Категория Архив: бокс

Дионтей Уайлдър защитава Своето WBC титлата в дългоочаквания Rematch срещу Луис Ортис по FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View събота, Ноември 23 в MGM Grand Garden Arena в Лас Вегас

Три-Division Шампион Лео Санта Круз търси дял в Четвърта дивизия, когато той Битки Мигел Флорес за перо първенство WBA Super в Co Main Event-

Бокс на Най-дълго царуване шампион в тежка категория Битки Опасен кубински перфоратор за уреждане Резултат След Epic Първо Clash

Билети продават още сега!

LAS VEGAS (Септември 28, 2019) – най-дългото царуване в тежка категория на бокса световен шампионДионтей “Атентатора Bronze” Обърквамще поеме своя най-опасен съперник до момента, когато той защитава своята титла в WBC реванш срещу веднъж пребит кубински РазбихLuis “Кинг Конг” Ortiz в главното събитие на FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View Събота, Ноември. 23 в MGM Grand Garden Arena в Лас Вегас.

Три дивизия шампион и настоящ шампион WBA пероЛъв “Земетресение” Santa Cruz ще се стреми заглавие в друга разделение в сътрудничество основното събитие, когато той поемаMiguel “на Мичоакан” Цветя за WBA Супер перо първенство като част от действията началото на заплащане-на-оглед на 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT.

Уайлдър и Ортис ще подновят съперничеството те задвижи, когато за първи път се занимава с експлозивен сблъсък в Бруклин, който е един от 2018 е най-добрите боеве. Уайлдър спечели че мач от 10тата кръг TKO след Ортис го зашемети и почти го имаше в седмия кръг. Мачът на вълнуващо черта много обрати, за да налагат реванш.

С комбиниран 66 нокаута в 74 кибрит, Wilder срещу. Ortiz II е тежка категория дуел, който да гарантира едно страхотно показване на сила на удара. Най- първо се бори миналата година видях Wilder отпадане Ортис в петия кръг, Ортис зашеметяване и наранява Уайлдър в в седмия рунд, който той спечели 10-8 върху всички съдии’ карти, и в крайна сметка Wilder отпадане Ортис отново с мощен десен ъперкът, която принуди рефера да спре срещата в 10тата кръг.

Билети за събитието, , която е възложена BombZquad Промоции, TGB Промоции и Мейуедър Промоции, са в продажба в момента и могат да бъдат закупениwww.mgmgrand.com илиwww.axs.com.

“Ние сме развълнувани да добавите този феноменален тежка категория реванш между Дионтей Уайлдър и Луис Ортис да вълнуващ месец за забавление в MGM Grand,” Richard Sturm, Председател на Лас Вегас развлечения на живо и спортове, каза. “Ние не можем да чакаме да се бори фенове на свидетел какво със сигурност ще бъде "нокаут’ на една вечер в Гранд Garden Arena.”

Обърквам (41-0-1, 40 Нокаута), носител на бронзов медал за дейността си към САЩ. бокс Екипът на 2008 Олимпийски игри, е повече от живял до прякора “Атентатора бронзовата.” 33-годишният Уайлдър е нокаутиран всички освен един от мъжете, че той се е сблъсквал на ринга, което го прави един от най-страхували еднощампова нокаут художник в бокса днес.

Най-активен шампион в тежка категория в областта на спорта, това ще бъде трета отбрана заглавие Уайлдър в 11 месеца. Той идва от връхната-макара първи кръг нокаут на Доминик Breazeale в Бруклин на май 18. Преди това имаше един от най-драматичните мачове на 2018 когато той падна Тайсън Фюри два пъти, включително зашеметяващ нокдаун в 12тата кръг, по пътя към разцепление привлече през декември миналата година.

Роден и все още живеят и обучение в Тускалуса, Alabama, обърквам ще се върне да се бори в MGM Grand в Лас Вегас за първи път, откакто той спечели титла в тежка категория с господстващо 12-рундов мач над Bermane Stiverne през януари 17, 2015. Победата е имал дори по-голямо значение за Уайлдър, защото той дойде на рождения ден на бокса своя идол, Мохамед Али. Реваншът срещу Ортис ще му бъда 10тата защитата на титлата.

“Когато съм се борил Ортис не само той има родословие, но Също така той е класификацията, че са вампири на разделението,” Саид Wilder. “Съгласен съм с тези, които казват, че Луис Ортис беше моята най-трудното борим до момента. Никой не искаше да се бие с него и те все още не го правят. В реванша има повече доверие и по-мотивация да правя това, което трябва да направите,. аз бях Вече видяхме стила преди. Това ще го направи по-забавно. Не мога да чакам, за да да видим как той се опитва да ми се справя, когато съм в силите си.

“Това е вторият голям борбата за мен под моята фирма, BombZquad Промоции, и аз съм много щастлив за това. Ние все още имаме много работа за вършене, за да го изградим в вида на компанията, че аз знам, че ще бъде в бъдещето, но то идва заедно. За да може да се направи по-FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View в MGM Grand в Лас Вегас под моя собствен банер е фантастично.”

Ortiz (31-1, 26 Нокаута) е излъган от три поредни победи, тъй като страдание единствената загуба на кариерата си в този първи мач с Уайлдър в 2018, включително най-скоро печели единодушно решение над християнски Hammer на Март 2. The левичар, който е роден в Камагуей, Куба и сега живее в Маями, е един от най-избягвани в тежка категория претенденти в бокса заради неговата порочен нокаут сила и хитри левичар боксови умения. В първия борбата с Уайлдър, Ортис боли Уайлдър с брояч учебник дясната кука, че почти го прави първият кубински тежка категория световен шампион направи.

Извън пръстена, Уайлдър и Ортис споделят обща връзка-ñ това както мотивирани да се борят за дъщерите си. най-старата дъщеря Уайлдър, Naieya, е роден с спина бифида, мотивиране на Уайлдър да заемат по бокс за да плати за нея медицински разходи. Дъщеря му Ортис, Lismercedes, има болезнено състояние на кожата наречено булозна епидермолиза, което води до болезнени мехури на кожата и Ортис е работил, за да се повиши информираността за.

“Трябва да се даде Дионтей Уайлдър много кредити за предприемане на тази борба, защото показва, че има сърцето на истински шампион,” Саид Ортис. “Той въобще не е уплашен да вземат опасен битка, защото нека бъдем честни, това е най-опасното борбата за него. По мое мнение, той е най-добрият в тежката категория в света, докато някой не го бие, и това е точно това, което аз ще направя ноември 23 в MGM Grand Garden на Арена на FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View. 'Кинг Конг’ идва в Лас Вегас!”

А три разделение световен шампион се бори от Лос Анджелис, Св. кръст (36-1-1, 19 Нокаута) държи перо титлата на WBA и ще направи своя дебютира на супер перо и търсене на заглавие в четвърти клас на тегло. Най- 31-годишният е доминираща сила в категория перо разделение, тъй като 2015, включително две вълнуващи перо заглавие двубои срещу Авенир Марес и Карл Фрамптън всеки. Той загуби колана в първия си мач срещу Фрамптън в 2016, но регенерирани при повторния мач на следващата година. Санта Круз е състезавал в заглавие пристъпи в 16 на неговата последна 18 битки, докато бране на колани в 118, 122 и 126 паунда и е идващи победа единодушно решение над Рафаел Ривера в последната му битка през февруари по FOX.

“Когато за първи път започнах бокса мечтата ми беше да бъде един свят шампион и съм щастлив да спечели три различни световни първенства в три различни дивизии,” каза Santa Cruz. “Не можех да си представя спечелване на шампионата в четири дивизии. Това е нещо, което аз никога не е мечтал на и аз съм много щастлив за тази възможност.

