Цатегори Арцхивес: бокс

Rising Super Lightweight Prospect Omar Juarez Takes on Dwayne Bonds Live on FS1 and FOX Deportes Saturday, Април 20 From Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, Калиф. & Presented By Premier Boxing Champions

Photos by Team Juarez

BROWNSVILLE, ТКС (Април 10, 2019)Rising blue chip prospect, Омар “El Relampago” Јуарез (2-0, 1 КО), returns to the ring on PBC FIGHT NIGHTEXTRA on FS1 and FOX Deportes Saturday, Април 20 from Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, Калифорнија. Juarez will face Dwayne Bonds (3-1-1, 1 КО) in a four-round match to open the telecast beginning at 10:30 п.м. И / 7:30 п.м. ПТ.

Улазнице за догађају уживо, which is promoted by TGB Promotions and Mayweather Promotions, in association with DSG Promotions, су у продаји сада. Tickets can be purchased at AXS.com or at the Dignity Health Sports Park box office from 10:00 а.м. на 6:00 п.м.

The 19-year old from Brownsville, ТКС, is looking to make a statement with an electrifying performance as he continues is fast start toward a world title. Here’s what he to say about his upcoming televised bout and his current training camp.

On his recent training camp:

I’ve been spending a lot of time training in San Antonio, ТКС, getting good sparring with all the pros out there. Rick Nunez, who has been working closely with my head trainer and father Rudy Juarez, has been a big help to me and my dad. We all work together with the common goal to be the best. I’ve had a great camp and we are entering the final days of training before we head out to California.

On his upcoming matchup with Bonds:

I don’t know much about Bonds except that he’s an older fighter from El Paso who has recently fought. I’m going to press the action and dictate the pace. I’ll make adjustments as the fight goes on. I really want to make a statement by getting the KO. If I get him hurt, he’s going down.

On making his second appearance on FS1:

It’s very exciting to be fighting on FS1 once again. The exposure is unbelievable, and I want to thank my management team and FS1 for the opportunity. Now its time for me to put on a great performance and entertain those watching on television.

On fighting for his hometown of Brownsville, Тексас:

I love my hometown of Brownsville, Тексас. I have all the support from my people out here. My goal is to one day headline a big fight in this town, a world title fight to be exact. I know I have a long way to go, but I have my mind set on getting to the top. I’m taking the people of Brownsville with me every step of the way.


Градинар-Царабајал ће се сукобити за упражњено светско првенство ИБФ-а за навијаче, БЕСПЛАТНА Фацебоок платформа.

Оффлине: хттпс://ввв.фацебоок.цом/ФацеФИГХТНИГХТЛИВЕ/


ЊУЈОРК (Април 8, 2019) – На програму је ИБФ наслов за светски женски наслов, а историја бокса за жене биће направљена у суботу, Април 13, као ФИГХТНИГХТ ЛИВЕ Покреће Еверласт још једном ради упоредо Сховтиме Спорт пружити сјајну ноћ акције за борбу против обожавалаца свуда. Почетак у 6 п.м. ЕТ уживо из свете сале Боардвалк у Атлантиц Цитију, Њ, интерактивни, БЕСПЛАТНА Фацебоок серија поставља сто за Схиелдс вс.. Хаммер неприкосновени обрачун у шампионату средње категорије са пет борби, укључујући такмичење за светску титулу и преглед главног догађаја са непораженим шампионом Цларесса Шилдс она сама.

“Узбуђени смо што имамо улогу у историјској ноћи женског бокса, и говори о корацима које је наша платформа направила да ексклузивно емитује наш први меч светског првенства,” рекао марк Фратто, Директор и директор пословног развоја, Линацре Медиа. “Борба за светску титулу биће део изванредног вечери Фацебоок акције са кандидатима за шампионате и надобудним звездама, и ексклузивни интервју са Цларесса Схиелдс, и наравно да смо одушевљени што поново радимо заједно са Сховтимеом.”

Састав ФИГХТНИГХТ ЛИВЕ је насловљен од стране непораженог Руса Елена ГрадинаР (9-0, 2 КОс), која се надмеће за своју прву светску титулу када преузме двоструки изазивач титуле Бренда карен карабајал (15-4-1, 9 КОс) за упражњено светско првенство у перолакој категорији ИБФ – прва икада борба за светски наслов за популарну Фацебоок серију. У супер мувашкој акцији, 23 године родом из Детроита Ја’Рицо О’Куинн (11-0, 8 КОс) изгледа да остаје непоражен у борби од осам рунди против Миннесоте Виценте Алфаро Мартинез (9-4, 3 КОс). На картици ће бити и бивши изазивач наслова у тешкој категорији Самуел Петер (37-6, 30 КОс) у мечу од осам кола и Јессе Ангел Хернандез (12-2, 7 КОс) из Форт Вортх-а, Тексас, ступајући у осмокружно такмичење у супер банта категорији. Локални истакнути Исиах Селдон(12-2, 4 КОс) отвара бесплатну емисију на Фејсбуку три сата пре него што Сховтиме Бокинг изађе у етер.

“Април 13 је фантастична борбена карта, од врха до дна, од бившег шампиона у тешкој категорији Самуела Петера до најбољег америчког супер мухаша Јарица О’Куинна и високо конкурентне борбе за ИБФ у перолакој категорији између Но. 1-рангирала је Елена Градинар из Русије и бр. 2 кандидатка Карен Царбајал из Аргентине која се бори за упражњени појас,” рекао је боксерски шампион - претворен у промотора Дмитриј Салита промоција речи. “Неки од најбољих боксера на планети биће изложени на најпопуларнијој платформи друштвених медија на свету, Фацебоок ФИГХТНИГХТ ЛИВЕ, 13. априла.”

