Категорія Архіви: бокс


BOWIE, Меріленд (Грудня 9, 2018)Last night at Bowie State University, в штаті Меріленд, Prince Ranch Boxing’s Висхідна зірка, super lightweight prospect Кит “The Bounty” Мисливець (9-0, 7 КО), remained undefeated thanks to a devastating first round knockout against Siddharth Ravindra Varma (4-3-1, 1 KO).

Hunter landed a monstrous right uppercut that sent Varma to the canvas up against the ropes forcing, the referee to stop the bout. “I wanted to send a message to the super lightweight division with a great performance and I got the knockout,” said Keith Hunter. “It felt great to let my hands go. I’m going to get right back in the gym, so I can be ready for anything that comes my way. If my name is called, I’m going to be prepared, locked and loaded.

I’m very excited about Keith Hunter’s future,” said manager Greg Hannley, of Prince Ranch Boxing. “Сьогодні ввечері, his power was on display and those watching saw a star in the making. He’s getting better with each fight. He’s going to be a problem for anyone.This fight was promoted by Грег Коен Promotions (GCP).

Heralded Prospect Brian Ceballo to make New York Homecoming on Saturday night at The Hulu Theater at Madison Square Garden

НЬЮ-ЙОРК (Грудня 7, 2018) -Undefeated welterweight prospect Brian Ceballo returns home for the 1st time as a professional when he takes on 38-fight veteran, Daniel Calzada this Saturday night at The Hulu Theater at Madison Square Garden.

The 24 year-old from New York City has a record of 5-0 з трьома нокаутами.

The scheduled six-round part will be part of the undercard, which will be streamed live beginning at 6 p.m. eastern time on ESPN+.

Ceballo, who was a five-time New York Golden Gloves champion and took home a staggering 17 National titles, сприяє 360 Акції, has been kept very active as this will be his 6th fight in nine fights since turning professional in March.

It’s great to be fighting at home, and especially being able to fight at Madison Square Garden as a professional boxer,” said Ceballo. “I would like to thank my close team for this opportunity including my coaches Colin Morgan & Khuong Chau, Управління Split-T, 360 Акції, and Top Rank! I look forward to Saturday so that the boxing world can see what Brian Ceballo is really about. Thank you to everyone coming to support.

The Garden has always been a special for Brian as he won won several New York Golden Gloves championships there,” said David McWater of Split-T Management. “He is going to put on a show for his family and friends, and show the boxing world why he is looked at as one of the top prospects in the world.

Hosea Burton calls out Anthony Yarde for British Light Heavyweight clash

(L-Р) – Head trainer Joe Gallagher & Hosea Burton

ТОРОНТО (Грудня 7, 2018) — Former British light heavyweight champion Hosea Burton has never been one to duck a fight. Насправді, he’s looking for a fight.

Burton has made his intentions known, calling out undefeated Anthony Yarde, man to man, to his face. The two recently encountered one another during Tyson Fury-Deontay Wilder fight week in Los Angeles, Каліфорнія, where Burton was on-hand to support his cousin, Fury.

Let’s make the fight happen,” Burton told Yarde. “We’re both excited about it. They say I’m not up to you, but let’s get it going man.Burton has gone undefeated for two years, since suffering his lone career defeat at the hands of Frank Buglioni, a fight in which he was winning prior to a final round stoppage. Buglioni has recently retired from the sport, leaving Burton to set his sights on Yarde, rather than avenging his defeat first.

Yarde recently scored a knockout victory over Walter Sequeira, Жовтень 20 in Brentwood, improving his record to 17-0 з 16 нокаути. Burton, проте, hasn’t been impressed.

If he’s six foot, I must be six foot nine, because he’s a lot shorter than that,” Burton said of Yarde’s stature. “I would be his first live opponent. Let’s get it on.

Yarde’s world ranking would play well into Burton’s plans in 2019, which include fighting for a world title after recapturing his domestic gold.

This would be one of the biggest domestic light heavyweight fights in UK history. Everyone is already placing Yarde amongst the world’s best, but the fact is, he has to get past Hosea,” noted Adam Harris of Athlete Development and Management. “We believe Hosea is the one who’s ready to go after a world title. Let’s have it out and find out who’s right.

Burton also plans on showcasing his skills in Canada in the new year, following in the footsteps of his cousin Tyson, the lineal heavyweight champion of the world.

