Category Archives: boks

Kampionët Premier të Boksit Rreshtohen Një javë tjetër e Kampionëve Botërore, Yjet në rritje & Pretenduesit kryesorë që angazhojnë tifozë nëpër platformat e mediave sociale

LAS VEGAS (Prill 24, 2020) – As April is counted out and May prepares to enter the ring, Premier Boxing Champions will continue to bring fighters closer to fans with an intriguing lineup of world champions, rising stars and top contenders set to appear on PBC social media platforms all next week.

Four-division champion Mikey Garcia appears on Time Out With Ray Floreslive on the PBC Instagram page this Monday, Prill 27 në 9 ores. ET / 6 p.m. PT.

Super Welterweight Champion Jermell Charlo and Super Bantamweight Champion Brandon Figueroa will appear on the PBC Podcast with hosts Kenneth Bouhairie and Michael Rosenthal. The Podcast will be available on Wednesday, Prill 29 në PBC website, iTunes, Spotify, Soundcloud, Stitcher, Spreaker and other outlets.

Super Lightweight Champion Mario Barrios will appear in the At Home With…” seri,hanging out live on the PBC Facebook page të mërkurën, Prill 29 në 4 ores. ET/1 p.m. PT.

Më shumë, top welterweight Yordenis Ugas will also appear on At Home With…”live on the PBC Facebook page të premten, Maj 1 në 4 ores. ET/1 p.m. PT.

Two-time welterweight champion Shawn Porter will appear on Going The DistancePBC YouTube page të enjten, Prill 30. Porter will break down his clash against Adrian Granados at 4 ores. ET/1 p.m. PT.

Veç kësaj, PBC Replaywill feature a replay of the full televised card for the Sergey Lipinets vs. Lamont Peterson showdown on the PBC YouTube page të shtunën, Maj 2 në 8 ores. E / 5 ores. PT.

This week’s schedule is again loaded with top PBC fighters taking you into their homes and reliving their most memorable moments. Stay tuned. There’s more to come.

Boksierët më të mirë amatorë të SHBA-ve që i përshtaten jetës pa përleshje & duke pritur edhe një vit për shfaqjen Olimpike

Arjan Iseni stërvitet gjatë pandemisë

COLORADO SPRINGS, Prehër. (Prill 23, 2020) — Boksi amator, si në gradat profesionale, është mbyllur në të gjithë botën për shkak të pandemisë Coronavirus. Anëtarët e Boksit të USA po përshtaten me këto kohë sfiduese dhe provuese në të gjithë vendin.

Palestrat dhe shkollat ​​janë të mbyllura, turne të pezulluar, dhe 2020 Lojërat Olimpike Verore në Tokio janë shtyrë për një vit. Anëtarët e Kualifikimit Elitë, Ekipet e të rinjve dhe të rinjve me performancë të lartë janë në shtëpi sesa në trajnimin e Colorado Springs në Qendrën e Trajnimit Olimpik dhe Paraolimpik të Shteteve të Bashkuara.

Si janë disa nga SHBA-të kryesore. boksierë amatorë që jetojnë gjatë kësaj periudhe pa luftime?


Joseph Hicks (Grand Rapids, Michigan), 26-pesha e mesme vjeçare, Renditja në SHBA #2
Shfaqjet e medaljeve të arta: 2019 Doreza kombëtare Artë; 2017 & 2018 Kualifikuesi i Elitës Lindore; 3-koha Kualifikuesi i Elitës Lindore (2017-2019)

Hicks ishte brenda një fitoreje kualifikuese për t'u bërë zyrtarisht anëtar i 2020 Ekipi Ekipi Olimpik i Boksit në SHBA. Ai po shfrytëzon pushimin, megjithëse, duke kaluar një kohë cilësore me gruan dhe vajzën e tij të vogël.

Unë personalisht mendoj se ky ka qenë një bekim i maskuar, sepse kam më shumë kohë për të përmirësuar gjërat që trajnerët e SHBA më kanë thënë të punoj. Unë jetoj në një apartament në Lansing (MY), por unë kam qenë duke qëndruar me mamanë time në Grand Rapids në mënyrë që të mund të stërvitem komodisht. Weshtë e çuditshme në një farë mënyre, por më ka marrë malli për tu grushtuar. Jam përpjekur të përshtatem me normalin e ri, por mezi pres të kthehem në qendrën e trajnimit (në Colorado Springs).

“Më pëlqen që mund ta shoh vajzën time çdo ditë për t'i dhënë asaj gjithë vëmendjen time, por asaj i mungon palestra po aq sa unë. Gruaja dhe nëna ime kanë qenë shumë mbështetëse. Unë besoj se duke pritur një vit tjetër do të më bëjë më të mirë deri në momentin kur Lojërat Olimpike janë këtu.”

Oshae Jones, (Toledo, Ohio), 22-peshë e lehtë vjeçare, Renditja në SHBA #1
Performancat e Medaljes së Artë: 2020 Provat e Ekipit Olimpik, 3-kohë Kampionatet Kombëtare Elite (2016-2019), 2017 Kualifikuesi i Elitës Lindore, 2016 Open Youth, 2014 PAL Kombëtare. Ndërkombëtare: 2020 Turneu Strandja & 2019 Lojërat Panamerikane

Jones kishte qenë në një listë që çoi deri në kualifikuesin e shtyrë të Amerikës për të bllokuar një vend në listë 2020 Ekipi Ekipi Olimpik i Boksit në SHBA. Ajo ka qenë duke u stërvitur në palestrën e familjes së saj në Toledo, si dhe përfshirja më e madhe në shërbimet dhe funksionet e komunitetit.

