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Oscar Valdez-Jason Sanchez Titulars Millor posició en ESPN June Card 8 al Reno-Sparks Convention Center

Sullivan Barrera i Michael Segells de pes pesat s'enfronten a co-estel·lar a 10 assalts llum

En viu per ESPN i ESPN Esports en 10 p.m. ET / 7 pm. PT


RENO, Nev. (Maig 9, 2019) - superheroi d'acció per excel·lència de la boxa, Oscar Valdez, farà la sisena defensa del seu títol de l'OMB pes ploma del món Dissabte, Juny 8 contra el malestar ment Jason "El Alacrancito" Sánchez al centre de convencions Reno Sparks.

Valdez-Sánchez i l'enfrontament de pes semipesado de 10 assalts entre els candidats al títol famolencs de Sullivan Barrera i Michael segells seran televisats en viu per ESPN i ESPN Esports en 10 p.m. ET / 7 pm. PT. combats preliminars es transmetre en viu per ESPN +, el principal servei de streaming multi-esport, a partir de les 6:30 p.m. I / 3:30 p.m. PT. Gabriel Flors Jr. (13-0, 6 KOs), fresc de la seva nocaut en el tercer assalt sobre Eduardo Pereira Reis enfront de més de 10,000 aficionats a la seva ciutat natal de Stockton, Califòrnia, veurà acció a la cartellera.

Promoguda per Top Rank, en associació amb Let 's Get It On Promotions i Atlantis Casino Resort Spa, Les entrades per a aquest esdeveniment de campionat del món a un preu de $103, $68 i $43 (incloent honoraris de la facilitat) estan a la venda i es poden adquirir a través del o personalment a la botiga de regals Atlantis Casino Resort Spa.

"Jason Sánchez és el verdadero'Cinderella Man,' ", Va dir el president de Top Rank, Bob Arum. "És jove, fam i capaç d'aconseguir un gran malestar. Ha de ser una emocionant batalla ".

“Estic emocionat d'estar de tornada al ring per a la sisena defensa del meu títol mundial. Sé que hi ha un gran objectiu a l'esquena perquè sóc el campió, però ningú es va a portar aquest títol lluny de mi,"Va dir Valdez. “Aquest serà el meu segon entrenament de lluita amb Eddy Reynoso. L'entrenament amb Eddy, Em sento el millor que he sentit. Em vaig sentir molt bé al ring durant la meva primera baralla amb Eddy en el meu cantonada. Sé que vaig a mirar encara millor aquest temps d'espera. Els aficionats a Reno i veure per ESPN i ESPN Esports poden esperar una gran mostra de mi el 8 de juny "

"Em sento molt honrat i beneït per tenir una oportunitat com aquesta,"Va dir Sánchez. "Venint d'Albuquerque, Nou Mèxic, Jo sabia que havia de treballar més dur per fer-se notar i per arribar on estic en aquest moment. Em va a portar aquesta casa cinturó a Albuquerque, a la meva família, els meus seguidors, i sobretot, el meu difunt germà Alan Sánchez. Crec que em va guiar per aquest camí i que el meu viatge tot just comença ".

Valdez (25-0, 20 KOs), primer en dos temps de Mèxic olímpic, ha emocionat als fanàtics de la boxa amb el seu anar a la fallida estil. Ell va guanyar el títol ploma de l'OMB al juliol 2016 i va demostrar la seva vàlua amb un trio de banys de sang de 12 assalts en contra de Miguel Marriaga, Gènesi Servania i Scott Quigg en baralles consecutives. Valdez va superar a una sobre-el-pes Quigg passat mes de març per decisió unànime tot i lluitar més de la meitat de la baralla amb una mandíbula severament trencat. Després de la baralla Quigg, Valdez va prendre gairebé un any de descans, tornant febrer. 2 a Frisco, Texas, per noquejar llavors invicte reptador italià Carmine Tommasone en la setena ronda.

Els 24 anys d'edat, Sánchez (14-0, 7 KOs) arriba a aquesta baralla de campionat com un més ràpid creixement nois joves de la divisió de pes ploma. L'octubre passat, va sorprendre llavors invicte Jean Carlos Rivera per decisió unànime a la Ciutat de Panamà, Panamà. Després de la victòria Rivera, Sánchez va signar un contracte promocional a llarg termini amb Top Rank. Ell va impressionar en el seu debut al febrer de Top Rank. 2 a Frisco, Texas, noquejar Daniel Olea en la segona ronda. Sánchez espera convertir-se en únic boxejador dels homes de la Cinquena de Nou Mèxic a guanyar un títol mundial.

