Category Archives: ady totohondry

Wilder vs. Tezitra ny famerenana amin'ny laoniny Preview sy fanadihadiana

By: Tony Penecale

Ny Tompondakan'ny Mavesatra Heavy no loka manamarika indrindra tamin'ny fanatanjahantena. Nandritra ireo taona vitsivitsy lasa, nihena ny fahalianana amin'ireo goavambe fistic. Niova izany tamin'ny herin'i Deontay Wilder manaitaitra sy ny fampisehoana karismatika an'i Tyson Fury.

Miaraka amin'ny fihaonana voalohany nifarana tamin'ny fisarihana nahabe resaka, mahita ny tenany mizara ny peratra indray izy ireo. Samy lehilahy manana rakitsoratra tsy resy ary sary tokana (mifanohitra) amin'ny latabatra misy azy ireo.

Ireo lehilahy lehibe no miakatra eo afovoany amin'ilay loka tsy azo iadian-kevitra. "The Bomber Bronze" sy "The Gypsy King"…. Iza no hanjaka fara tampony?


Wilder:  Age:   34 taona

Record:  42-0-1 (41 Knockouts)

Haavo:  6’7”

Weight:  219 * * Lanjan'ny farany bout (11-23-19)

Tonga:  83"

Fahatezerana: Age:  31 taona

Record:  29-0-1 (20 Knockouts)

Haavo:  6’9”

Weight:  254 * * Lanjan'ny farany bout (9-14-19)

Tonga:  85"



Kapila bitika lanja mavesatra Tompon-daka (’15 -Pres)


Tompondaka amin'ny mavesatra WBA (’15 -‘16)

Tompondaka amin'ny mavesatra WBO (’15 -‘16)

Tompondaka mavesatra mavesatra IBF (’15 -‘16)

Tompondaka mavesatra mavesatra IBO (’15 -‘16)

Tompondaka mavesatra mavesatra Linear (’15 -Pres)



Fihetsiketsehana, mpiady maloto matetika amin'ny sandry lava sy hery manova ady amin'ny totohondry roa, Wilder dia nametraka ny tandavan-tànana tamin'ny tànany mitarika ary manaraka azy amin'ny karazana paompy mahery. Izy dia mitondra ny heriny tara amin'ny adiny ary afaka mamoaka dona amin'ny fotoana rehetra.


Matoky tena, matoky tena, ary indraindray mpiady koka, Ny fahatezerana dia manana hetsika haingana sy haingana ho an'ny mpiady lehibe toy izany. Izy dia mampifangaro ny asan'ny tongotra tsara amin'ny fihetsiky ny vatana ambony sy ny fahaizana mitifitra na orthodox na any atsimo, mitazona ny fifandanjan'ny mpanohitra ary mametraka ny fanafihany manafintohina.


Wilder-Fury I: Nanokatra ny lalao ny fahatezerana tamin'ny alàlan'ny hetsika mahomby, mitazona an'i Wilder tsy mahay mandanjalanja ary tsy afaka mametraka zavatra manan-danja. Wilder dia afaka nametraka jab henjana maromaro tao 4faha- manodidina, ra mikoriana avy amin'ny oron'i Fury. Fury dia nandany fotoana tamin'ny fihodinana afovoany ho toy ny atsimo ary nahita fahombiazana. Nahavita nandondona an'i Wilder i Wilder 9faha- boribory fa ny fanarahan-dia nataony dia nahasasatra azy, namela an'i Fury hamerina ny hery amin'ny alàlan'ny 11faha- boribory Ilay tsy hay hadinoina 12faha- boribory nahita an'i Wilder namaky ary nidona tanana ankavanana sy fitambarana farango havia. Nianjera mafy tamin'ilay lamba ilay fahatezerana, fisaka eo an-damosiny. Nahagaga fa nitsangana tamin'ny isan'ny 9 ary tany ivelany Wilder rehefa nifarana ny dingana farany. Nahazo isa i Alejandro Rochin 115-111 Wilder, Nahazo isa i Robert Tapper 114-112 Fahatezerana, ary nahazo isa i Phil Edwards 113-113.



* Hery - Ny fipoahana amin'ny faran'ny totohondry Wilder, voalohany indrindra dia ny tanana ankavanana, dia ampahany amin'ny nokleary. Raha ny tanany havia kosa mitondra pop be ao, dia ny tànana ankavanan'ny Wilder izay hita fa mety ho totohondry nandrava indrindra tamin'ny ady totohondry androany. Afaka mamarana ny ady izy amin'ny alàlan'ny fametrahana ny tànany ankavanana mahitsy eo afovoany, manindrona azy eo amboniny, na ny fizarana ny mpiambina ho toy ny sisin-dalana ambony.

* Conditioning - Tany am-piandohan'ny asany, rehefa namarana ny adiny rehetra tao anatin'ny fihodinana vitsivitsy izy, misy ny marika fanontaniany raha toa ka manjavona i Wilder amin'ny fihodinana manaraka. Noporofoiny fa afaka mitolona mafy toy izany koa izy amin'ny faramparan'ny fihodinana ary afaka mandondona mandra-pahatongan'ny lakolosy famaranana.

* Athleticism - Wilder dia manambatra ny habe tsy dia fahita firy, hafainganam-pandeha, fahefana, ary ny fahaizan'ny atletisma izay mora eritreretina hoe manjakazaka amin'ny karazana sehatry ny atletisma izy.


* Hetsika - Ho an'ny lehilahy manana ny habeny sy ny vatany mitovy amin'ny volafotsy, Ny fahatezerana dia mihetsika amin'ny fahasoavana sy fahaizan'ny mpandihy baleta iray. Izy dia maivana amin'ny tongony ary manana fihetsiketsehana ambony izy izay tsy dia mahazatra loatra ho an'ny olona lehibe toy izany.

* Fahatokisana - Matoky tena tanteraka ny fahatezerana ary mino ny fahaizany. Izy dia mampiseho kely na tsy misy tahotra eo amin'ny peratra. Ny toetrany karismatika natoky tena dia manome azy tombony ara-tsaina.

* Maharesy - Na miakatra amin'ny canvas manohitra an'i Wilder izany, mandresy ny fanapahana mahatsiravina atao amin'i Wallin, na miady amin'ny famoizam-po sy ny fidorohana zava-mahadomelina, Ny fahatezerana dia naneho hafanana sy faharetana tokony hoderaina.



* Sloppy - Wilder dia mampiseho finoana matanjaka be amin'ny heriny ka matetika dia masiaka sy misolelaka amin'ny totohondry sy ny tongony. Matetika izy dia mijery amizista amin'ny peratra.

* Olana amin'ny boxers - Ireo mpiady izay mampiasa hetsika tsara sy fahaiza-manao ady totohondry Wilder. Sahirana izy mametraka ny tongony ary matetika izy no mihemotra. Nandeha an-dàlana tamin'i Luis Ortiz tamin'ny ady roa izy ary niavaka tamin'ny ankamaroan'ny ady voalohany nataony tamin'i Fury.

* Chin - Ireo fotoana vitsivitsy nanaraha-maso mafy ny saoka an'i Wilder, naneho lesoka izy tamin'ny faharetany. Ortiz dia nandratra azy mafy ary teo akaikin'ny fahaverezan'ny fihodinana.


* Fanelingelenana - Fury dia tia ny lazany vaovao hita sy ny firesahana WWE sy MMA. Nisaraka tamin'ny mpanazatra azy Ben Davidson izy ary miantso ny fitifirany. Fury koa dia manana ody ao amin'ny peratra izay tsy ahitany fifantohana ary hitany teo amin'ny lamba mihoatrana mihoatra ny indray mandeha izy nandritra ny fotoana tsy nifantoka.

* Fiainana manokana - Izy io dia voarakitra tsara ny demonia manokana an'ny Fury miaraka amin'ny fahaketrahana sy ny fidorohana zava-mahadomelina, miaraka amin'ny lanja mavesatra mihoatra 400 lbs. Na dia mendri-piderana aza ny fandreseny noho ireo demonia ireo, ny vokany maharitra ara-batana dia tsy azo lavina.

