カテゴリーアーカイブ: ボクシング

キース・サーマン VS. JOSESITO LOPEZ, アダム・コウナッキ記者会見の引用も追加 & PHOTOS

ウェルター級世界チャンピオンのサーマンがベテラン候補のホセシト・ロペスを相手にタイトルを防衛; 無敗のアダム・コナッキが土曜日にジェラルド・ワシントンと対戦, 1月 26 FOXのプレミアボクシングチャンピオンズで & ブルックリンのバークレイズ・センターからFOX Deportes

クリック ここに ステファニートラップ/ TGBプロモーションからの写真

BROOKLYN (12月 22, 2018) – 無敗のウェルター級チャンピオン キース·サーマン そしてベテランウェルター級 Josesitoロペス, さらにブルックリンの無敗のヘビー級候補者 アダムKownacki, 土曜の夜に記者会見を主催し、FOXのプレミア・ボクシング・チャンピオンズでの戦いについて話し合った & 土曜日に行われるFOX国外追放, 1月 26 バークレイズ・センターから, BROOKLYNボクシングの自宅™.

テレビ放映カバレッジはで始まります 8 午後. ET / 5 p.m. PTではカウナッキが元タイトル挑戦者と対戦する予定 ジェラルドワシントン 10ラウンドのコンテストで無敗のフェザー級候補者 支払い中 引き受けます クラウディオマレロ テレビ放送を開くには, サーマンvsに至るまでのすべて, ロペスのメインイベント.

ショーのチケット, これは、DiBellaEntertainmentに関連してTGBプロモーションによって宣伝されています, 始まります $50 とで購入することができます ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, または呼び出すことによって、 800-745-3000. チケットはまた、バークレイズ・センターでアメリカン・エキスプレスボックスオフィスで購入することができます. グループ割引は844-BKLYN-GPを呼び出すことによって利用できます.

これは土曜日、バークレイズセンターのインタビュールームで対面する前にファイターたちが言わなければならなかった言葉だ, ブルックリンでの PBC on FOX ファイトナイトの前に:

キース·サーマン “私は物理的に最高の​​気分. 私たちは懸命に取り組んでおり、怪我の前にやっていたことをすべて取り戻したところです. とても素晴らしい気分だし、ブルックリンでこれができるのがとても嬉しい. 1月 26, 世界ナンバーワンのウェルター級選手の復活が見られるだろう. 戻ってきてアクティブに健康を維持する必要がある. 今年は私が地球上で最も悪い男の一人である理由をみんなに思い出させるつもりです. 一日の終わりに, 私がここに来たのは、「一度だけ」という声明をするためです。’ 帰ってきた. ベルトは1本持ってます, そしてベルトが一本足りない. 今年は自分の実績をもう一度積み上げていきます, それからそこから行きます. 私たちは一度に一戦ずつ戦っています. 今、私はホセシト・ロペスに注目しています。”

“私は世界クラスの格闘家です. 私はキャリアを通じて怪我と闘い続けてきた. 本物の格闘家はゲームに夢中になってしまう. この人生において、その光の下にいて、アクションに参加することほど素晴らしいことはありません. 私の遺産は終わっていない. ダニー・ガルシアとの統一だけでは私には十分ではなかった. 最終的に, 私は自分より優れた男性が現れるのを待っているだけです. 一つもないかもしれない, でも、私は自分のことを許すことを恐れていません ‘0’ 行きます. “ホセシト・ロペスのような選手とこういう試合が必要だ. 彼はそこにいて、ファンに素晴らしい戦いを見せるだろう. 彼は私を連れ出しに来ます. 1ヶ月前に初めて会ったとき、彼は調子がよかったように見えた. “お久しぶりです、また来られて本当に光栄です. 肘の回復を待つ間、リングに上がらないのはつらい. 戻ってこられてとても嬉しいです。”

JOSESITO LOPEZ “今夜ここに来られるのがとても楽しみです. キース・サーマンはワールドクラスの選手だ, エリートファイター、この機会を最大限に活用するつもりです. 私は以前にもこの立場にいたことがあり、大きな戦いを避けたことはありません. これも大きな試合なので、準備を整えて世界チャンピオンになるつもりです。”

“キース・サーマンは私がこれまで対戦した誰よりも強くて熟練していると確信している. 彼は理由で無敗です. 私は彼にそのことを敬意を表します. 私は彼がこれまで対戦した中で最高のファイターになるように準備している. 私たちは二人とも世界クラスの試合を戦った経験豊富なファイターです. 私もタフなヘビーパンチャーと対戦してきました. ほぼ全部見たよ. 1月来てください 26, 私たちは深い海に入っていきます、そして私たちそれぞれがどのように反応するか見てみましょう。”

“サーマンがどれだけ活躍したとしても, この機会の大切さは変わりません. むしろ、ここ数年で見たよりもさらに良くて健康的なキース・サーマンが見られるかもしれない. 私は最高のキース・サーマンを期待している. 私はウェルター級で最もタフな選手の一人と対戦するつもりだ. 自分以外に信じてくれる人はいらない. そのタイトルを出せるように全力を尽くします。”

ADAM Kownacka “1月 26 素晴らしい夜になるでしょう. 私は戦うたびに, それは非常にエキサイティングです. たくさんパンチを出してプレッシャーをかける. ジェラルド・ワシントンは厳しい試練になるだろう, でももし私が彼を乗り越えたら, タイトル獲得にさらに近づいた. それが最終的な目標です。”

“ちょっとしたおとぎ話のようなお話です. 私はブルックリン出身でゴールデン・グローブを着けたほんの子供だったが、今ではバークレイズ・センターで戦っている. まったく新しい環境です. 来年は私がメインイベントになれますように. それが目標であり、夢が実現するでしょう. それを達成するために私は努力し続けなければなりません。”

