კატეგორია არქივი: კრივი

Brandon Adams ადასტურებს მას ეკუთვნის მსოფლიო არენაზე

ფოტოები Esther Lin / Showtime

PHILADELPHIA / LOS ANGELES – ივლისი 1, 2019 -გასულ შაბათს ღამით, Brandon Adams გამოაცხადა თავი, როგორც ყველაზე კანდიდატი რადგან ის ჩაიცვი gutsy შესრულების წინააღმდეგ დაუმარცხებელი WBC World middleweight ჩემპიონი Jermall Charlo in Charlo მშობლიურ ქალაქ Houston.

დაძაბულობის იყო მთავარი ღონისძიება, რომელიც იყო და პირდაპირ ეთერში on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®, რომელშიც Adams მისცა ძლიერი ანგარიში თავისთვის.

Adams აიღო საუკეთესო კადრები, რომ ხელისუფლებაში punching Charlo შეიძლება ჩააგდოს, და არა მარტო Adams არ დაშავებულა ბრძოლაში, მოგვიანებით რაუნდი, მან დაიწყო მიიღოს ბრძოლა მშობლიურ ჩემპიონი.

“მე მზად ვიყავი რისკების ეს ყველაფერი. მე შევიდა ბრძოლა ეძებს დომინირებს და მიიღეთ შეჩერება გამარჯვება. ვიცოდი შესვლის ბრძოლა, რომ არის ის, რაც უნდა გამეკეთებინა შესვლის თავის მშობლიურ,” ამბობს ადამსი.

Adams არ იყო, სულ მცირე, დაშინება მიერ სტეპინგზე შევიდა მტრის ტერიტორიაზე, მაგრამ იყო რამდენიმე რამ, რაც მოხდა ბრძოლა, რომ ის არ ელის, რომელიც ხელს უშლის მისი gameplan.

“მსაჯი არ მიშვებდნენ დაბალი. როგორც თქვენ ნახეთ დროს ბრძოლაში, მე ჩასაფრებული ქვემოთ შიგნით, მაგრამ მსაჯი მომცა გაფრთხილება აკეთებს, რომ. მე უნდა ვიფიქროთ სხვადასხვა გზა მიიღოს იქ გარეშე გამოვლენა თავს,” მუდმივი Adams.

მიუხედავად იმისა,, სატელევიზიო announcers და ბევრი სოციალური მედია, როგორც ჩანს, უკვირს გაბედული ძალისხმევა Adams, Watts, California შექმნილი ძალიან დარწმუნებული მისი შესაძლებლობები, რომელიც შევიდა ბეჭედი შაბათს ღამით.

“მე თავს კარგად გრძნობს. ვიცოდი, შეუძლია, რომ იმ დონეზე. მე ამოიღეს ბრძოლაში არის, რომ არსებობს რამდენიმე პატარა რამ, რომ მე შემიძლია მუშაობა და რომ მე შეიძლება გაკეთდეს იქ. მე არ ვიცი, მსაჯი არ მიშვებდნენ დაბალი ან თუნდაც მოდით ბრძოლა ახლო, როგორც მინდოდა. ვიგრძენი, რომ ის შესვენება us ცოტა სწრაფად. მეც მოხვდა თავში რამდენჯერმე. ბრძოლა თავის მშობლიურ იყო რთული.”

“მე ვიცი, ამ ბრძოლაში დაეხმარება ჩემთვის უკეთესი თავს. გამოდის კანდიდატი, ჩემი მიზანი იყო, ბრძოლის დროს 154 ფუნტი, მაგრამ ეს იყო მსოფლიოს ტიტული შესაძლებლობა. მე დაადასტურა, რომ მე ვარ, რომ დონეზე 160, და მე ახლა ვეძებთ საუკეთესო შესაძლებლობებს ორივე 154 და 160.”

“ჩვენ ძალიან ვამაყობთ Brandon. იგი იბრძოდა ძალიან რთული და ამით დიდი წარმოდგენა,” განაცხადა Artie Pelullo ბანერი აქციები. “Brandon დაამტკიცა, რომ ის არის მსოფლიო დონის fighter, და ახლა მსოფლიოს უნახავს რაც ჩვენ უკვე ვიცოდით, რომ ის არის ელიტური. იქნება ბევრი კარი, რომელიც ღია იქნება მისთვის, რათა უზრუნველყოს უფრო დიდი ბრძოლები.”

“მე შთაბეჭდილება მოახდინა, თუ როგორ Brandon შესრულებული,” განაცხადა ჯეფ Wald, Co-Creator და თანამშრომლობის აღმასრულებელი პროდიუსერი ტურნირი Contenders. “მას აქვს დიდი კარიერა წინ მას, როგორც 154 და 160 ფუნტი.”

რეგულარული განახლებები ჩვენი მებრძოლები, მოვლენები, და აქციები, გთხოვთ, როგორიცაა BannerPromotions Facebook გვერდი, და მიყევით ჩვენს შესახებ Instagram და Twitter


Tripleheader of Action Packed Showdowns Live in Primetime
შაბათი, აგვისტო 3 on FOX PBC Fight Night on FOX & FOX Deportes from Barclays Center in Brooklyn

დააწკაპუნეთ HERE for Photos from Ed Diller/TGB Promotions

BROOKLYN (ივნისი 18, 2019) – Polish star and heavyweight contender Adam Kownacki და ყოფილი ტიტული challenger Chris “Nightmare” Arreola went face to face Tuesday at a press conference in Brooklyn as they previewed their showdown that headlines FOX PBC Fight Night and on FOX Deportes Saturday, აგვისტო 3 საწყისი Barclays Center, the home of BROOKLYN BOXING™.

Also going face to face Tuesday were two-time world champion სხვა Berto და Miguel Cruz, who meet in a welterweight attraction, and interim WBA Light Heavyweight Champion Marcus Browne და ყოფილი მსოფლიო ჩემპიონი Jean Pascal,who kick off FOX PBC Fight Night action at 8 საათამდე. ET / 5 საათზე. PT.

ბილეთების ღონისძიება, რომელიც ხელს უწყობს TGB აქციები, can be purchased at Ticketmaster.com. Tickets can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center.

