კატეგორია არქივი: კრივი


Pro-Am Series to commence with Trenton’s Mike Hilton in the Main Event

დაუყოვნებლივ გათავისუფლებისკენ

Trenton, NJ (დეკემბერი 10, 2019) – შაბათს ღამით, January 25th, Silver Bow will stage the Inaugural ChampBox Series event at the CURE Insurance Arena in Trenton, New Jersey.

The ChampBox series is designed to showcase the top professional and amateur boxers in the New Jersey area.

It’s an honor to start the ChampBox series in my home state of New Jersey,” said Bill Halkias of Silver Bow. “We have an abundance of Professional and Amateur fighters for the series, and it will provide opportunities for many fighters.

Partnering up with the CURE Insurance Arena is important, as it’s a 1st class facility, and located in the capital city of Trenton.

Headlining the event will be undefeated cruiserweight Mike Hilton.
Hilton of Trenton is a former National Golden Gloves champion, who currently has a record of 9-0 with seven knockouts.

The 33 year-old Hilton will be making the 3rd appearance in his hometown, and he is coming off a 3rd round technical decision over Hector Perez on March 10, 2018 ატლანტიკური ქალაქი.

Appearing on the card will be Ian Green (12-2, 9 Kos) of პატერსონი, New Jersey.

Green has wins over undefeated foes Khiary Gray (13-0) and Andy Mejias (15-0). Green will be looking to get back in the win column following dropping a fight to Kemahl Russell on September 9, 2017 in Queens, New York.

Also in action will be Glennwood Lattimer (1-0) of Philandelphia in a junior middleweight fight.

Highlighting the amateur portion of the card will be locals, Zaire Gross, Kevin Alexander and Jabbar Abercrombie.

Tickets for this special evening of boxing are $25, $39, $59, $79 and the 1st two rows are $99. Tickets can be purchased at the following link:CLICK HERE FOR TICKETS:The event is being sponsored by Flash Tech IT and CyberSecuirty since 1992. www.flashtech.com

ვარსკვლავები კრივიდან & ფეხბურთი ძალაში აღმოჩნდა Kiyan Prince Foundation- ის საქველმოქმედო კრიმინალური ღონისძიებისთვის "Jabbing Not Stabbing" 21 დეკემბერს

ფეხბურთის და კრივის ვარსკვლავები, როგორიცაა ჰარი რედნაპი, პიტერ კრაუჩი, პიტერ ოდემვინგი, ლეს ფერდინანდი და ჯიმი ბულარდი ფეხბურთიდან და WBO კონტინენტალური ჩემპიონი ენტონი იარდი და WBF International & ევროპის ჩემპიონმა ტომი ჯეიკობსმა პროფესიონალური კრივიდან პირობა დადო, რომ მხარს დაუჭერს Kiyan Prince Foundation- ს (KPF) საქველმოქმედო ღონისძიება, რომელიც გაიმართება ლონდონის ირლანდიის ცენტრში, ლონდონში, კამდენში, შაბათს, 21 დეკემბერს

ზემოთ დასახელებული ვარსკვლავები და მრავალი სხვა დაესწრებიან საქველმოქმედო კრივში Kiyan Prince Foundation- ის სახსრების შეგროვების მიზნით (KPF), რომელსაც მასპინძლობს ყოფილი WBO & IBF კონტინენტალური და MBC საერთაშორისო ჩემპიონი და KPF დამფუძნებელი, დოქტორი მარკ პრინცი OBE.

ღონისძიებაზე წარმოდგენილი იქნება ხუთი სამოყვარულო კონკურსი, ადგილობრივი მოკრივეებით და ერთი პროფესიონალური ორთაბრძოლით, რობერტ დურანის მონაწილეობით, პანამის ლეგენდარული მსოფლიოს ოთხ დივიზიონში ჩემპიონის რობერტო დურანის შვილი.

სრიალის იუმორისტული აქციის გარდა, კომიკოსი მასპინძლობს მასალებს ნაკრებითა და სამახსოვრო აუქციონით (ფეხბურთი და კრივი)

ბილეთები, priced £ 30 (სტანდარტული მჯდომარე) და 40 ფუნტი სტერლინგი (Ringside) "Jabbing not Stabbing" - ისთვის, რომელიც ლონდონის ირლანდიის ცენტრში ხდება, კამდენის მოედანი, კამდენი, London NW1 9XB შაბათს, 21 დეკემბერს 2019 ახლა შესაძლებელია ონლაინ რეჟიმშიwww.tkoboxoffice.com


About The Kiyan Prince Foundation:

The Kiyan Prince Foundation was established in 2008 in memory of Kiyan Prince, Dr Prince’s fifteen-year-old son and a talented footballer who was stabbed in the heart, whilst trying to break up a fight, outside his school gates. This devastating tragedy marked the beginning of a journey which has not only transformed Dr Prince’s life but also equipped him with the knowledge and skills to support families and help prevent similar cases. In this process, he has had to defeat two of life’s toughest challenges – anger and revenge, find the strength to forgive and the commitment to substitute anger with positive life skills.

About Kiyan Prince:

Kiyan Prince was the first son born to Mark Prince and Tracy Cumberbatch on 25th November 1990.

ის იყო წასული და კარგად საყვარელი ახალგაზრდა, რომელიც ყველასთან ერთად იყო. Teachers, fellow pupils, Queens Park Rangers football team… in fact anyone who came into contact with Kiyan counted it a privilege to have done so.

On May 18th 2006 კიანის ცხოვრება ტრაგიკულად დასრულდა, უდროო და ზედმეტი დასასრული. მოსიყვარულე ბუნება, რომლითაც იგი იყო ცნობილი, ეს იყო ის, რაც მას აყენებდა ნაბიჯს და იცავდა თავის მეგობარს, რომელსაც სხვა ახალგაზრდობა აიყვანდა.

შემთხვევა მისი სკოლის კარებთან მოხდა, ლონდონის აკადემია, მდებარეობს Edgware ჩრდილოეთ ლონდონში. კიანი შეეცადა ყველაზე მშვიდობიანი გზით მოეგვარებინა სიტუაცია აგრესორის პირდაპირ გამოწვევით.

Მკვლელი', 16 წლის ჰანად ჰასანი, იგრძნო, რომ კიანმა მას პატივი არ სცა, რადგან იგი წინ დაუდგა. შემდეგ იგი შემობრუნდა და უხეშად მოკლა კიანი - დანა პირდაპირ მკერდში ჩააგდო. კიანი სინგლით გარდაიცვალა, მაგრამ საბედისწერო, გულში დაჭრილი ჭრილობა.

კიანი, რომელიც თამაშობდა Queens Park Rangers- ის 16-წლამდელთა საფეხბურთო გუნდში. He was dubbed ‘The Bullet’ because of his speed and he was hailed as the next Wayne Rooney… tipped to play for England.

Kiyan was a beautiful, thoughtful, kind and considerate young man. . How he lived was reflected in the way he died… in probably the last words he ever spoke…

Even though he must have been very scared and in pain… in dying he still represented the life he lived. His heart was so full of love and empathy for others. In his final minutes his thoughts were, მაშინაც, still of others. As he lay bleeding he told his friends: “if these are my last words… tell my Mum I love her.”

About Mark Prince:

Dr Mark Prince is CEO and Founder of the Kiyan Prince Foundation, a charity borne out of pain, suffering and grief. მთელი რიგი პირადი გამოწვევებისა (უსახლკარობა, ნარკოტიკების და ალკოჰოლის ბოროტად გამოყენება და დანაშაულებრივი საქმიანობა); ტრიუმფები და ტრაგედია, მაშინ ცნობილი მარკ პრინცი, გაუჩნდა მწვავე სურვილი დაეხმაროს ახალგაზრდებს, რომლებიც ქალაქის ძალადობის დაღმავალ სპირალში ხვდებიან. მისი შვილის მკვლელობის დამანგრეველი ტრაგედია 2006 შემდგომ დაადასტურა ადრეული ჩარევის მნიშვნელობა ახალგაზრდის ცხოვრებაში, რათა თავიდან აიცილოთ ის, რაც ხშირად სასოწარკვეთილებაში გარდაუვალ მოგზაურობად გამოიყურება.