Сада у својој другој сезони, ФИГХТНИГХТ ЛИВЕ Покреће Еверласт је Фацебоок платформа прилагођена фанима – поред осталих аспеката – поноси се разговорима у реалном времену између коментатора борбе и гледалаца. ФИГХТНИГХТ ЛИВЕ је приказао више од 545 борци и 16 промоције током 33 преноси уживо догађаја из 19 различитих градова од маја 2017, и при томе, интерактивна платформа изазвала је лојално интересовање љубитеља борбе широм Сједињених Држава и широм света, укључујући значајну публику у Мексику, Уједињено Краљевство и други делови Европе, па чак и навијачи у Јужној Америци, Азији и Аустралији.

Од маја 2017, бројеви у 33 емисије ФИГХТНИГХТ ЛИВЕ серије показали су обећање и потенцијал за нову платформу са просеком од 171,589 прегледа по догађају и више од 5.6 милиона прегледа укупно за франшизу. Од септембра. 2018, шеснаест емисија ФИГХТНИГХТ ЛИВЕ Сезона ИИ достигао 4.2 милион обожавалаца и су у просеку скоро 265,000 прегледа.

Тхе Септ. 2018 “Краљеви бокса у уторак увече” (594,447) из песка у Витлејему, тхе Дец. 2018 “Квинс и Кингс оф Куеенс Цард” (379,758) у Њујорку, тхе Нов. 2018 “Снажна ударна сарадња у време приказивања” (372,662), тхе Дец. 2018 “Рои Јонес Јр. Текас Тхровдовн” (318,886), тхе Оцт. 2018 “Хард Хиттинг Пхилли Специал” (297,545), тхе Оцт. 2018 сатни Барекнуцкле “Фреевиев” (292,253), тхе Нов. 2018 “Титани у престоници” (256,871), марта 2019 мурпхис Бокс “Ст. Патрицк'с Даи Цласх” (252,065), септембра. 2017 “Реал Деал Промоције: Емпире стате” од Ресортс Ворлд Цасино (225,000), марта 2019 Мурпхи’с Бокинг “Мелросе Маихем” (218,409), фебруара. 2019 “Рагинг Бабе Пхилли Специал” (203,000) и августа 2017 ЦЕС “Супер Сатурдаи” од Фоквоодс (203,000) сви пријављени 200,000 или више приказа, а заједно су серије од 33 емисије укупно виделе више од 5,662,450 прикази на свим уређајима.

Поред бројевима гледаности, потпуно-интерактивна, продукције погодне за обожаватеље више од 430,000 колективни ливе пост ангажовања (више од 13,000 по емисији), укључујући и више од 330,000 “свиђа” или “воли,” више од 58,000 коментари и више од 19,000 акције.

Тхе Септ. 2018 “Краљеви бокса у уторак увече” из песка у Бетлехему поставили нову летву са 594,447 прегледа. Тхе Септ. 2017 ДиБелла карта тестера више од 40,000 виевер интеракције укључујући готово 39,000 “свиђа” или “воли” и марта 17, 2018, Мурпхи’с “Ст. Патрицк'с Даи Цласх” поставили нову ознаку високе воде за дели са 2,182.

Страница ФИГХТНИГХТ ЛИВЕ на Фејсбуку има више од 87,000 фанови и више од 95,000 следбеници.

Створио и продуцирао Линацре медија из Њујорка, ФИГХТНИГХТ Ливе серија поседује и професионалне анноунцерс, више углова камере, телевизијске графике, Реплаис и иза-тхе-сцене приступ и интервјуи. У Стримовани емисије су доступни глобално где год Фацебоок је доступан. Иницијатива не само да омогућава навијачима из целог света да подесите, али одустаје-и-долази борце глобалну платформу за представљање своје способности, даје промотери приступачно “емитовање” решење и даје спонзорима могућност да дође до масовног публику преко брендираних садржаја.

Додатно пролеће ФИГХТНИГХТ ЛИВЕ 2019 датуми ће бити званично објављен у наредним недељама.

ФИГХТНИГХТ ЛИВЕ је доступан на адреси: хттпс://ввв.фацебоок.цом/ФацеФИГХТНИГХТЛИВЕ/

ФИГХТНИГХТ ЛИВЕ је доступан на адреси: хттпс://ввв.фацебоок.цом/ФацеФИГХТНИГХТЛИВЕ/

Пратите сву акцију путем друштвених мрежа на ФацеФИГХТНИГХТЛИВЕ на Фејсбуку, @ФацеФИГХТНИГХТЛИВЕ на Инстаграму и @ ФИГХТНИГХТЛИВЕ_ на Твиттеру, или коришћењем хештега #ФИГХТНИГХТЛИВЕ. За најновије Линацре медијских манифестација и распоред емитовања, пратите @ЛинацреМедиа на свим друштвеним платформама или користите ознаке #ЛинацреМедиаЕвентс или #ЛинацреМедиаОнТВ.

О компанији Еверласт Ворлдвиде Инц.
Врхунски бренд у боксу од 1910, Еверласт је водећи светски произвођач, маркетер и давалац лиценце бокса, ВМА и фитнес опрема. Од легендарних шампиона Јацка Демпсеија и Сугар Раи Робинсона до тренутних супер звезда Деонтаиа Вилдера и Дустина Поириера, Еверласт је бренд избора за генерације професионалних спортиста светских шампиона. Изграђен на основу наслеђа бренда снаге, посвета, индивидуалност и аутентичност, Еверласт је неопходан део живота безбројних првака. Са седиштем на Менхетну, Еверластови производи се продају преко више од 75 земље и 6 континенти. За више информација, посетаввв.еверласт.цом.


