Category Archives: joylashtirish

Mag'lubiyatsiz Jade Bornea Ernesto Delgadilloga qarshi NABF super flyweight unvonini qo'lga kiritishga qaror qildi.

Connor "The Kid" Coyle 12-0 gacha yaxshilanadi


RASMIY Natijalar

TOPPENISH, Yuvish. (Yanvar 31, 2020) - Issiq Filippin istiqboliJade "Hurricane" Bornea kecha Amerikani urdi va u etkazib berdi, ilgari mag'lubiyatsiz ustidan 10 raundlik split qarorni yutishErnesto Delgadillo, bo'sh turgan Shimoliy Amerika boks federatsiyasini qo'lga kiritish uchun (NABF) super flyweight unvoni.

Bornea va boshqalar. Delgadillo sarlavhaliUFC FIGHT PASS® da RJJ boksi®, jangovar sport turlari bo'yicha dunyodagi etakchi raqamli obuna xizmati, Toppenishdagi Legends Casino-dan jonli va faqat, Vashington. UFC FIGHT PASS-da ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun, tashrif

Qo'shma Shtatlarda birinchi marta professional sifatida jang qilish, 24 yoshli Bornea (15-0, 1o KO) Yo'q deb baholangan jangga kirishdi. 10 Xalqaro boks federatsiyasi tomonidan (IBF) va. 15 Jahon boks assotsiatsiyasi tomonidan (WBA).  U sobiq IBF World Youth and World Boxing Oriental Youth super uchish bo'yicha chempioni.

Kecha Roy Jons Jr tomonidan taqdim etilgan shouda. (RJJ) Boxing Promotions, Bornea o'zining vatani Filippin tashqarisida Delgadilloga qarshi ajoyib g'alabasi bilan nom chiqargan (11-1-2, 2 KOS), sobiq Jahon boks kengashi (WBC) Qo'shma Shtatlar super flyweight titlisti.

10 raundlik asosiy musobaqa deyarli ikki xil jangga bo'lindi: Delgadillo dastlabki bosqichlarda qatnashish yo'lini samarali ushlab oldi, va u oltinchi raundda biroz shubhali nokdaunni qayd etdi. Bornea uch turdan so'ng masofani muvaffaqiyatli yopdi, cho'ntakda o'tirib, jang davom etar ekan, yanada tajovuzkor bo'lib qoldi.

Bornea ikkiga bo'lingan qarorni qo'lga kiritdi (96-93 X 2 & 93-96) super uchish bo'yicha yangi NABF chempioni bo'lish.

Co-xususiyatli taqdirda, Shimoliy Irlandiya o'rta vazn Konnor "Kid" Koyl Uning rekordini yaxshilandi 12-0 (5 KOS), biznes bilan shug'ullanish uchun atigi uch daqiqa kerak bo'ladi. Koyl dumaloqning oxirida aniq kombinatsiyaga ulangan, meksikalik raqibiga zarar etkazmoqda, Maykl Dyuma (11-3, 8 KOS). Halqa bo'yidagi shifokorning maslahati bilan, hakam Joel Scobie birinchi turdan keyin Coyle TKO g'alabasi uchun harakatni to'xtatdi.

Mag'lubiyatsiz shimoliy-g'arbiy engil vazn toifasidagi jangda, SietlningRichard VanSicien (8-0, 4 KOS) birinchi davra to'xtashini qayd etdiIbrohim Martin (5-1, 5 KOS), Oregon shtati, qachon hakamJek Rays bir raunddan so'ng jangni silkitdi.

Vashington super engilUilyam Ernandes-Gomes (4-0, 2 KOS) qarshisida yopib qo'ydiAbdul Kamara (1-2),  ishonchli tarzda to'rt turda ham g'alaba qozondi.

Bir durang javob uchrashuvida, Vashington super engilMargarito Hernandez - to'ldiruvchi tasvir (1-0-1) shtat ichidagi raqibi ustidan 4 raundlik bir ovozdan qaror qabul qildiJoshua Uiler (0-1-1); Takoma, WA engil vazn toifasidaJerrel Barbur (1-0) professional debyutini 4 raunddan iborat bir ovozdan qabul qilib, g'alaba qozondiKendall Uord (0-6).

Florida o'rta vaznGlenn Xeygler, Jr. (4-1, 2 KOS) va Oregon shtatidaCharon Ispaniya (1-13-2) 4 raundlik durang natija qayd etdi.

Rasmiy natijalar quyida:

RASMIY Natijalar


 Jade Bornea (15-0, 10 KOS), General Santos shahri, Kota del Sur, Filippin

WDEC10 (96-93, 96-93, 93-96)

Ernesto Delgadillo (11-1-2, 2 KOS), Dallas, TX

(Bornea NABF superog'ir vazn toifasida chempion bo'ldi)


Connor Coyle (12-0, 5 KOS), Derri, Shimoliy Irlandiya, UK

WTKO1 (3:00)

Maykl Dyuma (11-3, 8 KOS), Tijuana, Meksika

LIGHT og'ir

Richard VanSicien (8-0, 4 KOS), Sietl, WA

WTKO1 (3:00)

Ibrohim Martin (5-1, 5 KOS), Medford, Yoki Meksika yo'li bilan


Glenn Xeygler, Jr. (4-1-1, 2 KOS), Daytona plyaji, FL

D4 (39-37, 38-38, 37-39)

Charon Ispaniya (1-13-2), Portlend, OR


Margarito Hernandez - to'ldiruvchi tasvir (1-0-1), Wapato, WA

WDEC4 (39-35, 39-35, 38-36).

Joshua Uiler (0-1-1), Bleyn, WA

Uilyam Ernandes-Gomes (4-0, 2 KOS), Burlen, WA

WDEC4 (40-35, 40-35, 40-35)

Abdul Kamada | (1-2), Vankuver, WA, Syerra -Leone orqali


Jerrel Barbur (1-0), Takoma, WA

WDEC4 (40-36, 39-37, 39-37)

Kendall Uord (0-6), Kolorado Springs, CO

*UFC FIGHT PASS -da jonli efirni bildiradi



Twitter: @RoyjonesJRfa, @RoyJonesJrOfficial, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre, @YNLegendsCasino

Instagram: @RoyJonesJRboxing, @artofmusiclv, @rivalboxinggear, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre, @LegendsCasino

Facebook: /KeithVeltre, /UFCFightPass

ROY JONES JR, Boks bo'yicha aktsiyalar: Yilda tashkil etilgan 2013 10 karra jahon chempioni Roy Jons tomonidan, Jr. va Kit Veltre, Roy Jones, Jr. (RJJ) Boxing Promotions kompaniyasi boksni qayta kashf etish yo'lida.  RJJ bir necha qisqa yillar ichida boks jamoatchiligiga katta ta'sir ko'rsatdi.  CBS Sports uchun quvnoq kontent yaratish, Namoyish Vaqti, ESPN va beIN Sports mamlakatning eng yaxshi joylarida, RJJ sportning shirin ilmini zabt etayotganini isbotladi.

Dunyoning kurash poytaxtiga asoslangan, Las Vegas, NV, Roy Jones Jr. Boxing Promotions tez sur'atlar bilan tepaga ko'tarilmoqda, o'sib borayotgan barqaroriga yosh iste'dodlarni qo'shish: ikki karra jahon chempioni unvoniga da'vogar, WBO #7 va WBC #10 super flyweight Aston Palicte reytingi, WBO #6 bir vaznli Maks Ornelas, engil vazndagi Rey Ximenez, WBO #15 super engil vaznli Kendo Kastaneda,  o'rta vazndagi Jon Vera, Konnor Koyl va Shady Gamxur, super o'rta vazndagi Xuan Baraxas, va og'ir vazndagi Aleksandr Flores.

