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Unbeaten Polish Star Adam Kownacki Battles Robert Helenius in Heavyweight Title Eliminator in Front of Hometown Fans Saturday, Kovas 7 Išmušimas FOX TSK Fight Night & on FOX Deportes from "Barclays" centras BRUKLINAS

Daugiau! Heavyweight Sensation Efe Ajagba Enters the Ring in Co-Main Event & Rising Unbeaten Heavyweight Frank Sánchez Kicks Off Action at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT

Bilietai parduodami dabar!

BROOKLYN (Sausis 17, 2020) – Undefeated Polish star and Brooklyn native Adomas Kownacki will headline a night of heavyweight showdowns and look to thrill his hometown crowd when he takes on Robert Helenius in a 12-round WBA Heavyweight Title eliminator headlining FOX PBC Fight Night and on FOX Deportes Saturday, Kovas 7 iš "Barclays Center", Brooklyn bokso ™ Namai.

The heavyweight action begins at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT and features heavyweight sensation Cartoon Ajagba in a 10-round fight in the co-main event, plus rising heavyweightFrank Sánchez steps in to face Philadelphia’s Joey Dawejko in a 10-round attraction.

Heavyweights always bring excitement and on March 7 fans are going to get non-stop hard-hitting action from these fighting giants,” sakė Tomas Ruda, Prezidentas TGB Akcijos. “Adam Kownacki has established himself as a fan-favorite at Barclays Center and with each victory he puts himself closer and closer to becoming the first Polish heavyweight champion in history. He’ll be given all he can handle by the tough and experienced Robert Helenius. Highly regarded rising contenders Efe Ajagba and Frank Sánchez will share the stage with Kownacki and look to continue to show off their credentials as future heavyweight champions. You’re not going to want to blink when these heavyweights step into the ring in primetime on FOX and FOX Deportes.

Bilietus į renginį, kuris yra skatinamas TGB Akcijos, are on sale now and can be purchased at Ticketmaster.com and barclayscenter.com. Tickets are also available for purchase now at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center.

Kownacki (20-0, 15 Kos) is noted for his tenacity and has been progressing towards a world title shot with knockouts in five of his last seven fights. The 30-year-old Kownacki, who was born in Lomza, Poland and moved to Brooklyn when he was seven, was an accomplished amateur in New York City before turning pro. He most recently bested veteran contender Chris Arreola in an action-packed fight on FOX rugpjūčio. His previous two fights had seen him score an impressive unanimous decision victory over former world champion Charles Martin in 2018 and a devastating knockout victory against Gerald Washington in January 2019 nuo FOX. This will be his fifth straight and tenth overall fight at Barclays Center, where he has routinely brought out the area’s passionate Polish sports fans.

It’s great to be fighting in Barclays Center for the tenth time,” sakė Kownacki. “The last nine bouts ended in victory for me, and March 7 won’t be any different. I’m happy that FOX is showcasing the fight on free television like it was back in the old days, and with the action my fights bring, it’s definitely must-watch TV. I know Helenius will be looking to pull an upset and take my place in the rankings, but I won’t let that happen. I’m already in camp with my trainers Keith Trimble and Chris Carlsen getting ready. Po šios kovos, I want the winner of Wilder vs. Fury II.

A winner in three of his last four fights, Helenius (29-3, 18 Kos) will fight in the U.S. for the second time on March 7, after establishing himself as one of Europe’s top heavyweights for several years. Born in Sweden and fighting out of Mariehamn, Suomija, Helenius knocked out Erkan Teper in September 2018 to rise up the rankings before dropping his U.S. debut to Gerald Washington in July 2019. Prior to the Washington fight, the 36-year-old had won six of his last seven fights, with his lone blemish coming against Dillian Whyte. He most recently stopped Mateus Roberto Osorio in November 2019.

This is the fight I have been waiting for,” said Helenius. “All of the years of training and fighting will pay off when we fight on March 7. Kownacki is about to feel the strength of Thor’s hammer. I respect him for taking this fight, but he chose the wrong opponent. This is not going to be a fight; tai bus karas. I will be the last man standing.

Nigerijos Ajagba (12-0, 10 Kos) has increased his opposition in his recent fights and passed those tests by getting off the canvas to stop Iago Kiladze in December and defeating fellow 2016 Olimpo Ali Eren Demirezen iki 10-apvalios vieningu sprendimu liepos, both on FOX. 25-metų Ajagba įgijo plačiai žinomumas rugpjūčio 2018 kai jo oponentas, Curtis Harper, išėjo iš ringo po neliesti pirštines pradėti pirmąjį etapą. Ajagba laimėjo kovą be mesti punch kaip buvo diskvalifikuotas Harper. Gyvenimas Stafford, Teksaso ir mokymas Ronnie Shields, Ajagba will make his 2020 debut and third career appearance at Barclays Center on March 7, after four victories in 2019.

A former amateur standout from Cuba, Sánchez (14-0, 11 Kos) now lives in Miami, trains in San Diego with Eddy Reynoso and is unbeaten since turning pro in 2017. 27-metų įmetė nokautai jo pirmuosius šešis pro muštynes, ir pakėlė devynias pergales 2018. Į 2019 he added four more triumphs, including three stoppages and his first 10-round victory when he bested Jack Mulowayi in October to win by unanimous decision.

Dawejko (29-7-4, 11 Kos) has been tested against a slew of tough contenders in his career that dates back to 2009. Kova iš Filadelfijos, he has crossed paths with perennial contenders while establishing himself in the heavyweight division. The 29-year-old most recently defeated Rodney Hernandez in July.

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Stebėtojai gali gyventi srautas PBC laidas FOX Sports "ir" Fox DABAR apps arba FOXSports.com. Papildomai, Visos programos yra prieinamos Fox Sports ant SiriusXM kanalą 83 palydovinių radijo ir ant SiriusXM app.

Daugiau informacijos: apsilankymas www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
ir www.foxdeportes.com, sekti TwitterPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @BrooklynBoxing, TGBPromotions, ir @Swanson_Comm arba tapkite gerbėju Facebook metu www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports ir www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.


Nepralaimi IBF vidutinio svorio čempionas Augalų Modelių Homecoming Pavadinimas gynybos nuo Vinsentas Feigenbutz šeštadienį, Vasaris 15 nuo Bridgestone Arena Nashville, Tenesis išmušimas FOX TSK Fight Night & Fox Deportes

Spaudos konferencija, Įrengtas Papildsvars varžovas Bryant Perrella & Nešvilio Gimtoji Ostinas Dulay Prieš atitinkamų showdowns Fox

Spauskite ČIA už Nuotraukos iš Gavin Nutt / Sweethands Akcijos

NASHVILLE Iš, Tenn. (Sausis 15, 2020) – Nepralaimi IBF vidutinio svorio pasaulio čempionas Kalebas “Sweethands” augalai žiūrėta savo Homecoming pasaulio čempionų titulą gynybos spaudos konferencijoje Nashville trečiadienį, kaip jis rengiasi priimti privalomo varžovas Vincentas Feigenbutz Šeštadienis, Vasaris 15 į FOXPBC Fight Night pagrindinį renginį ir FOX Deportes nuo Bridgestone Arena Nešvilyje, Tenesis.

Spaudos konferencijoje taip pat rodoma Papildsvars varžovas Bryantas Perrella, kas įgauna Abel Ramos į bendrai Main Event, plius lengvas varžovas ir Našvilis gimtoji Ostinas Dulay, kas kovas buvęs pavadinimas Challenger Diegas Magdaleno į televiziją atidarytuvas ne 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT.

