वर्ग अभिलेख: बॉक्सिंग


“I think it’s inevitable,” – Logan Paul on potential fight against his brother, विषय

Watch Full FOOD TRUCK DIARIES Interviewयेथे

काय: YouTube sensation turned professional boxer Logan Paul joins this week’sFOOD TRUCK DIARIES, a segment under SHOWTIME Sports’ digital talk show and podcast seriesBELOW THE BELT WITH BRENDAN SCHAUBto preview his highly touted February 2021 boxing exhibition against all-time great Floyd Mayweather.

Paul details to Schaub how the Mayweather bout came to fruition, explains where his love and passion for boxing came from and speculates on a potential clash with his brother and fellow pro boxer Jake Paul, who scored a viral sensation over former NBA star Nate Robinson last month.

Following are excerpts from the episode:

On how the fight with Floyd Mayweather came about…

Paul – “I signed [the contract] and then after just months and months going back and forth, figuring out dates – we had three different dates – and how to announce it and just the strategy behind it. It finally came to fruition and this event that supersedes everything I’ve ever done in my life, finally solidified.”

On his boxing skills and last fight against KSI…

Paul – “I think we surprise a lot of people. It’s what I’ve done my whole life. I’ve just exceeded expectations and I don’t think there’s anything online that’s representative of how good I am or the level at which I’m operating at this point in my life when it comes to boxing. I think my last fight wasn’t indicative in the slightest. I remember after it happened, मोठे नव्हते, the bell rang at the sixth round and I had half a tank left…Something just didn’t click that day…A year later, after an ‘L’, you secure a fight with the biggest fighter on the planet. It never really felt like a loss.”

On the rules of the Mayweather bout…

Paul – “I don’t think there’s a weight as of now. If they make me drop weight I’ll be pissed. I’ll make a thing about it. I’ll f***ing complain about it and sh*t. That’s the thing, योग्य? The greatest boxer of all time faces the young behemoth. I’m going in there and I’m towering over this dude and that’s what makes it exciting. It’s David vs. Goliath.”

On a potential fight with his brother, Jake…

Paul – “My dad does not want us to do that. If you want my opinion, I think it’s inevitable. I think Jake and I in two to four years’ time are going to be beating the sh*t out of each other in a ring and I think it’ll be one of the most historical sporting events to take place ever.”

BELOW THE BELT explores the intersection of combat sports and pop culture through the eyes of former fighter, comedian and red carpet host Brendan Schaub. The program discusses the latest news in combat sports and pop culture, with Schaub delivering candid thoughts in his unique and unfiltered style. Below the Belt features interviews with the biggest names in combat sports and entertainment, road trips, fight camp visits, sketches, animation and pop-culture spoofs.

Undefeated lightweight prospect Jamaine “The Technician” Ortiz No longer best kept secret after Tyson-Jones, जूनियर. PPV show performance

वर्सेस्टर, मास. (डिसेंबर 14, 2020) – Prior to his sensational performance on the recent Mike Tyson-Roy Jones, जूनियर. pay-per-view event, undefeated lightweight prospectJamaine “The Technician” Ortiz was boxing’s best kept secret. No more, तरी, as Ortiz firmly established himself as a rising star in front of countless fans among the 1.6 million PPV buys.

Ortiz flew from Boston to Los Angeles on Thanksgiving. He was driven to his hotel, where he immediately saw Jones, checked his weight, and walked to Staples Center. “I was comfortable from the start,” said the young fighter who was fighting for the first time as a professional outside of New England. “I was there to get the job done. I was on a mission. I walk to see the Staples Center and that was cool. I later took my run around the Staples Center and there were a lot of statues. It was beautiful. It was cool seeing the Lakers locker-room.”

The 24-year-old Ortiz (14-0, 8 कॉस), the reigning World Boxing Youth World champion, बाहेर ठोठावलेSulaiman Segawa (13-3-1, 4 कॉस) with a bruising body attack, hurting his opponent in the sixth round, and closing the show in spectacular fashion in the seventh for the vacant World Boxing Council (WBC) USNBC (U.S) Silver lightweight title. Segawa had never been stopped before as a professional.

Ortiz displayed his overall arsenal: stiff jab, lightning quick hands and feet, switching back and forth effortlessly from orthodox to southpaw stances, punishing hooks up and down, and the most lethal body shots seen from a New Englander since“Irish” Micky Ward.   

“I was calm and cool before the fight,” Ortiz added. “I like to go into a fight, मानसिक, like it was a sparring session and I always do good. I started out in an orthodox stance, established my jab and used it a lot. I think I should have used it more and could have beaten him with it. I listened to my coach (Rocky Gonzalez) and he told me when to switch. Body punching is the No. 1 thing with Rocky. I may not have shown it nearly as much in other fights, but he drills that into me all the time. In the sixth round, he told me to go more to the body, not looking to catch him, and in the seventh I really hurt him to the body.

“Segawa was definitely tough. He had beaten a lot of guys, including a few he upset. Every fight is a stepping-stone and I’m my worst critic. I felt that I could have knocked him out in the second round, but I didn’t want to go off the game plan

Ortiz set-up Segawa from the opening bell, त्याला खाली तोडले, and finished the show in grand style as Seqawa was hurt and trapped on the ropes, drawing kudos from highly respected people in the industry such as“Sugar” Ray Leonardटेडी बेअर ऍटलस, and others. Ortiz’ fanbase grew exponentially as boxing fans rushed to sign up to follow Jamaine during and after his breakout fight.

“Once people saw me perform and my style,” Ortiz continued, “they liked me. I could have shown more and thrown more combinations. I really needed to fight in front of the world. I got 5,500 new Instagram flowers that night. I guess, I’m no longer the best kept secret in boxing.”

“Our main goal is to win a world title,” Gonzalez commented. “This was fun and a great opportunity, but the motivation to be world champion is stronger. He dealt with this fight as just another fight, and he followed our game plan.

“His body shots set up the ending. I’m always telling him about Micky Ward’s body shots. You know, boxing is a dance, a salsa. Boxers need to dance; I don’t think they should just be orthodox. They all need to fight the other way and when Jamaine switched stances in the third, त्याने कधीही हार मानला नाही. I’ve trained him hard. I’m always on him and what better way to shut me up than ending it like he did on pay per view?  It was a drop the microphone moment!"