“イアゴ・キラゼと戦ったときのことを思う, 彼はボクシングもできるランナーでもあった. 私は彼とリングをうまく管理したので、ワシントンに対しても同じことをして体を罰したいと考えています. 背が高ければ高いほど、落ちるのは難しくなります. ジェラルド・ワシントンは厳しい試験だ. 彼は元タイトル挑戦者であり、彼が最高のゲームをもたらすだろうと私は知っています. 私の目標は世界ヘビー級チャンピオンになることであり、そのためにはワシントンを乗り越えなければなりません. それが私がやろうとしていることです。”

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ファンはFOXSportsアプリで戦いをライブストリーミングできます, FOXまたはFOX Deportesフィードを通じて英語またはスペイン語で利用可能. 戦いはFOXSports.comのデスクトップとアプリストアから入手できます。, アップルテレビなどまたは接続されたデバイス, Androidのテレビ, 火災テレビ, Xbox OneとRokuの. 詳細については、:

訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepagewww.foxdeportes.com, Twitterで@PremierBoxingに従ってください, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions, @BrooklynBoxingと@Swanson_CommかでFacebook上でファンになっ www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsportswww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

2階級世界チャンピオンのバドゥ・ジャック、再びペイ・パー・ビューのステージへ準備を整えて臨む 2012 米. 土曜日のオリンピック選手マーカス・ブラウン, 1月 19 MGM グランド ガーデン アリーナから SHOWTIME PPV® でライブ配信

ジャック vs. Browne Serving as Co-Feature of Manny Pacquiao vs. Adrien Broner Mega-Fight

ラスベガス (12月 20, 2018) – While two-division world championバドージャック “リッパー” wears many hats as an entrepreneur, philanthropist and father, it is his boxing career that has allowed him to be on the path to greatness in and out of the ring. したがって、, he will put his championship-caliber boxing skills on full display on Saturday, 1月 19 from MGM Grand Garden Arena live on SHOWTIME PPV® against hungry light heavyweight Marcus Browne as the co-main event of the Manny Pacquiao vs. Adrien Broner welterweight championship fight.

Jack is no stranger the pay-per-view spotlight as one of the brightest stars in the Mayweather Promotions stable and is preparing to make a statement on January 19.

“私のキャリアのこの段階で, I’m motivated to fight the best in the division and prove I am the top light heavyweight in the world,” ジャックは言った. “I want the biggest fights on the biggest stages against the best competition.

Despite being deep in training camp for this major step in his career, ジャック, who was recently named a finalist for the Boxing Writers Association of America’s Marvin Kohn Good Guy Award, has not forgotten his mission outside of the ringthe work he is doing through the Badou Jack Foundationwhich focuses on giving children around the world a fighting chance at life. He spent Thanksgiving serving food to those less fortunate at the Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada’s food distribution center and plans to continue to volunteer with them moving forward as well as continuing his work in the Middle East immediately following his fight.

Badou is receiving a well-deserved acknowledgement for his acts of kindness,” レオナルド·エラーブは言った, メイウェザープロモーションの最高経営責任者(CEO). “Not only does Badou put in hard work and maintain discipline for his craft, he’s a family man who also looks to share the fruits of his success with others.  He remains humble and carries himself with poise as his career advances. I know that good things will continue to come his way and I’m pleased to have him on our team, he’s a promoter’s dream.

While Jack has been in the ring with some very tough customers including Nathan Cleverly, ジェームスDeGale, George Groves and Anthony Dirrell, he knows that Browne is coming to fight and try to derail his successful campaign at light heavyweight. したがって、, in addition to the work he is putting in at the gym, Jack has instituted a performance and weight management regimen overseen by renowned nutritionists Lockhart and Leith, whose clients include world-class MMA fighters from Conor McGregor to Cris Cyborg.

さらに, Jack is utilizing his nutrition supplement products Ripper Nutrition before and after each workout as Lockhart and Leith are now official partners in the product, they believe in it so much. Jack has also welcomed Lockhart and Leith chef James Lockwood into camp to prepare each meal as part of this regimen.

Thanks to the opportunities Floyd Mayweather, Mayweather Promotions and SHOWTIME have provided Badou, he has been able to establish Ripper Nutrition and the Badou Jack Foundation,” アムル・アブドラは言った, Jack’s manager. “He looks great in camp, we expect a spectacular night in the ring and then we will get back to building his empire outside it.

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上院議員マニー “パックマン” パッキャオ, ボクシングの 唯一の8階級世界チャンピオン, will face four-division world championエイドリアン “問題” Broner社 for Pacquiao’s World Boxing Association Welterweight World Title on SHOWTIME PPV® 土曜日, 1月 19 ラスベガスのMGMグランド・ガーデン・アリーナより.

SHOWTIME PPVの前座アクションで, two-division world championバドージャック will battle unbeaten top-rated contenderマルクス·ブラウン for the WBA Interim Light Heavyweight Title and former world championRau'sheeウォーレン will take on France’sノルディーヌウバーリ for the vacant WBC Bantamweight World Championship in a rematch of their 2012 Olympic matchup that was edged by Oubaali. In the opening bout of the four-fight PPV telecast, 無敵のジャック・テポラ元世界チャンピオンにかかりますHugo Ruizin a 12-round featherweight clash for the WBA Interim Championship.

イベントのチケット, MPプロモーションが推進する, Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions in association with About Billions Promotions, 現在販売中で、から始まります $100, not including applicable service charges, AXS.com を通じてオンラインで購入できます, charge by phone at 866-740-7711 または、MGM リゾーツ インターナショナルのチケット売り場で直接ご来店ください。.