“Знам, Флорес е друг труден мексикански боксьор като мен. Той винаги идва напред, така че ще бъде забавно борба за феновете. Аз съм Наистина очаквам с нетърпение да се бори отново в Лас Вегас в MGM Grand. Това ще за да бъде наистина вълнуващо атмосфера, защото имате Дионтей Уайлдър и Луис Ортис в тежка категория първенство борба, и Дионтей винаги чука си противници, но се надяваме, че нашата борба ще открадне нощта.”

Цветя (24-2, 12 Нокаута) Първоначално бе планирано да се бори Санта Круз за перо титлата през февруари, но силно изкълчен глезен в обучение и трябваше да се оттегли от борбата. Роден в Мексико, но израснал в и борба от Хюстън, Флорес стана класацията с победи над Райън Kielczweski, Рубен Тамайо и Марио Брионес. След като претърпя загуба на Dat Нгуен и се стреми да отскочи, Флорес бе фаворит на отчетните карти срещу Крис Avalos в битка за FS1 когато състезанието бе прекратено заради една рана на Флорес’ вежда, която бе скандално постанови, че са дошли от един удар. Флорес отскочи назад от тази загуба да спре Раул Chirino през април 2018 а също така отбеляза победа с TKO срещу Луис май в най-новата си битка юни 29 След контузия в глезена.

“Аз съм изключително развълнуван да бъдат намалени тази възможност за пореден път да се бори Лео Санта Круз и спечели световната титла,” Саид Флорес. “Като ко-основното събитие на тази FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View карта с Уайлдър срещу. Ортис хедлайнер е невероятно. Това е една сбъдната мечта за мен, и аз отивам да се възползва от ситуацията. Този момент в животът ми е нещо, което аз съм представял, тъй като бях дете. На November 23, ще видите най-добрата версия на себе си като смятам, че е в най-добрата форма на моето живот, с цел да стане световен шампион, и какъв по-добър начин да го направя отколкото в Лас Вегас в MGM Grand. Лео и аз ще постави на голямо шоу, че можете да се гарантира.”

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IBF Champion Spence and WBC Champion Porter Meet in Welterweight Title Unification that Headlines FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View while WBC Super Middleweight Champion Dirrell Takes on Former Champion Benavidez in Co-Main Event This Saturday, Септември 28 от Staples Center в Лос Анджелис

Кликнете ТУК for Photos from Leo Wilson/Premier Boxing Champions

Кликнете ТУК за Снимки от Франк Micelotta / FOX Sports
парола: fox-ppv

Кликнете ТУК за Снимки от Стефани Trapp / TGB Промоции

Лос Анджелис (Септември 25, 2019) – IBF Welterweight World Champion Ерол “Истината” Спенс Jr. and WBC Welterweight Champion “Showtime” Shawn Porter had an intense faceoff at Wednesday’s final press conference before they headline a FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View this Saturday, Септември 28 в Staples Center в Лос Анджелис.

The press conference also featured WBC Super Middleweight World Champion Anthony “Кучето” Dirrell и бивш световен шампион David “Червено знаме” Benavidezexchanging words before they clash in the co-main event of pay-per-view action that begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT.

Билети за събитието, which is promoted by Man Down Promotions, TGB Promotions and Shawn Porter Promotions, са в продажба в момента и могат да бъдат закупени на AXS.com.

Here is what the fighters had to say Wednesday from the Wilshire Grand Ballroom II at the Intercontinental Hotel:

Ерол Спенс JR.

I feel like all of my fights prepared me for this moment. Porter is not like Mikey Garcia. They have different styles and different mentalities. But there are a lot of distractions fighting at home and I feel like I overcame that to lead me to this point.

I don’t make anything of the words he’s saying. We train hard and we’re focused and prepared for anything he brings Saturday night.

He’s been talking a lot, his dad’s been talking a lot and I’m going to shut him up. They’re going to call me theshow stopperafter Saturday night.

I’ve prepared for everything. It’s all about adjustments. I make them fast in the ring. People thought Kell Brook’s experience would help him but it didn’t at all. I can adjust to my opponent’s style and we will show it Saturday.

“Аз съм готов да отида. I never missed weight and I’m always professional. It’s just hard work and dedication. I’m going to be even more ripped and ready than I was against Mikey Garcia.

This is going to be an amazing event come Saturday night. I will be the unified champion of the world. Shawn comes to fight and I embrace that. I can’t wait because I promise this is going to be one for the history books.

I just have to do what I’ve been doing. I don’t care about the rounds as long as it doesn’t go 12.
I’m going to win and do it in dominating fashion.

It’s important to me to get the knockout. It’s a goal of mine to stop him and I hope to get it done. If can’t get it done, then I’m just going to be comfortable with the victory. But you know I’m looking for the stoppage.


It’s the competitor in me to get at him any way I can. Until that bell rings, we’ll do whatever we need to do to let him know we’re really here to fight him.

When you’re in there with a top level opponent, it’s supposed to be a close action packed fight. I have everything it takes to make each fight exciting when I step into the ring.

Everyone has seen everything what I’ve done in my career. Everyone knows I can take a punch and I’ll be there from the first round to the last round. We’ll see what happens to Errol as the fight goes on.

This is the best camp I’ve ever had. The nutrition and everything has been spot on. I’m ahead of schedule and that’s where I plan to stay. I expect to be eating Friday morning.

I’m aggressive and I’m strong and guys can’t handle it. There are things that happen in the ring and you just have to move with it. I’m always ready to do whatever it takes to get the job done.

I expected it to get heated today. I know that if I fire at Errol, he’s going to fire back. That’s how the fights going to be as well. Everyone got a good taste of what you’ll see Saturday.

Being in the underdog position is literally where I come from. Northeast Ohio is always an underdog. Everybody works where I come from. We always do the best we can.

The resume is for everyone else to compare and contrast. За мен, it’s all about who’s in front of me. I believe I have the right recipe to be the person to get the job done Saturday. I have the style to challenge him physically and mentally.

We didn’t change too much of our program heading into this fight. For the second time we went down to Washington, D.C. for part of our camp.


The underdog or the favorite I’m always going to ”Кучето’ без значение какво. People can have their opinion on the odds, but it doesn’t play into my mentality at all for this fight.

This is a fight that could very well steal the show on this pay-per-view. It’s an honor to be in this position. It’s a dream to be on a card like this defending my title.

I have to see how it plays out, but age is just a number. You see Manny Pacquiao and fighters like that who went out and beat younger opponents. You have to be determined and still focused on the game.

Experience is definitely a big key in this fight. I think that he has holes in his game and I’m going to expose it on Saturday night.

The cut from my last fight won’t be an issue for this one. That fight was over six months ago, so if it’s going to heal, it should be healed. It doesn’t affect anything I’m doing in the ring.

My training camp in Las Vegas was spectacular. It’s all about taking yourself out of your comfort zone and push yourself to the max to be successful at this elite level.

I don’t think this fight is going the distance and I know I’m having my hand raised at the end. He got dropped with a jab and I hit harder than Ronald Gavril.

ДАВИД Бенавидес

“Аз съм много мотивиран за тази битка. I feel like I have another opportunity to not just get a title, but take it from a champion. Аз съм работил много трудно за тази битка. Dirrell has never been knocked out and I’m taking the challenge to be the man who does it.

This is the perfect time for this fight. I’m getting stronger every day. Dirrell feels like he has a lot to prove to the fans. So it’s going to be a war as long as it lasts.