“Unë nuk jam përshtatur me jetën pa boks, sepse boksi nuk do të largohet kurrë nga jeta ime. Familja ime / trajnerët kanë një palestër të lidhur me shtëpinë tonë në të cilën jetojmë. Boksi nuk është një sport, është një mënyrë jetese .

“Zemra më ra kur dëgjova për herë të parë që Lojërat Olimpike ishin shtyrë. Gjithçka për të cilën kam punuar, në thelb, gjithë jeta ime është në pauzë deri në korrikun e ardhshëm. Unë nuk e di se si ndihem apo si të shpreh se si ndihem. E vetmja gjë që mund të bëj është të përpiqem të qëndroj e motivuar.”


Arjan Iseni (Ishulli Staten, Nju Jork), 17-pesha e lehte e vjeter, Renditja në SHBA #1
Performancat e Medaljes së Artë: 2019 Kampionatet Kombëtare të Rinisë, Hapja Rajonale Lindore & Open Youth

Iseni jeton në epiqendrën e Coronavirusit, Ishulli Staten, NY. Ai dhe babai i tij ndërtuan një unazë të vogël në oborrin e shtëpisë së tyre (shih foton më poshtë) sepse ai nuk mund të stërvitej në asnjë palestër.

“Veryshtë shumë e vështirë të dihet se nuk do të jem në gjendje të përfaqësoj Team USA këtë vit në asnjë turne ndërkombëtar. Ky është viti im i fundit si boksier për të rinj, por unë kam qenë duke u stërvitur shumë fort gjatë karantinës, dhe unë do të jem i gatshëm për gjithçka që do të vijë më pas.

“Shtë e vështirë të dish se nuk do të luftoj shpejt, por kjo më jep më shumë kohë për të përsosur të metat e vogla në lojën time, dhe unë do të rikthehem më i fortë kur të mbarojë gjithçka. Shpresojmë, gjithçka kthehet në normalitet së shpejti, kështu që unë mund t'i kthehem luftimeve në mënyrë aktive dhe shpresoj ta bëj Team USA si një boksier elitar.”

Shera Mae Patricio (Waianae, Hawaii), 17-pesha e një viti, Renditja në SHBA #1
Performancat e Medaljes së Artë: 2019 Kampionatet Kombëtare të Rinisë & Hapja Rajonale Perëndimore; 2018 Kampionatet Kombëtare të Rinisë & Hapen Rajonet Perëndimore; 2017 Lojërat Olimpike Kombëtare për të Rinj & Doreza kombëtare Artë

Patricio jeton më larg nga kampi stërvitor dhe shokët e saj të skuadrës, por familja e saj ka një palestër boksi, dhe trajnimi / sparring nuk është problem për të sepse ajo ka tetë vëllezër e motra.

“Ne jemi në karantinë dhe unë i jam përshtatur jetës pa luftë duke vazhduar të stërvitem në palestrën tonë personale me vëllezërit e motrat e mi. Stërvitja nuk ka qenë një problem për ne, sepse ne kemi palestrën tonë personale. Ne pastrojmë të gjitha pajisjet dhe palestrën para dhe pas trajnimit. Meqenëse nuk ka luftime që vijnë së shpejti, ne kemi qenë duke mprehur aftësitë tona dhe duke ndërtuar më shumë njohuri Ne kemi qenë duke fituar forcë dhe duke mbajtur qëndrueshmërinë tonë. Në fundjavë, babai im ngas një biçikletë ndërsa ne drejtojmë xhiro për të marrë dritën e diellit, dhe nganjëherë ne bëjmë stërvitje sprint jashtë.

“Familja jonë është një familje boksi që filloi me babanë tim pasi ai ishte boksier. Ai filloi të më stërviste, vetëm për mbrojtje, por filloi të bëhej serioz në 2015 kur fitova turneun tim të parë në Kansas. Të gjithë vëllezërit e motrat e mi janë gjithashtu boksierë dhe ata janë gjithashtu kampionë me shumë kohë. Unë dhe vëllezërit e motrat e mi kemi marrë një ton të familjes kohë duke qëndruar në shtëpi së bashku. Kjo karantinë na ka bërë edhe më afër. Lidhja jonë na bën më të fortë individualisht dhe si një. Jam larg trajnimit në Colorado Springs, por shokët e mi të skuadrës janë vetëm një telefonatë larg. Unë jam në gjendje të qëndroj në kontakt dhe kjo është shumë e ngrohtë. Disa nga trajnerët më kontrollojnë për të parë se si kam shkuar. Kam pritur me padurim të gjitha turnet që kam planifikuar të luftoj dhe jam i zhgënjyer që janë shtyrë, por kam më shumë kohë për tu përgatitur edhe më mirë për luftën time të radhës.”


Steven Navarro (Los Anxhelos, Kaliforni) 16-pesha e një viti, Renditja në SHBA #1
Performancat e Medaljes së Artë: 2019 Kampionatet Kombëtare të Juniorëve & PAL Kombëtare; 2018 Kampionatet Kombëtare të Juniorëve; 2017 Prep Open & Hapja Rajonale Perëndimore

Navarro po stërvitej në Colorado Springs për t'u përgatitur për konkursin ndërkombëtar në Bullgari, por udhëtimi u anulua dy ditë para se Navarro dhe shokët e tij të skuadrës të planifikohej të largoheshin.