アストン・パリクテ vs. ホセ・マルティネス WBO Jr. バンタム級世界タイトルエリミネーター

木曜日, ヤン. 31, 2019 * 古いカジノ & リゾート * 高山, といった

LAS VEGAS (12月 20, 2019) – ロイ·ジョーンズ·ジュニア. ボクシング・プロモーションとミゲル・コット・プロモーションは、早期候補者候補を共同でプロモーションする予定だ。 2019 今年の戦い, 世界タイトル挑戦者のとき “マイティ”
アストンパリクテ (24-2-1, 20 戦績) 無敗に挑む ホセ “チキロ”
マルティネス (20-0-2, 13 戦績) 世界ボクシング機構で (WBO)
木曜日のジュニアバンタム級タイトルエリミネーター, 1月 31, ビエハスカジノにて & アルパインのリゾート, カリフォルニア州.

パリクテ vs. マルティネス 間もなく発表される12ラウンドのメインイベントのカードのヘッドライナーとなる, スーパーボウルウィークの木曜日の夜に開催される, オークボールルームで. 古いカジノ & リゾートが位置する 35 サンディエゴ郊外の数マイル.

の勝者 パリクテ vs. マルティネス タイトルエリミネーターは
いいえの間. 1 コンテンダー ドニー・ニエテス (41-1-5, 23 戦績) といいえ. 3
定格の Kazuito Ioka (23-1, 13 戦績).

何年も前から続くライバル関係, 多分, で強調 2009
対決 マニーパッキャオミゲルコット, その中で、
素晴らしいフィリピン人がプエルトリコの戦士を見事に破った 12
ラウンドテクニカルノックアウト. ジョーンズとコットは初めてのことになる, 二つ
史上最も偉大なボクサーの中で, 反対側の角になります, 彼らが宣伝する競合する戦闘機に関して, それぞれ, パリクテとマルティネス.

“Viejas Casino との新たなパートナーシップの締結 & リゾートが私たちにできること
これらの素晴らしい戦いを主催する,” ロイ·ジョーンズ·ジュニア. ボクシングプロモーション
CEO/共同創設者 キースVeltre 備考. “ロイ・ジョーンズ・ジュニアを持っている. と
ミゲル・コットファイターの対決がこの戦いをさらにエキサイティングにする. 2019 今年はRJJボクシングにとって最大かつ最も活発な年になるだろう。”

“これはあなたのキャリアを変えるタイプの戦いです,” ホール
ファーマー兼プロモーターのコット氏はこう語った。. “私たちは「チキロ」を知っています’ マルティネスは準備ができています
挑戦だし、エキサイティングな戦いになるだろう. この戦いを促進する,
ロイ・ジョーンズと一緒に, ジュニア, ボクシングには最適だろう. 私たちは本当に見ています
前に進んで開始する 2019 マルティネスvsのような素晴らしい試合で. 棒。”

“Viejas の私たち全員がロイ・ジョーンズと一緒に仕事ができることに興奮しています, ジュニア. そしてこの素晴らしいイベントを楽しみにしています,” 追加された ジミー・ワイルド, GM ビエハス カジノ & リゾート.

Palicte (WBO No. 2) 世界クラスのフィリピン人ボクサーの最新波を率いる, 物議を醸している仲間との12ラウンドのスプリットドローを勝ち上がった選手
田舎者, 3-部門世界チャンピオン ニエテス, 空位のWBOに向けて
今年9月にイングルウッドでジュニアバンタム級タイトルを獲得, カリフォルニア州. リングサイドの多くの人はパリクテがフィリピン対決に勝てるはずだったと感じていた, 彼の執拗なプレッシャーとかなり高い活動率に基づく, ニエテスよりも300以上多くのパンチを投げる.

パリクテもNoにランクされています. 9 独立した世界の評価で リング

マルティネス (WBO No, 4), 空位のWBO北米ボクシング組織を獲得したのは誰ですか (NEIGHBOR) 11月のチャンピオンシップ 16, 2017,
ノックアウト ヘスス・マルティネス (23-2-1, 11 戦績) メキシコのカンクンで, 持っています
世界ボクシング評議会ラテンアメリカ人およびWBC USNBCシルバーも開催

“この素晴らしい機会を与えてくれた神に感謝したいと思います,” マルティネスはコメントした. “ありがとう, ミゲル・コットとWBO. これだからワクワクする
パリクテとしてのハイレベルボクサーとの私のキャリアの中で最も重要な試合. 最高のコンディションを目指してしっかりトレーニングしていきます. 私たちは1月に大きな勝利を収めることに本当に焦点を当てています 31ST.”

で販売 $65.00, $55.00 と $45.00, チケットは明日発売です (金, 12月. 21), オンラインで購入できます。


ウェブサイト: www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.com, www.promocionesmiguelcotto.com, www.www.promocionesmiguelcotto.com

ツイッター: @RoyjonesJRfa, @CottoPromotions, @viejascasino, @アストンパリクテ

Instagramの: @RoyJonesJRboxing, @artofmusiclv, @rivalboxinggear,
@Viejascasinoresort, @astonmightypalicte

フェイスブック: /RJJBoxing, /古いカジノとリゾート, /MiguelCottoプロモーション


良い水, プエルトリコ – 一貫した社会的取り組みにより、, 世界ボクシング機構 (WBO), Francisco“ Paco”Valcárcelが議長を務める, Esq, WBOキッズ・ドラッグ・フリー・プログラムを通じて, 「教育センター」の子供たちに喜びと贈り物をもたらしました: 遊ぶ, 探検 & 「ラーン」と「ハシエンダ・ドン・アントニオ」. どちらのセンターもアグアス・ブエナス市にあります.