Bilietus į renginį, kuris yra skatinamas Sweethands skatinimo, TGB Akcijos ir Sauerland Akcijos, parduodami dabar ir galima įsigyti ticketmaster.com.

Ashland, Tennessee gamykloje atneš pasaulio čempionato bokso atgal į Nashville ir kovoti už pirmą kartą kaip profesionalas savo buveinės valstybės. Štai ką spaudos konferencijoje dalyviai turėjo pasakyti trečiadienį Bridgestone Arena:


“Tai puiku, kad atgal į mano gimtąjį miestą ir mano gimtojo miesto. Aš dar malonu būti pareikšti namo pasaulio čempionų titulą ir jį ginti vasario 15 ne Bridgestone Arena. Tai buvo mano svajonė nuo tol galėčiau prisiminti. Nes buvau mažas vaikas.

“Dirbu sunkiau nei bet kada įsitikinti, kad aš mano ranka iškėlė vasario 15. Aš ieškau daryti įspūdingas mados, prieš 12oji turas. Ši kova vyksta pabaigoje nokautas mano vardu. Noriu visiems, kurie ketina būti pastato ir sureguliuota žinoti, kad šis pasaulis pavadinimas apsistoja čia Tennessee.

“Mano tėtis ir aš jau vyksta ne tai už 18 metų tiesus, non-stop. Atsižvelgdama šią kovą buvo svajonė, kad aš paaukoti daug už. Tai svajonė, kad vasario 15, jis nebus sugedęs.

“Tai buvo tikslas tapti pasaulio čempionu, tačiau tai buvo ne vienintelis tikslas. Manau, kad žmonės linkę pamiršti aš tik 19 kovas. Aš jaučiuosi kaip aš ką tik padarė jį į kalno bazę. Kai kurie žmonės, kai jie taps čempionu, jie jaučiasi tarsi jie tampa medžiojama, bet tai ne tas atvejis su manimi. Aš vis dar alkanas. Jei esate savo kelią, Siūlyčiau gauti iš jo. Kadangi aš ne tavęs pasiilgau.

“Girdėjau Feigenbutz yra stipri fizinė ir jis mano, kad jis ketina ateiti ir trankyti mane. Mike'as Lee, manė, kad jis ketino trankyti mane Jose Uzcategui sakė jis ketina trankyti mane, bet Kaip pritraukėte kad eiti už juos?

“Tuo dienos pabaigos, Boksas nukentėjo ir negaunate nukentėjo. Turiu daug įgūdžių atsarginis. Vasario 15, Aš ne žaisti su šio vaikino.

“Visi šie vaikinai galvoja, kad jie ketina eiti mane ir mesti daugiau štampus už mane. Bet aš mesti daugiau ir iškrauti daugiau štampus, nei jų. Jei jis mano, kad jis ketina ateiti čia ir sugadinti savo planus, Aš jums pažadu, kad jis gavo dar vienas dalykas, ateina.”

BRYANT Perrella

“Aš dėkinga, kad čia šiandien ir palaimino turėti galimybę pademonstruoti, kas aš esu, kaip kovotoją. Aš kovotojas, kuris pastatytas ant kokybės, o ne kiekybei. Nieko nebuvo duota man. Aš susidūrė nieko, bet puikiai opoziciją šio taško.

“aš valgau, miego ir kvėpuoti Boksas. Aš esu pasirengęs už tai. Aš greitai, stiprus ir aukštas kovotojas, su dideliu bokso IQ. Vasaris 15 Aš einu dominuoti. Operacija Abelis negalės.

“Turiu Ramos outmatched ne kiekvienoje kategorijoje ir aš ruošiuosi dominuoti. Aš pradedu nukentėjo mano žingsnį, kaip kovotoją. Viskas ateina kartu psichiškai ir turiu nuostabi komanda dirba kartu su manimi dabar. Mes tiesiog šlifavimo kiekvieną dieną ir padėkite jį visi kartu siekti mūsų galutinis tikslas.”


“Aš tikrai dėkinga visą savo komanda už ši kova įvyktų, ir ypač Kalebo grindinio kelią kovoje Nešvilyje. Mes jau mokyti tikrai sunku ir mes mokymas dar sunkiau šioje kovoje įdėti į šou mano gimtajame mieste.

Aš žinau, mano oponentas ketina ateiti pasiruošęs, mes žinome, ką jis ateina daryti. Aš susijaudinęs už jį. Aš ruošiuosi būti pasirengę bet kam jis duoda.

“Aš negaliu laukti, kol šioje kovoje, įdėti į didelį efektyvumą ir grįžti į Nashville ateityje vėl daugiau didelių kovų.”

JUSTIN GAMBER, Augalų CO-treniruoklis

“Džiaugiamės, grįžti į Nashville šioje kovoje. Tai bus Kalebo pirmasis Pro kova Nashville, ir nuo to momento, kad mes pirmą kartą išgirdo apie tai, mes jau tikrai malonu.

“Jis turėjo neįtikėtiną treniruočių stovyklą kaip visada. Jis buvo ieškote tikrai aštrus. Tikėtis sprogmenį, galingas ir geriau portalo "Sweethands’ nei jūs matėte dar. Kalebas visada gerinti ir visada vis geriau. Jis imasi ją į kitą lygį.

“Mačiau Caleb kovą kaip Nešvilyje mėgėjų, bet būti jam dalis tai daro profesionalai, tai toks ypatingas man. Tiesiog žinau, kad jis ketina įdėti į šou. Įgūdžiai apmokėti sąskaitas ir jis gavo visus reikiamus įgūdžius.”

Richie AUGALŲ, Augalų Tėvas & Bendras treneris

“Mes labai džiaugiamės, kad čia šioje pozicijoje. Kai tik išgirdome, kad tai vyksta, kad būtų realybė, mes buvome tik nudžiugęs.

“Mes pradėjome čia apie 18 metų senumo bokso. Per metus mes išaugo, ir dabar mes turime šį nuostabų bokso komanda, vienas, kad aš jaučiu yra geriausias bokso. Mes tik pradedate. Džiaugiamės, kad galime įdėti į šou mūsų gimtajame mieste ir mes pamatyti visus čia vasario 15 dieną.”

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Stebėtojai gali gyventi srautas PBC laidas FOX Sports "ir" Fox DABAR apps arba FOXSports.com. Papildomai, Visos programos yra prieinamos Fox Sports ant SiriusXM kanalą 83 palydovinių radijo ir ant SiriusXM app.

Daugiau informacijos: apsilankymas www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
ir www.foxdeportes.com, sekti TwitterPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, ir @Swanson_Comm arba tapkite gerbėju Facebook metu www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports & www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

Danny Garcia treniruočių stovyklą KVOTOS

Dviejų skyrius pasaulio čempionas Garsija Rengia ir WBC negu vidutinis svoris Pavadinimas Eliminator kietus pataikyti Ivan Redkach šeštadienį, Sausis 25 Live Showtime® iš "Barclays Center" Brukline

PHILADELPHIA (Sausis 15, 2020) – Dviejų padalinys pasaulio čempionas Danny “Greitai” Garcia yra pasirengę už kitą crack ne grįžti į čempionato gretas, bet žino, kad jis negali žiūrėti pro bezkompromisowej Jonas “Siaubingi” REDK kai jie susiduria ne į WBC negu vidutinis svoris Pavadinimas Eliminator šeštadienį, Sausis 25 gyvena Showtime iš "Barclays Center", Brooklyn bokso ™ Namai, į "Premier" Boksas Čempionų atveju.

