فئة المحفوظات: الملاكمة

ميرفي الملاكمة يعود إلى الظهور ميناء بوسطن ON أغسطس 23! IRELAND غاري "سبانك’ O'SULLIVAN للعودة & ABRAHAM NOVA في الدفاع عن NABA عنوان! بث مباشر ON UFC FIGHT PASS!

ميرفي الملاكمة يعود إلى الظهور ميناء بوسطن
الجمعة, أغسطس 23

FACE الارجنتيني دييغو ماروكتشي

ABRAHAM NOVA في الدفاع عن NABA سوبر وزن الريشة اللقب ضد MIGUEL BELTRAN JR.

UNDERCARD إلى ميزة WHO'S WHO OF آفاق AREA بما في ذلك CARLOS جونجورا, JAMES بيريلا & KHIARY TODD

EVENT ستذاع على الهواء مباشرة UFC FIGHT PASS


بوسطن, MA. (أغسطس 1, 2019):

بعد بيعت حدث لاول مرة الشهر الماضي الذي شهد 2,300 الناس حزمة بيكاسو قاعة رقص وسيم بوسطن هاربور, ميرفي للملاكمة تفخر بأن تعلن عودة فورية للافتتح حديثا 2.6 مليار دولار اللجوء على الجمعة, 23 أغسطس.

سيضم بطاقة مكدسة عودة ستتسد أحد المقاتلين الأكثر شعبية ميرفي الملاكمة, أعلى 20 العالم في المرتبة صغار المنافس المتوسط, غاري "سبايك’ أوسوليفان(30-3, 21 كوس) والأعلى 10 المرتبة العالم, إبراهيم نوفا (15-0, 11 كوس) الذي سوف يدافع عن NABA بطولة سوبر وزن الريشة.

سوف أوسوليفان تأخذ على ضرب من الصعب المخضرم الأرجنتيني, دييغو ماروكتشي (18-4-1, 14 كوس) في 8 مواجهة الجولة التي تعد الألعاب النارية بين اثنين من المقاتلين الذين لا يعرفون كيفية اتخاذ خطوة إلى الوراء.

'تصاعد', المقود بشارب مقاتلة من كورك, أيرلندا, لديه يلي الهائل في بوسطن بعد أن خاض أكثر 10 مرة في منطقة نيو انغلاند, بما في ذلك معركته الأخيرة هذا القديس الماضي. يوم باتريك عندما توقف Khiary رمادي في عراك دموي.

في التعاون المتصدر عناوين, واحدة من أهم المقاتلين في دوري الدرجة سوبر وزن الريشة, خاص ميرفي الملاكمة, إبراهيم نوفا سوف تأخذ على المخضرم المكسيكي الشهير, ميغيل بلتران جونيور.(33-7, 22 كوس) لبطولة وزن الريشة سوبر نوفا NABA في 10 نوبة مستديرة.

نوفا, يأتي في المرتبة المقاتل الشاب مبهرج والمعروف عن لحيته شقراء ابيض ومداخل حلقة متقنة حاليا #7 في العالم من قبل رابطة الملاكمة العالمية وتضيق الخناق على تسديدة اللقب العالمي في دوري الدرجة الأحمر الساخن الذي يتميز بطلة شعبية مثل Gervonta ديفيس, Tevin المزارعين و أندرو Cancio.

والحدث الرئيسي المشارك يرى ميرفي الملاكمة نفسه الاكوادوري أولمبي, كارلوس جونجورا(16-0, 12 كوس) في اصعب اختبار له حتى الآن في 10 الجولة نوبة المتوسط ​​ضد "المكسيكي الطاحونة", آلان زافالا (15-4, 13 كوس) التي ستشهد هذه الخطوة الفائز في وضع احتمال حسن النية.

سوف undercard ميزة من هو الذي من مقاتلي بوسطن أساس المناطق بما في ذلك:

لين, ماساتشوستس’ Khiary تود (8-1, 6 كوس) الذي سيواجه البرازيلي فلوريدا مقرها,أليكس ساندرو دوارتي (14-7-1, 11 كوس) في 6 جولة المبتدئين المتوسط ​​نوبة.

مانسفيلد, ماساتشوستس’ جيمس بيريلا (4-0, 3 كوس), الذين قاتلوا لاول مرة حدث سيم ميناء بوسطن هذا الشهر. وفي موقع الصدارة الهواة يعود في 4 الجولة نوبة وزن الوسط ضد الخصم الكشف عن اسمه، وسوف تكون نوبة 5TH المقاتل الشاب في خمسة أشهر فقط كلاعب محترف.

سيتم تقريب البطاقة للخارج مع 6 المقاتلين المحليين الذين سوف تقدم لأول مرة على الموالية ضد بعضها البعض عندما ستونهم, ماساتشوستس مواطن, جيمس بيركنز يأخذ على بوسطن آرون سميث Trecell في 4 الجولة نوبة كرويسيروييغت, ووترتاون, ماساتشوستس’ جريج بونويأخذ على ويتمان, ماساتشوستس’ براين Urday في 4 الجولة نوبة الابن وزن الوسط وبوسطن جوناثان Depina يأخذ على الخصم الكشف عن اسمه في 4 نوبة خفيفة مستديرة.

“الناس ما زالوا يطن حول الحدث الأخير لنا في الظهور ميناء بوسطن "., يقول كين كيسي, مؤسس ميرفي الملاكمة ومروج.

“إنه أمر مثير جدا لتكون قادمة الحق في العودة إلى وسيم وعلى UFC معركة تمرير من خلال الشخصيات الكبيرة مثل سبايك, نوفا وجونجورا جميعا على نفس البطاقة في حين أن الإثارة لا تزال في الهواء.”

وأضاف "كنا بسعادة غامرة لرؤية هذا النجاح من خلال افتتاح الحدث ميرفي الملاكمة,"يقولروبرت DeSalvio, رئيس سيم ميناء بوسطن.

"نحن سعداء للغاية لتحقيق هذه الأحداث على غرار لاس فيغاس لمنطقة بوسطن، ونحن سعداء لرؤية المجتمع الاستجابة بشكل جيد. ونحن نخطط لمواصلة تقديم هذه لا يمكن أن تفوت ليال ".

ميرفي الملاكمة يقدم أوسوليفان مقابل. بونيلى ونوفا vs.Beltran لبطولة NABA سوبر وزن الريشة يوم الجمعة, 23 أغسطس في الظهور ميناء بوسطن (1 برودواي, ايفرت, MA., 02149). الأبواب مفتوحة في 07:00. تذاكر تبدأ من 50 دولار وتقدم أسعارا منخفضة الآن في www.murphysboxing.com

حول ميرفي الملاكمة

تأسست ميرفي ملاكمة دروبكيك مورفيس’ مهاجم, كين كيسي في 2014. فقط في 5 سنوات قصيرة, أصبح ميرفي الملاكمة المروج رئيس الوزراء الملاكمة في منطقة نيو انغلاند واحدة من أهم الترقيات الشباب في البلاد. 2018 كان لاندلاع العام لميرفي الملاكمة كما أخذوا أول مقاتلة من أجل اللقب العالمي. جنبا إلى جنب مع بطل أول الترويج ل, تأمين عدد من المقاتلين ميرفي الملاكمة فرص لقب بطولة العالم وتحارب متلفز في 2018. أغلقت ميرفي الملاكمة من رايتهم العام عن طريق المشاركة في تعزيز نوبة بطولة الاتحاد العالمي للملاكمة الوزن المتوسط ​​بين ديمتريوس اندرادي والتر Kautondokwa أمام أكثر 10,000 المشجعين في حديقة TD, المنزل الأسطوري لبوسطن سلتيكس, الذي تم بثه دوليا على DAZN. ميرفي الملاكمة الحالي ميزات قائمة العالم في المرتبة المتنافسين مثل مارك ديلوكا, تشارلز فوستر, إبراهيم نوفا, جريج Vendetti, غاري "سبايك’ أوسوليفان ومهزوم احتمالات مثل نيال كينيدي, كارلوس جونجورا, وليام فوستر III وأكثر من ذلك.

لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة: www.murphysboxing.com

حول ENCORE ميناء بوسطن

الظهور ميناء بوسطن هو $2.6 مليار خمس نجوم منتجع الألعاب جهة العالمي يضم 671 غرف الفندق مع إطلالة رائعة على أفق بوسطن وميناء بوسطن, سبا فائقة قسط, التخصص التجزئة, 15 طعام وصالة الملاعب وقاعة احتفالات دولة من بين الفن والمساحات اجتماع. وهي أكبر خاصة, تطوير على مرحلة واحدة في تاريخ الكومنولث.

يقع على الواجهة البحرية على طول نهر الصوفي وتوصيلها الى ميناء بوسطن, وسيم ميناء بوسطن فتح الخط الساحلي ايفرت للجمهور للمرة الأولى منذ أكثر من قرن. أنشأت منتجع حديقة ستة فدان على طول المياه الذي سيضم المشاة والدراجات المسارات التي توفر الوصول إلى الواجهة البحرية, على العشب الأحداث, مناطق نزهة وجمهور. يعرض الأزهار المزخرفة, الفن العام, والتجزئة والمطاعم الخبرات التغاضي عن الظهور هاربور.

لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة: www.encorebostonharbor.com


UFC FIGHT PASS® هي الرائدة خدمة الاشتراك الرقمية في العالم لممارسة الرياضات القتالية. منذ إطلاقه في 2013, FIGHT PASS متاحة الآن في أكثر من 200 بلدا وإقليما. يوفر FIGHT PASS أعضائها مع وصول غير محدود للعيش UFC FIGHT PASS بريليمس; يعيش الفنون القتالية المختلطة والرياضة القتالية من جميع أنحاء العالم; سلسلة الأصلي والبرمجة التاريخية; مميزات خاصة; وراء الكواليس المحتوى; مقابلات متعمقة; ويصل إلى تقارير دقيقة عن عالم الرياضة القتالية. يكون المشتركين PASS قتال أيضا 24/7 الوصول إلى أكبر مكتبة قتال في العالم, يضم أكثر من 17,000 نوبات من عشرات تكافح المنظمات الرياضية, وكذلك كل معركة في التاريخ UFC. يمكن لعشاق القتال الوصول PASS FIGHT على أجهزة الكمبيوتر الشخصية, دائرة الرقابة الداخلية والروبوت الأجهزة النقالة, آبل, أجهزة إكس بوكس ​​واحد, اكس بوكس 360, الأمازون TV النار, جهاز Chromecast, عام, تلفزيونات سامسونج الذكية, LG التلفزيونات الذكية, وتلفزيونات سوني مع تلفزيون الروبوت.

لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة: www.ufc.tv/page/fightpass


Yordenis Ugas Tops Omar Figueroa by Unanimous Decision; Sergey Lipinets Stops Jayar Inson in Two Rounds & Luis Nery Knocks Out Juan Carlos Payano in Ninth Round in Pay-Per-View Undercard


Efe Ajagba Defeats Ali Eren Demirezen by Unanimous Decision in Clash of Unbeaten Heavyweights on FOX

انقر هنا for Photos from Stewart Cook/FOX Sports
كلمه السر: f0xb0x

انقر هنا for Pacquiao vs. ثورمان & هنا for Plant vs. Lee Photos from Ryan Hafey/Premier Boxing Champions

انقر هنا لصور من الترقيات ستيفاني تراب / TGB

انقر هنا للصور من Sean Michael Ham / Mayweather Promotions

LAS VEGAS (يوليو 21, 2019) – Boxing’s only eight-division world champion, Senator Manny “بكمن” باكوياو إسقاط كيث “مرة واحدة” ثورمان in round one and won a close split decision to earn a welterweight world title in the main event of a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View event Saturday night from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

It was fun,” قال باكياو. “My opponent is a good fighter and boxer. كان قويا. I’m not that kind of boxer who talks a lot; we were just promoting the fight. I think he did his best, and I did my best. I think we made the fans happy tonight because it was a good fight.