WBO Middleweight Champion Hammer Takes on Fellow Middleweight Champion Claressa Shields for Undisputed Middleweight Championship Saturday, Април 13 Ливе он СХОВТИМЕ® from Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City

Кликните ОВДЕ for Video from Salita Promotions

Атлантиц Цити, Н.Ј. (Април 5, 2019) – Before she arrived in New York Thursday for the final part of her training camp, ВБО Лигхтвеигхт светски шампион Цхристина Хаммерshared her thoughts on her showdown for the Undisputed Middleweight Championship against WBA, WBC and IBF Middleweight Champion Цларесса Шилдс Субота април 13 live on SHOWTIME from Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, Н.Ј.

Germany’s Hammer has held a middleweight world title since 2010, defending it numerous times including in her U.S. debut last June on SHOWTIME in which she defeated Tori Nelson. Now she looks to stamp her name in the history books in this matchup against Shields that many are calling the most significant fight in women’s boxing history.

Улазнице за догађају уживо, која промовише Салита Промоције, се по цени од $150, $100, $55 и $35 and can be purchased through Ticketmaster and atboardwalkhall.com.

Here are highlights of what Hammer had to say as we head into fight week for this historic event:

How excited are you about fighting in the U.S.?

Цхристина Хаммер: I’m really excited about it because this is a very big fight. I can’t wait to get there, step into the ring and put on a great performance.

Шта то значи за вас борба?

CH: This is going to be the biggest women’s fight in history. Обојица смо шампиони, she has Olympic gold medals and other accolades, so with all of that combined, it’s going to be a game changer for our sport.

What do you need to do to win?

CH: “I’m a long time champion and I know what to do in the ring. I know I have the skills to beat her. I have great foot work and my goal is to beat her badly.

What do you think of Claressa inside and outside of the ring?

CH: Claressa has obviously accomplished a lot going back to the Olympics. This is a big step for her and I think it’s going to be a challenge for her. As a person, she’s just my opponent, that’s all.

Can you describe your style of fighting and what fans can expect on April 13?

CH: “I’m tall for my division so I use my reach. I have great footwork and technique and power and I want to show off all those skills. I’m going to show that Christina Hammer is a great champion. I like to play with my opponent, and when the moment is right, I beat her down.

Can you talk about your experiences as a fashion model and why that’s important to you?

CH: I like modeling because it’s a different part of me. You can be more feminine and athletic. I did my first shoot three years ago and I had never done anything like that. I’ve worked on my skills there too.

To be a model is an easy job, it just gives me confidence. Being a fighter is hard. You have to give everything, because in the ring you can’t run away. You have to fight and defeat someone.

Would you ever want to compete in another sport?

CH: “Не знам. Boxing is the best sport to me. It’s my passion. I give everything to the sport and my dream now is to be successful in America.

Is there anyone in boxing history you’d have loved to fight?

CH: Laila Ali was a great champion and If I fought her that would be a great fight.

Do you see women’s boxing as a sport on the rise?

CH: “Да, it’s really grown in recent years. There are more fights on big platforms for us and I think this is just the start.

Would you recommend for other women to go into boxing?

CH: Boxing is a great sport. You need technique, intelligence and it makes you feel more confident. If something happens, you can take care of yourself. It’s the best workout and I suggest it to everyone.

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Схиелдс вс.. Хаммер ће супротставити непоражене светске прваке у средњој категорији Цларессу Схиелдс и Цхристину Хаммер у борби за крунисање неприкосновеног светског првака од 160 килограма, у вероватно најзначајнијем женском боксерском догађају у историји. Ова играна игра ће Јермаинеа Франклина преузети против Риделл Боокер-а у узбудљивој борби од 10 рунди у тешкој категорији и у отварачу за телевизијски пренос, тешкаши Отто Валлин и Ницк Киснер бориће се у окршају од 10 рунди. СХОВТИМЕ БОКС: СПЕЦИЈАЛНО ИЗДАЊЕ триплехеад емитоваће се уживо у емисији СХОВТИМЕ у 9 п.м. ЕТ / ПТ из Халлвалк Халл-а у Атлантиц Цитију, Н.Ј.


Veteran Contender Adrian Granados & Кандидат тешкој категорији
Andy Ruiz Jr. Prepare for Respective Premier Boxing Champions
он ФОКС & FOX Deportes Matchups Saturday, Април 20 Од
Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, Калифорнија

Кликните ОВДЕ for Photos from Luis Mejia/TGB Promotions

Кликните ОВДЕ for Photos from Mayweather Promotions

ЛОС АНГЕЛЕС (Април 4, 2019) – All-action welterweight Адријан Гранадос a
nd heavyweight contender Andy Ruiz Jr. continued preparation for their respective showdowns at a media workout in Los Angeles Thursday before they step in the ring Saturday, Април 20 as part of Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes from Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, Калифорнија.

Granados will face former two-division world champion Дени “Брз” Гарсија in a 12-round welterweight bout that headlines action, while the Southern California-native Ruiz takes on Alexander Dimitrenko in heavyweight action as part of the broadcast beginning at 8 п.м. ДР / 5 п.м. ПТ. Fans are encouraged to arrive early to not miss any of the televised action.

Улазнице за догађају уживо, which is promoted by TGB Promotions and Mayweather Promotions, in association with DSG Promotions, су у продаји сада. Tickets can be purchased at AXS.com or at the Dignity Health Sports Park box office from 10:00 а.м. на 6:00 п.м.

Here is what the workout participants had to say Thursday from Fortune Gym in Los Angeles:


“Одлично се осећам. I’m starting to peak and everything is clicking. I had a great camp and I’m just excited for this fight.

