Archivio Categoria: boxe

Gilberto Ramirez contro. Alfonso Lopez titola "Battle of Rio Grande"

Live Dec. 18th in pay-per-view da Galveston, Texas

GALVESTON, Texas (Novembre 30, 2020) -- C'è una resa dei conti in Texas in arrivo a dicembre 18th chiamata la “Battaglia del Rio Grande,"In cui imbattuto, ex campione mondiale dei pesi medi superGilberto "Zurdo" Ramirez (40-0, 26 KO) sfida la Federazione nordamericana di boxe (NABF) pesi massimi leggeriAlfonso "The Tiger" Lopez (32-3, 25 KO), vivere in pay per view dal Galveston Island Convention Center a Galveston, Texas.

"Battle of Rio Grande" sarà disponibile per la visione in diretta su digitale, cavo e satellite, a partire da 8 p.m. E / 5 p.m. PT, in pay per view per un prezzo al dettaglio suggerito di soli $ 24,99. FITE trasmetterà in streaming in tutto il mondo sulle app mobili FITE, tutte le principali app e siti Web OTT (, e Integrated Sports Media distribuirà in tutto il Nord America tramite DirecTV, iN Demand, e DISH negli Stati Uniti, così come in Canada su Shaw e SaskTel.

I combattenti dell'evento principale, Ramirez e Lopez, sono co-promotori della "Battaglia del Rio Grande" con i loro nomi di società promozionali, rispettivamente, Promozioni Zurdo e Promozioni El Tigre.

Ramirez, 29, è diventato il primo campione messicano dei pesi medi super del mondo in 2016 con una decisione unanime di 12 round sulla World Boxing Organization (WBO) campioneArthur Abraham (44-4).  Il mancino poliedrico "Zurdo" (significa mancino in inglese) da Mazatlan, Messico, ha continuato a fare cinque difese del titolo di successo, di cui tre contro sfidanti imbattutiJesse Hart (25-0), Habif Ahmed (25-0-1), eRoamer Alexis Angulo (23-0).

Ramirez è passato ai pesi massimi leggeri per il suo ultimo incontro un anno fa, quando si è fermato 29-6-1Tommy Karpency in quattro turni, dopo di che Ramirez è diventato un free agent promozionale. "Battle of Rio Grande" è il suo primo evento come promotore.

“La promozione non è un lavoro facile,"Ramirez ha detto, “Ma ho brave persone dietro di me. Mi coprono le spalle e lavoriamo molto bene insieme. Sono stato campione del mondo e ora sono un promotore; Vedo il quadro generale. Non voglio combattere per sempre. Ho avviato la mia società di promozione in modo che quando andrò in pensione, Avrò una bella vita dopo la boxe. Non c'è stress per me come promotore, lo stress è sulla mia squadra. "

Il 6 ’3" Ramirez è un esemplare fisico che può schiacciare un pallone da basket e avrebbe potuto facilmente essere un atleta professionista in uno sport diverso come il calcio. Segue le tendenze del business e da[aprire la propria società di promozione, sta approfittando della nuova era della boxe, in cui ha intenzione di aiutare i compagni di boxe, in particolare messicani, dando loro una piattaforma più ampia per mostrare le loro abilità.

Lavorare con il suo avversario in termini di promozione della "Battaglia del Rio Grande" è un segno che due combattenti prendono il controllo delle loro carriere, oltre ad essere completamente indipendente piuttosto che sotto un promotore, sebbene Lopez promuova in Texas da diversi anni.

"Lavoreremo insieme ma, sul ring, lui vuole il mio 40-0 Ha osservato Ramirez. "So che si è allenato molto, quindi sarà più veloce e più forte, il che è un bene per me perché mi piace combattere buoni combattenti. Tutti vogliono prendere il mio record, ma mi sto allenando (A Santa Monica, COME) come il campione sono per dare ai fan una bella battaglia. Porterà tutto quello che ha sul ring. Mi aspetto una bella lotta. È una grande opportunità per lui. Sono completamente concentrato su di lui perché voglio l'opportunità di essere di nuovo campione del mondo ".

Lopez cavalcherà una serie di 10 vittorie consecutive sul ring dicembre. 18th contro Ramirez nell'evento principale di 12 round. Il suo incontro più recente è stato 13 mesi fa, quando ha vinto una decisione di 10 round su 19-9-1Denis Grachev nella prima difesa di Lopez del titolo NABF che ha catturato nel suo incontro precedente con un arresto al quarto round di 21-3Alex Theran.

Ramirez non sta guardando oltre Lopez per i futuri combattimenti contro i campioni mondiali dei pesi massimi leggeri Artur Beterbiev (WBC & IBF) Dmitry Bivol (WBA), perché conosce e rispetta Lopez. I media e il pubblico, in generale, ha sottovalutato Lopez e alcuni gli hanno sparato contro nei social media.

"Forse un po ', ma non è un grosso problema,Lopez ha risposto alla domanda se fosse sottovalutato. "L'ho sempre detto in questo settore, tutti hanno l'opportunità di essere visti. Gilberto ha dei ragazzi di qualità battuti ed è un campione del mondo. Mi sono promosso, principalmente in Texas, e sono molto rispettato nel settore. Se vogliono davvero vedere chi sta combattendo Gilberto, sintonizzarsi, e poi prendere decisioni alla fine del combattimento e forse cambieranno idea. Altrimenti, dovrebbero tenere per sé le proprie opinioni invece di leggere informazioni su di me sui social media o confrontare chi abbiamo combattuto ".

Ramirez ha un nome di tendone, e rappresenta un'opportunità di cambiamento di carriera per Lopez, che ha conquistato quattro titoli, compresa la corona della NABF che difenderà. Di Più, "El Tigre" detiene vittorie su solidi avversari diversi da Grachev e Theran, ad esempioDyah Davis eRubin Williams, e 2011 Lopez ha estesoKelly Pavlik la distanza in una perdita per mezzo di una decisione a maggioranza di 10 round.

Lopez non sta combattendo Ramirez semplicemente per un giorno di paga, al contrario. "Nessuno entra sul ring pensando di essere solo felice di essere lì,"Ha spiegato Lopez. "Questa lotta mi stabilirà come un combattente di livello mondiale. Sento che il vincitore sarà il migliore della nostra divisione e i ragazzi che camminano con le cinture dovrebbero combattere contro il vincitore. Gilberto è un grande combattente che ha molta esperienza come campione del mondo. Ha attributi fisici che è difficile da combattere. È forte e sempre in ottime condizioni. Devo essere intelligente, in grado di leggerlo, e in gran forma.

“La lotta riguarderà gli aggiustamenti. Siamo entrambi in questo gioco da molto tempo ea questo alto livello di boxe, devi essere intelligente e strategico, ma siamo entrambi messicani, potrebbe trasformarsi in una rissa in qualsiasi momento. La gente capirà perché nessuno vuole combattere nessuno di noi. Sono eccitato e so che lo è, pure. Gli appassionati di boxe non vogliono perderlo!"

Pesi massimi classificati in tutto il mondoMichael "The Bounty" Hunter affronterà veteranoChauncy "Hillyard Hammer" Welliver (57-13-5, 23 KO), l'ex World Boxing Council (WBC) Campione delle Americhe continentali, nell'evento co-caratterizzato da 10 round.