UFC FIGHT PASS® HAQIDA: UFC FIGHT PASS® - jangovar sport turlari bo'yicha dunyodagi etakchi raqamli obuna xizmati. Ishga tushirilgandan beri 2013, FIGHT PASS endi ko'proq mavjud 200 mamlakatlar va hududlar. FIGHT PASS o'z a'zolariga UFC FIGHT PASS Prelims-ga jonli efirda cheksiz kirish huquqini taqdim etadi; jonli aralash jang san'atlari va dunyodagi jangovar sport turlari; original seriya va tarixiy dasturlash; maxsus xususiyatlar; sahna ortidagi tarkib; chuqur intervyular; va jangovar sport dunyosi haqida daqiqali hisobotlar. FIGHT PASS abonentlari ham bor 24/7 dunyodagi eng katta jang kutubxonasiga kirish, ko'proq xususiyatlarga ega 17,000 o'nlab jangovar sport tashkilotlarining janglari, shuningdek UFC tarixidagi har bir jang. Jang muxlislari shaxsiy kompyuterlarda FIGHT PASS-ga kirishlari mumkin, iOS va Android mobil qurilmalari, Apple TV, Xbox One, Xbox 360, Amazon Fire TV, Chromecast, Yil, Samsung Smart televizorlari, LG Smart televizorlari, va Android TV bilan ishlaydigan Sony televizorlari. Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun, tashrif


Top Mayweather Promotions Prospects Hawkins, Richardson Hitchins, and Kevin Newman II Featured in Separate Bouts Live on SHOWTIME® From Sam’s Town Live in Las Vegas


Las Vegas, – January 30, 2020 – Undefeated super lightweight prospect Malik Hawkins returns to the ring to make his ShoBox: Yangi avlodseries debut as part of a three-fight telecast when he faces fellow undefeated Vegas native Keith Hunter in the main event that is scheduled for 10 rounds on Friday, Fevral 28 showtime yashash (10:45 p.m. ET / PT) ushbudan boshlab: Sam’s Town Live Las-Vegas.

Two other Mayweather Promotions’ top prospects will face tough challenges, sifatida 2016 Marhamatli Richardson Hitchins (10-0, 5 KOS) and once-beaten Las Vegas native Kevin Newman II (11-1-1, 6 KOS) both return for their second ShoBox appearances fighting in separate bouts. Hitchins, the undefeated super lightweight prospect, will take on Rhode Island’s Nick DeLomba (16-2, 5KOS) 10-tur Butning ichida, while Newman will seek his fifth consecutive victory when he steps in the ring with undefeated Kalvin Henderson (12-0-1, 8 KOS) 10-dumaloq super o'rta Butning ichida.

Tickets for the Mayweather Promotions’ Sin City Showdown go on sale Friday, Yanvar 31 da 12 p.m. PT, da boshlanadi $25 and can be purchased by visiting:

“As we kickstart another year, I’m confident that we will continue to exceed expectations and bring top tier events to the sports and entertainment world,” says Leonard Ellerbe, Mayweather aktsiyalar bosh direktori. “Our first stop of the year is at our home venue for club shows and a stacked Friday night ShoBox karta. These prospects are looking to put on impressive performances to start their year off. They’re putting in the work to take their fight game to the next level, va fevral kuni 28 we will see them challenge themselves against tough opponents at Sam’s Town Live and live on SHOWTIME.”

Hawkins, (18-0, 11 KOS) known as “Ice Man” in the ring, fights out of Baltimore, MD., and is coming off the heels of two back-to-back knockout victories. His most recent came via fifth-round stoppage against Darwin Price on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING COUNTDOWN on the Davis vs. Gamboa undercard on December 28. The 24-year-old Hawkins is trained by the highly touted Upton Gym coaches’ trio of Calvin Ford, Kenny Price, and Russ Blakey. Hawkins turned professional in 2014 with a knockout victory, which foreshadowed what was to come from the young fighter. Amatör sifatida, Hawkins amassed an impressive 160-15 record while competing in the 2012 va 2013 National Championships and won a bronze medal in the 2012 Jr. Olimpiada. Best known for his gritty and powerful fighting style, Hawkins joined the Mayweather Promotions team in late 2019 with a knockout decision win over Al Rivera at Cannery Casino & Hotel.

“It feels great to headline my first ShoBox hodisa,” says Hawkins. “This is something I wanted to do since I was a kid. A win in this fight and the exposure fighting on a platform like SHOWTIME only brings more recognition to my talent and skills and bigger and better opportunities. I have more than myself to fight for. I have the kids who look up to me at Upton Gym. I fight for them they’re my real motivation.

“I can’t say much about my opponent. I know he’s also undefeated. He is a durable opponent and he’s coming to fight, but if you watched my last fight you know I come in to take my opponents 0.”

Twenty-seven-year-old Keith Hunter (11-0, 7KO) comes from a fighting background. He’s the younger brother of heavyweight contender Michael Hunter, and his father was a well-respected boxer who sparred with Mike Tyson for many years before his tragic death. Hunter didn’t have a long amateur career, electing to turn professional after just 28 jang

“I feel confident coming into this fight,- dedi ovchi. “My last two bouts, I defeated Mayweather fighters and I’m confident with the insight I have. We’re both 6-feet tall, but he’s missing components as a fighter. He has trouble fighting on the outside. He is more comfortable on the inside. I feel I’m the better more skilled fighter going into the fight.

“Anytime I get to fight on a big stage like SHOWTIME, I invest a piece of my heart and soul, so hopefully my fans and anyone who watches my fight will see a genuine kid fighting for legacy and not money. This opportunity will help me connect with more people and I’m forever thankful for it.”

Hitchins (9-0, 5 KOS), Bruklindagi, is a former two-time Golden Gloves champion who represented his parents’ home country of Haiti in the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games. One of boxing’s top young prospects, Hitchins has sparred and trained with several world champions including Terence Crawford and stablemate Gervonta Davis. Just 21-years-old, Hitchins boasts incredible hand and foot speed and the boxing IQ of a veteran contender. Having fought eight out of his 10 professional fights in his hometown, Hitchins will travel to Las Vegas for a second time looking for a statement win in his follow-up ShoBoxqiyofa.

I’m hungrier than ever,” said Hitchins. “I see my brother Tank winning and prospering and I feel that same energy around me when I’m training for hours in the gym and perfecting my craft. I’m made to be great and I have the right people around me who keep my focus, keep me training at the highest level, and push me outside my comfort zone to be victorious. That’s what will show on fight night when I’m inside the ring.”

“Nice” Nick DeLomba (16-2, 5KO), fighting out of Cranston, RI, is coming off a five-fight win streak with three out of five wins by knockout. He’s best known for his slickness and elusiveness in the ring and looks to make a powerful statement in foreign territory as he makes his Las Vegas and ShoBox debuts next month.

“What a great opportunity this is to fight on SHOWTIME,” said DeLomba. “I’ve been fighting my way up to this point and now it’s about showing the world who I am and growing my brand. That’s what I plan on doing come fight night. I take every fight and lesson with me to the gym and train harder than the day before and push myself to really be the best fighter. I know I’m coming in as the underdog, but it’s only going to make me want the win more and to be that guy who gives Hitchins his first defeat.”.

Las Vegas’ own Kevin Newman (11-1, 6KO) started boxing when he was nine-years old and built up an amateur record of 25-5 before turning pro in 2014. Impressed by Newman’s skills and technique in the ring as an amateur, Floyd Mayweather signed the rising super middleweight to his stable of fighters in the summer of 2014. Newman made his professional debut on the Mayweather vs. Maidana II undercard, where he fought to a draw against Azamat Umarzoda. Newman returns to ShoBox having avenged the only loss of his career against Mark Anthony Hernandez. Newman defeated Hernandez on November 1 at Sam’s Town Live, redeeming himself from their first matchup in 2017 on the Mayweather vs. McGregor undercard. Newman remains humble and hungry as he climbs the ranks in the super middleweight division.

“It’s always good to get that weight off your shoulders,” said Newman of his recent victory over Hernandez. “I work hard day in and day out to be the best me and I follow God’s plan. I understand that there’s more for me on my journey now and I’m past that and I’m looking to the future on February 28.

“I’ve seen Kalvin fight. There isn’t anything particular that stands out about him. I’ve been in the ring with top tier guys as an amateur and a professional and I have fought tougher opponents. I’m always the smarter opponent.

“Fighting on SHOWTIME does a lot for me. It’s not about the win, it’s about how Men yutib. I’m going to put on another dominant performance, something that will set me apart from the rest, and I’m going to take advantage of every opportunity that continues to come my way.

Originally from Fayetteville, Ark., but fighting out of Fort Worth, Tx., Merilend (12-0-1, 8 KO) doesn’t have a typical background for a professional fighter. He’s a University of Arkansas alumni who pursued a career in music when he was awarded a scholarship as a percussionist. He never lost sight of boxing since he was first introduced at 15 years old and quickly after graduating in 2012, he shifted his focus back to boxing. Henderson has quickly established himself as one of the faster rising super middleweights in the division and welcomes the challenge to continue his pursuit in becoming a world class boxer.

“Fighting in other people’s backyard is not a big deal,” says Henderson. “There’s no pressure on me to do anything. I take care of business and I go home. I will say that it brings a different motivating factor. It forces me to train harder and it affects my game plan because we can’t leave the rounds too close.

