Kategórie Archív: box


Women’s boxing superstar Claressa Shields has added two more impressive distinctions to her already unparalleled boxing career laurels.

25-year-old “T-Rex” Shields (10-0, 2 KO), currently the unified WBC and WBO World Female Super Welterweight and WBC, WBA, IBF and WBO Middleweight Champion, has been named #1 in both The Ring and ESPN’s inaugural pound-for-pound women’s rankings of the best female fighters in the world.

During an exciting renaissance for the sport, Shields was able to best a strong lineup of female fighters including Irish unified lightweight champion Katie Taylor, seven-division champ Amanda Serrano, Norway’s long-time undisputed queen Cecilia Braekhus and her recent conqueror Jessica McCaskill.

Among her many accomplishments, Shields is a two-time Olympic Gold Medalist and the first American boxer – female or male – to win consecutive Olympic boxing gold medals. She became Unified Super Middleweight World Champion in her fourth professional fight, Unified Middleweight World Champion in her sixth professional fight and Unified Super Welterweight World Champion in her tenth. She also holds the record for becoming a two and three-weight world champion in the fewest professional fights and is one of only seven boxers in history, female or male, to hold all four major world titles in boxing—WBA, WBC, IBF and WBO—simultaneously.

“Claressa is the driving force for women’s boxing!” said her promoter, Dmitriy Salita of Salita Promotions. “I am happy to see that ESPN, the worldwide leader in sports, and the well-respected “Bible of Boxing” Ring Magazine unanimously and indisputably recognize Claressa’s incredible accomplishments as the best in the world.”

“I’m proud to see two more Herstoric achievements added to the unprecedented resume of Claressa Shields,” said her manager, Mark Taffet, President of Mark Taffet Media. “She continues her march toward equality for female boxers using her broad shoulders from both an athletic and a social perspective. I look forward to the day when she appears on the top pound-for-pound list among the men with no gender labels.”


Rolando Romero z Mayweather Promotions získal jednomyseľné rozhodnutie o predtým neporazenom Jacksonovi Maríñezovi za dočasný titul WBA v ľahkej váhe; Otto Wallin TKO Travis Kauffman v šrote vysokej váhy

Kliknite na tlačidlo TU Pre fotografie od Amandy Westcottovej / SHOWTIME
(Fotky sa čoskoro nahrajú)

Uncasville, Conn. - August 16, 2020 - David Benavidez potom zachoval neporazený rekord neporušený 23 bojuje s dominujúcim výkonom proti Alexisovi Angulo v hlavnej udalosti vzrušujúcej noci boxu naživo na SHOWTIME v sobotu večer z Mohegan Sun Arena v Uncasville, Conn., v podaní Premier Boxing Champions.
(Pre zvýraznenie, cvaknutie TU)

V Showtime CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® karta tripleheader, 23-ročný Benavídez (23-0, 20 KO) - ktorý v piatok stratil opasok svetového titulu WBC na stupnici - dosiahol medzičasové víťazstvo proti bývalému vyzývateľovi na titul Angulo Angulo (26-2, 22 KO), ktorého roh hodil uterák po 10th kolo.

"Hodnotím sa ako solídnych osem.",”Povedal Benavidez. "Niektoré veci som mohol urobiť lepšie.", ale celkovo to bol skvelý výkon. Nechcel som ísť príliš rýchlo a nechať sa odhalené pre nejaké veľké zábery. Je to ťažký úderník. Ale ako som povedal,, Rád robím veci, ktoré nikdy nikto neurobil. Nikto ho nikdy nezastavil a som si istý, že už ho nikto nikdy nenechá vyzerať tak. Zbúral som ho z prvého na 10. kolo. “

Sedemročný profesionál vo veku 23, Benavidez pristál 56 percent jeho úderov mocou v boji a priemer 29 na 70 údery hodené za kolo. Benavidez ukončil šou dosiahnutím kariérneho maxima 54 údery do guľatiny 10.

Kolumbijské Angulo, teraz bojuje z Miami, Fla., vstúpil do svojej druhej príležitosti titulu majstra sveta v sérii víťazných troch bojov, ale nedokázal čeliť ničomu, čo naňho Benavidez hodil.

Benavidez uviedol, že bol sklamaný a trápny z toho, že v piatok neurobil váhovú hranicu 168 libier. "Všetko, čo o mne všetci hovorili, je pravda.",”Povedal Benavidez. "Mal by som byť profesionál a prísť na váhu.", ale tentoraz som to nedokázal. Je to prvýkrát, čo som nepripravil váhu za osem rokov profesionality. “

"Naozaj musím hovoriť so svojím promotérom, aby som zistil, čo bude ďalej.",”Dodal Benavidez. "Budem bojovať s kýmkoľvek, aby som sa vrátil na miesto, kde som bol.". Na tomto predstavení ste dnes večer mohli vidieť, Mohol by som podať skvelý výkon proti komukoľvek a ľudia za to zaplatia. Pravdepodobne sa vrátim späť do tréningového tábora, aby mi nechýbala váha. “

V čo-hlavné udalosti, stúpajúci ľahký Rolando “Rolly” Romero (12-0, 10 KO) dosiahol kontroverzné jednomyseľné rozhodnutie nad dovtedajším neporazeným Jacksonom Maríñezom (19-1, 7 KO) na zachytenie dočasného titulu WBA Lightweight. Skóre sa 115-113, 116-112 a 118-110, všetko v prospech Romera.
(Pre zvýraznenie, cvaknutie TU).

Príbehom zápasu boli Maríñezove spoľahlivé pokusy, keď dominikánsky bojovník vyhral bitku v tomto oddelení (14 percent v porovnaní s Romero 10 percento). Bol to Romero, však, ktorý mal výhodu v pripájaní napájacích razníkov 24 percento (31 na 228) v porovnaní s 18 percent pre Maríñeza (72 na 401).

"Nemyslím si, že som mal zlý výkon.",”Povedal Romero, ktorý sebavedome predpovedal brutálny knokaut, ukončí zápas vo svojich komentároch pred bojom. "Myslel som si, že som boj vyhral.". Bez ohľadu na všetko, Teraz som svetový šampión. Som šťastný. "

Romero utrpel v deviatom kole na zadku hlavy mierny rez nad ľavým okom, ale nezdalo sa, že by to malo vplyv na jeho výkon v majstrovských kolách. "Vyšiel o niečo tvrdší a úhľadnejší ako som si myslel.",”Povedal Romero. "Ale jediné, čo urobil, bol pohyb po celom boji.". Ani sa neskúšal zapojiť. Je ťažké vyradiť niekoho, kto sa nesnaží zaujať. Viackrát som mu ublížil strelami do tela a niekoľkými hákmi. V jednej chvíli som mu ublížil pravou rukou a on mi stiahol hlavu. Bolo ťažké ho dokončiť.

"Jo, [Dal by som mu odvetu]. Nerobil nič zvláštne. “

29-ročný Maríñez, ktorý je držiteľom titulu WBA č. 6 poradie, trénuje Robert Garcia, ktorý nebol prítomný v Maríñezovom rohu a rozhodol sa necestovať krížom-krážom zo svojho domova v južnej Kalifornii.