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Instagram: @zurdoramirez, @zurdopromotions, @eltigrepromotions, @bedefsports

Cinguettio:  @ZurdoPromotions, @GilbertoZurdoRamirez, MichaelHunterII, @Fitetv, @IntegratedPPV

Informazioni sulle promozioni Zurdo:  Zurdo Promotions è il principale promotore di eventi / sport da combattimento con sede negli Stati Uniti e in Messico. Guidato dal campione del mondo imbattuto, Gilberto “Zurdo” Ramirez. Zurdo Promotions si sforza di essere il migliore in tutti i settori per stabilire il nuovo standard nella boxe. Venite a trovarci

Informazioni su FITE:  FITE è la piattaforma globale premium per lo sport e l'intrattenimento dal vivo che offre molti degli eventi PPV principali del settore e pacchetti SVOD con utenti registrati di 4MM. FITE è disponibile in tutto il mondo tramite le sue app mobili iOS e Android, Apple TV, Android TV, ANNO, Amazon Fire TV e app Huawei. In aggiunta, FITE supporta Vizio SmartCast ™, Cox Contour e Contour Streaming Player, Foxxum, Chromecast, PS4, XBOX, ZEASN, Xfinity X1 e Xfinity Flex di Comcast, Netrange, Vidaa / Hisense, Vewd, Netgem TV, così come 7,000 modelli di Smart TV. Disponibile online su          

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Informazioni su Integrated Sports Media: Il principale distributore nordamericano di eventi sportivi internazionali pay-per-view e a circuito chiuso ha presentato i campionati mondiali e incontri di boxe di livello mondiale con Ricky Hatton, Christian Mijares, Evander Holyfield, Roy Jones, Jr., Ivan Calderon, Rocky Martinez, Nicolai Valuev, Amir Kahn, Marco Antonio Barrera, Arthur Abraham, David Haye, John Ruiz, e Ruslan Chagaev. In aggiunta, Integrated Sports Media ha distribuito numerose partite di calcio internazionali presentando squadre come il Club America del Messico e le squadre nazionali dell'Argentina, Honduras, El Salvador e gli Stati Uniti, così come i campionati del mondo e spettacoli di arti marziali miste di livello mondiale con Fedor Emelianenko, Tim Sylvia, Bobby Lashley, Bob Sapp, Jeff Monson, e Roy Nelson. Per ulteriori informazioni sui prossimi eventi sportivi integrati,

USA Boxing Alumni’s 1992 USA Trials virtual reunion a major KO

Olympian Raul Marquez on USA Boxing Alumni’s 1992 US Trials virtual reunion

COLORADO SPRINGS, Giro. (Novembre 24, 2020) – USA Boxing and the USA Boxing Alumni Association recently held a virtual reunion via Zoom for competitors at the 1992 USA Boxing Trials, including a pair of 1992 USA Olympians, Raul Marquez and Montell Griffin. The group was comprised of 19 fighters who competed at the 1992 USA Olympic Trials, plus a few administrators, who happily spoke non-stop for an hour and 45 verbale. They gleefully reminisced, shared personal updates from the past 22 anni, remembered their most memorable experiences as amateur boxers, and even got emotional at times as they rebounded.

Some have kept in touch through emails and social media, but visibly seeing each other on the Zoom call was eye-opening for these ring brothers. “You all are part of USA Boxing,” said call host Mike McAtee, Executive Director of USA Boxing. “Hector Colon and Raul Marquez got their brothers on this call. It was a natural fit. Abbiamo 13 kids getting ready to qualify in May for the Olympics. USA Boxing touches 36,000 kids every day. It changed our lives, and we can have an impact saving lives. “It’s an honor seeing you all. You are the backbone of USA Boxing. Boxing made us who we are, you have inspired boxers. This was long overdue, and we plan to have reunions with other Olympic Trials classes in the future.

This is very cool to see everybody and I enjoy listening to you,” aggiunto Chris Tofflemire, Direttore della USA Boxing Alumni Association. “You’re all helping bring the spirit back to USA Boxing Alumni. Boxing people love being around boxing people, and that’s what the USA Boxing Alumni Association is all about. We’re bringing that spirit back. I love having you guys in our alumni program. This has been a blast!”

I’m not much of a boxer, but I’m happy to be part of this boxing program,” commentato Barry Siff, USA Boxing volunteer marketing advisor. “I grew up in Detroit during the 1980’s and hung out at Kronk (Palestra). I’m happy to be on this call. We all need to help Mike and the team going forward. Don’t wait until 2028 a Los Angeles. We have Tokyo next year and Paris in 2024. Kids can learn from you. I’m happy to be part of USA Boxing.

USA Boxing Alumni Association Creato per il campione per tutta la vita, relazioni reciprocamente vantaggiose tra USA Boxing ed i suoi ex allievi, –pugili, funzionari, allenatori e appassionati di boxe — L'Alumni Association collega generazioni di campioni, ispirando e restituendo ai futuri campioni di boxe USA Boxing, in e fuori dal ring. Gli Stati Uniti Boxing Alumni Association è aperta a chiunque abbia un amore per la boxe e vorrebbe rimanere in contatto con il pugilato dilettantistico. I membri hanno accesso a un'ampia varietà di eventi speciali ospitati dall'Associazione Alumni, compresa la sua annuale di USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame di ricezione. Per aderire all'Associazione Alumni, semplicemente registrarsi al per un $40.00 all'anno quota associativa. I nuovi membri riceveranno una T-shirt, portachiavi e e-wallet.

FIGHTERS’ PREVENTIVI(Robert Allen e Tarick Salmaci were also on the call but unable to speak due to technical problems)

HECTOR COLON: I love you guys. It’s been so long. I hope we can communicate like this more often. We need you all to support USA Boxing and USA Boxing Alumni. My first international fight was in Barbados and I knocked out my opponent in 26 secondi. I remember receiving the Adidas bag and shoes. It was such a special thing. I dreamed of making the Olympics and I should have, but I found God calling me away from the sport. I was proud watching you and I rooted for you. “It’s great to be back in USA Boxing and giving back to USA Boxing, because it helped me become the person I am today. I could have gone the wrong way. Let’s do this again and keep giving back to our sports.

RAUL MARQUEZ:I’m very excited to be here. I feel honored and I’m probably the only one here who fought most of the guys here. I have a lot of memories. I’m honored to be here with you, my boxing family. It’s beautiful. “Everybody here knows how hard it is to win a tournament. We know what it takes because we were all elite. We have to give back. I’m still involved in boxing.

ORLANDO HARRIS:I had the greatest time in USA Boxing. I started late. I fought once before I went into the military. I got better and learned how to fight in the military. I had to because I had to do good or go back to my unit. In ’04 I got into car accident. Everybody died but me. They say I’m disabled, but I’m not, I still coach boxing.

PAULIE AYALA:The ’92 Olympic Trials is my most memorable moment because I was there. In 1988, I lost in The Westerns in the semifinals and I left boxing. I wasn’t focused. I watched you people excel and didn’t fight again until 1992. I lost to Sergio (Reyes), who I had fought 16 times before that fight. I met a lot of you guys fighting in Russia. What’s inspiring is listening to all of you.