Ortiz is promoted byजिमी बर्चफील्ड (Classic Entertainment and Sports) and advised byRichard Shappy आणिEddie Imondi

Because of the uncertainty in boxing due to the pandemic, Ortiz’ 2021 schedule is unknown, but he isn’t boxing’s best kept secret anymore, “The Technician” is a bonafide rising star.

अपराजित लेस्टर मार्टिनेझने डब्ल्यूबीसी लॅटिनो सुपर मिडलवेट विजेतेपद मिळविले

आरजेजे बॉक्सिंग

अधिकृत परिणाम

संत चार्ल्स, मेक्सिको (डिसेंबर 10, 2020) - उगवता तारालेस्टर मार्टिनेझ काल रात्री त्याने अचूक नोंद कायम ठेवली, थांबतायुरिएल “बिग बॅंग” गोंजालेझ (18-7-1, 14 कॉस) सुरुवातीच्या फेरीच्या शेवटी, मनिनेटर हॉटेलमध्ये आरजेजे बॉक्सिंग कार्डवरील मुख्य कार्यक्रमात & सॅन कार्लोस मधील स्पा इव्हेंट सेंटर, सोनोरा, मेक्सिको

अंतिम 2020 यूएफसी फायट पास वर आरजेजे बॉक्सिंगचा हप्ता, रॉय जोन्स यांनी सादर केले, जूनियर. बॉक्सिंग जाहिराती आणि डी ला ओ प्रचार, आज संध्याकाळी त्याच ठिकाणी आयोजित केले जाईल.

सर्व क्रिया थेट आणि केवळ यूएफसी फायट पासवर प्रवाहित केली गेली®, युद्धातील खेळांसाठी जगातील अग्रगण्य डिजिटल सदस्यता सेवा, आज रात्रीच्या आरजेजे बॉक्सिंगपासून प्रारंभ होईल 10 p.m. आणि / 7 p.m. पीटी यूएफसी फायट पास साठी साइन अप करण्यासाठी, भेट द्याwww.ufcfightpass.com

25-वर्षीय मार्टिनेझने त्याचे परिपूर्ण प्रो रेकॉर्ड वाढविले 7-0, सर्व थांबे, आणि ग्वाटेमेलांच्या जड हाताने रिक्त असलेल्या जागतिक बॉक्सिंग कौन्सिलला ताब्यात घेतले (WBC) लॅटिनो सुपर मिडलवेट चॅम्पियनशिप. मार्टिनेझने सुरुवातीच्या घंटावरून गोन्झालेझ फाडले, त्याच्या सुरुवातीच्या फेरीत उशीरा, आणि तरीही गोंझालेझने मोजणीला पराभूत केले, रेफरीने पुरेसे पाहिले होते, आणि त्याने ही कारवाई थांबवली.

सहकारी वैशिष्ट्यीकृत कार्यक्रम, मेक्सिकन फेदरवेटएडी "डायनामाइट" वलेन्सिया (16-5-6, 5 कॉस) पराभवपाब्लो “प्राणघातक मच्छर” क्रूझ (20-3, 6 कॉस), हायाउस्टन, 8 फेरीच्या एकमताने निर्णयाद्वारे.

सहा वेळा मेक्सिकन राष्ट्रीय हौशी चॅम्पियन, featherweightLanलन “कुत्रा” सॉलिस (12-0-1, 7 कॉस), बाद फेरीत नाबाद राहिलाअ‍ॅबेलार्डो “बोलिलो” सांचेझ (7-2-2, 4 कॉस) सातव्या फेरीत.

क्युबाचा माजी हौशी स्टारएरियल पेरेझ "द मशीन" डी ला टॉरे (4-0, 4 कॉस), ग्वाटेमाला बाहेर लढाई, प्रारंभ पासून समाप्त करण्यासाठी मेक्सिकन सुपर बाण्टॅमवेट पाउंड, जे सहाव्या फेरीत तांत्रिक बाद फेरीत आले.

खाली पूर्ण परिणाम: 

मुख्य घटना - व्हॅकँट डब्ल्यूबीसी लॅटिनो सुपर मिडलवेट चैंपियनशिप

लेस्टर मार्टिनेझ (7-0, 7 कॉस), ग्वाटेमाला सिटी, ग्वाटेमाला

WTKO1 (3:00) 

उरीयेल गोन्झालेझ (18-7-1, 14 कॉस), जुआरेझ शहर, चिवावा, मेक्सिको

(मार्टिनेझने डब्ल्यूबीसी लॅटिनो सुपर मिडलवेट विजेतेपद जिंकले)  

सहकारी वैशिष्ट्य - वैशिष्ट्ये

एडी व्हॅलेन्सिया (16-5-6, 5 कॉस), कुलियाकन, चा संघ, मेक्सिको

WDEC8 (79-73, 78-74, 77-75) 

पाब्लो क्रूज़ (20-3, 6 कॉस), हायाउस्टन, टेक्सास, यूएसए


Lanलन सोलिस (12-0-1, 7 कॉस), जुआरेझ शहर, चिवावा, मेक्सिको


अ‍ॅबेलार्डो सांचेझ (7-2-2, 4 कॉस), लॉस मोचिस, मेक्सिको

सुपर बॅंटॅमवेट्स

एरियल पेरेझ दे ला टोरे (4-0, 4 कॉस), कामागे, ग्वाटेमाला मार्गे क्युबा

डब्ल्यूटीकेओ 6

आयझॅक बुटिमेआ (9-7, 4 कॉस), ओब्रेगन सिटी, सोनोरा, मेक्सिको


वेबसाइट्स:   HTTP://www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.comwww.ufcfightpass.com  

फेसबुक: /यूएफसीफाईटपास, /कीथवेल्ट्रे

ट्विटर: @UFCFightPass, @Kith_Veltre, @RoyjonesJRfa @RoyJonesJrOfficial यांना प्रत्युत्तर देत आहे

Instagram: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @ कीथवेल्टरे, @RoyJonesJrBoxing यांना प्रत्युत्तर देत आहे

रॉय जोन्स जेआर बद्दल, बॉक्सिंग प्रमोशन: मध्ये सह-स्थापना केली 2013 10-वेळा विश्वविजेते रॉय जोन्स द्वारा, जूनियर. आणि कीथ वेल्ट्रे, रॉय जोन्स, जूनियर. (आरजेजे) बॉक्सिंगला प्रोत्साहन देणे बॉक्सिंगला नव्याने आणण्याच्या मार्गावर आहे.  आरजेजेने याआधीच काही वर्षातच बॉक्सिंग समुदायात खूप मोठा प्रभाव पाडला आहे.  यूएफसी फाइट पाससाठी आनंददायक सामग्री तयार करणे, सीबीएस क्रीडा, प्रदर्शनाची वेळ, देशभरातील काही उत्कृष्ट ठिकाणी ईएसपीएन आणि बीईएन स्पोर्ट्स, आरजेजेने हे सिद्ध केले आहे की ते खेळाच्या गोड विज्ञानावर विजय मिळवत आहेत.