Barrera (22-2, 14 KOs), un ex boxejador amateur cubà, desertar als Estats Units en 2009 i es va convertir en professional aquest mateix any. El boxejador amb seu a Miami va guanyar la primera 17 episodis de la seva carrera abans de caure per decisió a lliura-per-lliura gran Andre Ward. Una perenne contendent, Barrera té victòries sobre Joe Smith Jr., Vyacheslav Shabranskyy, Karo Murat i ex súper mitjà campió mundial Jeff Lacy. Ell va desafiar a Dimitri Bivol per un títol mundial de pes semipesado de l'any passat i va lluitar valentament abans de ser detingut a l' 12º i ronda final.

Segells (22-2, 16 KOs), un ex linebacker d'Alabama A&M University, negociat en les seves sabates per troncals i es va convertir en professional després d'una carrera amateur de cinc baralles. Era 19-0 quan es van enfrontar amb Edwin Rodríguez al novembre 2015. En una batalla puja i baixa que incloïa cinc caigudes, Rodríguez noquejat Segells en el tercer assalt d'una baralla del contendent Any. foques sigui 3-1 des de la batalla Rodríguez, l'única derrota ve per desqualificació després que va colpejar al seu oponent mentre es trobava a terra. El guanyador d'aquesta baralla plena d'acció que no pot fallar estarà en línia per a una potencial oportunitat de títol mundial.

"Estic molt emocionat d'haver signat amb Top Rank, una organització de classe mundial amb els millors pesos lleugers al món,"Va dir Barrera. "Estic molt emocionat pel futur, però el primer pas és portar negocis, juny 8 i després puc esperar una oportunitat per un títol mundial. El meu objectiu final és Sergey Kovalev. Ho he estat perseguint tota la meva carrera. Esperem, per fi podem lluitar aquest any ".

"Això significa tot per a mi. Tenia una gran oportunitat amb Edwin Rodríguez, sinó que vaig anar a la baralla amb un esquinç del manegot rotatoris. Bàsicament jo estava lluitant amb només la mà dreta,” segella aquesta. “Ara, Jo sóc 100 per cent saludable. Aquest és el meu temps. Barrera va tenir el seu temps. Em sento bé. sento aguda. Em sento jove. He sacrificat molt i he tingut molt de temps per reflexionar sobre les decisions que he pres i totes les dificultats que he passat. Al juny 8, Vaig a deslligar tota la meva frustració en Barrera. Jo no vull treure-li res a Barrera. És un lluitador de classe mundial, però jo sóc així ".

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Utilitza la #ValdezSanchez hashtags i #BarreraSeals a unir-se a la conversa a les xarxes socials.


American Champion Wilder Fights To Join
Hall Of Fame Heavyweights Joe Louis, Muhammad Ali, Mike Tyson And More As Only The 10º Heavyweight In History With Nine Or More Successful Consecutive Title Defenses

Dissabte, Maig 18 Against Top Contender Dominic Breazeale Live on SHOWTIME® del Barclays Center a Brooklyn & Presentat per
Lliga de Campions de Boxa

BROOKLYN (Maig 8, 2019) – When WBC Heavyweight World Champion Deontay “El bombarder de Bronze” Wilder defends his title against mandatory challenger Dominic “Problema” Breazeale en dissabte, Maig 18, he will not only seek to continue his run as the only American heavyweight champion, but also cement himself into the historic company of heavyweight legends that came before him.

In an event taking place live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center, la casa de BROOKLYN BOXA ™, Wilder will attempt to defend his WBC title for the ninth time since first capturing the belt in January 2015. Wilder’s triumph marked the return of heavyweight prizefighting in America and the end of an eight-year drought without an American heavyweight world champion, the longest in the history of the sport.

There has been a long line of great American heavyweight champions who represented our country with pride, strength and honor in the ring,” Said Wilder. “I take the responsibility very seriously to pick up where they left off and continue to show every young fighter who looks up to me, that they one day can be the heavyweight champion of the world.

I’m a champion of the world, but I represent for the entire country and everyone in it,” Said Wilder. “I’ve fought challengers from all around the world, knowing in my mind how important it was to keep this title in the U.S.

If successful on May 18, Wilder will become just the 10º fighter in the more than 135-year history of heavyweight boxing to make nine or more consecutive successful heavyweight title defenses. Wilder would join an impressive list of Hall of Famers who dominated the sport during their reignTommy Burns, Joe Louis, Joe Frazier, Muhammad Ali, Larry Holmes, Mike Tyson, Lennox Lewis, Vitali Klitschko and future Hall of Famer Wladimir Klitschko. *Nota: number of title defenses listed beloen

Fighters like Jack Johnson, Joe Louis, Muhammad Ali, Mike Tyson and more have paved the way for me,” Said Wilder. “Now I’m going to take what they started and make sure that the heavyweight world championship stays in America for a long time.