განათლება და სპორტი:

ფონდის მუშაობის მნიშვნელოვანი ნაწილია სკოლის ასაკის ბავშვებისა და ახალგაზრდების დამიზნება დაწყებითი დაწყებული საშუალო და უმაღლესი განათლებით, სწავლების გზით, ცხოვრებისეული უნარები და სასწავლო პროგრამები. პროფესიონალი მოკრივეა და მიაღწია ისეთ ტიტულებს, როგორიცაა IBF და WBO კონტინენტური მსუბუქი წონის ჩემპიონატი (1997) და იბრძვიან მსოფლიო ტიტულისთვის 1998, დოქტორ პრინზს აქვს ფასდაუდებელი უნარ-ჩვევები და გამოცდილება, რაც სამუდამოდ ეხმარება ახალგაზრდების ცხოვრების განვითარებასა და ტრანსფორმაციაში. მისი ავტობიოგრაფია დოქტორ პრინცისა და პოლ ზანონის მიერ დაწერილი მშვიდობის პრინცი უკვე ბესტსელერია.


Kiyan Prince Foundation არის პროექტი, რომლის თანახმად, Dr Prince თანამშრომლობს მრავალ მნიშვნელოვან პიროვნებასთან, ორგანიზაციები, მედია, მთავრობის წარმომადგენლებმა და ცნობილმა ცნობილმა წარმომადგენლებმა უნდა გაანათონ ის სოციალურ-ეკონომიკური საკითხები, რომლებიც გავლენას ახდენს ახალგაზრდებსა და ოჯახებზე ქვეყნის მასშტაბით. ის მონაწილეობდა შემოქმედებაში და ეს იყო ITV დოკუმენტური ფილმის მხატვრული ფილმი, “Put the Knives and Guns Down” screened on ITV London Tonight Special; panel member for The News of The World’s “Save Our Streets” campaign; keynote speaker at Metropolitan Police Operation Trident Program; and guest speaker at conferences such as, the NBCPA National Black Crown Prosecutors Association Annual Conference and the National Governor Prison Association Annual Conference.

Recognition and Vision:

In recognition of the significant contribution to the community and fight against knife crime, Dr Prince has received several well-deserved awards e.g. The Children’s Champion Award from Prime Minister Gordon Brown; an Honorary Doctorate Degree from Excel University; and recently in the Queen’s New Year Honours list (2019) to receive an OBE.

ეს არის ფონდის ხედვა, რომ მიიღოს დაფინანსება / გამოიმუშაოს შემოსავალი#შთამაგონებელი მომავალი ჩემპიონები კამპანია, რომელიც გულისხმობს ძლიერი შეტყობინებების მიწოდებას ლონდონის ყველა სკოლაში, შთამაგონებელი სპიკერებით, რომლებიც მაღალი დონის გავლენით განიცდიან ახალგაზრდებს და დოქტორ პრინცს უზიარებენ მათ თუ როგორ გამოიყენონ თავიანთი ნებისყოფა, აღიარონ მათი პოტენციალი, ინდივიდუალობა, მიზანი, როგორ აფასებენ საკუთარ თავს, უბრუნდება უბედურებებს და საკუთარი თავის რწმენის ძალას, რაც გასაგებია, ეს იწვევს ახალგაზრდებს იარაღისა და დანისგან გაწმენდას, რაც გონების პრობლემაა და არა დანის.

The Freeman Juggernaut Rolls OnStops O’Reilly in Four

Liverpool’s unbeaten Middleweight prospect Martin Freeman made an emphatic statement on Saturday night, with his fourth round stoppage victory over Will O’Reilly at the Jubilee Sports Bank in his home city.

The 26 year old Liverpudlian exuded class throughout the contest, even when being forced onto the back foot by the ever moving forward all out attack tactics employed by O’Reilly, Freeman just adapted his tactics to counter and control the contest in sensational fashion.

The Liverpudlian’s power was the defining factor of the contest, especially in the fourth, when a massive right from Freeman shook O’Reilly to the core, forcing the Mancunian battler to stagger back onto the ropes and cover up just as the contest approached the minute mark of the round.

In an instant Freeman stepped forward and let rip with a scintillating bombardment of massive lefts and rights, O’Reilly covered up and absorbed the first couple of shots on the gloves and arm, but Freeman’s power and precise placement ensured that the Liverpudlian’s Exocets began to power their way through the Mancunian’s guard with little resistance, after a couple of particularly venomous head shots referee Chris Kelly stepped in and stopped the contest on the one minute and two second mark of the fourth round.

Following the fight Freeman said;

I am really pleased with my performance from Saturday night.

“Yes it was a tough fight and my opponent not only took some of my best shots but he also gave some good punches too!

“I’m definitely glad I got some good rounds in too as I won my last two fights in the first round.”

Freeman’s gym mate Lee Cooper was also on the card and secured a shut out points victory over Kyle McNicholas.

Both Freeman and Cooper will be back in action on the next Kyle Gallagher promoted Victory Fight Club event at the Jubilee Sports Bank on 28th March 2020.





BOSTON (დეკემბერი 9, 2019) — Unlike most boxing prospects, lightweight prospectOMAR “THE BEAST” BORDOY (9-1, 3 Kos) is always willing to take risks, even fighting undefeated opponents, instead of simply padding his record.

Bordoy, fighting out of Danbury, CT, meets undefeated Irish sensation“SLICK” VICTOR RABEI (8-0, 2 Kos) დეკემბერი 13 in an 8-round bout on a stacked “New England Explosion” card, at MassMutual Center in Springfield, Massachusetts.

“New England Explosion,” presented byJOE DEGUARDIA’S STAR BOXING and sponsored by MGM Springfield, will air live from Mass MutualCenter in a first for New England Sports Network (NESN), დაწყებული 9 საათამდე. და / 6 საათამდე. PT. As the home of the Boston Bruins and Boston Red Sox, NESN is available nationally on a sports subscription basis.

“I fought an undefeated fighter before and it was cool to give him (3-0 Terell Bostic) his first loss,” the 24-year-old Bordoy said. “An undefeated record could be padded. Rabei is a good fighter and I expect a very good fight. He’s a good fighter who is good defensively. He’ll want to be fighting on the outside because he’s 5’ 9” and I’m 5’ 5”. But he’s coming down in weight and we’re fighting at my natural fighting weight (135 lbs.)  I’ve fought taller opponents before. It looks like he has a little power. We’re both stepping up.

“I’m excited to be fighting on live television for the first time. I’m a kid who came from nothing and now I’m fighting on TV. I’ve fought in pre-recorded fights before, but this will be my first on live television. It makes everything even more exciting. I’m glad to be fighting on this NESN platform.”

Bordoy has won two in a row since losing a disputed 6-round split decision last April to Romain Tomas (7-2). 

“I didn’t get into boxing to go undefeated,” remarked Bordoy, who will be fighting in his first scheduled 8-rounder. “Only a few fighters have ever retired undefeated. A loss doesn’t bother most greats. It’s part of my developmental stage. I’d rather suffer a loss early in my career than later. I certainly don’t feel like a defeated fighter going into this fight. I learned a lot about myself and what to do better from that loss.”

Cutting weight for this fight, Bordoy didn’t really enjoy Thanksgiving. In fact, he ate alone because it was too difficult dieting and eating with others. So, he had brown rice and baked chicken.

"ჰო,” he added. “I didn’t get to eat much. I’m going to splurge this fight. And I’ll get an early Christmas present when my hand is raised at the end of the fight.”


Bordoy will hold an open workout Tuesday, Dec. 10, შორის 6:30-8:30 საათამდე. ET at Danbury Champs Gym in Danbury, CT to promote his Dec. 13 fight. Dambury Champs Gym is located at 128 და. Liberty St., Danbury, CT. The public is welcome.

Two other Nutmeg state prospects are also fighting in 8-round bouts on “New England Explosion”, Hartford super lightweight“ACTION” ANTHONY LAUREANO (12-0, 4 Kos) წინააღმდეგANGEL “AZTEC WARRIOR” HERNANDEZ (17-14-2, 11 Kos), and Hartford cruiserweightRICHIE “POPEYE THE SAILOR MAN” RIVERA (15-0, 12 KOs vs.“MIGHTY” JOE JONES (11-1, 8 Kos), live on NESN.

