, and the show the world what I got. I will get back to the top of the rankings, and do it better, and more proper this time.said Wade.




It is time to show the world that I am back. I want to take my time until the big fights come up. I can see me in fights against Canelo Alvarez, Golvkin, Данијел Џејкобс, Јермалл Цхарло, Demetrius Andrade or any of the other top middleweights out there. I feel that after a couple of fights, I will be up there with the top names in the division. I am just excited to do my thing. I got to the top of the rankings with just natural talent. Now I have a good team behind me with GH3 Promotions, I have a great work ethic, and I am back with my original trainer Adrian Davis. I feel the best is still ahead of me.






I feel that we can get Dominic back to the top really soon. I plan to have him fight November 17th in Indiana, then I want to bring him back in December in New Jersey, and a 3rd fight in January, that will get him in a fight that will get him in position. He has always had the talent, now he is with us, and we will have him on a schedule to get him back in the rankings, and eventually another world title shot,” said Vito Mielnicki of GH3 Promotions.

ФФЦ 33 Results from Las Vegas

New Kickboxing Champion Crowned at FFC 33
Chub Upsets Previously Unbeaten Vrtacic for Middleweight Title
(Фотографија: Mykta Chub (лево) wins FFC Middleweight Kickboxing Title with Orsat Zovko (десно) FFC CEO/Founder)
Photo courtesy: Sergey Baranov/Final Fight Championship


Лас Вегас, НВ, (Новембар 2, 2018)The Main Event ofFFC 33delivered an upset and a new champion, as Mykta Chub (18-7-0) defeated previously unbeaten champion Andi Vrtacic (10-1-0) од подељеном одлуком (47-48, 48-47, 48-47) to win the FFC Middleweight Kickboxing Title.




Chub and Vrtacic displayed a great deal of endurance during their five round war. Chub was able to pin Vrtacic into the corners quite often during this fight, frustrating the young Vrtacic and preventing him from using his signature high kicks. Vrtacici landed some nice head kicks and few solid combinations but it wasn’t enough to impress the judges, allowing Chub to steal the win, and the title.




У Цо-Маин Евент, which involved two very exciting MMA lightweight fighters, Darrick Minner (22-9-0) wasted no time submitting former UFC Fighter, “CassiusClay Collard (16-8-1) by rear naked choke in the very first round. The submission victory, which was the 19тх of Minner’s career, only took 31 seconds to execute.




Andre Keys (10-1-0) went the distance with Randy Fuentes (7-7-1) in their Super Welterweight Boxing bout. Keys won by split decision (55-59, 55-59, 58-56) in a fight that featured both fighters standing in the pocket and trading hard shots for the majority of their six round fight.




In a Kickboxing Lightweight matchup, despite breaking his left arm in the fight, Chris McMillan (38-10-0) won a split decision (28-29, 29-28, 29-28) against Teo Mikelic (18-7-0) in a fight that featured some vicious kicks and crisp punches by both fighters.




The night began with Sherrard Blackledge (1-0-0) winning his professional MMA debut by unanimous decision (30-27, 30-26, 30-27) over Jordan Christensen (0-2-0) in the Welterweight division.




Most of these fights ended up going the distance and the fighters did not disappoint tonight,” said FFC CEO/Founder, Orsat Zovko. “ФФЦ 33 showcased a lot of endurance and toughness and delivered an entertaining show for the fans.




FFC 33took place at its permanent home, “Fight Dome”, which is located at Caesars Entertainment’s Rio Las Vegas. The event aired nationwide on CBS Sports Network.




Финал Фигхт Цхампионсхип (ФФЦ) is the first and only professional combat sports franchise offering fans a unique ‘multi-discipline’ искуство (Бокс, Kickboxing and MMA), where every event culminates with a championship title bout. All FFC events take place insideFight Domeat Caesars Entertainment’s Rio Las Vegas, the all-new mecca of combat sports.



комплетан “FFC 33MMA results below:







Mykyta Chub (18-7-0), Ft. Lauderdale, FL via Ukraine

Win by Split Decision, 5 Rds. (47-48, 48-47, 48-47)

Andi Vrtacic (10-1-0), Pula ,Хрватска

(Chub wins FFC Middleweight Title)



Darrick Minner (22-9-0), Nebraska City, СИ

Win by Submission (Реар Накед Цхоке) :31, Rd. 1

Clay Collard (16-8-1), Toquerville, ОУТ





Andre Keys (10-1-0), Tacoma, ВА

Win by Split Decision, 6 Rds. (55-59, 55-59, 58-56)

Randy Fuentes (7-7-1), McAllen, ТКС

(КИЦКБОКСИНГ) Лаких модела

Chris McMillan (38-10-0), Calgary Alberta, Канада

Win by Split Decision, 3 Rds. (28-29, 29-28, 29-28)