“I’m excited to get in the ring and execute my game plan in front of wide audience. I want to show the world what me and my team already know. I make it hot in the ring. That’s why they call me, ‘Hot Sauce’.”

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Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun:,, follow on Twitter: @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, MayweatherPromo, , @mayweathersprts and, Instaram: @mayweatherpromotions, @showtimeboxing, yoki Facebookda bir fan da bo'lib va #ShoBox #SinCityShowdown


Former Heavyweight Champion Charles Martin Battles Former Title Challenger Gerald Washington in Title Eliminator in Co-Main Event

Junior Featherweight World Champion Emanuel Navarrete Defends His Title Against the PhilippinesJeo Santisima in PPV Featured Bout & Super Welterweight Sensation Sebastian Fundora Opens PPV in Battle Against 2016 Australian Olympian Daniel Lewis

Shanba, Fevral 22 in Historic Mega PPV Event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas

Las Vegas, (Yanvar 30, 2020) – Three exciting, high-stakes showdowns have been added to the PPV undercard for the historic, mega PPV event headlined by the highly anticipated rematch between unbeaten WBC Heavyweight World Champion Deontay “Bronza Bomber” Uaylder va Mag'lubiyatsiz bevosita chempioni Tyson “Gypsy King” g'azabtaking place Saturday, Fevral 22 Las-Vegas MGM Grand Garden Arena'ya.

CO-asosiy taqdirda, former heavyweight world champion Charles Martin will square off against former title challenger Jerald “Black Rooster” Vashington in a 12-round IBF Heavyweight Title eliminator. The PPV begins at 9 p.m. QILISh / 6 p.m. PT and includes the PPV featured bout as WBO Junior Featherweight World Champion Emanuel “VaqueroNavarrete, a.k.a “The Mexican Iron Mandefends his title against Filipino contender Jeo Santisima. In the PPV opener, super welterweight sensation SebastianThe Towering InfernoFundora duch keladi 2016 Australian Olympian Daniel Lewis in a 10-round battle of unbeatens.

Tadbir chiptalar sotuvda va sotib olish mumkin yoki Tadbir BombZquad aktsiyalar tomonidan targ'ib qilinadi, TGB Aktsiyalar, Top Rank va Frank Warren ning Queensberry Aktsiyalar. A Premer boks Chempionlar taqdimoti.

The 33-year-old Martin (27-2-1, 24 KOS) became heavyweight champion in January 2016 when he won by TKO against then unbeaten Vyacheslav Glazkov. After losing his title to Anthony Joshua, Martin has won four of his last five fights, with all of his wins coming inside the distance. Originally from St. Louis, now living in Las Vegas and currently training in Southern California with Manny Robles, Martin bounced back from a narrow decision defeat to Adam Kownacki in 2018 to earn victories in 2019 against Gregory Corbin in March and Daniel Martz in July.

It is great to be back on the big stage,” Said Martin. “Uaylder va boshqalar. Fury II is the biggest heavyweight fight in a long time and it’s great to be on the PPV. Fevral 22 will get me one step closer to my goal of becoming two-time heavyweight champion. Gerald Washington is standing in my way, so it’s my job to go right through him toward my ultimate goal.

Vashington (20-3-1, 13 KOS) is a six-foot-six heavyweight contender who was a former college football standout at the University of Southern California and a U.S. Navy veteran. Born in San Jose, Kaliforniya, Washington scored an impressive victory in his last outing, knocking out veteran contender Robert Helenius in July. Washington was unbeaten in his first 19 pro jang, before dropping his world title challenge against Deontay Wilder in February 2017.

This title eliminator is a very big opportunity for me and I’m going to do everything in my power to win on February 22,” Vashington dedi. “I have the right team behind me and the right mindset. I’ve known Martin my whole career and we even spent some time working together in the ring. I’m going to be at my best and I expect the same from him. It’s an honor to be a part of an event like this. Deontay and Tyson are both characters and I’m glad I can be a part of what’s going to be a great night of boxing on February 22.

Representing San Juan Zitlaltepec, Distrito Federal, Meksika, Navarrete (30-1, 26 KOS) captured his 122-pound title by defeating Isaac Dogboe in December 2018, and emphatically retained the title by stopping Dogboe in the final round of their rematch in May 2019. The 25-year-old stayed busy after securing the title, scoring stoppage victories in successful title defenses in August, September and most recently in December, when he knocked out Francisco Horta in Mexico. He is boxing’s most active world champion, as the Santisima bout will be his fifth title defense in nine months.

I am motivated to make my fifth defense in less than a year and especially because I’m proud to be part of a historic card headlined by Wilder vs. Fury II,” said Navarrete. “This is a great opportunity to put on an exhibition for the fans and showcase my talent once again. I’m very grateful to my promoters, Bob Arum and Fernando Beltran, for giving me these opportunities.

The 23-year-old Santisima (19-2, 16 KOS) Pro aylandi 2013 as a 16-year-old and has not lost a fight since his fourth career contest in 2014. A native of Masbate City, Filippin, Santisima will ride a 17-fight winning streak into his U.S. debut and his first world title opportunity on February 22. His 2019 campaign saw him deliver victories over Alvius Maufani in August and Rene Dacquel in December.

I really appreciate this opportunity, as this has been my dream since I was a kid,” said Santisima. “Bu kurashda uchun, I will train and prepare to become the new champion. I don’t feel any pressure. I will just do my best on fight night to show the world who I am. I heard and read the news that this fight is a mismatch, but I will do my best to give a great fight.

Towering at nearly six-feet six-inches, Fundora (13-0-1, 9 KOS) has used his height and length, combined with power and aggressiveness, to rack up an unbeaten record since turning pro in 2016. Fighting out of Coachella, Kaliforniya, Fundora fought three times in 2019, including TKO victories over then unbeaten fighters Donnie Marshall and Hector Manuel Zepeda. The 22-year-old most recently fought to an exciting split-draw against fellow contender Jamontay Clark in August.

A 2016 Olympian representing his native Sydney, Avstraliya, Lewis (6-0, 4 KOS) was unbeaten in 2019, his first year as a professional. The 26-year-old picked up his first five wins between his debut in March and his U.S. debut in November where he defeated Alexis Gaytan. Eng oxirgi, Lewis knocked out then unbeaten Rivo Kundimang in December.

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Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun: tashrif,, http://www.
, www.foxdeportes.comva, TwitterPremierBoxing bo'yicha amal, @trboxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @ESPN, @ESPNRingside, TGBPromotions, and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at,,, va

USA Boxing Announces 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games Qualification Team

Kolorado Springs, Tizza. (Yanvar 29, 2020) — USA Boxing announced today the 13 boxers who will represent Team USA at the upcoming 2020 Olympic Games Tokyo Boxing Qualification Events, shu qatorda; shu bilan birga 13 alternates. A full list can be seen below.

The team was announced following the two-stage qualification process that began in December at the 2020 U.S. Olympic Team Trials for Boxing in Lake Charles and concluded at the recent 2020 Strandja Tournament in Sofia, Bulgaria. The full athlete selection procedure can be seenbu yerga.

“First of all, this was a very difficult decision,” stated USA Boxing Head CoachBilly Walsh. “Some of these boxers were neck and neck between training camp and the 2020 Standja Tournament.”

“We feel the 13 boxers that earned their place on the Olympic Qualification Team will be the best team to represent Team USA at the upcoming qualifiers, as well as have the best opportunity to qualify a full team to the 2020 Olympic Games Tokyo.”

Hamma 13 boxers will have two chances to punch their ticket to Tokyo. The first will take place at the America’s Qualification tournament in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Qadam tashlamoq 26 – April 3. Boxers who do not qualify in Argentina will have one final opportunity at the World Qualifier in Paris, Frantsiya, May 13-24.Click here for more information on how boxers qualify

The boxers, as well as several training partners, will return to the United States Olympics and Paralympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, Tizza. Fevral. 5 for their next training camp.

Follow USA Boxing on social media to stay up to date on training and news of the Olympic Qualification Team.

USA Boxing Olympic Qualification Team
51 kg: Virjiniya Fuks, Houston, Texas
52 kg: Anthony Herrera, Los Anjeles, Calif.
57 kg: Andrea Medina, San-Diego, Calif.
57 kg: Bruce Carrington, Bruklin, N.Y..
60 kg: Rashida Ellis, Lynn, Massa.
63 kg: Keyshawn Davis, Norfolk, Villi.
69 kg: Oshae Jones, Toledo, Ogayo
69 kg: Delante Johnson, Klivlend, Ogayo
75 kg: Naomi Graham, Fayetteville, N.C.
75 kg: Joseph Hicks, Grand Rapids, meni.
81 kg: Rahim Gonzales, Las Vegas, Nev.
91 kg: Darius Fulghum, Houston, Texas
91+ kg: Richard Torrez Jr., Tulare, Calf.