忙しいイベントの合間に アグアス・ブエナスの市営ボクシングジムで行われた, 子どもたち 学用品やスポーツ用品が入ったバックパックを受け取りました. また, やる気を起こさせる スピーチが行われました, 自転車が抽選されました, そして昼食が彼らに用意されました.

“私たちには言葉がありません WBOが私たちの街のためにしたことに対して. 今年2回目でした 子どもたちはWBOが私たちを訪問し、私たちを助けてくれているのを見ました. 将来, これは反映されます 彼らの人生について. 私たちの感謝は無限大です. ありがとうパコ, このジェスチャーに対して 愛”, アグアス・ブエナス市長は語った。, ハビエル・ガルシア・ペレス.

“おかげ 自分の街のスポーツを第一に考えてくれた市長. これらの活動は、 動機付ける, しかし最も重要なことは、一貫性を持たなければならないということです それを維持する. これは一夜にして成されるものではありません; これは私たちが取り組んでいるプロセスです たくさんの愛を込めて、そして長期的に, 驚くべき結果が得られます”, バルカルセルは言った.

WBO暫定ラテンアメリカ代表 ヘビー級チャンピオン ビクター・ビスバル, WBOラティーノジュニア. ウェルターチャンピオン ジャン・カルロス 「ロボ」トーレス, WBO/NABOフライ級王者ジョナサン・“ボム”・ゴンザレス, そしてWBA 世界フェザー級チャンピオンのヘスス・ロハスがボランティアとして参加, 一緒に 展望 ヨマール・ポプラ, エマニュエル・“ティト”・モラレス, アルフレド・“エル・サルセロ”・クルス, パトリック・コーラとジョン・カール・ソーサ. アマチュアボクシングを代表するのは、 アレクサミル・コットの存在, タチアナ・オルティス, ライアン・モンテス, ラモン・モンテス, ケネス モリーナ, イワン・シルバ, ヤデル・ヘルナンデス, ガブリエル・メナード, ジョシュア・カリオン, カルロス リベラ, カルロス・ディアス, 天使ザビエル, クリスチャン・リベラとエイドリアン・オルティス.

オルランド・ピニェロ監督も出席した, トレーナー アレックス・カラバロ, ジーザス・“トンギ”・オルティス, ヨエル・“ヨーウィ”・ゴンザレス, フェリックスパガンピントール, アルマンド・アラモ, エフライムローマ人, エリエゼル・ゴンサレスとエドウィン・デルガド。プロボクシングの審判を務めるルイス・パボン, ホセ・ハイラム・リベラ, メルバ・サントスとロベルト・ラミレス,ジュニアも参加してた, として プロボクシングのルイス・ルイス審判員も. WBOより, 以外の バルカルセル, 法律顧問グスタボオリビエリ,Esq, 会計担当アドルフォ・フローレス, そしてその チャンピオンシップ委員会副委員長 エンリケ・メンドーサ, Esqさんも参加してました アクティビティ.

WBOキッズドラッグフリーは、 子どもと若者を対象とした国際プログラム。 薬物使用の防止に関するメッセージを伝え、学習を継続するよう動機付ける。 正しい道を歩み続けるためのツールとしてスポーツを利用する, 同様にサポートが原因で 生活の質の向上に貢献するために、困っている人々に向けて.

写真とビデオ: ビクター・プラナス / WBO

ビデオリンク:  https://drive.google.com/open?id=18KVJBNJGIEhLTjE9TtM55DnRYs3F4_4M p2�

Two-Time Super Featherweight Champion Gervonta Davis Defends Title Against Three-Division Champion Abner Mares in SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Main Event Saturday, 2月 9

Presented by Premier Boxing Champions from StubHub Center (Soon to be Dignity Health Sports Park) カーソンで, Calif., Live on SHOWTIME®

チケットは土曜発売, 12月 22!

CARSON, CALIF. (12月 19, 2018) – Two-time super featherweight champion Gervonta “タンク” デイビス will defend his WBA title against three-division world champion アブナーマレス 土曜日, 2月 9 live on SHOWTIME in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions from StubHub Center in Carson, カリフ.

デイビス対. Mares promises fireworks and high-stakes action as both men bring their fan-friendly styles to the ring. デイビス, an unbeaten southpaw who earned his nickname “タンク” by powering through opponents, has thunder in both fists with 19 彼の 20 fights ending in knockout. マザーズ, who has engaged in many memorable fights throughout his storied career, will be moving up in weight and looking to capture a world title in a fourth weight class.

イベントのチケット, メイウェザープロモーションによって促進されます, TGB Promotions and Ringstar Sports, 土曜日売り出さ, December 22 and can be purchased at AXS.com.

This matchup is sure to make for a crowd pleaser, as both guys are known for delivering action when they step into the ring,” レオナルド·エラーブは言った, CEO of Mayweather Promotions. “Mares has an impressive resume and is determined to hand Davis his first loss. Davis has made a lot of noise in the sport at a young age and isn’t slowing down. He executes impressively and continues to prove that he will be the next big star in boxing.

Abner Mares is looking to join a select group of boxers by winning a title in his fourth different weight class and carrying that kind of motivation into the ring is the thing that can propel a boxer to greatness,” トム・ブラウンは言いました, President of TGB Promotions. “We’ve already seen the kind of speed and explosive punching power that Gervonta Davis brings into the ring. I expect that Mares will push him to even higher levels and that is the kind of match that should excite all boxing fans.