This is a great style matchup. Danny is a strong puncher and a great counter puncher. I’m going to be right there. I’m going to come with it. I also have a lot of intangibles that people don’t see. I’m not one-dimensional and I have a few tricks up my sleeve.

I think I have more dog in me than Danny does. He complains a lot and also gets away with a lot. He does what he has to do to win. I’ve never been given anything and I think I have a lot more to prove than he does.

My fights against Shawn Porter and Adrien Broner were good preparation for this. I think against Broner I should have gotten the decision, but I didn’t. Against Porter, I fought the wrong fight and missed the chance I did have. I’ve got a chip on my shoulder from both experiences.

This is my chance to show the boxing world that I’m elite and get my title shot. I’ve always wanted to become a world champion, and I haven’t got my opportunity at 140 where I beat the number-one contender. I’m not afraid to fight anyone so I’m here to get a big win.

I think I need a stoppage or a dominating win. It has to be one-sided. I have enough controversial losses that I know that I can’t leave it up to the judges. I’m training hard to dominate the fight.

I’m kind of a ‘young vetbecause I’m only 29-years-old but I’m battle-tested. I was never promoted until the last three or four years. I’ve had to do what I had to coming up. I took the tough fights that most prospects wouldn’t.

I always knew I had the talent to be at this level and I’m glad that I’m respected and recognized now, but it’s time for me to get a big win. I’m going to show that I really belong and I’m an elite fighter.


All the hard work in the gym has been paying off and I feel prepared for April 20. I’m facing an experienced guy who’s tall, but I think my pressure and my speed will make it difficult for him.

We’ve looked at Dimitrenko’s past fights and put together a game plan. We’re going to stick to it and execute. We’re going to attack the body and I think with my speed and combinations I’m going to get him out of there.

I’m coming back from a layoff but it’s over and right now my goal is to make a statement and let everyone know that I’m back in action. I’m ready to take one of the spots at the top of the division.

There are a lot of big fights I want, but my mind is totally focused on April 20. I’ve never been this motivated. I’m going to be fighting more often and I’m glad to have the opportunity.

Fighting for the Mexican fans gives me more motivation now than ever. I want to be the first Mexican heavyweight champion of the world and hopefully this year or next year I will accomplish those dreams.

I have everything I need now to get to where I want to go. This is just the beginning. The more fights I have, the better I’m going to be looking.

It feels great to be fighting in Southern California and I know there will be a lot of Mexicans out there on April 20. It’s always a great atmosphere and my game plan is to steal the show. I’m going to give it all I got for the fans.

I think Dimitrenko is going to use his jab and move around. Он је висок, but he can’t run away forever. At some point you have to be there toe-to-toe. We’ve worked on our head movement and we’re going to be ready for anything he brings.

Том Бровн, Председник ТГБ Промоције

Andy Ruiz Jr. is exactly where he should be right now. He’s re-dedicated himself to the sport of boxing and when he does, there might not be a better heavyweight out there. He traveled to New Zealand and took on Joseph Parker in his backyard and lost a majority decision. He’s tasted it and he’s hungry for it again.

Arguably Adrian Granados could have a record of 27-1 and he’s ready for his moment to shine. I like where he’s at mentally as far as taking charge and winning these fights so he can move on and become a champion, which has been his goal since he got into the game.

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Гарсија против. Granados will see former two-division world champion Danny “Брз” Garcia battling rugged veteran Adrian Granados in a 12-round welterweight bout that headlines Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes Saturday, Април 20 20 from Dignity Health Sports Park, formerly StubHub Center, у Царсон, Калифорнија.

Heavyweight contender Andy Ruiz takes on Alexander Dimitrenko in a 10-round bout in the co-feature and unbeaten contender Brandon Figueroa battles Venezuela’s Yonfrez Parejo in a 12-round match for the WBA Interim Super Bantamweight title that opens the primetime FOX broadcast that begins at 8 п.м. ДР / 5 п.м. ПТ.

Fans can live stream the fights on the FOX Sports app, available in English or Spanish through the FOX or FOX Deportes feeds. The fights are available on desktop at FOXSports.com and through the app store, or connected devices including Apple TV, Android TV, Fire TV, Xbox One and Roku.

За више информација: посета ввв.премиербокингцхампионс.цом, ХТ
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“Christina doesn’t know what’s coming for her. I’m going to break that Hammer in half” – Схиелдс

Кликните ОВДЕ for Photos from Jose Pineiro/SHOWTIME

ВБЦ, ВБА & IBF Middleweight Champion Claressa Shields Prepares for Undisputed Middleweight Championship Showdown Against Christina Hammer Saturday, Април 13 Ливе он СХОВТИМЕ®

from Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City


КликнитеОВДЕ for Photos from Jose Pineiro/SHOWTIME


МИАМИ(Април 4, 2019) – ВБА, WBC and IBF Middleweight World ChampionЦларесса Шилдсhosted a media workout at 5тх Street Gym in Miami Thursday as she nears her showdown against WBO Middleweight World ChampionЦхристина Хаммер for the undisputed middleweight world championship Saturday April 13 live on SHOWTIME from Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, Н.Ј.

The two-time Olympic Gold Medalist Shields and unbeaten Hammer will look to become the sixth fighter in history to unify all four major world titles in the main event of a SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION (9 п.м. ЕТ / ПТ).

Улазнице за догађају уживо, која промовише Салита Промоције, се по цени од $150, $100, $55 и $35 and can be purchased through Ticketmaster and atboardwalkhall.com.

Shields has been training in Florida for the last week with her trainer John David Jackson, after spending the previous five weeks at the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado. Here is what Shields had to say Thursday:


“Christina doesn’t know what’s coming for her. I’m going to break that Hammer in half.

