分類存檔: 拳擊

權重股NIGHT HITS黃金時間!

不敗的波蘭之星亞當Kownacki戰役羅伯特Helenius的重量級標題消除在家鄉球迷的接待週六, 三月 7 領銜FOX PBC搏擊之夜 & 從FOX Deportes進行 巴克萊中心在布魯克林

更多! 重量級的轟動埃菲Ajagba進入在合作的主要事件的環 & 瑞星不敗重量級弗蘭克·桑切斯揭開序幕在行動 8 P.M. ET /下午5時. PT


布魯克林 (一月 17, 2020) – 不敗的波蘭明星和布魯克林人 亞當Kownacki 將標題重量級對決,並期待的夜晚興奮家鄉的人群時,他對 羅伯特·埃萊尼斯 在12輪的WBA重量級冠軍領銜消除FOX PBC搏擊之夜和福克斯Deportes進行星期六, 三月 7 巴克萊中心, 布魯克林拳擊™的家.

重量級的行動開始於 8 P.M. ET /下午5時. PT和特點重量級轟動 卡通Ajagba 在合作的主要事件有10輪的戰鬥, 加上權重股上漲弗蘭克·桑切斯 在步驟面對費城 喬伊Dawejko 在10輪的吸引力.

“重量級總是帶來的興奮並於3月 7 球迷們將得到不間斷的強硬來自這些巨頭的戰鬥動作,” 說湯姆·布朗, TGB促銷總統. “亞當Kownacki已經確立了自己作為一個球迷喜愛的巴克萊中心,並與每一次勝利,他卻將自己越來越接近成為歷史上第一位波蘭重量級冠軍. 他會得到所有他可以通過強硬處理和有經驗的羅伯特Helenius的. 高度重視上漲競爭者埃菲Ajagba和弗蘭克·桑切斯將分享Kownacki,並期待的舞台,繼續炫耀自己的憑據,未來的重量級冠軍. 你不打算當這些權重股步入在FOX和FOX黃金時段Deportes進行環想眨眼。”

門票活動, 這是由TGB促銷推廣, 現已公開發售,並可以在Ticketmaster.com購買, barclayscenter.com. 門票也可用於立即購買在美國運通票房巴克萊中心.

Kownacki (20-0, 15 科斯) 指出,為他的堅韌,在他過去七戰五已逐步邁向世界冠軍投籃擊倒. 這位30歲的Kownacki, 誰是出生在沃姆扎, 波蘭搬到布魯克林的時候,他是七, 在紐約市的一個多才多藝的業餘轉為職業選手之前. 他最近在擊敗老牌的競爭者克里斯Arreola 福克斯動感十足的戰鬥 八月. 他前兩次打架看到他得分超過前世界冠軍查爾斯·馬丁在令人印象深刻的一致決定勝利 2018 一月份對杰拉德華盛頓一個毀滅性的淘汰賽勝利 2019 在FOX. 這將是他連續第五和第十巴克萊中心整體打, 在那裡他經常帶出該地區的熱情的波蘭體育迷.

“這是偉大的巴克萊中心第十一次戰鬥,” 說Kownacki. “在最後九個回合勝利結束了我, 三月 7 不會有什麼不同. 我很高興,FOX是展示在免費電視的鬥爭就像是回到了舊時光, 並與我的行動帶來的戰鬥, 這絕對是必須的,看電視. 我知道Helenius的將目光拉爆冷並接替我的位置的排名, 但我不會讓這種情況發生. 我已經在訓練營與我的訓練師基思天寶和克里斯·卡爾森準備. 這場戰鬥後, 我想威爾德VS贏家. 怒II。”

在三個他的最後四個打架的勝利者, Helenius的 (29-3, 18 科斯) 將在中美對抗. 上月第二次 7, 建立自己作為連續數年的歐洲頂級的重量級人物一個接. 出生於瑞典和瑪麗港的的戰鬥, 芬蘭, Helenius的九月淘汰卡恩·特珀 2018 放棄他之前,中美奮起排名. 出道杰拉德華盛頓七月 2019. 此前華盛頓打, 36歲的曾贏得了他過去七戰六, 他孤獨的缺陷來對迪安·惠特. 他最近停止了馬特烏斯羅伯托·奧索里奧在十一月 2019.

“這是我一直在等待戰鬥,” 說Helenius的. “當我們在三月打架多年的訓練和戰鬥的將還清 7. Kownacki即將感受到雷神的錘子的力量. 我尊重他採取這一鬥爭, 但他選錯了對手. 這不會是一個戰鬥; 這將是一場戰爭. 我將是最後一個人站著。”

尼日利亞Ajagba (12-0, 10 科斯) 已經下車畫布增加了他反對在他最近的戰鬥,並通過這些測試 停止阿戈·基爾德澤 在12月和擊敗傢伙 2016 奧海阿里二連Demirezen 10輪一致決定在七月, 無論在FOX. 這位25歲的Ajagba在八月獲得了廣泛的惡名 2018 當他的對手, 柯蒂斯·哈珀, 走出環的觸摸手套之後開始第一輪. Ajagba贏得了戰鬥沒有拋出一記重拳的哈珀被取消資格. 住在斯塔福德, 得克薩斯州與羅尼盾培訓, Ajagba會讓他 2020 出道職業生涯第三個亮相巴克萊中心於三月 7, 後四場勝利 2019.

來自古巴的一位前業餘突出, 桑切斯 (14-0, 11 科斯) 現在居住在邁阿密, 在聖地亞哥與埃迪·雷諾索火車和不敗因為轉為職業選手在 2017. 這位27歲的得分擊倒在他的前六個親打架, 拿起9勝在 2018. 在 2019 他補充說四個勝利, 包括三名停工時,他擊敗了傑克Mulowayi在十月他第10輪的勝利,一致決定取勝.

Dawejko (29-7-4, 11 科斯) 一直在他的職業生涯對強硬的競爭者擺測試可以追溯到 2009. 戰鬥了費城, 他已越過路徑與常年競爭者,而在重量級建立自己. 這位29歲的最近一次擊敗了羅德尼·埃爾南德斯在七月.

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觀眾可以即時串流中國人民銀行顯示了FOX體育和FOX NOW應用程式或FOXSports.com. 此外, 所有的程序都可以在FOX體育的SiriusXM頻道 83 衛星收音機和在SiriusXM應用.