जगाच्या लढाई राजधानीवर आधारित, लास वेगास, एनव्ही, रॉय जोन्स जूनियर. बॉक्सिंग जाहिराती वेगवान वेगाने वर चढत आहे, त्याच्या वाढत्या स्थिर मध्ये तरुण प्रतिभा जोडून: एनएबीएफ सुपर फ्लायवेट चॅम्पियन, WBC #15, WBA #14 आणि आयबीएफ #7 जेड “चक्रीवादळ” बॉर्निया (15-0, 10 कॉस), दोन-वेळा जागतिक विजेतेपद डब्ल्यूबीओ #11 बॅंटमवेट “माईटी” अ‍ॅस्टन पॅलिकेट (26-4-1, 22 कॉस), माजी नाबाचे वेल्टरवेट चॅम्पियन केंडो ‘ट्रेंडेनो’ कास्टनेडा (17-2, 8 कॉस), माजी अंतरिम जागतिक मिडलवेट विजेतेपद जॉन “द फेनोम” वेरा (19-1 (1 KO), एनएबीएफ, डब्ल्यूबीसी फॅकारबॉक्स & डब्ल्यूबीसी यू.एस.. वेल्टरवेट विजेता, WBC #14 आणि सॅन्टियागो “सॉमर” डोमिंग्यूझ (22-0, 17 कॉस), अपराजित मध्यम वजन प्रॉस्पेक्ट कॉनर “किड” कोयल (12-0, 5 कॉस), अपराजित सुपर मध्यम वजनाची जुआन “जस्ट बिझिनेस” बाराजस (11-0, 7 कॉस), आणि माजी डब्ल्यूबीसी वर्ल्ड युवा हेवीवेट अलेक्झांडर “द ग्रेट” फ्लोरेस (18-2-1, 16 कॉस).  

यूएफसी लढाई पास बद्दल®UFC फाईट पास® लढाई खेळांसाठी जगातील आघाडीची डिजिटल सदस्यता सेवा आहे. मध्ये सुरू केल्यापासून 2013, यूएफसी फायट पास आता पेक्षा अधिकमध्ये उपलब्ध आहे 200 देश आणि प्रांत. यूएफसी फाइट पास त्याच्या सदस्यांना थेट यूएफसी फाइट पास प्रीलिम्समध्ये अमर्यादित प्रवेश प्रदान करतो; जगभरातील थेट मिश्र मार्शल आर्ट आणि लढाऊ खेळ; मूळ मालिका आणि ऐतिहासिक प्रोग्रामिंग; खास वैशिष्ट्ये; पडद्यामागील सामग्री; सखोल मुलाखती; आणि प्रतिस्पर्धी खेळाच्या जगाविषयी अद्ययावत मिनिटांचे अहवाल. यूएफसी फायट पास ग्राहक देखील आहेत 24/7 जगातील सर्वात मोठ्या फाईट लायब्ररीत प्रवेश, पेक्षा अधिक वैशिष्ट्यीकृत 20,000 डझनभर कॉम्बॅट क्रीडा संघटनांमधील बाउट्स, तसेच यूएफसी इतिहासातील प्रत्येक लढा. फाइट चाहते वैयक्तिक संगणकावर यूएफसी फाइट पासमध्ये प्रवेश करू शकतात, iOS आणि Android मोबाइल डिव्हाइस, ऍपल टीव्ही, एक्सबॉक्स वन, Amazonमेझॉन फायर टीव्ही, आणि Chromecast, वर्ष, सॅमसंग स्मार्ट टीव्ही, एलजी स्मार्ट टीव्ही, आणि Android टीव्हीसह सोनी टीव्ही. अधिक माहितीसाठी, भेट द्याwww.ufcfightpass.com

मायकेल डचओव्हर हेडलाईनिंग फायनलची जागा रुबेन टॉरेसने घेतली 3.2.1. बॉक्सिंग इव्हेंट 2020

कोरोना, जसे (डिसेंबर 8, 2020) - थॉम्पसन बॉक्सिंग जाहिराती त्यांच्या रविवारी एक नवीन मुख्य कार्यक्रम आहे, 20 डिसेंबर 3.2.1. बॉक्सिंग कार्यक्रम. रुबेन “ऐस” टॉरेस (13-0, 11 कॉस) त्याच्या स्थिरस्थानाची जागा घेईल, मायकल "वेस्ट टेक्सास वॉरियर" डचओव्हर (14-1, 10 कॉस), मिडलँडचा, टेक्सस, कोण यापुढे कार्डवर स्पर्धा करणार नाही. टॉरेस घेणार आहेत जोस लुईस “ला बोआ” तिला (23-13-1, 13 कॉस) नवीन आठ फेरीतील मुख्य कार्यक्रमात.

“मला लढा मिळाल्याचा आनंद आहे, पण माझ्या सहकाmate्या मायकेल डचओव्हरला ही संधी मिळत नसल्यामुळे ते कडू आहे,” टॉरेस म्हणाले. “मी माझ्या कोचसमवेत जिममध्ये थांबलो आहे डॅनी झमोरा आणि आधीच छावणीत मदत करत होतो, म्हणून मी स्टेप-अप आणि कार्डची मथळा तयार करण्यास तयार आहे. मी रॉड्रिग्जविरूद्ध उत्कृष्ट कामगिरी करण्याची अपेक्षा करीत आहे.”

विनामूल्य प्रवाह थॉम्पसन बॉक्सिंग प्रचार वेबसाइटवर थेट प्रसारित होईल (www.thompsonboxing.com), तसेच त्यांच्या फेसबुक आणि YouTube वर
पृष्ठे. 3.2.1. बॉक्सिंग मध्ये होईल ओमेगा उत्पादने आंतरराष्ट्रीय कार्यक्रम केंद्र कोरोना मध्ये, जसे, आणि येथे सुरू होईल 3:30 p.m. पोर्तुगाल / 6:30 p.m. आणि.