The matchup between Gervonta Davis and Abner Mares features pound for pound two of the most exciting boxers,” リングスタースポーツのリチャードシェーファーは言った. “For Gervonta it is the biggest test in his career and for Abner it is simplyDare to be Great”. These two are the definition of modern day gladiators who will put it all on the line on February 9. The winners of this exciting matchup are usthe fight fans and the general public who will be in for a treat!” 

This is an intriguing matchup for both men at crucial points of their careers,” said Stephen Espinoza, 社長, ショウタイムスポーツ. “Abner Mares has never backed down from a challenge, quietly building one of the strongest resumes in all of boxing while consistently delivering fight-of-the-year performances.  In his first fight in the super featherweight division, Abner will be facing Gervonta Davis, one of the strongest, most talented and most exciting young champions in all of boxing. Abner seeks another signature upset in a remarkable career, while Gervonta looks to continue his streak of 11 straight stoppages against the most experienced and accomplished opponent he has faced to date.  With these two come-forward, all-action fighters, boxing fans can expect another thrilling Showtime Championship Boxing main event.” 

デイビス (20-0, 19 戦績) 最年少の現アメリカ世界チャンピオンとなった 2017 when he delivered a star-making performance on SHOWTIME by knocking out Jose Pedraza for the IBF 130-pound title at just 22 歳. He became the youngest two-time world champion in April when he knocked out Jesus Cuellar in the third round of their WBA Super Featherweight Championship bout. The 24-year-old from Baltimore, メリーランド。, has earned the reputation as a power-punching menace as he has stopped all but one of his professional opponents.

I’m very excited to be showcased in my first main event in the United States on February 9,” デイビスは言いました. “I want to make a statement in this fight by putting on a tremendous performance against an experienced world champion like Abner Mares. I plan on showing everyone why I belong in pound-for-pound discussions and why I’m the most exciting champion in boxing today. You don’t want to miss it!”

The 33-year-old Mares (31-3-1, 15 戦績) will be moving up to 130 pounds as he aims to become just the fourth fighter born in Mexico to win titles in four divisions, joining Juan Manuel Marquez, Erik Morales and Jorge Arce. マザーズ, who was born in Guadalajara, Jalisco and now lives in Montebello, カリフォルニア州。, was a member of the Mexican Olympic boxing team in the 2004 Athens Olympics before going on to win world titles at bantamweight, スーパーバンタム級とフェザー級. His two battles for the featherweight world title against Leo Santa Cruz epitomized the kinds of high-volume clashes that have set Mares apart from many of his contemporaries in the same weight classes. He lost a unanimous decision to Santa Cruz in his last fight in June and aims to tackle another weight class on February 9.

I wanted this fight and I want this challenge against Gervonta Davis,” マレスは言った. “I’m preparing well and I will add my fifth world title in my fourth weight class on February 9 on SHOWTIME.

#          #          #

詳細については 訪問www.SHO.com/Sports と www.premierboxingchampions.com 続いて Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @MayweatherPromo, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotionsと@Swanson_CommやFacebookのファンになります www.Facebook.com/SHOSportswww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions と Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. R

PBC オン フォックス & FOX がメディアでのワークアウトの引用を国外追放 & PHOTOS

Jermall Charlo vs. マット・コロボフ, ジャーメル・チャーロvs. トニー·ハリソン & Dominic Breazeale vs. Carlos Negron This Saturday, 12月 22 FOXで生放送 & FOX Deportes & Presented by Premier Boxing Champions from Barclays Center in Brooklyn

クリックここに for Photos from Stephanie Trapp/TGB Promotions

BROOKLYN(12月 19, 2018) – As fight night approaches, fighters competing on Saturday’s Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes event showed off their skills at a media workout at world famous Gleason’s Gym before they step into the ring on December 22 バークレイズ・センターから, の家 ブルックリン ボクシング™.

The event is headlined by theCharlo Twins defending their world titles and a heavyweight showdown betweenドミニク·ブリーズエール とCarlos Negron で始まる 8 午後. ET / 5 p.m. PT。Jermall Charloの, who won a coin toss with his brother, will close the show in a 12-round WBC interim middleweight championship bout againstマット・コロボフ, 同時にジャーメル チャーロ 戦いますトニー·ハリソン in defense of the WBC Super Welterweight World Title.

ショーのチケット, which is being promoted by Lions Only Promotions and TGB Promotions in association with DiBella Entertainment, begin at $50 そして現在販売されて. チケットはで購入することができますticketmaster.combarclayscenter.com, または呼び出すことによって、 800-745-3000. Tickets can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center. Group discounts are available by calling 844-BKLYN-GP.

Here is what the fighters had to say Wednesday afternoon in Brooklyn:


Professional athletes have to be ready for anything. I’m ready for whoever is in the ring against me and whatever he brings. We’ll see who is at their best on Saturday night.

This is a headlining card for the Charlo Twins and we’re ready to put on a show for our family and our fans. 準備できました, I’m sure Korobov is ready, so let’s get it on.

I know that Korobov has been training because he was on the undercard. I’m thankful he accepted the fight and I just hope he’s done everything right to prepare for this fight. 私はそれを正しくやっています, and now we’re going to fight.

Brooklyn is one of my favorite places to fight. This is familiar territory here. I’m going to prove once again that I’m one of the best in the world.

I don’t know Korobov but I know that every fight is difficult. You never know what these fighters are doing. I’m a professional and I continue to make it look easy.

I have a weapon that no one has been able to figure out. Once they do, I have a whole bunch of other weapons. I’m 28-years-old, I’m having the time of my life beating these guys down. いつかは, I’m going to get the megafights that everyone wants.


It was a surprise to get the call for this fight. I was sleeping and preparing for my second workout of the day. But I was training hard already so I accepted right away.

I’ve been preparing as hard as I can to make everything go exactly how I want it to on Saturday. It’s short notice but we’ve made the proper adjustments to the fight plan and we’ll be ready to make it happen in the ring.