* Hoditra– Dimy volana monja taorian'i Fury no nibontsina ny masony havanana nanohitra an'i Otto Wallin, mitaky 47 zaitra. Raha ny dokotera kosa dia nihevitra fa ny sitrana dia sitrana, ny hodiny malefaka dia afaka misokatra indray amin'ny fotoana tsy mety indrindra.


Wilder:  (11/23/19) - Nahazo ny lalao famonoana avy any aoriana an'i Wilder indray i Wilder. Rehefa avy navoaka ho an'ny ankamaroan'ny fihodinana enina voalohany, Wilder dia nametraka ny elany niaraka tamin'i Ortiz nandreraka ary nilatsaka tànana ankavanana nibolisatra izay niteraka fidona iray.


(9/14/19) - Tafavoaka tamin'ny fifaninanana feno rà niaraka tamin'i Otto Wallin tsy resy i Fury. Fahavoa dia voan'ny kapoka teo amin'ny masony ankavanana tao amin'ny 3RD boribory ary nisy fiantraikany mazava tamin'ny fahitany ny ra. Na eo aza ny fahasimbana, Fury dia mbola nifehy ny hetsika ary nandratra an'i Wallin imbetsaka nankany amin'ny fandresena amin'ny fanapahan-kevitra.

3 Bita tsara indrindra vitan'ny


* Arthur Pin (1/16/16) - Rehefa avy nianjera tany aloha tany aoriana, Wilder no nandray an-tanana ny 4faha- boribory ary nanomboka nipetraka sy nifehy ny hetsika. Tanana ankavanana tokana ao amin'ny 9faha- manodidina dia nandefa an'i Szpilka ary tsy nahatsiaro tena, ny 2016 Knockout ny Taona.

* Gold Cup (1/17/15) - Namaly ny fanontaniany momba ny tanjany i Wilder tamin'ny alàlan'ny fandehanany feno 12 fihodinana voalohany tamin'ny asany ary naka ny anaram-boninahitra WBC nandritra izany. Wilder dia nampiasa ny jab lava nataony ary nitazona an'i Stiverne tsy ho afa-baraka niaraka tamin'ny fahaizany ambany.

* Luis Ortiz (3/3/18) - Tafavoaka velona tamin'ny fotoana nahatahotra i Wilder nanohitra ilay veteraney kiobanina matetika sorohina alohan'ny nandresen'i 10faha- knockout manodidina. Wilder dia nanahiran-tsaina ny fahaizan'ny Ortiz ady totohondry talohan'ny nandondohany azy tamin'ny 5faha- boribory Hetsika Ortiz tao amin'ny 7faha- Naratra mafy tokoa i Wilder saingy afaka nanangona indray i Wilder ary namono ny fandondonana amam-potoana vitsivitsy taty aoriana.


*  Wladimir Klitschko (11/25/15) - niditra tao an-tokontanin'i Klitschko i Fury ary nanohitra ny fiadiana ny tompondaka tamin'ny hazakazaka mavesatra laharam-pirazanana tamin'ny alàlan'ny fanapahan-kevitra niraisan-kevitra. Raha ny ady kosa dia raharaha malina, Fury dia afaka nanilika an'i Klitschko tamin'ny dian-tongotra ambony, hetsika, ary famoahana poch avo kokoa.

* Derek Chisora (11/29/14) - Nanjakan'ny fahatezerana ny lalao nifanandrinana tamin'ireo mpifaninana britanika taminy, ady totohondry lavitra, mifamadika eo anelanelan'ny orthodoksa sy atsimo, ary manasazy ny fahavalony mandra-pijanon'ny zorony ny tolona aorian'izany 10 boribory iray ila.

* Deontay Wilder (12/1/18) - Afa-tsy ny knockdown roa sy ny sasany mitsikera, Ny Fury dia nifehy ny ankamaroan'ny lalao. Nisoroka ny totohondrin'i Wilder izy ary nampidina kaontera mahomby, ny fanaovana an'i Wilder dia toa sahiran-tsaina sy tsy mahay mandanjalanja.



* Ampiasao ny jabany ary atsipazo ny fomba mahamenatra an'i Fury

* Ataovy fohy sy fohy ny paosiny

* Aza variana amin'ny hetsiky ny olona ambony ao amin'ny Fury


* Ovao ny hafainganana ary tazomy haminavina i Wilder

* Mampiasà hetsika eo an-dohany mba hitazomana an'i Wilder tsy hametraka ny tongony

* Aza mahazo moka amin'ny tady



* Azon'i Wilder tantana ve ny hetsika tsy mitongilana nataon'i Fury?

* Hampiasa gameplan tsaratsara kokoa ve i Wilder?

*  Ho sosotra ve i Wilder?


* Hiezaka mafy ve i Fury amin'ny famoahana ny lalao?

* Mifantoka tanteraka amin'ny ady totohondry ve i Fury?? 

* Mora manota indray ve ny masony tapaka??


Samy mpihetsiketsika miavaka ireo mpiady roa ary ny fidiran'ny peratra tsirairay avy dia hataon'ny vahoaka marobe. Eo amin'ny vanin-tazo ny herinaratra amin'ny lakolosy fanokafana. Miaraka amin'ny mahazatra azy ireo, hisy kely kokoa ny fizotran'ny fihetseham-po noho ny fihaonany voalohany. Ho eo amin'ny rantsan-tongony i Fury handroso ary hiezaka i Wilder handany fotoana ny fandrosoany sy ny famelezana ny tany. Amin'ny faran'ny 1St manodidina, Hihomehy an'i Wilder ny fahatezerana ary hisy ny fifanakalozana teny.

Ny hetsika tsy miovaova ataon'ny Fury sy ny totohondry tokana dia hanelingelina an'i Wilder satria ny valin'ny totohondiny dia hahita rivotra foana. Ireto fihodinana manaraka ireto dia lalao mahaliana saka sy totozy miaraka amin'i Wilder kely kokoa amin'ny andraikitry ny saka, zava-poana manandrana mamorona an'i Wilder lehibe kokoa.

Wilder dia hahita fahombiazana amin'ny jabany ao amin'ny 6faha- ary 7faha- ny fihodinana sy ny tanana ankavanana manavotra dia hahatratra an'i Fury eo an-tampon'ny loha, mandondona azy amin'ny fandanjalanjana ny lamba. Hipoitra ny fahatezerana, wink eo an-jorony, ary miverina mihetsika indray. Ny fientanam-po dia hampihetsiketsika an'i Wilder ary hianjera amin'ny lamba mihintsy izy rehefa tsy nahita tanana ankavanana be loatra.

Miaraka amin'i Wilder izay toa sasatra amin'ny sombin-kafatra nataony tamin'ny fihodinana teo aloha, Hihodina any atsimo ny fahatezerana ary hidina tanana ankavanana marobe, avy eo mipoitra ivelan'ny isan'ireo totohondry rehetra.

Ny hetsiky ny Fury sy ny mpiasa ambony kokoa dia hitondra ny hetsika amin'ny alàlan'ny fihodinana fiadiana ny tompondaka, mitarika azy indray ho amin'ny fitarihana mazava ho any amin'ny fihodinana farany.

Ny fanapahan-kevitra amin'ity indray mitoraka ity dia hiray hevitra miaraka amin'i Dave Moretti sy i Glenn Feldman izay samy nahazo isa avokoa 115-112 ary Steve Weisfeld alokaloka akaiky kokoa 114-113, rehetra manohana ny "The Gypsy King" Tyson Fury.

Undefeated Featherweight Ruben Villa now Ranked Number-Nine by Ring Magazine

Sary avy amin'i Emily Harney / Banner Promotions

Featherweight contender also ranked #5 ny WBO sy #13 ny kapila bitika

Philadelphia, PA / ORANGE, TOY NY- Febroary 20, 2020 – Tsy Mety Resy featherweight Reuben Villa dia izao laharana #9 by Ring Magazine.

Villa (18-0, 5 Kos) of Salinas, California is just three weeks removed from an impressive 10-round unanimous decision over Alexei Collado in a bout that headlined a ShoBox: The New Generation card in Shreveport, Louisiana. Noho ny fandresena, Villa successfully defended his WBO International title.

In that bout, Villa was dominant throughout and displayed a diverse arsenal of punches that were very effective in decisively out punching the offensive minded Collado.

The ranking from the heralded magazine, adds to his world rankings of #5 ny WBO sy #13 ny kapila bitika.