Wilder’s successes in the ring have seen him skyrocket toward the kind of recognition that heavyweight champions have garnered throughout history. En 2018 he was ranked 34 on ESPN’sWorld Fame 100list, the top spot of any boxer in the world.

Being the heavyweight champion and holding that title on the American sports landscape is a huge deal,” Said Wilder. “There was a time where that person was as well-known as the president. I’m going to keep leaving a path of destruction inside the ring, so that everyone knows I am the one name and one face of the heavyweight division.

List of fighters with nine consecutive heavyweight title defenses (listed chronologically):
1.) Tommy Burns (11)
2.) Joe Louis (25)
3.) Joe Frazier (nine)
4.) Muhammad Ali (nine in first run, 10 in second reign)
5.) Larry Holmes (20)
6.) Mike Tyson (nine in first run)
7.) Lennox Lewis (nine in second run)
8.) Vitali Klitschko (11 in second run)
9.) Wladimir Klitschko (18 in second run)

# # #

Wilder vs.. Breazeale is headlined by Heavyweight World Champion Deontay Wilder defending his WBC title against top contender Dominic Breazeale Saturday, Maig 18 en viu per SHOWTIME a Barclays Center, la casa de BROOKLYN BOXA ™, i presentat per Premier campions de boxa.

SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® comença a 9 p.m. ET / 6 pm. PT and features
WBC Featherweight World Champion Gary Russell Jr. la defensa del seu títol davant l'ex campió del món Kiko Martínez, plus unbeaten super lightweight contender
Juan Heráldez squaring-off against former world champion Argenis Méndez in a 10-round attraction.

Tickets for this BombZquad event can be purchased at Tickets also can be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center. Descomptes per a grups estan disponibles trucant al 844-BKLYN-GP. The Heraldez vs. Mendez fight is co-promoted with Mayweather Promotions.

Per obtenir més informació, visiteu,, segueixi a Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @BrooklynBoxing, TGBPromotions, @MayweatherPromo and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at


Aquest divendres, Maig 10 En viu per SHOWTIME® a 10:30 p.m. ET/PT from Omega Products International in Corona, Califòrnia.

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QUÈ: Ruben Villa will return for his second consecutive ShoBox: La Nova Generació appearance of 2019, but this time the undefeated featherweight prospect will be the headline attraction when he takes on top-15 ranked contender Luis Alberto Lopez this Friday, Maig 10 (10:30 p.m. ET / PT) from Omega Products International in Corona, Califòrnia.

SHOWTIME Sports released a “DAY IN CAMP: Ruben Villa” video feature that captures Villa’s humble mindset, grueling training regimen and hunger for success as he prepares for the toughest test of his career. The latest installment of the “DAY IN CAMP” digital franchise is available for viewing AQUÍ:

Villa’s training begins in the morning at the Robert Garcia Boxing Gym in Riverside, Qualif., where the 22-year-old works on his footwork and technique under the guidance of trainer Max Garcia and ends with a 5-mile run through the Riverside hills. In between, Villa goes through an intense sparring session and watches tape from his last fight where he dispatched then-unbeaten Ruben Cervera in the first ShoBox transmissió de 2019.

Although he’s still early in his professional career, the two-time National Golden Gloves Amateur Champion has big aspirations.

“Once I’m able to call my own shots and have a world title, I want to be able to say I fought the best and I beat the best.”

In the co-feature of this Friday’s ShoBox transmissió per televisió, fast-rising 21-year-old Texan Michael Dutchover (12-0, 9 KOs) will take on fellow undefeated prospect and former Chilean National Champion Ramon Mascarena Jr. (10-0, 5 KOs) en un concurs de pes lleuger de vuit assalts. En la baralla d'obertura de la tripleta, undefeated bantamweight prospect Saul Sanchez (11-0, 6 KOs) battles Mexican Brandon Leon Benitez (14-1, 6 KOs) en una baralla de vuit assalts.

Divendres de ShoBox telecast immediately follows the premiere of ALL ACCESS: WILDER vs. BREAZEALE a 10 p.m. ET / PT per SHOWTIME.


Latest Installment Of Award-Winning Series Premieres This Friday At 10 p.m. ET/PT On SHOWTIME®



NEW YORK – May 6, 2019 -SHOWTIME Sports released an exclusive clipfrom ALL ACCESS: WILDER vs. BREAZEALE in advance of the premiere this Friday, Maig 10 a 10 p.m. ET/PT on SHOWTIME.VIDEO:

The latest installment of the Sports Emmy® Award-winning series immerses viewers into the lives and training camps of Deontay Wilder and Dominic Breazeale as the 6-foot-7 heavyweights approach a grudge match that has been brewing for more than two years. Wilder will attempt to make the ninth successful defense of his WBC Heavyweight World Championship on Saturday, Maig 18 live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center in Brooklyn in a matchup of two American heavyweights with a combined 90 percent knockout ratio.