“Si anëtar i Ekipit të Boksit për Junior të SHBA-ve, Unë pres çdo luftë / turneu, sepse mund të jetë e fundit ime. Kështu që ishte shumë zemërthyer kur u njoftova se luftimet tona në Bullgari dhe luftrat e ardhshme ndërkombëtare u anuluan për shkak të kësaj pandemie. Unë vazhdoj të punoj aq fort sa bëj rregullisht: duke u zgjuar në 5 ne mengjes, duke vrapuar 5-6 milje në kodrat aty pranë, natyrisht e veshur me maskën time. Unë vij në shtëpi për të marrë klasat e mia në internet nga 9 paradite-2 pasdite, gjë që më jep një gjumë 2 orë para se të drejtohem në palestrën time private. Unë jam i vetmi person që stërvitet në palestrën time çdo ditë në 4:30 ores. Sapo të shkoj në palestër, Unë filloj të shtrihem për 3 raunde (3-raunde minutash), kuti hije për 5-7 raunde, atëherë godita pesë lloje thasësh me grusht (3 raunde secili). Më pas, Unë punoj dorashka (5-8 raunde) ku unë përqendrohem në lëvizje dhe situata të ndryshme që mund të ndodhin në një luftë. Unë shpesh godas çantën me fund të dyfishtë dhe çantën e shpejtësisë për të 3 raunde. Unë përfundoj stërvitjen time në boks me 15 min. të litarit të kërcimit.

“Unë trajnoj çdo ditë për 2 orë me babanë / trajnerin tim Refugio Navarro. Kjo pandemi është paksa e rrezikshme për shkak të mungesës së hyrjes në ndeshje. Kam tendencë të ‘lëviz’ me babanë tim një herë në javë, por përvoja është e ndryshme. Pasi të mbarojë, I drejtohem gjyshërve të mi’ shtëpia (vetëm një bllok larg shtëpisë sime) të bëj forcën dhe kushtëzimin tim. Unë mbaj një maskë dhe doreza kur punoj atje. Gjyshi im është një aparat gjimnastikor dhe ka rregullimin e tij të palestrës në garazhin e tij. Unë punoj me gjyshin tim për një orë të mirë, dezinfektimi i vazhdueshëm i të gjitha pajisjeve, ta mbyll ditën time. Unë punoj me ato që kam, i cili është një bekim. Boksi nuk është një sport sezoni, ju duhet të qëndroni gati gjatë gjithë vitit për çdo gjë, dhe kjo është ajo që unë vazhdoj të bëj ndërsa përpiqem për madhështi.”

Fernanda Chavez (Dallas, Texas), 14-peshe vjecare, Renditja në SHBA #2
Performancat e Medaljes së Artë: 2019 Junior Open; 2018 Prep Open & Rajonale Lindore

Chavez është një anëtare e vitit të parë të Ekipit të Performancës së Lartë Junior dhe kampi i saj trajnues inaugurues në Colorado Springs u tërhoq prapa.

“Përshtatja me këtë stil të ri jetese nuk ka qenë më e lehtë. Jam mirënjohës që kam familjen time, pasi ne kemi qenë duke shkuar në vrapime të përditshme dhe stërvitje në parqe. Familja ime e kupton rëndësinë e atletizmit tim dhe qëndrimin në formë, e cila është arsyeja pse ne vazhdojmë të motivojmë njëri-tjetrin gjatë kësaj kohe të vështirë. Nuk jam i sigurt kur jetët tona do të kthehen në normalitet, prandaj jam akoma i përgatitur në çdo kohë.

“Gjërat që unë pres më shumë në kampin në Colorado Springs është takimi me femra të tjera të reja në ekip, si dhe të mësuarit e stileve të ndryshme që ato sjellin. Unë gjithashtu pres të krijoj lidhje midis shokëve të mi të rinj të skuadrës dhe trajnerëve nga i gjithë kombi.”

Unaza e oborrit të Arjan Isenit në Staten Island

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PR Boksin në SHBA: Për të promovuar dhe rritur boksin amator të stilit olimpik në Shtetet e Bashkuara dhe për të frymëzuar ndjekjen e palodhur të arit olimpik dhe për t'u dhënë mundësi atletëve dhe trajnerëve të arrijnë një përsosmëri të qëndrueshme konkurruese. Përveç kësaj, Boksi i USA përpiqet t'u mësojë të gjithë pjesëmarrësve karakterin, besimi dhe përqendrimi ata kanë nevojë për t'u bërë kampionë elastikë dhe të ndryshëm, si në dhe nga unaza. Boksi i SHBA është një ekip, një komb, duke shkuar për arin!

Unhappy birthday coming up for undefeated lightweight prospect Jamaine “The Technician” Ortiz

WORCESTER, Në masë. (Prill 15, 2020) – Even in his wildest dreams, undefeated World Boxing Council (WBC) Youth World lightweight championJamaine “The Technician” Ortiz (13-0, 7 KO) never could have ever imagined that his 24th ditëlindje, later this month, would fall smack in the middle of a worldwide health pandemic

When he turns 24 në prill 28th, Ortiz figured he’d be preparing for training camp with a spring fight date set, likely defending his WBC Youth World title of fighting for a regional belt of some sort.

He certainly didn’t think boxing would be banned around the world, gyms closed by a state mandate, and people wearing facemasks and plastic gloves like they’re in a Sci-Fi movie. Dhe, to boot, his job as a licensed carpenter ended closed shop last Friday. Like everybody else in the Bay State.

Ortiz is basically self-quarantined at home, although he’s still running, formim, eating well and doing everything else to maintain decent shape. Not elite boxing shape, megjithëse, which simply isn’t possible under these restrictive and trying times.

Instead of sparring, he’s shadow boxing, jumping rope has replaced pad-work with his trainersRocky Gonzalez dheCarlos Garcia, and now his living room serves as hispalestër.

Times have been dramatically altered, në të vërtetë, even celebrating birthdays, which Jamaine fully understands and accepts.