Here is what the press conference participants had to say Tuesday from the Barclays Center GEICO Atrium:

ADAM Kownacka

This is an exciting moment for me. When I first fought at Barclays Center, I fought after the main event, so this is just an amazing feeling to be headlining.

Arreola has been in there with everyone, so I know it’s a tough test. He’s coming off two knockout wins, so I know he’ll be ready, but I’m more ready.

I’ve worked very hard to get to this moment. This is another step toward me becoming a world champion. I’m looking to put myself in line for a world title shot.

I can’t wait for this one. It’s another step in the right direction, I know it’s going to be competitive because Arreola is coming off of two knockout wins. It’s a do or die mood for him. I know he’ll be in the best shape possible and I can’t wait to show off my skills.

Arreola is a good fighter. He has fought everybody from Deontay Wilder to Vitali Klitschko. Hopefully I will be able to do a good job and get the win.

Chris Arreola and I are going to put on the Fight of the Year. We’re going to show that the big guys can really fight.

The heavyweight division is hot right now and this is going to add to it. With our styles being guys who come forward, it doesn’t get better as a boxing fan.

This is the third fighter I’ve had in common with Deontay Wilder. I knocked out Artur Szpilka and Gerald Washington faster than he did, and I’m looking to do the same August 3.

CHRIS Arreola

Adam and I are going to put on a great fight. I’m really excited for this one. როგორც გულშემატკივარი, this is the kind of fight I’d want to watch. It’s going to be a fight that’s talked about for years.

Everyone knows this is going to be a great fight. People always have something negative to say anyway, so I’m only controlling what I can. I’m really looking forward to this fight and displaying the new tricks of the trade that I’ll be implementing into this fight.

I’m nothing like the fighter’s he’s fought. I’m not an opponent. I’m here to fight. He’s going to have a tough time trying to put me out. A lot of people underestimate me, but you’ll see on August 3 that I’m a heavyweight to be reckoned with.

The main thing that I’ve seen from Kownacki is that he throws a lot of punches. He throws a bunch of punches. You just keep throwing punches and one of them is going to land and that’s what I see from him.

“მომზადების ბანაკი უკვე მიმდინარეობს დიდი. I’m loving it. I’m learning a lot of new tricks of the trade and working on the old things also. I’m looking forward to this fight because the things that I’ve been working on with Joe Goossen, are going to come out in this fight.

I’m going to be in the best shape possible on August 3. I’m saying it now, if I lose, I’m retiring. But I’m not going to lose. I’m coming guns blazing to get this win.

სხვა Berto

I started my career right here in New York after the Olympics and it always feels great to be back. This is going to be a great night of fighting. This is great event with a lot of fighters I know well, but this is going to be my show. I’m going to put on a great performance.

Miguel Cruz I just found out is from Florida and basically my hometown. So it just got real personal and it’s going to be explosive.

“ბოლოს დღეს, I’ve never stopped working. I’m in fight shape right now. This is a lifestyle for me. I don’t care what Miguel Cruz’s plans are. I have too much to fight for me to lose.

You have to find different levels of motivation for yourself for every fight. Whether its family or whatever it is. I have my new baby girl, I lost my dad. So it’s coming from a lot of different areas right now.

I’m going to be a whole other animal on August 3. I know what’s been going on in his camp and I know how his sparring is going. So I hope he just stays focused.

I’m just looking to go out and put on a show. I’m looking forward to going out there and just making it happen. It’s going to be big. I’ve done a lot within the last few months. Any great performance I come back with puts me in contention.

I’ve had a lot happen in my life in the last year. A lot of great things and some tragedies. I believe that I’m really in a position where everything is bottled up and I can’t wait to let it out on August 3.


It’s going to be fireworks and we’re going to bring the house down. I expect both of us to have amazing performances, but especially myself.

I’m coming for Andre Berto and then I’m looking at Keith Thurman and that world title. I’m ready to leave it all in the ring. I have nothing to lose. I’m going to show that I’m a very dangerous man.

This is a new era of boxing. That’s the nature of the game. One day I’ll be the old lion. This is just what happens. It’s going to happen to Andre Berto on August 3.

I don’t have any real personal feelings towards him. I’m very focused on my mission, so if he wants to get personal I believe it’s going to cause him to make mistakes. I believe that it’s going to be a disadvantage in many different ways. I’m going to continue my training camp in the way I’ve been doing it.

We did grow up in the same area relatively so it does spark up that inner city rivalry. I think that’s how he feels. And it’s fine. I know a lot about him and he doesn’t know much about me. I feel like I have a lot of advantages in this fight. I feel like I have the youth, the strength, and the power to do a lot of damage in this fight. I feel like he’s underestimating me, he’s going to make some mistakes and get emotional.

I’m sure I’ve sparked a little fire in him and he’s going to train harder but that’s not going to change the fact that his mind isn’t really prepared for exactly what’s going to happen.

I already feel like Brooklyn is my home and I’m going to make it my home going forward. I like the warmth that I feel from the fans and I especially know there’s going to be a lot of Puerto Rican support for this one. There’s going to be three stellar fights and I plan on stealing the show.


I just want to thank everyone for allowing me to display my talents on this stage. I’m going to be in the best shape possible. I’m coming in shape for 15 რაუნდი.

I am always going to be underestimated in a sense, especially to a veteran like Pascal. He has to keep himself in the fight and the only way to do that is to downplay what I do. Come August 3, I will just display my talents and take care of business.

This is a great card. You know Adam always comes with the thunder and excitement. Andre has always been in exciting fights. But when you’re watching my fight, make sure you don’t blink.

The division has no one else like me. Pascal has fought a lot of great fighters, but he hasn’t faced anyone like me. It’s going to be something he’s never seen before in that ring.

I am not focused on the future right now. The only thing I am focused on is Jean Pascal, because we won’t get there if we don’t take care of business with him the right way. It’s not about just winning it’s about winning the right way. We are going to focus on him right now and after that it is what it is.