The sell-out crowd of 14,356 got treated to great action from the start, as an exciting first round was capped off by Pacquiao dropping Thurman for the first time in his career with a straight right hand late in the round.

I knew it was too close,” وقال ثورمان. “He got the knockdown so he had momentum in round one.

Thurman made it into the second round but continued to have trouble with Pacquiao’s right hand, as the future Hall of Famer threw it successfully as a jab and a power punch throughout the fight. Thurman adjusted in the middle rounds and began to try to smother Pacquiao and walk him down, having success when he was able to get his combinations off before his opponent.

Despite blood pouring from his nose from round four on, Thurman was able to land powerful combinations on Pacquiao for much of the second half of the fight, but was never able to hurt Pacquiao or score a knockdown of his own.

I wish I had a little bit more output to go toe to toe,” وقال ثورمان. “I felt like he was getting a little bit tired, but he did have experience in the ring. My conditioning and my output was just behind Manny Pacquiao’s. I would love the rematch.

في الجولة 10, Pacquiao’s landed a strong left hook to the body that clearly hurt Thurman and forced him to spend much of the remainder of the round backpedaling. The CompuBox scores were indicative of the close nature of the fight, with Thurman out landing Pacquiao 210 إلى 195, while Pacquiao was busier throwing 686 اللكمات ل 571 from Thurman.

I really love the fans,” قال باكياو. “Thank you so much for coming here and witnessing the fight. I’m sure they were happy tonight because they saw a good fight. Even though Thurman lost, he did his best. He’s not an easy opponent. He’s a good boxer and he’s strong. I was just blessed tonight.

Watch the round 10 تسليط الضوء هنا

Pacquiao had a large advantage in jabs landed, يربط على 82 to Thurman’s 18. ال 192 power punches landed by Thurman was the most in 43 Pacquiao fights that CompuBox has tracked. Round-by-round, the two fighters were only separated by more than five landed punches in rounds two, seven and nine.

بعد 12 جولات, the judges reached a split decision, with one judge scoring the fight 114-113 for Thurman, overruled by two judges scoring it 115-112 for Pacquiao, who captured the WBA Welterweight World Championship at 40-years-old.

You get blessings and lessons,” وقال ثورمان. “Tonight was a blessing and a lesson. Thank you everybody, and thank you Manny Pacquiao.

“أعتقد (I will fight) next year,” قال باكياو. “I will go back to the Philippines and work and then make a decision. I do hope to be at the (ايرول) سبنس مقابل. (شون) Porter fight on September 28.

The co-main event of the pay-per-view saw top contender يوردينيس أوغاس (24-4, 11 كوس) drop previously unbeaten عمر فيغيروا (28-1-1, 19 كوس) on his way to a unanimous decision in their WBC welterweight title eliminator.

Ugas got off to a strong start, connecting on a straight right hand that sent Figueroa into the ropes, which he held onto so he didn’t hit the canvas, but enough that referee Russell Mora ruled it a knockdown.

The fight played out how I thought it would,” said Ugas. “I came out strong and Figueroa was tough as well. This was similar to the fight everyone expected. I came out on top.

Watch the highlight of the knockdown هنا

Figueroa recovered and was able to make it to round two, where he continued his strategy of coming forward to try to hurt Ugas on the inside. Ugas was able to control that action on the inside, landing numerous uppercuts to stun Figueroa. لكن, the inside fighting led to Ugas being deducted a point by the referee in round five for holding.

Ugas fought a smart fight,” سعيد فيغيروا. “He was smothering me on the inside and holding. I thought the scores were too wide. I was following him and working the whole time. I felt like he only worked the last 30 seconds of the round, but I guess that was all it took.

I didn’t have any problems with his size. I thought I was able to do my thing, but when he was holding me I couldn’t get my offense going.

Despite that, and being warned later in the fight for delivering low blows, Ugas dominated the fight according to CompuBox, out landing Figueroa 229 إلى 131 and connecting with 28% of his punches, to Figueroa’s 22%.

I knew Figueroa was a tough guy, so I didn’t want to waste my energy trying to take him out early,” said Ugas. “I was ready to go 12 rounds.

بعد 12 جولات, all three judges scored the fight the same, 119-107 in favor of Ugas, who became the mandatory for the winner of the Errol Spence Jr. مقابل. Shawn Porter welterweight title unification.

I’m extremely happy to be in this position to fight for the WBC title again,” said Ugas. “I will be ready for the winner of Errol Spence Jr. مقابل. Shawn Porter.

Additional action saw former world champion سيرغي Lipinets (16-1, 12 كوس) score a highlight-reel knockout against Jayar Inson (18-3, 12 كوس) in the second round of their welterweight matchup.

Lipinets was originally scheduled to fight John Molina Jr., before Molina pulled out of the fight Friday morning due to a back injury. Inson, who was scheduled to fight on the non-televised undercard, stepped up to the challenge.

When I first heard the news about Molina, I knew that I wanted to still fight on a show of this magnitude,” said Lipinets. “As far as fighting a southpaw, I’ve had so many amateur fights in my kickboxing career that I had no problem adjusting. كان مجرد مسألة وقت. I also have sparred with great southpaws like Victor Ortiz throughout my career, so I was comfortable with the change in fighter.

In an exchange early in the second round, Lipinets landed a clean left hook to Inson’s head, which sent the Filipino-fighter to the canvas. Although Inson got to his feet, referee Jay Nady waved off the bout 57 ثانية في الجولة.

I got hit and I slipped, that made it look worse,” said Inson. “When I stood up I thought I was fine and tried to raise my hands and show the referee.

Joe Goossen is an exceptional trainer and he just told me to work from a different direction facing a southpaw,” said Lipinets. “I just made sure to block his punches with my elbows. That was the only adjustment I had to make and it ended up working just fine.

Watch the Lipinets KO highlight هنا

The opening pay-per-view bout saw undefeated former champion لويس نيري (30-0, 24 كوس) deliver a ninth-round knockout of former bantamweight champion خوان كارلوس بايانو (21-3, 9 كوس).

I wasn’t really paying attention to how long the fight was going, I was just getting into a rhythm as it went on,” قال نيري. “I had to work hard to get to him because he’s a good boxer. The longer it went, the better I felt. I put my punches together well once I got going.

In a fast-paced duel of former champions, Payano had success early boxing the aggressive Nery, moving back to avoid his attack and landing his own offense against the knockout artist. Payano out landed or was even in punches landed for each of the first six rounds of the bout.

I’m a warrior and I wanted to keep going and fight back every time he came forward,” said Payano. “My coach wanted me to stay behind my jab a little more.

As the fight grew into the middle rounds, Nery began to increase the offense and was able to land power shots that slowed Payano’s ability to box from the outside. Nery hurt Payano early in round seven, eventually dominating the round, out landing his opponent 22 إلى 7.

He was a very complicated fighter at the beginning, he’s a veteran, so I had to try to adapt to his style to see how I could get in,” قال نيري. “In the fifth or sixth round I started gaining control of the fight and then that left hook came to the body which was devastating.

During the exchanges it was Nery’s second shot that was getting in,” said Payano. “We corrected the issue but then that body shot came in from nowhere and hit me in a rib that I had broken years ago against Raushee Warren.

Round eight saw Nery continue to break Payano down, most notably landing a big left hand midway through the round that caused blood to pour from Payano’s nose. During an exchange in the ninth-round, Payano landed a devastating left hook to the ribs that put Payano down. He was unable to recover and referee Vic Drakulich halted the bout 1:43 في الجولة.

I wanted to get him out early,” قال نيري. “But this showed that I do have the experience to go into the later rounds and still take out my opponent. I showed that I have good defense and can make adjustments.

Watch Nery’s knockout هنا

The FOX PBC Fight Night main event on FOX and FOX Deportes saw IBF Super Middleweight World Champion كاليب “Sweethands” مصنع (19-0, 11 كوس) retain his title with a dominant third-round knockout over previously unbeaten مايك لي (21-1, 11 كوس).

It went exactly how I planned it would go,” مصنع سعيد. “إطلاقا. I’ve been telling you all week it wasn’t going to go 12 rounds and I stuck to my word and I tried to do that. I hope you guys had a good time.

Plant got off to a fast-start, dropping Lee with a left hook late in the first round. The unbeaten challenger was able to recover and survive the round, but was hard-pressed to make up for the hand speed advantage of Plant.

You can watch Plant’s first knockdown هنا

I think I have a high boxing IQ and I do this at a really high level,” مصنع سعيد. “So it was just about making adjustments. انه لكبير, strong guy and he just came in here to give it his all.

Lee looked to charge in hard against Plant and use his size and power to land a big shot and change the momentum of the fight. Plant was sharp and avoided the looping right hands that Lee was attacking with.

The speed was the difference, he’s fast and very accurate,” قال لي. “I had some success with my right hands but wasn’t able to be consistent with it.

في الجولة ثلاثة, Plant landed a vicious right hook early in the round that put Lee down for the second time. After a left hook appeared to connect and send Lee down a second time, referee Robert Byrd ruled it had come from a push and continued the fight once Lee got to his feet.

Plant had his opponent hurt and continued to press forward, eventually landing another left hook that put Lee down, this time forcing the referee to wave off the bout 1:29 في الجولة.

Watch the highlight of Plant’s TKO هنا

I had no issue with the stoppage, that’s the referee’s job and I respect it,” قال لي.

بعد المعركة, Benavidez was asked about a possible unification fight against the winner of the just announced Anthony Dirrell vs. David Benavidez WBC Super Middleweight Championship fight.

“أوه نعم, we can definitely unify,” مصنع سعيد. “I ain’t hard to get a hold of. I ain’t hard to make a fight with. Come see me. You know my advisor.

The opening bout on FOX and FOX Deportes saw الكرتون Ajagba (11-0, 9 كوس) score a unanimous decision over Ali Eren Demirezen (11-1, 10 كوس) in a 10-round battle of undefeated heavyweights. It was the first time that two unbeaten fighters from the 2016 Olympics faced off as pros.

You can find full fight highlights هنا

Ajagba used his jab and height effectively throughout the fight, هبوط 10 من 45 jabs per round, doubling the heavyweight average. لكن, an elbow injury and the accurate punching of Demirezen forced Ajagba to go the distance for the first time as a pro.

This was the first fighter to take me the distance,” said Ajagba. “He was strong and could take my punches. My trainer just told me to keep using my jab and stay in the middle of the ring.

I hurt my elbow early on, so I couldn’t shoot my right hand like I wanted. But I won’t use that as an excuse. As a tall man I had to use the jab and if it went the distance, that was my best way to win.

Demirezen thought the scorecards should have been closer and believed that his performance should have garnered him more than the decision loss. Demirezen was actually the more accurate puncher, هبوط 26% of his punches to 22% from Ajagba.

I don’t agree with the scores, especially 99-91said Demirezen. “It was much closer. I feel that at minimum, it was a draw. I knew I had to knock him out and that a knockout might be easier than winning by points. I thought it was a good performance but I can do better. I’d like to fight in the U.S. ثانية.”

Ajagba’s activity from start to finish was impressive, as he threw 877 مجموع اللكمات, هبوط 191. While Demirezen was not far behind with 149 punches landed, he only out landed Ajagba in three rounds.

بعد 10 rounds of action all three judges scored the fight in favor of Ajagba, من جانب عشرات 99-91 مرتين و 97-93.

IBF Champion Errol Spence Jr. Battles WBC Champion Shawn Porter In Highly-Anticipated 147-Pound Title Unification Match that Headlines a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View Event Saturday, سبتمبر 28 من مركز ستابلز في لوس انجليس

The Welterweight World Title Takeover Continues!

أكثر! Two-Time Champion Anthony Dirrell will Defend His WBC Super Middleweight Title Against Undefeated Former Champion David Benavidez in the Co-Feature

تذاكر للبيع, الإثنين, يوليو 22 في 12 عصرا. PT!

لوس انجليس (يوليو 20, 2019) – Welterweight world champions collide when IBF Champion ايرول “الحقيقة” سبنس جونيور. clashes with WBC Champion“موعد العرض” شون بورتر in a massive 147-pound title unification match headlining a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View on Saturday, سبتمبر 28 at Staples Center in Los Angeles.