“Aš tiesiog jį vartoti vieną kovoti metu,” Sakė Garcia. “Aš buvau, kad taip visa mano karjera. Aš žinau, kad jūs negalite pamiršti visiems. Aš visiškai užrakintas nuo Ivan, Štai ir viskas.

“Mes tiesiog dirbame ir darbo protingas. Mes darome reikiamus koregavimus Redkach specialiai, bet tai tik dar vienas kovotojas prieš mus. Aš pastebėjau, kad jis tikrai alkanas. Jis akivaizdžiai nori laimėti, ir jis ateina ne iš trijų kietojo pergalių. Jis turi savo patikimumo atgal dabar. Aš tiesiog turi būti pasirengę ką jis atneša prie stalo sausio 25 dieną.”

Redkach atskilimas karjeros-geriausias pergalę birželio, kai jis iškrenta buvęs dviejų padalinys čempiono Devon Alexander jo pirmąją kovą agitacijos metu Papildsvars. It was Redkach’s third straight victory since losing to John Molina Jr. in a memorable 2017 firefight that saw both men hit the canvas.

I caught some highlights of his fight against Devon, but not the whole fight,” Sakė Garcia. “I saw the full Molina fight though, and I know what I’m up against. Molina caught him, but before that, Ivan was doing well. He just got careless. So I just have to be on my A-game and make no mistakes.

Garcia’s last outing was a victory in April over veteran contender Adrian Granados that was notable in that Garcia flashed impressive power in becoming the first person to ever knock out the durable Granados.

I feel like my new conditioning coach has really been able to help me with different kinds of strength training,” Sakė Garcia. “Mes pataikyti skirtingų raumenų grupių, ir tai tikrai parodė prieš Granados.”

Su jo sugrįžimo į "Barclays Center sausio 25, Garcia daro savo aštuntąjį išmušimas išvaizdą renginio vietoje, labiausiai bet kovotojas. Garcia taip pat turi arenoje vienintelį įvykį Boksas lankomumo rekordą, jo 2017 Welterweight pavadinimas suvienijimas kortų atvertimo prieš Keith Thurman. Filadelfijos gimtoji padarė Boksas Namuose tik porą valandų iki I-95 iš jo gimtajame mieste, pradedant pagrindiniu "vieta pirmąjį bokso renginį 2012.

“Tai tiesiog puiki atmosfera Brukline ir "Barclays Center",” Sakė Garcia. “Į ten gerbėjai Dotarłeś, kad mane pažįsta labai gerai, ir visi mano gerbėjai Philly gali padaryti greitai vairuoti iki. Jie mėgsta žiūrėti man kovoti ten ir jie žino, kada Danny Garcia ateina į Niujorką, jis ketina būti puiki naktis bokso.”

Su šioje antraštinėje Eliminator laimėti, Garcia būtų įdėti save linija WBC pusvidutinio svorio pavadinime turimą vieningą čempiono Errol Spence Jr. Garcia taip pat buvo Eiga gandai, kaip galimą kitą varžovą už WBA pusvidutinio svorio čempiono Manny Pacquiao. Jei viena iš šių dviejų oponentų yra šalia už Garcia, Jis yra įsitikinęs, jo sugebėjimų tapti pasaulio čempionu vėl.

“Jaučiu, kaip mano stilius yra pavojingas tiek Spence ir Pacquiao,” Sakė Garcia. “dėl Errol, Matau jis mėgsta stovėti priešais jo priešininkai ir jis yra ne sunkiausia vaikinas, kad pasiektų. su Manny, Jaučiu, kaip mano kovos skylių ir stilius taip pat būtų sunku jam. Taip, Man patinka mano šansai prieš abu.”

Bilietus į renginį, kuris yra skatinamas TGB paaukštinimo ir DSG paaukštinimo, yra parduoti dabar ir galima įsigyti ticketmaster.com ir barclayscenter.com. Bilietus taip pat galima įsigyti American Express kasoje "Barclays Center". Grupė nuolaidos paskambinę 844-BKLYN-GP.

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garcia prieš. Redkach pamatysite dviejų padalinys pasaulio čempionas Danny “Greitai” Garcia imtis sunkaus pataikyti Ivan “Siaubingi” Redkach į WBC negu vidutinis svoris Pavadinimas Eliminator išmušimas veiksmų gyvai Showtime šeštadienį, Sausis 25 iš "Barclays Center", Brooklyn bokso ™ Namai, į "Premier" Boksas Čempionų atveju.

Showtime ČEMPIONATO Boksas prasideda 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT ir matomas vieningą čempionas “Greitai” Jarrett Hurd kovoja Franciskas “Dalis” Santana į 10-apvalios bendrai funkcija, ir nenugalėtas sensacija Stephenas Fulton susiduria kolegos nenugalėtas Arnold Khegai į Eliminator WBC Gaidys antraštinės. Fulton vs. Khegai bijau skatinamas bendradarbiaujant su Salita Akcijos.

Daugiau informacijos rasite www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, sekti Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @BrooklynBoxing, @TGBPromotions ir @Swanson_Comm ar tapti gerbėju "Facebook" tuo www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing


Unbeaten WBC Heavyweight Champion Wilder & Undefeated Lineal Heavyweight Champion Fury Preview Highly Anticipated Rematch Taking Place Saturday, Vasaris 22 in FOX Sports PPV & ESPN+ PPV from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas

Spauskite ČIA for Photos from Scott Kirkland/FOX Sports
(Password: foxsports)

Spauskite ČIA for Photos from Ryan Hafey/Premier Boxing Champions

Spauskite ČIA for Photos from Sean Michael Ham/TGB Promotions

Spauskite ČIA for Photos from Mikey Williams/Top Rank

LOS ANGELES (Sausis 13, 2020) – Unbeaten WBC Heavyweight World Champion Deontay “Bronzos bombonešis” Wilder and undefeated lineal champion Tysonas “The Gypsy King” Įniršis continued their war of words and previewed their much anticipated rematch at a Los Angeles press conference on Monday before they square off Saturday, Vasaris 22 in a historic, joint FOX Sports PPV & ESPN+ PPV from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

Wilder vs. Fury II will come 14 months after their thrilling first fight that saw Wilder retain the title via split draw, after Fury miraculously rose from a 12oji round knockdown to finish the fight. It is one of the most memorable moments in recent heavyweight history, and on February 22 the two undefeated titans will take their war of words back into the ring to stake their claim as the best heavyweight in the world.

Tickets for the event are on sale now and can be purchased at www.mgmgrand.com arba www.axs.com. The event is promoted by BombZquad Promotions, TGB Akcijos, Top Rank and Frank Warren’s Queensberry Promotions. A Premier Boxing Champions presentation.

The charismatic stars put their magnetic personalities on display at the press conference, each laying claim to a rightful victory in their first contest, while also declaring their intent on finishing the rematch with an emphatic knockout victory. Here is what the press conference participants had to say Monday from The Novo by Microsoft at L.A. Live:


It’s great to be back for another big event. This is the biggest title fight of this era for sure and I can’t wait. I’m always in my element. I’m always in the zone. Right now I just can’t wait for February 22.

My body feels like its walking into the sixth week of camp instead of the third week. It’s been amazing to have the quick turnaround after the Ortiz fight in November. I’m coming in shape. I put shape on top of shape and it’s allowed me to prepare even harder for Fury.

We all know in rematches I’m always sharp because I’ve been in there before and I know what my opponent is capable of doing and what they plan on doing. I’m prepared more than ever for this fight.