Jean Pascal always comes to fight and he comes in great shape. But he’s in my way right now. I’m going to knock you out, მე გპირდებით,. I’m making sure I’m ready for him. I know exactly what he possesses and we respect that. აგვისტო 3 it will be my time.

I remember sparring Jean Pascal and he said I was green. But the fruit is ripe now. He knows what time it is.


“ეს იქნება დიდი ბრძოლა. Marcus is a tremendous fighter who’s going to train very well. We both know we’ll be at our best. I’ve been there and one that before. I’m up for any challenge.

Marcus is the rookie and I’m the veteran. I’m going to show him who’s the boss.

This show is very special for me because you will see the two best Haitian boxers on earth in Andre Berto and myself. I hope the big Haitian community in New York shows up to see us.

I’m one of the best in the world. I always train hard and I’m always ready for a challenge. I know it’s not going to be easy. I don’t take any easy fight at any point in my career.

I love the sport and I love to display all of my talent. It’s going to be technical fight and a chess match on fight night.

I’m very happy to be here. I want to thank everyone who made this dream come true for me to fight at Barclays Center. This is a tremendous place to fight and many champions have fought here. I’m going to be part of history.


I’m excited to kick off another heavyweight fight promotion right here in Brooklyn. This is our 5th event headlined by a heavyweight fight but our first headlined by a heavyweight from Brooklyn.

Brooklyn loves their heavyweights. Adam is undefeated in eight fights at Barclays and this has certainly become his home and we welcome him back. There aren’t many fighters I know with the grassroots fan base that you have. We’re also excited to have Chris Arreola here for a fight that will have a great atmosphere on August 3.

We also welcome back Andre Berto and Miguel Cruz for what we know will be an exciting welterweight matchup. I’m also thrilled that Marcus Browne is back for his 13appearance at our venue. Thank you for being a fixture here and we also welcome Jean Pascal to challenge for your interim title.

This is our 35 fight night. It’s been an incredible journey and PBC has continued to give us some of the best fights out there. FOX is the biggest platform in the sport of boxing today and we’re happy to have them come here on August 3.

# # #

მნახველებს შეუძლიათ PBC შოუების პირდაპირი ტრანსლაცია FOX Sports და FOX NOW აპებში ან FOXSports.com– ზე. გარდა ამისა,, ყველა პროგრამა ხელმისაწვდომია FOX Sports- ზე SiriusXM არხზე 83 სატელიტურ რადიოებზე და SiriusXM აპლიკაციაზე.

დამატებითი ინფორმაციისათვის: ვიზიტი www.premierboxingchampions.com, ht
და www.foxdeportes.com, დაიცვას on TwitterPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @BrooklynBoxing, TGBPromotions, and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports და www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.


შაბათს, ივნისი 22, at CSU’s Wolstein Center in Cleveland, Douglasville, Georgia-based contender Brad “King” Solomon (28-1, 9 Kos) will step up on short notice to face the United Kingdom’s Navid “Nav” Mansouri (19-2-2, 6 Kos) in a 12-round battle for the WBC United States (USNBC) Super Welterweight Championship.

An arm injury to undefeated Canadian Cody Crowley has opened the door for Solomon, whose fight with Mansouri will serve as the main event of Bigger Than Life Entertainment და Mo Entertainment’s (in partnership with six-time World Champion Miguel Cotto’s Miguel Cotto Promotions) “Making A Champion” ღონისძიება და be televised live on CBS Sports (11 pm ET/8 pm PT) along with super flyweight Dewayne “Mr. Stop Running” Beamon (16-1-1, 11 Kos) საქართველოს Goldsboro, ჩრდილოეთ კაროლინას, facing Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina’s Lucas Emanuel Fernandez (12-2-1, 9 Kos) in the 10-round co-featured bout.

Remaining tickets for “Making A Champion” are priced at $65, $80 და $100 და გაყიდვის შესახებ ახლა wolsteincenter.com or Wolstein Center Box Office on CSU campus.

“I feel good,” said Solomon. “I was already training for something else, but this came along first and an opportunity like this is what I’ve been waiting for. I’m ready to show my talent and show I’m still here. After I do what I do to this guy, that will put me back in the eyes of everyone.”

Solomon, who says he’s had some bad luck with missed opportunities and contract disputes, doesn’t know much about his last-minute opponent, but isn’t worried.

“I’ll find out what he’s got when I get in there. I can adjust to anything, so I’m not too worried about it. I just want to use this win to springboard me into bigger opportunities. I was number one in the world and getting ready for a title shot, but it didn’t work out. I want to get back out there and get my title shot I deserve. It feels like my luck is changing now.

30-year-old Mansouri from Rotherham, Yorkshire, გაერთიანებული სამეფო, is a former BBofC English Super Welterweight Champion and is currently living in Los Angeles and training at the legendary Wild Card Gym.

Mansouri says the move has given him a wealth of new experience.

“Training is going really well. I’ve moved down to Los Angeles for this camp. I’ve even left my family to do this camp. It’s hard, but you have to sacrifice for this game. I’m training with (former Peter Quillen and Paulie Malignaggi trainer) Eric Brown at the Wild Card Gym in Hollywood. I like working with him. I’ve got a strength and conditioning coach I’m working with as well, Taylor Ramsdell. The gym has a great atmosphere to it. I’m being exposed to a lot of different styles.

With a goal of becoming a known commodity in the US, Mansouri is hoping this fight provides the launching pad.

“This is a great thing to come to America to train and fight. I always wanted to fight here and this one is on two networks, so it’s a way to put myself out there in the American market. A lot of people will be watching this fight and I’m ready to show what I’m capable of doing.”

The exciting five-fight undercard, featuring Cleveland’s Montana Love (11-0-1, 5 Kos) taking on Kenya’s Michael Odhiambo (15-11, 12 Kos) in a six-round welterweight bout and Cleveland’s comebacking former contender Miguel Angel Gonzalez (24-4, 16 Kos) going against Mexico City’s Mario Perez (20-7-5, 12 Kos) in a lightweight six-rounder will be streamed live on www.fite.tv (7:30 pm ET/4:30 pm PT).


Ray Leonard Jr., son of six-time world champion, Sugar Ray Leonard will provide the CBS Sports commentary. World renowned clothing designer, Karl Kani will be providing outfits for the ring girls.