टोर्रेसला धूर्त बुजुर्ग रॉड्रिग्झ हाताळण्यासाठी त्याच्या सर्व युक्त्या रिंगमध्ये वापरण्यास भाग पाडले जाईल, जो डब्ल्यूबीए सुपर लाइटवेट चॅम्पियनसारख्या रिंगमध्ये आहे मारिओ Barrios (26-0, 17 कॉस), फेलिक्स वर्डेजो (27-1, 17 कॉस), अँटोनियो Orozco (28-2, 17 कॉस), बख्तियार Eyubov (14-2-1, 12 कॉस), जोस Pedraza (28-3, 13 कॉस), आणि शरीफ बोगरे (32-2, 20 कॉस).

8-गोल सहकारी वैशिष्ट्य मध्ये, थॉम्पसन बॉक्सिंगच्या स्वत: पैकी दोनचा सामना शौलच्या रूपाने होईल “पशू” Sanchez (14-1, 8 KO), पकोइमाचा, जसे, घेते मारिओ हर्नंडेझ (10-1-1, 3 कॉस), सांता आना च्या, सीए सुपर फ्लायवेट विभागातील पाण्याच्या चाचणीसाठी आत एकमेकांशी लढा देईल.

Middleweight रिचर्ड “कूल ब्रीझ” ब्रवर्ट जूनियर. (7-0, 3 KO), रांचो कुकामोंगाचा, जसे, त्याच्या सोशल मीडिया कलह सह घेईल लुई हर्नांडेझ (8-0-1, 6 कॉस), जॅक्सन, MS, एक मनोरंजक सहा फे opening्या उघडण्याच्या चढाईत रिंग ला.

“आम्ही निराश होतो की मीकाहेल कार्डवर येऊ शकला नाही, पण ही एक उत्तम घटना आहे,”प्रवर्तक म्हणाला केन थॉम्प्सन. “ब्रेवर्ट विरूद्ध हर्नांडेझ पासून शौल सांचेझ विरुद्ध मारिओ हर्नांडेझ, आणि आता मुख्य कार्यक्रमात रुबेन टॉरेस, हे एक स्टॅक केलेले कार्ड आहे जे मला पाहण्यास उत्सुक आहे. "

“मायकेल डचओव्हरच्या मागील दोन मारामारीत आमच्याकडे दुर्दैवी परिस्थिती उद्भवली, परंतु रुबेन टॉरेस स्टेप-अप करण्यास इच्छुक आहे आणि आम्ही त्याचे चढाओढ पाहून उत्साहित आहोत,म्हणाले, " अ‍ॅलेक्स कॅम्पोनोव्हो, थॉम्पसन बॉक्सिंगचे सरव्यवस्थापक आणि निर्माता 3.2.1 बॉक्सिंग. “हे कार्ड आम्ही एकत्र ठेवलेल्या सर्वोत्कृष्ट पैकी एक आहे, आणि याचा उपयोग झाल्याचे पाहून आम्ही खरोखर उत्सुक आहोत. आम्हाला समजते की हे वर्ष कठीण आहे, परंतु आम्ही त्यात बरेच काही करत आहोत, आणि चाहते आणत आहे, लाइव्ह, विनामूल्य बॉक्सिंग!"

बीटो दुरान तज्ज्ञ भाष्य-द्वारा-फुंक-फटका-टिप्पणी करणारे म्हणून काम करेल डग फिशर, तर जेसिका रोजालेस ऑनसाईट रिंगसाइड रिपोर्टर म्हणून काम करेल.

3.2.1 बॉक्सिंग थॉम्पसन बिल्डिंग मटेरियल प्रायोजित आहेत, सुंदर ठिकाणी मोकळी जागा बदलत आहे; ओमेगा उत्पादने आंतरराष्ट्रीय, युनायटेड स्टेट्स मध्ये अग्रगण्य stucco निर्माता; हेन्री / बळकट करा, ओलावा प्रणाली नियंत्रण म्हणून सोपे 1,2,3; आणि मकिता, घराबाहेर राज्य करा.

अधिक माहितीसाठी, आमच्या मुलांना नियमित अद्यतने, कार्यक्रम, आणि जाहिराती, भेट द्या थॉम्पसनबॉक्सिंग.कॉम. आपण सोशल मीडियावरील संभाषणाचे अनुसरण देखील करू शकता, कृपया # 321 बॉक्सिंग आणि # थॉम्पसनबॉक्सिंग वापरा.

कृपया आमचे तपासा फेसबुक पृष्ठ, आमच्या पहा YouTube वर थॉम्पसन बॉक्सिंग टीव्हीवरील चॅनेल, आणि आम्हाला अनुसरण करा Instagram आणि ट्विटर @ थॉम्पसनबॉक्सिंग.

क्रिस कोलबर्ट “जगातील सर्वोत्कृष्ट १ERS०-पाउंडर्सपैकी मी कोण आहे हे प्रत्येकाला दाखवण्याचा हेतू आहे” जैम आर्बोलेडाच्या विरोधात

मेन इव्हेंटमधील नाबाद अंतरिम डब्ल्यूबीए सुपर फेदरवेट चॅम्पियन कोलबर्ट बॅटल्स हार्ड-हिटिंग आर्बोलेडा शो ऑन टाइम लाइव्ह® या शनिवार, डिसेंबर 12

न्यूयॉर्क – डिसेंबर 8, 2020 – नाबाद अंतरिम डब्ल्यूबीए सुपर फेदरवेट चॅम्पियन ख्रिस “प्राइमटाइम” कोलबर्ट त्याच्या पहिल्या राष्ट्रीय टेलिव्हिजनवरील मुख्य कार्यक्रमात त्याला कठोर निषेधाचा सामना करावा लागतो जैमे अर्बोलेडा या शनिवारी शोटाइमवर थेट, डिसेंबर 12 येथे 9 p.m. आणि / 6 p.m आहेत. उन्कासविले मधील मोहेगन सन एरेना कडून प्रीमियर बॉक्सिंग चँपियन्सने सादर केलेल्या कार्यक्रमात पीटी, Conn.