I knocked him out the first time we fought. I told him two years ago I was going to baptize him. Rising up is part of the baptism. But this a different story. This is unfinished business. Because he’s in WWE I’m going to make sure he gets knocked out of the ring, I might even come down with a flying elbow from the top rope.

Fury not wanting the rematch me immediately definitely made this fight bigger. We had two warmups. I had a lot more dangerous road than he had though. He played it safe, while I went to the mountain top and climbed it. I’m building for my legacy.

If he beat me, then why all the new trainers? Every day it changes. Firing and hiring. He wants to talk about being out of shape the first time, bet jis buvo labai formos. He spent 100,000 pounds on all those camps. I still to this day have the same people with me and I don’t need to change it.

When you’re facing power there’s no way around it. You can’t prepare for that. You just have to hope that when it lands, it doesn’t do that much damage. He doesn’t even know how he got on the ground or how he got up in the first fight. He’s been dealing with feeling ever since the end of the first fight.

I’m going to do exactly what I said I would do. Aš ruošiuosi trankyti jį. I’m the lion. I’m the king of the jungle. I’m going to rip his head off his body. Everyone sit tight and buckle up. It’s going to be a fun ride on the way to giving everyone the best fight you’ve seen in your lives.

This is a major fight for the public and everyone should be excited. It doesn’tget any better than this. Two giants and two champions, putting it all on the line for everyone’s entertainment. We’re leaving it all in the ring to see who is the king.

There’s so many things that go through my head as I take my time to adjust and time my opponent’s movements. I’m building the data I need to set him up for that perfect punch. There’s a lot of things that come with skills. Not just the average fundamentals. There are a lot of different things and that’s what makes boxing what it is. My ring IQ is very high and that’s how I set them up. I know everything he wants to do. He gave me 100% of him already.

He believes in his heart that he’ll knock me out. I always teach people to speak it, believe it and receive it. The magic of it all is in the belief. Though he’s saying those things, I don’t feel in his energy that he believes that. I feel like he’s nervous because of what happened the first time.

I just learned from the first fight that I need to be calmer. I’m going to be a lot more patient in this fight, just like in the second Luis Ortiz fight. The object of boxing is to win, not just to win rounds. And I win in devastating fashion.


The consensus is either he knocks me out, or I win on points. Usually when people have that opinion, it goes the opposite way around. Expect him to box and me to be looking for the knockout.

He thinks I’m going to come out herky-jerky with my famous style, but I want him to meet me in the center of the ring and have a slugfest, best man wins. I didn’t have the gas to finish him in the last fight, but this time I can turn that screwdriver until he’s gone. Let’s make it a Marvin Hagler vs. Tommy Hearns type of fight. I’ll meet you Inthe middle of the ring on February 22. Just watch out for the right hand, because you’re going to sleep in two rounds.

We finally have the rematch and I can’t remember a bigger heavyweight fight in a long time. Maybe Lennox Lewis vs. Mike Tyson was the last big one like this and that was another U.S. vs. U.K. užbaigimas.

Deontay Wilder hasn’t been returning my calls or messages since I beat him last time. He’s trying to keep his distance. He didn’t want to be around me so I can get in his head. But I don’t think you can really get in anyone’s head. At the end of the end of the day, it’s just talk. It doesn’t really matter what we say. It matters what happens on February 22.

What’s going to happen in this fight is that I’m going to get what I rightfully won last time. I’m going to get the green belt and keep my lineal title. And if he wants to rematch me after, I’ll beat him again. I’ve already beat him once, and I know I can beat him three times in a row.

“Aš ruošiuosi laimėti, that’s what I do. Deontay Wilder can make all the excuses he wants to make. Everyone on his team can tell him he won that fight, but as a fighting man, you know when you win and lose a fight. I’m going to go out there give him a boxing lesson and knock him out.

You’re never a finished article, you can always improve. I like to keep freshening things up every now and again. I don’t make excuses. I won fair and square and we get to do it again. I’m ready for a fight today.

I’m the best of my era and I took that title from Wladimir Klitschko. Nobody disputed he was the best and I took that from him, until someone beats me, that’s my title.

He’s going to try to and the right hand. If I’m stupid enough to get hit with it, I deserve to lose. I hit the floor twice in the first fight, but it’s all about how you respond, I’m a fighting man. If he can’t finish me, I’m going to eat him up.

I’m looking for a knockout. That’s why I hired Sugarhill. He gets you to sit down on that big right hand. Štai ką aš ieškote. There’s the game plan. If I wasn’t looking for a knockout, I would have sharpened up what I did in the last fight. I’m not coming for that. I’m looking for my 21g nokautas.

When I get him in there again, I’m going to make him feel the fury. I’ve never been as sure of anything in my whole life. As sure as I was this morning putting this suit on. 100 percent he can’t win He’s got a puncher’s chance like anyone else. I’m much sharper and more fit now. I’m ready to rumble right now. I hope he train hard and goes to bed sleeping thinking about me.

Tom Brown, Prezidentas TGB Akcijos

“Vasario 22, MGM Grand Garden Arenoje, it’s going to be bombs away. We have two superstars here. The best two heavyweights in the world. Both fighters are going to show a lot of passion at this press conference and all the way leading up to this fight because there is so much at stake.

These are the best in boxing. There is nothing like a big heavyweight championship fight. We have the undefeated hardest punching, the most feared heavyweight in the world and I believe one of the all-time great heavyweights in Deontay Wilder.

There is a reason Fury and his team didn’t want the immediate rematch right after the first fight. He’s taken a couple of tune-up fights instead because he felt that power on December 1. That’s not going to change this time, he can just ask Luis Ortiz.

I was lucky enough to promote the first fight and I believe we have something special in this rematch. I look forward to a fantastic fight on February 22 and we’ll see everyone there.

TODD DUBOEF, President of Top Rank

We talk about boxing having a renaissance, but it’s really about the heavyweight division. That’s what is going to create that renaissance more than anything right now.

Tyson is so true, so gritty and he backs it up with everything he does. When you combine it with Deontay Wilder, you have two great personalities. This is really the beginning of the next super heavyweight run for the sport of boxing.


This fight here is one of those fights that you don’t want to miss. The first one was one not to miss as well and I’m sure you all watched the replay. You have two great champions here going at each other. Both fighters left the ring still undefeated last time and still wanting to settle the store. Vasario 22, the score will be settled.

The heavyweight division is still the biggest and most powerful division in boxing. It always will be. Everyone wants to see the fighters throwing the big blows. Wilder is one of the hardest hitters in history and Tyson is one of the best boxers. I’m happy to be training. with Tyson Fury. It’s been about 10 years since we trained together. He trained with me and Emanuel Steward and I’m here to complete what Emmanuel started.

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Daugiau informacijos: apsilankymas www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.toprank.com, http://www.
, www.foxdeportes.comir www.espn.com/boxing, sekti TwitterPremierBoxing, @trboxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @ESPN, @ESPNRingside, TGBPromotions, ir @Swanson_Comm arba tapkite gerbėju Facebook metu www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.Facebook.com/trboxing, www.facebook.com/foxsports, www.facebook.com/foxdeportes ir www.facebook.com/espn.