“I don’t think my birthday will be any different,” Ortiz said. “I usually spend it alone with my mother and daughter (4-year-old Amira) and this year probably won’t be any different. I won’t be able to get in a whole bunch of sparring rounds that I usually ask for (qeshje) as presents from some of my friends.“

Për fat të mirë, megjithëse, Ortiz was able to fight this past February 28 in his first action in six months, headlining a CES Boxing-promoted card at home in Worcester, Massachusetts, in which he registered an impressive second-round stoppage of Mexican knockout specialist“Loco” Luis Ronaldo Castillo (22-6, 17 KO), a former WBC FECOMBOX lightweight champion.

Ortiz, presently rated No. 16 by the North American Boxing Federation (NABF), aspires to attend medical school after he hangs up his gloves for good, to become a doctor/researcher. He reads a lot about medicine, especially holistic treatments, and he believes that he may have already had the coronavirus.

“Five weeks before my last fight,” he explained, “I was in the hospital with a temperature of 104.5. Just about everybody I knew was sick, my grandmother had pneumonia. I never really get sick. I had a flu shot for seven years without an issue. I developed a cough, too. I felt like I was going to die. I can’t say with certainty I had coronavirus (there was no test available then), but I feel like I may have had it.”

Ortiz will be ready for the night the ring bell will finally sound again. “I hope to be fighting again in July or August, por, no matter when boxing returns, I’ll be ready to go.

“This is a serious, contagious disease. People should use common sense: wash your hands, stay separated by six feet, and stay at home, especially the elderly and people with respiratory problems. Don’t take any unnecessary risks or panic, either. This isn’t the end of the world!"


Më shumë, Steve Farhood Breaks Down Some Of The Fiercest Rematches In Boxing History

Click Below To Listen To Latest Installment Of SHOWTIME BOXING PODCAST

NEW YORK – April 14, 2020 – This week’s installment of the digital podcast seriesSHOWTIME BOXING WITH ERIC RASKIN AND KIERAN MULVANEY features heavyweight contender Otto Wallin, who recently recovered from COVID-19, and promoter Dmitriy Salita in an interview about life in quarantine and the effect the virus has had on the sport of boxing. Më shumë, Hall of Fame analyst and boxing historian Steve Farhood joins this week’sRevenge: The Rematchessegment to discuss Azumah Nelson vs. Jesse James Leija II, Gerald McClellan vs. Julian Jackson II, and Julio Cesar Chavez vs. Frankie Randall II. Click the following link to listen to the full episode

Excerpts from the episode:

On COVID-19 and its effect on the sport of boxing…

Fjalë – “It’s a really unpredictable environment right now. Boxing is an international sport. Now more than ever, fighters come to the U.S. from all over to train and fight. It’s really important that the whole world heals so that things can go back to normal.”

Wallin“This virus is very serious. People are dying – people from the gym have died. I didn’t have many symptoms when I had it, but it spread to my mother’s boyfriend who is a diabetic and he was very ill. When you are home, don’t just stay on the couch. You have to come up with ideas to keep yourself busy and do something.”

On staying in shape during quarantine…

Wallin“I am trying to make the best of the situation, and I can do a lot with what I have now. It’s working alright. I do some boxing punching on the wall and lots of shadow boxing.”

On Salita Promotions’ Train Like a Boxer YouTube Series…

Fjalë – “We were thinking of ways to keep connections between the fighters and the fans. Everyone is stuck at home, no one can go to work and it’s important to stay healthy and active. We thought we could let the fans know about what the fighters are doing at home and keep communication between everyone going.”

On what’s next for Wallin…

Fjalë – “In the fight with [Tyson] Fury you can see how amazing his performance was. Numbers don’t lie, Otto landed more punches against Fury than any opponent including [Vladimir] Klitschko and [Deontay] Wilder –in the first fight. Otto is a world-class fighter, and hopefully we get back to business and he can show that he is one of the best heavyweights in the world.”

On Chavez vs. Randall II…

Farhood“I think it was a sign Chavez was getting to the end, he was only 31 but he had 90 fights and I think Randall got him at the right time. Watching Randall in both fights boxing so well reminded me a bit of Buster Douglas against [Mikrofon] Tyson. This guy didn’t give you anything to think he could do something like this – just boxing beautifully. I thought Randall probably deserved the rematch decision by a point, but it was a very close fight.”

The weekly SHOWTIME BOXING podcast features Raskin and Mulvaney diving deep into the world of boxing and SHOWTIME boxing events. New episodes are released on all major podcast platforms every Monday, including


Las Vegas, NV. (Prill 13, 2020): Contenders Clothing is proud to announce the creation of the Fighting for Fighters Fund, a new program that will put money directly, and immediately, into the hands of professional fighters affected by the current Covid-19 crisis.

With combat sports across the United States being suspended indefinitely, many fighters who earn a living competing professionally are self-employed contractors leaving them out of work and not eligible for state unemployment. While there is money earmarked for contract workers under the Cares Act, funds have been hard to, if not impossible, to access, leaving many working class fighters in dire need of assistance.

While some well-known apparel companies are donating to large and mostly worldwide health organizations, we’ve yet to see any company directly help fighters,” said Contenders Chief Executive Officer, Jonathan Snyder.

We have been embraced by professional fighters of all levels who have worn our boxer briefs and t-shirts at weigh ins and we truly consider anyone who wears us as part of our family. They’ve had our back and now it’s time to have theirs.

Funding for Fighting for Fighters will come from the sales of an exclusive, ‘Go The Social Distancet-shirt created specifically as a fundraiser for the program. Veç kësaj, Contenders Clothing is giving 10% of every single sale throughout the entire month of April at directly into the fund.

Payments will go out the first week of May and will be divided equally from the overall amount Fighting for Fighters raises between all eligible fighters.