NESN Star Boxing Night’s“New England Explosion” sponsored by MGM Springfield will air live for the first on New England Sports Network (NESN), starting at 9PM ET / 6PM PT. The home of the Boston Bruins and Boston Red Sox, NESN is available nationally on a sports subscription basis. NESN is the only way to watch Star Boxing’s “New England Explosion” in the New England area (except Fairfield County, CT.

For thoseoutside of the NESN regional footprint, you can catch the action viaFITE.TV. ჯდება, the world leader in the digital distribution of combat sports will stream the event live on thewww.FITE.TV ნახვა, FITE mobile apps for iOS, Android, and the FITE channels of Amazon Fire, Android, Apple TV, and Roku on a PPV basis. The FITE PPV will stream theNew England Explosion,” and be available for just$14.99.  Check availability in your area by going to theFITE.tv ნახვა.

ბილეთის ფასები იწყება $40.00 (excludes facility fees and convenience charges) და გაყიდვის შესახებ ახლაhttps://bit.ly/33kRNv4 and the MassMutual Center Box Office, as well as through Hartford Boxing Promotions (860.840.6244 / 519.1505).

კარები ღია 6:30 საათამდე. და, პირველი ბრძოლის დროს 7:30 საათამდე. ET and the NESN broadcast commences at 9 საათამდე. ET.,

Top Middleweight Contender Hugo Centeno Jr. Battles Juan Macías Montiel in Main Event of FS1 PBC Fight Night & on FOX Deportes Saturday, დეკემბერი 21 from Toyota Arena in Ontario, California

მეტი! 2016 ვაშინგტონის ფორუმსაც. Olympian Karlos Balderas & Unbeaten Prospect Raymond Guajardo Compete in Separate Fights in Action Beginning at
6 საათამდე. ET/3 p.m. PT

ONTARIO, Calif. (დეკემბერი 9, 2019) – Top middleweight contender Hugo “The Boss” Centeno Jr. will battle Mexico’s Juan Macías Montiel in a 10-round clash that headlines FS1 PBC Fight Night and on FOX Deportes Saturday, დეკემბერი 21 from Toyota Arena in Ontario, California.

The FS1 telecast begins at 6 საათამდე. ET/3 p.m. PT and will feature 2016 ვაშინგტონის ფორუმსაც. ოლიმპიურიKarlos Balderas აღების მექსიკა René Téllez Giron in an eight-round lightweight duel and unbeaten prospect Raymond Guajardo battling New Orleans-native Donnis Reed სუპერ welterweight bout.

FS1 PBC Fight Night precedes the FOX PBC Fight Night broadcast headlined by the highly anticipated rematch between WBC Super Welterweight Champion Tony Harrison და ყოფილი ჩემპიონი Jermell Charlo with coverage beginning on FOX and FOX Deportes at 8 p.m./5 p.m. PT.

ბილეთების ღონისძიება, რომელიც ხელს უწყობს Lions მხოლოდ აქციები და TGB აქციები, are on sale now and can be purchased at the Toyota Arena box office and Ticketmaster.com.

Fighting out of his hometown of Oxnard, California, Rye (27-3, 14 Kos) will look to bounce back after he lost a close decision to Willie Monroe Jr. on FS1 in June. The 28-year-old had won three out of four fights heading into the Monroe fight, including a highlight-reel knockout of then unbeaten Immanuwel Aleem on FS1 in August 2017. He will step into the ring for the third time in 2019 დეკემბერი 21, having also defeated Oscar Cortes in February.

The 25-year-old Montiel (21-4-1, 21 Kos) has fought professionally since 2009 and most recently stopped longtime contender Marcos Reyes in February by fourth-round TKO. Representing Los Mochis, Sinaloa, Mexico, Montiel will make his U.S. debut on December 21, in a career that has seen him knockout then unbeaten Ivan Montero and drop a 2017 contest to eventual world champion Jaime Munguia.

One of the most highly regarded prospects from the 2016 ვაშინგტონის ფორუმსაც. ოლიმპიური გუნდი, Balderas (9-0, 8 Kos) returns for an eight-round lightweight affair to close out 2019. The 23-year-old from Santa Maria, California has won his last five fights by stoppage, მათ შორის სამი 2019. His most recent outing saw him stop Robert Frankel in July. He will be opposed by the 20-year-old Giron (13-1, 7 Kos), who fights out of Queretaro, Mexico and is looking to rebound from a decision loss to unbeaten Michel Rivera in June.

Guajardo (4-0, 3 Kos) turned pro one week after his 19 birthday this March and kicked off his career with a second-round knockout of Leonardo Mendez in his hometown of San Antonio, Texas. Guajardo will enter the ring on December 21 in a four or six-round contest seeking his fifth win of 2019. He most recently defeated Brian Urday by first-round knockout in October and will be opposed by the 34-year-old Reed (3-4, 2 Kos) as he steps into the ring for his third fight of 2019.

# # #

მნახველებს შეუძლიათ PBC შოუების პირდაპირი ტრანსლაცია FOX Sports და FOX NOW აპებში ან FOXSports.com– ზე. გარდა ამისა,, ყველა პროგრამა ხელმისაწვდომია FOX Sports- ზე SiriusXM არხზე 83 სატელიტურ რადიოებზე და SiriusXM აპლიკაციაზე.

დამატებითი ინფორმაციისათვის: ვიზიტი www.premierboxingchampions.com, ht
და www.foxdeportes.com, დაიცვას on TwitterPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports & www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.


კრის Eubank Jr. Earns Interim WBA Middleweight Title After Matt Korobov Suffers 2 Round Injury

Ryosuke Iwasa Wins Vacant Interim IBF Junior Featherweight Title with TKO Over Marlon Tapales

Watch The Encore Presentation Monday At 10:05 საათამდე. ET/PT On

დააწკაპუნეთ HERE for ფოტოები Stephanie Trapp / SHOWTIME

დააწკაპუნეთ HERE for Photos from Leo Wilson Jr./Premier Boxing Champions

BROOKLYN (დეკემბერი 8, 2019) – Undefeated WBC Middleweight World ChampionJermall Charlo (30-0, 22 Kos) successfully defended his title for the second time, stopping highly-ranked Irish contender Dennis Hogan (28-3-1, 7 Kos) with a showstopping one-punch knockout in the seventh round Saturday night live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center, the home of BROOKLYN BOXING™, in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.


Houston’s Charlo, one of the most exciting young champions in the sport, delivered on his promise that he would close the show in spectacular fashion after going the distance in his previous two bouts. ზე :28 of round number seven, Charlo set Hogan up by feinting on the jab before connecting on a ferocious left hook to Hogan’s nose that sent him falling against the ropes. The 34-year-old Hogan, who was moving up after most recently challenging for the title at 154 ფუნტი, rose to his feet before the ten count, but referee Charlie Fitch waived off the bout.

When Hogan was dropped in the seventh round, it was the third time in his career that he had been down and the second time during the fight. მესამე ტურში, a vicious left uppercut from Charlo just 12 seconds into the frame sent Hogan rolling backwards onto the canvas, but the Irishman rose quickly and acrobatically to his feet.

Despite throwing far fewer punches, Charlo had the more effective and efficient attack. Charlo landed 86 საქართველოს 266 punches he threw (32%) while Hogan landed just 71 საქართველოს 418 punches he threw (17%). Despite Hogan landing on 61 ძალა punches შედარებით 57 for Charlo, Hogan was unable to hurt Charlo, while Charlo’s trademark power resulted in another highlight reel stoppage.

I made it through 2019 and we’re going to 2020 ერთად 20/20 vision,” said Charlo in the ring following the fight. “Shout out to Dennis Hogan for giving me real competition and for coming up to fight me.Of course my power prevailed tonight.

We’ve been working on that (the uppercut). I try to take him out with every punch and we work hard for it. He got up and he fought like a champion. Ronnie (Shields) told me to cut him off. I just threw the shot and I made sure I threw it right on the money.