Lengvas varžovas & Nešvilio Gimtoji Ostinas Dulay mano buvusio Pavadinimas Challenger Diego Magdaleno Fox PBC Fight Night Veiksmas & Fox Deportes šeštadienį, Vasaris 15 nuo Bridgestone Arena Nashville, Tenesis

Nenugalėtas super vidutinio svorio čempionas Kalebas Augalų Modelių Homecoming Pavadinimas gynybos nuo Vincent Feigenbutz pagrindiniame turnyre

NASHVILLE Iš, Tenn. (Sausis 13, 2020) – Lengvas varžovas ir Nešvilio gimtojiOstinas Dulay bus kovoti prieš savo gimtajame minios, kai jis įgauna buvęs pavadinimas varžovas Diegas Magdaleno į 10-apvalios kovos, kad uždegti FOX TSK Fight Night veiksmų ir FOX Deportes šeštadienį, Vasaris 15 nuo Bridgestone Arena Nashville, Tenesis.

FOX TSK Kova Naktį prasideda 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT ir apšvietimas iki IBF vidutinio svorio čempionas Kalebas “Sweethands” Augalas ginti savo titulą į Homecoming bijau prieš privalomo varžovas Vincentas Feigenbutz. Daugiau, negu vidutinis svoris pretendentai Bryantas “GoodFella” Perrella ir Abel Ramos Mūšis per 10 turas bendrai funkcija.

Bilietus į renginį, kuris yra skatinamas Sweethands skatinimo, TGB Akcijos ir Sauerland Akcijos, parduodami dabar ir galima įsigyti ticketmaster.com.

Nešvilio Dulay (13-1, 10 Kos) laimėjo atgal-to-nugaros kovoja iki sustojimo, nes jo vienišus pro pralaimėjimo į viršų varžovas Chris Colbert balandžio 2018. 24-metų kovojo profesionaliai, nes 2015 ir laimėjo savo pirmąjį 11 kovas. Jis neseniai pelnė TKO pergale per Yardley Armenta Cruz vasario pernai, ir jo paskutinį kartą ringe jį matė sustabdyti Justin Pauldo kovoje, kad vėliau buvo pakeistas į ne konkursas. Jis grįš į kovą Nashville pirmą kartą nuo A 2017 pergalė.

33-metų Magdaleno (31-3, 13 Kos) jau du kartus ginčijo už pasaulio čempiono titulą ir turės ieškoti parašo pergalę vasario 15 priartėti prie dar vieną galimybę tuo diržu. Las Vegasas gimtoji anksčiau sumažėjo title kovoja su Romos Martinez ir Terry Flanagan. Magdaleno laimėjo tris tiesias kovas tarp 2016 ir 2018, įskaitant triumfą prieš meno Hovhannisyan, ir visai neseniai pralaimėjo lengvas čempiono Teofimo Lopez vasarį 2019.

# # #

Stebėtojai gali gyventi srautas PBC laidas FOX Sports "ir" Fox DABAR apps arba FOXSports.com. Papildomai, Visos programos yra prieinamos Fox Sports ant SiriusXM kanalą 83 palydovinių radijo ir ant SiriusXM app.

Daugiau informacijos: apsilankymas www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
ir www.foxdeportes.com, sekti TwitterPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, ir @Swanson_Comm arba tapkite gerbėju Facebook metu www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports & www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

Undefeated welterweight Santiago Dominguez Another Mexican KO artist on the rise

BOUTS STREAM tiesiogiai transliuos UFC FIGHT PASS®


LAS VEGAS (Sausis 13, 2020) – Undefeated Mexican welterweightSantiago „Somer“ Dominguezas will be going for his 21g pro victory and 17oji knockout on Thursday, Sausis 30, when he defends his World Boxing Council (WBC) United States Silver title on the first 2020 installment ofRJJ Boksas UFC FIGHT PASS®.

Skatina Roy Jones Jr.. (RJJ) Boxing Promotions, in association with Sanman Boxing, RJJ Boxing on UFC FIGHT PASS will be streamed live and exclusively on UFC FIGHT PASS®, pasaulyje pirmaujanti kovinio sporto skaitmeninio abonemento paslauga, pradedant 10 p.m. IR / 7 p.m. PT, from Legends Casino and Hotel in Toppenish, Vašingtonas.

Headlined by a sensational 10-round main event, in which unbeatenErnesto Delgadillo (11-0-2, 2 Kos) will tangle with undefeated, world-ratedJade “Hurricane” Bornea (14-0, 10 Kos) for the vacant North American Boxing Federation (NABF) super flyweight title, RJJ Boxing’s first show of 2020 has the full potential to be the best its ever promoted on UFC FIGHT PASS.

Dominguezas (20-0, 16 Kos), fighting out of Fort Worth, Teksasas, takes on former Brazilian champion Vitor “La Amenaza” Jones Freitas(16-5, 10 Kos) 8 raunde, bendras renginys. The exciting Dominguez, 28, has increased the level of opposition since fighting on RJJ Boxing cards in two of his three four fights. The big puncher stopped 17-2 Ravshan Hudaynazarov pirmajame etape, 23-9-2 Fabian Lyimo antroje.

Riding an 8-fight KO streak, Dominguez faces an experienced challenger who has been in tough against International Boxing Federation (IBF) lengvas čempionasTeofimo Lopez, WBC World Youth lightweight titlistJamaine Ortiz, Georgian prospectEnriko Gogokhia and Canadian favoriteSebastianas Bouchardas.

“I feel that either hand has knockout power,” Dominguez said, “but I could damage all my opponents during the early part of my career with precise left hook to the body. Now, my physical training continues to improve power ion both my hands.

“UFC FIGHT PASS has really motivated me since I am finally getting more exposure. The RJJ Boxing guys are super nice and make me feel welcome. They make me feel welcome and that I belong with them. I will not disappoint my managerTerry Hollan, Roy Jones Jr. Boxing and UFC FIGHT PASS.”

Dominguez had a sterling 62-4 amateur record with 36 knockouts. His strict father kept Santiago sway from bad influences in their native Ciudad Obregon, Sonora, Mexico. He turned pro in 2014, immediately displaying power in both hands.

“My opponent has smaller but quicker hands,” Dominguez added. “I assume he will try to move rather than stand in front of me. I am working with some faster guys right now to prepare. He is really open to an over-hand right.

“In 2020, I plan to fight often and train hard in the USA. There are many great fighters in the division, but I am preparing and ready to win a championship if given the opportunity”

Delgadillo, fighting out of Dallas, yra buvusi Pasaulio bokso taryba (WBC) United States super flyweight and Texas State flyweight titlist, who will be fighting for the first time since the summer of 2018.

Filipino prospect Bornea, įvertino Nr. 10 Tarptautinės bokso federacijos (IBF) ir Nr. 15 Pasaulio bokso asociacijos (WBA), is a former IBF Youth World champion who will be fighting in the United States for the first time.

Undefeated vidutinio svorioConnor “The Kid” Coyle (11-0, 4 Kos), representing Northern Ireland, returns againstMichaelas Dumas (11-2, 9 Kos), Meksikos, į 8-turas bijau. Coyle has become a UFC FIGH PASS regular having already fought on the streaming giant three times.

Two undefeated Northwest light heavyweight prospects, Seattle’s popularRichard Van Sicien (7-0, 3 Kos) and OregonianAbraham Martin (5-0, 5 Kos), open the UFC FIGHT PASS stream in a 6-round match.

*Kortelė gali keistis.

Bilietų kainos svyruoja nuo $15.00 į $50.00 and are available for purchase by goingČIA

Durys atviros ne 5:30 p.m. PT, Pirmoji kova ne 6:00 p.m. PT, and FIGHT PASS starts at 10 p.m. IR (7 p.m. PT).