I was just surprised to get the recognition that I deserve. It’s been tough, but its finally starting to payoff. I am trying to get better with each fight and the people were happy. That the last fight against Collado meant a lot and opened up many doors,” said Villa

Being recognized in the top-10 by Ring Magazine solidifies and validates Ruben of graduating from top-prospect to bona fide contender. In his next bout, we are looking for Ruben to really make a statement and face another world-ranked opponent in order to put him in position to fight for a world title,” hoy Banner Promotions Filoha, Artie Pelullo.

The rise of Ruben Villa has been gaining momentum since the world got to see him on Showtime last year. A world title bout is in his immediate future and it’s great to see the media, like Ring Magazine, recognizing his accomplishments.stated Ken Thompson, CEO of Thompson Boxing Promotions.

For regular updates on our fighters, zava-nitranga, and promotions, please like the Banner Promotions Facebook Page, and follow us on Instagram ary Twitter BannerBoxing.


Quadrupleheader Will Feature Five Fighters With Undefeated Records

NEW YORK – February 20, 2020 – Talented undefeated super lightweight prospect Brandun Lee will headline his first ShoBox: The New Generation main event when he takes on Camilo Prieto in a 10-round super lightweight bout that headlines a quadrupleheader on Friday, Martsa 13 velona SHOWTIME (10 ET / PT) avy amin'ny Grand Casino Hinckley any Hinckley, From.

The four fights include five boxers who have yet to taste defeat with a total record of 107 wins to just three defeats and two draws. Ao amin'ny fiaraha-nasongadina bout, undefeated Brian Norman Jr. (16-0, 14 Kos) puts his perfect record on the line as he takes on Flavio Rodriguez (9-1-1, 7 Kos) in an eight-round welterweight matchup. Undefeated Alejandro Guerrero (11-0, 9 Kos) meets Jose Angulo (12-1, 5 Kos) in an eight-round lightweight scrap while yet another unbeaten fighter Aram Avagyan (9-0-1, 4 Kos) takes on fellow undefeated Dagoberto Aguero (17-0, 11 Kos) in an eight-round featherweight fight.

Tapakila ho an'ny hetsika, which is promoted by Salita Promotions in association with D&D Boxing and Rapacz Boxing, dia priced amin'ny $75 Ringside, $50 Reserved, $25 General Niaiky, ary $62.50 Table Seating (two-ticket minimum), ary amin'izao fotoana izao dia eo amin'ny amidy amin'ny or the Grand Casino Hinckley Box Office.

“We are excited about our March 13 karatra, which includes amateur national champions, knockout artists and undefeated fighters,”Hoy ​​i Gordon Hall, mpanatontosa ho an'ny ShoBox: The New Generation. “We open up with a battle of unbeatens and that will be followed by three of boxing’s top prospects under the age of 22. These three very talented prospects all had stellar amateur careers and each are talented in their own way. They all have something in common and that’s power as the threesome have a combined 39 knockouts in their 45 ady. You can expect an action-packed card and certainly some KOs.”

“On March 13th, boxing fans are in for a treat,” said Dmitriy Salita, Filohan'ny Salita Promotions. “This fantastic ShoBox card is showcasing some of the most talented prospects in boxing. Top to bottom, is going to be a must watch night of fights, shining the spotlight in my opinion, in some of tomorrow’s champions.”

“These are four terrific matchups between up-and-coming young fighters,” said Cameron Dunkin of D&D Boxing. “Brandun Lee has a big test in front of him for his first main event on ShoBox. Brian Norman and Alejandro Guerrero will both be in the toughest fights of their careers as well. All four televised bouts have the potential to be explosive. These are the types of fights that boxing needs.”

Just 20 taona, the knockout artist Lee (18-0, 16 Kos) from La Quinta, Kalifornia., has KO’d all but two of his opponents (88.89 isan-jato), ao anatin'izany ny 11 tamin'ny fihodinana voalohany, four in the second and one in the third. The third-year pro is making his second ShoBox fisehoan'ny. Volana Septambra, Lee scored a second-round knockout against Milton Arauz in his ShoBox fanjanahan'i. (VIDEO). This is Lee’s second fight of 2020 as he knocked out Miguel Zamudio in a non-televised January 17 bout in Sloan, Iowa.

Lee dia nanana asa tsy miankina voaravaka firaketana an-tsoratra 196-5. Izy no 2015 U.S. Tompondaka nasionaly zandriny, mitondra an-trano ny medaly volamena ao 145 kilao. With lightning quick hands that also pack power, the exciting Lee has sparred with Mikey Garcia, Devin Haney, Mauricio Herrera, Timothy Bradley Jr., Thomas Dulorme, ny anarana vitsivitsy. Lee is trained by his father Bobby Lee and is also a full-time college student.

“I’m excited to be headlining my first SHOWTIME show,"Lee hoe:. “I’m looking forward to giving fans something different that they haven’t seen from me before. They’re going to see me display my boxing skills a lot more. In my last two fights, I feel like I didn’t really show how good my defense is. I’m going to use the left hand a lot more to feel him out. Ary avy eo, when the time is right, I will drop the bombs. Headlining my first ShoBox is a huge accomplishment. It’ll sort of be like graduating the high school of boxing. After this, I hope to move onto the University level of boxing like SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING or Pay-per-View.

The 33-year-old Prieto (15-1, 10 Kos) is riding a seven-fight win streak with his last loss coming in February 2017. In his last fight in November, Prieto recorded a six-round unanimous decision against Yogli Herrera. Prieto trains at various gyms around Miami and for the past year has been working with former light heavyweight world champion and Roy Jones Jr. conqueror Glen “The Road Warrior” Johnson.

“It’s been great working with Glen,” Prieto said. “I am getting knowledge from an ex-world champion who knows what it takes to be at the top level and has been there before. He knows how to push and guide you the right way for big fights like this. Brandun Lee looks like a young, undefeated fighter to me, but I don’t see anything too impressive, ny marina. You can expect to see fireworks that night. I’m going to really come and put Brandun to the test. He’s never faced anyone as good as me. Izany dia midika hoe handeha ho be atao ady. "

Norman, the 19-year-old Atlanta resident, like Lee also has won all but two of his fights by knockout. Vao haingana indrindra, Norman earned a unanimous decision victory over Evincii Dixon on January 17 in Sloan, Iowa. Norman goes by the nickname “The Assassin II” as his father Brian Norman Sr. was known as “The Assassin” as a professional boxer from 2003-2011. Norman is trained by both his father and Barry Richardson.

“I’m not looking for just a victory on ShoBox, I want to show off,” Norman said. “I want to show what I can do. I want to break my opponent down and let everybody know I’m here. You can expect to see a lot of fireworks. Both my father and Barry are giving me their all, and I’m giving it back. I know Rodriguez is a short, pressure fighter. He’s basically made for me to beat.”

Rodriguez trains at Capetillo Boxing Academy in East Los Angeles. He had an amateur record of 86 Fandresena sy 14 losses and was a silver medalist at the Junior Olympic Nationals.

“Fighting on SHOWTIME is a dream come true,” Rodriguez said. “Growing up, I always wanted to be one of the guys that fought on TV, so it’s pretty exciting to get the opportunity to do so and show the world my skills. A victory would mean a lot to me, especially a win over someone as tough as the guy I’m fighting. I’m hoping a win over him can bring me to bigger opportunities to fight for a world title.”

Guerrero is a big-punching prospect who has won his last three fights by knockout. A celebrated amateur who won two junior national titles, “Pork Chop” has sparred with the likes of Mikey Garcia and Brandon Rios at the famed Garcia Boxing Academy in California. Miady avy tany Houston, the 21-year-old will be making his national television debut March 13 and is coming off a second-round TKO of Darnell Jiles Jr. in January of this year.

“I love that I’m getting this opportunity,” said Guerrero. “I’ve trained for this my whole life. My dream is to become a world champion, so a win would mean so much for me and my family. I’ve been training really hard for this fight, knowing it’ll be on national television. I don’t really know much about Angulo, but we train hard for anyone. The outcome will always be the same. I will always win.”

Angulo, of Guayaquil, Ekoatera, will be making his United States debut after fighting 12 ny 13 professional fights in his native country. His lone loss came in his only fight outside of Ecuador, a unanimous decision to Ryan Pino in Puerto Rico. Since the loss, Angulo has rattled off six consecutive wins, including knockouts in the second and first rounds of his last two fights, tsirairay.