欲了解更多信息: 訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
www.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @BrooklynBoxing, @TGBPromotions, 和@Swanson_Comm或成為Facebook上的粉絲 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsportswww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

迦勒植物納什維爾新聞發布會QUOTES & 照片

不敗的IBF超中量級冠軍工廠生產似水流年標題防禦文森特Feigenbutz週六, 二月 15 普利司通競技場納什維爾, 田納西領銜FOX PBC搏擊之夜 & 福克斯Deportes體育場

新聞發布會還擁有重量級競爭者科比佩雷拉 & 在FOX所屬的對決納什維爾本土奧斯汀Dulay未來

點擊 這裡 從加文·納特/ Sweethands促銷圖片

納什維爾, 田納西州. (一月 15, 2020) – 不敗的IBF超中量級世界冠軍 迦勒 “Sweethands” 植物 預覽他衣錦還鄉世界冠軍防禦在納什維爾週三的新聞發布會, 當他準備採取強制性的挑戰者 文森特Feigenbutz 星期六, 二月 15 在FOXPBC拳擊之夜的主要事件,並從普利司通競技場客場顏色FOX在納什維爾, 田納西.

在新聞發布會上還設有量級的競爭者 科比佩雷拉, 誰需要對 阿貝爾·拉莫斯 在合作的主要事件, 加上輕巧的競爭者,本土納什維爾 奧斯汀Dulay, 誰戰鬥前冠軍挑戰者 迭戈Magdaleno 在電視轉播的揭幕戰 8 P.M. ET /下午5時. PT.

門票活動, 這是由Sweethands促銷推廣, TGB促銷和藻厄蘭促銷, 現已公開發售,並可以在購買 ticketmaster.com.

阿什蘭, 田納西州的工廠將帶來世界拳擊錦標賽回到納什維爾,並在他的家鄉,第一次打作為一個專業. 以下是新聞發布會的參與者有什麼普利司通競技場說星期三:


“這是偉大的,回到我的家鄉和我的家鄉. 我更高興能夠捧回了世界冠軍,並捍衛它二月 15 普利司通競技場. 它一直是我的夢想,因為只要我能記得. 因為我是個小孩子.

“我的工作比以往任何時候都更加努力,以確保我已經在二月提出了我的手 15. 我希望做它壯觀的時尚, 之前 12 圓. 這種鬥爭將結束在淘汰賽代表我. 我想大家誰將會是在建設和調整要知道,這個世界冠軍是住在這裡的田納西.

“我爸爸和我在這個已經持續 18 年直, 不停. 有了這場鬥爭一直有一個夢想,我已經犧牲了很多的. 這是一個夢想二月 15, 它不會被寵壞.

“這是成為世界冠軍目標, 但它不是唯一的目標. 我認為,人們往往會忘記我只有 19 打架. 我覺得我只是去到山底. 有些人,當他們成為世界冠軍, 他們覺得自己成為了被獵殺, 但是這不是我的情況下. 我還餓. 如果你在我的方式, 我建議你得到它了. 因為我不會放過你.

“我聽說Feigenbutz強和身體,他認為他要進來敲我. 邁克·李認為他會敲我和喬斯·斯卡特圭說,他要敲我, 但是你怎麼去說他們?

“在一天結束時, 拳擊被擊中,但沒有得到命中. 我有足夠的技能來備用. 二月 15, 我不會跟這個傢伙打.

“所有這些人都認為他們會走我下來,比我投入更多的拳. 但我投入更多,土地比他們更拳. 如果他認為他會來到這裡,並破壞我的計劃, 我答應你,他得到了另一件事來。”


“我很感謝今天來到這裡,並幸運地擁有這樣的機會展示我作為一個戰士誰. 我是誰是建立在質量而不是數量戰鬥機. 什麼也沒有給我. 我只是優秀的反對面臨到這個地步.

“我吃, 睡眠呼吸拳擊. 我為此做好準備. 我是一個快, 高大強壯的戰士, 高拳擊智商. 二月 15 我來主宰. 操作阿貝爾將無法.

“我有拉莫斯蟲對抗在每一個類別,我要主宰. 我開始打我的步幅作為戰鬥機. 一切都在精神上走到一起,我有一個了不起的團隊,我現在的工作. 我們只是磨每一天,把他們放在一起工作實現我們的最終目標。”


“我真的很感謝我的整個團隊製作這場戰鬥發生,特別是對於迦勒在納什維爾戰鬥鋪平了道路. 我們一直在訓練真的很辛苦,我們正在更加努力,為這場戰鬥訓練做戲在我的家鄉.

我知道我的對手是要來準備, 我們知道他來辦. 我很高興它. 我要做好一切準備,他帶來了.

“我不能等待這場戰鬥, 把一個偉大的演出,並在將來再次回到納什維爾更多的大的戰鬥。”

JUSTIN甘伯, 工廠的聯合訓練

“我們很高興回來納什維爾這場鬥爭. 這將是迦勒在納什維爾的第一個親鬥爭, 而從目前我們第一次聽到這個, 我們已經很興奮.

“他有一個令人難以置信的訓練營一如既往. 他一直在尋找真正的鋒利. 預計爆炸, 強大和更好的'Sweethands版本’ 比你見過的. 凱萊布一直在提高,總是越來越好. 他把它帶到另一個水平.

“我見過迦勒戰鬥,因為在納什維爾的業餘, 但為了他的一部分在NBA做, 這對我來說很特別. 只知道他要作秀. 技能支付賬單,他得到了所有的技能。”

里奇廠, 植物的父親 & 聯合訓練

“我們很高興能夠來到這個位置. 當我們聽說,這將是一個現實, 我們只是喜出望外.

“我們開始在這裡約 18 年前在拳擊. 多年來,我們已經長大, 現在我們有這個驚人的拳擊隊, 一個,我覺得是在拳擊比賽中的最好. 我們才剛剛開始. 我們很高興能作秀為我們的家鄉,我們會在這裡看到大家都在2月15日。”

# # #

觀眾可以即時串流中國人民銀行顯示了FOX體育和FOX NOW應用程式或FOXSports.com. 此外, 所有的程序都可以在FOX體育的SiriusXM頻道 83 衛星收音機和在SiriusXM應用.

欲了解更多信息: 訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
www.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions, 和@Swanson_Comm或成為Facebook上的粉絲 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports & www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.


兩科世界冠軍加西亞準備的WBC次中量級冠軍消除反對強硬的伊万·雷德卡奇週六, 一月 25 住在Showtime® 巴克萊中心布魯克林

費城 (一月 15, 2020) – 雙師世界冠軍 丹尼 “迅速” 加西亞 是渴望另一個打擊重返冠軍行列, 但他知道,他不能看過去強硬 約翰· “可怕” REDK 當他們在WBC次中量級冠軍消除週六面臨關閉, 一月 25 住在Showtime巴克萊中心, 布魯克林拳擊™的家, 在英超拳擊冠軍賽.

“我只是把它一次一個打,” 加西亞說. “我一直這樣我的整個職業生涯. 我知道,你不能忽視任何人. 我完全鎖定在伊万, 這就是它.