Both Tyson and his cousin, Hughie Fury, fought in Canada early in their pro careers, and have held training camps in the Great White North as well. “Some of the best in the world have been coming to Canada to accelerate their careers,” Harris noted, “including Billy Joe Saunders before his most recent fights and, звичайно, Tyson in the past. We have a special relationship with the country, and the fight scene in Toronto is booming in a way we’ve never seen before. We have no doubt Hosea will be appreciated and find plenty of competition north of the border.

Cyborg to Take Ring Walk with Shields This Saturday Night

‘Baddest Ladies on the Planet’ are Friends and Training Partners

The two baddest ladies on the planet will be side-by-side Saturday night when UFC Superstar Champion Cris Cyborg walks 2x US Olympic gold medal winner and current WBC/WBA/IBF Middleweight Champion Claressa Shields into the ring for T-Rex’s fight versus 168-lb champion Femke Hermans Saturday night live on HBO from Stub Hub Center in Carson, ТАКИЙ ЯК.

Cyborg will be taking time out from preparation for her December 29 PPV battle with Amanda Nunes to join Shields and be ringside for the final HBO boxing telecast this Saturday. Shields and Cyborg have a great mutual respect and have trained together in the gym.

“I’m excited to have Cris walk me out and carry my WBC championship belt on Saturday,” said WBC/WBA/IBF Champ Claressa Shields. “She’ll be supporting me on December 8 and I’ll be rooting big for her against Amanda Nunes on December 29. We are the two baddest ladies on the planet.”

“Both Claressa and Cyborg are leaders in their respective combat sports,” said Shields’ promoter, Дмитро Саліта. “Women’s empowerment will be on display on Saturday night on the historic final night of HBO Boxing.”

“In addition to being a celebration of forty-five years of HBO Boxing, Saturday night is a celebration of a new era of women’s boxing and women’s sports,” said Mark Taffet, manager of Claressa Shields and a twenty-five year former HBO Boxing executive. “Claressa Shields and Cris Cyborg are the backbone of the new era, and I’m thrilled Cris will be walking Claressa to the boxing ring on this historic night.”

Найбільші зірки боксу з'являться на "Кільці" 8 Церемонія відпустки та нагородження цієї неділі у Russo’s at the Bay на Говард -Біч, Нью-Йорк

Теренса Кроуфорда нагородять «Бойовиком року»; Ріддік Боу отримав нагороду «Легенда»

Олександр Усик отримає історичну премію

Джаррелл “Велика дитина” Міллер став лауреатом NY State Fighter of the Year

Нью-Йорк (5 грудня, 2018) – Деякі з найбільших імен у боксі будуть виставлені як Ring 8 відбудеться їх щорічна церемонія нагородження та нагородження в Russo’s at the Bay (162-45 Бульвар Крос -Бей, Howard Beach, Нью-Йорк 11414) починаючи з 12:30 p.m. і тривалий до 5:30 p.m.

Чемпіон світу за версією WBO у напівважкій вазі Теренс Кроуфорд візьме додому бажаного "Бійця року".; Колишній чемпіон світу у важкій вазі, та рідного Нью -Йорка Ріддіка Боу буде відзначено премією «Легенда».

Беззаперечний чемпіон світу в напівважкій вазі, Олександр Усик буде відзначений Історичною премією за силу його досягнення у здобутті всіх чотирьох санкційних титулів тіла.

Високопоставлений претендент у важкій вазі, Джаррелл “Велика дитина” Міллер буде відзначений кращим винищувачем штату Нью -Йорк.

Чемпіонка WBA у напівсередній вазі Алісія Наполеон стала переможницею змагань року серед жінок -бойовиків штату Нью -Йорк.


“Щороку свято та нагородження бенкетом Ring8 приваблює значну силу зірок, але цього року він вийшов на ще вищий рівень. Тому інтерес до події більший, ніж він коли -небудь був” говорить президент Ring8 Джек Хірш. “У Теренса Кроуфорда та Олександра Усика, ми, мабуть, підтвердили відвідування двох найкращих фунтів у світі. До них приєднаються колишній чемпіон у важкій вазі Ріддік Боу та нинішній суперник у важкій вазі Джаррелл Міллер, який також буде відзначений.

Також кімната буде заповнена кількома колишніми чемпіонами світу, такими як Іран Барклі, Молодший Джонс, і Луїс Кольясо. Існує також ймовірність, що Василь Ломаченко відвідає, щоб побачити вшанування його хорошого друга Усика.” “Їжа та атмосфера в Russo's the Bay не мають собі рівних. Це разом з багатьма корифеями боксу зробить цей день незабутнім.”