We’ve come to find that fighters are special people in and out of the ring and not enough people understand their sacrifice. Nëse Fighting for Fighters can literally buy groceries for a fightersfamily for a week or pay a utility bill at a time when they desperately need it, then we will consider it a success.

If you are an active professional fighter based in the United States whose income has been affected by the Covid-19 crisis please sign up at:

If you’d like to purchase the Go the Social Distance t-shirt and have all proceeds go to the Fighting for Fighters Fund, please head to:

Contenders Clothing’s boxer brief line, which contains the first ever officially licensed Muhammad Ali and Rocky collections, has been a favorite of professional boxers at weigh-ins since launching in 2018. From world champions such as Tyson Fury to up and coming contenders and prospects, Contenders has been at the forefront of the world of boxing apparel.

Fight Club, Contenders Clothing’s endorsement program, was established in 2019. With a focus on working class and inspirational fighters, Contenders Fight Club has already seen one of it’s athletes, Andrew Cancio, win a world title in a massive upset. In addition to the announcement of current #1 contender and former world champion Jessie Magdaleno joining Contenders Fight Club last month, Contenders is continuing it’s commitment to the boxing industry with plans on announcing several new signees throughout 2020 that represent the future of the sport.

Për më shumë informacion vizitoni:
For any further information on Contenders’Fighting for Fighters Fund – please drop us a line and we will get right back in touch. Thanks in advance for your support and helping spread the word.
Follow Contenders Clothing on Social Media!     


PBC Boxers Continue to Engage Fans Through Social Media During Social Distancing

Keith Thurman, Deontay Wilder, Anthony Dirrell, Leo Santa Cruz, Gervonta Davis, Andre Berto & David Benavidez to Appear on PBC Social Media Platforms Next Week

LAS VEGAS (Prill 10, 2020) – Premier Boxing Champions boxers will roll into another week of taking to social media to engage with fans during social distancing. Each week PBC will present opportunities for fans to hear from boxers as they try to find ways to pass the time.

Former unified welterweight champion Keith Thurman appears on Time Out With Ray Floreslive on the PBC Instagram page this Monday, Prill 13 në 3 ores. ET / 12 ores. PT.

Former heavyweight champion Deontay Wilder and former super middleweight champion Anthony Dirrell will appear on the PBC Podcast with hosts Kenneth Bouhairie and Michael Rosenthal. The Podcast will be available on Wednesday, Prill 15 në PBC website, iTunes, Spotify, Soundcloud, Stitcher, Spreaker and other outlets.

WBA Super Featherweight Champion Leo Santa Cruz will appear in the At Home With…” seri, hanging out live on the PBC Facebook page të mërkurën, Prill 15 në 4 ores. ET/1 p.m. PT. And in a special edition of At Home With…”, WBA Lightweight Champion Gervonta “Tank” Davis will be interviewed by former welterweight champion Andre Berto live on the PBC Instagram page të premten, Prill 17 në 4 ores. ET/1 p.m. PT.

WBC Super Middleweight Champion David Benavidez will appear on Going The DistancePBC YouTube page të enjten, Prill 16. Benavidez will be breaking down his fight against Anthony Dirrell at 4 ores. ET/1 p.m. PT.

Veç kësaj, PBC Replaywill feature a replay of the full televised card for the first Leo Santa Cruz vs. Abner Mares showdown on the PBC YouTube page të shtunën, Prill 18 në 8 ores. E / 5 ores. PT.

This week’s schedule is loaded with some of PBC’s top attractions sharing their insights and life during these challenging times. Stay tuned. There’s more to come.

A remarkable boxing journey like no other 1972 Medaljes së artë olimpike “Sheqer” Ray Seales

(Ray Seales is in the front row, second in from the left)

COLORADO SPRINGS, Prehër. (Prill 9, 2020) — Imagine being the lone boxer from your country to capture an Olympic gold medal, only days after the infamous Munich massacre. Now imagine also having won a remarkable 338 i 350 amateur matches, having fought a trilogy as a professional with “I mrekullueshëm” Marvin Hagler, being declared legally blind in both eyes (having entertainer Sammy Davis, Jr. pickup a six-figure medical bill), regaining sight in one eye, then working as a teacher of autistic students for 17 vjet.

“Sheqer” Ray Seales has truly lived a surreal life, to say the least, and he’s still involved in boxing at the age of 67, as a successful coach of amateur boxers in Indianapolis.

Born in Saint Croix, U.S. Virgin Island as one of eight children in a family whose father was a boxer there as a member of the U.S. Army team, Seales started boxing at the age of nine. “I have three brothers and we always beat the crap out of each other,” he spoke about his start in boxing. “Learning how to box, for me, was all about fighting to be the first to eat. I had gotten hit in my left eye playing dodgeball and my uncle, who was stationed at Ft. Lewis (në Tacoma, WA), told my mother there was a special doctor there who could help with my eye. My father was stationed all over and in 1964, when I was 12, my mother moved us to Tacoma, Washington.

I had boxing in my system. I went with my brothers to the Downtown Tacoma Boys Club, which was only one block from our home, and my mother could watch me walk from our house to the gym and back. I was the first from there to win a Golden Gloves title. I wanted to be a winner and finished with 14 (kampion) jackets. I couldn’t speak English. I knew Spanish and spoke Spanish and English together. The first word I said in English was box. We used to fight three or four times a day and we built the Tacoma Boxing Club. I went on to have a 338-12 amateur record and I’ve been in boxing ever since.

Seales developed into a champion, taking top honors at the 1971 National AAU and 1972 National Golden Gloves championships. Në moshën 19, Seales enlisted in the U.S. Forca ajrore, but his mother made some calls so Ray would be able to compete in the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich, Gjermani.