The Wolstein Center is located at 2000 Prospect Avenue in Cleveland. ბრძოლის ღამე, the doors open at 7:00 pm and the action starts at 7:30 pm. Making A Champion is sponsored by B&M BBQ.

About Bigger Than Life Entertainment

BTLE is a full-service entertainment company specializing in Boxing Promotions, Public Relations and Artist Management. They place Sports and Entertainment celebrities at major events worldwide and offer sports tickets and packages in Las Vegas, მთელი ამერიკის, and internationally.

About Miguel Cotto Promotions

MCP stems from the vision and passion of Miguel Angel Cotto Vazquez with the premise of giving the boxer what boxing gave his family. Emerging in 2005, MCP has since established a great rapport with the community with over 13 years in the industry solidifying its spot as one of the leading sporting firms in Puerto Rico.

Unbeaten Rising Prospect Chris Colbert Talks Upcoming Showdown, Championship Climb & More Ahead of Matchup Against Alberto Mercado Sunday, ივნისი 23 in FOX PBC Fight Night Prelims on FOX and FOX Deportes from Mandalay Bay Events Center in Las Vegas

FOX PBC Fight Night is Headlined by Former World Champion Jermell Charlo Taking on Mexico’s Jorge Cota

LAS VEGAS (ივნისი 14, 2019) – Unbeaten rising prospect Chris “Prime Time” Colbert will step into the ring against Puerto Rico’s Alberto Mercado as the headliner of FOX PBC Fight Night Prelims on FOX and FOX Deportes Sunday, ივნისი 23 from Mandalay Bay Events Center in Las Vegas.

The 22-year-old will be fighting in Las Vegas for the first time as a pro, but he’s determined to not let Sin City’s bright lights distract him June 23.

Vegas is a great fight city and they say that you have to fight there to make it big, but I’m just focused on doing what I have to do to get the win by any means necessary,” said Colbert. “I always look to dominate and show that I’m one of the best fighters in the world, but you never know how a fight will go. Sometimes you just have to do what you have to do to get the win.

Colbert has already faced three undefeated fighters in his 11-fight pro career, plus two other fighters who had only suffered one loss. His last fight saw him dominate veteran Mario Briones on FS1 in April.

I’ve always wanted to stand out and do what others can’t,” said Colbert. “No other prospect or young champions are coming up like me. I don’t want to pad my resume. From the beginning, I’ve told my advisors that I wanted to face the best to prove myself every time I step into the ring.

The Brooklyn-native has been hard at work with longtime coach Aureliano Sosa as they prepare for a durable opponent in the 31-year-old Mercado, who has never been stopped in his career.

I like to keep training camp very consistent,” said Colbert. “I’m just sparring more and more. I think I’ve put in well over 200 rounds of sparring ahead of this fight. I’m just practicing what I’m going to do on fight night. Every camp involves strength and conditioning, running, gym work and eating well. This is my lifestyle. It’s not a seasonal thing for me. I don’t take any breaks.

As he ascents toward the elite level of the professional ranks, Colbert will continue to flash his speed and skill, combined with his trademark confidence and work ethic.

There’s a lot of great fighters out there, but I believe I’m the best and I’m committed to fighting everyone to prove it,” said Colbert. “We’re not in a race to the title. This is a marathon, not a spring. When I get the title, I want to keep it for a long time. ახლა, I’m just enjoying the ride and continuing to do what I do best.

ბილეთების ღონისძიება, which is promoted by Lions Only Promotions, TGB Promotions and Mayweather Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased at AXS.com.

# # #

Charlo vs. Cota pits former super welterweight world champion Jermell Charlo against Mexico’s Jorge Cota in a super welterweight attraction that serves as the main event of FOX PBC Fight Night on FOX and FOX Deportes Sunday, ივნისი 23 from Mandalay Bay Events Center in Las Vegas.

FOX PBC Fight Night coverage begins at 8 საათამდე. ET / 5 საათზე. PT and features former world champions Guillermo Rigondeaux and Julio Ceja clashing in a 12-round WBC featherweight title eliminator in the co-feature, plus sensational unbeaten prospect Joey Spencer faces Akeem Black in a six-round super welterweight bout.

Preceding that show is FOX PBC Fight Night Prelims beginning at 7 საათამდე. ET / 4 საათზე. PT and will see exciting unbeaten prospect Chris Colbert taking on Puerto Rico’s Alberto Mercado in an eight or 10-round lightweight bout and unbeaten welterweight prospect Jesús Ramos in a four-round attraction.

მნახველებს შეუძლიათ PBC შოუების პირდაპირი ტრანსლაცია FOX Sports და FOX NOW აპებში ან FOXSports.com– ზე. გარდა ამისა,, ყველა პროგრამა ხელმისაწვდომია FOX Sports- ზე SiriusXM არხზე 83 სატელიტურ რადიოებზე და SiriusXM აპლიკაციაზე.

დამატებითი ინფორმაციისათვის: ვიზიტი www.premierboxingchampions.com, ht
და www.foxdeportes.com, დაიცვას on TwitterPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, MayweatherPromo, @MandalayBay და @Swanson_Comm და გახდეს გულშემატკივართა Facebook- ზე www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports, www.facebook.com/foxdeportes და www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions.

Jamel “SEMPER FI” Herring Patriot, ოლიმპიური & now World Champ

USA Boxing Alumni: (L) Jamel Herring and his stablemate, Terence “Bud” Crawford
(picture courtesy of Mikey Williams / Top Rank)

COLORADO SPRINGS, Lap. (ივნისი 13, 2019) – Newly crowned World Boxing Organization (WBO) super featherweight champion Jamel “SEMPER FI” Herring has been a fighter practically all his life as a U.S. Marine and elite boxer.

The 33-year-old Herring (20-2, 10 Kos), fighting out of Cincinnati, has come full circle since he started boxing at the age of 15. “I started because I was doing poorly in school, cut from the basketball team,” he explained on why he chose the Sweet Science. “I didn’t want to be in the streets. It was not my character, so I had to find something else to do. A friend introduced me to boxing and I stuck with it. I eventually got my grades back up and made high honor roll.