USA Boxing Olympic Qualification Team Alternates
51 kg: Christina Cruz, Jahannam Oshxona, N.Y..
52 kg: Abraham Perez, Albukerke, N.M.
57 kg: Lupe Gutierrez, Sacramento, Calif.
57 kg: David Navarro, Los Anjeles, Calif.
60 kg: Amelia Moore, Iskandariya, Villi.
63 kg: Ernesto Mercado, Pomona, Calif.
69 kg: Briana Che, Madison, Wisc.
69 kg: Freudis Rojas Jr., Dallas, Texas
75 kg: Morelle McCane, Klivlend, Ogayo
75 kg: Javier Martinez, Milwaukee, Wisc.
81 kg: Atif Oberlton, Filadelfiya, Pa.
91 kg: Jamar Talley, Camden, N.J.
91+ kg: Antonio Mireles, Des Moines, Ayova


Twitter: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

ABOUT USA BOXING:  To promote and grow Olympic-style amateur boxing in the United States and to inspire the tireless pursuit of Olympic gold and enable athletes and coaches to achieve sustained competitive excellence. Additionally, USA Boxing endeavors to teach all participants the character, confidence and focus they need to become resilient and diverse champions, both in and out of the ring. USA Boxing is one team, one nation, going for gold!


Mag'lubiyatsiz WBC chempioni Uaylder & Mag'lubiyatsiz Lineal og'ir vazn toifasida jahon chempioni G'azab Ko'rib chiqish Yuqori Yangi partiya joyi shanba olib Kutilgan, Fevral 22 Fox Sports TUT yilda & Las-Vegas shahrida MGM Grand Garden Arena'ya ESPN + PPV

Bosing BU YERGA for Photos from Frank Micelotta/FOX Sports
parol: NGLHombreTV

Bosing BU YERGA Mikey Uilyams / Top Rank dan Fotosuratlar

Bosing BU YERGA for Event Highlights from FOX Sports

Los Angeles (Yanvar 28, 2020) – Mag'lubiyatsiz WBC og'ir vazn toifasida jahon chempioni Deontay “Bronza Bomber” Uaylder and undefeated lineal heavyweight champion Tyson “Gypsy King” g'azab continued their war of words at a special attraction press event on Saturday at FOX Studios in Los Angeles, as they near their highly anticipated showdown taking place Saturday, Fevral 22 tarixiy-yilda, qo'shma Fox Sports PPV & Las-Vegas shahrida MGM Grand Garden Arena'ya ESPN + PPV.

Tadbir chiptalar sotuvda va sotib olish mumkin yoki Tadbir BombZquad aktsiyalar tomonidan targ'ib qilinadi, TGB Aktsiyalar, Top Rank va Frank Warren ning Queensberry Aktsiyalar. A Premer boks Chempionlar taqdimoti.

The two gargantuan heavyweights traded words and shared updates on training camp leading up to one of the most heavily awaited fights in recent memory. A large media contingent was on hand to watch the undefeated titans square off once again, less than one month before they will finally meet in the ring to settle the score, 14 months after their unforgettable first clash.

Here is what the fighters had to say Saturday in Los Angeles:


Things are going amazing. I’m the happiest I’ve ever been in my life. To come from where I come from, it’s amazing to be here. When you get a happy Deontay Wilder in training camp, you can definitely expect great things from me. Bu gap’ what I’m going to give you.

We haven’t seen his power displayed like he’s been talking about. It hasn’t been continuous, like mine. I think he has pillows as fists. That’s what I felt in our last fight.

With the strategies that he’s talking about, I don’t really know how to take it. I don’t know if he’s trying to throw me off my game by saying he’s going to knock me out. But it’s exciting to hear and I’m looking forward to February 22.

Everything on his body is a target, not just his cut. Everything that is permissible for me to hit, I’m going to hit it.

When you fight someone like me, it’s a mistake to tinker around with your training camp. I’m unpredictable in that ring. When you have too many opinions and too many people who think they have the remedy, it usually backfires.

I think this win will be more special than the others. Because of the history that we have, with that controversial draw. I consider Tyson a brother of this era, especially in the heavyweight division. The other fighters don’t want to let themselves loose and have fun. We’re both able to enjoy what we do day after day. Because when the bell rings, narsa bo'lishi mumkin.

Fighting a guy like Fury, you have to be careful. Time goes by so fast in the ring. You’re trying to do everything that you prepared for. With what he brings to the table with his boxing skills, you have to have some awareness of the clock. But with my power, it’s his job to really watch the clock and try to avoid me for 36 daqiqa.

We both have to come in like we did the first fight, with our hearts on our sleeves and the warrior mentality that we always bring. When you get to this point, the scenery itself makes for a great fight. We all know when I come to fight, I don’t play around. We can play around here today, but we’re going to have that killer mentality in the ring.


I’m born ready. I’m feeling good in training camp. Everything has been going really well. There’s no injuries or excuses. It’s all dedication and sacrifice, one day after another.

The first fight I wanted to go in there and out box him. It didn’t work. No matter what people say, I didn’t win. I count a draw as a loss.

We’re giant heavyweights. I’ve had 20 knockouts, so I’m very capable of knocking people out. When you underestimate someone else’s power, you usually end up unstuck. Whether I’m a great puncher or not, I don’t believe anybody else can match me with heart and determination. I’m going to put my iron will on Deontay Wilder.

I felt that I needed to get an edge in this fight. It’s not personal with me and my trainers, cutmen and nutritionists. It’s business. If I think someone else is going to improve my business, I’ll do it.

How do you beat a massive puncher? You have to back him up. He gets massive leverage in those long arms while coming forward. I have to put him on the back foot and make him absorb some of my power.

I’m the Gypsy King. There’s only been one and there’s only likely to be one going forward. That’s one belt that Deontay Wilder can’t ever win.

He had a great performance against Ortiz. He did what he was supposed to do. He knocks guys out. He was relaxed and calm under the pressure. I was impressed. Not by the knockout, but by the way he was conducting himself under pressure.

I’m always real. Deontay Wilder has knocked out 43 opponents in a row. Even if I hate this guy, I respect that. He has amazing power and his name is up there with all-time greats. He’s a great puncher who gets the job done.

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Meet the New York State Boxing HOF Class of 2020

Yakshanba, Aprel 19, induksion Kechki ovqat

NYU YORK (Yanvar 27, 2020) – The New York State Boxing Hall of Fame (NYSBHOF) has officially announced its 28-member Class of 2019. The ninth annual NYSBHOF induction dinner will be heldSunday afternoon (12:30-5:30 p.m. VA), Aprel 19, Govard Beach, Russo ning On The janob, Nyu York.

“I am proud that we are continuing to honor New York men and woman in boxing for their dedication to the sport that they’ve served,” NYSBHOF presidentBob Duffy said. “This is our way to thank them all and let each new inductee know that we do remember all that they did and continue to do. The Class of 2020 is strong across the board, boxers and non-participants, continuing the NYSBHOF tradition of honoring our own.”

Living boxers heading into the NYSBHOF include three-time World light heavyweight title challengerJorge Ahumada (42-8-2, 22 KOS), of Woodside, Queens by way of Argentina; (1975-78) WBC super featherweight World ChampionAlfredo “El Salsero” Escalera (53-14-3, 31 KOS), of New York City by way of Puerto Rico; WBC super featherweight World title challengerFreddie “The Pitbull” Liberatore (20-4-1, 11 KOS), of Bayside, Queens; WBC middleweight World Champion and four-time New York Golden Gloves winnerDennis “The Magician” Milton (16-5-1, 5 KOS), Bronx of; World heavyweight title challenger and two-time New York Golden Gloves winnerLou Casa Mazzola (46-7, 38 KOS), of Greenwood Lake; and WBA super middleweight title World title challengerMerqui “El Corombo” Sosa (34-9-2, 27 KOS), of Brooklyn by way of the Dominican Republic.