“There’s going to be a big surprise waiting for Guerrero on March 13,” said Angulo. “He likes fighting on the inside and he comes forward with a lot ofaggression too, so he’s the perfect style for me and the way I like to fight. I’m looking forward to showcasing myself on this big platform and putting all my skills to work. I will win.”

Avagyan, a 29-year-old from Yerevan, Armenia, represented his home country in the 2016 Lalao Olaimpika. Avagyan had an accomplished amateur career, winning bronze medals at both the 2013 ary 2015 European championships. Turning pro following the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Games, Avagyan won his first eight professional bouts before fighting Russian Evgeny Smirnov to a split-decision in September 2018. His last time out, he made his U.S. debut on the undercard of Canelo Alvarez-Daniel Jacobs, where he handily out-boxed then-unbeaten Francisco Esparza en route to a unanimous decision.

“Every fight is a chance to prove myself and rise to the top,” said Avagyan, who is signed to Salita Promotions. “When I go out into the ring, I only think about winning any at cost. Aguero is just another obstacle that must be moved out of my way. Before each fight, I surrender myself to training one hundred percent so that on the day of the battle, I do not regret the path traveled. Fight night is like a holiday for me because the time has come for which I was preparing.”

The 26-year-old Aguero was an impressive amateur in his native Dominican Republic. Aguero was a silver medalist at the 2011 Pan-Am Games in Guadalajara, Meksika, losing only to future two-time Olympic Gold Medalist Robeisy Ramírez. As a pro, the San Cristobal native won the first 10 fights of his career in his home country before making his U.S. debut in February 2017 when he earned the most impressive win of his young career over Olimjon Nazarov.

“Fighting on SHOWTIME is what we have been waiting for,” said Aguero, who is currently training in Pahokee, Fla. “I look at it as the opportunity to show people who I am and when I win this fight, it’ll be the beginning of a great boxing career where I can feed my family and give my son everything he needs and deserves.”

Barry Tompkins dia hiantso ny hetsika miaraka amin'ny mpahay tantara momba ny ady totohondry Steve Farhood sy ny tompon-daka eran-tany teo aloha Raul Marquez izay mpandinika manam-pahaizana.. Ny mpamokatra dia Gordon mpanatanteraka Hall amin'ny Richard Gaughan famokarana sy Rick Phillips mitarika.

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About ShoBox: The New Generation

Hatramin'ny nitsanganany tamin'ny volana Jolay 2001, ny manakiana ady totohondry ambara SHOWTIME andian, ShoBox: The New Generation dia nasongadina mafy tanora talenta mifanentana. The ShoBox ny filozofia dia ny televise mampientam-po, vahoaka-ankasitrahana sy fifaninanana lalao raha manome ny manaporofo tany ho vonona tapa-kevitra ny hiady fanantenana ho an'izao tontolo izao lohateny. Ny sasany amin'ireo lisitra tsy mitsaha-mitombo ny 81 mpiady izay niseho tamin'ny ShoBox ary efa be ny tsompitra izao tontolo izao dia ahitana ny anaram-boninahitra: Errol Spence Jr., Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Madagascar Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams sy kokoa.

From East LA to Team USA Flyweight boxer Anthony Herrera is living the dream

Colorado Springs, Am-pofoany. (Febroary 20, 2020) – From the mean streets of East Los Angeles to a berth on Team USA is a remarkable achievement for 19-year-old flyweightAnthony Herrera, who recently was selected to be a member of the 2020 Olympic Games Tokyo Boxing Qualification Team.

“Since I was very young,” Herrera spoke about growing up in East LA, “my parents always kept me in sports. Being so occupied with sports was actually a distraction from what was going on around the city. So, I never had time to get into trouble and my parents kept me away from a bad lifestyle. Once I started boxing, I took it seriously, staying focused and setting goals. I was a little older at that time and whether or not I wanted to partake in boxing or wanted to make a career out of it was all up to me, and I always had my parents full support. Boxing has been a big part of my life. I’m always looking forward to the next workout or anything boxing related. It’s part of my image at this point.”

Amin'izao fotoana izao, aza, Herrera is preparing with his teammates at the United States Olympics and Paralympic Training Center in Colorado Springs for the America’s Qualification Tournament, March 26-April 3, in Buenos Aires, Arzantina.

Herrera will qualify to represent his country at the Olympics by finishing among the top five in Buenos Aires, or first six placers at the World Qualifier, Mey 13-14, ao Paris, France.

“I thrive under pressure,” Herrera said. “I don’t let pressure get to me mentally so much that it negatively impacts my performance. It makes me perform better when I’m in the ring. I’ve been under pressure my whole boxing career. Not only has it made me a better fighter in certain situations that are intimidating, but also a stronger person overall. Going to Argentina is no different, the nerves are still there, but so is my determination to get to Tokyo.”

A 2018 National PAL and 2019 Western Elite Qualifier champion, Herrera recently finished second at the 2020 U.S. Olympic Team Trials and third at the 2020 Strandja Tournament in Bulgaria.

“The amateur boxing accomplishment I’m most proud of is making the United States Qualification Team as a flyweight,” hoy izy nanamarika. “It was tough to make it here and knowing that I overcame the obstacles I faced on this long journey to where I’m at now makes me very happy. I can truly say I earned it.

“My first International boxing match (Strandja) was a little different from what I’m used to. The equipment we used and fighting without headgear created more risk when fighting, but I had fun in my first international fight. I already have the feel for that environment and am more comfortable now.

“I really enjoy training in Colorado Springs with my teammates, because it’s a great experience that only the best athletes get. I love training at home as well, but there are less distractions in Colorado Springs. I get to focus 100-percent on my craft and get to travel more.”

Herrera, who describes his style as a “swarmer”, applying pressure and breaking down his opponent, is living the dream.

“Fighting in the Olympics was always big for me, but getting a gold medal is my dream,” he added. “I’ve always wanted it because no one can ever take that away from me, and the story and work that is put behind a gold medal is priceless. In my opinion it is harder than winning a world title in professional boxing. Being this close to the Olympics, I’m proud of myself but not satisfied. I know that I still have work to do and I’m taking one step at a time. The next step for me is to qualify for the Olympics at the Olympic Qualifier.”

Herrera attributes some of his success to learning from former and contemporary boxers, implementing any techniques that they use into his style, ao anatin'izany ny, for example, the footwork and head movement ofJulio Cesar Chavez Sr., aryMike Tyson’s set-ups from the body to head.

Tokyo is a long way from East LA for Anthony Herrera.


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MOMBA NY ASBOXING:  Mampiroborobo sy mampitombo ny ady totohondry am-pitiavana amin'ny fomba olympika any Etazonia ary hanentana ny fikatsahana tsy sasatra ny volamena olaimpika ary ahafahan'ny atleta sy ny mpanazatra hahatratra ny fahombiazan'ny fifaninanana maharitra. Fanampin'izany, Etazonia Boxing dia miezaka mampianatra ny mpandray anjara rehetra ny toetra, fahatokiana sy fifantohana dia ilainy ho lasa tompondaka matanjaka sy isan-karazany, na ao anatiny na ivelan’ny peratra. Etazonia Boxing dia ekipa iray, firenena iray, mandeha volamena!

Kendo “Tremendo” Castaneda Training Camp Notes

Feb. 28faha- in Florida showdown vs. unbeaten

NABO champion Yomar “The Magic” Alamo

Las Vegas (Febroary 20, 2020) – Undefeated super lightweightKendo "Tremendous" Castaneda (17-0, 8 Kos) has been in training camp since the beginning of this year in Boxers & Brawlers gym in his San Antonio hometown to prepare for his February 28faha- fight against North American Boxing Organization (NABO) tompon-dakaYomar “The Magic” Alamo (17-0-1, 12 Kos) airing live on Boxeo Telemundo, manomboka amin'ny 11:30 p.m. SY / 8:30 p.m. PT, from Osceola Heritage Park in Kissimmee, Florida.

Alamo vs. Castaneda is co-promoted by All-Star Boxing, which promotes Alamo and the event, and Castaneda’s promoter, Roy Jones Jr. (RJJ) Fampiroboroboana ny ady totohondry.