This is going to be an amazing card. It’s a stacked card from beginning to end. I want to make a statement and steal the show.

Dirrell is a great fighter and we’re both ready for what we’re going to do. There’s a respect between us, but I’m going for the knockout. If I don’t, he’s going to get a beating.

I’m definitely going to make this weight class my home. I have no problem at all making weight. There’s a lot of great fights to be made at super middleweight and we’re going to stay here as long as we can get those fights done.

As of right now, all of my attention is on Anthony Dirrell. We give him the respect he deserves because he’s a champion at the end of the day. It’s going to take my best to beat him and we’re looking forward to doing it.

Dirrell has experience, plus some speed and power. He can change from orthodox to southpaw and has a lot of tricks in his book. He’s been in there with some good fighters. But what motivates me the most is that he’s never really been hurt and I want to be the first. I know when I put my hands on somebody, I can hurt them.

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Спенс срещу. Porter pits unbeaten IBF Welterweight Champion Errol “Истината” Спенс Jr. against WBC Welterweight Champion “Showtime” Shawn Porter in a 147-pound title unification that headlines a FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View event on Saturday, Септември 28 от Staples Center в Лос Анджелис.

The pay-per-view event begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and features WBC Super Middleweight World Champion Anthony “Кучето” Dirrell facing unbeaten former champion David “Червено знаме” Benavidez in the co-main event, unbeaten contenders MarioEl AztecaBarrios and Batyr Akhmedov battling for the WBA Super Lightweight title, and rugged veteran JosesitoThe Riverside RockyLopez and brawler John Molina Jr. competing in a 10-round welterweight fight.

За повече информация: посещение www.premierboxingchampions.com
, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepageand www.foxdeportes.com, последват в TwitterPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FoxSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions и @Swanson_Comm или станете почитател във Facebook най- www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions,www.facebook.com/foxsports & www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.


Undisputed Middleweight Champion Claressa Shields and Former Champion Ivana Habazin Meet for WBO Junior Middleweight Title Saturday, Октомври 5 Живеят на SHOWTIME®From Flint, мен.

Кликнете ТУК За снимки; Кредит: Julian Lajtai/SHOWTIME

Маями Бийч (Септември 24, 2019) – Undisputed Middleweight World ChampionClaressa Шийлдс participated in a media workout in Miami on Tuesday in preparation for her upcoming showdown with Ivana Habazin следващата събота, Октомври 5 live on SHOWTIME from Dort Federal Credit Union Event Center in Flint, Мичиган.

Shields will look to become the fastest fighter in history, мъж или жена, to win world titles in three divisions when she faces Habazin for the WBO Junior Middleweight World Title in the main event of ПОКАЗВАНЕ НА БОКС: СПЕЦИАЛНО ИЗДАНИЕ in her hometown of Flint.

Also participating in Tuesday’s workout was IBO Super Welterweight Champion Hannah Rankin, who competes in a non-televised undercard attraction next Saturday.

Шийлдс срещу. Habazin is promoted by Salita Promotions. Tickets for the live event can be purchased at Ticketmaster.com and at the Dort Center box office.

In the televised co-feature on October 5, undefeated welterweight sensation Jaron Ennis will return to national television against once-beaten Demian Daniel Fernandez in a 10-round bout. In the SHOWTIME opener, undefeated heavyweight prospect Jermaine Franklin will face once-beaten Pavel Sour less than an hour from his hometown of Saginaw, мен.

Here’s what the fighters had to say on Tuesday from the famed 5тата Улична фитнес зала в Маями Бийч:

CLARESSA Шийлдс, Undisputed Middleweight World Champion

I love boxing and I love that I’m one of the women who is carrying the sport, making it bigger and more well known. We’re getting more respect.

There are fighters out there who believe that they can beat me and that really motivates me. That’s why I train and put in the time that I do.

I want to show everybody that I’m a truly great fighter. I can beat Vasiliy Lomachenko’s record of winning titles in three divisions in 10 fights instead of 12. Още, I’m going backwards, not going up in weight, where there are better challenges for me.

My performances will lead to bigger fights and bigger purses for me and my opponents. I’m just going to keep building my name and building my brand.

With this fight against Habazin, I’m definitely going in looking for the knockout. If I get it in spectacular fashion, that will go viral and help push my career forward.

It means everything to have this fight back in my hometown. I want to be the good news for Flint and make people smile. I’m happy to be bringing a fight back home while I’m still on top. I feel like Flint will be uplifted by that.

Everyone back home is really excited for this event. It’s going to be a huge homecoming for me on October 5.

Muhammad Ali has trained here at 5тата Street Gym and every time I train here I feel like I’m in his presence. It makes me want to be even greater. He’s the GOAT and I’m going to be the GWOAT.

Being here in Florida is great for the weight cut. I’ve been down here for nine weeks and it’s hot every day. I’m sweating and working hard and the pounds are just coming off.

HANNAH RANKIN, IBO Super Welterweight Champion

It’s fantastic to be in Florida training for this fight. Everything has been perfect and I’m feeling great.

I’m really looking forward to October 5. Me and my opponent are going to put on a great show for fans for six rounds or as long as it lasts. I want to show them what women’s boxing is about.

There are lots of exciting things in the cards for me after this fight. I’m ready to take on the top fighters and pursue world titles at 154-pounds. I can’t wait to show everyone what I can do.

# # #

Undisputed Middleweight World Champion Claressa Shields will aim to make history by becoming the fastest fighter in boxing, мъж или жена, to become a three-division world champion when she takes on former world champion Ivana Habazin Saturday, Октомври 5 живеят на SHOWTIME.

The showdown for the vacant WBO Junior Middleweight Title headlines a SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION telecast at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT from Dort Federal Event Center in Shieldshometown of Flint, мен. The vacant WBC Women’s Diamond Super Welterweight Championship will also be on the line in Shieldsfirst professional fight in her hometown.


WBC Champion Porter Faces IBF Champion Errol Spence Jr. in Welterweight Title Unification that Headlines FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View Saturday, Септември 28 от Staples Center в Лос Анджелис

Dirrell Defends Super Middleweight Title Against Unbeaten David Benavidez in Pay-Per-View Co-Main Event While Guerrero Headlines FS1 PBC Fight Night Prelims

Кликнете ТУК for Photos from Leo Wilson/Premier Boxing Champions

LAS VEGAS (Септември 18, 2019) – Шампион на WBC в полусредна категория “Showtime” Shawn Porter, WBC Супер шампион на средно тегло Anthony “Кучето” Dirrell и бивш трикратен световен шампион Robert “Призракът” Войн hosted a media workout in Las Vegas Wednesday as they near their respective showdowns taking place Saturday, Септември 28 от Staples Center в Лос Анджелис.

Porter will headline the FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View in a highly anticipated welterweight title unification against Errol Spence Jr., while Dirrell defends his belt against unbeaten David Benavidez in the pay-per-view co-main event as part of action beginning at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT.

Guerrero will take on Jerry Thomas in a welterweight attraction that highlights FS1 PBC Fight Night Prelims preceding the pay-per-view and beginning at 7:30 p.m. И / 4:30 p.m. PT.

Tickets for the September 28тата събитие, which is promoted by Man Down Promotions, TGB Promotions and Shawn Porter Promotions, са в продажба в момента и могат да бъдат закупени на AXS.com.

Here is what the fighters had to say Wednesday from Barry’s Boxing Gym in Las Vegas:


Shawn Porter is going to leave the ring with two belts. I’m going to hit him. I’m going to hit him hard and I’m going to do things you’ve never seen anyone do against Errol Spence.