“我們只是努力工作,聰明工作. 我們正在作出必要的調整為Redkach專, 但這是在我們面前的只是一個戰鬥機. 我注意到他是真的餓了. 很明顯,他想贏, 他的到來三層實木勝利關閉. 現在,他有他的信心又回來了. 我只是要準備什麼他帶來的表1月25日。”

Redkach即將關閉在六月職業生涯最重要的勝利, 當他在他的第一次戰鬥競選淘汰前兩個分區冠軍德文亞歷山大在次中量級. 這是Redkach的三連勝,因為輸給了約翰·莫利納JR. 在一個難忘 2017 交火,看到兩人打在畫布上.

“我抓住了他對德文郡的戰鬥的一些亮點, 但並非整個戰鬥,” 加西亞說. “只見滿莫利納雖然打, 我知道我要對付. 莫利納抓住了他, 但在此之前, 伊万做得很好. 他只是不小心了. 所以我只是要我的一個遊戲和不犯錯誤。”


“我覺得我的新的體能教練真的能幫助我與不同類型的力量訓練,” 加西亞說. “我們打不同的肌肉群,它肯定對格拉納多斯顯示。”

隨著他的回歸巴克萊中心一月 25, 加西亞使他的第八領銜亮相會場, 最任何戰鬥機. 加西亞還持有競技場的單一事件拳擊考勤記錄, 他 2017 對基思·瑟曼次中量級冠軍統一攤牌. 費城本地做了一個拳擊家只有幾個小時了I-95從家鄉, 開始在領銜會場的第一個拳擊事件 2012.

“這只是一個偉大的氣氛在布魯克林巴克萊中心,” 加西亞說. “那裡的球迷都認識了我真的很好, 和所有我在費城球迷可以使快速哄抬. 他們喜歡看我打那裡,他們知道,當丹尼·加西亞來紐約, 這將是拳擊的一個偉大的夜晚。”

有了這個標題消除雙贏, 加西亞會把自己行通過統一的冠軍羅爾·斯彭斯JR舉行的WBC次中量級冠軍. 加西亞也被傳言為WBA次中量級冠軍帕奎奧可能的下一個對手. 如果這兩個對手一個是未來加西亞, 他是在自己的能力成為世界冠軍再次充滿信心.

“,我覺得像我的風格都非常危險斯彭斯和帕奎奧,” 加西亞說. “對於埃羅爾, 我看到他喜歡在他的對手面前起立,他是不是最難的傢伙打. 曼尼, 我覺得我的櫃檯沖壓和風格也將是他很難. 所以, 我喜歡我對他們兩個的機會。”

門票活動, 這是由TGB促銷和DSG促銷推廣, 上出售現在可以購買 ticketmaster.combarclayscenter.com. 門票還可以在美國運通票房購買巴克萊中心. 集團折扣可致電844-BKLYN-GP.

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關於VS加西亞. Redkach
加西亞VS. Redkach會看到兩個師世界冠軍丹尼 “迅速” 加西亞在採取強硬伊万 “可怕” Redkach在WBC次中量級冠軍消除領銜的動作直播在Showtime週六, 一月 25 巴克萊中心, 布魯克林拳擊™的家, 在英超拳擊冠軍賽.

精彩表演拳擊錦標賽開始於 9 P.M. ET /下午6時. PT和特色統一冠軍 “迅速” 賈萊特 - 赫德作戰的舊金山 “分享” 桑塔納在10輪的共同特徵, 不敗的感覺斯蒂芬·富爾頓面對同胞不敗的阿諾德Khegai在WBC超最輕量級冠軍消除. 富爾頓VS. Khegai回合是促進了伴隨的Salita促銷.

欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 在Twitter上關注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @BrooklynBoxing, @TGBPromotions和@Swanson_Comm或成為在Facebook上的風扇 www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing

Deontay懷爾德VS. 泰森怒II洛杉磯新聞發布會QUOTES & 照片

不敗的WBC重量級冠軍懷爾德 & 不敗的直系重量級冠軍騷動預覽高度期待的複賽採取地方星期六, 二月 22 在FOX體育PPV & 從米高梅大花園球館在拉斯維加斯ESPN + PPV

點擊 這裡 從斯科特柯克蘭/ FOX體育圖片
(密碼: NGLHombreTV)

點擊 這裡 從瑞安Hafey /英超冠軍拳擊照片

點擊 這裡 從肖恩·邁克爾·哈姆/ TGB促銷圖片

點擊 這裡 從米奇·威廉姆斯/前列照片

LOS ANGELES (一月 13, 2020) – 不敗WBC重量級世界冠軍 Deontay “青銅轟炸機” 懷爾德 和不敗直系冠軍 泰森 “吉普賽國王” 憤怒 繼續他們的口水戰和方形他們之前預覽在洛杉磯的新聞發布會上他們期待已久的複賽週一週六關閉, 二月 22 在一個歷史性, 聯合FOX體育PPV & 從米高梅大花園球館在拉斯維加斯ESPN + PPV.

懷爾德VS. 怒II會 14 他們的驚險後幾個月爭第一,看到懷爾德通過拆分平局保留稱號, 之後憤怒奇蹟般地從玫瑰 12 回合擊倒完成戰鬥. 這是近年來重量級歷史上最難忘的時刻之一, 和上月 22 兩個不敗巨頭將他們的口水戰世界放回環股份的要求是最好的重量級.

該事件門票現已公開發售,並可以在購買 www.mgmgrand.comwww.axs.com. 本次活動由BombZquad促銷推廣, TGB促銷, 最高等級和弗蘭克·沃倫的的昆斯伯里促銷. 英超冠軍拳擊介紹.

有魅力的明星把自己的個性磁陳列在新聞發布會, 每個舖貼要求到合法的勝利在他們的第一場比賽, 同時還宣布他們的意圖與上一個有力的淘汰賽的勝利結束了複賽. 以下是新聞發布會的參與者不得不說從週一諾微軟在L.A. 直播:


“這是偉大的,是回來的另一大事件. 這是這個時代肯定最大的冠軍之爭,我不能等待. 我總是在我的元素. 我總是在區. 現在,我只是不能等到二月 22.

“我的身體感覺就像它走進訓練營的第六週,而不是第三週. 它是驚人的有在11月奧爾蒂斯後打快速周轉. 我在形狀未來. 我把形狀上形狀的頂部,它讓我的憤怒更難做準備.

“我們的rematches都知道我總是尖銳,因為我一直在那裡之前,我知道我的對手能夠做到的事情,他們打算做什麼. 我準備了比以往對這場鬥爭.

“我敲了他我們打的第一次. 兩年前我告訴他,我打算給他施洗. 上升是洗禮的一部分. 但是這一個不同的故事. 這是未竟的事業. 因為他在WWE我要確保他得到的環淘汰, 我甚至可能會降下來從頂繩飛肘.

“怒不想複賽馬上我肯定取得這場鬥爭的更大. 我們有兩個熱身. 我有很多更危險的道路,雖然比他. 他打了它的安全, 而我去了山頂,爬上它. 我建立了我的遺產.