"To bola čistá lúpež.",”Povedal Maríñez. "Boj som vyhral.". Vybuchol som, vyboxoval ho. Dalo by sa povedať, že si nemyslel, že boj vyhral hneď potom. Je to lúpež. “

V úvodnom zápase na televízne vysielanie, uchádzač v ťažkej váhe Otto Wallin zaznamenal TKO pri 2:32 piateho kola proti Travisovi Kauffmanovi, ktorý si na začiatku piateho kola pretrhol ľavé labrum a nedokázal zdvihnúť ruku. Rozhodca Michael Ortega naznačil koniec zápasu a potom Kauffman oznámil, že odchádza z boxu, len niekoľko dní pred jeho 35th narodeniny.
(Pre zvýraznenie, cvaknutie TU)

29-ročný Wallin (21-1, 14 KO) ktorý mal pred Kauffmanom výškovú výhodu o štyri palce, uviedol, že sa cítil k zranenému Kauffmanovi, ale dominoval v boji. "Rozbíjal som ho.". Zostalo mi veľa,“Povedal Wallin. "Škoda, že si nakoniec poranil rameno.", ale zlomil som ho a zasiahol ho dobrými čistými strelami. “

Wallin vyzeral pri návrate do ringu ostro po prvýkrát, pretože v septembri takmer porazil Tysona Furyho 2019. Pristál 12 vpichy za kolo a 54 percent jeho streleckých zásahov počas celého zápasu. V súčasnosti žije v New Yorku a pôvodne zastupoval svoj rodný Sundsvall, Švédsko, Wallin mal vo svojom rohu pre zápas bývalého šampióna Joeyho Gamache.

Obaja bojovníci sa v nedávnej minulosti zotavili zo zranenia, rovnako ako vírus COVID-19. "Necítil som nič z COVIDU.",“Povedal Wallin. "Mal som skvelý tréning.". V marci mi bolo zle, ale COVID ma veľmi nezasiahol. bol som šťastný. Je mi ľúto všetkých, ktorí prišli o život kvôli COVIDU.

"Chcem sa vrátiť späť do New Yorku a trochu si oddýchnuť.". Teraz už trénujem dlho, takmer rok. Takže si chcem trochu oddýchnuť a dúfam, že do konca roka budem môcť opäť bojovať. “

Tridsaťštyriročný Kauffman (32-4, 23 KO) z Readingu, Pa., bojoval prvýkrát za päť rokov a sedem bojov bez svojho trénera Naazima Richardsona, ktorý nečakane zomrel minulý mesiac. Po boji, Kauffman uviedol, že odchádza z boxu.

"Roztrhol som si ľavé labrum a chystal sa na." [Luis] Ortiz boj,”Povedal Kauffman. "Ako atrapa.", Po Ortizovom boji som čakal päť mesiacov na operáciu [Decembra 2018]. Začal som sa cítiť lepšie a v marci som sa chystal naladiť zápas, ale potom sa stalo COVID. Táto príležitosť sa naskytla a ja som ju nechcel premeškať a cítil som sa dobre. V prvom kole som to zranil. cítil som to, ale potom to odišlo a myslel som si, že je to možno len moja myseľ a odišlo to. Potom v piatom kole som to začul a bolo to. Opäť sa to roztrhlo.

"Som hotový. Odchádzam do dôchodku. Mam deti. Robím to už dlho,”Povedal Kauffman.

Počas televízneho vysielania SHOWTIME CHAMPIONHIP BOXING, nasledujúceho septembra bolo niekoľko dôležitých aktualizácií 26 SHOWTIME PPV dvojča, na ktorom je majster sveta Charlo dvojčatá, ktoré sa začnú žiť o 7 p.m. ET / 4 p.m.. PT. Päť zo šiestich zápasov jedinečnej dvojhlavice, všetko za jednu cenu, bude bojovaných s opaskom majstrovstiev sveta.

Na prvej karte je Jermall Charlo, ktorý obhájil titul WBC v strednej váhe, keď bude čeliť č. 1-hodnotený uchádzač Sergij Derevyanchenko. All-action Brandon Figueroa bude obhájiť titul WBA Super Bantamweight proti Damienovi Vasquezovi. Titulista WBO s bantamovou váhou John Riel Casimero bude brániť opasok s hmotnosťou 122 libier proti súperovi, ktorý bude menovaný.

Po prestávke, pay-per-view bude obsahovať ďalšie tri súboje so zjednotením 154 libier, ktoré budú slúžiť ako hlavná udalosť, keď šampión WBC Jermell Charlo prevezme titul majstra WBA a IBF Jeison Rosario. Luis Nery čelí Aaronovi Alamedovi na uvoľnený titul WBC Super Bantamweight a bývalý zjednotený majster sveta Danny Roman sa ujme Juan Carlos Payano v špeciálnej atrakcii Super Bantamweight.

Sobotňajšie televízne vysielanie BOXINGU MAJSTROVSTVA PRE VÝSTAVU, druhá z televíznych zostáv s deviatimi udalosťami, ktorá sa uskutoční v priebehu nasledujúcich piatich mesiacov, sa bude hrať v pondelok o 10 p.m. ET / PT V EXTRÉME PREDSTAVENIA.

Popredný výrobný tím a oznamovacia posádka dodali všetky pamiatky, zvuky a dráma z Mohegan Sun Arena. Televíziu moderoval veterán Brian Custer, všestranný hlas bojového športu Mauro Ranallo označil akciu za rolu spolu s analytikom Siene slávy Alom Bernsteinom a šampiónom sveta troch divízií a olympionikom Abnerom Marešom poskytujúcim odborné analýzy. Tím Sieň slávy zavŕšil tím televízneho vysielania SHOWTIME - neoficiálny strelec ringu Steve Farhood a svetovo uznávaný hlásateľ ringu Jimmy Lennon mladší. Výkonným producentom bol David Dinkins, Jr. a riaditeľom bol Bob Dunphy.

Televízne vysielanie bolo dostupné v španielčine prostredníctvom programu Sekundárne audio programovanie (SAP) do akcie sa zapojil Alejandro Luna a bývalý majster sveta Raul Marquez.

Sobotňajšie zápasy predvádzajú Premier Boxing Champions a propagujú ich TGB Promotions a Mayweather Promotions. Hlavné podujatie sa propaguje v spolupráci so Sampson Boxing a zápas Wallin-Kauffman sa propaguje v spolupráci so Salita Promotions a Kings Promotions..

* * *

Pre viac informácií navštívte www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, sledovať na Twitteri @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions alebo sa stanete fanúšikom Facebooku na adrese www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing

Undefeated Super Middleweight Prospects Juan Barajas & Jose Resendiz Headlining RJJ Boxing Promotions card



LAS VEGAS (August 11, 2020) – Undefeated super middleweight prospectsJuan “Just Business” Barajas (11-0, 7 KO) aJose “Toro” Resendiz (11-0, 8 KO) headline the August 27th RJJ Boxing on UFC FIGHT PASS® event, počnúc 10:30 p.m. A / 7:30 p.m. PT, from Marinaterra Hotel & Spa in San Carlos, Sonora, Mexiko.

RJJ Boxing’s first show since January 30th at Yakima Legends Casino in Toppenish, Washington, will be held two nights prior to this event, Augusta. 25th at the same venue, headlined by undefeated Mexican knockout specialistSantiago “Somer” Dominguez (21-0, 16 KO) protiJose Rosario Cazarez (20-5-1, 10 KO), also streaming live on UFC FIGHT PASS.