The middleweight division is wide open. I’m the WBC Champion. I’m going to enjoy this and spend time with my team. I’m here to fight whoever. You have to make the right decisions and do it at the right time. That’s what it’s all about.

I wanted to keep going but the decision was fair enough by the referee,” said Hogan. “I didn’t see the punch coming on the second knockdown. I was trying to keep boxing him but then all of a sudden I was on the ground and the fight was over.

I’m looking forward to spending the Christmas holiday with my family, taking a month off, and then we’ll work on what’s next for me.

ამ თანამშრომლობის რჩეული bout, კრის Eubank Jr.'S (29-2, 22 Kos) long-awaited United States debut ended in frustrating fashion as his opponent, Matt Korobov (28-3-1, 14 Kos), suffered a bout-ending injury at just :34 მეორე ტურში. Because it was ruled a self-inflicted injury, the result was officially declared a TKO victory for Eubank, who picked up the Interim WBA Middleweight Title.

კორობოვის, a top contender in the middleweight division, injured his left shoulder after throwing a punch that failed to land. After consulting with the ringside doctor, it was deemed that he would be unable to continue.

I felt like I was about to get my swagger on,” Eubank told SHOWTIME reporter Jim Gray following the stoppage. “He just turned around and stopped. I was going to go jump on him. I guess something happened with his shoulder. There’s nothing to take from the fight. I threw like three or four punches. I was just warming up.

In the buildup to the fight, Eubank, the son of British boxing legend and former two-division world champion Chris Eubank Sr., repeatedly said that there would be a new contender in the stacked middleweight division. Despite not getting a chance to introduce himself to the American audience in the way he envisioned, Eubank is looking ahead to a busy 2020.

I’m the winner, I’m going to move forward and challenger for these belts,” said Eubank. “This wasn’t my dream. My dream was to come here to America and make a statement. Now that I’ve landed and I settled with the new promotional team, I feel I can get the ball rolling for an active 2020. It’s a shame it had to start like this, but it is what it is.

I was trying to throw the left hand straight, and I just felt the muscle immediately, like I pulled it,” said Korobov. “It was a lot of pain right away. I couldn’t fight with just one arm, especially being a southpaw.

In a battle of former world champions to open the telecast, Japan’s Ryosuke Iwasa (27-3, 17 Kos) knocked out the PhilippinesMarlon Tapales (33-3, 16 Kos) with a devastating straight left-hand at 1:09 საქართველოს 11 მრგვალი. ერთად გამარჯვება, Iwasa earned the vacant Interim IBF World Junior Featherweight Title.

Iwasa, who held a six-and-a-half-inch reach advantage, was more consistent throughout the entirety of the bout, stringing together multi-punch combinations. The decisive moment of the 12-round fight came in the penultimate round, when Tapales was caught with a counter left-hand that connected flush on his chin and put him sprawled on the canvas. Tapales beat the count, rising after eight seconds, but referee Shada Murdaugh waved the fight off.

დროს შეჩერება, Iwasa led on all three scorecards (97-92, 95-94, 97-92). While Tapales was more accurate throughout the night, Iwasa was busier and landed 163 total punches compared to 148 for Tapales and held a 125-99 advantage in power punches landed. მესამე ტურში, Tapales was dropped to a knee after an accidental clash of heads. The clash, which was incorrectly ruled a knockdown, caused severe swelling under Tapalesright eye and swung a would-be 10-9 round in his favor to a 10-8 round in Iwasa’s favor.

I knew that I had him hurt in the 11 round and I was ready for the finish if the referee had let him keep fighting,” said the 29-year-old Iwasa. “It was a tough fight but I trained really hard for this performance. My height and reach was definitely an advantage. I was able to put my punches together well. He never hurt me but he was still difficult and I had to focus to figure him out.

We’re ready for anyone next. I’m going to keep working hard to become a world champion again next year.

On Saturday’s telecast it was announced that former two-division world champion Danny Garcia would return to the ring on Saturday, იანვარი 25 ცხოვრობს SHOWTIME საწყისი Barclays Center. During an interview with SHOWTIME Sports host Brian Custer, Garcia discussed his anticipated return to the ring.

“იანვარი 25, I’m back at Barclays Center, my home away from home,” Garcia said. “It’s a great atmosphere. Every time I’m here, I get the jitters, so I just can’t wait to be back. I’ve been in the gym for a month. I’m already ready. I don’t know who my opponent is, but whoever they put in front of me, I’m ready to get it on.

“პირველ რიგში, thank God (Errol) Spence is doing good. I hear that he’s recovering well. I was really looking forward to fighting him but maybe he could be next after January 25. Pac-Man (Manny Pacquiao) or Spence, that’s who we want. 2020 is going to be a big year for me.

Prior to the telecast on SHOWTIME, SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING COUNTDOWN streamed live on the SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel და SHOWTIME კრივი Facebook გვერდი and saw Ronald Ellis (17-1-2, 11 Kos) win a majority decision over Immanuel Aleem (18-2-2, 11 Kos) in their 10-round super middleweight fight.

The back and forth affair saw both men grab the momentum of the fight at different points, but it was Ellisactivity and ability to box effectively from the outside that gave him the edge. While one judge had the fight 95-95, he was overruled by two scores of 98-92 და 97-93 for Ellis.

The opening streaming bout saw Louisa Hawton (10-2, 5 Kos) retain her Interim WBC Atomweight Championship by unanimous decision in an all-action rematch againstLorraine Villalobos (4-3, 2 Kos).

Hawton came back after being dropped by a powerful left hook from Villalobos in the sixth round. Hawton was saved by the bell in the round and finished the fight strong, punctuating the action getting the best of several exchanges in the late rounds to win by the score of 95-94 სამივე გაცნობები.

Saturday’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING tripleheader will replay on Monday at 10:05 საათამდე. ET/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME.

An industry leading production team and announce crew delivered all the sights, sounds and drama from Barclays Center. Veteran broadcaster Brian Custer hosted the telecast, versatile combat sports voice Mauro Ranallo called the action ringside alongside Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein and former two-division world champion Paulie Malignaggi. Three Hall of Famers rounded out the SHOWTIME telecast teamEmmy®award winning reporter Jim Gray, unofficial ringside scorer Steve Farhood and world-renowned ring announcer Jimmy Lennon Jr. The Executive Producer of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING was David Dinkins, Jr. and the Director was Bob Dunphy.

# # #

Charlo vs. Hogan saw WBC Middleweight Champion Jermall Charlo defend his title against highly-ranked contender Dennis Hogan live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center, the home of BROOKLYN BOXING™, in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast began at 9 საათამდე. ET / 6 საათზე. PT and featured middleweight star Chris Eubank, Jr. and top contender Matt Korobov squaring off for the Interim WBA Middleweight Title plus former world champions clashed when the PhilippinesMarlon Tapales and Japan’s Ryosuke Iwasa met for the Interim IBF Super Bantamweight Title. The event was promoted by Lions Only Promotions and TGB Promotions.

დამატებითი ინფორმაციისათვის შესვლა www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, დაიცვას on Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @BrooklynBoxing, @TGBPromotions და @Swanson_Comm და გახდეს გულშემატკივართა Facebook- ზე www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing

Simply The Best! Mark Breland

კლასი 2019 ceremony Dec. 13 Golden Nugget სასტუმროში & კაზინო ჩარლზ ტბაში, Louisiana

COLORADO SPRINGS, Lap. (დეკემბერი 3, 2019) – Arguably the greatest American amateur boxer of all-timeMark Breland will be inducted into the USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame on Friday night, დეკემბერი 13, during a special Class of 2019 ceremony at the Golden Nugget Hotel & კაზინო ჩარლზ ტბაში, Louisiana.

The HOF reception is being held in conjunction with the 2020 ვაშინგტონის ფორუმსაც. ოლიმპიური გუნდის საცდელები კრივისა და 2019 ეროვნული ჩემპიონატი, Dec. 7-15, at the Lake Charles Civic Center. ოლიმპიური სასამართლოების ფინალები კვირას გაიმართება, Dec. 15, Golden Nugget სასტუმროში & კაზინო. დიდების დარბაზის მაუწყებელიAl Bernstein Showtime Sports– დან მესამე წელია ღონისძიების ემესიის ფუნქციას შეასრულებს.