Posthumous participants being inducted are Brooklyn welterweightSoldier Bartfield (51-29-8, 33 KOS), who fought a reported 55 Jahon chempionlarining; Bronx middleweightSteve Belloise (95-13-3, 59 KOS); NYSAC and World lightweight champion (1925) Jimmy Goodrich (85-34-21 (12 KOS), Buffalo; World heavyweight title challengerTami Mauriello (82-13-1, 60 KOS), Bronx of; WBA light middleweight World champion (1982-83) and four-consecutive New York Golden Gloves titlistDavey “Sensational” Moore (18-5, 14 KOS), Bronx of; and World lightweight championFreddie “The Welsh Wizard” Welch (74-5-7, 34 KOS), of New York City by way of Wales.

Living non-participants heading into the NYSBHOF are Oneida judgeDon Ackerman, Wantah, Long Island journalist/producerBobby Cassidy, Jr., Buffalo managerRick Glaser, Rockaway Beach journalistJack Hirsch, Bronx boxing broadcasterMax Kellerman, Ardsley ringside physician/NY Medical DirectorDr. William Lathan, Orangeburg judgeJulie Lederman, Hyde Park refereeRon Lipton, and Staten Island/Catskill trainerKevin Rooney.

Posthumous non-participant inductees are Brooklyn’s Ring Magazine editorLester Bromberg, New York City sportswriterDan Daniel, Brooklyn’s Gleason’s Gym founderBobby Gleason, Sunnyside, Queens boxing writerFlash Gordan, Manhattan journalistA.J. Liebling, Long Island City’s NYSBHOF co-founderTony Mazzarella and New York City managerDan Morgan.

There are a number of firsts regarding some Class of 2020 inductees:  husband-wife – Dr. William andMelvina (sinfi 2018) Lathan; daughter-father – Julie andHarold (sinfi 2012) Lederman.  Bobby Jr. vaBobby Cassidy, Sr. (2013) are the fourth son and father inducted into the NYSBHOF, but the first boxer/journalist combination. The others are boxersFloyd vaTracy Patterson, executive administratorsBobby vaMurray Goodman, and refereesArthur, Sr. vaArtur Mercante, Jr.

Welch is going into the NHSBHOF as a boxer, but he also managed fellow Class of 2020 inductee Goodrich.

Each attending inductee will receive a custom-designed belt signifying his or her induction into the NYSBHOF.

The 2020 sunmaktadırlar NYSBHOF Nomzodlar Qo'mita a'zolari tomonidan tanlab olindi:  Randy GordonGenri HascupDon Majeski,Ron McNairJim Monteverde vaNeil Terens.

kamida uch yil davomida harakatsiz bo'lishi uchun zarur bo'lgan barcha bokschilar NYSBHOF induksiyasi loyiq bo'lishi uchun, va barcha sunmaktadırlar ularning boks karyeralarini muhim qismi uchun yoki ularning tegishli martaba Bosh davomida Nyu-York Davlat istiqomat qilgan bo'lishi kerak.

Chiptalar fiyatlandırılır $150.00 kattalar bilan va $60.00 bolalar uchun (ostida 16) va kirishidan ustiga bir to'liq brunch va mexnat soat o'z ichiga oladi, da boshlangan 12:30 p.m. VA, as well as a full course dinner (Bosh qovurg'a, baliq yoki parranda) and open bar throughout the day. Tickets are available to purchase by contacting NYSBHOF president Bob Duffy at 516.313.2304  NYSBHOF dasturi e'lonlar mavjud: half-page $100.00, full page $200.00 front and back inside covers are $400.00 har bir, va $500.00 for back cover. Mail checks and ads by the April 6 deadline to Bob Duffy, 1112 Whitewood Landing, Massapequa Park, NY 11762. Checks should be payable to NY Stare Boxing Hall of Fame, call Duffy to charge on a credit card.


SINF 2012: Carmen Basilio, Mike McCallum, Mike Tyson, Jake LaMotta, Riddick Bowe, Karlos Ortiz, Vito Antuofermo, Emil Griffit, “Sugar” Ray Robinson, Gen Tunney, Benni Leonard, Tony Canzoneri, Harold Lederman, Stiv Acunto, Jimmy Glenn, Gil Clancy, Ray Arcel, Gen Fleischer, Bill kasa va Artur Mercante, Sr.

SINF 2013: Jack Dempsi, Johnny Dundee, Sandy Saddler, Maxie Rosenbloom, Joey Archer, Eron Barkley, Mark Breland, Bobby Cassidy, Doug Jones, Junior Jones, James “Buddy” McGirt, Eddi Mustafo Muhammad, Bob Arum, Shelly Finkel, Tony Graziano, Larri Merchant, Teddy Brenner, Mike Jacobs, Tex Rickard va Don Dunphy.

Sinf 2014:  Floyd Patterson, Tracy Harris Patterson, Billy Backus, Kevin Kelley, Xuan LaPorte, Gerry Cooney, Mustafo Hamsho, Howard Davis, Jr., Lou Ambers, Jack Britton, Terri McGovern, Teddy Atlas, Lou DiBella, Stiv Farhood, Gen Mur, Anjelo Prospero, Whitey Bimstein, Cus D'Amato, William Muldoon va Tom O'Rourke.

Sinf 2015: Shoul Mamby, Joey Giamba, Johnny Persol, Harold Weston, Lonnie Bradley, Paul Berlenbach, Billy Graham, Frankie Genaro, Bob Miller, Tommy Ryan, Jimmy Slattery, Bob Duffy, Mike Katz, Tommy Gallagher, Bruce Silverglade, Charley Goldman, Jimmy Jonston, Cedric Kushner, Garri markson, Damon Runyon va Al Weill.

Sinf 2016:  Aaron Davis, Charles Murray, Vilomar Fernandez, Edwin Viruet, Hector “Macho” Camacho, Rokki Graziano, Rocky Kansas, Joe Linch, Jo Miceli, Ed Brophy, Joe DeGuardia, Randy Gordon, Dennis Rappaport, Howie Albert, Freddie Brown, Howard Cosell, Ruby Goldstein va Jimmy Jacobs.

Sinf 2017:  Gaspar Ortega, Renaldo “Mr.” Snipes, Doug Dewitt, “The Bronx Bomber” Alex Ramos, Dik Tiger, Jose Torres, “Nonpareil” Jack Dempsey, Don Majeski, Ron Katz, Stan Hoffman, Bobby Bartels, Hank Kaplan, Al Gavin, Artur Donovan va Dan Parker.

Sinf 2018:  Lou “Honey Boy” Del Valle, Jeyk Rodriguez, Terrence Alli, “Baby” Joe Mesi, Kid Chocolate, James J. “Gentleman Jim” Corbett, Jack McAuliffe, Billy Costello, Melio Bettina Ralph “Tiger” Jones, Charley Norkus, Dave Anderson, Pete Brodsky, o't Goldman, Bobby Goodman, Melvina Lathan, Ron Scott Stevens, Johnnie Addie, Johnny Bos, Murray Goodman, Bert Randolph Sugar and Sam Taub.

Sinf 2019:  Wilfredo Benitez, Dick DiVeronica, Rogelio Tuur, Davey Vasquez, Michael Olajide, Monte Barrett, Jimmy Carter, Al “Bummy” Davis, Marty Servo, Roland LaStarza, Paddy DeMarco, Sid Terris, Leach “The Fighting Dentist” Cross, Don King, John McKaie, Steve Albert, Artur Mercante, Jr., Bob Jackson, Dewey Fragetta, Johnny LoBianco, Wayne Kelly, Harry Hill, Jimmy Cannon, and Joe Dwyer.


Four-Fight Card Also Features Undefeated Prospects Raeese Aleem, Montana Love And Derrick Colemon Jr. In Toughest Tests Of Their Careers

NEW YORK - yanvar 22, 2020 – Rising lightweight prospect Thomas Mattice will face hard-hitting Isaac Cruz Gonzalez in the 10-round main event of ShoBox: Yangi avlod Juma kuni, Fevral 14 live on SHOWTIME from 2300 Filadelfiya Arena.

The four-fight telecast is the third of four ShoBox presentations over six weeks showcasing some of boxing’s brightest young prospects in their toughest tests to date, including super lightweight prospect Shohjahon Ergashev and super middleweight Vladimir Shishkin, who were victorious on January 17. yanvar kuni 31, featherweight Ruben Villa and welterweight Taras Shelestyuk will be tested and on February 28, super lightweight Malik Hawkins and welterweight Richardson Hitchins face tough opposition.