Barajas, fighting out of Victorville CA, is a relatively tall super middleweight, standing 6’ 4” with an advantageous 80” reach, whose should feel at home fighting for the 8th time in Mexico. Barajas registered his statement victory, to date, back in May 2019, when he won a 10-round majority decision against 18-4-3Lanell Bellows in Memphis. In his UFC FIGHT PASS debut a year ago, Barajas followed up with an impressive 8-round unanimous decision win versus 20-7-1 Fidel Hernandez in Tucson, AZ.

Upset-minded Resendiz, who hopes to take advantage of this great opportunity, is riding an 8-fight knockout streak into this battle of undefeated prospects.

Another power puncher, Mexican lightweightLuis “Sparring” Gallegos (16-0, 15 KO) steps up in terms of fighting a quality opponent in fellow MexicanOscar “Terrible” Flores (12, 12 KO) in the 8-round, co-featured event. This fight doesn’t figure to go the distance, because the two Mexican fighters have 27 combined knockouts in 28 vyhráva. 15 pre 16 (Gallegos) a 12 12 (Kvety).  Gallegos, 22, was a 14-time Mexican National champion who was unable to qualify for the Mexican Olympic Boxing Team due to an unfortunate injury.

Rising-starLester Martinez (4-0, 4 KO) tváreAbraham “Pan” Hernandez (8-2, 4 KO), of Mexico, in a six round lightweight fight. Last year, Martinez made his pro debut at home in Guatemala City under extremely rare conditions, taking on 3-time, 2-divíziaRicardo “El Matador” Mayorga (32-11-1, 26 KO), who hasn’t fought again since he was stopped in the second round by Martinez. The 24-year-old Martinez, who was a standout amateur boxer, is on a mission to become World champion prior to his 10th pro fight.

Undefeated Colorado welterweightJose Arellano (8-0, 5 KO), a Mexico native, spĺňaFlavio Cesar Santos (6-1) in a 6-round match opening live UFC FIGHT PASS streaming.

Also scheduled to fight on the card, off-UFC FIGHT PASS, is Phoenix’ pro-debuting lightweightJose Miguel Valenzuela against his Mexican opponentGuillermo “El Gratano” Borboa (1-2-1, 1 KO), in a 4-round bout. Other undercard fights will soon be announced.

Card subject to change.

To sign up for UFC FIGHT PASS, navštívtewww.ufcfightpass.com, or download the UFC app.


Webové stránky:   www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.comwww.ufcfightpass.com 

Neštebotajú: @RoyjonesJRfa, @RoyJonesJrOfficial, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre

Instagram: @RoyJonesJRboxing, @artofmusiclv, @rivalboxinggear, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre

Facebook: /KeithVeltre, /UFCFightPass

ABOUT ROY JONES JR, BOXING PROMOTIONS: Co-founded in 2013 by 10-time world champion Roy Jones, Jr. and Keith Veltre, Roy Jones, Jr. (RJJ) Boxing Promotions is on its way to reinventing boxing.  RJJ has already made a huge impact in the boxing community in a few short years.  Creating exhilarating content for UFC Fight Pass, CBS Sports, Showtime, ESPN and beIN Sports in some of the finest venues across the country, RJJ has proven it is conquering the sweet science of the sport.

Based in the fight capital of the world, Las Vegas, NV, Roy Jones Jr. Boxing Promotions is climbing to the top at a fast pace, adding young talent to its growing stable: NABF super flyweight champion, WBC #16, WBA #14 and IBF #7 Jade Bornea (15, 10 KO), two-time world title challenger WBO #11 bantamweight Aston Palicte (26-4-1, 22 KO), former NABA welterweight champion Kendo Castaneda,  former Interim World middleweight title challenger John Vera (19-1 (1 KO), undefeated middleweight prospect Connor Coyle (12-0, 5 KO), undefeated super middleweight prospect Juan Barajas (11-0, 7 KO) and former WBC World Youth heavyweight Alexander Flores (18-2-1, 16 KO).  

ABOUT UFC FIGHT PASS®UFC BOJ PASS® is the world’s leading digital subscription service for combat sports. Since launching in 2013, UFC FIGHT PASS is now available in more than 200 countries and territories. UFC FIGHT PASS provides its members with unlimited access to live UFC FIGHT PASS Prelims; live mixed martial arts and combat sports from around the world; original series and historical programming; special features; behind-the-scenes content; in-depth interviews; and up-to-the minute reports on the world of combat sports. UFC FIGHT PASS subscribers also have 24/7 access to the world’s largest fight library, featuring more than 20,000 bouts from dozens of combats sports organizations, as well as every fight in UFC history. Fight fans can access UFC FIGHT PASS on personal computers, iOS and Android mobile devices, Apple TV, Xbox One, Amazon Fire TV, Chromecast, Rok, Samsung Smart TVs, LG Smart TVs, and Sony TVs with Android TV. Pre viac informácií, navštívtewww.ufcfightpass.com. 


Unified Welterweight Champion Errol Spence, Jr. Battles Two-Division Champion Danny Garcia in FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View Showdown To Highlight Exciting Slate of Shows 

LOS ANGELES (August 8, 2020) – FOX Sports and Premier Boxing Champions announced today an exciting slate of boxing shows that will include action in some of the sportshottest divisions and is highlighted by the highly anticipated showdown between unified welterweight champion Errol “Pravda” Spence, Jr. a dva-divízie majster Danny “Rýchly” Garcia headlining the first in a series of FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-Views on Saturday, November 21.

The FOX PBC Fight Night return schedule kicked off tonight with JamalShangoJames taking on Thomas Dulorme for the WBA Interim Welterweight title from AEG’s Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles. The schedule includes six events that will be broadcast on FOX, one FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View and 11 shows on FS1, running from August 8 through the end of the year. Initially the live events will be held without fans in attendance at the Microsoft Theater at L.A. Live in Los Angeles.

The PBC back on FOX Sports is what we’ve all been working towards,” said Bill Wanger, Executive Vice President, Head of Programming and Scheduling, FOX Sports. “We’re looking forward to showcasing some of the top boxers in the sport on FOX, FS1, FOX Deportes and PPV throughout the rest of the year.

See below for the FOX, FOX Deportes and FOX PPV Schedule for the remainder of 2020.


Sobota, Auguste 8

Jamal James vs. Thomas Dulorme – Interim WBA Welterweight Title

David Morrell Jr. proti. Lennox Allen – Interim WBA Super Middleweight Title

Omar Juarez vs. Willie ShawSuper Lightweight Special Attraction

Top welterweight contender JamalShango” James (26-1, 12 KO) meets Thomas Dulorme (25-3-1, 16 KO) for the Interim WBA Welterweight Title headlining a broadcast that begins at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m.. PT. James of Minneapolis has battled his way through a string of tough opponents to get to the threshold of a welterweight championship and will have to defeat Dulorme of Puerto Rico to take that last big step. In just his third pro fight, David Morrell (2-0, 2 KO), who had an outstanding amateur career in the Cuban system, will meet Lennox Allen (22-0-1, 14 KO) of Brooklyn for the Interim WBA Super Middleweight championship in the co-feature. Exciting super lightweight prospect Omar Juarez (7-0, 4 KO) clashes with Oakland’s Willie Shaw (12-1, 8 KO).