Teo Mikelic (18-7-0), Pula, Хрватска





Sherrard Blackledge (1-0-0), Лас Вегас, НВ (Про Деби)

Win by Unanimous Decision, 3 Rds. (30-27, 30-26, 30-27)

Jordan Christensen (0-2-0), Лас Вегас, НВ


Top Heavyweight Contender Takes on Puerto Rican Olympian
Carlos Negron Saturday, Децембар 22 in Premier Boxing Champions on ФОКС & FOX Deportes Action Live from Barclays Center у Бруклину
Кликните ОВДЕ for Photos from Luis Mejia/TGB Promotions

ЛОС АНГЕЛЕС (Новембар 2, 2018) – Top heavyweight and WBC mandatory challenger Доминиц “Невоља” Бреазеале spoke to media in Los Angeles Friday at a luncheon to discuss his his Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes showdown against Puerto Rican Olympian Карлос Негрон Субота, Децембар 22 live from Barclays Center, дом БРООКЛИН БОКСИНГ ™.




Емисија почиње у 8 п.м. ДР / 5 п.м. PT and is co-headlined by twin champions the Charlos as Јермалл Цхарло defends his interim WBC middleweight title against Виллие Монро Јр., while WBC Super Welterweight World Champion Јермелл Цхарло битака Тони Харисон.




Tickets for the show, which is being promoted by Lions Only Promotions and TGB Promotions in association with DiBella Entertainment, су у продаји сада. Карте се могу купити на тицкетмастер.цом, барцлаисцентер.цом, или позивом 800-745-3000. Улазнице се такође могу купити на благајни Америцан Екпресс-а у Барцлаис Центер. Група попусти су на располагању позивом на 844-Бклин-ГП.




Here is what the luncheon participants had to say Friday at lunch from Watty’s at The Flats in Beverly Hills, which featured a special guest in former two-division world champion Danny Garcia:


ДОМИНИЦ Бреазеале, WBC No. 1 Heavyweight Challenger




I’ve been staying in the gym consistently. My trainer Manny Robles does a great job of keeping me sharp. He makes sure I’m watching other guys spar and learning new tools.




I have worked hard to get to the top and I’ve done it by bringing the fight each and every time. I’ve waited for this opportunity and my time is now.




Carlos Negron is a great fighter who I’ll be ready for. People want to see exchanges and that is what I’m aiming for. I’m going to give the fans a great show and bring home a victory.




I know that I’m a contender in the heavyweight division. I came up short against Anthony Joshua, but now I have a beautiful opportunity to go after the WBC title. I’m not letting anyone stand in my way.




My goal was to not be in camp trying to get in shape. I see too much of that. So I made sure once it was time to focus in on this fight, that I was already at fighting weight. I feel great right now and I see the difference.




I’m looking forward to this big fight on FOX and FOX Deportes. It’s been a long time coming to get back in the ring and this is a great stage for me to do it on.




My main focus is on this fight and securing the title shot. I’m preparing for Carlos Negron like he’s Deontay Wilder. I would be a little upset if Tyson Fury wins because I really want to face Wilder.




My plan is to win on December 22 and next time I fight, that green belt will be on the line. I’m ready for this shot at the belt that I’ve worked for.


MANNY ROBLES, Breazeale’s Trainer




Dominic is really prepared for this fight. He will be ready because he is an extremely hard-working fighter. His strength and conditioning work has been really focused and we think it’s going to show in this fight.




We are taking this fight very seriously, as we do every fight. This is one of his better camps we’ve had together. So far things are going great. I am not just saying that. I truly believe you will see a better Dominic than ever before.




We are working on a lot of different things – брзина, рад ногу, stamina. We understand that we have a good boxer-puncher in front of us. He is up for the task. Dominic will be great. Expect fireworks on December 22.


BRITTANY GOOSSEN BROWN, Vice President of TGB Promotions




This is going to be a great heavyweight matchup on December 22 у Бруклину. Dominic Breazeale is always in action fights and he knows he needs to win in style to get another shot at the heavyweight world championship.




Breazeale is the mandatory challenger for the Deontay Wilder vs. Tyson Fury winner, but he can’t look past the experienced Puerto Rican Olympian Carlos Negron. This fight is going to be a great way to kick off the FOX and FOX Deportes telecast.




# # #




Fans can live stream the fights on the FOX Sports app, available in English or Spanish through the FOX or FOX Deportes feeds. The fights are available on desktop at FOXSports.com and through the app store, or connected devices including Apple TV, Android TV, Fire TV, Xbox One and Roku.