“This is the biggest fight of Kendo’s career to date,” CEO & Co-FounderKeith Veltre said. “He is the type fighter who doesn’t back down from anyone and knows what it takes to get the win. Kendo trains hard and we are fully confident that he will come home with the win.”

The 26-year-old Castaneda, izay laharana No. 15 ny World Boxing Fikambanana (WBO),  will take on WBO No. 8-rated Alamo, the defending NABO super lightweight champion, in the 10-round main event.

Castaneda captured the vacant North American Boxing Association (Koa) crown a year ago, taking a 10-round decision from previously undefeatedGilbert Venegas, Jr.(10-0), and followed that with an impressive 10-round unanimous decision over Dominican veteranEudy Berbardo (24-3).

Last October in Reno, Nevada, Castaneda stoppedFanjakan'i Martyniouk (20-3) in the sixth round, after which he was installed by the World Boxing Organization as its No. 15 rated super lightweight in the world.

WBO No. 8 ranked Alamo, fighting out of Puerto Rico, is coming off the lone blemish on either fighter’s pro record, a draw withAntonio Moran (24-4-1).

Alamo, 24, is the former World Boxing Council (Kapila bitika) Youth World and FECARBOX super lightweight champion, who has made three successful NABO title defenses.

Training Camp Notes

(quotes from Kendo Castaneda)

Training Camp: “Everything here has been good. I’m ready to rock and get back in the ring. I’ll have no trouble making weight for this fight. My sparring partners are local guys, some pros, and other amateurs. I like helping up-and-coming fighters who want to turn pro. They have natural speed at 18, 19 taona, but their strength hasn’t fully developed, yet. They learn and I get good work. My No. 1 sparring partner, Limon, has had more than 100 amateur fights. His style is similar to Alamo’s. He’s tall and lengthy, but not as powerful as Alamo. He throws great jabs and boxes well, which will help me when I fight Alamo.

Yomar Alamo:  “He fights off his back foot a lot. He likes to box and is a good counter-puncher.

He’s undefeated but who knows how he wants to fight?  I like razzle-dazzle and I’ll quickly learn what I’m in for.”

Fighting in Alamo’s backyard: “I’m not concerned about that at all. My first fight with RJJ Boxing was in Las Vegas against a local fighterChuy Gutierrez, and I won that fight. I don’t mind fighting in my opponent’s backyard and I’m getting used to it. My last fight was in Reno against a California fighter, who lived a lot closer to Reno than I do in San Antonio. And I fought a local fighter in New Hampshire, when I had a bare-knuckle fight.”

How do you envision this fight going:  “Alamo will go into the fight thinking it’s going to be a boxing match, almost like an exhibition starting the fight. But I’m going to go in strong, like a street fight, banging him around. I’ll catch him with some surprises, throwing hard blows. In the third or fourth round, I’ll start boxing more. Then it’s going to be too much for him, and I’ll take him out in the eighth or ninth round.”

Bout importance: “I think I’ll possibly get a world championship eliminator fight with an impressive victory. I’m a rare, old-fashioned boxer.”

Faminaniana:  “The referee will be announcing, ‘And the new NABO champion…..’”


tranonkala:   Sokajy:// 

Twitter: @RoyjonesJRfa, @RoyJonesJrOfficial, @KeithVeltre, @KendoTremendo

Instagram: @RoyJonesJRboxing, @artofmusiclv, @rivalboxinggear, @KeithVeltre

Facebook: /RJJBoxing, /KeithVeltre

ABOUT ROY JONES JR, BOXING PROMOTIONS: Co-founded in 2013 by 10-time world champion Roy Jones, Jr. and Keith Veltre, Roy Jones, Jr. (RJJ) Boxing Promotions has been reinventing boxing.  RJJ has already made a huge impact in the boxing community in a few short years.  Creating exhilarating content for CBS Sports, Fotoana Fampisehoana, ESPN and beIN Sports in some of the finest venues across the country, RJJ has proven it is conquering the sweet science of the sport.

Based in the fight capital of the world, Las Vegas, NV, Roy Jones Jr. Fampiroboroboana ny ady totohondry is climbing to the top at a fast pace, adding young talent to its growing stable: WBO #6 rated bantamweight Max Ornelas, featherweight Ray Ximenez, WBO #15 rated super lightweight Kendo Castaneda,  middleweights John Vera, Connor Coyle and Shady Gamhour, super middleweight Juan Barajas, and heavyweight Alexander Flores.

Michael Spinks, Tompondaka eran-tany nisy fizarana roa, dia nohamafisina tamin'ny fampirantiana boaty fahenina fahenina, Nandritra ny Faran'ny Faran'ny herinandro Cinco de Mayo, Sabotsy Mey 2, Las Vegas ao

Box Fan Expo – ny Hetsika mpankafy ady totohondry lehibe indrindra notontosaina tany Etazonia –

ny Ultimate Boxing Fan Experience

Tapakety amidy amin'izao fotoana izao ao amin'ny EventBrit

Avy hatrany Release

Las Vegas (Febroary 20, 2020) – Nanamafy ny tompon-daka eran-tany Michael Spinks, tompon-daka roa, fa hiseho amin'ny Box Fan Expo fahenina amin'ny sabotsy izy, Mey 2, 2020, ao amin'ny Cox Pavilion any Las Vegas avy 10 a.m. ny 5 p.m.

Spinks dia hanao Meet & Miarahabà amin'ireo mpankafy azy ao amin'ny tranobeny mandritra ny hetsika mpankafy natao tamin'ny faran'ny herinandro Cinco De Mayo.

The Box Fan Expo dia hetsika mpankafy isan-taona izay mifanindry amin'ny sasany amin'ny fanatanjahantena’ malaza, ady mahazatra any Las Vegas, anisan'izany i Mayweather vs.. Maidana II, Mayweather vs. Berto, Canelo vs. Chavez Jr., Canelo vs. GGG II, ary Canelo vs.. Jacobs. Niorina tao an-tranony efa hatry ny ela – Las Vegas – Expo amin'ity taona ity dia tsy maintsy atao amin'ireo mpankafy ady amin'ity faran'ny herinandro malaza ity, miaraka amina mpiady matihanina am-polony, mpanohana, sy orinasa voarohirohy amin'ny sehatry ny ady totohondry. Ny Expo no Boxing Fan Expo lehibe indrindra ary tokana atao any Etazonia. Sokajy://– @BoxFanExpo

Tapakila ho amin'ny Box Fan Expo no azo jerena amin'ny internet ao amin'ny:

Spinks dia hiseho faharoa amin'ity taona ity’ Expo ary hanao sonia fonon-tanana, sary, entana manokana sy fahatsiarovana. Spinks koa dia hanana varotra amidy eo amin'ny tranoheva misy azy, ary ny mpankafy koa hanana fotoana hananana sary miaraka amin'ity angano ady totohondry fantatra ihany koa amin'ny hoe “Jinx.”

Momba an'i Michael Spinks
Spinks dia tompon-daka eran-tany fizarana roa, nitazona ny anaram-boninahitra mavesatra mavesatra tsy azo iadian-kevitra avy 1983 ny 1985, ary ny anaram-boninahitra mavesatra tsipika avy amin'ny 1985 ny 1988. Nentina tao amin'ny Hall of Fame Iraisam-pirenena momba ny ady totohondry ao 1994. Amin'ny maha mpankafy azy dia nahazo medaly volamena tamin'ny fizarana kilasy antonony izy tamin'ny 1976 Summer Lalao Olaimpika.

Spinks dia rahalahin'i Leon Spinks, tompon-daka mavesatra lehibe teo amin'izao tontolo izao, ary dadatoan'i Cory Spinks, tompon-daka tamin'ny lalao welterweight sy lightweight teo aloha.
Spinks dia tsy naharesy tamin'ny voalohany 31 matihanina ady, nikapoka ny mpanohitra toa an'i Dwight Muhammad Qawi, Eddie Mustafa Muhammad, Marvin Johnson sy Eddie Davis handeha ho lasa tompon-daka mavesatra mavesatra tsy azo iadian-kevitra. Taorian'ny fiarovan-doha folo nahomby, Niakatra hatramin'ny lanja mavesatra ny spinks, ary amin'ny maha underdog azy dia nandresy ny tompon-daka mavesatra IBF efa ela i Larry Holmes; amin'ny fanaovana izany, Spinks no tompon-daka eran'izao tontolo izao maivana ary mavesatra no nibata ny amboara mavesatra. Ny faharesen'i Spinks ihany tamin'ny asany matihanina dia teo am-pelatanan'i Mike Tyson tamin'ny volana Jona 27, 1988. Ny Fikambanana Iraisam-pirenena momba ny Fikarohana momba ny ady totohondry sy ny BoxRec dia mitana ny laharam-pahamehana mandritra ny folo mavesatra mavesatra indrindra hatrizay.