Sobota, Auguste 22

Shawn Porter vs Sebastian FormellaWBC/IBF Welterweight Title Eliminator

Sebastian Fundora vs. Nathaniel Gallimore – Super Welterweight Co-Main Event

Joey Spencer in a Six-Round Super Welterweight Special Attraction

Two-time welterweight champion “Showtime” Shawn Porter (30-3-1, 17 KO) will take on Germany’s Sebastian Formella (22-0, 10 KO) in a WBC/IBF eliminator headlining a broadcast that begins at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m.. PT. Oblečenie, who was born in Akron, Ohio and lives in Las Vegas, odchádza 2019 Fight of the Year contender against Errol Spence, Jr., where he dropped a narrow split decision for the WBC and IBF titles. The undefeated Formella of Lauenburg, Germany will be making his U.S. debut. In the co-feature undefeated super welterweight sensation Sebastian “Tyčiace sa peklo” Fundora (14-0-1, 9 KO) takes on Nathaniel Gallimore (21-4-1, 17 KO) in a major step up fight. Sensational super welterweight prospect Joey Spencer (10-0, 7 KO) will also appear on the card in a six-round special attraction.

Sobota, Auguste 29

Erislandy Lara vs. Greg VendettiWBA Super Welterweight Title

Alfredo Angulo vs. Caleb Truax – IBF Super Middleweight Title Eliminator

Former super welterweight champion Erislandy “Americký sen” Lara (26-3-3, 15 KO) battles Greg Vendetti (22-3-1, 12 KO) for the WBA Super Welterweight Title headlining a broadcast that begins at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m.. PT. Lara, a former Cuban amateur standout, has fought all of the top 154-pound boxers in the sport, including Saul “Canela” Alvarez. Vendetti of Stoneham, Mass., will be looking to earn his first world championship. The co-feature will see battle-tested veteran Alfredo Angulo (26-7, 21 KO) take on former super middleweight champion Caleb Truax (31-4-2, 19 KO) in a 168-pound title eliminator. A special six-round attraction will also be announced for the broadcast.

Nedeľa, Septembra 6

Yordenis Ugas vs. Abel Ramos – WBA Welterweight Title

Rances Barthelemy vs. Alberto PuelloInterim WBA Super Lightweight Title

Jesus Ramos in an Eight-Round Super Lightweight Special Attraction

Top welterweight contender Yordenis Ugas (25-4, 12 KO) takes on Abel Ramos (26-3-2, 20 KO) for the WBA Welterweight Title headlining a broadcast that begins at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m.. PT. ugas, who was born in Cuba but now lives and trains in Las Vegas, has been one of the most active welterweights in the sport the last three years and will look to capture a welterweight title in his second attempt. The only man standing in his way is Ramos, who scored a stunning victory with a TKO stoppage that came with one second left in his fight against Bryant Perrella on FOX in February. V spolupráci funkcie, former two-division champion and super lightweight contender Rances Barthelemy (27-1, 14 KO) clashes with unbeaten Alberto Puello (17-0, 9 KO) for the WBA Super Lightweight Interim title. Hard-biť, undefeated prospect Jesus Ramos (12-0, 11 KO) will also appear in an eight-round super lightweight special attraction.

Sobota, Novembra 7


Sobota, Decembra 26



Sobota, Novembra 21 na FOX SPORTS PBC PPV  

Errol Spence, Jr. proti. Danny Garcia – WBC & IBF Welterweight World Titles

Undefeated unified welterweight world champion Errol “Pravda” Spence, Jr. (26-0, 21 KO) returns to defend his titles against two-division world champion Danny “Rýchly” Garcia (36-2, 21 KO) in one of the most anticipated boxing matches of the year headlining a FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m.. PT. Spence of Desoto, Texas will be entering the ring for the first time since being involved in a horrendous single-car accident where he was thrown from the vehicle before it crashed in Dallas last October. Philadelphia’s Garcia, a former unified super lightweight champion and a welterweight champion, aims to reclaim the WBC title he lost in a disputed decision to Shawn Porter and also pick up the IBF belt


Sobota, Auguste 8

The FS1 broadcast begins at 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m.. PT after the FOX PBC Fight Night broadcast and features welterweightMykal Fox (22-1, 5 KO) prevzatie Lucas Santamaría (10-1-1, 7 KO) in a 10-round fight, sensational 18-year-old prospectVito Mielnicki Jr.(5-0, 3 KO) potýkaliChris Rollins (3-1, 2 KO) v šiestich kole super welterweight záchvatu, and in an eight-round clash of unbeaten heavyweight prospectsLuis Peña (6-0, 6 KO) tváremichael Coffie (9-0, 6 KO) to kick off the action.

Sobota, Auguste 22

The FS1 telecast is set to begin at 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m.. PT following FOX PBC Fight Night.

Sobota, Auguste 29

The FS1 telecast is set to begin at 6 p.m. ET/3 p.m. PT preceding FOX PBC Fight Night.

Nedeľa, Septembra 6

The FS1 telecast is set to begin at 6 p.m. ET/3 p.m. PT preceding FOX PBC Fight Night.

Streda, Septembra 23


Sobota, Október 3


Streda, Novembra 4


Sobota, Novembra 14


Sobota, Novembra 21

The FS1 telecast is set to begin at 7 p.m. ET / 4 p.m.. PT preceding FOX Sports PBC PPV.

Sobota, Decembra 5


Sobota, Decembra 26

The FS1 telecast is set to begin at 6 p.m. ET/3 p.m. PT preceding FOX PBC Fight Night.

Neporazený majster sveta WBC v superťažkej váhe David Benavídez obhajuje titul pred bývalým titulom Challenger Alexis Angulo Headlining Premier Boxing Champions Event Sobota, August 15 Naživo na SHOWTIME

Stúpajúci uchádzač Rolando Romero prevezme neporazeného kolegu Jacksona Maríňez pre dočasný ľahký titul WBA


Heavyweights Go Toe-To-Toe ako Otto Wallin Battles Travis Kauffman

V televíznom vysielaní Od 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m.. PT

NEW YORK– August 5, 2020 – Neporazený majster sveta WBC Super Middleweightdavjad „Červená vlajka“ Benavídesaťbude obhajovať svoj titul proti bývalej svetovej titulu challengerAlexis Angulov sobotu na podujatí Premier Boxing Champions, 15. augusta naživo v SHOWTIME z Mohegan Sun Arena v Uncasville, Conn.

BOXING MAJSTROVSTVA PRE ZOBRAZENIE VÝSTAVY® televízne vysielanie začína na 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m.. PT a tiež sa vyznačuje stúpajúcou hmotnosťouRolando „Rolly“ Romeroprevzatia kolega neporazenýJackson Maríňtotov 12-kolovom súboji o dočasný titul WBA Lightweight, zatiaľ čo uchádzači o veľkú váhuOtto WallinaTravis Kauffmanv 10-kolovom zúčtovaní.