In the co-featured bout on February 14, undefeated super bantamweight Raeese Aleem (15-0, 9 KOS), Las-Vegas, zimmasiga oladiShoBox veteran and San Antonio native Adam Lopez (19-3-2, 9 KOS) in an eight-round 122-pound bout. In a matchup of undefeated junior welterweights, Cleveland’s Montana Love (12-0-1, 6 KOS) qaytadi ShoBox in an eight-round showdown with New Orleans’ Jerrico Walton (16-0, 7 KOS). Stream ochilish Butning In, undefeated junior middleweights Derrick Colemon Jr. (11-0, 8 KOS), Detroyt, and Joseph Jackson (15-0, 12 KOS), Shimoliy Karolina, will square off in an eight-round 154-pound bout.

Tadbir chiptalar, which is promoted by GH3 Promotions and King’s Promotions are $100, $75 va $50 va sotib

Cleveland’s Mattice (15-1-1, 11 KOS) is coming off his most significant win to date, an eight-round TKO of previously undefeated Michael Dutchover last September on ShoBox. The fight was stopped due to a deep gash on Dutchover caused by a clean right hand from Mattice. The judges’ scorecards were split at the time of the stoppage. Mattice will be making his sixth start on the prospect developmental series, including a close loss to Will Madera in 2019, a split decision win and a split draw with Zhora Hamazaryan in 2018, and a knockout of Rolando Chinea. The 29-year-old hopes a convincing win over the top-10 ranked Gonzalez will move him closer to a world title shot.

“A win would be huge for my career and put me in a great position,” Mattice said. “It would put me in the conversation with the top dogs of the division. I have to put on a great performance and let all those top fighters know that I’m here and ready to fight anyone. It’s a must-win for me, but it’s a big fight for both of us. He is ranked No. 7 by the IBF so this has the feel of a big fight. I think a win would put me in the top-10.”

Gonsales (18-1-1, 14 KOS), Mexico City, has scored knockouts in 11 Uning oxirgi 14 fights since suffering only loss of his career in just his sixth professional fight. The 22-year-old owns a career-best knockout of former interim world title challenger Jose Felix Jr. ichida 2018. Currently ranked No. 7 IBF tomonidan 135 funt, Gonzalez made his U.S. debut in December on the non-televised undercard of the Jermall Charlo vs. Dennis Hogan event at Barclays Center in Brooklyn last December.

“I am excited to be fighting in the United States and I am thrilled for my fight to be shown on SHOWTIME,” said Gonzalea. “So many fighters started their career on ShoBox and have become World Champions.”

Aleem compiled a 65-10 record as an amateur and was a five-time Golden Gloves State Champion in Michigan. He finished third at the National Golden Gloves in 2010 va 2011 professional yoqishdan oldin 2011. The 29-year-old recently relocated his training camp to Las Vegas, where he has sparred with Jessie Magdaleno, Nonito Donaire and Jhack Tepora. Aleem, who is trained by Terry Markowski, will face the toughest test of his career in the veteran Lopez.

“All my hard work is paying off and now I get to show it on the big stage,” Aleem said. “I am looking forward to earning new fans and staying on a roll. I know Lopez is a really tough fighter with something to prove. He’s been here before so I know he’s ready for the challenge. This is a steppingstone to ultimately get where I want to be, and that’s fighting for a world title, bigger paydays and more exposure. Oxir oqibatda, I don’t just want to win, I want to dominate. Winning isn’t good enough – I also have to look good while doing it.”

Lopez was an accomplished amateur who won six national titles and held a No. 1 martabali, but he has had an up and down career as a pro. The 29-year-old started his career with 15 straight victories yet he has suffered a few setbacks as his level of opposition has dramatically increased. Lopez was undefeated and one win away from challenging for a world championship before losing to current unified 122-pound champion Daniel Roman in a title eliminator in 2017 showtime bo'yicha. Lopez, who will break his own record ofShoBox appearances when he steps into the ring for the eighth time, will face his sixth undefeated opponent on the series as he looks to get his career back on track.

“Aleem is a pretty good fighter, but I think my experience is going to be a factor,” Lopez said. “He hasn’t fought top-tier guys with the exception of Marcus Bates. I have been in the big fights and this is his first time doing this. I am on a three-fight winning streak and I have rededicated myself to the sport. I have a new trainer, Chato Martinez, and a whole new camp. I can’t wait to show that I am back.”

The flashy Love was an accomplished amateur who compiled a 174-13 rekord. The 25-year-old southpaw will return for his third test on ShoBox as he seeks a convincing victory. In his first bout on the series, he won a majority decision over Samuel Teah in 2018 and followed that up with a split draw a few months later against Kenneth Sims Jr. Sevgi, who has sparred with Adrien Broner and Robert Easter Jr., will face what should be his most dangerous opponent in the fellow-undefeated Walton.

“Walton is a decent fighter, but I feel he is still green and he doesn’t have that much experience,” Love said. “I know he is tough, but I am taking this to the next level. He’s just a stepping stone. It’s exciting to fight under the bright lights. Some guys fold, but I was made for this. I am not looking past him, but this will take my career to the next level. We are both undefeated and not many guys take risks like this, but this shows I am a true fighter. My name is MontanaToo Pretty Loveand I am fighting on Valentine’s Day, so I will be giving a lot of love out on February 14.”

The 29-year-old Walton was born and raised in New Orleans, where he rescued his mother and sister from the flood waters of Hurricane Katrina when he was just 13 eski yil. Left homeless, the family relocated to Houston, where Walton competed as an amateur. Walton turned professional in 2014 and has been perfect through his first 16 jang, including a career-best win over former super bantamweight world champion Victor Terrazas in 2019. The boxer-puncher, who is trained by Bobby Benton and fought six times last year, will face the first undefeated opponent of his career in Love.

“I have seen Montana fight before. I know he is flashy in the Adrien Broner mode, but other than that I do not know too much about him,” Walton said. “This opportunity is a blessing. The world is going to get to see me and hear my story. I’m from New Orleans and it was a struggle for me growing up, so this is a great opportunity. I never in a million years thought that I would be in this position. I just need to seize the moment and get the victory.”

Faqat 20 eski yil, Colemon started boxing at the age of 4 and honed his craft at the original Kronk Gym under Emanuel Steward until his passing in 2012. Colemon had a 135-fight amateur career and was a four-time national amateur champion in the junior division. He turned professional when he was 18 years old and has eight knockouts in his first 11 professional jang. Colemon, who is trained by Marlon Thomas, will face by far the toughest test of his career in Jackson, a fellow undefeated yet untested prospect.

“I am physically and mentally prepared more than I ever have been,” Colemon said. “I know Jackson is undefeated and tough, so I know I’m in for a big test. This is the next step in my career, and I feel that I will be not only the next great champion that has fought onShoBox, but the next great fighter out of Detroit. I am ready to show the world my talents. Fevral 14 will put my name in the minds of boxing fans all over the world.”

The 31-year-old Jackson got a late start as a professional yet has been active, including three fights in 2019 and three in 2018. U bor 12 In KO 15 jang, including knockouts in seven of his last eight bouts. The Greensboro native will fight outside of North Carolina for the first time in his career when he takes on the undefeated Colemon.

“I know Colemon is tough, and he had a long amateur career,” Jackson said. “He will come to fight, but I prepare for anything. That is what this sport is all about. I am looking forward to showcasing my talent to the world.”

Barry Tompkins will call the action from ringside with boxing historian Steve Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. ijro etuvchi ishlab chiqaruvchi Richard GAUGHAN ishlab chiqarish va Rick Phillips yo'naltirish bilan Gordon Hall emas.

# # #

Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing ustida amal, SHOSports, #ShoBox, yoki Facebookda bir fan da bo'lib

Atrofida ShoBox: Yangi avlod

Iyul oyida tashkil etilganidan buyon 2001, olqishlar bilan kutib olingan kvplt_fan boks bo'yicha qator, ShoBox: Yangi avlod yoritilgan yosh iste'dod qattiq taalukli. The ShoBox falsafa qiziqarli televizion dasturini ko'rsatmoq iborat, Olomon-ma'qul va raqobatbardosh pas tayyor istiqbollari uchun isbot zamin ta'minlash esa jahon chempionligi uchun jang qilish uchun belgilangan. O'sib borayotgan ro'yxatida ba'zi 81 paydo bo'lgan jangchilar ShoBox va dunyo unvonlari yig'ish uchun ilg'or o'z ichiga oladi: Errol Spence Jr., Andre Uord, Deontay Uaylder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Gilermo Rigondeaux, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Fröch, Robert Guerrero, Timo'tiyga Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Xuan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Pol Uilyam va ko'proq.