За више информација: посета ввв.премиербокингцхампионс.цом, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage и ввв.фокдепортес.цом, фоллов он Твиттер@ПремиерБокинг, @ФутуреОфБокинг, @ТвинЦхарло, ФОКССПОРТС, ФОКСДепортес, @ТГБПромотионс, @BrooklynBoxing and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at ввв.Фацебоок.цом/ПремиерБокингЦхампионс, ввв.фацебоок.цом/фокспортс и ввв.фацебоок.цом/фокдепортес.


December 1st at the Vidéotron Centre in Quebec City


КУЕБЕЦ ЦИТИ, Канада (Новембар 2, 2018) –The charismatic Марие-Еве Дицаире (13-0-0, 0 КОс) will have the chance to make her dream come true on December 1 at the Videotron Center in Quebec, when she fights for the International Boxing Federation (ИБФ) World light middleweight title against champion Chris Namus (24-4-0, 8 КОс), of Uruguay. Marie-Eve will fight in the first women’s world title bout in Quebec’s history.




The 31-year-old Namus, fighting out of South America, signed the contract this past Tuesday to defend her crown against Dicaire in the co-featured event on the card headlined by the World Boxing Council (ВБЦ) and lineal light heavyweight world championship bout between Адонис Стивенсон и Цхалленгер Олександар Гвоздик, adding some spice to an already red-hot card.




Namus, nicknamed El Bombon Asesino, has been IBF champion since 2017, when she defeated Argentina’s Yamila Esther Reynoso за упражњено звање. She has since defended her belt once, against her compatriot, Katia Alvarino.



“Најпре,” Дицаире рекао, “I must say that I feel privileged to have the opportunity to box for the world championship for the first time here in Quebec. This fight represents years of effort, жртвовање, perseverance and to live that moment before those who supported me during this tumultuous journey is indescribable for me.




My preparation for this fight is already well underway and I must admit that the signature of Namus has just added an additional motivation for the last steps of my camp. Тако, pazi! I cannot wait to be in the ring and touch this belt!”




Marie-Eve is in a good position to be a star in the history of Canadian boxing. She will not have a second chance to leave a good first impression,” added GYM’s vice president of operations and recruitment, Bernard Barré.




Улазнице, са почетком у $ 50.50, порези и таксе за услугу, are on sale at Gestev.com and Ticketmaster.ca, at the Champions Boxing Club (514-376-0980), у ГИМ (514-383-0666) или на 1-855-790-1245.


The “Mandatoryevent will be televised in the United States and Canada on pay-per-view via Индиго, Бел телевизија и Shaw TV.






Marie-Eve Dicaire has been in the fighting sports since a very young age. На само 6 година стар, karate captivated her. She obtained a црни појас and won a Canadian Championship before even being 11 годишњакиња.




У 18 година стар, Marie-Eve became karate world champion for a first time. She would win that title four other times.




She also gained a spot on the NASKA American circuit with the Amerikick team.




A 5тх degree black belt and owner of a dojo (Karaté Sunfuki), Dicaire made a switch to kickboxing and had two fights (a win and a draw) before starting boxing.




On the amateur boxing scene, she fought more than 50 times in less than four years.

Her best year was 2013, when she won the Quebec Championship, Canadian Championship анд Ringside World Championship, plus a win over the American champion in a Canada versus United States meeting.




Boxe Québec also named her 2013 Athlete of the Year.




The fighter from Saint-Eustache, Квебек, made her pro debut November 20, 2015, у Сорел-Траци. She defeated Christina Barry, from Manitoba, једногласном одлуком.




Јануар 21 у Монтреалу Цасино, Dicaire beat Christina Barry for a second time to keep her undefeated record.




In her third outing, she bested Mexican veteran Martha Patricia Lara, Март 17тх у Монтреалу Цасино.




Мај 24 у Монтреалу Цасино, Dicaire faced a rival ranked 16тх in the world by the WBC, Американац Ashleigh Curry. With an energetic body attack, she won a unanimous decision.




On October 20th, it was Mexican warrior Karla Zamora‘s turn to taste Dicaire’s medicine, and then on December 10, former NABF champion Paty Ramirez, Мексика, was also defeated.




On February 9th at the Cabaret of the Casino de Montréal, Marie-Eve fought for the first time in the final bout of a professional boxing card. It was also a first women’s final for GYM. The southpaw delivered a perfect performance for his first eight-round confrontation by winning a unanimous decision over aggressive American Lisa Noel Garland.




In her most recent performance on June 15, she completely dominated the tough regional champion of Tijuana Alejandra Ayala.




In the first 10 rounds fight of her career, Октобар 25, 2017 at the Lac Leamy Casino, Dicaire won a spectacular battle against the aggressive champion of Argentina Yamila Esther Reynoso, виннинг једногласном одлуком.