The co-feature of the evening will pit WBC Super Middleweight Champion أنتوني “الكلب” Dirrell against unbeaten former champion ديفيد “العلم الأحمر” بينافيديز in an explosive 168-pound showdown.

Tickets for the event go on sale Monday, يوليو 22 في 12 عصرا. PT and can be purchased at AXS.com.

“ايرول سبنس جونيور. versus Shawn Porter in a welterweight unification match brings to mind some of the great 147-pound clashes of the past – السكر راي روبنسون مقابل. طفل جافيلان, Leonard vs. Hearns or Whitaker vs. تشافيز,” وقال توم براون, رئيس الترقيات TGB. “Both men are in their primes and both like to apply pressure. With that clash of styles, something has to give. في ميزة التعاون, Anthony Dirrell doesn’t want to give up the title and David Benavidez wants it back. Played out before an electric crowd at STAPLES Center in Los Angeles and headlining a PBC on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View, this show has instant classic written all over it.

سبنس مقابل. Porter represents a major step forward in the quest to find the best 147-pound boxer on the planet. Spence has declared that anyone who wants to make that claim will have to come through him. Porter has already faced the some of the biggest names in the division, including Keith Thurman and Danny Garcia, and will make Spence back up his boast.

The unbeaten Spence (25-0, 21 كوس) هو شاب, powerful welterweight who vaulted to the top of the welterweight scene with a punishing 11عشر round knockout victory over Kell Brook for the IBF championship in front of Brook’s hometown fans in Sheffield, England in 2017. Fighting out of Desoto, تكساس, Spence has successfully defended the title three times. Most recently he scored a unanimous decision victory over three-division world champion Mikey Garcia in a PBC on FOX Pay-Per-View show before a hometown crowd at AT&ملعب تي في أرلينغتون, Texas on March 16.

“انها ستكون معركة مثيرة للغاية,” قال سبنس. “Shawn is never in a boring fight and I always entertain. It will be a ‘Fight of the Yeartype fight because our styles mesh. Shawn Porter is a guy who tries to rough you up. That’s what he’s always done. With Yordenis Ugas he tried to box and he said he didn’t like that style. He said he is going back to his original style. If he brings that style to me, it’s going to be a great fight because I’m going to bring it right back to him.

The 31-year-old Porter (30-2-1, 17 كوس) is a two-time welterweight champion whose high-pressure style has served him well in his rise in the 147-pound division. Born in Akron, Ohio and now living in Las Vegas, Porter won the IBF welterweight title with a unanimous decision victory over Devon Alexander in 2013. He lost the title, which Spence now has, to Kell Brook by a majority decision in 2014. Porter moved back into the championship ranks with a unanimous decision victory over Danny Garcia for the vacant WBC title in 2018. He successfully defended the title with a split decision victory over Yordenis Ugas in March on FOX.

There haven’t been too many fights as a professional that I’ve been this excited about,” قال بورتر. “I was really excited about the Danny Garcia fight and I’m really excited about this one. Ever since Spence got a belt, I really circled this fight on my calendar. Preparation is the key. I think I have everything it takes to beat Errol Spence. I’m very confident and my team is confident in what I have to do on September 28. We’ll be ready.

Dirrell مقابل. Benavidez promises to be a hotly contested battle for the WBC Super Middleweight title. Dirrell is a two-time WBC 168-pound world champion and will bring experience, while Benavidez will bring his high-octane style.

The 34-year-old Dirrell (33-1-1, 24 كوس) won the WBC title for the first time with a unanimous decision over Sakio Bika in 2014. The native of Flint, Michigan lost the title the next year to Badou Jack by majority decision. He put together six straight victories after that loss to get back into position to fight for the championship again. He won the title with a technical decision victory over Avni Yildirim in February on FS1. Dirrell is the younger brother of Andre Dirrell, who won a bronze medal as a member of the U.S. Olympic boxing team in 2004.

I’m going to work my butt off, putting in extra hours in the gym, because this is one of the toughest opponents I’ve ever fought,” Dirrell said. “He’s young and he’s tough. But I’m more than ready for anything that he can bring. I bring an exciting fight. He knows that. The world knows that. وقال انه يمكن الحديث, but nothing matters but what happens in the ring. I wanted this fight to be out west because I will fight anybody anywhere. It’s only two people in the ring and we’re going to give a good entertaining fight for the fans.

بينافيديز (21-0, 18 كوس) won the WBC title with a split decision victory over Ronald Gavril in 2017. القتال من فينيكس, أريزونا, Benavidez successfully defended the title with a more convincing unanimous decision over Gavril in the rematch four months later. The 22-year-old returned to the ring to score an impressive knockout victory over veteran J’Leon Love in March on the Spence vs. Garcia PBC on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View.

I’m looking forward to reclaiming my WBC belt in my next fight against Anthony Dirrell,” قال بينافيدز. “This fight is overdue and I guarantee I will be ready for whatever he brings to the ring. The fans are really going to enjoy this one.

لمزيد من المعلومات: زيارة www.premierboxingchampions.com
,http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepageand www.foxdeportes.com, اتبع على التغريدPremierBoxing, PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions وSwanson_Comm أو تصبح مروحة في الفيسبوك فيwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports &www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

ميرفي الملاكمة يعود إلى MGM SPRINGFIELD FOR SPECIAL في الهواء الطلق صباحي EVENT ON أغسطس 17 وتتميز CHAMPION NABA خفيف الثقيل, CHARLES FOSTER ومهزوم IRISH للوزن الثقيل, نيال كينيدي! بث مباشر ON UFC FIGHT PASS!

مهزوم IRISH للوزن الثقيل PROSPECT, EVENT نيال كينيدي TO FACE DEVIN فارغاس في CO-MAIN


تذكرة للبيع يوم الجمعة, يوليو 19th ATWWW.MURPHYSBOXING.COM

سبرينغفيلد, ماساتشوستس (يوليو 16, 2019):

ميرفي الملاكمة تفخر بأن تعلن عودتهم إلى MGM سبرينغفيلد لحدث صباحي في الهواء الطلق خاص على السبت, أغسطس 17, 2019 التي ستبث على الهواء مباشرة UFC معركة ممر.

في الحدث الرئيسي, NABA الخفيفة بطل الوزن الثقيل, تشارلز فوستر (18-0, 9 كوس) سندافع عن لقبه للمرة الرابعة في 10 نوبة مستديرة ضد الناخس السلطة الروسية,دينيس غراتشيف (19-7-1, 10 كوس).

الحاضنة, الذي ينحدر من قريب نيو هيفن, يأتي في المرتبة كونيتيكت #10 في العالم من قبل الرابطة الملاكمة العالمية ونزوله فوز المحتسب بدل الضائع للإعجاب على لشيكاغو مرة واحدة للضرب, مايك خيمينيز هذا آذار الماضي.

غراتشيف المعروفة باسم 'دراغو في الابن, يقوم حاليا 3 محاربة فوز متتالية في 2019 والفوز مفاجأة خلال فوستر أن تهبط على الفور إلى الوراء الروسية في التصنيف العالمي.

“انا متحمس ليكون في الحدث الرئيسي في مكانا رائعا مثل MGM سبرينغفيلد.”, يفسر فوستر, الأعسر اثق الذي يمر لقب, 'الحقيقة'.

“أنا حقا أشعر وأنا على استعداد لتحمل أي شخص في الأعلى 10. أريد أن أكون في موقف لاطلاق النار على اللقب العالمي العام المقبل. في 17 أغسطس, وأعتزم تقديم بيان إلى بقية فئة الوزن الثقيل الخفيف عن طريق الدفاع عن لقبي ووقف غراتشيف.”

في 10 جولة المشارك الرئيسي حدث واحد من معظم المقاتلين شعبية ميرفي الملاكمة, ضجة كبيرة في الوزن الثقيل الأيرلندية, نيال كينيدي (13-0-1, 8 كوس) سيواجه واحدا من أصعب اختباراته حتى الآن, 2014 USA أولمبي, ديفين فارغاس (20-5, 8 كوس) في معركة مفترق طرق من شأنها أن تضع الفائز في خط لفرصة كبيرة في دوري الدرجة أحمر حار.

'انفجارات’ الذي يشغل أيضا منصب ضابط شرطة في مسقط رأسه في جوري, وجمعت أيرلندا ماساتشوستس لا بأس به استنادا التالية بعد أن خاض تقريبا كل من المعارك المهنية له في نيو انغلاند الفوز بلقب الوزن الثقيل للدولة في عملية.

“انا متحمس ليكون القتال في MGM سبرينغفيلد. إنها المرة الأولى في هذا المجال [ماساتشوستس] وما حدث أن يكون على, الحصول على تقاسم فاتورة مع الموهوبين تشارلز فوستر.”, يقول الوزن الثقيل المتواضع.

“ونحن نأمل ذلك [القتال] سيكون لالتصنيف العالمي وخصمي, أعتقد, هو الأولمبي السابق الذي يخلط مع سطح الطاولة والذي أنا واثق من سيجلب أفضل من لي. التدريب تسير بشكل جيد للغاية. انا ذاهب الى وضع كل ما أمكنه من الدم والعرق في صنع ولدي الصغير, MJ وزوجتي فخور. يشرفني وبارك لكين وPackie توجيه مسيرتي وفي 35, هذه هي السنة حيث كنت ترغب في الحصول على نفسي في الجزء العلوي 20 وفي معارك واسعة النطاق ولكي يحدث ذلك ولست بحاجة لأداء على 17 أغسطس.”

سوف undercard تتميز العديد من المقاتلين المحليين بما في ذلك:

شيلي فنسنت (25-2, 1 KO), فخر بروفيدانس, ومنافسه اللقب العالمي السابق, سيجعل لها بالعودة في 8 الجولة نوبة وزن الريشة ضد الخصم الكشف عن اسمه.

أنتوني فيلاسكيز (7-0, 7 كوس), واحدة من أكثر المقاتلين شعبية في سبرينغفيلد, سوف تظهر في 6 الجولة نوبة وزن الوسط ضد الخصم الكشف عن اسمه.

ديريك ويتلي جونيور. (5-1-1), الذي يأتي من القتال الشهير عائلة ويتلي سبرينغفيلد, سيواجه الخصم الكشف عن اسمه في 6 نوبة وزن الوسط مستديرة.

راي جاي بيرموديز (7-0, 5 كوس) الذي ينحدر من قريب ألباني, نيويورك, سوف تظهر في 6 جولة سوبر نوبة خفيفة الوزن.

وسيتم الإعلان عن اثنين من المعارك أكثر إضافية قريبا.

“لدينا أول معركة في MGM سبرينغفيلد مايو, الذي كان أيضا لدينا UFC القتال ممر لاول مرة, كانت ليلة مذهلة والنجاح الكامل.”, يشرح كين كيسي, مؤسس ميرفي الملاكمة.

“لعودتنا إلى MGM سبرينغفيلد أردنا أن تأخذه إلى مستوى آخر. وجود أعلى 10 العالم في المرتبة المقاتلة مثل تشارلز فوستر جعل الدفاع عن لقبه في الفناء الخلفي لمنزله, واضاف نيال كينيدي في الرهانات عالية مواجهة الوزن الثقيل ثم مما يجعلها تظهر صباحي في الهواء الطلق, نعتقد يحقق هذا الهدف. لا يمكننا أن ننتظر أن يعود في MGM سبرينغفيلد في 17 أغسطس.”

ميرفي الملاكمة يقدم فوستر مقابل. غراتشيف يوم السبت, 17 مايو في سبرينغفيلد MGM في سبرينغفيلد, ماساتشوستس (1 MGM الطريق, سبرينغفيلد, MA. 01103). أبواب مفتوحة في 1:00 وتبدأ المعركة الأولى في 02:00. ويتم تسعير التذاكر في $45, $75, $100 و $125 ستطرح للبيع يوم الجمعة, 19 يوليو في: www.murphysboxing.com وwww.mgmspringfield /
تسلية. فإن الحدث بأكمله تيار يعيش على UFC حارب ممر في www.ufc.tv.