“如果他打我, 那麼為什麼所有的新訓練師? 每天它改變. 射擊和聘用. 他想談的形狀被淘汰的第一次, 但他在偉大的形狀. 他花了 100,000 英鎊在所有這些營地. 我還是這一天跟我一樣的人,我也不需要去改變它.

“當你面對權力有沒有辦法解決它. 你不能為準備. 你只需要希望,當它的土地, 它不會做那麼多傷害. 他甚至不知道他是怎麼在地面上或他是如何在第一次戰鬥起身. 他一直在處理,因為第一次戰鬥結束以來感覺.

“我會做什麼,我說我會做. 我要擊倒他. 我是獅子. 我是叢林之王. 我要撕他的頭他的身體. 每個人都穩坐並系好安全帶. 這將是在路上一個有趣的騎給大家,你在你的生活中見過的最好的戰鬥.

“這是公眾的一個主要的戰鬥,每個人都應該被激發. 它不’ 得到任何比這更好. 兩大巨頭和兩項冠軍, 把它全部上線供大家娛樂. 我們要離開這一切在擂台上看到誰是王者.

“有這麼多的東西,通過我的頭去,因為我把我的時間來調整和時間我的對手的動作. 我建設我需要設置他那完美的一拳數據. 有很多的東西,來搭配技巧. 不僅僅是平均基本面. 有很多不同的事情,這是什麼使得拳擊是什麼. 我的智商環是非常高的,這就是我怎麼設置它們. 我知道他想要做的一切. 他給我 100% 他已經.

“他認為在他的心臟,他會敲我. 我總是教人說話吧, 相信它,接受它. 這一切神奇的是在信念. 雖然他說的那些事, 我並不在他的能量覺得他認為,. 我覺得他是因為什麼事情在第一時間緊張.

“我剛剛從第一次戰鬥,我需要平靜將學到. 我要多很多病人在這場鬥爭中, 就像在第二路易斯·奧爾蒂斯鬥爭. The object of boxing is to win, not just to win rounds. And I win in devastating fashion.


The consensus is either he knocks me out, or I win on points. Usually when people have that opinion, it goes the opposite way around. Expect him to box and me to be looking for the knockout.

He thinks I’m going to come out herky-jerky with my famous style, but I want him to meet me in the center of the ring and have a slugfest, best man wins. I didn’t have the gas to finish him in the last fight, but this time I can turn that screwdriver until he’s gone. Let’s make it a Marvin Hagler vs. Tommy Hearns type of fight. I’ll meet you Inthe middle of the ring on February 22. Just watch out for the right hand, because you’re going to sleep in two rounds.

We finally have the rematch and I can’t remember a bigger heavyweight fight in a long time. Maybe Lennox Lewis vs. Mike Tyson was the last big one like this and that was another U.S. VS. U.K. 攤牌.

Deontay Wilder hasn’t been returning my calls or messages since I beat him last time. He’s trying to keep his distance. He didn’t want to be around me so I can get in his head. But I don’t think you can really get in anyone’s head. At the end of the end of the day, it’s just talk. It doesn’t really matter what we say. It matters what happens on February 22.

What’s going to happen in this fight is that I’m going to get what I rightfully won last time. I’m going to get the green belt and keep my lineal title. And if he wants to rematch me after, I’ll beat him again. I’ve already beat him once, and I know I can beat him three times in a row.

“我要贏, that’s what I do. Deontay Wilder can make all the excuses he wants to make. Everyone on his team can tell him he won that fight, but as a fighting man, you know when you win and lose a fight. I’m going to go out there give him a boxing lesson and knock him out.

You’re never a finished article, you can always improve. I like to keep freshening things up every now and again. I don’t make excuses. I won fair and square and we get to do it again. I’m ready for a fight today.

I’m the best of my era and I took that title from Wladimir Klitschko. Nobody disputed he was the best and I took that from him, until someone beats me, that’s my title.

He’s going to try to and the right hand. If I’m stupid enough to get hit with it, I deserve to lose. I hit the floor twice in the first fight, but it’s all about how you respond, I’m a fighting man. If he can’t finish me, I’m going to eat him up.

I’m looking for a knockout. That’s why I hired Sugarhill. He gets you to sit down on that big right hand. That’s what I’m looking for. There’s the game plan. If I wasn’t looking for a knockout, I would have sharpened up what I did in the last fight. I’m not coming for that. I’m looking for my 21ST 昏死.

When I get him in there again, I’m going to make him feel the fury. I’ve never been as sure of anything in my whole life. As sure as I was this morning putting this suit on. 100 percent he can’t win He’s got a puncher’s chance like anyone else. I’m much sharper and more fit now. I’m ready to rumble right now. I hope he train hard and goes to bed sleeping thinking about me.

湯姆·布朗, TGB促銷總統

“二月 22, 在米高梅大花園球館, it’s going to be bombs away. We have two superstars here. The best two heavyweights in the world. Both fighters are going to show a lot of passion at this press conference and all the way leading up to this fight because there is so much at stake.

These are the best in boxing. There is nothing like a big heavyweight championship fight. We have the undefeated hardest punching, the most feared heavyweight in the world and I believe one of the all-time great heavyweights in Deontay Wilder.

There is a reason Fury and his team didn’t want the immediate rematch right after the first fight. He’s taken a couple of tune-up fights instead because he felt that power on December 1. That’s not going to change this time, he can just ask Luis Ortiz.

I was lucky enough to promote the first fight and I believe we have something special in this rematch. I look forward to a fantastic fight on February 22 and we’ll see everyone there.

TODD DUBOEF, President of Top Rank

We talk about boxing having a renaissance, but it’s really about the heavyweight division. That’s what is going to create that renaissance more than anything right now.

Tyson is so true, so gritty and he backs it up with everything he does. When you combine it with Deontay Wilder, you have two great personalities. This is really the beginning of the next super heavyweight run for the sport of boxing.


This fight here is one of those fights that you don’t want to miss. The first one was one not to miss as well and I’m sure you all watched the replay. You have two great champions here going at each other. Both fighters left the ring still undefeated last time and still wanting to settle the store. 二月 22, the score will be settled.

The heavyweight division is still the biggest and most powerful division in boxing. It always will be. Everyone wants to see the fighters throwing the big blows. Wilder is one of the hardest hitters in history and Tyson is one of the best boxers. I’m happy to be training. with Tyson Fury. It’s been about 10 years since we trained together. He trained with me and Emanuel Steward and I’m here to complete what Emmanuel started.

# # #

欲了解更多信息: 訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.toprank.com, HTTP://萬維網.
, www.foxdeportes.comwww.espn.com/boxing, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @trboxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @ESPN, @ESPNRingside, @TGBPromotions, 和@Swanson_Comm或成為Facebook上的粉絲 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.Facebook.com/trboxing, www.facebook.com/foxsports, www.facebook.com/foxdeporteswww.facebook.com/espn.