აშშ კრივში კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაციის მესამე HOF კლასში ასევე შედის კიდევ ორი ​​ოლიმპიური ოქროს მედალოსანი, "დიდი" ჯორჯ ფორმენიდა "სმოკინი" ჯო ფრეიზერი, ასევე ლეგენდარული მწვრთნელებიAl Mitchell დარეი როჯერსი

მისი. ჯონ მაკკეინი მას სიკვდილის შემდეგ გადაეცემა სპეციალური ცხოვრებისეული მიღწევების ჯილდო, მოკრივეების დასაცავად და სპორტის ამაღლებისთვის დაუღალავი შრომისთვის.

”ძალიან ბედნიერი ვარ, რომ ამერიკის კრივში კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაციის დიდების დარბაზში შევიყვანე,”თქვა ბრელანდი. ”ეს მართლაც ბევრს ნიშნავს, განსაკუთრებით წელს აპირებს Foreman და Frazier. ვფიქრობ, ეს ადასტურებს, რომ კრივში ბევრი რამ გავაკეთე. ბედნიერი ვარ, რომ შემოსვლას ვატარებდი. დიდი სიამოვნება მივიღე USA Boxing- ში. იმავე დიდების დარბაზში შესვლასთან ერთადევანდერი (ჰოლიფილდი) (Muhammadარიან, დამცველი, Frazier m მსგავსი ჩემპიონები, ჩემთვის ეს მათთან ყოფნაა. ”

ბრელანდი, ირონიულად, კრივში პირველად რვა წლის ასაკში ჩაერთო, იმის გამო, რომ იგი თავის პირველ კრივის მატჩზე მიიყვანეს, ფრაზაი-ალი I, მედისონ სკვერ გარდენში. ”ჩვენ ზედა ადგილებზე ვიყავით,”ბრუკლინში დაბადებულ და გაზრდილ ბრელენდს ახსოვდა, როგორც გუშინ იყო. ”ბრბო, ატმოსფერო ... ყველაფერი რაც მოვიფიქრე იყო, ვაუ!  სანამ არ დავბერდი, ვერ მივხვდი, რომ იქ იმდენი ვარსკვლავი იყო, რომლებიც ალის და ფრაზიერს უყურებდნენ, რადგან ისინი ყველა რინგზე იყვნენ.

”მეორე დღეს სპორტულ დარბაზში წავედი. მე ნამდვილად გამხდარი ვიყავი, პატარა, მაგრამ მეორე დღეს დავბრუნდი. მე სიამოვნებით ვვარჯიშობდი და კრივი შემიყვარდა. მსურდა დიდ ტურნირებზე კრივი. ამის გაკეთება მინდოდა, მაგრამ მშობლებს კრივისგან ვმალავდი. მათ იცოდნენ, რომ ფეხბურთს ვთამაშობდი, მაგრამ ეს მათთვის კარგად იყო, რადგან კრივისგან განსხვავებით, we had a helmet. I won at the Junior Olympics and it was in the papers. I saw it and thought my mother was going to kill me. My mother asked me why I hadn’t told her, so I invited her to watch me fight in the Golden Gloves. She was in one of the front rows, but afterwards when I asked her what she thought when I knocked out my opponent, she said she didn’t see it because she had closed her eyes.”

Breland went on to become a five-time New York Golden Gloves champion with a 21-0 ჩანაწერი, მათ შორის 19 knockouts, 14 coming in the opening round. In 1982, Breland captured a gold medal at the prestigious World Championships in Munich, გერმანია, after which he was named the No. 1 welterweight in the world by AIBA. He was also selected as Boxer of the Year (1982) by USAABF.

ამავე 1984 ოლიმპიური თამაშები, held in Los Angeles, Breland fought his way to a gold medal,

along with eight of his American teammatesPaul GonzalezSteve McCroryMeldrick TaylorPernell WhitakerJerry Page,ფრენკ ტეიტიHenry Tillman დაTyrell Biggs.

ბრელანდი, who completed his amateur career with an amazing 110-1 (73 Kos) ჩანაწერი, appeared to be cooler than the other side of the pillow on a hot, steamy night. No real celebrations after he won gold, to the contrary, Mark was emotionless, the same as he still is today as a trainer of champions.

“I’ve always been really laid back,” he explained. “I just remember raising my hands. At an Olympic press conference, I was asked if I was happy, and I just said I was glad it was over. I guess I didn’t seem excited. I was happy but calm. It’s the same way now (as a trainer); ეს უბრალოდ მე ვარ. ბედნიერი ვარ, რომ გავიმარჯვე და ბედნიერი ვარ, რომ ვაკეთებ იმას, რასაც ვაკეთებ. ”

”მარკის დომინირება მის კონკურენციაზე აშშ – ს კრივის მთელი კარიერის განმავლობაში მას მას ლეგენდად აქცევს,”- კომენტარი გააკეთაCკრის კულიარი, აშშ კრივში კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაციის აღმასრულებელი დირექტორი. ”მისი ბეჭედი დაზვერვა, მისი ხელობის ერთგულება, და ნებისმიერი სტილის წინააღმდეგ ნებისმიერი ტემპით ბრძოლის უნარი ხდის მას შესანიშნავ მაგალითს დღევანდელი სამოყვარულო ჩემპიონთა ჯგუფისთვის. უკვე დიდი ხანია მოდის, მაგრამ კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაცია იმედოვნებს, რომ ასახავს მის მიღწევებს და დააფასებს მარკს ლუიზიანაში. ”

დადასტურებული სპეციალური სტუმრები მოიცავს 1988 ოლიმპიური ოქროს მედალოსანიენდრიუ მეინარდი, წლის სამგზის ეროვნული მწვრთნელი (1972-76-77) ჯო კლოფი, 1984 ოლიმპიური ოქროს მედალოსანი ფრენკი ტეიტიდა მისი ძმაThomas, 1972 ოლიმპიურიტიმ დემენტი, 2002 ეროვნული ოქროს ხელთათმანი ჩემპიონიჯეიდონ კოდრინგენტი, 1980 ოლიმპიური შესარჩევიJackie Beard, 1981 Junior OlympicsGlen Modicue, four-time National championერიკ Kelly, 1988 Eastern Olympic Qualifier championJohn ScullyObie BeardMark Lanton დაStephensbrothers –DonaldAnthony დაჯერი.

როგორ გავხდეთ ამერიკის ბოქსიორთა კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაციის წევრი

შეიქმნა მთელი ცხოვრების განმავლობაში ჩემპიონობისთვის, ურთიერთსასარგებლო ურთიერთობები USA Boxing- სა და მის კურსდამთავრებულებს შორის, –მოკრივე, ოფიციალური პირები, მწვრთნელები და კრივის მოყვარულები — კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაცია აკავშირებს ჩემპიონთა თაობებს, შთააგონებს და უბრუნებს USA Boxing– ის კრივის მომავალ ჩემპიონებს, და გარეთ ბეჭედი.

The USA Boxing Alumni Association is open to anyone who has a love for boxing and would like to stay connected with amateur boxing. Members are granted access to a wide variety of special events host by the Alumni Association, მათ შორის ამერიკის კრივში კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაციის დიდების დარბაზის მიღება.

კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაციაში გაწევრიანება, უბრალოდ დარეგისტრირდითalumni@usaboxing.org თვის $40.00 წელიწადში საწევრო გადასახადი. ახალი წევრები მიიღებენ მაისურს, გასაღებები და ელექტრონული საფულე.

ბრელენდმა თავისი სავარაუდო პრო-დებიუტი შედგა ნოემბერში 15, 1984, ცნობილ მედისონ სკვერდის ბაღში, დუაიტ უილიამსის დამარცხება ექვსი რაუნდის ერთსულოვანი გადაწყვეტილებით. თავისი ცნობილი პრო კარიერის განმავლობაში (1984-1997), ბრენდმა შეადგინა სტერლინგი 35-3-1 (35 Kos) record and he was a two-time World welterweight champion.