I don’t pay any attention to outside noise or anyone who doubts me. I’ve been preparing for this all of my life. This is my second opportunity to become a champion and I’m going to make the most of it. I’m going to show everything I’ve got.

I have to be the best version of myself on Saturday night. I’m going to take all of my amateur and pro experience and mix it up to make a great performance.


“私は今、本当に良い権利を感じて. Everything is on point and where I need it to be. It’s fight week and it’s time to show out. I’m going to show up and put on for Lions Only. There’s nothing more that I can ask for than to be here to show everyone my abilities.

I’m excited to show my skills again. This is big for me. I have an opponent who has the mindset to come in and dethrone me. He wants to stop the show, but it’s not over yet.

I know that he needs to maintain his composure while trying to win a fight. Tony Harrison is a tall, rangy fighter but it’s nothing I haven’t seen before. He knows who he’s dealing with. My experience cannot be overlooked.

This training camp has been incredible. I’ve locked in with my coach and I’ve worked hard so that I’m fresh and at my best. I can’t wait to step into the ring on December 22.

I hope Tony Harrison is at his best. There are certain things that he does well and we just need to make adjustments when we get in there. 彼がボクシングをしたいなら, we can box but if he wants to bang, we can be the aggressor.

Brooklyn has become the new pinnacle of boxing for a lot of fighters and especially for me specifically. I’m winning with knockouts here and I’m excited to get in the ring at Barclays Center once again and do what I have to do.


Camp was amazing. I don’t think it could have gone any better. Based on all my other camps, I know that I’m absolutely ready for this fight. Now it’s just the anxiousness of waiting.

I’m working on staying very composed right now. This is another day in the office for me. We’re just waiting to see how Saturday plays out.

This isn’t my first time fighting on the big stage at Barclays Center so I won’t let the emotions overcome me. No matter who I’m facing or what the platform is, I’ve been fighting my whole life. This is second nature to me.

I really had the time heading into this fight to have a camp as great as I had. I’ve had the opportunity to get some amazing sparring in. Everyone came in and really competed. It was tough work.

I’m just going to come in and do my job. When I become champion I’m going to get that same respect from everyone.


Whether it’s in sparring or in primetime, I’m always going to bring it. This is a big platform on FOX so I have to show up. The lights are on you and I can’t wait.

I’m excited right now because I’m chasing Deontay Wilder. I want that WBC title. I have this fight ahead of me, but I have to beat him to get what I really want. I want to fight for the biggest prize in the sport.

I stopped Eric Molina last year at Barclays Center to become the WBC mandatory and I’m just trying to keep winning while I wait my turn.

I’m a crowd-pleasing fighter. I keep the fans on the edge of their seats. I can move for my size and I have knockout power. I’m looking for the knockout shot every single time.


We’re prepared for what Breazeale and anything he can bring into the ring. He’s a tough opponent but I’ve trained too hard not to leave it all in the ring.

This has been a great training camp. I had tremendous sparring that pushed me to another level. I’m excited to get out there and show it all on fight night.

This should be a great fight for fans. I’m planning on being aggressive and bringing the fight to him. I hope he’s ready for it, because I don’t want any excuses after the fight.

Unified Middleweight Champion Claressa Shields Thankful for Big 2018 & Looks Forward to Making More History in 2019

Two-Division Champion Preparing for Undisputed Middleweight
Championship Showdown Against Christina Hammer in 2019

フリント, MY. (12月 19, 2018) – Claressaシールズ has had a banner career year in 2018, capped off by recently being named the Boxing Writers Association of America’s Female Fighter of the Year and ThePrizeFighters.com’s Fighter of the Year and Fight of the Year for her victory over Hanna Gabriels.

In addition to her recently announced honors, Shields was also inducted into the USA Boxing Hall of Fame and was a Women’s Sports Foundation nominee for Sportswoman of the Year earlier this year.

“I’m happy with my progress and accomplishments in 2018 but I’m even happier about the tremendous advances of women’s boxing this year,」シールズは言いました. “We will make even more history in 2019, including my fight with Hammer to crown the undisputed middleweight champion of world.”

This has been the pinnacle year for women’s prizefighting and for Shields, a two-time Olympic gold medalist and unified middleweight champion. Shields showed her deserved place among the top of the field by displaying her skills and grit in each one of her contests. She went 4-0 and beat opponents with a combined record of 49-4 including two world champions in Hanna Gabriels and Femke Hermans, plus one multi-time former world champion in Tori Nelson.

Shields won three middleweight world title belts (WBC, WBAとIBF) in her second weight division and was the only fighter to fight major bouts on SHOWTIME, HBO and and new streaming service DAZN.

This monumental year will lead into what will be the biggest fight of her career, when she takes on middleweight world champion Christina Hammer for the undisputed middleweight championship in 2019.

“Claressa has had a meteoric rise this year with her impressive accomplishments inside and outside the ring,” said promoter Dmitriy Salita “This has been a breakout year in many ways for women’s boxing and Claressa has been on the forefront of this monumental progress. It’s great to see her work recognized with these highly respected awards and honors she is receiving for all her victories inside and outside the ring this year. We are looking forward to a great 2019.”

“I am incredibly proud of Claressa Shields as a champion of boxing, 女性のスポーツ, and gender equality,」マーク​​・Taffetが言いました, シールズマネージャー. “Her accomplishments in 2018 continued to break the barriers and glass ceilings previously in place. On Claressa’s broad shoulders inside and outside the ring, we will continue to make history in 2019. I can’t wait for the Shields vs Hammer superfight and Claressa’s consideration for the top pound for pound list regardless of gender.”