輕量級競爭者 & Nashville Native Austin Dulay Takes on Former Title Challenger Diego Magdaleno in FOX PBC Fight Night Action & 在客場顏色FOX星期六, 二月 15 普利司通競技場納什維爾, 田納西

Unbeaten Super Middleweight Champion Caleb Plant Makes Homecoming Title Defense Against Vincent Feigenbutz in the Main Event

納什維爾, 田納西州. (一月 13, 2020) – Lightweight contender and Nashville native奧斯汀Dulay will fight in front of his hometown crowd when he takes on former title challenger 迭戈Magdaleno in a 10-round fight that opens FOX PBC Fight Night action and on FOX Deportes Saturday, 二月 15 普利司通競技場納什維爾, 田納西.

FOX PBC Fight Night begins at 8 P.M. ET /下午5時. PT and is headlined by IBF Super Middleweight Champion 迦勒 “Sweethands” defending his title in a homecoming bout against mandatory challenger 文森特Feigenbutz. 更多, welterweight contenders 科比 “Goodfella” 佩雷拉 阿貝爾·拉莫斯 battle in the 10-round co-feature.

門票活動, 這是由Sweethands促銷推廣, TGB促銷和藻厄蘭促銷, 現已公開發售,並可以在購買 ticketmaster.com.

Nashville’s Dulay (13-1, 10 科斯) has won back-to-back fights by stoppage since his lone pro defeat to top contender Chris Colbert in April 2018. The 24-year-old has fought professionally since 2015 並贏得了他的第一次 11 打架. He most recently scored a TKO victory over Yardley Armenta Cruz in February of last year, and his last time in the ring saw him stop Justin Pauldo in a fight that was later changed to a no contest. He will return to fight in Nashville for the first time since a 2017 勝利.

這位33歲的Magdaleno (31-3, 13 科斯) has twice challenged for a world title and will look for a signature victory on February 15 to get closer to another chance at the belt. The Las Vegas native previously dropped title fights against Roman Martinez and Terry Flanagan. Magdaleno won three straight fights between 2016 和 2018, including a triumph over Art Hovhannisyan, and most recently lost to lightweight champion Teofimo Lopez in February 2019.

# # #

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欲了解更多信息: 訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
www.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions, 和@Swanson_Comm或成為Facebook上的粉絲 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports & www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

不敗的次中量級聖地亞哥·多明格斯(Santiago Dominguez)另一個正在崛起的墨西哥KO藝術家


JAN. 30勒皮德斯傳奇賭場酒店, WA

LAS VEGAS (一月 13, 2020) –不敗的墨西哥次中量級聖地亞哥“森瑪”多明格斯 會去他的 21ST 職業勝利和 17 週四淘汰賽, 一月 30, 當他為世界拳擊理事會辯護時 (WBC) 美國銀牌第一名 2020 分期付款RJJ拳擊在UFC戰鬥通行證上®。

由羅伊·瓊斯JR推廣. (RJJ) Boxing Promotions, 與Sanman Boxing合作, UFC FIGHT PASS上的RJJ Boxing將以UFC FIGHT PASS現場直播®, 世界領先的格鬥運動的數字訂閱服務, 開始 10 P.M. AND / 7 P.M. PT, 來自Toppenish的傳奇賭場和酒店, 華盛頓.

以令人震驚的10輪主賽事為標題, 在其中不敗埃內斯托·德爾加迪略 (11-0-2, 2 科斯) 會糾纏不敗, 世界級翡翠“颶風”Bornea (14-0, 10 科斯) 空缺的北美拳擊聯合會 (NABF) 超輕量級冠軍, RJJ Boxing的首場演出 2020 有充分的潛力成為UFC FIGHT PASS所推廣的最好的.

多明格斯 (20-0, 16 科斯), 在沃思堡戰鬥, 得克薩斯州, 接替前巴西冠軍 維托爾“威脅”瓊斯·弗雷塔斯(16-5, 10 科斯) 在8輪, 共同功能的事件. 令人興奮的多明格斯, 28, 自從他的三四場比賽中的兩場在RJJ拳擊卡上進行戰鬥以來,他的反對水平有所提高. 大拳王停了下來 17-2 Ravshan Hudaynazarov 在第一輪, 23-9-2 法比安·萊莫(Fabian Lyimo) 在第二.

騎八連勝, 多明格斯面對一個經驗豐富的挑戰者,他一直在與國際拳擊聯合會抗衡 (IBF) 輕量級冠軍特菲莫·洛佩茲(Teofimo Lopez), WBC世界青年輕量級選手Jamaine奧爾蒂斯, 格魯吉亞的前景恩里科·高戈希亞(Enriko Gogokhia) 和加拿大人的最愛塞巴斯蒂安·布查德(Sebastian Bouchard).

“我覺得任何一隻手都有擊倒力,多明格斯說, “但是在我職業生涯的早期,我可以通過精確的左鉤鉤身對我的所有對手造成傷害。現在, 我的體育鍛煉繼續提高我的雙手的力量.

“ UFC FIGHT PASS真正激發了我的動力,因為我終於獲得了更多的曝光機會。 RJJ拳擊傢伙超級好,讓我感到賓至如歸. 他們讓我感到賓至如歸,而我也屬於他們。我不會讓我的經理失望, 特里·霍蘭, 羅伊·瓊斯JR. 拳擊和UFC格鬥通行證。”

多明格斯有英鎊 62-4 與業餘記錄 36 淘汰賽。他的嚴格父親讓聖地亞哥在他們的故鄉奧布雷貢城不受不良影響, 索諾拉, 墨西哥。他上交職業 2014, 立即雙手展現力量.

“我的對手手牌較小但速度較快,” Dominguez添加了。 “我認為他會嘗試移動而不是站在我面前。我現在正在和一些更快的人一起做準備。他真的很開放.

“在 2020, 我計劃經常戰鬥並在美國努力訓練。該師有很多偉大的戰士, 但如果有機會,我正在準備並準備贏得冠軍。”

德爾加迪略, 達拉斯之戰, 是前世界拳擊理事會 (WBC) 美國超輕量級比賽和德克薩斯州輕量級比賽冠軍, 自2018年夏季以來,這將是第一次戰鬥。

菲律賓前景博爾內, 額定無. 10 由國際拳擊聯合會 (IBF) 和No. 15 由世界拳擊協會 (WBA), 是前IBF青年世界冠軍,他將首次在美國作戰.

中量級不敗康納“流星語”科伊爾 (11-0, 4 科斯), 代表北愛爾蘭, 反對邁克爾·杜馬斯 (11-2, 9 科斯), 墨西哥, 在八輪比賽中. Coyle已經成為UFC FIGH PASS的常規成員,已經在流媒體巨頭上進行了三場戰鬥.