MONTELL GRIFFIN:I was late going to the rty, coming in 1991. I had two fights going into the Golden Gloves, but I lied and said I had 12 so I could fight in the opens. My first fight was in 1991. I had to fight the No. 1 tipo, Jeremy Williams, to make the Olympic team. Quelli 1 ½ years as were the best of my life. I looked up to all of you guys and have respect for all.

ANTWUN ECHOLS:I made it to Team USA, and I was an Olympic alternate. Raul (Marquez), he likes to talk, and I was excited to fight him. I learned a lot. I love being with all the guys. Larry Nicholson took me under his wing. He talked to me daily. I was a young kid, and my family life wasn’t good. When I went to the ’92 championships, these people were my family. “I was raw off the streets of Davenport (Iowa) and Larry took care of me…grazie. If it wasn’t for the people at the Olympic Center, I don’t know where I’d be today.

DANNY RIOS: “In 1992, I lost in the semifinals of the US Championships. Così, I had to win the Golden Gloves to go to the Olympics. At the Trials I won my first fight and lost my second. I later turned pro. I’m working security and helping to train fighters at a local gym. I hope to have my own gym. I’m glad to see you all after all these years.

SKIPPER KELP: “I’m in Vegas. I moved here when I was in the amateurs. The best thing was the camaraderie. We grew up together. Insieme, we came of age as teenagers and I met some of my best friends for life. We were all at the elite level, the best versus the best, and eventually we fought each other. I met a lot of guys in 1989 in Russia. “I own Fight Capital Gym in Las Vegas. When you go to Vegas, call me and come to my gym. We have a brotherhood for life. Amateur boxing brings people together. To reconnect like this is awesome.

DANELL NICHOLSON:My most memorable moment was representing USA Boxing at the 1992 Olimpiadi, because I became an Olympian and met all these great athletes. Meeting you is really my most memorable. You can’t beat boxing!”

RONALD SIMMS:I was probably on the amateur team longer than anybody. I stayed on so long that I have a lot of memories. I was part of the 1988, 1992 e 1996 Olympic teams. I saw a lot of talent come through. Ho iniziato 1995; this sport is addictive and I’m still involved in amateur boxing. We still have the most talented kids in amateur boxing. “My dream was to make the Olympic Team and I still haven’t made it. My goal was to be No. 1 and I was in 1995. Poi, I wanted to quit, but my coach said it wasn’t the time. The lessons I learned from you guys and sharing with kids is what it’s all about. I’m in India working as the chief coach, doing what I love.

PAUL VADEM:I’m glad to see everyone. I have so many memories, the most memorable is seeing you, my boxing brothers. We trained together to make names for ourselves. We will always have this to go back on. I get emotional. It didn’t matter where you came from, your economical values, and we competed against each other. But at the end of the day we respected each other. “I’m a speaker and author today. What I had learned in boxing is why I’m able to do what I do. Grazie. This is beautiful. I’m thankful to see you all.

JAMES JOHNSON:It’s amazing to see some of these faces, It’s great to see you, ragazzi! I remember the Olympic Festival. Randall Crippen. He was talkative……I gave him a diploma at the end of the match. “I broke my hand in competition and they wouldn’t let me fight. I did and I drew a hometown kid in (Worcester) Massachusetts, Bobby Harris, e ha vinto. With one hand, I lost in the final. It’s good to see you guys. I’m living in Flint, Michigan. I went on to get my college career and today I’m a network engineer.

DEAN FLETCHER:I was an amateur a long time. I have many memories, but one is the years I was on the Board of Directors as an athlete representative. Kids today, the reason you can’t fight twice a day is me. “The traveling, I can’t let that go. When things aren’t going well, I think of my amateur days. Nothing but love for you guys.

LARRY NICHOLSON:My most memorable things is being the 1993 Boxer of the Year. I accomplished a lot. I won silver at the 1993 e 1994 Campioni del mondo. Should have been gold. You were great fighters and role models. I had an opportunity to go to collegeNorth Michigan Universityand I have a degree. “I’m still involved in boxing today as head coach of the Michigan Golden Gloves. I’m very happy where I am right now. I didn’t go pro because I love amateur boxing, the discipline and life. I worked with three Olympic teams. We’ve done well as frat brothers.

MARK LANTON:It’s a pleasure to see everybody like this. My most memorable moment was winning the Western Trials. I was an Army soldier when I was an amateur fighter. In Iraq, a volte, Frank Vassar kept in touch with me. I’m retired now from the military. I worked at the VA as a federal police officer. I’m totally retired. I coach kids at a local gym and I’m living the life in Orlando.

FRANK VASSAR:Winning the US Olympic Sports Festival and National Golden Gloves in 1999 was my most memorable. I was in the Army, the National Guards, when I was boxing. I got commissioned in the Air Force. I did three combat tours and was injured. Crazy stuff. I’m glad I made it back. I always enjoyed going to tournaments and seeing you guys. I love all you guys.

RICHARD BONDS: In 1989, I remember fighting Jeremy Williams. He was the best and that put me on the map. The next four years I was going to Colorado and that was the best. I was a college student and got a criminal justice degree at the University of Memphis. I met Echols at dual. We’d come together three or four times a year, maybe more and when you saw somebody it was like yesterday. “In 1992, I wanted to make the Olympic team. I lost my first fight in Worcester and didn’t make it to the Olympics. There were only 12 weight classes and I was one of those guys. You are my frat brothers.

2020 USA Boxing Campionati Nazionali Il 2020 USA Boxing National Championships will be held December 5-12 allo Shreveport Convention Center di Shreveport, Louisiana.


Cinguettio: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram: @USABoxingFacebook: /USABoxing


MACHO: THE HECTOR CAMACHO STORY Premieres Friday, Dicembre 4 a 9 PM ET/PT on SHOWTIME ®

A group of people around each other

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Courtesy of SHOWTIME

NEW YORK – November 24, 2020 – Past opponents of legendary boxing icon Hector “Macho” Camacho, including “Sugar” Ray Leonard, Felix “Tito” Trinidad and Hall of Fame trainer Freddie Roach, share their first-hand experiences with the former world champion and recall his trademark flamboyant style in advance of the MACHO: LA STORIA DI HECTOR CAMACHO documentary premiere Friday, Dicembre 4 a 9 p.m. ET / PT su Showtime.

MACHO: LA STORIA DI HECTOR CAMACHO is an unflinching look at the remarkable life, storied career and unsolved murder of one of boxing’s greatest showmen. Through rare and revealing interviews with his mother, Maria Matias, sorelle, moglie Amy e figlio Hector Jr., il documentario approfondisce anche la mente e lo spirito tormentato del leggendario combattente, his battle with addiction and the inner turmoil that ultimately led to his demise – a mysterious double homicide on a roadside in November 2012. The film isdirected by two-time Emmy® Il vincitore del premio Eric Drath. Drath and Danielle Naassana, entrambi di Live Star Entertainment, served as producers and sixteen-time Emmy Award winner Aaron Cohen served as writer and consulting producer.