Norėdami užsiregistruoti į UFC FIGHT PASS, apsilankykitewww.ufcfightpass.com


Websites:   www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.comwww.ufcfightpass.comwww.yakimaNationalLegendsCasino.com

"Twitter": @RoyjonesJRfa, @RoyJonesJrOfficial, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre, @YNLegendsCasino

Instagram: @RoyJonesJRboxing, @artofmusiclv, @rivalboxinggear, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre, @LegendsCasino

"Facebook": /KeithVeltre, /„UFCFightPass“

APIE ROY JONES JR, BOKSO AKCIJOS: Kartu įkurta 2013 10 kartų pasaulio čempionas Roy Jonesas, Jaunesnysis. ir Keithas Veltre'as, Roy Jones, Jaunesnysis. (RJJ) „Boxing Promotions“ siekia iš naujo atrasti boksą.  RJJ jau kelerius metus padarė didžiulę įtaką bokso bendruomenei.  Creating exhilarating content for CBS Sports, Showtime, ESPN ir „beIN“ sportas vienose geriausių vietų visoje šalyje, RJJ įrodė, kad užkariauja saldų šio sporto mokslą.

Įsikūręs pasaulio kovos sostinėje, Las Vegasas, NV, Roy Jones Jr. Boxing Promotions sparčiu žingsniu lipa į viršų, pridedant jauną talentą prie augančio stabilumo: two-time world title challenger, WBO #7 ir WBC #10 rated super flyweight Aston Palicte, WBO #6 rated bantamweight Max Ornelas, featherweight Ray Ximenez, WBO #15 rated super lightweight Kendo Castaneda,  middleweights John Vera, Connor Coyle and Shady Gamhour, super middleweight Juan Barajas, and heavyweight Alexander Flores.

ABOUT UFC FIGHT PASS®„UFC FIGHT PASS®“ yra pasaulyje pirmaujanti kovos sporto skaitmeninio abonemento paslauga. Nuo paleidimo 2013, „FIGHT PASS“ dabar yra daugiau nei 200 šalys ir teritorijos. „FIGHT PASS“ suteikia savo nariams neribotą prieigą prie tiesioginių „UFC FIGHT PASS“ pasirengimų; gyvas mišrus kovos menas ir kovinis sportas iš viso pasaulio; originalus serialas ir istorinis programavimas; ypatumai; užkulisių turinys; išsamūs interviu; ir naujausios minutės reportažai apie kovinio sporto pasaulį. „FIGHT PASS“ abonentai taip pat turi 24/7 prieiga prie didžiausios pasaulyje kovų bibliotekos, featuring daugiau nei 17,000 dešimtys kovos su sporto organizacijomis kovų, taip pat kiekviena kova UFC istorijoje. Kovos gerbėjai gali pasiekti „FIGHT PASS“ asmeniniuose kompiuteriuose, „iOS“ ir „Android“ mobilieji įrenginiai, "Apple TV", „Xbox One“, "Xbox" 360, „Amazon Fire“ televizorius, Chromecast, Metai, „Samsung Smart TV“, „LG Smart TV“, ir „Sony“ televizoriai su „Android TV“. Daugiau informacijos, apsilankykitewww.ufcfightpass.com.


Welterweight Sensation Jaron Ennis Continues Knockout Streak; Elin Cederroos Edges Alicia Napoleon Espinosa In Super Middleweight World Championship Unification

 Watch The Encore Presentation Monday At 10 P.m. ET/PT On

Showtime EXTREME®

 SpauskiteČIA For Photos from Stephanie Trapp/SHOWTIME

ATLANTIC CITY – January 11, 2020 – Claressa Shields made history yet again by claiming the WBC and WBO 154-pound world championships with a dominating unanimous decision over Ivana Habazin Friday on SHOWTIME from Ocean Casino Resort in Atlantic City.

Shields tapo greičiausiu kovotoju istorijoje, vyras ar moteris, laimėti pasaulio čempionų titulus trijuose skirtinguose svorio skyriuose, surpassing the record of Vasiliy Lomachenko and Kosei Tanaka, kurie abu atliko žygdarbį 12 kovas. The near-shutout was scored 99-89, 100-90, 100-89. 

Skydai (10-0, 2 Kos) nugalėjo Habaziną nuo atidarymo varpo, panaudojo stiprų smūgį ir pastovią kūno metimų dietą, dėl kurios kroatas daugiausia buvo gynybos režimu per 10 raundų kovą. Šeštame ture, a series of body shots forced Habazin to take a knee in the first knockdown of her career. It was also the first knockdown for the two-time Olympic Gold Medalist and undisputed middleweight world champion in her professional career.

Following the knockdown, Habazin continued forward but did so without throwing many punches. Habazin (20-4, 7 Kos) threw just 285 compared to 516 for Shields, who also connected on 38 percent of her power shots compared to just 18 percent for Habazin.

Per bendradarbiavimas funkcionalus bijau, welterweight sensation Jaron Ennis scored his 15oji consecutive knockout with a dominating fourth round TKO over the durable Bakhtiyar Eyubov.

The switch-hitting Philadelphia native came out with a blistering pace in the first, switching from southpaw in the opening minute while displaying his signature power and hand speed. An onslaught of perfectly timed punches floored the normally durable Eyubov for the first time in his career midway through the opening round. Eyubov (14-1-2, 12 Kos) got up but was dropped against just 20 seconds later as the torrid pace continued. Eyubov survived the round and Ennis (25-0, 23 Kos) took his foot off the gas a bit in the second, but the unbeaten welterweight still landed at will against Eyubov, who continued to press forward.

Prior to the fourth round, Commissioner Larry Hazzard warned Eyubov that he would stop the fight if he didn’t see improvement. With Eyubov still pressing forward but eating dozens of punches, referee Earl Brown stepped in to stop the fight at :34 at the instructions of the Hazzard.

Ennis now has 23 Knockouts in 25 kovoja ir 13 knockdowns over his last six fights. Through four rounds the incredibly effective Ennis landed 47 percent of his power shots.

“We knew he was coming to fight and bring pressure so we mixed it up,” Ennis said. “He was a good fighter but he wasn’t really that strong. I was getting hit a little too much but that’s how we did it to get the knockout.

“We were just setting him up for power shots. I just had to calm down, that’s all. I was too hyped. Once I calmed down and got into my rhythm that was it.

“He was taking a lot of punishment. He definitely was a great fighter though. I appreciate him taking the fight because a lot of guys don’t want to fight me.”

With another dominating performance, Ennis now sets his sights on the upper echelon of one of boxing’s deepest and most exciting divisions.

“We have been wanting all the guys,” Ennis said. “They keep running. They can’t run no more. I’m right here.”

Atidarymo bijau dėl laidoje, IBF Super Middleweight World Champion Elin Cederroos edged WBA champion Alicia Napoleon Espinosa to unify the super middleweight division in an all-action slugfest scored 95-94 three times.

Cederroos (7-0, 4 Kos) was more active from the opening bell, blaškymas 747 total punches over 10 rounds compared to 432 for the slightly more effective Napoleon Espinosa (12-2, 7 Kos).  But the difference in the close scorecards was a second round knockdown that Cederroos registered with a perfectly timed check left hook in the closing moments of the second. It was the first knockdown of Napoleon Espinosa’s career and ultimately the deciding factor in the scorecards.

“I’m so happy. I showed that I can box and take a war,” Cederroos said. “But when I relaxed the punches just came. It feels so wonderful. Alicia was a great opponent.”

Napoleon Espinosa was game and hurt the Swedish Cederroos multiple times but she was largely unable to get inside against her taller opponent who consistently landed the bigger punches from a distance.

“I didn’t think I lost. I thought that it was fairly close but I thought I was ahead,” Napoleon Espinosa said. “It is what it is, but I don’t think that I lost this fight.