Про RING 8: Кільце 8 став восьмим дочірньої те, що було тоді відомо як Національний Ветеран Боксери асоціації – отже, RING 8 – і сьогодні девіз організації як і раніше залишається: Боксери допомагають боксерам.КІЛЬЦЕ 8 повністю віддані підтримці менш щасливих людей в боксерському співтоваристві, які можуть потребувати допомоги в плані сплати орендної плати, медичні витрати, або щось обгрунтованої необхідності.

Перейти на лінії www.Ring8ny.com для отримання додаткової інформації про КОЛЬЦА 8, Найбільша група в своєму роді в США з більш ніж 350 Учасники. Щорічні членські внески тільки $30.00 і кожен член має право на фуршет в КОЛЬЦА 8 Щомісячні зустрічі, за винятком у липні та серпні. Всі активні боксери, аматорські та професійні, з поточною боксерської ліцензії або книги мають право на безкоштовний RING 8 щорічно членство. Гості кільця 8 Учасники запрошуються у вартості лише в $10.00 на людину.

International Boxing Association (IBA)Fully committed to women’s boxing

IBA Strawweight World Champion Eva Guzman

VENTNOR CITY, N.J. (Грудня 5, 2018) – The relaunched International Boxing Association (IBA) is making a full commitment to women’s boxing, commencing with a new rule change to sanction 12-round world title fights.

The IBA is going back to the future having been an original pioneer in terms of giving much deserved recognition to women’s boxing, represented by former IBA world champions such as Лейла Алі, Міа Сент-. Джон і Холлі Холм.

В 1991, two-time Major League Baseball all-star pitcher and Cy Young Award winner Dean Chance founded the IBA, guiding the international sanctioning body until his death in 2015.

Under a new group headed by IBA president J.C. Courreges, the IBA relaunched during the summer of 2017. “This is the IBA’s first step towards establishing equality between men and women in professional boxing,” Courreges announced. “Our goal is to offer equality for women boxers in our organization. Women’s world title fights are 10, 2-minute rounds, НЕ 12, like in the IBA. “

There is a new wave of women’s boxing, led by Клареса Шилдс, Кеті Тейлор, Аманда Серрано and so many other rising female stars worldwide. The IBA plans to be in the forefront and we recently crowned our first woman world champion, strawweight Eva Guzman, of Venezuela. В 2019, we look forward to crowning many other women IBA world champions, in what the IBA is calling the Year of Women’s Boxing.

Former IBA world champions during the past quarter-century include Hall-of-Famers Оскар де ла Хойя, Джордж Форман, Роберто Дюран і Артуро Гатті, as well as stars such as Рой Джонс, Jr.,Bernard Hopkins, Шейн Мослі, Джеймс Тоні, Mikkel Kessler, Eric Morales, Дієго Корралес, Хосе Луїс Кастільо, Глен Джонсон і Антоніо Тарвер.


Важковаговик: Вільний

Важкий: Mairis Deer (Латвія)

Напівважкий вага: Вільний

У суперсередній: Вільний

В середньому: Кертіс Стівенс (США)

У молодшій середній: Вільний

Середня вага: Вільний

Junior Welterweight: Alexander Duran (Панама)

Легкий: Вільний

Junior Lightweight: Вільний

Напівлегка вага : Вільний

Junior Featherweight: Вільний

Найлегша вага: Otto Gamez (Валенсуела)

Junior Bantamweight: Ronald Batista (Панама)

Легка вага: Ніко Hernandez (США)

Junior Flyweight: Вільний

Strawweight: Вільний

Based in Ventnor City, Нью-Джерсі, the IBA also has an office in Florida. The IBA is establishing international representatives around the world in Germany, Румунія, Bulgaria, Австралія, Canada and South Africa.

The following championships are sanctioned by the IBA: Всесвітня, InterContinental, Americas and International. The IBA sanctions the following Regional Titles: Latino, Caribbean, Європейська, African, Asian and South Pacific.

IBA Executive Committee members are J.C. Courreges, Президент; Stephane Cabrera, Віце-Президент, Jean Philippe Lustyk, Віце-Президент; і Bruno Wartelle, Ratings Chairman; Klaus Hagemann і Steve Smoger are Co-Chairmen of the IBA Officials Committee.

IBA INFORMATION: www.internationalboxingassociation.com

Facebook: /IBABoxing

Instagram: @IBABoxing



Super Prospect Shohjahon Ergashev Returns Against African Puncher Badru Lusambya on December 14

It’s Shoh Time!