“When we’re in there, it’s about who punches harder. Ово је права борба. Just because she has height, doesn’t mean she’s going to dictate what happens. She’s going to have to do a lot to keep me off of her.

“I have two Olympic Gold Medals, three belts and more coming. I’ll have all the titles at the end of the night on April 13.

“I work hard, really hard. If I was a man, I would probably be one of the most famous boxers out there. There is a gender gap. We all know it. I’m working towards changing that. We work hard, we get less money and less recognition, but the world is changing. We are changing it.

“Hammer has been talking smack but I’m not worried about her. I’m just ready for a fight. She talks about a lot of stuff that has nothing to do with boxing. I’m waiting for her to say she’s going to hit me with an uppercut or something, but it’s more of the same.

“Being here in Florida to finish up camp has really been ideal. I’ve still been working extremely hard, but here I have a little extra space and sunshine. It was time for some new scenery in camp and I think this was the perfect move to take me into fight week.

“I’ve been working on my ‘Ali shuffle,’ this gym inspired me. Don’t be surprised if you see me break it out during the fight. I’ve got some tricks up my sleeve. At the press conference there will be some surprises too — I have an outfit picked that is going to steal the show.”

“This fight is long overdue and I’m just glad I’m going to get my chance to show her what a real champion is. Someone is going down on April 13 and I promise it’s not going to be me.

“People can say they’re not paying attention to you and not studying you, but they’re lying. I’m glad she’s looking at me closely though. Hammer flew one of my friends out there to be a sparring partner, not even knowing that she hasn’t sparred me in years and knows nothing about me. It makes me know I’m on her mind. She can spar with Ann Wolfe and she still isn’t going to beat me.”

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Схиелдс вс.. Хаммер ће супротставити непоражене светске прваке у средњој категорији Цларессу Схиелдс и Цхристину Хаммер у борби за крунисање неприкосновеног светског првака од 160 килограма, у вероватно најзначајнијем женском боксерском догађају у историји. Ова играна игра ће Јермаинеа Франклина преузети против Риделл Боокер-а у узбудљивој борби од 10 рунди у тешкој категорији и у отварачу за телевизијски пренос, тешкаши Отто Валлин и Ницк Киснер бориће се у окршају од 10 рунди. СХОВТИМЕ БОКС: СПЕЦИЈАЛНО ИЗДАЊЕ триплехеад емитоваће се уживо у емисији СХОВТИМЕ у 9 п.м. ЕТ / ПТ из Халлвалк Халл-а у Атлантиц Цитију, Н.Ј.

Реј Робинсон” I Won That Fight. I Am The Last Guy to Defeat Crawford. I deserve a Title Shot Against Him

ЊУЈОРК (Април 4, 2019)–Welterweight contender, Ray Robinson believes that he should have deserved the decision in his bout with WBO number-one ranked Egidijus Kavaliauskas in a bout that was seen live on ESPN this past Saturday at 2300 Арена у Филаделфији.

Robinson of Philadelphia and Kavaliauskas battled to a majority draw in a bout where Robinson demonstrated great ring generalship and dictated the pace of the bout.

This is why I fell in love with boxing. To hit and not get hit, i put on a boxing lesson,” said Robinson.

I feel like I offset him. I was faster and the lateral movement confused him. I frustrated him. I just listened to my coaches and threw him off. I had a full camp, and it showed in my performance as I feel that I dominated,” continued Robinson, who won one scorecard by a 97-93 подударати се, while two others were even at 95-95.

Kavaliauskas has been mentioned for a chance to fight undefeated WBO champion Terence Crawford, but with his performance, Robinson would happily step in the ring with the Nebraska native, as he showed not only he is a worthy fighter, but he also, Robinson owns a win over the consensus pound-for-pound fighter in the amateur ranks. Robinson feels he would repeat that result in the pro ranks, with an opportunity at Crawford.

I think now I deserve that shot. I am the last person to defeat Terence Crawford in the amateurs. The fans would want to see it, and I am sure he would want it. If it was me, I would want to fight the last person who beat me. If not Crawford, I feel that I deserve to compete with the top welterweights out there. Guys like Thurman, Носити, Спенс, Садам Али, Кел Брук, Адријен Бронер. Any of them. I am a promotional free agent, so it won’t be difficult to make a deal with any of them

Ray Robinson talks Kavaliauskas draw

UNBEATEN RISING HEAVYWEIGHTS JERMAINE FRANKLIN & OTTO WALLIN TALK UPCOMING BOUTS & ROAD TO HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIPFranklin Battles Rydell Booker While Wallin Faces Nick Kisner Live on SHOWTIME Saturday, Април 13 from Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, Н.Ј.


Franklin Battles Rydell Booker While Wallin Faces Nick Kisner Live on SHOWTIME® Субота, Април 13 Leading Up to Claressa Shields vs. Christina Hammer Main Event from Boardwalk Hall
у Атлантик Ситију, Н.Ј.

Атлантиц Цити, Н.Ј. (Април 3, 2019) – Unbeaten rising heavyweight contendersЈермаине Франклин и Отто Валлин will be looking to make a splash and announce themselves in the heavyweight division when they step in for separate bouts live on SHOWTIME Saturday, Април 13 from Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City.

СХОВТИМЕ БОКС: SPECIAL EDITION tripleheader will air beginning at 9 п.м. ET/PT and is headlined by Claressa Shields battling Christina Hammer for the undisputed women’s middleweight championship.

Franklin will face Rydell Booker while Wallin takes on Nick Kisner in a pair of 10-round attractions leading up to the main event. For both Franklin and Wallin, they see April 13 as a step towards their larger goals.

Booker is in the way of where I’m eventually trying to be,” said Franklin. “I’m part of that next generation of heavyweights and I’m working hard to end up as the heavyweight champion when the dust settles. I always find a way to win and I’m going to show it on April 13.