I’m expecting there to be adversity for Errol. There’s going to be a moment where he realizes he’s losing this fight. He has to be solid psychologically. I don’t know if he’s going to be in the ring. I believe I have the advantage there and that I know how to get into his head.

I think Errol’s confidence is natural like mine. But I think that he’s fed his confidence to the point where some arrogance has come out. I think he’s going to show that in the fight early on. He’s going to have to adjust. Once he recognizes that, I expect the arrogance to go out the window and that he’ll have to figure it out.

I’ve never seen Errol go through any adversity in the ring. I don’t think anyone has been able to challenge him the way I can challenge him. Аз съм наистина очаквам с нетърпение да го.

There’s a combination that comes from Shawn Porter that you can’t get anywhere else. It’s the speed, мощност, agility and intelligence. You have to make a lot of adjustments on the fly and be ready. I’m hard to prepare for. Spence probably has one or two things that he’s expecting, but it’s not going to go that way.

I’ve been in Errol’s position before and I know what it’s like to think that all I had to do was show up and be me. I’ve gotten to a point where I realize now that I have to do more.

I don’t think there’s too much to figure out with Errol. The game plan is to make him make the adjustments. Things don’t always go to plan, but I still think I know what he wants to do in there. He’s not going to give you a lot to adjust to, but what he does do, he’s supreme and he’s great at.

Southpaws always bring the best out of me. I’m young again. You’re going to see the best Shawn Porter.

I think Errol has a lot more to lose in this fight. He’s never had to deal with a loss, and most people aren’t expecting him to lose. He’s in the perfect position being considered a top welterweight. But from my perspective, I just have absolutely no intention on losing.


This is going to be a good fight. David Benavidez is a warrior and I don’t take anything away from him. But I know that I have all the tools to beat him. He’s never fought someone like me. Everyone he knocked out, he was supposed to knock out.

I have everything I need in my arsenal. I’m versatile. I can switch it up if I need to. If I need to sit in the pocket, I can. If I need to box, I can. I just don’t think Benavidez is what everyone makes him out to be.

“Отивам за нокаут. I go for the knockout in every fight. If it doesn’t happen, I can still go 12 rounds and come out victorious.

This win would build my legacy. Some people expect me to lose, and I’m happy about that. This just takes my career to another level.

I’m not looking past this fight. I’m focused on David Benavidez. After this fight I can talk about unification or whatever. Put first I have to take care of David.

A loss is a loss no matter which way you put it. Whether you lose by a mile or half a round. That’s in the past and we’re only focused on the future. There’s an undefeated 22-year-old fighter trying to take what I’ve got.

You put all the work in when you’re in the gym, then you have to leave everything in the ring. We trained too hard to not do that. Аз съм много уверен. В края на деня, the fans are going to win.

I’ve seen Benavidez fight before. My coaches have watched him closely and will come up with the game plan. He’s quick, but we’ll be ready.


I feel great right now. Everything has been going smoothly and I can’t wait to just go to work out there. All the hard stuff is done, now it’s just maintaining and staying ready.

I’m excited for this opportunity. I’m well prepared and ready to go. It’s like any other fight. You leave no stone unturned, execute your game plan and do what you have to do to win.

The fans are going to get what they always get from me. I’m going to come to fight, take care of business and leave everyone with something to remember.

In a lot of my fights, I just walked guys down. I’ve had guys like Keith Thurman and Danny Garcia fighting just to hang in there, and I wasn’t even fighting to my full potential. I was just walking them down. But my skills are boxing, that’s how I fought at the lighter weights. I got away from what I was good at.

# # #

Спенс срещу. Porter pits unbeaten IBF Welterweight Champion Errol “Истината” Спенс Jr. against WBC Welterweight Champion “Showtime” Shawn Porter in a 147-pound title unification that headlines a FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View event on Saturday, Септември 28 от Staples Center в Лос Анджелис.

The pay-per-view event begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and features WBC Super Middleweight World Champion Anthony “Кучето” Dirrell facing unbeaten former champion David “Червено знаме” Benavidez in the co-main event, unbeaten contenders MarioEl AztecaBarrios and Batyr Akhmedov battling for the WBA Super Lightweight title, and rugged veteran JosesitoThe Riverside RockyLopez and brawler John Molina Jr. competing in a 10-round welterweight fight.

За повече информация: посещение www.premierboxingchampions.com
, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepageand www.foxdeportes.com, последват в TwitterPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FoxSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions и @Swanson_Comm или станете почитател във Facebook най- www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions,www.facebook.com/foxsports & www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

PELTZ BOXING: A LIFE-LONG LOVE STORY; J Russell Peltz Celebrates Half Century in Boxing

PHILADELPHIA — За 50 години, J Russell Peltz has lived and breathed boxing. През октомври 4, he will celebrate his Golden Anniversary as a Philadelphia promoter with an eight-bout card titledBlood, Sweat & 50 Години,” в 2300 Арена. От септ. 30, 1969, he’s been an institution in the city, providing a platform for hundreds, if not thousands of Philadelphia fighters to showcase their talent. He’s promoted over a thousand boxing events and over 40 двубои за световна титла. For half a century, Peltz has ridden the roller coaster of small- and big-time boxing, with stops all over the world.

Peltzlove for boxing has outlived mentors, parents, a sister, a son and a marriage. It’s been the constant throughout the entirety of his adult life, and a refuge from guilt, sadness and loss. It was the cane he used when he couldn’t stand, and the mountain from which he screamed his successes. It has been an enduring passion and a safe, faceless pool where he could pour out an immense amount of love, out loud, and without guilt or fear of judgement.

He has an savant-like ability to recall dates of fights, who was on every card, and what happened in every round. He remembers detailed 40-year-old stories, битки, conversations and events like they happened yesterday.

For his 14th birthday, his dad took him to his first fight and it was love at first bell. He knew he was going to be a part of the beautiful brutality of boxing. His mom refused to allow him to go to more fights; she didn’t want him to be part ofthat element.He would lie and say he was out with friends or at parties, then go to the fights. Eventually she relented, and his father took him to more fights. He would abandon a burgeoning sports journalism career and promote his first event on Sept. 30, 1969.

J Russell Peltz grew up in an upper middle-class family, moving from Philadelphia to the wealthy community of Bala Cynwyd on Philadelphia’s Main Line when he entered third grade. Баща му, Bernard Peltz, a plumber like his own dad, had expanded Peltz Plumbing to include heating and air-conditioning. By all measurements, his business was successful, catering to both residential repairs and large company and government installations. His father was beloved by his employees.

Peltz had a taste of the plumbing life over two summers in 1963 and ’64 and was decidedly bad at it. It was a disastrous endeavor for teenage Peltz, who was not mechanically inclined. One error resulted in the destruction of several oil paintings belonging to a wealthy client, and a large bill for his father to foot.

His father wasn’t much of a sports fan outside of boxing. Баща му, Peltzgrandfather, was an avid fan and worked for Western Union. On fight nights, including during the Jack Dempsey vs. Gene Tunney fight in 1926 във Филаделфия, he would be ringside, gathering updates and copy and communicating them to the wire services.

As Peltz tells it, баща му, like many parents of kids who came of age in the 50s and 60s, was not expressive with his emotions. “He was just not the kind of person,” Peltz began, then paused. “Any more than I am, that could show it. My mom was the emotional, loving one.

What shines through when conversing with Peltz, is how much his parents loved each other. In a time where men were not supposed to cry, Peltz’s father, who he described as aman’s man,” took care of his wife while she was sick for years with emphysema. “They were passionately in love,” - каза Пелц. “Things became rocky later, especially when my mother became sick, but he always loved her.