ALL ACCESS: WILDER vs. BREAZEALE immediately precedes aShoBox: La Nova Generació tripleheader headlined by undefeated blue-chip featherweight prospect Ruben Villa taking on Luis Alberto Lopez.

Addicionalment, the network will offer digital daily installments ofALL ACCESS DAILY: WILDER vs. BREAZEALE during fight week. The digital shorts will deliver the franchise’s signature access and storytelling in the final days before the heavyweight showdown beginning Wednesday, Maig 15 on the network’s social media channels.



Light Heavyweight Brawler Ahmed Elbiali Duels Marlos Simões in Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 & FOX Deportes Action Saturday, Maig 25 from Beau Rivage Resort Casino in Biloxi, Mississipí

Eimantas Stanionis Forced to Withdraw From Previously Scheduled Bout Due to Hand Injury

PBC Prelims on FS2 & FOX Deportes to Feature Puerto Rican Olympian Carlos Negron Battling Daniel Martz in Heavyweight Action, Cruiserweight Showdown Between Unbeaten Efe Apochi & Earl Newman & Welterweight Prospect Amon Rashidi Stepping into the Ring – 6 p.m. ET/3 p.m. PT

BILOXI, MS. (Maig 6, 2019) – Contendent de pes pesat lleuger Ahmed Elbiali s'enfrontaran Marlos Simões in a 10-round showdown as part of Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 and FOX Deportes action Saturday, Maig 25 from Beau Rivage Resort Casino in Biloxi, Mississipí. Elbiali will replace the previously scheduled bout featuring Eimantas Stanionis, as Stanionis was forced to withdraw because of a hand injury suffered in training.

PBC on FS1 and FOX Deportes begins at 8 p.m. ET / 5 PM. PT and is headlined by former super welterweight champion Austin “No ha Dubte” Truita returning to the ring to take on former title challenger Terrell Gausha in a 10-round super welterweight battle.

PBC Prelims on FS2 and FOX Deportes will begin at 6 p.m. ET/3 p.m. PT and be headlined by Puerto Rican Olympian Carlos Negrón tenint en Daniel Martz in an eight or 10-round heavyweight match and top prospect Amon Rashidi competing in a four or six-round welterweight attraction. Prelims will also feature in the opening bout hard hitting cruiserweights as undefeated Efe Apochi steps in against Earl Newman for an eight round matchup.

Les entrades per a l'esdeveniment, que està promogut per Promocions TGB, are on sale now and can be purchased at the Beau Rivage Theatre box office and through Ticketmaster.

The 28-year-old Elbiali (18-1, 15 KOs) is coming off an exciting third round knockout victory over Allan Green on Jan. 13 en FS1. Elbiali, an Egyptian-American who lives in Miami, Florida, knocked down Green in all three rounds before scoring the victory. It was his second straight victory by knockoutthe other coming against Zoltan Sera last June 10 – since losing the first fight of his career against former world champion Jean Pascal in 2017. Simões (13-1-2, 5 KOs) is coming a stoppage victory over Jefferson Luis De Sousa in December. The 30-year-old of Curitiba, Parana, Brazil suffered the only loss of his career against Manuel Ceballos last June.

After representing his native Puerto Rico at the 2008 Jocs Olímpics, Negron (20-2, 16 KOs) was unbeaten in his first 13 baralles com a professional. Now residing in Miami, the 32-year-old carried a seven-fight winning streak before losing to Dominic Breazeale in December on FOX. He will look to bounce back in his 2019 debut al maig 25. Negron will face Clarksburg, West Virginia’s Martz (18-6-1, 15 KOs), who enters this contest the winner of his last two and three of his last four outings. The 28-year-old lost to Luis Ortiz in December 2017 en FS1.

Rashidi (6-0, 4 KOs), who was born in Dallas, Texas and now lives in Desoto, is coming off an exciting TKO victory over Gabriel Gutierrez at AT&T Stadium on March 16. The 26-year-old is unbeaten since turning pro in 2015 and has scored knockouts in three of his last four fights.

An accomplished amateur from Nigeria, Apochi (7-0, 7 KOs) turned pro in the U.S. a 2017 and has racked up knockouts in each fight since. The 31-year-old trains in Houston and scored more four knockouts in 2018 before making his 2019 debut in February and stopping Raymond Ochieng.