“मला नेहमी माहित होतं की मी इथे येणार आहे,”कोलबर्ट म्हणाला. “ही देवाची योजना आहे. माझ्यासाठी हा आणखी एक दिवस असेल आणि मी जगातील सर्वोत्तम 130-पाउंडर्सपैकी एक का आहे हे मी सर्वांना दर्शवेन. ”

24 वर्षीय कोलबर्टने 130 पौंड वजन वर्गाच्या क्रमवारीत वाढ केली आहे आणि असा विश्वास आहे की शनिवारी रात्री झालेल्या विजयामुळे जाम पॅक विभागात मोठ्या संधी निर्माण होतील..

“बॉक्सिंगमधील हा सर्वात स्टॅक केलेला विभाग आहे आणि मला त्यात स्पर्धा करायला आवडते,”कोलबर्ट म्हणाला. “अशी विभागणी लक्षात घेण्यासारखी गोष्ट आहे ज्यामध्ये इतकी प्रतिभा आहे, आणि आशा आहे की यामुळे मला आवश्यक असलेले मोठे झगडे मिळतील. मी लक्ष्य करीत असे काही सेनानी आहे असे मला वाटत नाही, पण गर्व्होंटा डेव्हिस, लिओ सांताक्रूझ आणि जेमेल हेरिंग हे सर्व माझ्यासाठी चांगले झगडे असतील. त्यांना मारहाण केल्याने विभागातील ‘मुलगा’ होण्यास मदत होईल. ”

कोल्बर्टचा उदय त्याच्या शेवटच्या लढ्यातही सुरूच होता, त्याने धावा केल्या म्हणून 10व्या-माजी विजेत्या इज्रिएल करॅलिस विरुद्ध विजय मिळविण्याच्या निर्णयावर विजय मिळवित असताना होल्डिंग आणि इतर दिग्गज युक्त्यांद्वारे कृती कमी करण्याचा निर्धार करणा figh्या सैनिकाविरूद्ध कौशल्य दाखविताना.

“कोरेल्सच्या विरूद्ध मी घाई करू नये हे शिकलो,”कोलबर्ट म्हणाला. “हा स्प्रिंट नाही, हे मॅरेथॉन आहे. मी तिथे त्वरेने जाऊ शकत नाही आणि प्रत्येकाने ठोठावले पाहिजे अशी मी अपेक्षा करतो. मला माझा वेळ घ्यावा लागला, मी जे चांगले करतो ते करा आणि माझ्या गेम योजनेनुसार रहा. ”

26 वर्षीय आर्बोलेडा मध्ये, कोलबर्टला प्रभागातील उच्चभ्रू लोकांमध्ये उदयास येणाights्या स्वत: च्या दृष्टी असलेल्या आणखी १ 130० पौंड प्रतिस्पर्धी म्हणून सादर केले जाईल.. आर्बोलेडाने शेवटच्या सहापैकी पाच लढती स्टॉपेजवर जिंकल्या आहेत आणि नुकतेच शोटाइमवर फेब्रुवारी महिन्यात जेसन वेलेझला निर्णयाच्या विजयाकडे जावे लागले..

“येत्या डिसेंबरला 12, मी तो आणते जे काही तयार आहे,”कोलबर्ट म्हणाला. “मी अपेक्षा करतो की त्याने दबाव आणला आणि मला कंटाळवावा म्हणून‘ प्रयत्न ’करा कारण त्याच्याकडे अशीच संधी आहे. तो मला आउटबॉक्स करू शकत नाही. ते होत नाही. पण मला आतमध्ये घुसायला आवडते आणि तो जे काही करतो त्यासाठी मी सज्ज आहे. मला आशा आहे की तो धावणार नाही किंवा मला पकडणार नाही कारण मला बाद होणे आणि लवकर त्याला तेथून बाहेर काढणे आवडेल. "

ब्रुकलिन-मूळ कोलबर्टने (साथीचा रोग) सर्व देशभर (किंवा खंडभर) असलेला च्या साथीच्या समस्या त्याच्या दीर्घ गावी प्रशिक्षक ऑरिलियानो सोसा सह त्याच्या गावी काम करत आहे. Those difficulties have led to Colbert sparring with larger welterweight and super welterweights in camp, which Colbert believes could help him with the power Arboleda will bring into the fight.

“Training camp has been going great for the most part,”कोलबर्ट म्हणाला. “It’s just been a little hard finding sparring partners. But because it’s been difficult to find fighters at my weight I’ve actually been sparring with 147 and 154-pound fighters. I honestly love that because it prepares me better, and who’s to say that Arboleda won’t have power like them? I’m on weight now, तरी, and ready to put on a show on December 12.”

# # #

Colbert vs. Arboleda will see two of the top fighters in the 130-pound division meet when unbeaten interim WBA Super Featherweight Champion ख्रिस “प्राइमटाइम” कोलबर्ट faces the hard-hitting जैमे अर्बोलेडा मुख्य स्पर्धेत SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION शनिवारी, डिसेंबर 12 येथे 9 p.m. आणि / 6 p.m आहेत. PT live on SHOWTIME from Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Conn., in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

The tripleheader will see rising super lightweight phenom Richardson Hitchins taking on the toughest test of his young career as he faces former world champion Argenis Mendez in the 10-round co-main event and middleweight contenders Ronald Ellis आणि Matt Korobov battle in the 10-round telecast opener. The event is promoted by TGB Promotions and Sampson Boxing. Hitchins vs. Mendez is co-promoted by Mayweather Promotions.

अधिक माहितीसाठी भेट द्या www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, ट्विटर @ShowtimeBoxing वर अनुसरण, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions and @MayweatherPromo, on Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotionss and @MayweatherPromotions, किंवा फेसबुक वर एक चाहते येथे झाले www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing आणि https://www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions/.


“I truly believe I am the best up and coming fighter in the game”

Unbeaten Rising Super Lightweight Prospect Hitchins Battles Former Champion Argenis Méndez In Co-Main Event Live on SHOWTIME® या शनिवार, डिसेंबर 12

क्लिक करा येथे for Photos from Mayweather Promotions

न्यूयॉर्क – डिसेंबर 7, 2020 – Unbeaten rising prospect Richardson Hitchins shared details of his training camp, including pointers and motivation he received from Floyd Mayweather and Gervonta Davis, ahead of his super lightweight showdown against former world champion Argenis Méndez या शनिवारी शोटाइमवर थेट, डिसेंबर 12 येथे 9 p.m. आणि / 6 p.m आहेत. उन्कासविले मधील मोहेगन सन एरेना कडून प्रीमियर बॉक्सिंग चँपियन्सने सादर केलेल्या कार्यक्रमात पीटी, Conn.