The 56-year-old Breland, who once trained the late, დიდი 1992 US OlympianVernon Forrest, currently trains another great USA Boxing alumni and 2008 ოლიმპიური ბრინჯაოს მედალოსანი, Deontay Wilder, the reigning World Boxing Council heavyweight champion.

“Once I started boxing in the amateurs,” Breland concluded, “I started progressing. I learned a lot from other amateurs like different styles. Boxers from New York/New Jersey had different styles than boxers from Georgia/Florida, and fighting Cubans was completely different. I was beating up a Cuban fighter, but every time I hit him, somehow, they took away a point from me. I knew right away that I had to knock him out to win, and they did end up stopping the fight.”

კლასი 2017: ქარტიის კლასს ხელმძღვანელობდამუჰამედ ალი დაEvander ჰოლიფილდი, ვეტერანი მწვრთნელების გარდარუზველტ სანდერსი დატომ კოლტერი.

კლასი 2018: ვაშინგტონის ფორუმსაც. ოლიმპიური გუნდის მედალოსნები და მსოფლიო (პროფესიული) ჩემპიონებიროი ჯონსი, Jr., Andre Ward დაClaressa Shields, ასევე აშშ – ს კრივის ყოფილი ეროვნული მწვრთნელის დირექტორიEmanuel Steward და აშშ-ს კრივის ვეტერანი ჩინოვნიკიტომ კლერი.



Twitter: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing


First Event Streams Live and Exclusively on UFC FIGHT PASS®

 შაბათი, დეკემბერი 7 at 11 საათიდან. და / 8 საათიდან. PT

LAS VEGAS (ნოემბერი 27, 2019) —  History will be made on Saturday, დეკემბერი 7, when RJJ Boxing Russia presents its first professional boxing event streamed live and exclusively on UFC FIGHT PASS®, მსოფლიოს წამყვანი ციფრული სააბონენტო მომსახურება საბრძოლო სპორტისთვის,დაწყებული 11 საათიდან. და / 8 საათიდან. PT from RCC Martial Arts Academy in Ekaterinburg, რუსეთი.

Living legend and RJJ Boxing Promotions co-founderროი ჯონსი, Jr., is wildly popular in Russia, and RJJ Boxing Russia will officially launch Dec. 7 with the inauguralRJJ Boxing Russia on UFC FIGHT PASS.

“Roy is in Russia half the year promoting what we are doing there,” CEO and co-founder ქეით ველტრე განაცხადა. “Roy has been in Russia for a while promoting our December 7 შოუ. As a USA promoter, conducting business there is extremely rare and a privilege. We will be working with our partners to bring Russian fighters to American soil, so that they can compete at the highest level. We plan to promote multiple shows in Russia throughout the year on UFC FIGHT PASS, which will also be televised in Russia on UFC TV Russia.”

Undefeated Russian cruiserweight prospectAlexey Egorov (9-0, 7 Kos) will be showcased in the 10-round main event against his Ukrainian opponentSergey Radchenko (7-4, 2 Kos). Egorov, the European and Russian National amateur champion, stopped two-time, two-division world title challengerLateef Kayode (21-3) last year in his most notable clash.

In the 8-round, co-featured event, undefeated Ukraine-nativeMukhamad Shekhov (6-0, 3 Kos) takes on Panamanian veteranJuan Aaron Suarez (15-6-3, 4 Kos), a former World Boxing Association (WBA) Fedecentro titlist, for the vacant World Boxing Association (WBA) Intercontinental Cruiserweight Championship.

In a rematch that ended in a majority draw last February, Russian super featherweightsRuslan Kamilov (7-0-1, 3 Kos) დაEvgeniy Shirnov (13-0-3, 3 Kos) throwdown in a 10-round bout.

Russian light heavyweightsAli Izmaylov (2-0, 1 KOP) დაMark Chemidov (5-6-2, 2 Kos) open the UFC FIGHJT PASS stream in a 6-rounder.


ვებსაიტები:   http://www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.comwww.ufc.tv/page/fightpass 

Twitter: @RoyjonesJRfa, @RoyJonesJrOfficial, @ UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre

Instagram: @RoyJonesJRboxing, @artofmusiclv, @rivalboxinggear, @ UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre

Facebook: /კიტველტრე, /UFCFightPass

როი ჯონესის შესახებ, კრივის აქციები: თანადაფუძნებულია ქ 2013 მსოფლიოს 10-გზის ჩემპიონის როი ჯონსის მიერ, Jr. და კიტ ველტრე, როი ჯონსი, Jr. (RJJ) კრივის აქციები კრივის თავიდან გამოგონებისკენ მიემართება.  RJJ– მ რამდენიმე დიდი წლის განმავლობაში უკვე უდიდესი გავლენა მოახდინა კრივის საზოგადოებაში.  Creating exhilarating content for CBS Sports, Showtime, ESPN და beIN Sports ქვეყნის საუკეთესო ადგილებში, RJJ– მ დაადასტურა, რომ იგი იპყრობს სპორტის ტკბილ მეცნიერებას.

დაფუძნებულია მსოფლიო საბრძოლო დედაქალაქში, Las Vegas, NV, Roy Jones Jr. კრივის აქციები სწრაფი ტემპით ადის მწვერვალზე, მისი მზარდი სტაბილურობისთვის ახალგაზრდა ნიჭის დამატება: former world champion bantamweight Joseph Agbekoworld junior bantamweight title challenger Aston Palicte, junior middleweights John Vera and Daniel Rosario Cruz, junior lightweight Randy Moreno, bantamweights Max Ornelas and Tony Lopez, cruiserweight Adrian Taylor and middleweight Shady Gamhour, featherweight Edward Vazquez, junior welterweight Kendo Castaneda and heavyweight Alexander Flores.

UFC FIGHT PASS– ის შესახებ®UFC FIGHT PASS® არის მსოფლიოში წამყვანი ციფრული სააბონენტო სერვისი საბრძოლო სპორტისთვის. გაშვების დღიდან 2013, FIGHT PASS is now available in more than 200 ქვეყნები და ტერიტორიები. FIGHT PASS provides its members with unlimited access to live UFC FIGHT PASS Prelims; ცოცხალი შერეული საბრძოლო ხელოვნება და საბრძოლო სპორტი მთელი მსოფლიოს მასშტაბით; ორიგინალური სერიები და ისტორიული პროგრამირება; სპეციალური თვისებები; კულისებში არსებული შინაარსი; სიღრმისეული ინტერვიუები; და წუთიერი რეპორტები საბრძოლო სპორტის სამყაროზე. FIGHT PASS subscribers also have 24/7 მსოფლიოს უდიდეს ბრძოლის ბიბლიოთეკაში შესვლა, რომელშიც მეტია 17,000 ათეულობით ბრძოლის სპორტული ორგანიზაციების ორთაბრძოლები, ისევე როგორც UFC ისტორიის ყველა ბრძოლა. Fight fans can access FIGHT PASS on personal computers, iOS და Android მობილური მოწყობილობები, Apple TV, Xbox One, Xbox 360, Amazon Fire TV, Chromecast, წელი, სამსუნგის სმარტ ტელევიზორები, LG Smart ტელევიზორები, და Sony ტელევიზორები Android TV– ით. დამატებითი ინფორმაციისათვის, გთხოვთ ეწვევაwww.ufcfightpass.com.

Unified 154-Pound World Champion Julian Williams Makes Philadelphia Homecoming Title Defense Against Hard-Hitting Jeison Rosario Saturday, იანვარი 18 in FOX PBC Fight Night Main Event & on FOX Deportes from Temple University’s Liacouras Center

Undefeated Rising Star Chris Colbert Takes on Former Champion Jezreel Corrales for Interim WBA Super Featherweight Title in Co-Main Event of Broadcast Beginning at

8 საათამდე. ET / 5 საათზე. PT

Tickets on Sale Friday, ნოემბერი 29 at 12 საათამდე. და!

PHILADELPHIA(ნოემბერი 27, 2019) – Unified 154-pound world championJulian “J-Rock” Williamswill defend his WBA and IBF titles in a Philadelphia homecoming against the hard-hittingJeison Rosarioშაბათს, იანვარი 18 in the FOX PBC Fight Night main event and on FOX Deportes live in primetime from Temple University’s Liacouras Center.