A year ago, Shohjahon “Shoh” Ergashev was a little-known super lightweight prospect from Central Asia.

Однак, being able to punch holes in brick walls has a way of helping people remember your name and the Uzbekistani power puncher has taken the boxing world by storm this year.

З більш ніж 300,000 followers on Instagram and his brutal knockout videos on YouTube regularly getting over 500,000 думки, 2018 is Shoh time.

Promoted by Salita Promotions, boxing’s Russian diamond mine, Ergashev (14-0, 13 КО) has recently signed a co-managerial deal with TV executive turned super manager Mark Taffet. He will be looking to further his growing reputation on December 14 in a 10-round showdown against Uganda’s Badru Lusambya (26-4-2, 24 КО) in Krasnodar, Росія.

“I am very happy to be able to show my skills to my fans in Russia on December 14 and I am training hard for a great victory,” said Ergashev. “Nothing will stop me from realizing my dreams!"
The showdown against Lusambya will be Ergashev’s fifth ring appearance this year (4-0, 3 КО). He started the year with an impressive nationally televised TKO 3 over then 18-0 Сонні Фредріксон.

“Shohjahon has had a tremendous year fighting both in the US and Russia on a consistent basis,” said Dmitriy Salita of Salita Promotions. “His skills, power and charisma are making him a star on both continents. I look forward to a spectacular performance against Lusambya to end the year.”

26-year-old Ergashev is the current WBA International Super Lightweight Champion. His brand-new co-manager Mark Taffet says he appreciates the Uzbek’s willingness to take on dangerous opponents anywhere and any time.

“We are very excited that Shohjahon will be returning to the ring in Russia in what should be a tremendous fight between two knockout artists. The fans are in for a real treat December 14 as Shoh continues his march toward a world title.”

Middleweight Contender Willie Monroe Jr. Talks Upcoming Showdown Against Jermall Charlo Saturday, Грудня 22 in Premier Boxing
Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes Action from Barclays Center in
Brooklyn I’m in my stable now and I’m ready to come flying out of the
gate on December 22,” – Монро

ROCHESTER,Нью-Йорк. (Грудня 4, 2018) – Middleweight contender and former title challenger Віллі Монро молодший. discussed his upcoming contest against WBC Interim Middleweight Champion Jermall Charlo as he prepares to enter the ring in Premier Boxing Champions action Saturday, Грудня 22 live on FOX and FOX Deportes from Barclays Center, будинок BROOKLYN BOXING ™.

With fight night approaching, Monroe is hard at work in his hometown of Rochester,Нью-Йорк. Along with his coach Timothy Nolan, Monroe believes he is on track to deliver a great performance against an unbeaten opponent.

Everything in camp right now is on point and moving forward,” said Monroe.We’re getting the work we need each day. We know how to run a camp smoothly. If I can’t tell anything is wrong, then it’s going great.

A veteran of two middleweight world title contests against Gennady Golovkin and Billy Joe Saunders, Monroe has had his eye on a Charlo matchup to once again prove himself against an elite middleweight.

I’ve always watched Jermall’s fights because I have an eye on anyone around my weight class,” said Monroe. “Over the last year or so I’ve started to think I’m really going to get this fight and I’m excited about it coming to fruition on December 22.

He’s considered one of the top middleweights and it makes this a great match. This time I’m going to have a full training camp like I didn’t get to have for Golovkin and Saunders and it’s going to help me.

While he doesn’t possess the prodigious knockout power of his opponent, Monroe is more than confident that his other ring attributes will make up for that difference.

We’re both at the top of the division and you don’t get this far without having a lot of physical ability,” said Monroe. “This fight isn’t about who’s the fastest and strongest though, it’s about how we’re going to execute. I’m not focused on who hits harder but who hits smarter. That’s always going to determine who wins a boxing match.

Boxing is about intelligence first and everything follows after that. Will I be able to execute and make Jermall uncomfortable? We’ll see what happens on fight night. I’m going to be ready though. I’m in my stable now and I’m ready to come flying out of the gate on December 22.

Charlo was serving as color commentator for Monroe’s August fight on FS1 and since then the two have gone face-to-face at two separate press events leading up to fight night. With fight week looming, Monroe believes the frequent face time will make an even more exciting fight.

I’m definitely more eager to fight from seeing Jermall over and over again,” said Monroe. “The little things that you pick up in person tend to make you want to fight even more. You see the opponent and you build it up more in your head and use it for motivation. I think it’s going to make it even more entertaining when we finally get in there.