„David Benavídez sa bude usilovať o to, aby si svoj dokonalý záznam zachoval, pokračovať v predvádzaní svojho superhviezdneho potenciálu a ďalej upevňovať svoje postavenie v naskladanej divízii s hmotnosťou 168 libier,”Povedal Tom Brown, Prezident TGB Promotions. "Ako neporazený svetový šampión.", Benavídez môže očakávať veľkú výzvu od Alexisa Angula, ktorá by mala vytvoriť hlavnú udalosť nabitú akciami v SHOWTIME. V kombinácii s bitkou hladných neporaziteľných ľahkých váh vo filmoch ‘Rolly’ Romero a Jackson Maríñez, plus slugfest ťažkej váhy medzi Ottom Wallinom a Travisom Kauffmanom, z toho bude ďalší a nemôže chýbať noc akcie s vysokými vkladmi. “

„Bude úžasné byť v rohu Davidovej„ El Bandera Roja “Benavídeza v bojovej noci,”Uviedol Sampson Lewkowicz zo spoločnosti Sampson Boxing, ktorý sa zotavuje z nedávnej operácie. "Cítim sa tak dobre a tak silno a skutočne sa nemôžem dočkať, kedy tam budem, aby som podporil najmladšieho šampióna super strednej váhy v histórii."

Akciu propagujú spoločnosti TGB Promotions a Sampson Boxing. Romero vs. Zápas Maríñez spolu propaguje spoločnosť Mayweather Promotions.

23-ročný Benavídez (22-0, 19 KO) bráni opasok po tom, čo v septembri porazil dvojnásobného šampióna v superťažkej váhe Anthonyho Dirrella, zastavil ho v deviatich kolách. Benavideza trénuje jeho otec José starší., po boku svojho brata a bývalého vyzývateľa na titul, Jose ml. V 2017, sa stal najmladším šampiónom super strednej váhy v histórii boxu porazením Ronalda Gavrila v čase SHOWTIME 20 rokov. Predstavuje svoj rodný Phoenix, Ariz. Benavídez odišiel z 15-ročného zázračného zápasu s Gennadijom Golovkinom a Petrom Quillinom, uchádzačom o svetový titul s vyraďovacou šnúrou z 10 bojov od 2015 cez 2017, vrátane knokautu Rogelia Medinu so zvýraznením valca so sedembodovou kombináciou, ktorá mu vyniesla prvý majstrovský zápas.

"Je to už takmer rok, čo som naposledy bojoval.", takže sa veľmi túžim vrátiť späť do ringu a dať fanúšikom skvelý boj,”Povedal Benavídez. „Výcvikový tábor bol úžasný. Našťastie, môj otec si tesne pred pandémiou otvoril vlastnú telocvičňu, absolvovali sme súkromné ​​školenie a mohli sme bezpečne priviesť sparingpartnerov, ktorí mi pomôžu pracovať. Čelím veľmi zložitému a drsnému bojovníkovi, takže ho beriem veľmi vážne. Mám pocit, že môžem využiť niektoré otvory v jeho obrane a hľadať vypadnutie ako v každom súboji. “

Narodený v El Bordo, Kolumbia a teraz bojujú z Miami, Fla., Angulo (26-1, 22 KO) vstupuje do svojej druhej príležitosti na získanie titulu majstra sveta v sérii víťazných víťazstiev v troch bojoch, vrátane dvoch triumfov nad predtým neporazenými bojovníkmi. Angulo zastavil Reinalda Gonzaleza 2018 vo svojom prvom súboji od straty rozhodnutia o vtedajšom šampiónovi superhviezdy strednej váhy Gilberto Ramirezovi začiatkom toho roku. Rozhodujúce víťazstvo zaznamenal tento rok v januári nad Anthonym Simsom ml. postaviť sa do pozície, v ktorej môže opäť vyzvať najlepších v tejto divízii.

"Som pripravený na všetko, čo sa 15. augusta stane v ringu," uviedol Angulo. „Pre fanúšikov to bude veľký boj kvôli štýlu, ktorý prinášam do ringu. Benavidez je silný šampión, ale môj štýl bude pre neho príliš veľký a budem mať v noci zdvihnutú ruku. “

Boj z Las Vegas, Nev., Romero(11-0, 10 KO) pridal k svojmu zhode v roku tri víťazstvá knockoutu 2019 pred jeho 2020 debutu ho vo februári zastavil predtým neporazený Arturs Ahmetovs. Rýchlo rastúca vyhliadka v stajni Mayweather Promotions, 24-ročný mladík je zaradený na č. 10 WBA a bude sa snažiť v auguste predĺžiť svoju vyraďovaciu sériu šiestich bojov 15.

“Je to skvelý pocit, vrátiť sa do ringu a bojovať o takúto skvelú príležitosť,”Povedal Romero. "Toto bol najlepší tábor v mojej kariére.", a poviem len toto, ak vás pandémia brzdí v tréningu, potom to nechcete mať dosť zlé. Už teraz verím, že by som tu mal byť s najlepšími ľuďmi, ale svet v skutočnosti uvidí, že som ten, za koho hovorím. Som si istý svojimi bojovnými schopnosťami a mám najlepšie v odbore, Floyd Mayweather, za mnou. Myslím si, že tento boj sa skončí pomerne rýchlo, ale uvidíte vo mne rast ako bojovníka. Toto je ďalší boj, ktorý ďalej preukáže, že tu zostanem. Zaregistrujte sa do KO!”

"Pre Rolanda je to veľký krok vpred.", a čakal na príležitosť predviesť svoj talent,”Povedal Leonard Ellerbe, CEO of Mayweather Promotions. "Má pred sebou veľkú skúšku, aby sa osvedčil.". Toto bude ďalší, ktorý si nenechajte ujsť, takže si v sobotu nalaďte SHOWTIME, 15. augusta. “

29-ročný Maríñez (19-0, 7 KO) je držiteľom titulu WBA č. 6 poradie, which he earned with victories over Rolando Giono and Kenin Betancourt while picking up eight wins between 2018 a 2019. Representing his native Santo Domingo, Dominikánska republika, Maríñez was successful in his U.S. debut in December of last year, stopping Yardley Armenta Cruz in two rounds.

“I’ve had a great training camp for this fight,” said Maríñez. “I’ve been sparring with Vergil Ortiz and Jose Ramirez, plus other fighters in Robert Garcia’s gym, and it’s gotten me ready to step into the ring. I know that Romero is a tough and durable fighter, so it won’t be easy, but I’m going to do anything I can to bring the title back home.”

Wallin (20-1, 13 KO) will return to the ring for the first time since he nearly defeated Tyson Fury in September 2019, keď otvoril príšerný rez cez pravé oko Furyho legálnym úderom, ktorý takmer zastavil boj. Zatiaľ čo 29-ročný muž stratil rozhodnutie, preukázal svoje odhodlanie ako potenciálny budúci šampión v ťažkej váhe. Zastupujúci svoj rodný Sundsvall, Švédsko, Wallin trénuje v New Yorku s bývalým šampiónom Joey Gamache.

"Som veľmi šťastný, že som konečne späť v ringu.",”Povedal Wallin. "Bol to v mnohých ohľadoch dlhý a šialený rok a je to skvelý pocit, keď sa chystám ustúpiť do ringu.". Od boja s Fury som vytrvalo trénoval a mám pocit, že som svoju hru vyvinul mnohými spôsobmi. Kauffman je tvrdý veterán, ktorý môže prísť dopredu alebo boxovať, ak chce. Je bojovníkom priateľským k fanúšikom a ja musím byť neustále pripravený. Máme ako vždy skvelý herný plán a som vo vynikajúcej forme. Viem, že mám všetky nástroje na to, aby som Kauffmana porazil. “

Veterán krajiny ťažkej váhy, Kauffman (32-3, 23 KO) vlastní knihu, ktorá obsahuje výzvy najvyšších váh vrátane Luisa Ortiza, Chris Arreola a Amir Mansour, okrem iného. Čítanie, Rodák z Pensylvánie prehral svoj posledný zápas s Ortizom, nasledujúce a 2018 triumf nad Scottom Alexandrom.