The action will also feature undefeated rising star Chris “Prime Time” Colbert taking on former champion Jezreel Corrales for the Interim WBA Super Featherweight Title as the co-main event of the broadcast that begins at 8 საათამდე. ET / 5 საათზე. PT.

ბილეთების ცოცხალი ღონისძიება, რომელიც ხელს უწყობს TGB აქციები, are on sale Friday, ნოემბერი 29 at 12 საათამდე. ET and can be purchased athttp://www.liacourascenter.com/events (direct linkHERE) ან დარეკვით 800-298-4200.

Julian Williams earned one of 2019’s most thrilling victories in May against Jarrett Hurd, and there’s no better way for him to follow that up than by defending his WBA and IBF titles in front of his hometown fans in Philadelphia,” said Tom Brown, President of TGB Promotions. “The great fight fans in Philadelphia are in for fireworks because Jeison Rosario hits hard and he comes to pull off the spectacular upset, and he only needs one punch to do so. Combined with the addition of one of boxing’s best young stars in Chris Colbert in his toughest test to date against Jezreel Corrales, FOX PBC Fight Night will be must watch from start to finish on January 18 at Liacouras Center.

Philadelphia’s Williams (27-1-1, 16 Kos) captured his world titles in a FOX main event in May when he upset Jarrett Hurd’s homecoming defense in a fight that is a frontrunner for 2019 Fight წელი. Williams took full advantage of his second title opportunity with a spirited performance and an impressive game plan that negated the hard-charging and physically bigger Hurd.

The 29-year-old will now headline in his hometown, marking the first time he’s fought in Philadelphia since a 2011 victory over Eberto Mendoza. Williams earned his title opportunity by winning four-straight fights after a defeat to Jermall Charlo in 2016, including wins over former champion Ishe Smith and Nathaniel Gallimore.

This is going to be great having a homecoming fight back in Philadelphia,” განაცხადა უილიამსი. “I’m excited for the crowd that’ll be at the Liacouras Center and to be back fighting on FOX. I haven’t fought in Philadelphia since 2011, so I can’t wait to get back in the ring in front of all my people. Rosario is a good fighter and I’m very familiar with him. I know he packs a solid punch and that he’s been on a tear ever since his lone loss to Nathaniel Gallimore. So he’ll be a stiff test for me, but I’m prepared to win. Most of all, I’m just excited to defend my titles and as a unified champion in front of my hometown crowd.

Born in the Dominican Republic and now fighting out of Miami, Rosary (19-1-1, 13 Kos) will take an eight-fight unbeaten streak into his first world title fight on January 18. The 24-year-old has taken down a slew of contenders and rising prospects including Jamontay Clark, Justin DeLoach and Mark Anthony Hernandez, all of whom were either stopped or knocked down against Rosario. ყველაზე ცოტა ხნის წინ, Rosario won a decision over veteran contender Jorge Cota in April.

I’m very thankful and excited for this opportunity,” said Rosario. “I’m going to take advantage of it. I plan to bring these titles back to the Dominican Republic by knockout, but if I have to go 12 რაუნდი, მე მზად ვარ. I learned a lot from my first defeat, and it will never happen again. I also want to thank PBC, my promoter Sampson Boxing and my manager Caesar Mercedes for putting in this position. I can’t wait to make the most of it.

One of boxing’s top rising prospects, Colbert (13-0, 5 Kos) showed off his emerging power with asensational one punch knockout of Miguel Beltran Jr. in the first round of his most recent fight in September on FS1. The 23-year-old from Brooklyn, New York had an impressive amateur career and has already taken down three unbeaten fighters in his short pro career. He will look to kick off a big 2020 იანვარი 18 after earning four wins in 2019.

This is the stage that I’ve been waiting for,” said Colbert. “My last fight was the co-main event on FS1 and now we’re moving up to FOX. It’s time to show out! I’m going to show the world what the hype behind me is all about and prove that I’m a soon-to-be champion of the world. All I know about Corrales is that he’s a former champion who’s going to bring his A-game, but I’m looking to get him out of there. I’m excited to be back in Philly and I’m definitely going to have my crew and fans coming down from New York to show support.

The 28-year-old Corrales (23-3, 9 Kos) will look to rebound after a narrow split-decision defeat to Ladarius Miller in July. Fighting out of San Miguelito, Panama, Corrales won a super featherweight title in 2016 when he went to Japan and knocked out Takashi Uchiyama before winning a decision in their rematch. He also owns victories over current 130-pound champion Rene Alvarado and Robinson Castellanos.

Colbert is a good fighter but he’s not ready for what I can do in the ring,” said Corrales. “I’m going to show that I’m still one of the best in the division. This is a great opportunity to prove that. I’ve been training hard to be the best Jezreel Corrales. Thank you to my whole team for helping me get this fight. You’re not going to want to miss my performance on January 18.

#          #          #

Viewers can live stream the PBC shows on the FOX Sports and FOX NOW apps or at FOXSports.com. გარდა ამისა,, all programs are available on FOX Sports on SiriusXM channel 83 სატელიტურ რადიოებზე და SiriusXM აპლიკაციაზე.

For more information: ვიზიტიwww.premierboxingchampions.comhttp://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage დაwww.foxdeportes.com, follow on Twitter @PremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.facebook.com/foxsports & www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

Men’s Field for 2020 ვაშინგტონის ფორუმსაც. Olympic Team Trials for Boxing Set

COLORADO SPRINGS, Lap. (ნოემბერი 26, 2019) – Sixty-four of the nation’s top male amateur boxers will compete at the upcoming 2020 ვაშინგტონის ფორუმსაც. Olympic Team Trials for Boxing in Lake Charles, Louisiana, დეკემბერი 9-16.

სულ 479 boxers competed in the four qualifying tournaments with hopes of advancing to Lake Charles. The top two boxers in each weight division will advance to the next stage of the selection procedures this January in Colorado Springs and compete for a chance to represent Team USA at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020.

Here is a closer look at the boxers stepping into the ring in the eight men’s weight divisions.

Flyweight/114 lbs./52 kg

The flyweight division will feature multiple exciting matchups, as all eight boxers will be looking to represent Team USA next year and follow in 2016 Olympic bronze medalists Nico Hernandez’ footsteps. 2019 World Championships team member and 2018 Elite National ChampionMichael Angeletti (Spring, Texas) has hopes of using his great deal of international experience he gained this year to lead the pack, while two-time flyweight national champion (’16 and ’17Fernando Martinez (Phoenix, Ariz.) will want to return to the top of the podium. 2018 Elite National Championships runner-upAbraham Perez (ალბუკერკი, N.M) has hopes of redemption to take the title. YoungsterRay Ray Robinson(ცინცინატი, Ohio) punched his ticket to Lake Charles by winning the Eastern Elite Qualifier in his home state and his elite debut, დაJose Nieves (Avenel, N.J.) grabbed the title at the Last Chance Qualifier in Oxnard over an impressive field.Roscoe Hill is the second boxer from Spring, Texas to qualify in this division following his silver medal-effort at the Western Elite Qualifier in Reno. Los Angeles duoAnthony Herrera დაAnthony Olascuaga round out the field. Herrera was victorious in Reno and Olascuaga finished second in Oxnard.

Bantamweight/125 lbs./57 kg

After falling short on his Olympic-qualification run in 2016,ჰერცოგი რაგანი (ცინცინატი, Ohio) has been one of Team USA’s most successful boxers leading into the tournament, winning multiple international medals including a silver at the 2017 Elite World Championships and 2019 პან ამერიკული თამაშები. თუმცა, a mix of youth and veterans will make this division one to watch.David Navarro (Los Angeles, Calif.) finished third at the 2018 ელიტური ეროვნული ჩემპიონატი, but punched his ticket following Raymond Ford’s move to the professional ranks.Japhethlee Llamido(Norwalk, Calif.) დაRashiem Jefferson (Philadelphia, Pa.) had impressive runs at the Western and Eastern Qualifiers to earn the championship at those events, ხოლოJonathan Mansour (La Mesa, Calif.) defeated an impressive field in Oxnard, Calif. to head to Lake Charles with momentum on his side.Bruce Carrington (Brooklyn, N.Y.), a competitor in the 2016 ვაშინგტონის ფორუმსაც. Olympic Team Trials for Boxing, დაKevin Montano(Concord, Calif.), have a great deal of experience on the national and international stage to make things interesting, ხოლოXavian Ramirez (Reading, Pa.) qualified for the trials after just recently moving up to the elite division.