A former New York Golden Gloves Champion, Newman (10-1-1, 7 KOs) will look to rebound from a decision loss to Lionell Thompson that came after fighting Paul Parker to a draw on FS1 in 2017. The 27-year-old from Brooklyn was unbeaten in his first 10 pro fights after turning pro in 2014.

In non-televised action Ghanaian super middleweight Habib Ahmed (26-1-1, 18 KOs) meets Colombia’s Juan De Angel (21-10-1, 19 KOs) en una baralla de vuit assalts, OrlandoAntonio Tarver, Jr. (5-0, 4 KOs) battles Milwaukee’s Thomas Hill (8-2, 1 KO) in an eight round middleweight match and Burlington, North Carolina welterweight Willie Jones (7-1, 4 KOs) takes on Garden Grove, Califòrnia Lucas Santa Maria (9-1, 7 KOs) in an eight-round attraction.

Also in action are undefeated Atlanta light heavyweight Brandon Glanton (8-0, 7 KOs) in a six round match and Chicago’s Shawn Simpson (9-0, 3 KOs) looking to keep his unbeaten streak alive in a six or eight round bantamweight bout. A duo of undefeated Dallas, Texas boxers battle in separate bouts as Burley Brooks (2-0, 2 KOs) fights in a four-round super middleweight match and Fernando Garcia (12-0, 7 KOs) fights in an eight-round featherweight bout.

# # #

Fans can live stream the fights on the FOX Sports app, available in English or Spanish through the FOX, FS1 or FOX Deportes feeds. The fights are available on desktop at and through the app store, o dispositius connectats, incloent l'Apple TV, Android TV, TV foc, Xbox One i Roku.

Per obtenir més informació: visita, ht
i, segueixi en TwitterPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, i @Swanson_Comm o fes-te fan a Facebook a, &

Troy Isley coming off biggest win, Preparing for 2020 Jocs Olímpics

COLORADO SPRINGS, Volta. (Maig 6, 2019) – USA Boxing middleweight troy Isley is coming off the most significant victory of his young career, when he defeated the 2016 Medallista d'or olímpic, Cuba’s Arlen Lopez, at the recent Pan American Games Qualifier in Managua, Nicaragua.

Lopez served as a positive barometer for Isley in terms of his potential 2020 Olympic run. “Beating Lopez is my biggest win so far,” Isley admitted. “He won a gold medal at the last Olympics. I avenged my loss to him in 2017. We almost fought in The Continentals, but he lost in the quarterfinals, and I lost in the semifinals. We could face each other again in July at the Pan American Games.

En 2017, Isley captured a gold medal at the Elite World Championships, which marked a first for an American elite boxer in six years. He’s progressed year-by-year, taking top honors at the 2012 & 2013 National PAL Championships, 2014 National Junior Olympics, 2016 & 2017 Elite National Championships. So far this year, in addition to winning at the Pan American Games Qualifier, he also took gold at the Strandja Tournament in Bulgaria.

Not too shabby accomplishments for a kid who really didn’t like boxing, especially compared to football, which was his favorite sport growing up.

When I returned to the gym I trained at, Alexandria (Virginia) Boxing Club,” USA National Team assistant coach Kay Koromba remembered,” they needed help with a young kid, troy Isley. I had a simple conversation with him. He said he’d come back to the gym if I was there coaching. I didn’t go back for a little while and he didn’t return. I eventually took over the gym when the coach left, and Troy returned.

Troy is friends with Keyshawn Davés (USA Boxing’s No. 1-rated lightweight). They both live in Virginia (Troy in Alexandria, Keyshawn in Newport) and train with me at the Alexandria Boxing Club, when we aren’t living and training in Colorado Springs. They fought as kids and became good friends. All of the other boxers here look up to them.

“Jo només era 8 and at first I really didn’t like boxing,” the now 20-year-old Isley spoke about his introduction to amateur boxing. “I was more interested in team sports like football, but I gave up boxing when I chose to compete in the Box-Offs. I just wanted to be a kid and you can’t play boxing. I went back to the gym and beat up everybody. Coach Kay told my father that he could make me into a national champion, and that gave me a lot of self-esteem.

A self-described boxer puncher, Isley is an intelligent, well-spoken boxer with eyes on the future, outside of boxing, taking on-line business courses through DeVry University. “I can do it all,” he offered about his boxing style. “I’m working on using more jabs to be a better all-around boxer. The jab sets the offense up. I’m working on my jab because you can win fights with a jab.

Promoters are lining up to pitch their companies to sign Isley, who has a definitive plan that involves making the 2020 USA Olympic Boxing Team, medal in Japan, and then turn professional.