She was so weak he would have to cut her meat and pre-chew it, so she would be strong enough to chew the rest of it,” remembers Peltz. “He would do those things and you could see that he loved her.

After his mother passed away in 1975, Peltz found a box among her belongings: “When my mom died, I found a box of newspaper clippings of stories about me, some of which I’d never seen before. I knew she loved me.

His father gave him an office to work from, and twice lent him money when Peltz needed a boost to get through a show or a bad year. If Peltz hadn’t been weighed down with remorse, he might have seen these gestures and support of his son’s boxing promoter career, of which he outwardly didn’t approve, as his father’s way of saying I love you.

A rift developed in the family when Peltz married his first wife, a non-Jewish girl, в 1969, against the wishes of his parents. This disagreement would color the remainder of their years together.

При 72 възраст, Peltz looks back over those years and sees a selfish, immature version of himself, who didn’t treat his parents all that well. “I never had a mature relationship with my parents,” Peltz would say more than once. “I have terrible regrets about that.His uncle had told him that his decision to marry his first wife was killing his mother, and Peltz believed him. The guilt is palpable as he describes his mother’s final days.

The bitterness he had felt at his parentsreaction to his marriage and their naggingget a real jobattitude toward his chosen profession put space in between them. After both had passed, pride and resentment quickly gave way to guilt and regret.

В края, it was his sister’s home and then his parentshome he’d go to when his first marriage fell apart. Every day he’d stop in and say hello to his father, who had built him an office over his plumbing company. His family’s foundation, which had been built on silent love and commitment, proved unyielding throughout the years.

It wasn’t long after his mother’s death that he met the woman who would become his current wifea former classmate at Lower Merion High School. Peltz knew from their first date that he would marry Linda Sablosky. All the nagging feelings of doubt he had going into his first marriage were nowhere to be found. For someone who sees himself as unemotional and unexpressive, the enormity of his love and devotion to Linda from that first date until this day is evident. In four hours of interviews, it was when he spoke about Linda that he sounded the most fulfilled and uplifted.

Family is everything to Linda,” - каза Пелц. “She brought together estranged cousins and other family members and she became very close to my father, calling him every day.

If my mom had met Linda,” продължи той, weeping softly, “she would have had a reason to live.

Linda fit effortlessly into his boxing world. She would often attend events, traveling with Peltz. “Linda is the kind of person who can exist in any world, in any atmosphere, and everybody loves her.Peltz said. “It helped me in boxing. People say, ‘How bad can he be? She married him!’

Linda is never idle. She can fill up 24 часа на ден. She’s the Queen of the Dollar Store. She can’t stand sitting around doing nothing. If Linda has 400 things to do and I only want to do 200 от тях, she says I’m boring.

The two would have two sons, Matthew and Daniel. Matthew, the oldest, was interested in music and girls. He was a ‘Deadhead,’ the moniker bestowed upon Grateful Dead fans, and traveled with them for a summer. He eventually moved to Israel and became a Rabbi. He married and had four children.

Daniel was the athlete, participating in various sports, including a short amateur boxing career that Peltz hid from Daniel’s mother for a short period of time.

Peltz did his best to never miss a game. “He was always there for me,” said Daniel. “He traveled a lot, but he always made time for my sporting events. He didn’t miss a milestone.

Peltz and his wife lost Matthew to a drug overdose in 2017. He was only 38. The pain in Peltzvoice when he talks about the years they tried to save their son is heart-wrenching. Countless trips to rehab, broken promises and relapses litter the last years of their time together. He loved Matthew as hard and as completely as any parent could have, but the thief that is drug addiction took Matthew away from his parents, his brother and his children.

At his son’s funeral Peltz told the story of a bidding scandal that rocked the plumbing industry in Philadelphia when he was a kid. The story had hit the newspapers, and when he was able to get his hands on the article, he read every word, looking for his dad’s name among those involved, hoping and praying it wasn’t there. His voice cracks again as he retells it. “When I got to the bottom of the story, it listed all those companies involved in the fixand his name wasn’t in there. I felt so proud.of him.

So it’s just that I knew that Bernie Peltz provided a hard day’s work for a fair day’s wage. Thirty years later, I came home from work one day and Linda hands me the phone. Your son wants to talk to you. I said ‘What’s up Matt.He said ‘Dad, how come when the sports writers write about boxing promoters, they always write bad things like they cheat the fighters, they steal their money, they pay off the judges and the referees, they fix the rankingsbut whenever they write about you,” he paused and sniffed heavily as tears fell, “they always write nice things. He finished by saying ‘that’s so cool.I didn’t realize it at the time but as the years went by I realized that my son felt the same way about me that I felt about my dad.

Peltz carries the weight of his Linda’s pain in addition to his own at the loss of their son. “All Linda ever wanted was to be a mother. To be there when the kids came home from school,” Peltz recalled. “That’s what made losing Matthew so devastating for her. She questioned her ability as a mother.

If Matthew had had any other mother,” Peltz said, his voice cracking with emotion, “he wouldn’t have made it to even 20.

Peltz finds comfort in his grandchildren. “Pop Pop is very affectionate with the kids,” said Daniel, who has two daughters. “He has six grandchildrenhe loves them and they adore him.

С течение на годините, Peltz has brought many boxers into his inner circle, many of them becoming family. Osnel Charles, who fights on October 4, asked Peltz to be the co-best man in his wedding. He spoke at many hall-of-fame inductions, weddings and funerals over the past half century.

He talks about one of his more recent charges, Джейсън Sosa, with affection. One of the highest points in his long career was witnessing underdog Sosa stop Javier Fortuna to win a world title in 2016 в Пекин, Китай.

When that fight was over we walked back to the hotel,” he remembered. “Linda went up to the room because she was tired. I went into a bar in the hotel. One of these really modern neon lit bars. I sat at that empty bar and I felt so on top of the world. People back in the states are just getting the news and here I am in Beijing having a beer by myself and I felt so good. You know why? Mostly because at the time of my career that it happened. To win a world title like that, in a foreign land, coming from behind off the canvas, with no shot to win except by knockoutwith Linda screaming and crying and she jumped up because she loves Jason. It was just like so great. Such a wonderful feeling. One of the highlights of my career. It’s not number one but it’s like 1A.

Номер едно, добави той, was when his first charge, Bennie Briscoe, knocked out Tony Mundine in Paris in 1974: “That will always be number one. It was an eliminator. We were underdogs. It was my first trip to Europe and it was the biggest fight you could have without it being for the title. It was just such a wonderful night.

His protege, Raging Babe Michelle Rosado, who is promoting “Обичам, Sweat & 50 Години,” is one of many who see Peltz as a father figure. His seven-year mentorship of Rosado will culminate in his passing the torch to his hardworking mentee. “Leaders build leaders. Because he doesn’t have an ego, and wasn’t inclined to protect his secrets at all costs like so many of his peers, he was able to mentor BAM [Brittany Rogers] and I and teach us the ropes. I’m honored that he trusts me to continue his legacy.Peltz is known to brag about Rosado to his colleagues in the business. When he talks about her, his tone alternates between that of a proud father and professional respect and admiration. They may fight and scream but will always eventually reconcile like family so often does.

Peltz is ready to slow down after his 50th anniversary celebration. The changes to the sport have worn thin his desire to keep going. “It’s not the sport I fell in love with,” казва той. “It’s not like it used to be. Guys just wanted to fight. If guys were within 10 pounds we had a fight.