Herring also developed into an Olympic boxer, mostly while he was serving nine years in the U.S. Marines, and even when he was deployed twice in Iraq. He compiled an 81-15 amateur ჩანაწერი, including top honors at the 2011 & 2012 Armed Forces Championships, 2011 ვაშინგტონის ფორუმსაც. Olympic Trials and 2012 US Nationals gold medalist, along with a silver medal at the 2010 World Military Games. He was the first active duty U.S. Marine to qualify for the US Boxing Team since 1992, as well as the first U.S. Marine to compete in the 2012 ოლიმპიადა.

I boxed a little during my second deployment during free time,” he noted. “I came back from my second deployment toward the end of 2007 and began boxing for the Marine Corps in 2008. Most of my amateur career came under the Marine Corps. I learned a lot traveling with the Marine Corps. I got to see more styles and competed in national tournaments as a Marine. They also had the funding to send me.

The highlight of his amateur career was representing his country at the 2012 Olympics in London as captain of Team USA. Although he lost (19-9) in the opening round to two-time Kazakh boxer Daniyar Yeleussinov, who won gold at the 2013 World Championships and later at the 2016 ოლიმპიადა, the opening Olympic ceremonies was the most memorable moment of his entire amateur boxing career for a special reason.

That was the anniversary of my daughter’s passing,” Herring said. “It let me know that no matter what, you can still accomplish anything, even through ups and downs.

Other members of the 2012 USA Olympic Team Herring captained included present day world champions in the pro ranks such as Errol Spence, Jr., Claressa Shields და Marcus Browne, ყოფილი მსოფლიო ჩემპიონი Rau’Shee Warren, and world title challengers Terrell Gausha, Michael Hunter და Dominic BREAZEALE.

Herring remains close to USA Boxing, განაცხადა,: “USA Boxing helped me because of the relationships I created, many of which still remain today. I met other fighters from around the world that I kept good relationships with. It also helped me become more of the people-person I am today. Being team captain taught me patience, because I had to deal with a lot of personalities, I still use those traits today. And I’m still close to my Olympic teammates today.

აშშ კრივში კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაცია

შეიქმნა მთელი ცხოვრების განმავლობაში ჩემპიონობისთვის, ურთიერთსასარგებლო ურთიერთობები USA Boxing- სა და მის კურსდამთავრებულებს შორის, –მოკრივე, ოფიციალური პირები, მწვრთნელები და კრივის მოყვარულები — კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაცია აკავშირებს ჩემპიონთა თაობებს, შთააგონებს და უბრუნებს USA Boxing– ის კრივის მომავალ ჩემპიონებს, და გარეთ ბეჭედი.

აშშ – ს კრივში კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაცია ღიაა ყველასთვის, ვისაც უყვარს კრივი და სურს დარჩეს სამოყვარულო კრივთან. წევრებს ეძლევათ საშუალება მიიღონ მრავალფეროვანი სპეციალური ღონისძიებები კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაციის მიერ, მათ შორის აშშ – ს კრივში კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაციის დიდების დარბაზის ყოველწლიურ მიღებას.

კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაციაში გაწევრიანება, უბრალოდ დარეგისტრირდით alumni@usaboxing.org თვის $40.00 წელიწადში საწევრო გადასახადი. ახალი წევრები მიიღებენ მაისურს, გასაღებები და ელექტრონული საფულე.

Jamel is the perfect example of resiliency and persistence,” mentioned კრის კულიარი, USA Boxing Alumni Association Director. “His hard work, მსხვერპლს, and inability to quit no matter what obstacles he encounters will continue to inspire the next generation of champions for many years. The USA Boxing Alumni Association wants to thank him for all that he has given to others, both in and out of the ring.

Nothing has ever come easy for Jamel Herring, especially his remarkable turnaround after the tragic loss of his infant daughter, Ariyanah, which happened three years to the day prior to the opening ceremonies of the Olympics.

My road wasn’t easy,” Herring added, “I had my ups and downs. I’m an Olympian, but nothing was ever handed to me. I had to fight for everything I’ve gotten. ეს არის ჩემი დრო!”

It certainly is, particularly after he defeated defending WBO super featherweight champion Masayuki Ito, გასულ მაისი 25, გახდეს მსოფლიო ჩემპიონი. Proof that good things do indeed happen to good people.

Twitter: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni
Instagram: @USABoxing
Facebook: /USABoxing





Boston (ივნისი 13, 2019):

Murphys კრივი is proud to announce NABA super welterweight champion, Mark Deluca (23-1, 13 Kos) will face undefeated Canadian contender, Brandon Brewer (23-0-1, 11 Kos) on the undercard of the middleweight world championship bout between Demetrius Andrade და Maciej Sulecki ცხოვრობს DAZN on შაბათი, June 29th in Providence, Rhode Island.

DeLuca, who is ranked #9 in the world by the WBA, is coming off a dominate unanimous decision victory over once beaten, Jimmy Williams this past March and is looking to make a statement against an undefeated opponent in order to secure a title elimination fight later this year.

It’s on short notice but I don’t have any hesitation taking the fight.”, explains the former Marine who is one of New England’s most popular fighters.

A good performance against an undefeated fighter of Brewer’s caliber on a DAZN televised card will hopefully be enough to land another Top 10 fighter in the ring for a title eliminator. My goal is to be the first world champion from the Boston area since ჯონ Ruiz and I feel like all the pieces are finally coming together.

As for DeLuca’s massive Boston area fan base, the Whitman, Massachusetts native is confident they will be making the short trip down to Providence.

It’s definitely a home game for me. Providence is only 45 minutes from my front door. I can guarantee you that Boston will be in the house.

DeLuca’s promoter and Murphys Boxing founder, Ken Casey couldn’t agree more with his fighter.

Mark deserves big opportunities likes this. Fighting an undefeated opponent on DAZN is a major step to a world title shot. We’re excited for boxing fans to find out what the city of Boston already knows, Mark DeLuca is one of the best super welterweights in the world.