Lightweight/138 lbs./63 kg

Arguably the deepest male division at the trials, the competition for the top two spots will be one of the toughest and most exciting of the week. 2019 Pan American Games and World Championships silver medalistKeyshawn Davis(Norfolk, Va.) has dominated on the national stage the previous two years, and will hope to continue his run, but will have stiff competition from the other seven boxers in this bracket. 2018 USA Boxing Elite National Championships silver medalistsDalis Kaleiopu(Waianae, Hawaii) will be looking for redemption after his close bout in the finals last year against Davis. 2015 Junior World Championships silver medalistsHarley Mederos (New York, N.Y.) hopes to repeat his impressive performance from the 2019 Eastern Elite Qualifier, ხოლო 2019 Western Elite Qualifier ChampionCharlie Sheehy (Brisbane, Calif.) looks to return to the USA Boxing High Performance squad after being a member in 2018. 2019 Last Chance Qualifier ChampionErnesto Mercado (Pomona, Calif.) made the transition to the elite division easily after dominating throughout this year on the youth stage, including an international gold medal in March.Israel Rodriguez (Humble, Texas) surprised many when he took the second spot at the 2019 Eastern Qualifier, which will be a huge confidence booster in Lake Charles, დაMarcell Davidson (Shawnee, მაისი.) has the goods to reach the finals. Another boxer making the transition to elite this yearDaniel Garcia(Westminster, კოლო), secured the final spot after a strong performance in Oxnard, including a close matchup against Mercado in the finals.

Welterweight/152 lbs./69 kg

2017 მსოფლიო ჩემპიონატის ბრინჯაოს პრიზიორიFreudis Rojas Jr. (Las Vegas, Nev.)  და 2019 Pan American Games bronze medalistDelante Johnson (Cleveland, Ohio) headline a strong welterweight division.Marques Valle (Wesley Chapel, Fla.) surprised many at last year’s Elite National Championships, defeating some of Team USA’s top competitors, to secure his spot.Kelvin Davis(Norfolk, Va.), the older brother of Keyshawn Davis, will be looking to pick up where he left off in Ohio, ხოლოVictor Aranda (ნაბიჯი, Texas) enters as the Western Elite Qualifier Champion. Lavars Carter (ცინცინატი, Ohio) earned the final spot, and could see a potential third matchup against Johnson, as they met in Salt Lake last year and the finals of the Last Chance Qualifier, with Carter winning in Salt Lake and Johnson in Oxnard.Wayne Bourdreaux (Marrero, .) will be looking for a strong performance, as he is one of the few Louisiana natives in the field, დაMorris Young (Chesaning, Mich.) will be hoping to improve on his silver medal performance in Reno.

Middleweight/165 lbs./75 kg

Expected to be another weight division with exciting matchups, the middleweight division has the potential to see a fourth finals matchup between 2019 Pan American Games bronze medalistTroy Isley (Alexandra, Va.) და 2018 Elite National ChampionJavier Martinez(Milwaukee, Wisc.). Isley took the national title in 2016 და 2017 over Martinez, while Martinez was victorious in 2018. თუმცა, both boxers will have to get through six talented boxers that will be hungry to end their finals runs.Kahshad Elliot(Plainfield, N.J.), Joseph Hicks (Grand Rapids, Mich.) დაAntonio Garcia (Anaheim, Calif.) were crowned champions at the three qualifiers, and will look to continue their winning ways in Louisiana.Alexis Chaparro (New York, N.Y.), Francis Hogan (Weymouth, მასობრივი.) დაAlex Chisholm (Hialeah Gardens, Fla.) showed why they should not be underestimated with their qualifying performances and will be tough to get through in this bracket.

Light Heavyweight/178 lbs./81 kg

2018 Elite National ChampionRahim Gonzales (Las Vegas, Nev.) has the heart and determination to succeed in Lake Charles after falling short at the 2016 ვაშინგტონის ფორუმსაც. Olympic Team Trials for Boxing, ხოლო Atif Oberlton (Philadelphia, Pa.) has been on the rise following his silver medal performance at last year’s National Championships. Following the shuffling around of boxers who qualified in multiple divisionsFrancis Oran (Allentown, Pa.) is the lone regional qualifier champion, taking the title in Oxnard at the Last Chance Qualifier.Orville Crooks (Brooklyn, N.Y.), Amir Ghaffari Nikou (Charlotte, N.C.) დაNasheed Smith(Washington, D.C.) qualified to these trials after finishing second at the Eastern, Last Chance and Western Qualifiers, respectively.Chavon Davis (Mansfield, Ohio) დაRobert Magee(Byrnes Mill, Mo.) were added to the field following Javier Martinez and Adrian Tillman, the Eastern and Western Qualifier Champions in this division selected to compete in the other weight class they are qualified in.

                                                       Heavyweight/201 lbs./91 kg

After qualifying in two different weight classesAdrian Tillman (Colorado Springs, კოლო) chose to compete in the heavyweight division with hopes of being one of the two boxers in this division, თუმცა, the 2018 Elite National Championships heavyweight silver medalists will have to fend off a tough bracket to advance.Najee Lopez (Ellenwood, Ga.), Brandon Moore(Lakeland, Fla.) დაDevon Young(Aiken, S.C.) were crowned champions in the three regional qualifying tournaments and all three will be looking to continue their winning ways in a few weeks, ხოლოJoshua Edwards (Houston, Texas), Darius Fulghum (Rosharon, Texas) დაJamar Talley (კამდენი, N.J.) finished second in the regional qualifiers but could make it an interesting week in Louisiana. 2016 Elite National Champion and 2018 bronze medalistsCymone Kearney (Beaumont, Texas) was a late addition to the field after Jared Anderson moved to the professional ranks and could surprise many.

Super Heavyweight/201+ lbs./ 91+ კგ

With the medical exemption of two-time USA Boxing Elite National Champion and 2019 Pan American Games bronze medalistრიჩარდ ტორეს უმცროსი(Tulare, Calif.)** being accepted by USA Boxing, the super heavyweight division is wide open for the eight boxers competing in Lake Charles. 2019 Eastern and Western Qualifier ChampionsJeremiah Milton (Tulsa, Okla.) დაAntonio Mireles (Des Moines, Iowa) will look to be victorious once more after they stood atop the podium at their respective events to qualify, ხოლოDominic Okopie (Houston, Texas) grabbed the Last Chance Qualifier title to secure his spot in the tournament.Luis Alvarado (Keonsha, Wisc.) made an impressive international debut earlier this year and will look to use that valuable experience over the other boxers in this division.Dacarree Scott(Decatur, Ga.), Pryce Taylor (Brooklyn, N.Y.) დაKenyon Walker (San Antonio, Texas) punched their tickets to Louisiana by placing second at their respective qualifying event, while Deandre Savage (Las Vegas, Nev.) will return to the national stage after qualifying to last year’s Elite National Championships.

Boxing will begin on Monday, Dec. 9 at the Lake Charles Civic Center, with the finals taking place Sunday, Dec. 15 Golden Nugget სასტუმროში & კაზინო.

**Boxers who receive medical exemption from the 2020 ვაშინგტონის ფორუმსაც. Olympic Team Trials for Boxing will compete on Jan. 4, 2020 in a box-off against the runner-up of their weight division in Colorado Springs, Lap. for the opportunity to advance to the next stage of the athlete selection procedures**

About USA Boxing

The mission of USA Boxing is to promote and grow Olympic-style amateur boxing in the United States and to inspire the tireless pursuit of Olympic gold and enable athletes and coaches to achieve sustained competitive excellence. Additionally, USA Boxing endeavors to teach all participants the character, confidence and focus they need to become resilient and diverse champions, both in and out of the ring. USA Boxing is one team, one nation, going for gold!