През октомври 4, he will wind down his matchmaking career with the kind of card that he’s become known for in Philadelphia over the last 50 години. Tough, Philly versus Philly toss-up matches. The kind of card that drew him to boxing and kept him there for half a century.

These relationships, the ones that Peltz has with Linda, Daniel and his grandchildren, with Michelle, with Osnel Charles, Bennie Briscoe, Jason Sosa and countless other boxersthese relationships don’t happen by accident. They’re built on respect and on love. Love that isn’t screamed out loud, but is felt by actions. Love that is disguised as feeling proud, or as the weight of guilt and regret. A love that’s equal to or perhaps even more than that of his love for boxing. Boxing will always be the place where Peltz can love out loud, but his legacy will forever be the quiet way he loved those he touched over the past 50 години.


Билети за “Peltz Boxing 50th Anniversary Celebrationare priced $50, $70 и $90. They can be purchased online at www.2300arena.com или като се обадите 215-758-2173 and/or 215-765-0922. Вратите отварят в 6:30 pm and first bout is at 7:30 ч. Credential applications are due by September 20 and can be requested at ragingbabe.com/credentials. Blood, Sweat & 50 Years is brought to you by Rocco’s Collision and Cricket Wireless.

Next wave continuing rich Reno boxing history

Inaugural RJJ Boxing & Silver Legacy event
Co-promoted with Joey Gilbert Promotions

Event streaming live and exclusively on UFC FIGHT PASS

LAS VEGAS (Септември 16, 2019) – The next wave of Reno boxers will continue its rich boxing tradition October 25 на “RJJ бокс на UFC FIGHT PASS®,” co-promoted by Joey Gilbert Promotions in association with Silver Legacy Resort Casino at THE ROW in Reno, Nevada.

The event will be streamed live and exclusively on UFC FIGHT PASS, Водещата в света цифров абонаментна услуга за бойни спортове, като се започне от 10 p.m. И / 7 p.m. PT, from inside the Grande Exposition Hall at Silver Legacy.

Local boxers such as featherweight Ricardo Lucio Galvan (2-0, 2 Нокаута) и супер лека Wilfred Mariano (1-0, 1 KO) are all slated to fight on the Oct. 25тата card against opponents to be determined.

Organized boxing was held during the early 1880’s in small mining towns in the Northwest section of Nevada, professional boxing matches were conducted there later that century.

Зала на славата промоутър Tex Richard and legendary heavyweight Джак Джонсън first put Reno on the boxing map on July 4, 1910, when World heavyweight champion successfully defending his title against James J. Jeffries, stopping him in the 15тата round at what was reportedly the only venue ever built for a single boxing event. Когато President William Taft declined Richard’s offer to referee, Richards became the third man in the ring. Boxing stars including Джейк Kilrain, Томи Бърнс, и Abe Attell were introduced to the reported crowd of 16,528.

Richard first brought another Hall of Fame heavyweight champion, Джак Демпси, to Reno in 1915 for his ninth pro fight, when Dempsey stopped Emmanuel Campbell in the fourth round at Airdrome Arena. To fight, Dempsey had toride the railsfrom Utah to Reno, stored away on a train with hobos. Dempsey returned three years later to knockoutJack Moran in the opening round at Moana Spring Arena.

Dempsey may have been involved in unsanctioned fights in Reno as well. Desperate for money during the early part of his boxing career, Dempsey is infamous for walking into saloons and saying, “I can’t sing, and I can’t dance, but I can lick any SOB in the house.

В 1982 на HBO, бъдеща зала на известността “Захар” Ray Leonard successfully defended his World Boxing Council (WBC) and World Boxing Association (WBA) welterweight World titles at Centennial Coliseum, нокаутира Bruce Finch in round three.

Reno-based Gilbert’s first three (2001-2003) and last three (2010) pro fights were held in Reno, where he had a 7-2 (6 Нокаута) про рекорд.

Gilbert commented, “Having fought as both an amateur and a professional at these same properties; THE ROW, Eldorado, Silver Legacy, and Circus Circus, which are like a second home to me and all Nevada boxing alumni, it’s really an honor to bring boxing and combat sports back to Northern Nevada, a true fight town, and to provide world class entertainment and an incredible digital production through Roy Jones JR Boxing and UFC FIGHT PASSs, in a partnership with the very casinos and environment that helped make me who I am today; I couldn’t be more delighted to be a part of this opportunity with Eldorado Resorts and UFC Fight Pass through Roy Jones Jr Promotions. I’m looking forward to a prosperous partnership with everyone involved, including the local community and all fight fans in the area.

Рефер в Залата на славата Mills Lane was an adopted son of Reno, може би не. 1 referee in the world of boxing, during his high-profile stretch of activity.

Reno has also hosted major amateur boxing events like the 2016 NCBA (college) Western Regional Championships at the Eldorado Hotel and USA Boxing’s 2018 Western Elite Qualifier and Regional Open. Reno will host the 2020 Western Elite Qualifier & Регионално отваряне, Март 21-28, 2020.

Undefeated super lightweight prospect KendoTremendo” Кастанеда (16-0, 7 Нокаута), fighting out of San Antonio, faces Estonia-native Стан Мартинюк (20-2, 6 Нокаута), who lives in Belmont, Калифорния, in the eight-round main event on Oct. 25тата.

The co-featured event pits undefeated Sacramento cruiserweight Blake McKernan (10-0, 2 Нокаута) срещу Francisco Rivas (15-2, 5 Нокаута), на Мексико, в осем кръг мач.

Undefeated WIBA World female bantamweight champion Rosalindo Rodriguez (10-0, 2 Нокаута), Маями, takes on Las Vegas’ неизследван Jamie “Чудото” Мичъл (5-0-2, 3 Нокаута) in a six-round non-title fight.

Galvan is matched against Sacramento’s pro-debuting Samir McQueen, while Mariano faces an opponent to be determined.

Also scheduled to fight on the undercard in separate four-round bouts against TBAs are undefeated Las Vegas lightweight Daquan Mays (3-0, 1 KO) and Sacramento lightweight Sergio Vega (2-0, 2 Нокаута).

Всички битки и бойци са обект на промяна.

Билетите са на разположение за $25, $45 и $65 and can be purchased at the Silver Legacy Box Office, Ticketmaster.com или като се обадите 775-325-7401 or 1-800-MUST-SEE.

Silver Legacy Resort Casino is offering a special RJJ Boxing room rate at its hotel as well as its connected sister properties, Eldorado Resort Casino и Circus Circus Reno. Click on the respective property links for more information.

Вратите отварят в 5 p.m. PT, Първият мач 5:45 p.m. PT, and UFC FIGHT PASS starts at 7 p.m. PT / 10 p.m. И.


Уебсайтове: www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.comwww.SilverLegacy.com
Кикотене: @RoyjonesJRfa, @RoyJonesJrOfficial, @UFCFightPass, @JoeyPromotions, @SilverLegacy
Instagram: @RoyJonesJRboxing, @RoyJonesJrOfficial, @artofmusiclv, @rivalboxinggear, @JoeyPromotions, @SilverLegacyReno
Facebook: /RJJBoxing, /JoeyPromotions /SilverLegacyResortCasino

Мъдро решение 4 преди години открива “Чудесен” Mykquan Williams 15-0 като професионалист днес вместо елит любител

Mykquan Williams (Снимка: Емили Харни / Екип на Уилямс)

МАНЧЕСТЪР, Кон. (Септември 9, 2019) – Ако не беше критично решение преди четири години, 21-годишният “Чудесен” Mykquan Williams може много добре да бъде елит обучение любител да се конкурират за място на 2020 САЩ олимпийски отбор Бокс, а не на 15-0 изгряваща звезда, че той е днес в професионалния бокс.