In addition to Leonard, Trinidad and Roach, past world champions Ray Mancini, Greg Haugen, Vinny Pazienza and more reminisce about climbing into the ring against the flashy and skilled Hector “Macho” Camacho:

SUGAR RAY LEONARD – March 1, 1997; In Ray Leonard’s final career fight, Camacho won by fifth-round TKOWe were both naturally past our prime, but I just felt that I was a bigger man. I was smarter, più forte, all those things, but the first time he threw a punch, era come, Pow! And I said, ‘Wow, that hurt.’ I tried the best I could to just go the distance. When he was at his best, he was a thing of beauty.”

FELIX “TITO” TRINIDAD - Gennaio 29, 1994; IBF Welterweight Title: “I first met Macho Camacho when I was 12 years old at an indoor arena event in Puerto Rico. He was already a world champion. I was in awe. Camacho was talking to everyone and being himself. He ate 12 empanadas at once just to be funny.

“When I got to fight him, it was my third title defense. Ero 21 and he was 10 years older than me. He had so much experience and played so many mind games. At the final press conference, he sat at the very end of the table – sideways, kind of ignoring the press – and staring at me. When it was his time to talk, he just talked trash. He was such a showman. When we got in the ring in Las Vegas, like every fighter at a crossroads fight, I was a little nervous. He was such a great fighter. He was so experienced and technical. He was a little crazy but was such a good person. Umile.

“After the fight, he came over with his chin down and congratulated me. He was like a different person – he was so friendly and calm. ‘It was a good fight,’ he told me. ‘You are going to be a great champion. Keep on climbing.’ It was a great experience for me. After that fight, I felt something had changed in me as a fighter. I had shared a ring with Macho Camacho. You are never the same after that. He helped me be a better fighter. He was the first Puerto Rican I ever faced. The only fighter that cut me. I got my win against him the same night [Frankie] Randall handed Julio Cesar Chavez his first defeat. It was a historic night.”

FREDDIE ROACH – December 18, 1985; Camacho won a super lightweight bout via unanimous decision to improve to 28-0: “Hector Camacho was the best boxer I ever fought. His speed was unbelievable. At one point during the fight, we were in a clinch and I bit his shoulder. He stepped back, smiled, and told me, ‘That’s not going to work.He was right. I had so much trouble handling his speed. You just couldn’t prepare for itand I had a really good training camp. I was really up for that fight. I think I won one round and that was only because I stepped on his foot and got a knock down. After the fight, we bumped into each other in our hotel lobby and he took me to dinner at the hotel restaurant. We talked and laughed throughout dinner. He was a great guy.”

RAY MANCINI – March 6, 1989; Camacho won a split decision for the vacant WBO Junior Welterweight titleHector had an uncanny ability to avoid punches. He had excellent hand speed, movement and reflexes. He got in the ring with everybody. And he was funny as hell. All'inizio, I couldn’t stand him. But once we were retired, we buried the hatchet and every time we’d see each other, it was hugs and laughs. He made everyone laugh. He was a good soul. I was heartbroken when I heard the news about his murder. In my book, when you talk about all-time greats, he is in the top five for Puerto Rican fighters and top 20 for Latino fighters.”                 

GREGHAUGEN - Febbraio 23, e forse 18, 1991; Camacho’s first career loss and the rematch for WBO Jr. Welterweight World Championship“Camacho was looking for a tune-up fight for the big battle of the undefeateds with Julio Cesar Chavez so that’s how I got the fight. But I had studied his fights and I knew Hector only liked to fight a minute, minute and a half of each round. My plan going into the fight was to make him fight three minutes of each round. I was hitting him with body shots and he was wincing. And plus, I was talking to him the whole fight, so he was getting frustrated. So we get to the 12th round and he ends up sucker punching me before the start of the round because I refused to touch gloves, and they end up taking a point from him which won me the fight. (Nella rivincita) he was so sure he lost the fight, he actually left the ring after the fight. The promoter Dan Duva had to pull him out of his dressing room and basically talk him into getting back in the ring to hear the decision. He had to win that fight because that would line him up with Chavez. I thought I beat him more so in the second fight than the first fight.”

VINNY PAZIENZA – February 3, 1990; Camacho won a unanimous decision for the WBO Junior Welterweight titleI thought I was going to wreck him. I thought I was going to go right through him. But he was much stronger and much faster than I believed. And I was thinking, ‘Oh God, I’m in for a long night.’ He got ready for me like no other fight. He was so amped and so ready. He got off all the drugs. He wasn’t drinking. He got up so high and after he beat me, he was never the same again. Hector was such a character. He surpasses me in that capacity. He was a wild guy and he was wild his whole life.”

PJ GOOSSEN – June 18, 1999; Camacho won a unanimous decision at the age of 37 to improve his record to 68-4-1: “That was a bad night for me. I had three broken ribs, and no one really knew it. Così, I could barely breathe, let alone fight, but that’s what you have to do in boxing sometimes. As we were getting ready for the fight, his dressing room was right next to mine and they had this door separating us. I could hear him before the fight yelling, ‘Macho time!’ ‘Macho time!’ And he hits the wall. And he keeps doing that, yelling louder and louder. Bene, he hit the door so hard it busted through and he fell into my dressing room. Così, he gets up and walks back in around through the other opening and says, ‘Sorry about that.’ It was actually pretty funny and me and my dad and brother were laughing. To come back in and apologize when he’s supposed to be getting hyped up to fight me. I would mark him down as one of the best lefthanders there ever was, especially when he was at featherweight and lightweight.”

Il compianto Johnny Tapia rimane una forte influenza per il pugile dilettante di Albuquerque Sharahya-Taina Moreu

Il defunto Johnny Tapia rimane una forte influenza per

Boxer amatoriale di Albuquerque Sharahya-Taina Moreu

2020 USA Boxing Nationals, Dicembre. 5-12, Shreveport, Louisiana

COLORADO SPRINGS, Giro. (Novembre 23, 2020) - Il tardo, grande pugile Hall of Fame Johnny Tapia ha svolto un ruolo significativo nello sviluppo di Albuquerque welter Sharahya-taina moreu, e la campionessa del mondo in 3 divisioni rimane una forte influenza nella sua vita.

Durante la pandemia COVID-19 si è preparata a competere nel 2020 USA Boxing Campionati Nazionali, Dicembre 5-12, allo Shreveport Convention Center di Shreveport, Louisiana.

Tapia (mostrato sotto con la schiena tatuata a Moreu) ha aiutato Sharahya-Taina a superare la tragedia che cambia la vita dell'incidente automobilistico di sua madre. All'epoca aveva solo otto anni, sdraiato su sua madre dopo l'incidente, e il primo uscito dall'auto e in autostrada chiedendo aiuto.

"All'inizio,"Ha parlato della sua relazione con Tapia, “Ero dispiaciuto e arrabbiato, litigare e prendere una brutta strada. Mi sono appassionato alla boxe 12, ha preso la gestione della rabbia, e sono diventato motivato. "

Tapia, che è stato 2 volte campione nazionale Golden Gloves come dilettante, ha avuto un enorme impatto sulla vita di Moreu, qualcosa che non lascerà mai il suo cuore e la sua anima.