She succeeded and the rest, siç thonë ata, is history. And when he came home from the Olympics, he was told that there was no need for him to report to the U.S. Forca ajrore, because he had done enough in terms of service as the only American boxer to win a gold medal.

The 1972 Olimpiada, megjithatë, was overshadowed by the killing of 11 Israeli athletes and coaches, as well as a West German police officer at the Olympic Village by terrorists on Black September.

I had just turned 20,Seales remembered. “Boxing was heavy when we went there. Some of my family, my coach from Tacoma, and Tacoma teammate (and 2-time U.S. Madhështor)Davey Armstrong were in Germany. I didn’t know anything at first. I had to get the attention of my parents to let them know not to go there, because there were terrorists with sub-machine guns in the Olympic Village. I was the only American boxer left to fight.

Seales defeated Bulgarian Angjei Anghhelov, 5-0, in the light welterweight championship to capture an Olympic gold medal, the only member of the U.S. team to do so. His teammates included Armstrong, Duane Bobick, and Olympic bronze medalists Jesse Valdez, Marvin Johnson dhe Ricardo Carreras.

Sugar Ray Seales’s dedication to USA Boxing is second to none,” tha Chris Cugliari, USA Boxing Alumni Director. “His pride, patriotism, and devotion to helping our next generation of champions is what makes him such an inspiring figure.

USA Boxing Alumni Association

Created to champion lifelong, mutually beneficial relationships between USA Boxing and its alumni, –boxers, officials, coaches and boxing fansThe Alumni Association connects generations of champions, inspiring and giving back to USA Boxing’s future boxing champions, në dhe nga unaza.

The USA Boxing Alumni Association is open to anyone who has a love for boxing and would like to stay connected with amateur boxing. Members are granted access to a wide variety of special events hosted by the Alumni Association, including its annual USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame reception.

To join the Alumni Association, simply register at for a $40.00 per year membership fee. New members will receive a T-shirt, keychain and e-wallet.

Seales turned pro in 1973, winning an 8-round unanimous decision over Gonzalo Rodriguez në Tacoma. “Sugarmanwon his first 21 lufton pro, until he lost a 10-round decision to 14-0 middleweight prospect and future Hall of Famer Marvin Hagler. Dy lufton më vonë, Seales fought Hagler in Tacoma to a 10-round draw (99-99, 99-99, 98-96).

Everybody wanted a shot at the Olympic gold medalist,” Seales explained.I went to Boston and we fought in a TV studio (WNAC). It was freezing in there. I was shivering when I went into the ring, Marvin came out dripping sweat. I knew I was losing after seeing that, but I hung with him and went the distance (10 raunde). I was having management problems and three months later I fought Hagler again, only this time at home in Tacoma. I beat him but it ended in a 10-round draw. He knows I beat him!”

Seales completed his trilogy with Hagler, but it was five years later, when Hagler was 42-2-1 and avoided by most of the world’s top middleweights. “I was the USBA (United States Boxing Association) and North American Boxing Federation (NABF) middleweight champion and Hagler needed to win a title to get a world title shot,” Seales noted. “I lost our third fight in the first round, but that’s the only thing shown on television in our three fights. We were two left-handers, but he switched to right-handed, and he caught me with a hook. I got paid and they bought him a world title fight.

Seales has coached two different amateur teams in Indianapolis during the past 11 vjet, fitues 10 Golden Gloves team championships, and he’s still in charge in Indy of Team IBG.

After he retired in 1984 after suffering detached retinas in both eyes, Seales was introduced in Las Vegas to Sammy Davis, Jr. (pictured below), who paid Seales’ $100,000 medical bill for his damaged eyes. Davis had lost his left eye in a 1952 car accident

I’m a teacher,” Seales concluded. “I see the way that so many boxers want to fight likeFloyd Mayweather. Their head is tilted, they can’t throw a jab. I teach them to have the right foot behind the left (for a right-handed boxer), and to walk in straight, not tilted or peaking. Heel toe, heel toe every time you pivot is your stance.

My advice for the boxers who hope to compete in the 2020 Olympics is to focus on what you’re doing and listen to how to get it done. What I really want to do is to coach the USA Olympic Boxing Team 2024.

Eksitim: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni
Instagram: @USABoxing



NEW YORK – April 6, 2020 - SHOWTIME Sports will continue to serve boxing fans during the current hiatus from live sports, announcing today SHOWTIME BOXING CLASSICS with regularly scheduled replays of legendary bouts from the network’s deep archive of world championship boxing. SHOWTIME BOXING CLASSICS will air on three consecutive Friday nights beginning April 10, në 10 ores. ET / PT në Showtime. The telecasts will also be available via the SHOWTIME streaming service and SHOWTIME ANYTIME®.

The April slate of SHOWTIME BOXING CLASSICS will be highlighted by three Fight of the Year winners, which include some of the most heart-pounding and unforgettable fights in boxing history.

E premte, Prill 10:
Diego Corrales vs. Jose Luis Castillo I - 2005 Consensus Fight of the Year (also featuring the Round of the Year and later named Fight of the Decade)
Diego Corrales vs. Jose Luis Castillo II
E premte, Prill 17:
Paulie Ayala vs. Johnny Tapia Unë - 1999 Ring Magazine Lufta e Vitit (Ayala earned Fighter of the Year honors)
Paulie Ayala vs. Johnny Tapia II
E premte, Prill 24:
Lucas Matthysse vs. John Molina - 2014 Consensus Fight of the Year
Mickey Bey vs. John Molina

During each SHOWTIME BOXING CLASSICS emision televiziv, Luke Thomas and Brian Campbell, the network’s versatile combat sports analysts, will host a live companion episode of their digital talk show MORNING KOMBAT Morning Kombat YouTube Channel. Thomas and Campbell will watch the SHOWTIME replay and react to the fights in real time, feature special guest interviews with principal participants from the bouts (Luftëtarët, trajnerët, referees and promoters) and take questions from fans while the bouts replay on the network.