Tickets for the show, which is being promoted by Lions Only Promotions and TGB Promotions in association with DiBella Entertainment, begin at $50 and are on sale now. Tickets can be purchased atticketmaster.combarclayscenter.com, або по телефону 800-745-3000. Квитки також можна придбати в касі American Express у центрі Barclays Center. Групові знижки можна за телефоном 844-BKLYN-GP.

Televised coverage begins at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT and features Jermell Charlo defending his WBC super welterweight world title against Tony Harrison, in addition to the Charlo vs. Monroe showdown. Televised action also features a heavyweight showdown between Dominic Breazeale and Carlos Negron.

#          #          #

Fans can live stream the fights on the FOX Sports app, available in English or Spanish through the FOX or FOX Deportes feeds. The fights are available on desktop at FOXSports.com and through the app store, or connected devices including Apple TV, Android TV, Fire TV, Xbox One and Roku.

For more information: візитwww.premierboxingchampions.comhttp://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage іwww.foxdeportes.com, Слідуйте за щебетатьPremierBoxing, FutureOfBoxing, TwinCharlo, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, @BrooklynBoxing and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.facebook.com/foxsports іwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

Confident Abreu Looks To Shine In Lomachenko-Pedraza Card

Dominican Juan Carlos “Merengue” Abreu (24-4-1, 19 КО) aims to beat in high fashion the current IBF USBA welterweight champion Alexander Besputin (11-0, 9 КО) Росії, in a duel that will be broadcast by the ESPN+ app this Saturday,Грудня 8ї на 6:00 PM ET.

The fight will be part of the world championship unification bout between José Pedraza and Vasyl Lomachenko at the Madison Square Garden Theater.

I feel very well prepared for this fight. Focused and motivated for victory. It would be very important because it is at a huge event, and many people all over the world will see it. I’m just waiting to have that title, God willing”, said Abreu, who is trained by Chiro Perez in Florida, and managed by Spartan Boxing Club.

“Besputin is strong, and he is protected by Top Rank. I know I have to do extra work than I normally do for the win, and I have the experience to beat him or any other boxer. I am ready to win, and I hope the judges are fair to my performance”, he added.

In his last appearance, Abreu lost by unanimous decision in close fight against Egidijus Kavaliauskas of Lithuania.

I know what it feels like to face the promoter’s fighter and lose unfairly. I’min the same situation this Saturday, but that doesn’t take away my dream of being great in this sport. Let’s do this,” said Abreu.



ALL ACCESS: WILDER проти. FURY EPILOGUE Premieres on SHOWTIME Immediately Following The Delayed Telecast of the Dramatic Main Event

Фото кредит: Естер Лін / Showtime


The thrilling Deontay Wilder vs. Tyson Fury heavyweight blockbuster, a sure-fire Fight of the Year candidate, will air on SHOWTIME this Saturday, Грудня 8 на 9 p.m. ET / PT. The WBC Heavyweight World Championship bout between the 6-foot-7 unbeaten American champion Wilder and 6-foot-9 challenger Fury originally aired live on SHOWTIME PPV® в суботу, Грудня 1 від Staples Center в Лос-Анджелесі.

У Суботу, both Wilder and Fury made strong cases for 2018 Fighter of the Year honors. Wilder faced the two toughest opponents of his career this year including a spectacular knockout win over Cuban slugger Luis Ortiz in a Fight of the Year candidate in March. Fury, the lineal heavyweight champion, returned from a two-and-a-half-year layoff to score two wins in a span of 10 weeks before facing Wilder. У Суботу, he miraculously withstood a devastating, final-round knockdown that appeared to knock him out cold. Fury rose dramatically and continued to fight until the final bell to cap an effort that will go down as one of the greatest comeback stories in all of sports.

The SHOWTIME presentation of the Wilder vs. Fury, a bout that has been hailed as “…the greatest night for boxing in the U.S. in recent memory,"За Yahoo! Спортивний, will be immediately followed by the premiere of ALL ACCESS: WILDER проти. FURY EPILOGUE. The networks’ Emmy Award winning Епілог reveals the drama of fight night from a unique perspective and introduces viewers to the rarely seen aftermath of world championship prizefighting. ALL ACCESS: WILDER проти. FURY EPILOGUE goes behind the scenes, into the locker rooms, corners and inner circles as Fury aims to complete a storybook comeback and Wilder looks to continue his reign as the “baddest man on the planet.”