“Siamo diventati come una famiglia,"Ha spiegato il 21enne. "All'inizio, lui (Johnny) non mi piaceva la boxe delle ragazze, quindi mi ha lavorato molto duramente. Ero un buon giocatore di basket e continuava a dirmi di andare a giocare a basket. Ma è diventato una persona importante nella mia vita, Penso che, perché avevo perso mia madre in così giovane età. Mi ha aiutato a entrare e uscire dal ring in tanti modi. Johnny Tapia era il più gentile, l'uomo più umile che abbia mai incontrato. Siamo diventati una famiglia fino a quando la palestra è andata in pezzi. Mi ha allenato solo per circa otto mesi, ma mi ha insegnato che la boxe ti definisce come persona. Mi sento al sicuro sul ring. Sono una persona migliore grazie a Johnny e alla boxe. "

Allenamento con suo padre / allenatoreYoruba Moreu durante la pandemia, anche se è stato difficile trovare un buon sparring, non è stato un problema tanto quanto per gli altri perché la sua palestra è in giardino. Non ha litigato dalle prove olimpiche dello scorso dicembre.

"Non vedo l'ora di tornare sul ring perché sono andato troppo a lungo senza concorrenza,Moreu guardava avanti verso Shreveport. "Sarà sicuramente diverso, perché ci sono un sacco di volti nuovi in ​​arrivo per il primo posto, che lo rende divertente e degno di combattere. "

Orgoglioso di rappresentare gli Stati Uniti in competizione, Sharahya-Taina è orgogliosa della sua eredità nativa americana e portoricana, e ha assunto la causa combattendo per le donne.

“Amo abbracciare entrambi i lati della mia cultura,"Ha commentato, “Rappresenta il mio lato Acoma da mia madre e il lignaggio Taino dal sangue portoricano in me, ed è per questo che mi chiamo Sharahya-Taina. Ogni giorno è una lotta per le donne. Sto solo rendendo noto e chiaro che siamo qui per restare. Non sto combattendo solo per me stesso. Sto anche lottando per la mia famiglia, antenati e la prossima generazione di donne che scelgono di prendere in mano un paio di guanti. L'obiettivo non è essere solo un campione sul ring, ma all'esterno, pure."

Moreu ha avuto molto successo nel suo sviluppo dalla giovinezza alla divisione d'élite, vincere il 2017 Campionati nazionali giovanili e Western Regional Open, nonché la 2016 e 2017 Youth Open. È stata anche runner-up al 2018 Campionati nazionali Elite e qualificazioni Western Elite, più il 2015 Olimpiadi nazionali juniores.

Sharahya-Taina Moreu è una giovane donna in missione. Spera di competere nel 2024 Giochi olimpici di Parigi, in particolare con suo fratello minore se entrambi si qualificavano per esserlo, come lei dice, "Un iconico duo fratello / sorella nella boxe olimpica."


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SU USA Boxing:  La missione di USA Boxing è quello di consentire atleti e allenatori degli Stati Uniti per raggiungere l'eccellenza competitiva sostenuta, sviluppare il carattere, sostenere lo sport del pugilato, e promuovere e far crescere lo stile olimpico di pugilato negli Stati Uniti. La responsabilità degli Stati Uniti boxe è non solo per produrre l'oro olimpico, ma anche controllare e governare ogni aspetto del pugilato dilettantistico negli Stati Uniti.


Middleweight Contenders Matt Korobov and Ronald Ellis Clash

in Co-Main Event; Rising Super Lightweight Prospect Richardson Hitchins Takes on Former World Champion Argenis Mendez in Telecast Opener

NEW YORK – Novembre 20, 2020 – Two of the top fighters in the 130-pound division will meet when unbeaten interim WBA Super Featherweight ChampionChris "Primetime" Colbertfaces the hard-hittingJaime Arboledain caso principaleShowtime Boxing: EDIZIONE SPECIALE Sabato, Dicembre 12 a 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT live on SHOWTIME from Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Conn., in un evento presentato da Premier Boxing Champions.

The tripleheader, originariamente prevista per novembre 28, will see middleweight contendersMatt KoroboveRonald Ellisbattle in the 10-round co-main event and rising super lightweight phenomRichardson Hitchinstaking on the toughest test of his young career as he faces former world championArgenis Mendezin a 10-round telecast opener. The event is promoted by TGB Promotions and Sampson Boxing. Hitchins vs. Mendez is co-promoted by Mayweather Promotions.

Nordine Oubaali vs. Nonito Donaire was originally scheduled to take place on December 12 but was postponed after Oubaali tested positive for COVID-19.

“This main event on December 12 will pit two of the 130-pound division’s most exciting rising talents against each other as the sublimely skilled Chris Colbert faces the powerful Jaime Arboleda in a can’t-miss showdown,"Ha detto Tom Brown, Presidente di Promotions TGB. “The co-main event will see two middleweight contenders in Matt Korobov and Ronald Ellis looking to show that they’re among the division’s elite, while the SHOWTIME opener features the exciting prospect Richardson Hitchins against the always tough Argenis Mendez in a big step up fight. These are three evenly-matched bouts that should make for nonstop drama on fight night.”

Representing his native Brooklyn, N.Y., Colbert (14-0, 5 KO) has quickly shot up the 130-pound rankings, taking on high-level competition in his first 14 lotte pro. The 24-year-old beat then-undefeated fighters Austin Dulay, Titus Williams and Antonio Dubose, all in his first eight fights as a professional. In 2019, Colbert added four more victories to his tally, including an explosive first-round knockout of veteran Miguel Beltran Jr. Più di recente, Colbert won his interim title by dropping former super featherweight champion Jezreel Corrales on his way to a unanimous decision in their January 2020 clash.

“I’m super excited to be making my big stage debut in the main event,” said Colbert. “It’s been a long camp, but training is going great. I’m looking to put on a dominant performance, and I’m looking for the knockout if it’s there. If I can get it, that would be splendid. I know Jaime is going to come to fight. He wants the belt as bad as I want to keep the belt. It’s all going to come down to stamina, ring IQ and who has the greater will to win. I feel like I’m the guy for the job. There’s no way in hell I’m giving up my belt in my first defense.”

The 26-year-old Arboleda (16-1, 13 KO) has amassed an impressive six-fight winning streak heading into the matchup against Colbert, with five of those victories coming inside of the distance. Born in Curundu, Panama, and now fighting out Miami, Fla. Arboleda has fought professionally since 2014 and scored knockouts over two then-undefeated opponents in 2019, Victor Betancourt and Jose Saant. Nel suo ultimo incontro, Arboleda, who is ranked fourth in the 130-pound division by the WBA, bested former world title contender Jayson Velez by unanimous decision to win his first 12-round fight this February on SHOWTIME.

Every boxer’s dream is to fight for a title and be victorious without leaving any doubt,” said Arboleda. “That is my plan for December 12. I’m having the best preparation of my entire career. Mi sento benissimo, strong and fast like never before. I’m sure it will be a very exciting fight from the very first round.”

Korobov (28-3-1, 14 KO) returns to action after losing his December 2019 clash against Chris Eubank Jr. when he suffered a shoulder injury that forced the fight to end in the second round. Korobov, who notched 300 wins as a decorated amateur, came into that fight off of a majority draw against Immanuwel Aleem, after serving notice to the middleweight division that he would be a threat when he lost a hard-fought decision to undefeated middleweight champion Jermall Charlo in December. Born in Orotukan, Russia, and now living in St. Petersburg, Fla, Korobov was a late replacement and gave Charlo a tougher fight than many experts expected. Korobov had been riding a four-fight win streak before the Charlo fight, following his first professional defeat against Andy Lee in a 2014 middleweight title fight.