“The greatest fight I’ve ever covered,” said Al Bernstein, the International Boxing Hall of Fame analyst. In a career that spans more than 40 vjet, including calling Hagler-Hearns, Bowe-Holyfield I and the Vazquez-Marquez trilogy, Bernstein says the first Corrales-Castillo war was the best. “This was Hagler-Hearns times three because it lasted so much longer. It was fought at a such an extraordinary skill level and to me that is what made it so special.”

The fights scheduled to air in April include:

Corrales-Castillo I (Maj 7, 2005, Corrales TKO 10) – After nine intense, back-and-forth rounds in a WBC and WBO lightweight unification bout, Corrales accomplishes the unthinkable, miraculously regrouping from dy knockdowns in the 10th to stop Castillo and etch his name in boxing lore. After managing to beat the count (and losing a point for spitting the mouthpiece), Corrales got Castillo on the ropes and connected with a huge right hand. Corrales continued to unload on a defenseless Castillo, forcing referee Tony Weeks to halt the blazing action.

Corrales-Castillo II (Tetor 8, 2005, Castillo KO 4) – Castillo, who did not make the 135-pound weight limit, making the contest a non-title bout, avenges an earlier loss to the WBC and WBO Lightweight World Champion Corrales with a one-punch, fourth-round knockout. Castillo consistently outworks Corrales and lands the harder punches in a more one-sided bout than their first affair. Castillo staggers his opponent with a right hand in the third round that sends him stumbling backward across the ring. He then scores a finishing knockdown with a left hook in the fourth that puts Corrales flat on his back.

Ayala-Tapia I (Qershor 26, 1999, Ayala W 12) – In some of the fiercest two-way action in the history of Las Vegas boxing, southpaw Ayala hands Tapia his first professional loss in 49 fights and captures the WBA Bantamweight Title by the scores of 115-114 dhe 116-113 dy herë. As the boxers were being announced, Tapia walked across the ring and shoved Ayala, causing a momentary skirmish.

Ayala-Tapia II (Tetor 7, 2000, Ayala W 12) – In a rematch of 1999’s Fight of the Year, the action between the heated rivals does not disappoint. Megjithatë, the outcome is the same as their first meeting, with Ayala winning via controversial unanimous decision. Mayhem ensues as the decision is announced and an incensed Tapia is ushered from the ring by security.

Matthysse-Molina (Prill 26, 2014, Matthysse KO 11) – Fighting in the night’s co-main event, Matthysse steals the show with a spectacular 11th-round knockout over Molina in 2014’s Fight of the Year. The Argentine, then ranked No. 1 in the world at 140 £, is hurt in the first and dropped in the second and fifth rounds. But Matthysse comes back with knockdowns in the eighth, 10th dhe 11th rounds to turn back a determined bid by Molina.

Bey-Molina (Korrik 19, 2013, Molina KO 10) – In one of ShoBox: The New Generation’s most unforgettable rounds, Molina comes back from the brink of certain defeat to dramatically knockout then-unbeaten Mickey Bey. Heading into the 10th dhe raundi i fundit, Molina was trailing on the three judges’ scorecards by 90-81, 89-82 dhe 88-83.

New customers who sign up on and the SHOWTIME app before May 3 can take advantage of a recently announced 30-day free trial for the SHOWTIME streaming service, available on and the SHOWTIME app on all supported devices.


With this pandemic lockdown in full force virtually world-wide, many fights have been already been cancelled, from the biggest, such as Anthony Joshua versus Kubrat Pulev, right through to many small hall events.

Whilst clearly the lockdown is affecting everyone involved in our beloved sport, it made me think of those that had been preparing for their professional boxing debut, such as today’s victim, sorry guest, Caitlin Foran, who was due to debut in Orkney on the 25th April.

Caitlin is a ten time Kickboxing World Champion, quite an accomplishment for someone that is still just 19 vjeç, let’s face it to achieve such a high status in any sport at such a young age is quite an accomplishment and without doubt her extensive combat sports experience is going to benefit her when this pandemic is over and she makes her pro debut.

I actually had the pleasure of meeting Caitlin back in March at an event in Barrow-in-Furness, where she was supporting Paul Peers when he challenged, and beat, Nicaraguan Milton Arauz for the Professional Boxing Council (PBC) International title, and always intended to cover her pro debut, but with that put back until later in the year due to the current situation decided instead to arrange an interview with her.

Enough of my waffle, let’s get to know this amazing teen star a little better.

(GDC) Hello Caitlin, thank you for taking the time to answer a few questions for us. My first question is I understand you are a multi-World Champion Kick Boxer, can you please tell our readers a little about your Kick Boxing career?

(CF) So I started kickboxing in 2008 at the age of eight, at the time I was juggling kickboxing with lots of other sports and activities but over time my attention just stuck with kickboxing and it became my life.

I certainly wasn’t one of these people that had a talent for the sport. I wasn’t flexible, I had no confidence, but the one thing I did have that has carried me through to this day is determination.

Living on an island we weren’t able to get to as many competitions as other clubs on the mainland could which meant we knew we had to really put in the extra effort to make up for the lack of experience.

Also coming from a large family where my mother was a single parent to 5 children meant I rarely was able to get away to compete and didn’t really start competing properly until I got my black belt in 2011.

I then started competing usually once a month with the first big one being the WKA Scottish championships in Glasgow where I won 2x golds, that was my first big confidence booster and I went on to compete more often winning more Scottish titles as well as British and European.

I then got invited to my first world championships in 2013 in Italy where I came away with a bronze medal.