The Olympics is only a year away,” Isley noted. “I’m close with Keyshawn and Shakur(Stevenson, 2016 Olympic silver-medalist and an 11-0 pro prospect). Training with them makes things easier for all of us. We drive each other and train against different styles. I’m always picking up new stuff. We help each other training, combat, and just talking. We’re always together, either in Alexandria or Colorado Springs. Shakur still goes there for good sparring.

Shakur tells us a lot about his experiences in the Olympics and now as a pro. Me and Keyshawn have always talked about being together on the USA Boxing Olympic Team. We keep working hard and staying focused. It’s been our dream.

Dreams do come true but, primer, Isley is preparing for the Pan-Am Games and, possibly, his rubber match with the defending Olympic gold-medalist, López.

Refilo: @USABoxing
Instagram: @USABoxing
Facebook: /USABoxing

Match-ups Announced for Undefeated Fighters for Rumble at the Rock V at Hard Rock Event Center at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Hollywood, Fla. el divendres, Maig 10

HOLLYWOOD, Fla. (Maig 6, 2019) The matches are taking shape for the fifth installment of the popular Rumble at the Rock series entitled “Night of the Undefeated” a Divendres, Maig 10, a 7 p.m. a Hard Rock Event Center a Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Hollywood, Fla. The event is presented by Kris Lawrence i The Heavyweight Factory.

En l'esdeveniment estel·lar a 10 assalts, streaking undefeated, WBA núm. 7-rated featherweight contender Hairon “El Maja” Socarras (21-0-3, 13 KOs) of Miami via Marianao, Cuba, will be looking for his second victory this year by taking on hardened veteran Glenn Porras(32-8, 20 KOs) de M’lang, Cotabato, Filipines.

In the night’s co-main event, Miami via Havana’s undefeated Livan “The Machine Gun Kid” Navarro (10-0, 7 KOs) will step up to face long-time gatekeeper Breidis Prescott(31-16, 22 KOs) of Miami via Barranquilla, Colombia in a welterweight 10-rounder. Navarro has scored KOs in seven of his last eight fights.

Tickets for “Rumble at the Rock V” cost $60, $100, $150 i $250 and are available for purchase through

També en l'acció, undefeated 20-year-old Hawaiian Logan “The Korican Kid” Yoon (15-0, 12 KOs) will face Denver’s Robert Frankel (37-20-1, 8 KOs) in a super lightweight eight-rounder. Before suffering an injury last year, Yoon had already attained a world ranking. This will be his first fight this year.

In a “can’t miss” crowd pleaser, Cuban super middleweight Irosvani Duvergel (5-0, 3 KOs) will face power puncher Lorawnt T Nelson (5-2, 4 KOs) of Colorado.

Making his second cruiserweight battle, fan favorite “Bad” Blake Davis (1-0) from Cooper City, Fla., will look to thrill fans when he faces Quintell Thompson (2-7-1, 2 KOs) de Columbia, Missouri, over four rounds.

More fights will be announced shortly. En la nit del combat, the Hard Rock Event Center doors open at 6 p.m., i l'acció comença a les 7 p.m. Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Hollywood is located at 1 Seminole Way in Hollywood, Fla.


Las Vegas and Boston (Maig 6, 2019):

UFC Fight PASS®, the world’s leading digital subscription service for combat sports, today announced a new multi-year partnership with popular Boston based promotion,Boxa Murphys. The promotion will make it’s FIGHT PASS estrenarà aquest Divendres, May 10th, des Springfield, Massachusetts a MGM Springfield a 9:30 p.m. E.T. / 6:30 p.m. P.T. and will feature a 10 round main event, headlined by undefeated NABA Super Featherweight Champion, Abraham Nova vs. Mario Ezequiel Sayal Lozano.

“Murphys Boxing is one of the top promotions in New England, and I am excited to have them on FIGHT PASS,” UFC President, Dana White dit. “In just five years, Ken Casey has done incredible things with this promotion. I am looking forward to showcasing these exciting fighters to our subscribers.”

“We’re incredibly excited to join forces with FIGHT PASS,", Va dir Ken Casey, founder of Murphys Boxing. “UFC is providing a platform for us to highlight New England’s thriving boxing scene to combat sports fans. We will introduce the world to our incredible roster that includes future champions, such as Nova.”

Recently entering the WBA’s Top 10 Rankings, invicte Abraham Nova (14-0, 10 KOs) will make his highly anticipated 2019 debut under the Murphys Boxing banner. Nova’s opponent, Argentinian prospect Mario Ezequiel Sayal Lozano (18-2-1, 9 KOs), will be the 12th fighter in the past two years to try and take the “Els” from the current NABA Super Featherweight Champion.