西北輕量化的兩個不敗前景, 西雅圖受歡迎理查德·范西西恩 (7-0, 3 科斯) 和俄勒岡亞伯拉罕·馬丁 (5-0, 5 科斯), 在6輪比賽中打開UFC FIGHT PASS流。


門票價格從 $15.00 到 $50.00 並可以通過購買購買這裡

門開處 5:30 P.M. PT, 在第一次戰鬥 6:00 P.M. PT, 並且FIGHT PASS從 10 P.M. AND (7 P.M. PT).

要註冊UFC FIGHT PASS, 請訪問www.ufcfightpass.com


Websites:   www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.comwww.ufcfightpass.comwww.yakimaNationalLegendsCasino.com

嘰嘰喳喳: @RoyjonesJRfa, @RoyJonesJrOfficial, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre, @YNLegendsCasino

Instagram的: @RoyJonesJRboxing, @artofmusiclv, @rivalboxinggear, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre, @LegendsCasino

Facebook的: /KeithVeltre, /UFCFightPass

關於羅伊·瓊斯JR, 拳擊促銷: 合作公司成立於 2013 10次​​世界冠軍羅伊·瓊斯, JR. 和Keith Veltre, 羅伊·瓊斯, JR. (RJJ) 拳擊促銷是它的方式來重塑拳擊.  RJJ在短短幾年已經取得了拳擊界產生巨大影響.  創造了CBS體育令人振奮的內容, 開演時間, ESPN和貝因體育在一些全國最好的場地, RJJ已經證明了它征服了這項運動的甜蜜科學。

總部設在世界資本爭奪, 拉斯維加斯, NV, 羅伊·瓊斯JR. Boxing Promotions 是攀登到頂部在一個快節奏, 加入年輕人才不斷增長的穩定: 兩屆世界冠軍挑戰者, WBO #7 和WBC #10 額定超輕量級阿斯頓Palicte, WBO #6 額定輕量級最大奧尼拉斯, 輕量級雷希梅內斯, WBO #15 額定超輕量級劍道卡斯塔涅達,  middleweights的約翰·維拉, 康納科伊爾和黑幕Gamhour, 超中量級胡安·巴拉哈斯, 和重量級亞歷山大·弗洛雷斯。

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Welterweight Sensation Jaron Ennis Continues Knockout Streak; Elin Cederroos Edges Alicia Napoleon Espinosa In Super Middleweight World Championship Unification

 觀看演示喝采週一 10 P.M. ET / PT在


 點擊這裡 For Photos from Stephanie Trapp/SHOWTIME

ATLANTIC CITY – January 11, 2020 – Claressa Shields made history yet again by claiming the WBC and WBO 154-pound world championships with a dominating unanimous decision over Ivana Habazin Friday on SHOWTIME from Ocean Casino Resort in Atlantic City.

Shields became the fastest fighter in history, 男女不限, to win world titles in three different weight divisions, surpassing the record of Vasiliy Lomachenko and Kosei Tanaka, 誰既完成的壯舉 12 打架. The near-shutout was scored 99-89, 100-90, 100-89. 

希爾茲 (10-0, 2 科斯) overpowered Habazin from the opening bell, utilizing a strong jab and a steady diet of body shots that left the Croatian mostly in defensive mode throughout the 10-round fight. In the sixth round, a series of body shots forced Habazin to take a knee in the first knockdown of her career. It was also the first knockdown for the two-time Olympic Gold Medalist and undisputed middleweight world champion in her professional career.

Following the knockdown, Habazin continued forward but did so without throwing many punches. Habazin (20-4, 7 科斯) threw just 285 相比 516 for Shields, who also connected on 38 percent of her power shots compared to just 18 percent for Habazin.

在協調功能回合, welterweight sensation Jaron Ennis scored his 15 consecutive knockout with a dominating fourth round TKO over the durable Bakhtiyar Eyubov.

The switch-hitting Philadelphia native came out with a blistering pace in the first, switching from southpaw in the opening minute while displaying his signature power and hand speed. An onslaught of perfectly timed punches floored the normally durable Eyubov for the first time in his career midway through the opening round. Eyubov (14-1-2, 12 科斯) got up but was dropped against just 20 seconds later as the torrid pace continued. Eyubov survived the round and Ennis (25-0, 23 科斯) took his foot off the gas a bit in the second, but the unbeaten welterweight still landed at will against Eyubov, who continued to press forward.

Prior to the fourth round, Commissioner Larry Hazzard warned Eyubov that he would stop the fight if he didn’t see improvement. With Eyubov still pressing forward but eating dozens of punches, referee Earl Brown stepped in to stop the fight at :34 at the instructions of the Hazzard.

Ennis now has 23 在擊倒 25 打架, 13 knockdowns over his last six fights. Through four rounds the incredibly effective Ennis landed 47 percent of his power shots.

“We knew he was coming to fight and bring pressure so we mixed it up,” Ennis said. “He was a good fighter but he wasn’t really that strong. I was getting hit a little too much but that’s how we did it to get the knockout.

“We were just setting him up for power shots. I just had to calm down, that’s all. I was too hyped. Once I calmed down and got into my rhythm that was it.

“He was taking a lot of punishment. He definitely was a great fighter though. I appreciate him taking the fight because a lot of guys don’t want to fight me.”

With another dominating performance, Ennis now sets his sights on the upper echelon of one of boxing’s deepest and most exciting divisions.

“We have been wanting all the guys,” Ennis said. “They keep running. They can’t run no more. I’m right here.”

在轉播的開幕回合, IBF Super Middleweight World Champion Elin Cederroos edged WBA champion Alicia Napoleon Espinosa to unify the super middleweight division in an all-action slugfest scored 95-94 three times.

Cederroos (7-0, 4 科斯) was more active from the opening bell, 投擲 747 total punches over 10 rounds compared to 432 for the slightly more effective Napoleon Espinosa (12-2, 7 科斯).  But the difference in the close scorecards was a second round knockdown that Cederroos registered with a perfectly timed check left hook in the closing moments of the second. It was the first knockdown of Napoleon Espinosa’s career and ultimately the deciding factor in the scorecards.

“I’m so happy. I showed that I can box and take a war,” Cederroos said. “But when I relaxed the punches just came. It feels so wonderful. Alicia was a great opponent.”

Napoleon Espinosa was game and hurt the Swedish Cederroos multiple times but she was largely unable to get inside against her taller opponent who consistently landed the bigger punches from a distance.

“I didn’t think I lost. I thought that it was fairly close but I thought I was ahead,” Napoleon Espinosa said. “It is what it is, but I don’t think that I lost this fight.

“I know she was strong, but I wanted a tough fight. I know that Elin is an athlete. I don’t feel that I lost. I feel like it was close.”