Unbeaten Super Middleweight Contender Talks World Title Showdown Against IBF Titleholder Jose Uzcategui that Headlines Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 & FOXデポルテスサンデー, 1月 13 from Microsoft Theatre at L.A. ロサンゼルスに住んでいます

クリック ここに for Photos from Sean Michael Ham/Premier Boxing Champions & Mario Serrano/Team Plant

LAS VEGAS(12月 19, 2018) – Unbeaten 168-pound contenderカレブ “Sweethands” プラントtook time to talk about his current training as he prepares to battle IBF Super Middleweight World ChampionJose Uzcateguiin the main event of Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 and FOX Deportes Sunday, 1月 13 from the Microsoft Theatre at L.A. Live in Los Angeles.

FS1 と FOX Deportes の報道は次から始まります。 8 午後. ET / 5 p.m. PT and will also see unbeaten featherweight Brandon Figueroa take on Moises Flores and sensational prospect Joey Spencer entering the ring.

ライブイベントのチケット, which is promoted by TGB Promotions and Zanfer Promotions, 始める $50, are on sale now and can be purchased at AXS.com.

プラント (17-0, 10 戦績) is originally from Nashville, Tennessee but now lives and trains in Las Vegas. Here is what he said about his first world title opportunity and more from training camp with trainer Justin Gamber at City Boxing Las Vegas.


This training camp has been great. We took everything to the next level as I do every camp. We stepped up everything for this camp, the sparring partners, the strength and conditioning, all of the training is on another level. I’ll be at my best come fight night and I can’t wait.

On his matchup with Jose Uzcategui:

Everyone says Jose Uzcategui is the bogeyman, but after January 13th, I don’t want no excuses. He is a top fighter in the division, but I will take that spot after I take his title from him. All I can tell him is be ready.

On fighting for his first world title:

This has been a lifelong dream of mine to be fighting for a world title and now that time has finally come. I’ll be fighting for my daughter Alia, may she rest in peace. The trials and tribulations I’ve gone through to get to this point have been overwhelming at times, but they’ve only made me stronger. I’ve worked hard for this defining moment in my boxing career and I’m going to rise to the occasion, and everyone will hear the wordsAnd The New!”

On fighting on FS1 and FOX Deportes during the NFL Playoffs on FOX:

It’s going to be a big weekend for sports with the NFC playoffs going down on FOX, but the night is going to be capped off with a great world championship fight. You have two warriors who will be putting everything on the line for super middleweight supremacy. Fans of all sports who will be watching are going to see a man in myself who is hungry and dangerous. I will be crowned champion!”

#          #          #

ファンはFOXSportsアプリで戦いをライブストリーミングできます, available in English or Spanish through the FOX or FOX Deportes feeds. The fights are available on desktop at FOXSports.com and through the app store, または接続されたデバイスを含む Apple TV, Androidのテレビ, 火災テレビ, Xbox OneとRokuの.

詳細については、: 訪問www.premierboxingchampions.comhttp://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage とwww.foxdeportes.com, Twitterで@PremierBoxingに従ってください, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions, @Swanson_Comm になるか、 Facebook のファンwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.facebook.com/foxsports とwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. �Z��r�C�


Click HERE for Photos

Photographs by: Jamie McPhilimey/Matchroom

LONDON (December 20, 2018) – Top-rated heavyweight contenders Dillian Whyte and Derek Chisora took part in the final press conference before their highly anticipated rematch Saturday, December 22 live on SHOWTIME at 5:00 p.m. ET/2:00 p.m. PT from The O2 in London.

Whyte (24-1, 17 KOs) and Chisora (29-8, 21 KOs) will run back one of 2016’s best fights as the bitter rivals will continue what they started two years ago with Whyte narrowly edging Chisora in a close all-out war. The winner will have the inside track at a possible future mega-fight with IBF, WBA and WBO Champion Anthony Joshua, who will be in attendance Saturday night.  

The SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL telecast is hosted by Brian Custer and Hall of Fame analyst Steve Farhood. Live fight coverage will be provided by Sky Sports Box Office. 

Here is what the principals had to say Thursday from the Canary Riverside Plaza Hotel in London:


“There are levels to this thing and my levels just keep rising. I keep improving. Derek will see how strong I am come Saturday night.

“This is boxing and I’m used to people saying, ‘I’m going to do this or that’ to get into my head. I’ve been around long enough and heard fighters say ‘I’m going to come out banging in the first round,’ and then they come and do something else. So I don’t think Derek himself knows what he’s doing or where he’s going.

“I respect everyone. It’s a tough job getting in the ring. I respect everyone from the journeyman to the world champion of the sport.

“You know me, I do whatever it takes to get the win. I don’t need to get up and shout, ‘I’m going to do this or that.’ I just conserve my energy. I’m relaxed. You guys know what I bring and that I can fight, and I can box, and I can hit. You guys know my power. So I don’t have to sit here and scream about what I’m going to do. There will be blood on Saturday night.”


“David [Haye] put together the pieces for my training. He didn’t train me, but he sat me down and said, ‘This is what we’re going to do to get what we want to get.’ It’s gone well training-wise and lifestyle-wise. Now it’s time to go to war and have a great fight.

On his table-throwing episode during the last press conference two years ago:

 “I think the tables are screwed down so you won’t have to worry about that. I don’t think I’m going to do that anymore. I do something when I want to do something and now I’m just happy that training’s gone well and everyone’s fine in my camp.

“I’m going to bring the same game I do for every fight and we’re going to come to fight. His coach says that his fighter will be a boxer and all of that. But truly he’s not in the ring and Dillian’s the one that has to fight and he’s going to try to run, or he can meet me in the middle which would be great for me. Whatever game plan they have is fine. We will come in and seek and destroy.