NEW YORK – July 9, 2019 –Swedish heavyweight Otto Wallin says he has too many physical advantages, while former world title challenger BJ Flores says he has too much experience to lose their upcoming 10-round clash.

WBA No. 5-ranked Wallin (20-0, 13 كوس) and Flores (34-4-1, 21 كوس) will meet this Friday, يوليو 12, in the co-featured bout of a ShoBox: الجيل الجديد tripleheader telecast (يعيشون على شوتايم 10 عصرا. ET / PT) from the Emerald Queen Casino in Tacoma, غسل.

Presented by Salita Promotions and Brian Halquist Productions, “Battle at the Boat 122” will also feature top American heavyweight prospect Jermaine Franklin (18-0, 13 كوس), from Saginaw, ولاية ميشيغان., returning for his second consecutive ShoBox test against the streaking Jerry Forrest (25-2, 19 كوس), من نيوبورت نيوز, فا., in the 10-round headliner and in the opening televised bout, undefeated featherweight Giovanni Mioletti (16-0, 7 كوس) of Chicago will face Ecuador’s Luis Porozo (14-0, 7 كوس).

The 28-year-old Wallin, a southpaw from Sundsvall, السويد, says he’s been expanding his horizons working with trainer Joey Gamache at Mendez Boxing in Manhattan.

“Training has been very good. I have been back in New York for six weeks now and I’ve had some great sparring with a lot of different guys and different styles,” said 28-year-old Wallin. “Sparring is the best training you can get. It’s the most like a fight, so just getting in with all these different guys is a great experience.”

Undefeated Wallin says he’s got too much of everything for former cruiserweight Flores in this fight.

“BJ Flores is a guy that’s experienced, but I know what to do,قال والين. “I have the tools to beat him. He’s good as a cruiserweight, but this is a heavyweight fight. It’s different than being a good cruiser. I will win because I’m a better boxer with better skills. I’m too big, young and strong for him. I always get nervous before a fight, but that’s part of it. Being nervous makes me sharper. I will eventually break him down.”

It’s been something of a whirlwind career for Wallin, who turned pro as the number one heavyweight on the Swedish National team after just 50 معارك الهواة. Heavily courted by promoters for his immense natural talent, Wallin now finds himself signed with Salita Promotions and in the top 5 of the WBA ratings after 20 معارك للمحترفين.

He credits trainer Gamache, himself a popular former fighter, with much of his success.

“Joey used to live in Denmark and so did I,قال والين. “That’s where we met six years ago. I followed him back to the US when he came back and I signed with Salita at the beginning of this year. We have a great relationship. I love him as a coach and as a person He’s done a lot for me including bringing me over here and making all these connections. I trust him 100% and he trusts me too.”

Wallin says having a great team behind him means ramping up his quest for a world championship.

“I want to have three or four fights this year. I haven’t had that many fights the last couple years, so it’s important to me to stay busy. العام القادم, I’ll be looking for a bigger fight. I’m very excited about everything that is happening.”

The 40-year-old Flores, originally from Arizona, says preparations went surprisingly well for this fight.

“Training couldn’t have gone better,"قال فلوريس. “I had eight good weeks of training and I have zero injuries. أن نكون صادقين, I thought camp would be tougher, but everything bounced back nicely. I’ve been sparring for seven weeks. I normally have something nagging on fight week, but I sparred 10 rounds Saturday. I sparred four rounds today. لدي 22 rounds in since last Wednesday and I feel great.”

الزهور, a two-time world cruiserweight title challenger, says Wallin will be facing a totally different type of opponent than the ones he’s used to.

“He’s never been tested by a guy who thought he could win. Everybody he’s fought came in as an opponent. That’s not to say he’s not good, but I’m the first fighter on his resume coming in expecting to win and I’ve been in with far better opposition.

“I feel like once I get him in the middle rounds and show him he’s in with somebody who is not going anywhere, that’s when we will find out what he’s made of. My experience and game plan are perfect for testing an untested guy. Just because he’s untested doesn’t mean he can’t fight, but we’re going to find out Friday night.”

Contrary to most fighters’ preference, Flores says he’s happy Wallin is a left-handed fighter.

“I’ve been sparring nothing but tall southpaws. في الواقع, I haven’t sparred an orthodox fighter in nine weeks. I prefer to fight southpaws. It’s better for my punch selection to fight a southpaw. I’ve never had a problem with it and I’ve never lost to one.”

Now a 16-year pro, Flores says he won’t be worried if the younger fighter comes out with some early aggression.

“If he wants to start fast, that’s OK. I don’t care about the first two or three rounds. The real fight starts after the fourth round. I plan on winning the early rounds, but even if I don’t, it doesn’t matter until we get in the middle rounds. I’m going to attack and be aggressive and go up and down on him. Get him to the middle rounds and see where he’s at. I know where I’m at. I’ve been in with the best heavyweights and cruiserweights in the world over the last 15 سنوات. I feel great and I’m ready.”

Barry Tompkins will call the action from ringside with boxing historian Steve Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. المنتج المنفذ هو جوردون قاعة مع ريتشارد Gaughan إنتاج وريك فيليبس توجيه.

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لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة www.sho.com/sports اتبع على التغريدShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, #ShoBox, أو تصبح مروحة في الفيسبوك في www.Facebook.com/SHOSports

Exciting Lineup of Undercard Fights Feature Puerto Rican Heavyweight Carlos Negron, Super Welterweight Clash Between Curtis Stevens & ويل أوموتوسو, Local Fan-Favorite Heather Hardy & أكثر – السبت, أغسطس 3 من مركز باركليز في بروكلين & قدم رئيس مجلس الدولة الملاكمة أبطال أوروبا

السبت, أغسطس 3 من مركز باركليز في بروكلين & قدم رئيس مجلس الدولة الملاكمة أبطال أوروبا

Polish Star Adam Kownacki Headlines Against Former Title Challenger Chris Arreola in FOX PBC Fight Night Main Event Live on
FOX & FOX الرياضة – 8 عصرا. ET / 5 عصرا. PT

BROOKLYN (يوليو 9, 2019) – An exciting lineup of action-packed undercard attractions will add to the Summer heat on Saturday, أغسطس 3 live from Barclays Center, منزل BROOKLYN الملاكمة ™, في حدث قدمه Premier Boxing Champions.

The event is headlined by Polish star and heavyweight contender Adam Kownacki and former title challenger Chris “كابوس” Arreola meeting in the main event of FOX PBC Fight Night live on FOX and FOX Deportes. يبدأ البث في 8 عصرا. ET / 5 عصرا. PT and also features two-time world champion Andre Berto and 147-pound contender Miguel Cruz, who meet in a welterweight attraction, and interim WBA Light Heavyweight Champion Marcus Browne and former world champion Jean Pascal, who duel in a 175-pound bout.

Undercard bouts are highlighted by 2008 بورتوريكو أولمبي كارلوس نغرون (20-2, 16 كوس) in a 10-round heavyweight fight against Atlanta’s Brian Howard (14-3, 11 كوس), منافس اللقب السابق كورتيس ستيفنز (30-6, 22 كوس) taking on veteran contender ويل أوموتوسو (27-4, 21 كوس) in a 10-round super welterweight clash and featherweight world champion and unbeaten local fan-favorite خلنج نبات “هيت” قوي (22-0, 4 كوس) in her 10عشر appearance in the ring at Barclays Center.

تذاكر لهذا الحدث, التي يروج لها الترقيات TGB, can be purchased at Ticketmaster.com. يمكن أيضًا شراء التذاكر من American Express Box Office في Barclays Center.

Additional action features a pair of uneaten fighters as Brooklyn’s جوليان سوسا (13-0-1, 5 كوس) steps in for an eight-round welterweight showdown versus Texas-native براين جونز (14-10, 8 كوس), plus Maryland-native Cobia Breedy (13-0, 4 كوس) takes on Michigan’s Ryan Lee Allen (9-3-1, 4 كوس) in a 10-round featherweight attraction.

Rounding out the lineup is Mexico’s Isaac Cruz Gonzalez in a 10-round featherweight fight, احتمال مهزوم Keeshawn Williams في وزن الوسط المعركة ستة مستديرة, unbeaten New Yorker Arnold Gonzalez in a four-round featherweight duel and undefeated New Jersey-native Kestna Davis in a four-round super welterweight bout against California’s Jaime Meza.

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يمكن للمشاهدين البث المباشر لعروض PBC على تطبيقات FOX Sports و FOX NOW أو على FOXSports.com. بالإضافة, جميع البرامج متوفرة على FOX Sports على قناة SiriusXM 83 على راديو الأقمار الصناعية وعلى التطبيق قناة SiriusXM.

لمزيد من المعلومات: زيارة www.premierboxingchampions.com, حزب التحرير
و www.foxdeportes.com, اتبع على التغريدPremierBoxing, PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, تضمين التغريدة, TGBPromotions, وSwanson_Comm أو أصبح معجبًا على Facebook على www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports و www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.


الرماية مقابل. Thurman Headlines Premier Boxing Champions FOX Sports Pay-Per-View Event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas

You’re going to see a world class performance on July 20 that has me standing alone on top of the division.” – ثورمان

ST. بطرسبرج, FL. (يوليو 8, 2019) – كيث “مرة واحدة” Thurman’s victories have always been the center of conversation. Even with nine championship fights and eight title defenses already under his belt, his Saturday, يوليو 20 fight against Manny Pacquaio could prove to be the most significant, as he steps onto boxing’s biggest stage looking to capture a momentous victory.

الرماية مقابل. Thurman will pit the undefeated WBA Welterweight World Champion Thurman against boxing’s only eight-division world champion and Philippine Senator Manny “بكمن” Pacquiao in the main event of a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

The FOX pay-per-view begins at 9 عصرا. ET / 6 مساءا. PT and tickets for the event, which is promoted by MP Promotions, Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased online through AXS.com, توجيه الاتهام عن طريق الهاتف في 866-740-7711 or in person at any MGM Resorts International box office.

Coming off a majority decision over Josesito Lopez that ended a 22-month ring absence in January, ثورمان (29-0, 22 كوس), 30, had won a close unanimous decision over former title holder “موعد العرض” Shawn Porter in June 2016 and a split-decision over two-division title winner Danny “سريع” Garcia in March 2017, adding Garcia’s WBC crown to his WBA version, before he vacated the WBC title due to injury.

Thurman broke down all of his title performances in anticipation of the fight that could cement his place amongst boxing’s best of this era.

KO 10 دييجو تشافيس, يوليو 27, 2013, AT&T مركز, سان أنطونيو: The 24-year-old Thurman came off a near-shutout unanimous decision over former champion Jan Zaveck in March 2013 and faced an unbeaten Argentine interim WBA champion who was after his fifth consecutive stoppage win and had knocked out 18 من 22 المعارضين.

Thurman traded early power shots, controlled tempo with his athleticism and boxing ability and floored Chaves with a ninth round left hook to the liver before dropping him for the final time with a right hand in the 10عشر جولة. Chaves failed to beat the count as Thurman became a 147-pound titleholder.

The Diego Chaves fight was the biggest fight of my career, elevating me to the WBA interim champion,” وقال ثورمان. “I broke him down round by round and landed a beautiful body shot in the ninth round and after that it was a matter of time. That was a fight that earned me worldwide respect and was the start of everything for me.

منظمة الصحة العالمية 9 يسوع سوتو Karass, ديسمبر 14, 2013, ملعب ألامودومي, سان أنطونيو:Soto Karassprevious victory was a 12th-round stoppage of two-time belt holder Andre Berto in a fight that saw him rise from an 11th-round knockdown. Hurt by a hard right in the first round, Thurman recovered, flooring Soto Karass with a left uppercut in the fifth and again from a powerful combination in the ninth as the referee ended matters.

Soto Karass was coming off a victory over Andre Berto which made it an important measuring stick fight for me,” وقال ثورمان, “He did open the fight by tagging me in the first round, but I dropped him in the fifth and again in the ninth and was able to finish him off for my first title defense.