“Floyd helped me tremendously while I was back in Las Vegas,” said Hitchins. “I already have the fundamentals as a fighter, but he showed me little things here and there and workouts that I have taken back home with me while I train for this fight. I’m not shy about my ability as a fighter, because I truly believe I am the best up and coming fighter in the game, so these are the kind of fights I need in order to show the world who Richardson Hitchins is.

“Gervonta has been instrumental in past fight camps as well, and he’s the type of person you need. He pushes you to go harder. We go head-to-head in trying to outdo each other, and that’s the type of competition that’s needed in order to really be the best.”

Despite training throughout the pandemic, Hitchins has been able to remain on task and on track throughout his camp that began in Las Vegas before ending in his native Brooklyn under the guidance of his head coach Lenny Wilson.

“The thing about me is, I’m focused no matter what,” said Hitchins. “I don’t take ‘off’ after my fights. I stay in shape all year round; I don’t need to get ready in terms of conditioning or getting my body back in shape because this is my job. I take my job very seriously. The discipline Floyd has had throughout his career is the same discipline I have. I have watched my idols and taken things from them so that I can put myself in a position to win.

“I don’t think the pandemic or the holidays necessarily altered my training. I still have access to my gym. There’s nothing that’s going to stand in my way of becoming great. The pandemic doesn’t slow me down, it’s just another roadblock to test my dedication to the sport.”

The 23-year-old Hitchins represented Haiti at the 2016 Olympic Games and will return to the ring after debuting in 2020 with a 10-round decision victory over Nicholas DeLomba in February. It was Hitchins’ second 10-round decision win after his previous fight saw him best Kevin Johnson following 10 rounds in November 2019.

“I often think back to my fight against Kevin Johnson, he’s a tough fighter and he’s the one who I can confidently say brought the best out of me,” said Hitchins. “Those are the fights that make me look back and watch closely the things I need to work on. That fight also showed me that no one should be overlooked, so going into this fight against Mendez, I’m not overlooking him.”

Méndez presents the most accomplished opponent of Hitchins’ young career. The 34-year-old former champion most recently fought Juan Heraldez and Anthony Peterson to draws in 2019, and scored victories over Eddie Ramirez and Ivan Redkach prior to that. For Hitchins, the strong resume of his opponent is something he relishes as a measuring stick for his progress.

“He’s a veteran, he’s been in there with a lot of tough guys and he’s a former world champion, so he clearly has a skill set that I think I need to face at this point in my career,” said Hitchins. “I need those big fights. He’s older now, but I feel like him in his prime still couldn’t touch my skillset. It’s my job to prove that.

“I know this won’t be an easy fight, but I’ll be prepared for whatever he brings. My motivation is to be more than ordinary. I will fulfill my goals when this is all said and done, and honestly, I’m just waiting for this fight to come so I can show that. Whether it’s Méndez, or whoever, the conviction I have and how I feel about myself is stronger than anything standing in front of me in that ring.”

# # #

Colbert vs. Arboleda will see two of the top fighters in the 130-pound division meet when unbeaten interim WBA Super Featherweight Champion ख्रिस “प्राइमटाइम” कोलबर्ट faces the hard-hitting जैमे अर्बोलेडा मुख्य स्पर्धेत SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION शनिवारी, डिसेंबर 12 येथे 9 p.m. आणि / 6 p.m आहेत. PT live on SHOWTIME from Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Conn., in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

The tripleheader will see rising super lightweight phenom Richardson Hitchins taking on the toughest test of his young career as he faces former world champion Argenis Mendez in the 10-round co-main event and middleweight contenders Ronald Ellis आणि Matt Korobov battle in the 10-round telecast opener. The event is promoted by TGB Promotions and Sampson Boxing. Hitchins vs. Mendez is co-promoted by Mayweather Promotions.

अधिक माहितीसाठी भेट द्या www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, ट्विटर @ShowtimeBoxing वर अनुसरण, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions and @MayweatherPromo, on Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotionss and @MayweatherPromotions, किंवा फेसबुक वर एक चाहते येथे झाले www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing आणि https://www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions/.

Ryan Roach’s Fighter Locker Signs Boston featherweight Troy Anderson, जूनियर.

बोस्टन (डिसेंबर 7, 2020) – Ryan Roach’s Fighter Locker has signed Boston featherweight ट्रॉय अँडरसन, जूनियर. एक विशेष व्यवस्थापन करार.

Anderson, a union Sheetmetal worker in local 17, was a decorated amateur who won a gold medal at the 2016 Rocky Marciano Tournament, as well as The New England’s Tournament twice in 2018-2019, and won Central Division of the New England Golden Gloves Tournament twice and runner-up twice during his four-year (2016-2019) run. He also competed in three national tournaments.

Anderson, तरी, didn’t start boxing until he was 23, when he walked into a gym for the first time, 10 years after his two best friends introduced him to boxing. “I started in boxing because I hoped to succeed and reach my goals through boxing,” Anderson explained. “I train at Nonantum Boxing Club in Newton (एम.ए.), जेथे Marc Gargaro is my coach. He’s one of the best in New England. He coaches for USA Boxing. I wouldn’t be in this business without him because he’s built me from scratch. I’m so glad to be coached by him and we’ve developed a bond like family.

वयाच्या 28, Anderson has decided to turn pro, जे, अर्थातच, is relatively late in boxing. But he still feels 21 because of the way he moves and that he wasn’t on the wrong end of beatings in the amateurs. He’s also gained confidence sparring with some of New England’s top pros and amateurs.

I put a lot of hard work in the gym the past 5 किंवा 6 years and I got tired of the amateurs,” Anderson explained why he decided to turn pro now. “It’s not too late for me; others have started late like me and went on to become world champion. I want to be in that group.

I thank Ryan Roach for giving me this opportunity to join Fighter Locker. He’s honest and I was comfortable with him. I like him and know he’s going to keep an eye on me. Why not sign with a Boston manager to help put boxing here back on the map?”

I’m excited about signing Troy Anderson, किन” Roach said. “I’ve been watching him for years and he’s developed well under Marc. Troy has fought the best in the country. He’s a very well-rounded fighter. I’m excited about adding him to the stable. He’s a BOSTON fighter and a great young man. It’s a win-win for us.