After a win in a rematch with Ramirez, the southpaw faced former IBF World Champion Marisa Gabriela Nunez он Фебруари 15 at the Cabaret du Casino de Montréal. Thanks to a win by majority decision in 10 метака, she captured her first professional belt, the NABF light middleweight title.


Accustomed to performing at the highest summit of the disciplines, in which she has evolved, Dicaire is aiming for nothing less than a world championship belt. She is currently ranked #1 по ВБА, #2 by the IBF and #2 по ВБЦ.










Philadelphia’s most viewed fighter, Christian Carto takes on 37 fight veteran Antonio Rodriguez on Friday, November 9th at SugarHouse Casino

Филаделфија, Пен. (Новембар 2, 2018)–Millions of travelers drive on Interstate-95 each day. In each direction there are many billboards that are visible for miles. For the better part of the last month, two billboards in particular feature one of the hottest prospects in boxing in undefeated bantamweight Christian Carto.




Carto, who has been featured multiple times by SugarHouse Casino као 21 year-old has developed a relationship with the casino as he has packed the fight venue on seven previous occasions.




It’s really cool to see me up on these big billboards,” said Carto. “I didn’t know they were going up, but it is very exciting to see it.




Those massive billboards can only enhance Carto’s already huge fan base.



О Петак ноћ, November 9th, Carto will make his eighth appearance at SugarHouse Casino when he takes on 37 fight-veteran Antonio Rodriguez in the six-round main event of a seven bout card promoted by King’s Promotions.




Carto has signature victories over Alonso Melendez (14-1) and James Smith (12-1). Carto is coming off a eight-round unanimous decision over Javier Gallo on August 18th in Atlantic City, Њу Џерзи.




Rodriguez of Durango, Mexico is a very capable foe as the 30 year-old has big wins over undefeated opponents Alonso Melendez (11-0); Junior Granados (12-0) and Luis Castro (7-0-2). Rodriguez also has wins over Jonathan Chavez (6-1-1), Granados (12-2-1).




I don’t know too much about him,” continued Carto, “I know he is a Mexican fighter who likes to come forward. We share a common opponent in Alonso Melendez. I have seen that he is tough.




This will be the 4th outing of 2018 for Carto, and with a win he will raise his mark to 2019, but the 21 year-old is continuing his learning process as he heads into the new year.




I feel that I started off well in 2018. I always want to do better, and I am own biggest critic. I feel that I should have done better in my last two fights. This training camp, which is my 2nd camp with Billy Briscoe as my head trainer, I learned a lot, so I know I will do better.




With Brisoce manning the corner, Carto sees himself getting better with each fight in 2019.




I can definitely see myself fighting for a regional title in 2019, but I am still earning, so there is no rush. With being with Billy, I would like to go out to a training camp with one of the champions to help them get ready for a big, which will help me even more.




I just want to thank Billy as well as my brother Frankie who has helped me a lot with the training. My father who helps with all the tickets and ticket requests. I also had some great sparring with a Romuel Cruz. I am ready for a great fight.




In a rematch of a draw that took place on August 10th at SugarHouse Casino, Рикардо Гарсија (14-3-1, 9 КОс) Санто Доминго, DR fights Tyrone Crawley (7-1-1) of Philadelphia in a eight-round junior welterweight fight.




In the a six-round bout, former National Golden Gloves champion Poindexter Knight Jr. (5-0, 2 КОс) поприма Travis Castellon (16-2-1, 12 КОс) Форт Лаудердале, Florida in a welterweight bout.




Also in a six-round bout, Frank Trader (10-2-1, 2 КОс) оф Пхиладелпхиа ће се борити 37 борба ветерана Pablo Capul of San Diego in a lightweight bout.




У четири округла налетима:




Јames Martin (2-0) Филаделфија битке Denis Okoth (2-0-1, 1 КО) of Siaya, KY in a welterweight bout.




Pro debuters will square off as Maurice Burke of Philadelphia dukes it out with Brandon Bey од Бронк, NY in a junior welterweight contest.


Mark Dawson (4-0, 3 КОс) of Philadelphia fights Chukka Willis (3-6, 2 КОс) of Emporia, KS in a welterweight bout.




There will be a press conference on Wednesday November 7th at 4 Пм ЕТ




The weigh in will take place on Thursday, November 8th at 6 Пм ЕТ.




Улазнице су у продаји $100, $75, $50, and can be purchased at SugarHousecasino.com







SugarHouse, which opened in September 2010 as Philly’s casino, Карактеристике 1,891 slots, 103 table games, a 28-table poker room, fun and unique dining options, riverfront views and free on-site parking. The casino employs approximately 1,700 људи, and for six consecutive years has been voted aBest Place to Workby the Philadelphia Business Journal and for five straight years aTop Workplaceby Philly.com. За више информација, посета www.sugarhousecasino.com.