RTD 3 Julio Diaz, أبريل 26, 2014, هوم ديبت سنتر, كارسون, كاليفورنيا: In a one-sided beat-down, former champion Diaz took a knee from a left to the temple the second round and retired prior to the fourth from a body shot that caused rib damage. Diaz never fought again.

That was a tremendous fight for me as the headliner in my first main event,” وقال ثورمان. “Diaz was coming off of good showings against Shawn Porter, fighting Porter to a draw once, and Amir Khan, whom he dropped in their fight. I also had the opportunity to make a statement. I did that by stopping him in only three rounds.

UD 12 Leonard Bundu, ديسمبر 13, 2014, the MGM Grand Garden Arena, لاس فيغاس: A previously unbeaten 40-year-old switch-hitting veteran, Bundu (31-1-2, 11 KO) was dropped by a first-round right hand in a shutout victory (120-107 ثلاث مرات) for Thurman who ended an eight-month ring absence and was recovering from an injured left shoulder.

Bundu was a switch-hitting awkward fighter. I switched [to southpaw] on him in the first round and dropped him with a right hand,” وقال ثورمان. “I out boxed him and really gave the world a taste of how good of a boxer I am. It was an easy blowout.

UD 12 روبرت غيريرو, مارس 7, 2015, the MGM Grand Grand Garden Arena: Thurman entered this bout after having been elevated to the full champion before facing Guerrero (32-3-1, 18 كوس), a two-division title winner. He overcame a grotesque hematoma above his left eye from an accidental clash of heads, إسقاط “الشبح” in the ninth-round, and lost a combined four rounds in PBC’s first ever main event.

Guerrero had fought Floyd Mayweather and I was happy to have a common opponent with Floyd, so that I could prove to the world that I deserved a shot at Mayweather,” وقال ثورمان. “I had to overcome that adversity of having that hematoma by knocking him down in the ninth round. That fight really raised my stock to another level.


RTD 7 لويس كولازو, يوليو 11, 2015, USF Sundome, تامبا: Thurman overcame a crippling left hand to the liver in the fifth round to become only the man to stop Collazo, a former champion who had gone the distance in losses to Ricky Hatton, شين موسلي, Andre Berto and Amir Khan. In a homecoming fight, Thurman opened a deep gash over Collazo’s right eye with his own left hook, eventually resulting in the southpaw’s retiring on his stool after the seventh round.

I was able to survive that body shot to perform in the next round. The fight was taking its toll on him though. I was becoming more comfortable and accurate as I physically broke him down,” وقال ثورمان. “The arena was electric, and the love was amazing. It was a great homecoming to defend my world title near where I grew up in Clearwater, Florida.


UD 12 شون بورتر, يونيو 25, 2016, مركز باركليز, بروكلين, نيويورك:Thurman overcame a bullish former champion in Porter (26-2-1, 16 كوس) before an electric crowd, winning a give-and-take, blood-and-guts brawl by scores of 115-113, على جميع القضاة الثلاثة’ بطاقات. Highlights were Thurman’s clean right hand-left hook combination that buckled Porter’s knees late in the third round, a 10th-round left hook that did the same, and an even more vicious head-swiveling hook in Round 11 of a Fight of The Year standout from 2016.

Our fight was tough, back and forth, but by no means was Shawn Porter going to take my title,” وقال ثورمان. “I pushed myself over the final rounds to make sure I’d be victorious in what was one of the ‘Fight of The Yearcontenders that year. That fight proved to everyone that I can win any type of fight, against any type of fighter.


SD 12 داني غارسيا, مارس 4, 2017, مركز باركليز: Thurman won a clash of 28-year-olds over the then unbeaten Garcia (33-0, 19 كوس), along with the WBC’s crown in just the 10th title unification in division history and only the third between a pair of unbeaten fighters. The crowd of 16,533 represented the highest attended boxing match at Barclays Center to date. Thurman’s movement disrupted the timing of Garcia, a Philadelphia-based fighter who was a unified champion at 140-pounds.

This was two undefeated welterweights going toe-to-toe in the prime of their careers. Danny Garcia’s a sharp puncher who won the WBC’s vacant title that Floyd Mayweather gave up for retirement,” وقال ثورمان. “But after beating Shawn Porter, I knew Danny would be an easy fight. This was my first chance to beat an undefeated world champion, and I came out swinging on him in round one to make a statement that his world title was about to be mine.


MD 12 Josesito لوبيز, يناير 26, 2019, مركز باركليز: Thurman ended an injury-hampered 22-month ring absence against Lopez (36-8, 19 كوس), scoring a second-round knockdown with a left hook, being hurt by a right hand in the seventh, and using his mobility and athleticism down the stretch for the victory.

I was really nervous about making weight after walking around at 182 for the past two years,” وقال ثورمان. “But even though I got hit and hurt in the seventh round, I knew my boxing ability would get me through. It was a relief to make it through that fight feeling strong and healthy and I’ve taken those feelings right into this training camp.


الرماية (61-7-2, 39 كوس), يوليو 20, 2019, the MGM Grand Garden Arena: The 40-year-old Pacquiao has earned back-to-back victories over former champions by seventh-round TKO over Lucas Matthysse (يوليو 2018) and unanimous decision Adrien Broner (يناير).

Does Manny belong in the ring with a fighter in his prime? Is Keith Thurman still Keith ‘One TimeThurman after some vulnerability against Josesito Lopez?” وقال ثورمان, rhetorically speaking. “بالطبع, I’d like to get the knockout or TKO, but either way, you’re going to see a world class performance that has me standing alone on top of a division that has so many great fighters. I’m trying to be that great, devastating champion once again, and come July 20, I will prove that I am.

# # # الرماية مقابل. Thurman Headlines Premier Boxing Champions FOX Sports Pay-Per-View Event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas

You’re going to see a world class performance on July 20 that has me standing alone on top of the division.” – ثورمان

ST. بطرسبرج, FL. (يوليو 8, 2019) – كيث “مرة واحدة” Thurman’s victories have always been the center of conversation. Even with nine championship fights and eight title defenses already under his belt, his Saturday, يوليو 20 fight against Manny Pacquaio could prove to be the most significant, as he steps onto boxing’s biggest stage looking to capture a momentous victory.

الرماية مقابل. Thurman will pit the undefeated WBA Welterweight World Champion Thurman against boxing’s only eight-division world champion and Philippine Senator Manny “بكمن” Pacquiao in the main event of a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

The FOX pay-per-view begins at 9 عصرا. ET / 6 مساءا. PT and tickets for the event, which is promoted by MP Promotions, Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased online through AXS.com, توجيه الاتهام عن طريق الهاتف في 866-740-7711 or in person at any MGM Resorts International box office.

Coming off a majority decision over Josesito Lopez that ended a 22-month ring absence in January, ثورمان (29-0, 22 كوس), 30, had won a close unanimous decision over former title holder “موعد العرض” Shawn Porter in June 2016 and a split-decision over two-division title winner Danny “سريع” Garcia in March 2017, adding Garcia’s WBC crown to his WBA version, before he vacated the WBC title due to injury.

Thurman broke down all of his title performances in anticipation of the fight that could cement his place amongst boxing’s best of this era.

KO 10 دييجو تشافيس, يوليو 27, 2013, AT&T مركز, سان أنطونيو: The 24-year-old Thurman came off a near-shutout unanimous decision over former champion Jan Zaveck in March 2013 and faced an unbeaten Argentine interim WBA champion who was after his fifth consecutive stoppage win and had knocked out 18 من 22 المعارضين.

Thurman traded early power shots, controlled tempo with his athleticism and boxing ability and floored Chaves with a ninth round left hook to the liver before dropping him for the final time with a right hand in the 10عشر جولة. Chaves failed to beat the count as Thurman became a 147-pound titleholder.

The Diego Chaves fight was the biggest fight of my career, elevating me to the WBA interim champion,” وقال ثورمان. “I broke him down round by round and landed a beautiful body shot in the ninth round and after that it was a matter of time. That was a fight that earned me worldwide respect and was the start of everything for me.

منظمة الصحة العالمية 9 يسوع سوتو Karass, ديسمبر 14, 2013, ملعب ألامودومي, سان أنطونيو:Soto Karassprevious victory was a 12th-round stoppage of two-time belt holder Andre Berto in a fight that saw him rise from an 11th-round knockdown. Hurt by a hard right in the first round, Thurman recovered, flooring Soto Karass with a left uppercut in the fifth and again from a powerful combination in the ninth as the referee ended matters.

Soto Karass was coming off a victory over Andre Berto which made it an important measuring stick fight for me,” وقال ثورمان, “He did open the fight by tagging me in the first round, but I dropped him in the fifth and again in the ninth and was able to finish him off for my first title defense.

RTD 3 Julio Diaz, أبريل 26, 2014, هوم ديبت سنتر, كارسون, كاليفورنيا: In a one-sided beat-down, former champion Diaz took a knee from a left to the temple the second round and retired prior to the fourth from a body shot that caused rib damage. Diaz never fought again.

That was a tremendous fight for me as the headliner in my first main event,” وقال ثورمان. “Diaz was coming off of good showings against Shawn Porter, fighting Porter to a draw once, and Amir Khan, whom he dropped in their fight. I also had the opportunity to make a statement. I did that by stopping him in only three rounds.

UD 12 Leonard Bundu, ديسمبر 13, 2014, the MGM Grand Garden Arena, لاس فيغاس: A previously unbeaten 40-year-old switch-hitting veteran, Bundu (31-1-2, 11 KO) was dropped by a first-round right hand in a shutout victory (120-107 ثلاث مرات) for Thurman who ended an eight-month ring absence and was recovering from an injured left shoulder.

Bundu was a switch-hitting awkward fighter. I switched [to southpaw] on him in the first round and dropped him with a right hand,” وقال ثورمان. “I out boxed him and really gave the world a taste of how good of a boxer I am. It was an easy blowout.

UD 12 روبرت غيريرو, مارس 7, 2015, the MGM Grand Grand Garden Arena: Thurman entered this bout after having been elevated to the full champion before facing Guerrero (32-3-1, 18 كوس), a two-division title winner. He overcame a grotesque hematoma above his left eye from an accidental clash of heads, إسقاط “الشبح” in the ninth-round, and lost a combined four rounds in PBC’s first ever main event.

Guerrero had fought Floyd Mayweather and I was happy to have a common opponent with Floyd, so that I could prove to the world that I deserved a shot at Mayweather,” وقال ثورمان. “I had to overcome that adversity of having that hematoma by knocking him down in the ninth round. That fight really raised my stock to another level.


RTD 7 لويس كولازو, يوليو 11, 2015, USF Sundome, تامبا: Thurman overcame a crippling left hand to the liver in the fifth round to become only the man to stop Collazo, a former champion who had gone the distance in losses to Ricky Hatton, شين موسلي, Andre Berto and Amir Khan. In a homecoming fight, Thurman opened a deep gash over Collazo’s right eye with his own left hook, eventually resulting in the southpaw’s retiring on his stool after the seventh round.

I was able to survive that body shot to perform in the next round. The fight was taking its toll on him though. I was becoming more comfortable and accurate as I physically broke him down,” وقال ثورمان. “The arena was electric, and the love was amazing. It was a great homecoming to defend my world title near where I grew up in Clearwater, Florida.


UD 12 شون بورتر, يونيو 25, 2016, مركز باركليز, بروكلين, نيويورك:Thurman overcame a bullish former champion in Porter (26-2-1, 16 كوس) before an electric crowd, winning a give-and-take, blood-and-guts brawl by scores of 115-113, على جميع القضاة الثلاثة’ بطاقات. Highlights were Thurman’s clean right hand-left hook combination that buckled Porter’s knees late in the third round, a 10th-round left hook that did the same, and an even more vicious head-swiveling hook in Round 11 of a Fight of The Year standout from 2016.

Our fight was tough, back and forth, but by no means was Shawn Porter going to take my title,” وقال ثورمان. “I pushed myself over the final rounds to make sure I’d be victorious in what was one of the ‘Fight of The Yearcontenders that year. That fight proved to everyone that I can win any type of fight, against any type of fighter.