"Toto je moje prvé sústredenie po siedmich rokoch bez brata Naazima Richardsona.", ale viem, že by nechcel, aby som opustil tábor a chcel by som, aby som sa sústredil,”Povedal Kauffman. "Nechať ho zomrieť, keď som bol v tábore, bola jedna z najťažších vecí, s ktorými som sa musel vyrovnať.", ale v každom tábore, ktorý som mal, sú nepriazne. Necítil by som sa dobre, keby nebolo ťažkosti prekonať. Môj otec, Marshall, ustúpil ako hlavný tréner. Vieme, že čelíme mladému človeku, hladný bojovník, ale mám viac skúseností ako on a nemyslím si, že vydrží 10 keď som na, za mnou 100% akoby som bol 15. augusta. “

Medzi ďalšie akcie mimo televízneho vysielania bude patriť super uchazeč strednej váhyAlantez Fox(26-2-1, 12 KO) bojuje s GhanouHabib Ahmed(27-1-1, 18 KO) v osemkolovej atrakcii.

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Pre viac informácií navštívtewww.SHO.com/sportswww.PremierBoxingChampions.com, sledovať na Twitteri @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, a @Swanson_Comm alebo sa staňte fanúšikom Facebooku na adresewww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing

Undefeated super middleweight prospect “The Amazing” Shawn McCalman Latest to join Ryan Roach’s Fighter Locker

BOSTON (August 4, 2020) – Another promising prospect has been added to Ryan Roach’s growing Fighter Locker stable„Úžasný“ Shawn McCalman(4-0, 2 KO), a super middleweight out of Aurora, Colorado.

“I had a great conversation with Ryan when (his co-head coach and former world championVernon Phillips introduced us,” McCalman spoke about signing a managerial contract with Fighter Locker. “We met and he was someone who genuinely cares about his fighters. He made a point that his fighters are like family to him. I’ve seen in the short time I’ve known him that he puts his fighters in position to succeed. Honestly, I think that’s rare in boxing, and I really appreciate that about Ryan.”

“Shawn and I had a great conversation and we clicked right away,” Roach commented. “ It made sense for the two of us. It’s always exciting for me getting a new fighter and Shawn really has it all. He’s fast and strong and has been in camps with world-class boxers. This is a great opportunity. I’m looking forward to Shawn showcasing his skills and climbing the ranks.”

Colorado-native McCalman, who had a 65-7 amatérsky záznam, was a 3-time Colorado State Golden Gloves champion, as well as a 3-time regional winner. The 26-year-old McCalman made his pro debut September 22, 2018, keď vyrazilJake Featherman in the opening round. He has since defeated, in orderIsaiah William Reyez (WTKO2), Damarian Kelly (WDEC4) and 5-2Lorawnt Nelson (WDEC6) in his most recent fight this past January.

Former World championTony Harrison has used McCalman has his chief sparring partner, including his World Boxing Council (WBC) World super welterweight-winning performance in 2018 of defending champion previously undefeated (31-0) Jermell Charlo.  

“The Roach name is well respected in the boxing sphere and the opportunity presented itself to bind our legacy was too good to pass up,” McCalman noted. “I’m a young, hladný, talented diamond in the rough. Ryan taking a chance means a lot and I think the two of use together will accomplish great things. Once this train gets going there’s no stopping it. So, jump aboard now…..next stop world championship level!"

McCalman joins Fighter Locker’s growing stable that includes a talented Ukrainian trio of North American Boxing Association (Tiež) super welterweight title holderStanyslav Skofokhod (19-2, 16 KO), word-rated welterweightKaren Chukhadzhian (16-1, 7 KO) and super lightweightZoravor Petrosyan (7-0, 3 KO).  Other Fighter Locker stablemates include Dominican welterweightJuan Carlos “Merengue” Abreu (23-5-1, 21 KO), the former IBF Youth World super lightweight champion; Lynn, MA super welterweightKhiry Todd (10-1, 8 KO),Dorchester, MA welterweightGabriel Duluc (15-3, 4 KO), Troy, NY super lightweightRayJay Bermudez, Toronto, Canada welterweightJeff “The Trouble 1” Tabrizi (8-3, 7 KO), New Haven, CT super welterweightJimmy „Quiet Storm“ Williams (16-3-2, 5 KO), super featherweight Jesus Vasquez, Jr., plus Irish National championPaul Ryan, who will fight as a welterweight in the pro ranks, a U.S.. Armádna superbantamová váhaDaniel Bailey, Jr.  The latter two will make their pro debuts when boxing returns in full.


WEBOVÁ STRÁNKA:  fighterlocker.compunch4parkinsons.com 

FACEBOOK:  /stíhačka

TWITTER:  @RoachRyan

INSTAGRAM: @ RyanRoach82

Two Sensational Female Fights Feature on LET BATTLE COMMENCE II Live on FITE TV August 15th

Promoter Lee Mcallister announced earlier that there will be two female contests on the upcoming LET BATTLE COMMENCE II, in association with PAPA JOHN’S PIZZA and NEON ENERGY DRINK, which takes place ‘behind closed doors’ at the OYO Northern Hotel in Aberdeen and broadcast exclusively live by FITE TV on Saturday 15th August 2020.

The first of the all female battles features on the UK #1 a svet #27 Ranked Super Flyweight Worksop’s Nicola Hopewell in action against Leeds’ Tasha Boyes.

Back on March 7th, just before the UK went into lockdown, Hopewell secured her #1 UK ranking onBoxRanking.Com via a sensational second round knockout victory over Ghana’s Anita Addy at the Hoops Basketball Centre in Barrow-on-Furness.

As an Amateur Hopewell, a former England Pathway Squad member, shared the ring with a host of top class fighters including Commonwealth Gold Medalist and now undefeated pro boxer Lisa Whiteside and GB boxer Tori Ellis Willetts who is on the pathway for the Olympics. During her time at the Team GB facility in Sheffield Hopewell also sparred with the likes of double Olympic Gold Medalist Nicola Adams as well as WBC International Championship Challenger Nina Bradley and IBO and WBC World Champion Terri Harper.

Hopewell’s opponent on the 15th August will be 28 year old Tasha Boyes from York, who only got into boxing a couple of years ago, after hearing about two sisters whose parents had died in the Manchester Bombing and she wanted to do something to help them in some way, so she decided to participate in a ‘White Collar’ boxing event to raise money for the orphaned sisters. Boyes continued competing successfully on the unlicensed scene, competing in further Charity events to raise funds for those more in need than herself, until earlier this year. On the 15th August Boyes will be making making her professional debut

Nicola Hopewell and Tasha Boyes careers may have been via very different routes, but come the 15th August their journeys will lead them into the very same ring.

The second of these mouthwatering fights features two pro debutante’s in action against each other, when Sheffield’s sensational Five Time National Amateur Champion Star Hollie Towl goes toe-to-toe with the World Boxing Council (WBC) Muay Thai World Champion Natacha De Almeida from Switzerland.

Towl began boxing at the age of 11 years and during her esteemed Amateur career Towl secured numerous accolades including;

East Midlands Champion 2015 – 2020

National Champion 2014-2020 at three different weight classes

East Midlands box cup champion 2018 a 2019.