Momba ny Box Fan Expo
Box Fan Expo no hetsika fanandramana mpankafy ady totohondry faratampony, izay mamela ny mpankafy hihaona amin'ny kintan'ny ady totohondry izay maneho ny lasa, ankehitriny sy ho avy amin'ny fanatanjahantena. Miaraka amin'ny sonia autografia nampiantrano, fihaonana sy fihaonana amin'ireo tompon-daka eran'izao tontolo izao ankehitriny sy taloha, varotra fanontana voafetra amidy, fanomezana ary maro hafa, ity no hetsika farany indrindra ho an'ireo mpankafy ny fanatanjahantena.

Ny kintana ady totohondry taloha izay nandray anjara dia misy: Floyd Mayweather, Mike Tyson, Roberto Duran, Sugar Ray Leonard, Julio Cesar Chavez, Juan Manuel Marquez, Tommy Hearns, Roy Jones Jr, Marco Antonio Barrera, Erik Morales, Andre Ward, Mikey Garcia, Marcos Maidana, Devin Haney, David Benavidez, Errol Spence Jr, Sergio Martinez, Keith Thurman, Danny Garcia, Tim Bradley, Deontay Wilder, Amir Khan, Shawn Porter, Fernando Vargas, Abnera Mares, James Toney, Jessie Vargas, Vinny Paz, Mia St.John, Santa Cruz Leo, Badou Jack, Terry Norris, Riddick Bowe, Earnie Shavers, Michael & Leon Spinks, Danny Jacobs, Claressa Shields, Teofimo Lopez, Brandon Rios, Jorge Linares, ary maro hafa.

Anisan'izany ny mpanentana ny ady totohondry, Fitaovana, fitafiana, fitaovana, zava-pisotro misy angovo, vokatra fanampiny, haino aman-jery fampielezam-peo, vatana manasazy, ary orinasa hafa izay mampiseho ny marika ho an'ny mpankafy sy ny indostrian'ny ady totohondry amin'ny ankapobeny.

Mandritra ny volana vitsivitsy manaraka mankany amin'ny Event, hisy fanavaozana isan-kerinandro ireo kintana marobe izay haneho ny fisehoany ao amin'ny Boxing Expo.

Ny tapakila amin'ny Box Fan Expo dia misy ao amin'ny Eventbrite –


Hunter Faces Fellow Unbeaten Malik Hawkins in Main Event of ShoBox: The New Generation Friday, Febroary 28 Live Ny SHOWTIME®

Click ETO for Hunter Photos; Voninahitra: Team Prince Ranch Boxing

Las Vegas – February 19, 2020 – Undefeated super lightweight sensation and Las Vegas native, Keith “The Bounty” Hunter (11-0, 7 Kos), talks about training camp in advance of his upcoming showdown against fellow undefeated prospect Malik Hawkins (18-0, 11Kos) ao ny tena zava-nitranga ny iray ShoBox: The New Generation amin'ny zoma, Febroary 28 velona SHOWTIME (10:45 p.m. ET / PT) amin'ny Sam's Town Live Las Vegas ao.

Ao amin'ny fiaraha-main hetsika, 2016 Olympian and undefeated super lightweight prospect Richardson Hitchins (10-0, 5 Kos) takes on Rhode Island’s Nick DeLomba (16-2, 5Kos) in a 10-round bout and once-beaten Las Vegas native Kevin Newman II (11-1-1, 6 Kos) faces Albania’s Genc Pllana (7-1-1, 4 Kos) in a 10-round super middleweight matchup that opens the telecast.

Tickets for the Mayweather Promotions’ Sin City Showdown manomboka amin'ny $25 ary azo vidiana amin'ny: ny

Hunter, 27, miverina ho Sam's Town Live after an impressive 2019, in which he won a decisive 10-round unanimous decision against Cameron Krael and scored an upset victory over former amateur standout Sanjarbek Rakhmanov. He comes from a family of fighters, he’s the younger brother of heavyweight contender Michael Hunter and his father was a well-respected boxer who sparred with Mike Tyson. Hunter has spent the entirety of his training camp at Prince Ranch Boxing Gym in Las Vegas, where he trains alongside undefeated welterweight Blair Cobbs.

Here is what Hunter had to say about his recent training camp and upcoming battle with Hawkins:

On his opponent…

This is my time to shine. Hawkins is a good fighter, he is talented, but he stands in my way. I am not just fighting for myself, but for my family. If you look at my record, I’ve fought some very tough guys. I know I’m battle ready to take my career to the next level. Hawkins is going down. I am going to make people respect the Hunter name once again

“I have nothing bad to say about Malik Hawkins. He is a hard-working fighter. I just feel that I am better. Izany no fotoana, and no one can take this opportunity away from me. The problem for Hawkins is, I have trained harder than ever to get the win. I am more focused than ever.”

On training camp…

“I wanted this camp to be very specific. I get good sparring at Bones Adams’ gym and a lot of top pros have come through there like Shakur Stevenson, Manny Pacquiao, and many others. I have watched how they trained, and I have used that same work ethic and principles for this camp with the supervision of my coaches.”

On his status as a contender…

“I’m now ranked 13 ny WBA, which makes me a contender. I must get past Hawkins, so believe me when I tell you I’m going to leave everything in the ring. I’m looking at this fight like it’s a world title. Losing is not an option.”

On making his SHOWTIME debut…

“I am excited to headline on ShoBox: The New Generation. It’s a platform that launches fighters’ careers, and SHOWTIME has a fantastic and professional production crew. One goal from the beginning was to showcase my talent on a big stage like this, now I’m here. This is a very big opportunity for me, I’m not going to let it slip away.”

Hunter is managed by Greg Hannley of Prince Ranch Boxing, advised by former two-time heavyweight world champion Hasim Rahman promoted by Greg Cohen, Founder and CEO of Greg Cohen Promotions.

# # #

Raha mila fanazavana fanampiny: fitsidihana,, manaraka ao amin'ny Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, MayweatherPromo, and on Instagram @mayweatherpromotions, @showtimeboxing, #SinCityShowdown and #ShoBox, na ho tonga mpankafy ao amin'ny Facebook amin'ny ary,


17 Febroary, NYCChina’s Meng Fanlong (16-0, 10 Kos) will fight IBF & WBC light heavyweight champion, Artur Beterbiev (15-0, 15 Kos), March 28th at the Videotron Center in Quebec City, Kanada. Beterbiev vs. Meng is presented by Top Rank in association with Groupe Yvon Michel and Gestev, and will be broadcast live on ESPN along with a co-feature bout at 10 PM ET.

Fanlong, who is from Chifeng, Inner Mongolia China, has more than just his world title shot on his mind. His home country has been essentially shut down due to the recent Coronavirus outbreak.

“The majority of my country has been shut down for weeks.” Says Meng. “My fellow citizens need something to help them escape from this very difficult time. I hope to bring some positivity, happiness, and joy to them with this fight. I want to put pride in their hearts.”

On the 28th of March, Meng will be stepping into the ring with one of boxing’s most dangerous punchers. Champion Artur Beterbiev has won all of his professional fights by knockoutincluding his thrilling title unification bout against Oleksandr Gvozdyck in October. Meng was in attendance that night in Philadelphia and observed with great interest.

But facing one of boxing’s most dangerous fighters in the ring pales in comparison to the concerns and troubles that are affecting hundreds of millions of Chinese across the globe.

“Fanlong is the best Chinese fighter in the worldeveryone will learn that on March 28th.” Says Meng advisor Tommy Lane. “This is a historic fight because he is the first Chinese boxer to fight for the light heavyweight championship. And with what is going on with coronavirus, this is a fight that can bring joy and positive energy to the people at this challenging time.”