DeLuca vs. Brewer takes place as part of Andrade vs. Sulecki on Saturday, June 29th at the DunkinDonuts Center (1 La Salle Square, Providence, RI, 02903). The event is promoted by Matchroom Boxing USA and will be broadcast worldwide on DAZN. Doors open at 5pm and tickets are on sale now by calling or texting 617-657-4356 ან emailing mbloom@murphysboxing.com.


Murphys Boxing was founded by Dropkick Murphysfrontman, Ken Casey in 2014. In just 5 short years, Murphys Boxing has become the premier boxing promoter in the New England area and one of the hottest young promotions in the country. 2018 was a breakout year for Murphys Boxing as they took their first fighter to a world title. Along with the promotion’s first champion, several Murphys Boxing fighters secured world title opportunities and nationally televised fights in 2018. Murphys Boxing closed out their banner year by co-promoting the WBO Middleweight Championship bout between Demetrius Andrade and Walter Kautondokwa in front of over 10,000 fans at the TD Garden, the legendary home of the Boston Celtics, which was broadcast internationally on DAZN. Murphys Boxing’s current roster features world ranked contenders like Mark DeLuca, Charles Foster, Abraham Nova, Greg Vendetti, Gary ‘SpikeO’Sullivan and undefeated prospects like Niall Kennedy, Carlos გონგორას, William Foster III and more!

დამატებითი ინფორმაციისათვის შესვლა: www.murphysboxing.com

Welterweight კანდიდატი & Minneapolis-Native Jamal James Takes on Former World Champion Antonio DeMarco in Front of Hometown Crowd Saturday, ივლისი 13 in Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 & FOX Deportes Main Event Live from The Armory in Minneapolis

მეტი! Heavyweight Clash Features Robert Helenius Taking On Gerald Washington While Top Prospect Karlos Balderas Faces Joshuah Hernández in Action Beginning at 8 საათამდე. ET / 5 საათზე. PT

ბილეთები იყიდება ახლა!

MINNEAPOLIS(ივნისი 12, 2019) – Unbeaten welterweight contender and Minneapolis-nativeJamalShango” Jameswill battle former world champion ანტონიო დემარკოin a 10-round welterweight attraction that headlines Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 and FOX Deportes Saturday, ივლისი 13 from The Armory in Minneapolis.

სატელევიზიო გაშუქების იწყება 8 საათამდე. ET / 5 საათზე. PT and will also feature a 10-round heavyweight clash betweenRobert “The Nordic NightmareHeleniusდა ჯერალდ “შავი Rooster” Washington, plus unbeaten prospect and 2016 ვაშინგტონის ფორუმსაც. ოლიმპიურიKarlos Balderaswill square-off againstJoshuah Hernándezამ რვა რაუნდი მსუბუქი bout.

James takes on the experienced and durable former champion DeMarco in his fourth-straight appearance at The Armory in his hometown. He will look to cement his status in the PBC within the most talent-rich division in boxing.

ბილეთების ღონისძიება, which is promoted by Warriors Boxing and TGB Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased at the Armory athttp://ArmoryMN.com/ and through Ticketmaster.

One of the staples of boxing at The Armory, Jamal James is ready to make another statement in the welterweight division against the very tough former champion Antonio DeMarco,” said Tom Brown, პრეზიდენტი TGB აქციები. “His fourth straight fight at The Armory will give James a chance to thrill his hometown fans once again, as PBC presents another night of action for the fans in Minnesota. With these two fightersstyles, plus a loaded undercard of exciting fights, this should make for a great night at the venue and live on FS1.

James (25-1, 12 Kos) has become a local favorite and most recently thrilled the Armory crowd in February with a stoppage victory over Janer Gonzalez on FS1. The 30-year-old has rolled off five consecutive victories since suffering the first loss of his careera unanimous decision loss to Yordenis Ugás in 2016. James has compiled three knockouts in his current win streak while defeating the likes of Diego Chaves, Abel Ramos and Jo Jo Dan.

I love being able to fight at home at The Armory, especially against a fighter like Antonio DeMarco,” said James. “DeMarco has the skills and it is going to be a good step up and test for me. We have been chasing this title for the past year. Getting past DeMarco is the way to get there and that’s what I am going to do.

Minnesota fans are a different type of fans. They come out and show support. Having a place like the Armory to fight is a dream come true. There isn’t a bad seat when it comes to fights. We sell the place out in the winter, and now getting to fight in July, I know it is definitely going to be jam-packed.

A former lightweight world champion, DeMarco (33-7-1, 24 Kos) owns victories over Jorge Linares and John Molina Jr. in a career that has seen him face a cavalcade of champions and top contenders. Representing Los Mochis, Sinaloa, Mexico, DeMarco has gone the distance in every fight except against multiple-division champions Adrien Broner and Edwin Valero, და 2017 he knocked out then-unbeaten Eddie Ramirez on FOX in the first round. Last October he went the distance and lost a close decision to unbeaten Maxim Dadashev.

Here I come again!” განაცხადა DeMarco. “I am going to win this fight and upset Jamal James in his hometown. I have the experience to get the victory and I’m going to use it to make this a great fight on July 13.

Currently riding a three-fight winning streak, Helenius (28-2, 17 Kos) გახდის მისი ვაშინგტონი. სადებიუტო ივლისს 13 after establishing himself as one of Europe’s top heavyweights for several years. Born in Sweden and fighting out of Mariehamn, ფინეთი, Helenius knocked out Erkan Teper in September to earn his place in the IBF rankings. The 35-year-old has won six of his last seven fights.

Washington (19-3-1, 12 Kos) is a 6-foot-6 heavyweight who was a former college football standout at the University of Southern California and a U.S. Navy veteran. Fighting out of Vallejo, California, Washington challenged heavyweight champion Deontay Wilder in 2017 on FOX. He scored a unanimous decision victory over John Wesley Nofire in 2018 on FS1 before losing to Adam Kownacki on FOX in January.