Anderson realizes that he needs to move to set up his shots, throw multiple punches, and change angles. He’s a slick southpaw who normally doesn’t rush in the ring. Anderson is thrilled to know that ripping body punches will score points, unlike in the amateur ranks, and breakdown his opponent. He predicts that he’ll display more power than he did as an amateur.

I’m driven to reach my goals,” तो समारोप. “I hope to make my pro debut early next year, pending pandemic restrictions. Ryan has kept his fighters busy, some fighting in Mexico. I love the challenge and can’t wait!”

Fighter Locker’s growing stable of gifted boxers includes Dorchester, MA welterweight Gabriel Duluc (15-3, 4 कॉस), ट्रॉय, NY super lightweight Ray Jay “विध्वंसमूलक” बरमूडेझ (10-0, कॉस), टोरोंटो, Canada welterweight जेफ “The Trouble 1Tabrizi (8-3, 7 कॉस), West Haven, सीटी सुपर वेल्टरवेट जिमी “Quiet Storm” विल्यम्स (16-4-2, 5 कॉस), सुपर featherweight Jesus Vasquez, जूनियर. (6-0, 2 कॉस), सुपर middleweight The AmazingShawn McCalman (4-0, 2 कॉस), U.S. आर्मी सुपर बाण्टॅमवेट डॅनियल बेली, जूनियर., आणि हलके लिओनेल डी लॉस सॅंटोस, a 2-time Dominican Republic Olympian

संकेतस्थळ: फाइटरलॉकर डॉट कॉम, punch4parkinsons.com
चेहरा: /लढाऊ सैनिक
ट्विटर: @RoachRyan, @_troyandersonjr
स्थापित करा: @ RyanRoach82

शीर्ष 10 heavyweight contender MichaelThe BountyHunter On mission starting withBattle of Rio Grande” किंवा PPV

GALVESTON, टेक्सास (डिसेंबर 7, 2020) — World-rated heavyweight and 2012 U.S. ऑलिंपियन, मायकेल “The Bounty” हंटर, is on a mission to position himself for a world heavyweight title shot in 2021.

Keeping busy is the key for promotional free agent Hunter (18-1-1, 12 कॉस) and it all starts for him December 18व्या, when he faces West Virginia’s Shawn Laughery (10-3, 6 कॉस), who has replaced veteran ChauncyHillyard HammerWelliver, in the 10-round co-featured event onBattle of Rio Grande” कार्ड, airing live on pay per view from Galveston Island Convention Center in Galveston, टेक्सास.

द “Battle of Rio Grande,” main event pits undefeated, former world super middleweight champion Gilberto “डावखुरे” Ramirez (40-0, 26 कॉस), who challenges North American Boxing Federation (एनएबीएफ) light heavyweight titlist Alfonso “अल तीग्रे” लोपेझ(32-3, 25 कॉस).

Battle of Rio Grandewill be available for live viewing on digital, cable and satellite, येथे सुरू 8 p.m. आणि / 5 p.m. पोर्तुगाल, on pay per view for a suggested retail price of only $24.99. FITE will stream worldwide on the FITE mobile apps, all major OTT apps and website (www.FITE.tv), and Integrated Sports Media will distribute throughout North America via DirecTV, iN Demand, and DISH in the United States, as well as in Canada on Shaw and SaskTel.

याव्यतिरिक्त, preceding the live pay-per-view broadcast at 7 p.m. आणि / 4 p.m. पोर्तुगाल, fans may view a free LIVE PPV PRE-SHOW featuring some undercard bouts. “Battle of Rio GrandePre-Show will be available at FITE, DirecTV, डिश, Shaw and select cable operators.

I think that dealing with Zurdo Promotions and getting this first fight off as a free agent really sets the tone,” Hunter said. “I plan to stay busy the next couple of months Teaming up with ‘Zurdoand having such a big name next to mine is a great way to put myself in position for the world heavyweight title.

The 32-year-old Hunter, who fights out of Las Vegas, was a decorated amateur boxer who represented the United States at the 2012 Olympic Games in London. He captured gold medals at the 2012 U.S. National Championships and 2011 राष्ट्रीय गोल्डन हातमोजे, silver medal at the 2006 राष्ट्रीय गोल्डन हातमोजे, and bronze at the 2006 जागतिक ज्युनियर चॅम्पियनशिप.

The son of a former pro boxer, उशीरा माईक “The Bounty” हंटर, Michael turned pro March 9, 2013, थांबता Chad Davis तिसऱ्या फेरीत. Hunter won his first 12 प्रो fights, including a 10-round decision over previously undefeated Isiah थॉमस (15-0), before losing by way of a 12-round unanimous decision to Oleksandr Usyk (11-0) for the World Boxing Organization (WBO) junior heavyweight title. He is unbeaten in the following seven fights, moving up to heavyweight to collect six victories and a 12-round split decision versus अलेक्झांडर Povetkin (35-2) in his most recent bout a year ago. Povetkin, एक 2004 Olympic gold medalist from Russia, currently is the reigning WBC Interim world heavyweight champion.

Hunter is a top 10-ranked by all four major sanctioning bodies — #4 आंतरराष्ट्रीय बॉक्सिंग फेडरेशन (IBF), #7 WBO, #10 WBC and World Boxing Association (WBA) – in addition to being # 8 मध्ये रिंग magazine’s independent ratings.

Card subject to change.

तिकीट किंमत आहेत $65.00, $135.00, $250.00 आणि $400.00 for VIP are on sale and available to purchase at www.zurdopromotions.events.com.

वेबसाइट: www.ZurdoPromferences.com
Instagram: @zurdoramirez, @zurdopromferences, @eltigrepromotions, @bedefsports
ट्विटर: @ZurdoPromferences, @GilbertoZurdoRamirez, MichaelHunterII, @Fitetv, @IntegratedPPV



WBO #7 आणि आयबीएफ #8 bantamweight Nikolai Potapov will return to the ring on Christmas Eve, डिसेंबर 24, at Soviet Wings Sport Palace in Moscow, रशिया, to take on Ukrainian contender Oleksandr Hryshchuk.

Potapov (21-2-1, 11 कॉस), of Podolsk, रशिया, now residing Brooklyn, will face Hryshchuk (16-2-1, 6 कॉस) of Bilytske, युक्रेन, as part of a mammoth 19-fight event presented by Shamo Boxing.