I am excited to be back in a PBC event on SHOWTIME December 12,said Korobov. “I have a difficult opponent, but I expect to win and prove that I am back and even better prepared. I must win against Ellis in order to get Jermall Charlo back in the ring. Naturalmente, I believe I beat Charlo, but that is the past. Ellis is in my future, and I am coming to show I am still one of the best middleweights in the world.

The 31-year-old Ellis (17-1-2, 11 KO) will look to build off of his last outing, which saw him edge fellow contender Immanuwel Aleem by majority decision in December 2019. For Ellis, that fight got him back in the win column after his first career defeat, a majority decision against DeAndre Ware in March 2019. The Lynn, Mass.-native is the older brother of welterweight Rashidi Ellis, and had an impressive amateur career including a 2010 National Golden Gloves championship capped off by a victory over Terrell Gausha.

It’s time for me to show out on December 12,said Ellis. “Korobov had his chance against the top middleweights, and now it’s my time to take advantage of this opportunity and use a win over him to reach that level. We’re working hard in San Diego sparring with Canelo Alvarez so that everything is perfect and I’m at my best on fight night.

A native of Brooklyn, Hitchins (11-0, 5 KO) diventato professionista in 2017 after representing Haiti at the 2016 Olimpiadi. The 23-year-old has flashed impressive skills as he’s amassed an unbeaten record in the pro ranks, which is the product of an extensive amateur career. Hitchins scored four victories in 2019, before debuting in 2020 with a decision victory over Nicholas DeLomba. In his first two 10-round bouts as a professional, the southpaw has scored decisive unanimous decisions.

“I don’t overlook any opponent, but I believe I have a better and sharper skillset than Mendez,” said Hitchins. “I have all of the intangibles to become a world champion. That’s often mistaken as being cocky, but it’s really just me believing in myself more than anyone else. I will take this fight seriously like I do any other fight and continue to do what I do in order to get one step closer to that title shot. Being in camp with Floyd Mayweather and Gervonta Davis, I’ve learned a lot. I feel like I have to one-up the competition. They really pushed me to be a better fighter.”

A former super featherweight champion, Mendez (25-5-3, 12 KO) has a reputation for providing stiff challenges to the sport’s best and has proven to be a durable contender at 140-pounds. In 2019, Mendez fought to back-to-back draws against super lightweight contenders, first against Anthony Peterson in March and then against the unbeaten Juan Heraldez in May. Born in San Juan de La Maguana, Repubblica Dominicana, Mendez now fights out of Yonkers, N.Y.. and owns victories over Eddie Ramirez, Ivan Redkach and former titlist Miguel Vazquez. He has also gone toe-to-toe with former champions Rances Barthelemy and Robert Easter Jr.

“I’m facing a young prospect who’s hungry for success, but I’m hungrier today than I’ve ever been in my career and I have the experience to go along with it,” said Mendez. “I’m also extremely motivated for this fight, which isn’t good news for Hitchins. When fight time comes on December 12, you’ll witness an intelligent but more aggressive Argenis Mendez.”

Per ulteriori informazioni,, seguire su Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions and @MayweatherPromo, su Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotionss and @MayweatherPromotions, o diventare fan su Facebook e

Prospettiva leggera imbattuta JAMAINE “IL TECNICO” ORTIZ spera di rubare il Tyson-Jones Junior Show

WORCESTER, Massa. (Novembre 17, 2020) - Prospettiva leggera imbattutaJamaine "The Technician" Ortiz (13-0, 7 KO), il campione del mondo in carica del mondo di boxe giovanile, spera di rubare la scena a novembre 28th Mike Tyson-Roy Jones, Jr. carta pay-per-view, presentato dalla Legends Only League di Tyson, allo Staples Center di Los Angeles.

Il 24enne Ortiz, combattendo da Worcester, Massachusetts, combatterà sulla undercard contro il mancino del MarylandSulaiman Segawa (13-2-1, 4 KO) in un incontro di 8 round per il vacante World Boxing Council (WBC) USNBC (U.S) titolo leggero.

"Mi sento bene e sono pronto,"Ha detto Ortiz. "Sono privilegiato per questa opportunità di combattere sulla carta Tyson-Jones e ottenere una buona visibilità. Spero di rubare la scena. Come un bambino, Li ho seguiti entrambi, soprattutto Jones. Ho provato a imitarlo "

Come tutti i combattenti, la pandemia COVID-19 ha drammaticamente influenzato la sua carriera, anche se è riuscito ad allenarsi, anche se in varie palestre e soprattutto da solo.

"Non è stato così male,"Ha aggiunto Ortiz, che è un apprendista falegname. “Non tutte le strutture che uso per allenarmi erano aperte. All'inizio, Mi sono allenato da solo, e ho corso molto. Siamo stati messi in quarantena fino alla fine di giugno, all'inizio di luglio, ma poi sono stato in grado di ottenere un buon sparring. Così, generale, non è stato un grande cambiamento. "

Ortiz è promosso daJimmy Burchfield (Classic Spettacolo e Sport) e consigliato daRichard Shappy eEddie Imondi

"Siamo felici il nostro combattente, Jamaine Ortiz, otterrà una così grande visibilità e mostrerà al mondo ciò che già sappiamo qui nel New England,"Ha commentato Shappy. "Jamaine 'The Technician' Ortiz è una forza con cui bisogna fare i conti."

Undefeated Cuban prospects to be Showcased on RJJ Boxing on UFC FIGHT PASS®

CUBAN POWER: (L-R) – Yoelvis Gomez, Geovany Bruzon and Ariel Perez De La Torre

LAS VEGAS (Novembre 12, 2020) – An undefeated trio of Cuban prospects will be showcased Thursday night, Novembre 20th, on another installment of RJJ Boxing on UFC FIGHT PASS®, at Marinaterra Hotel Spa & Event Center in San Carlos, Sonora, Messico.

RJJ Boxing, presented by Roy Jones Jr. Promozioni Boxe e Promozioni De La O, will be streamed live on UFC FIGHT PASS®, servizio digitale leader a livello mondiale di sottoscrizione per gli sport da combattimento, a partire da 7 p.m. E / 4 p.m. PT. Per iscriverti a UFC FIGHT PASS, si prega di visitare il sito or download the UFC app.

The 10-round main event pits undefeated Californian Juan “Solo affari” Barajas (11-0, 7 KO) against Mexican knockout artist BrunoTiburonSandoval (21-4-1, 17 KO), for the vacant World Boxing Council (WBC) Latino super middleweight title.

Barajas, who won 27 di 30 amateur matches, takes advantage of his unusual size for a super middleweight, in piedi 6′ 3″ with an 80reach. Sandoval was the Interim WBC Latino super middleweight champion after defeating 24-8 Deivas Casseres (24-8) in 2 ½ years ago by way of a first-round knockout.

The three unbeaten Cuban fighters on the Nov. 19th card, all living in Guatemala, are middleweight YoevelLa Joya” Gomez (2-0, 2 KO), super-gallo Ariel Perez De La Torre (3-0-0, 3 KO) e dei pesi massimi GeovanyL BestiaBruzon (2-0, 2 KO).