I always preferred points fighting when I was competing, which is a more karate style, ‘start stopstyle of fighting, but at my second World championships in Prague in 2014, there was a woman without a fight for her ring Continuous section so I was asked if I would take the fight.

I’ve never been one to turn down a fight so I took the fight and ended up winning it as well as two others so I came away with my first three World titles and new love for ring fighting.

Nga 2014 në 2017 I went on to win seven more World titles in various countries.

Nga 2016/17 my kickboxing career was really taking off and I was looking at turning professional sometime soon, however at the end of 2017 my coach Ryan Reffell sadly passed which put an end to my kickboxing career.

(GDC) What influenced you to switch from Kick Boxing to Professional Boxing?

(CF) As I mentioned previously, I have never been a naturally flexible person so in kickboxing my legs were predominantly used for powerful body single kicks.

While I was still training with Ryan as part of Nemesis Kickboxing, at the end of 2015 we decided I was getting better with my hands and started thinking about switching to boxing.

This lead Ryan to start boxing classes on a Monday night as well as the kickboxing classes through the week.

I was offered my first fight that September with 4 days notice for the UKBC featherweight international title. I went on to win the fight and defended it in a rematch that December.

2017 was when I really started to focus more on boxing and less on kickboxing and had two more fights, with the last fight in my unlicensed career being a Five Nations title fight in April 2017 which brought my record to 4-0-0.

I thought my boxing career had ended then, until Paul Peers moved to Orkney in 2018 and got in touch via Facebook which then kickstarted my training again as he showed great interest in my boxing and was a massive help in getting my love for the sport back and showed that he believed in me which made me more confident in myself and got myself back to training properly again ahead of signing my professional contract in January this year.

(GDC) You were due to be undertaking your professional boxing debut in Orkney on the 25th April, obviously this is being rescheduled due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, so firstly how have your preparations been going?

(CF) Po, it was devastating when all this started but I am making sure to keep as active as I can with daily running and home exercises making use of the little space I do have at home.

(GDC) Has the Government ordered lockdown had an effect on your preparations?

(CF) Prior to lockdown we were getting sparring in at least once or twice a week at the club and had started our partnership with Lee Mcallister at Assassin’s boxing in Aberdeen in order to mix Orkney Boxing Clubs fighters with theirs for some sparring at weekends.

We only managed this once so far with weather being bad and boats not certain to run but were planning more in the lead up to the show.

(GDC) When the lockdown ends and the new date is announced, your opponent is stated to be Carly Mackenzie, do you know much about her?

(CF) I was originally due to fight Carly Mackenzie however my opponent recently changed to Professional Boxing Council (PBC) International Silver Champion Jamie Bates Wallis. I don’t know a great deal about Jamie to be honest but from what I’ve seen she is a strong orthodox boxer with a strong offence and sharp defence.

I took the fight knowing it would be a challenge especially being my first fight back in 3 vjet.
She’s proved to be a champion so in order for me to become a champion I must beat champions.

(GDC) Moving away from your career to date, who is your favourite boxer, male or female, and why?

(CF) My favourite boxer to date has got to be Katie Taylor. She has played a massive part in getting Women’s boxing to where it is today and is a real inspiration to any athlete out there as she has shown that any obstacle can be overcome if you really want something.

(GDC) In the same vein, which is your all time favourite fight, and why?

(CF) It is so hard to choose a favourite fight but one has to be Katie Taylor’s most recent fight against Christina Linardatou as she continued her winning record and added WBO Super-Lightweight world title to her ever growing list of achievements. Usually Taylor would be getting stuck into the fight, firing shot after shot. However she kept to the outside this time boxing smart and not wasting energy.

(GDC) Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions, finally is there anyone you would like to mention with regard to your upcoming debut?

(CF) I would like to give thanks to my sponsor, Gary Sutherland at GSRI, Steven Logie at Strength 101 for keeping me in shape and Paul Peers for everything he has done over the last year and a half to get my confidence back up and reignite my love for boxing. I would also like to give a shout out to all of my old teammates at Nemesis kickboxing Academy and Nemesis Boxing Gym without them I wouldn’t be where I am today.

New York State Boxing HOF & Ring 8 establish fund to assist boxers and boxing personnel in New York

NEW YORK (Prill 1, 2020) – The New York State Boxing Hall of Fame (NYSBHOF) and Ring 8 jointly announced today a partnership to establish a COVID-19 fund to assist New York and New Jersey boxers and boxing personnel who are in financial need during the coronavirus pandemic.

Any boxing personnel (boxers, trajnerët, cut-men, etj) who are independent contractors and live in New York or New Jersey may apply for monetary assistance by filling out a request form posted dhewww.Ring8tv,me, or request a form to be directly emailed.

All applicants must be licensed (NYSAC, NJSAC or USA Boxing) and forms must be submitted to NYSBHOF president Bob Duffy by email ( or call him (1.516.313.2304) with the required information.

“Gyms are closed, and boxing has been suspended indefinitely,” NYSBHOF president Bob Duffy said. “Most boxing trainers, cut-men and other boxing personnel are independent contractors, so they do not have any income right now during this pandemic. They have families to support, rent to pay, food to put on the table, and other critical expenses. We want to help them by establishing this fund. We’re not in the position to give each applicant a large stipend,  but we are able to provide a small payment to temporarily help them a little bit. We’re committed to doing this for the month of April, at the very least, and then we’ll will revisit extending payments until boxing returns, as long as there is money available in this fund. It’s the right thing to do!"

“Ring 8 is furthering our goals to assist boxers and boxing people in New York during this crisis,” Ring 8 president Charlie Norkus, Jr. added. “It has been our mission since the very beginning. We are pleased to join the New York Boxing Hall of Fame in this endeavor.”