Cuban Sensation Hector Lombard Battles Hard-Hitting David Mundell in BKFC 10 Main Event Saturday, Fevral 15 Live on Pay-Per-View from the Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention Center

FORT LAUDERDALE, FLA. (Yanvar 21, 2020) – Chipta endi sotuvga bor for BKFC 10 in Fort Lauderdale as Cuban sensation Hector “ShoweatherLombard va qattiq ritmli David Mundell headline Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship action in an explosive cruiserweight attraction taking place Saturday, Fevral 15 live on pay-per-view from the Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention Center.

The co-main event will feature an all-action 155-pound contest between Jim Alers va Kaleb Harris. Also competing on February 15 bo'ladi Luis Palomino pardoz Elvin Britto in a 155-pound bout, shu qatorda; shu bilan birga Dat Nguyen duch Abdiel Velazquez in a 135-pound fight.

BKFC 10will be broadcast across the United States and Canada, exclusively on pay-per-view through MultiVision Media, Inc., on all major television distribution outlets for $29.99. It will also be available to BKFC’s international broadcast partners worldwide and via stream to all in-home and out-of-home connected devices through fite.

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Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship haqida
Iyun kuni 2, 2018, Filadelfiyada joylashgan Yalang Knuckle Fighting chempionati (BKFC) birinchi huquqiy targ'ib qachon jangovar sport tarixi qildi, beri Amerika Qo'shma Shtatlarida sanktsiyalangan va tartibga solingan yalang'och bo'g'im voqea 1889. “BKFC 1: Boshi” Shayen shahrida bo'lib o'tdi, Vayoming va taniqli 10 professional xuruji, hammasi Vayoming jangovar sport komissiyasining homiyligi va nazorati ostida. BKFC faqat ilgari boks bo'yicha professional tarzda qatnashgan jangchilardan foydalanadi, MMA, kikboksing va/yoki muay-tay. Barcha BKFC janglari ABC a'zosi sport komissiyalari tomonidan ruxsat etiladi va tartibga solinadi. Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun yoki Twitter-da kuzatib boring Instagramda YouTube da
va Facebook


Rising Star Chris Colbert Drops Former Champion Jezreel Corrales & Wins Unanimous Decision to Capture Interim WBA Super Featherweight Title & Top Super Welterweight Prospect Joey Spencer Earns Unanimous Decision Over Erik Spring

Jorge Cota, Vito Mielnicki Jr. & Romuel Cruz Victorious in FOX PBC Fight Night Prelims on FS1 & Fox Sports

Bosing BU YERGA for Photos from Stephanie Trapp/TGB Promotions

Filadelfiya (Yanvar 19, 2020) – Jeison Rosario captured the WBA and IBF Super Welterweight World titles with a shocking fifth round stoppage of hometown favorite Julian “J-Rock” Williams Saturday night in the FOX PBC Fight Night main event and on FOX Deportes from Temple University’s Liacouras Center in Philadelphia.

As soon as I stepped into the ring, I knew he could not hurt me,” said Rosario. “I knew that my power was affecting him right away. This is a big victory for me and for the whole Dominican Republic.

Rosario was the better man tonight,” Said Williams. “It was a great homecoming for my fans and I’m sorry I let them down. What went wrong tonight needs to and will be fixed. We’re going to an immediate rematch and we look forward to returning the favor.

In his first world title fight, the Dominican Republic’s Rosario landed power punches from the outset and opened up a cut on with a punch over Williamsright eye in the second round. Williams was landing power punches of his own, but was unable to stop Rosario from coming forward.

Watch round two highlights where Rosario opens the cut over Williamseye bu yerga.

I’m so emotional in this moment right now,” said Rosario. “When I lost my last fight I said I will never lose again until I become champion of the world and that’s what happened tonight. I came prepared. I knew before the fight that I was going to win it.

In round five Rosario landed the punches that would ultimately lead to the end of the fight, hitting him with hard straight right hands that immediately slowed Williams.

I have to give a lot of credit to my team,” said Rosario. “I had a 16-week training camp and that prepared me for this. My life is changed forever and I can support my family in a whole new way. I realized that I was going to win, once I was offered the fight. I knew that if I made the sacrifice, that I would do what I did tonight. I knew it 16 weeks ago.

Rosario sensed his moment and came forward with big punches, while Williams tried to hold and survive. Eventually the onslaught proved to be too much, and referee Benjy Esteves halted the bout 1:37 turda ichiga. Stopajının paytda, Rosario led 39-37 on two cards, with the third card scored 38-38.

I wasn’t surprised he was so good,” Said Williams. “I told everybody he’s a real fighter. I have to accept it. The cut blurred my vision a little bit but it wasn’t the reason why I lost. He was the better fighter tonight. We’ve got a rematch clause. I’ll see him again soon. I’ll be back.

Watch Rosario finish Williams in Round 5 bu yerga.

The co-main event saw rising star Chris “Bosh Time” Colbert (14-0, 5 KOS) drop former champion Jezreel Corrales (23-4, 9 KOS) on his way to a unanimous decision victory that earned him the Interim WBA Super Featherweight Title.

“U buyuk qiruvchi,” said Colbert. “People don’t realize that, because he had a bad decision against Ladarius Miller. But he’s a great fighter. He’s very awkward. He’s slick and fast. It was hard to catch him because he was running, but he came to fight. I take my hat off to him.

The action began tactically, with Colbert trying to figure out the awkward style of the veteran former champion Corrales. Colbert switched from orthodox to southpaw and was able to control the early action despite a slow pace.

I did my job in there,” said Corrales. “My strategy was to hit and not get hit. I felt like I made him struggle for a lot of the fight. The knockdown wasn’t from being hurt, it was my balance. Our feet got tangled and I lost my balance. I came in here to win. We both did our jobs, but the judges scored his pushing more than his punching.

Colbert continued to vary up his attack as the fight went on, while Corrales was able to have some success in the middle rounds landing straight lefts to counter his attacking opponent. Turda 10 Colbert began to pull away, landing a clean left hook followed by a right hook to the top of the head that put Corrales on a knee.

I had confidence coming into the fight,” said Colbert. “I knew I was going to dominate the fight and I told you all that before the fight happened. He was running and I was trying to catch him, so I told my corner, let’s have a dog fight. We got 12 tur. I’m in shape. Ko'ryapsizmi, I didn’t sit down one round. I’m in shape and I came to fight. I wasn’t going to leave without this title.

The 23-year-old from Brooklyn seemed to get stronger as the fight went on and finished the championship rounds impressively, staggering Corrales in the waning moments of the fight to punctuate the performance. Colbert was the victor on all three judges’ kartochkalar, ballaringizni tomonidan 117-110 ikki marta va 116-111.

The strategy was to use my jab like I did and try to set up my punches,” said Colbert. “But he’s very awkward and has good distance. Slowly but surely I decided to stop boxing, close the distance and get on him. I knew he couldn’t out throw me, I’m from Brooklyn.

Watch highlights of Colbert vs. Corrales bu yerga va bu yerga. Watch the 10th dumaloq yig'ma bu yerga va 11th round action bu yerga.

In the FOX PBC Fight Night opener, top super welterweight prospect Joey Spencer(10-0, 7 KOS)remained unbeaten with a unanimous decision over Erik Spring (13-4-2, 1 KO) after six rounds of action.

Fighting from the southpaw stance, Spring looked to land big overhand lefts but was rarely able to catch up to the speedy 19-year-old Spencer. Spencer dominated the action with his speed and by landing big hooks throughout the action.

I was in there with a cagey, long southpaw,” said Spencer. “Rostini aytsam, when a guy is fighting as cagey as he was, it’s really hard for a guy with my style to just pull something out of nothing. He was a real defensive guy.

Spencer was especially effective sneaking a powerful left hook around Spring’s guard. Spring tried to press the action in the later rounds and force a firefight but Spencer remained patient and picked his spots. Late in round six, a left hook from Spencer sent Spring flying into the ropes, before he was saved from the follow up onslaught by the bell.

At the end I really just pressed him, said I’m going to finish strong, and hit him with some good shots,” said Spencer. “If I had done that in the first or second round, I would have ended it early. I’m glad to get the six rounds in. Experience is everything. You’re only as good as your next fight. I’m happy to get in there and get some good experience and I did my thing and got the shutout.

I was waiting too much,” said Spring. “I thought he would come in and engage more and I was looking counter him but he stayed on the outside. I was more impressed by his speed then his power. He’s a talented fighter but I could have been more effective.

After six rounds, all three judges saw the fight for Spencer, by the score of 60-54 uch marta. PBC’s 2019 Yilning Prospect, Spencer will look for another big year in 2020.