Balderas (8-0, 7 Kos) knocked out Luis May in April on FS1 as he continues to progress up the lightweight ladder. The 23-year-old from Santa Maria, California, იყო წევრი 2016 ვაშინგტონის ფორუმსაც. Olympic boxing team and scored three stoppage victories in 2018. He will be opposed by the 23-year-old Hernandez (9-2, 7 Kos), who most recently defeated previously unbeaten Desmond Lyons in May. The Chicago-native bounced back from a loss to unbeaten Chris Colbert in January on FS1.

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Viewers can live stream the PBC shows on the FOX Sports and FOX NOW apps or at FOXSports.com. გარდა ამისა,, all programs are available on FOX Sports on SiriusXM channel 83 on satellite radios and on the SiriusXM app.

დამატებითი ინფორმაციისათვის: ვიზიტიwww.premierboxingchampions.comhttp://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage დაwww.foxdeportes.com, დაიცვას on TwitterPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, WarriorsBoxingProm, TGBPromotions, and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.facebook.com/foxsports & www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.


Araujo Replaces Jose Romero Who Was Forced To Withdraw Due To Injury

NEW YORK - (ივნისი 12, 2019) – Undefeated lightweight prospect Yeis Solano will face a new opponent in former Argentine Lightweight Champion Elias Damian Araujo in an eight-round bout that will open a ShoBox: ახალი თაობა tripleheader on Friday, ივნისი 21 ცხოვრობს SHOWTIME at 10 საათამდე. ET/PT from WinnaVegas Casino in Sloan, Iowa.

ძირითად ღონისძიება, southpaw Sebastian Fundora (12-0, 8 Kos) of Coachella, Calif., faces Hector Zepeda (17-0, 4 Kos) from Tijuana, Mexico in a 10-round super welterweight bout. ამ თანამშრომლობის ფუნქცია, Michel Rivera (15-0, 10 Kos) from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic takes on Mexico’s Rene Tellez Giron (13-0, 7 Kos) ამ რვა რაუნდი მსუბუქი bout. The event is promoted by Sampson Boxing in association with Paco Presents. ბილეთები, დაწყებული $10, are on sale now and available at www.WinnaVegas.com.

Solano, (14-0, 10 Kos), is not concerned about the last minute opponent change. “It doesn’t matter who I fight. I trust my team and my skills,"მან განაცხადა,. “I don’t worry about who is across from me. I would have beaten the first guy and I will beat this guy too. I don’t train to beat one fighter specifically. I train to beat all fighters and I make adjustments in the ring. Some fighters get upset when the opponent changes. Not me. Even if my team says they want me to fight a different guy at the weigh-in, my job stays the same.”

Solano is a hard punching 26-year-old from Monteria, Colombia who started boxing at the age of seven; he amassed an amateur record of 118-12. He’s a former WBA Fedebol Lightweight Champion and in 2012 placed third in the Colombia National Games. მისი ბოლო ბრძოლა, he scored a five-round stoppage over Jesus Manuel Sandoval in October 2018. He is currently training at Compton Boxing Gym in Compton, Calif., and is trained by Jose Ponce, Sr. and his son Jose Ponce, Jr.

“მე აღფრთოვანებული ამ ბრძოლაში,” said Araujo, who is making his United States debut. “My style is aggressive. I have fought four southpaws. I know how to fight them – I like fighting them.

“I checked out videos of Solano. I think he is going to come to fight. He’s training out of Compton, California, so he’s going to come more than ready, ასევე. These are the ingredients for a good show.”

Araujo (19-1, 7 Kos) replaces fellow compatriot Jose Romero, who was forced to withdraw from the bout due to an injury. Nicknamed “El Macho,” Araujo, a 31-year-old southpaw from Venado Tuerto, Santa Fe, Argentina, won the interim WBC Latino Lightweight Title with a unanimous decision over Jonathan Jose Eniz in October 2016. He successfully defended it twice before losing it to Javier Jose Clavero in an immediate rematch last June. He trains in Coachella with Freddy Fundora, father and trainer of main eventer Sebastian Fundora. In his last outing in January, Araujo stopped veteran Pablo Rodriguez in four rounds.

Barry Tompkins will call the action from ringside with boxing historian Steve Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. აღმასრულებელი პროდიუსერი Gordon Hall რიჩარდ Gaughan მწარმოებელ და რიკ Phillips სარეჟისორო.

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დამატებითი ინფორმაციისათვის შესვლა www.sho.com/sports
დაიცვას on Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, #ShoBox, ან გახდეს გულშემატკივართა Facebook- ზე www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.

Heralded Amateur Vito Mielnicki Jr. to Make Professional Debut on Saturday, July 13th in Newark, New Jersey

Mielnicki to Make Debut The Prudential Center and will Become Youngest Fighter Ever Licensed in the State of New Jersey

Roseland, NJ (ივნისი 11, 2019)Don’t let theBoy Next Doorgood looks fool you. Vito Mielnicki, Jr. isn’t your typicalBoy-Next-Door.

Vito Mielnicki Jr. არის სპორტსმენი. He is a fighter. He also is not just any fighter. He is a fighter who brings many intangibles that most do not have. A. he has ability, and B. He has Marketability.

The story begins in the Jersey town of Newark, New Jersey. Mielnicki Jr. found The Jamar Carter Gym that was located in the basement of a church at the age of seven, and he has not looked back.

Mielnicki trained at some of the toughest and roughest gyms in New Jersey such Elite Heat and Boylan Rec, both in Newark.

Mielnicki began his amateur career fighting against the best fighters from Philadelphia, Washington, D.C. and Baltimore at the Upton Boxing Gym in Baltimore and he was a frequent travel partner with current world champion Gervonta Davis, Otha Jones III and Olympic Silver Medal winner and top contender Shakur Stevenson.

Mielnicki performed at such as high-level as he continued to grow his national rankings as he dominated each weight class.

That career now reads an astonishing 147-22 and he was the four-time Junior National Golden Gloves champion (2011, 2012, 2014 და 2015). იმ 2011 he was named the Most Outstanding Boxer in the tournament.

He was a Silver Gloves National champion in 2015 & 2016; Ringside World Champion in 2012 და 2014; United States Junior National Champion in 2017 – 2018 and was a member of the High Performance USA National Team 2017 – 2018 in the welterweight division.