Napoleon Espinosa had been hoping that a win would position her for a 2020 fight with Claressa Shields at middleweight with all four of Shields’ 160-pound titles on the line.

“Congrats on the fight with Shields because that was what I was looking forward to,” Napoleon Espinosa said.

The event was promoted by Salita Promotions in association with T-REX BOXING PROMOTIONS.

Friday’s SHOWTIME BOXING: 特別版tripleheader將重播上週一 10 P.M. ET / PT在Showtime EXTREME.

行業領先的製作團隊和劇組宣布交付的所有景點, sounds and drama from Atlantic City. Veteran broadcaster Brian Custer hosted the telecast, versatile combat sports voice Mauro Ranallo called the action ringside alongside Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein and former two-division world champion Paulie Malignaggi. Three Hall of Famers rounded out the SHOWTIME telecast team – Emmy® 獲獎的記者吉姆·格雷, unofficial ringside scorer Steve Farhood and world-renowned ring announcer Jimmy Lennon Jr. The Executive Producer of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING was David Dinkins, 小, the Producer was Ray Smaltz and the Director was Bob Dunphy.

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WBC輕量級世界冠軍加里·拉塞爾JR. Defends His Title Against Unbeaten Mandatory Challenger Tugstsogt Nyambayar Saturday, 二月 8 Live on SHOWTIME® from PPL Center in Allentown, Pennsylvania in Premier Boxing Champions Event

Former World Champions Guillermo Rigondeaux & Liborio Solís Square Off for Vacant WBA Bantamweight World Title in


更多! Jaime Arboleda Takes on Jayson V這是lez in WBA Super Featherweight Title Eliminator


ALLENTOWN, 霸。(一月 6, 2020) – WBC輕量級世界冠軍加里·拉塞爾小will defend his 126-pound crown against unbeaten mandatory challengerTugstsogt“王拖船”Nyambayar星期六, 二月 8 live on SHOWTIME from PPL Center in Allentown, Pennsylvania headlining a Premier Boxing Champions event.

欣欣拳擊錦標賽轉播開始於 9 P.M. ET /下午6時. PT和會看到前世界冠軍吉列爾莫·裡貢多·奧爾蒂斯利伯里奧·索利斯 戰鬥在合作的主要事件空缺的WBA最輕量級世界冠軍. The telecast opens with海梅阿爾博萊達 會議Jayson VË這是zin a 12-round bout WBA Super Featherweight Title eliminator.

The main event showdown will see Russell make the fifth defense of his title as he looks to again display the skills and speed that have made him one of the elite featherweight fighters in the world. He will be challenged by the 2012 Olympic silver medalist “King Tug”, who quickly rose up the rankings facing quality opposition throughout his 11-fight career.

“Gary Russell Jr. has proven himself to be at the very elite level of this sport and one of the best fighters in the featherweight division,“湯姆·布朗說, TGB促銷總統. “His speed, power and overall skillset has made him a must-watch every time he steps into that ring. He’s going to get all he can handle from an undefeated fighter in ‘King Tug’ Nyambayar, who has the pedigree and power to make this a memorable fight. You won’t want to blink during this high octane showdown February 8 on SHOWTIME from PPL Center in Allentown, Pennsylvania.”

“The February 8 card is co-headlined by two of the most skilled boxers in the sport today,“斯蒂芬·埃斯皮諾薩說, 體育總裁 & 事件編程, Showtime Networks Inc. “Gary Russell Jr. – arguably the fastest hands in boxing – will be facing his toughest challenge as world champion against the aggressive power-puncher ‘King Tug’. And in the co-main event, 吉列爾莫·裡貢多·奧爾蒂斯, one of the best boxers on the planet since his days as an amateur in Cuba, moves down in weight to the bantamweight division for the first time in his pro career as he faces former world champion Liborio Solis with a world title at stake. Add in a compelling super featherweight eliminator and we have the makings of an action-packed tripleheader on February 8.”

門票現場活動, 這是由TGB促銷和國王促銷推廣, 現已公開發售,並可以通過購買www.pplcenter.com/events (直接鏈接這裡).  

The Capitol Heights, Maryland native Russell (30-1, 18 科斯) has held his WBC Featherweight Title since 2015 when he stopped multiple division champion Jhonny Gonzalez to emphatically capture the belt. The 31-year-old is part of one of boxing’s premier fighting families as he is trained by his father Gary Sr., and trains alongside his younger brothers, unbeaten super lightweight Gary Antuanne and undefeated bantamweight Antonio. Russell most recently stopped former champion Kiko Martinez in May on SHOWTIME after previously defeating then unbeaten challenger Joseph Diaz Jr in 2018 in a hometown defense.

“I’m forced to defend my title against another mandatory challenger and I’m going to show on February 8 why none of the other champions want to face me,” said Russell. “I’m the longest current reigning WBC champion but no one has stepped up to the challenge I present. I’m going to take care of business against a strong opponent and display all my skills like I always do.”

The 27-year-old Nyambayar (11-0, 9 科斯) represented his native Mongolia in the 2012 Olympics but now lives in the U.S. and is training out of Las Vegas. Nyambayar ascended up the featherweight rankings after his extensive amateur career with victories over then unbeaten Harmonito Dela Torre and former interim champion Oscar Escandon. Most recently he won his first 12-round decision by defeating former champion Claudio Marrero in January.

“This is going to be an exciting fight for everyone watching on February 8,” said Nyambayar. “Gary Russell Jr. is a great champion who is very talented, but he has the WBC belt and that’s what I want. I’m training hard to win this fight and I will be ready for anything that Russell brings to the ring.”

Rigondeaux(19-1, 13 科斯) will look to move down and capture a title in a second weight class in his SHOWTIME debut. Since turning professional in 2009 after one of the best amateur careers in historyRigondeaux has showcased masterful technical skills that made him a unified 122-pound world champion and perennial member of the pound-for-pound list. 兩屆奧運會金牌得主為他的祖國古巴, Rigondeaux與勝利超過nonito Donaire主場的喜歡他的名字, Rico Ramos and Joseph Agbeko. Most recentlyRigondeaux scored an exciting eighth-round stoppage of former champion Julio Ceja in June.

Born in Venezuela and fighting out of Panama, Sols (30-5-1, 14 科斯) 會讓他U.S. debut on February 8 while riding a five-fight winning streak. Sols captured a super flyweight world title in 2013 amidst a 14-bout unbeaten run. He has lost by decision in his two previous attempts at 118-pound title, including a controversial loss to Jamie McDonnell, which he has bounced back from on his current win streak.

Arboleda (15-1, 13 科斯) has ripped off five straight victories by stoppage since he suffered the only loss of his career against Recky Dulay in 2017. The 25-year-old Arboleda from Curundu, Panama will be fighting in the U.S. for the first time in his career. He’s coming off a knockout victory over Victor Betancourt on August 24.