SD 12 داني غارسيا, مارس 4, 2017, مركز باركليز: Thurman won a clash of 28-year-olds over the then unbeaten Garcia (33-0, 19 كوس), along with the WBC’s crown in just the 10th title unification in division history and only the third between a pair of unbeaten fighters. The crowd of 16,533 represented the highest attended boxing match at Barclays Center to date. Thurman’s movement disrupted the timing of Garcia, a Philadelphia-based fighter who was a unified champion at 140-pounds.

This was two undefeated welterweights going toe-to-toe in the prime of their careers. Danny Garcia’s a sharp puncher who won the WBC’s vacant title that Floyd Mayweather gave up for retirement,” وقال ثورمان. “But after beating Shawn Porter, I knew Danny would be an easy fight. This was my first chance to beat an undefeated world champion, and I came out swinging on him in round one to make a statement that his world title was about to be mine.


MD 12 Josesito لوبيز, يناير 26, 2019, مركز باركليز: Thurman ended an injury-hampered 22-month ring absence against Lopez (36-8, 19 كوس), scoring a second-round knockdown with a left hook, being hurt by a right hand in the seventh, and using his mobility and athleticism down the stretch for the victory.

I was really nervous about making weight after walking around at 182 for the past two years,” وقال ثورمان. “But even though I got hit and hurt in the seventh round, I knew my boxing ability would get me through. It was a relief to make it through that fight feeling strong and healthy and I’ve taken those feelings right into this training camp.


الرماية (61-7-2, 39 كوس), يوليو 20, 2019, the MGM Grand Garden Arena: The 40-year-old Pacquiao has earned back-to-back victories over former champions by seventh-round TKO over Lucas Matthysse (يوليو 2018) and unanimous decision Adrien Broner (يناير).

Does Manny belong in the ring with a fighter in his prime? Is Keith Thurman still Keith ‘One TimeThurman after some vulnerability against Josesito Lopez?” وقال ثورمان, rhetorically speaking. “بالطبع, I’d like to get the knockout or TKO, but either way, you’re going to see a world class performance that has me standing alone on top of a division that has so many great fighters. I’m trying to be that great, devastating champion once again, and come July 20, I will prove that I am.

# # # الرماية مقابل. Thurman Headlines Premier Boxing Champions FOX Sports Pay-Per-View Event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas

You’re going to see a world class performance on July 20 that has me standing alone on top of the division.” – ثورمان

ST. بطرسبرج, FL. (يوليو 8, 2019) – كيث “مرة واحدة” Thurman’s victories have always been the center of conversation. Even with nine championship fights and eight title defenses already under his belt, his Saturday, يوليو 20 fight against Manny Pacquaio could prove to be the most significant, as he steps onto boxing’s biggest stage looking to capture a momentous victory.

الرماية مقابل. Thurman will pit the undefeated WBA Welterweight World Champion Thurman against boxing’s only eight-division world champion and Philippine Senator Manny “بكمن” Pacquiao in the main event of a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

The FOX pay-per-view begins at 9 عصرا. ET / 6 مساءا. PT and tickets for the event, which is promoted by MP Promotions, Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased online through AXS.com, توجيه الاتهام عن طريق الهاتف في 866-740-7711 or in person at any MGM Resorts International box office.

Coming off a majority decision over Josesito Lopez that ended a 22-month ring absence in January, ثورمان (29-0, 22 كوس), 30, had won a close unanimous decision over former title holder “موعد العرض” Shawn Porter in June 2016 and a split-decision over two-division title winner Danny “سريع” Garcia in March 2017, adding Garcia’s WBC crown to his WBA version, before he vacated the WBC title due to injury.

Thurman broke down all of his title performances in anticipation of the fight that could cement his place amongst boxing’s best of this era.

KO 10 دييجو تشافيس, يوليو 27, 2013, AT&T مركز, سان أنطونيو: The 24-year-old Thurman came off a near-shutout unanimous decision over former champion Jan Zaveck in March 2013 and faced an unbeaten Argentine interim WBA champion who was after his fifth consecutive stoppage win and had knocked out 18 من 22 المعارضين.

Thurman traded early power shots, controlled tempo with his athleticism and boxing ability and floored Chaves with a ninth round left hook to the liver before dropping him for the final time with a right hand in the 10عشر جولة. Chaves failed to beat the count as Thurman became a 147-pound titleholder.

The Diego Chaves fight was the biggest fight of my career, elevating me to the WBA interim champion,” وقال ثورمان. “I broke him down round by round and landed a beautiful body shot in the ninth round and after that it was a matter of time. That was a fight that earned me worldwide respect and was the start of everything for me.

منظمة الصحة العالمية 9 يسوع سوتو Karass, ديسمبر 14, 2013, ملعب ألامودومي, سان أنطونيو:Soto Karassprevious victory was a 12th-round stoppage of two-time belt holder Andre Berto in a fight that saw him rise from an 11th-round knockdown. Hurt by a hard right in the first round, Thurman recovered, flooring Soto Karass with a left uppercut in the fifth and again from a powerful combination in the ninth as the referee ended matters.

Soto Karass was coming off a victory over Andre Berto which made it an important measuring stick fight for me,” وقال ثورمان, “He did open the fight by tagging me in the first round, but I dropped him in the fifth and again in the ninth and was able to finish him off for my first title defense.

RTD 3 Julio Diaz, أبريل 26, 2014, هوم ديبت سنتر, كارسون, كاليفورنيا: In a one-sided beat-down, former champion Diaz took a knee from a left to the temple the second round and retired prior to the fourth from a body shot that caused rib damage. Diaz never fought again.

That was a tremendous fight for me as the headliner in my first main event,” وقال ثورمان. “Diaz was coming off of good showings against Shawn Porter, fighting Porter to a draw once, and Amir Khan, whom he dropped in their fight. I also had the opportunity to make a statement. I did that by stopping him in only three rounds.

UD 12 Leonard Bundu, ديسمبر 13, 2014, the MGM Grand Garden Arena, لاس فيغاس: A previously unbeaten 40-year-old switch-hitting veteran, Bundu (31-1-2, 11 KO) was dropped by a first-round right hand in a shutout victory (120-107 ثلاث مرات) for Thurman who ended an eight-month ring absence and was recovering from an injured left shoulder.

Bundu was a switch-hitting awkward fighter. I switched [to southpaw] on him in the first round and dropped him with a right hand,” وقال ثورمان. “I out boxed him and really gave the world a taste of how good of a boxer I am. It was an easy blowout.

UD 12 روبرت غيريرو, مارس 7, 2015, the MGM Grand Grand Garden Arena: Thurman entered this bout after having been elevated to the full champion before facing Guerrero (32-3-1, 18 كوس), a two-division title winner. He overcame a grotesque hematoma above his left eye from an accidental clash of heads, إسقاط “الشبح” in the ninth-round, and lost a combined four rounds in PBC’s first ever main event.

Guerrero had fought Floyd Mayweather and I was happy to have a common opponent with Floyd, so that I could prove to the world that I deserved a shot at Mayweather,” وقال ثورمان. “I had to overcome that adversity of having that hematoma by knocking him down in the ninth round. That fight really raised my stock to another level.


RTD 7 لويس كولازو, يوليو 11, 2015, USF Sundome, تامبا: Thurman overcame a crippling left hand to the liver in the fifth round to become only the man to stop Collazo, a former champion who had gone the distance in losses to Ricky Hatton, شين موسلي, Andre Berto and Amir Khan. In a homecoming fight, Thurman opened a deep gash over Collazo’s right eye with his own left hook, eventually resulting in the southpaw’s retiring on his stool after the seventh round.

I was able to survive that body shot to perform in the next round. The fight was taking its toll on him though. I was becoming more comfortable and accurate as I physically broke him down,” وقال ثورمان. “The arena was electric, and the love was amazing. It was a great homecoming to defend my world title near where I grew up in Clearwater, Florida.


UD 12 شون بورتر, يونيو 25, 2016, مركز باركليز, بروكلين, نيويورك:Thurman overcame a bullish former champion in Porter (26-2-1, 16 كوس) before an electric crowd, winning a give-and-take, blood-and-guts brawl by scores of 115-113, على جميع القضاة الثلاثة’ بطاقات. Highlights were Thurman’s clean right hand-left hook combination that buckled Porter’s knees late in the third round, a 10th-round left hook that did the same, and an even more vicious head-swiveling hook in Round 11 of a Fight of The Year standout from 2016.

Our fight was tough, back and forth, but by no means was Shawn Porter going to take my title,” وقال ثورمان. “I pushed myself over the final rounds to make sure I’d be victorious in what was one of the ‘Fight of The Yearcontenders that year. That fight proved to everyone that I can win any type of fight, against any type of fighter.


SD 12 داني غارسيا, مارس 4, 2017, مركز باركليز: Thurman won a clash of 28-year-olds over the then unbeaten Garcia (33-0, 19 كوس), along with the WBC’s crown in just the 10th title unification in division history and only the third between a pair of unbeaten fighters. The crowd of 16,533 represented the highest attended boxing match at Barclays Center to date. Thurman’s movement disrupted the timing of Garcia, a Philadelphia-based fighter who was a unified champion at 140-pounds.

This was two undefeated welterweights going toe-to-toe in the prime of their careers. Danny Garcia’s a sharp puncher who won the WBC’s vacant title that Floyd Mayweather gave up for retirement,” وقال ثورمان. “But after beating Shawn Porter, I knew Danny would be an easy fight. This was my first chance to beat an undefeated world champion, and I came out swinging on him in round one to make a statement that his world title was about to be mine.


MD 12 Josesito لوبيز, يناير 26, 2019, مركز باركليز: Thurman ended an injury-hampered 22-month ring absence against Lopez (36-8, 19 كوس), scoring a second-round knockdown with a left hook, being hurt by a right hand in the seventh, and using his mobility and athleticism down the stretch for the victory.

I was really nervous about making weight after walking around at 182 for the past two years,” وقال ثورمان. “But even though I got hit and hurt in the seventh round, I knew my boxing ability would get me through. It was a relief to make it through that fight feeling strong and healthy and I’ve taken those feelings right into this training camp.


الرماية (61-7-2, 39 كوس), يوليو 20, 2019, the MGM Grand Garden Arena: The 40-year-old Pacquiao has earned back-to-back victories over former champions by seventh-round TKO over Lucas Matthysse (يوليو 2018) and unanimous decision Adrien Broner (يناير).

Does Manny belong in the ring with a fighter in his prime? Is Keith Thurman still Keith ‘One TimeThurman after some vulnerability against Josesito Lopez?” وقال ثورمان, rhetorically speaking. “بالطبع, I’d like to get the knockout or TKO, but either way, you’re going to see a world class performance that has me standing alone on top of a division that has so many great fighters. I’m trying to be that great, devastating champion once again, and come July 20, I will prove that I am.

# # # الرماية مقابل. Thurman Headlines Premier Boxing Champions FOX Sports Pay-Per-View Event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas

You’re going to see a world class performance on July 20 that has me standing alone on top of the division.” – ثورمان

ST. بطرسبرج, FL. (يوليو 8, 2019) – كيث “مرة واحدة” Thurman’s victories have always been the center of conversation. Even with nine championship fights and eight title defenses already under his belt, his Saturday, يوليو 20 fight against Manny Pacquaio could prove to be the most significant, as he steps onto boxing’s biggest stage looking to capture a momentous victory.

الرماية مقابل. Thurman will pit the undefeated WBA Welterweight World Champion Thurman against boxing’s only eight-division world champion and Philippine Senator Manny “بكمن” Pacquiao in the main event of a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

The FOX pay-per-view begins at 9 عصرا. ET / 6 مساءا. PT and tickets for the event, which is promoted by MP Promotions, Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased online through AXS.com, توجيه الاتهام عن طريق الهاتف في 866-740-7711 or in person at any MGM Resorts International box office.