National association of boys and girls club champion 2019.

Esker Irish box cup champion 2019.

Esker Irish box cup silver medal 2018.

England boxing winter box cup champion 2019.

Hull box cup champion 2019 a 2020.

National welterweight champion belt holder 2019.

Xbox academy champion of champions belt holder two years running 2018-2020.

Towl was invited to join the England Boxing National Pathway Squad and has sparred WBC World Champion Terri harper and Commonwealth Champion Nina Bradley.

Towl’s opponent on the 15th August, 28 year old Natacha De Almeida, is the current WBC and PFF Muay Thai World Champion.

V marci 2019 De Almeida travelled to Bukom Boxing Arena in Accra, Ghana, where she faced and beat the bookies favourite Malaysian Dolphina Waltertony, to secure the coveted Green WBC Belt.

De Almeida has always had world class stand-up skills, so the transition to Professional Boxing should not be too much for the Muay Thai World Champ.

The full card for LET BATTLE COMMENCE II, in Association with PAPA JOHN’S PIZZA and NEON ENERGY DRINK, which takes place on Saturday 15th August 2020 and will be broadcast exclusively live on FITE TV, je:

1) Middleweight

Six time, Five Division World Champion, and Promoter of the LET BATTLE COMMENCE series, Lee McAllister makes his first appearance on the series and faces Spain based Nicaraguan Edwin Palacios in the headline fight. Palacios has stated he’s up to the challenge and to expect fireworks.

2) Mušia

Sensational Teen former Amateur Star Hollie Towl will be making her professional debut against equally sensational World Boxing Council (WBC) Muay Thai World Champion Natacha De Almeida from Switzerland, who will also be making her professional boxing debut.

3) Welterweight

Unbeaten Jack Jones (4-0-0) from Leeds is set to take on Nicaraguan hard man Michael Isaac Carrero, after his original opponent Dean Porter withdrew.

4) Super Flyweight

A truly mouthwatering contest sees PBC International Bronze Champion Nicola Hopewell go toe to toe with exciting Tasha Boyes from York, ktorí budú robiť svoj profesionálny debut.

5) Middleweight

Liverpool’s Scott Mcintyre (4-1-0) is intent on making a major statement when he takes on seriously tough Nicaraguan Wilmer Gonzalez (21-18-1), as just a few fights back Gonzalez KOd a former WBF European and International Champion, the very same Champ responsible for the only loss on the Liverpudlian’s record.

6) Super mušia

Denny’s Kevin Traynor (2-0-0) will need to be at his best when he takes on the current International Masters Champion Pablo Narvaez from Nicaragua.

7) Ťažká váha

The final fight of the night will pit debutant against debutant as Craig Dick takes on Michael Bassett, both the big lads have stated they will be looking to make a big impression on the 15th August.

Lee Mcallister versus Edwin Palacios headlines LET BATTLE COMMENCE II, in association with PAPA JOHN’S PIZZA and NEON ENERGY DRINK and will take place at the Northern Hotel in Aberdeen and broadcast exclusively live on FITE TV on Saturday 15TH AUGUST 2020.

LET BATTLE COMMENCE II PPV ($4.99)  www.fite.tv

Please support LET BATTLE COMMENCE partners:

Papa John’s PizzaNeon Energy DrinkOYO Northern Hotel, AberdeenEmpire Pro TapesRDX SportsGo Sports & Zábava – Box & Mixed Martial Art Fighters Union (BMMAFU) – Pro Boxing Records (formerly Fight fax) – Box RankingFite TVSports Channel Network (SCN) – Britský & Irish Boxing Authority (BIBA).


Ra’eese Aleem Wins WBA Super Bantamweight Title Eliminator & Joe George Scores KO of the Year Candidate in Rematch with Marcos Escudero

Kliknite na tlačidlo TU na obrazoch z Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME
(Fotky sa čoskoro nahrajú)

Uncasville, Conn. - August, 2, 2020 – Angelo Leo is the new WBO Jr. Featherweight World Champion. The 26-year-old Mayweather Promotions fighter dominated Tramaine Williams en route to a unanimous decision live on SHOWTIME Saturday night from Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Conn. in the network’s first live boxing event since March 13. Leo won by scores of 117-111 a 118-110 dvakrát.

Lev (20-0, 9 KO), who was originally scheduled to face Stephen Fulton, Jr. in the main event of Saturday’s card presented by Premier Boxing Champions before Fulton tested positive for COVID-19, used a dominant body attack and consistent pressure to overwhelm Williams (19-1, 6 KO), who stepped up from the co-main event to face Leo. Albuquerque’s Leo had a 248-196 edge in punches landed while landing 39 percent svojich energetických razníkov. 102 z jeho 248 connects were body punches.

Lev, who was ranked WBO’s No. 2 junior featherweight going into the fight, is now expected to defend his title against Fulton, zaradil No. 1 by WBO, within the next 180 dni.

“It still hasn’t sunk in yet, it just feels surreal,” said Leo. “The first few rounds I was just feeling him out, getting his timing, getting the feel of him. I felt him kind of loosening up and breaking down, and that’s when I started putting the pressure on him a little more.

“That was the key factor in this fight, the body work and the pressure. I’m pretty sure Albuquerque is celebrating tonight. I think they have four world champions, because you can’t exclude Holly Holm. You have Johnny [Tapia], Danny [Romero], Holly and now me. There’s four champions in that city and I think I’ve made history there.”

Fulton, who watched the fight on television while quarantining following his positive test, was interviewed following the fight by SHOWTIME host Brian Custer.

“Congratulations to Leo, he did it,” said the Philadelphia native. “But listen, I’m ready for him. I’ve been ready. Just be ready to face me when it’s time. That’s all I’ve got to say.”

V čo-predstavoval záchvat, a WBA Super Bantamweight Title Eliminator, 122-pound contender Ra’eese Aleem (17-0, 11 KO) kept his undefeated record intact via TKO over late replacement Marcus Bates (11-2-1, 8 KO). Aleem was originally scheduled to face Williams before Fulton’s positive test. This was a rematch of a 2018 bout in which Aleem won by unanimous decision.

The 26-year-old Bates suffered an injured right wrist and battled through the pain for several rounds. Prior to the start of the 10th kolo, Bates’ corner and referee Gary Rosato warned the fighter that the bout was in danger of being stopped. Na 2:18 na bicykel 10, Bates grimaced in pain and turned his back on the action, causing the fight to be stopped. Aleem dominated from the opening bell, out-landing Bates 193-86 in total punches, počítajúc v to 71 landed body shots.

Vďaka víťazstvu, Aleem sets himself up for an opportunity for a 122-pound title fight.

“I would love to fight either the winner of the main event or any current world champion – Akhmadaliev has two of the belts,” said the Las Vegas-based Aleem who was born and raised in Muskegon, ma. “Brandon Figueroa, Kráľ Vargas, or the winner of this one. It doesn’t really matter who but I want the strap.

“I didn’t know his hand was hurt, I thought he was just shaking it just to try to get me to look at it and distract me. I didn’t worry about it.”

V úvodnom zápase na televízne vysielanie, undefeated light heavyweight Joe George (11-0, 7 KO) scored a stunning ninth-round stoppage of Marco Escudero (10-2, 9 KO) in a rematch of their November ShoBox showdown that saw George win a heavily-debated split decision. Watch KO HERE: https://twitter.com/ShowtimeBoxing/status/1289744838745882624.