Entering the ring for the second time this year, Jr. NABF Super Featherweight Champion,William Foster III (9-0, 6 KOs) s'enfrontarà a Ramon Esperanza (22-15-1, 11 KOs) in an 8 assalts. Foster’s rare ability to combine both power and speed has led him to become one of New England’s most talked about prospects.

In an 8 round middleweight bout, power punching prospect Carlos Góngora (15-0, 12 KOs) will take on Argentina’s Damien Ezequiel Bonelli (23-6, 20 KOs). Gongora, a former Olympian from Ecuador, va guanyar el WBC South American Middleweight Title in February after defeating Jesus Aviles.

Luis Arcon Diaz (6-0, 6 KOs), an undefeated Olympian from Venezuela, and a recent Murphys Boxing signing, will return to action in a 6 round welterweight bout against Argentina’s Jose Aubel (8-3, 7 KOs).

Representing the Boston area, James Perella (2-0, 2 KOs) will look for his third consecutive knockout in a 4 round welterweight bout against an opponent to be named.

Ray Jay Bermudez (6-0, 4 KOs) who hails from nearby Albany, New York will make a quick return to the ring after a KO victory last month when he takes on an opponent to be named in a 6 round welterweight contest.

Rounding out the card will be two of Springfield’s ownpower punching welterweightAnthony Velazquez (5-0, 5 KOs), who will take on an opponent to be named, i el pes welter DJ Whitley (4-1-1), who will take on the always dangerous Bryan Goldsby(5-10) in separate 4 round contests.

The first four undercard fights will stream live at 8:00 p.m. E.T. / 5:00 p.m. P.T. a before the main card starts live and exclusively on UFC FIGHT PASS at 9:30 p.m. E.T. / 6:30 p.m. P.T. To start your 7-day free trial, si us plau visiti:

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Murphys Boxing was founded by Dropkick Murphysfrontman, Ken Casey in 2014. In just 5 short years, Murphys Boxing has become the premier boxing promoter in the New England area and one of the hottest young promotions in the country. 2018 was a breakout year for Murphys Boxing as they took their first fighter to a world title. Along with the promotion’s first champion, several Murphys Boxing fighters secured world title opportunities and nationally televised fights in 2018. Murphys Boxing closed out their banner year by co-promoting the WBO Middleweight Championship bout between Demetrius Andrade and Walter Kautondokwa in front of over 10,000 fans at the TD Garden, the legendary home of the Boston Celtics, which was broadcast internationally on DAZN. Murphys Boxing’s current roster features world ranked contenders like Mark DeLuca, Charles Foster, Abraham Nova, Gary ‘Spike’ O'Sullivan, Greg Vendetti and prospects like Niall Kennedy, Carlos Góngora, William Foster III, Mike Ohan Jr., Luis Arcon Diaz and more.

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UFC FIGHT PASS® is the world’s leading digital subscription service for combat sports. Since launching in 2013, FIGHT PASS is now available in more than 200 countries and territories. FIGHT PASS provides its members with unlimited access to live UFC FIGHT PASS Prelims; live mixed martial arts and combat sports from around the world; original series and historical programming; special features; behind-the-scenes content; in-depth interviews; and up-to-the minute reports on the world of combat sports. FIGHT PASS subscribers also have 24/7 access to the world’s largest fight library, featuring more than 17,000 bouts from dozens of combats sports organizations, as well as every fight in UFC history. Fight fans can access FIGHT PASS on personal computers, iOS and Android mobile devices, Apple TV, Xbox One, Xbox 360, Amazon Fire TV, Chromecast, Any, Samsung Smart TVs, LG Smart TVs, and Sony TVs with Android TV.

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De Alba decisions Lopez in Front of Sold Out Crowd at The Sands Bethlehem Event Center

Spring defeats Hernandez in thrilling co-feature

Torres, Jules. Bocachica and Butaev remain undefeated

Betlem, Pennsilvània (Maig 6, 2019)–Frank De Alba got back in the win column by winning an eight-round unanimous decision over Ruben Dario Lopez in a super featherweight bout in front of a sold-out crowd at The Sands Bethlehem Event Center.

The action was promoted by King’s Promotions and Titans Boxing Promotions.

De Alba had to overcome a hard-charging Lopez, as the visitor form Argentina came out swinging wildly in the first 30 seconds of the fight. De Alba was able to fend that off, and get into a nice rhythm of boxing.

De Alba was keeping a solid distance, and work behind the jab, and befuddled Lopez throughout the rest of the contest, and won by shut out scores of 80-72 en totes les targetes.