He won his 1st National Championship and was trained by Walli Moses. In his young career, Mielnicki was trained by Hall of famers Virgil Hill and Buddy McGirt.

He has a very bright future, and he is a great kid. The sky is the limit for Vito,” said McGirt.

He is a humble young athlete, who is a phenomenal athlete, he was a football player when he was younger. He will be an outstanding professional boxer,” said Hill.

Mielnicki has competed all over the world in places such as Canada, სერბეთი, ესპანეთი, England, and Puerto Rico.

He compiled an international record of 10-2 and won the Quebec Cup in 2015.

Mielnicki is set to turn professional on July 13th at The Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey.

The decision to go to the paid ranks was solidified after a great performance in Spain for which Mielnicki was on the short and undeserved end of a bad decision.

I believe my performance in Spain was one of the best I have had, and I could not get a decision. I feel that I have a professional style, and based on some of these decisions, I can see that it is more for the pros then the amateurs,” განაცხადა Mielnicki

Mielnicki has continued to grow, and he feels the time is right to begin his career.

My body is maturing, and it was only a matter of time anyway. I had my mind pretty much made up before we went to Spain, but that fight solidified it.

Mielnicki is 5’11and walks around at 172 ფუნტი. He plans to turn pro and settle into the 147 ფუნტი სამმართველოს.

Mielnicki has had the opportunity to measure himself against some emerging professionals.

I think that has been big for me. I have worked with the likes of Adam Lopez and Thomas Mattice, and that has definitely helped me.

I have been wanting to turn professional for a long time. This has been a goal and dream for me, and I know that I can do big things. I have to see where my debut will happen. We are looking to see under which promotional banner and on what card this will happen, but I know when I do fight in New Jersey, I will be very popular and will have a tremendous amount of support.

That will come right off the bat, as Mielnicki will become the youngest ever fighter licensed in the Garden State when he makes that pro debut on July 13th at The Prudential Center in Newark., which is just a stones throw away from his home in Roseland.

Vito Mielnicki Jr discusses upcoming pro debut on July 13, 2019

Mielnicki has the popularity and charisma to be a franchise boxer in the Tri-State Area,

Mielnicki is trained by Dwyke Flemmings and Muhammad Salaam. His cutman will be Danny Milano and Strength and Conditioning coach is Fred Caruso.

To Follow Vito Mielnicki, Jr. on Social media, click the following icons:

Houston მშობლიური Miguel Flores იბრძვის მშობლიურ წინააღმდეგ მექსიკაში Luis მაისი შაბათი, ივნისი 29 საწყისი NRG Arena ნაწილი ჯემი შეფუთული Charlo vs. Adams undercard

ასევე რომელშიც გაულახავი პერსპექტივები Omar Juárez, Mychal Teal & მეტი!

დაუმარცხებელი middleweight ჩემპიონი Jermall Charlo იღებს მშობლიურ დაბრუნება Battle Brandon Adams პრემიერ კრივი ჩემპიონები Main Event Live on SHOWTIME®

HOUSTON (ივნისი 11, 2019) – Houston მშობლიური Miguel Flores დაბრუნდება ბეჭედი ბრძოლა მშობლიურ წინააღმდეგ მექსიკაში Luis მაისი შაბათი, ივნისი 29 10-ტურში super Featherweight ბრძოლა, რომელიც მიმოიხილავს სამოქმედო შეფუთული ღამეს undercard ატრაქციონები საწყისი NRG Arena in Houston.

ღონისძიება სახელწოდებით სხვა Houston მშობლიური, დაუმარცხებელი WBC დროებითი middleweight ჩემპიონი Jermall Charlo, ვინც შეხვდება middleweight კანდიდატი Brandon Adams ძირითად ღონისძიება პირდაპირ ეთერში SHOWTIME (9 საათამდე. ET / 6 საათზე. PT).

ბილეთების ცოცხალი ღონისძიება, რომელიც ხელს უწყობს Lions მხოლოდ აქციები და TGB აქციები, იყიდება ახლა და შეიძლება შეიძინა მეშვეობით Ticketmaster. Charlo vs. Adams დააწინაურეს ასოციაცია Banner აქციები და ტურნირი Contenders.

Undercard სმით ასევე გამორჩეულთა დაუმარცხებელი Brownsville, Texas მშობლიური omar Juarez ოთხი ტურის welterweight მოზიდვას წინააღმდეგ პენსილვანიის Seifullah ბრძენი, დაუმარცხებელიMycheal Teal წმინდა. Petersburg, Florida აღება Mark Beuke ოთხი ტურის middleweight საქმეა და დაუმარცხებელი San Antonio მშობლიური Raymond Guajardo წინაშე Compton, კალიფორნიის Jaime Meza ოთხი ტურის middleweight ბრძოლა.

დამრგვალება გარეთ მოქმედება დაუმარცხებელი Weslaco, Texas მშობლიური César Cantuსტეპინგზე ოთხი რაუნდი super Featherweight შეტაკების წინააღმდეგ ჩრდილოეთ კაროლინას Sing Bowens, ექვსი ტურის მსუბუქი bout შორის McAllen, Texas მშობლიური Nelson Hampton და დასავლეთ ვირჯინიის არის Dakota Linger და პრო დებიუტი Zamy Larry ოთხი ტურის სუპერ middleweight showdown წინააღმდეგ ჩრდილოეთ კაროლინას Carlos Stauffer.

დაიბადა Michoacan de Ocampo, მექსიკაში და ცხოვრობს Houston, ყვავილები (23-2, 11 Kos) დაბრუნდება ბეჭედი აპრილის შემდეგ პირველად 2018, როდესაც მან შეაჩერა რაულ chirino ორ ეტაპად. 26 წლის იყო დაგეგმილი გამოწვევას Leo Santa Cruz მისი featherweight მსოფლიოს ტიტული February ადრე დაავადებული ტერფის დაზიანება სასწავლო. მან გამოიყურება კიდევ ერთი ნაბიჯით მიუახლოვდება აღდგენის სათაური შესაძლებლობა, როდესაც იგი აწყდება 35 წლის მაისი (21-14-1, 8 Kos) საწყისი Yucatan, Mexico.

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