Tentoraz, George left no room for a controversial decision. Na 3:00 of round number nine, George caught Escudero with a vicious left uppercut that sent Escudero flat on his back in a candidate for KO of the Year. V čase do zastavenia, George was behind on two of the judges’ scorecards, 79-73 a 77-75, and ahead on one judge’s card, 79-73. Prior to the one-punch KO, George was getting out-landed 127-89 by Escudero, and Escudero held a 2-1 edge in punches thrown.

“I was setting him up with the jab to the body, I had him leaning over a little,” said Houston’s George, ktorý sa obrátil 31 v piatok. “I was shooting the right uppercut, some landed and some didn’t. I wanted him to get comfortable and relaxed, and that’s exactly what he did. He was relaxed and I slipped over and just shot it. He gave it to me and I had to take it. It put him down.

“The result is self-explanatory. I don’t have to say nothing. I’m willing to fight whoever next. One fight at a time and I’ll be prepared for whatever’s on the way.”

Sobotňajšie televízne vysielanie BOXINGU MAJSTROVSTVA PRE VÝSTAVU, the first of a nine-event television lineup taking place over the next five months, sa bude hrať v pondelok o 10 p.m. ET / PT V EXTRÉME PREDSTAVENIA.

Saturday’s fights were presented by Premier Boxing Champions and promoted by TGB and Mayweather Promotions in association with Kings Promotions. The main event was promoted in association with New World Sports and Warriors Boxing.

Popredný výrobný tím a oznamovacia posádka dodali všetky pamiatky, zvuky a dráma z Mohegan Sun Arena. Televíziu moderoval veterán Brian Custer, versatile combat sports voice Mauro Ranallo called the action ringside alongside Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein and three-division world champion and Olympian Abner Mares providing expert analysis for the first time on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING. Tím Sieň slávy zavŕšil tím televízneho vysielania SHOWTIME - neoficiálny strelec ringu Steve Farhood a svetovo uznávaný hlásateľ ringu Jimmy Lennon mladší. Výkonným producentom bol David Dinkins, Jr. a riaditeľom bol Bob Dunphy.

Televízne vysielanie bolo dostupné v španielčine prostredníctvom programu Sekundárne audio programovanie (SAP) do akcie sa zapojil Alejandro Luna a bývalý majster sveta Raul Marquez.

Split-T Management’s Christopher Pearson ready for anyone at 160 alebo 168 lbs.

NEW YORK (Júl 28, 2020) – Surging middleweight contender Christopher Pearson is ready for a breakthrough performance against any of the top names at 160 alebo 168 divisions.

Pearson of Trotwood, Ohio, is managed by Split-T Management, and he recently moved to San Antonio, Texas, má rekord 17-2, and is riding a three-fight winning streak which includes a win over former Olympic Bronze Medal winner and undefeated Yamaguchi Falcao.

Pearson, who trains in Los Angeles under world-championship trainer Manny Robles, has already begun preparations for his next assignment.

I started training down here in San Antonio at Jesse James Leija’s gym. I just moved down here, and it took a minute to find a gym, but once the gym opened, this is a great place to be. I will go to Los Angeles on July 30th and start with Manny,” said Pearson.

Pearson, who began his career with 13 po sebe idúcich víťazstiev, feels that he is a stern challenge for anybody at middleweight or super middleweight.

I am looking to fight the best in those two divisions,and solidify myself as the best in the sport. I feel that that the 2nd half of my career is proving that I am the best.

The Falcao fight proved that Pearson can fight anyone in those divisions, and despite getting a late call for the fight, he performed at a high-level to come home with the emphatic unanimous decision victory.

I took that fight on four weeks notice. I am not short on confidence, and I know what I am capable of doing.

Recently Pearson had his named mentioned for a showdown with Canelo Alvarez, and he believes that Canelo’s handlers were not too keen in a fight with the 29 year-old Pearson.

I know that I am one of four or five guys from Golden Boy Promotions that was offered that fight. Out of all of those guys, they must of looked at me as a high-risk, low-reward fight. Fighting me is dangerous. They know me, because I have sparred with him, and he knows what I am capable of.

Canelo is a counter-puncher, but he is not better then me in the department. He has more power, but he is not as capable as me. Akonáhle sa dostaneme do ringu, anything can happen..especially at 168 libier.”

Another fight that I would like to get is with Jaime Munguia. He is at 160 pounds now. I can outclass him. I don’t see anything special about him. If it takes beating other fighters like David Lemieux or Taureano Johnson to get those fights, then bring them on. Right now I am ready to take on anyone.

Pearson is promoted by Golden Boy Promotions.

Interview with Middleweight Christopher Pearson


Following the Tokyo Games postponement, Giving Games encourages Americans to unite as one to support the athletes that bear our flag

COLORADO SPRINGS, COLO. (Júl 22, 2020) – USA Boxing announced today they are one of over 25 different National Governing Bodies (NGBs) taking part in in the launch of Giving Games: an effort to support and sustain U.S. sports federations and their members.

Giving Games will launch on July 24, on what would have been the Opening Ceremony in Tokyo. With the postponement of the Games, many U.S. sports and their athletes are facing extraordinary financial hardship and decision making, especially with the cancellation of most, or all, of their domestic competitions. Unlike most countries that receive government support, U.S.. athletes rely heavily on the support of the community. Adding to the physical and emotional toll that a delay in competition places on their shoulders, their revenue streams, and hope for success in 2021 and the future are now under threat.

“While I have to wait another year to achieve my Olympic dreams, Giving Games is a great opportunity to inspire America to support USA Boxing and all United States athletes,” said USA Boxing Heavyweight Olympic Qualification Team Member and Giving Games AmbassadorDarius Fulghum. “Donations will not only help myself and my 2021 teammates but will help the next generation of Olympic Champions.”

“This year has been extremely difficult for all, and our hope is to not only help support our 2021 Olympionici, but help raise funds for our 1,700+ gyms that have been impacted by COVID-19 and impact the lives of so many youth that are our future Olympians,” statedMike McAtee, USA Boxing Executive Director.

All funds raised will either be a direct donation to a specific sport of the donor’s choice or general support for all sports which will be equally divided among the participating NGBs. Fans and supporters can contribute to Giving Games in the following ways:

  • Take the Giving Games quiz to find the sport that best matches you and donate,
  • Enter to win one of 10 amazing sweepstakes packages from Omaze,
  • Help set the world record for most donations made in 24 hodiny, alebo
  • Compete in the Medal of Giving by donating directly to a sport. At the conclusion of Giving Games, each sport will award a Gold, Silver, and Bronze medal to the top three donors.


    Donations to USA Boxing can be giving online byclicking here.


    Giving Games will actively raise funds for athletes and their sports organizations during the original window of the Tokyo 2020 Games: Júl 24 – August 9. In addition to participating in the activations listed above, fans and supporters can also text ‘GIVINGGAMES’ to 243725 or make a donation online. Details can be found atgivinggames2020.com


    Though recognized and supported by the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee, the National Governing Bodies are separate organizations. The Giving Games initiative is not associated with or endorsed by the USOPC or the USOPF, and funds raised through the Giving Games initiative are used to directly aid the National Governing Bodies and the athletes they support.