Coming off a majority decision over Josesito Lopez that ended a 22-month ring absence in January, ثورمان (29-0, 22 كوس), 30, had won a close unanimous decision over former title holder “موعد العرض” Shawn Porter in June 2016 and a split-decision over two-division title winner Danny “سريع” Garcia in March 2017, adding Garcia’s WBC crown to his WBA version, before he vacated the WBC title due to injury.

Thurman broke down all of his title performances in anticipation of the fight that could cement his place amongst boxing’s best of this era.

KO 10 دييجو تشافيس, يوليو 27, 2013, AT&T مركز, سان أنطونيو: The 24-year-old Thurman came off a near-shutout unanimous decision over former champion Jan Zaveck in March 2013 and faced an unbeaten Argentine interim WBA champion who was after his fifth consecutive stoppage win and had knocked out 18 من 22 المعارضين.

Thurman traded early power shots, controlled tempo with his athleticism and boxing ability and floored Chaves with a ninth round left hook to the liver before dropping him for the final time with a right hand in the 10عشر جولة. Chaves failed to beat the count as Thurman became a 147-pound titleholder.

The Diego Chaves fight was the biggest fight of my career, elevating me to the WBA interim champion,” وقال ثورمان. “I broke him down round by round and landed a beautiful body shot in the ninth round and after that it was a matter of time. That was a fight that earned me worldwide respect and was the start of everything for me.

منظمة الصحة العالمية 9 يسوع سوتو Karass, ديسمبر 14, 2013, ملعب ألامودومي, سان أنطونيو:Soto Karassprevious victory was a 12th-round stoppage of two-time belt holder Andre Berto in a fight that saw him rise from an 11th-round knockdown. Hurt by a hard right in the first round, Thurman recovered, flooring Soto Karass with a left uppercut in the fifth and again from a powerful combination in the ninth as the referee ended matters.

Soto Karass was coming off a victory over Andre Berto which made it an important measuring stick fight for me,” وقال ثورمان, “He did open the fight by tagging me in the first round, but I dropped him in the fifth and again in the ninth and was able to finish him off for my first title defense.

RTD 3 Julio Diaz, أبريل 26, 2014, هوم ديبت سنتر, كارسون, كاليفورنيا: In a one-sided beat-down, former champion Diaz took a knee from a left to the temple the second round and retired prior to the fourth from a body shot that caused rib damage. Diaz never fought again.

That was a tremendous fight for me as the headliner in my first main event,” وقال ثورمان. “Diaz was coming off of good showings against Shawn Porter, fighting Porter to a draw once, and Amir Khan, whom he dropped in their fight. I also had the opportunity to make a statement. I did that by stopping him in only three rounds.

UD 12 Leonard Bundu, ديسمبر 13, 2014, the MGM Grand Garden Arena, لاس فيغاس: A previously unbeaten 40-year-old switch-hitting veteran, Bundu (31-1-2, 11 KO) was dropped by a first-round right hand in a shutout victory (120-107 ثلاث مرات) for Thurman who ended an eight-month ring absence and was recovering from an injured left shoulder.

Bundu was a switch-hitting awkward fighter. I switched [to southpaw] on him in the first round and dropped him with a right hand,” وقال ثورمان. “I out boxed him and really gave the world a taste of how good of a boxer I am. It was an easy blowout.

UD 12 روبرت غيريرو, مارس 7, 2015, the MGM Grand Grand Garden Arena: Thurman entered this bout after having been elevated to the full champion before facing Guerrero (32-3-1, 18 كوس), a two-division title winner. He overcame a grotesque hematoma above his left eye from an accidental clash of heads, إسقاط “الشبح” in the ninth-round, and lost a combined four rounds in PBC’s first ever main event.

Guerrero had fought Floyd Mayweather and I was happy to have a common opponent with Floyd, so that I could prove to the world that I deserved a shot at Mayweather,” وقال ثورمان. “I had to overcome that adversity of having that hematoma by knocking him down in the ninth round. That fight really raised my stock to another level.


RTD 7 لويس كولازو, يوليو 11, 2015, USF Sundome, تامبا: Thurman overcame a crippling left hand to the liver in the fifth round to become only the man to stop Collazo, a former champion who had gone the distance in losses to Ricky Hatton, شين موسلي, Andre Berto and Amir Khan. In a homecoming fight, Thurman opened a deep gash over Collazo’s right eye with his own left hook, eventually resulting in the southpaw’s retiring on his stool after the seventh round.

I was able to survive that body shot to perform in the next round. The fight was taking its toll on him though. I was becoming more comfortable and accurate as I physically broke him down,” وقال ثورمان. “The arena was electric, and the love was amazing. It was a great homecoming to defend my world title near where I grew up in Clearwater, Florida.


UD 12 شون بورتر, يونيو 25, 2016, مركز باركليز, بروكلين, نيويورك:Thurman overcame a bullish former champion in Porter (26-2-1, 16 كوس) before an electric crowd, winning a give-and-take, blood-and-guts brawl by scores of 115-113, على جميع القضاة الثلاثة’ بطاقات. Highlights were Thurman’s clean right hand-left hook combination that buckled Porter’s knees late in the third round, a 10th-round left hook that did the same, and an even more vicious head-swiveling hook in Round 11 of a Fight of The Year standout from 2016.

Our fight was tough, back and forth, but by no means was Shawn Porter going to take my title,” وقال ثورمان. “I pushed myself over the final rounds to make sure I’d be victorious in what was one of the ‘Fight of The Yearcontenders that year. That fight proved to everyone that I can win any type of fight, against any type of fighter.


SD 12 داني غارسيا, مارس 4, 2017, مركز باركليز: Thurman won a clash of 28-year-olds over the then unbeaten Garcia (33-0, 19 كوس), along with the WBC’s crown in just the 10th title unification in division history and only the third between a pair of unbeaten fighters. The crowd of 16,533 represented the highest attended boxing match at Barclays Center to date. Thurman’s movement disrupted the timing of Garcia, a Philadelphia-based fighter who was a unified champion at 140-pounds.

This was two undefeated welterweights going toe-to-toe in the prime of their careers. Danny Garcia’s a sharp puncher who won the WBC’s vacant title that Floyd Mayweather gave up for retirement,” وقال ثورمان. “But after beating Shawn Porter, I knew Danny would be an easy fight. This was my first chance to beat an undefeated world champion, and I came out swinging on him in round one to make a statement that his world title was about to be mine.


MD 12 Josesito لوبيز, يناير 26, 2019, مركز باركليز: Thurman ended an injury-hampered 22-month ring absence against Lopez (36-8, 19 كوس), scoring a second-round knockdown with a left hook, being hurt by a right hand in the seventh, and using his mobility and athleticism down the stretch for the victory.

I was really nervous about making weight after walking around at 182 for the past two years,” وقال ثورمان. “But even though I got hit and hurt in the seventh round, I knew my boxing ability would get me through. It was a relief to make it through that fight feeling strong and healthy and I’ve taken those feelings right into this training camp.


الرماية (61-7-2, 39 كوس), يوليو 20, 2019, the MGM Grand Garden Arena: The 40-year-old Pacquiao has earned back-to-back victories over former champions by seventh-round TKO over Lucas Matthysse (يوليو 2018) and unanimous decision Adrien Broner (يناير).

Does Manny belong in the ring with a fighter in his prime? Is Keith Thurman still Keith ‘One TimeThurman after some vulnerability against Josesito Lopez?” وقال ثورمان, rhetorically speaking. “بالطبع, I’d like to get the knockout or TKO, but either way, you’re going to see a world class performance that has me standing alone on top of a division that has so many great fighters. I’m trying to be that great, devastating champion once again, and come July 20, I will prove that I am.

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Boxing brought Lamont Ingram back from deepest depths of despair to giving back to at-risk youths

COLORADO SPRINGS, حضن. (يوليو 8, 2019) – Former boxing prospect Lamont Ingram has survived hell on earth, which included him losing virtually everything in his life, and now he’s giving back to at-risk youths in Jackson, تينيسي.

الشهر الماضي, Ingram was selected Most Outstanding Referee of USA Boxing’s 2019 National Junior Olympics.

Ingram’s recovery is nothing short of incredible, especially considering he went from being an outstanding amateur boxer, who competed successfully in national amateur tournaments, to homelessness, blindness in both eyes, two failed suicide attempts and, مع الاسف, much more despair.

I am no longer ashamed of what I went through because it made me the man I am today,” the 38-year-old Ingram said. “My life had been so hard that I was ashamed to talk about it for so long. I now understand that my struggles are my testimony for the next person to see that he or she can make it if they keep trying.

Boxing is all I knew, but I couldn’t see out of one eye (cornea injury) that developed at the age of 19. I got mad at God and wanted to retire. I got depressed and didn’t understand why this had happened. في 2008, I became homeless the first time with nowhere to go. I lost everything, including my family, and then went (legally) blind in the other eye. ثم, God told me to work with children, and I also opened the non-profit halfway house.

Boxing taught me how to never give up no matter how hard it gets. في 2013, I lost everything for the second time: my business, عائلتي, كل شىء…..and I went homeless again. But I never gave up! The following year, when everyone said it was over for me, God gave me everything back times two. I lost the building I was in, but eventually I found another building. I had no money and I lost that building in 2013. God gave it back to me in 2016, when the man who bought it, gave it back to me. الآن, I have the only two Federal and State halfway houses in Tennessee for special and general populations with more than 50 beds. I’m mostly at capacity all the time with men who have done 50 years calendar down to those who have done five years.

Ingram operates the Second ChanceNew BeginningHalfway House and Homeless Shelter, as well as the Team Ingram Boxing & Mentoring Program.

Lamont started boxing when he was 14, because he used to be severely bullied to the point of having his head smashed into a brick wall, thrown into a garbage can, and jumped on repeatedly by others. Ingram’s mother sent him to a boxing coach, Rayford Collins, which turned out to be arguably the most life-changing moments of his life.

I liked boxing,” Lamont remembered. “I wasn’t the best boxer, but I did beat some good boxers. I was a very determined young man, رغم أن. كنت 58-10 مع 35 knockouts as an amateur boxer. I got my special education high school diploma and later I graduated from Kaplan University with a 3.7 GPA in Business and Chemical Dependency.

Most kids (in the boxing program) can’t afford the fee to our summer camp or boxing program going on right now. We give them a free breakfast and lunch. I really enjoy this, but I would have never thought that I’d be doing what I’m doing.

رابطة خريجي الملاكمة USA

تم إنشاؤها لبطولة مدى الحياة, علاقات المنفعة المتبادلة بين الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية الملاكمة وخريجيها, -الملاكمين, مسؤولون, المدربين والمشجعين الملاكمة — رابطة خريجي يربط الأجيال الابطال, الملهم ويعيد الى بطل الملاكمة في المستقبل USA الملاكمة, الدخول والخروج من الحلبة.

رابطة الملاكمة خريجي الولايات المتحدة منفتحة على أي شخص لديه حب للملاكمة، ونود أن البقاء على اتصال مع الملاكمة للهواة. يتم منح أعضاء الوصول إلى مجموعة واسعة من الفعاليات الخاصة التي استضافتها جمعية الخريجين, بما في ذلك الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية السنوية للملاكمة رابطة خريجي قاعة الاستقبال شهرة.

للانضمام إلى جمعية الخريجين, تسجيل ببساطة في alumni@usaboxing.org ل $40.00 في رسوم عضوية العام. والأعضاء الجدد الحصول على تي شيرت, المفاتيح والمحفظة الإلكترونية.

Team Ingram Boxing Club & Mentoring Program was founded in 2017, after Ingram’s long battle associated with him not wanting anything to do with boxing, because he believed God had done him wrong for taking away from what he loved to do and was good at, الملاكمة. When his amateur coach, Collins, died in 2016, Lamont decided to take a larger role at the gym, to the point he was there every day.

For some reason I wanted to be part of it and help like my coach had helped save my life,” Ingram explained. “Boxing helped me. My coach was very firm, strict and very disciplined, but he loved us and wanted only the best for us. We have so many success stories that range from those that nobody could handle, to those who had F’s in school, plus those who had no hope at all. These youths are my world; I see myself and I know that change is possible, because I changed.