I’m going to stay busy this year,” said Spencer. “I’m going to have a four-fight year. This is one of four. We’re looking to bring some excitement and have some fun.

Watch Joey Spencer seal his 10th career win with a powerful combo just before the final bell bu yerga.

Prior to the main card, FOX PBC Fight Night Prelims on FS1 and FOX Deportes saw Mexico’s Jorge Cota (30-4, 27 KOS) earn a fifth-round stoppage over Thomas “Cornflake” Lamanna (28-3-1, 10 KOS) 1:22 into their super welterweight bout, when LaManna’s corner advised the ringside doctor to halt the action.

Watch highlights of Jorge Cota’s fifth round stoppage of Thomas LaManna bu yerga.

The action also included sensational 17-year-old prospect Vito Mielnicki Jr. (4-0, 3 KOS) dominate Preston Wilson (6-4-1, 4 KOS) on his way to a unanimous decision by the score of 40-36 three times in their welterweight matchup.The Prelims opener saw undefeated Romuel Cruz (4-0-1, 2 KOS) score a first round stoppage of Julio Garcia(3-4, 2 KOS) 2:56 into their super bantamweight contest.

# # #

Viewers can live stream the PBC shows on the FOX Sports and FOX NOW apps or at Bunga qo'chimcha, all programs are available on FOX Sports on SiriusXM channel 83 sun'iy yo'ldosh radiolarida va SiriusXM ilovasida.

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KO Artist Shohjahon Ergashev Records First-Round Knockout; Ja’Rico O’Quinn Impressive In Eight-Round Unanimous Decision Against Oscar Vasquez

Catch The Replay Monday, Yanvar 20 At 10 p.m. Kvplt_fan FAVQULOTDA kuni ET / PT®

Bosing BU YERGA Rasmlar uchun; Credit Dave Mandel/SHOWTIME

SLOAN, Iowa – January 17, 2020 - Three promising and undefeated Detroit prospects shined during ShoBox: The New Generation’s 250th episode Friday night with Russia native Vladimir Shishkin leading the way with a solid unanimous decision win in the main event Friday night from WinnaVegas Casino in Sloan, Ayova.

With Tyson Fury’s trainer Sugarhill Steward from the famed Kronk Gym in Detroit working his corner, the 28-year-old fast-rising Shishkin (10-0, 6 KOS) won for the second consecutive time on ShoBox in a battle of unbeaten fighters as he dominated Ulises Sierra (15-1-2, 9 KOS) San-Diego, Calif. The 10-round super middleweight bout was scored in favor of Shishkin 100-90 va 99-91 ikki marotaba.

Also posting victories were Steward’s students Shohjahon Ergashev, who registered a first-round knockout, and Detroit native Ja’Rico O’Quinn who won unanimously in a dominating eight-round bantamweight bout.

“Ergashev was spectacular but you almost feel like you wish you got to see more,” said Hall of Famer and ShoBox analyst Steve Farhood. “He’s the furthest advanced of the three and Ja’Rico O’Quinn sold himself tonight and was very aggressive, maybe too aggressive.”

Shishkin said afterwards that he fought with an injured left bicep and left elbow. “It was a much tougher fight than I thought it would be because I fought with one hand for most of the fight,"Dedi. “I was surprised he could take my punches, but I couldn’t move his hand out of the way with the left to hit him with the right. That affected me a lot because I use that a lot.”

He added: “I want Canelo (Alvarez). Men xohlardimki (David) Benavidez. I want the champions next. I am ready for the next level. With Sugarhill in my corner I am ready for anyone. Even with one hand.”

Steward is the nephew of the legendary trainer Emanuel Steward. “I thought all the Detroit guys did great,” Sugarhill Steward said. “They all got good experience on television. That’s a factor that some fighters don’t take in to consideration. When they get on television, they don’t know how to handle it. You have to be used to being on a stage like this and I’m happy with the way they all performed. All the guys from Detroit stepped up on television to further their careers. I’m very happy all-around.”

Sierra didn’t have an answer for Shishkin’s body shots as Shishkin connected on 65 body shots to 28 for Sierra. “He was sharp and he was strong,” said Sierra, who became the 189th boxer to lose his undefeated record on ShoBox ichida 19 years of the series. “But I was also hurt with a sprained hand a month before this fight and haven’t hit the bags since then.”

CO-xususiyatli Butning In, hard-hitting super lightweight Shohjahon Ergashev (18-0, 16 KOS) showed off his powerful left hand as the southpaw from Uzbekistan also trained by Steward knocked out Adrian Estrella (29-5, 24 KOS). The fight ended at just 92 seconds into the first round with a devastating body shot as Estrella was unable to survive the entire 10-count.

“I just saw the window to the body, so I threw the shot,” said Ergashev, who is ranked in the top-15 in three of the four major sanctioning bodies. “I wasn’t planning to knock him out in the first round. I wanted to get some rounds in. The guy is durable and experienced, so I thought I would, but when I saw that opening, Men uni olish uchun bor edi.

“I knew it was over the second it landed though. I knew he would not get up from that. No one could. That was a message to the super lightweight division. Bu Shoh vaqti keldi! No matter where I fight, it is always Shoh Time.”

After Ergashev landed the knockout blow, Estrella of Fort Worth, Texas, went down writhing in pain from the left uppercut to the liver and unable to continue.

“I started moving and tried using my jab, but he was very quick with that punch,” Estrella said. “He just punched me very hard in the stomach and I was paralyzed on the canvas. I tried to stand up, but I couldn’t hear the referee counting. I couldn’t hear anything, and I couldn’t move. It was a hell of a shot.”

In the telecast opener, former No. 1-ranked U.S. amateur at bantamweight, Ja’Rico O’Quinn (14-0-1, 8 KOS) was impressive in his ShoBox debut as he outclassed a game Oscar Vasquez (15-3-1, 3 KOS) in a unanimous decision 79-73 three times at 118 funt.

The WBO No. 10-ranked junior bantamweight O’Quinn worked the body effectively throughout the eight-round fight connecting on 83 body shots to 40 for Vasquez of Reno, Nev. O’Quinn outworked Vasquez with an average of 88 punches per round to Vasquez’s 59.2.

“I give this performance a six, to be honest,” said O’Quinn. “I want to fight bigger and taller people, that’s what I’m used to. I’m not taking anything away from Oscar. No matter what I will always come out on top. Even when things can get ugly, I know how to win beautiful.”

Farhood called the bout a “highly competitive, one-sided fight.”

Added O’Quinn: “I went into this fight knowing Oscar Vasquez was a tough guy. I knew he would be coming forward to make it ugly, so my game plan was to box him but if I had to, stand there and trade with him. I knew I’d be stronger than him and be able to take his punch. It was hard to land my shots with him leaning on me. I couldn’t turn him like I wanted and cut off angles, but we came, we conquered and I got the win.”

O’Quinn, who overcame a slow start losing the first round, ended round seven emphatically with a series of punches that rattled Vasquez, who stayed on his feet and didn’t give up. “I think I did amazing,” said Vasquez, a 32-year-old crane operator. “It was a very close fight. I thought I was winning the first five rounds. He hurt me once in the seventh round and that took a lot out of me. He was a better fighter tonight.”

Friday’s fights were promoted by Salita Promotions. The full telecast will replay on Monday, Yanvar 20 da 10 p.m. ET/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME and will be available on SHOWTIME ANYTIME® and SHOWTIME on DEMAND®.

Hall of Famer Barry Tompkins called the action from ringside with fellow Hall of Famer Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. ijro etuvchi ishlab chiqaruvchi Richard GAUGHAN ishlab chiqarish va Rick Phillips yo'naltirish bilan Gordon Hall emas.

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Atrofida ShoBox: Yangi avlod

Iyul oyida tashkil etilganidan buyon 2001, olqishlar bilan kutib olingan kvplt_fan boks bo'yicha qator, ShoBox: Yangi avlod yoritilgan yosh iste'dod qattiq taalukli. The ShoBox falsafa qiziqarli televizion dasturini ko'rsatmoq iborat, Olomon-ma'qul va raqobatbardosh pas tayyor istiqbollari uchun isbot zamin ta'minlash esa jahon chempionligi uchun jang qilish uchun belgilangan. O'sib borayotgan ro'yxatida ba'zi 81 paydo bo'lgan jangchilar ShoBox va dunyo unvonlari yig'ish uchun ilg'or o'z ichiga oladi: Errol Spence Jr., Andre Uord, Deontay Uaylder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Gilermo Rigondeaux, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Fröch, Robert Guerrero, Timo'tiyga Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Xuan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Pol Uilyam va ko'proq.