Coming to the U.S. for the second part of my career is very exciting,” said Wallin. “I’ve accomplished a lot in my career in Europe but this is a new beginning. This is the moment I’ve been dreaming of since I first laced up mitts and I can’t wait to introduce myself to the fans here.

A 25-year-old from Saginaw, Мичиген, Franklin hopes to show that he’s primed to become the next American heavyweight champion, and is ready to take the mantle from current WBC titlist Deontay Wilder and the long line of American heavyweight champions that came before him.

I’m going to raise the competition amongst the heavyweights,” said Franklin. “The division is definitely back on the map and I’m planning on having a hand in making it must-watch TV once again. America needs another face in the heavyweight division and that’s going to be me.

I already believe that I am the best heavyweight in the world. There are a lot of big, strong heavyweights, but I’m a balanced athlete, which makes me different. Ја сам јака, брзо, athletic and getting better with each fight.

Although his native Sweden is not known for boxing, Wallin’s home country has previously produced a heavyweight champion in Ingemar Johansson, who famously stopped Floyd Patterson in their first fight at Yankee Stadium in 1959. After defeating fellow Swedish heavyweight Adrian Granat in his last fight, Wallin decided it was time to fight in the U.S., following previous training camps in New York with trainer Joey Gamache.

Training here in New York brings me a great energy and it shows in my performance,” said Wallin. “It’s the center of the world, and while I’m fully focused on training, I feed off the energy of the city.

Ingemar Johansson is of course a big inspiration for me. When he came to the U.S. and beat Floyd Patterson, he was the baddest man on the planet. I’m looking to take that mantle and become a hero for young Swedish boxers, just like he has been for me.

In addition to being Wallin’s U.S. деби, the unbeaten heavyweights will make their first appearances on SHOWTIME and it will be Franklin’s first time fighting in the northeast. They each hope to show off their respective talents and are prepared for what comes with the increased platform.

This is a great chance for me to showcase my skills, but I still treat it like just another fight,” said Franklin. “I’m going to adapt to my opponent and expose his weaknesses. I’m always improving because once you think you know it all, that’s when you find out you know nothing.

I’m just a kid from a small town in Sweden and I’ve worked hard to get to this point,” said Wallin. “Training here in the U.S. and fighting here is going to help me put on the best performance of my career. The fun begins on April 13 and I’m not stopping until I am champion.

Both recently signed with Dmitriy Salita’s Salita Promotions and on April 13 will begin a year that could leave each fighter on the precipice of a title shot.

“На априла 13 two of the best heavyweight in the world, one from the U.S., one from Sweden, will both have a chance to make a claim that they are ready to challenge for the heavyweight title,” Саид Реч.

Jermaine Franklin is by far the best American heavyweight prospect who is soon to be a contender and a champion. He will have a great opportunity to showcase his skills and worth against the experienced, hungry and accomplished Rydell Booker.

Boxing is a sport of individual stories and Otto Wallin is a great example of that. A top-rated heavyweight from a small town in Sweden, he is showing that dreams, combined with hard work, can come true. He is one of the best heavyweight contenders from Europe and on April 13 he will show that he belongs with the elite in the U.S.

With this opportunity to announce themselves in the resurgent heavyweight division, Franklin and Wallin are keyed for eye-opening performances next Saturday.

My ultimate goal is to become world champion and I believe right now I’m on the right path,” said Wallin, који је рангиран Не. 5 by the IBF and WBA. “I had good years fighting in Europe, but now is the time for me to go to the next level. I can’t wait to show everyone what I’m all about and give the fans great fights.

I’m planning to be a major force in the heavyweight division by the end of the year,” said Franklin. “It’s my coming out party. I feel like my dreams are going to come true. I’m going to show everyone who I am: the best new heavyweight in the world.

Улазнице за догађају уживо, која промовише Салита Промоције, се по цени од $150, $100, $55 и $35 and can be purchased through Ticketmaster and atboardwalkhall.com.

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Схиелдс вс.. Хаммер ће супротставити непоражене светске прваке у средњој категорији Цларессу Схиелдс и Цхристину Хаммер у борби за крунисање неприкосновеног светског првака од 160 килограма, у вероватно најзначајнијем женском боксерском догађају у историји. Ова играна игра ће Јермаинеа Франклина преузети против Риделл Боокер-а у узбудљивој борби од 10 рунди у тешкој категорији и у отварачу за телевизијски пренос, тешкаши Отто Валлин и Ницк Киснер бориће се у окршају од 10 рунди. СХОВТИМЕ БОКС: СПЕЦИЈАЛНО ИЗДАЊЕ триплехеад емитоваће се уживо у емисији СХОВТИМЕ у 9 п.м. ЕТ / ПТ из Халлвалк Халл-а у Атлантиц Цитију, Н.Ј.


Кликните ОВДЕ for Photos from Team Leo/Mayweather Promotions

Кликните ОВДЕ for Photos from Team Tabanao

ЛАС ВЕГАС боксери који су изборили своје место у Олимпијском квалификационом тиму биће најбољи тим који ће представљати тим САД на предстојећим квалификацијама 1, 2019 – Unbeaten 122-pound prospect Angelo Leo and Filipino Neil Tabanao talk training camp just days away from their СхоБок: Нова генерација main event showdown Friday, Април 5 ливе он СХОВТИМЕ (10 п.м. ЕТ / ПТ) од Sam’s Town Live у Лас Вегасу.

The СхоБок tripleheader co-feature will see unbeaten super featherweight prospect Xavier Martinez (13-0, 9 КОс) squaring off against experienced Filipino John Moralde (21-2, 11 КОс) in a 10-round bout and undefeated Mayweather Promotions’ 130-pound prospect андрес Кортес (10-0, 6 КОс) пред Јахмал Дајер (9-1, 5 КОс) in an eight-round bout in the telecast opener.