It is unknown when the coronavirus will be under control or when the citizens of the The People’s Republic of China can get back to normal life.

“My country needs me. We will get through this.”

Tickets for Beterbiev vs. Meng can be purchased at or the Videotron Center box office Meng. More event details will be announced at a later time. For interview requests and media opportunities, please contact Terry

#BeterbievMengofficial hashtag


Meng Fanlong is a Chinese, undefeated, professional boxer who competes in the light heavyweight division. Meng has a long list of amateur boxing accomplishments, including earning a spot on the the 2012 Chinese Olympic team. He is now the number one ranked light heavyweight contender.


New York City Based “Lane Brothers Boxing” was founded in 2019 by brothers Terry and Tommy Lane. The Lane brothers have worked in professional boxing for nearly fifteen years, and are now using their industry expertise to advise top international boxing talent. Terry and Tommy are the sons of former referee Mills Lane.


Abel Ramos Stuns Bryant Perrella in Co-main Event Welterweight Battle

Click ETO for Photos
Voninahitra: Stephanie Trapp/TGB Promotions

Nashville, Tenn. (Febroary 15, 2020) – Fighting in front of a raucous hometown crowd for the first time in his professional career, undefeated IBF Super Middleweight World Champion Caleb “Sweethands Plant (20-0, 12 Kos) hitafy ny fampisehoana.

Plant dominated mandatory challenger Vincent Feigenbutz (31-3, 28 Kos) ny Alemaina, scoring ny 10faha--round TKO Saturday night in the FOX PBC Fight Night main event and on FOX Deportes from Bridgestone Arena in Nashville.

Plant, who grew up in neighboring Ashland City, successfully made the second defense of the world title he won in January 2019 with a thrilling 12-round unanimous decision over then-titlist Jose Uzcategui. “Sweethandslived up to his moniker, breaking down Germany’s Feigenbutz before putting him away.

I was super fueled by the crowd tonight,” Plant said. “I could have gone all night. The whole city came out. Nashville stand up!”

Plant gave them plenty to cheer about from the opening bell, landing his jab up and downstairs. The aggressive Feigenbutz, 24, struggled to land anything in return.

Plant began landing the combinations in the third, bringing the crowd to his feet with a series of well-placed volleys.

Watch early round highlights ETO ary ETO.

Those shots slowly took their toll, but Feigenbutz was game. He came alive in the sixth, pinning Plant against the ropes and unloading his own combinations. Plant covered up and shook his head as if unbothered.

Watch Feigenbutz fight back in Round 6 ETO.

Plant pounded Feigenbutz in the seventh and eighth, opening up a cut on his nose and swelling his right eye. The challenger absorbed more punishment in the ninth, causing the ringside doctor to take a hard look at him in between rounds.

Watch Plant dominate Round 9 ETO.

The end came swiftly in the 10faha- as Plant, sensing his foe was weakening, pounded away until referee Malik Waleed mercifully stepped in. The official time of the stoppage was 2:23 of the 10th.

Watch the stoppage in Round 10 ETO.

I felt great out there,” Said Plant. “I was relaxed and sharp. I told you I was going to stop this before the 12th round. I want to dedicate this to my daughter, to my mother, my grandfather and the whole city of Nashville.

The champion also stated his desire to unify versus unbeaten WBC counterpart and rival, David Benavidez.

Everyone knows I want that unification fight with David Benavidez,” Plant stated. “You know who the best 168-pounder is. If you want that, you’ve got to come see me. I want that fight; I’ve been asking for it and I’m tired of waiting!”

Ao amin'ny fiaraha-main hetsika, Abel Ramos scored a stunning last second TKO victory overBryant Perrella in a scheduled 10-round welterweight match. Heading into the 10faha-and final round Ramos was told by his cornermen that he needed a knockout to win. Ramos (26-3-2, 20 Kos) delivered, badly hurting and dropping Perrella twice in the waning seconds of the frame, prompting referee Jack Reiss to wave the welterweight co-main event off with just one second remaining.

I know the fight’s not over until it’s over,” said Ramos. “That’s the game. I’ve been sick for two weeks. But no excuses. I wanted to come here and perform.

I watched the Chavez-Taylor fight like 10 million times and I never thought I’d be in something like that. It just goes to prove that fights are never over till it’s over. You have to fight every single second of every single round.

Watch Ramos stun Perrella at the end of Round 10 ETO.

Perrella (17-3, 14 Kos) was up on all three cards at the time of the stoppage; 87-84 and two scores of 88-83.

“Ity dia ady totohondry. It’s like Meldrick Taylor and Chavez,” Said Perrella, agreeing with Ramoscomments. “These things just happen. I’m not going to take anything away from my opponent. I was winning every round convincingly. Inona no azoko hoe? There was second left in the 10th round. It’s like a needle in the haystack. It is what it is.

Southpaw Perrella controlled much of the action, using side to side movement, angles and rapid-fire combinations to stifle Ramosoffense. A left hook in the third briefly buckled Ramos. Another in the fifth stunned him.

Perrella’s a tough fighter,” said Ramos. “He’s a strong, strong fighter. Tsy misy fa ny fanajana azy. I expected a tough fight and that’s what happened.

Ramos never stopped coming forward, picking up the pace as Perrella slowed down. Amin'ny 34 seconds remaining in the 10faha-, Ramos landed a perfect left uppercut flush on the chin. Perrella sank to the mat, getting up on unsteady legs. Ramos pounced once action resumed, unloading until a straight right drove Perrella to the floor again. Indray, he made it to his feet but couldn’t walk straight without stumbling. Reiss immediately waved it off at 2:59.

Everything was going well, and I was winning the fight, round by round,” Said Perrella. “I don’t know. Ity dia ady totohondry. That’s the thing about the sport. Rehefa izay dia izay. There’s nothing I can do about it. I’m not going to make up any excuses or take anything away from my opponent. It’s just an experience that you go through in life and you have to overcome it. Absolutely I’d like to do it again with him. We can get a rematch in for sure.

I want all the welterweights,” Ramos exclaimed. “I’d like to have another big TV fight and go out there and prove myself.

The FOX PBC Fight Night opener featured a back-and-forth battle between lightweightsAustin Dulay ary Diego Magdaleno. Magdaleno produced one of the finest performances of his career, dropping Dulay on his way to a 10-round unanimous decision victory in a minor upset.

The 33-year-old Magdaleno (32-3, 13 Kos) was simply busier, particularly down the stretch in this battle of southpaws.

I knew mentally I could break him down,” said Magdaleno. “If I attacked the body, I knew I could break him down. He’s a young prospect. He’s taller than me so my plan of attack was to get in close and go to the body.

Dulay disagreed with the decision. “I boxed the hell out of him every round, making him miss, catching shots, countering. Eny, he hit me with a few good body shots. That doesn’t replace the heavy shots that I hit him with every single round for 10 rounds straight. That is madness. And it was a unanimous decision? That’s crazy. That’s unbelievable to me.

Even Diego just told me that he had nothing to do with the decision. He knows. How can they do that to me in my hometown? That’s dirty man.

Fighting in front of his fellow Nashville residents, Dulay (13-2, 10 Kos) started fast, landing several clean lefts in the second. Magdaleno never stopped coming forward, working behind the jab and landing to Dulay’s body.

Watch early round action between Austin Dulay and Diego Magdaleno ETO aryETO.

Some of those shots strayed low which elicited warnings from referee Jack Reiss. Na izany aza, the work paid off as Dulay’s output dropped over the course of the bout. The sixth featured some of the best exchanges of the bout. Magdaleno got the better of those, landing a right to the ribs followed by one upstairs.

Magdaleno continued to press the attack in the seventh, scoring the fight’s only knockdown with a hard left hook to the solar plexus.

Watch Magdaleno score a knockdown vs Dulay in Round 7 ETO.

Once action resumed, Magdaleno pounded at his ribs until a left hook strayed low and dropped Magdaleno, causing Reiss to deduct a point.

Every round he was hitting me low and, in the back, and on the hips,” said Dulay.
It was more times than he got called for. I won that fight 100%.

Sensing the fight slipping away, Dulay picked up the pace over the last three rounds. It wasn’t enough to overcome Magdaleno’s work rate, which earned him a win by scores of 97-91, 96-92 ary 96-92.