Williams (15-0, 7 Нокаута), който живее в East Hartford (CT), преодоля съдбоносно препятствия, в която баща му е бил убит, когато Mykquan беше едва на осем месеца, и фамилната къща изгорен до основи, когато е бил 10.

Недопустими за да се конкурират за място на списък 2016 САЩ Бокс олимпийски отбор, защото той е твърде млад, Уилямс имаше две възможности за избор: остават аматьор в продължение на четири години, без каквито и да било гаранции за квалификациите за Олимпийските игри, или да получите скок на проекта професионалната си кариера. Той избра последния път и не погледна назад.

Уилямс беше украсен аматьорски чийто стил, в ретроспекция, е много по-добре пригоден за про бокса от аматьорите. Той имаше 45-13 любителски запис, подчертана от три представления злато медал на Световното първенство ринга, в допълнение към улавяне на най-големите награди в Националния PAL и Националната Silver ръкавица шампионат.

“Бях твърде млад за последния,” Уилямс обясни решението си да се превърне професионалист, когато той го направи.” Уилямс обясни,. Аз накрая аматьорски си кариера, след като е имало вкара промени. Аз загубих някои трудни решения. Реших да направим следващата стъпка и да се про да се плаща. Моят стил е по-подходящ за професионалисти. Не изхвърляйте 100 удря кръгло; Аз избирам моите петна, когато имам отвори.

“Аз не искам да се изчака няколко години. Аз избрах да се превърне про (когато той е бил старши на принц Tech). Вече съм 15-0, катерене класацията, и аз да се плаща, за да направите това. Аз трябваше да направя това.”

Уилямс е на тогавашния World Boxing съвет (WBC) САЩ супер лек шампион, класиран Не. 5 от САЩ асоциация Бокс (USBA), и Не. 12 от Северна Америка федерация по бокс (NABF).

“Вярвах, че MyKey е готова да се превърне про,” Kallen коментира. “Под опеката на Павел, че е достатъчно напреднал и желание за справяне с плюсовете. Неговият стил е напълно подходящ за професионалисти и най- 18 години, че е готов да вземе скок. Неговите млади добър външен вид го идеалното млад перспектива направени.”

Притеснението ми по това време е олимпийски отбор не беше сигурно нещо,” добавена Cichon, който е обучен Уилямс за миналото 10 години. Имах доверие в MyKey, но рискът не си струва печалбата. Решихме да отидем професионалист.”

Четири години по-късно, вместо да се състезава срещу елитни аматьорски боксьори на Америка в класа си тегло – Keyshawn Дейвис, Брус Карингтън и ДАЛИС имоти — в 2020 Олимпийските Опити и Национално първенство САЩ бокса, Декември 7-15, в Лейк Чарлз, Louisiana, Уилямс е един от най-добрите 21-и-Under перспективи в бокса.


Кикотене: @MarvelousMyke, @JackieKallen
Instagram: @ M.mkw_, @ jackie.Kallen
Facebook: /MykquanWilliams, /PaulCichon, /JackieKallen

Rising star Kendo “Tremendo” Castaneda To headline RJJ Boxing on UFC FIGHTPASS® show at Silver Legacy Resort Casino in Reno, Nevada

Inaugural RJJ Boxing & Silver Legacy event

Co-promoted with Joey Gilbert Promotions

Event streaming live and exclusively on UFC FIGHT PASS

LAS VEGAS (Септември 9, 2019) – Undefeated super lightweight prospectKendo “Tremendo” Castaneda plans to do some early trick or treatin’ October 25тата, when he headlines another installment of “RJJ Boxing on UFC FIGHT PASS®,” co-promoted by Joey Gilbert Promotions in association with Silver Legacy Resort Casino at THE ROW in Reno, Nevada.

The Oct. 25тата show in Reno will be streamed live and exclusively on UFC FIGHT PASS, Водещата в света цифров абонаментна услуга за бойни спортове, като се започне от 10 p.m. И / 7 p.m. PT, from inside the Grande Exposition Hall atSilver Legacy.

The 25-year-old Castaneda (16-0, 7 Нокаута), fighting out of San Antonio, Texas, is a rising star and reigning North American Boxing Association (Също) super lightweight champion. His last fight was an impressive 10-round unanimous decision victory over dangerous knockout-artist Eudy Бернардо (24-3) last March.

“An impressive win on UFC FIGHT PASS means everything for me and my career,” said the personable Castaneda, who will be fighting outside of his native Texas for only the third time as a professional. “Getting back in the ring is just another date for me. Come October 25тата, the people are in for a ‘Tremendous’ thrill, because I will portray Michael Myers on a classic Halloween Night of Boxing.”

Castaneda had approximately 120 любителски битки, highlighted by his gold-medal winning performance at the 2018 Ringside World Championships. He was also a two-time San Antonio and Texas State Golden Gloves champion (201102012), losing both times at the Golden Gloves National Championships to the eventual champion.

При 18, Castaneda decided that he’d had enough of amateur boxer and he turned pro, largely because he his style is much better suited for the pro ranks.

Castaneda will face the stiffest test of his young career, Estonia-nativeСтан Мартинюк (20-2, 6 Нокаута), who fights out of Belmont, Калифорния, the main event.

Билетите са на разположение за $25, $45 и $65 and can be purchased at the Silver Legacy Box OfficeTicketmaster.com или като се обадите 775-325-7401 or 1-800-MUST-SEE.

Silver Legacy Resort Casino is offering a special RJJ Boxing room rate at its hotel as well as its connected sister propertiesEldorado Resort Casino иCircus Circus Reno. Click on the respective property links for more information.

Вратите отварят в 5 p.m. PT, Първият мач 5:45 p.m. PT, and UFC FIGHT PASS starts at 7 p.m. PT / 10 p.m. И

ИНФОРМАЦИЯ: Уебсайтовеwww.RoyJonesJrBoxing.com www.SilverLegacy.comКикотене: @RoyjonesJRfa, @RoyJonesJrOfficial, @UFCFightPass, @JoeyPromotions, @SilverLegacyInstagram: @RoyJonesJRboxing, @RoyJonesJrOfficial, @artofmusiclv, @rivalboxinggear, @JoeyPromotions, @SilverLegacyRenoFacebook: /RJJBoxing, /JoeyPromotions /SilverLegacyResortCasino


Още “All DetroitShowdown Between Rising Contender Ja’Rico O’Quinn & James Smith Highlights Non-Televised Undercard Action From Dort Federal Events Center In Flint, мен.

NEW YORK – Септември 5, 2019 – Undefeated American heavyweight prospect Джърмейн Франклинще се изправятPavel Sour в събота, Октомври 5 live on SHOWTIME from Dort Federal Events Center in Flint, мен.

Франклин (19-0, 13 Нокаута) will make his third consecutive SHOWTIME appearance of 2019 as he seeks a definitive victory less than an hour from his hometown of Saginaw, мен. The 25-year-old will take on once-beaten Czech Republic heavyweight Sour (11-1, 6 Нокаута) на undercard наПОКАЗВАНЕ НА БОКС: СПЕЦИАЛНО ИЗДАНИЕ telecast headlined by Claressa Shields vs. Ivana Habazin.

Headlining the non-televised undercard will be anAll Detroitshowdown between crosstown rivals, as West Detroit’sJa’RicoGreat Lakes KingO’Quinn and East Detroit’sJames “O.G.” Ковач battle in a 10-round fight for Motown super flyweight supremacy.

Tickets for the live event, , която е възложена Salita Промоции, are on sale now and can be purchased at Ticketmaster.com and at the Dort Center box office.