De Alba, who was on a two-fight losing streak, got back in the win column which upped the Reading, PA native’s record of 23-4-2. Lopez of Rosario, Argentina és 12-14-4.

En la baralla co-estel·lar, Erik Primavera took an exciting eight-round unanimous decision over Nicholas Hernandez to win the USBF Silver Junior Middleweight Championship.

Hernandez has success early as he pressed the action and rocked Spring several times. With the crowd in a frenzy, as they cheered on the two Pennsylvania based fighters, Spring was able to turn the tide in the middle rounds as both he and Hernandez engaged in several toe-toe exchanges.

The bout was close heading into the home stretch, and Spring needed them bad as his work over the final six-minutes was the difference of the fight as he took all three cards by 77-75 puntuacions.

Primavera de lectura, PA is 13-2-1. Hernandez of Lebanon, PA is 9-4-1.

Jonathan Torres de Betlem, PA won a four-round unanimous decision over Jerrod Miner in a bantamweight fight.

Els puntajes van ser 40-36 twice for Torres, i és ara 3-0. Miner of Philadelphia falls to 1-5-2.

Martino Jules won a six-round unanimous decision over Danny Flores to win the ABO Junior Featherweight title.

Jules of Allentown, PA won by shutout tallies of 60-54 en totes les targetes, i és ara 6-0. Flores of Mexico City is 15-16.

Rasheed Johnson stopped Ricky Nuno at the end of round four of their scheduled six-round welterweight fight.

Johnson set everything up off of his jab, and he was able to pretty much do what he wanted until the corner of Nuno had enough and pulled the plug on the fight at the end of the 4th frame.

Johnson of Philadelphia is 6-2 amb dos nocauts. Nuno of Bethlehem is 2-3.

In a wild bantamweight fight, Yeuri Andujar had to get off the deck twice to eek out a six-round majority decision over Edgar Cortes.

Andujar was decked in round two, and each guy traded knockdowns in round three. Each fighter took control of the fight at different stages of the bout, that produced several furious exchanges.

The sell out crowd voiced their disapproval with the outcome which read 57-56 for Andujar on two cards, i 56-56.

Andujar of San Cristobal, Dominican Republic is now 4-1. Cortes of Vineland, New Jersey is 6-5-1.

Recent King’s Promotions signee Janelson Figueroa Bocachica stopped Gabor Gorbics a the end of round three of their scheduled eight-round welterweight fight.

Bocachica bloodied the nose of Gorbics in round two, and continued the onslaught for another round, until the ringside doctor stopped the bout before the 4th frame.

Bocachica of Detroit is 14-0 amb 10 nocauts. Gorbics of Budapest, Hungary is 26-17.

Radzhab Butaev won a six-round unanimous decision over Silverio Ortiz in a welterweight fight.

Butaev of Brooklyn, New York won by scores of 59-54 i 58-55 dues vegades, i és ara 12-0. Ortiz of Merida, Mèxic és 37-25.

Khainell Wheeler made a successful pro debut by stopping George Sheppard at 2:47 of the 1st round of their super middleweight bout.

Wheeler of Bethlehem is 1-0 amb un sol cop de gràcia. Sheppard of Norfolk, Virginia és 1-8-1.


Split-T Management’s Chris Pearson Scores Unanimous Decision Win over Previously Undefeated Olympic Bronze Medal Winner Yamaguchi Falcao in Las Vegas

Foto per Tom Hogan / Hogan Photos Golden Boy

NOVA YORK (Maig 3, 2019) –Middleweight contender Chris Pearson scored a major victory over previously undefeated Olympic Bronze Medal winner Yamaguchi Falcao in a 10-round bout at The Joint at The Hard Rock in Las Vegas.

The win netted Pearson the WBO Latino Middleweight title.

Pearson boxed very well as he befuddled Falcao, and consistently beat the former amateur star to the punch throughout the contest.

Pearson, who already held a win over Falcao in the World Series of Boxing, repeated the verdict of 2011 by using good head-speed that saw the judges scorecards read 97-93 i 96-94 dues vegades.

The win will gain Pearson a high-ranking in the WBO, and improves the Trotwood, Ohio native’s record to 17-2.

This was the 3rd consecutive win for Pearson, who is managed by Split-T Management.

My plan was to be patient and control the pace. I was able to capitalize on him being a bit slower then me,” said Pearson. “This win gets me back to where I need to be.

I’m blessed with this victory,” continued Pearson. “Nobody knows the trials I’ve gone through. If I can be someone that inspires, then I’ll be happy. I’m going to rest for a couple days and then get right back to the gym.

The fight was the main event of a Golden Boy Promotions card on Golden Boy Fight Night on Facebook watch.