The 31-year-old Veléz (29-5-1, 21 科斯) has strung together three straight knockout victories since losing to Ryan Garcia in 2018. The Juncos, Puerto Rico resident is coming off a knockout victory over Hector Ruben Ambriz Suarez on July 27 and is looking for another championship opportunity. He came up short in his previous attempt when he fought to a draw against Evgeny Gradovich for the featherweight world title in 2014.

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欲了解更多信息,請訪問www.SHO.com/sportswww.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 在Twitter上關注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions和@Swanson_Comm或成為在Facebook上的風扇www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing

Undefeated lightweight prospect Jamaine “The Technician” Ortiz Hammerin’ his way to medical school

伍斯特, 質量. (一月 6, 2020) – Undefeated World Boxing Council (WBC) 青年世界輕量級冠軍Jamaine“技術人員”奧爾蒂斯 (12-0, 6 科斯) isn’t a typical professional boxer whose life entirely revolves in and around the “Sweet Science.”

The 23-year-old Ortiz is also a licensed carpenter with diverse interests ranging from engineering and psychology to philosophy, and his ultimate post-boxing career aspiration is to attend medical school. First, 雖然, Ortiz’ goal is to become world champion, which would be a first for a native of Worcester, 馬薩諸塞州.

“I was always fascinated by architecture, starting with my mother’s house, and that spun off to engineering,” Ortiz explained. “I wanted to learn how to build to better understand and became a carpenter after graduating from high school. I’m not worried about getting hurt at work. I do work with my hands, but I’m in the union and everything is safe, and I’m very careful.

“Medical school is my dream. I want to help people working with cells, blood and muscle tissues, understanding the body. I’m not sure if I’ll do research or be working with patients, maybe in internal medicine, but not in traditional medicine. I’m interested in natural, holistic medicine, and working for the benefit of people.”

奧爾蒂斯, who started boxing at the age of six, will return to the ring in early 2020 為, most likely, his final WBC Youth World title fight, because this title is for fighters 23 or younger, and Jamaine turns 24 on April 28.

The WBC World Youth title has been a stepping-stone for great champions such asSaul “Canelo” Alvarez蒂莫西·布拉德利,丹尼·加西亞 和獅子座聖克魯斯, 更多的名人之中.

“I’m proud to be the WBC World lightweight champion, but I’ll have to give it up in April when I turn 24.,” Ortiz remarked. “I’ll win bigger titles as I get older. This has been good for now, but I’m going on to bigger and better things. I’m confident that I’ll be world champion in 2021 and I want to be a multiple wight-class world champion before I retire.”

Ortiz recently gained even more confidence when特菲莫·洛佩茲(Teofimo Lopez) (15-0, 12 科斯) captured the International Boxing Federation (IBF) World lightweight championship, 淘汰衛冕冠軍Richard Commey in the second round this past December.

在 2015 全國金手套, Ortiz lost a decision to Lopez in the championship final. “He didn’t do that stuff to me (like he did to Commey),” Ortiz noted. “He didn’t beat me up. I lost a decision, but I showed that I could fight with him. He was nothing like you saw on television (VS. Commey), though. I’ve watched him get better and better.

So is Ortiz and before he swaps his boxing gloves for a stethoscope, he has unfinished business in boxing. Nothing short of capturing a world championship crown will satisfy “The Technician.”

Claressa盾股份新年的決議 & 預覽即將舉辦的冠軍對決反對IVANA HABAZIN FRIDAY, 一月 10

無可爭議的中量級冠軍盾牌戰鬥Habazin對空缺的WBC & WBO 154磅重的標題住在Showtime從

海洋賭場度假村在大西洋城, N.J.

MIAMI(一月 2, 2020) – 隨著日曆翻轉到一個新的十年, 無可爭議的中量級冠軍Claressa盾共享未來她即將攤牌她的新年新希望是對前世界冠軍伊万娜Habazin對於發生在星期五空缺的WBC和WBO 154磅重的冠軍, 一月 10 住在Showtime從海洋賭場度假村在大西洋城, N.J.

“我真的有在新的一年只有一個主分辨率 – 沒有妥協,“希爾茲說. “這也適用於我的兩個個人和職業生活. 我也想更接近上帝和住宿不敗. 我正想說停止咒罵還, 但是,這只是沒有發生。“

盾VS. Habazin將打開 2020 大拳擊比賽的一年, 盾牌尋求成為拳擊歷史上最快的戰鬥機, 男女不限, 成為三處世界冠軍.

“我很高興揭開序幕2020年,”希爾茲說. “Gervonta戴維斯結束 2019 在Showtime然後GWOAT中帶來了新年的SHOWTIME 2020. 這將是一個偉大的開局. 我來與爆炸和開槍擊倒.

“我超級高興有賈瑞恩恩尼斯在undercard, 太. 對我來說,, 他的下一個羅伊·瓊斯JR. 拳. 他的新潮, 他有力量, 他可以框,他是一個全能運動員專用. 我期待著作為一個未來的世界冠軍與他分享卡“。


“我做了 154 英鎊取消之前早在十月,“希爾茲說. “經過我們的鬥爭已被取消, 我依然活躍,只有把關於 10 英鎊. 我已經倒在佛羅里達州在過去的六,七個星期. 它一直努力工作. 我已經把自己推,我沒有服用Habazin掉以輕心. 我想淘汰賽,因為王菀話太多. 我住集中在被聚焦, 而不是讓任何人把我關通過胡說八道.

“我不吃肉了. 我沒有在三個月以上, 所以我的身體現在更低調. 我其實有六塊已與一點點更多的重量損失. 我認為,人們會在我的154磅重的版本感到驚訝. 我會非常強,非常快,因為我​​已經基本具備了五個月準備,並準備對她特別“。

儘管訓練營帶著她通過貪吃是由群眾慶祝節日的許多事件, 盾一直保持紀律她的機會,使更多的歷史提前.

“在假期前後平衡是我一直在做了多年,“希爾茲說. “我被不回家過聖誕節節省了很多錢, 這是肯定的. 但我還是跟我的家人說話和大家一起連接. 我在訓練營非常嚴格的飲食,其實我訓練的聖誕節. 我認為我的飲食,一般更多的是人生規劃的, 我有我的日子,我會揮霍, 但我留紀律。“

下週在大西洋城事件的未​​來, 盾牌計劃發動,並在她的途中另一份聲明中另一個總冠軍殊榮的性能.

“不管她怎麼說, 這個拍下來已於十月來臨,“希爾茲說. “我做的是將它帶到大西洋城. 我要敲她出去. 我要放下一個完全不同的拍下來她,因為不敬的水平,她已經表明了我. 我不打算讓她對我不敬,我要敲她出去她關。“