30-year-old Potapov was last seen obtaining a DQ victory over foul-plagued Tanzanian veteran Nasibu Ramadhani in five rounds last November. त्याआधी, he suffered an extremely controversial decision loss to fellow highly rated contender Joshua Greer in July. Hryshchuk is no walkover opponent, as the tough Ukrainian once held and defended the WBA Intercontinental Flyweight Championship.

“I am happy to be back in the ring,” said Potapov. “I feel that I am the best bantamweight in the world. On December 24, I will be showcasing my skills with my eye on the champions in 2021.”

Potapov’s promoter, Dmitriy Salita, says he has got high expectations for the Russian bantamweight.

“It’s been a challenging time for the boxing community, worldwide,” said Salita. “I am happy to end the year with a fight for Nikolai in his hometown. I’m looking for an impressive performance from Nikolai, who I believe is one of the best in the division.”


Salita Promotions was founded in 2010 Dmitriy Salita करून, a professional boxer and world-title challenger who saw the need for a promotional entity to feature boxing’s best young prospects and established contenders in North America and around the world. Viewers watching fighters on worldwide television networks including Showtime, बऱ्याच ठिकाणी ही यंत्रणा, ईएसपीएन, अणकुचीदार टोकाने भोसकणे टीव्ही, Universal Sports Network, यूएफसी फाईट पास, DAZN, ESPN+ and MSG have enjoyed Salita Promotions fight action in recent years. We pride ourselves on offering our fighters opportunities inside and outside the ring. Salita Promotions looks forward to continuing to grow and serve the needs of fight fans around the globe.

Check the Salita Promotions YouTube Channel for regular updates of the modern world’s greatest fighters, contenders and prospects in action.


Boxing’s top female athletes have no “घर”, no network to showcase their talent

तत्काळ प्रकाशन करीता

न्यूयॉर्कAs women continue to make strides toward equality across industries, boxing and its media partners remain in the past by disenfranchising women from a fair opportunity to showcase their skills and earn a living. In the same year that America elected its first female Vice President, a woman of color, the elite women athletes that top the world rankings have no regular television platform or boxing series. Nowhere is this unfair playing field more apparent than in the United States and North America.

The overwhelming majority of top females in boxing have not fought in 2020, or have not fought since January. The pandemic has hit women in boxing even harder than it has hit the men. The picture wasn’t rosy before Covid-19 and, without action, there is no reason to believe that it will improve.

This impacts all women in American boxing, from stars Claressa Shields and Amanda Serrano, to reigning world champions, to six-round and four-round fighters. Other than a handful of athletes, most female boxers must hold down a full-time or part-time job to make ends meet.

अमांडा Serrano, सदाहरित झुडूप याला फिक्कट जांभळी किंवा पांढरी फुले येतात हार्डी, Ava Knight and others have pursued opportunities in MMA to supplement their income and avoid inactivity. Claressa Shields, the most acclaimed woman in American amateur history, एक दोन वेळा ऑलिंपिक सुवर्णपदक विजेता, and a proven attraction, is presently without a platform and just announced a multi-year deal with the Professional Fighters League.

The unified champion from Flint, मिशिगन, told The Athletic that, “हे आहे (बॉक्सिंग) a sexist sport. It’s sexist with the opportunities we’re given. It’s sexist with the TV time. It’s sexist with how much we get paid. सर्व तीन. It’s fine for a female boxing star to try her hand at MMA. They shouldn’t be compelled to do so for lack of opportunities.

These women consistently deliver great fights and solid viewership numbers,” लू DiBella सांगितले, who promotes more women than any other US promotional entity. “They put people in seats, and viewership of their events often rivals the men. These aren’t club level fighters. They are elite world champions and, without television, without a regular platform, they can’t be financially secure or build any kind of fan base. It’s remarkable that women’s boxing is growing its talent pool and raising its stature, given the scarce television and streaming slots that are reserved for female fighters. This is a testament to the resiliency and dedication of boxing’s female athletes, who deserve better.

Local promoters, who are in the business of growing fighters and filling seats, can offer spots on their cards and regional exposure, but purses are very limited without television revenue. Female fighterspurses are often limited to a percentage of tickets they sell out of hand.

At the top levels, women are passed over. सदाहरित झुडूप याला फिक्कट जांभळी किंवा पांढरी फुले येतात हार्डी, a DiBella Entertainment fighter, has seen the difference in the growth of boxers of both genders. “At press conferences, I sit at a seat at the very end, with the rest of the undercard fights,” म्हणाला हार्डी. “I watch the boys go from sitting next to me at the end of the table, to moving up to the main card, then the co-main, and then the main event, but my seat never moved. No matter how much press I got, no matter how many fights I won, I never moved. Systemic sexism didn’t allow me to move.

It isn’t like we are a separate organization like the WNBA. We are only provided with token opportunities, fighting on the same cards, often in much more competitive fights than the men, and still aren’t treated fairly,” म्हणाला हार्डी. “We have no place or professional home of our own.

This trickles down to aspiring female boxers and the amateur programs,” DiBella continued. “Young women in boxing need to see other women on the big stage. They need to see women that look like them on television and on streaming platforms. They need to know that if they pursue a boxing career, there will be sufficient opportunities to be seen showcasing their talents, for fair wage. If women are able to headline a boxing event, or capable of selling a significant percentage of a live gate, they should not be paid ten to twenty percent of what similarly situated men are paid. We’re not sending the right message here, and there’s no good reason for it in the 21st century.

The pool of talent available to women in the pro ranks is smaller, but it forces the best matchups. It forces women to fight outside of their weight classes.

Jessica McCaskill just won unified world titles, and wants to fight me at 147,said Amanda Serrano, seven-division world champion. “She called me out at 147! It’s kind of sad. Good for us if it makes sense, but the truth is, they’re calling out champs at 126. That is four different weight classes to go up. Men don’t have to do that! Women are constantly forced to compromise ourselves just to get a chance.

The talent pool won’t increase unless younger generations are inspired by women on television and streamingwomen who can fight as well as, and often better than, the men who are on television now. It’s time to stop asking nicely. It’s time for women boxers to demand fairness and stability, and it’s up to network executives, मीडिया, and those who control access to media platforms, to stop living in the past. It’s time for women in boxing to fight for themselves and for the right to earn a living. And it’s now a time for action.

Use the hashtag #WeKeepFighting to follow the movement and to join the conversation on social media.