“The first fight was a great fight. The boxing fans loved it. My brain cells didn’t love it but I enjoyed it. We are going to drown him from the get-go. We know he’s fit, but we want to see how fit he is. We’re going to go BOOM from the gates.

“I don’t want this to go to points. I’m going to knock the sucker out. Hundred percent. I’m going to hit him. I’m going to pound him.”

MARK TIBBS, Whyte’s Trainer

“Ninety-nine point nine percent of the time, a good boxer will beat a good brawler. [Dillian] is not only just a good boxer, he’s a boxer-fighter. We will box and fight our way to a very good victory. It ain’t going to be easy, but we will meet him and greet him and beat him to the punch.”

DAVID HAYE, Former Heavyweight Champion and Chisora’s Manager

“I think Derek has always had in him what he needs to be one of the best heavyweights on the planet. He’s had opportunities in the past but hasn’t capitalized on them the best he could and I think he realizes that now. His experiences have taught him that he needs to work hard and make the sacrifices, and that’s what he’s done. He no longer does the things he used to do and when he stands on the scales tomorrow, you’ll be able to see.

“I’m very confident and I know he has the capabilities. I’ve been in there with him, and I’ve felt his power and his presence in the ring. I’ve seen it. The intensity and ferocity I’ve seen in sparring shows that he’s coming for war. I think the first time he didn’t have 12 rounds of war in him. I think this time he does. I think the power Derek brings will make Dillian very uncomfortable, but the fans are going to love it.”

EDDIE HEARN, Head of Matchroom Boxing

“The winner of this fight Saturday night is so important to the global heavyweight scene and so much is at stake.

“I think the crowd is going to be with Chisora. You know the British fans love the underdog. What makes this fight intriguing to the average fan is that these guys are both characters and very entertaining fighters. At the first fight I sat next to Wladimir Klitschko and he said, ‘I don’t think this fight is going to be very good.’ And after three rounds we looked at each other just shaking our heads.

“The Whyte fight is a big fight for Anthony, but I will stress again the one fight we want is with [Deontay] Wilder. We’re talking now. People shouldn’t assume the rematch with Fury is happening because the deal won’t be that easy. It never is for a fight of that size. It all depends really on Wilder; if he wants to be undisputed and if that matters to him. He can fight Fury after if he believes he can beat A.J. We don’t get chances very often to have undisputed champions, and that’s what everyone wants.


SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL To Air Live This Saturday, December 22At 5:00 p.m. ET/2:00 p.m. PT* On SHOWTIME And The Network’s Streaming Service


Click HERE For Photos

Photographs are complimentary from Matchroom Boxing for editorial use only. Please credit Jamie McPhilimey/Matchroom

LONDON (December 19, 2018) – Top-rated heavyweight contenders Dillian Whyte and Derek Chisora worked out in front of the media just days before their highly anticipated rematch Saturday, December 22 live on SHOWTIME at 5:00 p.m. ET/2:00 p.m. PT from The O2 in London.

Whyte (24-1, 17 KOs) and Chisora (29-8, 21 KOs) will go toe-to-toe once again in a rematch of one of 2016’s best fights on SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL. The all-British affair between the bitter rivals has been brewing since Whyte narrowly edged Chisora in a back-and-forth slugfest that necessitated a rematch. The stakes are high as both fighters have been working toward world title opportunities against IBF, WBA and WBO Champion Anthony Joshua and WBC Champion Deontay Wilder.

The SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL coverage will be provided by Sky Sports Box Office with host Brian Custer and Hall of Fame analyst Steve Farhood. 

Here is what Whyte and Chisora had to say Wednesday from East Wintergarden in London:


“Everybody knows what I come with and what I bring into the ring. We worked on a few new things. We improved in every area. There’s been a lot of talk from him about how he’s given his life to god and he’s got David [Haye] here and all that. We’ll see.

“I’ve changed a lot and improved over the last two years since the last fight. One thing I’ve improved is my consistency. That’s the main thing. I’ve been consistent. I’ve had hard fights, I’ve had boring fights, I’ve had exciting fights but I’ve been consistent.

“The first time I fought him it was only the second time I’ve ever been scheduled for 12 rounds and the time before that I got stopped. I remember the first time I went past five rounds it was like ‘oh crap, this is round six, round seven.’ But now I’ve been there and I’ve done it. I’m experienced and I show different things in different rounds. Even in my last fight, I got put down in the 12th round and got up and did what I had to do to win the fight.”


“I’m ready for action. The fight is only a couple days away. We are ready to go. I’m excited. Training’s gone well and I’m just a happy guy right now. The big difference with this camp is I’ve given all of the control to David [Haye]. From where I slept, what time I woke up, what I ate, everything.

“We’ve trained hard for this fight. There’s only one way we’re going to go into this fight. We are going to war. Right from the get-go. I’m going to run over to his side and start pounding him down. I hope he’s listening. I’m going to pound you and pound you and pound you. It doesn’t matter what he’s done. He can’t hurt me. He doesn’t have a powerful shot that can bother me. I’m going to find this guy, hunt him down and beat him up.

“I’m born again. I have a new manager and a new training regime. I’m just loving life, basically. It’s working out great for me. As I’ve said before, we have to knock him out. We don’t want to leave it to Eddie [Hearn’s] judges to give him the decision. We have to knock him out. We’re not going to use judges in this fight. We are coming there with a knockout mentality. No points, we’re not coming to box. We’re coming to fight.

“I’m going to go straight at him and I know he’s going to come hard too. He’s not going to shy away from a fight. He knows what’s happening. I’d advise everybody not to sit down at the O2 Arena.”