The ultimate goal of my program is to instill life skills that will go with each young person throughout their individual lives like it has for me. I understand that not everyone will be an Olympic champion, or make the USA Olympic Team, become national or world champion. They can be a piece that sows the seed that never departs the one they sowed it to.

Ingram has been a registered USA Boxing coach and official for three years. After becoming a level 2 official, he was chosen to referee the final day of the 2018 التصفيات الشرقية, a rare feat for a relatively inexperienced official, to say the least. في 2019, he judged at the Western Qualifier and ranked No. 9 بعيدا عن 100, which is an unheard-of accomplishment for a level 2 official.

Boxing saved my life and it changed my life,” Ingram claimed. “I had a bad anger problem. I wouldn’t listen and I was disrespectful to my parents and authority figures. I stayed in trouble, on intensive probation, or locked up in juvenile detentions centers.

I am a respectful, humble and dedicated official who loves boxing and watching people achieve their goals. People always told me what I couldn’t do; boxing showed me what I could do.

And countless young men and women in Tennessee and the mid-South, not just Lamont, are the beneficiaries today of Lamont Ingram’s truly remarkable metamorphosis.

تغريد: USABoxing, USABoxingAlumni
إينستاجرام: USABoxing
الفيسبوك: /USABoxing


تم الإعلان عن حدث مشترك رئيسي و Undercard مثيرة لسلسلة قتال البطولة في فندق Seminole Hard Rock & كازينو هوليوود ويعيش على Boxeo Telemundo الجمعة, يوليو 12

HOLLYWOOD, فلوريدا. (يوليو 8, 2019) – Miami via Cuba prospect Livan “Machine Gun Kid” Navarro’s eight-round welterweight showdown against Mexico City veteran Diego “Demoledor” Cruz will serve as the televised co-main event for the Friday, يوليو 12, "Championship Fight Series” boxing event at Hard Rock Event Center في Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & كازينو هوليوود.

Former amateur standout and undefeated Navarro (11-0, 7 كوس) وكروز (19-7-2, 15 كوس) will meet as the chief supporting bout when WBA #13-rated welterweight Derrieck “Pretty Boy” Cuevas (21-0-1, 14 كوس) ريو بيدراس, بويرتو ريكو, defends his WBA Fedelatin Welterweight Championship against Los Mochis, في المكسيك Jesus Alberto “Barretero” Beltran (17-2-2, 10 كوس) in the 10-round “Puerto Rico vs. Mexico” main event.

Championship Fight Series is presented by Kris Lawrence و The Heavyweight Factory, بالتعاون مع كل النجوم الملاكمة, و will be televised live on the most popular boxing series on Hispanic television, Boxeo Telemundo, في 11:35 عصرا. EST.

Tickets for “Championship Fight Series” are on sale now and cost $60, $100, $150, $250 و $500. Tickets are available through ticketmaster.com.

As is custom for these jam-packed events, the exciting undercard features many South Florida and international fighters.

Headlining the undercard, two-time Olympic medalist and undefeated heavyweight KO artist Ivan “The Kazakh Giant” Dychko (8-0, 8 كوس) من بوكا راتون, فلوريدا, via Rudniy, كازاخستان, will face former ESPN 2015 Boxcino Tournament Quarterfinalist Nate Heaven (9-2, 7 كوس) أوكالا, فلوريدا.

In an eight-round super featherweight battle, Ekibastuz, Kazakhstan’s Mussa “Warrior” Tursyngaliyev (9-0, 6 كوس) will face Panama City, Panama’s Ricardo “El Matematico” Nunez (29-9, 23 كوس). In a four-round light heavyweight contest, Miami via Cuba’s wildly popular Ulysses Diaz (10-1, 9 كوس) will look to return to the win column against Winter Park, Florida’s Mike Sawyer (8-12, 6 كوس).

In a special eight-round super featherweight attraction, Miami via Cuba’s Jessy “Beast Boy” Cruz (16-7-1, 7 كوس) will look to continue his four-fight winning streak in an all-action punch-out with Mexico City’s Isao Gonzalo “Kato” Carranza (15-14-1, 9 كوس).

Also featured will be an eight-round super bantamweight slugfest between Miami’s Jorge De Jesus Romero (14-0, 10 كوس) and Mexico City’s Szilveszter Kanalas (14-8, 9 KO); as well as a four-round light heavyweight matchup featuring popular Fort Lauderdale warrior Blake Davis (2-0, 1 KO) and Jefferson City, Missouri’s Armando Reeves (2-3).

Opening up the action will be a four-round featherweight bout between Miami’s Luis Melendez (4-1, 3 كوس) and Ponce, Puerto Rico’s Eduardo Melendez (5-26, 1 KO).

في ليلة المعركة, the Hard Rock Event Center doors open at 6 مساءا, ويبدأ العمل في 7 عصرا. Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Hollywood is located at 1 Seminole Way in Hollywood, فلوريدا.

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موجتين خفيفة الوزن ROUNDOUT GERVONTA “خزان” DAVIS’ العودة للوطن WORLD الدفاع عن لقب السبت, يوليو 27 يعيشون على شوتايم من ROYAL مزارع ARENA في بالتيمور – أبطال العالم السابقين يوريوركيس جامبوا & رومان مارتينيز ساحة أوف; أكثر, المنافس خفيفة الوزن Ladarius ميلر المعارك بطل العالم السابق يزرعيل كوراليس في الحدث قدمها رئيس الوزراء الملاكمة أبطال أوروبا

موجتين خفيفة الوزن ROUNDOUT GERVONTA “خزان” DAVIS’ العودة للوطن WORLD الدفاع عن لقب
السبت, يوليو 27 يعيشون على شوتايم®
من ROYAL مزارع ARENA في بالتيمور

أبطال العالم السابقين يوريوركيس جامبوا & رومان مارتينيز ساحة أوف; أكثر, المنافس خفيفة الوزن Ladarius ميلر المعارك بطل العالم السابق يزرعيل كوراليس في الحدث قدمها رئيس الوزراء الملاكمة أبطال أوروبا

بلتيمور (يوليو 2, 2019) – بطل العالم السابق Yuriorkis جامبوا و الرومانية “صخري” مارتينيز والمعركة في جذب خفيفة الوزن 10 جولة بينما المنافس خفيفة الوزن Ladarius “ممفيس” طحان يلتقي بطل العالم السابق يزرعيل “وغير مرئية” كوراليس في مواجهة 10 جولة يعيشون على شوتايم السبت, يوليو 27 من مزارع رويال ارينا في بالتيمور في حدث قدمها رئيس الوزراء الملاكمة أبطال أوروبا.

يبدأ شوتايم بطولة الملاكمة في 9 عصرا. ET / 6 مساءا. وتحت عنوان PT واثنين من مرة وبطل السوبر وزن الريشة وبالتيمور مواطن Gervonta “دبابة” ديفيس الدفاع عن لقبه رابطة الملاكمة العالمية له في الوطن البطولة ضد منافسه إلزامية ريكاردو “عالم” نونيز.

“السبت, يوليو 27 سيكون شيئا خاصا لمدينة بالتيمور,” قال ليونارد Ellerbe, الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة الترقيات مايويذر. “في حين أننا نعلم ما يجلب الحدث الرئيسي, كل من نوبات المفضية إليه لديها مصالح كبيرة مكتوبة في جميع أنحاء لهم كذلك. أي وقت كنت وضعت بطل العالم السابق وآفاق الجياع الشباب في الحلبة, تعرف هؤلاء المقاتلين سوف تبحث للحصول على الفوز في نهاية المطاف وضع أنفسهم في موقف لاطلاق النار على اللقب. انا توقع بدون توقف العمل في هذه نوبات من الجرس الأول إلى نهاية.”

تذاكر لهذا الحدث, التي يتم الترويج لها من قبل الترقيات مايويذر والترقيات TGB بالتعاون مع الترقيات GTD, معروضة للبيع الآن، ويمكن شراؤها في Ticketmaster.com أو في شباك التذاكر مزارع الملكي من الاثنين إلى الجمعة من 10 صباحا. ET ل 5 عصرا. و.

A حامل اللقب السابق في 126 و 130 جنيه, جامبوا (29-2, 17 كوس) وقد فاز في اخر ثلاث معارك, بما في ذلك القرار على بطل العالم السابق جاسون سوسا. الأخير المهلة, سقط وهزم ميغيل بلتران جونيور. ويصدر القرار بالإجماع. على الميدالية الذهبية الاولمبية لموطنه كوبا, جامبوا تحارب من ميامي وسوف ننظر للحصول على آخر بالرصاص اللقب العالمي بعد فوزه على يوليو 27.

“أنا في موقف عظيم في مسيرتي وأنا سعيد جدا أن أكون مرة أخرى في هذه المرحلة كبيرة مرة أخرى,” سعيد جامبوا. “روكي مارتينيز هو خصم صعب جدا وهائلة، ونحن سوف تجعل من هذا الكفاح كبيرة للجماهير. وأنا أعلم أنني سوف تجعل من الماضي هذا التحدي، وإلى المزيد من الفرص سرادق. أنا أبحث في مواجهة Gervonta ديفيس ويصبح بطل العالم مرة أخرى.”

دائما في معارك مثيرة لا تنسى, مارتينيز (30-3-3, 18 كوس) عاد الى الحلبة في مارس اذار مما أدى إلى انقطاع ويليام غونزاليس. القتال من فيغا باجا, بويرتو ريكو, مارتينيز هو ثلاث مرات بطل 130 جنيه الذي واجه مقاتلي النخبة مثل ميكي جارسيا وفاسيلي وماتشينكو طوال مشواره الفني الذي شهد له أيضا هزيمة أمثال أورلاندو ساليدو ودييغو ماغدالينو.

“أنا سعيد لإتاحة هذه الفرصة والحصول على هذه الفرصة ليكون بالقرب من معركة اللقب العالمي مرة أخرى,” وقال مارتينيز. “أتدرب لتحقيق الفوز على مقاتلة جيدة في يوريوركيس جامبوا. إنها المعركة التي ستحدد مستقبلي وأنا على استعداد تام لتصبح بطل العالم مرة أخرى, وهذه المرة في تقسيم وزن آخر.”

ميلر البالغ من العمر 25 عاما (19-1, 6 كوس) فاز 10 معارك على التوالي, بما في ذلك الفوز على بطل العالم الحالي جمال الرنجة, وهو يتطلع لكسب معركة اللقب العالمي. أصلا من ممفيس ويعيش الآن في لاس فيغاس, بدأ ميلر 2019 بالضربة القاضية في الجولة الأولى على داوليس بريسكوت في فبراير والآن قد وضعت نصب عينيه على كسب معركة اللقب العالمي.

“أنا قادم لتقديم بيان يوم 27 يوليو” وقال ميلر. “هذا هو عقلية لقد تم تدريب ل. أواجه بطل العالم السابق والفوز يمكن أن يصلب اسمي في دوري الدرجة 135 جنيه. لقد تم العمل بجد وأنا أعلم أن وكوراليس لا تجلب أي شيء أنا لست مستعدا ل. انا متحمس لتتاح لي هذه الفرصة, الاستفادة منه والحصول على خطوة واحدة لبطولة العالم.”

يمثل وطنه بنما, كوراليس(23-2, 9 كوس) فاز بلقب بطولة العالم 130 جنيه عن طريق ضرب تاكاشي يوشياما في اليابان في 2016, قبل هزيمة له القرار في مباراة العودة. عاد اللاعب البالغ من العمر 27 عاما إلى الحلبة في ابريل نيسان لضرب Onalvi سييرا في جولتين.

“أنا متحمس جدا لهذه الفرصة وممتن أن لدي فرصة أخرى للقتال على أعلى مستوى,” سعيد كوراليس. “ميلر هو ملاكم بارع جدا وأنا أحترم قدراته. انا ذاهب لاختبار له ومعرفة ما اذا كان يمكن محاربة قدمه الخلفي. انا ذاهب للتحضير لدرجة أنني ديك كل الأدوات للحصول على النصر في 27 يوليو تموز.”

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