Tickets for the Mayweather Promotions’ Sin City Showdown are priced at $25, $50 и $75 and can be purchased by visiting: https://mayweatherpromotions.com/events/.

Лав, (16-0, 8 КОс), who started boxing at the age of eight, has dreams of emulating his biggest boxing inspiration, Роберто Дуран, by one day becoming a world champion. He draws inspiration not only from Duran’s aggressiveness in the ring, but also from his tactical fighting style. The 24-year-old from Albuquerque, Н.М. has sparred with elite boxers such as Leo Santa Cruz, Jessie Magdaleno, Нонито Донаире, and Tomoki Kameda and assures he is more than prepared to withstand Tabanao on April 5.

Tabanao, 25, made his pro debut in 2012 in his home country of the Philippines. He will make his television debut this week as he looks to move up the super bantamweight ranks. Tabanao won the WBO Oriental Featherweight Title in 2016 with a third-round technical knockout of Ibrahim Balla to then lose it to former 122-pound world champion Issac Dogboe. He suffered two consecutive defeats after losing to Dogboe but has admirably rebounded by winning his last four bouts.

Here is what the fighters had to share ahead of their matchup:

On what they know about their opponent:

Лав: “Tabanao is definitely not a pushover. Он има 17 победи и 11 of those by knockout, so we definitely know that he can punch. I’ve seen a video of him, he likes to counter off the high guard. He’s fought a former world champion, Isaac Dogboe, and went the distance with him. Тако, he is a tough competitor for sure, but I think with my boxing and ring IQ, I can get the victory.”

Tabanao: “Angelo Leo is a good fighter. We need to use a good strategy to win this fight—and we have it. We trained very hard targeting his weaknesses. He’s in for a surprise this Friday.”

On what a win from this fight will do for their career:

Лав: “A win over Neil Tabanao will probably set me up for another 10-round fight and after that I will hopefully be competing on a world title eliminator. I think in the next two or three fights I’ll get a world title shot.”

Tabanao: “I want to be recognized in the world of boxing. Leo is a step towards that goal. He doesn’t know what he’s in for.”

On training camp:

Лав: “I had a very good training camp. I have a very good team. Мој тата, is my head trainer, he is the one in charge. Luis Chavez is my other trainer. He lives in New Mexico trainer and comes down when I fight. Steve Cartledge and John Sinclair are helping me with my strength and conditioning. We started increasing the rounds in my sparring and we are trying to get the conditioning up as well. I have been training super hard for this fight. I feel that I’m in tip-top shape.”

Tabanao: “I had a good training camp. I trained with my coach Sonny Dollente at Mabuhay Boxing Camp at Dujali Davao del Norte in The Philippines. We worked hard on perfecting our strategy; we are ready to counter whatever Leo may do on Friday night.”

How does it feel to fight on national television?

Лав: “It feels like a dream come true to fight on national television. I’ve been working so hard for this moment. Коначно, I get to show everybody who I am and what better way to do it than as the main event on TV. I’m going to take full advantage of this opportunity. Everyone will see what I’m all about.”

Tabanao: “It means a lot to me to be able to fight on national television. I hope this is the first of many televised fights. I want to become a renowned and successful boxer to be able help my family. I’m determined to do it.”

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Viktor Postol And France’s Mohamed Mimoune Battle in 140-Pound Title Eliminator Plus Rising Heavyweight Sensation Efe Ajagba Meets Once-Beaten Michael Wallisch on СHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Tripleheader

Presented by Premier Boxing Champions from The Chelsea Inside The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas

Tickets on Sale Monday, Април 1!

ЛАС ВЕГАС – (Март 29, 2019) – Former lightweight world champion Роберт Ускрс Јр.and former two-division champion Ранцес Бартоломеј will meet for the vacant WBA Lightweight Title on Saturday, Април 27 live on SHOWTIME from The Chelsea inside of The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas and presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING coverage begins at 10 п.м. ЕТ / 7 п.м. PT and will also feature former super lightweight champion Виктор Постол taking on France’sMohamed Mimoune in a WBC super lightweight title eliminator, while rising heavyweight sensation Efe Ajagba looks to remain unbeaten against once-beaten German Michael Wallisch у 10 колу тешкој категорији атракције.

Easter vs. Barthelemy pits two highly skilled and explosive former 135-pound champions against each other as they look to grab a title and vault themselves back into the top echelon of the lightweight division.

Easter will return to the ring for the first time since losing his IBF title in a unification showdown with WBC Champion and pound-for-pound great Mikey Garcia last July on SHOWTIME. Barthelemy is undefeated at 135 pounds and returns to the lightweight division for his second fight since losing a 140-pound title rematch to Kiryl Relikh last March on SHOWTIME.

Two former champions looking to reclaim their championship status speaks for itself in terms of the action and will to win that Easter and Barthelemy will bring on April 27,” рекао је Леонард Еллербе, Директор Маивеатхер Промотионс. “Both guys have already proven that they have what it takes to take care of business at this level. The eliminator bout, with Postol bringing his experience and Mohamed looking to take advantage of the opportunity, is a great lead-in to the main event attraction. Више, Efe Ajagba will bring his A+ game in pursuit of a victory over Michael Wallisch. The fans in attendance at the Cosmopolitanhere in Las Vegas, and tuning in on SHOWTIME, are in for a treat.