A natural junior middleweight, the 22-year-old Gomez agreed to take his 6-round fight against unbeaten Mexican Gesù “MazoMoroyoqui Palomares (5-0-1, 4 KO). Gomez is a technically sound, aggressive power punched. The 2-time Cuban Youth champion is the son of 1980 Medaglia d'oro olimpica Jose Gomez.

De La Torre, chi aveva più di 150 amateur matches, is dropping down from junior lightweight to super bantamweight, assuring undefeated Mexican Gesù “Panterita” Daniel Tamez (6-0, 5 KO) a significant size advantage in their 6-round fight.

Bruzon, 22, era la 2014 Cuban National Youth champion. A southpaw with great hand speed and power, Bruzon faces Jose “El Titan” Vazquez (6-4-1, 3 KO) in a 6-rounder.

Unbeaten California welterweight RaidenMortal KombatJace Martinez (5-0, 5 KO) is also scheduled to fight in a 4-rounder against TBA off-UFC FIGHT PASS.

Carta soggetta a cambiamento.


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Novembre. 20 – RJJ Boxing in Mexico
Dicembre. 9 & 10 – RJJ Boxing in Mexico


I have the same hunger now that I had before I won the titles,” Spence

We’re going to give it 110% and take these titles from him in his hometown,” Garcia

Unified Welterweight World Champion Errol Spence Jr. Faces Two-Division Champion Danny Garcia Headlining FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View Event Saturday, Dicembre 5 From AT&T Stadium In Arlington, Texas

ARLINGTON, TX. (Novembre 10, 2020) – Unified welterweight world champion Errol “La Verità” Spence Jr. and two-division world champion Danny “Veloce” Garcia previewed their highly anticipated FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View event during a virtual press conference Tuesday as they prepare to square off Saturday, Dicembre 5 from AT&Stadio T di Arlington, Texas.

Spence was joined during the event by his longtime trainer Derrick James, while Garcia was accompanied by his father and trainer Angel Garcia.

I biglietti per l'evento dal vivo, che è promossa da Promozioni TGB, Man Down Promotions and DSG Promotions, sono già in vendita, and can be purchased at, il Fornitore Ufficiale di Biglietteria di AT&Stadio T.

AT&Stadio T, which has hosted NFL fans during the 2020 Dallas Cowboys season, will be following guidelines from the CDC with protocols regarding COVID-19 safeguards and cleaning procedures. All fans attending the event will be required to wear a mask. Tickets will be distributed in seat blocks known aspodsto maintain distance between groups who are not known to one another. For more information on AT&T Stadium’s Safe Stadium Policy, please visit the site here:

Ecco cosa hanno detto martedì i partecipanti alla conferenza stampa:


I feel blessed and ready to go. I feel like I’m 100% fisicamente. We’ve been training hard and staying focused. I can’t wait to give my hometown fans something to cheer for when I defend my title against a great opponent.

I didn’t want any tune-up fights. I wanted someone who is tough and who could push me to the limit, so I can get back to being Errol Spence Jr. I’m going to give a great performance and hear ‘and still’ a dicembre 5.

I picked Danny Garcia so that I could rise to the occasion. I’m still the top dog in the division. Fighting Danny will show how great a fighter I am.

Danny’s dad gets me hyped up talking about his son coming forward, throwing a lot of punches and taking the belts from me. So I’ll be ready for whatever Danny brings to the ring. I’m not going to get into any head games like with Shawn Porter. I fought Shawn’s game and beat him at his own game. I know Angel wants me to stand there and brawl with Danny, but I’m going to do what I have to do to win the fight.

It’s up to me to make a big splash coming back from my car accident. Lesser opponents were for before I became champion. I finally got to the top, where I can fight the big names, so I’m not going backward. These are the guys I’ve wanted to fight forever.

I definitely learn more from Danny’s wins. He has a lot of great wins. You learn a lot from all different kinds of fights. I’m a student of the game and a fan of the sport. All I do anyway is watch boxing. So I’m very familiar with Danny’s wins and losses.

The accident just made me hungrier and even more focused. I have the same hunger now that I had before I won the title. I’m coming into camp much lighter and it’s helping me have an even better camp.

I’m the champ, e alla fine della giornata, I can just fight. When it gets down to the wire, I know how to dig down deep and come out on top.

It means everything to be fighting at home, especially with everyone going through the pandemic. I just want everyone who comes out to be safe and follow the protocols, and we’ll make it a great night.


Camp has been going great. My weight is good and I feel like we’re ahead of schedule. Now we’re just taking it one day at a time. I’m excited to be in this position to fight for the title again.

“A dicembre 5, no stone will be unturned. We’re going to give it 110% and take these titles from him in his hometown.

I’ve been an underdog my whole career. I’m used to playing that role. I just have to go in there and be myself. I have to believe in myself 100% and fight round by round. I’m going to show what a true champion is made of.

After the Garcia and Porter fights, I saw some holes in his game and I knew it would be a good opportunity to become champion again. These type of fights bring out the best in Danny Garcia. They give me the extra motivation that I need and that’s why I wanted it.

I thought Spence was the bigger and better man against Mikey Garcia. Mikey has great skills, but Errol had size and let his hands go. It made Mikey freeze, so he didn’t take any risks. He did land some good counterpunches, and those are the kind of things that I’m taking into consideration during this camp.

My job is to fight. I can’t go in there and worry about judges. They’re going to do what they do. My job is to put in the work in the gym so that I’m ready on fight night. I have to go in there and win rounds and win the fight.

I know that I’m a great fighter. I’ve been in these type of fights before. I know what I’m made of. As long as I’m mentally and physically at my best, nobody can beat me. I’m a dangerous man when I have this focus.

We’re taking this fight like Errol is 100%. We’re not banking on anything hindering him. We’re taking this as seriously as possible. We wanted this fight a long time ago, but we just had to stay focused. Now the fight is finally here and I feel like we’re going to have a great performance.

I believe that I do everything great. I can bang inside and box. That’s why I’m a three-time world champion. I’ve faced every style imaginable and I’ve come out on top.

DERRICK JAMES, Trainer di Spence

Training camp has been really good. We’ve been putting in the hard work since March. Everything is coming together leading up to December 5. We took our time and it was a gradual process getting to this point. He was already in shape by the time this camp started so we had a great head start.

Even when Errol was getting back into his rhythm, he was still looking good. But you could see the improvement day after day as he got more comfortable being back. Everyone will see on December 5 who Errol Spence Jr. really is.

It’s great to be able to fight at home against a fighter like Danny. Putting on a great performance will build Errol’s legend and his stock will continue to rise. Errol has always been able to handle fighting in front of his hometown fans. We love everything that the city brings us and we feed off that energy in the ring.

ANGEL GARCIA, Garcia’s Father & Allenatore

Everything has been perfect in camp. You can see how good he’s looking right now. Danny would be ready to go tomorrow if we had to. It’s going to be a great night for me and Danny. Not taking anything from anybody, but we’re coming to take those titles.

I never look at opponent’s tapes from past fights. We’re not going to learn anything from that. When I train Danny, I focus on Danny. All I know is how to make Danny better. We’re going to dictate the fight and be on top of Errol. We’re not going to fight like Mikey Garcia did and run all night.