“I know she was strong, but I wanted a tough fight. I know that Elin is an athlete. I don’t feel that I lost. I feel like it was close.”

Napoleon Espinosa had been hoping that a win would position her for a 2020 fight with Claressa Shields at middleweight with all four of Shields’ 160-pound titles on the line.

“Congrats on the fight with Shields because that was what I was looking forward to,” Napoleon Espinosa said.

The event was promoted by Salita Promotions in association with T-REX BOXING PROMOTIONS.

Friday’s SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION tripleheader will replay on Monday at 10 p.m. ET/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME.

An industry leading production team and announce crew delivered all the sights, sounds and drama from Atlantic City. Veteran broadcaster Brian Custer hosted the telecast, versatile combat sports voice Mauro Ranallo called the action ringside alongside Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein and former two-division world champion Paulie Malignaggi. Three Hall of Famers rounded out the SHOWTIME telecast team – Emmy® award winning reporter Jim Gray, unofficial ringside scorer Steve Farhood and world-renowned ring announcer Jimmy Lennon Jr. The Executive Producer of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING was David Dinkins, Jr, the Producer was Ray Smaltz and the Director was Bob Dunphy.

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WBC Featherweight World Champion Gary Russell Jr. Defends His Title Against Unbeaten Mandatory Challenger Tugstsogt Nyambayar Saturday, Vasaris 8 Live on SHOWTIME® from PPL Center in Allentown, Pennsylvania in Premier Boxing Champions Event

Former World Champions Guillermo Rigondeaux & Liborio Solís Square Off for Vacant WBA Bantamweight World Title in

Bendras Main Event

Daugiau! Jaime Arboleda Takes on Jayson Vji yralez in WBA Super Featherweight Title Eliminator

Bilietai parduodami dabar!

ALLENTOWN, Pa.(Sausis 6, 2020) – WBC lengvas Pasaulio čempionasGary Russellas Jrwill defend his 126-pound crown against unbeaten mandatory challengerTugstsogt “King Tug” NyambayarŠeštadienis, Vasaris 8 live on SHOWTIME from PPL Center in Allentown, Pennsylvania headlining a Premier Boxing Champions event.

Showtime ČEMPIONATO Boksas televizijos laidos prasideda 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and will see former world championsGuillermo RigondeauxirLiborio Solís battle for the vacant WBA Bantamweight World Title in the co-main event. The telecast opens withJaime Arboleda susitikimasJayson VirLji yranuoin a 12-round bout WBA Super Featherweight Title eliminator.

The main event showdown will see Russell make the fifth defense of his title as he looks to again display the skills and speed that have made him one of the elite featherweight fighters in the world. He will be challenged by the 2012 Olympic silver medalist “King Tug”, who quickly rose up the rankings facing quality opposition throughout his 11-fight career.

“Gary Russell Jr. has proven himself to be at the very elite level of this sport and one of the best fighters in the featherweight division,“- sakė Tomas Brownas, Prezidentas TGB Akcijos. “His speed, power and overall skillset has made him a must-watch every time he steps into that ring. He’s going to get all he can handle from an undefeated fighter in ‘King Tug’ Nyambayar, who has the pedigree and power to make this a memorable fight. You won’t want to blink during this high octane showdown February 8 on SHOWTIME from PPL Center in Allentown, Pennsylvania.”

“The February 8 card is co-headlined by two of the most skilled boxers in the sport today,"Sakė Stephenas Espinoza, Prezidentas Sportas & Įvykio Programavimas, Showtime Networks Inc. “Gary Russell Jr. – arguably the fastest hands in boxing – will be facing his toughest challenge as world champion against the aggressive power-puncher ‘King Tug’. And in the co-main event, Guillermo Rigondeaux, one of the best boxers on the planet since his days as an amateur in Cuba, moves down in weight to the bantamweight division for the first time in his pro career as he faces former world champion Liborio Solis with a world title at stake. Add in a compelling super featherweight eliminator and we have the makings of an action-packed tripleheader on February 8.”

Bilietus į gyvą renginį, which is promoted by TGB Promotions and Kings Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased throughwww.pplcenter.com/events (direct linkČIA).  

The Capitol Heights, Maryland native Russell (30-1, 18 Kos) has held his WBC Featherweight Title since 2015 when he stopped multiple division champion Jhonny Gonzalez to emphatically capture the belt. The 31-year-old is part of one of boxing’s premier fighting families as he is trained by his father Gary Sr., and trains alongside his younger brothers, unbeaten super lightweight Gary Antuanne and undefeated bantamweight Antonio. Russell most recently stopped former champion Kiko Martinez in May on SHOWTIME after previously defeating then unbeaten challenger Joseph Diaz Jr in 2018 in a hometown defense.

“I’m forced to defend my title against another mandatory challenger and I’m going to show on February 8 why none of the other champions want to face me,” said Russell. “I’m the longest current reigning WBC champion but no one has stepped up to the challenge I present. I’m going to take care of business against a strong opponent and display all my skills like I always do.”

The 27-year-old Nyambayar (11-0, 9 Kos) represented his native Mongolia in the 2012 Olympics but now lives in the U.S. and is training out of Las Vegas. Nyambayar ascended up the featherweight rankings after his extensive amateur career with victories over then unbeaten Harmonito Dela Torre and former interim champion Oscar Escandon. Most recently he won his first 12-round decision by defeating former champion Claudio Marrero in January.

“This is going to be an exciting fight for everyone watching on February 8,” said Nyambayar. “Gary Russell Jr. is a great champion who is very talented, but he has the WBC belt and that’s what I want. I’m training hard to win this fight and I will be ready for anything that Russell brings to the ring.”

Rigondeaux(19-1, 13 Kos) will look to move down and capture a title in a second weight class in his SHOWTIME debut. Since turning professional in 2009 after one of the best amateur careers in historyRigondeaux has showcased masterful technical skills that made him a unified 122-pound world champion and perennial member of the pound-for-pound list. A two-time Olympic gold medalist for his native CubaRigondeaux made his name with victories over the likes of Nonito Donaire, Rico Ramos and Joseph Agbeko. Most recentlyRigondeaux scored an exciting eighth-round stoppage of former champion Julio Ceja in June.

Born in Venezuela and fighting out of Panama, Solíai (30-5-1, 14 Kos) leis jam Ne JAV. debut on February 8 while riding a five-fight winning streak. Solís captured a super flyweight world title in 2013 amidst a 14-bout unbeaten run. He has lost by decision in his two previous attempts at 118-pound title, including a controversial loss to Jamie McDonnell, which he has bounced back from on his current win streak.

Arboleda (15-1, 13 Kos) has ripped off five straight victories by stoppage since he suffered the only loss of his career against Recky Dulay in 2017. The 25-year-old Arboleda from Curundu, Panama will be fighting in the U.S. for the first time in his career. He’s coming off a knockout victory over Victor Betancourt on August 24.

The 31-year-old Veléz (29-5-1, 21 Kos) has strung together three straight knockout victories since losing to Ryan Garcia in 2018. The Juncos, Puerto Rico resident is coming off a knockout victory over Hector Ruben Ambriz Suarez on July 27 and is looking for another championship opportunity. He came up short in his previous attempt when he fought to a draw against Evgeny Gradovich for the featherweight world title in 2014.