Easter vs. Barthelemy is a true 50-50 fight that will end with one of these fighters leaving the ring with one of the top spots in the lightweight division,” said Tom Brown, Председник ТГБ Промоције. “Both are former world champions at lightweight and possess the styles and attributes that should make this an action-packed match. Combined with a very competitive title eliminator between Viktor Postol and Mohamed Mimoune, plus the can’t-miss punching power of Efe Ajagba, this is going to be a dramatic night on SHOWTIME and at the Cosmopolitan in Las Vegas.

Улазнице за догађају уживо, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions in association with About Billions Promotions, go on sale Monday, Април 1, и могу се купити на ввв.цосмополитанласвегас.цом or through Ticketmaster.

The 28-year-old Easter (21-1, 14 КОс) won the IBF Lightweight Championship in 2016 by edging an exciting split-decision against then-unbeaten and current IBF titleholder Richard Commey. After two successful title defenses in his hometown of Toledo, Охајо, Easter defeated former champion Javier Fortuna by decision in a January 2018 fight in SHOWTIME.

That victory set up a unification with WBC champion Mikey Garcia, in which Easter survived an early knockdown to push Garcia the full 12 rounds before coming up short on the scorecards. At 5-foot-11, Easter has continued to show the combination of size, skill and athleticism that made him a highly regarded prospect following an amateur career that featured a spot as an alternate on the 2012 У.С. Олимпијски тим.

I’ve wanted to fight Barthelemy since he had the lightweight title and vacated it, and now I have the chance,” said Easter. “He has an awkward style and I’m up for that challenge. I am still coming in as the taller fighter with a reach advantage and I’ll use it to make this fight go how I want it to. He is a former world champion and he is coming to bring it just like I am.

A decorated Cuban amateur who hails from a boxing family that includes his older brother, Olympic Gold Medalist Yan, and younger brother, unbeaten featherweight Leduan, Ранцес Бартоломеј (27-1, 14 КОс) will return to lightweight to vie against one of the best fighters in the division. The 32-year-old now trains in Las Vegas and previously captured a 135-pound belt by defeating Denis Shafikov in December 2015.

Barthelemy won a 130-pound championship by defeating Argenis Mendez in 2014 and attempted to become the first Cuban three-division champion when he moved up to 140-pounds for his first fight against Relikh, a title eliminator that he won by decision. After dropping the rematch to Relikh in a vacant title fight on SHOWTIME, Barthelemy returned to the ring in December and stopped Robert Frankel.

I’m looking forward to a great fight against Robert Easter Jr,” Саид Бартоломеј. “I know I have what it takes to beat him and capture another title and become a three-time world champ. My best performances have come at 135 фунти. Both of us are former world champions who are hungry and will give the fans a sensational night of boxing. I’ve never lost at lightweight and that will continue on April 27. Don’t miss this fight on SHOWTIME. It’s now or never!”

Originally from Ukraine, but now fighting out of Los Angeles, Постол (30-2, 12 КОс) previously earned a 140-pound world title by knocking out Lucas Matthysse in 2015. The 35-year-old dropped the title in a unification showdown with Terence Crawford in 2016 before bouncing back by defeating then unbeaten Jamshidbek Najmiddinov. Last June he dropped a decision to unbeaten contender Josh Taylor and most recently he defeated Siar Ozgul in November.

The 31-year-old Mimoune (21-2, 2 КОс) has fought professionally since 2010 и да ће бити што му У.С. debut against Postol on April 27. Representing Haute-Garonne, Француска, Он је без пораза у његов последњи 10 fights dating back to 2014. His last five victories have come in 12-round decisions, including two last year over then unbeaten Emiliano Dominguez and most recently against Franck Petitjean.

Nigeria’s Ajagba (9-0, 8 КОс) gained notoriety last August 24 when his opponent, Цуртис Харпер, walked out of the ring after touching gloves to start the first round. The 24-year-old, 2016 Nigerian Olympian won the fight without throwing a punch as Harper was disqualified. In his last fight Ajagba, who lives in Stafford, Texas and trains with Ronnie Shields, defeated his toughest competition to date by stopping longtime contender Amir Mansour after two rounds.

Фигхтинг из Минхена, Немачка, Wallisch (19-1, 12 КОс) won his first 19 pro fights after turning pro in 2010, including a German heavyweight title-winning performance in 2013 against Alexander Kahl. The 33-year-old fought three times last year, picking up two knockout victories before losing to Christian Hammer in December.

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Photo by Eye of the Tiger Management

ЛОС АНГЕЛЕС, КАО ШТО СУ (Март 28, 2019) – Тешка категорија Jonathan Rice (10-3-1, 6 КОс), који руководи Greg Hannley од Принц Ранцх Бокс, ће се борити Arslanbek Makhmudov (7-0, 7 КОс) for the vacant WBC International title, Мај 17, 2019, у Монтреалу Цасино, у Монтреалу, Канада. The 10-round main event is being promoted by Eye of the Tiger Management.

Rice has three consecutive wins, two by knockout, under the tutelage of former world champion Ваине МцЦуллоугх, who took over as head trainer in September of 2018. With McCullough in his corner, Rice is confident that he will come out victorious against Makhmudov, who will be fighting in his backyard. Makhmudov is originally from Russia, but now resides in Montreal.

I have great coach in Wayne McCullough, and I know I can beat Makhmudov with the game plan we have in place.stated Rice. “I’ve improved tremendously over the last year and my confidence is at an all time high. Fighting in Makhmudov’s backyard will be no easy task. I will have to be at my best to show the world that I belong in the same conversations with all the top heavyweights in the world. Capturing the WBC International title will open up many doors for my career.

Jonnie Rice has come a long way with Wyane McCullough in his corner,” Greg Hannley of Prince Ranch Boxing said, “Rice has a lot of heart and its going to be one hell of a fight. These are the type of fights that will catapult him up the ranking, getting him one step closer to a world title.