Experience has everything going for me. In my previous fight, I lost my head,” said Magdaleno. “This time I took my time. My camp said slow it down. Happy for the victory tonight.

On the non-televised undercard, former world bantamweight champion Rau’Shee “Nokleary” Warren (17-3, 4 Kos) ended a 13-month layoff with a wide 10-round unanimous decision over Gilberto Mendoza (15-8-3, 7 Kos).

The 33-year-old Warren used his fast hands to land an assortment of shots from his lefty stance. In the fourth, a clash of heads opened a cut over the left eye of Mexico’s Mendoza. Warren sought to close the show, but Mendoza was game, firing back though outgunned.

Two judges scored it 99-91 and the third judge had it 100-90.

It felt good to get back in there after being off for a year,” Warren said. “I didn’t feel like a rookie. I felt like I had to get a little rust off me. But I think I got most of the rust off when I was in the gym training. Going 10 rounds it felt good.

I hope to get back in May,” said Warren. “I only need 90 andro. I’ve already had my long layoff since last January when I fought on Pacquiao and Adrien’s card. I’m ready to get it on. I’m ready to move on. The only thing he did that I didn’t expect him to do was stay up.

The event was promoted by Sweethands Promotions, TGB Promotions and Sauerland Promotions.

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Ra’eese Aleem Wins Via TKO Over Adam Lopez; Montana Love and Joseph Jackson Earn Impressive Unanimous Decision Victories At 2300 Arena any Philadelphia

Catch The Replay Monday, Febroary 17 Amin'ny 10 p.m. ET / PT On tafahoatra SHOWTIME®

ClickETO for Photos; Sary nahazoan-Amanda Westcott / Showtime

PHILADELPHIA – February 15, 2020 - Undefeated 21-year-old lightweight prospect Isaac Cruz stunnedShoBox: The New Generationveteran Thomas Mattice in a closely contested majority decision win in theShoBoxmain event Friday night from 2300 Arena any Philadelphia, Pa. Watch the fight highlightsETO.

Cross, Meksika City, rode his superior work rate, a lethal body attack, and his ability to neutralize Mattice’s jab to the victory. The judges scored the fight 95-95 ary 96-94 indroa.

Cruz threw an average of 69.4 punches per round, compared to 57.8 punches per round for Mattice. The much shorter Cruz, standing at 5’4” ½, was fearless from the opening bell and held an 82-31 advantage in body punches connected. Mattice, 5’8” ½, was also out-jabbed 34-30. Making his sixth appearance onShoBox, Cleveland’s Mattice was hampered by another slow start, a theme in his previous appearances on the prospect development series. Through the first two rounds, Cruz held advantages of 49-15 in overall punches landed and 39-8 in power punches connected.

“We were going for the knockout but it didn’t come up so we’ll take the decision,"Hoy Cruz. “I thought I won all 10 fihodinana. I don’t know what fight the judges were watching. Round one to 10 I dominated and I was never hurt.”

A strong finish in the 10faha- and final round was not enough for Mattice to salvage a draw.

“I came up short,” said Mattice. “He was the better man. He could hit a little bit. I started out a little slow, trying to see what he had. He jumped out to an early lead and I was just trying to get familiar with his power. Tsy manana fialan-tsiny. Izy no olona tsara kokoa izao hariva izao. "

Ao amin'ny fiaraha-nasongadina bout, Ra’eese Aleem (16-0, 10 Kos) burst onto the scene in his national television debut, putting on a boxing clinic by scoring a fourth-round TKO in a scheduled eight-round super bantamweight bout over San Antonio’s Adam Lopez (19-4-2, 9 Kos).

Aleem, from Muskegon, Mich., proved to be overwhelming for Lopez, who was making his record eighth appearance onShoBox.Avy amin'ny fanokafana lakolosy, Aleem attacked from all angles as a reactive and slower Lopez was unable to cope with the wide array of punches. The 29-year-old Aleem held a commanding 92-11 advantage in overall punches, including a lopsided 61-7 power punches advantage.

With blood dripping from his nose and scalp, Lopez’s corner asked referee Gary Rosato to stop the fight at 1:31 ny manodidina efa-. Watch the TKOETO.

“I put in a lot of hard work,” said Aleem, who now lives and trains in Las Vegas. “I didn’t see any film on the guy but knew he was a tough Mexican fighter. Once we got in there, I could see the speed difference. I could see his punches coming. I did rush some punches and made some mistakes. But it was good and I kept my hands up and my speed and movements were good. And I’m glad I stopped him. I didn’t want to go the distance.

“I want a world title fight and I’m knocking on the door. I’m hungry and I’m ready. I know Danny Roman just lost the title. Brandon Figueroa, whoever is there in the top-10 I’m ready for. I’m hungry and I’m coming and I want that fight.”

In the second fight of the four-fight telecast, Cleveland’s flashy unbeaten super lightweight Montana Love (13-0-1, 6 Kos) nohatsaraina ny firaketana an-tsoratra ho 2-0-1 amin'nyShoBox, putting in a professional display en route to a unanimous decision over Jerrico Walton (16-1, 7 Kos), who fights out of Houston by way of New Orleans. The judges scored the fight 78-74 ary 77-75 indroa. Watch fight highlightsETO

“I think Love did enough to win,” said SHOWTIME Hall of Fame analyst Steve Farhood. “The rounds he won, he won more convincingly. Love did the serious damage in the fight.”

Walton, with noted trainer Ronnie Shields working his corner, threw slightly more punches than Love, but in a fight decided by big moments, Love had more of them, indrindra fa tamin'ny faramparan'ny fihodinana. Love was more accurate on his power punches (43 percent to 21 isan-jato) and in body shots (56-23). The southpaw also hurt Walton on two separate occasions, but the 29-year-old did enough to hang on and survive the rounds.

“I give my performance a C-plus,” said the 25-year-old Love. “I could have been more active in there. I didn’t get hit a lot and I hurt him a few times but I let him off the hook.

“I was getting off good shots, and the thing I’m mad about is that the fight should not have gone the distance. I’m ready for whatever’s next. My team is trying to get me to 135 farantsa. "

Walton was making his national television debut. “I think the fight was closer than it was scored; I think it was at least a draw,"Hoy izy. “I don’t think the fight was 78-74. I’m very disappointed but I’m not going to stop. They’re going to see me again. This is only going to push me harder.”

With his first career loss, Walton became the 191St fighter to lose his undefeated record onShoBoxboxing’s ultimate proving ground.

In a battle of unbeaten super welterweights making theirShoBox debuts in the telecast opener, North Carolina’s Joseph Jackson (16-0, 12 Kos) handed Derrick Colemon, Jr. (11-1, 8 Kos) his first career loss. Jackson overcame a slow start to earn the unanimous decision. The maro ireo 77-75, 80-72, 78-74. Watch the decisionETO.

The younger and more aggressive Colemon of Detroit started strong, controlling the first three rounds before the savvier and more mature Jackson commanded the second half of the bout. In rounds six through eight, Jackson out-landed Colemon 76-19 overall and 50-9 amin'ny fahefana punches. Jackson’s movement and activity frustrated and tired Colemon, who went past five rounds for the first time in his career. Farhood scored the first three rounds in favor of Colemon and the final five rounds for Jackson.

“We just dug deep and got the job done,” said the 31-year-old Jackson. “I’d give my performance an eight out of 10. I know I can show better. I had about 40 people come out from Greensboro, N.C., and support me.

“I’ll fight whoever they put out in front of me next. It’s SHOWTIME and my first televised fight and first fight outside of North Carolina so it was important to put on a show.”

Friday’s fights were promoted by King’s Promotions in association with GH3 Promotions. The full telecast will replay on Monday, Febroary 17 amin'ny 10 p.m. ET/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME and will be available on SHOWTIME ANYTIME® and SHOWTIME on DEMAND®.

The four-fight telecast was the third of fourShoBox presentations over six weeks showcasing some of boxing’s brightest young prospects in their toughest tests to date. Hall of Famer Barry Tompkins called the action from ringside with fellow Hall of Famer Steve Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. Ny mpamokatra dia Gordon mpanatanteraka Hall amin'ny Richard Gaughan famokarana sy Rick Phillips mitarika.