“Questa volta, we’re not going to leave it in the judges’ mani. We chose to go fight him in Dallas. Danny made that call. Alla fine della giornata, Danny just has to go in there and do his thing.

TOM BROWN, Presidente di Promotions TGB

“Errol Spence Jr. vs. Danny Garcia is one of the most intriguing fights of this year and it is a fight that will determine who is the best pound-for-pound fighter in the world.

This will be a tremendous night of boxing and it will be at the home of the best pro sports franchise in the world, AT&Stadio T. This is the perfect host for a matchup with two fighters in their prime, both ready to put their legacies on the line.

Spence is one of the most talked about fighters in the sport. Many consider him to be the best fighter in the world, and with good reason. He wants to be challenged and this is the type of fight that elevates our sport.

“Danny Garcia è un combattente ritorno al passato. He’s one of the most skilled and battle tested fighters in our sport. What he did at 140 libbre, before moving up, was simply amazing. Putting these two together will bring back memories of great welterweight battles of the past.

# # #

Spence vs. Garcia will see unified welterweight world champion Errol “La Verità” Spence Jr. duel two-division world champion Danny “Veloce” Garcia in the blockbuster main event of a FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View Saturday, Dicembre 5 all'AT&Stadio T di Arlington, Texas.

Il pay-per-view inizia alle 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and features unbeaten super welterweight sensation SebastianThe Towering InfernoFundora assumendo Jorge Cota in a WBC Super Welterweight Title Eliminator in the co-main event. The lineup will also see all-action contenders Josesito “The Riverside Rocky” Lopez e Francisco “Quota” Santana squaring-off in a 10-round welterweight affair, plus former champion Luglio Ceja faces featherweight contender Eduardo Ramirez in a WBC Featherweight Title Eliminator to kick off the pay-per-view.

Gli spettatori possono in diretta streaming gli spettacoli PBC sulla FOX Sports e FOX LA SOCIETÀ applicazioni o al In aggiunta, tutti i programmi sono disponibili su Fox Sports sul canale SiriusXM 83 su radio satellitari e sul app SiriusXM.

Per ulteriori informazioni: visita, e, seguire su TwitterPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FoxSports, @FOXDeportes e @TGBPromotions diventano fan su Facebook all'indirizzo, &

Omar Juarez’ Touching Story with Special Needs Child

BROWNSVILLE, TX (Novembre 10, 2020) – The rapidly expanding emergence of an inspirational leader continues unabated in the personage of undefeated super lightweight prospect, Omar Juarez (9-0, 4 KO). An outstanding professional boxer by trade, Juarez is rising on the national stage with his recent designation as brand ambassador for the newly formed partnership between the California based Feet First Foundation and the globally recognized World Boxing Council’s humanitarian branch “World Boxing Cares”.

Omar Juarez’ carefully crafted message about the principles needed to achieve goals has positively affected young people’s lives in his hometown, Brownsville, Texas since he was 15-years old. The overwhelmingly positive feedback he has received from young people about his message has inspired him to even greater heights in this endeavor.

None more than a touching tribute he just received from a special needs child named Isaias, who deals with acute challenges that include communication. Isaias is limited to communicating through a laptop and was a frequent visitor to Omar’s gym on Fridays when it was opened to special needs kids.

As the pandemic took hold, Isaias found himself isolated at home and began to feel the effects of this isolation, he typed out a message of gratitude to Omar for being a source of inspiration and hope. His family acknowledged to Omar the much needed solace this represented to their son.

“To hear a message like the one I received from Isaias and his family made my day,” said Omar Juarez, who fights under the Premier Boxing Champions bandiera. “Its moments like these that keep me motivated as I continue to be a positive role model in my community. As a Chinese proverb states…I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples.

These are the touching moments that energize Omar as he continues his quest to become an inspirational leader on a worldwide scale.

Sa’Rai Brown-El : Il futuro della boxe femminile – 2020 USA Boxing Nationals, Dicembre. 5-12, Shreveport, Louisiana

COLORADO SPRINGS, Giro. (Novembre 9, 2020) - Il futuro della boxe femminile, forse, ha 15 anniSa’Rai Brown-El, che ha già ottenuto i massimi riconoscimenti in 11 tornei nazionali e regionali.

Da quando ha iniziato a fare boxe 2015, Sa’Rai ha collezionato medaglie d'oro al 2019 Junior Open, 2019 PAL Nazionale, 2019 & 2017 Olimpiadi nazionali juniores, 2017 Western Regional Open, e Eastern Regional Open in 2017, 2018 e 2019.

“Sono rimasto concentrato e affamato e, più importante, umile,”Ha parlato del suo successo nella divisione junior. "Non importa quanto hai realizzato o il numero di riconoscimenti che hai ottenuto, resta sempre affamato e cerca sempre di più ".

La boxe è iniziata per lei quando lo era 10, allenamento a Lugo Boxe e Fitness a Marietta, Georgia. Prima ancora nella sua nativa Albany (NY), andò nella palestra di suo zio e trovò un paio di guantoni da boxe.

“Mi sono innamorato della boxe quando ho trovato quel primo paio di guanti,"Ha spiegato Brown-El. "Ho iniziato a fare boxe perché, a quel tempo, mio padre non era d'accordo con me. Ho visto molte persone che non erano d'accordo con le donne che gareggiavano in uno sport dominato dagli uomini, quindi volevo dimostrare che quelle persone si sbagliavano. Adoro la boxe perché le scatole di tutta la mia famiglia ".

La pandemia COVID-19 ha influenzato negativamente la maggior parte dei pugili, che erano limitati in termini di allenamento e sparring, oltre ad essere escluso dai tornei. Brown-El, tuttavia, ha sfruttato al meglio una brutta situazione, correre miglia con i suoi fratelli, cardio mitt lavora con suo padre, e altro ancora.

Brown-El ha gli occhi puntati sul 2020 USA Boxing Campionati Nazionali, Dicembre 5-12, allo Shreveport Convention Center di Shreveport, Louisiana.

“Sono super eccitato e super concentrato sui Campionati Nazionali," lei ha aggiunto. “Sto lottando per entrare nel team USA High Performance per il mio secondo anno. Lo voglio davvero e lavorerò sodo ogni giorno. Il mio obiettivo per ora è essere nel Team USA per la seconda volta. Voglio combattere a livello internazionale ed essere il numero 1 nel mondo."

Brown-El ha obiettivi definitivi a lungo raggio nel pugilato, a partire dalle Olimpiadi e finire come il volto della boxe femminile.

“Se vinco una medaglia d'oro al 2024 Olimpiadi, forse una seconda volta 2028, dopodiché penso che questo mi aprirà grandi opportunità,"Ha commentato il prodigio. "Penso che mi aiuterà soprattutto nei ranghi pro. Vincere una medaglia d'oro è il mio più grande obiettivo in questo momento.

"Voglio essere il più grande pugile femminile del mondo. Voglio essere conosciuto e voglio fare una dichiarazione per tutte le donne. Voglio davvero scioccare il mondo. io mangio, dormire, e la boxe del respiro. Questo non è solo uno sport per me, questo è uno stile di vita. "

Sa’Rai Brown-El è su un percorso d'oro verso la celebrità. Rappresenta il futuro!


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