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Daugiau informacijos rasitewww.SHO.com/sportswww.PremierBoxingChampions.com, sekti Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions ir @Swanson_Comm ar tapti gerbėju "Facebook" tuowww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing

Undefeated lightweight prospect Jamaine “The Technician” Ortiz Hammerin’ his way to medical school

WORCESTER, Mišios. (Sausis 6, 2020) – Undefeated World Boxing Council (WBC) Youth World lightweight championJamaine “The Technician” Ortiz (12-0, 6 Kos) isn’t a typical professional boxer whose life entirely revolves in and around the “Sweet Science.”

The 23-year-old Ortiz is also a licensed carpenter with diverse interests ranging from engineering and psychology to philosophy, and his ultimate post-boxing career aspiration is to attend medical school. First, nors, Ortiz’ goal is to become world champion, which would be a first for a native of Worcester, Masačusetsas.

“I was always fascinated by architecture, starting with my mother’s house, and that spun off to engineering,” Ortiz explained. “I wanted to learn how to build to better understand and became a carpenter after graduating from high school. I’m not worried about getting hurt at work. I do work with my hands, but I’m in the union and everything is safe, and I’m very careful.

“Medical school is my dream. I want to help people working with cells, blood and muscle tissues, understanding the body. I’m not sure if I’ll do research or be working with patients, maybe in internal medicine, but not in traditional medicine. I’m interested in natural, holistic medicine, and working for the benefit of people.”

Ortiz, who started boxing at the age of six, will return to the ring in early 2020 už, most likely, his final WBC Youth World title fight, because this title is for fighters 23 or younger, and Jamaine turns 24 on April 28.

The WBC World Youth title has been a stepping-stone for great champions such asSaulius „Canelo“ AlvarezasTimothy Bradley,Danny Garcia irLiūtas Santa Cruz, Tarp labiau Aristokratija.

“I’m proud to be the WBC World lightweight champion, but I’ll have to give it up in April when I turn 24.,” Ortiz remarked. “I’ll win bigger titles as I get older. This has been good for now, but I’m going on to bigger and better things. I’m confident that I’ll be world champion in 2021 and I want to be a multiple wight-class world champion before I retire.”

Ortiz recently gained even more confidence whenTeofimo Lopez (15-0, 12 Kos) captured the International Boxing Federation (IBF) World lightweight championship, nokautuojantis čempioną tituląRichard Commey in the second round this past December.

Šiuo 2015 Nacionalinės Golden Pirštinės, Ortiz lost a decision to Lopez in the championship final. “He didn’t do that stuff to me (like he did to Commey),” Ortiz noted. “He didn’t beat me up. I lost a decision, but I showed that I could fight with him. He was nothing like you saw on television (vs. Commey), though. I’ve watched him get better and better.

So is Ortiz and before he swaps his boxing gloves for a stethoscope, he has unfinished business in boxing. Nothing short of capturing a world championship crown will satisfy “The Technician.”


Neginčijamas vidutinio svorio čempionas Shields kovoja su Habazinu dėl laisvos WBC & WBO 154 svarų titulai tiesiogiai per SHOWTIME nuo

Ocean Casino Resort Atlantic City, N.J.

MIAMI(Sausis 2, 2020) – Kai kalendorius krypsta į naują dešimtmetį, neabejotinas vidutinio svorio čempionasClaressa Skydaipasidalijo savo Naujųjų metų pažadu prieš būsimą akistatą prieš buvusią čempionęIvana Habazindėl penktadienį vyksiančių laisvų WBC ir WBO 154 svarų titulų, Sausis 10 tiesiogiai per SHOWTIME iš „Ocean Casino Resort“ Atlantik Sityje, N.J.

„Tikrai turiu tik vieną pagrindinį pasižadėjimą naujiems metams – jokių kompromisų,“, - sakė Shieldsas. „Tai galioja ir mano asmeniniam, ir profesiniam gyvenimui. Taip pat noriu priartėti prie Dievo ir likti nenugalėtas. Aš taip pat ketinau pasakyti, kad nustok keiktis, bet taip tiesiog nebūna“.

Skydai vs. Habazinas atvers 2020 didelių bokso įvykių metais, su Shieldsu, siekiančiu tapti greičiausiu kovotoju bokso istorijoje, vyras ar moteris, tapti trijų divizionų pasaulio čempionu.

„Labai džiaugiuosi pradėdamas 2020 m.“, – sakė Shieldsas. „Baigė Gervonta Davis 2019 SHOWTIME, tada GWOAT atneš Naujuosius metus SHOWTIME 2020. Tai bus puiki metų pradžia. Aš ateinu su trenksmu ir šaudydamas į nokautą.

„Labai džiaugiuosi, kad Jaronas Ennisas atsidūrė apatinėje kortoje, taip pat. Man, jis yra kitas Roy'us Jonesas jaunesnysis. bokso. Jis glotnus, jis turi galią, jis gali boksuotis ir yra visapusiškai atsidavęs sportininkas. Nekantrauju pasidalinti korta su juo kaip būsimu pasaulio čempionu.

Shields treniravosi Majamyje kartu su savo vyriausiuoju treneriu Johnu Davidu Jacksonu prieš debiutą, sveriantį 154 svarus, ir sugebėjo išlaikyti dėmesį bei stengėsi išlikti aštri, nepaisant dviejų atidėtų kovos..

"Aš padariau 154 svarų dar spalį iki atšaukimo,“, - sakė Shieldsas. „Po to, kai mūsų kova buvo atšaukta, Likau aktyvus ir apsirengiau tik apie 10 svarų. Paskutines šešias ar septynias savaites buvau Floridoje. Tai buvo sunkus darbas. Aš pasitempiau ir nesiimu į Habaziną lengvabūdiškai. Noriu nokauto, nes Ivana per daug kalba. Esu susikaupęs, kad būčiau susikaupęs, ir neleisdamas niekam išmesti manęs kalbėdamas nesąmones.

„Aš nebevalgau mėsos. Neturiu daugiau nei tris mėnesius, todėl dabar mano kūnas yra labiau tonizuotas. Tiesą sakant, aš jau turiu šešių pakuotę su tik šiek tiek daugiau svorio numesti. Manau, kad žmones nustebins 154 svarus sverianti mano versija. Aš būsiu labai stiprus ir labai greitas, nes iš esmės turėjau penkis mėnesius pasiruošti ir specialiai jai pasiruošti.

Nepaisant to, kad treniruočių stovykla ją veda per daugybę šventinių renginių, kuriuos gausiai švenčia masės, Shields išliko disciplinuota prieš savo galimybę kurti daugiau istorijos.

„Balansuoti tarp švenčių aš darau daugelį metų,“, - sakė Shieldsas. „Negrįžęs namo per Kalėdas sutaupiau daug pinigų, tai tikrai. Bet vis tiek kalbėjausi su visa savo šeima ir su visais bendravau. Stovykloje laikausi labai griežtos dietos ir iš tikrųjų treniravausi per Kalėdas. Savo mitybą laikau labiau gyvenimo planu apskritai, ir aš turiu savo dienas, kai aš šliaužiosiu, bet aš laikausi disciplinos“.

Prieš kitos savaitės renginį Atlantik Sityje, Shields planuoja išlaisvinti ir padaryti dar vieną pareiškimą kelyje į dar vieną čempionatą laimėtą pasirodymą.

„Nesvarbu, ką ji sako, šis sumušimas įvyko spalio mėnesį,“, - sakė Shieldsas. „Viskas, ką darau, yra atvežti jį į Atlantik Sitį. Aš ketinu ją išmušti. Aš jai skirsiu visai kitaip dėl nepagarbos, kurią ji man parodė. Aš neleisiu jai elgtis nepagarbiai su manimi ir ketinu ją išmušti, kad ją užčiaupčiau.

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