Considered one of the top American heavyweight prospects, Franklin is a former amateur standout and 2014 Национален шампион за златни ръкавици. He passed on the opportunity to compete for a spot on the 2016 Olympic Games and, after turning professional in 2015, built his undefeated record with relative ease through his first 17 битки. В 2019, Franklin stepped up his level of opposition in consecutive fights on SHOWTIME, earning a unanimous decision over former No. 1-класира САЩ. amateur Rydell Booker in April, followed by a hard-fought split-decision over Jerry Forrest in July. Сега, the 6-foot-2 Franklin returns for his third bout of the year seeking a conclusive victory for his hometown fans.

This is what I have been waiting for,” said Franklin. “I can’t wait to put a show on in front of my hometown with friends and family in the crowd. I’ve been working on my diet and taking better care of my body since my last fight. I’m focused on not wasting any punches and letting the knockout come naturally, not pushing for it. I’m going to be better conditioned and more patient and finally prove to fans why I’m America’s next great heavyweight.

Sour turned professional in 2016 and has won 11 на първата си 12 професионални двубои. The 36-year-old is coming off a career-best win over previously undefeated Tomas Salek for the regional Czech heavyweight title. The 6-foot-5 Sour has fought all but one of his professional bouts in his native Czech Republic and will make his U.S. debut against Franklin. He was an accomplished amateur overseas and racked up an 80-43-2 record while representing the Czech national team from 2008 към 2015. The lone blemish on Sour’s record is a 2017 loss to highly regarded unbeaten heavyweight Filip Hrgovic.

I have the technique, speed and power to beat Jermaine Franklin,” said Sour. “I am in great shape, I’m training hard and I’m very confident heading into this fight. Franklin is underestimating me because of my age, but I’m going to show him he’s wrong and have my hand raised when the final bell rings.

Jermaine Franklin is on a mission to show the world that he is the top new heavyweight on the scene,” said promoter Dmitriy Salita, Президент на Salita Promotions. “He will fight the big and strong Pavel Sour who is coming off a career-best win. This is a significant heavyweight fight that will add to the already historic and electric event on October 5 headlined by Claressa Shields vs. Ivana Habazin.

The 24-year-old O’Quinn (12-0-1, 8 Нокаута) stands 5-foot-6 and is rated No. 13 in the world by the WBO. Blazing-fast hands and effortless combination punching have allowed the undefeated O’Quinn to become a favorite among Motor City fight fans. O’Quinn was the No. 1-ranked amateur bantamweight in the country before turning professional in 2015. He was last seen on April 13 of this year at Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, winning a dominant unanimous eight-round decision over Minnesota veteran Vicente Alfaro Martinez.

On October 5 you can expect nothing less than what I always do and that’s win!” said O’Quinn. “This is the biggest fight of my professional career and my first 10-round fight and I’m taking it very seriously. I will look the best I’ve looked as pro on that night and after the fight I’ll be looking for bigger names to take on in the super flyweight division.

A 29-year-old standing 5-foot-3, Ковач (13-2, 7 Нокаута) carries a reputation as a throwback and one of the most exciting Detroit fighters of the last decade. Known for his fearless aggression in the ring, Smith’s fights are alwaysmust seefare for Detroiters. Also an accomplished amateur, Smith is a former National Amateur Champion and eight-time Golden Gloves Champion. His last fight came in February of this year at the Performance Arts Center in Dearborn, Mich., where he won a unanimous six-round decision over Mexico’s Jonathan Lecona Ramos.

My opponent is solid, but he’s not on my level,” Саид Smith. “He throws a lot of punches but he slaps a lot. There is nothing he can show me that I have not already seen before. The fans can always expect an exciting fight when it comes to me. I’m going to always put it all on the line to win.

Detroit is one of the best boxing fight cities in the country and this fight is an example of that,” Саид Word. “Ja’Rico is touted as one of the best American super flyweights, while James Smith was a can’t-miss prospect when he turned professional. This fight could turn out to be the fight of the night because both guys will leave it all in the ring to win. Will it be Ja’Rico’s speed and timing, or will James Smith grind him down with his aggression and pressure? No matter who wins, this will be an unforgettable war.

Barry Tompkins will call theПОКАЗВАНЕ НА БОКС: СПЕЦИАЛНО ИЗДАНИЕ action from ringside with boxing historian Steve Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. The executive producer is Gordon Hall with Richard Gaughan producing and Rick Phillips directing. U�5rkl�

Khan to Defend World Crown Against Rios in Bradford this Saturday 7th Sept

Bradford’s four time, two division World Champion Tasif Khan returns to his home town this coming Saturday, where he is set to face Mexico’s Luis Alberto Rios at St Georges Hall on the 7th September in his first defence of the World Boxing Union (WBU) World Super Flyweight Crown he secured in Lagos, Nigeria via a third round knockout over Ghana’s Asamoah Wilson last December.

Хан (17-1-2), who is promoted by Prince Stanley Williams’ Pennsylvania and London based Monarch Events and Promotions, has stopped ten of his opponents, more importantly his last seven opponents which includes everyone he has fought for World Championship honours.

Rios (25-5-1) is tough and a big puncher with an impressive KO count, in his case seventeen.

Rios secured the Panamanian title on just his eighth fight, he then won both the Panamanian and WBA Fedalatin Minimum Weight titles on his next outing and followed that up on his next fight with WBO Latino Minimum weight title.

В 2012 he won the WBC Latino Light Flyweight title against Arnoldo Solano and then successfully defended it against Luis Carilio.

В 2013 he unsuccessfully challenged John Riel Casimero for the IBF World Light Flyweight title before successfully winning the WBC FECARBOX Flyweight title in 2014 and a year later added the Panamanian Flyweight title and then went on to win the WBC Latino Flyweight title but came up short when he fought Otto Games for the IBA World Bantamweight title last year.

Besides Khan-Rios World title fight, there are two further Championships fights this Saturday.

Nigeria’s Sule Olagbade defends his Super Welterweight WBU Super Welterweight World Crown against France’s Fouad El Massoudi and Australia based Nigerian King Davidson defends his WBU Interim Middleweight World title against Mexico’s Fernando Castaneda.

Supporting the three World Championship bouts Prince Stanley Williams has put together a seriously mouthwatering International undercard;

Ghana’s highly rated Cruiserweight Briamah Kamoko (30-1-0) is set for a ten round battle Royale with Hungary’s Ferenc Albert (27-16-0) and also boxing in the Cruiserweight division is Dubai’s Mohammad Ali Bayat Farid who goes toe-to-toe with Germany’s Rojhat Bilgetekin.

There are also two Heavyweight contests on the bill, Germany’s Rad Rashid against fellow German Hasan Kurnaz and Avni Selimi, also from Germany, against Lithuanian Tomas Vaicickas.

Tasif Khan versus Luis Alberto Rios for the World Boxing Union (WBU) World Super Flyweight Championship, headlines the Prince Stanley Williams’ Monarch Events and Promotions THE HOMECOMING, at St Georges Hall, Bridge Street, Bradford BD1 1JT on Saturday 7th September 2019.

Събитието, which is sponsored by Pearls Tearoom and Patisserie, Knight Ryder, Insane Air and Quantuma, ще бъдат предавани на живо поwww.go-boxing.net от 7:30pm on Saturday 7th September.

Standard tickets priced £20.00, £25.00, £30.00 as well as VIP £60.00 and VIP Ringside £100.00 are available on-line atwww.bradford-theatres.co.uk or by calling the Ticket-Line on 01274 432000 and also limited tickets will be available on the door.